why settle for a used home, when you can buy a new home for less?
why settle for a used home, when you can buy a new home for less?
M ode l Home Hours Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm Sa t-Sun: 1p m-5p m WHY SET TLE F O R A U S E D H O M E , WHEN YOU C AN BUY A N EW H O ME F O R L E S S ? Sch u b er Mitch el l Hom e s 1621 Anderson Drive Webb City, MO 64870 P: 417.626.7000 F: 417.213.5884 info@schubermitchell.com www.schubermitchell.com About Us SCHUB ER MITCH EL L H OMES Schuber Mitchell Homes began when longtime Joplin area residents Dan Mitchell (Founder of Bridge Ministries) and Daman Schuber (co-Founder of American Ramp Company) realized the need for well built, competitively priced homes by a local builder. Schuber Mitchell Homes was born. Schuber Mitchell Homes works in association with Betenbough Homes based in West Texas. Betenbough Homes is an employeeowned, faith-based home builder passionate about people and committed to providing locals with an unparalleled home buying experience. Their knowledge of homebuilding comes from building an average of 600 homes a year. Schuber Mitchell Homes is built on the same principles of faith in Christ and focuses on valuing others above ourselves through a “world class” homebuilding experience at below market prices. These principles are reflected through our craftsmanship. Combining professional building techniques and the highest quality materials, every Schuber Mitchell Home includes a four sided brick exterior, ceramic, energy efficient windows, ten foot ceilings, covered back patios, and much more. Our new homes are the same price, or less, than comparable used homes. So why settle for a used home when you can buy a new home for less? Why Buy new? W he n browsin g the housing m a r ket , you wi l l in ev ita bly be f a ced w it h t he de cision t o b u y a u s e d h o m e or new hom e. In or der t o ma ke th e de cis ion t ha t is be st f or you, i t i s im po r tan t to under st a nd t he m a jor a d va n ta ge s th at a new hom e ha s over a used h o m e th a t h a s alr e a dy be en live d in by one or mo r e ow n e r s. The num ber one r e a son t o b uy a n ew h o m e from Schube r Mit che ll a s op p o sse d to a u s ed hom e is pr ice. Ma ny t i me s yo u ca n bu y a new hom e f rom us f or LE SS th an a co m pa ra ble used hom e. HOME OWNER BENEFITS NEW HOMES OFFER CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS Integrating the latest options as well as classic home designs, we allow you to personalize your new home based on your unique style. NEW HOMES ARE MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT In order to maintain energy efficiency, all of our homes include a four sided brick exterior, energy efficient appliances, energy efficient windows, quality insulation, and much more. NEW HOMES HAVE BETTER SAFETY FEATURES From multiple inspections during the building process to improved safety codes, new home construction places a strong emphasis on homeowner safety. NEW HOMES INCLUDE WARRANTIES Every home we build includes a One Year Workmanship Warranty, where we stand behind our work completely, and a Ten Year Structural Warranty, which guarantees the quality of the foundation of your new home. NEW HOMES OFFER BETTER TECHNOLOGY We offer the latest in new home technology with homeowner convenience in mind; everything from motion sensor lighting to smart thermostats and beyond. FINANCIAL BENEFITS LOWER HOME NEW HOMES MORE FINANCINGS NEW HOMES ARE OFTEN INSURANCE COSTS APPRECIATE MORE OPTIONS MORE AFFORDABLE Often not considered when When you invest in a new There are many financing We have great partnerships choosing a home, new home home you gain privacy, tax options available including with many local companies, insurance costs are much savings, increase your net FHA Loans, Rural which allows us to get lower due to the safety worth and build equity. Development Loans, VA materials at discounted features that a new home Loans, and Conventional prices. As a result, we pass provides. Loans, as well as different these savings on to you localized grants, such as and our new homes are the Joplin Homebuyers often more affordable than Assistance Program. comparable used homes. “ Not only was our home a great value for the cost, we also found Schuber Mitchell to be professional, quick to respond to any issues or questions, and concerned with doing quality work. We were pleased with communication throughout the project and definitely blessed with the final results. ” SCHUB ER MITCH EL L H OMES —The Greer Family Why Buy now? The m ar ke t is stil l f luct ua t ing, w hich m ea n s t ha t it co u ld g o dow n or up. A nd no one ca n a c c urate ly pr e dict it s t ur n or dir ect ion. If yo u wait fo r w h a t you t hink is t he a bsolut e b e s t de al, yo u co uld e nd up wa it ing f or ye a r s . A ll th e m a r ke t f unda m e nt a ls show t ha t n ow is a g o o d t im e t o buy – pr ices a re d ow n , in te r e s t ra t e s a r e low, a nd t he r e a re l o ts o f h o m e s t o choose f rom . If you p urc h a se n ow, n o t only ca n you be in t he d ri ve r ’s s e a t, bu t you ca n r ea p t he be nef it of p o t e n tial fu tu r e a ppr e cia t ion. RENT OR BUY Definitely buy. Studies show that owning a home is the best way to build long-term household wealth. The sooner a person owns a home, the faster they have the opportunity to build up equity and wealth. When you buy a home, you are purchasing price stability, knowing that you will pay the same monthly payment for the life of your fixed-rate mortgage. RATES ARE AT NEW RECORD LOWS Interest rates are at historically low levels! There is a wide range of financing programs to choose from: Some requiring 0% down. With Schuber Mitchell Homes, we do not require a construction loan – you purchase the home upon completion, just like a conventional loan. We work along side many local lenders to not only fit your home needs but to fit your financial needs as well! CHOICE SMH offers a huge selection of homes at a variety of price points and neighborhoods. Our homes range from nearly 1300 sf to 3300 sf. We also have basement, detached garage and safe room options for all of our plans. Come by and let our trained sales specialists help you pick out your new home. HOMEOWNERSHIP BUILDS WEALTH For most people, the best way to build long term household wealth is to own a home. Once you become a home owner, you are able to take advantage of generous tax deductions, and you will begin to build equity in your property. As your property builds in equity, you can take advantage of those gains in equity when you sell your home. “ The quality of the homes built by Schuber Mitchell is only rivaled by the servant hearts of the workers. I was humbled by their persistent drive to give us the highest quality in the most timely manner. Truly SCHUB ER MITCH EL L H OMES a great experience! ” —The Wood Family W h y B u y F ro m Schuber M i t c h el l ? He re a t S ch u be r Mit che ll Hom e s we u nd e r s ta n d w h at it m e a ns t o build a n a f f o r da ble h o m e wit hout sa cr if icing qua lit y. We also u n de r stand t he im por t a nce of having a h i g h leve l o f tr u st w hen m a king such a n i m po r ta n t life cha nging de cision…t he d e c i sio n to bu ild a new hom e. He r e a r e a f ew t hi n gs th a t we do t o m a ke our hom e buy ing a nd bu ildin g pro cess ex pe r ie nce unique a nd me a n in gfu l. At SMH we only require EVERY HOME INCLUDES 3 WARRANTIES WE BUILD WITH PURPOSE AND INTEGRITY square foot thus saving you a small construction We include 3 warranties with Our purpose at Schuber thousands from the start. deposit (earnest money) every home we build: One Mitchell is to build homes This starting price also and we finance the entire year workmanship warranty, with uncompromising includes energy efficient construction of the home 10 year structural warranty, quality at a fair price.Our windows, bull nose corners, and when complete we and a manufacture’s integrity is what defines ten foot ceilings in the living close just as simply as if you warranty on all appliances. us. We build with the room, covered back patio, found a used home. Nothing says peace of mind customer in mind. ALL BRICK HOMES NO CONSTRUCTION LOAN Our 4 sided brick exterior REQUIRED homes start around $80 a and tiled wet areas. like multiple warranties on your new home. WE HAVE A BUILDER PARTNERSHIP GREEN HOMES THINKING AHEAD “green” which means they WE ARE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED We partner with a Top 50 builder in the nation. are energy efficient. These Both owners and their lenders and realtors who This means we are able to include items such as familes have lived in the are hard-working and continually grow in wisdom energy effcient windows, local community for almost determined to get the best and knowledge. With their lighting, water efficient 20 years. We take great pride deals for you. We want to expertise, we make sure toilets, shower heads, and in maintaining a culture of help make your new home our homes maintain the energy star appliances. excellence when building buying experience as easy homes. as possible. highest standards as well Our homes are completely We have worked hard to partner with preferred as providing professionally engineered floor plans. PARTNERS AND PRODUCTS: WE USE THE HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS AND THE BEST LOCAL PARTNERS. © Schuber Mitchell Homes 2014