February 2015 Hoofbeats
February 2015 Hoofbeats
February 2015 Hoofbeats What’s coming up? February 2nd Board Mtg 6:30 pm 4th Sweetheart Dinner 6 pm KSC General Mtg 7 pm 9th Playday Committee Mtg 6:30pm 23rd Bylaw Committee Mtg 6 pm I love this quote about the Seahawks' amazing victory - "I had wrote them off as a loser also, just like everyone else did. I thought it was all over and within 5 minutes, the whole thing turned around," he said as he smiled. "They make everybody stop and think how many times did you stop doing something in life you could've pushed just a little bit further and had your foot across the goal?" KSC Royal Court Annual Sweetheart Dinner February 4th at 6 pm Come and support our Royal Court Menu Spaghetti Salad Garlic Bread Donation $5 Adult $3 Kids Raffle/Silent Auction: • Trailer bearing repack donated by Les Schwab • Dale Chavez bridle buckles donated by Maral Eckenrod • Custom leather-work notebook made & donated by Jane Rodriguez. KSC GENERAL MEETING 01/07/2015 Present: Zorina Bleau, Me, Patti Morrison, Tracey Larson, Jane and Anna Rodriguez, Fred and Chris Rinehold, Dawn Fisher, Dan Brandau, Cliff Peterson, Trina Rhoton Call to Order: 7:01 pm Guests/New Members: Kathy and Jesse Watkins Corrections to Previous Minutes: None. Motion to accept: Chris. 2nd: Dan. Carries Communications: None. Question from Maral: Did Chris get the email regarding the club rentals? Chris has received one, unsure of the 2nd. Treasurer: - Plaques and crown delivered to Zorina, along with 3 club keys, by Susan K. - Membership has been turned over to Dan, though he and Zorina will be working closely together on them. - Scholarship has $300 in cash, CD has $501.25 - December funds: Income was $2447.12, expenses: $2153.80 = profit of $293.32 - Totals for 2014 are (approximately): Income $44,000, expenses: $40,000 = profit of $3787.84 - Motion to accept: Trina. 2nd: Chris. Carries - Note: New members please print and review your By-laws. Current/past members please review. Vice President.: - February 4th meeting is the Sweetheart Dinner. This is the major fundraiser for representation expenses. Everyone please come out and support our Princess Anna!! There is a proposed raffle/silent auction for the event, to include a trailer bearing repack, Dale Chavez bridle buckles (donated by Maral) and a custom leather-work notebook by Jane. - Armed Forces Day parade, May 16 at 10:00 am. Please come, participate, have fun and show the community our Club Pride. You must be 14 to ride in the parade. Anna will be riding her fancy red charger – the Rinehold Mustang! - Fathoms O’ Fun parage – 06/27. - Please let Dan know if you’re interested in participating – he has paperwork to fill out and Chris will need to know for insurance purposes. - Motion to accept: Trina. 2nd: Zorina. Carries. Secretary: No report, but hey!, I was on time. Finance: Narrows Pony club has requested 08/29 and 08/30 club rental so the can host a dressage show/ fundraiser. Chris will confirm with them after the planning meeting. Note: Rental fees were raised in 2014. Chris would like to leave them the same for 2015. No discussion. Leah of Chalice Farms has scheduled 4 jump shows for this year. 04/18, 05/09, 06/06 and 09/19. This was previously approved by the membership in 2014. Planning Meeting: 01/19 at 6:30. This sets the calendar for the year. Show dates, committee meetings, club events, etc. Come and see what’s up! Reminder: What about the Club owned stalls? The club now owns several sets of stalls. Currently Susan K.s stalls are for sale for $400. (Lots 43&44). The Board would like to make sure the members stalls sell first and reserve our stalls for rentals or sale upon later interest. There is a long pause, but no discussion from the membership. Motion to accept: Trina. 2nd: Dan. Carries Steward: No report/steward Caretaker: Maral had put up temporary cameras and a sign upon the gate but will be taking those down shortly. She also notes the water spigot by the warm-up arena is leaking. (Cliff the Amazing had sent information that he repaired this before I even got home!) Buildings and Lands: Everything is Mark’s problem New members: if you see an issue that needs to be taken care of please notify Cliff or a Board member. Please see the website or the Hoofbeats for a list of things needing done. Unused sand: Club is selling for $5.00 a yard. We are looking to schedule a Day of the Sand when a General Meeting Minutes — January 7th continued tractor or two can be here to help out. Motion to accept: Trina. 2nd: Jane. Carries Unfinished Business: Patty Morrison has been nominated as Hoofbeats Chairperson and accepts. Nomination: Tracey Larson, 2nd: Dan/Trina. Carries. Please note: Tracey will continue as editor of the Hoofbeats and will update the webpage in conjunction with Patty M. Publicity: Patty M. would like to contact NW Horse Source and see about a ½ page ad for their March issue. She would like to post our events on that page. Needs approval very quickly so she can submit it to them before the deadline. She will get the information on costs and present it at the calendar meeting on 01/19. (If it’s under $300 the board can approve). Please send member information and pictures to Patty/Tracey for submission in the Hoofbeats and the webpage. Question: Who runs the website? Tracey and Patty do. It’s noted that when you Google the Kitsap Saddle Club a lot of misleading sites/information come up, can we delete any of that? Patty will check into it but the likelihood is not. Once something is on the Net it seems to stay there forever and may be out of our control. Motion to accept: Dan. 2nd: Don’t know, I missed this one. Carries. Kitchen: Nothing. (But hey! We have one! Yea!) Social & Ent: Nothing. Zone Greivance &Sympathy: CZ meeting this Thursday 01/08 at 6:30 at the Riding Place. Would like more attendance from WSH members. Penny-A-Mile: 2 sign-ups so far. Forms are in the By-laws. Jane has revised Appendix L to clarify Da Rulz and this will be addressed during the By-law Committee meeting, date TBD. WSH has okayed the new dates for our B show. 07/18-07/19. Currently a 2 judge show. Jane would like to make it a 3 judge show since it is our only one this year and this way people can actually qualify for points. Motion (Jane): Motion to make 07/18 and 07/19 B-show a three-judge show. 2nd: Dan. Discussion ensues. Cost is approximately $1500 for 3 judges, $200 for steward and we have lots of ribbons left over from last year. Potential income is approximately $3500 for the Club. Vote: Carries. 0 opposed. Motion to accept: Chris. 2nd: Trina. Carries Unfinshed Business: Video surveillance, mower, arena lighting and lock sets are all on hold due to funds. Membership Drive: Dan is working on it By-Law update: committee meeting will be set at the calendaring meeting. In-gate: Cliff is schmoozing Del’s hoping for a donation. Club tractor: Maral will check into crowd funding Trail Challenge materials: Looking for donations. Jana suggested seeing if we could get one of those giant car-lot air people that blow around and scare the bejabbers out of everything. Insurance comparison: Chris is working on it. Tree removal: Cliff is working on it. Fundraiser: Possible trailer wash at the Open House Fundraiser suggestion: doing a Holiday Lights/Nativity as KSC?? Working on the Sponsorship Form 2015 By-Laws will be signed at the calendar meeting. Note: Please make sure to clearly mark all sponsorship monies turned in if they are ear-marked for a particular budget. i.e. Scholarship fund, Court fund, Arena fund, Tractor fund, etc. Arena groomer has been picked up. General Meeting Minutes — January 7th continued New Business: Question: Do we want carded judges for playdays? This will be discussed at the Steward’s meeting, which will be set at the planning meeting on 01/19. Backstory: About 10 years ago the Show Committee developed a perpetual Class List and Rules that was approved by the membership. Over time everything has changed and people want to discuss going back to the way it was. One list, one set of rules and consistency year after year. Good of the Order: Zorina will be cruising Alaska in June Trina heads to Puerto Rico in 18 days Anna got a new western show saddle for Christmas Question from Zorina: do pictures for the Hoofbeats need to be of Club members? Answer: don’t see why as long as they are submitted by a member J REMINDER: 02/04 – SWEETHEART DINNER, COURT FUNDRAISER AT 6:00 PM. CLUB MEETING TO FOLLOW. Motion to Adjourn: sometime around 8:30(ish). Motion: Trina. 2nd: All. Vice President’s Report – Dan I would like to openly invite everyone to the February 4th general meeting Princess Anna is holding our annual Sweetheart spaghetti dinner. This is our first major fundraiser helping Anna represent our club for the year. Everyone please come out and support our 2015 Kitsap Saddle Club Princess Anna!! $5.00 for adults (+ donation) $3.00 for Children (+ Donation) There will be a raffle/silent auction for the event, to include a trailer bearing repack (Les Swab), Dale Chavez bridle buckles (donated by Maral) and a custom leather-work notebook made by (Jane Rodriquez). Upcoming events: Armed Forces Day Parade Bremerton May 16 at 10:00 a.m. to ride you must be 14+ years of age, Princess Anna will be in Fred and Chrissy’s Red Mustang Convertible with club banner in front and then the club riding behind them. Come and have fun and represent our Kitsap Saddle Club PRIDE. The club wear for event is Dark Cowboy hat, White shirt, Blue jeans and if we can’t find the club Neckerchiefs then a red neckerchief will work in its place. This is the best way for us to let everyone in the area know who we are and to bring in more potential club members if they see a united a large group it will make them think I want to be a part of that club Esprit de corps (loyalty, pride, enthusiasm). We are one of the longest working Horse clubs in the State Of Washington 71 years and counting. If you don’t want to ride or unable to you can come and walk with us United is together on a horse or not. We also require some volunteers to walk behind and help clean the droppings if anyone has a wagon that we can attach to a mini or a horse I think that would just so how well rounded our club really is. If you have any ideas on what we can do I am open to suggestions my e-mail is brandau02@gmail.com. - Fathoms O’ Fun parade –June 27, 2015 at 12pm - 3pm. - Please let me know if you’re interested in participating – of course there is paperwork to fill out and Chrissy will need to know for insurance purposes. Respectfully, Daniel Brandau— VP KSC Treasurer’s Report - Zorina Treasurer's Report The Dec. 2014 report was submitted at the January Board and later at the General meeting and that now allows me to close the 2014 books. Next step is, to deliver paper work to CPA that does the KSC yearly taxes. 2014 income for KSC was $44,322.50 and expenses were $40,534.66 showing $3,787.84 in the black. New signature cards will hopefully be taken care of this month, for the checking account, safety deposit box, scholarship CD and savings account. I've been able to boost the KSC checking account up by close to 2K this month, because about 40 members have payed for their memberships, stall fees and a few, their non volunteer fees. Thanks for getting those fees in early. A few 2015 Treasurer changes. I found my job too large and so have delegated memberships of KSC and WSH back to the Dan. Dan will be keeping all lists all up-dated too. Dan and I will continue to work together with non volunteer list, payments needed, received as I've always had someone else double check the hours worked. I will continue to write out receipts for stall, membership and non volunteer hours and continue with the rest of my job as KSC Treasurer.. Please note It was agreed upon by the Board, that the Treasurer will only make reimbursements on original receipts. Copies you keep. When its feasible, have businesses bill the KSC directly. KSC has a excellent credit rating and I have always paid bills in a timely manner. We had a great turn out for the January general meeting for a variety of reasons. I hope to see even a bigger crowd at the February general meeting due to the fact that Miss Anna Rodriguez, the 2015 Junior Court Princess will be hosting the Annual Sweetheart Dinner. This will be Anna's first event, to help pay for her Court expenses. As I'm counting calories (once again) I won't be eating what I'm sure will be a great dinner, but I will be making a donation. The 2015 Planning committee meeting is at 6:30 pm and on Jan. 19th. Don't be square, be there! Buildings & Lands report – Clif Clif Notes: I resonate with Ronald Regan in that it is the outside of a horse that effects the inside of me in such a deep profound way. Horses being such an integral and emotional part of my life I have to say they have shaped me as much as I have attempted to shape them. The more time I spend with my horses the more I realize the mutual nature of our relationship and the power of true partnership. As we move from a master and slave mentality to a mutually respectful partnership I can see and feel the ever deepening connection and togetherness. A huge shift in my thinking towards horses came through one of my mentors Joe Wolters who told me simple yet profound philosophies I will leave you with this thought from Joe. “Figure out where your horse is going and get with them” Joe Wolters Get out there in the mud and rain and spend time with your horses . Work Party to do List • Court stall boards • Dig up kitchen septic • Pick up storm debris Buildings and Lands: We will set a date for a Winter Work party at the January Board meeting. Buildings and Lands Action Items: 1. Replace south arena gate - donations - re- quest sent to Del’s /Tractor Supply 2. Pump kitchen septic tank—Repair kitchen drain field—possibly tie into Existing system 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove hazard trees along west side arena. Repair or replace lawn mower Purchase Leaf blower Court Stall Boards 7. Flyer box on driveway fence looking for a good weather tight box 8. Arena drain fix 9. Fix gate stall #25 10. Fix water leak frost free hydrants 11. Commercial Mower 12. Club Tractor 13. Arena Flood lights Publicity Chair Report - Patty M. That is the real title of this position. Everyone has always called it Hoofbeats but there is more to the position than just editing and publishing Hoofbeats. In addition to that duty I am also in charge of keeping the website updated, provide press releases to newspapers of club activities, and a really import duty is to insure that, with the aid of all members, do everything possible to form favorable public relations. Hope you saw that part about “With the aid of all Members.” Tracey Larson will continue to edit and publish the Hoofbeats. All reports are to be sent directly to her by the 15th of the month prior to publishing. She will also get me up to speed on helping update the website as needed. Right now the Calendar of Events is in the works; the Calendar meeting Jan. 19th was well attended and there are lots of events scheduled for the year. Some dates are pending right now so Calendar will not be posted to the Website until those dates are finalized. It was great to see so many members attend the meeting and help set up those dates. We will be posting updates to the website pretty soon and will post important information and meeting dates on the KSC Information Facebook page. Important Committee meetings coming up: February 9th, 6:30 pm. Play Day Committee Meeting. Rules, class list, entry fees, awards, yearend awards etc. will be discussed at this meeting. Your input is needed to put together the program that you expect. February 23rd, 6:00 pm, By-Laws Committee Meeting. By-Laws will be reviewed and where needed, proposed changes will be submitted to the membership at General Meeting. Membership Committee meeting has not been scheduled; TBD. March 28-29. Work Party. Clif will have a list; general clean up etc. April 6th, 6:30 pm. Trail Challenge Committee Meeting; will post this date again closer to it. Anyone interested put it on your Calendar now. This was one of the most enjoyable events last year that I attended; they plan on making it bigger and better this year. Come to the planning meeting with your ideas. So many fun events are planned for the year; but it takes people to make it happen. Be sure to step up and volunteer your time to help make each event successful. Many hands make the job easy and fun. Once the Calendar is out; look it over and decide where you can help out. We are all busy and can’t be at every event but just a little help here and there goes a long way and makes the Chairpersons job so much easier. There are still some dates open on the Calendar; any ideas? Clinics, campout at the club with fun games, Easter Egg Hunt, etc. Anyone have a wonderful Publicity Idea? Any charity out there that needs a sponsor that we could handle? Let’s think of things that would create good community relations for the club. General Meeting February 4th at 6:00 pm. Princess Anna is holding our annual Sweetheart Spaghetti dinner. This is our first major fundraiser helping Anna represent our club for the year. Everyone please come out and support our 2015 Kitsap Saddle Club Princess Anna!! $5.00 for adults (+ donation) $3.00 for Children (+ Donation) There will be a raffle/silent auction for the event, to include a trailer bearing repack (Les Swab), Dale Chavez bridle buckles (donated by Maral) and a custom leather-work notebook made by Jane Rodriquez. See you down the rail, Patty Morrison Finance Report - Chrissy Happy New Year everyone I hope that the Christmas season was a wonderful one for you. We didn’t have any kids or grandkids in the state this year so ours was really quiet and laid back. I think I got out of my pajamas 4 times in a 2 week period. I am meeting with a new insurance carrier to get a quote for insurance with his company and I will continue to pursue other quotes as well. I am looking at both our event insurance and our buildings insurance. I am hoping to get all our buildings insured but at least the whole clubhouse and announcers booth. There is one set of members stalls for sale at this time and they are 43 & 44 and I believe that they are $400.00. The General membership has decided to hold the open stalls that we have right now for club use at events. We have an exciting year ahead of us and our planning meeting is Jan. 19th at 6:30 pm. This is the meeting where we set our calendar for the year and I will get to work on the tri fold soon after that meeting. We are going to have a by-law committee meeting and that date will be set at the planning meeting. This is you the memberships chance to come go over the by-laws as a whole talk about the changes you would like to see made. We did have the by-laws looked at by our attorney and he has suggested some changes to make our by-laws stronger and we will be going over these at that meeting. Please come out and help with this huge project, they will be voted on as a whole body when the changes are made and published. I sure hope to see a lot of member participation at both these meetings we are a members run club. Chrissy Words of Winston Hay there! Speaking of hay, what’s your favorite? I kind like the Orchard grass, but some fresh sweet alfalfa gets me too. My gal says I will eat anything including the barn if she lets me. I like grain a lot! I mean a real lot! I can hear a can shake from a mile away. Oh, love that stuff. Getting hungry just thinking about it. Carrots and Apples—Yummmy too! Gold says his favorite is grazing in a big green field on a nice warm day and I have to agree with him, that is about as good as it gets. Got a question or need advice? send an email to: thehoofbeats @hotmail.com Attn: Winston 2015 Kitsap Saddle Club Royal Court Princess Anna Rodriguez Hi, my name is Anna Rodriguez and I just turned 11 years old. This year I am in the 5th grade at South Colby Elementary. I love horses and have been riding since I was 6 years old. My horse’s name is Make Time for Me but I just call her Nanny. She is a sweet 18 year old solid paint bred mare. We love riding English, Western, bareback and dressage. I am excited to be on the Kitsap Saddle Club Royal Court this year and I am also a Junior Princess on the Washington State Horsemen Royal Court for the 2nd year in a row. I love sewing, making all sorts of things out of duct tape, showing miniature horses, showing my horse Nanny at local schooling shows, the Kitsap County Fair and WSH B system shows. This year is my 4th third year in 4H. Last year I was able to take a miniature horse to the Kitsap Fair and I won 11 Grand Champion ribbons and 2 high point trophies. I tried jumping for the first time and it was a lot of fun. We competed in a lot of classes but my favorites were jumping, trail and pole bending. In 2014 I had so much fun riding horses and competing. I rode my horse, Angela Swedberg’s horse Cappy (thanks Angela!) and Sue Machacek’s horse Mystic (thanks Sue!). I won 2nd place at state in English novice with Cappy, I won the 10 & under high point trophy at the Canal Zone and 3 first place ribbons and I’ve won lots of daily high points at the schooling shows at KSC and The Riding Place. I also won the Youth Merit trophy at state for most points in my age group. I also was the Sea Spots Appaloosa Club Youth of the Year in 2013 and I was happy to get the 2014 Youth of the Year at KSC….thanks everyone! I also love dogs and have a Golden Retriever named Cutie Pie, a Papillion named Pappy, and a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy named Snickers…he’s going to be bigger than me when he is full grown and I am going to teach him to pull a cart. Cutie Pie is pregnant and I love helping my mom take care of her puppies. My favorite color is purple. I love Taylor Swift and I get to go to her concert this year in Seattle. And I love the Seahawks….go Hawks! I’m excited about representing the Kitsap Saddle Club this year in parades and shows. Come cheer me on and help support the club too! Member News One man’s wrong lead is another man’s counter-canter! KSC 2015 Calendar coming soon! Left to right: Junior Princess Anna Rodriguez 2015, Queen Emily Richardson 2013, Queen Sara Hyatt 2009, Senior Princess Brenna McIntyre 2014, Royal Court Advisor Susan Krawiecki 2008 - 2014, Queen Noel Dunham 2014, Senior Princess Carley Stratton 2008, Senior Princess Kallie Daviscourt 2012 t. Kitsap County Acreage for sale. 5ac lot adjacent to paved road. Has large barn for livestock. Water and power on property. Contact listing agent for more info Louis Mejia # (360) 731-2015 or lmejia@johnlsco-.com KSC Classified Corral Free to KSC members—Just email to thehoofbeats@hotmail.com KSC Stalls for sale! Set of Stalls $400.00 • • • • Beautiful stalls newly rebuilt Located along the tree line Nice and shady during the hot summer days Right next to a water faucet. Contact Susan Krawiecki for more information. (360) 265-3535 or jsbk@aol.com Dale Chavez Show Saddle $1900 Contact Tracey (253) 973-1347 or tracey98359@yahoo.com