product catalog - Ground Effects Inc
product catalog - Ground Effects Inc
CHANGE YOUR VIEW PRODUCT CATALOG STEPS • PAVERS • RETAINING WALLS • FIRE PITS • FIREPL ACES GRAND FLAGSTONE, BELVEDERE, & ROUND FIRE PIT KIT Shown in Fond du Lac DIMENSIONAL COPING Shown in Sand W H Y R O S E T TA? Rosetta Hardscapes combines the rugged attractiveness of natural stone with the dimensional consistency and engineered benefits of precast concrete. Rosetta is cast in molds taken from actual weathered stone, and inspired by innovative concrete designs giving it a rich, textured surface that captures the look and feel of nature in every block. Our wetcast concrete hardscape products will give you endless options to create landscape designs that will appear as though they were born, rather than built. Rosetta is dedicated to embracing and creating ways to think different, see different, and be different by creating uniquely beautiful engineered products that eliminate the difficult decision between form and function. 2 3 TA B L E O F CO N T EN T S DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE, IRREGULAR STEPS, ROUND FIRE PIT KIT & BELVEDERE Shown in Fond du Lac 4 DESIGN IDEAS........................................................6 PATIOS, WALKWAYS, & DRIVEWAYS.............. 34 Grand Flagstone Pavers.......................................................................36 Dimensional Flagstone Pavers........................................................... 40 Linear Flagstone..................................................................................... 44 24x24 Flagstone Pavers........................................................................ 48 Old Mission Pavers.................................................................................52 Miros Pavers.............................................................................................56 RETAINING, GARDEN, & SEAT WALLS........... 60 Outcropping Collection.........................................................................62 Belvedere Collection...............................................................................66 Claremont Collection..............................................................................70 Dimensional Wall..................................................................................... 74 Kodah Wall................................................................................................78 OUTDOOR FIREPLACES & FIRE PITS..............82 Claremont Fireplace Kit........................................................................ 84 Round Fire Pit............................................................................................88 Square Fire Pit..........................................................................................92 STEPS..................................................................... 96 Irregular Steps..........................................................................................96 Dimensional Steps................................................................................100 COPING & COLUMN CAPS.............................104 Bullnose Coping..................................................................................... 106 Dimensional Coping............................................................................. 108 Column Caps........................................................................................... 110 WARRANTY........................................................... 115 5 Our unique casting process creates landscape stones that are unparalleled in their authenticity 6 7 BET TER COLOR Rosetta has beautiful, subtle colors that precisely replicate natural stone, and are integrated throughout the entire block. OLD MISSION Shown in Fond du Lac/ Auburn Ridge Blend —Shown Sealed 8 9 BETTER TEXTURE Rosetta products are unique in that the textures are truly indistinguishable from natural stone. BELVEDERE Shown in Fond du Lac 10 11 BETTER DESIGN Consistent dimensions make the most elegant and challenging designs easier and faster to install than stone. DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE Shown in Slate Gray 12 13 BETTER LIVING Create an extraordinary living area for friends and family to enjoy. OUTCROPPING, IRREGULAR STEPS, & ROUND FIRE PIT KIT Shown in Superior Buff Before 14 15 HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE BLOCKS LOCK TOGETHER AVERAGE BLOCK WEIGHT = 900 LBS ENGINEERED FOR STRENGTH & SPEED The massive interlocking blocks maximize structural stability and ease of installation. Rosetta products are often installed twice as fast as comparable natural stone. Simple lifting tool increases installation speed and safety Highly attractive texture, color, and shape Consistent Interlocking lugs make walls easy to engineer 16 dimensions make installation fast and easy 17 ENGINEERED FOR PERFORMANCE Rosetta Old Mission pavers make great walkways and driveways due to their incredible strength. OLD MISSION Shown in Auburn Ridge/ Fond du Lac/Slate Gray/ Bluestone blend —Shown Sealed 18 19 ENGINEERED FOR YOU CLAREMONT FIREPLACE KIT & DIMENSIONAL WALL The fire is warm, the wine is chilled, and the view is good. Shown in Auburn Ridge DIMENSIONAL COPING Shown in Sand 20 21 C H A N G E YO U R V I E W Rosetta’s fully integrated color and high strength is perfect for patios and high traffic areas. Similar to natural stone, our products weather naturally over time. LEFT OLD MISSION Shown in Auburn Ridge/ Fond du Lac blend —Shown Sealed RIGHT GRAND FLAGSTONE Shown in Fond du Lac 22 23 DIMENSIONAL WALL & DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE Shown in Auburn Ridge BELVEDERE WALL Shown in Fond Du Lac 24 25 LEFT OUTCROPPING & IRREGULAR STEPS Shown in Lakeshore Blend RIGHT IRREGULAR STEPS Superior Buff C H A N G E YO U R V I E W Whatever the project you have in mind, Rosetta offers the right products to get the job done fast. On average Rosetta installs 2x faster than natural stone, which means less cost, less stress, and more time to enjoy. 26 27 C H A N G E YO U R V I E W Adding Rosetta to your next project instantly improves the curb appeal. Whether you’re adding an outdoor living area, walkway, staircase, water feature, or something else—Rosetta has you covered. Landscape and hardscape improvements are among the leading factors that increase your home’s value. BELVEDERE, GRAND FLAGSTONE, ROUND FIRE PIT KIT, DIMENSIONAL STEPS (RIGHT) Shown in Fond du Lac DIMENSIONAL COPING Shown in Sand 28 29 OUTCROPPING Shown in Superior Buff 30 31 LEFT DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE, & CUSTOM DIMENSIONAL WALL FIRE PIT Shown in Slate Gray RIGHT LINEAR FLAGSTONE Shown in Bluestone C H A N G E YO U R V I E W At Rosetta, we are founded on the belief that our products should always compliment the natural environment and never compete with it. The true beauty evolves when the individual products disappear and the landscape as a whole becomes the focus. Is Rosetta the missing piece of your project’s puzzle? 32 33 P AT I O S , W A L K W AY S , D R I V E W AY S 34 GRAND FLAGSTONE DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE 24X24 FLAGSTONE LINEAR FLAGSTONE OLD MISSION MIROS 35 G R A N D FL AG STO N E ROUND FIRE PIT KIT, GRAND FLAGSTONE Shown in Fond du Lac 36 37 GRAND F L AG S TO N E • Large shapes with highly natural textures accurately replicate natural flagstone • Uniform thickness makes top surface of patios and walkways even and safe • Simple pattern is fast and easy to install • 15 unique shapes fit into one easy pattern FOND DU L AC TYPICAL PATTERN: Each layer is comprised of multiple individual pieces. 38” 42” G R A N D F L A G S TO N E SHOWN IN FOND DU L AC ( B E LV E D E R E S H O W N I N C U S TO M C O LO R ) FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 38 S L AT E G R AY AU B U R N R I D G E FO N D D U L AC WA L N U T (S p e c i a l O rd e r) 39 D I M EN S I O N A L FL AG STO N E DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE & SQUARE FIRE PIT KIT WITH GAS CONVERSION KIT Shown in Fond du Lac DIMENSIONAL COPING Shown in Sand 40 41 D I M EN S I O N A L F L AG S TO N E • Refined textures and shapes are perfect for natural or formal settings • Large unit sizes allow the product to be used in large patios without looking busy, as is often common with smaller brick sizes S L AT E G R AY • Uniform thickness makes top surface of patios and walkways even and safe • Fast and easy to install PATIO 12x12 18x24 24x24 12x6 18x18 12x18 FOND DU L AC FOND DU L AC CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 42 FO N D D U L AC B LU ES TO N E S L AT E G R AY (Special Order) WA L N U T (Special Order) 43 LI N E A R FL AG STO N E LINEAR FLAGSTONE & CLAREMONT Shown in Auburn Ridge 44 45 LINEAR F L AG S TO N E • Consistent dimensions and shapes help create a modern and formal setting • Fast and easy to install • Creates an ideal border for Dimensional Flagstone AUBURN RID GE 21” WA L N U T 10.5” B LU E S TO N E CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 46 FO N D D U L AC B LU ES TO N E S L AT E G R AY (Special Order) WA L N U T (Special Order) 47 24 X 24 FL AG STO N E 24 X 24 FLAGSTONE Shown in Fond du Lac 48 49 24 x 24 F L AG S TO N E • Large, consistent unit sizes create a modern and formal look • Uniform 2” thickness makes the top surface of patios and walkways even and safe • Format well suited for pedestal applications FOND DU L AC 24” 24” FOND DU L AC FOND DU L AC CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 50 FO N D D U L AC B LU ES TO N E S L AT E G R AY (Special Order) WA L N U T (Special Order) 51 OLD MISSION OLD MISSION Shown in Fond du Lac/ Auburn Ridge Blend with Slate Gray Border —Shown Sealed 52 53 OLD MISSION • Unique natural texture and edge profile accurately replicates beautiful, time-worn natural stone • Uniform 2 3/4” (70mm) thickness makes Old Mission very strong, yet easy to install AUBURN RID GE & FOND DU L AC BLEND — SHOWN SE ALED • Natural, subtle color blends look great on their own, and can also be mixed together to create a wide variety of custom blends to match or compliment any setting AUBURN RID GE, FOND DU L AC , S L AT E G R AY, & B LU E S TO N E B L E N D — SHOWN SE ALED 6 X 9 PAVER 8 1/2” 2 3/4” 9 X 12 PAVER 9 X 9 PAVER 8 1/2” • Old Mission can be used in both permeable and non-permeable applications depending on the jointing material used 11 5/16” 8 1/2” 8 1/2” 5 11/16” 2 3/4” 2 3/4” AUBURN RID GE & FOND DU L AC BLEND — SHOWN SE ALED CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 54 FO N D D U L AC S L AT E G R AY B LU ES TO N E WA L N U T (Special Order) 55 MIROS MIROS Shown in Sand KODAH Shown in Walnut DIMENSIONAL STEP Shown in Superior Buff 56 57 MIROS • Largest format slab available • Perfect for formal or modern applications • Clean, crisp lines 42” • Lends itself well to moss or stone in joints 42” • Subtle stone texture 4” • Fast, mechanical installation CO LO R O P T I O N S 58 M I R O S S H O W N I N G R AY SAND G R AY 59 RETAINING, GARDEN, & SE AT WALLS 60 OUTCROPPING COLLECTION BELVEDERE COLLECTION CLAREMONT COLLECTION DIMENSIONAL WALL KODAH 61 O U TC R O P P I N G CO LLEC TI O N OUTCROPPING & DIMENSIONAL STEP Shown in Fond du Lac 62 63 O U TC R O P P I N G CO L L EC T I O N SUPERIOR BUFF • Attractive, natural stone texture and scale • Large, interlocking units create a fully engineered and extremely strong, structural retaining walls • Fast and easy to install • Stunningly beautiful end result is both believable and inspiring. The Rosetta Outcropping Collection is unparalleled in natural authenticity • Double-sided units also available for use in free-standing walls • 12 unique sizes, 24 textures • 2’ to 6’ in length, and 6” to 24” in height • Units weigh 220 to 1760 pounds depending on size SUPERIOR BUFF LENGTH: 2-6 feet HEIGHT: 6-24 inches SUPERIOR BUFF CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 64 FO N D D U L AC S L AT E G R AY S U P ER I O R B U F F WA L N U T (Special Order) 65 B E LV E D E R E C O L L E C T I O N BELVEDERE Shown in Fond du Lac 66 67 B ELV ED ER E CO L L EC T I O N • Beautiful stone texture on both front and back surface of each unit FOND DU L AC • Versatile product line allows for freestanding seat walls, pillars, and structural retaining walls. • Fast and easy to install • 8 unit sizes and 64 unique stone faces allow for a very random, natural look • Multiple sizes • 6”, 12”, or 18” long, 3” or 6” height, and 9” deep • Units weigh 10 to 67 pounds depending on size AUBURN RID GE LENGTH: 6-18 inches HEIGHT: 3-6 inches FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 68 FO N D D U L AC AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY WA L N U T (Special Order) 69 CL AREMONT COLLECTION CLAREMONT Shown in Fond du Lac 70 71 CL AREMONT CO L L EC T I O N • Linear, horizontal proportions evoke a contemporary yet classic stone appearance • Each unit is finished on both the front and back surfaces, allowing for both freestanding walls and retaining walls FOND DU L AC • Crisp, chiseled stone texture is indistiguishable from natural limestone 8” 4” 18” 8” 24” 4” 8” 22” AUBURN RID GE 4” FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 72 FO N D D U L AC AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY WA L N U T (Special Order) 73 D I M EN S I O NAL WALL DIMENSIONAL WALL, BELVEDERE, & DIMENSIONAL FLAGSTONE Shown in Auburn Ridge 74 75 D I M EN S I O N A L WA L L • Clean, formal, chiseled texture is both sophisticated and highly natural • Versatile product line allows for freestanding seat walls, pillars and garden walls • Standard shapes allow for fast & easy installation FOND DU L AC DIMENSIONAL WEDGE BLOCK FOND DU L AC 4” 8” 12” *Dimensions are nominal DIMENSIONAL STRAIGHT BLOCK 12” 4” 8” FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 76 FO N D D U L AC AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY WA L N U T (Special Order) 77 KO DAH WALL KODAH Shown in Walnut MIROS Shown in Sand DIMENSIONAL STEP Shown in Superior Buff 78 79 KO DA H WA L L • Unique large scale • Modern, linear proportions • Interlocking retaining walls and double-sided freestanding walls possible • Freshly quarried stone texture compliments a variety of applications 42" X 6" X 10.5" FOND DU L AC 30" X 6" X 10.5" 21" X 6" X 10.5" 12" X 6" X 10.5" CORNER WA L N U T WA L N U T CO LO R O P T I O N S 80 FO N D D U L AC Resembles Weathered Edge Fond du Lac AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY WA L N U T (S p e c i a l O rd e r) 81 O UTD O O R FI R E P L AC ES & FI R E P IT S CLAREMONT FIREPLACE KIT ROUND FIRE PIT 82 SQUARE FIRE PIT 83 CL AREMONT FIREPL ACE CLAREMONT FIREPLACE KIT & DIMENSIONAL WALL Shown in Auburn Ridge DIMENSIONAL COPING Shown in Sand 84 85 CL AREMONT F I R EP L AC E • Beautiful natural stone appearance, unlike any other outdoor fireplace kit available • Complete kit, includes everything you need to construct the fireplace. No concrete footing required in most cases, saving time and money • Very easy to install with convient hooks cast into all large components FOND DU L AC Each piece is a solid precast unit featuring the texture of stacked limestone FOND DU L AC CO LO R OPTIONS 86 AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY FO N D D U L AC WA L N U T (S p e c i a l O rd e r) 87 ROUND FIRE PIT KIT ROUND FIRE PIT KIT WITH GAS FIRE PIT CONVERSION Shown in Fond Du Lac 88 89 ROUND FIRE PIT KIT What better way to enjoy your outdoor living area than to gather around a beautiful fire pit with friends and family? The natural stone look of the Rosetta Fire Pit Kits transform your outdoor space into an inviting, warm retreat. Precast concrete is fire-safe and engineered to weather the hardest outdoor elements. • Beautiful natural stone texture AUBURN RID GE WITH GAS FIRE PIT CONVERSION • Dimensional = fast installation and no waste • One pallet contains all components • Integrates seamlessly with all Rosetta products ROUND FIRE PIT PALLET BLOCK LAYOUT PATTERN FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 90 FO N D D U L AC AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY WA L N U T (Special Order) 91 SQUARE FIRE PIT KIT SQUARE FIRE PIT KIT WITH GAS FIRE PIT CONVERSION Shown in Fond Du Lac 92 93 S Q UA R E F I R E P I T K I T Enjoy the warmth of the fire outside with the modern edge of our square fire pit kit. Each kit is created with precast concrete that is fire-safe and engineered to weather the hardest outdoor elements. AUBURN RID GE • Beautiful natural stone texture • Dimensional = fast installation and no waste • One pallet contains all components • Integrates seamlessly with all Rosetta products GAS FIRE PIT CONVERSION KIT FOND DU L AC Gas Conversion Kits are available for both Round and Square Kits FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 94 FO N D D U L AC AU B U R N R I D G E S L AT E G R AY WA L N U T (Special Order) 95 IRREGUL AR STEPS IRREGULAR STEPS Shown in Fond Du Lac 96 97 I R R EG U L A R S T EP S 4’6” 5’ 1’10” • Beautiful appearance that is indistinguishable from natural stone 5 1/2” Rise - 391 lbs. 7” Rise - 458 lbs • Uniform rise is both safe and comfortable 5 1/2” Rise - 508 lbs. 7” Rise - 600 lbs. 2’ • Irregular sizes lend a rustic sophistication to your landscape 3’6” 4’ 1’5” 5 1/2” Rise - 289 lbs. 7” Rise - 349 lbs. 2’4” 5 1/2” Rise - 415 lbs. 7” Rise - 567 lbs. 3’6” 4’ 2’2” 5 1/2” Rise - 390 lbs. 7” Rise - 476 lbs. *All dimensions are nominal. 2’ 5 1/2” Rise - 424 lbs. 7” Rise - 512 lbs. FOND DU L AC FOND DU L AC CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 98 FO N D D U L AC S L AT E G R AY S U P ER I O R B U F F WA L N U T (Special Order) 99 DIMENSIONAL STEPS DIMENSIONAL STEPS Shown in Fond du Lac 100 101 All dimensional steps have 7” rise D I M EN S I O N A L S T EP S Steps palletized one size/pallet • 36”x 18”x 7” • 375 lbs/ea • Chiseled, cut natural stone appearance is perfect for formal, distinguished landscapes • Uniform rise is both safe and comfortable • Dimensional sizes add a formal, classic look to your landscape • 48”x 18”x 7” • 455 lbs/ea • 48”x 24”x 7” • 675 lbs/ea • 72”x 30”x 7” • 1320 lbs/ea SUPERIOR BUFF FOND DU L AC CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 102 FO N D D U L AC S L AT E G R AY S U P ER I O R B U F F WA L N U T (Special Order) 103 COPING OPTIONS DIMENSIONAL COPING Shown in Sand BELVEDERE WALL Shown in Fond Du Lac with Custom Shake Accent Color 104 105 BULL NOSE CO P I N G 2” • 14” depth is perfect for step treads • Great for pool coping 22” 14” B LU E S TO N E • Corner units available AUBURN RID GE FOND DU L AC CO LO R OPTIONS AU B U R N R I D G E 106 FO N D D U L AC B LU ES TO N E S L AT E G R AY (Special Order) WA L N U T (Special Order) 107 D I M EN S I O N A L CO P I N G 2½” 18” & 24” available 12½” • Compatible with Belvedere, Stonebridge, Claremont, Dimensional Wall and other Rosetta products • Finished ends also available DIMENSIONAL COPING SHOWN IN SAND CL AREMONT & LINEAR F L A G S TO N E SHOWN IN AUBURN RID GE DIMENSIONAL COPING SHOWN IN SAND & CL AREMONT SHOWN IN FOND DU L AC CO LO R O P T I O N S 108 SAND G R AY 109 COLUMN C APS BELVEDERE Shown in Fond Du Lac 110 111 CO LU M N C A P S • Compatible with Belvedere, Stonebridge, Claremont, Dimensional Wall and other Rosetta products • Finished ends also available C O LU M N C A P SHOWN IN SAND & B E LV E D E R E SHOWN IN FOND DU L AC C O LU M N C A P S H O W N IN SAND & CL AREMONT SHOWN IN FOND DU L AC 24” COLUMN CAP 27” COLUMN CAP 30” COLUMN CAP 34" COLUMN CAP • Compatible with Dimensional Wall columns • Available in Sand & Slate Gray • Compatible with Belvedere columns • Available in all Belvedere colors • Compatible with Belvedere columns • Available in Sand & Slate Gray • Compatible with Claremont and Kodah columns • Available in Sand & Slate Gray 24” 2½” 24” 112 30” 27” 2½” 3” 27” 34” 3” 30” 34” 113 T H I R D G EN ER AT I O N FA M I LY B U S I N ES S We want you to feel comfortable and confident when starting your project. That’s why we HOW IT ALL BEGAN GROWING AND INNOVATING make sure you have the resources you need to get the job done right. Everything we make, Rosetta Hardscapes launched in Charlevoix, Michigan in 2007—The brainchild of three brothers who had spent their entire careers in the construction industry. Beginning with the Outcropping Collection, early advances included the development of a complete line of hardscape products. we back with a limited lifetime warranty. Responding to the need for a hardscape product that mimicked the colors, textures and shapes of natural stone the first product Rosetta developed was the Outcropping Collection. As a larger scale wall solution that creates grand walls that truly capture the look of natural stone, Outcropping was met with success on a local level. Since 2007, several Rosetta manufacturers have joined the Rosetta team—covering select markets in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. 1930 The complete line of Rosetta wet-cast, concrete products gives Rosetta an appeal in every market— within the landscape architecture community, among the landscape contractor market, and even in the do-it-yourself homeowner crowd. This creates an opportunity to promote Rosetta across a range of specifiers and customers. Rosetta’s innovative engineering resources include on-staff engineers, wall layout software, design charts, construction details and much more. These resources are available both in print and online and are constantly being improved and updated. Rosetta’s full-time R&D department is constantly striving to find opportunities for product improvement and development. Generation 1 : Ted & Ernie Manthei Growing Strawberries 1968 Generation 2 Jim, Mark, and Ben Manthei create MDC Contracting 2007 Rosetta Hardscapes is founded MOVING INTO THE FUTURE 114 Rosetta is committed to continued innovation— with exciting developments coming from the R&D Department. Stay tuned as Rosetta continues to lead the wetcast hardscape industry by creating beautifully engineered, artistic hardscape solutions. 2012 ROSETTA OF MICHIGAN LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY Rosetta hardscape products as manufactured by Rosetta of Michigan are backed by a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer to the original end user, for products used in residential applications. This assurance of product quality is applicable where products have been correctly installed to manufacturer’s specifications. Any properly installed hardscape material manufactured by Rosetta of Michigan that deteriorates due to the concrete in the product not meeting the design strength specification will be replaced by the manufacturer. The following items are not covered by this warranty: color variances and the appearance of surface stains resulting from chemical reactions such as efflorescence or differential curing; damage caused by installation; deterioration caused by de-icing salts or fertilizers; damage resulting from sub-grade settlement or movement, hairline cracks that do not effect the structural performance of the product, spalling of less than three percent of the surface area, contact with chemicals or paint, discoloration due to airborne contamination, staining, oxidation, or improper sealing. Products purchased must be registered with the manufacturer within 60 days of end user’s purchase for warranty to be valid. All warranty claims must be made prior to the removal or disposal of the defective product; Warranty claims will be reviewed by a company representative and may require samples of defective product for analysis. Warranty does not include removal, installation or transportation to replace the material. Warranty is not transferable and is extended to the original end user only. Proof of purchase is required. Please note: • Actual colors may vary from the color swatches shown in this book. Final color selection should be made from actual color samples, which are available from your local dealer. • For the most natural appearance, install products from multiple pallets simultaneously. This will create a more blended, natural look. Generations 3 and 4 Jeremy Manthei continues to lead Rosetta into the future 115 D i s c o v e r R o s e t t a . c o m • 87 7- 7 7 7- 6 5 5 8
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