Hills Street News - STL Hills Management


Hills Street News - STL Hills Management
Hills Street News
www. stlouishills.org - "Your Neighborhood Resource."
St. Louis Hills Block Captain Program
February 2006 Vol. XI No. I
In this issue
Block Captain Chair
What is a Neighborhood
Stabilization Officer?
Sixth Annual Xmas
Tree Lighting
Efforts to Build Dog
Park in SW City…
Holiday Party Follow Up
From the President
The Flower of the
Remembering – 1952
New Deli Offers Home
Delivery of Meals to
Standard Travel Service
Rosemary’s Corner
2005 Christmas
Lighting Awards
SLHNA Easter Egg
Letters to the Block
Captain Chairs
Calendar of Events
A Word From the 16
Ward Alderman,
Donna Baringer
16 Ward Commercial
Advisory Board
New Community
Center School District
Volunteers Needed for
Spring Park Clean-Up
Block Captain Chair Report
Continuing the Spirit and Energy
By Nancy Vordtriede & Mark Daly, Block Captain Program Co-Chair
Wow, thanks to everyone! What a wonderful holiday season in St. Louis Hills!
The Christmas season began with the annual “Tree Lighting” festivities, then a
nice crescendo into beautiful lighting displays. Did you feel it? - That sense of spirit, energy, involvement,
community, and celebration within our neighborhood?
It is with this same spirit and energy we would like to introduce ourselves to you! We are Mark Daly and
Nancy Vordtriede the new Block Captain Co-Chairs.
My name is Mark Daly and I have been a resident of the Hills for the past two years. I resided here previously,
and decided this is where I would return after my marriage to my lovely wife Toni. I currently am co-owner
and operator of Mary Margaret’s Day care and Learning Center with several locations surrounding the
neighboring St. Louis Hill area. My passion for the development of children is what brought me to my career,
and my love for friends and family is what brought me back to the Hills.
Continued on page 2
Hills Street News
Block Captain Chair Report continued from page 1
I first became involved in the community last winter when I asked to enter my home in the Christmas lighting award
competition. Two months later at the award ceremony I shocked the judges when they soon found out I was the
new kid on the block! Our home quickly became known as the “Griswold home” and the neighborhood association
welcomed me aboard the block captain program with much enthusiasm. I since have been under the Klasek’s wings
in learning the ropes of the block captain program.
My name is Nancy Vordtriede and I am very proud to say I grew up in St. Louis Hills. Shall I just say I have been
around some 40 plus years? My parents still live here and until my Grandparents passed away, they too lived in St.
Louis Hills. I guess you could say I am known as the daughter, granddaughter, neighbor, and friend. I have many
fond memories of school, church, family, friends, and Francis Park.
Mark Daly and I, serving as the new co-chairs would like to see the energy and spirit listed above continue within the
Block Captain’s program and St. Louis Hills. We hope to see membership climb, neighbors to become more
communicative, participate more, and enjoy all that St. Louis Hills has to offer. We as a committee can help facilitate
this, but we need your help too. So, as our first plug, become a member of the SLHNA, become a block captain, and
bring your ideas!
By Missy Kraus
Our Southwest city neighborhood continues to move closer to having a dog park open within Willmore
Park! A number of key steps have been accomplished during the fall / winter 2005: the general
membership of Southampton Neighborhood Association (SNA) voted unanimously to sponsor the initiative,
a 1 acre site has been identified within Willmore at the north end beside the River des Peres, and the city /
parks department is in the process of running a water line to the site.
Estimated start-up costs for the dog park are $25,000, which includes fencing,
benches, trashcans, etc. Fund raising efforts for both individuals and
corporations are underway, and requests for proposals on the fencing work are
being sought. With a goal of opening the dog park of late spring / summer
2006, the Southwest City Dog Park Committee is in need of help from our
community to get the park built. An informational meeting for the Southwest
City Dog Park is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8 at 7:00 PM at Buder
Library. For more information visit www.swcitydogpark.org or contact Missy
Krauss at 481-0308 or Cara Liles-Baker at 324-4478. Donations can be made at the web site or mailed to:
SNA Attn: SW City Dog Park P.O. Box 5183 St. Louis, MO 63139-0183
Hills Street News
A Word From the 16th Ward Alderman, Donna Baringer
Did you know that the St. Louis Hills Neighborhood Association and the Run for the Hills event have jointly raised and
reinvested over $100,000 in the past five years into Francis Park? The beautification effort by the community makes our
park look so spectacular, but it lacks a functional playground. I am exploring funding sources to make a new
playground happen. But with even more money about to be reinvested into Francis Park, the problem with the
destruction of property within the park had to be addressed.
With the assistance of the St. Louis Police Department and the neighborhood association, a pilot program of
surveillance cameras was begun in Francis Park. The cameras were purchased with a grant and can be removed at any
time. This was a cooperative effort between all involved and since the cameras went up over three months ago, only
one incident (one week after they went up) has occurred. This is not about prosecution, rather restitution for any
damage done.
The cameras are only as effective as we, the community, make them. If anyone sees any suspicious activity, they need
to call 911 immediately. And if you should notice any type of destruction of property in the park, call the Police
Department so they can come remove the cameras and view the tapes. The police will need to know WHEN and
WHERE the destruction occurred. Let’s all worked together as a team and keep our beautiful park clean, safe and
16th Ward Commercial Development Advisory Board
A new initiative by Alderman Baringer is the recently formed 16th Ward Commercial Development Advisory Board. This
board is made up of area business leaders, Alderman Baringer and a representative from the Mayor’s Office (all of
whom live in the area). The advisory board will assist in identifying what types of businesses the people in the ward
and surrounding areas desire. The board will also determine what it will take to attract these preferred businesses. The
board will market the area to retailers, developers and property owners/managers. Board members will also serve as an
early warning system for commercial vacancies and work towards filling those vacancies with quality retail.
Although a comprehensive survey was done a few years back an up-to-date one is needed to accurately gauge the
community’s retail and restaurant needs. There is a hard copy survey as an insert in this newsletter. Please take the
time to fill it out, fold, staple, stamp and return it as soon as possible. The survey will also be available on line at
www.stlouishills.org. If you would like to contact the 16th Ward Alderman Baringer to discuss this further, please e-
mail her at baringerd@stlouiscity.com or phone 641-8377.
New Community Center School District Reaction
By Ken Crecelius
Many of you may have read the article several weeks ago in the SouthSide Journal about the St. Louis Public School
Board’s reaction to an offer to buy the Nottingham School property for a proposed Community Center. The school
district has not communicated directly with the organizing group, but we’ve learned that the district has not rejected
the idea of closing and selling Nottingham School. Rather, it cannot make this decision at this time. All future school
closing decisions must be made within the context of the vision proposed by the new district superintendent Dr. Creg
Williams, which is to develop neighborhood based schools. According to Martin Braeske the planning director for the
school district, it will take some time to translate that vision into a specific plan from which school closing decisions can
be made. Mr. Braeske did offer an open line of communication with the organizing group so that it may continue to
monitor the plan’s development.
A majority positive response was gathered this past year from local residents for the creation of a Community Center at
the Nottingham location. Members of the organizing group, the Southwest St. Louis Community Improvement District,
will continue to work toward that end. As we watch events within the school district we will continue to keep the
community informed as significant developments occur. To all those whom have volunteered to help, and those
looking forward to a community center, please be patient. This effort will just take longer then we had hoped.
Hills Street News
By NSO Sandy Colvin, colvins@stlouiscity.com, 773-0638
I have been a Neighborhood Stabilization Officer (NSO) for almost twelve years. During those years, I have
met hundreds of people and answered hundreds of questions. One question that I have been asked over
and over again, and the one which I honestly think is the toughest question to answer, is... “What is a
A Neighborhood Stabilization Officer is a city employee. (Even though we have the word officer in our title,
we are not part of the police department.) There is a NSO assigned to every ward in the city. Our jobs
have many aspects and the focus can vary depending on the individual concerns, programs and goals of the
area where we are assigned.
NSO’s are resource people. We can provide information and answer questions. We are often asked to
clarify the “Do’s and Don’ts” of city living. We are able to access city data providing information on property
ownership, if a particular property is under notice with the city, if there is a court date or fine associated
with a property. And we are able to provide information to the residents on city departments, programs and
The Neighborhood Stabilization Officer’s chief objective is to improve the quality of life in his or her assigned
areas. We actively and aggressively work with elected officials representing the area, city departments,
police, block units, and any other program established to improve neighborhoods. We also encourage the
residents of the area to be involved in their neighborhood.
As a NSO we identify problems in our area. A problem may be a physical violation of health, safety and/or
property maintenance codes. Some of these problems include derelict vehicles (on the street or on private
property) excessive grass or weed growth, trash, open storage and concerns with vacant properties. We
also identify and address behavioral nuisance. These types of problems include but are not limited to
excessive noise, drug sales, illegal activity, illegal businesses, the illegal use of property and overcrowding.
The Neighborhood Stabilization Officer identifies problems in their area in many ways. We attend meetings
of neighborhood organizations and block unit meetings. We consult with the alderman and neighborhood
leaders on a regular basis. We also drive the area on a regular basis and observe the physical conditions of
the neighborhood. We work closely with the police, business groups and other city departments to share
information and coordinate our efforts to address any neighborhood concerns. Many of the neighborhood
concerns are brought to our attention from concerned residents and involved citizens who make phone calls
to our office or who make complaints directly to the Citizen Service Bureau.
The question “What is a NSO” may be difficult to answer. However, my answer is I am here to help you in
any way I can. So please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to working with you and serving the
neighborhood and the city for many years to come.
Please Pick Up After Your Dog.
It is not just a law--It is a
common courtesy!
Hills Street News
ST. LOUIS, MO 63109
SLHNA Holiday Party Follow Up
By Janice Starbuck, Chairman, Holiday Party Committee
Approximately 230 neighbors attended the Holiday Party at St. Raphael’s this year and a good time was had by all. It was
delightful way to kick off the holiday season. There were 40 tantalizing raffle prizes to bid on. The top three grossing
raffle prizes were:
1. A yellow gold cross with round brilliant cut center diamond from JRL Jewelers
2. Three Out-on-the-Town purses and a kissing fish ornament from Gringo Jones
3. An elegant wall clock from Elizabeth Anne's Home Décor
The raffle event adds excitement to the evening and helps to keep the admittance price low. $1311 was raised to help
defray the cost of this party. Thanks to everyone who brought tickets! Another huge factor in keeping the admittance
price low is the Anheuser – Busch beer that was donated once again by Joe and Joni Patti. We are most grateful.
The band, Exclusively Yours, was a big hit with most of the crowd and has been booked for next year’s event. (December
2 – Mark your calendars!) However, to accommodate those who wish to have more time for bidding on the raffles and
visiting with neighbors, the band will not start until 9:00p.m.
Pulling this party together is a big job and I would like to thank:
The many volunteers that helped with set up and clean up.
Cathy Myrick for designing our invitations.
Cathy Myrick and Nancy Vordtriede for working the registration desk.
Brad Arteaga and Bob & Kelly Klasek for prepping the beverages.
Santa Claus (Ted Gierse) for spreading the holiday cheer.
The St. Raphael’s Choir for singing for us once again.
The St. Raphael’s Men’s Club for bartending.
St. Raphael’s for generously allowing us to use their facilities.
Most of all, thanks to the dedicated Holiday Party Committee: Susan Darby, Judith Hanses, Paddy Jacobsmeyer, Carolyn
Schainker and Mary Wedemeier for their wonderful work making this event all it has become.
If you are a little crazy about the holidays and would like to join our team, we would love to have your help. Please give
me a call at 832-6171, if you are interested.
The Flower of the Season
By Jim Lesher – Lesher’s Flowers, Inc.
4617 Hampton Ave., 832-3500
The Gerbera Daisy
(also known as the
Transvaal Daisy and
African Daisy)
Family: Assteraceae,
Species: Jamesonii
The Gerbera has
attained immense
popularity in recent years, probably because it
is available in so many beautifully intense
colors and when arranged, has a casual look.
Not surprisingly, they have become the
bouquet choice on movie and TV sets.
Gerbera’s color range includes white, ivory,
yellow, orange, pink, burnt orange, red,
burgundy and many bi-colors. As a result of
this large color range, they have become a
great focal point in many floral arrangements,
but are also used in bouquets of all gerbs.
The size of the flowers can range from 2.5 to
5 inches in diameter.
In the garden they are also popular, but can
be difficult to grow during our hot summers.
Because of this, it is wise to plant them in an
area that allows for sunlight, but not the
hottest afternoon sun. The plant in our area
must be considered an annual because they
will not survive our normally harsh winters.
Regarding water, the Gerbera should not be
allowed to dry out – but they prefer soil that
drains well. Water in the morning, but don’t
wet the entire plant. Plant food should be
applied according to manufacturer’s direction.
Soil Ph preference is 6.1 – 7.5. Gerberas will
also do well in a patio pot if you remember
their tender proclivities. (No hot sun and
water regularly.) Some amateur growers
have said that the yellow varieties do best in
our climate.
Hills Street News
Remembering – 1952
A Look Back at Business Around St. Louis Hills
By Ron (Johnny Rabbitt) Elz
If you were of age in ’52 you might have been at the bar of Stein
Brothers bowling alley drinking a smooth-brewed Hyde Park 75
beer in the clear bottle designed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee
of that brewery. Stein Bros. was just north of the threedimensional Stag beer billboard at the northwest corner of
Hampton and Chippewa. The land between Stein’s and
Mallinckrodt School was a vacant field as was the block from
Hampton to Clifton on the north side of Chippewa other than for
Harold Lawrence’s flower shop. Another 3D board, for Mayrose
Hams, anchored the northeast corner. The Beverly Tire Co. and
Texaco station was just past this sign on Hampton.
The venerable metal White Castle was on the southwest corner of
Hampton and Chippewa. The “paper man” with his wooden box at
that corner peddled the morning Globe (actually from 8:30 the
evening before) and the afternoon Post by 11:15 a.m. Most weeks
there’d be a “5 for a quarter” White Castle coupon in one or the
other of those publications. You could sit at the tiny Castle
counter, peruse the quarterly White Castle House Organ magazine
that was offered in a metal wall rack by the door, and review their
selection of pies in the mirror above the back counter. The lemon
meringue was OK, except the meringue was a little rubbery. This
and all the White Castles had car hops.
Just west of the Castle was Bill Hoppe’s hamburger stand and
drive-in eatery where the slogan was “Hop Into Hoppe’s.” Bill first
had moved from the northwest corner of Hampton and Pernod,
which was taken over by Leonard Shemming for his Shem’s
hamburger emporium. Hoppe exited to a larger place next door,
which would become Missie’s restaurant, then finally to his
Chippewa stand with its multi-colored lights and his signature
flashy hand-painted ties. Yep, Hoppe’s had car hops as well.
The colonial motif in Hampton Village Plaza, first automobile
friendly shopping center in Greater St. Louis, had a retail building
where Target is today; the recently removed north side of
Chippewa structure and the main stores and doctor’s offices at the
east end of the plaza. This latter location was first anchored by
Walgreens, which had a nice lunch counter styled restaurant,
noted for tidbits such as tuna sandwiches and milkshakes and an
S. S. Kresge 5¢ to $1 store. Every year Kresge’s would be visited
by a Filipino who would demonstrate and custom-etch Duncan yoyos. The shops included a branch of Thomas Garland’s up-scale
Continued on page 7
Hills Street News
Remembering – 1952 continued from page 6
ladies clothing chain, where a talking parrot added a note of whimsy; plus Anatel’s, Libson’s and the Sidney shop. J. C.
Penny was housed where it stands today. The original Village design included a large, but never built, first run movie
theatre that would have been about where Schnuck’s is today. Autumn was a favorite time for kids as the Hampton
Village shops allowed school groups such as from Mallinckrodt, Buder, St. Joan of Arc and St. Gabriel’s to paint their
show windows for Halloween.
The center of the main parking was the site of the Bettendorf Supermarket, which was billed by a tall neon sign at the
corner of Hampton & Chippewa (where McDonald’s is) as being the world’s larger grocery store. It sported a barrel
center ceiling similar to a portion of the design at the current Schnuck’s (originally National) store. The Bettendorf
lunch counter, actually a series of counters fronted with rolled stainless steel, offered truly delicious items such as
homemade soups and great bar-b-que beef sandwiches. Joe Bettendorf maintained a full service bakery at the north
end of the store.
The west side of the Hampton building housed places such as Caswell’s cocktail lounge, Harmony Music Shop and
Stephen Sweetin floor coverings while the north building included Johnnie Brock’s, Williams fabrics, Dependahl’s shoes,
Edith’s specialties, Penrose shoes, Walter’s men’s wear and Mrs. St. Louis maternity apparel. Some local landmarks
then were Bob Bertram’s drug store and soda fountain and Gray barber shop (8 chairs, no waiting) at the northeast
corner of Chippewa and Sulphur. Farther west on Chippewa was the stylish Crystal Tower apartments. It’s still there
and still stylish.
In the next block it was St. Louis Hills residents’ Stan Musial and Julius (Biggie) Garagnani’s
“Stan Musial and Biggie’s” restaurant and the Gardner Station Post Office. Charlie Mittino’s
Shangri-La bar and grill was at 6600 where Garavelli’s is today across from the recently
departed Steak & Shake (they too had car-hops). Across from Ted Drewes (yes, Ted had car
hops) was one of the four city locations of The Parkmoor, complete with car hops billed as “The
Boys In The Orange Jackets.” This Parkmoor had replaced an orange and black frame A & W
Root Beer stand where root beer was served in frosty steins along with Missouri and California
hamburgers. Of course they had car hops.
In this brief visit to a time past we’ve looked at a portion of the commercial perimeter of
residential St. Louis Hills, which continues to develop and prosper. The commercial arteries that
surround the tranquility and serenity of St. Louis Hills is what most see unless they take a few
minutes away from the hustle and bustle of their day to day activities and discover the quiet
oasis of this area that literally gets better with age. Based on its foundation set by Cyrus Crane Willmore, the generous
land donation of David Rowland Francis and the always present, and frequently unappreciated, efforts of organization
within The Hills, the last frontier of The City of St. Louis remains vibrant. The legacy lives on.
The Johnny Rabbitt Show airs Monday through Friday on WIL-AM 1430 and he’s regularly on KSDK’s
“Show Me St. Louis.” Ron (Johnny Rabbitt) Elz has been a St. Louis Hills resident for 36 years.
Hills Street News
Standard Travel Service
5865 Hampton
By Steve Doss – Roaming Reporter
The model train in the window welcomes travelers to a bit of an international oasis in
south St Louis. When you step through the door, you may hear German, French,
Bosnian or English. You know that the romance of travel cannot be far away. Where
should we go this year?
Standard Travel Service is one of the oldest travel agencies in St. Louis. It opened for business in 1912
selling transatlantic crossings and insurance. In 1960, Fritz and Josette Weidhaas, bought the business and
moved it from North Broadway to South St. Louis at 4627 Hampton Avenue. Standard Travel purchased its
present location at Hampton Avenue and Holly Hills in 1971. Fritz Weidhaas passed away in 1975 and his
son, Michael, returned to St. Louis from New York to run the travel business with his mother Josette.
A classical family business, Mike and his wife, Tekla, now run the business with Josette. Josette is a French
native who has been everywhere and seen everything in Europe. She is a true expert in European travel
and has stories that could fill a book for the passionate traveler. In the office every day, she is the
neighborhood Allistar Cook of travel.
Not only do Mike and Tekla work in the neighborhood, they live here as well and have had three children
attend St. Gabriel’s school. When the children were young, they were all active in sports and scouting at
the school. Mike Weidhaas is an original board member of the Hampton Chippewa Business Association
(former president) and is still active as the recording secretary of the club and the chairman of the annual
Bavarianfest. He also is a past president of the Lions Club.
If you are a honeymooner, a history buff, a person who loves to be pampered on a cruise, Standard Travel
can help you with all of your travel needs, as they are a full service agency. The Weidhaas family can help
you turn your fantasy travel into reality and with their travel consultant Sabina, they can even help you with
your Bosnian destinations. Just stop in and let them take you away on the carpet of international travel.
Remember, support your local businesses. Without them, we have no neighborhood. We need the homes, the
churches, the schools and the businesses strong and viable to have a great neighborhood.
Hills Street News
Watch found at Nottingham School
field area on 11/21.
Call to identify and claim 618-977-1091.
Anyone wishing to volunteer to take
pictures at SLHNA events please call
Rosemary at 352-4885.
2005 Christmas Lighting Awards
By Linda Ruzicka
Congratulations to the Winners of the St. Louis Hills Christmas Lighting Awards:
6542 Neosho
Beth Sharpe &
Paul Mackey
6557 Itaska
Bob & Jamie Lenze
5846 Itaska
Michael & Charlotte
6531 Loran
Tim & Sheryl Dangos
5941 Crane Circle
George & Ann Kerry
6573 Delor
James & Michelle Duda
6426 Eichelberger
Tom & Linda Bess
6238 Itaska
John & Paula Wilson
6519 Walsh
Steve & Lorraine Brazile
5815 Walsh
Scott & Mary Kay
6764 Delor
Greg Chrom &
Gwen Spicer
5976 Keith
Bette Jean &
Richard Grady
11 Willmore
James & Brooke Bricker
6560 Neosho
Mark & Linda Smith
5872 Walsh
Karen Marks
Block Winners:
1 Place: 6500 Block Loran
3rd Place: 6500 Block Neosho
5105 A & B Jamieson
2nd Place: 6500 Block Murdoch
4th Place: 6500 Block Itaska
Apartment Winners:
6233-6235 Nottingham
The Neighborhood Really Went All Out –
There were many creative displays. The competition between the blocks was fierce, but friendly,
and there were more apartments lit up this year than ever before.
Just Wait Till Next Year!
Thanks to all of the judges who took time to drive around and select winners.
Hills Street News
Rosemary’s Corner
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 6, 2006, for park clean-up and planting day. Volunteers should
meet at 8:30 a.m. at the corner of Nottingham and Tamm for Francis Park work and at the corner of
Hampton and Jamieson for Willmore Park planting. The more volunteers who show up the easier the
raking and planting tasks become. If you have limited mobility, we can still use your help at the
refreshment and sign-in tables. Please help us keep our parks beautiful by volunteering your time and
energy. If you have any questions call Rosemary Spitler at 352-4885.
Luck or heavenly intervention was with us on Sunday, November 27, 2005, as threatening weather
hovered west of St. Louis long enough for us to hold our Sixth Annual Christmas Tree Lighting. A
large crowd was greeted by Santa, Mrs. Claus and Fredbird as Mayor Francis Slay lit the
neighborhood Christmas Tree. The St. Louis Hills Neighborhood Association underwrites the costs of
this event. Consequently, all attendees enjoyed free horse-drawn carriage rides, free refreshments
including St. Louis Hills donuts, Kettle Korn Company popcorn and Dad's cookies. All children
visiting Santa also enjoyed the Sucker Pull Booth with many winning stuffed Snoopys or Charlie
Brown Christmas books.
We are indebted to many special people for making this event possible each year. Sincere thanks to:
Tom Gilmore, Gilmore Electric Co. and Al Cody for decorating the large live Blue Spruce tree
FREDBIRD of the St. Louis Cardinals for including us in his busy schedule; and Mitch Hanneken for arranging his visit
Dave Wiethop, Nestle USA District Manager, for providing 90 candy bars and mix for 1000 cups of hot chocolate
Jeremy Roeder, for donating his services and providing great Christmas music
St. Raphael Choir for lovely caroling again this year
Santa and Mrs. Claus visited thanks to Ted Gierse and Pat Lueken
LeGrands Market for preparing and serving all the beverages
Larry Magnan of St. Louis Hills Donuts for spending all Sunday afternoon making fresh donuts for us;
Todd Waelterman for helping with grounds preparation and
All the volunteers who helped with refreshments, carriage rides, booths, event set-up and clean-up
Without volunteer help, we simply couldn't hold a large event such as this.
If you are not a member of the St. Louis Hills Neighborhood Association, please join for $20 today. It is your
dues that enable us to fund wonderful neighborhood events such as this. It's what makes our neighborhood
Hills Street News
From the President - By Carol Wilson, President SLHNA
A few weeks before Christmas Mark and Barb Thibodeau and Kevin and Sherry Love,
our neighbors up the street, sent each home on our block a friendly note asking us to
wrap our trees with colored lights. Within a few days most of the residents complied,
and those who did found a small bag of candy in their door to thank them for their
work. Our street looked almost as much like It’s a Wonderful Life’s Bedford Falls as
Murdoch does each year. Residents worked together; they encouraged and praised
one another. All it took was a little jumpstart from caring neighbors.
Thanks to all of you who foster that same spirit of cooperation and participation on your blocks at
Christmas and throughout the year. It is evident in our membership numbers, as well. We are currently
1139 members strong--but we always have room for more. Remember, that $20 annual membership fee
is a bargain, when you consider the special events, the newsletter and so many other services that the
association provides.
At our quarterly meetings we keep you updated on neighborhood as well as city issues. Our next general
meeting will be March 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Word of Life gym. Police Chief Joe Mokwa will be our guest
speaker, and Ed Martin, Chairman of the city’s Board of Election Commissioners will be on hand to give us
an update on the new systems the Board is implementing.
We are continuing to work with Alderman Baringer to explore ways to fund a new playground for Francis
Park. We hope to have more on this for you later this spring.
As we expand our activities and projects, it is becoming increasingly apparent that if we were a 501(c)(3)
organization, SLHNA could apply for grants that could save us thousands of dollars each year. We have
members who have expertise in writing grant proposals, but we need that not-for-profit status in order to
be considered. This is one of our top priorities for 2006.
Since our last newsletter, several of you have responded with offers of help on various projects, and we
look forward to working with you. Please continue to come forward with those offers as well as with your
questions and suggestions. Your participation and commitment light up St. Louis Hills all year round.
By Rosemary Spitler
The Pitted Olive, a new deli at 5815 Hampton, offers an innovative meal
delivery program to area seniors. Three complete nutritious meals will be
delivered to your door once a week. The meals will be packaged ready to
heat (with heating instructions) and include soup/salad, entree, side dish
and dessert. The weekly cost is $30 plus a $5.00 delivery charge. The
menu is on a five-week rotation with week six being a repeat of week one,
except for soup offerings. The five-week gourmet menu and further specifics
on the program are available by visiting or calling The Pitted Olive,
832-6548. We applaud The Pitted Olive for offering this food delivery
program to area seniors.
Hills Street News
Calendar of Events
Compiled by Steve & Carol Pariani
St. Gabriel’s presents St. Mary’s University
CHOIR CONCERT in the church. Everyone
Ascension Lutheran Church PTL Spaghetti
Dinner. Entertainment begins at 7pm. Call
Stargazing at Francis Park
St. Gabriel Parish Nurse Ministry lunch &
learn program. Recipe for Trouble
“Polypharmacy.” Call Beth at 353-6303 x
125 to register.
St. Raphael Used Book Sale. Donations
accepted. Call 352-8100.
Bishop DuBourg H.S. Senior Citizens Day.
Call 832-3030.
Ascension Lutheran Church Youth Mixers.
Word of Life gym. Call 832-5600.
Hope United Church of Christ Trivia Night.
Call 353-2288.
As always, the Easter Bunny and his
helpers will be on hand for photo opportunities with the
little ones. We hope to see you all there!
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2006
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Francis Park - Near the playground area.
P.S. Adults are welcome to come at 10:00 a.m. to help
set up. Many volunteers are needed. Thanks for your
Stargazing at Francis Park
Bishop DuBourg H.S. Guild production of
West Side Story. Call 832-3030 for ticket
Ascension Youth Mixer. 832-5600
St. Gabriel Parish Nurse Ministry lunch &
learn program. Recipe for Trouble “Healthy
Eating!” Call Beth at 353-6303 x 125 to
Mouse Races at St. Gabriel’s Gym. Call
Kathy Fernandez at 353-3567 for tickets
after April 1 .
Hope United Church of Christ Rummage
Sale. Donations 5/3 9 – noon.
Bishop DuBourg H.S. Annual Golf
Tournament. Call 832-3030.
St. Raphael’s School Picnic on grounds.
Rides, games, food & drink. Call 352-8100.
Letters to the Block Captain Chairs
Have comments, suggestions, or bits of history?
Have questions or comments regarding our local
businesses or SLHNA?
We invite you to write your “Letters to the Block
Captain Chairs.”
Neighborhood Association’s (SLHNA) annual Easter Egg
Hunt in Francis Park. Children of all ages can participate.
There are designated areas broken down by age group
where the kids can gather eggs filled
with candy and prize coupons.
Children in 4th to 8th grade will search
an extended area to find four prize
eggs with a $25 prize each.
Please address them to:
Block Captain Chair Letters
P.O. Box 190314
St. Louis, MO 63119-6314
Hills Street News is a quarterly publication of the St. Louis Hills Neighborhood Association's Block Captain Program.
P.O. Box 190314, St. Louis, MO 63119-6314
Block Captain Committee Co-Chairs:
Nancy Vordtriede & Mark Daly
The Block Captain Committee:
Kurt & Terry Arthur, Brad Arteaga, Ben Birch, Victor Cowell, Bee Danback, Dave Ehnes, Kathy Fernandez, Ray Goedeker,
Morty Jones, Bob Klasek, Larry & Donna McEvoy, Steve Pariani, Carolyn Schainker, Chris Sexton, Herb Wuertz
Hill Street News Editor: Janice Starbuck (jmstarbuck@aol.com)
Assistant Editor: Joyce Steiger