A novel spatial data hiding scheme based on generalized
A novel spatial data hiding scheme based on generalized
A novel spatial data hiding scheme based on generalized Fibonacci sequences E. Mammia , F. Battistia , M. Carlia , A. Neria , and K. Egiazarianb a University b Tampere Roma TRE, Roma, Italy University of Technology, Tampere, Finland ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel spatial data hiding scheme based on the Least Significant Bit insertion. The bitplane decomposition is obtained by using the (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences. This decomposition depends on two parameters, p and r. Those values increase the security of the whole system; without their knowledge it is not possible to perform the same decomposition used in the embedding process and to extract the embedded information. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Keywords: LSB insertion, data hiding, (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences, key dependent domain. 1. INTRODUCTION Multimedia communication is a key-factor in the information technology revolution. It allows to share, to transmit, and to acquire digital information. In this dynamical scenario, the security and the privacy of the content is a big concern. A basic requirement is that only the intended recipient should be able to gain access to the hidden contents of the transmitted data. A common solution to this problem is the use of a ciphering system to conceal the information content of the message. Sometimes, it is also desirable to hide to an external observer the whole transmission instance, that can be even the fact that the transmission is taking place is secret. Several techniques for hiding the sensitive data, the watermark, into an apparently innocuous document have been recently proposed in literature. Since the final document tends to appear a plausible one to both humans and machines, the possibility of detecting the presence of the secret message is becoming harder. In literature many embedding schemes have been proposed, some of them are working in a transformed domain (Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)1 , Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)2 ), some others operate directly in the spatial domain. In both cases the embedding scheme has to fulfill three main requirements concerning visibility, robustness, and capacity. Visibility is related to the ability of a human observer to perceive distortions impacting on quality, as well as to the possibility of detecting hidden data by some statistical analysis. Robustness refers to the impossibility to remove, modify, or substitute the secret message once it has been inserted. The capacity of the embedding method is defined as the maximum amount of information that can be hidden in the cover image for a given visibility level. Those three requirements are strictly related and the increase of one of them, results in the decrease of the others; a trade-off is often necessary. In our work we propose an extension of a spatial technique: the Least Significant Bit (LSB) insertion3 -4 - . The classic LSB algorithm allows to obtain an high capacity at the expenses of its robustness. This is due to the fact that an attacker can easily remove or modify the watermark, when it is hidden in the least significant bit-plane, without significantly affect the quality of the cover image. In this paper we propose an alternative bit-plane decomposition based on the (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences. In essence, based on an extension of the Zeckendorf theorem, we convert the binary representation of an image into the representation using the (p, r) Fibonacci numbers. The watermark is then inserted by modifying the elements of the bit-planes of the Fibonacci domain. Since the transformation strictly depends on the actual pair (p, r), greater robustness and undetectability can be achieved when this pair is kept secret. 5 6 The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the Fibonacci representation of a decimal number is presented. In Section 3, the proposed embedding and extraction schemes are described. The experimental results are reported in Section 4. Finally in Section 5 we draw our conclusions. Corresponding author: elena.mammi@uniroma3.it, federica.battisti@uniroma3.it 2. THE FIBONACCI P,R SEQUENCES The easiest way to hide digital data in a host signal is the embedding in the spatial domain. This technique is characterized by low computational complexity, low cost, and low delay. Furthermore, it allows the selection of the spatial location to embed the data. This is extremely useful when the perceptual invisibility of the superimposed watermark on the host data is a strict requirement. Let us denote with I the original luminance component of the image with values in the range [0, 2L − 1], and with w = {w0 , w1 , ..., wn−1 } a binary watermark. Each pixel I(i, j) of the cover image can be represented through its binary representation, as follows: I(i, j) = L−1 X ek · 2k , (1) k=0 where ek are binary digits. In the classical LSB embedding methods, the secret message is inserted into the least-significant bit planes of the cover image either by replacing or by modifying a subset of them, according to a specific invertible function. The main advantage of such a technique is that, if L is large enough, the modification of the LSB plane does not significantly affect the perceived overall image quality. As an example, the visual impact of performing the embedding in different bit-planes is shown in Figure 1. (a) (e) (b) (f) (c) (d) (g) (h) Figure 1. Visual impact when the LSB is performed in each bit-plane, from the least significant one (a) to the most significant one (h). The improvement we introduce in this paper is the embedding of the watermark into the bit planes associated to the representation of the luminance component in terms of (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences. To illustrate the method, we recall that a (p, r)-Fibonacci sequence is defined by the following recursive formula: 0, 1, Fp,r (n) = Pr n < 0; n = 0; j=0 Fp,r (n − 1 − j · p), n > 0. (2) Let us notice that each element in the sequence is obtained by adding the previous r elements, taken at distance p. Some examples of (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences, for r equal to 2 are shown in Table 1. As an extension of the Zeckendorf theorem7 : ”Each positive integer m can be represented as the sum of distinct numbers in the sequence of Fibonacci numbers using two no consecutive Fibonacci numbers”, it can be demonstrated that, by using a (p, r)-Fibonacci sequence, with p ≥ 0, and r > 1, any positive natural number N can be always represented as follows: N= n−1 X ci Fp,r (i). (3) i=p One drawback presented by the Fibonacci representation is the redundancy. In fact each decimal number can have more than one representation. To obtain a unique representation of a number, using a (p, r)-Fibonacci sequence, it is necessary to fulfill the following constraints: • a valid (p, r)-Fibonacci coefficient vector c must contain less than p − 1 zeros between two ones. • a valid (p, r)-Fibonacci coefficient vector c cannot contain more than r consecutive groups, being constituted by one symbol equal to 1 followed by p − 1 symbols equal to 0. Table 1. Generalized Fibonacci p-r-sequences when r=2, Fp,r=2 (n). p=1 p=2 p=3 p=4 p=5 n=0 1 1 1 1 1 n=1 1 1 1 1 1 n=2 2 1 1 1 1 n=3 4 2 1 1 1 n=4 7 3 2 1 1 n=5 13 5 3 2 1 n=6 24 8 4 3 2 n=7 44 12 6 4 3 n=8 81 19 9 5 4 To demonstrate the importance of a key-dependent bit-plane decomposition, the Fibonacci representation of the number 255 is shown when r = 1 (Table 2) and r = 2 (Table 3) for different values of p. It is possible to notice that different combinations of p and r allow to obtain different representations of the same number. It is important to underline the relevance of the secret keys p, r; without disclosing these two parameters the hidden message cannot be recovered as shown in Figure 2. Table 2. Examples of the cp coefficients corresponding to the representation of the number 255 for the sequence Fp,r=1 (n). p=2 p=3 p=4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Table 3. Examples of the cp coefficients corresponding to the representation of the number 255 for the sequence Fp,r=2 (n). p=2 p=3 p=4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3. PROPOSED EMBEDDING SCHEME The proposed technique is based on a modified Least Significant Bit insertion scheme. In particular we propose to perform the bit planes decomposition by using the (p, r)-Fibonacci sequence. To reduce the perceived distortion on the watermarked image we select the areas to be modified on the base of a Local Activity Index (LAI) that takes into account the characteristics of the Human Visual System (HVS). In the performed simulations the LAI is based on the variance brightness. (a) Original watermark (d) p=3 r=2 (b) p=0 r=1 (e) p=4 r=4 (c) p=2 r=3 (f) p=2 r=2 Figure 2. Example of extracted watermarks when wrong combinations of p and r (b-e) and the right combination (f) are used. 3.1. Embedding procedure Based on the previous considerations the embedding procedure is performed as follows: • the luminance component of the cover image I of size N × N is partitioned in k non overlapping blocks bi with i = 1, . . . , k of size 8 × 8 pixels; • the LAI of each block bi is computed and the blocks are ranked in ascending order; • the watermark is inserted in lexicographic order in the least significant bit-plane of the (p,r )-code of the pixels belonging to the blocks with the highest rank; blocks with high activity usually contain contours, textures, eventually noise, and they are more robust with respect to embedding, than those with low activity, that contain mainly flat regions. • for each bit in bi : if the uniqueness constraints are fulfilled and the Fibonacci (p, r) coefficient vector is valid, the embedding is performed by substitution in the selected bit-plane otherwise the next bit in the block is considered; • if all the suitable bits in bi have been utilized, the next block is considered; • when the watermark has been entirely inserted in the cover image, the watermarked image is reconstructed by the Fibonacci’s representation of each blocks. 3.2. Blind extraction The blind extraction of the watermark requires the knowledge of its length, the set of bit-planes where it has been inserted, and the secret key pair (p, r). As illustrated in Figure 2, the use of a wrong pair leads to useless images, even if the other parameters are correct. It is important to underline that the embedding capacity is content related. In Table 4 the capacity for some images and for some (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences are reported. For this set, the minimum embedding capacity is equal to the 40% of the size of the original image. Table 4. Capacity values (bit) for some example sequences Fp,r (n). Airfield Baboon Barbara Boat F16 Hill Lake Lena Peppers p = 2, r = 2 166983 167306 170382 170205 174537 168690 166910 170713 165793 p = 3, r = 2 143075 151554 153918 154634 158953 153855 149246 152712 148103 p = 3, r = 3 143893 155722 155791 154419 158988 155629 153560 154684 150478 p = 4, r = 3 137945 140342 140526 141184 139738 138365 143099 139847 140450 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, several tests have been performed. A set of nine cover images of size 512 × 512 pixels has been utilized. In the experiments the inserted watermark is a binary matrix of size 128 × 128 pixels. The perceived quality of the watermarked image has been evaluated through the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR): µ ¶ L2 P SN R(db) = 10 log10 , M SE and the Weighted Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (WPSNR): µ W P SN R(db) = 10 log10 max(F )2 ||N V F (F 0 − F )||2 ¶ , where F and F 0 represent the two images that are compared and NVF is the Noise Visibility Function whose value is 1 in flat regions and zero in textured regions and along edges (Voloshynovskiy et al. 2001, Watson et al. 1997). In the following the comparison between the Fibonacci and the classical binary decomposition is performed. In the first case the parameters p and r allow to choose the number of bit-planes in which the image can be decomposed. This is possible thanks to the Equation 3. On the other hand, in the binary representation the number of bit-planes is strictly defined by the cardinality of the numbers to be represented. To compare the (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences with the binary one we performed some simulations. Tables 5 and 6 report the PSNR and WPSNR values obtained for Fp,r=1 (n) and Fp,r=2 (n) by varying the bit-plane chosen for the embedding from the least significant one to the fifth least significant one for the image Peppers. (a) PSNR(dB) p=0 p=1 p=2 p=3 p=4 LSB 67,3 67,2 67,3 67,1 67,5 2 61,3 61,1 61,1 61,3 61,6 3 55,2 58,0 57,5 58,0 57,7 (b) WPSNR(dB) 4 49,2 53,3 55,2 55,3 55,6 5 42,9 49,0 51,7 53,7 53,6 p=0 p=1 p=2 p=3 p=4 LSB 79,1 79,1 79,1 79,2 79,1 2 73,2 73,2 73,1 73,1 73,1 3 67,1 69,8 69,6 69,6 69,6 4 60,1 64,8 67,0 67,1 66,9 5 52,4 60,1 63,2 64,9 65,1 Table 5. PSNR (a) and WPSNR (b) values (dB) obtained for five combinations of p and r=1 by varying the bit-plane chosen for the embedding from the LSB to the fifth LSB for the image Peppers. In Table 5 it is possible to compare the behavior of the binary decomposition (corresponding to the case when p = 0, r = 1) versus some examples of Fp,r (n). The obtained results show a common trend for the PSNR and (a) PSNR(dB) p=1 p=2 p=3 p=4 p=5 LSB 67,2 67,4 67,1 67,0 67,1 2 61,2 61,1 61,1 61,1 61,3 3 55,4 57,7 57,9 57,8 57,8 (b) WPSNR(dB) 4 50,1 53,2 55,0 55,1 54,7 5 44,8 49,2 52,0 57,4 52,7 p=1 p=2 p=3 p=4 p=5 LSB 79,1 79,1 79,1 79,2 79,1 2 73,3 73,1 73,2 73,0 73,2 3 67,1 69,6 69,6 69,7 69,6 4 61,6 65,0 66,9 67,0 66,9 5 55,0 60,1 63,1 64,9 65,2 Table 6. PSNR (a) and WPSNR (b) values (dB) obtained for five combinations of p and r=2 by varying the bit-plane chosen for the embedding from the LSB to the fifth LSB for the image Peppers. WPSNR. An increase in the perceptual importance of the bit-plane where the embedding is performed, results in a degradation in the values of both the quality metrics. It is possible to notice that the classical LSB technique is equivalent to the Fibonacci LSB one in terms of PSNR and WPSNR, if the embedding is performed in the least significant bit-plane. When increasing the perceptual importance of the selected bit-plane, the Fibonacci case outperforms the classical one. In particular, when we consider the fifth least significant bit-plane, the PSNR gains 11dB with respect to the classical LSB in the case Fp=5,r=1 (n). This suggests that different bit-planes other than the least significant one can be used. Figure 3 shows the resulting watermarked images when the binary representation is used (b) and when the (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences are used (c-d). (a) Original image (b) Fp=0,r=1 (n) (c) Fp=2,r=1 (n) (d) Fp=2,r=2 (n) Figure 3. Example of watermarked images when different (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences are used. Table 6 shows the results obtained for some Fp,r (n). In this case the PSNR and WPSNR are computed when the watermark is inserted in the least significant bit-plane. Finally, in Table 7, the PSNR and WPSNR are evaluated when the maximum capacity of the cover image is exploited. Table 7. PSNR(dB) and WPSNR(dB) values between the original image and five watermarked images when the maximum embedding capacity is exploited. PSNR p = 2, r = 2 p = 3, r = 2 p = 3, r = 3 p = 4, r = 3 WPSNR p = 2, r = 2 p = 3, r = 2 p = 3, r = 3 p = 4, r = 3 Airfield 51,12 51,16 51,14 51,14 Airfield 65,98 65,41 65,81 65,66 Baboon 51,16 51,13 51,14 51,16 Baboon 66,38 66,33 66,38 66,31 Barbara 51,14 51,16 51,14 51,17 Barbara 66,28 66,36 66,33 66,29 Boat 51,15 51,14 51,15 51,15 Boat 66,26 66,28 66,24 66,23 F16 51,16 51,13 51,14 51,15 F16 66,22 66,03 66,11 65,88 Hill 51,14 51,12 51,16 51,16 Hill 66,29 66,27 66,31 66,38 Lake 51,14 51,14 51,13 51,12 Lake 66,19 66,27 66,27 66,27 Lena 51,13 51,14 51,16 51,13 Lena 66,19 66,19 66,33 66,19 Peppers 51,13 51,13 51,15 51,15 Peppers 65,99 66,02 66,12 66,05 5. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have introduced a novel data hiding scheme based on the (p, r)-Fibonacci sequences. We propose a modification of the traditional LSB embedding technique. The luminance component of each pixel of the image is decomposed by using two secret parameters p and r. 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