Rear End Components - Vanishing Point Race Cars
Rear End Components - Vanishing Point Race Cars
Rear End Components 11” MaRK WIllIaMS ModUlaR ReaRS Finally Pro Mod and Nitro Coupe racers have an option when it comes to rear end assemblies. Trying to build a 9” Ford to handle these cars is now a thing of the past. The new 11” Pro 4-link rear from Mark Williams represents the ultimate assembly for high horsepower 4-link and swing arm drag race cars such as Pro Mods and Nitro Coupes. at the heart is a rugged center module that is cast from the same tough aircraft alloy used in all MW cast aluminum components. It also incorporates the thru bolt design carried over from the MW 9” Ford aluminum cases. The bolt pattern on the mounting faces on both sides of the center is the same as MW’s highly successful 9” modular rear. This means with slight modification all the existing MW modular hardware such as 4-link brackets, lower tie bar, end bells and floater assembly will bolt directly to this new 11” assembly, simplifying a change over from a MW 9” modular. The gear set which features an 11” ring gear and 40 spline pinion shaft are produced exclusively for MW by Richmond Gear with MW90775 most popular ratios currently available. Using a Mark Williams Rear? Throughout our Rear Suspension Components section, you’ll notice that we’ve structured some of our kits to work with the Mark Williams aluminum rear ends. If you’re using a Mark Williams aluminum rear end, request the part numbers that end in “MWK”. MW90020 MW90770 MW90775 MW90775/lF 11” Modular Center Section .... $8,797.95 11” Modular Floater Rear w/ Steel Brakes .... $14,105.95 11” Modular Floater Rear w/ Carbon Brakes .... $17,290.00 11” Modular Floater Rear w/ Carbon Brakes .... $12,959.00 9” MaRK WIllIaMS ModUlaR ReaRS The MW Modular 9” Pro 4-link housing is the ultimate for the suspended rear race car. all 4-link brackets are CNC-machined from 7075 billet aircraft alloy aluminum. The layout of the 4-link attachment points is the same as used by the leading Pro Stock chassis builders with the 4-link tubes on 20” centers. Units are available in both floater and flange type axle configurations. Unique design features include indexing lugs on each 4-link bracket that positively lock inner and outer brackets to each other and to the housing. This insures perfect alignment of all components and eliminates the possibility of housing and third member shifting between the brackets. To further strengthen the assembly, an aluminum cross tie bar is used to secure the 4-link brackets to the bottom of the housing. The housing also has provisions for either upper or lower wishbone attachment along with shock and wheelie bar mounts. Holes in the 4-link brackets accommodate rod ends with 5/8” cross holes. Standard housing has a 37” wheel to wheel width and 20” 4-link centers. others are available at an extra charge. MW97000 MW97050 MW99700 MW99700-C MW99050 MW99050-3rd MW99750 9” Modular Flange Rear w/ Steel Brakes .... $6,797.00 9” Modular Flange Rear w/ Carbon Brakes .... $8,901.00 9” Modular Floater Rear w/ Steel Brakes .... $8,422.35 9” Modular Floater Rear w/ Third Member Upgrades .... $9,054.64 9” Modular Floater Rear w/ Carbon Brakes .... $10,358.00 9” Modular Floater Rear w/ Carbon Brakes less 3rd Member .... $9,289.11 9” Gen II Modular Floater Rear w/ Carbon Brakes .... $10,690.67 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 14 MW97000 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components ReaR PaRTS MW3100-255 MW55008-40-36 MW55010 MW55021 MW55066 MW55069 MW55070 MW57448-95S MW57638 MW57680 MW90015 MW90121-a MW90127 MW90100 MW90305 MW90337 MW91100 MW91100-9 MW91110 MW93061 PB-6013CB2RS PB-6014CB2RS Snap Ring for 11” Floater Hub .... $3.40 Shaft, Floater PR 34-36" w/ 2 Spiral-lox Ring for 40 Spline .... $495.00 outer Floater Bearing .... $69.50 MW Caliper Mount Floater Rear .... $40.00 Floater Hub 5 on 5 Steel Rotor .... $551.00 Carbon Brake Floater Hub 5-1/2” b/c .... $551.00 Inner Floater Bearing .... $108.89 Case, alum 9.5” Ford w/ Steel Caps 3.812 .... $725.00 MW 11” Rear Shim Kit .... $35.00 MW 9” large Pinion Support w/ Bearings .... $280.00 o-Ring for 11” Rear Cover .... $9.83 MW Rear Bell .... $525.00 Seal, end Bell Modular Housing .... $9.80 MW 9” aluminum Center Housing w/ Studs .... $874.88 Bracket, Caliper Floater Series 2, 70mm .... $66.00 long Floater Spindle Gen II .... $576.13 lube Pump assembly for MW Rears .... $635.00 lube Pump assembly for MW 9” Rears .... $750.06 MW Modify Pinion for 3/8 Hex Pump drive 9” Rear .... $134.15 Floater Wheel Stud .... $11.90 Ceramic Floater Bearings Inner Bearing .... $194.64 Ceramic Floater Hub outer Bearing .... $258.60 HoUSING eNdS 44-01 44-02 44-03 44-04 MW58595 MW58598 MW58515 MW58572 MW58570 Big Ford Housing ends, pair .... $70.00 Small Ford Housing ends, pair .... $70.00 olds Housing ends, pair .... $70.00 Mopar Housing ends, pair .... $70.00 Pro Mod Housing ends w/ Seal, pair .... $232.00 Pro Mod Housing ends w/o Seal, pair .... $208.00 Pro Mod Housing end Seal .... $13.56 Stud Kit for Pro Mod Housing ends .... $51.00 3/8” Studs for Housing ends (will not fit Mopar 5-bolt housing ends) .... $33.42 44-01 44-02 44-03 MW58595 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 15 44-04 MW58598 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components SPoolS We stock and sell Strange and Moser spools in any spline you need. These lightweight, forged steel units will hold up to the abuse race cars put out. 46-01 46-02 46-03 46-05 46-06 46-04 46-11 46-12 46-07 46-08 46-10 46-15 46-16 46-19 46-09 Strange dana 60 40 Spline Spool, 4:56 - 7:17 ratio .... $279.50 Strange dana 60 35 Spline Spool, 3:54, 3:73 & 4:10 ratio .... $219.00 Strange dana 60 35 Spline Spool, 4:56 - 7:17 ratio .... $219.00 Strange ‘57-’64 olds 35 Spline Spool .... $219.00 Strange 12-Bolt 30 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 12-Bolt 33 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 8-3/4” Mopar 30 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 8-3/4” Mopar 35 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 9” 31 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 9” 33 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 9” 35 Spline Spool .... $189.50 Strange 9” 35 Spline aluminum Spool .... $398.04 Strange 9” 40 Spline Spool .... $279.50 Strange 9” Ford 40 Spline Spool, 2.25” bearing .... $279.50 Moser 9” 33 Spline Spool .... $200.00 MaRK WIllIaMS 5/8” WHeel STUd KITS MW51540 MW51580 MW51500 MW51590 MW51560 When choosing wheel studs, make sure you order using correct shank length. 7/8” shoulder, 7/8” threads .... $125.00 1-3/16” shoulder, 7/8” threads .... $125.00 1-1/2” shoulder, 1-3/16” threads .... $125.00 1-3/4” shoulder, 7/8” threads .... $125.00 2” shoulder, 1-3/16” threads .... $125.00 SPool BeaRINGS 49-01 49-02 49-03 49-04 49-05 49-06 dana 60 Spool Bearings, pr .... $79.00 9” Ford 3.25 Case Spool Bearings, pr .... $36.00 9” Ford 3.062 Case Spool Bearings, pr .... $36.00 9” Ford 2.891 Case Spool Bearings, pr .... $36.00 ‘57-’64 olds & 8-3/4” Mopar Spool Bearings, pr .... $36.00 12 Bolt Chevy Spool Bearings, pr .... $36.00 axle BeaRINGS 48-08 48-05 48-06 48-04 48-07 MW58508 axle Bearings 2.834” x 1.562”, pr .... $75.34 axle Bearings 3.150” x 1.531”, pr .... $75.34 axle Bearings 3.150” x 1.562”, pr .... $75.34 axle Bearings 3.150” x 1.771”, pr .... $75.34 axle Bearings Mopar, pr .... $75.34 double Row axle Bearings, pr .... $285.18 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 16 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components ReaR HoUSINGS all phases of rear end housings available. Services include narrowing your housing, supplying a custom narrowed back brace and bracketed housing all the way up to 4130 fabricated full floater Pro Mod housing. VPRC has the strongest and best quality on all rear end housings we produce! 43-003a 43-003aK 43-003BK MS Fab 9” Rear Housing 44” Wide - BlaNK .... $695.00 MS Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Braced & Bracketed w/ adjustable Shock Mount and Choice of end .... $2,271.25 MS Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Braced & Bracketed w/ Choice of ends .... $2,271.25 43-09a 43-09aK 43-09BK Pro 9” Rear Housing 44” Wide - BlaNK .... $690.27 Pro 9” Rear Housing Fully Braced & Bracketed w/ adjustable Shock Mount and Choice of ends .... $1,926.25 Pro 9” Rear Housing Fully Braced & Bracketed w/ Choice of ends .... $1,897.50 43-15a 43-15aU 43-15Ba 43-15BaU 43-15aK 43-15BK 43-15MWBFK1 43-15UMWBFK1 43-15STBFK1 43-15USTBFK1 43-06K 43-07K 43-08K 43-11K 43-10K P2362 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing 44” Wide, 3-1/4” Tube - BlaNK .... $895.00 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing 44” Wide, 3-1/4” Tube - UNWelded BlaNK .... $520.00 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing 44” Wide, 3-1/2” Tube - BlaNK .... $950.00 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing 44” Wide, 3-1/2” Tube - UNWelded BlaNK .... $575.00 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Braced & Bracketed w/ adjustable Shock Mount and Choice of ends .... $3,047.50 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Braced & Bracketed w/ Choice of ends .... $3.047.50 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Bracketed & Braced w/ Mark Williams Floater Spindles .... $4,542.50 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Bracketed & Braced w/ Mark Williams Floater Spindles, Unwelded .... $1,868.75 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Bracketed & Braced w/ Strange Floater Spindles .... $4,197.50 CM Fab 9” Rear Housing Fully Bracketed & Braced w/ Strange Floater Spindles, Unwelded .... $1,753.75 oeM dana 60 Housing Narrowed w/ Choice of ends .... $488.75 oeM Mopar 8-3/4” Housing Narrowed w/ Choice of ends .... $488.75 oeM 9” Housing Narrowed w/ Choice of ends .... $488.75 oeM 8-3/4” Back Brace .... $172.50 oeM 9” Back Brace .... $143.75 1/8” NPT Breather Plug .... $6.40 “ BLANK ” 43-15BK (Shown Powder Coated) 43-003a 43-15a all VPRC 4130 fabricated housings are constructed to the utmost tolerances. Jig aligned and heli-arc welded using.250 thick 4130 face plate, 1/8” thick formed shell, 1/4” thick internal bracing and a fabricated deep design back brace. This housing is second to none in superior strength and quality. Complete with large VPRC logo filler and 3/4” drain and vent cap and stud kit all included. Buy a “BlaNK” or completely bracketed out 4130-fabricated VPRC Housing and you will then have the best there is. Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 17 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components CoMPleTe 9” FoRd ReaR This is a race-ready rear, packaged together for ease of buying a rear. Complete 9” narrowed housing with new tubes and housing ends. Strange 35 spline axles, 5/8” wheel studs, Wilwood brakes, Strange spool, Strange case with aluminum pin support, 1350 pinion yoke, Richmond ring and pinion, all new bearings throughout and assembled by VPRC. 51-01 9” Ford Rear Complete w/ Strange axles, third member, brakes, bearings and studs .... $2,895.00 Complete 9” Ford Rear (Shown with optional brackets) CoMPleTe daNa 60 ReaR The dana 60 is a race-ready narrowed rear, fully assembled with Strange axles, Strange spool, Richmond ring and pinion, Strange caps with bolts, new bearings throughout, 5/8” wheel studs and new housing ends. 51-02 dana 60 Complete Rear end assembly w/ Strange axles, spool, R&P set up, bearings and studs .... $1,595.00 THIRd MeMBeR PaRTS 1111-52 1200-48 23-10 23-11 23-20 23-21 23-22 23-23 23-24 Toms-01 Toms-02 Toms-03 Toms-04 Toms-3rd 9” Ford Gasket .... $12.10 9” Center Studs, 10 pieces .... $20.00 Nodular Case w/ Steel Caps & adjusters, 3.250” bore .... $329.00 Strange aluminum Case w/ Caps & adjusters, 3.250” bore .... $379.50 Strange aluminum Pinion Support less bearings, shims, seals .... $120.05 Strange Pinion assembly Kit for large Pinion .... $45.50 Strange Pinion assembly Kit for Stock Pinion .... $49.50 9” Standard Pinion Nut .... $6.05 9” Pro Pinion Nut .... $6.05 Set Up Kit, spool bearing, pinion bearing, spacer, seal, ring gear bolts .... $245.67 9-1/2” Ring Gear Pinion Support .... $316.25 456 large Stem Ring and Pinion .... $425.00 9-1/2” Ring and Pinion in 3:40 Ratio .... $610.31 Pro Mod Third (not assembled) w/ choice of Ring and Pinion .... $4,233.13 23-10 23-11 23-22 23-21 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 18 23-20 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components MaRK WIllIaMS THIRd MeMBeRS MW57007 MW57008 MW57009 MW57011 MW57014 MW57019 MW57021 MW57022 e.T. Bracket Nodular Iron Case 3.062 bore, standard spool - 28, 31, 35 or 40 spline, stock Ford pinion yoke, tapered support, 3.00 to 6.50 Richmond 8620 gear, 72 lbs .... $1,687.00 Super Class eT Bracket aluminum thru Bolt Case 3.250 bore, lightweight steel spool, MW 35 spline 1350 series pinion yoke, ball bearing support, 3.89 to 4.86 Richmond large pinion pro gear, 58 lbs .... $2,105.00 Pro Stock aluminum thru Bolt Case 3.812 bore, 40 spline aluminum spool, MW 35 spline 1350 series pinion yoke, ball bearing support, 3.89 to 4.86 Richmond large pinion pro gear .... $2,275.00 Pro Mod aluminum thru Bolt Case 3.812 bore, 40 spline lightweight steel spool, MW 35 spline 1350 series pinion yoke, ball bearing support, 3.20 to 4.86 Richmond large pinion pro gear, 62 lbs .... $2,250.00 Pro Stock 9-1/2' aluminum thru Bolt Case 3.812 bore, 40 spline aluminum spool, MW 1350 series pinion yoke, ball bearing support, 4.10 to 5.22 ratio Richmond 9-1/2' Pro Gear .... $2,330.00 Pro Stock aluminum thru Bolt Case 3.812 bore, 40 spline aluminum spool, MW 28 spline 1350 series pinion yoke, ball bearing support, 4.86 to 6.50 Richmond standard pinion pro gear .... $2,775.00 Pro Mod aluminum thru Bolt Case 3.812 bore, 40 spline steel spool, MW 35 spline 1350 series pinion yoke, ball bearing support, 4.10 to 4.86 Richmond large pinion 9-1/2" pro gear, 68 lbs .... $2,417.00 low Friction 9-1/2” Third Member 5.00 thru 5.50 ratio, Sub-Zero, Supra-Fin treated 9-1/2” gears, specify ratio .... $4,275.00 STRaNGe THIRd MeMBeRS STGPRF115 STGPRF165 STGPRF205 STGPRF215 STGPRF225 STGPRFoP1 STGPRFoP21 STGPRFoP23 STGPRFoP25 STGPRFoP3 STGPRFoP5 STGRP07995 STGGM12Bolt 9” Pro Iron Center Section fully assembled with lightweight 31-35 spline spool, forged aluminum support, 4.86 to 6.50 Strange small stem pro 9310 gear set and CM yoke .... $1,309.00 9” lightweight aluminum Center Section fully assembled with lightweight 31-35 spline spool, forged aluminum support, 4.86 to 6.50 Strange small stem pro 9310 gear set and CM yoke .... $1,382.70 Strange 3.250 bore aluminum Ultracase fully assembled with lightweight 35 spline spool, billet aluminum pinion support, 4.86 to 6.50 Strange small stem pro 9310 gear set and CM yoke .... $1,593.90 3.812 bore aluminum Ultracase fully assembled with lightweight 40 spline 2.250 bearing journal spool, billet aluminum pinion support, 4.86 to 6.50 Strange small stem pro 9310 gear set and CM yoke .... $1,679.50 3.812 bore aluminum Ultracase fully assembled with lightweight 40 spline 2.250 bearing journal spool, billet aluminum pinion support, 3.89 to 4.86 Strange large stem pro 9310 gear set and CM yoke .... $1,729.00 40 Spline Spool Upgrade option .... $73.34 Yoke Upgrade option from Steel Yoke to Titanium Yoke .... $470.00 Pro Gear Upgrade option from 9” large stem pro gear to 9.50” gear set .... $192.50 Ball Bearing Support Upgrade option .... $110.00 Ball Bearing Support Upgrade option .... $103.95 Pro Gear Upgrade option from small stem to large stem .... $50.82 Ford 9.5' Ring and Pinion large Stem, 35 spline option, Gear Ratio 4.57 .... $687.50 Gear Set, GM 12-Bolt w/4-Series Spool, 3.73 Ratio .... $211.25 STGPRF115 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa STGPRF165 STGPRF205 STGPRF215 STGPRF225 April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 19 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components RING aNd PINIoN 9” FORD STANDARD 112-02 STd 3:25 Ratio .... $198.00 112-04 STd 3:50 Ratio .... $169.00 112-05 STd 3:70 Ratio .... $169.00 112-06 STd 3:89 Ratio .... $169.00 112-07 STd 4:00 Ratio .... $373.00 112-08 STd 4:11 Ratio .... $169.00 112-09 STd 4:30 Ratio .... $169.00 112-10 STd 4:57 Ratio .... $188.00 112-11 STd 4:86 Ratio .... $188.00 112-12 STd 5:14 Ratio .... $188.00 112-13 STd 5:29 Ratio .... $188.00 112-14 STd 5:43 Ratio .... $188.00 112-15 STd 5:67 Ratio .... $188.00 112-16 STd 5:83 Ratio .... $188.00 112-17 STd 6:00 Ratio .... $188.00 112-18 STd 6:14 Ratio .... $250.00 112-19 STd 6:33 Ratio .... $188.00 9” FORD PRO 112-20 PRo 3:40 Ratio .... $388.99 112-21 PRo 3:50 Ratio .... $388.99 112-22 PRo 3:70 Ratio .... $388.99 112-23 PRo 3:89 Ratio .... $388.99 112-24 PRo 4:11 Ratio .... $388.99 112-25 PRo 4:29 Ratio .... $388.99 112-26 PRo 4:57 Ratio .... $388.99 112-27 PRo 4:71 Ratio .... $388.99 112-28 PRo 4:86 Ratio .... $388.99 112-32 PRo 5:43 Ratio .... $388.99 112-29 PRo 4:86 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $388.99 112-30 PRo 5:14 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 112-31 PRo 5:29 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 112-33 PRo 5:67 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 112-34 PRo 5:83 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 112-35 PRo 6:00 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 112-36 PRo 6:20 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 112-37 PRo 6:50 Ratio - Small Stem Ring .... $371.11 11” MARK WILLIAMS 112-55 PRo 3:20 Ratio .... $1,800.00 112-56 PRo 3:89 Ratio .... $1,800.00 112-58 PRo 4:11 Ratio .... $1,800.00 112-54 PRo 4:30 Ratio .... $1,800.00 112-57 lightened PRo 3:89 Ratio .... $2,062.94 DANA 60 STANDARD 112-38 STd 3:54 Ratio .... $276.67 112-39 STd 3:73 Ratio .... $226.67 112-40 STd 4:10 Ratio .... $265.56 112-41 STd 4:56 Ratio .... $226.67 112-42 STd 4:88 Ratio .... $226.67 DANA 60 PRO 112-45 PRo 4:10 Ratio .... $416.67 112-46 PRo 4:56 Ratio .... $416.67 112-47 PRo 4:88 Ratio .... $416.67 112-48 PRo 5:13 Ratio .... $330.00 112-49 PRo 5:38 Ratio .... $388.89 112-52 PRo 6:17 Ratio .... $438.89 112-53 PRo 6:50 Ratio .... $438.89 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 20 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components STRaNGe axleS STGa1000 STGa1005 STGa1006 STGa2000 STGa2040 STGa2100 STGB1855 STGF1292 STGF2201 STGF2203WC STGF2209 STGF2210 STGF2211WC STGF2212WC Pro Race Hy-Tuf axles up to 35 Spline, pair .... $410.30 lightweight option for Strange 35 Spline Gun drilled .875 Id axles w/ five 1” round holes in flange, pair .... $128.40 lightweight option for Strange axles - Pocket Mill axle Flange, pair .... $74.50 Pro Race Hy-Tuf 40 Spline Gun drilled .875 Id axles w/ five STGa1000 1” lightening holes in flange, pair .... $522.50 40 Spline Hy-Tuf Gun drilled Floater Shaft, per shaft .... $198.00 Pro Race Hy-Tuf 40 Spline Solid axles w/ five 1” lightening holes in flange, pair .... $437.80 Caliper Kit w/ Metallic Pads for Steel Brake Floater axle Kit .... $359.00 13-1/2” long Floater Spindles, pair .... $440.00 lightweight scalloped hub aluminum full floating axle kit for 40-spline floater shafts, 13-1/2” long spindles. Fits on 5 on 5-1/2” b/c. axles and caliper kit are sold separately .... $1,555.05 lightweight scalloped hub aluminum full floating axle kit for 40-spline floater shafts, 13-1/2” long spindles. Kit includes carbon rotors, carbon pads and brake calipers. Fits on 5 on 5-1/2” bc. axles are sold separately .... $4,504.92 aluminum full floating axle kit w/ steel brakes for 40 spline floater shafts, 8-1/2” long spindles. Fits on 5 on 4-3/4” b/c and 5 on 5” b/c. Gun drilled axle Kit #STGa2040 and caliper kit #STGB1855 are sold separately .... $1,335.42 aluminum full floating axle kit for 40 spline floater shafts,13-1/2” long spindles. Fits on 5 on 4-3/4” b/c and 5 on 5” b/c. axles and caliper kit are sold separately .... $1,454.15 aluminum full floating axle kit for 40 spline floater shafts, 13-1/2” long spindles. Kit includes carbon rotors, carbon pads and brake calipers. Fits on 5 on 4-3/4” b/c and 5 on 5” b/c. axles are sold separately .... $4,504.92 aluminum full floating axle kit w/ carbon brakes for 40 spline floater shafts, 8-1/2” spindles. Fits on 5 on 4-3/4” b/c and 5 on 5” b/c. Gun drilled axle Kit #STGa2040 and 13-1/2” long spindle option #STGF1292 are sold separately .... $4,386.22 STGa2000 STGF2210 STRaNGe axle PaCKaGeS STGP1007 STGP100758 STGP1013 STGP1014 STGP1015 STGP1016 Pro Race Hy-Tuf axles up to 35 Spline, axle Bearings and 1/2” Stud Kit .... $439.49 Pro Race Hy-Tuf axles up to 35 Spline, axle Bearings and 5/8” Stud Kit .... $489.50 Pro Race Hy-Tuf Gun drilled axles up to 35 Spline w/ five 1” lightening holes in flange, axle Bearings and 5/8” Stud Kit .... $606.04 Pro Race Hy-Tuf 40 Spline Gun drilled axles w/ five 1” lightening holes in flange, axle Bearings and 5/8” Stud Kit .... $632.40 Pro Race Hy-Tuf 40 Spline Gun drilled axles w/ five 1” lightening holes in flange, double Row Bearings and 5/8” Stud Kit .... $780.00 Pro Race Hy-Tuf 40 Spline Solid axles w/ five 1” lightening holes in flange, axle Bearings and 5/8” Stud Kit .... $551.74 Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 21 STGP1014 STGP1016 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075 Rear End Components MaRK WIllIaMS axleS MW-34 MW50100 MW50400 MW50500 MW50800 MW55004 MW55035 MW95400 MW95450 MW95555 MW95570 MW95700 MW95750 MW95800 MW95850 MW76x6261 o-Ring - 40 Spline Floater Cover .... $3.43 Standard Hi-Torque axles, pair .... $606.00 Pro Street Hi-Torque axles, pair .... $606.00 Gun drilled Superlight Hi-Torque axles, pair .... $ 742.00 Gun drilled Ultimate Hi-Torque axles, pair .... $ 1,138.00 Floater Spindle ea., Short Spindle 7-7/16” overall length, 3-1/32” length from flange .... $479.61 Floater Spindle ea., long Spindle 12-9/16” overall length, 8-1/8” length from flange .... $402.00 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5” b/c, Carbon Brakes .... $5,872.38 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5” b/c, Carbon Brakes, less Floater Spindles .... $5,391.00 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5-1/2” b/c, Carbon Brakes .... $5,872.38 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5-1/2” b/c, Carbon Brakes, less Floater Spindles .... $5,326.60 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5” b/c, Steel Brakes .... $3,087.62 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5” b/c, Steel Brakes, less Floater Spindles .... $2,627.63 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5-1/2” b/c, Steel Brakes .... $3,087.62 Gen II 40 Spline Floater Kit 5 on 5-1/2” b/c, Steel Brakes, less Floater Spindles .... $2,541.90 Seal for 40 Spline drive Plate .... $12.50 MW95700 MW95400 MoSeR axleS MSR040 MSR2835 MSRex MSRoPFl MSRoPGd Geese & Carey enterprises llC dBa Vanishing Point Race Cars 32201 Queen anne Hwy Queen anne, Md 21657 USa Custom alloy axles 40 Spline, pair .... $458.33 Custom alloy axles up to 35 Spline, pair .... $347.22 extreme axles 40 Spline, Star Flanged and Gun drilled, pair .... $625.00 Flanged lightening option for 35 and 40 Spline axles, pair .... $55.00 Gun drilled option for 35 and 40 Spline axles, pair .... $111.12 April, 2016. Prices are subject to change without notice. 22 Phone Fax email Web (410) 364-5072 (410) 364-5075
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