2006 Print Catalog - Reflective Art Inc.
2006 Print Catalog - Reflective Art Inc.
2006 Catalog Supplement w ild lif e “Feeding in the Thistles” by Hayden Lambson LE 1 LE-362 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5675 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Lone Star Buck” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-336 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5634 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Sanctuary” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-344 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5645 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Coming My Way” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-334 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5632 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Respect Your Elders” by Hayden Lambson OE 5652 Framed Size: 8" x 10" w ild lif e “Orchard Raiders” by John D. Cogan LE LE-347 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5651 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Snow Blind” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-351 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5662 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “The Hideout” by Dallen Lambson OE 1175 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5667 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4369 FS: 16" x 20" “Boundaries” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-359 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5669 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Hindsight’s 20/20” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-343 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5644 Framed Size: 8" x 10" 2 w ild lif e “The Game Plan” by John D. Cogan LE 3 LE-361 Framed Size: 23" x 38" (Edition 5500) OE 9250 Framed Size: 10" x 20" “Up At 3 a.m.” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-349 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5660 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Texas Titan” by Dallen Lambson OE 1163 Framed Size: 22" x 30" OE 4357 Framed Size: 16" x 20" “The Sentry” by Dallen Lambson OE 1161 Framed Size: 22" x 30" OE 4355 Framed Size: 16" x 20" “Winter Escapade” by Dallen Lambson OE 1156 Framed Size: 22" x 30" OE 5642 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4352 Framed Size: 16" x 20" OE 5647 FS: 8" x 10" OE 5637 FS: 8" x 10" w ild lif e “Woodland Retreat” by D. Lambson OE 1162 Framed Size: 30" x 22" OE 4356 Framed Size: 20" x 16" OE 5648 Framed Size: 10" x 8" “Corndodger” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-338 FS: 30" x 22" (Ed. 5500) OE 5636 Framed Size: 10" x 8" “The Bachelor Party” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-335 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5633 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Rub Down” by Dallen Lambson OE 5641 Framed Size: 10" x 8" “Torn” by Dallen Lambson OE 5671 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “A Late Start on Opening Day” by Dallen Lambson OE OE 953 Framed Size: 23" x 38" 5079 Framed Size: 17" x 27" OE OE 4370 Framed Size: 16" x 20" 9248 Framed Size: 10" x 20" OE 5676 Framed Size: 8" x 10" 4 w ild lif e “Phantom of Smoky Ridge” by Hayden Lambson LE 5 LE-363 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5668 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Only a Matter of Time” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-350 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5661 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Splitting Hares” by Dallen Lambson OE 1159 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5643 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4353 FS: 16" x 20" “Reflection Cove” by Dallen Lambson OE 1164 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5650 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4359 FS: 16" x 20" OE 9224 FS: 10" x 20" “Evening’s Moment of Glory” by John D. Cogan OE 1177 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5673 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4372 FS: 16" x 20" w ild lif e wildlife “The Summons” by Dallen Lambson OE 5659 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “The Recluse” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-337 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5635 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Alert and Alive” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-346 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5649 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “The Bachelor Pad” by Dallen Lambson OE 1170 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5658 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4364 FS: 16" x 20" “Rocky Mountain High” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-352 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5663 Framed Size: 8" x 10" 6 w ild lif e “Blind Sided” by Hayden Lambson LE LE-360 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5670 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Mirror Image” by John D. Cogan OE 1167 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5654 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4361 FS: 16" x 20" OE 9242 FS: 10" x 20" “Nature’s Palette” by Dallen Lambson OE 5674 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Quail Ridge” by Dallen Lambson OE 5653 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Ole Yeller Strikes Again” by Fred W. Thomas 7 OE 1168 FS: 22" x 30" OE 4362 FS: 16" x 20" OE 5656 FS: 8" x 10" OE 9245 FS: 10" x 20" w ild lif e “Pole Position” by Fred W. Thomas LE LE-358 Framed Size: 23" x 38" (Edition 5500) OE 9249 Framed Size: 10" x 20" “The Lure Collector” by Fred W. Thomas LE LE-341 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5640 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Prime Time” by Fred W. Thomas LE LE-340 Framed Size: 22" x 30" (Edition 5500) OE 5639 Framed Size: 8" x 10" “Out of Cover” by Fred W. Thomas OE 1174 FS: 22" x 30" OE 5666 FS: 8" x 10" OE 4368 FS: 16" x 20" OE 9247 FS: 10" x 20" “Local Legend” by Larry Tucci OE OE 1176 FS: 22" x 30" 4371 FS: 16" x 20" OE 5677 FS: 8" x 10" 8 w ild lif e 9 “Saturday Evening Posts” D. Lambson OE 1172 Framed Size: 30" x 22" OE 4366 Framed Size: 20" x 16" OE 5664 Framed Size: 10" x 8" “Goodmorning Kiss” by Dallen Lambson OE 1169 Framed Size: 30" x 22" OE 4363 Framed Size: 20" x 16" OE 5657 Framed Size: 10" x 8" “Rise and Shine” by Dallen Lambson OE 1173 Framed Size: 30" x 22" OE 4367 Framed Size: 20" x 16" OE 5665 Framed Size: 10" x 8" “Sticks and Stones” by Dallen Lambson OE 1171 Framed Size: 30" x 22" OE 4365 Framed Size: 20" x 16" OE 5672 Framed Size: 10" x 8" w ild lif e Dallen Lambson As the son of Hayden Lambson, Dallen took it upon himself to be the apple "that didn’t fall far from the tree. Born March 4, 1977, he was the third in a family of eight children although the first to make a living as an artist, much like his father. Reflecting back on the blessing of being raised in a large family, Dallen says, “It was a nice arrangement. Everyone had someone to beat up on.” He has always considered his family upbringing to be a big influence (mostly for good) in his life. “There is something very stabilizing that comes with being raised in a home where God and family take priority.” Dallen has many fond memories with his family; road trips, camping, hunting, fishing, and getting left behind at the gas station 400 miles from home. It was in that kind of setting that Dallen began to develop an urgency for a sense of direction, and an interest in the work his dad was doing as a wildlife artist. Dallen went on to graduate from Highland High School in 1995, after which he served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the upstate New York area (making good on a promise he had made with the Lord back at the aforementioned gas station). Upon his return he went right back to hunting, fishing, and drawing, finding a little time in between to pursue a Business Degree at Idaho State University. While at ISU, Dallen met his future wife, Lisa Karlson. “Lisa was this very attractive girl with an even more beautiful personality. She was so far out of my league I had to marry her.” After several long hours of trying to convince her that he could take care of her by being an artist with a Bachelors in Business Management, she finally conceded. They were soon married on August 1, 2002. and now living happily in Pocatello. Lisa and Dallen were blessed with two children. Haven, their first son, passed away soon after he was born. Dax is their younger boy who is growing up to be a strapping young buck. Dallen considers his little family to be among the most priceless possessions in his life. Currently, he spends much of his time sharing studio space with his Dad, shootin’ the bull, and occasionally getting some painting and drawing done. His artwork can be found carved into junior high school desks and several quaking asps around Idaho, and internationally in various retail and sporting goods stores. When not at work or play, he enjoys time with his family and fulfilling church callings. Dallen would like to extend a heart felt thank you to those who have gone to bat for him throughout his career. Like many things, success in the wildlife art industry requires some fortunate breaks along the way and people willing to steer you in the right direction. ‘It’s not who you know– it’s who knows you’. “My dad has been my biggest advocate. His efforts, combined with those of so many others, have been the driving force in this venture. Furthermore, I am one of those who believe that all good things in this life come from a loving Father in Heaven. To Him I am most grateful, and sincerely hope that my conduct and character reflect that gratitude.” 10 INDEX BY PRINT NUMBER w ild lif e SKU 953 1156 1159 1161 1162 1163 1164 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 4352 4353 4355 4356 4357 4359 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 5079 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 9224 9242 PRINT TITLE A Late Start on Opening Day Winter Escapade Splitting Hares The Sentry Woodland Retreat Texas Titan Reflection Cove Mirror Image Ole Yeller Strikes Again Good Morning Kiss The Bachelor Pad Sticks and Stones Saturday Evening Posts Rise and Shine Out of Cover The Hideout Local Legend Evening’s Moment of Glory Winter Escapade Splitting Hares The Sentry Woodland Retreat Texas Titan Reflection Cove Mirror Image Ole Yeller Strikes Again Good Morning Kiss The Bachelor Pad Sticks and Stones Saturday Evening Posts Rise and Shine Out of Cover The Hideout A Late Start on Opening Day Local Legend Evening’s Moment of Glory A Late Start on Opening Day Coming My Way The Bachelor Party Lone Star Buck The Recluse Corndodger Texas Titan Prime Time The Lure Collector Rub Down Winter Escapade Splitting Hares Hindsight’s 20-20 Sanctuary The Sentry Woodland Retreat Alert and Alive Reflection Cove Orchard Raiders Respect Your Elders Quail Ridge Mirror Image Ole Yeller Strikes Again Good Morning Kiss The Bachelor Pad The Summons Up at 3a.m. Only a Matter of Time Snow Blind Rocky Mountain High Saturday Evening Posts Rise and Shine Out of Cover The Hideout Phantom of Smoky Ridge Boundaries Blind Sided Torn Sticks and Stones Evening’s Moment of Glory Nature’s Palette Feeding in the Thistles A Late Start on Opening Day Local Legend Reflection Cove Mirror Image ARTIST D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Cogan Thomas D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Thomas D. Lambson Tucci Cogan D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Cogan Thomas D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Thomas D. Lambson D. Lambson Tucci Cogan D. Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson D. Lambson Thomas Thomas D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Lambson Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Lambson D. Lambson Cogan Lambson D. Lambson Cogan Thomas D. Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Thomas D. Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson D. Lambson D. Lambson Cogan D. Lambson Lambson D. Lambson Tucci D. Lambson Cogan SIZE 23x38 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 16x20 17x27 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 8x10 10x20 10x20 UPC NUMBER PAGE 0-92818-30168-4 4 0-92818-35851-0 3 0-92818-35855-8 5 0-92818-35865-7 3 0-92818-35868-8 4 0-92818-35870-1 3 0-92818-30065-6 5 0-92818-30112-7 7 0-92818-30115-8 7 0-92818-30118-9 9 0-92818-31014-3 6 0-92818-31017-4 9 0-92818-31018-1 9 0-92818-31021-1 9 0-92818-30151-6 8 0-92818-31024-2 2 0-92818-30174-5 8 0-92818-30179-0 5 0-92818-35852-7 3 0-92818-35854-1 5 0-92818-35864-0 3 0-92818-35867-1 4 0-92818-35871-8 3 0-92818-30064-9 5 0-92818-30111-0 7 0-92818-30114-1 7 0-92818-30117-2 9 0-92818-31013-6 6 0-92818-30156-1 9 0-92818-31019-8 9 0-92818-31022-8 9 0-92818-31028-0 8 0-92818-31025-9 2 0-92818-30171-4 4 0-92818-30175-2 8 0-92818-30180-6 5 0-92818-30579-8 4 0-92818-35801-5 1 0-92818-35802-2 4 0-92818-35803-9 1 0-92818-35804-6 6 0-92818-35807-7 4 0-92818-35808-4 3 0-92818-35825-1 8 0-92818-35826-8 8 0-92818-35827-5 4 0-92818-35828-2 3 0-92818-35853-4 5 0-92818-35858-9 2 0-92818-35860-2 1 0-92818-35863-3 3 0-92818-35866-4 4 0-92818-35698-1 6 0-92818-30063-2 5 0-92818-31003-7 2 0-92818-31005-1 1 0-92818-30092-2 7 0-92818-30110-3 7 0-92818-30113-4 7 0-92818-30116-5 9 0-92818-31012-9 6 0-92818-31015-0 6 0-92818-31038-9 3 0-92818-31042-6 5 0-92818-31044-0 2 0-92818-31040-2 6 0-92818-31020-4 9 0-92818-31023-5 9 0-92818-31035-8 8 0-92818-31026-6 2 0-92818-30177-6 5 0-92818-30159-2 2 0-92818-30161-5 7 0-92818-30163-9 4 0-92818-30164-6 9 0-92818-30181-3 5 0-92818-30167-7 7 0-92818-30170-7 1 0-92818-30173-8 4 0-92818-30176-9 8 0-92818-30105-9 5 0-92818-30109-7 7 SKU 9245 9247 9248 9249 9250 LE-334 LE-335 LE-336 LE-337 LE-338 LE-340 LE-341 LE-343 LE-344 LE-346 LE-347 LE-349 LE-350 LE-351 LE-352 LE-358 LE-359 LE-360 LE-361 LE-362 LE-363 PRINT TITLE Ole Yeller Strikes Again Out of Cover A Late Start on Opening Day Pole Position The Game Plan Coming My Way The Bachelor Party Lone Star Buck The Recluse Corndodger Prime Time The Lure Collector Hindsight’s 20-20 Sanctuary Alert and Alive Orchard Raiders Up at 3a.m. Only a Matter of Time Snow Blind Rocky Mountain High Pole Position Boundaries Blind Sided The Game Plan Feeding in the Thistles Phantom of Smoky Ridge ARTIST Thomas Thomas D. Lambson Thomas Cogan Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson Thomas Thomas Lambson Lambson Lambson Cogan Lambson Lambson Lambson Lambson Thomas Lambson Lambson Cogan Lambson Lambson INDEX BY TITLE A Late Start on Opening Day - D. Lambson.....4 Alert and Alive - Lambson....................................6 Blind Sided - Lambson..........................................7 Boundaries - Lambson..........................................2 Coming My Way - Lambson.................................1 Corndodger - Lambson.........................................4 Evening’s Moment of Glory - Cogan..................5 Feeding in the Thistles - Lambson......................1 Good Morning Kiss - D. Lambson......................9 Hindsight’s 20-20 - Lambson...............................2 Local Legend - Tucci...............................................8 Lone Star Buck - Lambson....................................1 Mirror Image - Cogan............................................7 Nature’s Palette - D. Lambson.............................7 Ole Yeller Strikes Again - Thomas.......................7 Only a Matter of Time - Lambson.......................5 Orchard Raiders - Cogan......................................2 Out of Cover - Thomas..........................................8 Phantom of Smoky Ridge - Lambson................5 Pole Position - Thomas..........................................8 Prime Time - Thomas............................................8 Quail Ridge - D. Lambson.....................................7 INDEX BY ARTIST Cogan, John D. Evening’s Moment of Glory..................................5 Mirror Image............................................................7 Orchard Raiders.......................................................2 The Game Plan........................................................3 Lambson, Dallen A Late Start on Opening Day...............................4 Good Morning Kiss.................................................9 Nature’s Palette........................................................7 Quail Ridge...............................................................7 Reflection Cove........................................................5 Rise and Shine.........................................................9 Rub Down.................................................................4 Saturday Evening Posts..........................................9 Splitting Hares..........................................................5 Sticks and Stones.....................................................9 Texas Titan................................................................3 The Bachelor Pad....................................................6 The Hideout..............................................................2 The Sentry.................................................................3 The Summons.........................................................6 Torn............................................................................4 Winter Escapade......................................................3 Woodland Retreat...................................................4 SIZE 10x20 10x20 10x20 10x20 10x20 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 22x30 23x38 22x30 22x30 23x38 22x30 22x30 UPC NUMBER PAGE 0-92818-30121-9 7 0-92818-30155-4 8 0-92818-30172-5 4 0-92818-30158-5 8 0-92818-30165-3 3 0-92818-35845-9 1 0-92818-35798-8 4 1 0-92818-35799-5 0-92818-35846-6 6 0-92818-35805-3 4 0-92818-35847-3 8 0-92818-35848-0 8 0-92818-35850-3 2 0-92818-35859-6 1 0-92818-35820-6 6 0-92818-31004-4 2 0-92818-31037-2 3 0-92818-31041-9 5 0-92818-31043-3 2 0-92818-31039-6 6 0-92818-30157-8 8 0-92818-30160-8 2 0-92818-30162-2 7 0-92818-30166-0 3 0-92818-30169-1 1 0-92818-30178-3 5 Reflection Cove - D. Lambson.............................5 Respect Your Elders - Lambson...........................1 Rise and Shine - D. Lambson...............................9 Rocky Mountain High - Lambson........................6 Rub Down - D. Lambson......................................4 Sanctuary - Lambson.............................................1 Saturday Evening Posts - D. Lambson...............9 Snow Blind - Lambson..........................................2 Splitting Hares - D. Lambson...............................5 Sticks and Stones - D. Lambson..........................9 Texas Titan - D. Lambson......................................3 The Bachelor Pad - D. Lambson..........................6 The Bachelor Party - Lambson.............................4 The Game Plan - Cogan........................................3 The Hideout - D. Lambson...................................2 The Lure Collector - Thomas................................8 The Recluse - Lambson.........................................6 The Sentry - D. Lambson......................................3 The Summons - D. Lambson...............................6 Torn - D. Lambson..................................................4 Up at 3a.m. - Lambson..........................................3 Winter Escapade - D. Lambson...........................3 Woodland Retreat - D. Lambson.........................4 Lambson, Hayden Alert and Alive..........................................................6 Blind Sided...............................................................7 Boundaries................................................................2 Coming My Way......................................................1 Corndodger..............................................................4 Feeding in the Thistles...........................................1 Hindsight’s 20-20....................................................2 Lone Star Buck.........................................................1 Only a Matter of Time............................................5 Phantom of Smoky Ridge.....................................5 Respect Your Elders................................................1 Rocky Mountain High.............................................6 Sanctuary..................................................................1 Snow Blind................................................................2 The Bachelor Party..................................................5 The Recluse..............................................................6 Up at 3a.m................................................................3 Thomas, Fred W. Ole Yeller Strikes Again..........................................7 Out of Cover.............................................................8 Pole Position.............................................................8 Prime Time...............................................................8 The Lure Collector...................................................8 Tucci, Larry Local Legend............................................................8 Toll Free: 800.332.1075 P: 616.452.0712 F: 616.452.2112 Email: sales@ReflectiveArtInc.com Web: www.ReflectiveArtInc.com
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