Thursday Evening Classes - 7:00-8:30p


Thursday Evening Classes - 7:00-8:30p
We offer a wide variety of ministries designed to speak to every need
and every stage of life. So whether you are single, a family with kids,
raising teens, young marrieds, empty nesters, or boomers and beyondGrace has a place for you. Ministries are a place to connect with others,
build lasting relationships, grow spiritually, and serve others.
Events, small groups, and Bible studies provide a place for everyone
to grow in their walk with God and build lasting relationships. Our
outreaches to the Greater Houston area and around the world make a
difference in lives every day.
Grace Church exists as a local expression of the Body of Christ to share
with our world God’s love as revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ, and to
pursue a vital, living relationship with the Lord and one another, in the
power of the Holy Spirit.
Our values govern how we gather together as a congregation, what
we provide in the way of ministry programs and where we invest
our resources – both physical and financial. Not listed in order of
importance, each of these values form a part of what we envision Grace
to be.
• Prayer is the foundation of all we do.
• We believe that every person is valuable to God and His Kingdom.
• The normal Christian life is for every believer to be fully devoted to
Christ and His cause.
• As people birthed into His Kingdom, we should be authentic
followers of Christ continuing to grow in Him by learning His way,
manifesting His power, and serving our world.
• We believe that every member is a minister called to a servant’s heart; investing his or her time, talent and resources for the cause
of Christ.
• God actively demonstrated His heart for lost people and we should
also by intentionally reaching out to others. We believe that the
most effective evangelism happens through people inviting people.
• Everyone should be involved in a small group where community
• We embrace our city in all of its diversity, both ethnically and
economically, by every means possible resulting in ministry that
impacts our city.
• We recognize the heart of God to transform cities and actively
support the city-reaching process in the context of the larger body
of Christ.
• We have a worldwide calling. Therefore, we partner with other
ministries throughout the world in proclaiming the message of
• We are committed to honoring God and using our gifts and
resources for maximum impact by ministering with excellence.
Steve and Becky Riggle are the founders and Senior Pastors of Grace Community Church in
Houston, Texas. Steve also serves as President of Grace International Churches and Ministries,
Inc., overseeing more than twenty-seven hundred churches around the world. He also serves on
the executive committee of the Houston Area Pastors Council and is the former President of The
King’s University. He has a master’s degree from Oral Roberts University and a doctorate from
The King’s University. Steve and Becky have two children and five grandchildren.
Stu is the Executive Administrator for Grace International Churches and Ministries, Inc. He
has extensive leadership experience as a conference speaker, youth pastor, college and career
pastor, associate pastor, senior pastor, and district superintendent. He was also an Air Force
officer for 30 years, retiring in 1999 as a Colonel. He has led organizations of 5 to over 5,000
people. He has been married to Debbe for 45 years and has 2 children and 3 grandchildren.
Jeff serves as the Associate/Campus Pastor at The Woodlands Campus. Prior to June 2014 he
worked with youth and children for eight years, and is a graduate of Lee University in Cleveland,
Tennessee. He and his wife Carrie were married on June 9th, 2007. Currently they have five
children Kaitlin, Jackson, Khloe, Joshua, and Kathryn Ava. Lord willing they would like seven.
Their heart is to see people changed through the power of God’s Word.
Jose Daniel and Yoanny Martinez were born in Cuba and moved to the United States in 2007.
Prior to their move, they were Worship Pastors at the Council of the Assemblies of God in Cuba.
In March 2008, Jose and Yoanny began the Spanish speaking ministry of The Woodlands Campus
and have seen it grown to over 700 people each Sunday.
Kevin’s professional experience includes 24 years of church administration. He also has
expertise in assisting churches of all sizes to develop business plans to securing funding for
construction, building acquisitions, capital improvements, charitable estate gifts, and in-kind
donations. Further he has assisted many independent churches to establish their state nonprofit
corporations and federal 501(C)3 charter for tax exemption recognition.
Isaac and Haley serve as Youth Pastors at The Woodlands Campus. Being trained under the
leadership and ministry of Pastor Garrett and Andrea Booth and Pastor John and Priscilla Boore,
their number one desire is to see the next generation impacted for the Kingdom of God. Isaac
is a graduate of Houston Baptist University with a degree in Business Management, an avid
fisherman, sports enthusiast, and a die-hard Nebraska Cornhuskers fan. Haley has a heart
for global missions and aspires to bring the Word of God to other parts of the world, enjoys
hazelnut coffee, and appreciates all things lace, pearl, and pretty.
Danny serves as the Head of the Worship Department at The Woodlands Campus. He has 15
years of music ministry experience along with experience serving in youth and adult ministries.
Danny and Yareli will celebrate their 10th anniversary this September and currently have two
children Isaac Daniel and Rebecca Yareli. Their heart is to pastor and help marriages and families
Equip Classes
Men and Women of Grace
Connect Groups
Adult Groups
Prayer Ministry
Serving Groups
Worship & Media
Xtreme Kidz Children’s Ministry
The Anthem Youth Culture
Spanish Ministry
English Speaking Classes
Spanish Speaking Classes
Young Adults
Boomers & Beyond
Adult Singles
Prayer Warriors
Pre-Service Intercessors
Prayer Partners
H.O.P.E. Prayer Ministry
Grace Cafe
Vocal Team
Worship Band
Media/Tech Department
Front Row Coordinator
Camera Team
Kidz Adventure
Kidz Rock
Grace Equip Classes
Welcome To Grace Equip
Join us for the beginning of our new semester of Grace Equip Classes.
Our desire is that your experience in these classes will be a catalyst for
spiritual growth in your daily life. A description of each class can be
found here in our Grace Directory.
Why Attend A Grace Equip Class?
Grace Equip fosters an environment that enables you to hear from
God - the most critical piece of growing spiritually. All of our classes,
regardless of topic, are designed to be revelational - not for you to
simply hear new information, but rather that you hear from Him. In
the process of hearing God, He will help you grow in your spiritual life
and become “unstuck” in your spiritual progress. Setting aside time to
attend an Equip Class will offer you well-grounded, biblical teaching and
the opportunity to hear from God which will introduce you to a whole
new level of transformation.
Which Equip Class Is For You?
At our Woodlands Campus, Grace Equip Classes will be offered on
Monday mornings from 10:00a-12:00p and Thursday evenings from
7:00-9:00p to fit into the busiest of schedules. Beginning the week of
September 14th, classes will be offered from 1-10 weeks in length.
Simply determine your availability, review the class schedule, and
register to get involved. We understand you may not be able to attend
every class, but missing one does not mean you have to miss them
all. Register online at If you have questions,
contact us at
Grace Equip Classes
Monday Morning Class - 10:00a-12:00p
“Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed - A Study of David” by
Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur - 6 Part Class
This study through the book, “The Blessed Life” will transform your life for the better,
bringing you guaranteed financial results. But it will do more than that. It will change
every area of your life: marriage, family, health, and relationships. For when God
changes your heart from selfishness to generosity, every part of your life-journey is
affected. Books available
- Women’s Equip Class facilitated by Sandi Williams
- Monday mornings at 10:00am beginning Sept. 14th
Wednesday Evening Class - 7:00-8:30p
“Marriage On The Rock” by Jimmy Evans - 10 Part Class
Society requires years of preparation for almost any significant career endevaor, but
demands no real preparation for one of the most crucial undertakings in life: marriage.
In an age of disposable marriages and information overload, where can couples turn
for real answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God! Join us in this
Equip Class as we cover God’s priciples that will turn disillusioned, divorce-bound
marriages into satisfying dream relationships. Books available at www.marriagetoday.
- Co-Ed Equip Class facilitated by Jeff and Carrie Baden
- Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm beginning Sept. 16th
Thursday Evening Classes - 7:00-8:30p
“The God I Never Knew” by Robert Morris - 8 Part Class
A teaching by Robert Morris on the Holy Spirit. Discover who the He is, what He is like,
when He came, the power He gives, the power to live in the supernatural, a bringer of
gifts, and a language from heaven. You won’t want to miss it! Books available at www.
- Co-Ed Equip Class facilitated by Eldon Sharp
- Thursday evenings at 7:00pm beginning Sept. 17th
Grace Equip Classes
Thursday Evening Classes - 7:00-8:30p
“Precept Upon Precept Bible Study: Philippians - How To
Have Joy” - 10 Part Class
Join me on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm for a study on, “How To Have Joy.”
Disappointment, pain, betrayal, or the circumstances of daily life can rob you of your
joy. Learn how you can have all joy despite it all and rely on His promises through this
letter from the apostle Paul. I look forward to our journey of joy as we study through
these weeks together. Books available at
- Co-Ed Equip Class facilitated by Julie Fewell
- Thursday evenings at 7:00pm beginning Sept. 17th
“Foundations Of Faith” - 6 Part Class
What are the really important things we need to know as a believer? Why does it
matter if you know those things? As each of us walk toward spiritual maturity, we
need to gain knowledge about God and our position and responsibility as Christians.
There are certain foundational truths that are critical to our understanding of
Christianity and in this class we will cover those truths and explore what they mean to
your Christian experience.
- Co-Ed Equip Class facilitated by John Manzewitsch
- Thursday evenings at 7:00pm beginning Sept. 17th
“Model Man” by Larry Stockstill - 6 Part Class
In this confused, chaotic world, men are looking to find a “model man.” They are
looking for a man who possesses the qualities of integrity, purity, pace of life, purpose,
a model marriage, model children, and a powerful legacy that we all strive for. Join this
6-week Equip Class to learn from the example of men in the Bible on how to become
the Model Man! Books available at
- Men’s Equip Class facilitated by Bob Fewell
- Thursday evenings at 7:00pm beginning Oct. 15th
Grace Equip Classes
Thursday Evening Classes - 7:00-8:30p
September 17th
“The Parent Your Teenager Needs” - Taught By Isaac Elsner
Hear practical application on how to set your teenager up for success by being
the parent your teenager NEEDS more than the parent your teenager may
WANT. Be equipped in leading your teen through the challenges of peer pressure,
relationships, and social media. They might call you crazy now, but they will
realize you were their biggest ally all along.
September 24th
“Aging Well In Community” - Taught By Susie Wolf
In this Equip Class you will learn how to respond to the needs of your loved ones
with advancing age or change in health status. From practical descisions to
tough talks. We will learn how to care for those you love as the Lord cares for you
throughout the caregiving journey.
November 5th and 12th - Two Part Class
“God’s Design To His Word - An Old and New Testament
Survey” - Taught By Jeff Baden
God has designed every word in His Word with a purpose to make us “wise unto
salvation” (2nd Timothy 3:15) so that we can live our lives to the fullness of His
call. Join us as we survey the design of God’s Word by overviewing the Old and
New Testament in this two-week Equip Class.
Grace Equip Classes
Thursday Evening Classes - 7:00-8:30p
November 12th
“Pray Bigger, Dream Bigger” - Taught By Haley Elsner
Praying through and then praising through are vital tools to move forward on
the promises God has spoken over your life and your earthly purpose. Discover
the power of prayer circling as Elijah did on Mount Carmel and prayer walking
like Joshua did around Jericho. As we learn to deepen our prayer life through
persistence our dreams will begin to grow so big only God could help us achieve
November 19th
“Managing Finances and Planning for the Future” - Taught By
Don Fisher
Financial freedom is available to everyone. However, financial freedom is not
something that just happens, but rather is attained through discipline and
planning. Learn simple, practical tools in this class that will help set you up with a
plan for financial success.
November 19th
“The Power and Purpose of Worship” - Taught By Danny
In this class we will delve into a deeper biblical understanding of what worship is.
We will address how worship makes up the very core of our walks with Christ, and
how that is expressed not only in our church services but most importantly, our
private lives.
Grace Equip Classes
Spanish Speaking Equip Classes
Monday Evening Classes - 7:30-9:00p
Spanish Ministry “DNA” Classes
What are the really important things we need to know as a believer? Why does it
matter if you know those things? As each of us walk toward spiritual maturity, we
need to gain knowledge about God and our position and responsibility as Christians.
There are certain foundational truths that are critical to our understanding of
Christianity and in this class we will cover those truths, explore what they mean to
your Christian experience, and learn how they fit into the vision of the church.
- Spanish speaking Equip Class facilitated by Jose Daniel and Yoanny
- Monday evenings at 7:30pm beginning September 14th
“Viviendo un Matrimonio Extraordinario - Living an
Extraordinary Marriage”
This study provides practical guidance couples need to develop plans for the future of
their own marriage. This study also projects an extraordinary vision of God’s design for
marital intimacy.
- Spanish speaking Equip Class facilitated by Alfonso and Brenda
- Friday evenings at 7:30pm beginning September 18th
Adult Groups
Men’s Breakfast
WHEN: 1st Saturday of the month
WHERE: Local restaurants in the Spring/Woodlands area
DESCRIPTION: Join us for our monthly Men’s Breakfast every 1st
Saturday of the month at 6:30am. This is a great way to get connected
to the life of the church and to build lasting relationships!
CONTACT: Bob Ramirez //
Golf Connect Group
WHEN: 2nd Saturday morning of every month, the times will vary
WHERE: Locations vary, we will be rotating courses
COST: ~Est. $50 price will vary based on golf course
DESCRIPTION: Golf is a great way to connect with each other while
enjoying the beauty of God’s kingdom. Regardless of skill level, if you
love golf this group is for you.
MATERIALS: Green fees per course, must supply your own clubs, balls
and shoes
CONTACT: Stu Johnson//
Grace Outdoorsmen
WHEN: Quarterly
WHERE: Locations vary depending on activity
DESCRIPTION:Our goal is to use outdoor experiences as a means of
drawing men into deeper relationships with each other and the Creator
of the outdoors. In this process, there are opportunites to learn new
skills (camping, fishing, boating, hunting, shooting, etc.), disciple the
next generation, meet new people, and have lots of fun.
MATERIALS: Vary depending on activity; participants are expected to
supply their own gear.
CONTACT: Wayne Ilfrey //
Men’s Business Dinner
WHEN: 3rd Monday of every month
WHERE: Local restaurants in the Spring/Woodlands area
DESCRIPTION: Grace Men’s group with a goal of growing personally and
professionally. Iron sharpens iron - Proverbs 27:17
CONTACT: Jim Trevathan //
Don Fisher //
Adult Groups
Thursday Morning Prayer
WHEN: Ongoing // Thursdays, 9AM for prayer
WHERE: Auditorium
DESCRIPTION: We share our praises for the week and agree for individual
prayer requests. We also participate in prayer for our church, city, and
CONTACT: Sandi WIlliams //
PACN- Pregnancy Assistance Care North
WHEN: Ongoing
WHERE: 264601 I-45 North Fwy Suite 400 Spring, Tx 77386
DESCRIPTION: Are you pregnant and alone? Do you have questions that
need answers? Call us to set an appointment, we want to assist you and
guide you.
CONTACT: PACN Clinic // 281-367-1518
Hands of Grace
WHEN: Ongoing
WHERE: Location Varies
DESCRIPTION: The Hands of Grace is about caring for those within the
church that are going through a life changing event, such as having a
baby, surgery,or a loss of a loved family member by providing meals
and helping the family with care of house and yard. Please let us know
if you have a need or would like to get involved!
CONTACT: Carrie Baden //
Adult Groups
Ladies’ Night Out
WHEN: Every six weeks
WHERE: Various places in the Spring / Woodlands area
DESCRIPTION: Join the ladies of Grace as they get together for fun
nights out! These are great opportunities to build lasting relationships
and simply let your hair down! Keep a close eye out for our next night
of BUNCO, facials, bowling, and more!
CONTACT: Carrie Baden //
The Link
WHEN: October 2nd
WHERE: Grace The Woodlands
DESCRIPTION: Our mission is to inspire every woman at Grace to
pursue Christ by growing spiritually, connecting relationally, and serving
faithfully. Link Nights are women’s events designed for Worship, Word,
and Relationship. Each event features a dynamic speaker with a timely
message just for women. We look forward to joining you along the
journey to greatness.
*Childcare is available for $5/child or $10/family*
CONTACT: Church Office //
The Link Presents: A Night With Beth Moore
WHEN: November 17, 2015
WHERE: Grace Houston
DESCRIPTION: This evening with Beth Boore will give you the
encouragement you need to move forward fearlessly in Christ. Visit the
website to get all the information you need to be a part of this great
event! Bring your friends and register today!
*Childcare is available for $5/child or $10/family*
Equip Connect
Equip Connect Groups are a time for building relationships with each
other and with God. Through Equip Connect Groups, we stay faithful
to God’s call to reach out, make room for everyone, and are able to
connect in a more relational setting for community.
Young Adults
WHEN: 4th Sunday evening of every month
WHERE: Grace Plaza & Cafe
DESCRIPTION: Calling all young adults of Grace and surrounding
communities to be apart of the Grace Young Adult Connect Group. We
believe in the importance of community and surrounding yourself with
other believers. If you are out of highschool and looking for a place to
grow the Young Adult Equip Connect Group is for you!
CONTACT: Isaac & Haley Elsner //
WHEN: 4th Sunday evening of every month
WHERE: Home of Jeff & Carrie Baden
29430 Graceful Path Way
Spring, TX 77386
DESCRIPTION: Families with or without children of any age are
welcome to attend. This is a “child-friendly” group with room to play.
CONTACT: Jeff & Carrie Baden //
Boomers & Beyond
WHEN: 4th Sunday evening of every month
WHERE: Home of Stu & Debbe Johnson
29707 South Legends Creek Court
Spring, TX 77386
DESCRIPTION: Christian AARP - Adoring God, Affirming our Call,
Relating to Others, Praying together. If you are a boomer looking to
connect with others then this group is for you!
CONTACT: Stu & Debbe Johnson //
Adult Singles Connect Group
WHEN: 2nd Sunday of every month
WHERE: Cafe Express at Market Street
DESCRIPTION: Here at Grace, we believe in connecting with others and
doing life together. If you are a single adult, then our new Single Adults
Connect Group is just for you.
CONTACT: Susie Wolf //
Adult Groups
Dearly Divorced, Sacredly Separated
WHEN: To be determined based on needs of members
WHERE: Location varies
DESCRIPTION: Designed for the crisis and recovery times of life,
this groups address specific challenges for those going through or
recovering from divorce.
Lisa Clay //
Connie Silva //
Sandy Otoya //
Lifebridge Community Outreach
WHEN: Monthly, dates and times vary
WHERE: Locations vary
DESCRIPTION: Serving the inner city people of Houston with outreach
events and community festivals in both the Sunnyside and Houston’s
East End. Lifebridge is a community transformation outreach ministry
that connects with congregations and community partners on a regular
basis to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ through basketball,
arts and crafts, skateboard tournaments, performing arts, food and
hospitality, prayer stations, and much more!
CONTACT: Church Office //
Texas Task Force
WHEN: 4th Saturday of Each Month
WHERE: Locations vary
DESCRIPTION: The Texas Task Force works to promte self-education
and awareness on the dangers of human trafficking within our
CONTACT: Kim Anderson-Patterson //
DESCRIPTION: We believe that every Christian has a responsibility to
vote and vote biblically! If you have a passion to see Christians stand
for what the Bible says, especially in the town square, then we would
like you to help us. We want to get people engaged in every upcoming
election by providing opportunities for them to get registered to vote
and educated about the topics at hand.
CONTACT: Wayne & Nancy Ilfrey //
Adult Groups
Prayer Warriors
WHEN:Ongoing via email
DESCRIPTION: This group consists of those called and willing to
commit themselves to interceding on behalf of those submitting prayer
requests to Grace, as well as special calls to prayer from our pastors.
Prayer requests are sent out via email to the group and when they are
received, members are asked to pray over them immediately as well as
during their daily prayer time.
CONTACT: Bob & Julie Fewell //
Pre-Service Intercessors
WHEN: Sundays, 8:00AM
WHERE: Auditorium
DESCRIPTION: This group meets prior to our Sunday morning service to
intercede for the services, the church, and our church leadership. We
walk the auditorium, praying individually for 15 minutes, then gather
together for 15 minutes of corporate prayer. Pre-Service Intercessors
are included in all prayer request emails.
*Childcare is available*
CONTACT: Bob & Julie Fewell //
Prayer Partners
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM One or all services
WHERE: Auditorium
DESCRIPTION: This group prays for the needs of those in the church
that come forward during our Sunday services. We pray a prayer of
agreement and faith over their need. Prayer Partners are included in all
prayer request emails. All candidates must meet with Prayer Ministry
leadership prior to becoming a Prayer Partner.
*Childcare is available*
CONTACT: Bob & Julie Fewell //
H.O.P.E. Prayer Ministry
WHEN: Ongoing // Thursdays, 11:30AM - 2:30PM
WHERE: Octagon Room
DESCRIPTION: Do you need prayer? Come by the church Thursdays from
11:30am - 3:00pm and one of our prayer partners will be available to
personally join in prayer with you.
CONTACT: Sandi Williams //
Serving Groups
WHEN: Greeters are asked to serve two Sundays per month (1st & 3rd
or 2nd & 4th), either 8:30AM, 9:45AM or 11:30AM
WHERE: Meet at the Information Desk in the lobby
DESCRIPTION: Greeters are the “face of Grace” every Sunday morning.
This ministry is a great opportunity to meet people in the church and
welcome all who come for services. Greeters help with welcoming,
passing out programs, and assisting at the Guest Services Booth.
MATERIALS: A friendly smile and willingness to serve!
*Childcare is available*
CONTACT: Don and Becky Fisher //
WHEN: Ushers are asked to serve at least two Sundays per month,
either 8:30AM, 9:45AM or 11:30AM
WHERE: Meet in the auditorium 30 minutes before service starts
DESCRIPTION: Ushers are men of Grace who assist in facilitating a
smooth start to services, helping guests find seats, taking the offering,
and any other special duties that may be needed during service.
Become an usher to get plugged-in and meet others.
*Childcare is available*
CONTACT: Don and Becky Fisher //
Andrew Gause //
Grace Cafe
WHEN: One Sunday per month, 8:00AM and between services
WHERE: Grace Cafe
DESCRIPTION: The Grace Cafe is the place to be before first service
and between services! If you enjoy food, good coffee, and talking with
people then this is for you!
*Childcare is available but children are welcome to help!
CONTACT: Janusz Kieliszewski //
WHEN: Ongoing
DESCRIPTION: If you have a passion for serving then this is the
serving group for you! Help us honor guests here at Grace by hosting
greenrooms, organizing lunches, and providing a servant’s heart.
CONTACT: Jessica Arevalo //
Worship & Media
Vocal Team
WHEN: Sunday & Midweek Services, Weekly Rehearsals
WHERE: Auditorium
DESCRIPTION: The Grace Worship Vocal Team sings at the Sunday and
Midweek services. We also meet for weekly rehearsals to prepare for
upcoming services, learn new music, and develop as singers. Join us to
get involved!
CONTACT: Danny Hernandez //
Worship Band
WHEN: Sunday & Midweek Services, Weekly Rehearsals
WHERE: Auditorium
DESCRIPTION: Scheduled band members come together each week to
rehearse the upcoming services worship set and any new music. It’s a
time of development as a team and to prepare for each service. If you
want to use your musical talent to help lead in worship then join our
CONTACT: Danny Hernandez //
Media/Tech Department
WHEN: Sundays, 7:00AM and Tuesdays, 6PM
WHERE: Auditorium Sound Booth
DESCRIPTION: The media and tech department helps with the sound,
media, lights, and cameras for our Sunday and Midweek services. If you
have experience in one of these areas and would like to get involved
then let us know!
CONTACT: Danny Hernandez //
Worship & Media
Front Row Coordinator
WHEN: Sundays, 7:30AM and Tuesdays, 6PM
WHERE: Auditorium
DESCRIPTION: Front Row Coordinators help oversee the production
details of the service and make sure that everything runs smoothly.
The scheduled Front Row Coordinator works with the Service Producer
to communicate service cues and make sure that the service order is
followed. Help make each service the best it can be!
CONTACT: Danny Hernandez //
Camera Team
When: During Services
DESCRIPTION: If you have experience in videography and camera
equipment or you are interested in joining the team to get experience,
we would love to have your help! Helping with cameras is a great way
to get involved and be plugged in to what is happening here at Grace!
CONTACT: Danny Hernandez //
Make-up Artist
When: Every Sunday Before First Service
DESCRIPTION: If you like make-up and desire to make everyone look
their best, then we want you to help as a make-up artist. Help on
Sunday mornings to make our pastors and guest speakers look their
best in front of the cameras.
CONTACT: Jessica Arevalo //
The Noize
WHEN: Quarterly Events
WHERE: Kidz Rock Room
DESCRIPTION: The NOIZE is a ministry of Grace for 1st - 5th graders that
uses high-energy, hip hop dance and positive music with a message
to inspire young people to make a difference for Jesus. With over 200
members in its various programs, The NOIZE Academy gives kids and
students a platform to develop their gifts in a Christ-centered program,
and use them to worship God and make a difference in their world.
Since its launch in 2006, NOIZE Academy teams have been featured in
performances at Market Street, The Woodlands Trunk or Treat, The
Wortham Center, Houston Rockets Halftime Shows, Kemah Boardwalk,
Houston Dynamo Halftime Shows, and many more!
CONTACT: Kathy Baden //
Grace Missions
WHEN: Throughout 2015
WHERE: India, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, and many more
DESCRIPTION: Grace family, have you ever wanted to go on a mission
trip? We have some amazing opportunities for 2015. As followers of
Christ, we have been called to share His message of salvation, hope,
and love with the world. Serving on a mission provides an incredible
opportunity to share the hope we have in practical ways and see lives
Hands of Grace
WHEN: Ongoing
WHERE: Location Varies
DESCRIPTION: The Hands of Grace is about caring for those within the
church that are going through a life changing event, such as having a
baby, surgery, or a loss of a loved-one by providing meals and helping
the family with care of their house and yard. Please let us know if you
have a need or would like to get involved!
CONTACT: Carrie Baden //
Xtreme Kidz
Xtreme Kidz Check-In
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: Nursery & Kidz Adventure/Kidz Rock Check-In Stations
DESCRIPTION: Help welcome families to Kidz Ministry by checking
children into the computer system, assisting new families with firsttime check-in, and by introducing them to their teachers.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle//
Kidz Rock Teacher
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 1st - 5th grade Kidz Rock class
DESCRIPTION: Kidz Rock teachers help present the memory verse, play
games, act in skits, and teach Bible lessons to the class.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle //
Kidz Rock Media Team
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 1st - 5th grade Kidz Rock class
DESCRIPTION: Help run media, sound, and lights for Kidz Rock.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle //
Kidz Rock Crowd Control Team
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 1st - 5th grade Kidz Rock class
DESCRIPTION: Help keep kids involved in the services and assist the
teacher to ensure the rules are being followed by the children.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle //
Xtreme Kidz
Xtreme Kidz Jr.
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 0-3 year old Nursery
DESCRIPTION: Nursery teachers read Bible stories, love babies, play
music, and provide leadership of the group.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle//
Kidz Adventure Teacher
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 3-5 year old Kidz Adventure class
DESCRIPTION: Kidz Adventure teachers help lead the Kidz Adventure
class, teach the curriculum, and present the memory verse in a fun and
exciting way.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle//
Kidz Adventure Puppeteer
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 3-5 year old Kidz Adventure class
DESCRIPTION: Perform puppets during service such as a welcome song
for the kids and help with the rules and memory verse.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle//
Kidz Adventure Crowd Control
WHEN: Sundays, 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:30AM
WHERE: 3-5 year old Kidz Adventure class
DESCRIPTION: Help keep kids involved in the services and assist the
teacher to ensure the rules are being followed by the children.
CONTACT: Rachele Riggle//
Anthem Youth
The Anthem Youth Culture is an energetic, high impact student
experience that meets every Tuesday Night at 7pm. The Anthem is
designed to meet the needs of Jr. High and High School students. At
The Anthem, teens can expect to have fun, be spiritually challenged,
hear relevant messages, and experience the presence of God in an
interactive worship environment. The Anthem is also made up of
dynamic small groups that break out during service when school is
in session for closer connection with leaders and other students that
attend their school.
Anthem Adult Volunteer
WHEN: Tuesdays, 7PM
WHERE: Kidz Rock
DESCRIPTION: Help in the Anthem by greeting students, investing in
students’ lives, and engaging in the services. If you have a heart to
make a difference in the lives of young people, sign up to be a volunteer
in the Anthem!
CONTACT: Isaac Elsner //
Anthem Media Team
WHEN: Tuesdays, 7PM
WHERE: Kidz Rock
DESCRIPTION: If you enjoy graphic design, video, lighting, or audio
production then the Anthem Media Team is the place for you! Come
serve on Tuesday nights as we team together to set the atmosphere
for the presence of God. Be a part of youth event planning meetings as
well to volunteer your creative skills for the Kingdom!
CONTACT: Isaac Elsner //
Anthem Youth
Anthem Small Groups
WHEN: During the school year
WHERE: Anthem Services, as well as Tomball, Spring, and Woodlands
DESCRIPTION: Anthem Small groups are our way of making sure your
student gets a personal experience with their leaders and their peers
every Anthem Service. This time in the service allows for interaction and
discussion about the current series topics in a more personal setting.
The groups are broken down by school location.
CONTACT: Isaac Elsner //
Anthem Unplugged
WHEN: Sundays, 9:45AM
WHERE: Grace Cafe
DESCRIPTION: Come join other students in their quest to grow deeper
in their relationship with God. The teaching series’ are designed to
help students recognize and apply practical principles of the Christian
life in their daily lives. Breakfast is provided with group games and
prizes being awarded every week. We will attend the 11:30AM service
CONTACT: Isaac Elsner //
Anthem Outs
WHEN: Once a Month
WHERE: Various Host Homes throughout the Spring and Woodlands
DESCRIPTION: Anthem Outs are an extension of Anthem Small Groups
that meet once a month. This is a great way for students to connect
with one another outside of a normal Anthem worship experience.
Each Anthem Out involves a time of fellowship and fun, with a portion
of time dedicated to teaching and discussion based off of the current
teaching series being given that month. They also serve as a great
opportunity for students to invite their friends and get them plugged in
relationally with other students outside a normal church environment.
CONTACT: Isaac Elsner //
Grace en Espanol
Grace en Espanol is Grace Community Church’s Spanish speaking
ministry. Grace en Espanol is an exciting and dynamic ministry where
different Spanish speaking cultures come together to worship God.
This ministry is led and coordinated by Pastor Jose Daniel Martinez and
his wife Yoanny. The first Spanish speaking service was held in 2008
with three families and grew to over 300 in only eight months. Now,
more than 700 people attend our Spanish services every Sunday and
Available Minstries
Grace en Espanol offers a variety of ministries for the entire family:
Anthem en Espanol (6th-12th Grade), Xtreme Kidz en Espanol (0-5th
Grade), and Family Groups that meet throughout the month in the
surrounding Spring and Woodlands area.
Services Times
You are welcome to participate in our Spanish speaking services every
Sunday at 2:00pm and 4:00pm and each Wednesday at 7:30p for our
Midweek Prayer Service.
For more information about Grace en Espanol please contact Flor
Ramos by email at or by phone at 713.363.2533.