T HE SKY`S T HE LIMIT ! - Texas Nonprofit Theatres


T HE SKY`S T HE LIMIT ! - Texas Nonprofit Theatres
20th Annual TNT Youth Conference
This program is your primary source of information for the conference. If you
lose it, there is a $1 fee to replace it. You will need this program and the Number
Symbol on the upper right hand corner of your name badge to find your group
assignments and workshop sessions.
For the Friday and Saturday Rotations, find your Number on Page 6, and then check
under the various times. Find the location and session you should be in at that time.
You must wear your name badge at all times for admission to all workshops,
shows, parties, food events and the awards ceremony. If you lose your name
badge, you must get a replacement badge for $1 at the registration desk at the
Lee College Performing Arts Center. Workshops will be held in the Lee College
Performing Arts Center, the McNulty-Haddock Building and the Gymnasium as
designated on the Workshop Schedules (page 6) and shown on the map on page
7. The Awards Ceremony will be held at the Lee College Performing Arts Center
on Sunday morning.
For non-conferees who wish to attend the shows, tickets for the show blocks are
$15 and $5 for children age five (5) and under (must be accompanied by an adult),
and may be purchased at the PAC box office 30 minutes before the show begins. For
non-conferees who wish to attend the Sunday Awards Ceremony, the cost is $10.
The TNT cell phone is (817) 874-5123; it will be at the registration desk during
the conference.
The TNT Youth Conference
is made possible through
the support of
Lee College & the City of Baytown
Baytown Little Theater
AV Pro
The Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County
the Texas Commission on the Arts
the National Endowment for the Arts
and by member theatres and individuals.
Many thanks to TicketstotheCity
for their support of the
21st Annual TNT Youth Conference,
Texas Nonprofit Theatres
and the nonprofit theatres of Texas
through their online ticketing system.
Youth Conference Credits
Hawaiian Luau Thanks
TNT Youth Conference Chairman
Beth Darby/Baytown Little Theater
M. A. Sterling
TNT Youth Conference Commentator
Phillip Morgan
TNT Youth Conference Host
Lee College / Kim Martin
Beach Party Thanks
Susan Mele/Art Park Players/Fred White
City of Deer Park
Charlie Sandberg & Scott Swigert
Pizza Party Thanks
Technical Director - Ryan Martin
PAC Director - Walter Stricklin
Facilities Coordinator
Mandy Seymore Sensat
Inspiration Stage
Daniel Christie
Technical Assistants
Marc Anthony Glover
Blaine Garcia
Vincent Cooper
Ryan Ervin
Heather Romero
Taylor Pruett
Ryan Marshall
Lee College Administration
Dr. Dennis Brown........................President
Dede Griffith....... Interim Vice President of
Dr. Daria Willis.................. Academic Dean
Sam Ortolano......Visual & Performing Arts
Donna Dehoyos.......Division Administrator
Delta Psi Omega
Vincent Cooper................................................ President
Chelsee Jernigan...................................... Vice President
Christina Cordova............................................ Secretary
Alyssa Torres................................................... Treasurer
Hunter Hall......................................................Historian
Javier Benavides
Toni Brock
Ryan Ervin
Alexis Grusecki
Ryan Marshall
Amy Miller Martin
Taylor Mayo
Chris Mims
Heather Romero
Scott Sheley
Emily Vaughn
Abigail Vernier
Ryan Martin (Honorary)
Stephen Bent (Honorary)
Jan Herring-Seeley (Honorary)
Laddy Sanders (Honorary)
Texas Nonprofit Theatres
1300 Gendy Street
Fort Worth TX 76107
Ph: 817-731-2238
Email: tnt@texastheatres.org
Web: www.texastheatres.org
Proud member of
Daily Schedule
WEDNESDAY, June 8th, 2016
7:00-9:00pm.......................... Improv-A-Thon - Lee College Tucker Hall
THURSDAY, June 9th, 2016
9:00-11:30am........................ Improv-A-Thon - Lee College Tucker Hall
1:30pm......................All Conference Welcome/Instructions at the PAC
The Brothers Grimm: Out of Order
E.L.F.S. Touring Troupe of S.T.A.G.E., Inc., Bulverde
Actors Conservatory Element of Actors Conservatory Theatre, Lewisville
MorningStars, Inc. of Mineola
5:00 pm...............................................................Pizza Dinner at the PAC
Sponsored by Inspiration Stage
6:30 pm.............................PERFORMANCES
A Simple Task
EASY Theatre of Austin
Thank You for Flushing My Head in the Toilet
Upstage Arts Youth Theater of Upstage Arts, Inc., Webster
Disney’s The Lion King Jr.
Inspiration Stage of Sugar Land
10:00pm-Midnight (approx) - Rock Out on the Lawn
Live Band (Hound), dancing, bring a lawn blanket
FRIDAY, June 10th, 2016
9:00am-12:00pm............ Workshop Rotations....................... See Page 6
12:00pm...............................................................Lunch - Student Center
Fearful Symmetry*
Kaleidoscope Company of Permian Playhouse, Odessa
Paper Dragons*
The Inner Circle of Circle Arts Theatre, New Braunfels
Elephant’s Graveyard*
Knights of the Round Theatre of Tyler Civic Theatre, Tyler
5:00pm................................................................ Dinner - Student Center
Daily Schedule - continued
Power Play*
Turning Point Ensemble of Baytown Little Theater, Baytown
Define Crazy*
YOUTH of Brazos Valley TROUPE, Bryan-College Station
Property Rites*
The Company of Jr. Art Park Players, Deer Park
10:00pm-Midnight (approx) - South Pacific Hawaiian Luau
at Baytown Town Square, 221 W Texas Ave.- wear your Hawaiian shirts!
Sponsored by Baytown Little Theater
SATURDAY, June 11th, 2016
9:00am-12:00pm:...........Workshop Rotations....................... See Page 6
12:00pm...............................................................Lunch - Student Center
The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza
Young Actors Guild of McKinney Repertory Theatre, McKinney
Witchcraft In Their Lips
ImprovED Shakespeare Company of ImprovEd Arts, Austin
After Hours
BCT Teen Troupe of Boerne Community Theatre, Boerne
5:00pm................................................................ Dinner - Student Center
Edgar Lee Master’s Spoon River Anthology*
Baron’s Brigade of Bastrop Opera House, Bastrop
Heathers 101*
Ohlook Company (OCO) of Ohlook Performing Arts Center, Grapevine
9:00pm (approx): Beach Party at Dow Park!
Swimming, Food: Popcorn, Shaved Ice, Hot Dogs & Movies
Sponsored by Art Park Players and the City of Deer Park
SUNDAY, June 12th, 2016
at the Lee College Performing Arts Center
- Shows with this mark indicate they contain subject matter that could be challenging
for younger audiences. Please read the synopses of these plays posted on the TNT website
or posted by the Box Office in the PAC.
Youth Workshop Rotation Schedule
Group F/9:00-9:55 F/10:00-10:55F/11:00-11:55 S/9:00-9:55 S/10:00-10:55S/11:00-11:55
1 GymClass-129Aero110Class-130 Rqt118 Class-131
2 Aero110 Gym Class-129Class-131Class-130 Rqt118
3Class-129Aero110Gym Rqt118 Class-131Class-130
4 Class-130 Rqt118Class-131GymClass-129
5 Class-131Class-130 Rqt118
Aero110 GymClass-129
6 Rqt118 Class-131Class-130Class-129 Aero110 Gym
CompLab Class-W11 Instrum GreenRm
Class-W11 Class-W13 CompLab
Instrum GreenRm
9 CompLab Class-W11 Class-W13 GreenRm
10 Instrum GreenRm
Class-W13 CompLab Class-W11
11 Stage
Instrum GreenRm Class-W11 Class-W13 CompLab
12 GreenRm
Instrum CompLab Class-W11 Class-W13
13 CostShpClass-W31 Choir BlackBox Class-E55Class-E53
14 Choir CostShp Class-W31Class-E53BlackBoxClass-E55
15 Class-W31 Choir CostShp Class-E55 Class-E53 BlackBox
Class-E55Class-E53CostShpClass-W31 Choir
17 Class-E53BlackBox Class-E55 Choir CostShp Class-W31
18 Class-E55Class-E53 BlackBox Class-W31 Choir
• Groups 1 - 6: All classes at the Lee College Gymnasium
Dennis Yslas - Stage Movement / Stage Voice
Elisa Diehl - Moving Across Asia
Stephen Hurst - Working with Puppetry
Patricia Hausman - Creating a Character
Cran Dodds - Theatre Games
Jessica Vass - Think Fast! (The Art of Improvisational Theatre)
Mary Kate Walker - How to Act Like You Know What You’re Doing
Brianna Buth - Shakespeare and Motivation
Joanna Gold-Baker - Audio Workshop in Computer Lab
Amy Martin - Audition Like a Boss!
Alan Hutton - Basic Stage Combat
Helaina Wilkerson - Theatrical Basics
Marc Anthony Glover - Blood, guts, and gore to the core
Larry Adams - The “Your Name Here” Show
Ethan Lee - Acting for the Camera
Bobby Britton - Making it Up
Tracy Alexander - Audition and Portfolio Review Prep
Brian Serrano - Leadership: On Stage & Off
• Groups 7 - 12: All classes at Lee College PAC & McNulty/Haddick
• Groups 13 - 18: All classes at Lee College & McNulty Haddick
l - Lee College PAC
l - McNulty-Haddick
l - Gymnasium
l - Tucker Hall
l - Student Center
• McNulty Haddick (MHC) &
at Tucker Hall
Class-W13 = Classroom W13 (MHC)
Class-W11 = Classroom W11(MHC)
CompLab = Computer Lab (upstairs)
Instrum = Instrumental Hall
Stage = Main Stage
GreenRm = Green Room & Dressing
Friday, 10:30-11:30am
Kyle Januszewski:
Movement Variety Pack for Directors
Saturday, 9:30-10:30am
Mandy Seymore-Sensat:
An Inspired Philosophy
• PAC & McNulty Haddic
Saturday, 10:45 - 11:45am
Directors & Parents Roundtable
• Gymnasium
CostShp = Costume Shop
Choir = Choral Hall
Class-W31 = Classroom W31 (by the
Gym = Gymnasium
Aero110 = Aerobic Room 110
Class-129 = Classroom 129
Class-130 = Classroom 130
Class-131 = Classroom 131
Rqt118 = RaquetBall Court 118
Costume Shop)
BlackBox = Black Box Theatre
Class-E53 = Classroom E53 (MHC)
Class-E55 = Classroon E55 (MHC)
Youth Conference Bios & Session Information
Phillip Morgan (Commentator) currently serves as
the Director of Fine Arts for the Goose Creek Consolidated
Independent School District in Baytown, Texas and as
Secretary/Treasurer for the Texas Theatre Administrators
strand of TETA. He comes to the TNT Youth Conference with
a broad experience in the arts and extensive involvement in
UIL. He has served on the stage as a performer at the high
school level (1A), director at the public high school level
(5A) and currently as a UIL Critic Judge, Contest Manager, host and fine arts
administrator. Mr. Morgan has experienced all levels of both Theatre and Speech
Competitions as a director, including trips to the UIL State Meet in Conference 5A
for OAP and Debate. He holds professional membership in TETA, TMAC, TTAC
and TTAO, among other arts organizations. Mr. Morgan has served as PresidentElect of TETA and studied under Ray Karrer at Paris JC. He has judged multiple
levels of the UIL OAP contest including the State Meets in 2015 and 2016.
Larry Adams has been involved with Brazos Valley
TROUPE for 14 years, and is currently serving his 2nd
stint on the board of directors. As volunteer staff, he’s also
worked with the Oxymorons improv team for several years,
and coordinated the Texas All-Star Improvaganza at the TNT
Youth Conference. In “the real world” he works for the Texas
A&M Engineering Extension Service, and part-time for the
Texas A&M University Athletic Department. The “Your
Name Here” Show - Unless your name is Truman, your whole life is improvised.
Sure, you have a plan for how the day will go, but you can’t really control how
others react to you and your plan. We’ll apply our improv skills to some real life
situations and “scenes.”
Tracy Alexander is the Production Manager for Midland
Community Theatre in Midland, Texas. She is the VicePresident of Programming for Texas Nonprofit Theatres, the
President of the Association of Volunteer Professionals in
the Permian Basin, a 2003 graduate of Leadership Midland
and a Summer Mummer. Tracy has a BA in Theatre Arts
from California State University, Sacramento. Over her 30
year professional career she was the Props Designer for
TheatreWorks in Palo Alto, CA, worked for the Sacramento Theatre Company
as a Properties Manager, the Mason Gross School of the Arts as a Production
Secretary, Garbeau’s Dinner Theatre as an Assistant Stage Manager and Props
Designer, and Music Circus as a Makeup Artist. Audition and Portfolio Review
Preparation - Learn the basics of preparing for college auditions and portfolio
reviews for getting into Theatre Arts programs. We will cover how-to present
yourself for interviews, the do’s and don’t’s of auditions, what to wear, how to
create a portfolio, and practice interviewing skills.
Youth Conference Bios & Session Information - continued
Bobby Britton is a senior theatre major at Stephen F
Austin with a minor in voice for the theatre. Bobby has been
involved in theatrical performance for over 10 years now.
Bobby’s recently discovered passion is devising musical
theatre pieces. Making it Up - A guided self-discovery on
telling your own stories through modern musical theatre.
Brianna Buth is a sixth grade
English teacher who has studied,
observed, enjoyed, and performed Shakespeare for the
last sixteen years. Shakespeare and Motivation - In this
workshop we will look at Shakespeare’s works and discover
what motivation the actor can find to say words that were
written over 400 years ago. Please bring Shakespearean
monologue (at least ten lines long) that you have memorized
or with which you are familiar.
Cran Dodds received a BA in Theatre from the
University of North Texas and has managed the Denton
Community Theatre, was a company member of Casa
Mañana Theatre, was Artistic Director of the Warehouse
Theatre in Corsicana, and was the Founding Director of
Bravvo Productions, a national touring company. Cranston
is Past President of TNT and currently serves as a Board
Member. Cran was a high school drama teacher in Cairo, Egypt for two years.
He has also served as a Theatre Review Panelist with the Texas Commission
of the Arts. Cran is an adjudicator for AACT and the TNT Youth Conference.
Currently Cranston is Member Engagement Director of AACT. Theatre Games/
Improvization - Learn to connect with others on stage while solving the problems
presented by the ensemble as well as the text. We will do this through a series
of fun (and sometimes silly) theatre games. Come prepared to move, laugh and
Elisa Diehl holds a BA in Musical Theatre from the
University of Tulsa, where she also earned a Certificate of
International Studies. Between degrees, she lived and worked
in Japan for several years before attending the University
of Hawaii at Manoa and earning an MFA in Theatre with a
practical thesis that focused on Asian styles of performance.
She now teaches in the Lone Star, San Jacinto, and Lee
college systems. She recently received awards for her work
as Japanese Movement Director for San Jacinto College Central’s many-awardwinning production of Rashomon. Moving Across Asia - This workshop explores
various styles of theatrical movement used in popular and traditional theatre
forms that developed in Japan, China, and Indonesia.
Youth Conference Bios & Session Information - continued
Marc Anthony Glover has been active in the community
theater for over 25 years. He has been involved in youth
theater for the last 15 years. Marc is known for his elaborate
set designs on small budgets as well as his impressive makeup
skills. He is super excited to be able to attend this conference
and share some of his knowledge with the future of our theatre
world! Blood, guts, and gore to the core - A class to show
the basics of creating Horror Make-Up on a budget. We will be
playing with everything from liquid latex to creepy crawlers that live off of dead
flesh. This workshop will not be for the weak of stomach!
Joanna Gold-Baker is the sound design/technician for
Baytown Little Theater and is a system analyst and application
trainer for ExxonMobil. Audio Workshop in Computer Lab
- Learn to use Audacity program to record and mix audio for
Patricia Hausman has been
involved in theatre beginning at the age
of ten. Her love and passion for the stage continued to grow
and she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Acting and
Directing from Southwest Texas State University. Patricia
taught middle school and high school theatre for twelve
years. She has been the Youth Programs Director for Boerne
Community Theatre for ten years. Creating a Character - So
you have been cast in a show....what’s next? Developing a character takes time,
research and direction. This class will teach you where to begin, what questions to
ask, and how to organically create your character while staying true to the script
and the vision of your director.
Stephen Hurst has been with the AD Players since
2000. He holds a MA in Theatre for Young Audiences and
Youth from Oklahoma City University. Stephen has worked
for the Clovis Unified School District in Fresno, CA as an
Assistant Director and Choreographer, and as a performer
at Paramount’s Great America. At the AD Players, Stephen
has performed with the National Touring Unit, Children’s
Theatre, and Mainstage productions. He has done extensive teaching, has been
Director of the Theater Arts Academy, and has been involved as director and
assistant director for several productions. A few of his AD Players credits include:
Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming, Charlotte’s Web, Where the Red Fern
Grows, Shadowlands, Joyful Noise, Mousetrap, and Peter and the Wolf. Working
with Puppetry - An explanation of how puppetry can be used in theatrical
production using examples of past productions from AD Players. Participants will
have opportunity to create a puppet, create a character voice, and then practice
manipulating the puppet for an interaction with others.
Youth Conference Bios & Session Information - continued
Alan Hutton has worked in theatre and film for close to
thirty-five years. Aside from being a fight choreographer and
stage combat instructor, he is also a certified pyrotechnician
and a weapons master (the manager of weapons on a set).
He is frequently hired as an historic advisor for period
productions. Basic Stage Combat - What is stage combat?
How to work safely with a partner to create a convincing
illusion that will startle and thrill the audience and make them believe what is
happening. Stage combat is as important as the spoken word in telling the story,
so it has to make sense.
Ethan Lee is a veteran of the TNT Youth Conference,
performing in Boerne Community Theatre’s The Losers Club
in Odessa and The Insanity of Mary Girard in Boerne. He
joined BCT Teen Troupe promptly after emigrating from the
UK and currently attends New York University Abu Dhabi
as a member of the Class of 2019, double majoring in Film
and New Media and Theatre. He has been both acting and
filmmaking for over a decade and aspires to continue his career in the arts, writing
and directing for the camera. Acting for the Camera - How is acting for the
camera different from acting on the stage? This workshop plans to open students
to a new medium of acting and broaden their talents, introducing them to the film
set and addressing the actor’s relationship with the camera and interaction with
other actors on set.
Amy Martin is an actor, singer, director and designer
who has been active in live theater performance for over 25
years. Amy has worked professionally and at the nonprofit
level across the state of Texas, in addition to performing
in the award-winning production God of Carnage through
the National AACTFest 2013 Competition, winning Best
Actress in a Featured Role, and the International LITF 2014
Competition, where she was awarded Best Actress. Favorite roles include Lady
of the Lake in Spamalot, for which she was nominated in the MTI KCACTF
category, Jean Louise Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird, and Veronica Novak
in God of Carnage. Amy is also one of the founding members of Aux Dog
Theatre Company in Albuquerque, NM. A member of Delta Psi Omega, she will
complete her Bachelor of Arts in December 2016. Audition Like A Boss! - In this
workshop, we’ll explore the best techniques for young actors to use in developing
their “brand,” how to best market themselves for auditions on the amateur and
professional level, and how to audition like a boss!
Youth Conference Bios & Session Information - continued
Brian Serrano has been involved in theatre since he
was a child. He loves every aspect of it, on stage and off. He
has acted in over 100 performances, directed over 30, been
technical director and production manager for over 40. Since
2001 he has been a minister and counselor with an emphasis
in leadership development. He is a teacher, PE coach, elder
at his church, and a co-mentor of the Kaleidoscope Co. at
the Permian Playhouse in Odessa. Leadership: On Stage &
Off - Most companies have officers, but all companies need leaders. What does
that look like? What should a leader in the theatre look like?
Jessica Vass is the Lead Theatre Director at Westbrook
Intermediate School in Friendswood, Texas. In her ten years
of teaching, she has directed six award-winning UIL One Act
Plays. Mrs. Vass performed in professional theatre starting
at age 9. Locally, she has appeared in productions at the
Baytown Little Theater. Some roles include; Audrey in Little
Shop of Horrors, Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast, and
appeared at the TNT State Conference as Becca in Rabbit Hole. Vass is passionate
about teaching theatre and was voted Teacher of the Year in 2014. Think Fast!
(The Art of Improvisational Theatre) - What do you do when something goes
wrong onstage? Improv! Love acting but hate memorizing lines? Improv! This
workshop will examine technique and best practices for improv acting. We will
play improv games and explore ways to improve our improv skills.
Mary Kate Walker has been an active member of Brazos
Valley TROUPE’s Oxymoron Improv team consistently for
5 years. Separate from TROUPE, she was a member of
the competition-winning improv team “Improvaganda” in
Bryan, Texas. She has also served as Co-Captain and, most
recently, as an Assistant Coach to the Oxymorons. How to
Act Like You Know What You’re Doing - Learning the basics
and importance of smart improvisation to enhance the good
and cover up the bad! If you never miss a beat, your audience won’t either.
Helaina Wilkerson is a makeup artist and instructor for the Tyler Civic
Theater Acting Conservatory. Backstage at TCT, she has turned actors into
animals for Charlotte’s Web and aged a woman 60 years for the production of 4000
Miles. When she is not utilizing her makeup brushes, Wilkerson enjoys working
on many facets of theatrical production. Recently she has assitant directed for
TCT’s Miracle on 34th Street, Pollard Theater’s Little Women, and the Knights of
the Round Theatre’s Elephant’s Graveyard. This upcoming season at TCT, she
has the honor to direct the TNT POPS! New Play Project, Mary Carol Stunkel’s
Random Access. Theatrical Basics - Theatrical Basics is a beginner workshop
on makeup. Focused on introducing useful techniques of application and their
relevance to character and stage lighting.
Youth Conference Bios & Session Information - continued
Dennis Yslas is a professional actor who has been in
the business for over 40 years. He is a member of Actors’
Equity Association the union of professional actors’ and
stage managers. He judges for Dallas Summer Musicals
High School Music Theatre Awards and has adjudicated
at the Youth, High School and Community theatre level.
Stage Movement / Stage Voice - How to move on stage with
intention at a young age and how to project to be heard at the
back of the theatre.
Adult Workshops
Kyle Januszewski is the Theatre Director at Athens High
School and the former Artistic Director for Young Actor’s
Guild of McKinney. He graduated from Sam Houston State
University in 2010 with a Bachelors in Dance and Theatre
and loves physical theatre and theatrical movement. This is
his 4th time at TNT. Movement Variety Pack for Directors
- A cornucopia of various movement exercises that directors
can take back to their companies and use to help actors
become more physically in tune with their characters and performances.
Mandy Seymore-Sensat is the Founder and Artistic Director for Inspiration
Stage, a national award winning theatre located in historic Sugar Land Auditorium.
iStage produces twelve shows a year (eight youth and four
adult) and a full season of classes and summer camps. Mandy
directs and choreographs 6-10 shows a year for iStage and
teaches classes. She and her husband, Jeff Sensat, ran The
Slightly Off Center Players for twelve years before opening
Inspiration Stage in August 2013. This year marks her ninth
to direct a show at the TNT Youth Conference. An Inspired
Philosophy - Crawl inside the mind of Inspiration Stage’s
Artistic Director, Mandy Seymore-Sensat. Learn what has inspired her, how she
directs and choreographs, and what the challenges of running a successful theatre
company are. Peak into her process and how she communicates with actors young
and old to get inspired performances. She hopes to inspire YOU.
Special Student Liaisaon
Jennifer McLaughlin is excited to be a part of this
year’s TNT Youth Conference. She has been a teacher for 15
years, 10 of those years as a theatre teacher. She is currently
at Deer Park Junior High School as the theatre director and
co-sponsor for the No Place for Hate Coalition, an antibullying organization. When she is not directing or working
on her masters in Educational Leadership, she can be found
with the Art Park Players in the summer show. She has been
married to her best friend for twelve years and has a daughter who loves the stage
as much as her mother.
S.T.A.G.E., Inc., Bulverde
E.L.F.S. Touring Troupe
The Brothers Grimm:
Out of Order
By Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus
Directed by Naomi Phillips
Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.,
Englewood, Colorado
Producer......................Audrey Pauletti
Director.........................Olivia Pertuso
Howard....................Mary Grace Bubb
Charlie.........................Kaitlyn Mickey
Rapunzel............................Jenna Shea
Prince Charming..........Isaac Ouellette
Hansel...........................Natalie Bueno
Gretel...........................Megan Munsell
Stage Mother.................Laney Weaver
Josette............................ Taylor Pauley
Marsha..........................Tatum Tamallo
Cinderella............... Kristen Rothbauer
Joringel......................... Trévon Giraud
Jorinda............................Myla Castillo
Will Grimm....................... Luke Bentz
Jake Grimm.......................Noah Bentz
Principal Guffman......... Isabel Noland
Assistant Directors....................................Hannah Belle Gamble and Kiara Welch
Stage Manager....................................................................... Hannah Bell Gamble
Costumes, Lights and Set Design................................ Naomi Phillips and Parents
Spotlight Theatre and Arts
Group, Etc., Inc. (S.T.A.G.E.)
is now in its 37th season,
producing a minimum of
four season slate productions,
touring shows, and providing
instruction for theatre arts
classes such as the Eli Lilly
Foundation (ELFS) Touring
Troupe, and an outreach
program at the Bulverde
Senior Center for a readers
theatre group, The Encore
Players, who are celebrating
their 29th anniversary.
The Actors Conservatory Theatre, Lewisville
The Actors Conservatory Element
By Kenneth Preuss
Directed by Becky McCants
Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Denver, Colorado
Cammie........................ Hannah Lomonaco
Serena........................... Callie McWilliams
Katie........................................Jenna Smith
Brian.................................... Sean McCants
Wallace...............................Garrett Dabney
Erika...........................Arden Claire Coates
Trevor................................. Matthew Black
Abby................................... Nikki Kimbrell
Grace..................................... Sarah Wilson
Andrew....................... Anthony Donaldson
Rosalind............................. Erin Engleman
Tina.................................. Bakhtawar Yasir
Erin.................................... Bryn McCarthy
Allen....................................... Pablo Sotelo
Liz.........................................Morgan Piper
Hillary....................................... Libby Roy
Ashley................................Sydney Moates
Lawrence............................... Jacob Cathey
Britney............................. Hannah Plemons
Isabel................................. Katie Everheart
Tasha........................................... Kate Roy
Darby..................................... Asher Coates
Melissa...................................Julia Letcher
Dan.................................... Mason Woodfin
Lloyd......................................Joshua Klein
Stage Manager....................................................................Rachel Barnett, Ivy Beth Coates
Lights............................Colleen McCarthy
Sound..............................Mitchell McCants
Props Manager................................................................................................. Alex Woodfin
Backstage Crew.................................................... Cameron Clay, Samuel Ea, Cort Letcher
Since 1999, The Actors Conservatory Theatre has been dedicated to bringing literature,
history, and a variety of learning opportunities to children through plays and musicals
while promoting interest in and fostering appreciation of the performing arts. ACT strives
to provide an environment in which every child can express his or her creativity by offering
a season in which all but one of the mainstage productions offers a role to every child who
auditions and one production each spring tours nearby Title 1 schools. As a volunteerdriven organization, ACT is blessed to have actors, their families, and community members
assist in bringing the magical productions to life. The teen group, ACE, is honored to be
attending their 5th TNT Youth Conference. Visit www.getintotheact.org.
MorningStars, Mineola
by Sally Netzel
Directed by Murray Parks
Produced by special arrangement with Family Plays of Woodstock, Illlinois
Cinderella........... Kayleigh Horstkamp
Cloakmaker........... Aubrielle Maloney
Dressmaker........................Joy Reeves
Fairy Godmother... Anastasia Maloney
Shoemaker...............Laurel Lanchester
Hatmaker.................. Lily Jane Reeves
Stepmother................ Ellery D’Angelo
Trumpeter............................. Rina Carr
Pierre......................... Patrick Spofford
Queen.............................Kaylee Fuller
Baker......................... Lilly Horstkamp
Prince............................. Ben Spofford
Blanche................. Amedea D’Angelo
Agnes................................ Ariel Stone
Stage Managers...........................................................Lani Lanchester, Mike Carr
Lighting & Sound Technician................................................................. Tara Stone
Costumes........................................................... Lani, Laurel & Willow Lanchester
Set Design / Construction..........................................Mike Carr, Ryan Lanchester
Properties................................................................ Mike Carr, Willow Lanchester
Choreography............................................................................. Rebecca Summers
Our 18th
has been a
milestone for
A flood of
new talent,
increase in
and extending
our reach
farther afield
have all reenergized our creativity! As always, inclusion in the TNT Youth
Conference is the highlight of our year. Sincere thanks to Linda, Frieda, M.A.
and all our excellent colleagues that make the Conference so awesome!
invites you to historic Bastrop, Texas and our
TNT & AACT award-winning
theatre program.
• Year-round community theatre productions
• Dynamic youth theatre productions
• Tourism development programs
• Produced Past TNT POPS! Winners
2009: Political Theater by Sorcha Blaine
2011: Three Views of a Waterfall by
Michael Greenberg
2013: Mr. Potcher’s Holiday by Bob &
Barbara Silberg
is a major tourist attraction
711 Spring Street • (512) 321-6283 • BastropOperaHouse.com
Bastrop, Texas was named a 2010 Distinctive Destination by the
National Trust for Historic Preservation
EASY Theatre of Austin
A Simple Task
By Alan Haehnel
Directed by Michelle Billett
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts.com)
Empie......................................................................................Rhys Largent
Boss 1, Boss 2, Guard 1......................................................Corrigun Billett
Teacher 1, Connie, Guard 2, Pearl, Lover............................. Tamara Billett
Teacher 2, Boss 3, Boss 5.................................................Anna Eikenberry
Ralph, Guard 3, Boss 6........................................................ Echo Nattinger
Boss 4....................................................................................Surprise Guest
EASY Theatre is excited to be attending the 21st TNT Youth Conference
this year! Our troupe was founded in 1999 by the incomparable Engela
Edwards. Then, when she moved to Hawaii in 2015, Michelle Billett took
over the reins. We are a small company but we don’t lack enthusiasm. We
love all things “theatre” and that includes this wonderful youth conference!
Break a leg, everybody!
Front row: Anna, Rhys, and Vivianne
Back row: Tamara, Grayce, Cory, and Echo
Upstage Arts, Inc., Webster
Upstage Arts Youth Theater
Thank You for Flushing My
Head in the Toilet
and other rarely used expressions
By Jonathan Dorf
Directed by Shelley Brownfield and Marc Anthony Glover
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts.com)
Achilles............................................................................................ Christian Long
Helen........................................................................................................Ava Bates
Glinda................................................................................................... Alexis Lang
Prometheus........................................................................................... Blake Brady
Bully...................................................................................................... Janis Mbibi
Ismene............................................................................................... Skylor Hoyler
Seizure Student....................................................................................Damon Diaz
Tragicomic Interlude Student.......................................................... Natalia Soriano
Bluebird Student................................................................................. Alane Rozell
Ensemble................................................................... Bentley Bryant, Raquel King
Stage Management and Tech................................................................. The Actors
Set Design............................................Shelley Brownfield, Marc Anthony Glover
Upstage Arts is excited to join this
TNT Conference for the first time.
Upstage has been building character
on stage and in life since 2007 in
the Clear Lake area. We are a small
community theater with year ‘round
scheduling for youth and children
age 6 to adult. Fielding about 8 plays/
musicals a year, we are mostly fueled
by wonderful volunteer parents and
students, with continuing theater
classes and voice lessons all year. At Upstage, students participate in all aspects
of productions, from costuming to tech to directing and even set building. It is a
wonderful place to build skills as well as develop friendships that last forever.
Thanks for having us this year. We look forward to having a great time!
Inspiration Stage, Sugar Land
their production of
Disney’s The Lion King Jr.
Music & Lyrics by Tim Rice & Elton John
Additional Music & Lyrics by Lebo M, Mark Mancina,
Jay Rifkin & Hans Zimmer
Book by Roger Allers & Irene Mecchi
Based on the Broadway Production directed by Julie Taymor
Directed & Choreographed by Mandy Seymore-Sensat
Produced by special arrangement with Music Theatre International
Rafiki.....................Rayevin Johnson
Simba.................. Davis Underwood
Young Simba................Aidan Leake
Scar.........................Evan Blackwell
Mufasa.........................Sean Bracher
Nala............................... Mya Bryant
Young Nala...............Madeline Font
Timon..................Isabela Orvananos
Pumba............. Christine Hernandez
Zazu........................... Kelsey Brown
Bonzai.......................Aedin Waldorf
Shenzi........................ Maura Dooley
Ed............................... Cassidy Lapp
Sarabi.....................Olivia Goodman
Sarafina........................Keri St.Clair
Lead Chorus
Addie Doss
Alexandra Champion
Keri St.Clair
Lizzie Tyer
Madison Willett
Olivia Goodman
Sarah Belbin
Sarah Flavin
Sydney Garcia
Addy McMillen
Alyssa Clark
Anna Baden
Cameron Krouch
Caroline Meador
Devon Schroeder
Elizabeth Kummer
Gabriella Champion
Hope Easton
Jackson Champion
Logan Reeves
Macy Hawkes
Sarah Tassin
Sofia Bauch
Music Director................................................................................ Sarah Patterson
Stage Manager........... Annelea Bootle
Lights............................. John Morales
Stage is a
arts studio
located in Sugar Land under the direction of Mandy Seymore-Sensat. Inspiration Stage
produces eight youth company shows, four adult shows, and a full season of classes and
camps in the historic Sugar Land Auditorium, built in 1917. We are excited to have 64
in attendance to our third Texas Nonprofit Theatres Youth Conference. The Lion King Jr.
(JTF’16 Outstanding Performance award winner) marks Miss Mandy’s ninth company
performance at TNT Youth.
The Permian Playhouse, Odessa
The Kaleidoscope Company
Fearful Symmetry *
By Alan Haehnel
Directed by Brian Serrano & Lori Gregory-Evans
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts.com)
Mary (lavender)......Brianna Lewallen
Mary (purple)................ Arianna Salas
Mary (red)................Mackenzie Craig
Mary (pink)................Madison Norrid
Lisa (lavender)........ Azlyn Hernandez
Lisa (purple)............... Oakley Serrano
Lisa (red).......................... Rachel Noll
Lisa (pink).................. Cassidy Horton
Mom (lavender)............... Megan Siepak
Mom (purple)................. Maddie Olague
Mom (red)................. Elizabeth Forsythe
Mom (pink)....................Brittany Caudle
Stranger (lavender)............... Evan Haley
Stranger (purple)............. Jeremiah Leija
Stranger (red).................. Brianna Inman
Stranger (pink).............. Jonathan Spruill
Stage Manager...................................................................... Guthrie “Kat” Kittley
ASM / Props............................................................................................KT Caudle
Lights.......................................................................................... Karis Absher-Cox
Sound..................................................................................................Rylee Powell
The Kaleidoscope Company is an elite group of young actors in grades 6-12 and
is the youth performing company of The Permian Playhouse. This group meets
once a week for instruction in advanced theatre arts, including stage presence,
set design, lighting & sound design, costuming, make-up and auditioning skills.
They also perform shows and bring literary pieces to life on stage. KC has been
around for decades and has its best years ahead.
Circle Arts Theatre, New Braunfels
The Inner Circle
Paper Dragons *
By Roberta Elliott
Directed by Roberta Elliott
Produced by special arrangement with the playwright
Mary............. Amber Mawande-Spytek
Henry........................... Griffin Hankins
Ricky.............................. Adrian Castro
Tim............................Jacob Biggerstaff
Dylan......................... Tristan Villarreal
Bertram......................... Fabius Bascon
Iris, aid......................... Lexie Williams
John, orderly................ Troy Petmecky
Cathy...................... Makayla Reynolds
Dr. Phillips...................Jordan Walzem
Jessie............................Kelsey Lesseig
Marcus..............................Ben Harmon
Aaron............................ Donny Butrym
Dr. Krutchner................Dustin Benton
Nurse Tidwell................Isabella Reyes
Carla Giannetti................... Julie Ricks
Frankie......................... Cydney Garcia
Arnie...........................Ryan Applegate
Assistant Director & Stage Manager................................................Ryan Wellman
Lights & Sound...............................................................................Robin Williams
Piano............................................................................................ Jacob Biggerstaff
The Inner Circle
is now in its 38th
year and going
strong. The
touring company’s
main function is
to take children’s
shows to the
elementary schools
throughout the
year. Recently
the group added
Improvisation to its
repertoire, enhancing the theatre experience at Circle Arts on Saturdays. To pay
for training and class, each member is expected to complete 100 volunteer hours
at the theatre. This year we are saying goodbye to 8 Seniors – Ryan Wellman,
Jordan Walzem, Kelsey Lesseig, Cydney Garcia, Julie Ricks, Adrian Castro,
Dustin Benton, and Donny Butrym. You are loved and will be greatly missed!
Tyler Civic Theatre Center, Tyler
Knights of the Round Theatre
Abridged Version
By George Brant
Directed by Justin Purser
Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
The Town
The Circus
Ringmaster........... Sarah Modisette Hungry Townsperson........ Delaney Mullee
Trainer......................Skyler Brumit Marshall................................. Malick Absy
Ballet Girl................ Georgi Dumas Muddy Townsperson............ Maddie Smith
Tour Manager.............. Berri Harris Preacher............................Tommi Jo Harris
Strongman............Branson Blanton Steam Shovel Operator...... Josh Alexander
Clown................ Millicent Ezeigwe Young Townsperson......... Benjamin Harris
The Railroad
Engineer.............................................. BJ Matlock
Assistant Director.......................................................................Helaina Wilkerson
Lights.................................................................................................. Justin Purser
Costumes....................................................................................Helaina Wilkerson
Set Piece Construction..................................................................Ryan Lanchester
Originally produced by Trustus Theatre, Columbia, South Carolina. Jim Thigpen, Artistic Director.
This is the third year that the Knights
of the Round Theatre have attended
the TNT Youth Conference. We
are excited to come back, see the
shows, attend the workshops and
reconnect with friends. Our home
theatre, the Tyler Civic Theatre is
the oldest theatre in the round in the
state. This makes moving our show
from there to the stage in Baytown a
challenge, but one that our director
is excited to face. We hope you
enjoy our performance.
Tyler Ad
Red, White and Tuna, June 16 – July 3
and STAR’s Willy Wonka Jr, July 15-17
Disney’s The Little Mermaid
July 28-31, August 4-7 & 11-14
TCTC the best thing next to the Rose Garden!
• Season Productions for all audiences
• Event Rentals
• Classes for students of all ages
• Open Auditions (new talent welcome)
• Numerous Volunteer Opportunities
Baytown Little Theater, Baytown
Turning Point Ensemble
Power Play *
By Lindsay Price
Directed by Hunter Hall & Beth Darby
Produced by special arrangement with Theatrefolk
Bitter.........................................................................................Tyana Montgomery
Belly.................................................................................................. Damon Butler
Brawn......................................................................................... Christian Montoya
Beauty......................................................................................... Angelica Alcantar
Beaker.................................................................................................. Karis Young
Sadie Aiken
Jeffery Benson
Rubysella Erickson
Tanner Files
Jordan Galia
Karsyn Heyen
Jacob Hillier
Amber Hutton
Mason Lauderdale
Kristen Potts
Brandon Ratliff
Loriann Ratliff
Kellen Solomon
Kennedy Thompson
Hannah Young
Stage Manager................................................................................. Brianna Butler
Lights........................................................................................... Katheryn Daniels
Sound..............................................................................................Emily Thornton
Author’s Note: This play contains strong language and a graphic gun confrontation.
Baytown Little Theater’s youth were
last seen on stage at the 2015 TNT
Youth Conference in their musical
production of Alice in Wonderland,
Jr. First known as the BLTeens, our
youth have participated in TNT Youth
Conferences since 2000. The first
year they performed Shakespeare’s
As You Like It, under the direction of
Kim Martin. Since 2000 they have
performed in such shows as Animal
Farm, Honk, Jr., Godspell, Jr., John
Lennon and Me and Little Mermaid to
name a few. The BLT Youth Summer
Camp, running June 20-30, is another opportunity for students entering 3rd through 8th
grades to have fun learning about theater. Turning Point Ensemble, would like to welcome
everyone to Baytown and to return this summer when the BLT will present Rodgers &
Hammerstein’s musical, South Pacific, in cooperation with Lee College, at the College’s
Performing Arts Center.
Brazos Valley TROUPE, Bryan-College Station
YOUTH (Youngsters Of Unlimited Talent & Horizons)
Define Crazy *
By Mikayla Moats
Directed by M. A. Sterling
Produced by special arrangement with Mikayla Moats, Playwright
Alex................................. Grant Edens
Mama...................... Shauna Roberson
Delilah..........................Skylar Geddes
Teacher..............................MK Walker
Jess......................................AJ Wright
Jackie.................................... Tessa Jae
Justin................................... Ethan Lee
Anna............................... Sage Vantine
Cheryl...............................Kyra Batten
Annabelle........................ Calista Moats
Riley.............................. Mikayla Moats
Clara....................Charlotte Brumbelow
Therapist.......................Nicolas Roman
Mr. Rich......................... Dallas Osburn
Kyle.................................. Joseph Finch
Molly Claire.................... Reece Wright
Kelsey............................Marissa Moats
Anthony...................... Evan Bendiksen
Backstage Crew..................................................................................... Eli Geddes
Sound/Lights........................................................................................ Jason Moats
Brazos Valley TROUPE
(Texas Repertory Of
arts & Entertainment),
“ A g g i e l a n d ’ s
Ambassadors of the
Arts”, is celebrating
its 22nd year of artistic
serving its community
via the stage. Since its
inception in 1994, this
community performing
arts organization in
Bryan-College Station has been quite busy performing, serving & traveling
extensively throughout the state of Texas and, indeed, the nation. Having
performed with and for the American Theatre Wing in NYC and the like of
the Tony Award-winning Utah Shakespearean Festival, BVT celebrates an
incredible 19 consecutive years performing at this, the 21st Annual TNT Youth
Conference. Our mantra of “Service Beyond The Stage!” has always held strong
and true and TROUPE has served well its community, state and nation as fine
performers, patrons & proponents of the arts. BVT salutes our ‘Comrades in
Arts’ from across the great state of Texas! BRAVO TO ALL!!!
Art Park Players, Deer Park
The Company - Junior Art Park Players
Property Rites*
By Alan Haehnel
Directed by Fred White
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts Inc (www.playscripts.com)
Kyle MacManus........... Caleb Monroe
Rosie Pushtin.................Rose Monroe
Gladys Pushtin................Abby Garcia
Mike Pushtin...............Colby Marbury
Figures 1 & 10.......... AnnMarie Tapia
Figure 2........................... Colin Cooke
Figure 3....................Angela Sizemore
Figure 4............................. Jade Torres
Figure 5........................... Kateri Meza
Figure 6................................ Ava Sabo
Figure 7.............Kourtney Longenecker
Figure 8.........................Mason Messina
Figure 9.............................. Jeron Gatlin
Figure 11............................Mary Arrigo
Figure 12.........................Ross Fontenot
Figure 13.................. Brianna Fugleberg
Figure 15.............................Emily Gage
Brent.................................Orion Simons
Leeza.............................Sydney Strange
Stage Manager.............................................................................Julianne McBride
Lights........................................................................................................ Joe Piper
In early 1979, a
small group of
led by Jeff Smith
and Jean Riggs,
met at the Deer
Park Community
Center to begin
a script-reading club. After several weeks went by and the number of people
attending grew, this hardworking and talented group mounted their first
production, Once Upon A Mattress. The city of Deer Park recognized the love for
the theatrical arts and was fortunate to hire Sue Fenley Meyers as its Artistic and
Managing Director. Our youth theatre school began with six students and now
has more than 250 eager young minds. In April 2004, Susan Mele took over the
reins after the retirement of Mrs. Meyers. Under her direction, the youth program
is still growing. These students gain self-confidence and grow their creativity
through participation in a myriad of activities: musical productions, plays, student
directed shows, voice, dance, and modeling classes… and the list goes on and on.
Many thanks to all of the teachers who have shared
their expertise and talent with the students at the
21st Annual TNT Youth Conference!
McKinney Repertory Theatre, McKinney
Young Actors Guild
The Greek Mythology
By Don Zolidis
Directed by Asa Fris
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts Inc (www.playscripts.com)
Narrator 1/Therapist/Atalanta/
Lonely Single Woman/Harpie/Furie/Siren.......................... M’Kaylia Vaughn
Narrator 2/Lonely Single Woman/Harpie/Furie/Siren...................... Isabel Thierry
Uranus/Man/Orpheus....................................................................... Jimmy Teeling
Rhea/Pandora/Medea/Eurydice/Actor 2........................................... Cora Chastain
Castor/Woman..................................................................................... Forrest Lynn
Zeuss/Police Officer/Pollux/Hercules/Charon/Actor 1.......................... Rocco Hill
Chronos/Jason/Hades.................................................................... Jake Stephenson
Apollo............................................................................................... Dylan Thierry
Hercules/Police Officer........................................................................Preston Fout
Assistant Director...............................................................................Morgan Bond
Stage Manager.......................................................................... Mahaganee Brooks
Lights/Sound....................................................................................Hannah Loeser
McKinney Repertory Theatre Young Actors Guild (YAG) was founded in
2009 and is a youth run organization. Members do it all, from ushering, stage
managing, set building to directing. This is YAG’s sixth year to attend the TNT
Youth Convention and their fifth year performing.
ImprovEd Arts, Austin
ImprovEd Shakespeare Company
Witchcraft In Their Lips
The Women of Shakespeare’s History Plays
By William Shakespeare
Adapted by Stephanie Donowho and Nelson McKeown
Directed by Andee Kinzy
Produced by special arrangement with Stephanie Donowho/Nelson McKeown of
Untamed Shakespeare
Annicka FisherAaliyah Fisher
Evangeline Horton
Georgia Horton
Georgia Pearson
Grace Hickey
Portia Schaeffer-Preston
Zia Kinzy
Based on Previous Staging by...................................................... Lindsay Doleshal
Dramaturgy/Additional Acting Coaching.......................................... Derek Horton
Fight Choreography..................................... Annicka & Aaliyah Fisher, Zia Kinzy
ImprovEd Arts
emboldens kids of all
ages, encouraging the
development of life skills
through an unconventional
and wildly fun approach
to the creative arts.
Witchcraft is a unique
creative collaboration
between Untamed
Shakespeare, En Route
Productions and ImprovEd
Shakespeare. More:
com @2Bshakespeare
| girlimproved.com @
Boerne Community Theatre, Boerne
BCT Teen Troupe
After Hours
By Kevin Stone
Directed by Patricia Hausman and Reese Landis
Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service
Man 1...........................Mark Mcclung
Woman 1.................. Veronika Haynes
Man 2.......................... Andrew Stoner
Woman 2..................... Ellie Galbreath
Man 3........................ Tucker Hamdorf
Woman 3..........................Hope Young
Burglar 1.........................Paige Grover
Burglar 2...........................Jack Morris
Jillian.............................. Anna Coulter
Delivery Man...................Will Coulter
Henry.......................... Matt Thompson
Patty..........................Delaney Sanford
Luann....................Lindsay Ungashick
Danny................................John Hodge
Tyler......................... Kolton Dreibrodt
Skylar...................Shannon Ungashick
Stage Manager....................................................................................Reese Landis
Crew Chief..................................................................................... Ethan Brundeen
Crew....................... Tyler Hanlyn, Jennifer Hill, Viktoria Haynes, Sara VanDivier
The BCT Teen Troupe came under the direction of Patricia Hausman in August
2007. What started with three teens interested in doing theatre has turned into a
full program with opportunities for all ages through Academy, Drama Camps, and
Teen Troupe. Teen Troupe has monthly meetings, workshops, and they perform at
special events as well as doing two main stage productions and a travelling show
every year. Teen Troupe began attending the TNT Youth Conference in 2009 and
is attending for the eighth consecutive year.
Bastrop Opera House, Bastrop
Baron’s Brigade
Edgar Lee Master’s
Spoon River Anthology *
Conceived, Adapted & Arranged by Charles Aidman
Conceived from Edgar Lee Master’s Spoon River Anthology
Directed by Chester Eitze
Presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
Amber Harris
Anastasia Collins
Dominic Holcomb
Chesney Mouser
Isabella Elmore
Joseph Holcomb
Sierra Harris
Danielle Huber
Hunter Anderson
Lena Hoffman
Zoe Picciandra
The Baron’s Brigade is the
performance troupe of the yearold Bastrop Academy of the
Performing Arts established
October, 2015, from a grant
award and major fundraising
event, Night of the Rising
Theatre, dance and
music are the foundation of this
program serving home school,
public and parochial education.
Main stage and touring shows
reward Academy students who
study techniques, styles and
types of the performance arts.
The Baron referred to in the
Academy’s name came from
the Netherlands in the early
1800’s. He was able to create
a character that impressed the
Mexicans and Texians settling the developing Lone Star state. So, if
Life is a Masquerade, act well your part. We hope you love TNT Youth
Conference as much as we do! Good Show!
Ohlook Performing Arts Center, Grapevine
Ohlook Company (OCO)
Heathers 101 *
Music, Lyrics and Book by Kevin Murphy & Laurence O’Keefe
Directed by Marty Johnson & Jill Blalock Lord
Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., iTheatricks,
and the authors
Veronica.................................Emma Lord
Heather Chandler................Isabelle Hahn
Heather Duke..........................Julia Sutter
Heather McNamara................ Grace Lord
Jason Dean............................ Tex Patrello
Martha Dunnstock........... Allie Alexander
Ms. Fleming...................Breanne Jackson
Ram Sweeney.................... Lucas Johnson
Kurt Kelly....................... Michael Moffitt
Big Bud Dean/Student...... Andrew Smith
Veronica’s Mom/Student...Elise Emberlin
Veronica’s Dad/Student.... Tim DeSimone
Principal/Student................Lillian Melcer
Coach Ripper/Student.......... Noel Alvarado
Ram’s Dad/Student................... Will Shafer
Kurt’s Dad/Beleaguered
Geek........................... Trevor Turnbow
Young Republicanette.Karina Cunningham
Officer Milner/Student............. Tess Cutillo
Officer McCord/Student..... Sarah Crawford
Preppy Stud.......................... Drew Mitchell
New Wave Girl......................... Emmy Pratt
Stoner Chick............................ Isabel Malin
Hipster Dork....................... Will Thompson
Student/Cheerleader.............Remelee Bivin
Student/Cheerleader.................Meg Fordyce
Lights & Sound........................................................................................... Jill Blalock Lord
Ohlook is a small black box theatre in Grapevine, TX. This is our 15th year of existence
and our 6th year of attending the TNT Youth Conference. Ohlook Company (OCO) is
comprised of our most elite students, many of who have gone on to pursue theater as their
career after graduation. In OCO students study music, acting and dance and often explore
more mature shows such as Laramie Project and Bang, Bang You’re Dead and the operetta
Pirates of Penzance.
• ••
Skyler Thanks for sharing your
love of theatre with us!
You have a bright future
ahead of you.
Love, Mom & Dad
You are beautiful,
talented, strong and
We love you.
Mom & Rylee
President ............................................................................................................Fred White, Deer Park
Vice President: Financial Development................................................................... Kim Martin, Baytown
Vice President: Planning................................................................................... Dennis Yslas, Fort Worth
Vice President: Programs.................................................................................Tracy Alexander, Midland
Secretary ............................................................................................................... Lonny Fox, Lubbock
Treasurer ................................................................................................. Beau Dameron, Wichita Falls
Past President ..................................................................................................... Chester Eitze, Bastrop
Susan Austin, Weatherford
Cranston Dodds, Corsicana
Patricia Hausman, Boerne
Gregory Magyar, Katy
Alathea Blischke, Midland
Roberta Elliott, New Braunfels
Lisa Holcomb, Smithville
John Meiners, Jr., Houston
Ben Spencer, Midland
Marcia Colbert, Athens
DeAnna Hargrove, Tyler
John Barry Holland, Port Arthur
Jesus Pantel, Austin
Quad I: Jena Tumlin, Chairman; Heather May, Vice Chairman
Quad II: Melanie Brummit, Chairman
Quad III: Allen Rudolph, Chairman
Quad IV: Jeremiah Maddix, Chairman & Mike Fisher, Vice Chairman
Linda M. Lee, Executive Director
Frieda Austin, Administrative Director
Preston Isham, Staff Assistant