Product Guide - Targetcraft
Product Guide - Targetcraft
TARGETCRAFT 2006 note 9 - Update cts 1st Feb 0 me produ possible; so re w e e h n w s/ e d v . update lternati ave been versions/a h t s n e ct u rr d cu ro , P nued as disconti ible. e are noted here poss include th w d te o n re nded (and a e s e m ct a th u d d to n ro a e p at du dated se note th e been up a v a le in h p s s t u se ce b a ri e P incr 15%), s, and big AT rate of d. hange rate reduced V xc e guarantee f e o b t ty o li n ti n la o ca v s d ability, nt price continue ces, curre me price st ri p so rs in re ta u in a manufact effort to m roducts. aking every on your p ce ri p st We are m e late ask for th but please Uniform of the Irvine Toxophilite Society 1846 Targetcraft Archery Centre On target for all your archery needs Service Prices We do our best to offer personal, friendly, and efficient service, and are happy to offer technical advice and information from novice to expert level (and tea or coffee, without charge). If you are unhappy with your purchase we will exchange or refund it if you return it to us unused in its original packaging. We make every effort to ensure that the prices listed are correct, but please note that all prices (and specifications) are subject to change without notice, particularly on imported items. If the price of an item has changed, we will let you know before we send your order. We do not list every item we stock – if your requirements are not shown, please ask. Opening hours Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday 9.00 am – 5.30 pm 9.00 am – 5.30 pm 9.00 am – 5.00 pm To contact us Phone: Fax: By post: 01536 726677 01536 722377 28b Duke Street, Burton Latimer, Northants NN15 5SG All prices include VAT at the current rate. Books and magazines are currently zero rated. Payment By cheque, postal order or credit card. Your credit card/cheque payment will not be processed until your order is despatched. Title to the goods does not pass to the customer until full payment is received. Despatch Wherever possible, goods are sent the same day. If there is likely to be a delay, we will tell you when you place your order. Carriage E-mail (for orders or pricing enquiries) (for technical enquiries) Mail Order When placing your order, (particularly when ordering by post), please provide a contact telephone number if possible. All postage is charged at cost. First class post: small low value packets. Express (Registered) Post: higher value items weighing up to 2kg. Carrier: Parcels exceeding 2kg weight. Export parcels are sent by the most costeffective service available. Carriage on heavier items will be advised at time of order. How to find us Coventry 35 m Targetcraft Burton Latimer Duke Library Street A6 A6 Kettering Bedford 20 m A14 Dukes Arms P.H. 28b Duke Street • Tel: +44 (0)1536 726677 C J Engineering • A14 Cambridge 40 m Burton Latimer • Burton Latimer • Fax: +44 (0)1536 722377 Registered in England No 2668740 Northants NN15 5SG • England • email: • Partners: CM Thwaites J Thwaites The Arden Archery Meeting shooting ground, August 16th 1846 Product Guide Notes for novices Choosing a bow Left or right hand? Draw length If you hold the bow in your left hand, and draw the string with your right, you shoot right handed, and need a right hand bow. An estimate of your draw length can be obtained by getting someone to measure from your breast-bone to fingertips when your arms are held out straight in front of you at shoulder level, with fingertips touching. This is only an approximate measurement, but should at least ensure the arrow is not too short, which can risk injury. Recurve bows When buying an Olympic (recurve) style bow, you should ensure it is the correct length and weight for you. The bow length is determined by your height and reach. The ‘weight’ refers to the effort required to draw the arrow to a specific distance, and is usually referred to as ‘poundage’, i.e. a description of a bow as being 26# @ 28" means it requires 26lbs of ‘pull’ to draw the arrow to 28" (from the string to a measured point on the bow). Bow length & weight It is important to get the correct length bow: too long a bow for your draw length will find you struggling to get the full potential from the bow. Too short, and again, you will not get the best performance from the bow and could over-draw, which can damage the bow. You should choose a bow weight that you can draw without discomfort. However, you will probably find this is a matter of trial and compromise. The bow will feel very different to the lightweight bows usually used for beginners classes, but a higher poundage than you will be used to is needed to reach the target distances used in competition. Recurve bow length guide (approx): draw length less than 24": draw length 24-26": draw length 26-28": draw length over 28": 60-64" bow 64-66" bow 66-68" bow 68-70" bow Compound bows A compound bow should be chosen with a range including your draw length and draw weight. Most bows are adjustable, to ensure an exact match to your needs. Choosing arrows Arrows should be chosen to match the draw weight of the bow at your draw length: if you know these, refer to the Easton arrow chart (pages 80-81) to select suitable arrows. If you are unsure, your club/coach will be able to advise you, or you can phone us on 01536-726677, and we will be pleased to help you. Note that although some limbs are printed with weights at specific lengths, the draw weights given should be taken as a guide only: different combinations of handles and limbs will give different results when measured. Assembling a recurve bow Stringing the bow right hand handle window arrow shelf using the stringer bottom limb left hand handle fitted limb First make sure you have the handle the right way up! The bow window/arrow shelf should be to your left when you are holding the bow if you shoot right handed, (i.e. you hold the bow in your left hand) and to your right if you shoot left handed. Fit limbs to bow as illustrated. Bow limbs are matched pairs, but they are not identical. They must be fitted the right way round. The limb which has printed size/weight details is the bottom limb. The detail panel should be facing you when you are holding the bow. Always use a stringer to string the bow. The bow string has a large and small end loop. First, slip the large loop over the top limb. Next, fit the small loop onto the tip of the assembled bow bottom limb, so that the string sits in the should look like groove on the back of the limb. Put on the this when strung stringer, following the instructions given with it, or from our 'Basics' booklet. We will be happy to send you a copy of this on request. Pull the bow up by the handle, using the stringer to tension the limbs, until you can slip the top string loop into the string grooves. Let down gently and check the string is properly seated. Do not leave a recurve bow strung when not in use. Targetcraft Index Index Arrow pullers.................. 88 ARROW RESTS: compound.............. 44 recurve.................... 42 ARROW STRAIGHTENER 96 ARROWS: aluminium............... 75 carbon.................... 68 fibreglass................ 74 wood...................... 82 ARROW SELECTION CHART 80 Cable sliders................... 28 CASES: arrow...................... 63 compound.............. 65 recurve.................... 62 Chest guards.................. 57 Clickers........................... 42 Clothing....................... 101 Compound accessories... 28 Crossbows...................... 29 pistol....................... 29 BACKSTOP: net poles................. 91 netting.................... 91 BAGS: compound.............. 64 recurve.................... 61 sight........................ 60 Belts............................... 60 Binoculars....................... 93 binocular clips......... 93 Books............................. 97 Bow grips....................... 28 Bow rest......................... 60 Bow scales...................... 96 Bow slings...................... 51 Bow stands..................... 66 Bow stringers................. 51 BOWS - COMPOUND: BowTech................. 23 Browning................ 17 Champion............... 17 Hoyt........................ 18 KAP......................... 26 Mathews................. 27 Merlin..................... 25 PSE.......................... 26 Reflex...................... 24 Bows - Longbows........... 14 Bows - recurve: Beginners.................. 8 Border (limbs)........... 3 Fibreglass................ 15 Hoyt.......................... 1 KAP........................... 5 KG............................. 1 Samick...................... 6 Spigarelli................... 7 Win&Win.................. 3 Bows - Traditional.......... 11 Bracers........................... 55 Bracing height gauges.... 95 Buttons........................... 41 Dampers......................... 39 Decals............................. 88 Dog clips........................ 60 Eliminator buttons......... 48 Faces.............................. 89 Feathers.......................... 86 Fletching jigs.................. 87 Fletchings....................... 85 Foot markers.................. 93 Gift vouchers.................. 93 Gloves............................ 52 Glue............................... 87 gas torch................. 93 Ground quivers............... 67 Kissers............................ 94 Limb gauges................... 96 Limb protectors.............. 60 Limb savers..................... 39 Magazines.................... 100 Nock pliers..................... 95 Nock points.................... 94 TRU nock................. 48 Nocks............................. 83 Peep sights..................... 46 Pile cement..................... 87 Quivers........................... 57 Release aids.................... 48 Rule book..................... 100 Scopes............................ 36 Score pads...................... 60 SIGHTS: compound.............. 33 recurve.................... 30 sight pins................ 35 Spotting scopes.............. 93 Stabilisers....................... 37 String keepers................ 51 STRING: accessories........ 94, 95 bowstrings.............. 94 jigs.......................... 95 materials................. 94 separators............... 95 TABS: finger...................... 54 gloves..................... 52 platform.................. 53 Taper tools..................... 83 TARGET: 3D........................... 92 boss stands............. 92 bosses..................... 91 face pins................. 89 Tassels............................ 88 Tents............................ 101 TFCs................................ 40 Training aids................... 92 Trolley............................ 93 Trousers........................ 101 V-bars............................. 38 Videos.......................... 100 Workshop..................... 101 Product Guide Recurve Bows Recurve Bows KG Kudos CNC machined deflex riser with limb pockets adjustable for tiller, weight and limb alignment. Two bushings for button positioning. Sight window cut a" over centre. Colours: black, purple, red, green, turquoise, silver. Hardwood grip. Handle BRC221 23 & 25", international fittings Kudos handle only £299.00 KG carbon limbs High quality carbon limbs, international fittings. Lengths Weights 64, 66, 68, 70, 72" 30–50lb BRC222 QIL carbon limbs £350.00 Apex MultiAxial carbon limbs £395.00 Border Mistral CNC handle. Adjustable limb alignment and tiller (+10%). Bushed for long rod and button, tapped for arrow rest. Colours: platinum, red, blue. Handle BRC23 25", international fittings Mistral handle £NLA Hoyt Matrix Deflex handle with adjustable hardlock limb pockets. Engineered for stability, with a smooth and quiet release. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum. Handle 10012 23 & 25", international fittings Matrix handle £225.00 Hoyt Aerotec Light deflex CNC handle weighing 2lb 14oz, with adjustable limb pockets. Hardlock limb locking system to reduce limb shift. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum. Handle 10015 25", international fittings Aerotec handle £299.00 Hoyt Gold Medallist Cast magnesium handle and positive locking limb attachment. Tiller adjustable +10%. Bushed for c" stabilisers and button. Colours: blue, red, black, yellow. Handle 25", international fittings Brace height 84"–94" 10040 Gold Medallist handle 10020 10030 10000 10011 10012 10032 Helix handle Eclipse handle Nexus handle GMX handle GMX 27 handle Excel handle £90.00 £349.00 £150.00 £335.00 £430.00 £458.00 £120.00 1 Targetcraft Recurve Bows Hoyt G3 limbs G3 Hoyt’s latest design offers weatherproof carbon laminate on advanced parabolic foam core limbs for speed, stability and smoothness through the clicker zone. International fittings. 10115 G3 limbs £310.00 Hoyt M1 limbs M1 Durable, high performance carbon laminate with Syntactic foam core limbs for consistency in all weathers. International fittings. 10117 M1 limbs £NLA Hoyt Vector limbs Vector Temperature stable carbon laminate/Syntactic foam core for consistent shooting. Smooth, quiet, and easy to shoot. International fittings. 10102 Vector limbs £NLA Hoyt CRX limbs CRX High performance limbs designed for torsion control. Carbon laminate with Hoyt’s traditional hard rock maple core. International fittings 10132 CRX limbs £165.00 Hoyt Epic limbs Epic New rounded edge design glass laminate on hard rock maple core for good performance in all weathers. International fittings. 10130 Edge Hoyt bow lengths Bow: Handle: Limb Long Medium Short Aerotec Matrix Gold Medallist 25" 23" 25" 23" 25" 70" 68" 66" 68" 66" 64" 70" 68" 66" 68" 66" 64" 70" 68" 66" 10110 10105 10101 10100 Epic limbs £115.00 Stratix limbs Carbon 300 990TX 900CX £150.00 £215.00 £415.00 £365.00 Hoyt limb weights Bow length: Short Medium Long G3 M1 Vector CRX Epic Edge 34–50# 24–50# 24–50# 24–50# 22–50# 22–50# 34–50# 24–50# 24–50# 24–50# 22–50# 22–50# 34–50# 24–50# 24–50# 24–50# 22–50# 22–50# International fittings handles/limbs with international fittings are interchangeable 2 Product Guide Recurve Bows BORDER LIMBS Superb range of limbs, designed with the latest carbon technology for extra speed and stability. International fit. Lengths Weights BRC510 BRC505 BRC500 66, 68, 70" (on 25" handle) to 50lb TX Gold limbs TX Silver limbs XP Bronze limbs £360.00 £300.00 £240.00 Border Silver Win&Win EX limbs New high performance dynamic design limbs with Honeyfoam core and Royal Cross carbon laminates. Stable in high temperature/high humidity conditions. Increased speed (5–7fps compared to similar weight limbs) and 10% improvement in torsion resistance. International fit. Lengths Weights 10704 66, 68, 70" 32–46lb Win EX limbs Border Gold Border Bronze £215.00 Win&Win XQ1 limbs ‘Synergy Flight System’ limbs. Temperature stable honeycomb foam core for improved durability. Reduced energy loss and greater torsion resistance for faster speed and better grouping. International fittings. Lengths Weights 10706 WinEX 66, 68, 70" 28–46lb XQ1 Synerzy limbs £NLA Synerzy XQ1 Everest Pro limbs Lightweight foam core carbon laminate limbs for reliable stable performance. International fit. Lengths Weights 10715 66, 68, 70" 28–44lb Everest Pro limbs £NLA Winact Win&Win Winact limbs Royal Cross carbon/rock maple/Bo-tuff laminate limbs. International fittings. Lengths Weights 66, 68, 70" 20–44lbs Everest Pro 10700 Winact limbs £195.00 10725 10700 10705 WinUS limbs Inno Power limbs Pro Accent limbs £125.00 £355.00 £258.00 Sidewinder 3 Recurve Bows Targetcraft Win&Win Xpert Aluminium/carbon epoxy composite handle. Carbon bridge for increased shock absorption and reduced torque. Colours: silver, gold, red, blue, grey, black. Xpert Handle NX Xpert 25", international fittings 10645 Xpert handle £NLA Win&Win NX Xpert New design aluminium/carbon epoxy composite handle with integral carbon damper fitted in the limb alignment pocket to maximise shock absorption and minimise torque. Resists pitching vibration, radial torque from string oscillation, and lateral twisting due to asymmetric design of bow window. Handle 25", international fittings 10650 NX Xpert handle £299.00 Win&Win Exfeel Aluminium 7001, forged then CNC machined for extra strength. Dual bushings for button positioning. Colours: white, grey, silver, gold, red, blue, black. Exfeel Handle Infinite 25", international fittings 10625 Exfeel handle £NLA Win&Win Infinite Aluminium/carbon epoxy composite laminate riser for improved stability and reduced vibration. Designed to put pressure point at centre of bow regardless of grip type. Right hand only. Colours: white, grey, silver, gold, red, blue, black. Handle: 25", international fittings 10635 Infinite handle £NLA Win&Win Winact Machined aluminium handle with tiller and arrow centering adjustment. Dual bushings for button positioning. Colours: white, grey, silver, gold, red, blue, black. Winact 23" Winact Handle 23, 25", international fittings 10605 Winact handle £200.00 10600 10602 Inno Power handle Inno Power 27 handle SFlute handle Pro Accent handle £425.00 £425.00 £175.00 £285.00 10604 Right/left hand All handles are available in right and left hand unless specifically stated 4 Product Guide Recurve Bows KAP Evolution ll~TRex Cast aluminium handle. Colours: red, blue, black, gold, white, silver. Handle 23", international fittings 10676 Evolution ll~TRex handle Evolution ll £47.00 KAP Evolution ll~TRex limbs Entry level limbs with international fittings. Weights in 2lb increments. Lengths Weights 64, 66, 68" 16–36lb 10779 Evolution ll~TRex limbs £47.00 KAP Certi-Q Forged and machined aluminium handle. Right hand only. Wood grip. Colours: red, blue, black, grey, gold. Handle 25", international fittings 10672 Certi-Q handle £NLA Certi-Q KAP WinStar ll Forged and machined aluminium handle, tiller and weight adjustment. Colours: red, blue, black. Handle 10662 10672 25", international fittings Winstar l handle WinStar ll handle £68.00 £90.00 WinTech Stinger limbs Value intermediate limbs from KAP. International fittings. Lengths Weights 10770 10775 66, 68, 70" 20–40lb Stinger glass limbs Stinger carbon limbs £65.00 £90.00 KAP Challenger/Craft~Winstorm limbs Glass/woodcore laminate limbs. International fittings. Lengths 66, 68, 70" Weights: 22–40lb 10745 Challenger Craft limbs Challenger Craft £65.00 KAP Challenger~Winstorm Carbon limbs Carbon limbs, international fittings Lengths 66, 68, 70" Weights 28–44lb 10776 Challenger Carbon limbs Challenger Carbon £95.00 5 Targetcraft Recurve Bows Samick Master High modulus forged aluminium CNC machined handle. Vibration damping system in limb pockets. Colours: red, blue, green, black, grey, pink, purple, silver. Master Handle 11000 25", international fittings Master handle £295.00 Samick Master limbs High modulus foam core carbon graphite limbs. Graphite finish. International fit. Lengths Weights 66, 68,70" 26-40lb 11005 Master limbs £225.00 Samick Extreme limbs High modulus foam core carbon graphite limbs. White finish. International fit. Lengths Weights 66, 68,70" 30-46lb 11005 Extreme Agulla Extreme limbs £285.00 Samick Agulla Magnesium handle. Fully bushed c" for button, long rod and twins, drilled & tapped for sight. Colours: red, blue, green, grey, violet. Handle 11020 25", international fittings Agulla handle £80.00 Samick Mizar Magnesium handle, for shorter draw length bow. Colours: black, white, pink, red, blue, purple, gold, silver. Handle 11025 23", international fittings Mizar handle £80.00 Samick Universal glass limbs Universal/Agulla/Tournament limbs. Good value, reliable intermediate level limbs. International fittings. Mizar Universal Lengths Weights 11045 6 66, 68, 70" 26–42lbs Samick Universal limbs 11050 11053 11056 Athlete handle Athlete carbon limbs Athlete glass limbs 11060 11065 Privilege handle Privilege limbs £65.00 £220.00 £180.00 £120.00 £49.00 £47.00 Product Guide Recurve Bows Spigarelli Revolution New design from Spigarelli, CNC machined. Tiller, limb alignment and weight (+10%) adjustable. Integrated vibration damper system. Two bushings for stablilser positioning. Includes clicker extension and Zero Tolerance magnetic rest. Wood grip. Two year manufacturers warranty. Colours: black/silver, red/silver/blue. Handle: 23, 25", international fittings BRC280 Revolution handle Revolution £215.00 Spigarelli VBS Machined aluminium handle with integrated adjustable magnetic arrow rest. Adjustable limb alignment system. Weight modules for customised weight balance. Wood grip. Colours: black, blue, red, chrome. Handle 10870 25", international fittings VBS handle £275.00 PSE X Factor VBS Deflex design machined aluminium riser engineered for perfect balance with grip position at optimum pivot point. Weight adjustable to +10%. PSE limb alignment system. Handle weight 212lb. Colours: red or blue. Handle BRC455 X Factor 25", international fittings X Factor handle £299.00 PSE S2 Value CNC machined handle for S1 starter limbs. Colours: red, blue. Handle BRC050 BRC052 BRC055 23, 25" for S1 limbs S2 Bow inc string & nock points £85.00 Bow with Hunter rest & £88.50 basic composite sight S2 limb bolt £1.95 Samick Mind 10 S2 Rosewood handle. Fully bushed for long rod, button, etc. Glass laminate wood core limbs. Handle Lengths Weights 11320 11340 Small (62"), Medium (64"), Long (66-70") 62, 64, 66, 68, 70" 62 & 64": 12, 15, 18, 20, 22lb 66, 68, 70": 20–40lb Mind 10 handle Mind 10 limbs Mind 10 £40.00 £45.00 7 Targetcraft Recurve Bows Samick Polaris Polaris A wood handled recurve bow with glass/wood core laminate limbs, offering very good value for money. Handle is bushed for long rod and button. An excellent starter bow. Rolan Handle Lengths Weights 11680 11685 11745 11670 11650 19, 20, 22, 24" for Polaris and S1 limbs 54, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70" 54" 10–24lb 62, 64, 66" 12–34lb 68, 70" 16–38lb Bow inc string & rest Bow & basic composite sight Junior bow inc string & rest Junior bow & basic sight S1 Limb bolt Limbs only Handle only £54.50 £58.50 £52.00 £52.50 £1.95 £26.00 £25.00 Rolan Composite handle for Polaris and S1 starter limbs. Colours: red, green, blue. Handle 11780 20, 23, 25" for Polaris and S1 limbs Rolan handle Bow inc string & rest Bow & basic composite sight £35.00 £68.50 £72.50 Cartel Triple Composite handle for Polaris and S1 limbs. Bushed for sight, long rod, and button. Colours: blue or black. Cartel Triple Handle Surprise 11630 11635 19, 22, 24" for Polaris limbs Cartel handle 22, 24" Cartel junior handle 19" Bow inc string & rest Bow & basic composite sight Junior Bow inc string & rest Junior bow & basic sight £16.50 £14.00 £44.50 £48.50 £42.00 £46.50 KAP Surprise Composite handle and Prostyle foam laminate limbs. Handle Lengths Weights 11850 11855 11845 8 24" for Surprise, Polaris and S1 limbs 64, 66, 68" 16–32lb Bow inc string and rest Bow & basic composite sight Surprise handle Surprise Prostyle limbs £53.50 £57.50 £20.00 £30.00 Surprise handle/Polaris limbs Bow & basic composite sight £49.50 £53.50 KAP Prostyle metal handle with Polaris limbs with composite sight £26.00 £55.50 £59.50 Product Guide Recurve Bows & Kits Ragim Wood handled recurve bow with glass/wood core laminate limbs. Handle with coloured laminate inlays and satin varnish finish. Bushed for long rod, sight and button. Handle Lengths Weights 11800 11805 11840 11820 Victory Victory 23, 25" for Ragim limbs Ranger 54" Victory 62, 64, 66, 68, 70" 54" 12–20lb 62, 64" 14–26lb 66, 68, 70" 16–40lb Victory bow inc string & rest Victory bow & basic sight Victory limbs only Victory handle only £NLA £NLA £NLA £NLA Starter Kit All the essentials needed to get started: Kit: Midi composite sight Starter Kit with Cartel bag 8 fully fletched Jazz arrows plain leather two hole finger tab 2 tube quiver Super arm guard bow stringer leather bow sling BRC000 BRC001 Starter Kit, r/h Starter Kit, l/h Starter Kit with Cartel bag £49.00 £49.00 £55.50 Intermediate Jazz Kit Kit: BRC002 BRC003 Cavalier T300 rest intermediate sight basic button 8 fully fletched Jazz arrows platform tab universal quiver arm guard bow stringer leather bow sling padded take-down bow bag Intermediate Jazz Kit, r/h Intermediate Jazz Kit, l/h Intermediate Jazz Kit £93.00 £93.00 9 Targetcraft Kits Intermediate Platinum Kit Intermediate Platinum Kit Kit: BRC006 BRC007 Cavalier T300 rest intermediate sight basic button 8 fully fletched PlatinumPlus arrows platform tab Cartel DLX quiver arm guard bow sling bow stringer Cartel carbon long rod Cartel bowstand Field Locker carry case and pre-cut foam insert. Intermediate kit, r/h Intermediate kit, l/h £140.00 £140.00 Club Kit Club Kit Selection of quality equipment: Kit: BRC004 BRC005 Spigarelli Z/T magnetic rest Cartel Xpert sight Cartel Click button 8 fully fletched PlatinumPlus arrows A&F leather tab Custom 3 pocket quiver with belt arm guard bow sling bow stringer Cartel Black Sheep carbon long rod RX105 bowstand Field Locker carry case and pre-cut foam insert. Club accessory kit, r/h Club accessory kit, l/h £183.00 £183.00 Competition Kit Competition Kit More advanced equipment for higher performance bows: Kit: BRC008 BRC009 Spigarelli Z/T magnetic rest Smart Carbon sight Shibuya button 8 fully fletched PlatinumPlus arrows A&F leather tab Custom 3 pocket quiver and belt arm guard bow sling bow stringer Cartel carbon/ali long rod and twins Cartel V-bar Skorten PodPlus bowstand Complete with Chichester case. Competition accessory kit, r/h £305.00 Competition accessory kit, l/h £305.00 Other kit combinations available: please ask. 10 Product Guide Traditional Bows Traditional Bows Black Douglas Border Black Douglas A wood/carbon graphite laminate recurve hunting bow, with handle available in Standard and Super (choice of woods) versions. High grip and shaped grooves to take 4 fingers. Medium & low grips available to special order. Bow complete with FastFlight Flemish twist string. Elite Black Douglas Bow length 60, 62, 64, & 66" Black Douglas Swift Bow length 58, 60, 62" Black Douglas Ultra Bow length 56, 58, 60" Black Douglas glass limbs Available as standard in black glass over maple, or to special order with clear glass over elm or cherry. Hex lV limbs With TX40 facings In black, brown or Forest pattern Weights BFB0051 BFB0052 BFB0053 BEB0054 BFB0055 BFB0056 BFB0060 to 90lb Handle, Standard £240.00 Handle, Super £250.00 XP30 carbon limbs £290.00 BD glass limbs, standard £240.00 Hex lV limbs, black or brown £400.00 Raptor hybrid longbow limbs £390.00 BD Black Elite XP30 £485.00 one piece version, carbon laminate handle & TX40 facings Hornet Border Hornet Recurve take-down bow, with carbon laminate handle. Limbs clear glass over elm. Complete with FastFlight string. Length BFB0070 58, 60, 62" Bow £460.00 Spirit ll Samick Spirit-ll Good starter bow for traditional archery. Recurve bow with dark wood handle and black limbs. Length Weights 12280 Talon 60" 30–60lb Bow 105.00 Samick Talon Recurve take-down wood bow. Maple and rosewood handle, maple limbs. Length Weights 12150 60" 30–60lb Bow £NLA 11 Targetcraft Traditional Bows Hoyt GameMaster Field bow incorporating traditional features with modern Tec handle. Arrow shelf fully radiused to allow shooting with or without arrow rest. Complete with roll-up carry case. Colours: matt black handle/maple limbs or RealTree green camo (handle & limbs). GameMaster DeerSlayer Handle Length Brace height Weights 21" 62" 72––84" 40–65lb 12055 12057 GameMaster black/maple GameMaster RealTree £325.00 £325.00 Samick DeerMaster Take down field bow. Wood handle and clear glass/maple limbs. Length Weights 62" 30–60lb 12360 DeerSlayer £96.00 Samick SHB One piece field bow. Rosewood & walnut riser with black limbs. Length Weights 12400 58" 35–60lb Bow £110.00 Samwha One-Piece SHB Good value one piece traditional bow in dark woods with black limbs. Length Weights Samwha 12620 58" 30–60lb Bow £NLA SKB Samick SKB Traditional Korean bow. Can be used right or left handed. Rosewood and walnut with black glass. Length Weights 50" 35–60lb 12700 50" bow 12300 SHT 60" bow 12440 12460 12420 12 Volcano Spikeman Stingray £85.00 £105.00 £120.00 £130.00 £110.00 Product Guide Traditional Bows GRóZER TRADITIONAL BOWS Selection of bows from Csaba Grózer, Hungarian traditional bowyer. Many other styles of traditional East European and Asian bows available to special order. Old Scythian Old Scythian bow Length 52" Strung length 45" Max draw 32" Brace height 6" Weights 15–90lb BFB5025 Old Scythian bow Scythian £99.00 Childs Old Scythian bow Length 44" Strung length 392" Max draw 27" Brace height 68" Weights 15–35lb BFB5025 Childs Old Scythian bow £65.00 Scythian bow Length 542" Strung length 482" Max draw 28" Brace height 78" Weights 20–60lb BFB5020 Scythian bow £160.00 Hungarian base Hungarian base bow Length 604" Strung length 53a" Max draw 30 or 32" Brace height 6s" Weights 25–120lb BFB5035 Hungarian base bow Turkish base £199.00 Turkish base bow Length 512" Strung length 442" Max draw 30" Brace height 8" Weights 30–60lb BFB5030 Turkish base bow £260.00 13 Targetcraft Traditional Bows LONGBOWS Bickerstaffe Standard Quality longbows that really look the part, and with performance to match. Horn nocks and inlays for left and right hand archers. Bows can also be made to customer requirements. Bickerstaffe DeLuxe Bickerstaffe English longbows Bickerstaffe Basic Bickerstaffe Re-enactment English longbows with horn nocks. Hickory backed lemonwood with hardwood cores. Core woods may vary, depending on availability. Higher weights and draw available in Standard and DeLuxe bows to special order. Weights BLG031 BLG034 BLG038 BLG039 BLG033 BLG032 Standard: 35–60lb @ 28" (29" max) DeLuxe: 35–60lb @ 28" (29" max) Basic: 35–50lb (max) @ 28" Medieval: 35–50lb (max) @ 28" Standard bow DeLuxe two core bow Basic bow Mediaeval style bow Classic bow DIY longbow kit from £280.00 £300.00 £230.00 £230.00 £Call £140.00 Bickerstaffe Re-enactment bow Simple wood flat bow with self nocks, suitable for reenactors or beginners. Hickory backed lemonwood. Draw weight to 35lb approx. BLG036 Re-enactment bow £155.00 KG English longbows KG Hickory backed longbows with horn nocks. BLG002 BLG003 Super Racli Standard longbow £260.00 Bow with exotic woods from £265.00 Kyudo Tamars Super Racli Maple and bubinga flat bow with clear glass laminate and leather grip. Length Draw Weights Brace height 13440 66" 28" 30-55lb 58" Super Racli bow £NLA Japart Kyudo Traditional Japanese bow. Weights 13500 14 15, 17, 19, 21, 23kg Kyudo bow £275.00 13125 Samick Shadow Mini £85.00 12710 Wind horse riding bow £99.00 13130 Samick CA60 £89.00 Product Guide Traditional & Fibreglass Bows Samwha DLX Viper Very attractive, well finished flat bow in rosewood and clear glass. Length Weights 13225 Viper 68" 30–60lb DLX Viper SLB £105.00 Eagle Samick SLB Hunter Dark wood flat bow with black limbs. Length Weights 13120 69" 35–60lb Hunter bow £90.00 Eagle Lighter draw weight simple flat bow, suitable for ladies & juniors. Sizes 48" 15–30lb 58" 15–30lb 68" 20–50lb 13300 13305 12720 Eagle 68" bow Eagle 58" bow Eagle 48" bow £85.00 £75.00 £65.00 Fibreglass Bows Sportflight Sportflight Kit Includes 60" fibre glass bow, 25lb draw weight, complete with adjustable sight pin, 2 fibreglass arrows, arm guard, and finger tab. Suitable young adults, and adults. Ideal for clubs & schools. BFG032 BFG031 Sportflight Kit Sportflight bow only £41.95 £31.95 Banshee Kit Sherwood Forester 50 Kit Kit includes 50" fibre glass bow, (similar design to Sportflight, approx 15lb pull), 2 fibreglass arrows, arm guard, finger tab and a target face. Suitable 8+ yrs. BFG022 BFG021 Sherwood Forester Kit Sherwood Forester bow only £29.95 £19.95 Banshee Compound Kit Kit includes 28lb draw weight compound bow, 2 fibreglass arrows, arm guard, and finger tab. Sight pin incorporated in handle. Suitable young adults. BFG002 BFG001 Banshee Kit Banshee bow only £41.95 £31.95 15 Targetcraft Fibreglass Bows & Kits Li'l Banshee Compound Kit Indian 60 Lighter version of the Banshee. Kit includes 15lb pull compound bow, 2 fibreglass arrows, arm guard, finger tab and a target face. Suitable 8+ yrs. BFG012 BFG011 Indian 50 Little Banshee Kit Little Banshee bow only £29.95 £19.95 Storm 62" 20@28" bow Indian 50" 20lb junior bow Dacron string for Indian bows Thunder 52" 15lb junior bow Apache 56" 15lb junior bow (maximum arrow length 24") Duke 52" 15lb junior bow Kojote 48" 10lb junior bow Little 40" 10lb junior bow £31.95 £23.50 £3.50 £23.50 £23.50 Thunder Apache ONE PIECE BOWS BFG045 BFG043 Duke Kojote Little BFG041 BFG051 BFG052 BFG053 £17.50 £15.95 £13.75 KITS Selection of equipment for leisure use Accessory set for 60" bows Includes arrow rest, finger tab, Super arm guard, 4 fibreglass arrows, 2 Saunders nock points for bowstring, 60cm target face and 4 target face pins. Accessory set/60" bow Junior bow Accessory Kit 60" bow Accessory Kit £12.95 Accessory set for junior bows Includes finger tab, Super arm guard, 4 lightweight wood arrows, 2 Saunders nock points for bowstring, 60cm target face and 4 target face pins. Accessory set/junior bow £10.95 Family Kit Includes: One 60" fibreglass bow & accessory kit One 50" Indian OR 52" Thunder junior bow with one junior accessory kit One Rover butt One Shorty target stand Five 80cm Tyvek water resistant target faces One pack/10 target face pins One ground quiver Family kit £144.00 Large family kit Includes: Family kit as above, PLUS Additional Apache bow and junior accessory kit Arrow tube and padded one-piece bow bag Archery Basics DVD Large family kit 16 £233.50 Product Guide Compound Bows Compound Bows Browning Rage Rage Cast riser bow with HyperMax adjustable cam, giving 10" draw adjustment on the bow without using modules. Colour: blue. Bow length Brace height Bow weight Sizes 16700 Adreneline 35" 8" 3lb 8oz 21–31" Rage £195.00 Browning Micro Adreneline XS Specially designed for the junior archer; HyperMax 10 cam with 10" of draw length adjustment. Lightweight, with TaperFlex fibreglass limbs. Colours: Blue or Mossy Oak Break-Up. Let off Bow length Bow weight Sizes 16710 65/70% 32" 2lb 8oz 18–28" 18–28" 30–40lb 40–50lb Micro Adreneline XS £170.00 Champion Badger Single cam bow designed for youngsters. Machined aluminium handle with Powerflex limbs. Colours: red or purple. Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight Sizes BCM035 65–80% 34" 7" 3lb 6oz 23, 24, 25" Badger 25–35lbs Champion Badger Genesis £160.00 Genesis Modern split limb single cam bow with light draw weight ideal for beginners. Colours: red cherry, blue raspberry, wild berry, lemon yellow, key lime. Let-off 0% Bow length 36" Brace height 7.7" Sizes 15–30" 15–30lb 17280 17284 Genesis Genesis Mini £125.00 £125.00 Pro Genesis As Genesis, but with wider centre shot clearance and adjustable draw stop. Colours: black or silver. 17282 Pro Genesis £155.00 17 Targetcraft Compound Bows Hoyt Pro Elite New shoot-through design based on ProTec. Deflex riser, and Triax limb pockets. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. ProElite front view XT4000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 4512"1 IBO speed 274fps Sizes 27–36" 30–80lb XT3000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 4112" IBO speed 292fps Sizes 26–342" 30–80lb XT2000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 372" Brace height 8a" Bow weight 4lb 5oz IBO speed 296fps Sizes 242–33" 30–80lb 15504 15508 Cam & 1/2 has a draw length adjustment system that makes adjusting draw length easy without the use of a bow press. Cam & 1/2 has a moderate force draw curve and is available in either 65 or 75% (modular) let-off. It also has 3 inches of draw length adjustment, which allows you to dial in your exact draw length. UltraElite 18 £930.00 £930.00 Hoyt Ultra Elite New shoot-through design, based on UltraTec. Deflex riser, Triax limb pockets. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. XT4000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 46" IBO speed 290fps Sizes 252–342" 30–80lb XT3000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 412" IBO speed 300fps Sizes 242–33" 30–80lb XT2000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 38" Brace height 78" Bow weight 4lb 6oz IBO speed 310fps Sizes 232–32" 30–80lb 15024 15028 shoot through view Pro Elite XT3000 2009 Pro Elite XT2000 2009 Ultra Elite XT3000 2009 Ultra Elite XT2000 2009 £930.00 £930.00 IBO Speed IBO speeds are measured on a 70lb bow drawn to 30", and are quoted by bow manufacturers for comparison purposes only. Actual performance of individual bows will vary with different combinations of draw length and peak weight. Product Guide Compound Bows Hoyt ProTec Deflex riser, dual locking limb pockets, Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. XT4000 with Cam &2 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 452" IBO speed 279fps Sizes 27–36" XT3000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 412" IBO speed 292fps Sizes 26–342" XT2000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 372" Brace height 88" Bow weight 4lb 4oz IBO speed 300fps Sizes 242–33" 15520 15522 15526 ProTec 30–80lb Black 30–80lb Fade blue Fade red Flame Silver flame 30–80lb Protec XT4000 ProTec XT3000 ProTec XT2000 £565.00 £565.00 £565.00 Fusion Black marble Platinum Safari Hoyt UltraTec All round performance bow. Reflex riser, dual locking limb pockets. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. XT3000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 402" IBO speed 295fps Sizes 25–332" XT2000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 372" Brace height 7" Bow weight 4lb 4oz IBO speed 302fps Sizes 232–32" XT2000 with Spiral Cam &2 1 Let-off 55/65% Bow length 3712" IBO speed 315fps Sizes 242–31" UltraTec Reaching speeds of 330 feet per second, the Spiral Cam &2 system is geared towards advanced or expert archers. With an aggressive force draw curve it is available in half-inch draw increments with an optional let-off system, which allows let-off adjustment from 55-65%. 30–80lb 30–80lb 30–80lb 15530 15534 UltraTec XT3000 UltraTec XT2000 £635.00 £590.00 15232 15235 15240 15242 Vantage Elite Vantage Pro 38 Pro XT1000 Seven-37 XT1000 Katera £975.00 £750.00 £695.00 £695.00 £675.00 19 Targetcraft Compound Bows Hoyt VTec Reflex riser bow designed for speed and accuracy. Pro-Fit grip. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, fade green, fade purple, flame, silver flame. VTec TurboTec XT10001 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 352" Brace height 7" Bow weight 4lb IBO speed 305fps Sizes 23–312" 15538 30–80lb VTec XT1000 £NLA Hoyt TurboTec High performance high speed power bow. Pro-Fit grip. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, fade green, fade purple, flame, silver flame. XT2000 with Spiral Cam &2 1 Let-off 55/65% Bow length 352" Brace height 6" Bow weight 3lb 15oz IBO speed 330fps Sizes 23–30" 15328 30–80lb TurboTec XT2000 £NLA Hoyt Banshee Economically priced magnesium riser bow. Narrow grip for smaller hands. Colours: black, red, blue, yellow. Banshee ViperTec Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 15564 Versa cam &2 65% 322" 78" 2lb 13oz 255fps 18–26" 20–50lb Banshee £170.00 Hoyt ViperTec Short, reflex riser bow. Longer riser and short limbs for good balance and reduced recoil. Dual locking limb pockets. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. XT1000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 322" Brace height 72" Bow weight 3lb 13oz IBO speed 300fps Sizes 15544 20 222–31" 30–80lb ViperTec XT1000 £NLA Product Guide Compound Bows Hoyt Selena Reflex riser short draw bow. Dual locking limb pockets. Undersize grip for smaller hands. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. SierraTec XT3000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 36" IBO speed 285fps Sizes 232–28" XTec 30–60lb XT2000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 33" Brace height 62" Bow weight 3lb 8oz IBO speed 290fps Sizes 15552 15058 212–28" 30–60lb SierraTec XT2000 Selena GTX 2007 £NLA £NLA Hoyt Xtec Reflex riser with Triax limb pockets. Colours: black, fade red, fade blue, flame, silver flame, blue fusion, black marble, platinum, safari. XT1000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 352" Brace height 7" Bow weight 4lb IBO speed 300fps Sizes 15442 23–312" Ultra Sport 30–80lb XTec Cam &½ XT1000 £NLA Hoyt Ultra Sport 3D ribbing technology for a lighter riser with improved strength and stiffness. Solid glass split limbs. Colours: red, blue, black, yellow. ZR100 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 36" Brace height 74" Bow weight 3lb 12oz IBO speed 300fps Sizes 24–32" 30–80lb 15562 Ultra Sport ZR100 15246 15248 15256 15242 15262 15264 15280 15282 Alphamax-32 Alphamax-35 Avenger XT1000 Seven-37 XT1000 Trykon Sport Trykon Jr Superhawk XT500 Powerhawk ZR-12 £289.00 £660.00 £699.00 £545.00 £695.00 £340.00 £305.00 £450.00 £395.00 21 Targetcraft Compound Bows Hoyt Rintec Youth bow with Versa cam has 8" of draw length adjustment. Solid glass split limbs. Colours: painted finish in red, blue, black, yellow. Rintec UltraMag ZR100 with Versa cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 334" Brace height 6a" Bow weight 2lb 14oz IBO speed 270fps Sizes 15566 15340 18–26" 20–50lb Rintec ZR100 Rintec anodised finish £199.00 £280.00 Hoyt UltraMag 3D ribbing technology increases the strength and stiffness of the riser whilst reducing the mass weight. Colours: red, blue, black, yellow. XT2000 with Cam &2 1 Let-off 65/75% Bow length 36" Brace height 78" Bow weight 3lb 12oz IBO speed 300fps Sizes 15560 23–312" 30–80lb Ultra Mag XT2000 £339.00 Hoyt cam & ¾ split limb options Cam & Versa Cam & Versa cam adjustments 18" 22" 26" 20# 16lb 20lb 21lb 30# 24lb 30lb 32lb 40# 32lb 40lb 43lb 50# 40lb 50lb 54lb XT3000 XT1000 22 Spiral Cam & Wheel & XT4000 XT2000 ZR100 Cam & Symmetrical top and bottom cam for precise tuning. Cams are slaved together on one harness system to eliminate timing problems. Inner cam adjustment up to 3" in half inch increments without using a bow press. 65 or Spiral Cam & Fast initial build up of weight and extended time at peak weight for increased speed. Versa Cam & New cam for youth bows allowing up to 8" Wheel & Cam &2 technology for finger shooters. Available in half inch increments with or without draw stop for soft or hard wall. XT4000 17" five layer laminate recurve limb for a XT3000 152" five layer laminate w split limb for a XT2000 14" five layer laminate w split limb XT1000 13" five layer laminate w split limb ZR100 15" solid glass limb USD 5 layer laminate limbs are contoured and prestressed using Uniform Stress Distribution (USD) Technology. As the limb bends, energy is distributed evenly throughout the entire length Product Guide Compound Bows BowTech Constitution Equaliser binary cam system on a long axle bow. Colours: smoke chrome Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes Equaliser binary 65/80% 40" 8v" 4lb 6oz 300–308fps 27–33" 40–70lb 16400 Constitution Constitution Allegiance £630.00 BowTech Allegiance VFT Vertical Force Technology for high speed and low recoil. Auto correcting Equaliser binary cam system anchors cams only to each other for the most consistent and accurate shot possible. Adjustable positive draw stop. Colours: smoke chrome. Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes Equaliser binary 65/80% 33s" 7" 4lb 3oz 322–328fps 24–30" 50–100lb 16410 Allegiance VFT £580.00 BowTech Independence VFT Independence Very stable long riser with Vertical Force Technology and Freedom cams. Colours: smoke chrome Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 16420 Freedom 65/80% 40" 7a" 4lb 8oz 290–298fps 27–32" Old Glory 50–70lb Independence VFT £520.00 BowTech Old Glory Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 16530 Equaliser binary 65/80% 374" 72" 4lb 4oz 307–315fps 26–32" 50–70lb Old Glory £545.00 23 Targetcraft Compound Bows BowTech Miranda Youth bow with 5" draw adjustment. Colours: black, camo. Miranda Rascal Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 16442 Rascal 65/80% 322" 84" 3lb 8oz 267–275fps 23–28" 40–60lb Miranda £335.00 BowTech Rascal Junior bow. Colours: red, turquoise, pink, yellow, camo. Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 16446 Rascal 65/80% 24w" 7s" 2lb 3oz 246–254fps 20–25" 20–40lb Rascal £199.00 Reflex Caribou Tec riser design bow for finger shooters or archers who prefer extra room between axles. Smooth Slam &2 wheel system, Reflex split limbs and AlphaShox dampers. New Reflex full wood custom grip. Colours: black, blue, red, yellow. Caribou Grizzly Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height IBO speed Sizes 16850 Slam &2 65% 452" 8w" 254fps 27–31" 40–70lb Caribou £430.00 Reflex Grizzly Tec riser design bow with Slam & 1/2 wheel system, Reflex split limbs and AlphaShox dampers. Colours: red, black, blue, yellow. Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height IBO speed Sizes 16870 24 Slam &2 65/75% 38" 74" 305fps 25–30" Grizzly 40–70lb £280.00 Product Guide Compound Bows Merlin SuperNova Deflex handle. Pro Fusion carbon limbs with Syntech laminated skin. Colours: fade red, fade blue, fade violet, champagne, black, sunburst orange, silver. Omega cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes BCM055 SuperNova 65/70% 404 " 9" 4lb 3oz 280fps 23–34" Quest 30–70lb SuperNova £580.00 Merlin Quest Short draw bow. Pro Fusion carbon limbs with Syntech skin. Colours as SuperNova. Omega cam Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes BCM060 65/75% 351" 72" 3lb 10oz 298fps 23–32" 30–70lbs Quest £450.00 Merlin Max 3000/Xtreme Machined handle with Pro Fusion carbon laminate limbs with Syntech skin. Colours as Supernova. Omega cam 3000 Xtreme Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes Weights 65/70% 391w" 74" 4lb 298fps 24–33" 30–70lbs 65/70% 33" 8" 4lb 290fps 25–30” 35–70lbs BCM050 Max Vision Max 3000 £450.00 Max Xtreme, (parabolic limbs) £450.00 Merlin Vision/Vision Plus Machined handle with Pro Fusion carbon laminate limbs with Syntech skin. Colours: (Vision) red, blue, champagne, camo, only. Vision Plus as SuperNova. Cam Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes Weights BCM051 Rapid 65% 391w" 74" 4lb 298fps 24–33" 30–70lbs Vision (Rapid cam) Vision Plus (Omega cam) £305.00 £360.00 25 Targetcraft Compound Bows PSE Nova Good value bow with machined aluminium reflex riser. Colour: blue. Nova Spyder Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes Weights Synergy Pro 65/70% 382" 72" 3lb 9oz 295fps 24–30" 30–70lb 0402 Nova Synergy Pro £165.00 PSE Spyder Versatile bow for younger archers with machined aluminium reflex riser. Draw length adjustable up to 5". Colour: blue. Synergy 4 cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 0405 65% 32" 6" 2lb 5oz 240fps 16–21" 21–25" 10–30lb 25–45lb Spyder Synergy 4 £160.00 KAP Maxtry Value bow from KAP. Hybrid cam, modular adjustment. Colours: red, black, blue. Maxtry Bear Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Sizes CPS-5 65/75% 39–392" 7" 232–282" Weights 40–50–60lb 16740 CPS-12 65/75% 394–392" 7a" 28s–308" M1 308–31s" M2 40–50–60lb Maxtry £185.00 Bear composite bows Low price composite 'starter' bows. Black. 26 Bow Bow length Brace height Bow weight Size Weights Family 33" 8" 2lb 3oz 14-28" 20lb Brave 30" 7" 1lb 12oz 20-22" 17-22lb BCM013 BCM014 Bear Family bow Bear Brave Junior bow £82.50 £32.50 Product Guide Compound Bows Mathews Conquest Apex Deflex design single cam machined riser with integral grip and carbon/glass laminate limbs. Colours: orange, blue, gold, purple, dark blue, red, maroon, black, allegiance (red/silver/blue). Cam Let-off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 17200 Apex 65% 424" 8" 5lb 310fps 25–32" Conquest Apex Ovation 40–70lb Conquest Apex £745.00 Mathews Ovation Single cam machined riser with carbon/glass laminate limbs. V-Lock Zero Tolerance limb cup system. Perimeterweighted cam increases arrow speed while reducing recoil and noise. Colours: blue, cherry, root-beer, kiwi. Cam Straightline HP Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 65/80% 40" 8" 4lb 8oz 300fps 28–32" 17210 40–70lb” Ovation £530.00 Mathews LX Straightline 80 Perimeter weighted single cam machined riser with carbon/glass laminate limbs. V-Lock Zero Tolerance limb cup system. Colours: blue, cherry, root-beer, kiwi. Cam HighPerformance Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 65/80% 35s" 6s" 4lb 4oz 315fps 25–30" 17220 LX Mustang 40–70lb” LX Straightline £499.00 Mathews Mustang Perimeter weighted single cam short draw bow. Colours: blue, cherry, root-beer (orange), kiwi (green). Cam Performance Let off Bow length Brace height Bow weight IBO speed Sizes 70% 31w" 5w" 3lb 3oz 280fps 19–26" 17234 Mustang 20–50lb £410.00 27 Targetcraft Bow Accessories Grips Recurve grips Hoyt compound Pro-Fit custom grips Standard High Wrist Side Plates Accugrip Hoyt 2005 target model compounds are fitted with side plates as standard. Alternative grip options as per table: Standard High Wrist Side Plates Accugrip VTec VTec Vtec XTec ViperTec ViperTec ViperTec UltraElite TurboTec TurboTec TurboTec ProElite UltraTec UltraTec UltraTec SierraTec ProTec ProTec ProTec RinTec SaberTec SaberTec SaberTec 10210 15750 Hoyt Pro-Fit grip Loesch custom grip for Hoyt, PSE, Mathews £16.40 from £35.00 Best Loesch Gripmaker Saddle Range of grips for recurve bows Best Loesch Hoyt Hoyt Wood grip: Hoyt Matrix Custom grips: Hoyt Wood grip: Matrix/Ortho/Ergo Plastic grip: GM, Matrix 10201 10203 15780 10200 10205 10208 10850 57300 Best grip, medium £21.95 Best grip, low £21.95 Loesch custom grip from £40.00 Hoyt wood grip £13.95 Hoyt plastic grip, medium £9.75 Hoyt plastic grip, low £9.75 W&W gripmaker: 2 part resin £5.25 Bow saddle, leather £2.60 2w ~ 4", self adhesive Compound Accessories CABLE SLIDERS ACCESSORIES BCA001 BCA091 BCA021 Skorten cable guard Merlin half moons (pr) for split cable systems Cable draw stops (pr) £14.92 £12.25 £2.50 41570 41572 41574 TRU Ball Speed Silencer 41570 41572 Bohning inside hanger Slick Tubes outside hanger Slick Tubes one cam £3.50 £5.30 £5.30 41561 Increase speed with the addition of the speed ball, and reduce noise with the Spyders. Speed Silencer pack includes 4 Spyders and 2 speed balls. Spyders can be tied in without the speed ball. BCA101 BCA100 Speed silencers Spyders only/pack 4 41561 41568 43600 Saunders HyperGlide Saunders cable guard Saunders string silencer/pr £11.95 £10.50 £0.50 £9.95 £ 4.85 Sims String Leech 15895 15895 41580 43620 28 Sims string leech/ pack 4 £6.95 Simms cable slider Cavalier Slippery Slider £8.25 £4.25 Product Guide Crossbows Crossbows ACCESSORIES Barnett Rhino Hunter BCR064 BCR070 A03001 A0300 BCR068 BCR077 Panzer prod, 50, 125, 150lb Recurve bow loading string Bolt: 2216 shaft only 16" Bolt: 2216 16", complete Crossbow string Barnett Lubewax £35.00 £6.00 £1.35 £2.70 £6.00 £1.50 Lynx Magnum crossbow Compound crossbow with programmable range setting. Slide adjustable foregrip and detachable limb system. Magnum prod. Camo finish. BCR080 BCR081 Rhino Sport bow Rhino bow quiver/4 bolt £295.00 £35.00 Wood stock, and adjustable sight. 150lb prod. Barnett Panzer CB150 Black polymer stock. High performance Velicispeed prod system. 150lb prod. BCR041 Panzer ll with magnum prod Lynx crossbow £103.00 Bandit Toy Crossbow £125.00 Hunter crossbow CE safety approved toy. Includes 3 safety sucker darts and dart face target game. Hours of fun for children 8–80! BCR014 BCR012 Bandit crossbow Sucker darts pack/5 £15.50 £2.25 Vulcan pistol Pistol bolts, 6", pack/5 Trident string £34.00 £6.00 £5.80 Skeletal stock and fold down limbs. 150lb prod. CB180 Hunter crossbow £90.00 Vulcan pistol Panther pistol Break action semi-automatic loading pistol. 50lb draw. BRC045 BCR053 BCR071 Panther Pistol Pistol bolts, 6", pack/5 Commando string £60.00 £6.00 £5.80 BCR056 BCR053 BCR055 29 Targetcraft Sights Recurve Sights Cartel Midi ECONOMY SIGHTS (FOR FIBREGLASS BOWS) BSX015 BSX013 Petron RP18 s/adhesive sight Petron RP12 sight £5.00 £5.00 Cartel basic Durable moulded composite extension sight. Adjustable, with sight scale. 20020 Extension sight, composite £4.60 Cartel Midi Aluminium Durable moulded composite, black. Adjustable, with sight scale. Direct mounting. 20010 Basic sight, composite £4.00 Cartel Tournament Aluminium extension sight. Adjustable, with sight scale. 20025 Extension sight, aluminium £8.50 Cartel Championship Metal sight with micro windage adjustment. 20035 Tournament sight £12.00 Cartel 2000 Micro windage and elevation adjustment. 20030 20040 Championship sight £18.00 Cartel Carbon Lightweight extension. Micro windage and elevation adjustment 20040 20045 2000 extension sight £23.00 2000 Activa No-lock: £55.00 adjustable without altering screws 20050 20055 Cartel Smart carbon sight Cartel X-Pert carbon sight 30 £65.00 £22.00 20090 20080 20090 20060 Cartel carbon extension sight £55.00 Cartel Triple carbon £105.00 Cartel Max aluminium £75.00 Product Guide Sights Arten 2000 Skorten TC1™ BSX003 Horizontal micro-adjustment, vertical slide adjustment. Updated and improved version of R10. BSX003 20200 BSX0071 BSX0092 2000 sight R10 sight R5 novice sight R10/R5 spare sight scale £NLA £NLA £NLA £NLA Arten Europa Economy version of the Supreme, 'lock-solid' design for zero play, with positive locking micro-windage and one elevation locking knob. Suitable for recurves and compounds. Please specify thread required: 8-32unc or 10-32nf. UK made. BSX031 ST1-3/1 ST1-12 ST1-14 T1-6A T1-1 ST1-10 TC1 sight Skorten sight scale Skorten sight pin, 8-32, 10-32, m4 Skorten sight pin insert (fits Arten pins) TC1 conversion kit, 10-32 TC1 mounting block Skorten mount spacer 4" £40.80 £1.50 £3.40 £0.50 £7.80 £6.20 £2.00 BSX009 Spigarelli Grand Prix lll Horizontal & vertical micro-adjustment. Updated version of Summit ll, with improved mount and adjustment. BSX009 20220 Europa sight Summit ll sight £NLA £NLA Arten Olympic Lightweight aluminium extension. BSX0225 Grand Prix lll sight £89.95 Copper John ANTS Pro 12" extension. 20260 Olympic sight £NLA Spigarelli Carbon 30 20320 Copper John FITA Pro £175.00 Lightweight carbon extension. 20320 Carbon 30 sight £112.00 31 Targetcraft Sights Carbofast Spigarelli Master 180 Similar to Arten Olympic – track mounts directly on bow. Good micro adjustment, and long extension. Carbon extension. BSX0235 Master carbon 180 sight £121.50 BSX011 Carbofast micro adjust sight £NLA Arc SX10 recurve Sure-Loc Extreme 20530 Lightweight aluminium sights. Good range of adjustment. 20530 20570 Contender-X sight Quest-X sight £135.00 £190.00 Click adjustment with carbon extension. 20370 SX10 recurve sight £125.00 Arc SX100 recurve Shibuya Dual Click 20410 Windage and elevation click adjustment. 20410 20430 20435 20440 Dual Click sight aluminium £105.00 Dual Click, carbon extension £180.00 Ultima recurve carbon sight £175.00 Ultima recurve aluminium sight£135.00 Click adjustment with carbon extension. 21250 SX100 recurve sight £NLA AGF Safari AGF Top 20160 20160 20180 20140 32 AGF Top sight £59.00 AGF Safari sight AGF Technic sight £143.00 £184.00 Product Guide Sights Compound Sights Spigarelli Master 360 Skorten Supreme Mk lll Carbon extension Specially designed for compounds. Twin knobs for major elevation locking, click adjustment micro elevation and windage adjustment with positive locking. Very wide range of windage adjustment. Unique FastXchange sight pin spindle. Scope adjustment simple, accepts 8-32nc and 10-32nf scope threads and sight pins. 'Lock-solid' design for zero play withstands vibration from modern compounds. Sturdy side mount will not twist in use. Side mount 8" standard, 6" available. Easily changed from right to left hand. UK made. BSX030 Supreme Mk lll Sight £107.85 Supreme Mk lll & scope £130.00 ST1-3/1 Skorten sight scale: £1.50 for Supreme and TC1 S3-12 Supreme Mlll conversion kit, £29.30 complete for Ml/Mll conversion S2-17/18 Spare spindle & collar £3.00 S1-12A Allthread: 10nf stainless steel £1.50 S1-1 Supreme mounting block £6.90 ST1-10 Sight mount spacer 4" £2.00 BSX0240 Spigarelli Master 360 £125.00 Toxonics 3515 Classic Micro adjustable sight. 10-32 21065 3515 Classic sight £89.00 Toxonics Naildriver 5300 21070 Naildriver 5300 Light sight £165.00 Shibuya Ultima compound 52" vertical track. 21522 21527 21537 21538 21532 21545 Challenger 550, 10-32 Challenger 400 Shorty 4" 3rd axis armoured scope rod holder Aperture holder, compound Cable guard & mount Pointer pack £140.00 £140.00 £22.95 £6.25 £39.95 £4.25 21475 21490 Ultima compound carbon £195.00 Ultima compound aluminium £165.00 33 Targetcraft Sights Arc SX10 compound TOXONICS 1400 21000 1400 sight, 10-32 £54.50 Carbon extension. 21240 SX10 compound, carbon £132.00 Copper John compound Arc SX100 compound Curved extension ensures scope or pin is always at right angles to line of sight. Carbon extension. 21260 SX100 compound, carbon 21470 £163.00 Sure-Loc Supreme 550 £174.00 Arten Midas Sure-Loc Supreme 550 21510 Copper John compound (without scope) £207.00 21300 Midas sight £NLA FIELD SIGHTS Spot-Hogg Barebones Copper John Dead Nuts Pro 22100 Dead Nuts Pro 3D £49.00 22120 34 Barebones 3D £49.95 Product Guide Sights & Sight Pins HOYT POLYMER 22000 22132 BSX0931 22132 22131 BSX0951 Acculite pin sight Vectrix pin sight Glo dot pin/each £33.50 £41.50 £4.95 BSX0931 22000 22050 Archers Choice pin sight Toxonics Stock Dog Plus Toxonics Top Dog 5 pin £16.50 £21.50 £42.50 Sight pins Shibuya Skorten Skorten sight pin, brazed steel ring. 8-32, 10-32, m4 Skorten sight pin insert (also fits Arten pins) ST1-12 ST1-14 £3.40 £0.50 20800 20805 Fibre optic pin, 8-32 £14.50 Replacement fibre, red or green £1.95 Beiter Sight Tunnel Arten Sizes BSX0091 Aperture set, with pusher fits Arten/Skorten sight pins £3.30 20760 20770 Saunders BSX0511 T-Dot sight pin 8-32 £1.25 Carbofast BSX0108 Pin inserts 20775 8mm: m4 or 8-32 12mm: m4, 8-32, 10-32 8mm - No3:2.5mm, No7:1.5mm 12mm - No13:2.5mm, No17:1.5mm Sight tunnel Fluorescent pin, 1.5 or 2.5mm black, green, orange, red Pin insert, 8 or 12mm black, green, orange, red £9.95 £1.50 £1.20 Spigarelli Sight pin, square, m4, cross-hair £2.65 20740 20745 8-32 or m4, cross-hair, black 8-32 or m4, cross-hair, clear £10.95 £10.95 8-32 or m4 complete with 3 fluorescent pin inserts Replacement fluo pin Long fibre pin £14.50 Archers Choice Arc BSX0930 Fibre wrap pin, 8-32 Cartel £3.75 20755 20865 20758 20758 20755 20757 Cartel cube open side pin Cartel basic pin Cartel short fibre pin £2.95 £1.25 £2.50 20869 20850 £1.95 £14.50 35 Targetcraft Scopes Scopes Skorten Beiter 29mm Hooded scope, can be used right or left hand. Optical quality lightweight resin interchangeable lens. Multiple option scope with choice of body colours, apertures and pins (black, red, yellow, clear). Zeiss glass optical lens. Dioptre: 0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 BCA074 SC1-4 SC1-4/5 Scope Skorten scope lens Skorten lens yellow tinted £22.25 £10.50 £19.50 Speciality Archery New Evolution Dioptre: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 23700 23720 23722 23770 Beiter scope Zeiss glass lens Zeiss K lens with pin hole Spare clip-in aperture £79.50 £40.00 £52.00 £1.25 Beiter 39mm Modular system – change through Standard, Tru Glow or 3D with interchangeable rings. Power: BCA070 Excaliber 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Super D 2, 3, 4 23405 23406 23457 23400 23401 23458 23460 23430 23432 23498 23490 Standard 1a" scope complete 1a" body Excalibur lens 1a" Standard 1s" scope complete 1s" body Excalibur lens 1s" Spare rings 1s, 1a", plain Super D scope, complete Super D body Super D lens Spare rings, Super D, plain £73.00 £35.00 £38.00 £75.00 £35.00 £40.00 £14.95 £89.00 £40.00 £49.50 £14.95 23900 23890 BCA081 SE Lens decals, circles & dots K&K circles& dots Lens decals, orange £8.95 £2.50 £1.20 BCA073 Large body scope in black or clear, scope rings in black, red, green, clear. Zeiss K plastic lens. Dioptre: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 23650 23721 BCA073 Beiter scope Zeiss K lens with pin hole Aiming pin kit for K lens black or red Ring set for K lens pins BCA07 £99.50 £52.00 £7.50 £2.95 K&K Tigerseye Sherwood Allite BCA078 Dioptre: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 23075 K scope with fibre optic £32.00 BCA076 Cartel Clear body, 30 or 38mm dia, 10nf Dipotre: 0.5, 0.75 BCA076 BCA078 BCA079 BCA080 Sherwood 30mm scope Sherwood 38mm scope Allite lens, 30mm Allite lens 38mm 23010 £25.90 £35.90 £11.70 £13.95 23005 Dioptre: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 23000 23010 36 Cartel scope Cartel Xpert scope £16.95 £18.50 Product Guide Stabilisers Stabilisers Cartel Carbon/Aluminium/Rubber Skorten Eradicator Parallel rod, filled aluminium tube. 1" dia in red, black, blue, silver, violet. w" dia and 1" dia Hunter version in black only. Lengths: 10, 26, 28, 30". Hunter 12". Additional weights to suit long & short rods. BST055 BST0550 BST0554 BST0555 Eradicator long rod Eradicator short rod Weights Eradicator Hunter 12" £29.05 £16.20 £2.50 £16.60 Parallel carbon rods with aluminium core and internal rubber shock absorbers. 10, 28, 30". 24195 24190 25710 Cartel long rod Cartel short rod Extender, 3, 4, 5" £22.50 £15.00 £7.50 Cartel ProGold Parallel carbon rods in 10, 26, 28, 30". ARTEN 2000 SERIES Aluminium 24, 26 & 30" or carbon 25, 26 & 30". cunf or m8. Twin rods in 10 or 12". BST010 BST010 BST011 BST011 BST0131 BST01 2000 aluminium long rod 2000 aluminium twins (pr) 2000 Carbon long rod Carbon twin rods, (pr) Extra weight Aluminium extender 4 or 6" Carbon extender £24.25 £22.00 £42.00 £39.50 £2.50 £4.80 £13.75 AGF Carbon ProGold long rod £12.50 ProGold short rod £9.00 Cartel extender, carbon 3, 4, 5" £6.25 Base weight, silver £1.80 Cap weight, silver £3.50 3 piece weight set, black £4.25 Beiter Centraliser 25793 Carbon multi rod, lengths 10" and 26, 28, 30" (2 tuner), 33, 35, 37" (3 tuner), and 41, 45" (4 tuner), with end cap or weight adaptor. Colour: Blue Tapered carbon rods 10, 26, 30". 24330 24300 24340 24345 24346 25720 24130 24100 25700 24135 24136 24185 AGF long rod AGF short rod Replacement bush Mid weight End weight Extender 3 or 5" £54.95 £26.50 £5.00 £4.50 £4.50 £15.50 24720 24725 24740 24745 24760 24765 24700 24705 25790 25790 Easton ACE 2 tuner centraliser, & endcap 2 tuner, weight adaptor 3 tuner centraliser, endcap 3 tuner, weight adaptor 4 tuner centraliser, endcap 4 tuner, weight adaptor 10", with endcap 10", with weight adaptor Extender 3, 4, 5" Extender with location pins for Beiter V-bar 3, 4, 5" £49.00 £53.00 £60.00 £63.00 £67.00 £70.00 £28.00 £32.00 £30.00 £30.00 Colour: Black/white, black/grey. Carbon, aluminium core. 10, 12, 24, 29, 34". 24530 24500 24547 24548 25740 24680 24685 ACE long rod ACE short rod ACE vari weight ACE end weight Easton ACE extender, 3, 5" OK long OK short £59.95 £31.25 £5.50 £5.95 £29.50 £74.00 £36.00 24721 24726 24741 24746 24761 24766 24701 24706 25793 BST0554 24799 2 tuner centraliser, & endcap 2 tuner, weight adaptor 3 tuner centraliser, endcap 3 tuner, weight adaptor 4 tuner centraliser, endcap 4 tuner, weight adaptor 10", with endcap 10", with weight adaptor Extender 4, 5" Skorten endcap for Beiter centralisers, black nylon Beiter replacement carbon rod £54.00 £58.00 £66.00 £69.00 £74.00 £78.00 £31.00 £35.00 £32.00 £2.25 £4.45 37 Targetcraft Stabilisers & V-Bars Win&Win Fomax Cartel Balkan Lightweight Royal Cross carbon. 10, 26, 28, 30". 24820 24800 24840 24845 25780 Fomax long rod (ex weights) Short rod (ex weights) Base weight End weight Fomax extender £35.50 £21.50 £2.95 £2.95 £15.95 6 rod carbon stabiliser with weight adaptor. 24150 24155 25785 Carbon long rod 28, 30,32" Carbon short rod 10" K Extender, 3, 4, 5" £35.00 £21.00 £24.95 QUICK DISCONNECTS Win&Win HMC 25930 25940 Tapering wide diameter high modulus carbon, for optimum shock absorption. 10, 28, 30". 24835 24830 25782 24840/5 Win&Win HMC longrod Win&Win HMC short rod Win&Win HMC extender Win&Win base or cap weight £49.50 £29.50 £28.50 £2.95 Single twist disconnectors for stabilisers. 25930 25940 Cartel disconnect 1" dia Cartel disconnect 112" dia £7.50 £3.95 5 V-bars AGF ARTEN 26020 BST0122 BST0121 BST0122 TM3 V-Bar, adjustable TM4 with built in TFCs £21.50 £42.50 26020 AGF V-bar, 3 section, adjustable £45.00 Cavalier J Bar Cartel 26010 26105 Fixed position, either straight or 17º angle, m8 or c". 26100 J Bar £18.95 Beiter V-Bar Beiter V-Bar bolt £21.50 £10.25 CRX carbon v-bar £29.95 Fixed position, either straight or angled, c". 26105 26010 Cartel K3 V-bar Cartel Black Sheep V bar £10.25 £7.25 Beiter Sherwood Dual 26050 26051 Win&Win CRX BST0518 V-Bar, 2 position adjustments for straight or angled £18.80 26160 38 Product Guide Dampers Dampers Doinker D2 Doinker Original 28000 BST0009 28000 28030 28060 28001 28015 28010 Doinker, w", medium or hard Doinker, 1" Doinker, back A bomb w A bomb w back A bomb 1" £7.50 £7.50 £8.50 £10.50 £13.95 £10.50 Lighter weight, aerodynamic design BST0009 BST0008 28031 28061 D2 Doinker ¾, standard D2 Doinker, ¾, soft D2 Doinker 1" D2 back Doinker £8.25 £8.25 £8.25 £9.50 Sims recurve savers Dinky Doinker BST0007 Doinker, dinky, pack/2 £14.25 Sims accessory savers Mid size saver designed for recurve limbs. Size Weight 0.71"H ~ 1.17" dia 9.0 grams each 15880 Sims limb savers, recurve/pr £8.75 Sims Stealth limb savers 15872 For sights, rests, cams, etc. Size Weight 0.35"H ~ 0.84" dia 2.5 grams each 15882 Sims accessory saver/ pack 3 15877 £7.95 Milled edge for improved efficiency 15877 15872 Stealth limb savers, split/pr Stealth limb savers, solid/pr £11.50 £9.25 Sims Ultra split limb savers Sims AlphaShox Geometric design reduces shock by up to 80%. Size 1.5"L ~ 1.43"W ~ 1.00"H Weight 32.0 grams each 15876 Ultra limb savers, split/pr £14.95 Sims Ultra solid limb savers Size Weight 1.5"L ~ 1.43"W ~ 0.89"H 15.5 grams each 15871 Ultra limb savers, solid/pr Designed for Hoyt w" split limbs. Size Weight 2.48"L ~ 1.42"W ~ 1.24"H 37.0 grams each 15878 Sims AlphaShox/pr £9.75 15879 Fuse String Shox/pre £9.75 For compound string silencers – £10.50 see Compound Accessories, Page 22 39 Targetcraft Dampers Arten TFCs Sims Enhancer Absorption mounting for aluminium stabiliser or twins BST0124 BST0125 Single TFC Twin TFCs £14.50 £27.50 V bar extender/damper. 15885 15887 PSE NV System Sims Enhancer 3" Sims Enhancer 2" £39.75 £39.75 CARTEL HANDLE SAVER Limb bolt mounting dampers for compound bows. 15860 15861 PSE NV saver (pair), black PSE NV saver (pair), silver £39.95 £42.50 15866 Sims original cable damper Handle saver £2.20 Sims stabiliser enhancer Vibration damper, mounts on cable guard. Size Weight 0.57"H ~ 1.28" dia 7.4 grams each 15890 Sims cable damper/pair £8.25 Size Weight 1.32"H ~ 1.66" dia 26.0 grams For stabiliser end. Complete with adaptor for c and 4" Sims cable damper 15889 Stabiliser enhancer £10.95 Fomax Damper with weight Fomax damper weight only £18.50 £5.75 Win&Win Vibration damper, mounts on cable guard. Size Weight 1.32"H ~ 1.5" dia 28.8 grams 15892 Sims cable guard damper 28160 28150 £9.75 Sims S-Coil Cartel Dampers 28110 Short, lightweight damper/stabiliser, complete with weight. 28105 Damper only (for stabilisers) £4.00 28110 40 Cartel handle damper + weights £6.95 Size Weight 4.45"L ~ 1.58" dia 4.90oz BST0092 Sims S-Coil 25583 25572 25580 Doinker Woodsman Doinker 3" Chubby Doinker 6" Chubby £9.95 £18.95 £13.50 £26.95 Product Guide Buttons Buttons Skorten Spigarelli Micro Quality entry level button. Nickel plated brass body for durability. cunf, with spare tip, 3 springs (light, medium, & heavy), & allen keys. Micro adjustable button, with scale, c" or m8. BBU021 Skorten button £8.30 30300 Spigarelli Micro Click button £29.95 Spigarelli Secur Cavalier As Micro, with locking adjustment. 30310 Stainless barrel and teflon tip. c". Long version for over centre handles. Includes spare tip. 30140 30145 BBU011 Spigarelli Securbutton £44.95 Cartel Micro button, c" £10.95 Cartel Triple button, c" £5.50 Cartel Micro Cavalier Master button £16.50 Cavalier Long Master button £16.50 Cavalier Long Master spare tip £1.25 Shibuya DX 30260 Cartel Triple Good value button with stainless barrel and teflon tip. Includes 2 springs. c" or m8. 30220 BBU041 BBU042 Shibuya DX button Shibuya DX spare plunger DX spare plunger, gold tip £16.00 £3.75 £5.25 30010 Cartel Xpert Beiter 30015 Cartel Xpert button, c" £NLS Cartel Super Micro adjustable button in variety of lengths for different bows. 30340 Beiter button £74.50 30000 AGF button checker Cartel Super button, c" £3.75 AGF For checking button settings are accurate. 30400 AGF button checker £18.50 Stainless barrel, c", or m8. 30240 AGF button £34.50 41 Targetcraft Clickers & Arrow Rests Clickers 31205 Cartel Cavalier 31000 31100 BCL023 31405 31405 31410 Cavalier magnetic, extension fit £18.95 (fits on sight extension arm) Cavalier clicker, £17.95 under sight mounting Cavalier extension fitting £9.95 for under mounting clicker Replacement clicker arm £1.25 31407 Adjustable clicker R or L/ H BCL023 31420 31000 31100 31205 Yamaha EX type, short Round base stick-on clicker DLX clicker m4, 4-40, or 6-32 £1.90 £2.00 £3.25 31450 Magnetic clicker £6.50 31402 K&K magnetic clicker £9.90 BCL003 BCL04 Hoyt clicker, adjustable Yamaha EX clicker, long blade £3.66 £4.50 Bjorn C3 clicker, with scale Clicker blade only £7.50 £4.95 K&K £18.95 Beiter 31300 BCL01 Beiter clicker: m4, 4-40, or 6-32 £8.95 Beiter clicker spare blade: £3.95 0.20mm, 0.25mm, 0.30mm Replacement clicker sleeve £1.25 BCL010 Bjorn A&F Extender 31040 31500 A&F clicker extender: graduated £1.95 Arrow Rests – Recurve Hoyt Super rest BASIC SELF ADHESIVE RESTS A74 A78SN 32010 Injection moulded nylon, with plunger hole, pressure plate & curved blade. Self adhesive. Right or left hand. Right or left hand. ARR00 ARR00 32010 A74 rest, round leather A78SN rest, nylon Cartel Super: basic plastic rest 32000 £1.35 £1.35 £0.25 Hoyt Super Pro rest £1.15 Hunter rests 32020 K&K 32025 Heavy duty injection moulded plastic, with plunger hole. Self adhesive, right or left hand. 32240 42 K&K magnetic rest, s/adhesive £3.95 32020 32025 32028 Hoyt Hunter rest RedHawk hunter rest Cartel hunter rest £1.15 £0.85 £0.50 Product Guide Arrow Rests Yamaha Flip rest Cartel Xpert flip rest Metal, spring action rests, for use with button. Self adhesive. Right or left hand. Magnetic rest, for use with button. ARR09 ARR03 Yamaha flip rest ll EX Flip rest 32215 £6.50 £6.50 Cartel Xpert rest New Archery Flipper Rest Flip I Gompy Regi-Rest £3.85 Flip II 32170 32160 Spring action metal rest, for use with button. Carbon version has shorter arm. Self adhesive. Right or left hand. 32170 32160 Regi-rest: aluminium arrows Regi-rest: carbon arrows £7.20 £7.20 Plastic housing with spring action, for use with button. Self adhesive. Right or left hand. ARR04 ARR04 Flipper Rest I Flipper Rest II, under arrow fit £4.85 £4.85 Spigarelli Magnetico rests Cavalier T300 32307 32330 Strong, all metal, self adhesive rest for use with button. Right or left hand. 32130 T300 rest £4.60 KAP KAP rest 32235 W&W WMR200 Original Magnetico rest Zero Tolerance magnetic rest Zero Tolerance rest: GM Spare wire Magnetico Gua rest £9.95 £15.25 £15.25 £1.60 £52.50 £16.95 32310 Compact all metal rest, self adhesive. For use with button, under button mounting. Right or left hand. Spigarelli flip rest 32300 ARR069 ARR069 32320 32330 £3.95 Spigarelli Flip rest ARR07 New Z/T: Avalon, Elan, Axis, PSE, Universal, GM & Eolla fit. Hoyt/Universal, GM, Win&Win, Samick. K Magnetic Adjustable magnetic rest, can be cut to length. Self adhesive. For use with button. Right or left hand. 32231 Original: K magnetic rest 32200 32210 32280 32286 £3.75 32385 Cartel Flip, single wire Cartel Flip, loop wire Soma magnetic ACO NISA SpigaSlim rest Cavalier Champion ll £9.50 £1.75 £1.75 £6.95 5.95 21.20 £18.50 43 Targetcraft Arrow Rests Arrow rests – Compound Skorten Springy Cavalier Free Flyte 32340 Basic rest in right or left hand, 15 or 20oz. 32350 ARC00 ARC01 A range of magnetic rests. All can be used as flipper style rests. Free Flyte Micro Elite standard flip or fold-away rest horizontal micro adjustment horizontal & vertical micro adjustment 32340 32350 32370 32360 32390 Cavalier Free Flyte Cavalier Free Flyte micro Cavalier Free Flyte Elite Spare wire for Free Flyte/Micro Cavalier SuperFlyte Skorten Springy Replacement spring £4.60 £1.32 K&K Hunter rest £8.95 K&K Hunter £19.75 £19.75 £44.00 £1.50 £15.75 33350 New Archery Quicktune 750 New Archery Quicktune 1000 Can be used with or without release, and right or left handed. ARC098 750 rest £NLA Launcher tension adjustable independent of windage and elevation 33414 1000 Pro rest with tuning graduations £32.50 New Archery Quicktune 800 New Archery Quicktune 3000 Hgh, medium, and low position adjustments Micro adjustable 33410 800 rest £16.50 33430 33434 QuickTune 2100 Drop-Away QuickTune Smart rest £38.95 £67.95 44 33430 ARC120 3000 rest Hoyt adaptor for all Quicktune rests £48.95 £3.75 33440 33441 QuickTune 360 carbon QuickTune 360 aluminium £33.95 £33.95 Product Guide Arrow Rests Spot Hogg Golden Key Speed Set 1000 Snake tongue rest. Includes Hunter & Golden Guide launchers. 33160 EZ Tune FT Special rest £21.75 33140 33145 Speed Set hunter rest Speed Set FT special £15.95 £16.95 Spot Hogg Premier Golden Key EZ-Tune Hunter Includes additional teflon quiet tip launcher. 33150 GK EZ-Tune Hunter £20.75 Spot Hogg 3D Rover Micro adjustable height, windage and spring tension, with tuning gauge. Includes lizard tongue launcher. Mountings: standard, short. 33220 33235 33240 33245 33300 33302 Golden Premier rest Golden Premier short Platinum Premier Platinum Premier short GK assembly: Golden Guide GK assembly: Carbon Supreme £46.95 £48.95 £51.95 £53.95 £12.00 £12.00 Spot Hogg Infiniti Double bearings with micro windage adjustment, and adjustable spring tension and angle. 33200 S/Hogg 3D Rover rest 39.95 Spigarelli Super 3D version of Premier rest. 33250 33260 Infiniti rest Whammy £63.95 £53.95 Arc System rest Can be used as drop away or pull up rest by reversing magnet. 33725 Super rest, magnetic £55.00 Trophy Takers (micro) £46.00 33780 Arc rubber rest £42.60 45 Targetcraft Peep Sights Peep Sights Papeep Tru Peep Plastic, with anti-reflection hood. Aluminium, with angled string groove. # Sizes: mini, small, large Sizes: hunter: 8", large: z" , small: . ", micro: Q" 48000 ^$ Tru peep 48030 Papeep £2.30 £2.25 Genesis Control Peep Shurz-a-Peep Adjustable, rotatable peep insert for perfect alignment. Supplied with adjusting pin. Sizes: hunter: x", target: 8", z", 0.053" 48020 Shurz-a-peep £2.50 Sizes: 1.1, 1.55, 2.2mm 48080 Genesis peep £5.95 Fine Line Pick-a-Peep Night Hawk Peep Cross aperture for less light diffraction and sharper image. Sizes: 1 (small), 2 (large) BSP080 Adjustable peep: slide insert for 7 apertures in 1 peep, .030–.080, easily changed. Spare slide adjuster included. Cable clip & anchor tube for alignment. 48320 Pick-a-peep Night Hawk peep £7.95 Fine Line Zero Peep £6.95 Golden Key Line-O-Peep Cable clip & anchor tube for peep alignment. 48300 Fine Line Zero peep £5.50 Fine Line tube Lightweight peep. No serving needed. Cable clip & anchor tube for peep alignment. 48240 Golden Key Line-O-Peep Replacement tubing: 2 lengths each 24" approx. 48360 Zero spare anchor tubing pack £2.25 48090 G5 magnesioum peep £5.25 £NLA 1/8 or 3/32 46 Product Guide Peep Sights Speciality Archery Super Ball Peep Arc System Peep Kit with 3 interchangeable apertures. Self aligning peep system. Apertures can be changed without removing peep from string. 37 or 45º string angle groove, depending on bow length. Kit with 3 interchangeable apertures. Colours: silver, black, red, blue, green. Apertures: Lens Power: 8, W, z" standard, (all included in kit) 1 (yellow): low for any scope lens 2 (green): standard for medium scope 3 (red): strong for high power scope Lens Aperture: z, #.^$, Q" 48105 48106 48120 48123 48140 48160 Super peep kit 45º Super peep kit 37º Peep housing Hooded housing Standard aperture (no lens) Peep aperture with lens Aperture Sizes: 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 ,1.8, 2.0, 2.4mm Lens Power: 1: standard, 2: medium, 3: strong Lens sizes: 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 48400 48410 48420 48430 Arc peep kit Peep housing only Aperture insert without lens Aperture with lens £17.50 £7.50 £4.75 £10.50 6" brace height £20.85 £20.85 £8.95 £11.95 £6.95 £12.95 Super Ball peep angle charts To find the most suitable peep housing, use the correct bracing height chart to find axle to axle length and draw length. 7" brace height 8" brace height 47 Targetcraft Release Aids Release Aids NOCK POINTS ELIMINATOR BUTTONS 46200 BCA043 46200 BCA043 Neet eliminator button/3 Truefire cushion button/each £0.84 £1.45 46120 46130 46140 52886 Nock points for use with release aids. Eliminates nock pinch. RELEASE ROPES All 1 metre: 52880 52884 52886 46100 Carter release rope BCY release rope Polyester 2.4 Brownell D loop rope £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 SKORTEN 46100 46120 46130 46140 Tru Speed loop Tru Speed nock Tru nock Ultra nock £8.75 £7.50 £8.75 £10.75 Tru Ball Loopmaster 52590 RA0002 RA0001 Swivel head wrist release, clip on. Adjustable. Padded strap. Wrist release: ultra-smooth, fast roller bearing, positive action rope release. Adjustable sensitivity, in two styles. Quality leather wrist strap, suede lined, or concho version for those who prefer a hand held release. RA0001 RA0002 RA0008 RA0006 Skorten release £35.55 Skorten concho release £32.90 Spare release rope £0.50 (fits most rope releases) Skorten deluxe wrist strap £8.20 – suede lined, with strap rope 52590 52594 Loopmaster release Short’n’Sweet release £37.50 £36.95 Cascade 52820 Trufire 52800 RA0086 RA0085 Swivel head with bearings, and adjustable trigger. Autoclips on to string. Palm (thumb release) and wrist (plain webbing strap) versions. RA0085 RA0086 RA0087 48 Trufire Pro wrist release Trufire Pro palm release Trufire Patriot junior release £25.95 £22.95 £13.50 Stalker release £33.50 Model 8: relaxed pressure thumb release Model 10: relaxed pressure thumb release adjustable for use as conventional release. 52800 52820 Cascade 8 release Cascade 10 release £75.00 £80.00 52000 52010 52025 HotShot wrist HotShot Magnificent 7 HotShot thumb £18.95 £41.95 26.00 Product Guide Release Aids Tru Ball Stinger PSE Release Swivel arm caliper release. Leather buckle strap. Strap sizes: x-large, large, junior Caliper jaw. Strap sizes: Large, junior RA0122 Stinger release £25.00 Tru Ball Steelhead 52035 52000 PSE release, junior Allen Master release £16.95 £15.50 Tru Ball Sabretooth Small, metal injection moulded stainless steel head, buckle strap. 52593 Steelhead release £49.95 Short'n'Sweet head design on a Boss handle. 52567 Tru Ball Chappy Boss Sabretooth release £77.50 Tru Ball Little Boss RA0101 52510 52521 Ergonomic design, 4 finger handle, thumb release. 52510 RA0101 Chappy Boss talon head Chappy Boss caliper head £98.00 £95.00 52520 52521 52530 54240 52560 £99.50 £95.00 Tru Ball King George Tru Ball Xtreme 52540 52550 Little Boss talon head Little Boss caliper head The Xtreme talon (4 finger) Double Xtreme talon release (thumb or little finger release) Little Xtreme (3 finger) £98.00 £98.00 RA0102 Combined thumb and little finger release. 52530 RA0102 King George talon head King George caliper head £98.00 £95.00 £98.00 TRU Ball releases Talon head and caliper head versions are both suitable for use with D loops – Talon head releases can be used without rope. 49 Targetcraft Release Aids Spigarelli Fletcher 52280 52270 Thumb release: adjustable thumb lever, rope release. 52100 Spigarelli thumb release £36.00 Spigarelli thumb for D loop £39.50 52290 52270 52280 FHTF: for string loops Fletchmatic Thumb release Fletchmatic Fourth Finger £42.50 £42.50 £42.50 Carter Solution 3 Carter Fits Me 52773 52732 52773 52775 52777 52779 Solution 3 release £125.00 Solution 2.5 3 finger release £99.00 Solution 2.5 4 finger release £99.00 Solution 2.75 4 finger release £118.00 Design for smaller hands. 52732 52733 Carter Target Master 2 52733 Fits Me release Fits Me Too release £118.00 £118.00 Carter Insatiable 52737 52738 Adjustable for thumb or little finger release. 52735 Target Master release £99.00 52738 52737 Carter Target 4 Insatiable thumb release Insatiable 3 release £118.00 £118.00 Carter Chocolate Addiction 52767 Target 4 thumb release £118.00 52720 Ember £125.00 50 52752 52753 52753 52753 Chocolate Addiction 3 finger £125.00 Chocolate Addiction 4 finger £118.00 Chocolate Addiction 4 finger £118.00 Chocolate Addiction 4 finger £118.00 Product Guide Bow Slings, Stringers & Keepers Finger slings Bow slings Gompy BSZ040 BSZ040 Leather bow sling, buckle fastening, adjustable, in black. 55000 Gompy sling, buckle £3.60 BSZ071 55220 Neet BSZ032 BSZ071 55220 A&F traditional finger sling Leather. Small, medium, large Neet rubber ring sling Sizes: small, medium, large Cavalier sling, nylon Adjustable £1.85 £1.95 £3.20 Cord wrist sling BSZ031 Sling attaches to bow with metal plate that fits over stabiliser bush. Leather strap or reinforced plastic tube. BSZ031 BSZ032 Neet leather sling Neet tube sling £NLA £NLA 55100 White nylon cord sling £2.50 Cavalier Ultra sling Neet Braid sling 55060 Ultra sling £9.95 Forward wrist sling £2.85 Braided sling with leather plate to fit over stabiliser bush. BSZ033 Neet braid sling £5.75 Bow Stringers String Keepers BSA103 57040 BSA100 BSA100 BSA103 String keeper, longbow String keeper, recurve £3.95 £3.95 57095 Neet longbow string keeper £3.60 57096 White Feather string keeper for longbow £2.25 57060 57040 57060 57000 57020 Leather, limb-tip Leather, tip-tip Synthetic, limb-tip Synthetic, tip-tip £4.95 £4.95 £3.75 £3.75 51 Targetcraft Gloves Shooting Gloves Neet TG2 Neet Traditional Leather finger glove in traditional style, with cordovan finger tips. Stud fastening, wrist adjustable. Sizes: small, medium, large, & x-large 50860 Neet TG5 glove £10.50 BearPaw Leather finger glove, elastic back with velcro fastening and cordovan finger tips. Sizes: small, medium, large & x-large 50850 Neet TG2 glove £11.50 50860 Neet TG5 glove £12.50 Neet FG2 Deerskin glove, velcro fastening Sizes 50870 xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large x-large BearPaw glove £10.50 Suede and leather finger glove, elastic back with velcro fastening, without tips. Sizes: small, medium, large & x-large 50840 Neet FG2 glove, without tips Martin £6.75 Neet single seam Deerskin glove, with velcro wrist fastening. Sizes: small, medium, large TAB041 Martin deerskin glove £15.50 PSE King glove Leather finger glove, buckle fastening. Single thickness leather without fingertip pads. Sizes: small, medium, large TAB043 Neet glove, leather £5.60 White Feather glove Traditional bow hand leather glove for barebow shooting. Dark brown, right or left hand Sizes: small, medium, large, x-large Deerskin glove, dark brown 50896 Sizes: small, medium, large, x-large 50880 52 PSE King glove £12.00 White Feather glove £5.50 Product Guide Tabs Tabs JVD A&F Junior Plastic pad with metal frame and adjustable finger separator. Good quality face and backing. Junior tab in leather only. Right or left hand. Sizes: junior, small, medium, large & x-large 50270 A&F tab, leather 50274 A&F tab, cordovan £8.50 £10.45 Replacement faces, sizes as above: 50290 . 50292 50294 A&F Replacement leather face £3.45 A&F Replacement synthax face £3.25 A&F Replacement cordovan face £5.45 Plastic pad and frame with adjustable finger separator. Right or left hand. Sizes: small, medium, & large 50000 50020 50040 Tab, leather Tab, hair Tab, synthetic £5.75 £5.75 £5.75 Replacement faces, sizes as above: 50100 50120 50140 JVD replacement leather face JVD replacement hair face JVD replacement synthetic face £2.25 £2.25 £2.25 Spigarelli Confort Cavalier Elite Neat tab with aluminium frame and small adjustable anchor pad. Right or left hand. Large aluminium frame. Can be used with or without the adjustable anchor pad. Right or left hand. Sizes: small, medium, & large 50300 50340 50342 50310 50343 Leather tab, with spacer Cordovan tab, with spacer Finger spacer Ultra Lite tab Anchor plate £16.95 £21.00 £2.25 £9.50 £5.50 Sizes: small, medium, & large 50420 TAS0250 TAS0251 Confort tab, cordovan face Replacement face Replacement backing £24.50 £8.50 £2.20 Cartel Elite Elite replacement faces, sizes as above: 50380 50386 50390 50392 Elite face, leather Elite face, cordovan Elite rubber Elite backing £3.50 £7.50 £1.50 £2.95 Sizes: small, medium & large 50345 Cartel Elite tab cordovan with finger spacer £10.95 50266 Cartel SA1 cordovan tab £8.50 aluminium frame & plastic anchor pad Saunders finger guard Synthetic guard, fits on bow string. 46090 Saunders finger guard £2.95 50400 50405 Soma Saker 1 tab Soma Saker 2 tab £33.00 £31.75 53 Targetcraft Tabs Spigarelli Super Europer TAS0071 Supplied with parts to make up with or without platform in several configurations. Tab facings reversible left/right. TAP0193 TAS0071 Super tab kit, vulcolan face DIY vulcolan face sheet 4" sq Cordovan face sheet 4" sq £16.50 £3.15 £8.75 Single finger fitting, with adjustable loop and finger separator. Right or left hand. Sizes: small, medium, large & x-large TAB014 TAB016 Europer B8C tab, hair face Europer B8K tab, leather face £NLA £NLA Wilson Black Widow Cartel Pro-1 Available with one piece plastic anchor pad, or without anchor pad as plain tab version. Leather face with thick felt backing. Adjustable single loop. Right or left hand. Single finger fitting, with adjustable loop and finger separator. Right or left hand. Sizes: small, medium, large, & x-large 50370 50350 Sizes: medium, & large Wilson platform tab £7.95 Wilson tab (without anchor pad) £6.95 TAB013 Cartel Pro-1 tab, synthetic face £2.75 Cartel Targetcraft 50635 50620 Simple single thickness quality leather tab, 2 hole, second & third finger fitting. Right or left hand. Cordovan tabs. Adjustable loop and finger separator. Right or left hand. Sizes: small, medium & large TAB000 Targetcraft tab Sizes: medium & large £1.25 50620 50635 Cartel tab Cartel CR360 tab £7.25 £7.25 Gompy Junior A&F Barebow tab Leather face tab with backing. Single finger fitting adjustable elastic loop. One size. Right or left hand. 50750 Junior tab £3.95 50410 50415 Soma Neonine tab Soma Sporter tab £5.75 £2.45 For archers who prefer 3 fingers under the arrow. Sizes: medium, large 54 50280 Barebow tab, leather £11.50 Product Guide Bracers Bracers Neet short Gompy short Vented bracer, with adjustable elastic straps and velcro fastenings. Good fit for narrow wrists. Black or white. Closed leather bracer with adjustable elastic straps and hook fastenings. Black or white. 54500 Bracer, 7" £6.50 Bracer, 7" £5.75 Gompy Junior long Neet long Vented bracer, with adjustable elastic straps and velcro fastenings. Black or white. 54560 54580 54240 Bracer, 11" Bracer, 13" £8.50 £9.50 Closed leather bracer with adjustable elastic straps and hook fastenings. Black or white. 54300 Junior bracer, 10" £9.25 Opechee Gompy long Closed porvair bracer with elastic straps and quick release ‘ladder-lock’ buckle. Black. Closed leather bracer with adjustable elastic straps and hook fastenings. Black or white. GUA100 GUA101 Bracer, 6" Bracer, 7" £4.20 £4.20 54320 Bracer, 13" £10.50 Gompy vented Opechee long Closed porvair bracer with elastic straps and quick release ‘ladder-lock’ buckle. Black. GUA102 Bracer, 13" £7.25 54325 Bearpaw bracer 13" £6.95 54327 Bearpaw bracer long junior £3.95 Vented leather bracer, with adjustable elastic straps and hook fastenings. Black or white. 54280 Bracer, 7" £6.50 55 Targetcraft Bracers Super Guard Saunders Target Basic plastic bracer with elastic straps, velcro fastening. 54000 Super guard £1.99 Plastic mesh bracer with elastic straps. 54060 54005 Flinton Bracer, Target, 52" Cartel mesh bracer £5.50 £1.99 Saunders Hunter Leather bracer with elastic straps, simple fastening. GUA061 Flinton, 6w" £4.95 Cartel bracer Plastic mesh bracer with elastic straps. 54080 Bracer, Hunter, 72" £6.95 Bar bracers Aluminium/epoxy bracer, simple fastening. Silver. 54620 Cartel bracer £5.25 54010 Windsor 54400 Slim plastic bar bracers, 62". 54400 54420 54010 Traditional style, leather, buckle fastening. GUA084 GUA085 Mens, 62" Ladies, 5w" £9.75 £9.75 Beiter bracer, variety of colours Beiter spare bar Cartel bracer, black £5.95 £3.20 £1.99 Neet Lace-up GUA086 54782 Lace-up styles in burgundy leather or brown suede, with metal hooks and elastic lace. Traditional lace ups, hook fastening. GUA086 54782 Leather bracer, brown or black £11.75 Select longbow bracer £6.95 54815 W/Feather longbow bracer 56 £8.95 54760 Bracer, 7w" 54790 Traditional bracer 7" £11.95 £7.50 Product Guide Chest Guards & Quivers Chest Guards Opechee Custom Quality mesh guard, flexible. Ladies or mens style, right or left hand with back adjustment. White. Flexible mesh guard, ladies or mens style, right or left hand with back and shoulder adjustment. Black or white. Sizes: mini, small, medium, large SG002 Opechee guard £12.80 Sizes: junior, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large SG000 Custom guard £12.80 Gompy Neet Mesh guard in black or white. Right/left reversible. Mesh guard in black. Right or left hand. Sizes: x-small, small, medium, large, x-large Sizes: small, medium, large 56020 Gompy guard £9.95 56085 Shocq Champion guard with £8.95 double layer comfort 'air pad' 56100 Neet guard 56120 PSE chest guard £9.95 £18.50 Quivers Gompy Economy Basic tube quiver Vinyl side quiver with strap, and ring for belt clip. Belt clip included. Right or left hand, in black. 19". 60000 Quiver with pocket £8.25 60020 Cartel basic quiver with pocket £4.00 QV0018 Cartel 3 tube insert for quiver £2.50 Weather resistant fabric with cordura style surface texturing. 18", in black, red, blue, green. QV0510 60025 Basic 2 tube quiver Cartel 2 tube quiver £5.80 £4.50 57 Targetcraft Quivers CORDURA SIDE QUIVERS Custom side quivers QV0515 QV004 Well made quiver from hard wearing woven fabric, right or left hand, with side panel pocket and one zipped quiver pocket. Black or dark green. QV004 QV005 QV020 QV0012 22" 4 tube quiver £21.95 20" 3 tube quiver £21.95 Field rig: 4 tube 2 pouch quiver £57.95 & belt, with large & small belt pouch Tool wallet £6.50 Weather resistant fabric with cordura style surface texturing. Two quiver pouches, one side panel pouch and bino clip. Quick release belt included. Colours: black, blue, red, dark green. All with black trim. QV0515 QV0516 Custom 22" 4 tube quiver Custom 20" 4 tube quiver £27.95 £27.95 Custom Junior Universal Weather resistant fabric with cordura style texturing. 4 tubes. 16", one quiver pouch. Colours: black, blue, red, dark green. All with black trim. Ambidextrous tube quiver in weather resistant fabric with cordura style surface texturing. 20", 4 tubes, no pockets. Colours: black or green. QV0511 Universal quiver £NLA QV0520 Custom junior quiver £NLA Neet cordura Cartel 60570 60625 Cordura side quivers, with quiver and side panel pouches. 19", in right or left hand. T100DC Fabric 3 tube quiver with one quiver pouch, one side panel pouch. 182", right or left hand in black, black/red, black/blue. 60090 Cartel quiver £10.95 60095 Cartel Dynamic 500 quiver £15.95 58 301 black/red, black/green, black/blue or black/smoke black, blue, or red 60625 60570 T100DC quiver 301 quiver £29.95 £29.95 60821 Easton long hip quiver £49.95 60980 W&W magnetic quiver £69.95 Product Guide Quivers Neet NT2300 Neet NTL4 60660 navajo Superb quality leather 4 tube side quiver, with two quiver pouches, and side panel pouch. 21", right or left hand in black or burgundy. 60740 2300 quiver £54.95 60680 navajo Fabric side tube quiver, with quiver and side panel pouches. Right or left hand in navajo, or black 60660 60680 401: 19" 3 tube quiver 400: 21" 4 tube quiver £38.50 £43.50 TRADITIONAL QUIVERS Targetcraft leather holsters Targetcraft leather back quiver QV0611 Traditional back quiver, black £13.95 Neet QV060 QV060 Holster, pocket & belt, black Holster, no pocket, black £16.30 £9.40 Neet Brown suede, with pouch, in right or left hand. 61025 Traditional back quiver £57.50 Wyandotte Burgundy leather or brown suede, with pocket. Right or left hand. 61080 Traditional back quiver £67.00 61230 Traditional styles in right or left hand. Brown. 61220 61230 Back quiver, medium Back quiver, large £31.25 £38.95 59 Targetcraft Score Pads, Limb & Sight Bags ACCESSORIES QV0020 SCORE PADS 60870 QV0019 QV0004 QV0002 QV0004 QV0005 QV0001 60870 60520 QV0019 QV0020 60500 QVS011 60520 2" webbing belt, quick release 1" webbing belt, quick release Junior webbing belt 1" leather belt, black Neet padded hook bow rest Belt/bino clip TC dog clip (1" belt), black TC dog clip (22" belt), black Quiver tubes: 3, black, 34" £7.25 £5.95 £2.80 £2.90 £4.95 £1.00 £1.82 £2.00 £4.95 QVS011 QVS004 QVS001 QVS003 Targetcraft leather score book (pad & pencil included) Targetcraft pad refill Replacement pencil Petron pad refill £8.60 £1.10 £0.26 £0.95 Limb Protectors BB0013 Aurora limb pockets 57450 57400 BB0013 57450 57455 57455 Saunders limb tip protector/each £2.75 Limb tip protector/each £1.10 Gompy limb cover, porvair/pair £4.20 Hoyt flex foam limb cover/pair £14.75 Padded fabric limb pockets with velcro tabs Cartel 57460 Aurora limb pocket set £6.00 Aurora handle pocket Padded fabric handle pocket with velcro tabs 57468 57464 Cartel fabric bow cover set Cartel DeLuxe cover set £NLA £5.80 57462 Aurora handle pocket £6.00 Aurora stabiliser sleeve £3.75 Longshot stabiliser sleeve £7.45 Sight Bags 57845 Cartel 57480 60 BB0051 Cartel sight bag, padded £4.25 BB0051 57845 Sight bag, padded cordura Aurora sight bag with scope pouch £9.75 £9.50 Product Guide Bags & Cases Recurve Bags Deluxe Take-down bag One Piece bag Good quality, hard wearing cordura woven fabric bag. Padded, with arrow pocket. Black. BB0213 One-piece bow bag £24.95 Woven cordura fabric bag. Padded, 2 pockets & quiver straps. 102~40cm. Black. BB0253 Take-down bag Deluxe take-down bow bag £49.95 Longbow sleeve Woven cordura fabric bag. Padded, with two pockets. Black. BB0252 Take-down bow bag £33.95 Woven cordura fabric sleeve. Padded, with arrow pocket. Green. Tie fastening. BB0203 Longbow sleeve £16.50 Custom take-down bag CUSTOM BAGS Well padded bags in weather resistant fabric with cordura style surface texturing. Webbing handles and shoulder straps. Colours: black, blue, red, green. Basic Well padded with inner sleeves and large external pocket. Complete with shoulder strap. 90~26cm. Inner sleeve depth 25cm. BB0320 Basic bag in blue or black. Well padded, with good sized sewn-in inner sleeves for handle and limbs. 71~25cm. Sleeve depth 25cm. BBO381 Aurora Dynamic base bag Custom take-down bag £24.95 Custom bow sleeve £9.90 Custom Deluxe takedown bag One-piece recurve or longbow sleeve. Velcro flap fastening. No pockets. Large well padded bag. Roomy inner sleeves on both sides. One large and two small external pockets. Includes shoulder strap. BB0302 Deluxe recurve bag £47.50 BB0310 BB0311 BB0305 Custom longbow sleeve Custom double bow sleeve Custom field bow sleeve £13.95 £22.50 £21.95 62950 62970 Cartel field bow sleeve £13.95 Bearpaw longbow fabric sleeve £4.75 Fabric sleeve/fibreglass bow £4.95 61 Targetcraft Bags & Cases Cartel basic bag Neet recurve bag 62945 arapaho Basic bag, lined, unpadded with inner sleeves. Room for 70" bow and some small accessories. 73x21cm. Sleeve depth 15cm. 62030 Cartel 704 basic bag £6.50 62025 Cartel Junior case £7.95 Recurve bag in navajo, or arapaho 62940 62945 Recurve bag 64" Recurve bag 70" £31.50 £31.50 Neet bow sleeve 62920 navajo Cartel Holdall 62900 navajo Large lined holdall. Unpadded. Two inner pockets, and large outer pocket. Complete with shoulder strap. 84~28~13cm. 62036 Cartel 701 large holdall Longbow or one-piece recurve bags in navajo, or arapaho. 62900 62920 Longbow sleeve 72" One piece bow sleeve 66" £18.50 £18.50 £14.25 Recurve Cases BB0501 62800 62800 BB0501 Recurve case foam insert, precut £8.75 Foam arrow rack (pr) £NLA Negrini economy hard shell Chichester Vinyl Popular case, vinyl. Zip closure. Room for bow, arrows, stabilisers & accessories. Complete with pre-cut foam insert and foam arrow racks. 90~25~121cm. 62060 Chichester vinyl case £42.00 Cartel ABS Sliding clip fasteners, no combination lock. Uncut foam. 62050 62100 62055 62095 62 Negrini economy 90~25~10cm £27.50 Aurora saddlebag add-on Hoyt backpack Negrini SEC large basic case Cartel 310HP with wheels £12.25 £59.95 £32.50 62.00 ABS case with lots of internal pockets. Zip closure. Uncut foam. Silver or black. 62090 Cartel ABS case: 88~31~16cm £57.00 Product Guide Bags & Cases Negrini medium hard shell Negrini large hard shell combination lock on Negrini cases 62240 62220 Negrini medium 85~36~16cm, uncut foam £102.50 Negrini large, with wheels 86~38~16cm £115.00 Shocq Aluminium, double Shocq Aluminium, single 626400 Well made aluminium cases. Deep foam layer (uncut). 62610 62620 Shocq case, single small £NLA 77~25~9cm. 4.5cm base foam Shocq case, single large £NLA 89~30~14cm. 6cm base foam Well made aluminium cases. 7.5cm deep foam layer in centre section, 5.5cm foam in base (uncut). 62630 62640 Shocq case, double 90~25~23cm Shocq case, double, wheeled 90~25~23cm £76.95 £NLA Arrow Cases Field locker BB0003 BB0003 Rigid case with foam arrow racks each side. Accepts pre-cut foam insert for bows. BB0607 Field locker 90~25~10cm Field locker with bow insert BB0001 Extra large telescopic tube case: £9.75 30–48"~4" dia £8.75 BB000 Tube case: telescopic plastic case, with carrying handle, 28–48"~32" dia Basic arrow tube, plastic 64500 Arrow Safe, hard shell case £15.00 £NLA £24.50 £33.25 63 Targetcraft Bags & Cases Compound Bags Deluxe cordura bag Aurora Dynamic Midi case Hardwearing woven fabric bags, well padded, with one long and one short external pocket & quiver straps. Black. Padded bag with full size internal divider, large and small external pockets. Combined back or shoulder carry strap. Rubber feet. 122~44cm. BB0103 Deluxe compound bag £41.95 64952 Aurora Dynamic Midi case £25.95 Aurora Dynamic base case £12.95 Standard cordura bag Long or short axle versions, in hardwearing cordura woven fabric. Well padded, with one long, one short pocket. Black. BB0105 BB0104 BB0106 Long axle bow bag Short axle (44") bow bag Junior bag (Banshee, etc.) Aurora Dynamic Top case £37.95 £37.95 £30.75 Custom Basic Padded bag with full size internal divider to take two bows. Large four section external pocket. Combined back or shoulder carry strap. 64950 Aurora Dynamic Top case £55.00 Kolpin compound bag Well padded bag in weather resistant fabric with cordura style surface texturing. Webbing handles. Colours: black, blue, red, green. 120~44cm. No pockets. BB0350 64005 Custom basic bag Cartel bag with pocket £20.95 £18.95 Padded bag, one large external pocket. 108~44cm. Striker BB0355 Kolpin bag £NLA Striker deluxe bag Well padded bag with heavy duty nylon outer. Full size internal divider to take two bows. Webbing handles and back/shoulder strap. Colour: black. 120~42cm, with one long pocket. BB0347 Striker bag £29.95 Padded bag, polyester outer with two separate full size compartments and polymer protectors on base. One large interior net pocket, two external pockets and shoulder strap. Colours: black or green. 110~43cm. BB0348 64 Striker deluxe bag £59.95 Product Guide Bags & Cases Compound Cases SKB Flambeau case 64750 Hard shell D shape case with aluminium valence in short (402") or standard (49") lengths. D shape case with internal support posts. 120~42cm. BB0550 Flambeau case £NLA 64755 64765 64750 64760 Single short case Double short case Single standard case Double bow case £135.00 £150.00 £150.00 £165.00 Negrini 130cm case Negrini D case Hard shell lockable case, foam lined. 130cm for 48" bows 64720 64767 Negrini case SKB Freedom double case £115.00 £115.00 Hard shell lockable D case, foam lined. 120cm. 64700 Negrini D case 64730 Negrini SEC basic case £115.00 £40.00 Universal Cases Aurora Striker BB3049 Padded cases with internal pockets, equipment straps, and shoulder strap. Short version with back-pack straps, suitable for recurves and short axle compounds. Long version with in-line wheels, for longer axle compound bows. Colours: black, red, blue. BB0349 BB0346 Striker case 115~38~20 Striker case 95~38~20 £60.00 £49.00 Quality cases with internal pockets for equipment, arrow tube, and quiver. All versions of Proline case have in-line wheels. All cases have back-pack straps. Short version suitable for recurves and short axle compounds up to 37". Long version will take longer axle bows (to 44"). 64903 64904 Proline Midi 115: 118~43~19 £102.50 Proline Midi 100: 103~43~19 £95.00 65 Targetcraft Bow Stands Bow stands Skorten PodPlus Skorten Tripod Simple tripod stand, very stable. Adjustable height string clips. Screw-in legs. STA041 Skorten Tripod bowstand £15.60 Cartel Atlanta RX101 Compact, – all parts pack inside body. Ground spike included. Excellent stability. Colours: Black, blue, gold, red, silver. STA031 STA032 STA033 Skorten PodPlus Spare Pod/PodPlus legs Spare PodPlus spike £25.60 £2.50 £1.65 Cartel Atlanta RX10 RX101 with silver stem, with fold-up legs, and ground spike. Legs rotate into vertical or horizontal retaining slots. Various colours. 59500 Cartel Atlanta RX101 stand £15.95 RX10 with colour anodised stem. Fold-up legs and ground spike. Centre boss screws down over legs to lock down, and retains legs when folded up. Various colours. Tollgate stand 59505 Cartel RX10 stand £22.95 KAP Adjustable height string holder, slot-in legs. STA002 Tollgate stand £NLA Folding stand, steel, chrome finish. Wingnut under base locks legs in place. 59040 66 KAP stand £17.50 Product Guide Bow Stands K Stand Cartel ProGold Lightweight aluminium stand. Magnetic base with pushin legs. Adjustable nylon string clip. Basic stand with screw-in legs and plastic string clip. Plated steel. 59030 K stand £NLA Cartel RX105 59000 Cartel Pro Gold stand £4.95 Skorten Micro stand Clip-on ‘quick-park’ compound field stand: used with stabiliser, keeps cams clear of mud. Hooks into belt or quiver when not in use. STA042 Skorten Micro stand £6.40 Almost identical to the K stand: magnetic push-fit legs, adjustable plastic string clip. Aluminium. 59035 Cartel RX105 stand £8.50 Cartel Stand Ground Quiver 59055 Sprung clamp compound stand £4.95 Heavy duty plated steel. Lengths Standard 28" Short 24" STA051 Skorten ground quiver £6.90 67 Carbon Arrows Targetcraft Carbon arrows X10 components Easton X10/X10 Protour Ultimate outdoor target shaft with small diameter for minimum wind drift and barrel shape to maximise stiffness. Sizes: 1000 900 830 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 410 380 73000 73020 77240 77235 77424 77420 X10 s/steel break-off point £1.55 X10 tungsten break-off point £15.00 X10/ACE pin nock £0.80 X10 aluminium nock pin £0.70 Beiter X10 In/Out insert nock £0.78 X10/1 (small groove) X10/2 (large) Beiter X10 outnock £0.65 4.5/1 (small), 4.5/2 (large) X10 ARROWS Finished with stainless steel break-off points, pins, pin nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74501 X10 arrows/12 72001 1400 1250 1100 1000 920 850 780 720 670 620 570 520 470 430 400 370 73120 73100 73165 77000 77240 77230 77400 77442 77404 A/C/E ARROWS Finished with screw-in points & inserts, ACE G nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. ACE arrows/12 £252.00 with Beiter ACE nock add/each £0.30 with Beiter I/O nock add/each £0.50 with pin nock & pin add/each £1.05 Finished with stainless steel break-off points & inserts, ACE G nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74521 68 £258.00 A/C/E COMPONENTS Aluminium Carbon Extreme. An aluminium core/bonded carbon wrap shaft designed for shaft stability and ease of tuning. 74521 X10 bare shafts/12 £312.50 Easton A/C/E Sizes: X10 SHAFTS ACE arrows/12 £246.00 Point insert £1.40 Point: screw-in, bulge £0.85 Point: one piece break-off £1.50 parabolic: 60–120 grain ACE G Nock £0.34 small or large groove X10/ACE pin nock £0.80 ACE aluminium nock pin £0.70 Beiter ACE nock £0.65 12/1 (small groove) 12/2 (large) Beiter ACE hunter nock (large) £0.65 Beiter ACE In/Out insert nock £0.85 12/1 (long or short, small groove), 12/2 (long or short, large groove) A/C/E SHAFTS 72021 ACE bare shafts/12 £198.00 Easton selection chart: Page 80–81 Product Guide Carbon Arrows Easton X10 specifications Recommended Shaft Shaft Spine @ 28" Stock Maximum Trim Point Weight Size X10 points Grains Deflection X10 Tungsten break-off X10 stainless 1000 5.3 154 1.000 28 No limit 90–100 Grains Grains 900 5.8 168 0.900 28 No limit 90–100 100–110–120 90–100–110 830 6.2 180 0.830 282 No limit 90–100 750 6.4 186 0.750 29 3.5 90–100 700 6.7 194 0.700 29 3.5 90–100 650 6.8 197 0.650 29 3.5 90–100 600 7.0 203 0.600 30 4.5 100–110 550 7.5 218 0.550 31 3.5 100–110 500 7.8 226 0.500 32 4.0 100–110 450 8.1 235 0.450 332 5.5 100–110 X10 pin 410 8.5 247 0.410 33w 5.5 100–120 Grains Grains 380 8.9 258 0.380 33w 6.5 100–120 8 2 Spine @ 28" Stock Maximum Trim X10 pin nock Easton A/C/E specifications Recommended Shaft Shaft Point Weight Size ACE points Grains Deflection One-piece Stainless steel break-off 1400* 4.9 142 1.400 26s No limit 50–60 Grains Grains 1250* 5.1 148 1.250 26s No limit 60–70 50 60–70–80 1100* 5.1 148 1.100 28s No limit 70–80 1000 5.7 165 1.000 28s No limit 70–80 920 5.8 168 0.920 28s 9.5 70–80 850 5.7 165 0.850 28s No limit 70–80 780 6.0 174 0.780 29s No limit 80–90 720 6.4 186 0.720 29s 6.0 80–90 670 5.9 171 0.670 30s No limit 80–90 ACE pin Pin nock 620 6.1 177 0.620 30s No limit 90-–00 Grains Grains 570 6.3 183 0.570 31s 10.0 90-–00 8 2 520 6.7 194 0.520 31s 4.5 90-–00 470 6.8 197 0.470 32s 6.5 90–100 430 7.0 203 0.430 32s 5.5 100–110 G Nock 80–90–100 100–110–120 ACE pin nock ACE Nock 400 7.5 218 0.400 32s 4.0 100–110 Grains 370 7.9 229 0.370 32s 4.0 110–120 8 ACE insert & point system 5-44 thread Screw-in point weight #2–31gr Insert weight #3–36gr #4–41gr #5–46gr #6–51gr Total weight (grains)= insert + point H – 39gr 70 75 80 85 90 J – 49gr 80 85 90 95 100 L – 59gr 90 95 100 105 110 * These sizes available to Easton Special Order only 69 Targetcraft Carbon Arrows Easton Navigator NAVIGATOR COMPONENTS 73120 73100 73165 Small diameter aluminium carbon shaft, similar construction to ACE. Sizes: 1000 880 810 710 610 540 480 430 77000 NAVIGATOR ARROWS Finished with ACE screw-in points & inserts, ACE G nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74531 74531 74530 Navigator arrows/12 £186.00 Navigator arrows/8 £128.00 Navigator arrow/each £16.00 with pin nock & pin add/each £1.26 Finished with Navigator break-off points, ACE G nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74536 74535 74535 Navigator arrows/12 Navigator arrows/8 Navigator arrow/each Navigator FMJ arrows/12 Navigator FMJ arrows/8 Navigator FMJ arrows/each £178.80 £124.00 £15.50 2–00 3–28 3L–00 3–04 3L–18 3–18 3X–04 3L–04 3–39 3–49 3–60 3–71 A/C/C ARROWS Finished with one piece points, ACE G nocks, fletched 74561 74560 74560 70 NAVIGATOR SHAFTS 72031 72030 72030 Navigator bare shafts/12 Navigator bare shafts/8 Navigator bare shaft/each £144.00 £99.60 £12.45 72035 72031 72031 Navigator FMJ: bare shaft/12 Navigator bare shafts/8 Navigator bare shafts/each £134.40 £99.60 £11.75 Easton selection chart: Page 80–81 A/C/C COMPONENTS Aluminium Carbon Competition. Parallel aluminium/carbon shafts, suitable for target and field. Unibush fitted. 3–00 2L–04 2–04 77240 77237 £169.80 £115.20 £14.40 Easton A/C/C Sizes: 73170 Point insert £1.40 Point: screw-in, bulge £0.85 Point: ACE one piece break-off £1.50 parabolic: 60–120 grain Point: Navigator one piece break- £1.50 off, parabolic: 100–120 grain ACE G Nock £0.34 small or large groove X10/ACE pin nock £0.80 Navigator aluminium nock pin £0.70 ACC arrows/12 £127.20 ACC arrows/8 £88.00 ACC arrow/each £11.00 With Beiter ACE nock add/each £0.30 73200 73220 73260 77000 77400 77442 Point: one piece, parabolic Point: nibb Unibush ACE G nock, small or large groove Beiter ACE nock Beiter ACE hunter nock £0.70 £1.00 £0.48 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 A/C/C SHAFTS 72061 72060 72060 ACC bare shafts/12 ACC bare shafts/8 ACC bare shaft/each £102.80 £70.00 £8.75 Product Guide Carbon Arrows Easton Navigator specifications Recommended Shaft Shaft Spine @ 28" Stock Point Weight Size ACE points Grains Deflection Navigator s/teel break-off Stainless steel 1000 5.1 148 1.000 29 70–80 Grains Grains 880 5.5 160 0.880 292 70–80 100–110-120 60–70–80 810 5.8 168 0.810 30 80–90 80–90–100 710 6.3 183 0.710 302 80–90 100–110–120 660 6.6 191 0.660 30w 80–90 610 6.9 200 0.610 31 80–90 One-piece 540* 7.4 215 0.540 312 100 Grains 480* 8.0 232 0.480 32 100–110 50 430* 8.4 244 0.430 322 100–110 ACE pin nock ACE insert & point system 5-44 thread ACE pin for Navigator 610-1000 Grains Grains 8 2 Screw-in point weight #2–31gr #3–36gr Insert weight #4–41gr #5–46gr #6–51gr Total weight (grains)= insert + point H – 39gr 70 75 J – 49gr 80 85 L – 59gr 90 95 80 ACE Nock 85 90 G Nock 90 95 100 Grains 100 105 110 8 * 430, 480, and 540 sizes use unique Navigator point. All others use A/C/E points. Easton A/C/C specifications UNI system Shaft Shaft Weight @ One piece parabolic point Point/ Spine @ 28" Stock Insert Nibb point Extra Hyper Heavy Med Light Light Light Size Grains Deflection 2–00 4.7 136 1.500 28 –00* – 7 –* 50* –* –* –* – 3L–00 5.1 148 1.300 282 –00* – 7 –* 50* –* –* –* – 3–00 5.5 160 1.150 282 –00* – 7 –* –* –* 50* –* – 2L–04 6.1 177 1.020 29 –04 2 7 100 80 70 60 50 – 2–04 6.5 189 0.920 292 –04 2 7 100 80 70 60 50 – 3X–04 6.7 194 0.830 292 –04 2 7 100 80 70 60 50 – 3L–04 7.0 203 0.750 30 –04 2 7 100 80 70 60 50 – 3–04 7.2 209 0.680 30 –04 2 7 100 80 70 60 50 – 3L–18 7.5 218 0.620 31 –18 3 7 – 100 82 70 60 70 3–18 7.8 226 0.560 31 –18 3 7 – 100 82 70 60 70 3–28 8.1 235 0.500 312 –28 4 7 – 100 87 70 60 70 3–39 8.6 249 0.440 312 –39 5 7 – 100 85 70 60 70 3–49 8.8 255 0.390 32 –49 6 7 – – 100 80 70 80 3–60 9.5 276 0.340 322 –60 7 7 – – 108 90 80 90 3–71 9.9 287 0.300 33 –71 8 7 – – 114 90 80 90 * Easton A/C/C –00 sizes have the same size core tube as A/C/E shafts and can use all available ACE points, inserts, and nocks 71 Targetcraft Carbon Arrows Easton FatBoy FATBOY COMPONENTS 73226 Wide diameter C2 carbon shaft. Unibush fitted. Sizes: 500 400 340 FATBOY ARROWS Finished with CB one piece points, ACE Super/3D Super nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74051 FatrBoy arrows/12 £120.00 With Beiter ACE nock add/each £0.30 73263 77000 77120 77400 77442 1000 900 780 £0.48 £0.34 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 FatBoy bare shafts/12 £93.60 REDLINE COMPONENTS Lightweight C2 carbon composite shaft. Unibush fitted. Sizes: £0.70 FATBOY SHAFTS 72051 Easton Redline Point: FatBoy CB one piece 80 or 100 gr Unibush ACE Super nock, ACE 3D Super nock Beiter ACE nock Beiter ACE hunter nock 690 600 520 460 410 360 73200 73220 77000 77400 77442 Point: one piece parabolic Point: nibb ACE G nock, small or large groove Beiter ACE nock Beiter ACE hunter nock £0.70 £1.00 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 REDLINE ARROWS Finished with ACC one piece points, ACE G nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74566 74565 74565 Redline arrows /12 £93.60 Redline arrows/8 £64.00 Redline arrows/each £8.00 With Beiter ACE nock add/each £0.30 Easton LightSpeed REDLINE SHAFTS 72066 72065 72065 Carbon shaft. Super nock fitted, CB insert included. 500 400 340 LIGHTSPEED ARROWS Finished with CB one piece points, Super nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74081 £69.60 £48.00 £6.00 LIGHTSPEED COMPONENTS 73225 Sizes: Redline bare shafts/12 Redline bare shafts/8 Redline bare shaft/each LightSpeed arrows /12 £74.40 73264 77000 77000 77120 77400 77442 Point: LightSpeed CB one piece 80 or 100 gr Unibush: CB for G nock ACE G nock large or small groove ACE Super nock ACE 3D Super nock Beiter ACE nock Beiter ACE hunter nock £0.70 £0.48 £0.34 £0.34 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 LIGHTSPEED SHAFTS 72081 LightSpeed bare shafts/12 £52.80 Easton selection chart: Page 80–81 72 Product Guide Carbon Arrows Easton FatBoy specifications Super Shaft Shaft Spine @ 28" Stock Super Uni RPS One piece RPS Size Grains Deflection O.D. 500 7.1 206 0.500 32w 13 9 40 80–100 Y 400 7.8 226 0.400 33 13 9 40 80–100 Y 340 8.3 241 0.340 334 13 9 40 80–100 Y Easton Redline specifications UNI system Shaft Shaft Weight @ One piece parabolic point Point/ Spine @ 28" Stock Insert Nibb point Extra Hyper Heavy Med Light Light Light Size Grains Deflection 1000 5.7 165 1.000 292 –04 3 7 100 80 70 60 50 900 5.8 168 0.900 292 –04 3 7 100 80 70 60 50 – – 780 6.3 183 0.780 30 –18 4 7 – 100 82 70 60 70 690 6.3 183 0.690 302 –18 4 7 – 100 82 70 60 70 600 6.9 200 0.600 31 –28 6 7 – 100 87 70 60 70 520 7.1 206 0.520 312 –49 10 7 – – 100 80 70 80 460 7.3 212 0.460 312 –49 10 7 – – 100 80 70 80 410 7.6 220 0.410 32 –60 12 7 – – 108 90 80 90 360 8.3 241 0.360 32 –60 12 7 – – 108 90 80 90 Easton LightSpeed specifications Shaft Shaft Spine @ 28" Stock Super CB CB RPS Size Grains Deflection O.D. 500 6.5 189 0.500 32w 13 21 80–100 Y 400 7.4 215 0.400 33 13 21 80–100 Y 340 8.2 238 0.340 334 13 21 80–100 c 73 Targetcraft Carbon & Fibreglass Arrows Beman ICS Energy ICS ENERGY COMPONENTS Value shaft made by Easton using Redline technology. Sizes 1000 900 780 690 600 520 460 410 360 73200 73220 77000 Point: Easton one piece parabolic £0.70 Point: Easton nibb £1.00 ACE G nock, £0.34 small or large groove Beiter ACE nock £0.65 Beiter ACE hunter nock £0.65 77400 77442 ICS ENERGY ARROWS Finished with one piece points, ACE G nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74736 74735 74735 ICS Energy arrows/ 12 £72.00 ICS Energy arrows/8 £48.80 ICS Energy arrows/each £6.10 With Beiter ACE nock add/each £0.30 Beman Carbon Flash Sizes: 1000–5.0 900–5.0 750–5.5 630–5.5 570–5.5 Finished with economy points, Beman nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch Flash arrows/60 Flash arrows/12 £201.00 £41.40 Easton Carbon Connekt Size 72736 72735 72735 73750 73760 77600 77650 £46.80 £31.60 £3.95 £0.55 £0.48 £0.25 £0.25 72771 72770 Flash bare shafts/60 Flash bare shaft/12 £90.00 £18.60 Cartel Camp C 40lb max Sizes Fletched carbon arrows finished with Super nock and CB insert and point. 28". Carbon Connekt arrows/12 Carbon Connekt arrow/each Beman fun points Beman economy point Beman overnock, fluorescent Beman overnock, opaque CARBON FLASH SHAFTS CARBON CONNEKT ARROWS 74256 74255 ICS Energy bare shafts/12 ICS Energy bare shafts/8 ICS Energy bare shaft/each FLASH COMPONENTS CARBON FLASH ARROWS 74772 74770 ICS ENERGY SHAFTS £NLA £NLA 1000–5.0 900–5.0 750–5.5 630–5.5 CAMP C ARROWS Fletched carbon arrows finished with fit-over points and nocks. 74791 74790 Camp C arrows/12 Camp C arrow/each £NLA £NLA Fibreglass arrows TROOPER COMPONENTS Easton Trooper 71300 77180 77180 Robust fibreglass arrows. Sizes £0.96 £1.80 £0.16 !& .^$" (40lb) FIBREGLASS SHAFTS TROOPER ARROWS 72071 72070 Finished with trooper points and nocks, fletched Plastifletch. 74251 74250 Trooper fit-over point/12 Trooper fit-over nock/per 12 Trooper fit-over nock/each Trooper arrows/12 Trooper arrow/each Trooper bare shafts/12 Trooper bare shaft/each £16.80 £1.40 £24.96 £2.08 Easton selection chart: Page 80–81 74 Product Guide Aluminium Arrows Aluminium arrows Stalker Junior arrows School arrows Aluminium arrows in 1820 size only. Black, 28" 74047 74046 74045 Economy aluminium arrows, unspined. Lengths: 26, 28, 30, 32" A0410 AN01011 AP0085 School arrows, plastic fletch/8 School push-in nock/12 School point/each X7 ECLIPSE COMPONENTS Top of the range aluminium shaft. Gloss black. Unibush fitted. † 1512¹ 1514¹ † 1612¹ 1614¹ † 1712¹ 1714¹ † 1812¹ 1814¹ † 1912¹ 1914¹ † 2012 2014¹ † 2112 2114 2212 2213 2214¹ 2312 2314 2315 † 2412 † 2413 † 2512 2613 X7 ECLIPSE ARROWS 71000 71200 71600 71620 71630 71640 71400 71420 77000 77100 77120 77400 77442 77410 Finished with nibb points, ACE G or 3D Super nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74001 74000 74000 † X7 Eclipse arrows/12 X7 Eclipse arrows/8 X7 Eclipse arrow/each With Beiter nock add/each £84.60 £57.20 £7.15 £0.30 Point: nibb £1.00 Point: one piece £0.70 Point insert* £0.25 Point: screw-in field* £0.22 Point: screw-in bullet* £0.20 Point: screw-in combo* £0.25 Unibush £0.48 Super unibush £0.48 ACE G nock £0.34 Easton 3D super nock £0.34 Easton super nock £0.34 Beiter ACE nock £0.65 Beiter hunter nock £0.65 Beiter super nock for unibush £0.65 *(not available for sizes marked¹) X7 ECLIPSE SHAFTS 70001 70000 70000 X7 Eclipse black bare shafts/12 £54.00 X7 Eclipse black bare shafts/8 £36.80 X7 Eclipse black bare shaft/each £4.60 : Discontinued sizes X7 ECLIPSE COBALT COMPONENTS Easton X7 Cobalt Eclipse X7 standard, swaged for over nocks, blue. Sizes: 1914¹ † 2014¹ † 2112 † 2114 2212 † 2213 2312 2314 † 2412 † 2413 † 2512 2315 X7 ECLIPSE COBALT ARROWS Finished with nibb points, over nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74006 70005 70005 † £141.00 £29.40 £2.50 £NLA £2.40 £0.34 Easton X7 Eclipse Sizes: Stalker junior arrows/60 Stalker junior arrows/12 Stalker junior arrow/each X7 Cobalt arrows/12 X7 Cobalt arrows/8 X7 Cobalt arrow/each With Beiter nock add/each £84.60 £57.20 £7.15 £0.30 71000 71200 71400 71420 77000 77100 77120 77400 77442 77410 Point: nibb Point: one piece Unibush Super unibush ACE G nock Easton 3D super nock Easton super nock Beiter ACE nock Beiter hunter nock Beiter super nock for unibush £1.00 £0.70 £0.48 £0.48 £0.34 £0.34 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 £0.65 X7 COBALT SHAFTS 70006 70005 70005 X7 Cobalt bare shafts/12 X7 Cobalt bare shafts/8 X7 Cobalt bare shaft/each £54.00 £36.80 £4.60 : Discontinued sizes 75 Aluminium Arrows Targetcraft Easton XX75 PlatinumPlus XX75 PLATINUMPLUS COMPONENTS Finished platinum silver. Sizes: 1416¹ 1516¹ 1616¹ 1713¹ 1716 1813 1816 1913 1916 2013 2016 2114 2115 2213 2315 2413 XX75 PLATINUMPLUS ARROWS Finished with ACE G or 3D Super nocks, one piece points, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74016 74015 74015 XX75 PlatinumPlus arrows/12 £67.20 XX75 PlatinumPlus arrows/8 £46.40 XX75 PlatinumPlus arrow/each £5.80 Finished with ACE G or 3D Super nocks, nibb points, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74016 74015 74015 PLATINUMPLUS SHAFTS 70016 70015 70015 1214¹ 1413¹ 1416¹ 1516¹ 1616¹ 1716 † 1813 1816 † 1913 1916 † 2013 2016 (Blues) 71000 71100 71600 71620 71630 71640 77750 77730 JAZZ ARROWS Finished with one piece points, Bjorn nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. † Jazz arrows/12 £49.20 Jazz arrows/8 £33.20 Jazz arrow/each £4.15 G nock for 1214 arrow add/each £0.24 Nibb point for 2013 add/each £0.30 £36.00 £25.60 £3.20 Point: nibb £1.00 Point: one piece £0.70 Point insert* £0.25 Point: screw-in field* £0.22 Point: screw-in bullet* £0.22 Point: screw-in combo* £0.25 Marco nock/12 £1.00 Plastinock/12 £1.20 *(not available for sizes marked¹) JAZZ SHAFTS 70031 70030 70030 Jazz bare shafts/12 Jazz bare shafts/8 Jazz bare shaft/each £22.80 £16.00 £2.00 : Discontinued sizes Easton Genesis GENESIS COMPONENTS Aluminium shaft in 1820 size only. Satin finish. Blue. 74034 74035 74035 76 XX75 P/Plus bare shafts/12 XX75 P/Plus bare shaft/8 XX75 P/Plus bare shaft/each JAZZ COMPONENTS Economically priced lighter weight shaft, purple or blue with silver graphics. 74031 74030 74030 Point: nibb £1.00 Point: one piece (to 2016) £0.70 Point: one piece 100gr £0.70 Point insert* £0.25 Point: screw-in field* £0.22 Point: screw-in bullet* £0.22 Point: screw-in combo* £0.25 Unibush £0.48 Super unibush £0.48 ACE G nock £0.34 Easton 3D super nock £0.34 Easton super nock £0.34 *(not available for sizes marked¹) XX75 PlatinumPlus arrows/12 £70.20 XX75 PlatinumPlus arrows/8 £48.00 XX75 PlatinumPlus arrow/each £6.00 Easton Jazz/Blues Sizes: 71000 71100 71200 71600 71620 71630 71640 71400 71420 77000 77100 77120 Genesis arrows/12 Genesis arrows/8 Genesis arrow/each £36.00 £24.00 £3.00 71105 77750 77730 Point: Genesis one piece Marco nock/12 Plastinock/12 £0.20 £1.00 £1.20 Genesis bare shafts/12 Genesis bare shaft/each £21.00 £1.80 GENESIS SHAFTS 70040 70033 Product Guide Aluminium Arrows Easton XX78 Super Slam XX78 SUPER SLAM COMPONENTS Super unibush, and green Super nock factory fitted. RPS insert included. Camo graphic finish. Sizes: 2114 2117 2212 2213 2215 2216 2219 2312 2314 2315 2317 2413 2512 2514 2613 XX78 SUPER SLAM ARROWS 71000 71200 71220 71600 71620 71630 71640 77100 77120 77410 77444 Point: nibb Point: one piece 100gr Point: one piece 150gr Point insert Point: screw-in field Point: screw-in bullet Point: screw-in combo 3D super nock Super nock Beiter super nock for unibush Beiter hunter nock for D loops £1.00 £0.70 £0.70 £0.25 £0.22 £0.22 £0.25 £0.25 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 Finished with nibb points, fletched Plastifletch. 74101 74100 74100 XX78 Super Slam arrows/12 XX78 Super Slam arrows/8 XX78 Super Slam arrow/each £82.80 £55.60 £6.95 Easton XX75 Camo 05 1816 1913 1916 2013 2016 2018 2113 2114 2115 2117 2213 2215 2216 2219 2314 2315 2317 2413 2419 2514 XX75 CAMO 05 ARROWS Finished with nibb points, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74006 74005 74005 XX75 Camo arrows/12 XX75 Camo arrows/8 XX75 Camo arrow/each £66.00 £44.40 £5.55 Easton XX75 Legacy XX78 Super Slam bare shafts/12 £57.00 XX78 Super Slam bare shafts/8 £38.40 XX78 Super Slam bare shaft/each £4.80 Point: nibb Point: one piece Point insert Point: screw-in field Point: screw-in bullet Point: screw-in combo Unibush Super unibush ACE G nock Easton 3D super nock Easton super nock Beiter ACE nock Beiter hunter nock Beiter super nock for unibush £1.00 £0.70 £0.25 £0.22 £0.22 £0.25 £0.48 £0.48 £0.34 £0.34 £0.34 £0.65 £0.65 £0.65 XX75 CAMO 05 SHAFTS XX75 Camo bare shafts/12 XX75 Camo bare shafts/8 XX75 Camo bare shaft/each £40.80 £27.60 £3.45 XX75 LEGACY COMPONENTS Woodgrain graphic finish. 1916 2016 2018 71000 71200 71600 71620 71630 71640 71400 71420 77000 77100 77120 77400 77442 77410 70006 70005 70005 Easton selection chart: Page 80–81 Sizes: 70101 70100 70100 XX75 CAMO 05 COMPONENTS Super unibush and Super nock factory fitted. RPS insert included. Finished camo graphic. Sizes: SUPER SLAM SHAFTS 2020 2216 2219 2315 XX75 LEGACY ARROWS 71000 71200 71600 71620 71630 71640 77700 77730 Point: nibb Point: one piece 100gr Point insert Point: screw-in field Point: screw-in bullet Point: screw-in combo Marco nock/12 Plastinock/12 £1.00 £0.70 £0.25 £0.22 £0.22 £0.25 £1.00 £1.20 Finished with nibb points, Bjorn nocks, fletched Elite Plastifletch. 74131 XX75 Legacy arrows/12 £66.00 LEGACY SHAFTS 70131 XX75 Legacy bare shafts/12 £45.00 77 Targetcraft Arrow components Easton arrow components Steel screw-in points for Easton aluminium shafts Steel screw in point specifications Sizes Field point Bullet point 78 Combo point !& .^$ : for 1716 T : for 1813–1816 c : for 1913–2117 Y : for 2212–2514 combo only field, combo, and bullet field, combo and bullet field, combo, and bullet Product Guide Aluminium Arrow Specifications Easton aluminium shaft specifications Stock Shaft weight length Shaft Weight Spine @ 28" Size XX75 XX78/X7 Grains per inch UNI system Conventional Uni X nock @ 29" span 75/78/X7 Nock size Bushing Bushing Grains Deflection in inches Inches Inches Grains Grains Super Uni Nibb One piece Bushing point bullet point Grains Grains Grains 1214 5.9 – 171 2.501 26 – – – – – 45 1413 5.9 – 171 2.036 26 R – – – – 35 1416 7.2 – 209 1.684 27 R 2 – – 46 52 1512 – 5.8 168 1.553 27 – 5 – – 49 – 1514 – 6.8 197 1.379 26 – 5 – – 61 – 1516 7.3 – 212 1.403 272 4 3 – – 48 54 1612 – 6.3 183 1.298 28 – 6 – – 55 – 1614 – 7.7 223 1.153 28 – 5 – – 51 – 1616 8.4 – 244 1.079 282 4 5 – – 56 63 1712 – 6.7 194 1.099 282 – 7 – – 62 – 1713 7.4 – 215 1.044 29 – 7 – – 54 – 1714 – 8.1 235 0.963 29 – 7 – – 56 – 1716 9.0 – 261 0.880 29 4 7 – – 60 68 1812 – 7.3 212 0.879 292 – 9 – – 67 – 1813 7.9 – 229 0.874 30 4 8 – – 56 – 1814 – 8.6 249 0.799 292 – 8 – – 60 – 1816 9.3 – 270 0.756 30 T 8 4 – 63 74 1820 12.2 – 354 0.592 292 T – – – – 59 1912 – 7.6 220 0.778 30 – 9 – – 70 – 1913 8.3 – 241 0.733 31 T 9 7 – 64 – 1914 – 9.3 270 0.658 302 – 9 – – 64 – 1916 10.0 – 290 0.623 31 T 9 7 – 72 82 2012 – 8.0 232 0.680 312 – 10 – 5 83 – 2013 9.0 – 261 0.610 322 c – – 5 68 – 2014 – 9.6 278 0.579 312 – 10 – 5 71 – 2016 10.6 – 307 0.531 32 – – – 4 80 90 – 2018 12.2 – 357 0.464 322 cC – – 4 89 2020 13.5 – 392 0.426 33 c – – – 64 – 2112 – 8.4 244 0.590 312 – 10 – 7 88 100 2113 9.3 – 270 0.540 322 – – – 7 78 100 2114 9.9 9.9 287 0.510 322 – 11 – 7 78 100 2115 10.8 – 313 0.461 33 – 11 – 7 83 100 2117 12.0 12.1 348 0.407 33 c – – 7 97 100 2212 – 8.8 255 0.505 322 – 13 – 9 102 100 2213 9.8 9.9 284 0.458 332 – 13 – 9 88 100 2214 – 10.4 302 0.425 33 – 13 – 9 103 100 2215 10.7 10.8 310 0.419 33 Y – – 9 95 100 2216 12.0 12.1 348 0.376 33 Y – – 9 98 100 2219 13.8 13.9 400 0.337 34 Y – – 8 107 – 2312 – 9.5 276 0.423 33 – 15 – 11 99 100 2314 10.7 10.8 310 0.391 332 – 14 – 10 – 100 2315 11.7 11.8 339 0.342 34 – – – 11 – 100 2317 13.3 13.4 386 0.297 34 – – – 11 – 100 2412 – 9.7 281 0.400 34 – 17 – 12 110 100 2413 10.4 10.5 302 0.365 34 – 17 – 12 110 100 2419 14.6 – 423 0.268 342 – – – 12 – 100 2512 – 10.3 299 0.321 342 – 20 – 15 108 100 2514 11.3 11.4 328 0.305 342 – 18 – 14 – 100 2613 – 11.5 334 0.265 342 – 22 – 17 – 150 79 Easton arrow chart Easton target, field & 3D arrow selection chart 80 Targetcraft Product Guide Easton arrow chart 81 Targetcraft Wood Arrows Wood Arrows WOOD ARROW COMPONENTS Targetcraft Wood practice arrows, unspined. c" Length: 282" 75505 A01201 Lightweight cedar arrow/each Shaft only/each £1.85 £0.55 Port Orford Cedar AP001 AP0009 AP001 Spined cedar shafts, Premium grade. Weight @ 28" c" 25–30lb 40–45lb 30–35lb 35–40lb Y" 40–45lb 55–60lb 45–50lb 50–55lb @# ^$" 60–65lb 65–70lb 70–75lb . AP002 AP0031 AP0041 AP0081 73560 Port Orford Cedar longbow arrows POC spined arrows, feather fletched, with brass bullet points, made to requirements. With plain parabolic or shield feathers A0200 Longbow arrow set/12 Longbow arrow, plain/each £45.60 £3.80 With 4" barred shield feathers A0200 Longbow arrow set/12 A0200 Longbow arrow, barred/each £55.95 £4.80 73500 AP0086 AP0071 79030 Boynton Scots Pine Scots pine shafts from managed resources, feather fletched with brass bullet points, made to requirements. Sizes: 73500 AP0086 AP0071 Lightweight brass point/each for practice arrows Brass bullet point/each parallel, c" o/d, 63, 100gr Brass bullet point/each parallel, Y" o/d, 100, 125gr Brass bullet point/each taper fit c" 100 gr Brass bullet point/each taper fit Y" 125gr Brass bullet point 4" Brass bullet screw-on point/each c, 80, 100, 125gr Y, 100, 125gr @#.^$", 100, 125, 145gr Blued steel field point/each long nose, taper fit, c", 100, 125gr Y"", 100, 125gr @#.^$", 125, 145, 160gr Whistling point/each Rubber blunts c–Y" Bohning feather fletching tape Featherpruf powder Marco nocks/12 Plastinocks/12 £0.28 £0.40 £0.40 £0.40 £0.40 £0.40 £NLA £0.24 £5.30 £0.75 £7.00 £6.75 £1.00 £1.20 Port Orford Cedar shafts A0210 A0210 With plain parabolic or shield feathers Longbow arrow, plain/12 Longbow arrow, plain/each £43.40 £3.60 POC Premium shafts/12 POC Premium shaft/each £15.60 £1.30 Boynton Scots Pine shafts A0130 Longbow Draw weight Flatbow Fieldbow 28" 27–35 35–42 42–50 50–58 58–65 65–72 25–31 31–37 37–43 43–49 49–55 55–61 22–27 27–32 32–37 37–42 42–47 47–52 25–30 30–35 35–40 40–45 45–50 50–55 82 73560 4, T, c" Boynton Scots Pine longbow arrows A0300 77700 77730 AP0031 Scots pine shafts/12 Scots pine shaft/each Arrow size 29" 30" 30–35 35–40 40–45 45–50 50–55 55–60 30–35 35–40 40–45 45–50 50–55 55–60 £15.60 £1.30 31" 35–40 40–45 45–50 50–55 55–60 60–65 Product Guide Taper Tools & Nocks Taper Tools 75410 75400 AP000 75425 75400 75405 AP000 75425 75410 Whiffen taper tool c or Y" £3.95 Select taper tool c, Y, @#.^$" £3.75 Aluminium taper tool set, £21.50 with inserts for c, Y, @#.^$" shafts 75400 Select Pro taper tool set, metal £29.25 (includes inserts for c & Y") Select Pro single insert £4.25 c, Y, @#.^$"" Select Pro taper tool only £21.60 Nocks Easton Pin nock Easton ACE nock Large or small groove. Colours: green, red, blue, yellow, white. 77000 Large or small groove. Colours: fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, ruby, black, white. 77000 AN0800 ACE G nock/each ACE nock/each £0.34 £0.34 Easton 3D Super nock 77240 77242 77235 77230 77237 77239 X10/ACE pin nock/each G pin nock nock/each X10 nock pin/each ACE nock pin/each Navigator nock pin/each Vector nock pin/each £0.80 £0.80 £0.70 £0.70 £0.70 £0.55 Easton Trooper nock For Trooper fibreglass shafts. Green. 77100 Sizes Colours: fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, black, white. 77100 3D Super nock/each £0.34 77180 4" (30lb) !& .^$" (1 40lb) Trooper nock/12 £1.80 Magnock Easton Super nock Magnetic nock kit. Receiver ties on to bow string. Kit includes 1 receiver, 12 nocks, and tie in cord. Colours: green, amber, blue, black. Sizes Colours: fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, black, white, fluorescent yellow 77120 Super nock/each £0.34 AN03501 AN03511 AN03521 Small (for unibush) Large (for Super unibush) Magnock kit Spare nock Spare receiver £13.75 £0.50 £9.75 83 Targetcraft Nocks Marco nock Beiter Standard nock Fit over for taper swage. Colours: fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, pink, red, blue, black, white. Large or small groove. Colours: fluorescent green, fluorescent orange, fluorescent red, blue, green, black, white. Sizes: R – for 1416 shafts 4 – for 1516-1716 shafts T – for 1816-1916 shafts c – for 2016-2114, & wood shafts Y – for wood shafts 77750 Marco nock/12 £1.00 77760 Bohning classic nock/12 £1.20 Sizes: 77400 77410 12/1 small groove 12/2 large groove Beiter nock/each for ACE, ACC, unibush Beiter nock/each for Super unibush & ICS £0.65 £0.65 Beiter Fit-over nock Plastinock Sizes: Fit-over nocks for taper swage. Colours: fluorescent green, flame orange, sunset gold, clear, red, ruby, blue, black, white. Sizes: 77730 R – for 1416 shafts 4 – for 1516-1716 shafts T – for 1816-1916 shafts c – for 2016-2114, & wood shafts Y – for wood shafts Plastinock/12 £1.20 Beiter Hunter nock 77420 4.5/1, 4.92/1, 5.48/1 (small groove) 4.5/2, 4.92/2, 5.48/2 (large groove) Beiter fit over nock/each £0.65 Beiter nock adaptor Fletching jig adaptor for Beiter nocks. Sizes 77880 77600 1 – for 12/1, 4.92, & up to 1716 2 – for 12/2, 5.48, & 1813–2114 3 – for 2213-2512 Beiter nock adaptor/each AN05500 AN01051 £0.65 AN01011 For D loops. Colours: yellow, orange, green, pink Sizes 77442 12/2 (unibush), 19/2 (super unibush) Beiter Hunter nock/each £0.65 77600 AN05500 AN01051 AN01011 Beman nock/each Pro nocks/12 HT nock/each Push-in school nock/per 12 £0.25 £1.00 £0.28 £2.40 Beiter In-Out nock Unibush/Super unibush Colours: yellow, orange, green, blue Sizes: 77404 77425 84 ACE 12/1 long or short, small groove ACE 12/2 long or short, large groove X10/1 small groove X10/2 large groove Beiter ACE in-out nock/each Beiter X10 in-out nock/each £0.85 £0.85 71400 71420 73260 73262 Unibush – aluminium shaft £0.48 Super unibush – aluminium shaft £0.48 Unibush – ACC £0.48 Unibush – RedLine £0.48 Product Guide Fletchings Fletches Bjorn ParaFlex Arizona Plastifletch Sizes: Colours: 78101 78100 78160 EP16: 1w" EP40: 4" EP23: 24" EP26: 2w" Green, yellow, sunset gold, hot pink, red, white, fire orange, blue, black, purple Plastifletch/12 Plastifletch/100 Plastifletch Max/12 £1.00 £7.00 £1.25 Sizes: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75mm Colours: Green, yellow, hot pink, orange, white, red, blue, black. AF0200 Paraflex/12 £1.45 Flex-Fletch Easton Diamond Sizes: 175: 1.75" 235: 2.35" 280: 2.80" 380: 3.80" Colours: Green, yellow, hot pink, fire orange, white, orange, purple, black AF0400 78410 78000 79100 Diamond vanes/12 All sizes/pack 100 TightFlight vanes, shield/12 FastSet adhesive only £1.40 £9.85 £1.70 £2.50 Colours: Green, yellow, pink, dark orange, white, orange, blue, black, purple pearl, pink pearl, blue pearl, green pearl, purple, red 78200 78210 78220 78230 78240 78260 D.05: 12" /per 12 D1: 1w" /per 12 D2: 2" /per 12 D2.5: 22" /per 12 D3: 3" /per 12 D4: 4" /per 12 Plastifletch & Easton Diamonds have a coating on the fletch foot for use with FastSet glue. To use other glue, clean off coating. £1.58 £1.74 £1.90 £1.98 £2.10 £2.40 Bohning X, Blaze, & Killer/per 12 £1.95 SPIN VANES K Flonite RiteFlite Lightweight rigid vanes. Pack/50 with tape and applicator. Right or left hand. Die cut holographic spin vanes. Pack/50, with tape. Right or left hand. 45mm. Colours Pink, violet, yellow, green, blue, white. Colours: 78750 78752 AF07770 Flonite vanes pack 1w" Spare applicator Flonite vane pack 4" K Vanes straight black, gold, silver, red/gold, black/gold, blue/gold, magenta/gold, green/gold, purple/silver, magenta/silver, green/silver gold/silver. AF0900 Rite-Flite vanes pack AF0440 NAP Quickspin vanes/12 NAP Quickspin 4" vanes/12 £12.75 £2.75 £12.75 £8.25 £3.75 £4.25 £7.50 85 Targetcraft Fletchings Spin Wings Pack/50, with tape, in right or left hand. Sizes: 1b" 1w" Colours: Red, yellow, white, blue, black 78610 2" 2x" 2m" Spin Wing pack £8.75 Spin Wing Hunter £9.50 78718 78719 78715 AF08004 Anchor tape roll, black Anchor tape roll, silver Adhesive tape strips sheet Pentel silver marker pen, for marking arrows when fitting spin vanes. £1.10 £1.10 £1.00 £1.60 Feathers Trueflight shield Trueflight parabolic Colours: Solid: green, yellow, pink, red, white, orange, blue, black, purple, lumi-yellow. Colours: 4" Solid: yellow, red, grey, white, black, purple, brown. 52" Solid: grey, white, black, brown, red. 78800 78810 78820 78830 22" LW parabolic/12 3" LW parabolic/12 4" LW parabolic/12 5" LW parabolic/12 78975 78980 4" LW shield/12 52" LW shield/12 Colours: Solid: green, yellow, red, orange, blue, black, purple, brown. Barred: grey Colours: 78990 78992 11" feather, plain/each 11" feather, barred/each £0.40 £0.65 78975 Barred: green, yellow, pink, red, grey, orange, blue, purple. 4" LW barred shield/12 £6.75 AF05000 AF05500 AF05600 Gateway tracers/12 Gateway 4" shield solid/12 Gateway 4" shield tre camo/12 £1.95 £2.50 £2.99 86 £1.50 £1.95 £3.30 £3.85 £3.30 £3.85 Right Wing feathers We stock a selection of right wing feathers in 4 and 5": parabolic and shield cut in solid and barred colours. Prices as Left Wing. Product Guide Fletching Glue & Jigs Fletching and Pile Glue 79100 79000 79000 79040 79010 79010 79040 Fletch-Tite fletching glue Saunders Arrowmate glue Fletch-Platinum fletching glue £2.30 £3.00 £2.75 AG011 79100 79120 AG011 AG010 FastSet fletching glue, 3g FastSet glue, 9g Hot melt pile glue (2" stick) Araldite Precision 2 part epoxy: extra strong, long lasting, repositionable up to 2 hours £2.80 £6.95 £0.40 £5.20 Fletching Jigs Sherwood Arten AJ001 base plate settings for 3 or 4 fletch AJ002 with single jig base Sprung loaded adjustable clamp in 4 or 6". AJ005 AJ006 AJ007 AJ008 AJ002 Magnetic adjustable clamp. AJ001 AJ002 AJ003 AJ004 AJ009 Arten jig: vertical Tollgate jig Tollgate single jig base Tollgate 3 jig base Up locator for compounds £NLA £NLA £6.00 £13.50 £NLA 4" jig 6" jig Crossbow bolt locator Universal nock locator £17.95 £22.25 £2.95 £2.85 Beiter 79335 79337 Cartel 79335 79337 77880 79395 Cartel jig £16.50 Beiter Tri Liner £24.95 for marking shafts for spin vanes. Beiter vane holder £3.95 right or left hand Beiter fletching jig adaptor: £0.58 for Beiter nocks Arizona E-Z Bitzenberger Right or left hand. 79303 79320 Jig, straight or helical Clamp, straight or helical £58.00 £21.95 79390 Arizona E-Z 3 fletch jig £33.50 87 Targetcraft Decals & Arrow Pullers Decals Custom computer decals RUB-DOWN DECALS AD030 AD030 AD030 AD020 AD010 AD0002 AD0003 AD020 AD010 Letters (12/strip) small black on yellow Numbers (3x12/strip) small black on yellow Letters or numbers (12/strip) small black on silver Letters or numbers (12/strip) large black on yellow Union flag, small (8/strip) Union flag, large (8/strip) £0.70 Water slide transfers, flag design. Two sets, numbered 1-12. Seal with varnish. £0.70 AD041 Decals: 2 sets flags 1-12 £NLA £0.70 78740 78742/4 Socx wraps 5.5mm pack/12 Socx wraps 8/10mm pack/12 Comfort/Gradient £6.30 £7.20 78430 Easton wraps pack/12 Eagle/Blue Metal Flame £8.60 £0.70 £0.70 £NLA Martin Line decals Rub-down. Blue/yellow, black/yellow, yellow/black, blue/white, black/white, white/black. Line decal (8/strip) Plain self adhesive wraps for customising arrows. Green, yellow, red, pink, blue, white. Martin wrap/each £0.80 £0.80 Arrow Pullers FlexPull Cartel Clamp type puller with finger grips and belt clip. 57650 Cartel puller £2.75 Mat puller Slotted puller in bright 'jelly' colours. 57620 FlexPull £2.50 Slotted 57600 Rubber mat puller 34~5w" £2.25 57630 Tassel 57636 Slots for large and small shafts 57630 57636 APP25 88 Tassel, with belt loop (for cleaning arrows). £10.50 Bearpaw round puller K&K square puller £2.25 £2.00 Product Guide Target Faces TF0053 Target Faces Prices quoted for single faces. Please phone for bulk quantity prices. TF0051 TF0011 PAPER FITA REINFORCED FITA approved faces, laminated heavy reinforced paper, all with inner 10 ring. TF0041 TF0031 TF0035 TF0023 TF0022 TF0013 TF0012 122cm face 80cm face 80cm centre face 60cm face 60cm 3 spot vertical face 40cm face 40cm 3 spot vertical face £2.25 £0.85 £0.23 £0.50 £0.50 £0.20 £0.21 TYVEK Durable Tyvek FITA approved faces, water resistant, all with inner 10 ring. Clean cut from arrows, no tear. TF0044 TF0030 TF031 TF032 TF033 TF034 TF0053 TF0054 £2.30 £1.20 Stag, bear, or boar 30cm Heart Ring Roe deer, lynx or wolf 22.5cm Heart Ring Hare, fox, grouse, coon or owl 15cm Heart Ring Rabbit, pheasant or marten 7.5cm Heart Ring Squirrel, woodcock or jay 7.5cm Heart Ring £2.50 £2.50 FIELD FACES £0.80 £0.65 £0.22 £0.25 £0.25 £0.99 Self adhesive replacement centres for target faces. With inner 10 ring. 122cm Tyvek face 80cm Tyvek face £1.95 60cm card face Vegas 3 spot face, black heavy paper face Worcester (PAA) face GNAS Darts face REPLACEMENT CENTRES 80550 80560 80570 80500 80510 80520 TF9999 BOWHUNTER TF030 TF0024 TF0051 40cm 8–9–10 centre/each 60cm 8–9–10 centre/each 80cm 8–9–10 centre/each 40cm 9–10 centre/each 60cm 9–10 centre/each 80cm 9–10 centre/each 122cm 9–10 centre/each £0.04 £0.08 £0.13 £0.03 £0.04 £0.07 £0.25 FITA approved faces, black with yellow spot. 80130 80120 80110 80105 80cm target field face 60cm target field face 40cm target field face 40cm vertical 3 spot field face £0.95 £0.57 £0.28 £0.20 Egertec target pins/100 Egertec target pins/10 Danage target pin/each £14.50 £1.50 £0.20 PINS TF9993 TF9991 89 Targetcraft Target Faces JVD Animal Faces 80270 Pheasant 50 x 44cm 80320 Wild Boar 90 x 83cm £0.65 £1.45 80260 Hare 45 x 53cm 80230 Wolf 100 x 85cm £0.90 80300 Deer 85 x 80cm £1.50 80220 Fox 68 x 50cm £0.90 80310 Turkey 80 x 65cm £1.30 80220 Stag 96 x 110cm £3.80 £2.05 80250 Duck 50 x 40cm £0.65 80280 Blue Grouse 70 x 50cm £0.90 80220 Bear 110 x 96cm 90 £3.80 Backstop Netting & Bosses Product Guide Backstop Netting High quality netting in green or white, all with eyelets, holding rings and steel wire. All lengths can be ordered 8' or 10' high. Please phone with your requirements. Stock sizes: TN001 6'~10' high – white TN002 9'~10' high – white TN003 12'~10' high – white TN004 15'~10' high – white TN005 20'~10' high – white TN006 30'~10' high – white Green Netting Sample prices 20'~2.7 metres high 30'~2.7 metres high £58.00 £77.00 £94.00 £113.00 £146.00 £225.00 £225.00 £335.00 SKORTEN NET SUPPORT POLES TNP02 Heavy duty galvanised steel 10' pole set complete with soft-ground plates and guy ropes for outdoor use. Poles in convenient two or three sections. TNP01 TNP02 2 section pole set/2 3 section pole set/2 £66.00 £78.00 Bosses Targetcraft Egertec Lightweight, durable, all-weather bosses. Compressed layers of foam sheet strips in a strong smooth finished wood frame. No plastic tube inserts. Triple density woven straw coiled rope. TB041 TB042 TB043 T70: target area 72~70cm T90: target area 100~90cm T130: target area 130~130cm Weight approx 40kg £50.00 £65.00 £90.00 TB025 TB023 TB022 TB024 Rover 128cm dia Egertec boss weight 40kg 85cm dia Egertec boss weight 20kg 65cm dia Egertec boss weight 12kg 100cm Egertec boss £115.00 £75.00 £65.00 £85.00 European Straw Coil Woven straw coiled rope, similar to Egertec bosses. TB055 128cm dia European boss (weight 45kg) £TBA Carriage Compressed straw mat with reinforced PVC backing sheet. Weight: approx 10kg TB045 90~90cm Rover butt Carriage charge on bosses: charged at cost, cost quoted with enquiry. £21.50 91 Targetcraft Targets, Stands, & Training Equipment Karphos Whitetail Compressed straw board strips, with metal band round outer edge, in 10cm (4") thickness. To order only. Extra carriage charges may apply. Heat and pressure bonded coiled foam, with sheet foam surface. 7" thick, with replaceable centre. 81040 100cm dia ~10cm Karphos boss £60.00 (weight 45kg) TB070 TB071 Whitetail 52" dia boss Replacement 24" centre £189.00 £50.00 Domino Grand Prix Ethafoam High density ethafoam blocks. TB032 TB033 80~60cm block 60~60cm block £29.95 £22.95 3D Targets Nine high density foam cubes in a collapsible frame. Cubes can be moved around for even wear. Replacement cubes available. TB060 Grand Prix boss £295.00 Boss Stands TBS01 TBS02 TBS03 Easel style stand, taper fit legs to sit at correct angle. Realistic 3D animal field targets by Mckenzie, SRT, and Longhorn. Many different animals/poses/sizes. To order. Extra carriage charges may apply. TB101 3D targets £Call Sizes: Standard: (4x1", weight 5kg) Large: (3~2", weight 10kg), for T130 Shorty: low stand for Rover or T70 TBS01 TBS02 TBS03 Boss stand (standard) £32.00 Boss stand (large) £40.00 Shorty stand only (butt not inc) £25.00 Training Equipment Skorten Exerset Safely practice your draw and release in your own home. The Exerset trainer attaches to bow using the stabiliser and button bushes, and has the feel of a long rod. The arrow is retained in the tube and is damped by air pressure and controlled venting on release. Easy to set up, with adjustable clicker for draw length. Suitable for all Olympic and compound bows up to 60lbs draw. Right or left hand. MIS008 SX1-10 SX1-10/1 92 Exerset Trainer £43.75 Replacement bracket, right hand £9.70 Replacement bracket, left hand £9.70 Cliniband Exercise elastic, physiotherapist designed, for warm-ups, muscle toning. Heavy (black), Medium (blue), Light (green) MIS020 Cliniband £4.20 Win&Win Powerbelt Shoulder exerciser for consistent positioning. 79780 Powerbelt 79775 Cartel powerbelt £22.50 79787 Formaster Elbow strap £26.95 79788 Formaster resistance cord £26.95 £8.95 Product Guide Miscellaneous Items, Spotting Scopes & Bino's Miscellaneous Items MIS009 64972 MIS041 MIS100 Foot markers/pr £0.65 Gift vouchers, to any value required Blue Flame torch MIS009 64972 Foldaway tackle trolley lightweight, folds flat Aurora backpack with stool £26.50 £19.95 Pocket butane gas burner. 3" high, refillable, very stable base. Lockable, adjustable flame. Great for gluing points. MIS007 MIS010 Blue Flame torch: Classification/GNAS badges £26.70 £2.25 MIS033 Archers Advantage CD £45.00 arrow selection & sight mark tapes Spotting Scopes & Bino’s Mighty Midget 2 403 409 BSC040 SPOTTING SCOPES Opticron 403 High quality optics and long eyerelief 22~45° eyepiece. 60mm lens. Body 420mm long, weight 780g. 30 year manufacturers guarantee. BSC011 BSC01 BSC021 High quality in a very small package. 22~60mm, angled eye piece £147.00 Alternative eye piece 30~ mag £33.00 Mounting clamp for scope £17.95 52mm angled or straight body £136.00 BSC041 25~ eyepiece £45.00 BSC042 15-40~ zoom eyepiece £87.00 BINO'S BSC035 BSC036 BSC037 BSC001 Binos 8~21 Binos 8~17–25 zoom Binos 12~50 rubicon coated Bino clip £34.35 £58.95 £74.99 £0.96 Monocular 10~25 £25.95 Standard to suit above scopes Heavy duty, also suitable for £24.95 £46.90 Opticron 409 Compact and lightweight field scope. 45° body and long eyerelief piece. Multi coated objectives and prisms. Internal focusing. 60mm lens. 180° rotating tripod sleeve and retractable lens hood. Body 245mm long, weight 627g. 10 year manufacturers guarantee. BSC050 BSC051 409: IS60/45 body only 409: Eye piece 25~60 £145.00 £55.00 MONOCULARS BSC010 TRIPOD BCS023 BSC024 93 Targetcraft Strings & Materials Bow Strings COMPOUND BOW STRINGS RECURVE BOW STRINGS BSD101 BSD100 BSF003 BSD102 BSD102 Dacron, soft twist centre served Dacron, mono filament served Fast Flight/D75 strings D75 combo/S4/02/8125/452X (with 62XS centre serving) £3.75 £3.60 £7.50 £8.95 £9.45 LONGBOW STRINGS BSL000 BSL001 BSL002 Laid in single loop Double served loop Single served loop £9.50 £6.50 £8.50 BSM001 BSM010 BSM002 BSM003 BSM004 BSM011 BSM005 42230 42231 42232 Aim System string – Fast Flight Aim System FF cables/pair Fast Flight string, non aim Dacron string mono served 450 Plus/D75/S4 string 450 Plus/D75/S4 cables/pair Single cam string to 120" Hoyt Fuse Tri-colour string Hoyt TS1 HYBC cable with yoke Hoyt TS1 cable without yoke £7.50 £15.50 £7.50 £3.60 £8.95 £19.50 £14.50 £17.95 £22.95 £22.95 String Materials SERVING STRING MATERIALS 41000 41005 41021 41065 41030 41035 41040 41060 41070 41140 41120 41122 41135 41225 Brownell dacron B50 4lb Brownell dacron B50 1lb Brownell Fast Flight Plus 4lb Brownell TS1 Plus Dyneema Brownell D75 4lb Brownell D75 thin 2 colour Brownell Fast Flight S4 4lb Brownell Ultra Cam 4lb Brownell Xcell 4lb BCY Dyna 8125 4lb BCY 452X 4lb black BCY 452X 4lb 2 colour BCY Dyneema 02 Angel Dyneema Majesty String Accessories £5.75 £17.75 £23.50 £24.95 £23.00 £30.00 £27.50 £29.75 £37.95 £32.50 £35.00 £37.50 £24.50 £14.95 40200 40240 40262 40260 40290 40420 40220 40425 40430 40100 Brownell Soft Twist No.4 £2.75 Brownell Monofilament: £1.95 black, 0.015, 0.018 or 0.021 Brownell Fast Flight £6.40 Brownell No 1-D 0.019 £9.95 Brownell Diamondback £8.95 0.018, 0.022, 0.026 BCY No 62XS braided £13.75 BCY 350 braided nylon 125 yd £4.50 BCY Halo serving £14.50 BCY crossbow serving £14.95 BCY 3D £7.95 Crowne Grey £15.25 Angel Dyneema Majesty serving £22.50 BSA064 KISSERS 46000 NOCK POINTS 46000 46020 46540 BSA021 BSA064 BSM020 BSA021 Saunders nock point £0.16 metal, soft lined, crimp on large (red), medium (black) small (blue) Saunders nock points/10 £1.50 Beiter nock points £0.75 4, T or c" (pr) for Beiter nocks (need to be served in) Beiter nock reel £1.45 Tell tale nocks £0.60 Dental floss £0.53 VMB510 CD: BCY 'Making a Bowstring' 46000 46020 43600 94 Saunders string silencer BSA042 BSA041 BSA041 BSA042 46540 Target kisser Field kisser Flexfletch Ultrasoft kisser £0.40 £0.40 £0.75 STRING WAX £8.50 £0.50 BSA091 43040 43020 Pure bees wax £1.30 Seal Tite synthetic wax 3~1" stick £1.75 Tex Tite natural wax 3~1" stick £1.50 Product Guide Tools Tools STRING SERVERS NOCK SET TOOLS Cartel Trihole Cartel BSA074 Bjorn 46300 46300 46320 BSA074 46320 Cartel nock plier Saunders nock plier Saunders nock tool set BCY £3.60 £8.95 £12.50 Beiter BRACING HEIGHT GAUGES Cavalier 45020 45040 45020 45040 Cartel TG500 T-type, all metal TG505 Bjorn look-alike with plastic string clip £3.50 £4.00 STRING JIGS 44000 44022 44020 44025 44040 44080 Cartel server Cartel Trihole server Bjorn server BCY server Cavalier server Beiter server Beiter twister attachment £3.95 £3.00 £7.50 £7.95 £8.75 £23.50 £3.75 STRING SEPARATORS 44400 44220 44220 44400 BSA082 BSA084 Arten string jig Arten jig attachment for crossbow strings Sherwood jig attachment for crossbow strings £NLA £3.45 44205 44220 Bohning U-serve string separator £6.75 Cardoza EZ string separator £4.25 44225 Bohning string seperator £3.50 79556 79552 Digital grain scale Digital hanging bowscale £14.95 £27.95 £10.95 95 Targetcraft Tools Golden Key Tru-Centre Gauge Arten Arrowsett Tool for checking centreshot and arrow rest alignment. 79500 GK Tru Centre gauge £8.75 Beiter Limb Line Gauge Arrow straightener. Dial gauge to l|.001.l 79560 For checking string alignment. Useful for adjusting button and arrow rest. Available in two sizes to fit either compound or recurve limb widths. 79150 Beiter limb line gauge/pr Arten Arrowsett £NLA Bow Presses £4.50 Bow Scales 79600 For checking compound bow draw weights. 79540 Cardoza bow scale £23.95 79600 79610 79680 Bowmaster portable bow press £32.50 Bowmaster split limb adaptor £10.50 Apple Pro bench bow press £265.00 Allen Keys Skorten Spine Tester Metric Imperial 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0mm ({{ 1 , 0.50, z, %.^$, W, &.^$, 8 .^$, E, x" 79525 Bondhus Allen keys set £5.30 Arrow cutter 79840 Best electric arrow cutter with foot starter £185.00 Use this spine tester to test away any doubt about your arrows. Suitable for all types of arrow. Check for differences in the spine of wood shafts, and accurately match them to your longbow. Check for damage to carbon and carbon/aluminium shafts by testing for differences in spine around the shaft. An invaluable tool for the serious archer. 2 weights included: 880gm for target arrows (Easton chart) and 12lb for wood arrows (GNAS spine). MIS099 MIS010 79860 96 Radarchron speed meter Draw length measuring arrow £75.00 £5.95 Skorten Pro spine tester Big Digit countdown timer (Silent ) £210.00 £12.50 Product Guide Books Books ...FOR BEGINNERS Archery: steps to success – Haywood & Lewis. Covers compound and recurve archery. VMB007 Archery: steps to success £12.95 Fundamentals of Recurve Target Archery' – Ruth Rowe. Great book for beginners. Everything you need to know. VMB022 Fundamentals of Recurve Archery £13.50 Archery Fundamentals – Douglas Engh. Beginners guide to recurve archery. Covers basic training and equipment, with information on competition. VMB040 Archery Fundamentals £10.95 Simple Maintenance for Archery – Rowe & Anderson. Practical 'how-to's' for all the basics. VMB026 Simple maintenance for archery £8.95 ...ON TRADITION Longbow – Robert Hardy. History of the longbow. Hardback edition. Includes an account of the archery equipment found on the 'Mary Rose'. VMB009 Longbow £20.00 Archaeology of Archery – Alf Webb. Covers the historical development of archery equipment from archaeological evidence. VMB010 Archaeology of Archery £5.95 Of Bowmen and Battles – Hugh Soar. Mediaeval history of the war bow. VMB027 Of Bowmen and Battles £11.99 The Crooked Stick – Hugh Soar. Military history of the longbow. VMB031 The Crooked Stick £15.99 Kyudo: the Japanese Art of Archery – William Acker. Description of the authors experience of Kyudo training in Japan. Paperback. VMB033 Kyudo £7.95 97 Targetcraft Books . ...ON TECHNIQUE The simple art of winning – Word Champion Rick McKinney, on tuning and training. VMB014 The Simple Art of Winning £11.50 Become the Arrow – Byron Ferguson. Modern barebow shooting VMB021 Become the Arrow £8.50 Archery Handbook – Steven Boga. Handbook of rules and techniques. VMB020 Archery Handbook £7.50 Ins and Outs of Archery – Frank Pearson. Collection of articles offering tips and advice. VMB017 Ins and Outs of Archery £5.50 Total Archery – KiSik Lee. Archery training and technique from a top Korean coach. Hardback. VMB032 Total Archery £31.95 Core Archery – Larry Wise. On mind and muscle control. VMB030 Core Archery £7.95 Archery Shot Execution – Larry Skinner & Jim Noble on muscle control in making the shot. VMB021 Archery Shot Execution £16.95 Precision Archery – Steve Ruis & Claudia Stevenson. Advanced form and technique. Advice on preparing for competition. VMB028 Precision Archery £13.95 Mastering Series – James Park. Series of Master classes. VMB036 VMB035 VMB037 Mastering Archery Technique Mastering Compound Bows Mastering Bow Tuning £19.95 £19.95 £19.95 Heretic Archer – Vittorio & World Champion Michele Frangilli on techniques and training VMB039 98 Heretic Archer £27.50 Product Guide Books ...ON MAKING STUFF The Heritage of the Longbow – Pip Bickerstaffe on designing, making and shooting the longbow. VMB019 Heritage of the Longbow £14.50 The Traditional Archer's Handbook – Hilary Greenland (4th edition). A guide to making and using traditional equipment. VMB018 Traditional Archers Handbook £14.50 Laying-In Bowstrings – Martin Maynard. Tutorial on making traditional laid-in bowstrings. VMB004 Laying In Bowstrings £3.75 How to make a Longbow – Stuart Homer (booklet). Step-by-step instructions. VMB015 How to make a longbow £3.90 Making Bowstrings – Goldmaster (booklet). Instructions for double served loop strings. Includes diagrams for making a string jig. VMB029 Making bowstrings £1.50 ...WITH ATTITUDE Understanding Winning Archery – Al Henderson. US Olympic coach on mental training. VMB013 Understanding winning archery £7.95 In Pursuit of Excellence – Terry Orlick. Not specifically archery related, this concentrates on mental focusing and goal achievement. VMB025 In pursuit of excellence £12.95 ...ON COMPOUND BOW TUNING The Compound Bow from the Beginning – K. Duff. Tuning basics VMB005 The Compound Bow, from the beginning £8.50 Tuning your Compound Bow /3D Bow – Larry Wise. Tuning in depth. VMB016 Tuning your compound bow VMB041 Tuning & Shooting your 3D bow £7.95 Making wooden arrows bklt £7.95 £2.50 99 Targetcraft Books, Magazines & Videos ...ON RULES VMB001 VMB002 MAGAZINES GNAS Rule book & handicap tables Handicap tables only £13.95 VMB250 VMB252 ‘The Glade’ magazine ‘Bow’ magazine £3.95 £3.95 Videos VMB505 ‘Archery – its’ history & forms’ £14.99 FRANK PEARSON DVDs VMB502 VMB503 ‘Super tuning your bow’ ‘Shooting form & problem solving’ £19.95 £19.95 JAY BARRS VMB51 VMB51 VMB506 VMB507 87375 100 ‘Archery – the basics’, ideal beginners DVD ‘Archery – refining your form’ 'Straight talk from the Pro's' – Carter £19.95 £19.95 £29.95 ‘The mental game’ £19.95 ‘Tuning, practice, & execution’ £19.95 ED ELIASON VMB52 VMB52 VMB52 ‘Archerys’ most asked questions’£19.95 ‘Advanced form: perfecting £19.95 the shot’ ‘Tuning methods’ £19.95 Product Guide Clothing, Shelters & Workshop Clothing Shelters Pop-a-Bivvy WGW001 WGT000 88000 88100 88220 Waterproof trousers £9.90 Green polyester trousers £29.50 Waist 30–44", unhemmed legs GNAS approved colour. Cap, Easton Cap, Hoyt Cap, PSE Instant shelter (no poles!), erected in 30 seconds. Complete with ground sheet, corner pegs & guy ropes. 6'6"~5'9". Folds into small carry bag. UMB003 Pop-a-Bivvy £54.00 Supply and fit new cables Re-cable aim system bow Re-cable with shoot-through (new string extra) Fit bush for pressure button Rebush or fit helicoil (where possible) Additional bush/helicoil £21.50 £34.00 £40.00 £9.80 £10.80 £11.20 Workshop ARROW SERVICING, PER SHAFT Re-fletching (per shaft) + £0.45 cost of fletches: NOT SPIN WINGS Arrow straightening £0.70 Cutting to length £0.25 Point installation £0.10 Arrow shortening £0.30 Arrow lengthening £0.40 (where possible) BOW SERVICING £6.00 £7.50 £5.00 101 Notes Targetcraft Product Guide Notes 29/08/2006
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