2016-17 D20 Parent Guide


2016-17 D20 Parent Guide
Parent Guide
Greetings from the Superintendent
Academy District 20 welcomes all of our new and returning families for
the 2016-17 school year. We are welcoming many new families to Central
Registry this summer and we offer our Parent Guide as a quick reference to
help families navigate our district.
The Peak of Excellence – our motto or, as some in the branding industry
call it, our tagline. To me, it’s not a statement of arrival, but of a journey. We
strive to instill in our students the sense that the challenges are as important
in the educational process as the achievements.
We constantly want to improve in our commitment to children. We work
hard to improve our communication and relationships with families.
We always strive to give our staff members the tools and skills to be on a
trajectory of excellence in everything they do.
So as you review the pages of this Parent Guide and learn about dates for orientation for new families
and about transportation services or preschool options, I hope you will also share our sense of pride
and excellence. Have a wonderful school year!
Mark Hatchell
Superintendent of Schools
In compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination
in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, Colorado law and district administrative policy AC
(Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity), Academy District 20 does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression,
national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics in admissions, access to, treatment, or employment
in educational programs or activities which it operates.
Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees and members of the public. The following person has been identified as the compliance officer for the district:
General Counsel, Academy District 20, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, 719-234-1200
Outside agencies
Complaints regarding violations of Title VI (race, color, national origin), Title IX (sex/gender), Section 504/ADA (disability), may be filed directly with the Office for Civil Rights, U.S.
Department of Education, 1244 N. Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204.
Complaints regarding violations of Title VII (employment) and the ADEA (prohibiting age discrimination in employment) may be filed directly with the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, 303 E. 17th Ave., Suite 510, Denver, CO 80202, or the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1050, Denver, CO 80202.
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Letter from the Board of Education
Guide Contents
People to Know...........................................4
Board of Education....................................5
School Lunches...........................................5
20Alert......................................................... 5
Parent Orientation......................................5
Immunization Requirements....................7
Talented and Gifted....................................8
Federal Aid Cards.......................................8
Special Education.......................................8
Hearing and Vision....................................9
Career and Technical Education..............9
School Closures........................................10
Child Find.................................................10
Graduation Requirements.......................14
English as a Second Language............... 14
Elementary School Profiles...............15-24
Home School Academy Programs.........25
Middle School Profiles.......................26-28
High School Profiles...........................29-32
The Classical Academy Profile................33
Parent Academy Events...........................35
School Year 2016-17 Calendar................36
School Year 2017-18 Calendar................37
Contact Information................................38
Building Map............................................39
Welcome to the 2016-17 school year!
Thank you for enrolling your child in
Academy District 20. We know you have many
options for educating your children, and we are
honored to serve your family. Academy
District 20 has a proud history of academic
excellence. For the sixth consecutive year, the district
has earned the title Accredited with Distinction,
a designation reserved for the top 18 school districts
(10%) statewide. We continue to offer challenging,
comprehensive curriculum including International
Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement classes, as well
as world language instruction in each of our elementary,
middle, and high schools. We offer hundreds of athletic and
extracurricular activities at all grade levels to develop your
child’s interests and talents. This district is home to award-winning artists and scientists,
state champion athletes, Boettcher Scholars, and all-state musicians. We have much to offer
and much to celebrate. We are extraordinarily proud of the accomplishments of our students
and hope your child will find Academy District 20 a great place to explore and pursue his or
her passions.
Academy District 20 is in sound financial condition. As good stewards of the funds provided
to us, our administration works diligently to maintain and enhance our facilities, provide
competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain the highest quality teachers, invest
in technology, and expand course offerings to serve our 25,000 students. The district is
experiencing strong growth in residential and commercial real estate. Our projections show
student population will increase to 30,000 by 2025. This is an exciting time for Academy
District 20. We sincerely thank the taxpayers of our community for their consistent support
and investment in our schools.
Academy District 20 is fortunate to have immense community involvement and
commitment. Our District Accountability Committee (DAC), the board of education’s only
standing committee, is second to none. This dedicated group of more than 50 members
provides transparency of our operations to the public through regular review and feedback
on site plans, budget priorities, and the accreditation status of each of our 35 schools. We
have a thriving Parent Sounding Board and active accountability committees in each school.
Parent volunteers give countless hours chaperoning field trips, working on school events,
fundraising, and assisting our teachers in the classroom. We even have senior volunteers who
generously give their time to the district long after their children have grown. We thank them
and everyone who volunteers in any capacity in Academy District 20. Our volunteers model
to our students the importance of education and we are grateful for their contributions.
As we look forward to a new school year, thank you for entrusting us with your most
precious gift - your children. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with you to
bring out the very best in them, grow their love of learning, celebrate their accomplishments,
and help them reach their full potential.
The Academy District 20 Parent Guide and
Communicator are produced by the Communication
Design and Layout by Jeanne Flynn.
Edited by Nanette Anderson and Kathy Nameika.
For more copies call 719-234-1200.
Glenn Strebe
President, Academy District 20 Board of Education
Issue 1, July 2016.
The Communicator is published three times a
year by Academy District 20 in a continuing effort to
inform our community about its schools. Learn more
about us at www.asd20.org.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 3
People to Know
Dr. Mark Hatchell
Deputy Superintendent/Chief Financial
Tom Gregory
Assistant Superintendent
for Administrative Support Services
Dr. Jim Smith
Executive Director for Security and
Brian Grady
Director for Legal Relations
Pat Richardson
Director for Communication
Allison Cortez
Learning Services
Assistant Superintendent
for Learning Services
Dr. Susan Field
Executive Director for Learning Services
Becky Allan
Executive Director for Special Education
Bob Barrows
Director – Assessment
Jolynn Patterson
Director – Curriculum and Instruction
Clark Maxon
Director – Professional Learning
Maureen Lang
Director – Career and Technical Education
Diane Forsythe
Assistant Director –
Special Education – Instruction
Dr. Belinda Lujan-Lindsey
Assistant Director –
Special Education – Compliance
Judy Gudvangen
Assistant Director –
Talented and Gifted
Ruthi Manning-Freeman
4 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
English as a Second Language
Jennifer Duarte
Chief Information Officer
Shelley Kooser
Director – IT Application and Data Services
Kevin Cronk
Director – IT Support Services
Steve Endicott
Director – IT Educational Services
Don Begier
Auxiliary Services
Human Resources
Assistant Superintendent for
Human Resources
Dr. David Peak
Rick Tanski
Gail Kozhevnikov
Business Services
Information Technology
Director – Finance
Marita Vogrin
Director – Budget and Planning
Linda Warhoe
District Contracting Officer
Greg Stephens
Director – Risk Management/Benefits
Jean Houston
Director for Facilities and Construction
Bob Lund
Director – Sodexo Food Services
Steve Parsons
General Information
for New Families
For: Any parents who have
recently enrolled their students in
Academy District 20 or who have been
accepted to an Academy District 20 school
through the Choice Enrollment process.
Cost: Free
Presented by:
the Communication Office in Academy District 20
Dates (Choose one) Time
August 1, 2016
6:30-7:30 p.m.
August 8, 2016
6:30-7:30 p.m.
August 15, 2016
6:30-7:30 p.m.
August 17, 2016
10:30-11:30 a.m.
August 22, 2016
6:30-7:30 p.m.
August 29, 2016
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Location: All presentations will be held at the Education and
Administration Center, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive. (Spruce Rooms 1
and 3)
Target Audience:
Parents of students who are new to Academy District 20
What you can accomplish: Watch a 20-minute PowerPoint about
our district; then use our computer laboratory to set up your
Parent Portal internet account and learn how to pay fees, buy
lunches, and how to use other online services for your students.
Representatives of our technology department will be available to
help you at each of these orientation dates!
You can find out more at www.asd20.org/newsroom/parentacademy
Register for any session and send us your questions in advance by
emailing parentacademy@asd20.org.
Space is limited; registration is required.
Please tell us in the comments section how many will attend.
Children are welcome, but child care is not provided. Please visit
www.asd20.org/newsroom/parentacademy to register today!
Board of Education Meetings
Regular meetings of the Academy District 20 Board of Education are
usually held on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. to
conduct regular district business.
Meetings are held at the Education and Administration Center, 1110
Chapel Hills Drive. Information about meetings and agendas may be
obtained by calling 234-1200 or by checking the district website at
Minutes of board meetings are posted on the website only after they
have been approved by the Board of Education. All regular meetings of
the Board of Education are open to the public.
Board members’ names, profiles, and email addresses are posted on the
district website at www.asd20.org.
Board of Education members for 2016-2017
Glenn Strebe
Tracey Johnson
Vice President
Larry Borland
Linda Van Matre
Catherine Bullock
Col. Troy Harting
USAFA Liaison
School Lunch Program
Cafeteria service for schools begins on the first day of school,
Aug. 15, 2016. The daily costs for a school lunch or breakfast, including
milk, are:
Academy District 20 now uses a rapid communication system
called 20Alert. 20Alert will be used to keep families informed
of activities, emergencies, and student absences. Parents need
to make sure that their contact information in Infinite Campus
(the district’s student data system) is correct so that messages will
reach their e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
For information about 20Alert or how to update Infinite Campus
information, please log on to www.asd20.org.
Milk or Juice
75 cents
75 cents
Questions: Call the free and reduced meal registrar at 234-1416.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 5
Registration–Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions regarding registration in Academy District 20–
answers provided by Susan Judy, supervisor for Central Registry
Have we missed the registration deadline?
No. Academy District 20 has continuous registration. Once a family has established residency in the district, the registration process
may begin.
What is necessary to establish residency in Academy District 20?
Acceptable means of address verification are as follows: warranty deed, bill of sale or settlement statement from closing, current El Paso
County property tax notice, current rental agreement, quarters assignment lease from the United States Air Force Academy Housing
Office, or signed contract stating your name, closing date, and the property address.
What records are needed to register my child in Academy District 20? Is there a fee?
Parents/guardians must provide acceptable address verification (see above), registered county birth certificate, immunization record,
custody documentation if the student does not reside with both biological parents, and Individual Education Plan if the student has one.
There is no fee.
How can I find out more information about Academy District 20 schools, registration
information, immunization requirements, choice information, credits for graduation, school
hours, etc?
Please check our website for more detailed information and check each school’s website. The web address for the district is www.asd20.org.
What about previous school records?
We will send for student records. It is helpful to have the address of your child’s previous school. If you do not have the former school
information, public school information is available through the National Public School Locator website: http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/.
How do I change my address if I move? Does my child have to change schools if I stay in
Academy District 20, but move to another attendance area within the district?
An official change of address must be made through Central Registry at 1110 Chapel Hills Drive. Please complete the form and bring
it to Central Registry with an acceptable form of verification for the new address: warranty deed, bill of sale or settlement statement
from closing, current El Paso County property tax notice, current rental agreement, quarters assignment lease from the United States
Air Force Academy Housing Office, or signed contract stating your name, closing date, and the property address. A change of address
form may be picked up at Central Registry or you can print the form from www.asd20.org. Your child does not have to change schools,
however, transportation to the school may not be provided.
My child wants to participate in sports. What do I need to do?
All students participating in intramural and interscholastic athletics/activities need to have physicals. Athletic physical forms are
available at all schools, at the receptionist’s desk in the Education and Administration Center at 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, and on our
website at www.asd20.org. If your student attends at least three credit-bearing classes per semester at one of our secondary schools that
offers the desired sport, then we recommend that you contact the athletic director at the school to determine participation requirements
well in advance of the desired season of participation. If your student does not attend one of our secondary schools, attends fewer than
three credit-bearing classes per semester, or attends a school that does not offer the desired sport, then we recommend that you submit
a request for participation (available by calling 719-234-1310).
Kindergarten registration and choice information meetings
The Choice Enrollment Window will be from January 6, 2017 through February 24, 2017. Dates, times and locations for the
2017-2018 kindergarten registration and choice information meetings will be determined in December 2016. This information will
be published in local newspapers, school newsletters, and on the district website, www.asd20.org.
For more information, contact Central Registry at 234-1200 or fax: 234-1286.
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Immunizations School Year 2016-2017
of Doses
Grades K-12 (5-18 Years of Age)
Vaccines administered ≤ 4 days before the minimum age are valid
Kindergarten through 12th grade: 2016-17 SY - Required for School Attendance
Diphtheria/Tetanus/ Pertussis
DTaP or DT only licensed through 6 yrs
of age.(Tdap can be given as early as 7)
5 to 6
5 DTaP or DT (if dose 4 was administered on or after the 4th birthday, the
requirement is met). The final dose of DTaP must be given no sooner than 4 years of
age. Tdap is required at 6th grade entry and through 12th.
For students 7 years of age or older who
did not have full series of DTaP or DT
3 or 4
3 or 4 appropriately spaced tetanus/diphtheria containing vaccines (DTaP, DT, Td, Tdap).
Intervals between doses include 4 wks between first 2 (or 3) doses and 6 mos between
last 2 doses. (Note: If 1st dose is given before 1 year of age, the student will
need 4 doses).
Polio (IPV)
3 to 4
4 IPV (or 3 doses if 3rd dose is given on or after 4th birthday). Students who were
compliant with 3 or 4 doses prior to August 7, 2010 have met the requirement if at
least 4 weeks between doses.
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
The 1st dose cannot be administered more that 4 days before the 1st birthday. 2 doses
are required for students entering Kindergarten. (2 doses are required through 12th
Varicella (Chickenpox)
The 1st dose cannot be administered more that 4 days before the 1st birthday. 2 doses
are required for students entering Kindergarten. (2 doses are required through 12th
grade). Note: no vaccine required if there is documentation of chickenpox
disease by a health care provider.
The 2nd dose must be administered at least 4 weeks after the first dose. The 3rd dose
must be administered at least 16 weeks after the 1st dose and at least 8 weeks after
the 2nd dose. The final dose must be administered no sooner than 24 weeks of age.
Note: there is a specific 2-dose series is for ages 11-15 years only.
Hepatitis B
Influenza (Flu)
1 to 2
2 doses initially if under 9 yrs of age with a minimum interval of 28 days between
doses, then 1 dose annually, thereafter. Recommended for children 6 months of age
and older.
Meningococcal Meningitis (MCV)
1 to 2
Adolescents 11-18 years of age.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Adolescents 11-18 years of age.
Hepatitis A (Hep A)
All children 1 year and older.
For REQUIRED vaccines: A laboratory test showing immunity is acceptable.
You must provide one of the following to your child’s school in order to comply with the law:
1. A completed Certificate of Immunization certifying that the student has received minimum immunizations.
2. If a student’s Certificate of Immunization is not up to date, the parent/guardian or emancipated student has 14 days after direct notification
to provide documentation that the next required immunization was administered and submit a written plan for completion of any additional
required immunizations. If the plan is not completed, the student shall be expelled or suspended from school for non-compliance. Exception
to this rule is a shortage of vaccine.
3. Statement of Exemption to Immunization - Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Certificate of Immunization:
a)a medical exemption signed by licensed physician stating that the student’s physical condition is such that immunizations would
endanger life or health or is otherwise medically contraindicated; or
b)a religious exemption signed by the parent, guardian, or emancipated student that the student adheres to a religious belief opposed
to immunizations; or
c)a personal exemption signed by the parent, guardian, or emancipated student that the student adheres to a personal belief opposed
to immunizations.
Immunization requirements will be strictly enforced for all students. Students who do not meet the requirements will be denied attendance
according to Colorado Revised Statutes 25-4-902. Immunizations are available through El Paso County Public Health at 1675 W. Garden of the
Gods Rd., 578-3199, or your family physician.
Call about free or low cost vaccines at Family Health Line at 1-303-692-2229 or 1-800-688-7777
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 7
Other Programs and Information
Federal Aid Cards (Impact Aid)
In October 2016, students will be given Federal Aid (Impact Aid) survey forms. Parents are asked to complete the sections that apply, if any. This
information is aggregated and used to complete a Federal grant application under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (as
amended). If a parent is active military, lives on a post or base, or is a civilian working on federal property, funding of the grant is enhanced. This
data is also used for other grant applications, such as those serving students with special needs.
It is vitally important that all forms be completed and returned according to the deadlines on the survey forms. If you have questions, please call
Marita Vogrin, Director of Finance, 234-1278 or email at marita.vogrin@asd20.org.
Talented and Gifted
Academy District 20 recognizes that talented and gifted
students have unique learning needs, talents and abilities.
The purpose of gifted education is to help those learners
with exceptional abilities develop their potential at a level
commensurate with their individual educational needs.
Each school provides TAG programming and has a teacher
dedicated to meeting TAG students’ needs.
At the elementary school level, programming for
kindergarten through second grade students is designed
cooperatively by the classroom teacher and the TAG
teacher. Curriculum extension classes are offered
throughout the year. Third grade marks a transition
between this informal participation and more formal
identification for TAG services. District testing in
third grade and sixth grade determines formal TAG
At middle school, responsibility for meeting the needs of
TAG students is shared by the student’s academic team
of teachers, TAG teachers, the student, and the parent(s).
Identified students are offered opportunities geared to their
specific strength area(s).
In high school, TAG students enroll in more rigorous and accelerated courses which may include Advanced Placement, International
Baccalaureate, Honors and postsecondary classes. Electives and extracurricular activities provide additional avenues for students with special
abilities and talents. Student self-advocacy is encouraged and becomes more important as goals for the future are decided.
For more information, contact your building TAG teacher, or Assistant Director for TAG Programs Ruthi Manning-Freeman, at 234-1200.
Special Education
The special education staff members of Academy District 20 are
committed to empowering each student with a disability to reach his/
her unique potential for a life of quality, dignity, and purpose. We
strive to provide services to students with disabilities in the least
restrictive environment along with non-disabled students to the
greatest extent feasible and in accordance with IDEA (Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act). The district offers a continuum of service
options and alternative placements designed to meet the individual
needs of students. Academy District 20’s service delivery for children
on IEPs (Individual Education Plans) is based on individual needs, not
driven solely by disability category.
Each school is staffed with at least one special education teacher and
a speech/language pathologist. Itinerant staff members (school social
worker, school psychologist, school nurse, occupational and physical
therapists, and others) are also available to complete assessments,
8 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
participate in the IEP process, and provide specialized support services
as necessary. All special education professional staff members meet
highly qualified standards as appropriately licensed teachers or special
service providers through the Colorado Department of Education.
Paraprofessionals are often available to assist in implementation of
students’ IEPs. For questions regarding Special Education, please call
our office at 234-1326.
Other Programs and Information
Academy District 20 Preschool
Academy District 20 preschool programs are designed to initiate the development of
responsible and independent learners who function successfully and effectively in school and
throughout their lives. Each classroom is structured to provide developmentally appropriate
curriculum and activities in a language-rich environment for children 3-5 years old. Academy
District 20 preschool classrooms serve children with disabilities alongside typically developing
peers in a fully integrated setting. All preschool sites offer morning and afternoon half-day
programs, Monday –Thursday, with children attending three hours each session.
Preschools are located at the following sites:
• High Plains Elementary
• Antelope Trails Elementary
• Ranch Creek Elementary
• Briargate Preschool • The da Vinci Academy
• Discovery Canyon Campus
• Woodmen-Roberts Elementary
• Edith Wolford Elementary
(Head Start Program in partnership with Community
• Explorer Elementary
• Frontier Elementary
Partnership for Child Development)
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program is implemented in the preschools
at Antelope Trails, Discovery Canyon Campus, Ranch Creek and Woodmen-Roberts
elementary schools.
Preschool Tuition
Four half-days a week, Monday-Thursday (AM or PM): $260 a month
Students eligible for special education: Tuition free
The Colorado Preschool Program (CPP): Tuition free for students who are at risk of school
failure. Parents who suspect their child may qualify must apply at Briargate Preschool.
Head Start Program
Four half-days a week, Tuesday-Friday (AM or PM): Tuition-free
Head Start is a tuition free comprehensive preschool program. Families must apply and meet
specific eligibility factors. Spaces are limited. Children enrolled in Head Start in conjunction
with the Community Partnership for Child Development (CPCD) programs participate in
classroom activities that are interactive and designed to meet the developmental needs of each
student. Children may receive medical and dental screenings, mental health referrals, nutritional
guidance, and therapy for special needs. Families receive community resource information and
referrals, parent workshops and trainings, and meaningful involvement in classroom activities.
For additional information, contact Community Partnership for Child Development.
For more information regarding preschool tuition, Colorado Preschool Program or Preschool
Special Education, please call the Academy District 20 Preschool office at the Education and
Administration Center, 234-1750 or see our website at www.preschool.asd20.org.
Hearing and Vision Screening
School districts are required by state law to
periodically conduct screenings of students’
hearing and vision abilities. In Academy
District 20 all preschool, kindergarten, first,
second, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth grade
students are screened. In addition to these
state requirements, students new to the
district are screened in fourth grade. Students
receiving special education services are
screened annually.
The hearing and vision screeners are trained
and supervised by the school nurses. Prior to
the actual screening, a communication will
be sent to parents with the dates and specifics
of the process. Should there be any concerns
or questions about the results of any child’s
screening, parents are notified. Parents can
also contact their child’s school nurse if there
are vision or hearing concerns suggesting a
need for additional screening.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Pathways to College: Earn College Credit!
Academy District 20 provides opportunities for students to accelerate learning and earn
college credit. A reduced tuition fee may apply depending on the pathway.
These pathways are available to qualifying students who meet “college ready” criteria. Students
earn high school and college credits through the successful completion of approved college
For more information about the pathways, contact your high school counselor or Director for
CTE Programs Diane Forsythe, at 234-1200. For additional information – below is a link to the
CTE website.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 9
Other Programs and Information
School Closures
The superintendent or designee can close schools, delay start times, or dismiss students early in the event of hazardous weather or other
emergencies that threaten the safety, health, or welfare of students and staff members.
The two primary factors in considering school closures are: amount of snow where drifting makes conditions unsafe for buses, and whether the
wind chill is too cold for students to wait for a bus or walk to school.
On days when school is cancelled or released early, all after school and evening activities are cancelled.
Local television and radio stations will be informed by 5:30 a.m. that the starting time for the district will be delayed or that school is cancelled.
If school is delayed, the decision about whether to close will be made by 7:30 a.m. If the decision is to have school after a delayed start, there will
be no further announcements. Delays are always two-hour delays. Buses will run two hours later than normal and schools will start two hours
later. If a delay results in a closure, another round of 20Alerts will be sent to families through email and text messages.
Academy District 20 families will receive a 20Alert email and/or text message. Closures or delays are always posted on the district website at
AM Radio Stations
FM Radio Stations
KWRP 690
KAVA 1480
Child Find
Academy District 20 is responsible for the
assessment and identification of children
birth to age 21 who may have developmental
or educational disabilities. Parents who
suspect their school-age child (between the
ages 6–21) is experiencing learning difficulties
may initiate a special education referral
through their child’s school. For children
five years of age and younger, parents may
make a referral to the Academy District 20
Child Find Coordinator by calling 234-1750.
When children between the ages of birth to
three years old are determined eligible to
receive special education services, the district
coordinates with community agencies in the
development of an Individualized Family
Service Plan (IFSP). If the student is three
years or older and is eligible for special
education services, an Individual Education
Plan (IEP) is developed by Academy District
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TV Stations
KTPL 88.1, 88.3
20TV (Comcast Channel 19)
Fox 21
Bus Route Information
Bus information for families with students who are eligible for
transportation will be available beginning August 1 and throughout the
school year on the Extended Parent Portal under the Bus Routing tab.
During the school year, if changes to bus stop times or locations are
needed, parents will be sent a text or email asking them to refer to the
Extended Parent Portal for new information.
Wherever possible, bus stops will be placed within approximately .5
miles from home for elementary students and approximately .75 miles
from home for secondary students. For more information, please email
the Transportation Department at D20bus@asd20.org or call (719) 2341410.
Bus Service Eligibility
Eligibility for school bus transportation is determined by each
student’s Academy District 20 primary residential address. Elementary
students who live more than 1.5 miles and secondary students who
live more than 1.75 miles from their home school are eligible. In some
cases, students not otherwise eligible for bus service may receive
transportation to their school based on the Bus Service Index (BSI).
The BSI accounts for the age of the student, roadway crossings, and
traffic exposures along the path to school.
For K-8 students attending district choice programs, a limited level of
transportation is available from central pick up points to their choice
schools. Choice transportation with limited stops is also provided to
Aspen Valley Campus, grades 7-12. Choice transportation is designed
to partner with parents to share the responsibility of getting students to
and from the school of their choice.
If a stop for a particular route has no students for five or more days,
the stop may be cancelled. Stops are routed for in-district students who
ride regularly. Students who ride via the Space Available program, or
use 20Ride single ride tickets, may use stops in use by other students on
their bus route. These students may be asked to move to a different stop
if their stop is discontinued. For these reasons, parents of occasional
riders should check the Extended Parent Portal for current information
prior to having their student(s) ride.
Bus Safety
To assure the safety of students, the district:
• provides bus drivers and paraprofessionals with extensive training.
• purchases buses with air-operated brake systems. In addition, there are
different types of additional braking sources on every bus can that assist
in the braking process.
• uses daytime headlights for both visibility and student safety while
• performs daily checks of all safety systems including brakes and
lights, and inspections of all areas under the hood, the seats and the
• purchases and installs automatic snow/ice chains for inclement road
• applies seat compartmentalization to protect students, so it is
important that students stay seated and face forward while the bus is
moving. What is compartmentalization? School buses use a passive
restraint system which combines a high padded seat back and narrow
seat spacing, creating a compartment in which each occupant is confined
in severe vehicle crashes. The National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) have confirmed
the effectiveness of compartmentalization. The passive system requires
no action on the part of the student to be protected except to stay seated.
• has installed GPS on all school buses.
• allows students to use their cell phones and iPods/MP3 players while on
the bus provided their use does not cause a distraction for the driver. If
the device is a distraction, the driver will ask the student to put the device
away until the student leaves the bus. Students with devices that are
capable of accessing the internet, taking pictures, or able to download/
upload data to include pictures must follow the district’s IT users’
agreement and will be disciplined for inappropriate use.
Student Management
We sincerely appreciate your parental support of our bus riding
guidelines. Our drivers are provided with extensive training
concerning the proper methods to maintain order and assure a safe
ride for all students. Our goal is to provide a safe and pleasant bus
ride. Should a situation arise, the driver will first speak with the
student and explain the necessity for appropriate behavior on the bus.
If this is not successful, the driver will contact the parent/guardian
requesting help with the behavioral concern and will begin a written
record. The nature of the violation will determine the action taken to
include temporary or permanent seating assignments. In some cases,
a period of suspension from the bus may be necessary. If possible,
transportation will provide the parent an opportunity to assist in the
correction of inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately, there are certain
violations that warrant immediate suspension. Our district and its
administrators view the bus as an extension of the classroom; riders
are expected to follow the instruction of their bus drivers as they
would a classroom teacher. Respectful and orderly behavior is always
expected from all riders. A link to detailed bus riding guidelines is
available on the Extended Parent Portal and on the Academy District
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 11
20 Transportation website. We ask that parents and students review the guidelines together.
Transportation Space Available Program
The parents/guardians of students wishing to use district transportation who do not otherwise meet the eligibility criteria as approved by
the board of education are welcome to apply for space available transportation. These seats are only available on general education buses.
Applications for space available seating will be accessible on the Extended Parent Portal beginning the third Monday in July each year.
Processing of space available requests prior to Labor Day is not guaranteed; parents/guardians must be prepared to drive students to school
until their application has been processed and approved, as confirmed by email. A space available bus stop assignment will be the stop with
available seats closest to the student’s home address. At the parent/guardian’s request, a different bus stop may be assigned. The newly assigned
stop will become the student’s permanent stop for the school year. Routes and bus stops will not be adjusted or added to accommodate space
available riders.
NOTE: Space available requests are not continued from previous school years. Bus loads and stop locations vary from year to year depending
on student populations. Therefore, space available transportation for students must be requested anew each school year.
More information is available at: www.asd20.org > Community > Departments > Transportation
Academy District 20 Choice School Transportation
Academy District 20 provides transportation to designated choice programs
throughout the district for students in kindergarten through eighth grade.
This model of transportation was created to help parents by sharing the
responsibility for delivering students to schools outside their neighborhood
school attendance area. Parents may choose to bring their students to
satellite stops from which their children may be transported by school bus
to their choice school. Satellite bus stop locations are established throughout
the district at or near neighborhood elementary schools. Contact the
transportation department for a list of available satellite bus stops that service
the choice school your student attends.
Choice school bus stops are not supervised areas. Parents should use
normal precautions in helping their students get to and from school. In the
afternoon, students return to the same satellite bus stop and should know
how they are to proceed home. If the stop requires parents to meet their
student, parents need to meet the bus on time. With many stops quite a
distance from home, it is necessary that parents are present to receive their
student. Academy District 20 is not prepared to maintain responsibility for
children in buildings where stops may be located or on school buses once
students have arrived at their afternoon bus stop.
Choice transportation has been designed to work as efficiently as possible. However, students may experience one or more of the following:
• ride times as long as 75 minutes each way
• mixed schools and mixed school levels
• transfer points: getting off one bus and onto another bus under the supervision of bus drivers
As with all District 20 transportation, students must be district residents who qualify for a bus ride to and from school. Students eligible for this
transportation program are not entitled to use bus stops other than their assigned stop unless the parent has requested and been approved for
alternate space available seating. Students are expected to comply with safe bus riding behavior. A link to bus riding guidelines will be available
for review on the Parent Portal.
Elementary schools provided choice transportation:
• Academy Endeavour
• Academy International
• Antelope Trails
• The da Vinci Academy
• Chinook Trail
• Discovery Canyon Campus
• Douglass Valley
• Edith Wolford
• Mountain View
• Rockrimmon
• Woodmen-Roberts
12 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Middle schools provided choice transportation:
• Mountain Ridge
• Challenger
• Eagleview
• Discovery Canyon Campus
20Ride Transportation Fee
Information for Parents
Parents of students who use Academy District 20 transportation are reminded
that a fee for transportation services will be assessed beginning on the first day
of school each school year and at the beginning of the spring semester.
2016-17 Transportation Fees will be assessed as follows:
Individual 20Ride unlimited ride semester pass
• In-district neighborhood students: $50 per student per semester
• In-district choice students:
$60 per student per semester
• Out-of-district choice students:
$70 per student per semester
20Ride semester family maximums
• In-district neighborhood students: $200 per family per semester
• In-district choice students:
$240 per family per semester
• Out-of-district choice students:
$280 per family per semester
• Any combination of the above categories: $240 per family per semester
If you believe you qualify for a family maximum please contact the Finance
Department (at the Education and Administration Center, 1110 Chapel Hills
Drive, 719-234-1200).
There is no charge for special needs students who have transportation service
designated as a part of their individualized education plan, nor for ESL students who attend their designated magnet school and live outside
the walk zone. There is no charge for students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch and have completed a transportation opt-in form. You
may complete this form at the Education and Administration Center, 1110 Chapel Hills Drive or Transportation Department, 7408-A Duryea
Drive, during regular business hours.
Individual Rides
Students who are eligible for transportation, but ride infrequently, can purchase a booklet of 20 single-ride bus ride tickets for $20. These may
be purchased at the front office of any school, at the transportation department, or at the Education and Administration Center.
• A ride from home to school is $1 and a ride from school to home is $1.
• Unused single-ride passes do not expire and can be used for future school years.
• These single-ride passes are fully transferable and can be used for any student who has assigned transportation.
All transportation fees for transportation must be paid in advance each semester.
• Transportation fees may be paid using credit or debit cards at www.payforit.net (there is a 2.5 percent convenience fee charged
by PayForIt).
• Transportation fees may be paid in person at the Education and Administration Center (1110 Chapel Hills Drive) or at the
transportation department (7408-A Duryea Drive) during regular business hours. Checks, cash, or credit cards are accepted.
Learn more at www.asd20.org/info/transportation
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 13
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements are based on the number of units of credit earned in grades 9-12. A unit of credit is defined as
the amount of credit given for successful completion of a unit of work as defined by the high school course handbook.
Subject Area
Credits Required for Graduation
Physical Education
6 (4 must be earned in lab science)
Social Science
6 (including 2 credits of U.S. History and 1 of Civics)
6 (earned while in high school- students must
complete at least Algebra I and Geometry)
World Language
Core Electives
Unrestricted Electives
50 earned in high school
English as a Second Language/English Language Development Program
Academy District 20 was the proud recipient of the 2015 ELPA Excellence Award. This award is presented to district-based English Language Proficiency
Programs that achieve the highest English language and academic growth among English learners and the highest academic achievement for English
learners who transition out of the English language proficiency program.
The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program is designed to promote a safe, encouraging, learning environment for all English language learners
(ELL). Implementation of research-based methods by our highly qualified instructors contributes to measureable growth in listening, speaking, reading,
and writing as well as in content areas.
Academy District 20 offers either a comprehensive ESL magnet or neighborhood school program in 12 designated schools or a Mainstream ESL program
which is in all district schools. Parents may select the English Language Development (ELD) program service type for their student.
All identified ELL students have access to an online tutoring program, are supported by the development of an individualized English Language Plan
(ELP), and take the state required ACCESS test in January regardless of magnet or mainstream ELL program placement.
Academy District 20 offers English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs with an assigned ESL certified teacher at the following elementary schools:
Academy International, Chinook Trail, Discovery Canyon Campus, Frontier, High Plains, Pioneer, The da Vinci Academy, and Woodmen-Roberts.
Free full-day kindergarten for identified ELL students is offered at Academy International, Frontier, High Plains, Pioneer, The da Vinci Academy, and
Mountain Ridge Middle School and Rampart High School are our designated secondary ESL magnet schools. Discovery Canyon Campus (K-12) and
Eagleview Middle School are neighborhood ESL schools that have an assigned ESL certified teacher serving their students. The Classical Academy
(TCA) charter school also provides ESL services by a certified teacher.
Bus transportation to the district magnet and neighborhood schools is provided for free for the students from their neighborhood school.
ESL Magnet Program Information:
Elementary students work with the ESL teacher in small groups to promote English language development in the areas of listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Additionally, instruction is provided in basic vocabulary building, English language usage including grammar, reading skills, decoding,
comprehension, and writing skills. The ESL teacher regularly consults with classroom teachers to help support students.
The middle school ESL magnet program provides instruction for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. The ESL teacher provides instruction to
students in Language Arts and supports their work in other academic areas. The ESL teacher regularly consults with classroom teachers to help students
with their courses.
The high school ESL magnet program provides classes which offer full academic credit in English at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced English
proficiency levels. Students are provided with direct help in their other academic classes when necessary. The ESL teacher regularly consults with
counselors to plan education options after graduation.
ESL Mainstream Program Information:
In the mainstream schools, an ESL certified teacher is not on staff. An ESL coach (who is a certified ESL teacher) collaborates with the classroom teacher
in differentiating instruction to facilitate content and language development for our English language learners.
All identified ELL students have access to an online tutoring program, are supported by the development of an individualized English Language Plan
(ELP), and take the state required ACCESS test in January regardless of magnet or mainstream ELL program placement. For more information contact
Jennifer Duarte, the district ESL Coordinator at 234-1200.
14 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Elementary Schools
Academy Calvert K-8 Online School
Principal: Donna Heinrich
Address: 3475 Hampton Park Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 719-234-5630
Website: www.academycalvertonline.asd20.org
Grades Served: K-8
Summary: Academy Calvert K-8 Online School is your first choice
for FREE virtual public education! Our school is open to all students
throughout the state of Colorado. Yes, students are welcome from any city
or county in Colorado. Homeschool families are welcome, too! Academy
Calvert provides learners with the all-inclusive, world renowned Calvert
curriculum for students in grades K-8. Students have weekly live virtual
classes with their teacher and peers that foster a sense of community
among the learners. This program offers full academic support and accountability with multiple areas of flexibility for students and families.
Monthly field trips are another interactive activity for all learners and families to enjoy. An abundance of resources are at your disposal. Academy Calvert also provides the opportunity for students to attend our state of the art blended learning center for face-to-face support and
collaborative peer interactions which support science experiments, hands-on art, tutoring, and instructional guidance. The blended learning
center gives our students a valuable opportunity to experience academic tutoring and enrichment while working cooperatively with their peers
and our classroom teacher. The students love the social aspect of the center and enjoy the engaging classroom activities. Educators have come
from all over the country to observe our teacher and students in action as a model for future programs.
Both the learners and the families will feel success and support the entire year. Academy Calvert K-8 Online School is your best choice for free,
public, online school!
Academy Endeavour Elementary
Principal: Bobbi Harper
Address: 3475 Hampton Park Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-5600 Fax: 234-5699
Website: www.academyendeavour.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:15-11:15 a.m.
PM Kindergarten: 12:15-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 550
Success For All Reading: We believe that children must be able to read
to be successful in all other academic areas. Our students are grouped by
ability in reading classes for 90 minutes each day where they receive not only reading instruction but learn to appreciate literature, polish their
writing talent and build critical thinking skills.
Arts and Humanities: At Academy Endeavour Elementary, students in grades kindergarten through fifth participate in Spanish, music, art,
and physical education.
Character Education: Teaching the Academy District 20 core principles is a cornerstone of Academy Endeavour Elementary. The values of
respect, responsibility, hope, courage, perseverance, excellence, citizenship, compassion and integrity are modeled and taught each day. We use
them as springboards for all discussions regarding behavior and discipline.
Education Technology and Information Literacy (ET/IL): Education Technology and Information Literacy are another important
part of our design. Our building technology coordinator and our certified librarian team teach the ET/IL standards. Students of Academy
Endeavour are 21st Century learners. In addition to facilitating the communication process, the computer is also a tool for children’s homework
and research.
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Elementary Schools
Academy International Elementary
Principal: Laura McNally
Address: 8550 Charity Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-4000 Fax: 234-4099
Website: www.academyinternational.asd20.org
Hours: 8:20 a.m.-3:20 p.m.
Kindergarten: 8:20 a.m.-3:20 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:20-11:20 a.m.
Enrollment: 590
Academy International Elementary School is a neighborhood/choice
school offering the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme
(IBPYP), authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
Academy International is one of more than 1,000 International
Baccalaureate elementary schools in the world and was the first public
IBPYP school in the Americas. The school is located in the Summerfield area of Briargate.
Academy International is proud of its international connections. The staff comes from around the world as well as inside Academy District 20.
The curriculum is internationally focused and is based on inquiry and best practices. All students receive French language instruction. A OneWay French Immersion option is available beginning in first grade.
Antelope Trails Elementary
Principal: Laura Cresap
Address: 15280 Jessie Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 234-4100 Fax: 234-4199
Website: www.antelopetrails.asd20.org
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:45-11:45 a.m.
Enrollment: 377
Antelope Trails Elementary School is an authorized International
Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme School and is unique
because the preschool housed at Antelope Trails is included in that
authorization. The diversity of our curriculum is interdisciplinary as
well as transdisciplinary. Our specials classes rotate on a daily basis and
include art, music, physical education, and Spanish. Our vision for integrating 21st Century Skills into our curriculum includes
• personalizing student learning through the use of technology and such structures as The Daily Five/CAFÉ, math rotations,
Thinking Maps, and Write From the Beginning
• utilizing our library/media (known as the Learning Commons) to integrate literacy, science, history, and technology using a
shared inquiry approach
• implementing technology usage in the classroom as a differentiation tool for teaching and learning
• introduction of a Bring Your Own Device initiative with 4th grade during the 2016-2017 school year
We also offer literacy support, special education classes, and enrichment (TAG) to meet the diverse needs of our
learners. A school-wide intervention block program allows our staff to differentiate the learning for students
needing above-grade level, on-grade level, and below-grade level interventions. A variety of before and after
school classes also enrich our solid academic program. Our parents find our school to be a caring
and safe environment for our children and are highly involved partners in education.
16 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Elementary Schools
Chinook Trail Elementary
Principal: Patrick Schumaker
Address: 11795 Grand Lawn Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80924
Phone: 234-5700 Fax: 234-5799
Website: www.chinoooktrail.asd20.org
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:45-11:45 a.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 610
Chinook Trail, located in the Cordera development at Briargate
Parkway and Powers Boulevard, is one of Academy District 20’s newest
schools. Chinook Trail will be celebrating its 10th year during the
2016-17 school year. The school is dedicated to “growing the crosscultural mind and the international citizen in our own neighborhood.”
Chinook Trail teaches Mandarin Chinese and its students experience a wide variety of cultural lessons and perspectives through social studies,
literature, character education and technology.
Students are involved in community service through the Junior Optimist Octagon Club, as well through activities to sustain the Earth’s
resources. Chinook Trail offers a variety of intramural sports opportunities and clubs before and after school. The school also encourages
positive behavior supports/awards through GROWL: Give your best, Respect your world, Own your choices, Work hard, and Listen carefully.
Discovery Canyon Campus Elementary
Principal: Andie Ruskin
Address: 1810 North Gate Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 234-1800 Fax: 234-1899
Website: www.dccelementary.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full-day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Half-time Kindergarten: Monday and Wednesday (full days) from 8:15 a.m.
to 3:15 p.m., and Fridays (half day) from 8:15-11:15 a.m.
Enrollment: 530 (PreK-5)
The mission of Discovery Canyon Campus, a unified Pre K-12 International
Baccalaureate learning community, is to inspire and educate the whole student
to achieve his or her unique potential as a conscientious global citizen through a rigorous, comprehensive, inquiry-based curriculum using
innovative approaches to teaching and learning in a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment on a science and math-themed campus. Discovery Canyon Campus is an authorized IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) site for students in grades pre-kindergarten through fifth.
Spanish is the language taught as a part of the Primary Years Programme. Students also participate in Discovery classes including physical
education, art, and music as well as technology instruction.
Needs-based offerings featuring experiential learning, inquiry based curriculum, and self-directed learning investigations enhance the
traditional curriculum.
In addition, students have opportunities to assume stewardship responsibilities as well as mentorship and campus leadership roles. A full range
of clubs, activities, and intramurals are offered for all students.
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Elementary Schools
Douglass Valley Elementary
Principal: Kelly Farmer
Address: 4610 Douglass Drive USAFA, CO 80840
Phone: 234-4200 Fax: 234-4299
Website: www.douglassvalley.asd20.org
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:45-11:45 a.m.
Full-day Kindergarten – 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 325
Welcome to Douglass Valley Elementary School, home of the Wolves, a
school of 325 students, located on the grounds of the United States Air
Force Academy. We provide a variety of rich educational programs for
our kindergarten through fifth grade student body that challenges and
encourages our students to do their best. The door at Douglass Valley
Elementary School is always open to the families we serve. The student body at Douglass Valley Elementary School is composed of military and
civilian students and is known throughout the United States Air Force Academy neighborhood and school district as a positive and supportive
learning community. At Douglass Valley Elementary, our students attend music, physical education, art, technology, science, and Spanish, each week. We encourage
students to do their best and we celebrate their academic growth. Staff members are engaged as a team to explore ways of improving student
learning while providing an environment where all children can feel safe and happy.
Edith Wolford Elementary
Principal: Bob Wedel
Address: 13710 Black Forest Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: 234-4300 Fax: 234-4399
Website: www.edithwolford.asd20.org
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:45-11:45 a.m.
Enrollment: 315
Edith Wolford Elementary is a 21st Century community school committed
to educating all students in a safe and nurturing environment. In addition
to language arts, math, science, and social studies, our expanded curriculum
includes art, music, technology, Spanish and physical education programs
for all students, as well as a schoolwide intervention block to meet the diverse academic and behavioral needs of all students. Our character
education program focuses on 10 character traits and we incorporate character education into our daily instruction. We are a PBIS (Positive
Behavior Intervention Support) school and focus on many health and wellness initiatives.
We are very proud of our school, and we are pleased to offer the students of Black Forest and the surrounding area a high-quality education in a
beautiful setting.
18 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Elementary Schools
Explorer Elementary
Principal: Kay Lynn Waddell
Address: 4190 Bardot Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-4400 Fax: 234-4499
Website: www.explorer.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:15-11:15 a.m.
Enrollment: 480
Welcome to Explorer Elementary School! Our philosophy at Explorer
was conceived out of the notion that “all roads lead to learning.”
We are a community of learners, sharing and valuing individual
differences. Each program and activity is designed to enhance the
development of the individual child, including exemplary character.
We emphasize an environment where children can experience
success and feel comfortable in their academic work and their relationships with other children and adults. Our Library Media Center has a
flexible space for whole and small group lessons as well as a research lab, a Promethean Table for collaboration activities, a Maker Space area for
creating, inventing, and problem solving, and furniture that is suitable for student and adult learning.
We work as a team with parents and the community to provide a well-balanced, character building curriculum based upon student needs
and interests. At Explorer, our students SOAR to be Safe, On-Task, Achieving, and Respectful. These school-wide academic and behavior
expectations, along with our character education program, lead our students to a high level of excellence in all areas of their lives. We want to
ensure all students achieve their full potential as innovative members of a global society within a safe and nurturing learning environment.
Explorer prides itself in being a neighborhood school where building relationships is a priority. Explorer students are engaged in STEM
activities during our STEM Fridays and through our STEM backpacks, STEM clubs, and weekly science lessons taught by science teachers.
Come and explore with us!
Foothills Elementary
Principal: Rose Bergles
Address: 825 Allegheny Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone: 234-4500 Fax: 234-4599
Website: www.foothils.asd20.org
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Full-time Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Part-time Kindergarten: Monday and Wednesday–8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.,
Friday-8:45-11:45 a.m.
Enrollment: 420
The mission of Foothills Elementary School, a Spanish Immersion School,
is to foster the growth of the whole child through a comprehensive and
challenging curriculum that provides a strong foundation in 21st Century
skills with global appreciation in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive learning environment for every student.
In the fall of 2016, Foothills continues to expand the school-wide Spanish immersion model for all kindergarten and first grade students. Partial
Spanish immersion classes are offered for grades two through five. These students receive approximately 50 percent of instruction of core
content in Spanish. The primary objective is that participating students will develop the ability to speak, read, write and understand Spanish
while attaining academic achievement at or above grade level. Foothills fifth graders have the opportunity to participate in instrumental band
or choir that meets before school. Students may choose woodwind or brass instruments. A wide variety of other school enrichments that
include topics, such as cooking, science, art, martial arts, cartooning, and robotics are offered to all students throughout the school year.
Our goal is to provide the very best learning environment for students. We believe that a positive climate must be provided to foster academic,
social, emotional, aesthetic, and physical development so that each learner may realize full potential.
The commitment and responsibility for this learning environment is shared by students, parents, and school. Our combined efforts result in
positive and productive experiences. We emphasize 10 core principles of character education and have a complete book list for every grade
level that helps children of any age understand the concepts of hope, courage, citizenship, compassion, etc. Foothills students benefit from the
involvement of many parents and community members who share their life experiences with us throughout the school year.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 19
Elementary Schools
Frontier Elementary
Principal: Kelly Garnhart
Address: 3755 Meadow Ridge Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-4600 Fax: 234-4699
Website: www.frontier.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
PM Kindergarten: 12:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 440
A school of 440 preschool through fifth grade students, high academic
expectations are guided by Colorado Academic Standards integrating
the Common Core State Standards for academic performance. Students
access music, art, Spanish and physical education during their school week.
Frontier is focused on embedding technology and information literacy into all content areas to develop 21st Century learning skills. A Positive
Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) school, we teach responsible behavior - academically and socially. Before and after school activities
include intramurals, chess club, choir, hand bells, Battle of the Books, Kindness and Compassion Club, art clubs, e-Learning Labs and tutoring.
A part of the National School Breakfast program, we encourage healthy habits to support academic success. We are an English Language
Learning magnet school servicing students with second language learning needs. We offer Talented and Gifted services for students in grades
three through five who meet criteria and additional consultation is provided to support students who are high achieving and would benefit
from enrichment activities. We strive to help each student reach his or her greatest potential. Our mission statement is: In partnership with
our families and community, Frontier Elementary responds to the individual needs of all students. We provide each child with a 21st Century
curriculum in a safe learning environment as they SOAR to become exemplary citizens, inspired to pursue their dreams.
Look for our eaglets to SOAR high!
High Plains Elementary
Principal: Tom Andrew
Address: 2248 Vintage Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-4700 Fax: 234-4799
Website: www.highplains.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m., AM Kindergarten: 8:15-11:45 a.m.
AM Preschool: 8-11a.m., PM Preschool: noon-3 p.m.
Enrollment: 310 with preschool
High Plains Elementary is a small, diverse neighborhood school that prides itself on
developing the whole child. Our personal atmosphere, caring and skilled staff, and
strong parent/community involvement provide an enriching atmosphere that students
thrive in. Our core purpose is to create learning through the process of building learning capacity, collaborating, make meaningful connections,
and breaking through to apply new understandings. Our motto, “Work Hard, Get Smart” is the basis of the HOWLS Learner Mindset, which
embraces “productive struggle” through the learning process to build resilience and grit in students. HOWLS stands for Honor, Ownership,
Work Hard, Lead, and Safety. HOWLS frames our community expectations for learning and behavior for all stakeholders. At High Plains, the
social and emotional learning competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, friendship making skills, and responsible
decision making are stressed equally with the academic program. These skills are essential to support the development of emotional intelligence
and demonstration of individual character.
Our academic program focuses on presenting engaging experiences in support of developing student reading, writing, and mathematics
skills and understanding to ensure a zest for lifelong learning. Support programs such as English as a second language, reading and math
interventions, talented and gifted, special education, and counseling are employed to meet the individual needs of each child. Specials programs
offered include science, world language, music, art, and physical education. Students may participate in activities before, during and after school
which include art, choir, theatre, technology, sports club, tutoring, and science/STEM club. We also offer our families pre-school.
Parents are an essential partner in the development of the whole child, and we highly encourage our families to take part in their child’s
education at home and at school. The Parent-Teacher Organization meets monthly to support our learning organization through supplemental
activities and opportunities to enrich and extend services for our students. The High Plains Accountability Committee (H-PAC) helps guide
our organization in our vision of student learning and utilization of resources to ensure our students receive the best learning experiences and
education. Parents and family are always welcome to volunteer in the school to help students and teachers alike. Please contact us to learn more
about High Plains and how we engage our students to be emotionally and academically healthy, balanced individuals who think critically and
problem solve for future success!
20 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Mountain View Elementary
Pkwy o
Principal: Jill Hooper
r Pk w
Address: 10095 Lexington Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-4800 Fax: 234-4899
Website: www.mountainview.asd20.org
Old Hwy 83
Hours: 8:35 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
Five day, Full day, Kindergarten: 8:35 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
Part-time Kindergarten: (M,W 8:35 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
and half day Friday 8:35-11:30 a.m. or T, Th 8:35 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
and half day Friday 12:30-3:35 p.m.)
Enrollment: 570
Mountain View Elementary is designated as a School of Innovative Learning
and Technology (SILT school). We work to effectively integrate technology
tools into our instruction in authentic and meaningful ways to support
21st Century Learning. Technology integration includes the use of internet research tools and multimedia presentation tools such as iMovie,
BookCreator, Prezi, Photo Story, digital imagery, and video editing to name a few. iPads are available for teachers and students to use in
their classrooms to enhance their instruction and to support student learning. Information literacy standards and 21st Century skills are
incorporated throughout and taught in classrooms using classroom computers, wireless mobile labs, as well as in the computer lab during
technology classes. Through a 1:1 initiative, each student in fourth and fifth grade will receive an iPad to use in school as well as at home to
enhance their learning. Teachers communicate with parents and highlight classroom schedules, events and homework through email and
classroom web pages.
Mountain View teachers use a balanced approach to literacy and math instruction that includes a variety of resources aligned to the Colorado
State Standards. Teachers work to integrate literacy across all content areas. Additionally, teachers creatively use experiential learning
opportunities through field trips, guest speakers and other community involvement to create relevant and engaging learning experiences for
all students. Students and parents also have access to a variety of reading and math enhancement opportunities through various web-based
interactive programs.
Our Mission: The family of Mountain View Elementary, a school of innovative learning and technology, is committed to preparing and
cultivating our learners through transformational practices to become compassionate and digitally connected leaders who embrace their
full potential, utilizing interdependent goal setting and problem solving skills to create a vision and leave an extraordinary legacy to their
community, nation, and world.
Elementary Schools
Pioneer Elementary
Principal: Diane Naghi
Address: 3663 Woodland Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 234-5000 Fax: 234-5099
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:15-11:20 a.m.
PM Kindergarten: 12:10-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 426
Pioneer Elementary provides a rigorous education in a nurturing environment
that challenges each student to achieve academic success. The teaching
and support staff implement a balanced curriculum aligned with Colorado
Academic Standards emphasizing inquiry and critical thinking.
Pioneer is an inclusive school community in which differences in people and ideas are appreciated. We support a Severe Special Needs Program
and English as a Second Language Program and are culturally responsive to the diverse needs of our student body. Students gain the confidence
and resiliency to mature into lifelong learners and responsible participants in our democratic society. All students participate in setting and
monitoring individual goals. It is our objective to provide children with the very best learning environment.
Pioneer is a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) school focusing on teaching positive behavior skills and recognizing students who
act honorably. The same methods for teaching academics are employed to teach social skills and character development. Pioneer expectations
are to respect self, others, and our school environment. The Pioneer staff creates engaging learning experiences for students to make their
elementary journey a memorable one.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 21
Elementary Schools
Prairie Hills Elementary
Principal: Vicki Axford
Address: 8025 Telegraph Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-5100 Fax: 234-5199
Website: www.prairiehills.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:15-11:30 a.m.
PM Kindergarten: noon-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 450
The mission of Prairie Hills is to embrace learning for all in a safe, nurturing
environment. In partnership with our community, we aspire to fulfill the needs of
the whole child through innovation, creativity, and rich instruction, creating lifelong learners who positively affect our global society. We pride
ourselves in having a strong community feeling. Our culture is strong and is made of unique individuals working together as one.
As you walk through our doors, the atmosphere is friendly, enthusiastic, warm and caring. The Prairie Hills community of families and staff has
set high expectations for our students exemplified by our beliefs: be respectful, be responsible and be a problem solver. Learning is celebrated
throughout our school! Our school’s foundation of PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) is paramount in our daily activities.
Prairie Hills has many opportunities available to our young learners. We believe that we are a family where everyone contributes to the school
as a whole. The standards based curriculum is challenging yet balanced with student support. The language arts curriculum includes reading,
writing, spelling and grammar taught through individualized Café Strategies and guided reading. Writing is taught through the Lucy Calkins’
Units of Study and integrated throughout the curriculum. Our math program, Engage NY is conceptually based and builds on specific skills.
Science is based on hands-on kits and our social studies curriculum is based on specific state units of study.
Weekly enrichment activities include music, physical education, art, Spanish, 21st Century technology skills for all children. We are very proud
that our library is rated as a “highly effective school library.” In addition to our curriculum, we provide students with a 30-minute intervention/
enrichment time four days a week to work on specific skills that enhance their learning. Students are grouped into small groups and given extra
support on specific skills and learning goals.
We are an AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) certified elementary school. Our third through fifth grade students learn
organizational skills and two- or three-column note-taking. Students are taught inquiry questioning, collaboration and encouraged to take risks
and problem-solve throughout their day. These skills help students be successful as they prepare for middle and high school as well as college.
Prairie Hills is proud to serve our community.
Ranch Creek Elementary
Principal: Susan Paulson
Address: 9155 Tutt Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO 80924
Phone: 234-5500 Fax: 234-5599
Website: www.ranchcreek.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:15-11:15 a.m.
Enrollment: 550
Ranch Creek Elementary is an International Baccalaureate World
School, offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in preschool
through fifth grade. The IB program represents our school’s
philosophy and commitment to a challenging, international education
that supports the whole child in a safe and supportive environment.
We honor individual success for learners with a wide diversity of styles
and needs, and we seek to engage the whole community in fostering life-long learning. Our library, the center of our school, has been granted
the Highly Effective School Library Program status by the Colorado Department of Education for the past eight years. Up-to-date interactive
technology tools support learning in every classroom throughout Ranch Creek. All students receive rigorous Spanish language instruction and
a Spanish language immersion program is an option in first through fifth grades.
22 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Elementary Schools
Rockrimmon Elementary
Principal: Carre Bonilla
Address: 195 W. Mikado Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone: 234-5200 Fax: 234-5299
Website: www.rockrimmon.asd20.org
do D
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:45-11:45 a.m.
PM Kindergarten: 12:45-3:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 350
Rockrimmon Elementary was authorized as an International Baccalaureate
Primary Years Programme (IBPYP) school in 2002. The program is for all
students in grades kindergarten through fifth. IBPYP is a philosophy of
teaching that emphasizes the inquiry method, a powerful vehicle for all
learners. Inquiry is a series of thoughtful and creative actions through which meaningful understandings are built over time.
The program is concept driven and promotes genuine understanding that challenges students to engage in the study of global concepts.
Students at Rockrimmon Elementary learn Spanish as part of the IBPYP program.
Rockrimmon students take meaningful action in the local, national, and international communities. Students are committed to sustainability
through ongoing recycling and composting. They have also created a community garden, supported the environment by planting trees in a local
reclamation area, volunteered for local charities, raised funds for international charitable organizations, helped victims of natural disasters,
written a school book about the Waldo Canyon Fire, worked to inform the public about responsible use of the media, provided a health fair for
the school and community, explored effective ways to communicate, and recently collaborated with different organizations in the community
to support the creation of the Discovery Xeriscape Demonstration Garden attached to the park next to the school. Currently, students are
collaborating with Ryan’s Well Foundation to learn about water as a natural resource and to build a clean water well for a village in Uganda.
School in the Woods
Vollmer Road
Principal: Bob Wedel
Program Coordinator: Jon Wuerth
Address: 12002 Vollmer Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: 495-1865
Website: www.schoolinthewoods.asd20.org
Hours: 8:35 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
Enrollment: 78 fourth graders
Academy District 20 has access to 640 wooded acres in the Black Forest as an
outdoor learning site. To meet the educational needs of elementary children
with exceptional interest and aptitude in earth, life, and natural sciences, the
School in the Woods makes use of these 640 acres as a “living classroom.” The
entire curriculum at School in the Woods is carefully designed to increase students’ knowledge of natural science and appreciation of the
natural world. In addition to meeting all Colorado State and Common Core Standards, each element of the curriculum reinforces and enriches
the others. Ultimately, the total educational impact of the fourth grade year at School in the Woods becomes more powerful than any individual
element of the curriculum.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 23
Elementary Schools
The da Vinci Academy
Principal: Cindy Fesgen
Address: 1335 Bridle Oaks Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 234-5400 Fax: 234-5499
Website: www.thedavinciacademy.asd20.org
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 8:45-11:45 a.m.
PM Kindergarten: 12:45-3:45 p.m.
AM Preschool: 8:30-11:30 a.m.
PM Preschool: 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Enrollment: 430
The da Vinci Academy, an Outstanding School of the Arts Award winner for
2016, is a place where children are valued for their academic, social, and artistic
talents. By using a variety of research based practices, grounded in the state
standards, teachers present learning experiences that are meaningful and engaging to students. We focus on meeting the needs of all students
through strong academic instruction and integration of the arts and sciences.
The da Vinci Academy is a neighborhood choice option school. The school builds community partnerships and encourages active parent
involvement. Together we create a balanced academic and arts program that motivates all students to excellence.
Our school promotes language arts, mathematics, hands on/minds on science, visual and performing arts, social studies, technology, and
health and fitness integrated into designed units of study. Some of the unique opportunities we offer include Fourth and Fifth Grade Musicals,
The Kindness and Compassion Club, Band and Strings, Drama, and Green Dragons Green Team. Our staff works to support all children by
providing the tools they needs to be successful students and community members.
Woodmen-Roberts Elementary
Principal: Jenny Sterk
Address: 8365 Orchard Path Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone: 234-5300 Fax: 234-5399
Website: www.woodmenroberts.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Full day Kindergarten: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Part-Time Kindergarten: Monday and Wednesday: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.,
and Friday 8:15-11:15 a.m.
Enrollment: 390
Woodmen-Roberts was one of the original schools in Academy District
20 when the district was consolidated in 1957. Woodmen-Roberts
was named the The Woodmen School and opened its doors in 1915.
The building on Orchard Path is the newest version of the school built
in 1990. Woodmen-Roberts is an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme School authorized in July 2007. The Primary Years
Programme defines six themes that transcend the traditional disciplines and represent broad ideas that are relevant to and meaningful for all
students: who we are, where we are in place and time, how we express ourselves, how the world works, how we organize ourselves, and how we
share the planet. Woodmen-Roberts’ staff has developed a comprehensive Program of Inquiry that is aligned with Colorado State Standards and
IB Standards.
Woodmen-Roberts is a Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) school. We have tightly aligned our PBIS program with the IB Learner
Profile to create a powerful framework that supports students on a daily basis.
The parent community of Woodmen-Roberts is actively involved in the academic and affective development of their children through high
levels of volunteering and a very active PTO. The staff works in partnership with the parent community to meet the unique and varied needs of
the student body.
Woodmen-Roberts recently completed a successful BYOD pilot with our 4th grade teachers and students. All students in fourth grade were
provided an iPad either from home or by the school to use during the day when needed. This pilot will transition into a Personalized Learning
Experience for both fourth and fifth graders in the coming 2016-17 school year.
24 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Home School Academy
Home School Academy Programs
Address: 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-1473
Website: www.asd20.org/hsa
Grade Levels: K-8
Program Year: August 17, 2016 – May 19, 2017
Enrollment: 385
Mission Statement: The mission of the District 20 Home School Academy is to
enhance student learning and to support homeschooling families through quality
instruction in varied and enriched learning environments.
We offer tuition free programs hosted at the Academy District 20 Education
and Administration Center (EAC) and on the School in the Woods property in
Black Forest. The Home School Academy (HSA) offers programming one day
a week for homeschooled students from kindergarten through eighth grade.
In support of our mission, we offer a large variety of instructional programs that include project based learning, visual art, outdoor education,
clubs, robotics, music, drama and technology. The HSA does not offer a full array of education services including special education services.
During the 2016-2017 school year the following programs will be offered:
ARTS Academy: (Integrated and Performing Arts):
This program combines integrated and performing arts and is designed for students who enjoy learning through music, movement and dance,
drama and visual arts. Spring of 2017 students will present a full production of Lion King, Jr.
Grade Level: K-8
Days Offered: Monday or Tuesday
Location: 1110 Chapel Hills Drive – 80920∆33
STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math):
This program focuses on project based learning through science, technology, engineering and math. Students also receive classes in visual art
and music. Field trips are planned to support units of study including Young AmeriTowne (grades 4-5 in 2017-2018) and International Towne
(grades 6-8 in 2016-2017).
Grade Level: K-8
Days Offered: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
Location: 1110 Chapel Hills Drive - 80920
Vollmer Road
TRACKS Academy: Teaching Respect, Appreciation and Conservation to Kids through science and social studies.
The TRACKS program is an outdoor education program located on the School in the Woods property in Black Forest. This program is for
students who show a natural fascination with wildlife and nature. Students experience outdoor physical education, science, social studies, and
art in an outdoor classroom setting.
Grade Level: 3-8
Days Offered: Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
Location: School in the Woods property, 12002 Vollmer Road – 80908
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 25
Middle Schools
Aspen Valley Campus Middle School
Program Facilitator: Randy Thomas
Address: 1470 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-6100
Website: www.aspenvalleymiddle.asd20.org
Hours: 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Enrollment: 60
The Aspen Valley Campus Middle School serves up to 30 seventh and 30
eighth grade students. Our focus is to prepare students for high school
by filling academic gaps and developing the skills necessary for them
to become self-regulated learners. Our approaches turn many reluctant
students into engaged learners who have high self-confidence and are
optimistic about high school success.
Students are held accountable through close collaboration between home
and school. Parent involvement is an integral component of our success to help students make positive advances in their academic and
social abilities.
To address the homework battle common to some families, we have a standardized daily homework plan Monday through Friday. This ends
excuses about not having homework or having already completed the work while still at school.
We serve students who benefit from differentiated, hands-on teaching methods who may not have experienced success in a traditional middle
school setting and would best be served by a close-knit and highly individualized learning community. We maintain a 15:1 student to teacher
ratio with additional opportunities to receive support in even smaller settings for the areas of greatest need. Every student begins and ends the
day with their circle teacher to get them set for a positive start to the day and to help them constructively reflect at the end of each day. We offer
science, mathematics, social studies, language arts, art, technology, and physical activities. Students also participate in a wide range of servicelearning projects throughout the year.
Students come to Aspen Valley Campus Middle School through an application process. The application is posted on our home page.
Pkwy o
Challenger Middle School
Principal: Tony Scott
Address: 10215 Lexington Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-3000 Fax: 234-3199
Old Hwy 83
Website: www.challenger.asd20.org
Hours: 7:55 a.m.-2:55 p.m.
Enrollment: 860
Challenger Middle School is the district’s original middle school. Starting
out as Air Academy Junior High School, the name was later changed in
honor of the Challenger Space Shuttle crew who lost their lives in a tragic
accident. Challenger is the middle school portion of the district’s “Schools
of Innovative Learning and Technology.” Technology and 21st Century
Learning Skills are infused into the curriculum in a vast number of ways
to enhance instruction and learning. Challenger has a one-to-one iPad initiative with all students having an iPad for use at school and at home.
Instruction is delivered through the use of this mobile device. Challenger’s staff is caring, unified, and dedicated to supporting the unique needs
of the middle-level learner. The school has a long history of excellence in academics, athletics and activities and is consistently thought of as one
of the best middle schools in the state.
Pk w
26 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Middle Schools
Discovery Canyon Campus Middle School
Principal: Mario Romero
Address: 1810 North Gate Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 234-1800 Fax: 234-1899
Website: www.dccmiddle.asd20.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 875
The mission of Discovery Canyon Campus, a unified Pre K-12 International
Baccalaureate learning community, is to inspire and educate the whole
student to achieve his or her unique potential as a conscientious global
citizen through a rigorous, comprehensive, inquiry-based curriculum
using innovative approaches to teaching and learning in a safe, respectful,
and nurturing environment on a science and math-themed campus.
Discovery Canyon Campus is authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme across the campus to students in grades
pre-kindergarten through twelfth. All students in grades six through eight participate in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and complete
coursework in mathematics, language and literature, science, and individuals and societies. In the MYP, students are enrolled in computer
or industrial technology, physical education, and either French or Spanish. In addition, other Discovery classes in art, instrumental/vocal
music, and drama are offered. Students at Discovery Canyon Campus have opportunities to participate in a full range of clubs, activities, and
intramurals and assume leadership roles. Interscholastic athletics are offered for seventh and eighth grade students.
Eagleview Middle School
Principal: John Jamison
Address: 1325 Vindicator Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone: 234-3400 Fax: 234-3599
Website: www.eagleview.asd20.org
Hours: 8:30 a.m.-3:25 p.m.
Enrollment: 950
Eagleview Middle School, in partnership with our community, is a safe culture
based on trust, that provides challenging, innovative, and engaging educational
experiences, while meeting the unique learning needs of all students and
empowering students to succeed with integrity in a diverse and global society.
Through a comprehensive and engaging curriculum and innovative programs such
as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), it is our goal that 100% of Eagleview students
will demonstrate adequate sustained growth in academic areas, that each student will actively engage in modeling the values and expectations
of Eagleview’s core principles of behavior, and that 100% of Eagleview students will understand and utilize the ever-changing academic and
technological skills essential to a 21st Century learner.
To support our goal of creating a safe and positive learning environment, Eagleview has implemented Positive Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
(MTSS), which is an application of a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to design
effective environments that improve the link between research-validated practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occurs.
The implementation of MTSS, Capturing Kids’ Hearts, Emotional Intelligence, and other systemic academic and behavioral support programs
represent Eagleview’s commitment to meeting the needs of each student.
Students at Eagleview have many opportunities outside the core classroom subjects to develop and demonstrate growth by participating in
co-curricular and extra-curricular activities within the school. Eagleview has a very active and successful exploratory department and has
expanded its performing and visual arts options to include Orchestra. Our fully integrated arts curriculum, The Academic Arts Academy, for
sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students, along with our Eagle Academy offer students two great choices in one great school to reach their
learning potential. To enrich their experience at Eagleview, students are encouraged to take healthy risks and to participate in activities such as
Science Olympiad, Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, W.E.B. Program (Where Everybody Belongs), Teen Leadership, Patriotic
Speech Festival, and a wide range of clubs and athletics. Eagleview is a student-centered school that is grounded in the belief that forming
positive and productive relationships with all members of our community is essential to our success as a school.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 27
Middle Schools
Mountain Ridge Middle School
Principal: Jeff Sterk
Address: 9150 Lexington Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-3200 Fax: 234-3399
Website: www.mountainridge.asd20.org
Hours: 7:55 a.m.-2:55 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,160
Mountain Ridge Middle School educates a population of 1,130 middle
school students from sixth to eighth grades. Mountain Ridge has been an
authorized International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP)
School for the past 18 years. All students will be on integrated teams taught
by IB trained teachers. Intrinsic to the IB program is the expectation that
students become adept at communicating in their own language as well
as developing proficiency in a second language. In the interest of meeting the goal of proficiency in a second language, Mountain Ridge offers
instruction in a world language throughout the academic year. The IBMYP Programme provides a framework that encourages students to
become reflective, critical thinkers and challenges them to see the connections between their learning and the world. All IB students will take
French or Spanish language as part of their academic day. Students will have the opportunity to participate in nine exploratory classes which
include the visual and performing arts, band, computers, industrial manufacturing and technology and physical education. Students gain an
in-depth experience in eight required academic areas. In partnership with parents, students receive support from the staff as they transition
through the social, physical, intellectual and personal changes of adolescence.
The IB Learner Profile and the core principles of behavior foster a positive attitude about school and learning. The school’s programs are
designed to help students find a sense of belonging and to meet their unique needs. To support the transition, Mountain Ridge encourages
Interquest Pkwy
participation in its wide range of intramurals, inter-scholastic athletics,
clubs and activities.
Timberview Middle School
Principal: Brett Smith
Address: 8680 Scarborough Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-3600
Website: www.timberview.asd20.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,120
Learning today, leading tomorrow
Timberview Middle School offers a variety of challenging academic
and exploratory courses. Students are expected to set attainable
goals for high academic achievement and behavior expectations in a
school culture guided by the core middle school principles of small
academic teaching teams called packs. Students are also exposed to
a variety of Exploratory courses in the arts, technology, and the humanities. In keeping with traditional middle school philosophy, sixth and
seventh grade students typically do not choose their exploratory courses, but are assigned to exploratory courses on a quarterly basis to provide
a well-rounded middle school experience. Eighth grade students have a greater degree of input in selecting their semester long exploratory
courses. TMS offers a range of interventions, extensions, and pack activities to meet the needs of students. Timberview Middle School is
an AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) school. Students selected for the AVID program learn skills necessary for meeting
selection criteria and academic preparedness for college. Timberview offers a variety of interscholastic and intramural sports programs for all
students. Sports offered include: football, softball, cross-country, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, tennis, track, golf, soccer, and swimming.
Students are also encouraged to participate in other extra-curricular clubs and activities. The Timberview band program is the foundation
of the Liberty High School band program, which is a top performing band program in Colorado. Students have the opportunity to perform
with the Concert Band and Jazz Band. Timberview has a very strong and supportive Parent Teacher Organization and School Accountability
Committee, as well as a committed volunteer network. Timberview provides a fun and demanding educational experience in a safe and caring
environment with an experienced and dedicated staff committed to student success. It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Home of the
28 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
High Schools
Academy Online High School
Principal: Nathan Gorsch
Address: 1110 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-1670 Fax: 234-1732
Website: www.academyonline.asd20.org
Grade Levels: 9-12
Mission Statement: The mission of Academy Online High School, a
collaborative community of learners, is to provide diverse and interactive
opportunities through a safe, personalized, and innovative environment
where all students develop their skills, confidence, and knowledge to pursue
their passions in an ever changing world.
Academy Online is open for full-time and part-time students and offers
three different programs.
The Village Hybrid Program: Open to ninth and tenth graders in 2016-2017, this unique blended program focuses on personalized learning
opportunities. Students learn through individualized competency-based curriculum, engage in collaborative problem solving activities, and
conduct personal inquiry investigations under the supervision of district teachers. This blended program is located on the campus of Pine Creek
High School. This program has a flexible schedule that combines on-campus activities and opportunities for students to work from home. Extended Studies: This program provides opportunities for students enrolled in Academy District 20 high schools to take online or hybrid
courses. Cornerstones of the Extended Studies program include the following:
• Extension of student schedules with courses they may be unable to fit or access in building
• Flexibility through hybrid and fully online courses
• Dual high school and University of Colorado college credit opportunity for most classes
• Highly qualified Academy District 20 teachers committed to helping students learn in a non-traditional environment
Access Program (Full Time Online): Access is a fully online program intended for independent students who wish to complete their high
school experience in a non-traditional environment by taking online or hybrid courses. Students in this program will take a combination of
online/hybrid courses, in-building courses in Academy District 20 high schools, and possibly some courses with a third party provider.
Air Academy High School
Principal: Dan Olson
Address: 6910 Carlton Drive, USAFA, CO 80840
Phone: 234-2400 Fax: 234-2599
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,360
Air Academy High School is a public high school located on the United
States Air Force Academy. A comprehensive four-year high school with
a student population of more than 1,350 in grades 9 through 12 and 88
certified professional staff, AAHS has a great student-faculty ratio of 18:1.
Air Academy hosts the Engineering Pathway, the district Air Force Junior
ROTC program, and welcomes the creative learners from the Academic
Arts Academy. We excel in academics, athletics, and activities. AAHS consistently ranks number one or two in the school district in ACT
scores, and we have won state championships in boys basketball, girls basketball, boys soccer, girls soccer, boys swimming, girls lacrosse, girls
cross country, and Winter Guard in the last five years. Our band program is outstanding, having won six straight band state championships.
Our theatre and choir programs are also first rate, producing Suessical and I Never Saw Another Butterfly, and earning multiple
superior and excellent ratings at the most recent CHSAA competition. Air Academy High School is a ten-time winner of the
John Irwin School of Excellence Award from the Colorado Department of Education and recently was recognized in
Newsweek’s “America’s Best High Schools.”
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 29
High Schools
Aspen Valley Campus High School
Principal: George Stone
Address: 1450 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-6000 Fax: 234-6099
Hours: 8:55 a.m.-4:05 p.m.
Enrollment: 110
Aspen Valley Campus High School, recognized with a 2013 Governor’s
Distinguished Improvement Award by the Colorado Department of
Education, is a school of choice for students who benefit from a nontraditional learning environment. The four-year high school offers a 15:1
student-teacher ratio and the staff is highly trained and sensitive to the
needs of non-traditional learners. We use small class size, alternative
assessments, and inquiry-based, differentiated instruction.
Our staff strives to develop close personal relationships with students and
we challenge students to succeed and set goals toward graduation and higher education and employment.
Our curriculum is unique because it focuses on a strong, integrated and technical preparation program designed to ensure mastery of the state
content standards. We believe all students can experience success and we believe all members of the learning community deserve respect. Some
of our graduates have earned scholarships to top colleges and universities and many have been honored with community awards such as being
selected among the Mayor’s Top 100 Teens in Colorado Springs.
Discovery Canyon Campus High School
Principal: Jim Bailey
Address: 1810 North Gate Boulevard
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 234-1800 Fax: 234-1899
Website: www.dcchigh.asd20.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,200
The mission of Discovery Canyon Campus, a pre-kindergarten through
twelfth grade learning community, is to educate and inspire all students to
achieve social, emotional, physical, and academic success as conscientious
global citizens through a comprehensive, inquiry-based curriculum using
principles and tools of science and mathematics taught in a safe and
respectful unified campus environment. Discovery Canyon Campus High
School is an authorized International Baccalaureate Programme site with all students in ninth and tenth grade participating in the Middle Years
Programme (MYP). Students in grades 11 and 12 may choose to enter into the Diploma Programme (DP) and receive the highly acclaimed IB
Diploma upon successful completion of programme requirements. Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of courses. In
addition to standard college prep classes, AP and IB classes are offered in math, English, science, humanities, and world languages (Spanish/
French). Electives include drama, speech and debate, marketing, programming, publications, music (instrumental and vocal), business, art (3D,
2D, and computer graphics), technology/engineering (Project Lead the Way), Biomedical Sciences and physical education. A wide range of
clubs, activities, and interscholastic athletics are offered for all students affording them opportunities to assume leadership roles not only within
grades nine through twelve, but throughout the campus.
30 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
High Schools
Liberty High School
Principal: Alan J. Thimmig
Address: 8720 Scarborough Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-2200 Fax: 234-2399
Website: www.liberty.asd20.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,550
Liberty High School, home of the Lancer Nation, is dedicated to student, staff, and
school success. We offer a comprehensive academic program that provides students the
opportunity for growth and enrichment. Over 70% of our teaching staff hold a master’s
degree or higher and all are dedicated to the academic, social, and emotional growth of
all students. We offer an array of Honors and Advanced Placement courses as well as
programs to help under-achieving students be successful. Our electives programs are
second to none. We have award winning performing arts, visual arts, and career and technical education programs that challenge students at the
highest levels. Additionally, we offer a full range of athletic and extra-curricular programs including 25 CHSAA sanctioned athletic programs
and over 20 academic clubs and activity groups. Our athletic programs have won multiple academic all-state awards and we have seven state
championships. Through clubs and activities, our students annually raise thousands of dollars for charity, participate in community service, and
engage in multiple school events. Liberty High School is dedicated to developing well-rounded students who can meet the challenges of a dynamic
world. Traditionally, 85% of our graduating seniors attend post-secondary colleges and universities across the country. We embrace our motto,
“Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth,” by encouraging each student to find where he or she can proudly stand, contribute, excel, and
enjoy his or her high school experience in the Lancer Nation. Liberty High School was recently recognized in the Gazette’s Best of the Springs as
the best high school in Colorado Springs.
Pine Creek High School
Principal: Kolette Back
Address: 10750 Thunder Mountain Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Phone: 234-2600 Fax: 234-2799
Website: www.pinecreek.asd20.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,530
Pine Creek is one of three Schools of Innovative Learning through Technology in
Academy District 20. As the district’s technology strand high school, our students
and teachers have open access to a variety of technological advancements. Pine Creek
is moving towards a one-to-one device initiative. For the 2016-17 school year, more than 1,500 iPads will be assigned to individual students.
Technology is applied in creative, productive, and effective ways in the/ daily educational experience. This seamless integration of technology
into the learning experience is just one of the hallmarks of our school. A 4 x 4 block schedule was introduced in the fall of 2015, and students
have the ability to take eight block classes per year and immerse fully in many of the amazing course offerings available at Pine Creek. Parents are
also highly involved at Pine Creek as partners in the educational mission. Positive relationships, rigorous curricula, and relevant and motivating
instruction are the keys to our success. Eagle Pride is paramount at Pine Creek, and students strive and achieve in a wide range of endeavors.
Pine Creek students are high achieving; more than 93% of the Class of 2016 is headed to college, and these students received more than $16
million in scholarships and awards, including Boettcher Scholarships, National Merit Scholarships, and several appointments to United States
Military Academies. More than 100 students graduated with above a 4.0 weighted grade point average and more than 150 were recognized
as honor grads, graduating with higher than a 3.75 grade point average. We are very proud of these academic successes and are committed to
providing support to all students, including those who may be struggling in the classroom, through numerous interventions and programs.
Academic support will be available before and after school, as well as during Creek Connections, offered during both lunch periods, in the
Academic Support Center. Students can access teachers, the math and writing lab, and make-up quizzes and tests. Athletic teams at Pine Creek
are highly competitive. Pine Creek is home to the 2014 and 2013 5A State Championship Football team. In the fall of 2013 the Pine Creek Boys
Soccer Team won the 5A state championship. The Pine Creek Girls Track and Soccer Teams consistently have top state finishes. Pine Creek is
the proud recipient of 12 Metro League Championships for the 15/16 school year. Additionally, Pine Creek was recognized as the academic state
champion in several of our boys and girls sports. Our Pine Creek Performing Arts department is the best in the region. Our Drama program
was selected as one of a few productions to perform on the main stage at the International Thespian Festival in 2015. Our Instrumental Program
is home to award winning marching, jazz, and concert bands, and our Choral Program consistently earns top honors competitively, and boasts
high numbers of students selected as All State participants. We are also known for the wide array of clubs and activities offered, including DECA.
This large marketing education club provides opportunities for state and national competition, and Pine Creek is proud to be considered among
the top twenty DECA programs in the nation. One of our goals is to engage 100% of our students in a co-curricular athletic or activity program.
If you would like to visit Pine Creek High School to experience our dynamic educational environment, please contact our counseling office.
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 31
High Schools
Rampart High School
Principal: Peter Alvarez
Address: 8250 Lexington Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 234-2000 Fax: 234-2199
Website: www.rampart.asd20.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Enrollment: 1,672
Rampart High School is a comprehensive high school and is also home to the
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Academy District 20 was the
first public school district in North America to offer a K-12 program with the
International Baccalaureate Organization. Rampart had students graduate in
2012 who participated in the IB program throughout their education. In addition,
Rampart offers a comprehensive AP (Advanced Placement) Program. In 2013, Newsweek ranked Rampart among the top 500 high schools
in the United States based on the number of students who took the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams. Rampart’s
technology wing is an addition to the original building and was built with bond funds approved by voters in 2001. The design of the wing was
an original concept by students in one of Rampart’s drafting classes. Rampart’s DECA club manages the school’s lunch program so students
get firsthand experience in all aspects of running a business. We are very proud of our outstanding music and theater programs, as well as our
excellent athletic programs!
32 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
The Classical Academy
The Classical Academy exists to assist parents in their mission to develop exemplary citizens equipped with analytical thinking skills, virtuous
character, and a passion for learning, all built upon a solid foundation of knowledge. The Classical Academy is a charter school for kindergarten
through 12th grade. We are a part of Academy District 20.
The Core Knowledge® curriculum is the foundation of our academic program which we implement using a classical approach. Following
the classical tradition, teachers present rich content with a strong emphasis on observation, narration, dialog, and hands-on activities. This
interactive method engages students and instills a vibrant passion for learning.
The Classical Academy Central K-6
Principal: Rebecca DeMeyer
Address: 1655 Springcrest Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 265-9766 Fax: 265-1751
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten: 8:15-11:40 a.m., 12:05-3:30 p.m.
Enrollment: 620
The Classical Academy East K-6
Principal: Amy Nelson
Address: 12201 Cross Peak View, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 282-1181 Fax: 260-9743
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten: 8:15-11:40 a.m., 12:05-3:30 p.m.
Enrollment: 620
The Cottage School Program K-8
Principal: Susan Nosal
Address: 12201 Cross Peak View, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 282-1181 Fax: 260-9743
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 8 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Kindergarten: 8-11:15 a.m. and noon-3:15 p.m.
CSP 1- 6th grades: 8 a.m.-11:15 a.m. and noon-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 340
The Classical Academy Junior High 7-8
Principal: Hugh DiPretore
Address: 975 Stout Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 484-0091 Fax: 487-2339
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.
Enrollment: 430
The Classical Academy High School 9-12
Principal: Sean Shields
Address: 975 Stout Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 484-0091 Fax: 484-0085
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.
Enrollment: 660
College Pathways Program 7-12
Principal: Steve Wright
Address: 12201 Cross Peak View
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 494-0631 Fax: 484-0087
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.
Enrollment: 510
The Classical Academy North K-6
Principal: Don Stump
Address: 975 Stout Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone: 484-0081 Fax: 484-0078
Website: www.tcatitans.org
Hours: 8 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Kindergarten: 8-11:25 a.m. and 11:50 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
Enrollment: 640
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 33
34 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
Fall Parent Academy Events
Fall 2016
New Parent Orientation
Multiple options available:
Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22 or 29 at 6:30 p.m.; Aug. 17 at 10:30 a.m.
*Registration is required for New Parent Orientation sessions*
Register at: www.asd20.org/newsroom/parentacademy
Suicide Prevention Awareness
September 20 at 6:30 p.m.
All sessions are held at
the EAC (Education and
Administration Center),
1110 Chapel Hills Drive,
unless otherwise noted
Food Allergy Summit
October 4 at 6:30 p.m.
Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
October 11 at 6:30 p.m.
Human Trafficking Information
October 18 at 6:30 p.m.
ICAP and Dual Enrollment Options in District 20
November 1 at 6:30 p.m.
Helping Children Manage Stress and Build Resilience
November 15 at 6:30 p.m.
Transitions: What Every Parent Should Know
December 6 at 6:30 p.m.
Please visit
to register today!
For all Parent Academy sessions, registration
is highly recommended so that you can be
notified in the event of a cancellation
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 35
2016-2017 Calendar
Academy School District 20
2016/17 District Calendar
November 11
November 21-25
December 16
Dec 19 - Jan 1
Dec 30
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 16
February 17
February 20
March 17
March 23
October 20
March 22, 23
October 7
Oct 19, 20
October 21
August 10, 11
August 12
August 15
August 18, 19
September 5
September 6
July 4
August 5, 8, 9
October 6
1110 Chapel Hills Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920-3923
(719) 234-1200
Adopted 3-6-2014
Revised 2-18-2016
March 24
March 27 - 31
April 20
May 4, 5
May 29
May 31
June 1, 2
Independence Day observed (district closed)
Professional Learning & Orientation for New
Teachers (no students)
Professional Learning Days (no students)
Teacher Workday (no students)
First Day of School
Elementary Test Dates
Labor Day (district closed)
Elementary Professional Learning Day
(no elementary students)
Elementary Teacher workday (no elementary students)
End of First Quarter
Professional Learning Day (no students)
All levels Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
(all students in school Oct 19,
high school students in school Oct 20)
Elementary/Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference
(no elementary/middle school students,
high schools in session)
Schools not in session due to Oct 19, 20 evening
conferences (school offices staffed until noon)
* Veterans Day (observed in schools)
Thanksgiving Vacation (schools closed)
End of First Semester (82 student days)
Winter Vacation (schools closed)
** see note below (district closed)
Teacher Workday (no students)
Professional Learning Days (no students)
Students Return/Second Semester Begins
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (district closed)
Professional Learning Day (no students)
Presidents’ Day (district closed)
Elementary Teacher Workday (no elementary students)
Third quarter ends
All levels Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
(all students in school March 22,
high school students in school March 23)
Elementary/Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference
(no elementary/middle school students,
high schools in session)
Schools not in session due to March 22, 23 evening
conferences (school offices staffed until noon)
Spring Vacation (schools closed)
Professional Learning Day (no students)
Elementary Test Dates
Memorial Day Observed (district closed)
Tentative Last Day for Students (95 student days)
Teacher Workdays/Professional Learning
This calendar has:
177 student contact days (includes 6 storm make-up days); 171 days with students
183 teacher contract days (189 scheduled teacher days includes 6 storm make-up days)
New Teachers report on August 5 for 3 additional paid days
* Veterans are honored through school day activities
**Due to a 261 work day year, 260 day classified employees will have the work day off without pay
36 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
District Closed
Semester begins
No student/school
Semester Ends
Please refer to specific dates
2017-2018 Calendar
Academy School District 20
2017/18 District Calendar
October 19
November 10
November 20-24
December 15
Dec 18 - Jan 1
Jan 1
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 15
February 16
February 19
March 16
March 21, 22
October 6
Oct 18, 19
October 20
August 9, 10
August 11
August 14
August 17, 18
September 4
September 5
July 4
August 4, 7, 8,
March 22
1110 Chapel Hills Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920-3923
(719) 234-1200
October 5
Adopted 2-5-2015
Revised 2-18-2016
March 23
March 26 - 30
April 20
May 3, 4
May 28
May 31
June 1 & 4
Independence Day observed (district closed)
Professional Learning & Orientation for New
Teachers (no students)
Professional Learning Days (no students)
Teacher Workday (no students)
First Day of School
Elementary Test Dates
Labor Day (district closed)
Elementary Professional Learning Day
(no elementary students)
Elementary Teacher workday (no elementary students)
End of First Quarter
Professional Learning Day (no students)
All levels Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
(all students in school Oct 18,
high school students in school Oct 19)
Elementary/Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference
(no elementary/middle school students,
high schools in session)
Schools not in session due to Oct 18, 19 evening
conferences (school offices staffed until noon)
* Veterans Day is observed in schools
Thanksgiving Vacation (schools closed)
End of First Semester (82 student days)
Winter Vacation (schools closed)
New Year's Day (district closed)
Teacher Workday (no students)
Professional Learning Days (no students)
Students Return/Second Semester Begins
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (district closed)
Professional Learning Day (no students)
Presidents’ Day (district closed)
Elementary Teacher Workday (no elementary students)
Third quarter ends
All levels Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
(all students in school March 21,
high school students in school March 22)
Elementary/Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference
(no elementary/middle school students,
high schools in session)
Schools not in session due to March 21, 22 evening
conferences (school offices staffed until noon)
Spring Vacation (schools closed)
Professional Learning Day (no students)
Elementary Test Dates
Memorial Day Observed (district closed)
Tentative Last Day for Students (95 student days)
Teacher Workdays/Professional Learning
District Closed
Semester begins
No student/school
Semester Ends
Please refer to specific dates
This calendar has:
177 student contact days (includes 6 storm make-up days); 171 days with students
183 teacher contract days (189 scheduled teacher days includes 6 storm make-up days)
New Teachers report on August 4 for 3 additional paid days
* Veterans are honored through school day activities
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 37
Contact Information
1 Academy Calvert K-8 Online
Donna Heinrich, Principal
3475 Hampton Park Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-5630
2 Academy Endeavour Elementary
Bobbi Harper, Principal
3475 Hampton Park Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-5600 FAX: 234-5699
3 Academy International Elementary
Laura McNally, Principal
8550 Charity Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-4000 FAX: 234-4099
4 Academy Online High School
Nathan Gorsch, Principal
1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-1670, FAX: 234-1732
4AThe Village Hybrid Program
Nathan Gorsch, Principal
10750 Thunder Mountain Ave., 80908
PHONE: 234-1670, FAX: 234-1732
5 Air Academy High School
Dan Olson, Principal
6910 Carlton Drive, 80840
PHONE: 234-2400 FAX: 234-2599
6 Antelope Trails Elementary
Laura Cresap, Principal
15280 Jessie Drive, 80921
PHONE: 234-4100 FAX: 234-4199
7 Aspen Valley Campus 9-12
George Stone, Principal
1450 Chapel Hills, 80920
PHONE: 234-6000 FAX: 234-6099
7AAspen Valley Campus 7-8
Randy Thomas, Program Facilitator
1470 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-6100
8 Challenger Middle School
Tony Scott, Principal
10215 Lexington Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-3000 FAX: 234-3199
9 Chinook Trail Elementary
Patrick Schumaker, Principal
11795 Grand Lawn Circle, 80924
PHONE: 234-5700 FAX: 234-5799
10Discovery Canyon Campus
Andie Ruskin, Elementary Principal
Mario Romero, Middle School Principal
Jim Bailey, High School Principal
1810 North Gate Blvd., 80921
PHONE: 234-1800 FAX: 234-1899
11 Douglass Valley Elementary
Kelly Farmer, Principal
4610 Douglass Drive, 80840
PHONE: 234-4200 FAX: 234-4299
12Eagleview Middle School
John Jamison, Principal
1325 Vindicator Drive, 80919
PHONE: 234-3400 FAX: 234-3599
38 | 2016-2017 Parent Guide
13Edith Wolford Elementary
Bob Wedel, Principal
13710 Black Forest Road, 80908
PHONE: 234-4300 FAX: 234-4399
14Explorer Elementary
Kay Lynn Waddell, Principal
4190 Bardot Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-4400 FAX: 234-4499
15Foothills Elementary
Rose Bergles, Principal
825 Allegheny Drive ,80919
PHONE: 234-4500 FAX: 234-4599
16Frontier Elementary
Kelly Garnhart, Principal
3755 Meadow Ridge Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-4600 FAX: 234-4699
17 High Plains Elementary
Tom Andrew, Principal
2248 Vintage Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-4700 FAX: 234-4799
18Home School Academy
1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-1473 FAX 234-1749
19Liberty High School
Alan Thimmig, Principal
8720 Scarborough Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-2200 FAX: 234-2399
20Mountain Ridge Middle School
Jeff Sterk, Principal
9150 Lexington Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-3200 FAX: 234-3399
21Mountain View Elementary
Jill Hooper, Principal
10095 Lexington Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-4800 FAX: 234-4899
22Pine Creek High School
Kolette Back, Principal
10750 Thunder Mountain Avenue, 80908
PHONE: 234-2600 FAX: 234-2799
23Pioneer Elementary
Diane Naghi, Principal
3663 Woodland Hills Drive, 80918
PHONE: 234-5000 FAX: 234-5099
24Prairie Hills Elementary
Vicki Axford, Principal
8025 Telegraph Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-5100 FAX: 234-5199
25Rampart High School
Peter Alvarez, Principal
8250 Lexington Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-2000 FAX: 234-2199
26Ranch Creek Elementary
Susan Paulson, Principal
9155 Tutt Boulevard, 80924
Phone: 234-5500 FAX: 234-5599
27Rockrimmon Elementary
Carre Bonilla, Principal
195 W. Mikado Drive, 80919
PHONE: 234-5200 FAX: 234-5299
28School in the Woods
Bob Wedel, Principal
12002 Vollmer Road, 80908
PHONE: 495-1865
29The Classical Academy Central K-6
Rebecca DeMeyer, Principal
1655 Springcrest Road, 80920
PHONE: 265-9766 FAX: 265-1751
30The Classical Academy
East-K-6, Cottage Program-K-8, College
Pathways Program-7-12
Amy Nelson, East K-6 Principal
Susan Nosal, Cottage K-8 Principal
12201 Cross Peak View, 80921
PHONE: 282-1181 FAX: 260-9743
Steve Wright, College Pathways Principal
PHONE: 494-0631 FAX: 484-0087
31 The Classical Academy, North K-12
Don Stump, Elementary Principal
975 Stout Road, 80921
PHONE: 484-0081 FAX: 484-0078
Hugh Di Pretore, Jr. High Principal
PHONE: 484-0091 FAX: 487-2339
Sean Shields, High School Principal
PHONE: 484-0091 FAX: 494-0085
32The da Vinci Academy
Cindy Fesgen, Principal
1335 Bridle Oaks Lane, 80921
PHONE: 234-5400 FAX: 234-5499
33Timberview Middle School
Brett Smith, Principal
8680 Scarborough Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-3600 FAX: 234-3799
34Woodmen-Roberts Elementary
Jenny Sterk, Principal
8365 Orchard Path Road, 80919
PHONE: 234-5300 FAX: 234-5399
35Education and Administration
Center, Learning Services,
Preschool at Briargate, Finance,
Purchasing, Technology
1110 Chapel Hills Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-1200 FAX: 234-1299
36Facilities and Planning
10221 Lexington Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-1500
7408 Duryea Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-1460
7408 Duryea Drive, 80920
PHONE: 234-1410
do D
Building Map
2016-2017 Parent Guide | 39
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Colorado Spgs., CO 80920
Education and Administration Center
1110 Chapel Hills Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Permit No. 434
The mission of Academy School District 20 is to educate every student in a safe and nurturing environment
and to provide comprehensive, challenging curricular and extracurricular opportunities that meet the unique needs
of every individual by expanding interests, enhancing abilities, and equipping every student with the knowledge,
skills, and character essential to being a responsible citizen of our community, our nation, and the world.