2013 Leisure Guide-Final
2013 Leisure Guide-Final
Table of Contents Welcome to Lambton Shores Welcome Message .................................................................................................................................... 3 Message from the Mayor.......................................................................................................................... 3 Community Information Churches & Places of Worship .................................................................................................................. 4 Childcare ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Schools ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Public Libraries .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Museums ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Theatres .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Art Galleries & Artists ............................................................................................................................. 10 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Community Centres & Arenas ........................................................................................................... 11‐12 Community Health Centres ..................................................................................................................... 13 Curling Clubs ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Lawn Bowling .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Royal Canadian Legions .......................................................................................................................... 14 Youth Centres ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Other Facilities Available to the Public ................................................................................................... 15 Parks & Playgrounds .......................................................................................................................... 16‐20 Trails ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Beaches ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Municipally Owned Harbours & Marinas ............................................................................................... 23 Communities in Bloom .................................................................................................................................. 24‐27 Community Maps .......................................................................................................................................... 28‐30 ........................................................................................................................................................... 35‐37 Lambton Shores Nature Trails Brochure ...................................................................................................... 31‐34 Community Contacts ..................................................................................................................................... 38‐47 Youth Groups and Camps .............................................................................................................................. 48‐49 Other Non‐Profit Organizations .................................................................................................................... 50‐51 Business Associations ......................................................................................................................................... 51 Recreation Service Providers ........................................................................................................................ 52‐55 Sports & Recreation Groups.......................................................................................................................... 56‐60 2013 Calendar of Events ............................................................................................................................... 60‐63 Municipal Contact Information .......................................................................................................................... 64 2 Welcome to Lambton Shores Lambton Shores... Naturally the best place to thrive! The network of communities in Lambton Shores is comprised of expansive golden beaches, popular campgrounds, parks, cycling, hiking and cross‐country ski trails, indoor and outdoor theatres, rural farms, and marketplaces. Historic towns and villages are a shopper’s delight, while naturalists enjoy the area for the abundance of wildlife, birds and butterflies found in the Pinery Provincial Park, at the Lambton Heritage Museum, Port Franks Wetlands and Forested Dunes, and along the many nature trails in our community. Lambton Shores was incorporated in 2001 by the amalgamation of Arkona, Bosanquet, Forest, Grand Bend and Thedford. We are home to approximately 12,000 full‐time residents and we have an influx of campers and cottagers who call Lambton Shores their home away from home. Message from the Mayor of Lambton Shores Dear Residents and Visitors to the Municipality of Lambton Shores Welcome to the third edition of the Lambton Shores’ Recreation & Leisure Guide. Our recreation and leisure infrastructure is vital to the quality of life for this community. Our Council recognizes the importance of this and will continue its strategic investment in such projects. We have two state‐of‐the‐art recreation centres, pristine beaches, two Blue Flag marinas, and parks scattered throughout the municipality for public enjoyment. These investments are part of Lambton Shores’ commitment to provide the community with excellent recreational and tourism facilities. The Recreation and Leisure Master Plan will continue help guide decisions regarding parks, recreation and leisure services over the foreseeable future. This Guide outlines the various recreation and leisure activities and facilities within Lambton Shores, including a listing of the community groups and their contacts. Browse through the listings and find out how you can get involved in your community…it can be a very rewarding experience! One new addition to the Guide this year is a detailed brochure complied by the Lambton Shores Nature Trails Committee. This brochure provides information on the various nature trails within Lambton Shores. With all Lambton Shores has to offer, it is easy to see why it is naturally the best place to thrive! Sincerely Bill Weber, Mayor 3 Community Information Churches & Places of Worship Anglican Parish of North Lambton 20 Main Street South, Forest 519‐786‐2634 Bahá’í Faith PO Box 975, Grand Bend 519‐238‐8092 Church of God Parsonage Hwy 21, South of Grand Bend 519‐238‐2142 Elim Bible Chapel 8457 Townsend Line, Arkona 519‐828‐3076 Forest Gospel Hall 33 Main Street North, Forest 519‐786‐2600 Grand Bend Church of God Gill Road & Hwy 81, Grand Bend 519‐238‐2142 Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church Hwy 21 South of Grand Bend 519‐238‐8556 Knox Presbyterian Church 182 Main Street, Thedford 519‐296‐4910 St. Anne’s Anglican Church 10027 Port Franks Rd, Port Franks 519‐243‐1418 Arkona Baptist Church 13 Church Street, Arkona 519‐828‐3062 Bethel Pentecostal Church 143 Anne Street, Thedford 519‐296‐4468 Echoes of Faith Pentecostal Church 24 Prince Street, Forest 519‐786‐2808 Forest Baptist Church 19 Prince Street, Forest 519‐786‐3480 Forest United Church 21 James Street North, Forest 519‐786‐2514 Grand Bend United Church 25 Main Street, Grand Bend 519‐238‐2402 Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall 5959 Townsend Line, Forest 519‐786‐6200 Lakeshore Gospel Hall RR 5, Forest 519‐786‐4040 St. Christopher’s Roman Catholic Church 68 Union Street, Forest 519‐786‐5243 St. James Presbyterian Church 19 Main Street, Forest 519‐786‐4522 St. John’s By‐the‐Lake Anglican Church 58 Ontario Street, Grand Bend 519‐238‐2489 Thedford‐Sylvan United Church Thedford 519‐296‐5657 4 Community Information Childcare Centres North Lambton Childcare Centre 37 Morris Street, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐6161 ext. 224 www.nlchildcare.ca Programs available for infant, toddler and pre‐school ages. Free Early Learning Program. Ontario Early Years Centre Ontario Early Years Centre 63 MacDonald Street (Morris Street Entrance), Forest Phone: 519‐786‐6161 ext. 230 Website: www.nlchildcare.ca/oeyc The Ontario Early Years Centre offers many valuable programs and services to families with children ages 0 – 6. Outreach programs are available in Thedford, Arkona and Grand Bend. All programs are free of charge. Some of the programs offered include: Infant Massage, Baby Sign, Kid’s Cook, Family Math, Parenting Through Each Other and Dad’s Connect. Nursery Schools Bosanquet Small World Nursery School 16 Allen Street, Thedford Phone: 519‐296‐4454 Two and a half hour sessions are offered in both the morning and afternoon. Early Learning Program (ELP) provides twelve and a half hours of free childcare per week for residents of Lambton County between the ages of two and a half to four years, and who are not yet eligible for Junior Kindergarten. The program is also available for children at two years of age (fees apply). Grand Bend Nursery School 15 Gill Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐8514 Located in the Community Room of the Grand Bend Public School. We are a non‐profit organization, licensed under the Ministry of Community and Social Services. For children ages two and a half to five years. Drop‐in service available upon request. Best Start Program Best Start Hub, Kinnwood Central School 63 MacDonald Street (Morris Street Entrance), Forest Phone: 519‐786‐6161 ext. 230 Website: www.ourbeststart.ca Best Start Hubs support families with children from birth to age 6 with family drop‐ins and parenting programs at the Ontario Early Years Centre. Best Start also provides direct linkages with community professionals including preschool speech and language, infant development, postpartum mood disorder and parent & baby drop‐in programs. 5 Community Information School Boards St. Clair Catholic District School Board 420 Creek Street, Wallaceburg Phone: 519‐627‐6762 or 1‐866‐336‐6139 Website: www.st‐clair.net Lambton Kent District School Board 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia Phone: 519‐336‐1500 or 1‐800‐754‐7125 Website: www.lkdsb.net Elementary Schools Bosanquet Central School 8766 Northville Road, Thedford Phone: 519‐296‐4962 Soccer field Gymnasium Classrooms Grand Bend Public School 15 Gill Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐2091 Gymnasium Community Room Classrooms Note: For gymnasium and community room rentals call 1‐866‐943‐1400. St. John Fisher Catholic School 44 Main Street North, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐5201 Soccer field Gymnasium Classrooms Kinnwood Central Public School 63 MacDonald Street, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐5351 Soccer field Gymnasium Classrooms Secondary Schools North Lambton Secondary School 15 – 17 George Street, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐2166 Gymnasium Auditorium with stage Soccer field Classrooms Community Use of Schools Community Use of Schools is a Ministry of Education initiative which supports access to school spaces outside of school hours for local non‐profit community groups. Locally, the Lambton Kent District School Board and the St. Clair Catholic District School Board collaboratively endorse and encourage community use of their schools in Chatham‐Kent and Sarnia‐Lambton. The two boards, working together under the umbrella of the Chatham‐Kent Lambton Administrative School Services (CLASS) Agreement, support the Ministry’s vision to see schools as welcoming and inclusive places for community members to come together, volunteer, build skills, access community programs, and become physically active during non‐school hours. For information on available spaces or for rentals, please call 1‐877‐330‐4287 or visit www.communityuseofschools.com. 6 Community Information Public Libraries Arkona Library 16 Smith Street, Arkona Phone: 519‐828‐3406 Forest Library 61 King Street, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐5152 Grand Bend Library 15 Gill Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐2067 Port Franks Library 9997 Port Franks Road, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐2820 Thedford Library 16 Allen Street, Thedford Phone: 519‐296‐4459 Get to know your neighbourhood library! Lambton County Library’s 26 branches provide a variety of services to the public including programming and Internet access. A free library membership allows access to a variety of materials to meet recreational, informational and educational needs. This includes print, multi‐media, e‐resources and online services. There are many great programs available for all ages at Lambton County Libraries, and many of these programs are available for no charge. Visit www.lclmg.org or call your local branch for available programs, dates and times. Pre‐registration is required for most programs. Tales for Tots: available for toddlers and babies up to age 2, with a parent or caregiver present Story Hour: children ages 3 –5 years Children's Programs Winter and Summer Reading Programs: ages 3—12 years Teen Programs: ages 12 years and up Adult Book Discussion Group Adult Craft Group 7 Community Information Museums Arkona Lions Museum 8680 Rock Glen Road, Arkona Phone: 519‐828‐3071 or 519‐235‐2610 Website: www.lambtononline.com The Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre houses an impressive collection of Devonian Era fossils and aboriginal artifacts found in the local area. Forest Lambton Museum 8 Main Street, North, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐3239 Website: www.lambtononline.com The collection at the Forest Lambton Museum includes local artifacts, pictures and documents, extensive doll collection, flax production display, early local telephone, electrical and railway exhibits, Excelsior Band memorabilia and more. Lambton Heritage Museum 10035 Museum Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐243‐2600 Website: www.lclmg.org The Lambton Heritage Museum is home to more than 25,000 artifacts and 10,000 photographs depicting the history of Lambton County. This 50,000 square foot complex welcomes approximately 17,000 visitors per year. Visitors to the Museum can marvel at Canada’s largest collection of pressed glass, Ontario’s only horse‐drawn ambulance and rare antique engines and stoves, which includes models that are not known to survive in any other collection. Exhibits include: 1867 Cameron Presbyterian Church, from Euphemia Township 1857 Pioneer Home built by Daniel Tudhop from Bosanquet Township Beef‐Ring Slaughterhouse, which operated in Bosanquet until the 1950’s Ravenswood Blacksmith Shop Rokeby School, Brooke Township, 1899 Two agricultural barns with a vast collection of local agricultural and pioneer implements 8 Community Information Theatres Huron Country Playhouse & Playhouse II R.R. #1, 70689 B Line, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6000 or 1‐888‐449‐4463 Website: www.huroncountryplayhouse.com Located in a picturesque country setting, just minutes from the shores of Lake Huron in Grand Bend, and less than one hour’s drive from Sarnia and London, the century‐old Playhouse barn and the intimate Playhouse II are perfect spots for a truly unforgettable summer theatre experience. The spacious 650‐seat main auditorium and the 160‐seat Playhouse II, are both air‐conditioned and wheelchair accessible. This historic venue is operated by award‐winning Drayton Entertainment, a registered not‐for‐profit charitable organization and one of Canada's most successful professional theatre companies. The 2013 Playbill has been set and can be viewed online at www.huroncountryplayhouse.com. Kiwanis Kineto Theatre 24 King Street West, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐2303 Website: www.kineto.ca The Kineto offers the finest in movie entertainment with a small town appeal. The theatre is operated by the Kiwanis Club of Forest, as a non— profit venture. As the oldest running movie theatre in Ontario, the Kineto is a great place to bring the whole family. Thanks to the generosity for the community, the Kiwanis were able to upgrade their equipment to the new digital format, which will allow the theatre to stay in business for many years to come. Patrons are now able to view select movies in 3‐D! The Forest Amphitheatre (located at Esli Dodge Conservation Area) 88 Main Street South, Forest Phone: 519‐243‐1400 Watch a play or concert. Superb acoustics in a natural hillside setting. Hillside seating capacity is over 6,000 people. Featuring a picturesque man made lake, picnic shelter and tables, a play area and walking trails. Pets are welcome. Starlite Drive‐In 36752 Crediton Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐8344 Website: www.starlitedriveintheatre.com The local drive‐in! Concession stand and washroom facilities. Free overnight parking and camping on request. Open seasonally. Victoria Playhouse Petrolia 411 Greenfield Street, Petrolia Phone: 1‐800‐717‐7694 or 519‐882‐1221 (Box Office) Website: www.thevpp.ca Victoria Playhouse Petrolia is one of South Western Ontario's most successful professional summer theatres. Offering a wide range of top quality theatrical productions May through September, Victoria Playhouse Petrolia also boasts an exciting off‐season concert series, and several youth programs. This state‐of‐the‐art facility boasts 425 seats, air‐conditioning, bar, and is completely accessible. 9 Community Information Art Galleries & Artists Lambton Shores is home to many talented artists and artisans. Their work is displayed in a variety of settings, including home studios. Many of the artists listed here require viewings by appointment, so be sure to call before you visit. Please note: Lambton Shores is continually updating our database. For updated information, visit our website, www.lambtonshores.ca. Art By 3 7710 Clayton Street, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐3321 Baillie’s Picture Framing 22 – 81 Crescent, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐1472 Website: www.bailliesframing.ca Bliss Studio 7617 Riverside Drive, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐3598 Grand Bend Art Centre 65 River Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6873 Website: http://kryartstudio.ca/grand_bend.html Helga Otton, Artist Southcott Pines, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6671 Website: www.helgaotton.ca Jack Winn Abstract Art 18 Eilber Street, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐5377 Website: www.jackwinn.com Josy Hilkes Britton 9922 Pinetree Court, Huron Woods, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6036 Website: www.josybritton.com Lovart Gallery 3 Main Street, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐2670 Puck Merkies Fine Art Studio 10350 Lakeview Avenue, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐8759 Richard Brown Photography Plus 3 King Street West, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐5151 River Road Gallery 63 River Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6874 Website: www.riverroadgallery.com Roadside Art & Gift Baskets 7449 Sanderson Road, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐3860 Rustic Creations 10000 Erie Street, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐3090 Website: www.crowingaboutprimatives.com Sunset Arts Gallery 63 River Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6914 Website: www.sunsetarts.info The Artist Bill Nieuwland 10011 Old River Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐6447 Website: www.theartistbill.com The End of the Road Treasures 79 King Street, Thedford Phone: 519‐296‐4813 10 Recreation & Leisure Facilities No matter where you live in Lambton Shores, you’re sure to be near a gathering place where members of our community come together for social, leisure and business functions. The municipality owns two arenas and six community centres with a range of amenities suitable for small or large gatherings. To book one of these facilities, please call the Community Services Department at 519‐243‐1400 or 1‐866‐943‐1400. Community Centres & Arenas The Shores Recreation Centre 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest NHL sized ice surface, can be used as a concrete pad during the non‐ice season Concrete pad has a capacity of 1,200 Arena stands have a capacity of 700, with standing room for an additional 300 Acoustic siding on the arena walls reduces echoing and enhances sound quality Free access walking track Full‐sized gymnasium, can be divided by a curtain wall Concession Lower Board room with a capacity of 40, Upper Board room with a capacity of 10 Suncor Wellness Centre, operated by the YMCA Municipal offices The Legacy Recreation Centre 16 Allen Street, Thedford The facility recently received a major renovation as a result of stimulus funding and an ambitious fundraising campaign Full sized ice surface (180’ x 80’), which can be used as an indoor exhibition/event space during the non‐ice season Arena stands have combined seating and standing for 600, concrete pad has a capacity of 1,000 Community hall, great for weddings and community functions, includes a bar and industrial kitchen Hall can be divided by a retractable wall to become two multi‐purpose rooms Concession Bosanquet Small World Nursery School and Thedford Public Library is located in the facility The facility grounds include two baseball diamonds (no lights), a lawn mower race track, and playground equipment This is the first LEED© certified building in Lambton Shores Every effort has been made to ensure energy efficiency and environmental stewardship 11 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Community Centres & Arenas Arkona Community Centre 16 Smith Street, Arkona Community Room with a capacity of 50, ideal for small classes, cards and bridal/baby showers Meeting Room Home to the Arkona Library Facility grounds include playground equipment, basketball court, parking and a sitting area Arkona Seniors Centre 7355 Arkona Road, Arkona Multi‐purpose room with a capacity of 60 Kitchen This facility is leased to the Arkona Seniors, call 519‐828‐3409 for rentals The Grand Bend Recreation Centre 15 Gill Road, Grand Bend Located at the Grand Bend Public School Gymnasium is available for public use, and has a capacity of 200 Community room has a capacity of 40 and includes a small kitchen The Grand Bend Public Library is also located in the Recreation Centre ** See also Community Use of Schools, page 6 Kimball Hall 6276 Townsend Line, Forest This facility contains a community hall with a capacity of 400, and a meeting room with a capacity of 15 The community hall includes a kitchen, bar area and stage This facility is leased to the Optimist Club of Forest. For rentals and additional details, call 519‐786‐6958. Port Franks Community Centre 9997 Port Franks Road, Port Franks Optimist Hall has a capacity of 240 and includes a newly renovated kitchen and bar area The West Wing has a capacity of 149 and includes a small kitchen The two halls can be combined to form a larger hall and is great for weddings and dances The Port Franks Public Library is located in this facility The Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks leases the upper portion of this facility for a meeting space and youth centre Facility grounds include plenty of green space, tennis courts, playground equipment, a soccer field, shaded sitting areas, baseball diamond and a skateboard park Thedford Village Complex 109 Pearl Street, Thedford Contains one multi‐purpose room with a capacity of 70 Includes a kitchen Adjacent to the newly constructed Village Green 12 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Community Health Centres Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre 69 Main Street East, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐1556 (Programs & Allied Health Services); 519‐238‐2362 (Medical Appointments) Website: www.gbachc.ca Health Centres are non‐profit community governed organizations that provide comprehensive primary medical care and health promotion programs using multi‐disciplinary teams of health providers. Health Centres are funded by the Ministry of Health through the Local Health Integrated Networks system. Lambton Shores is part of the Erie St Clair LHIN. Our multidisciplinary team offers medical health services for our enrolled clients. Health promotion and disease prevention programs are available to everyone in our community and are usually free, low cost or subsidized. The following programs are examples of what you will find at the Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre: ∙ Weight Management ∙ Diabetes Self Management programs ∙ Nutrition Classes ∙ Stress Management ∙ Healthy Choices & Lifestyle Changes ∙ Blood Pressure Clinics ∙ Smoking Cessation ∙ C.O.P.D. Management Program ∙ Exercise Classes ∙ Chronic Pain Management ∙ Heart Health & Cholesterol Management ∙ Community Health Presentations ∙ Mental Health Programs & Support Groups ∙ Aging at Home ∙ Community initiative programs that address the Social Determinants of Health North Lambton Community Health Centre 3‐59 King Street West, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐4545 ext. 273 Website: www.nlchc.com Find us on The North Lambton Community Health Centre inter‐disciplinary team, supported by the administrative team, provides primary health care services for registered clients. The Centre also provides a wide range of health promotion and disease prevention programs for everyone in our community based on assessed needs. Participants can register for available programs by calling the Health Centre. Programs include: ∙ Prenatal Classes ∙ Afterschool Programs (multiple outreach locations) ∙ Coffee Time ∙ Young at Heart Seniors Dinner ∙ Low Impact Fun and Winter Walking Programs (multiple locations) ∙ Garden Fresh Box ∙ Grocery Store Smarts ∙ Healthy You Program ∙ Smoking Cessation ∙ Cooking Classes ∙ Volunteer Program ∙ Dietitian and Social Work Services ∙ Specialized Teams including Diabetes Education Program, COPD Program, Falls Prevention Program For more information on these or any other programs please contact the Centre. 13 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Curling Forest Curling & Social Club 6276 Townsend Line, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐2736 Website: www.forestcurling.ca The Forest Curling & Social Club has hosted events such as the Legion Dominion Championship, the Legion Provincial Finals, Ontario Junior Men and Junior Women Provincial Championship, plus many Ontario Region and Zone qualifiers. There is a variety of memberships available for all ages and all skill levels. The Club has four sheets which can be rented when available. The facility also contains washrooms, lounge area, bar, kitchen and change rooms and was recently renovated (2011) to improve services. Lawn Bowling Forest Lawn Bowling Club 6276 Townsend Line, Forest Phone: 519‐243‐3026 Website: www.lawnbowlingforest.ca The Forest Lawn Bowling Club houses ten greens and a clubhouse with a small kitchen and washrooms. Jitneys are played every Tuesday and Thursday. Non‐members are welcome to come play and instruction is available upon request. Royal Canadian Legions Royal Canadian Legion Br. 176, Forest 58 Albert Street, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐5357 The Legion is an organization that provides facilities and support for the veterans. We also provide our facility for use by seniors and youth groups. We support many charities with our lottery program and many groups use the facility for meetings. We have a banquet hall which is available for rent by the community. Regular programs that take place at the Legion include: shuffleboard, darts, seniors’ games and cards. Royal Canadian Legion Br. 498, Grand Bend 20 Municipal Drive, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐2120 A public facility for all to enjoy. “You’re only a stranger here once”. Regular events include bingo, meat draws, darts, line dancing, and entertainment every Saturday afternoon from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. Everyone welcome. Royal Canadian Legion Br. 278, Thedford 43 Nelson Street, Thedford Phone: 519‐296‐4939 This facility is available for many functions including birthdays, anniversaries and small gatherings. 14 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Youth Centres Ausable Port Franks Optimist Youth Centre 9997 Port Franks Road, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐3005 The Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks operates a Youth Centre out of the Port Franks Community Centre. Youth ages 6 to 10 can enjoy a variety of activities and a snack. Call for program dates and times. Grand Bend Optimist Youth Centre 16 Municipal Drive, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐1155 Website: www.gbyouthcentre.ca The mission of the Youth Centre is to promote and encourage recreation programs for all ages within Lambton Shores, while creating everlasting relationships with peers, volunteers and staff. We are a non‐profit organization aimed at children and youth of Lambton Shores. We offer various programs throughout the year. Visit our website for details. Other Facilities Available for Public Use Country Manor Retirement Facility 66 Victoria Street, Box 160 Thedford Phone: 519‐296‐4919 Website: www.countrymanorestates.com Booking your wedding in Lambton Shores…. Beautiful community halls available for rental Friendly, courteous staff to assist you Free no obligation facility tours Renters information package available The Legacy Recreation Centre Beautiful state of the art community hall Natural lighting Hall fee includes use of round tables and matching chairs, banquet tables also available for up to 350 people Industrial professional-grade kitchen, includes use of matching dishes and glassware Separate bar area For more intimate settings, the hall can be divided by a retractable wall Sound system Port Franks Community Centre Natural setting in Port Franks Plenty of trees and green space on the property— ideal for photos Two halls that can be combined to form a large hall Large newly renovated kitchen Separate bar area Kitchenette available Banquet tables and matching chairs for 200 people Sound system ** Renters must apply for a Special Occasion Permit at the local LCBO for licensed events, and must supply their own bartenders. Alcohol liability insurance can be purchased from the Municipality for events taking place on municipal property. Call 519-243-1400 for details. 15 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Enjoying the beauty of the great outdoors comes naturally in Lambton Shores. The serene surroundings of our parks and conservation areas provides the perfect backdrop for picnics, wedding ceremonies and family outings. There are also many great activities for families and children as many of our parks have playgrounds or sports fields to enjoy. To book a pavilion or sports field, please call the Community Services Department at 519‐243‐1400 or 1‐866‐943‐1400. Please note: This is not intended to be a complete listing of all parks in Lambton Shores. Much of our parkland is considered “passive”, and therefore is not included in this list. Similarly, there are many residential parks located throughout the municipality which are not included in this list. Parks & Playgrounds Arkona Community Centre Park, 16 Smith Street, Arkona Playground equipment Basketball Court Washrooms (inside the Community Centre) Paved parking lot Spray Pad Coultis Park 6276 Townsend Line, Forest Playground equipment Pavilion Picnic Tables Washrooms Open areas Lit Baseball Diamond Concession (open during baseball games) Parking Ball diamond and pavilion are available for rental Eilber Street Park 7 Eilber Street, Grand Bend Playground equipment Picnic area Paid parking Washrooms Esli Dodge Conservation Area 88 Main Street, Forest Playground equipment Picnic area Pavilion Washrooms Open green space Tennis courts Paved walking/cycling paths Island and gazebo are available for rental Home to Canada Day Celebrations, and long running play, “The Promise” The amphitheatre design makes this facility ideal for concerts 16 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Forest X‐Park 12 Railroad Way, Forest Skateboard, Scooter, In‐Line Skate Park Parking Grand Bend Lions’ Park 10 Municipal Drive, Grand Bend Skateboard Park Bocce Court Basketball Court (outdoor ice rink in the winter) Lit baseball diamond Play equipment Pavilion Washrooms Parking Klondyke Sports Park 9989 Klondyke Road, Grand Bend Five full‐sized soccer fields, and two mini fields Fully‐accessible playground equipment Pavilion Washrooms Green space Parking Optimist Children’s Park King’s Highway 81, Grand Bend Playground equipment Picnic/seating area Pleasure Park 45 Jefferson Street, Forest Playground equipment Adjacent to the Forest Fairgrounds Green space Parking Port Franks Community Centre Park 9997 Port Franks Road, Port Franks Soccer field Baseball diamond Playground equipment Washrooms Skateboard Park Tennis courts—keys available from the Community Services Department for $10 per season Picnic area Parking Green space Lambton County Heritage Forest Nature Trails access 17 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Rotary Civic Square Rotary Way & Victoria Street, Forest Seating areas Gardens nearby at the Forest Library Access to Forest Walkway Trail Parking Grand & Trunk Line Railway Track Trail entrance Shipley’s Grove & McRae Park 6276 Townsend Line, Forest Soccer field Hardball lit baseball diamond Concession (open during baseball games) Washroom facilities Parking Sphere Park 46 River Road, Grand Bend Seating area Green space overlooking the Grand Bend Harbour The Legacy Recreation Centre Park 16 Allen Street, Thedford Playground equipment Two baseball diamonds A lawnmower race track, with lawnmower races organized through‐ out the year by the Thedford Spirit Club Washrooms Parking Thedford Village Green 109 Pearl Street, Thedford Accessible playground equipment Gazebo Seating areas Perennial gardens Parking Whyte Park 30 Washington Street, Forest Picnic area Tennis courts Green space Utter Park 7266 Arkona Road, Arkona Two baseball diamonds, both with lights Playground equipment Pavilion Washrooms Concession (open during baseball games and tournaments) Parking 18 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Play Equip. Pavilion Washrooms Open Areas / Green Space Baseball Soccer Pitch Tennis Courts Skate Park Walking Paths/Trails Parking Food Booth Arkona Community Centre Park, Arkona • • • Coultis Park, Forest • • • • • • • Crescent Street Parkette, Grand Bend • Eilber Street Park, Grand Bend • • • Esli Dodge Conservation Area, Forest • • • • • • • • • Grand Bend Lions Park • • • • • • Klondyke Sports Park, Grand Bend • • • • • • Municipal Drive Park, Grand Bend • • • Pleasure Park, Forest • • Port Franks Community Centre Park • • • • • • • • • Rotary Civic Square, Forest • • • Shipley’s Grove/McRae Park, Forest • • • • • Sphere Park, Grand Bend • • The Legacy Centre Park, Thedford • • • • • Thedford Village Green • • • Whyte Park, Forest • • Utter Park , Arkona • • • • • • Forest X‐Park Conservation Authorities Lambton Shores falls within two conservation area zones: north of Port Franks falls under the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and south of Port Franks falls under the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority. The Conservation Authority implements programs to reduce the risk to life and property from flooding and erosion; water and land stewardship; forestry; wildlife habitat creation and outdoor recreation. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON N0M 1S5 Tel: 519‐235‐2610 Toll Free: 1‐888‐286‐2610 www.abca.on.ca 19 St. Clair Region Conservation Authority 205 Mull Pond Crescent, Strathroy, ON N7G 3P9 Tel: 519‐245‐3710 www.scrca.on.ca Recreation & Leisure Facilities Pinery Provincial Park 9526 Lakeshore Rd, RR 2 Grand Bend Phone: 519‐243‐2220 (General Inquiries), 519‐243‐8574 (Visitor’s Centre), 519‐243‐1521 (Friends of Pinery Park) Website: www.pinerypark.on.ca The Pinery Provincial Park is one of the largest and most unique natural areas in south western Ontario. The Park welcomes thousands of visitors each year and is open year‐round so that all may enjoy the beauty that each season has to offer. The 6,330 acre park is home to more than 757 plant, 325 bird and 60 butterfly species; a globally‐rare Oak Savanna ecosystem; freshwater coastal dunes; habitat for endangered species; and the largest protected forest in South Western Ontario. Other features of Pinery Park include: 10 km of beach, 10 nature trails and 38km of ski trails Canoeing, kayaking, fishing and hydrobiking (rentals available), cycling, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and tobogganing One of the largest year‐round interpretive programs in Ontario Wheelchair accessible general store and restaurant Year‐round Visitor’s Centre and Friends of Pinery Park Nature Gift Store 1,000 campsites and 12 yurts available for rental To help support the Pinery’s educational programs, become a member of The Friends of Pinery Park. Rock Glen Conservation Area 8680 Rock Glen Road, Arkona Phone: 519‐828‐3071 (Gatehouse), 1‐888‐286‐2610 (Administration Centre) Website: www.abca.on.ca Rock Glen Conservation Area is a unique park owned and maintained by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. There are many beautiful sights to take in, whether you are hiking along the Ausable Gorge or through the Carolinian Forest. There is something for the entire family to enjoy at the Rock Glen Conservation Area: Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre, which houses an impressive collection of Devonian Era fossils and Aboriginal artifacts found in the local area The breathtaking 10.7‐metre‐high waterfall is the park’s most popular feature Trails, boardwalks and a scenic lookout Visitors can explore for fossils in the exposed beds at the bottom of Rock Glen Falls Public washrooms Two picnic pavilions available for reservation The lookout, washrooms, museum and some trails are wheelchair accessible Guided and educational hikes are available 20 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Trails Trails are a great way to keep active, and enjoy nature with little to no cost involved. Trails can be enjoyed by people of all ages and are great for many uses including: walking, running, biking and bird watching. Lambton Shores Nature Trails Committee—Connecting People to Nature Website: www.lsntblazers.com Lambton Shores is blessed with ‘Gems of Nature’ on the northern fringe of Carolinian Canada ‐ 'Gems of Nature' that are unique. They include miles of sandy beaches along the shores of Lake Huron, forested dunes, coastal wetlands, rare Oak Savanna, deep ravines in river and creek valleys, spherical concretions in shale beds, fossils of the Devonian Era, remnant prairie lands, and more. Some 35 formal and informal nature trails go through these ‘Gems of Nature’ and half of these trails needed some degree of upgrading in terms of routing, clearing, blazing, signage, and infrastructure. Since 2011, a number of these trails have been upgraded by our volunteers. Trails in Pinery Provincial Park, the Rock Glen Conservation Area and the Esli Dodge Conservation Area in Forest are well marked and maintained for the enjoyment of walkers, joggers and cyclists. Plans are also being developed for the expansion of area bicycle trails, in‐town trails, neighbourhood trails, canoe routes, cross‐country ski trails, and connector trails. We want to let people know where these trails are. We want people of all ages to enjoy these trails going through spectacular ‘Gems of Nature’. We want to protect our ‘Gems of Nature’ from the ongoing wanton destruction by ATV’s & other motorized vehicles. We want to upgrade and maintain the nature and community trails where necessary by partnering with Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources, the County of Lambton, the Municipality of Lambton Shores, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Lambton Wildlife Inc, the Thames Talbot Land Trust, the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority, Communities in Bloom, local businesses & service organizations, area farmers, foundations & funding organizations, naturalists, students, residents and other interested parties. We want to make the vision of 'A Network of connected, accessible. safe and user‐friendly Nature Trails' a reality in Lambton Shores & Vicinity. The Lambton Shores Trails Committee has developed a brochure detailing specific trails within Lambton Shores and vicinity which can be found in the centre of this Leisure Guide. Lambton County Trails Website: www.lambtongis.ca/lambtontrails The County of Lambton has developed a trails GIS mapping system which allows the public to access information on local trails through the internet. Available information included trailheads, lookout point, trail distances, nearby amenities, etc. To access the trails GIS mapping system, visit the abovementioned website. Copies of the County’s trail guide are available in municipal offices while supplies last. 21 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Beaches Beautiful sandy beaches along the fresh, clear water of Lake Huron and breathtaking sunsets make for special summers in and around Lambton Shores. Whatever your idea of summer fun is, you’ll find it here. The Grand Bend Beach welcomes thousands of visitors each year, and has recently undergone a major enhancement to make the beach more accessible and aesthetically appealing, and great care was taken to apply good environmental stewardship to the enhancement. Ipperwash Beach, with its shallow waters, is a great choice for families to visit. Grand Bend Beach 30 Main Street, Grand Bend Lifeguards Beach House, features an upper observation deck, washrooms and a concession. Elevator access to the observation deck. Paid parking Shopping and restaurants nearby Accessible splash pad Accessible playground equipment Shade areas Boardwalk Gazebo Blue Flag Designated Beach Ipperwash Beach Public access off of West Ipperwash Road, Ipperwash Road and Army Camp Road Shallow waters makes this beach ideal for families Unsupervised Public washrooms and picnic areas nearby 22 Recreation & Leisure Facilities Municipally Owned Harbours & Marinas Sailing and boating enthusiasts can find everything they need at the Port Franks Marina and Grand Bend Harbour, which are open from the Victoria Day weekend to Thanksgiving weekend. Both the Grand Bend Harbour and the Port Franks Marina were awarded the “Blue Flag” in 2009, 2010 and 2011. “Blue Flag” is an internationally recognized symbol for environmentally friendly beach and marina facilities. There are many amenities at each of our facilities, and boaters can take the “Safe Boater Get Certified Test” at either Marina office. Grand Bend Harbour 91 River Road, Grand Bend Phone: 519‐238‐2000 30 transient slips 35 seasonal slips Public boat launch Gas dock (diesel) Public washrooms Pump out Electrical—30 amp and 50 amp Internet Shuttle Service Showers Ice Laundry facilities Port Franks Marina 7574 Biddulph Street, Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐2354 2 transient slips Internet 90 seasonal slips Showers Public boat launch Ice Public washrooms Pavilion & Picnic area—rentals available Pump out Park Electrical Basketball court Other Marinas Put In Cove 7625 Biddulph St., Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐ 0700 Cedar Cove Marina 5165 Cedar Point Line, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐ 6841 Christine’s On the River 10072 Poplar Ave., Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐ 3636 Light House Marine 7604 Biddulph St., Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐ 2701 23 R & R Marina 9340 Lakeshore Road, Forest Phone: 519‐786‐ 5604 Seven Winds Marina 7572 Biddulph St., Port Franks Phone: 519‐243‐ 3433 Communities in Bloom 2013 Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom ‘Class of Champions’ Competition After a very successful year in 2012 at the Communities in Bloom National level, the Lambton Shores Committee will continue on into 2013 by entering the “Class of Champions” competition. This is a competition amongst past winners. It is divided into large and small population categories. The Committee wants to keep that competitive edge going, along with maintaining our five bloom status. Lambton Shores 2013 Communities in Bloom Flower Colours…. In Bloom Contest Shades of Pink Watch for exciting new categories and opportunities for the 2013 contest! The following flower options make great choices for planting the Communities in Bloom theme colours in your garden this year. Each category will have two awards: Area A (Wards 1, 2, 3) and Area B (Wards 4, 5, 6, 7) Community Hanging Baskets and Container Flowers include: Proven Winners Supertunia Mini Bright Pink Proven Winners Supertunia Mini Rose Veined Proven Winners Verbena Babylon Deep Pink Applications are due June 24, 2013. Judging will take place July 2‐12, 2013. Winner’s presentations will be made during the 2013 Communities in Other Plant options: Bloom Judges’ Tour. Entry forms available at Pink Verbena Pink Petunias www.lambtonshores.ca or any municipal office. Pink Impatiens Pink Geraniums **Property owners must be aware of the Pink Canna nomination before the entry form is submitted ** Pink Calla Lily 24 Pink Begonia Pink Lily Communities in Bloom Communities in Bloom Native Tree Project 2013 Projects & Dates to Remember: Trash Bash, April 21, 2013—this is a volunteer‐driven Choosing a the right tree for the right place... community clean up effort. Volunteers meet at Select size and shape desired for location predetermined locations and disperse to pick up Contact the local nursery for choices available roadside trash in the community. Garbage and Determine pros and cons of each choice, i.e. flowering recycling bags are provided by the municipality, and Choose right—trees are a long term investment and increase property value volunteers are asked to bring their own gloves. Ensure that as the tree matures, it will not interfere with Trash Bash Week, July 2013—community groups, power lines, homes, sidewalks, etc. businesses and residents are encouraged to host a community clean up event or pay special attention Planting a tree… Once you have selected your to keeping our roadsides and public spaces free of planting site, ensure that you litter and debris in preparation for the Communities call Ontario One Call (1‐800‐400 in Bloom judges’ visit. Let Communities in Bloom ‐2255) for locates. Call before you dig. know what you are doing so this information is Dig a hole 3‐5 time wider than highlighted for the judges. roots Lambton Shores in Bloom Contest—Judging takes Slice root ball vertically 2‐3 place between July 2—July 12. Nomination forms times with a sharp knife Plant root collar at the same are due by June 24, 2013 level as grown in the field— Flower theme colours—Shades of Pink planting too deep suffocates Plant a Native Tree on your property the roots Fill hole with mixed soil Communities in Bloom Fundraisers—Communities in Water sufficiently but do not Bloom is a non‐profit organization that relies largely over water on donations and fundraisers for operation. The Committee, in conjunction with the Forest Garden Communities in Bloom along with tree experts and partner Club will present gardening expert, Paul Zammitt, at nurseries have identified three native species theme trees the Home & Garden Accents Show on April 27, 2013. for 2013: CiB will be selling Birch Log Flower Pots at the Show Red Oak (Quercus rubra) is usually 20 to 30 metres tall, with at the Shores Recreation Centre in Forest. As a part a thick trunk sometimes more than 120 centimetres in di‐ of the Community Involvement Award, expert ameter. The red oak’s leaves are dark green and are 10 to 20 gardener, Mark Cullen will be guest speaking at a yet centimetres long. They have sharp, pointed lobes (usually 7 to be determined event...keep watching for updates to 9) with bristly tips. It can tolerate a variety of soil and moisture levels and prefers full sun, but can tolerate some on this exciting event! Heritage Plaque Program—Applications are available shade. by emailing events@lambtonshores.ca or call 1‐866‐ Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis) is a small, multi‐stem 943‐1400. tree that can grow to 7 metres. White flowers bloom each Adopt a Pot and Adopt a Plot will continue 2013 spring before the oval leaves are fully grown. Red berries with a bit of a twist. In addition to flower pots, will appear in the early summer months, followed by brilliant some will contain herbs, while other will contain coloured fall foliage. Prefers sun to partial shade, but may vegetables. This is a trial project, so let’s make it a tolerate full shade. Can tolerate most soil types. success! Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) can grow up to 30 Community Gardens ‐ We a hoping to expand the metres in height, with a truck up to 100 centimetres in existing gardens in Grand Bend, Arkona and diameter. Its needles are 1 to 2 centimetres long and are Thedford in 2013 and create new gardens in Port shiny green on top and paler underneath. The cones of the Franks and Forest. eastern hemlock are oval shaped, and are 12 to 20 millimetres long. It prefers moist and cool areas and grows in a range of different soil types. It is very shade tolerant. 25 Communities in Bloom 2012 Communities in Bloom Highlights National Winners Population Category 10,001‐20,000 Community Involvement Award—Winners Community Involvement includes public involvement in various community programs and projects. recognition of volunteers, and support toward community initiatives by the municipal, business, and private sector. Recognized as such a major component of the overall program, it has become a key sector to be included in each of the sections, and still retains a specific criteria award 5 Bloom Rating Special Mention—The Native Tree Project Judges Tour 26 Communities in Bloom HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE IN COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM? IT’S EASY BEING GREEN! There are two simple methods for achieving a greener community that everyone can participate in. Composting and recycling can help reduce your output of household waste, thus reducing the amount of waste in landfills. There are many ways to participate in the Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom program, and you can become involved as much, or as little as you like! Some ways to get involved include: Lambton Shores sells two types of composters, the Flowers in a variety of pink shades garden composter and the Green Cone Digester. Maintain lawns and sidewalks Composting has many benefits including production Keep roadsides clean Plant shrubs and flowers of soil conditioner to improve the soil and the plants Consider naturalized landscaping growing in it. In addition, by composting, you can Plant a native tree reduce your household garbage by one third to one Join the Communities in Bloom Committee half. Adopt a pot, plot or roadside Enter “Lambton Shores in Bloom” contest Garden composters are ideal for Participate in Trash Bash event composting vegetables, fruits, tea Host your own community clean‐up day bags, egg shells, dried leaves, dried Support community group projects grass clippings, straw, soil, etc. Invite a Communities in Bloom representative to speak at your next community group meeting The Green Cone Digester, a solar‐heated garden unit, accepts all cooked and uncooked food including meat, fish, bones, dairy products, vegetables, fruit, bread, egg shells, tea bags and pet excrement (in moderation). Lambton Shores Compost Site ‐ 7550 Brush Road Help keep Lambton Shores ‘green’ by participating in these programs. E‐Waste (electronic waste) is very harmful to the environment when not disposed of properly. Bring old televisions, computers and computer components to any Lambton Shores municipal office, Monday—Friday from 8:30am— 4:30pm to dispose of these items in an environmentally‐friendly way. There is no fee for this service. (Adjacent to the Forest Wastewater Treatment Plant) Open Saturdays and Wednesdays 9:00 am‐ 2:00 pm ‐ mid April until mid fall, weather permitting. Call the Community Services Department at 519‐243‐1400 to confirm Recycling bins are also available at municipal offices operating season. in Lambton Shores. Products that can be recycled Leaves and brush materials include: Newspapers, phone books, magazines, accepted. boxboard/paper, corrugated cardboard, plastic Brush and wood must be shopping bags, glass bottles and jars, aluminum and bundled and no longer than 4 feet in length. steel beverage and food containers, rigid plastics, Residential ratepayers of the Municipality of Lambton wide mouth tubs, aluminum foil and foil wrap, and Shores can pick up compost and wood chips. empty aerosol and paint cans. For more information on recycling and composting, please visit www.bra.org. 27 Community Maps 28 Community Maps 29 Community Maps 30 ENJOY THE NATURE TRAILS OF LAMBTON SHORES & VICINITY Welcome Walkers ~ Hikers ~ Cyclists ~ Horseback Riders ~ Skiers ~ Nature Lovers Note: No Motorized Vehicles; Cycling and Horseback Riding are restricted to a limited number of trails For Trail News, Events, Hikes, Volunteer Opportunities and Sponsorships visit www.lsntblazers.com 31 LAMBTON SHORES NATURE TRAILS COMMITTEE Connecting People to Nature Our Vision: ‘A Network of connected, accessible, safe and user-friendly Nature Trails’ in Lambton Shores & Vicinity. Who Are We: A Volunteer Organization dedicated to build, upgrade and maintain the Lambton Shores & Vicinity Nature Trails in partnership with Landowners, Community Organizations, Funding Organizations, Council and Residents Our Aim: To connect and re-connect people, both young and old, to nature To promote a physically active and healthy lifestyle in the Great Outdoors To introduce the Ausable Nature Biosphere Concept of ’Green Cores & Corridors’ To protect and preserve our ’Gems of Nature’ in Lambton Shores & Vicinity for generations to come Our Nature Code of Ethics: Stay on the Trail Help us keep the property beautiful and natural Take only pictures; leave only footprints Adhere to the permitted uses and activities Keep pets on the leash Protect and preserve our ’Gems of Nature’ and everything in it Enjoys the vistas—the sounds—the smells—the feeling of Nature Be Prepared: Read the trailhead map—bring food and water—know your limits 32 The Main Nature Trail Areas of Lambton Shores & Vicinity 1. Pinery Provincial Park - Status: Developed Hiking and Bicycle Trails Access: 9526 Lakeshore Rd (Hwy #21) 10km south of Grand Bend This large 6300 acre park has miles of sandy beaches and an extensive network of hiking & bicycle trails. 2. Grand Bend Rotary Nature Trail - Status: Developed Walking and Bicycle Trail (LS) This 10km relatively flat trail runs parallel to Hwy #21 from Grand Bend into the Pinery Provincial Park 3. Ausable River Cut Conservation Area (CA) - Status: Developed Hiking Trail System (ABCA) Access: 9984 Northville Cr. Just off Hwy #21 at the Ausable Cut Bridge in Northville This 32 acre road-side park offers hikers a challenging 1.5km loop trail with a moderate and an easy shortcut 4. Lambton County Heritage Forest - Status: Developed Hiking and Mountain Bike Trail System Access: 9997 Port Franks Rd at the Port Franks Community Centre in Port Franks. This 570 acre Oak-Savanna & Carolinian Forest offers 3 trails respectively 3.1km, 5.2km and 6.6km in total length from the Community Centre. Degree of difficulty ranges from easy to difficult. 5. Karner Blue Nature Sanctuary - Status: Passable Hiking Trail Loop (no signage) Access: 9904 Nipigon St in Port Franks—1/2 km east of Port Franks Rd at Whatman St This extremely rare 37 acre ‘Dry Oak-Pine Woodland’ has a 2km trail traversing gently sloping sandy terrain 6. ‘L’ Lake Management Area - Status: Developed Hiking Trail Loop Access: 7101 Outer Drive west of Port Franks The 69 acre ’L’ Lake site offers a gentle 1.5km hiking trail through cedar wetlands and mixed Carolinian Forest 7. Forest Dunes Nature Reserve - Status: Passable Hiking Trail (no signage) Access: 7101 Outer Dr west of Port Franks through ABCA’s ‘L’ Lake Management Area The hike from Outer Dr to Mud Creek and back is approximately 5km and leads through a dune and wetland forest 8. Ipperwash Dunes & Swales Forest - Status: Confusing maze of ATV Trails (no signage) (NCC & Private) Access: Ipperwash—from Clemens Ln off Army Camp Road on the east side - from Richardson Dr on the south side - from Clemens Rd allowance off Ipperwash Rd on the west side A Carolinian Forest here covers over 600 acres. Illegal ATV activity has severely damaged this ‘Gem of Nature’. Hikers should seek assistance from individuals familiar with the area to negotiate the maze of trails. 9. Town of Forest Trail System - Status: 1. Developed Forest Walkway; 2. Railway Track-Lagoon Hiking/Partial Bicycle Trail (no signage) Access: Rotary Civic Square behind the Library in downtown Forest The formal 2.8km (one way) asphalt Forest Walkway leads south to the Esli Dodge CA. An informal trail along the Old Railway Track and around the Lagoons west of Forest provides a 4.5km return trip over flat lands 10. Rock Glen Conservation Area (CA) - Status: Developed Trail System Access: 8680 Rock Glen Rd—Follow the Conservation Area sign from County Rd #79 just north of Arkona The 67 acre gorge property has a 1.5km hiking trail with steep stairways and a wheelchair-accessible overlook 11. 12. (MNR) (County) (LWI) (ABCA) (NCC) (LS) (ABCA) Joany’s Woods - Status: Developed Trails (ABCA) Access: Boothill Rd from north and Vernon Rd from south near Village of Sylvan on County Road #7 The 367 acre property in the Ausable River Valley (east side) has a difficult 4.8km and an easy 3.2km trail loop through a mixed Carolinian-Great Lakes Hardwood Swamp Forest, and a 2.2km trail along the river Ausable River Valley Nature Trail - Status: Blazed but very rugged (no signage) Access: Scout Rd and McDonald Dr or Elm Tree Dr off Sylvan Rd south of the village of Sylvan The rugged trail follows the Ausable River Valley on the east side through ravines and mixed forest 33 (ABCA & Private) 34 Community Maps 35 Community Maps 36 Community Maps 37 Community Contacts There are over 100 volunteer organizations that exist in Lambton Shores. These groups are responsible for organizing many special events, community projects, recreation programs, beautification of our communities and more. On the following pages you will find a comprehensive listing of volunteer organizations in our community. Please note: We have made our best efforts to include all groups in Lambton Shores, however, if your group is not listed, please contact the Community Services Department to ensure you are included in the next Guide. Find this group on Facebook Find this group on Twitter Algarva #168 Caravan Order of Alhambra Jim DeZorzi, 519‐243‐1683 Algarva #168 Caravan of the Order of Alhambra is dedicated to assisting people with developmental disabilities in our community. To fund their work, they operate an annual golf tournament and a cash draw dance in Lambton Shores. Arkona Beautification Committee Pamela Kaczmarczyk, 519‐828‐3230 The Arkona Beautification Committee is committed to community beautification by working on projects that improve the visual atmosphere within the community of Arkona. Dave Jefferson, 519‐828‐3440 Arkona Community Foundation The Arkona Community Foundation exists to provide financial support to a variety of community improvement projects. Arkona Lioness Club Tena Nieuwenhuizen, 519‐828‐3081 The Arkona Lioness is a small group of dedicated women who work to raise funds to help support the needs of our local communities of Arkona, Forest, Port Franks, and surrounding rural areas. Our group is very supportive of Arkona area seniors. We donate to the Senior’s group, do an annual senior’s supper and various bingos throughout the year raise funds for local initiatives and events. New members are always welcome. Our meetings are the 2nd Tuesday business meetings and 4th Tuesday dinner meetings T.B.A. every month except July and August. Arkona Lions Club Doug Cook, 519‐828‐3479 Since first formed in 1984, the Arkona Lions Club has worked to assist the community of Arkona and surrounding areas. Our current membership participate in fundraising, community service and promoting Arkona through our annual car show. Arkona Recreation Committee Dave Jefferson, 519‐828‐3360 The Arkona Recreation Committee coordinates the Arkona Funtastic Lynn Cole, 519‐828‐3127 Days, which includes a parade and baseball tournament. Judy Humphries, 519‐828‐3003 38 Community Contacts Arkona Seniors Viola White, 519‐828‐3409 The Seniors Club was formed in 1972, and they moved to their present location on Arkona Road during the centennial in 1976. On the second Wednesday of every month, they host a potluck luncheon and in the evening they have a card party. The Club also organizes shuffleboard beginning of September to the end of April. Pot luck Dinner, 2nd Wednesday of September to 2nd Wednesday of June. Summer off, July and August. Senior card parties, Wednesday nights beginning September to second Wednesday of June. Ausable Port Franks Optimist Club Sherry Brownlee, 519‐243‐3381 Optimist Clubs conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best they can be. Each Optimist Club determines the needs of the young people in its community and conducts programs to meet those needs. Every year, Optimists conduct 65 thousand service projects and serve well over 6 million young people. Optimists worldwide value all children and help them develop to their full potential. By becoming a member you increase the amount of children reached, each new member allows 30 children to be reached and fundraised for. Caring Quilters of Lambton Shores Annette Hitchens, 519‐243‐1318 Would you like to be part of a caring group of volunteers who are making quilts for people in crisis situations? Don’t know how to quilt? Don’t worry. We construct our quilts in stages. Then do what you feel comfortable with from ironing to cutting, tying and hand stitching to machine sewing. You might just learn how to quilt in the process. The Caring Quilters of Lambton Shores, a non‐profit organization that came into existence on February 2, 2000, was founded by Marilyn McCordic. This group was formed for one purpose, to assist people in crisis. Each one of our comfort quilts is donated to Victims’ Services volunteers who carry them in their car. When they are called by Police, Fire or Ambulance, to assist victims in crisis situations, they wrap a comfort quilt around the person. To date, Caring quilters have donated over 800 quilts to Victims’ Services of Sarnia/Lambton. We meet every Wednesday from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Port Franks Community Centre. WE welcome visitors to come see what we do‐you just might become a volunteer yourself. Centre Ipperwash Community Association Eugene Dorey, 519‐243‐2584 The Centre Ipperwash Community Association is a collective voice and a forum to provide information to the members of the Association. 39 Community Contacts Dianne McKellar, 519‐786‐5030 Forest Canada Day Committee st July 1 activities at Esli Dodge Conservation Area include: House Decorating Contest, street breakfasts, Forest Garden Club tour, Firemen and Kiwanis Club BBQ, children’s fair, red & white parade, local entertainment on the stage, Canada Day Idol contest and fireworks at dusk over Lake Victoria. Forest Community Foundation Karen Cameron, 519‐786‐2335 The Foundation was established in 2001, and was funded by the www.investinforest.org proceeds from the sale of the Forest PUC. The initial $1.2 million was invested and is now valued at $1.4 million. Approximately $700 thousand has been given to non‐profit organizations within the former Town of Forest over the past eight years. www.forestcommunitytheatre.com Forest Community Theatre The Forest Community Theatre is committed to bringing top quality dramatic and musical talent to Lambton Shores region. We are a volunteer organization dedicated to increasing community spirit in our area. Forest & District Agricultural Society Fair Board, 519‐786‐6403 Our society sponsors the historical Forest Fall Fair. This year we are celebrating 141 years of providing friendly competition, www.forestfair.ca entertainment and family fun to Forest and surrounding area. The fair has become an annual tradition for family and friends to gather the fourth weekend in September. We are proud of our safe and green location. Our facilities are rented for auction sales, cattle shows, camping weekends and the Western Ontario Steam Threshers show. New members are welcome! Forest Excelsior Band The Forest Excelsior Band has been in existence since 1884, and recently celebrated its 125th anniversary. It is believed that the Excelsior Band is the oldest continually running civilian band in Canada. The band specializes in swing, jazz, and current popular music. Performances include dances, community concerts, parades, and ceremonial events. Dan Dumais, 519‐294‐0636 dndumais2@gmail.com Rick Hext, 519‐882‐2561 lizrick@bell.net Forest Farmers’ and Artisan Market Chris Williamson, 519‐243‐2960 The Forest Farmers’ and Artisan Market takes place every Friday from 8:00am – 1:00pm in downtown Forest. The market runs June through September. Come to the market to enjoy fresh local produce, baked goods, maple syrup and more from local suppliers. We also feature local artisans selling fusion glass, paintings, handcrafts and more. 40 Community Contacts Catherine Minielly, 519‐786‐3329 Forest Garden Club The Forest Garden Club is a friendly group who come together because of their love of gardening and nature. The group maintains minieljc@xcelco.on.ca the gardens located behind the Forest Library. Meetings are a combination of speakers, hands‐on activities and outings to increase our knowledge and expertise in our home gardens. General meetings are held on the second Monday of the month. Forest‐Lambton Museum Society Glen Starkey, 519‐786‐5070 We are looking for volunteers to help us with various events that we will be hosting throughout the year at the museum as well as events where we take the Travelling Museum on the road. Forest Legion Pipe Band Celia Carrothers, celia@execulink.com Wayne Fisher wlmailhtml:wayne@fisherbagpipes.com Forest Rebekahs Alice Thomas, 519‐786‐5642 The Rebekahs is an auxiliary to the Odd Fellows. It is a fraternal organization that anyone ages 18 years or older can join. The Rebekahs meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Odd Fellow’s Hall, 20 Main Street North, Forest Ontario. There are no meetings in July or August. The Rebekah’s host bi‐weekly card parties, November through May and a monthly noon luncheon from January to April 519‐243‐1521 Friends of the Pinery Park The Friends of the Pinery Park is a charitable organization dedicated to education, promotion, preservation and support of Pinery www.pinerypark.on.ca Provincial Park. To help support the Pinery’s educational programs, become a member of The Friends of Pinery Park. Good Tyme Country Jamboree Beverley Bowden, 519‐243‐2294 An afternoon of fun, friendship, music and dancing for seniors. Pa‐ trons are encouraged to bring their instruments and voice for a Jam‐A ‐Long! Proceeds from the free‐will donations go to local schools and food banks. Peter Philips, 519‐238‐6873 Grand Bend Art Centre The Grand Bend Art Centre is a catalyst and innovator for artistic endeavours and community art that result in cultural and economic benefits for the local community. It is a not‐for‐profit community arts project funded through classes, memberships and sponsorships. 41 Community Contacts Grand Bend Farmers’ Market Vince Bury, 519‐243‐4015 We have only fresh local produce and meats, homemade baked grandbendfarmersmaket@execulink.com goods, locally handmade crafts and beautiful flowers. Come for the experience! The market takes place every Wednesday from 8:00am‐ www.grandbendfarmersmarket.ca 1:00pm, from the first Wednesday following Victoria Day Holiday to the last Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We are located in the Colonial Hotel parking lot. Grand Bend Canada Day Fireworks Radio station, 104.9 The Beach, sponsors the Grand Bend Canada Day Fireworks along with Canadian Heritage, the Grand Bend & Area Chamber of Commerce, the Municipality of Lambton Shores and local businesses and residents. The day‐long event features a large mural for children to paint, free live entertainment on the Main Beach, and a spectacular fireworks display at 10:00pm Grand Bend Area Chamber of Commerce, 519‐238‐2001 www.grandbendtourism.com Grand Bend Community Foundation Established in 2000, the Grand Bend Community Foundation manages the funds entrusted to it, supports initiatives that contribute to the vitality of the Grand Bend area, and acts as a community leader and catalyst. The Foundation has distributed more than $700,000 in grants since 2002, supporting local schools, environmental groups, health and cultural organizations, and more. David Campbell, 519‐238‐2190 gbcf@hay.net www.grandbendcommunityfoundation. ca Grand Bend & District Optimist Club www.grandbendoptimistclub.ca The Grand Bend & District Optimist Club is committed to youth of the area by supporting local projects and operating the Grand Bend Optimist Youth Centre throughout the year. The Grand Bend Optimist also host the annual “Drive N’ Jive” on Grand Bend Beach, which includes a variety of activities such as live entertainment, great food and refreshments, classic car show, and more. All funds raised by the Optimist Club go back into the community for projects such as Grand Bend Public School events, playground equipment, Optimist Skateboard park and basketball courts and the Grand Bend Beach Enhancement. Grand Bend Golden Agers Club Shirley Pole, 519‐238‐8205 The Grand Bend Golden Agers Club meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month for cards, and every Monday and Thursday for shuffleboard. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, and includes a guest speaker and luncheon. There is a nominal fee require to cover the cost of the luncheon, and R.S.V.P.s are required. Everyone is welcome to join! 42 Community Contacts Grand Bend Horticultural Society David Boyle, 519‐238‐2440 The Grand Bend and Area Horticultural Society is committed to fostering education in horticultural practices and helping improve and http://www.gardenontario.org/ beautify our environment. Our members share their love of plants site.php/gbend and gardening. We hold monthly meetings with guest speakers and enjoy activities such as bus trip and social events. Our volunteers plant and maintain a number of gardens in town and our Society is actively involved in the Communities in Bloom program. A warm welcome awaits newcomers! Grand Bend Women’s Institute Donna Lovie, 519‐238‐8395 Grand Bend Women’s Institute is a branch of the well established Federated Women’s of Ontario (founded in 1898). We exist to offer fun, fellowship and education to women of all ages. We committed to community support and personal growth for our members. 519‐238‐2001 Grand Bend Winter Carnival Committee The volunteers of the Grand Bend Winter Carnival Committee plan and run the annual Grand Bend Winter Carnival which runs on the www.grandbendtourism.com Family Day Weekend in February. For the past 27 years the Carnival has brought many visitors to the Grand Bend area to enjoy a variety of events including: sno‐pitch, sno‐golf, a parade, fireworks display and more. Hillbillies, Outhouse #3 David Blay, 519‐786‐2813 The Hillbillies are a unit of the Shriner’s and our purpose is to raise funds for the Shriner’s Children Hospital projects by hosting several meat raffles throughout the year. Over the past four years $20,000 has been donated to this cause. Doreen Chester 519-238-5709 Huron Country Playhouse Guild The Huron Country Playhouse Guild is a volunteer organization of local women who have continued to support the Huron Country doreenchester@hotmail.com Playhouse. We work year‐round raising funds, assisting with the ushering, operating the Gift Shoppe, staffing the Meet and Greet kiosk, and planting and maintaining the gardens. We encourage eve‐ ryone to be actively involved and invite new members to join us. Ipperwash and Area Community Policing Committee 519‐243‐1400 The Committee oversees and monitors the local Neighbourhood Watch areas. Our committee meetings are held regularly to address topics concerning local crimes, Municipal by‐laws, fire safety, and water safety. An O.P.P. officer is present for our meetings. Angela Baarda, 519‐786‐4055 Kiwanis Club of Forest The Forest Kiwanis Club are kept busy with ongoing and special www.kineto.ca projects. Our major project is the Kineto Theatre. Our goal is to provide a quality entertainment and meeting facility to the area residents and visitors to the Forest community. 43 Community Contacts Lake Smith Conservationists John Russell, 519‐243‐2600 The Lake Smith Conservationists support nature initiatives in Lambton, Huron and Middlesex counties. They also partner with organizations that are planning projects for youth. Volunteers raise funds through fish fries and the annual March Game Dinner. Lakeside Flyers 519‐243‐1400 We are a small club with a high level of participation by the members whose main objective is to have fun flying their model planes. Lambton Historical Society B.L. Snetselaar, 519‐882‐0881 The Lambton Historical Society exists to research, collect, preserve, exhibit, and publish historical documents and artifacts. We have select books on local history. Canada West’s Last Frontier ($20.00) has all of Lambton’s villages, towns and hamlets, and is our main publication. Catherine Minielly, 519‐786‐3329 Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom Communities in Bloom exists to promote and plan the Communities Grace Dekker, 519‐243‐3058 in Bloom program in Lambton Shores. See page 24 of the Guide for www.communitiesinbloom.ca details on the program. Lambton Shores Nature Trails Committee (LSNT) Marilyn Keunecke‐Smith, LSNT is a volunteer group dedicated to upgrade & maintain existing 519 243‐0123 Nature Trails and help build other community trails and connector trails in Lambton Shores & Vicinity in partnership with landowners. info@lsntblazers.com We invite you to become a member of the Executive Committee www.lsntblazers.com representing all communities of Lambton Shores ‐ a volunteer on scheduled Trail Work Days ‐ a hike leader ‐ a 'GREEN' sponsor ‐ a fundraiser, a regular hiker on our wonderful trails... High School Students interested in earning 'Community Work Hours' are welcome! Harley Jamieson, 519‐296‐4641 Masonic Lodge, Cassia # 116 Lodge We are charitable organization, a part of Sarnia district and a member body of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of the Province of Ontario. Post‐secondary bursary available. North Lambton Quilters Guild Judy Stubbs, 519‐243‐2245 Established in 1989 to share our love of quilting. Meetings include a hands‐on activity. All skill levels are taught. Projects shared are personal and community‐minded. Ken McRae, 519‐786‐6958 Optimist Club of Forest The Optimist Club of Forest is committed to providing services for children and youth in the area. They host a variety of special events and programs that raise funds for the community. Kimball Hall is leased to the Optimist Club and is available for rental for a variety of functions. 44 Community Contacts Order of the Eastern Star, Forest Chapter # 116 Patricia Cable, 519‐786‐5848 The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest worldwide fraternal Evelyn Beacock, 519‐786‐4309 organization to which both men and women may belong. It is not religious, but it does require belief in a Supreme Being. Only men who are Master Masons and women with specific Masonic affiliation are eligible to be members. Worldwide, there are approximately 1 million members, working together in harmony for the good of humanity. Partners in Learning Partners in Learning provides an environment for a motivated group members to participate in a learning experience. The group meets at the Pine Dale Motor Inn’s Bavarian Room on Mondays at 10:00am and 2:00pm Cam Taylor, 519‐238‐1114 www.partnersinlearning.ca Port Franks and Area Camera Club Lea James, 519‐243‐3974 Come and enjoy guest speakers, information sessions, Comment & Critique nights, and Walkabouts. Meetings are held on the second portfrankscameraclub@gmail.com and fourth Mondays of the month at the Port Franks Community www.portfrankscameraclub.com Centre. The Club is a member of the Canadian Association Photographic Art (CAPA). Port Franks Beach Homeowners Association Inc. The Port Franks Beach Homeowners’ Association Inc is a non‐profit organization formed by local homeowners to protect and preserve the Port Franks beach. All residents of Port Franks are welcome to join. Deb Lake, 519‐243‐2107 deb.lake@execulink.com www.pfbha.org Port Franks Community Police Committee Wayne Nelson, 519‐243‐3795 The purpose of the committee is to develop and maintain a close partnership between the community and the OPP. The committee is wandmnelson@execulink.com also responsible to generate a sense of pride and a strong commitment to the improvement of the quality of life in Port Franks. pfcpc.lambtonshores.com/index.html Port Franks Dunes Duplicate Bridge Exists to promote bridge in our area. 519‐238‐1239 Port Franks Garden Club Heather Bradley, Program Director The Port Franks Garden Club is a community‐based group of 519‐243‐1818 gardening enthusiasts who meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Port Franks Community Centre. The Club provides a welcoming atmosphere for all who enjoy gardening and nature. We have guest speakers, workshops, garden tours and more! Come share our love for growing green—everyone is welcome. Betty Drake, 519‐243‐3058 Port Franks Seniors Club Programs and events include: Euchre‐Rama, Bid Euchre, Darts Euchre, Shuffleboard, Bridge, badminton, bus trip, picnics and a Christmas party. Executive meetings occur on the first Tuesday of each month. 45 Community Contacts The Probus Club of Forest Don Coates, 519‐786‐6451 The Probus Club of Forest was chartered in October 2009. The Club meets on Wednesday mornings at the North Lambton Community Health Centre. Each month, the Club welcomes a guest speaker to present a topic of interest to the group. New members are sponsored by an existing members, and guests are always welcome to come experience a meeting. Hank Winters The Probus Club of Grand Bend & Area (Men’s) Probus is a non‐political and non‐sectarian club. The club is non‐profit 519‐238‐5419 and non‐fundraising and there are no restrictions on the number of members from any one vocation. All clubs are sponsored by Rotary. There is no compulsion to attend any number of meetings. Club meetings are at the Grand Bend Legion the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00am. The Probus Club of Grand Bend & Area (Women’s) Mary McFadden, 519‐238‐8953 Women’s Probus of Grand Bend and Area is an organization for retired business and professional women. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from September to June at 9:30am in Grand Bend Legion. Meetings feature presentations, coffee and fellowship, and opportunities for organized field trips. New members welcome. 519‐786‐2120 The Rotary Club of Forest Inc. The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. The Rotary Club of Grand Bend Inc. Roger Wallis, 519‐238‐2588 Rotary is a worldwide service organization consisting of approximately 1.2 million members belonging to 33,000 clubs around rogergrandbendrotary@yahoo.ca the world. Since inception in 1991, the Rotary Club of Grand Bend has www.grandbendrotary.com had about 40 members and has raised over $850,000 to give back to the local community and international projects. Patricia Frayne, 519‐786‐5127 or Royal Oak Odd Fellows Lodge # 108 The Forest Odd Fellows is a fraternal organization that is open to 519‐786‐5875 anyone ages 18 years or older. The group meets twice monthly at the Odd Fellows Hall, 20 Main Street North in Forest on the second and fourth Mondays. There are no meetings in July and August. Bi‐weekly card parties are held from November thru May. Province‐wide, the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs have committed $1 million to Camp Trillium near Belleville. The group will be celebrating the 140th anniversary of the institution of the Lodge on March 18th, 1873. Membership is currently on the low side, so we welcome anyone interested in joining. We do hold occasional open meetings when we welcome the public to join us. 46 Community Contacts Spirit of Thedford Community Foundation Carolyn Jamieson, 519‐296‐5810 The Spirit of Thedford helps to provide financial support for community projects. Sunset Cinema Film 519‐243‐1400 The Sunset Cinema Film meets the first Thursday of each month at the Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre. A different film is viewed each month. Film presentations are free of charge, and donations are welcome. Thedford Garden Club Darlene Lacey, 519‐296‐4274 The Thedford Garden Club is a group dedicated to making Thedford beautiful. We maintain and plan the gardens in our community. We are always looking for more volunteers. If interested in our group, please join us on the second Tuesday of each month at the Thedford Village Complex. 519‐296‐5533 or 519‐296‐4868 Thedford Senior Citizens Association Enjoying Wednesday afternoon eurchre at the Complex at 1:30pm, play 10 games, prizes high, low and lone hands. Bid Euchre every other Saturday at 7:30pm, six games prizes and lunch. Special Bid Euchre on Friday evening of the Funion days larger prizes and special lunch. Our group has donated to the Legacy Centre, Strathroy Hospital and local families in need. We also support the Thedford Spirit Club and the children activities for Funion Days. Thedford Spirit Club Darlene Lacey, 519‐296‐4274 The Thedford Spirit Club is a non‐profit organization that hosts a variety of fundraisers for the betterment of our community. Our main event for the year is the Funion Days weekend held every Civic Day weekend. Various groups are involved for their main fundraising events of the year. We also are the organizers of Doin’ it in the Dirt Lawnmower Races, which take place in the Spring, on Funion Days weekend and in the Fall. Diane Carson, 519‐236‐7399 West Coast Lions Club, Grand Bend We are a duly chartered club through the greater International Association of Lions Clubs. We serve where we live. We cover all costs bcarson@hay.net from our dues, ensuring that all donated funds go to the causes. The Financial Times has ranked Lions Club Int. as the “best among non‐government organization worldwide”. We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at Aux Sables at 7:00pm. Everyone welcome. Western Ontario Steam Threshers Association Jason Searson, 519‐849‐5709 We are a volunteer based organization that welcomes one and all. Everyone’s opinions and ideas matter. The Directors and President www.steamthresher.com are here to help and guide the members. Our goal is the make this a fun and enjoyable organization that will make people want to help and come back year after year. 47 Youth Groups and Camps Melissa Forbes 519‐786‐7530 4‐H Association (Lambton County) The Ontario 4‐H Program is about opportunities, personal development, making friends, and having fun. 4‐H helps young people www.4‐hontario.ca (10‐21 years of age) learn self‐confidence and new skills. 4‐H Ontario Members can choose to be involved in any of over 60 different pro‐ jects, ranging from drama to woodworking, life skills to livestock, and square dancing to conservation. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at 8:00pm at the Wyoming Fair Building. Anyone is wel‐ come to attend. Please consider becoming a volunteer. Community Health Centre Programs—see page 13 Grand Bend Community Health Centre, 519‐238‐1556 North Lambton Community Health Centre, 519‐786‐4545 Family Virtues Class Gordon or Josy Britton, 519‐238‐6036 Virtues are the content of our character, the elements of the human spirit. Classes are for children’s ages 5‐14. One virtue will be explored per week through skits, songs, crafts and story. Forest Cliff Camp Heather Shephard, 519‐786‐5996 Forest Cliff Camp is located within walking distance to Lake Huron. Week‐long camps are available for youth entering grades two to info@fccamp.org seven, and teens entering grades seven to nine. Available activities www.fccamp.org include: aqua‐sledding, knee boarding, swimming, kayaking. canoeing, sailing, climbing wall, horseback riding, handicrafts, science, drama and more. www.girlguides.ca Girl Guides of Canada Girl Guides of Canada enables girls to be confident, resourceful and courageous, and to make a difference in the world. To find a program, visit the Girl Guides website. Lambton Centre, United Church of Canada Lambton Centre is located on the shores of Lake Huron and offers summer camp programs for children and youth ages five to fifteen. Campers enjoy a wide variety of activities including: crafts, drama, outdoor recreation, nature, swimming, archery, and more. Retreat Centre space is also available for rental groups. 48 519‐786‐5663 lucc2@xcelco.on.ca www.lambtoncentre.com Youth Groups and Camps Lambton Youth Choir 519‐882‐1514 The Lambton Youth Choir features singers from grades four through college from twenty different elementary and secondary schools in www.lambtonyouthchoir.ca Lambton County. Current singers reside in thirteen different Lambton County communities, and throughout its history the Choir has also included exchange students from Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. Scouts Canada 1‐800‐SCOUTS‐NOW Scouts Canada mission is “to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, www.scouts.ca to help build a better world where people are self‐fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society”. To find a program, visit the Scouts Canada website. Thedford Vacation Bible Camp 519‐243‐1400 One week day camp (from 8:45am‐12:30pm) in August for children ages 3 to grade 8 at the Legacy Centre in Thedford. Games, crafts, roundin up questions and drivin’ home answers about life! Family Night BBQ and presentation on the Friday evening. Watch for dates and times to be advertised closer to the event. YMCA Shores Program—Suncor Wellness Centre Mary‐Ann Riggi—Supervisor Health & We are a non‐profit organization dedicated to the growth of all Wellness persons in spirit, mind and body. The YMCA promotes an 519‐786‐YMCA (9622) understanding that health is a resource for everyday life and mriggi@ymcaswo.ca community building. www.ymcaswo.ca Youth Centre Programs…. See page 17 Volunteering is a great way to get involved and learn about your community. Those who volunteer in Lambton Shores serve a variety of functions in non‐profit and voluntary organizations including delivering programs and services, and engaging in fundraising and campaigning activities. If you are new to the area, volunteering can help you meet people and become more familiar with the area. Volunteering plays an important role in our society. According to Statistics Canada, over 6.5 millions people volunteer in Canada each year and 2 billion hours of volunteer time are contributed. Spending time as a volunteer in Lambton Shores may also help you with your job or job search. It increases your social network and allows one to gain more experience in a specific field. Many of the skills learned while volunteering can be used in the workforce and employers often ask about volunteer history when interviewing potential employees. 49 Other Non‐Profit Organizations Canadian Cancer Society 519‐332‐0042 ext. 3941 Register online for the Canadian cancer Society Relay for Life. Visit www.cancer.ca, choose Ontario, and follow the Relay for Life links. www.cancer.ca You can register as a team captain or join an existing team. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to send email invitations to your family, friends and co‐workers to encourage them to join your team or pledge you. 519‐786‐5692 Contact House The Contact House has been in operation since 1988. The Contact House receives donations from the public and other agencies to provide food items to families in Lambton County who are in need. Grand Bend Home & School Association Jean Maguire, 519‐238‐8687 Our mission is to provide the students and faculty of Grand Bend Public school with support and additional resources to help ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach his or her full academic and social potential in a safe, collegial and supportive environment. We are committed to raising funds for equipment and materials to keep pace with the innovations in education and schooling. We are committed to providing our time and energy to ensure the students have the opportunity to engage in activities offered through the school. We believe education is the shared responsibility of the student, home, school and community. Port Franks Yacht Club info@pfyc.ca The Port Franks Yacht Club (PFTC) consists of boaters who have joined together in the interest of comradeship in boating. This non‐ www.portfranksyachtclub.ca profit club enjoys many social events and also plays an important role in improving and maintaining the port to ensure that everyone can enjoy the waterways of Port Franks. Sexual Assault Survivor’s Centre Sarnia‐Lambton 519‐337‐3154 The Sexual Assault Survivor’s Centre Sarnia‐Lambton offers a comprehensive range of services including individual and group counselling, 24‐hour crisis line advocacy, outreach and public education. All of our services are free and confidential. Services are offered to survivors 16 years and older of sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, date rape and sexual harassment. Programs available in English and French. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club Inc. www.tops.org TOPS Club Inc. Is an affordable, non‐profit weight‐loss support and wellness education organization with thousands of associate chapters in Canada and the United States. Members learn about nutrition, portion control, food planning exercise, motivation and more at weekly meetings. 50 Other Non‐Profit Organizations Victim Services of Sarnia‐Lambton Inc. 519‐344‐8861 ext. 5238 Victim Services of Sarnia Lambton Inc. is a non‐profit community 1‐888‐281‐3665 ext. 5238 based organization working in co‐operation with local police and emergency service providers and other related community services victim@ebtech.net to meet the short‐term needs of victims of crime and tragic www.victimservices.on.ca circumstances by providing emotional support, practical assistance and referrals to community resources. Victim Services relies on crisis responder volunteers who can be available for two shifts a month at a time which is convenient to the volunteer. Ideal volunteers are people who can respond without judgement, have great listening skills and can respect confidentiality. Welcome Wagon Faye Van Oss, 519‐238‐8048 Welcome Wagon is the only national, Canadian Owned, free greeting service celebrating over 80 years. We greet people who fvanoss@hay.net are moving into the community from another area, planning a www.welcomewagon.ca wedding, expecting a baby, a new executive or manager, and first‐time grandparents. Free gifts and information to the people. Business Associations Forest BIA Glen VanValkenburg, 519‐786‐5062 The Business Improvement Area has two mandates. We beautify and promote the Downtown core. We achieve this through special www.shopforest.ca projects with and without partners from the municipality such as the landscaped areas within the downtown area. We organize and oversee special events and advertising campaigns for the merchants and the residents within our market and the tourists staying with us throughout the year. Grand Bend Area Chamber of Commerce 519‐238‐2001 The Grand Bend & Area Chamber of Commerce is the voice of more than 200 businesses in Lambton Shores and the surrounding area. www.grandbendtourism.com The Chamber also operates the area’s tourist information centre, located in Grand Bend, handling approximately 14, 000 inquiries by phones, email and in‐person visits annually. The Chamber provides in‐kind support to many community events such as the Canada Day Celebrations & Fireworks, Studio Tour, Winter Carnival, Thanksgiving Market and Christmas Comes Early. The Chamber represents Lambton Shores on the boards of the Huron Tourism As‐ sociation and Tourism Sarnia‐Lambton. For stay, play, dine, shop and services information, visit www.grandbendtourism.com. 51 Recreation Service Providers There is an abundance of recreation service providers in Lambton Shores that offer a variety of programs to meet the needs of residents. From dance lessons to fitness centres, Lambton Shores recreation service providers are committed to providing quality programs to help keep the public active and entertained, while improving the quality of life for the community. Please note: We have made our best efforts to include as many recreation service providers as possible. If your organization is not listed, please let us know so that we can include it in the next Guide. Information on our website can be updated on a continual basis. DANCE Elite Dance Academy Ballet and Hip Hop classes for children 2.5 to 12 at Kimball Hall on Tuesdays beginning at 5:00pm. Visit website for schedules. 519‐336‐6314 www.elite‐dance‐academy.com Highland Dancing Classes Christine Hladki, 519‐828‐3261 Highland Dance lessons for boys and girls ages 4 and up. Yearly exams. EQUESTRIAN All About Horses All About Horses offers boarding, riding lessons, trail rides and more Jo‐Anne Lewylle Performance Horses Jo‐Anne Lewylle Performance Horses offers a full service boarding and training stable. Jane Rombouts, 519‐296‐4295 www.allabouthorses.ca 519‐296‐5978 www.joannelewylleperformanacehor ses.com FITNESS AND EXERCISE Anne Chute, 519‐243‐3552 Anne’s Yoga Works Anne’s Yoga Works is located in Port Franks, 9987 Pt. Franks Estates Drive. Yoga and Pilates classes are offered weekdays and evenings. I have been a certified Yoga instructor since 2003. Walk in welcome. Come find out why so many of us love Yoga, excellent for both the experienced or beginners. FLK Taoist Tai Chi Society Elaine Wardle, 519‐238‐6312 Taoist Tai Chi International arts and methods has an extra degree of stretching and turning in each movement, placing the emphasis on www.taoist.org health improvement. This type of movement produces a profound effect on all systems of the body by reducing tension, improving circulation and increasing strength and flexibility. Fun Fitness with Bonnie Bonnie Hill, 519‐786‐5491 Classes offer a full body cardio and weight training workout. Lakeside Seikido Master Russ Taylor, 519‐786‐4090 Seikido is a relatively new martial art based upon modern Tae Kwon Do and Aikido techniques. www.lakesideseikido.com Linda Janes Linda’s FitCamp Boot‐camp style fitness classes offered at the Legacy Recreation lpj1969@hotmail.com Centre. Everyone welcome! 52 Recreation Service Providers Workout for Your Life “8 Weeks to a Brand New You” was the motto 13 years ago, and we still change our Workout every 8 weeks, plus offer personalized fitness in a group setting! Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00‐9:00am outdoors! Lion’s Pavilion behind BMO. All fitness levels welcome. Yoga Classes Ongoing weekly classes for older teens and adults take place at Kimball Hall in Forest on Wednesday evening and Friday mornings. Session fess (12 Classes) $11/class, Drop in Fees $13/class. You do not have to be flexible to enjoy a yoga practice. Join us and experi‐ ence for yourself the many benefits yoga has to office. Classes for children also available—certified yoga teacher Beth Sweeney, 519‐238‐5555 bethgandjoe@hay.net Lynne Shiffer, 519‐899‐2023 FITNESS CENTRES Curves 519‐786‐3888 Dedicated to women’s fitness, Curves offers a proven 30‐minute workout that combines strength training and sustained 7 King Street West, Forest cardiovascular activity through safe and effective hydraulic resistance. Curves also offers a commonsense weight management www.curves.com program that ends the need for perpetual dieting. Debbie Thompson, 519‐243‐1734 Fitness First Fitness First provided members with an opportunity to see the results they are looking for in a fitness centre environment. Call for 7613 Ransford Street, Port Franks equipment and program details. Grand Bend Fitness Centre 519‐238‐3488 At the Grand Bend Fitness Centre, our mission is to do all we can to help you reach your health and fitness goals. We strive to provide a 37 Ontario Street, Grand Bend relaxed and approachable environment that is ideal for the entire community. We want to help make your membership and fitness gbfit@hay.net www.gbfit.com activities enjoyable. Memberships include full access to our complete resistance training area, cardio theatre, group fitness classes and our sauna and hot tub. Visit our website for programs and schedules. 519‐828‐3456 / 1‐800‐265‐7597 Rock Glen Family Resort This 24‐hour access gym features Apex, Techno Gym bikes, treadmills, elliptical steppers and T‐Zone. Complete their Total 8685 Rock Glen Road, Arkona Body Circuit Training equipment area. Hot Tub and pool access available. Call for membership details. www.rockglen.com Suncor Wellness Centre YMCA, The Shores Recreation Centre 519‐786‐9622 We are a non‐profit organization dedicated to the growth of all persons in spirit, mind, and body. The YMCA promotes an 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest understanding that health is a resource for every day life and community building. Our memberships are all inclusive! We offer www.ymcaswo.ca new and improved fitness classes, techno gym equipment, health and wellness programming and guidance, child and youth programs, indoor track and personal training. The YMCA is available to everyone! 53 Recreation Service Providers GOLF COURSES 519‐828‐3211 Arkona Fairways Golf Course Arkona Fairways Gold Course offers an 18 hole, par 70 course. Golfers can benefit from the golf lessons and driving range. The 8562 Townsend Line, Arkona fully stocked pro shop has a variety of golfing supplies and equipment. Electric carts are available for rent. After a day on the arkonafairways@execulink.com course, golfers can enjoy a meal at Mulligan’s Bar and Grill. Visit www.arkonafairways.com the website for details. Forest Golf & Country Hotel 519‐786‐2397 / 1‐800‐265‐0214 The 27 holes at Forest Golf & Country Hotel provide both novice and experienced golfers with an enjoyable and challenging game. 102 Main Street S, Forest Amenities at the Forest Golf & Country Hotel include: pro shop, instructional programs, cart rentals, dining room and lounge, info@golfforest.com accommodations and a public pool. Visit the website for www.golfforest.com information on available packages. Indian Hills Golf Club 519‐786‐5505 Indian Hills Golf Club offers a challenging 18 hole, par 71 course, Rated the best course of all Southwestern Courses by the London 6991 Lakeshore Road, Free Press in 2003. Indian Hills amenities include: power cart Lambton Shores rentals, driving range, practice green, full service licensed www.indianhillsgolf.ca restaurant and banquet facilities. Oakwood Inn Resort 519‐238‐2324 / 1‐800‐387‐2824 Oakwood Inn Resort provides golfers with an 18 hole, par 70 course, Power and pull carts are available for rental. Private 7061 Bluewater Highway, lessons and golf clinics are available. Other features of the Grand Bend Oakwood Inn Resort include: driving range with lights and practice putting greens, fully‐stocked pro shop, restaurant and clubhouse, oakwood@oakwoodinnresort.com www.oakwoodinnreost.com accommodations, spa and more. Our Ponderosa RV & Golf Resort 519‐786‐2031 / 1‐888‐786‐2267 Our Ponderosa offers golfers a 9 hole, par 33 course within 1,964 yards. This course is surrounded by Carolinian forests and white 9338 West Ipperwash Road, pines. Power and pull carts are available for rental. The driving Ipperwash range at Our Ponderosa can help strengthen your game. Other services available at Our Ponderosa includes camping, general store camping@ourponderosa.com www.ourponderosa.com and more. 54 Recreation Service Providers Sand Hills Golf Resort Sand Hills Golf Resort offers an 18 hole, par 71 course that is ideal for novice through experienced golfers. Sand Hills features a fully stocked pro shop, power cart rentals, and a clubhouse. Golf instruction and kids camps are available. The driving range, putting green and chipping green with sand bunker will help perfect your game. 519‐243‐1800 9767 Port Franks Road, Thedford www.sandhillsgolf.ca Widder Station Golf & Country Club 519‐296‐4653 Widder Station Golf & Country Club is nestled in a picturesque country setting. The course offers a challenging 18 hole, 72 par course. 8395 Decker Road, Thedford Amenities at Widder Station include power cart rentals, licensed club house and complete pro shop. Visit Widder Station’s website for great www.widderstation.com promotions. MOTOR RACING 519‐238‐7223 Grand Bend Motorplex The Grand Bend Motorplex attracts thousands of visitors each summer. Racing events provide entertainment on weekends from May to 70292 Bullock Line, Grand Bend September. Each year on the third weekend in July, the Motorplex hosts the Mopar Nitrojam Nationals. For the 2012 event schedule, visit the www.grandbendmotoplex.com Grand Bend Motorplex website. SWIMMING POOLS Forest Golf and Country Hotel 519‐786‐2397 / 1‐800‐265‐0214 Monthly and yearly memberships available for adults, couples, 102 Main Street South, Forest families and juniors Pool is available for daily use info@golfforest.com Whirlpool and sauna www.golfforest.com Pine Dale Motor Inn Membership required, call for prices Saltwater pool, whirlpool, sauna and games rooms Swimming lessons 519‐238‐2231 107 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend www.pinedale.on.ca Rock Glen Family Resort Swimming Lessons – group and private Aquafit Classes Parent & Tot Swim Class Indoor (Heated) & Outdoor Pools Saltwater pool 519‐828‐3456 / 1‐800‐265‐7597 8685 Rock Glen Road, Arkona www.rockglen.com 55 Sports & Recreation Groups BALL HOCKEY 519‐243‐1400 Men’s Ball Hockey The league runs from April to August at the Shores Recreation Centre. Women’s Ball Hockey 519‐243‐1400 The league runs from April to August at the Shores Recreation Centre. Ryan Steven Forest Optimist’s Kids Ball Hockey League Open to children ages 5 –17. Games will take place at the Shores 519‐466‐9053 ryansteven22@hotmail.com Recreation Centre May through mid July. Contact Ryan to register. BASEBALL Arkona Ladies Two‐Pitch Baseball Janet Willsie, 519‐243‐3254 Teams play Wednesday nights in Arkona. Teams consist of between 10‐15 players, team registration is required. Approximately 18 games are played during the season, with as year‐end tournament in September. Arkona Men’s Two‐Pitch Baseball Kyle Sheppard, 519‐296‐4129 Arkona Men’s Two‐Pitch Baseball is played on Sunday mornings at Utter Ball Park. Jason Henderson, 519‐786‐4647 Forest Dragon’s Baseball The Forest Dragon’s are a Senior Men’s Baseball Team. Home games are played at McRae Baseball Diamond in Forest. Forest Minor Baseball Rick Goodhand, 519‐786‐5055 Forest Minor Baseball provides the sport of baseball to youth of Lambton Shores. 519‐243‐1400 Grand Bend Co‐Ed Baseball League The Grand Bend Co‐Ed Baseball League play Wednesday evenings at Lions’ Park. Grand Bend Youth Baseball Association www.grandbend.com/baseball Kids of all sizes and genders are welcome on our teams. Do not worry about skill levels, our coaches have the patience of angels. Team sports are a great way of making new friends, challenging ones self and reaching for shared goals. Life lessons are learned by not only winning but more importantly in learning how to lose gracefully with honour and dignity. 56 Sports & Recreation Groups 519‐243‐1400 Stephen Township Women’s Slo‐Pitch League We have two teams that are run out of Grand Bend, and we are always looking for new players to join and have fun. Games are played in Grand Bend, or Centralia every Tuesday night beginning in May and ends with our tournament at the end of August. Ages 19 + Sunday Night Light Forest Slo‐Pitch 519‐243‐1400 The Sunday Night Light Slo‐Pitch Ball League is a non‐profit organization. The teams are composed of male and female players. The games are played at the Coultis Ball Park located on Townsend Line on Sunday evenings. The season begins in May and ends in September Thedford Kid’s Ball Steve Mason, 519‐296‐4474 Thedford Kid’ Ball provides an opportunity for children to play softball during the summer months at the Legacy Centre Baseball Diamond. CURLING Forest Curling and Social Club Mac Webster, 519‐786‐2736 Curling programs are available for all ages, from little rocker’s to seniors. For information about the Curling Club, visit page 20 of the Guide. HOCKEY Huff & Puff Hockey Bryan Graham, 519‐243‐1343 Huff & Puff is a group of old‐timers, 55 years old and up, who play Monday and Friday mornings at the Legacy Centre. Labatt’s/Lakeside Old Timers Hockey David Solway, 519‐786‐4882 A night of recreational old timer hockey, 35 years and older. New teams are drafted each year. Come out for a night of fun and recreation. Lambton Middlesex Rec Hockey Aaron Brooks, 519‐488‐6006 Men’s recreational hockey league. Games are played at the Legacy Centre, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Lambton Shores Predators Junior B Junior B Hockey Team in the GOJHL‐WOC. Home games are generally Saturday nights at the Shores Recreation Centre. Check their website for a complete schedule. Season passes are available. 57 Roop Chanderdat, 519‐870‐2727 roop@lspredators.com http://lambtonshorespredators. pointsteaksites.com/view/ lambtonshorespredators Sports & Recreation Groups Lambton Shores Minor Hockey Association Dave Steven, 519‐786‐2062 The Lambton Shores Minor Hockey Association is an all‐volunteer organization, supported by our membership and community. We www.lambtonshoresminorhockey.ca have provided minor hockey programs in the Lambton Shores community for over 50 years. We welcome all boys and girls inter‐ ested in minor hockey, under the governance of the OMHA/OWHA. We have teams to fit many levels of skill and player development. Give us a call! Legacy Ladies Hockey League Randy Shaw, 519‐296‐4890 A recreational hockey league for ladies. Games take place Sunday rshaw@execulink.com evenings at the Legacy Recreation Centre in Thedford. Skill Shots Hockey School Todd or Michelle Bidner, Todd Bidner is a former pro hockey player and coach, who designed 519‐869‐6757 Skill Shots to teach players the proper techniques of skating, stick handling and shooting. The summer hockey camps combine on‐ice www.skillshots.net drills with off‐ice activities that include strength, balance, coordination and endurance training, as well as fun! The week long camps have attracted local players as well as children from New York, Michigan, Toronto and London. Todd also offers clinics for power skate and skills for hockey and Ringette players at the Shores Community Centre. Sunday Raiders Hockey Dwayne Moloy, 519‐296‐4460 Sunday Raiders’ games are played on Sunday mornings at the Legacy Centre. Sunday Morning Men’s Hockey Ken Parsons, 519‐786‐4472 Sunday Morning Men’s Hockey is played at the Shores Recreation Centre. Thedford Bosanquet Old Timer’s League Paul Augustine, 519‐296‐5786 Six teams in the League from Arkona, Forest, Parkhill, Port Franks, Ramblers and Thedford play Monday evenings at the Legacy Recreation Centre . Thedford Dirty Dogs Senior A Team Shawn Dickey, 519‐296‐4151 The Club was built with the idea that this small town team would someday make a big impact on the Senior A hockey front. The team www.thedforddirtydogs.org has always been built on a high level of dedication, character, com‐ mitment to the community and skill. Home games are generally on Saturday nights at the Legacy Centre. For a complete schedule, please check their website. Thedford Legacy Youth Hockey League Randy Shaw, 519‐296‐4890 A recreational and fun hockey league for children ages 5 to 15. rshaw@execulink.com Saturday afternoons at the Legacy Recreation Centre. Wednesday Night Hockey League Harry VanKessel, 519‐828‐3884 Thedford Co‐Ed Hockey plays each week on Wednesday evenings at the Legacy Recreation Centre. 58 Sports & Recreation Groups LAWN BOWLING Forest Lawn Bowling Jean Potthoff, 519‐243‐3026 The Lawn Bowling season commences Tuesday, May 22, 2012 and we play Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7:00pm through to mid www.lawnbowlingforest.ca September. The lawn bowling green is at the corner of Townsend Line and Albert St. in Forest. Great exercise, great fellowship in the fresh air and a congenial atmosphere. Seven tournaments throughout the season, sponsored by local merchants. Equipment is provided, casual at‐ tire and flat‐heeled shoes are required. Instruction provided as requested. Teams are determined at the time of the game‐no partners needed. Cash prizes for tournament. Season runs mid May to mid September. Please come and join us. RINGETTE www.forestringette.com Forest Xtreme Ringette Association The purpose of the association is to provide wholesome recreation through participation in the ringette program. Our main interest shall always be in the player and not his/her ability. Sportsmanship, fair play, citizenship, friendly competition, enjoyment and full participation for all team members will be our guideposts. All decisions of the association shall be tempered with reason and will always consider the feelings of an individual. It is our believe that this atmosphere will provide the greatest enjoyment, sense of achievement and wholesome experience for all concerned. Forest Xtreme Ringette Association offers programs for ages 4 to adult. It’s a great way to meet new friends, get exercise and have fun. Come play the fastest game on ice! SKATING CLUBS Forest Skating Club The Forest Skating Club offers various programs for those just learning to skate or those who are more advanced. All programs are taught by certified professional coaches, trained through Skate‐Canada. Volunteer positions are available for teenagers as Program Assistants working with our young skaters. Alison Delmage, 519‐899‐2398 adelmage@xcelco.on.ca www.forestskatingclub.org Thedford Skating Club Sandra Herrington, 519‐296‐5938 The Thedford Skating Club offers programs for ages one through to adult. Programs offered include: Learn to Skate, Can Skate and Star Skate. Programs occur at the Legacy Centre. 59 Sports & Recreation Groups SOCCER Grand Bend District Soccer Association grandbendsoccer@yahoo.ca Our mission is to allow children of the greater Grand Bend www.grandbendsoccer.org community the opportunity to learn and play soccer. We provide a fun and safe soccer game and atmosphere to all individuals regardless of playing experience. Home games are played at the Klondyke Sports Park. Taxandria Falcons Soccer Club info@taxandriasoccer.on.ca The Taxandria Falcons Soccer Club is located at 7159 Arkona Road, registration@taxandriasoccer.on.ca 1 km south of Arkona. In 2009 the club completed its new soccer www.taxandriasoccer.on.ca complex consisting of four soccer pitches and a clubhouse with four change rooms, washrooms and a canteen. The Club offers a Saturday morning program for children ages 3 to 9 years old. For youth ages 10 to 18 years old we have a wide range to travel teams offering recreational soccer to some of the most competitive leagues in Ontario. The Club has two women’s and two men’s teams playing at different levels. We also have a masters team for men over 35 years old. VOLLEYBALL Forest Recreational Volleyball 519‐243‐1400 The Forest Volleyball League is a non‐profit organization. The teams are composed of male and female players. Games are played at the Shores Recreation Centre on Tuesdays. The season runs from October to April. OTHER SPORTS & RECREATION GROUPS Tony Charrette, 519‐296‐4472 Thedford Shuffleboard League The shuffleboard program takes place at the Legacy Recreation Centre on Monday afternoons. New members are welcome. The ilreid@execulink.com League hosts the annual Apple Tournament each September which draws shuffleboarders from all over the region. Did you know that regular physical activity can improve your mental health and outlook on life? Regular physical activity can help… Give you the energy to do the things you want to do such as spend time with family and friends Reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression Improve your sleep, giving you the rest you need to enjoy daily activities—on the job and at home Clear your head so that you can approach work refreshed and able to concentrate Boost self-confidence by improving your strength, stamina, flexibility, appearance and sense of control www.shapeup.org 60 2013 Events Calendar The abundance of annual community events and festivals that occur each year in Lambton Shores are a prime example of community spirit and pride. If you are looking for a great volunteer opportunity, please consider assisting with one of these great events. Note: This is not intended to be a complete listing of all events in Lambton Shores. Dates are subject to change. For up to date and specific details, visit the Events page of our website www.lambtonshores.ca , or sign up for the electronic version of Living and Playing in Lambton Shores community newsletter and weekly email updates. To sign up for the newsletter or the weekly email updates, please send your request to events@lambtonshores.ca. JANUARY International Silver Stick Tournament, The Shores Recreation Centre and Legacy Recreation Centre January 11‐13 & January 25‐27 Good Tyme Country Jamboree, Legacy Recreation Centre January 10 & 24 FEBRUARY Grand Bend Winter Carnival, visit www.grandbendtourism.com for details Good Tyme Country Jamboree, Legacy Recreation Centre February 15‐18 February 14 & 28 MARCH Return of the Swans Festival & Paint Ontario Competition and Sale, Lambton Heritage Museum March 9‐31 Paint Ontario, Lambton Heritage Museum March 9‐31 Good Tyme Country Jamboree, Legacy Recreation Centre March 14 & 28 Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks Easter Egg Hunt, Port Franks Community Centre Forest BIA Easter in the Park, Rotary Civic Park, Forest March 30 Thedford Spirit Club’s Easter Egg Hunt, The Village Green , Thedford March 31 March 30 APRIL Good Tyme Country Jamboree, Legacy Recreation Centre April 11 Lambton Shores Home Show, Shores Recreation Centre April 13‐14 Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks Italian Night, Port Franks Community Centre April 13 Port Franks Seniors’ Euchre‐Rama, Port Franks Community Centre April 23 Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom annual “Trash Bash” community clean up effort April 22 Kiwanis Club of Forest Annual Kite Day, Kinnwood School, Forest April 27 Forest Home & Garden Accents Show & Sale, Shores Recreation Centre April 27 61 2013 Events Calendar MAY Grand Bend & Area Studio Tour May 12‐13 Port Franks Garden Club Annual Plant and Live Auction May 14 Forest Farmers’ and Artisan Market begins, King St W, Forest May thru October Grand Bend Farmers’ Market begins, Colonial Parking Lot, Grand Bend May thru October JUNE Kiwanis Club of Forest Bike Rodeo, Shores Recreation Centre June 1 Arkona Cemetery Decoration Day and Service, Arkona Cemetery June 9 Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, Forest Event, Forest Fairgrounds Grand Bend Optimist Club’s Drive N’ Jive, Grand Bend Main Street & Beach Port Franks Vacation Sectional Duplicate Bridge Tournament, Port Franks Community Centre HomeMade Jam, Esli Dodge Conservation Area, Forest June 14 June 29 Forest Heritage Walk, downtown Forest Last week of June Cassia Masonic Lodge Fish Fry, Legacy Recreation Centre June 29 JULY Canada Day Celebrations, Esli Dodge Conservation Area, Forest July 1 Canada Day Celebrations, Grand Bend Beach, Grand Bend July 1 Forest Garden Club Tour, Forest and surrounding area July 1 Forest Community Theatre presents “The Promise”, Esli Dodge Conservation Area, Forest July 5‐7; July 12‐14 Forest BIA Downtown Sale Days July 12‐13 Kettle & Stony Point Pow Wow July 13 Port Franks Seniors’ Euchre‐Rama, Port Franks Community Centre July 23 RONA MS Bike Tour, Grand Bend to London TBA AUGUST Thedford Spirit Club Funion Days Weekend, throughout Thedford August 2‐4 June 15 June 21‐23 Thedford Fire Department’s Roast Beef Dinner, Legacy Recreation Centre August 3 Aquafest, Grand Bend Beach, River Road, Pinery Provincial Park, West Ipperwash Beach August 9‐11 Western Ontario Steam Threshers Show, Forest Fairgrounds August 16‐18 62 2013 Events Calendar SEPTEMBER Thedford Spirit Club Lawnmower Races, Legacy Recreation Centre TBD Rotary Club of Grand Bend Autumn Indulgence, Huron Country Playhouse Forest Fall Fair, Forest Fairgrounds September 14 Lambton Shores Volunteer Recognition BBQ, Legacy Centre TBD September 20‐22 OCTOBER Thanksgiving Farmers’ Market, Eilber Street Parking Lot, Grand Bend October 12‐13 Lambton Fall Colour & Craft Festival, Lambton Heritage Museum and the Legacy Recreation Centre October 18‐20 Thedford’s Fall Fantasia, downtown Thedford October 19‐20 Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks Tea Room, Craft Sale and Poinsettia Tour, Port Franks Community Centre and throughout the Port Franks community Thedford Fire Department’s Open House and Breakfast October 19‐20 Pinery Provincial Park Road Race October 20 Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks Children’s Halloween Party, Port Franks Community Centre October 26 Port Franks Seniors’ Annual Octoberfest Dance, Port Franks Community Centre October 26 October 19‐20 Does your community group have an event you would like Lambton Shores to help promote?? Email it to events@lambtonshores.ca We can add it to our website, include it in our weekly email or add it to our signs. NOVEMBER Christmas Comes Early in Grand Bend, throughout Grand Bend November 9‐10 Forest BIA Tree Lighting, downtown Forest November 19 Port Franks Seniors Euchre‐Rama, Port Franks Community Centre November 13 Good Tyme Country Jamboree, Legacy Recreation Centre November 21 Kiwanis Club of Forest Santa Claus Parade, downtown Forest November 30 Thedford Garden Club’s Christmas Extravaganza, Thedford Village Complex November 24 DECEMBER Thedford Fire Department’s Santa Claus Parade, downtown Thedford Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks Breakfast with Santa 63 December 7 December 15 The Municipality of Lambton Shores is made up of three departments, and contact information for each can be found below. For information relating to the Leisure Guide, please call the Community Services Department, or visit our website at www.lambtonshores.ca. Lambton Shores Administration Department (Forest Sub‐Office) 7883 Amtelecom Parkway Forest, ON N0N 1J0 Phone: 519‐786‐2335 or Toll Free: 1‐877‐786‐2335 Fax: 519‐786‐2135 Email: administration@lambtonshores.ca Lambton Shores Community Services Department (Northville Sub‐Office) 9575 Port Franks Road, RR 1 Thedford, ON N0M 2N0 Phone: 519‐243‐1400 or Toll Free: 1‐866‐943‐1400 Fax: 519‐243‐3500 Email: works@lambtonshores.ca Lambton Shores Finance Department (Grand Bend Sub‐Office) 4 Ontario Street, PO Box 340 Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0 Phone: 519‐238‐8461 or Toll Free: 1‐866‐295‐8232 Fax: 519‐238‐8577 Email: finance@lambtonshores.ca 64
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