10 activities
10 activities
Summer Selection Choose from 10 activities proposed by the Library, to start off with a sweet load of points next term!! 1 Visit the Poetry Library in the Royal Festival Hall at the South Bank (bring proof) - for 5 points http://www.poetrylibrary.org.uk/ 2 Email a photograph of yourself reading outside jpeg file format, email to library@saintcecilias.london ) - for 5 points. Only 1 photo earns points, and you must state in the email if you do not wish your photo to be used for an in-school display. 3 Enter the Pass It On story competition (closes 30/10/15) - 5 points for proof of entering http://www.biblesociety.org.uk/about-bible-society/ourwork/pass-it-on/pass-it-on-the-competition/ 4 Read a book (or a few!) from the Library’s Summer Selection titles. Get the list from the Library News section of the school website, or from Fronter. 3 points for each book. 5 Choose 1 activity to do, from 1 of the activity sheets you can find on the Charles Dickens Museum website. 4 points E mail it to library@saintcecilias.london , or hand it in during the first week of term, in September. http://www.dickensmuseum.com/learning/conversa tions-with-a-twist-dickens-oliver-and-social-justice/ 6 Design a book cover … ..for an (imaginary author) L. Scribe, with any 1 of these titles: Summer, School’s Out, or Being Me. 5 points Photograph the cover design and email the image as a jpeg, or bring in the original artwork in the first week of term. 7 Write a poem! Write a poem of between 10 and 20 lines, with one of the following 3 titles: Summer, School’s Out, or Being Me - for 5 points (only your first poem gains points). Sentence Grabbing! 8 You know how you sometimes find an excellent sentence or two in something you’re reading, and you think, Yes!! …that’s bang on, beautifully put, or just a really good idea? Well this summer, grab the sentence/s and send by email to the Library: library@saintcecilias.london Include …the title of the book or other publication, the author, and in the case of a book, the page number. Only your first contribution counts, for 4 points. Example: “There was a plethora of guff on the internet about dyslexia…”. From page 57 of the novel Dying To Know You by Aidan Chambers. The phrase, plethora of guff is just a wonderful description! You could use it of a person e.g. ‘she talked a plethora of guff’. 9 Complete the 2015 Summer Reading Challenge, Children’s or Young People’s version, at Wandsworth Libraries (or your local public library), and bring proof of completion to school in the first week of term - 5 points. Plus rewards from the pubic library, as you go along. More information available from your local library or online at: http://readingagency.org.uk/youngpeople/ 10 DO MRS ROULSTONE’S SPECIAL SUMMER QUIZ ON FRONTER The quiz will be in the Library Room, from the last day of school until the day before we start again in September. The End. Have a great summer!