My Swingboard Instructions
My Swingboard Instructions
“MY SWINGBOARD” INSTRUCTIONS 1. Set up with the green Strike Zone in the center of your stance and swing down the swing path line always trying to hit in the Strike Zone. Strike the board firmly with the bottom of your club at least a dozen times without the ball to get a good feeling for the club striking the board. Once you have a good feel for hitting the board in the Strike Zone you are ready for Step 2. 2. Place a ball in the Strike Zone and repeat Step 1. Simply allow the ball to get in the way of the club. Hit many golf balls over time off the Strike Zone to develop a good confident swing. This is a great way to learn to play on the golf course. Line “My Swingboard” up to the target and improve your alignment right from the start. Any level of golfer would benefit by using “My Swingboard” on the golf course. Once you feel like you can’t miss you are ready for Step 3. 3. Now turn My Swingboard around and place the ball in front of the Swing Notch (toward the target) and in front of the leading edge of the board by one or two inches. Now when you make your swing focus on missing the board as you swing the club head through the Swing Notch making a divot that occurs both in front of the notch and after striking the golf ball. You can go to support for video instruction. “MY SWINGBOARD” INSTRUCTIONS PUTTING Set your stance line parallel to the target line or line of putt. Aim “My Swingboard” down the line of putt rolling the ball though the “Swing Notch.” Now to learn distance control, place the ball as far from the back edge of the board (end of green zone) as shown in diagram 2 below as you think you need for the distance of putt you are facing (in this case the player had a ten foot putt and was going to use about a five inch back swing). Then follow through the same amount as your back swing as shown in diagram 4. Try to keep your putter face square to the line on the board representing your line of putt. Advanced players will benefit through the ability to visualize the line of putt and immediately see the feedback required to make the proper adjustments. Remember distance control is more important than direction when trying to avoid three putting. Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3 Diagram 4 CHIPPING pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 Place “My Swing Noodle” or a water bottle under the back of the board creating an angle of the board to the ground toward the target. Place the ball one half of a ball in front of “My Swingboard” and set up with the ball in the center of your stance and keep a little more weight in your front side leaning your body slightly toward the target. Maintain the lean into the target as seen in pic 1, pic 2 and pic 3. Swing your club face up the center line and down the center line trying once again to strike the green zone. In most cases the chipping stroke does not go much further than the back edge of the board as seen in pic 2. Your club will slide off the board into the ball and then strike the ground in front of the ball. (pic 3) “MY SWINGBOARD” INSTRUCTIONS PITCHING For the high pitch shot you will play the ball forward in your stance as seen in the picture on the left here. The stance is slightly wider and maybe a little open depending on the swing but the key here is keep your nose a couple inches behind the ball during the forward swing. When using “My Swingboard” to pitch, you will position the board 4 to 5 inches behind the ball. Next, set your club behind the ball slightly open at address and throughout finish to get the height you are looking for. Now swing the club up the center line in the back swing and the forward swing and hit the ground between the board and the ball. The bounce built into your sand wedge will cause the club to slide under the ball instead of digging a divot. You want your weight distribution to stay somewhat centered through impact because you do not want to eliminate the bounce built into your wedge by leaning too much toward the target. This shot requires you to hit the ground first much like the “explosion” type of sand shot. Notice how high the ball comes off the club face in the picture below. Sand Shot “Explosion” type from greenside bunker Play the ball several inches in front of “Swing Notch” and well forward in your stance. Now the idea is to start your divot or hit the sand as close to the board as you can without hitting the board. It’s that easy. Make sure to take a full back swing. If you want to shorten the ball flight shorten the follow through not the back swing. For a very short shot you can shorten the back swing but for most bunker shots you need to get through that dense, heavy sand and need a full back swing to do it. “MY SWINGBOARD” INSTRUCTIONS CURE YOUR “SLICE” You can use “My Swing Noodle” or a water bottle but ONLY put a little bit of water in the bottle to stand up in the wind. Place noodle on the back edge of the board and miss the noodle or water bottle. This will cause you to swing from the inside of target line. If your clubface is square to the target line then your slice will go away! Make sure your stance line is parallel to “My Swingboard” FIX THE “SHANK” This one is easy. Just place your ball one ball away from “My Swingboard”. Now miss the board. If you shank it your toe of the club will hit the board. Focus on missing the board not hitting the ball. And don’t miss the board by a little, miss it by and inch! FIX THE “TOE” SHOT Place the ball one ball away from “My Swingboard” on the opposite side. Now focus on coming close to the board with the heel of the club head as seen in the picture on the left. GO TO WWW.PURITGOLF.COM AND CLICK ON SUPPORT FOR VIDEO DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTION
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