International Credentials
International Credentials
Supporting your global mining business Mining PRECISE. PROVEN. PERFORMANCE. Clients Our clients include mining businesses operating in gold, silver, oil and gas. They include: • Adira Energy Ltd. – Israel • Amarillo Gold Corporation – Brazil • Amerix Precious Metals Corporation – Brazil • APO Energy Inc. – Colombia • Auryx Gold Corp. – Namibia • Browstones Ventures Barbados Inc. • Delavaco Energy Colombia Inc. • Eco Oil & Gas • EMED Mining Ltd. – Spain and Slovakia • Energizer Resources Inc. (Vanadium – Madagascar) • Golden Amera Resources • Golden Grassland Limited – China • Infinity Oil • Instrumentos & Servicios S.A. • Kappa Resources Colombia Ltd • Laramide Resources Ltd. – Australia • Metallum Resources Inc. – Argentina 2 Mining Supporting your global mining business Depleting resources. Increasing prices. Intensifying competition. World economy. Rising costs. There are numerous opportunities and pitfalls for mining companies – how they are tackled will determine future success. We know this because we are there, helping our clients meet – and Global reach profit from – the challenges they face. We understand that making Moore Stephens International Limited has grown to be the 13th key decisions on daily basis is normal for businesses within the largest international accounting and consulting network worldwide. mining sector, meaning our services to the sector reflect the Offering a range of integrated services to help you grow, we aim to dynamism and complexity of our clients. add real commercial value to your mining business. Moore Stephens are able to provide both UK and multi–jurisdiction Our objective is simple: to provide our clients with the support they audits and advice in most key sector locations, working with require to meet their objectives. This strategy has not only proved member firms in the Russian Far East, South Africa, Asia, the Middle beneficial to our clients, but has been one of the driving forces East, Canada, America and Australia. behind our growth over the last few years. Our aim is to react quickly to our clients’ needs. We provide clients with the advice and support required to tackle compliance, improve performance and access capital markets. Our With member firms in over 630 locations across the globe, clients team is able to respond quickly to client needs, offer the full range can feel confident that there is a Moore Stephens expert in close of assurance and advisory services, and all at a sensible cost. And as proximity to them. And as Moore Stephens International grows, so one of the few ‘mid–tier’ accountants specialising in the mining does our global reach. sector, Moore Stephens provides a real alternative to the larger firms. We provide clients with the advice and support required to tackle compliance, improve performance and access capital markets. Our team is able to respond quickly to client needs, offer the full range of assurance and advisory services, and all at a sensible cost. Mining 3 Accounting for gold exploration Auryx Gold Corp. Golden Grassland Limited Auryx Gold Corp. is a Canadian resource company engaged in the Golden Grassland Limited is a Chinese mining and exploration acquisition and exploration of gold projects in Namibia. The company company engaged in the mining and exploration of Gold in Inner holds a 92% interest in 5 contiguous exclusive exploration licenses to Mongolia with offices in Beijing. The company has one of the most explore for gold in the Otavi area of Namibia. The licenses cover a highly developed mines and concentrate smelter, and is developing surface area of approximately 3,080 square kilometres in the north revenues in the mining of gold while continuing to explore and central part of the country. develop a major gold resource proximate to it’s mining operation. The Moore Stephens International Limited member firm in Toronto, When looking to access the Canadian public markets, Golden MSCM LLP, were initially engaged to assist with a takeover Grassland engaged MSCM LLP as auditors, as a first step in the transaction and a 3 cornered amalgamation that was the “go process of listing on the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange (TSXV). Our public” transaction for Auryx Gold. We provided the expertise to depth of experience in the resource sector and in China, allowed us develop the filing statement contents in the areas of audited, to assist the company in providing input on the conversion of their unaudited and pro forma financial information. As a result, Auryx financial statements from PRC Gaap to Canadian Gaap. Gold Corp. commenced trading it’s common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the symbol “AYX” on July 9, 2010. On In addition to providing audit and assurance services to Golden February 1, 2011, the company’s share capital was dual-listed on the Grassland, MSCM LLP has assisted in pursuing a “go public” Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX). transaction, exposing the company to the Canadian marketplace, whilst providing an insight into the exchange requirements for Since June 2010, the Auryx Gold Corp. has raised in excess of $80M in capital, with the funds being used to advance the exploration and drilling activities of the company’s mineral properties. As well as being the company’s auditors, MSCM LLP also assisted with the prospectus filings related to the financings completed in 2010. The team in Toronto are currently assisting the company with documentation of their internal controls over financial reporting and will be involved in their IFRS transition occurring in 2011. 4 Mining reserve report studies and quantification. Clients • New Horizon Exploration, Inc. • Northbrook Energy LLC – US • Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales • Omega Energy Colombia • P1 Energy Corp. – Colombia • Petroleum Equipment International Ltd • Quality Services and Investors S.A • Quetzal Energy Ltd • Royal Standard Minerals Inc. (Gold – Nevada, United States) • San Lucas Gold • Shona Energy (Colombia) Ltd • Sinopec International Petroleum Services Colombia Ltd • Sillenger Exploration Corp. – Equatorial Guinea • Takara Resources Inc. - Guyana • Virgin Metals Inc. - Mexico Mining 5 Full scope of auditing for energy companies P1 Energy Corp. Coal of Africa Ltd In 2010, P1 Energy Corp. amalgamated with APO Energy Inc. As Domiciled in Australia, Coal of Africa Ltd (CoAL) is listed on the individual private companies they had raised significant public Australian Stock Exchange, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and financing and acquired exploration stage and operating oil and gas the AIM Stock Exchange in London. Their principal activities are the assets in Colombia. Now operating as P1 Energy Corp, the exploration, development and mining of thermal and coking coal company is now in the process of going public in Canada via a projects in South Africa. CoAL currently has two mines in production reverse take-over of a public company shell. and two major coal projects in the exploration and development phase. MSCM LLP, a Moore Stephens International Limited member firm based in Toronto, assisted by the Moore Stephens member firm in Moore Stephens Perth Pty Ltd acted as statutory auditors of the Colombia, has helped each company as they grew from their start group. With all operations taking place in South Africa or up phase to their current state. Key areas of involvement included neighbouring countries, they worked closely with Moore Stephens audit and other assurance services required in raising public funding, Johannesburg, who report on the process of completing the group preparation of due diligence reports in connection with the audit and half year review. acquisition of Colombian oil and gas assets, assistance in preparation of financial documentation for the merger of P1 and During 2010 CoAL moved from the AIM market to a primary listing APO, assistance in dealing with Canadian regulators and assistance and on to the main market of the London Stock Exchange. As part in structuring the companies internationally so as to be best of this process Moore Stephens Perth worked with the project positioned from an income tax perspective. committee headed up by JP Morgan Cazenove. The scope of work included carrying out a full group audit, the provision of an audit MSCM LLP continue to be involved with P1 Energy Corp. as it report on the last three years financials for inclusion in the completes its reverse take-over transaction that will make it a listed prospectus, assisting the Reporting Accountant in the UK and public company. participation in regular meetings held by the project committee. As Canadian publicly listed entities are now required to convert from Canadian GAAP to IFRS for years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, MSCM LLP will also be assisting P1 with this transition, providing more opportunities for P1 Energy Corp. in international capital markets. 6 Mining Peninsular Gold Ltd KEFI Minerals Incorporated in Jersey, Peninsular Gold Ltd owns gold exploration Cyprus-based KEFI Minerals is a dynamic exploration company rights and conducts mining activities in the Raub District of the State focused on exploring for world-class mineral deposits in the of Penang in Malaysia, via its wholly owned Malaysian subsidiaries, well-endowed and under-explored Tethyan Mineral Belt of Turkey Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd and SEREM Malaysia Sdn and Arabian Shield of Saudi Arabia. In December 2006, KEFI Bhd. In June 2005 Peninsular Gold became the first Malaysian- Minerals listed on AIM in London, assisted by Moore Stephens controlled gold mining company to be listed on AIM, London. London which acted as reporting accountants. Since then Moore Moore Stephens London acted as reporting accountants to the float Stephens has acted as auditor to the holding company, at some and has subsequently acted as company auditor, advising on points with the assistance of the Moore Stephens International accounting and related matters. network member firm in Nicosia, Cyprus. At flotation, Peninsular’s plans were to build a plant and begin Following its listing in 2006, KEFI Minerals has established itself as mining and gold production, while also exploring in its licence areas an innovative gold and copper exploration company and has quickly and gaining new licence areas to identify additional gold resource. expanded its exploration portfolio. In Turkey it is primarily targeting Since 2005 the company has built its first gold producing plant, large low-sulphidation epithermal gold systems and porphyry-style originally with 1.1 million tonnes per annum capacity, this being gold-copper systems. It benefits from an extensive proprietary expanded to 2 million tonnes capacity during 2011. exploration database that contains information about approximately 100 prospective sites in Turkey. Exploration activities have also continued, with additional proven reserves within the Raub licence areas. By April 2011, proven The company recently expanded its sphere of interest with the reserves totalled around 218,000 ounces. A diamond drilling formation of a new minerals exploration joint venture within the programme is also ongoing, targeting deeper resource. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where it is exploring for mesothermal company has also gained two new licence areas, providing 2,000 vein-hosted gold mineralisation, listwaenite-hosted gold deposits hectares of exploration grounds. Drilling and exploration activity and Kuroko-style volcanogenic copper-zinc mineralisation. is underway. Mining 7 Moore Stephens globally Moore Stephens International Limited is a global accountancy and consulting association with its headquarters in London. Contact information For more information, contact your usual Moore Stephens partner, or log on to: /locations to locate your nearest Moore Stephens office. With fees of US$2.1 billion and offices in 97 countries, you can be confident that we have access to the resources and capabilities to meet your needs. Moore Stephens International independent member firms share common values: integrity, personal service, quality, knowledge and a global view. By combining local expertise and experience with the breadth of our UK and worldwide networks, clients can be confident that, whatever their requirement, Moore Stephens will provide the right solution to their local, national and international needs. We believe the information contained herein to be correct at going to press, but we cannot accept any responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person as a result of action or refraining from action as a result of any item herein. This brochure is not a substitute for professional advice. Printed and published by © Moore Stephens LLP, a member firm of Moore Stephens International Limited, a worldwide association of independent firms. MSIL and its member firms are legally distinct and separate entities. Moore Stephens LLP is registered to carry on audit work by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority for investment business. DPS16210 November 2011
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