vision for the future - School of Optometry


vision for the future - School of Optometry
A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 2
Dean’s Update
Dear alumni and friends of Indiana University School of Optometry,
“This is an exciting time to be at IUSO.” My own words from last year’s annual report are truer than
ever. In 2012, the excitement about our achievements at the IU School of Optometry has only grown.
Students, faculty, and alumni gave us many reasons to cheer in 2012. Honors including AOA
Optometrist of the Year and the Varilux Optometry Student Bowl win made us all proud. Adding to
the momentum was the new Dean’s Development Council, expanded community outreach programs,
facilities renovations and equipment upgrades, and a new academic Certificate in Optometric
Technology/Opticianry. These accomplishments and initiatives reflect our dedication to the highest
standards of teaching, clinical practice, research, and service to our community.
Focusing on three major development objectives for the school—scholarships, community outreach,
and a visual optics endowed chair—the newly minted IUSO Dean’s Development Council held its
first two meetings this year. Great results are already emerging from this enthusiastic group, and I look
forward to working with these dedicated individuals in the coming years.
We were all saddened by the passing of Dr. Irv Borish, a person who was instrumental in the school’s
evolution. Dr. Borish served on our faculty and made innumerable contributions to the profession.
To honor Irv’s life and interests, IUSO organized the inaugural “Irv Borish Continuing Education
Symposium,” with generous support from Essilor. The symposium will be held March 23, 2013, on the
IU Bloomington campus. I hope to see you there.
We continue our commitment to community initiatives through the Indiana University School of
Optometry Community Outreach (IUSOCO) program, which provides for the vision needs of
individuals who find themselves without sufficient financial resources or insurance coverage. In
Bloomington, we provide approximately $125,000 in services and materials to Volunteers in Medicine
patients each year. In Indianapolis, IUSOCO partners with community groups to provide vision care
and materials. A 2012 grant from the Hoover Family Foundation provided eyeglasses and contact
lenses for patients in need at IECC.
Next summer, we’ll begin Phase 3 of renovations to our laboratories, offices, and student study areas.
These improvements help us in our recruitment efforts and provide the space needed to expand
our growing patient-based research portfolio. Strong alumni support increases our ability to leverage
internal funding, such as the $200,000 in university provost’s funds we received in late 2011 for critical
equipment upgrades. We received an additional $235,000 from the provost in matching funds for
instrumentation in our patient clinics. I am constantly energized by the innovative, forward thinking of our faculty, staff, students, alumni and
alumni boards, and the Dean’s Development Council. We must continue to provide the resources to
put these ideas into action. I look forward to working together.
Dr. Joseph A. Bonanno, O.D., Ph.D.
Dean, Indiana University School of Optometry
Transforming clinical practice with pioneering research
5 Taking It to the Streets: Dr. Shirin Hassan
8 New Insights into First Sights: Dr. Rowan Candy
10 A Clearer Picture: Dr. Stephen Burns
13 AAO Recognizes Dr. Thibos and Dr. Soni
14 Dr. Steve Hitzeman Receives Eminent Service Award
14 Inaugural Dean’s Development Council
14 Faculty Promotions
15 Dr. Melvin Shipp Named Optometrist of the Year
15 Dr. Dennis Miller Receives Foley House Key Award
16 Dr. Miriam Boyd Celebrates 50-year Reunion
16 Reaching Out and Saving Sight
17 IU Alumnus Dr. Daniel Grossman’s Spirit of Philanthroy
18 IU Wins Optometry Student Bowl
20 Donor Roster
Improved mobility for the elderly, the blind, and the vision-impaired. A better
understanding of how our visual circuitry develops. Clearer ways to identify and
monitor diseases at early onset. In these pages, you’ll read about three IUSO faculty
members—Dr. Shirin Hassan, Dr. Rowan Candy, and Dr. Stephen Burns—whose
research is changing our vision of what future practice will look like. Through their
groundbreaking studies, IUSO faculty are looking for results that will transform
clinical practice and translate to better, healthier lives for the patients that
optometrists and ophthalmologists treat every day.
—Dr. Joseph A. Bonanno, O.D., Ph.D.
How Dr. Shirin Hassan is helping low vision patients get to the other side
“I want you to write down a list of activities that you can do without vision.”
That was Dr. Shirin Hassan’s assignment for her first low vision course when she was
an optometry student at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane,
Australia. “It was that question that motivated me to study low vision,” Dr. Hassan,
assistant professor at the IU School of Optometry, says. Thinking about the simple
activities of daily life that afford independence really brought home the challenges, she
says—activities like reading the mail, shopping, and crossing the street.
“It’s hard to avoid crossing the street when you leave your home,” Dr. Hassan says.
“Mobility is an integral part of independence and daily living.”
Research shows three high-risk pedestrian groups—the visually impaired, the blind, and the
elderly—are making risky decisions about when it’s safe to cross the street. In a survey of
163 legally blind pedestrians administered by the American Council for the Blind in 2000,
8% reported being hit by a car, and approximately 30% reported a car drove over their
long cane while they were crossing an intersection. “These statistics are shocking,” says Dr.
Hassan. “Safe street-crossing for blind and visually impaired pedestrians is definitely a real
and serious problem.”
In 2010, pedestrian fatalities comprised 13% of all traffic
accidents in the United States, according to the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Every eight minutes,
a pedestrian is injured, and one is killed every two hours. And
while there is no specific data from the NHTSA on the percentage
of visually impaired pedestrians in these accidents, the elderly
are overrepresented—and that shows a connection with visual
problems. “The association with eye disease as one ages is a
strong link,” says Dr. Hassan. “Many of these elderly pedestrians
have a visual impairment, and that may be contributing to
these statistics.”
At her postdoctoral research position at the Johns Hopkins
University Wilmer Eye Institute, Dr. Hassan worked on a streetcrossing study that compared visual behavior—eye movement and
eye gazes—in normally sighted people and low-vision people at
roundabout intersections. “I soon discovered that many of the low
vision subjects were relying a lot on their hearing in combination
with their vision to make the decision to cross the street,” she says.
Dr. Hassan now considers the interplay of auditory and visual
information as well as other factors that contribute to making
the decision to cross. She also continues to explore the difficulties
roundabout intersections create for pedestrians. Because research
has shown that roundabouts increase traffic flow, there will be more
and more of them in the U.S. roadway system, a proliferation that
brings new concerns for the visually impaired. “I came to America
to advance the field of low vision and street-crossing, and at the
same time advance my optometry career,” Dr. Hassan says.
Dr. Hassan and her research team are taking the problem to the
streets. With a $2 million grant from the National Eye Institute
of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Hassan is looking into
the factors that influence how pedestrians with low vision are
making street-crossing decisions. The five-year grant is funding
four studies that started in August—two in Bloomington that
focus on the complexity of intersections and how pedestrian safety
changes as a function of vision and a person’s characteristics, and
two in California in collaboration with the nonprofit Center for
the Partially Sighted (CPS). The studies to be performed at CPS
will investigate whether a pedestrian’s street-crossing decisions
improve after training with a current Orientation and Mobility
(O&M) street-crossing decision training program, and whether an
individual’s street-crossing decision making performance is related
to their self-confidence.
Dr. Hassan’s new studies are pioneering in many ways. They are
the first studies that consider several factors: the pedestrian’s degree
Dr. Hassan, BAppSc(Optom), Ph.D., is looking into the factors that influence how pedestrians with low vision are making street-crossing
of visual impairment, age, and cognitive status, as well as the
complexity of the intersection—one-way, two-way, or roundabout.
They are the first large-scale low vision studies that will be
conducted in real-time, natural street-crossing environments.
They are the first studies that allow subjects to respond in varying
degrees of confidence, and not simply “Yes, I would cross,” or “No,
I wouldn’t cross.” They are the first studies that will inform streetcrossing engineers to adopt design features that assist pedestrians in
making safe crossing decisions.
Indicating confidence on a continuum addresses smaller
components of the decision, Dr. Hassan says. And testing on
real streets with real traffic (no study vehicle is employed in
the experiment) will provide the first data with this level of
authenticity. Similar past studies employed lab simulations or
virtual reality programs, she says. “We are out in the real world,
dealing with actual conditions.”
And they are the first studies that will investigate the effectiveness
of an existing O&M street-crossing training program used by
numerous O&M instructors across the country to teach elderly,
visually impaired, and blind pedestrians safe street-crossing
techniques. This study represents the first time ever that the
training program will be assessed and measured.
On the other side of these studies, there will be quite a lot to
celebrate. Optometrists, ophthalmologists, and other primary care
providers will be able to more accurately identify patients who
are at risk for making unsafe street-crossing decisions, based on a
combination of factors. “I might find, for example, that being over
the age of 80 with vision reduced to 20/70 puts a patient at twice
the amount of risk compared to a person with 20/25 vision,” Dr.
Hassan says.
“This seemed like a very logical experiment to run,” says Dr.
Hassan. “As a low vision optometrist, I’m going to see patients here
in our optometry clinic that I’ll refer to an orientation and mobility
specialist. I need to have confidence that when I’m referring a
patient that there is a training program that’s been shown to
work—one that helps the patient to increase their independence
and quality of life.”
To better understand the difficulties low vision pedestrians meet
at roundabout intersections, Dr. Hassan is beginning her street
intersection complexity study with the least complex type of
street-crossing: a one-way street. You’ll find Dr. Hassan and her
team on Sare Road in Bloomington operating what she calls a
“fancy laser trip-wire system,” which includes a laser beam pointer
and sensors with computer chips that time-stamp the location of
vehicles in relation to the pedestrian in real time, while sending
that information directly to a laptop through wireless frequencies.
This allows Dr. Hassan to gather truly real information about the
pedestrian’s decision to cross in relation to the actual approaching
vehicle—what she calls a gap discrimination task.
Assessing the effectiveness of an Orientation and Mobility streetcrossing training program for elderly and low-vision pedestrians
will enable optometrists to refer patients to the program with
confidence. “We’ll have more confidence of who to refer and what
we’re referring them for,” she says.
The studies will also inform roundabout intersection traffic
engineers about design features that will enhance pedestrian
safety, which Dr. Hassan says might include overhead bridges for
pedestrians, rumble strips in the road that alert pedestrians about
an approaching vehicle, or amber flashing lights that alert drivers to
pedestrian crosswalks.
But the most gratifying, significant application will be improving
the lives of low vision patients. An optometrist at the very root,
Dr. Hassan loves seeing her patients and interacting with them.
Her clinical insights and her research are always informing each
other, and her sessions with her low vision patients propel her to
find ways to increase their independence. That’s why Dr. Hassan
has devoted her research to the street-crossing studies. “It’s a way
that I can make a difference in people’s lives,” she says. n
For safety reasons, the pedestrian subjects cross the street only at
the beginning of the experiment, accompanied by a member of
the research team, when it’s safe to cross. After subjects are familiar
with the crossing distance, they close their eyes at the crossing point
while white noise is delivered to them through ear buds. At random
times, the white noise stops, and subjects open their eyes to watch
and listen to approaching vehicles for two seconds. At the end
of the two-second period, subjects make a crossing decision, but
they don’t cross the street—they press a clicker button, signifying
how confident they would feel about crossing. The number of
clicks indicates the level of confidence, on a scale of 1 to 5—1
click indicating the lowest confidence (definitely not enough time
to cross), and 5 clicks indicating the most confidence (definitely
enough time to cross).
Dr. Rowan Candy looks to prevent vision loss and eye turns for children around the globe
When Dr. Rowan Candy was a teenager, sitting in a lecture in optometry school at the
University of Wales, she learned about studies conducted in the 1960s that uncovered key
insights into early development of the visual system. The studies showed that when one
eye received blurred or distorted images, the synaptic connections in the developing brain
shifted to respond to the well-focused eye, demonstrating that clinicians providing eye care
to infants and young children have a permanent impact on the wiring of the visual brain.
“This stage of development is called the critical period, and it lasts for a number of years
after birth,” says Dr. Candy, associate professor at the IU School of Optometry. “It is the
time when it is critical to make sure that the visual information available to the developing
brain is appropriate. When this period is over, it becomes extremely difficult to treat the
vision loss resulting from abnormal wiring.”
For Dr. Candy, that was it. She has studied the development of the human visual system
ever since, with the goal to understand how we can improve and modify care for infants
and young children, both in terms of treatment and in terms of prevention.
Lazy eye (amblyopia) and eye turns (strabismus) have been treated somewhat successfully
with corrective lenses and other clinical treatments. But, as the clinical community has
come to understand, forms of these conditions develop only post natally, and that is why
Dr. Candy has focused her goals on prevention.
“Why are we waiting until these problems have developed? If we
could achieve prevention, we could allow these children to reach
their full potential, providing them with much more efficient
visual systems as adults,” Dr. Candy says, “and reduce the burden
of all of the treatment required.”
“Eye turns and vision loss are being found in vision screenings,
after these conditions have developed. In the lab here, we are
gaining insight into the reasons why some children derail into
trouble while others with very similar-looking visual systems avoid
these problems,” Dr. Candy says. “How can we optimize the visual
experience arriving in the brain to avoid amblyopia and strabismus?”
To understand how visual circuitry is developing in the brain
during the critical period, Dr. Candy first needs to understand
what babies can actually see during this phase. In her current
research, she and her NIH-funded research team of postdocs,
Ph.D. students, master’s students, and optometry students are
getting a better understanding of how well children focus and
align their eyes. Their studies follow infants starting at about three
months of age through about three years of age. “We’re trying
to understand what’s happening in terms of the development of
the optics of the eye and the coordination of eye alignment.” Dr.
Candy says the team is looking at the sensory information that’s
driving development of early stages of processing in the brain
related to the clinical conditions of amblyopia and strabismus.
The very baby-friendly studies employ cartoons to try to get
closer to what children are actually seeing in the real world. “We’re
using screens that are moved along a track—showing things they
actually look at in their daily environment,” Dr. Candy says.
“We can see how infants align and focus their eyes at all these
different distances.”
Using a video camera incorporating a sophisticated version of
a red eye reflex technique, Dr. Candy can tell where the eye is
focused and can track eye position in the images recorded by
the camera. The data are already revealing different behaviors at
different stages of development, and across individual infants.
Dr. Candy’s research relies on collaborative efforts between many
different groups, and she is working with a broad spectrum of
researchers. “Our work spans the spectrum, from immediate
clinical application right through to the very basic science that
looks at how the typical visual system is developing. And therefore
we collaborate with groups around the world working in cognitive
science, experimental psychology, neuroscience, ophthalmology,
and optometry. It’s fully translational,” Dr. Candy says. Together,
the pieces of their studies will inform each other, and ultimately
influence clinical prevention and treatment.
“The clinical motivation is to prevent these conditions rather than
detect them after they’ve developed. What we’re trying to do is
understand normal development—what enables the system to
develop normally,” Dr. Candy says.
Three to five percent of people experience amblyopia or
strabismus, and so the significance of this work is considerable.
“Improving the evidence base for clinicians as they manage these
cases will have a widespread impact on the vision of infants,
children, and adults,” she says. n
The very baby-friendly studies
run by Dr. Candy, MCOptom,
Ph.D., employ cartoons to try to
get closer to what children are
actually seeing in the real world.
Dr. Stephen Burns’ retinal imaging technology sheds new light on diseases of the eye
Adapting imaging tools originally employed in satellite spy projects and astronomy
research, Dr. Stephen Burns is opening a new frontier in exploration of the retina that has
enormous implications for the early detection and monitoring of eye diseases and other
diseases that affect the eye.
Professor and associate dean for graduate programs at the IU School of Optometry, Dr.
Burns is a member of a small global team of researchers funded by the National Eye Institute
who are using these tricks to produce images of the retina at unprecedented resolutions.
The Adaptive Optics Instrumentation for Advanced Ophthalmic Imaging (AOIAOI)
group is also working to bring the imaging technology from the research labs to clinical
practice. The amazingly clear, real-time adaptive optics images of the retina will strongly
influence clinical diagnoses and treatments, Dr. Burns says.
How does it work? Adaptive optics astronomy removes wavefront distortions in the
atmosphere by correcting them with a device that works something like a programmable
funhouse mirror, Dr. Burns says. “Stars twinkle. And they twinkle because differences
in the atmosphere are causing little variations when the light from the star gets to you.”
Astronomers figured out they could poke and turn a mirror device to undo the distortions
in real time.
And that’s what Dr. Burns and the AOIAOI researchers are doing
with the eye. “We use light coming back out of the eye to tell us
all about changes in the lens, the cornea, and the tear film. We
measure those things and how they change over time, and we
use those programmable mirrors to undo those bendings,” says
Dr. Burns. “Adaptive optics allows us to bypass the imperfections
of the normal human eye to get about as good an image as it’s
possible to get.”
People have been able to see the retina since the middle of the
nineteenth century, but it’s been “a long slow process of making
visibility better and better,” Dr. Burns says. “Around 1990, a lot of
forces came together—improved computers, improved electronics
for detecting light, improved lasers and light sources for generating
light—and this combination of improvements created a revolution
in the retinal imaging field.”
Dr. Burns is regarded as an international leader in the field of
retinal function and biomedical imaging, and has “always lived on
the border between developing new techniques and using them
on patients,” he says. For outstanding contributions to the science
of color vision and color imaging systems, he received the Optical
Society of America’s Edgar D. Tillyer Award in 2010.
As a Ph.D. student in biophysics at The Ohio State University,
Dr. Burns studied in an interdisciplinary vision science program
in conjunction with Ohio State’s College of Optometry. His
postdoctoral study at the University of Chicago was in a unique
program through the ophthalmology department that trained
basic scientists about eye disease. Through his employment at
the Eye and Ear Hospital in Pittsburg, he became fascinated by
how diseases like age-related macular degeneration affect the
photoreceptors in the retina. But to understand these changes, he
needed to clearly see them.
Dr. Burns worked at the Eye Research Institute in Boston (later
renamed the Schepens Eye Research Institute) for two decades
before coming to IU in 2005. He has been studying diseases that
affect the retina and refining the imaging technology for viewing
them ever since. His retinal imaging research began with a focus
on the retinal photoreceptors—the first step in vision—which start
the process of turning the light that falls onto the retina into a
neural signal that we can then see and interpret.
“The photoreceptors are very specialized cells,” Dr. Burns says.
“They are also some of the most metabolically active cells in
the body, which means they’re quite sensitive to being upset
The amazingly clear, real-time adaptive optics images of the retina will strongly influence clinical diagnoses and treatments, Dr. Burns, Ph.D., says.
Dr. Burns’ second area of interest is the vascular structure of the
retina. When they’re healthy, vascular structures in the eye respond
to changes in light by increasing blood flow and by changing their
sizes. But Dr. Burns suspects these responses to be compromised by
hypertension and diabetes, some of the leading causes of vision loss.
With adaptive optics imaging, Dr. Burns can now look at precise,
real-time video of the vascular arteries, capillaries, and veins—and
actually see the density and growth of blood vessels, the realtime flow of blood, and the thickness of cell walls. The imaging
provides the potential to help researchers and clinicians make
great strides in diagnosing and monitoring these kinds of diseases.
For example, people with diabetes don’t know when to expect
complications. But monitoring changes in the vasculature of the
retina may identify the onset of problems.
This map of the retinal capillary network was constructed by
creating adaptive optics videos of a subject’s eye.
by diseases. They can be like the canary in the coal mine. They
respond very early to insult and injury.”
Now able to see the number and the condition of the
photoreceptors, Dr. Burns is looking at how photoreceptor cells
vary between individuals and how those variances affect visual
capacity. He is also studying the effects of aging on the distribution
of photoreceptors and how photoreceptors respond to disease.
“What we find is that as people start to age, the very center of
their vision starts to change more rapidly, even within the normal
vision range. People start to lose their photoreceptors, and that
seems to be a pattern—part of the process, unfortunately, of losing
vision. When you start putting some of the age-related signs of
macular degeneration into the mix, those losses get bigger,” Dr.
Burns says. And, he says, it looks like these losses happen earlier
than a typical clinician would predict.
To find a gene therapy or other therapies that could intervene
in those losses, clinicians need a way to quantify the number of
photoreceptors that have been lost. And they need to know when
the losses are significant, and when the treatments are working.
“Now we can go in and put real numbers to it,” he says. For
example, instead of viewing vision loss in terms of a drop from
20/15 vision to 20/18 vision, a clinician could see a drop from
84,000 cone receptors per mm2 to 60,000 cones receptors per
mm2. “The data is much more specific,” he says.
“Diagnosis for diabetes usually comes from testing blood sugar,
feeling crummy, obesity, things like that,” he says. “A lot of people
aren’t diagnosed when they should be, particularly in poorer
populations. So there’s a big problem on the detection, but right
now adaptive optics is too expensive for screening populations.
However, monitoring progression can be even harder. If we
can start using these relatively noninvasive tests to be able to
appropriately increase the frequency of patient visits for those who
need it, and decrease it for those who don’t, that can create savings
on both ends,” Dr. Burns says. “I think a lot of medicine is going
to go this way, toward more individualized care. It has to.”
The new information also shows the potential for the eye to be
a biomarker for diseases like diabetes and hypertension. “We
can start thinking of the vasculature as a possible biomarker for
diseases that go well beyond the health of the eye, into the health
of the whole body,” Dr. Burns says. And if the eye could be a
disease biomarker, how many diseases might the eye mark? It’s too
soon to tell, he says. Regardless, adaptive optics imaging may be
enormously beneficial for early damage detection and monitoring
compared to more invasive, risky methods currently available, such
as kidney and brain biopsies.
While Dr. Burns, the AOIAOI research team, the National Eye
Institute, and imaging technology companies are working to make
the imaging technology affordable for use in clinics, adaptive
optics research continues to unearth questions that will inform
clinical practice for decades to come.
The new imaging opens a new world of uncovered territory, Dr.
Burns says. “Part of the trouble is, nobody’s seen this stuff before,
so you don’t know if it’s important,” he says. “You have to do the
research to find out.” n
Academy President Dr. Karla Zadnik, O.D., Ph.D., presents the
Prentice Medal to Dr. Larry N. Thibos, Ph.D.
Dr. Sarita Soni, O.D., M.S.
Dr. Larry N. Thibos and Dr. P. Sarita Soni received awards at the
American Academy of Optometry (AAO) 91st Annual Meeting
held in Phoenix on October 26.
architecture, and the characterization of vision in the peripheral
field. “He is a scholar who is most deserving of this award,
given all his contributions to basic ophthalmic science and
clinical optometry,” said Chris Johnson, chair of the AAO
awards committee.
In recognition of a career-long record of advancing knowledge
in vision science, Dr. Larry N. Thibos received the Charles F.
Prentice Medal, which is considered to be the most prestigious
of the academy’s awards for achievement in research. “Winning
the Prentice award is a rare honor for IU, as the only previous
recipient was in 1976: Professor Henry Hofstetter, the founder
of the IU School of Optometry,” IU School of Optometry Dean
Joseph Bonanno said. “We are now recognized as the premier
institution in the world in the field of visual optics research and
its clinical applications. That reputation will be further enhanced
by having the 2012 Prentice Medal in our school’s showcase.”
Dr. Thibos, who in 1991 received the academy’s Glenn A. Fry
Lecture Award for research contributions by distinguished
scientists and clinicians, was also recognized in 1999 as IU’s
distinguished faculty research lecturer. His research interests
include the effects of optical aberrations of the eye on visual
performance, the limits to spatial vision imposed by retinal
For her “distinguished and significant contribution to clinical
excellence and the direct clinical advancement of visual and
optometric service, and thus the visual enhancement of the
public,” Dr. P. Sarita Soni received the William Feinbloom Award.
“Dr. Soni has made a significant mark on the profession of
optometry and on the Indiana University School of Optometry,”
Bonanno said. “By contributing to major advancements in
clinical care, and by representing the needs of patients both in
her own community and around the world, she most certainly fits
the spirit of the Feinbloom award.”
Dr. Soni served the IU School of Optometry as associate dean
for research from 1992 to 2004, and as interim dean from
2008 to 2010. Her research focuses on the cornea and the
development and correction of refractive errors.
The inaugural awardee of the IU
School of Optometry Eminent
Service Award, Dr. Steven A.
Hitzeman, O.D., a 1976 graduate
of the IU School of Optometry,
was honored this fall by Dean
Bonanno for his unwavering
efforts and dedication to the
school’s mission. A clinical
associate professor who has
served on the IUSO faculty
for more than 35 years, Dr.
Hitzeman is also director of the
Sports Vision Program at the
school, and has previously served
as director of clinics, director
of residencies, and director of
external rotations. Past president
of the Indiana Optometric Association and past chair of the American
Optometric Associations Sports Vision Section, Dr. Hitzeman
currently serves as chair of Screening Services for the AOA Sports
Vision Section and as chair of the AAU Junior Olympics Screening
Program, which he started more than 15 years ago. He has served on
the vision screening teams for the 1991, 1995, and 1999 International
Special Olympic games and the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.
In 2012, Dean Bonanno launched the IUSO Dean’s
Development Council (DDC). Council members
serve as strategic thought leaders, collaborators, and
advocates for support of our key funding priorities.
We are honored to have such a prestigious inaugural
DDC class. We thank them for their commitment to
the school.
In addition to his other duties at the school, Dr. Hitzeman teaches
sports vision in the optometry program, regularly provides clinical
instruction in the school’s clinics, and conducts screenings of athletes
for all sports in the IU Athletic Department. The Indiana Optometric
Association recognized him as Optometrist of the Year in 2000,
and the American Optometric Association’s Sports Vision Section
named him Sports Vision Optometrist of the Year at the 2005 AOA
Congress. A consultant to TaylorMade Golf, Dr. Hitzeman taught
courses in visual alignment and golf at the 2013 IUAA Winter College
in San Diego.
Dr. Jennifer Bailey, O.D.
Macha Family Eye Care
Dr. Louis Catania, O.D.
Nicolitz Eye Consultants
Dr. David Hansen, O.D.
Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.
Dr. David Hormuth, O.D., M.D.
IU Health Cardiovascular Surgeons
Dr. Jerry Logan, O.D.
Drs. Logan & Bailey Optometrists, Inc.
Dr. Doug Morrow, O.D.
Innovative Eyecare
Dr. Dan Neal, Ph.D.
Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.
Dr. Gregg Ossip, O.D.
Ossip Optometry
Dr. Colleen Riley, O.D.
Novartis Consumer Health
Dr. Stephen Schock, O.D.
Dr. Kevin Waltz, O.D., M.D.
Eye Surgeons of Indiana
We extend congratulations to the following faculty members, who received promotions in 2012.
Dr. Richard
Meetz, O.D.
Dr. Meetz was
appointed associate
dean for fiscal
affairs in April, and
was promoted to
clinical professor
in July.
Sandra Corns
Pickel, A.S., B.G.S.,
A.B.O.C., C.P.O.T.
Ms. Pickel was
promoted to senior
lecturer in August.
Dr. Brad Sutton, O.D.
Dr. Sutton was
promoted to clinical
professor in July.
Dr. Melvin Shipp, O.D.,
DrPH., a 1972 graduate
of the IU School of
Optometry, was named
Optometrist of the
Year by the American
Optometric Association
in June in Chicago at the
American Optometric
Association’s annual
awards ceremony during
the 115th Annual AOA
“The selection of Dr. Mel Shipp as the 2012 AOA Optometrist
of the Year is a recognition well-bestowed,” says Dr. Edwin
Marshall, professor of optometry and IU vice president for
Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs. “Mel has amassed
a broad portfolio of highly valued contributions to the
professions of optometry and public health.”
The award is one of several illustrious distinctions Shipp has
accrued throughout his celebrated career. Dean of The Ohio
State University College of Optometry since 2004, Shipp is the
past recipient of the American Academy of Optometry Koch
Medal, the National Optometric Association Founder’s Award,
the National Optometric Association Optometrist of the Year
Award, and the American Optometric Student Association
Teaching Award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction.
An inductee in the National Optometry Hall of Fame, Shipp is
currently president of the American Public Health Association,
the first optometrist to serve in this position.
After earning his B.S. and Doctor of Optometry degrees from
IU, Shipp served in the United States Navy on active duty from
1972 to 1976 as chief of optometry service in Port Hueneme,
California. He received his Master of Public Health degree from
Harvard University in 1980 and his Doctor of Public Health
degree from the University of Michigan in 1996, and continued
to serve in the Naval Reserves in many roles until 2001.
Before coming to Ohio State, Shipp was professor and assistant
dean for clinical services and director of clinics at the University
of Alabama at Birmingham. He has acted as reviewer and
served on the editorial boards of several academic publications,
which include Optometry: Journal of the American Optometric
Association, the American Journal of Public Health, Optometry and
Vision Science, Evidence-based Eye Care, and the Southern Journal
of Optometry. The author of more than 60 journal articles,
publications, and abstracts, Shipp has presented more than 50
continuing education talks and keynote addresses.
Past president of the Association of Schools and Colleges of
Optometry, Shipp has also served as a member of the national
board of directors of Prevent Blindness America and the
National Optometric Association, where he twice chaired the
continuing education committee. He is currently a member of
the National Board of Examiners in Optometry.
“It is a fitting tribute to his collective work as an optometrist,
educator, administrator, and public health leader,” says Dr.
Marshall. “As a graduate of the IU School of Optometry,
Mel joins four other IU optometry graduates as a national
optometrist of the year—an honor to both Mel and the IU
School of Optometry.”
Dr. Dennis R. Miller, O.D., a 1979 graduate of the IU School
of Optometry, was honored with the school’s 2012 Foley
House Key Award, which is given annually to honor an
alumnus who has had a distinguished optometric career. The
award is named for a unique building, deeply rooted in the
history of the school, that still represents the collegiality and
good humor of IUSO students long after its demolition.
Voted Indiana Optometrist of the Year in 2005 by the Indiana
Optometric Association (IOA), Dr. Miller has served as the
organization’s director of continuing education for the past
27 years and as its president (1999–2000). Dr. Miller has been
a staff optometrist for 22 years with Grossnickle Eye Center
in Warsaw, Plymouth, South Bend, and Elkhart. He is the
owner of the Miller Eye Center in La Porte. His professional
interests are in the area of ocular disease and retinal
photography and angiography, and he has been a certified
retinal angiographer for the past 24 years. In his spare time,
Dr. Miller enjoys playing the euphonium in several local bands.
He has participated in four China concert tours through
Valparaiso University and in five big band cruises with the
Tom Milo Big Band.
Dr. Miriam Boyd Celebrates 50-year Reunion
Dr. Miriam Boyd, O.D., the first female graduate of the IU School of Optometry and
president of her class, celebrated her 50-year class reunion this year. Dr. Boyd still
practices optometry in Vincennes, Indiana, and returned to Bloomington to attend the
IOA Fall Seminar and celebrate her milestone reunion with classmates. There were few
women in the field at the time she started optometry school, but Dr. Boyd had a powerful
role model. Her late mother, Dr. Virlee C. (Metzger) Stemle, was a practicing optometrist
in Jasper, Indiana, through 1991. “I had a strong example in my mother,” Dr. Boyd says,
“so I always knew it was possible.”
Reaching Out and Saving Sight
Two vision care outreach programs received a boost this year, allowing the IU School of
Optometry to expand vision care services to low-income members of our community.
Providing eye exams, eyeglasses, and medically necessary contact lenses to patients who
couldn’t afford them otherwise just got a little easier, thanks to a 2012 grant for the IU
School of Optometry Community Outreach (IUSOCO) program from the Hoover
Family Foundation. As one IUSOCO patient said in a thank-you letter, “Sometimes
people fall on hard times and don’t or can’t carry insurance. I just wanted to thank you all
for the care and courtesy. I left your office feeling that someone really cared for me and
my eyes. I was stunned to learn I was getting glasses. I hope I said ‘thank you’.”
Dr. Julie Torbit, O.D.
Indiana University School of Optometry and Saving Sight Indiana (formerly Prevent
Blindness Indiana) have recently teamed up to increase the impact they have on
underserved patients in Indiana. Indianapolis optometrist Dr. Marjorie Knotts, O.D., a
former IU School of Optometry faculty member, is among the group of optometrists
who volunteer their services with Saving Sight Indiana to improve eye care for Indiana’s
poor and indigent patients. “By joining forces, we are providing medically underserved
Hoosiers around the state with better access to eye care services,” says Dr. Julie Torbit,
O.D., associate clinical professor at the Indianapolis Eye Care Center and director of
community outreach at the IU School of Optometry.
We extend our appreciation to the Hoover Family Foundation for their generosity.
Indianapolis Eye Care Center
Dean Bonanno was delighted to honor Dr. Grossman’s support of IUSO.
IU Alumnus Grossman Selected
for Spirit of Philanthropy Award
Dr. R. Daniel Grossman embodies the philanthropic spirit.
A quarterback and linebacker for the 1970–72 IU Hoosiers,
Dr. Grossman has been a venerable advocate for IU and the
IU School of Optometry. The IU School of Medicine graduate was
honored by IUSO for his years of support with the 2012 IUPUI
Spirit of Philanthropy award at a luncheon hosted by Chancellor
Charles R. Bantz on April 10.
Following graduation from the IU School of Medicine, Grossman
went on to become one of the leading cataract surgeons in the
country. Among his many professional accomplishments, he
founded the Eye Center of Southern Indiana in Bloomington.
When Dr. Grossman heard of plans to build a new eye clinic on the
IU campus, he was one of the first to join in the effort. “When I
first started here in Bloomington, the IU clinical faculty welcomed
us right away. With IU in our backyard, how could I not help
support the clinic?” Dr. Grossman says.
New Certificate
in Optometric
To answer a growing need for
trained clinical technicians—and
to attract more students to the
program, IUSO is now offering
a Certificate in Optometric
Technology/Opticianry that
allows students to complete the
coursework in half the time, and for
half the cost. Help us get the word
For more information, contact
Ms. Sandra Pickel, senior lecturer
in optometry, at (812) 855-3997 or
“Dan Grossman is a long-standing supporter of Indiana University
and the School of Optometry,” says IU School of Optometry
Dean Joseph Bonanno. “Moreover, he is an advocate for strong
partnerships between ophthalmology and optometry. The school is
fortunate to have such a friend.”
Karen Lee Brings Home the Crystal Trophy
(-0.50 -2.50 x 180)
LEFT: From left to right, Dr. Rod Tehran, Karen Lee, Dr. Howard Purcell.
TOP: Dr. Larry Thibos congratulates Karen Lee on her big win.
You perform retinoscopy using loose lenses at a working distance of 67 cm.
the brightest students from around the country was an exciting
honor,” said Optometry Student Bowl champion Lee. “I’m proud
to bring the highly coveted crystal Student Bowl trophy home and
share bragging rights with my fellow Indiana University School of
Optometry students.”
When the streak is oriented vertically, your result is +1.00 D.
When the streak is oriented horizontally, your result is -1.50 D.
What minus cylinder prescription do you record in the patient’s chart?
Don’t know the answer?* Ask IU School of Optometry student
Karen Lee, who answered correctly to win the 21st annual Varilux
Optometry Student Bowl held in Chicago on June 28.
More than 1,500 students, practitioners, and staff participated
in this year’s competition—the biggest and most spirited yet.
Students representing the top optometry programs in the nation
donned school colors, outlandish hats and glasses, war paint, pompoms, and brightly-colored banners—and were welcomed like
prizefighters as they entered the competition arena.
Winning the Varilux Optometry Student Bowl is just one example
of the well deserved honors and awards our students received
in 2012. The many awards, grants, fellowships, and scholarships
our students receive each year reflect the academic and clinical
excellence of our students, as well as the expertise of the faculty
who prepare them for successful careers. n
*See page 23 for the answer.
The first-place win for the IU School of Optometry came with
a trophy and $1,000—and, most important, a sense of pride.
“The opportunity to compete in this event against the best and
Corporate and Foundation Honor Roll
Over the years, IUSO has benefited from many gifts, grants, and sponsorships made by the valued partners listed on this page.
We look forward to continued collaboration in the years to come.
PLATINUM ($150,000)
Anthem Foundation
Bell Optical Laboratories
CIBA Vision Corporation
Elite Eyewear
Essilor of America
Johnson & Johnson/Vistakon, Inc.
Topcon Medical Systems, Inc.
GOLD ($75,000 to $149,999)
Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.
ECCA Management Services, Ltd.
The E.F. Wildermuth Foundation
Indiana Lions Eye Bank
Irvin M. Borish Charitable Lead Unitrust
John Kenyon Eye Care Center
Marco Ophthalmic, Inc.
Marion County Health Dept.
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Ocean Optical Co., Inc.
Vision Care Consultants
Woodlyn Inc.
SILVER ($25,000 to $74,999)
Allergan, Inc.
American Academy of Optometry, Indiana Chapter
American Foundation for Visual Awareness
American Optometric Foundation
Bausch & Lomb, Inc.
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Cole Vision
Eye Center of Southern Indiana
Gerber Coburn Optical Inc.
Haag-Streit USA
Heidelberg Engineering
Heine USA, Ltd.
Interstate Optical
Keeler Instruments
Luxottica Group
Madison Vision Clinic
Marchon Eyewear, Inc
National Optronics
OptiCast, Inc.
Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments
Sola Optical, Inc.
The Indianapolis Foundation
Vision Service Plan
Walman Optical
Welch Allyn, Inc.
BRONZE ($10,000 to $24,999)
American Optometric Association
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc
Continental Optical Imports
Eye Center of Indiana
Eye Specialists of Indiana
Hoover Family Foundation
INTEG Health System, P.C.
Japan Optometric Association
M & S Fire and Safety, Inc.
Moser and Moser Optometrists, Inc.
Multi-Optics Corp.
Optima, Inc.
Propper Manufacturing
Reliance Medical Products, Inc.
Silhouette Optical Limited
Volk Optical
Corporations with Major Equipment on Loan
Accutome, Inc
Avante Garde / Luxottica
Briot / WECO
Essilor of America
Haag-Streit USA
Heidelberg Engineering
Heine USA, Ltd.
Keeler Instruments
Marco Ophthalmic, Inc.
National Optronics
Optovue, Inc.
Propper Manufacturing
Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments/Leica Inc.
Reliance Medical Products, Inc.
Star Ophthalmic Instruments, Inc.
Topcon Medical Systems, Inc.
Woodlyn, Inc.
Individual Donor Lifetime Honor Roll
Visionary Circle
($250,000 and up)
Dr. William R. and Mrs. Honey Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Borish
Dr. J. Stanley Rafalko
Dr. Dennis Sawyer
20/15 Circle
($100,000 to $249,999)
Dr. Joseph T. and Mrs. Lynda Eade
Dr. Polly Hendricks
Dr. C. Denise Howard and Mr. James Bohrer
Mrs. Carolyn Robbins Leeds
Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Andrya Lowther
Dr. Andy L. Nemeth
Dr. Kevin Waltz and Mrs. Rhonda Fox Waltz
Focus Circle
($50,000 to $99,999)
Dr. John and Mrs. Patricia Ashman
Mrs. Alice Bennett
Dr. Henry Hofstetter
Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Theresa Logan
Dr. David P. Martin
Mr. L. Morgan
Mrs. Pearl Scott
Dr. R. Lewis Scott
Mr. Jonathan Slaughter
Mrs. Harriet Slaughter
Reflections Circle
($10,000 to $49,999)
Dr. Jon and Mrs. Nancy Bausback
Dr. Joe and Mrs. Gayle Begley, Jr.
Dr. Donald W. Bennett
Mrs. Beatrice E. Borish
Dr. Miriam S. Boyd
Mrs. Dolly Bryant
Dr. Robert Bumbleburg
Drs. Stephen A. Burns and Ann E. Elsner
Dr. Louis J. Catania
Ms. Cynthia G. Cato
Mr. Howard S. Demps
Dr. Paul R. Ellis
Dr. J. Stuart and Mrs. Joanne Engelberg
Dr. Dennis M. Escol
Dr. Lyndi Kolack Fertel
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Rosalind Gerstman
Dr. R. Daniel and Mrs. Maureen Grossman
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Sue Hall
Mrs. Trula Hardy
Dr. Eric and Mrs. Dee Harmon
Dr. Ronald Hawkins and Mrs. Debra
Dr. David A. Hillman
Dr. Philip and Mrs. Carol Huffman
Dr. LeRoy J. Kaufman
Dr. Kevin S. Kolack
Drs. Donald R. and Joan Korb
Dr. Victor and Mrs. Janice Malinovsky
Dr. Jeffrey C. Marshall
Dr. Virlee C. Metzger
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Barbara Morrow
Drs. Thomas and Rebecca Moser
Drs. Bernard and Etta Nevel
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Obremskey
Mrs. Bernice N. Reed
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Angela Sampson
Dr. James and Mrs. Patricia Short
Dr. Ronald L. Snyder
Drs. Ashok and Sarita Soni
Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Jaclyn Steiner
Dr. Jerald and Mrs. Rose Strickland
Mrs. Gwendolyn E. Swanda
Dr. John R. Swanda
Dr. James and Mrs. Betty Van Winkle
Dr. Lilien A. Vogl
Dr. David and Mrs. Linda Weigel
Dr. George and Mrs. Judy Woo
Mr. Edmund Zaranka
Foresight Circle
($5,000 to $9,999)
Dr. Larry and Mrs. Lynn Alexander
Dr. Brent D. Arnold
Dr. Jack W. Bennett
Dr. Steven P. Bennett
Dr. Clifford and Mrs. Vickie Brooks
Dr. E. Cy and Mrs. Denise Burkhart
Dr. Gary F. Carmichael
Dr. Loretta Clifford-Colletti
Mr. Samuel J. Cole
Ms. Ann H. Delaney
Mr. Myles and Mrs. Lila Eley
Dr. Gerald C. Elliot
Mr. Timohty D. Ellis
Dr. Thomas L. and Mrs. Mary Eversman
Dr. Ronald W. Everson
Dr. Randall and Mrs. Cynthia Faunce
Dr. Todd and Mrs. Tonya Fettig
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Monica Fewell
Dr. Mary L. Freitag
Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Paula Garner
Dr. Philip and Mrs. Patricia George
Dr. Gregory K. Gordon
Dr. Barry L. Gridley
Dr. Kerry and Mrs. Marian Griebenow
Dr. Willard and Mrs. Zona Harman
Dr. James M. Harmon
Dr. Gordon G. Heath
Mrs. Jane E. Hofstetter
Dr. W. Stephen Howard
Dr. Sandra and Mr. Leslie Hullinger
Dr. Subhash N. Jani
Dr. Walter E. Jordan
Dr. Jonathan and Mrs. Edwina Kintner
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Sandi Kirkpatrick
Drs. Kevin and Joy Kissel
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Rebecca Kline
Dr. Marjorie J. Knotts
Dr. Jerry Kralovansky
Drs. Keith and Linda Locke
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Mandell
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Ann McDaniel
Mr. Howard Mishoulam and Mrs. Carol Noetzel
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Eileen Moses
Ms. Valerie Nicola
Dr. Merle and Mrs. Sandra Pickel
Mr. Gregory G. and Mrs. Donna Reising
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Sandra Richter
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Carole Richter
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Phyllis Robb
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Molly Robbins
Dr. R. Alan and Mrs. Jane Roush
Dr. John and Mrs. Margaret Schertzinger
Dr. Steve and Mrs. Cindi Schock
Dr. Robert L. Shoemaker
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Terri Smith
Drs. James and Gail Stewart
Dr. C. Dirk and Mrs. Denise Titus
Dr. Stephan and Mrs. Christine VanCleve
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Connie Vetowich
Dr. John and Mrs. Roberta Wade
Mrs. Sylvia Walker
Dr. Joseph G. Westrick
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Marjorie Windsor
Mr. J. Hank Zobrist
Annual Donors 2011–2012
This Annual Donors list includes generous contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
$10,000 to $24,999
Alcon Laboratories Inc.
Dr. Louis J. Catania
Dr. Paul R. Ellis
Hoover Family Foundation
Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Theresa Logan
$5,000 to $9,999
Irvin M. Borish Charitable Lead Unitrust
Dr. Thomas L. and Mrs. Mary Eversman
Drs. Kevin and Joy Kissel
Dr. Steve and Mrs. Cindi Schock
TearLab Corporation
The E. F. Wildermuth Foundation
$1,000 to $4,999
Allergan USA, Inc.
Bausch Lomb, Inc.
Dr. Donald W. Bennett
Dr. Steven P. Bennett
Dr. Joseph Bonanno and Ms. Mary Beth Fleeger
Dr. R. Daniel and Mrs. Maureen Grossman
Dr. Patricia Hanks
Dr. David A. Hillman
Dr. Denise Howard
Dr. W. Stephen Howard
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Barbara Morrow
Dr. Patricia Hanks
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Angela Sampson
SFS Investments, LLC
Dr. John R. Swanda
Dr. Lilien A. Vogl
Dr. David and Mrs. Linda Weigel
Ms. Liang Zhao
$500 to $999
Dr. Brent D. Arnold
Dr. Clifford and Mrs. Vickie Brooks
Community Foundation of Collier County
Decatur Vision Center
Drs. John and Janice Ewing
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Sharon Hartzell
Drs. George and Ruth Holmes
Dr. Marjorie J. Knotts
Dr. Marjorie J. Knotts O.D. Inc.
Drs. Donald and Joan Korb
Drs. Keith and Linda Locke
Dr. James and Mrs. Mary Long
Dr. James A Long II, Inc.
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Mandell
Math for America
Dr. David and Mrs. Mary Miller
Mr. Howard Mishoulam and Mrs. Carol Noetzel
Drs. Bernard and Etta Nevel
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Julie Sandman
Sandman Family Foundation
Dr. Judy and Mr. Randy Smith
Dr. Jerry L. Stahl
Drs. James and Gail Stewart
Dr. Sherrie Teddy and Mr. Gregg Bachman
Dr. James and Mrs. Betty Van Winkle
Dr. John and Mrs. Roberta Wade
$100 to $499
Dr. John H. Abraham
Ms. Jean E. Adams
Dr. William and Mrs. Susan Ahlfeld
Dr. Nicole R. Albright
Allisonville Eye Care Center Inc.
Dr. Lyle and Mrs. Sharon Amrhein
Dr. Kathleen S. Avery
Dr. Steven I. Ball
Mr. Edmund J. Banet
Dr. Rick D. Bauer
Dr. Henry J. Bausback
Dr. Jon and Mrs. Nancy Bausback
Dr. James and Mrs. Mary Boilini
Dr. Mandy J. Brandenburgh
Dr. Jeffrey J. Brewer
Dr. Scott R. Brizius
Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Julia Broadstreet
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Martha Brumit
Dr. Amy L. Bryan
Mrs. Dolly Bryant
Dr. Thomas G. Buechler
Dr. Donald L. Buehler
Mr. Leo and Mrs. Dolores Bulakowski
Dr. Dwight A. Burkhardt
Dr. E. Cy and Mrs. Denise Burkhart
Dr. Paul J. Burt
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Jane Carter
Dr. Jean R. Choi
Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Mary Claudy
Dr. Loretta A. Clifford-Colletti
Dr. Bradford and Mrs. Carey Coers
Mrs. Barbara M. Corns
Dr. Daphne R. Cotner
Dr. Roxana G. De la Rosa
Dr. Theodore F. Decker
Doctors Park Vision Center
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Susan Dowdell
Dr. Susan A. Driscoll
Mr. James and Mrs. Robin Dussinger
Dr. John and Mrs. Nancy Eagleson
Dr. Susan and Mr. Kirk Eggebrecht
Mr. Myles and Mrs. Lila Eley
Dr. Patrice and Mr. Eric Ellingson
Dr. Ronald W. Everson
Dr. Vanessa and Mr. Matthew Ewing
Dr. Randall and Mrs. Cynthia Faunce
Dr. Leon F. Favede
Drs. Favede & Associates
Dr. Kerry A. Fedderson Bishop
Dr. Todd and Mrs. Tonya Fettig
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Monica Fewell
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Beth Fosler
Gap Foundation
Dr. Karen M. Gast
Ms. Constance M. Gaydosh
Dr. Paul R. Gayeff Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Rosalind Gerstman
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Stacy Gill
Dr. Kevin L. Glancy
Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Ida Gosztola
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Joan Gruner
Dr. Leslie and Mr. James Guy
Dr. Bronson W. Hamada
Dr. Charlene and Mr. Peter Hamilton
Drs. Michel and Sandra Hanen
Dr. Eric and Mrs. Dee Harmon
Dr. Joey L. Harris
Dr. Gina L. Heck
Dr. Linda Frechette and Mr. Michael Hendershot
Dr. Eli and Mrs. Paula Hendrix
Dr. Alicia R. Herrmann
Dr. Julie A. Herron
Ms. Vicki L. Hitzemann
Dr. Troy and Mrs. Jill Hockemeyer
Dr. Andrew D. Hoffman
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Cecily Hoffman
Dr. Andrew B. Hogue
Dr. Lisa A. Howard
Hoya Vision Care
Dr. J. J. Hughes
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Hughes
Dr. Sandra and Mr. Leslie Hullinger
Dr. Shana and Mr. J. Rusty Hunt
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Marilyn Johnson
Dr. Walter E. Jordan
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Elizabeth Joyner
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Connie Kerby Dr. Kim E. Moyer
Dr. Glenn and Mrs. Sabrina Kirk
Dr. Matthew W. Knecht
Dr. Monica M. Kowaleski
Dr. Alan and Mrs. Jamie Kwiatek Legacy Eyecare
Mrs. Cynthia L. Lepore
Dr. Gordon B. Linn
Dr. Janet L. Lomasney
Dr. Amanda D. Long
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Rita Longenbaugh
Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Teresa Lorenz
Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Andrya Lowther
Drs. John Lucich and Theresa Austgen
Dr. Kirk A. MacKay
Dr. Steven A. Manello
Dr. Jeffrey J. Marsh
Dr. Winston and Mrs. Helen May
Dr. Glen L. McCormack
Michael and Jean Adams Trust
Drs. Michael and Anne Miller
Mr. Don R. Mitchell
Dr. Matthew and Mrs. Holly Mitchell
Dr. Ramona D. Mitchell
Dr. Kim D. Moyer
Dr. Carl O. Myers
Dr. Kathryn D. Nelson
Dr. Ned W. Neuenschwander
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Joan Nicholas
Dr. William and Mrs. Janis Novack
Dr. Lori R. Obler
Dr. John and Mrs. Lauren Offerle
Dr. Connie M. Ohanian
Dr. Orval and Mrs. Mary Olinger
Dr. Tressa F. Osterloo Eubank
Dr. Nancy E. Otte
Dr. Nathan P. Otte
Mr. Benno L. Petrig
Dr. Merle and Mrs. Sandra Pickel
Dr. Amy J. Pikal
Dr. Carl and Mrs. Billie Plasterer
Drs. Kerry and Dorothy Preston
Dr. Kristen L. Rabaut
Mr. Avanish Raj and Ms. Renuka Jamalpur
Dr. Dennis B. Raney
Dr. Norman J. Rappaport
Mr. William M. Ratchford
William M. & Gladys P. Ratchford Family Trust
Ms. Julia A. Regazzi
Drs. Gregory and Donna Reising
Dr. Toni A. Reising
Dr. Kristin and Mr. Kevin Rhoads
Dr. Jason and Mrs. Anna Rich
Mr. Mark D. Ritter
River Lake Eye Clinic
Dr. Mark W. Roark
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Phyllis Robb
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Molly Robbins
Dr. Richard M. Rojo
Dr. Dennis L. Sawyer
Dr. John and Mrs. Margaret Schertzinger
Dr. Kate and Mr. Cary Sciorra
Ms. Pearl J. Scott
Dr. Nancy H. Shebuski
Dr. Kathleen and Mr. David Shepler
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Karen Shircel
Dr. James and Mrs. Patricia Short
Dr. John C. Sieglitz
Dr. Gary and Mrs. May Sisson
Dr. James S. Smith
Dr. Christine L. Stabile
Dr. Bryan and Mrs. Holly Stephens
Dr. Natalie Olinger-Stine and Mr. Bradley Stine
Dr. Daniel T. Stoehr
Ms. Tami Tarpley
Temple-Inland Foundation
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Barbara Terhune
Dr. Alicia Reed-Thomas and Mr. Noel Thomas
Dr. John E. Titak Dr. Jo Ellen Tomlinson LLC
Dr. Kari E. Torkelson
Dr. James and Mrs. Susan Van Fleit
Dr. Brian J. Vanderploeg
Drs. Robert and Vicky Vandervort
Dr. John R. Wade O.D. Inc.
Dr. Harry D. Weinstein
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Jennifer Welage
Dr. Beth A. Westell
Dr. Katherine G. White-Hitchcock
Dr. Peggy J. Whiteplume
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Maryann Wiegand
Dr. James and Mrs. Sue Wilhite
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Deborah Wilson
Dr. Darcy Winch and Mrs. April Lambert Dr. Richard and Mrs. Marjorie Windsor
Dr. Norman D. Young
Ms. Lian Yu
Donor recognition listings in this report
reflect gift data available at the time of
printing. Please contact the Office of
Advancement with any questions
about the listing at (812) 855-7904 or
What is it that makes IUSO special?
That’s simple. It’s you.
Students, alumni, donors, faculty, staff, and
friends have all played an important part in
creating this world-class institution. It makes
perfect sense that you will play a central role
in IUSO’s next phase of innovation, education,
and service.
The Office of Advancement is your partner in ensuring that IUSO
has the resources and exposure it needs to continue as a leader
in optometric education, clinical practice, vision science, and
community outreach. Your support makes it possible for us to
provide the best environment and opportunities for the leaders of
today and tomorrow.
Thank you for all you do on behalf of IUSO. We look forward to
offering you a variety of opportunities to connect with your peers,
to achieve your philanthropic goals, to advance your career, and to
stay engaged with the IUSO family.
Tami Tarpley
Director of Development and External Relations
Contact Us
Update Your Info
The IUSO Office of
Advancement supports
development, alumni relations,
and external affairs goals for
the school.
In the next year, we will announce some exciting goals for IUSO. Your feedback, insight,
and engagement will make all the difference. Visit
directory/index.html to confirm that we have your correct contact information.
Tami Tarpley
Director of Development
and External Relations
(812) 855-7904
Office of Advancement
IU School of Optometry
800 E. Atwater Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47405
Give Now
Make your vision for IUSO’s future a reality. Please consider making a gift to IUSO via the
Give Now button on our website at or by contacting
the Office of Advancement to discuss your philanthropic goals.
Save the Dates
You’ll want to save the dates for these 2013 events.
IUAA’s Winter College featuring Dr. Steve Hitzeman
February 22–24, San Diego, CA
Irvin M. Borish Symposium
March 23, Bloomington, IN
IU Optometry Alumni Association Golf Outing
July 20, Legends Golf Course in Franklin, IN
* Did you figure it out? The final, winning answer was (-0.50 -2.50 x 180).
800 E. Atwater Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47405-3680
A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 2