Single SPE-step method for the simultaneous
Single SPE-step method for the simultaneous
3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 Single SPE-step method for the simultaneous determination of GCMS and LC-MS amenable pesticides in water Ε.N. Papadakis1, A. Tsaboula1, Z. Vryzas2 & E. PapadopoulouMourkidou1 1Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture, Pesticide Science Laboratory, P.O.Box 1678, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece 2Democritus University of Thrace, Faculty of Agricultural Development, Laboratory of Agricultural Pharmacology and Ecotoxicology, 193 Pantazidou, 682 00 Orestias, Greece, Uruguay vs Greece:6/2 Uruguayan have visited Greece in the frame of APFA project Horacio Heinzen Veronica Cesio Lucia Pareja Silvina Niell Gabriel Gonzalez Joaquin Gonzalez Requite Visit Marios Zortas And now Zisis Vryzas We feel we owe you more visits 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 2 Universities 2Democritus University of Thrace, Faculty of Agricultural Development, Laboratory of Agricultural Pharmacology and Ecotoxicology, 193 Pantazidou, 682 00 Orestias, Greece, Orestiada Thessaloniki 6/6/2011 1Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture, Pesticide Science Laboratory, P.O.Box 1678, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 3 Equipment 1 Thermo TSQ Quantum Discovery MAX LC/MS/MS 5 HPLC systems with various detectors 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 3 GC-MSn (ion trap) 3 GC systems with various 4 detectors Background experience in water analysis Ε Ε Ε Ε Past Projects: INTERREG Surface water quality of Macedonia-Thrace Automated sampling and analysis of industrial wastes Study of leaching mechanisms of herbicides in the major maize crowing areas in Greece Transboundary river contamination with pesticides 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 5 Target analysis of the past projects Analytical Methods • in-house metabolites method for 160 pesticides • 7 inorganic anions (Standard methods of American Public association/American Water Works Association/ Water Environment) • 19 metals • pH, T, DO, TDS, Cond, Sal, Redox, BOD5 6/6/2011 and health 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 6 New Project for monitoring pesticide residues in surface and groundwater of Northern Greece 2010-2013 Single SPE-step method for the simultaneous determination of GC-MSn (151 pesticides and metabolites) and LC-MS/MS (124 pesticides and metabolites) amenable pesticides in water. Target analysis for 275 pesticides and metabolites Non target screening from NIST library in the GC-MS system 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 7 Sampling of Surface water bodies Sampling sites: riparian drainage canals, lakes, rivers, ponds, surface water tank 6/6/2011 3rd LatinΠΜΣ American Pesticide Residue 25-11-09 Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8 8 Groundwater sampling Samples from field were brought to the Lab within 24 h and SPE was performed a day later 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 9 • • SPE LiChrolut EN 500 mg Cartridge – Conditioning • 5 ml MeOH • 5 ml H2O – Sample application • Load 1 L water sample – Elution of absorbed pesticides • 5 ml Ethyl acetate/MeOH (90/10) • 6ml Hexane – Reduce to ~ 200 μL (in ethyl acetate) • 100 μL GC-MS analysis • 100 μL concentrate to dry, reconstitute to 1000 μL initial mobile phase : MeOH (90:10%), LC-MS/MS analysis Recovery studies – 5 and 2 stock solutions for GC and LC respectively (properties and retention time) – Each stock recoveries were studied separately 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 10 GC-MS method GC - Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer operational conditions OVEN PROGRAM oC INITIAL TEMPERATURE 80 o RATE 1 4 C/MIN oC FINAL TEMPERATURE 200 HOLD TIME 3 min oC/MIN RATE 2 6 oC FINAL TEMPERATURE 230 HOLD TIME 10 min oC/MIN RATE 3 20 oC FINAL TEMPERATURE 270 HOLD TIME 14 min INJECTOR BASE TEMPERATURE MODE SPLIT FLOW SPLITLESS TIME SURGE PRESSURE SURGE DURATION STOP PURGE AT SAMPLE VOLUME 220 oC SPLITLESS WITH SURGE 70 ml/min 2 min 92 kPa 0.5 min 2 min 2 μl CARRIER METHOD MODE CONSTANT FLOW FLOW 1 ml/min GAS SAVER ON GAS SAVER FLOW 10 ml/min GAS SAVER TIME 10 min 6/6/2011 MS METHOD ELECTRON IONISATION ION SOURCE TEMPERATURE TRANSFER LINE TEMPERATURE POLARITY MICRO SCANS MAX ION TIME ELECTRON IMPACT EMISSION CURRENT EI 220 oC 280 oC POSITIVE 3 25 ms 70 eV 250 μΑ GC CAPILLARY COLUMNS VARIAN WCOT FUSED SILICA (30 m×0.25 mm I.D. with a 0.25-μm) COATING CP-CIL 8 CB LOW BLEED /MS 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 11 GC detection mode (Full Scan and MS/MS) No COMPOUND 1 ACLONIFEN 2 ACRINATHRIN 3 a-HCH 4 alachlor 5 aldrin 6 alphamethrin 7 ametryne 8 ANTHRACENE 9 atrazine 10 azinphos ethyl 11 azinphos methyl 12 BENFLURALIN 13 b-HCH 14 bifenthrin 15 bromacil 16 bromophos ethyl 17 bromopropylate 18 bupirimate 19 buprofezin 20 butachlor 21 cadusaphos 22 caffeine 23 captafol 24 captan 25 c-HCH (lindane) 26 chinomethionate 27 chlorfevinphos 28 chlorobenzilate 29 chloropropylate 30 chlorothalonil 31 chlorpyriphos ethyl 32 chlorpyriphos-Methyl CHLORTHAL 33 DIMETHYL 34 chlorthion 35 cis- chlordane 36 COUMAPHOS 37 cyanazine 38 cyanophos 39 cycloate 40 cyfluthrin 41 cypermetrin 42 DEA 43 deltamethrin 44 DEMETON O&S 45 desmetryn 46 d-HCH 47 dialifos 48 diazinon 49 dichlofluanid 50 dichlorvos 6/6/2011 full scan ms 181 full scan ms 160 full scan ms 181 full scan full scan ms 200 ms 160 ms 160 ms 292 ms 181 ms 181 full scan full scan full scan ms 193 full scan ms 160 ms 159 ms 194 full scan ms 149 ms 181 ms 234 full scan ms 251 ms 251 ms 266 ms 314 ms 286 Quantitation 264 181 181 160 263 181 227 178 200 132 132 292 145 166 205 359 341 193 175 160 131 194 79 105 145 206 267 251 251 266 286 286 1st 212 152 183 132 293 152 212 152 122 104 104 264 146 165 207 303 183 165 172 132 97 193 77 107 146 148 269 139 139 231 258 271 2nd 194 ms 301 ms 297 full scan full scan ms 225 ms 243 full scan ms 226 ms 181 ms 172 ms 181 full scan full scan full scan ms 208 ms 179 full scan full scan 301 280 375 362 225 148 154 199 181 172 181 88 213 181 208,1 179 167 109 273 250 373 226 189 210 55 206 152,1 105 152 60 198 183 181,1 137 123 185 258 267 266 334 172 211 83 226 219 117 257 170 164 105 105 206 181 181 190 357 185 105 130 125 165 276 149 181 174 323 179 314 241 130 137 126 171 219 167,1 164 224 79 No COMPOUND 51 dieldrin 52 DIFLUBENZURON 53 diphenylamine 54 DISULFOTON SULFON 55 DISULFOTON SULFOXIDE 56 endosulfan I 57 endosulfan II 58 endosulfan sulfate 59 endrin 60 ETHALFLURALIN 61 ethion 62 ETRIDIAZOLE 63 fenamiphos 64 FENAMIPHOS SULFON 65 FENAMIPHOS SULFOXIDE 66 fenarimol 67 fenazaquin 68 fenchlorphos 69 fenitrothion 70 fenoxycarb 71 fenpropimorph 72 fensulfothion 73 fenthion 74 FENTHION SULFONE 75 FENTHION SULFOXIDE 76 fenvalerate 77 flutriafol 78 FLUVALINATE 79 folpet 80 fonofos 81 furalaxyl 82 HCB 83 heptachlor 84 heptachlor-exo- epoxide 85 ISODRINE 86 isophenphos 87 isopropalin 88 L-cyhalothrin 89 malaoxon 90 malathion 91 mecarbam 92 methacrifos 93 methidathion 94 methoxychlor 95 mevinphos cis/trans 96 mirex 97 napropamide 98 nuarimol 99 o,p-DDD 100 o,p-DDE full scan ms 157 ms 169 full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan ms 316 full scan ms 211 ms 303 full scan full scan ms 139 ms 145 full scan ms 260 ms 255 ms 128 ms 293 ms 278 full scan full scan ms 225 ms 219 ms 250 full scan full scan full scan ms 284 full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan ms 181 full scan ms 173 full scan full scan full scan full scan ms 127 full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan Quantitation 79 141 169 213 97 195 195 272 209 276 231 183 195 320 304 139 117 285 260 186 110 293 278 310 279 147 123 250 260 137 95 284 272 353 193 213 280 181 127 127 160 208 145 227 109 272 72 139 235 246 1st 279 129 167 153 168 207 207 274 245 232 153 140 180 292 160 111 145 287 217 255 128 265 245 106 278 225 219 200 130 109 242 249 274 355 263 185 238 152 99 99 131 180 85 209 127 274 128 107 237 248 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 2nd 263 157 166 125 125 160 160 229 263 248 384 211 260 214 196 75 115 289 228 157 237 169 125 294 198 215 104 246 152 214 337 351 293 255 264 173 145 296 125 228 79 237 271 235 165 318 No COMPOUND 101 o,p-DDT 102 omethoate 103 OXYFLUORFEN 104 p,p-DDD 105 p,p-DDE 106 p,p-DDT 107 paraoxon ethyl 108 paraoxon methyl 109 parathion ethyl 110 parathion methyl 111 PCNB 112 pebulate PENTACHLORO 113 BENZENE 114 permethrin 115 phenthoate 116 phorate 117 phorate sulfone 118 phorate sulfoxide 119 phosalone 120 phosmet 121 pirimiphos ethyl 122 pirimiphos methyl 123 procymidone 124 profenofos 125 prometon 126 prometryne 127 propachlor 128 propanil 129 propazine 130 propham 131 PROQUINAZIDE 132 prothoate 133 pyrazophos 134 quinalphos 135 SILTHIOFAM 136 simazine 137 simetryne 138 TEFLUTHRIN 139 terbacil 140 terbufos TERBUFOS 141 SULFONE 142 terbumeton 143 terbutryn 144 tetrachlorvinphos 145 tetradifon 146 thiobencarb 147 tolyfluanid 148 TRALCOXYDIM 149 triazofos 150 trifluralin 151 vinclozolin full scan ms 156 full scan full scan full scan full scan ms 149 ms 230 ms 291 ms 263 ms 295 ms 128 Quantitation 235 141 252 235 246 235 119 136 263 246 237 128 1st 237 110 317 237 318 237 91 200 235 153 265 72 2nd 165 126 300 165 248 165 132 full scan ms 183 full scan ms 260 ms 199 ms 199 full scan ms 160 full scan full scan ms 283 full scan full scan ms 241 full scan ms 161 ms 214 full scan ms 288 ms 115 full scan full scan ms 252 ms 201 full scan ms 177 ms 161 full scan 250 183 274 231 171 171 182 160 168 290 255 339 168 199 120 161 172 93 245 73 221 156 252 173 213 177 144 231 215 168 121 260 143 143 184 133 318 276 254 337 210 226 176 134 214 137 288 97 232 157 197 186 170 127 161 203 108 165 246 203 199 199 367 105 333 180 283 208 183 184 93 126 full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan full scan ms 283 ms 285 ms 264 full scan 199 169 185 329 159 100 137 227,1 257 264 178 153 210 226 331 229 72 181 265,2 162 206 212 125 154 170 109 356 125 238 226,1 172 160 285 12 233 216 295 100 179 217 115 265 146 210 138 155 137 133 233 LC-MS/MS method Mobile phase Gradient Column: Thermo HyPURITY C18 (150x2.1 mm, 5 μm) Injection Volume: 20 μL Full loop injection Column Temperature: 40 oC Autosampler Tray Temperature : 20 oC Mobile phase A: 90:10 water:acetonitrile + 5 mM ammonium acetate Mobile phase B: 10:90 water:acetonitrile + 5 mM ammonium acetate Optimization of MS/MS parameters for each analyte separately Parent M/Z Product M/Z Collision energy Probe Position 6/6/2011 Time (min) %A 0 80 20 0 35 0 40 80 59 80 Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min MS Parameters Mode: Electro-Spray Ionization Spray voltage: 4000 V Seath gas pressure: 30 Aux gas pressure: 10 Capillary temperature: 325 oC Collision pressure: 1.5 mTorr 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 13 LC-MS/MS optimization A/A COMPOUND 1 acetamiprid 2 abamectin 3 acetochlor acibenzolar-S4 methyl 5 aminocarb 6 azoxystrobin 7 beflubutamid 8 benalaxyl 9 bitertanol 10 boscalid 11 carbendazim carfentrazone 12 ethyl 13 chloridazone 14 chlorotoluron 15 cinidon-ethyl 16 clofentezine 17 clomazone 18 cyazofamid 19 cyhalofop-butyl 20 cyproconazole 21 cyromazine 22 diclofop-methyl 23 difenoconazole 24 diflufenican 25 dimethenamid 26 dimethoate 27 dimethomorph 28 dimoxystrobin 29 diuron 30 dodemorph 31 epoxyconazole 32 ethofumasate 33 ethoprophos 34 etofenprox 35 etoxazole 36 famoxadone 37 fenamidone 38 fenbuconazole 39 fenhexamid fenoxaprop-p40 ethyl 41 fenpropimorph 6/6/2011 1st transition 2nd transition polarity 1st transition 2nd transition polarity A/A COMPOUND Q1 Q3 CE Q1 Q3 CE A/A COMPOUND Q1 Q3 CE Q1 Q3 CE 42 fenpyroximate 422,2 134,9 33 422,2 366 15 + 83 oxadiazon 223 90,1 32 223 126 22 + 43 fipronil 434,9 249,8 32 434,9 329,8 18 890,6 305 24 890,6 567 15 + 84 penconazole 44 flonicamid 230 173,9 19 230 202,9 19 + 270 148,1 20 270 224 10 + 85 pencycuron fluazifop-P86 pendimethalin 45 butyl 384,2 282 21 384,2 328,1 13 + 211,1 136 30 211,1 140 24 + 87 pethoxamid 46 fluazinam 462,9 397,8 10 462,9 415,8 10 209,2 137,1 23 209,2 152,1 14 + 88 picolinafen 47 fludioxonil 247,1 126,1 33 247,1 169,1 37 404 344 23 404 372 13 + 89 picoxystrobin 373,1 91 19 373,1 162 32 + 48 flufenacet 364,1 151,9 17 364,1 194,2 10 + 90 pirimicarb 326,2 148,1 21 326,2 208,1 15 + 49 flufenoxuron 489 140,8 47 489 157,8 21 + 91 prochloraz 338,1 70,1 21 338,1 269,1 10 + 50 flumioxazin 372,1 299 35 372,1 327 18 + 92 promecarb 343 139,8 18 343 306,9 19 + 51 fluometuron 233 72,1 36 233 160 29 + 93 propaquizafop 192,2 132,1 31 192,2 160 18 + 52 fluopicolid 382,9 144,8 52 382,9 172,8 32 + 94 propargite 53 fluoxastrobin 458,9 187,9 33 458,9 426,9 16 + 95 propiconazole 412 345,8 21 412 365,8 18 + 54 fluquinconazole 376 306,8 28 376 348,9 19 + 96 propyzamide 221,9 92 28 221,9 104 20 + 55 flurochloridone 311,9 145 46 311,9 292 21 + 97 prosulfocarb 213,1 72,1 16 213,1 140 24 + 56 flusilazole 316,2 165 31 316,2 247,1 18 + 98 pymetrozine 411 106,9 39 411 347,9 21 + 57 flutolanil 324,1 241,9 24 324,1 261,9 18 + 99 pyraclostrobin 303 101,9 33 303 137,9 15 + 58 fosthiazate 284 103,9 19 284 227,9 10 + 100 pyraflufen ethyl 240,1 89 47 240,1 125 19 + 59 fuberidazole 185,1 65 43 185,1 157 21 + 101 pyridaben 325,2 108 12 325,2 261,2 10 + 60 hexythiazox 353,1 167,9 24 353,1 227,9 14 + 102 pyridate 375,1 119,9 30 375,1 255,9 13 + 61 imazalil 297,1 158,9 32 297,1 200,9 17 + 103 pyrimethanil 292 70,1 25 292 125 32 + 62 imidachloprid 256 175 21 256 209 17 + 104 pyriproxyfen 167,1 108,1 20 167,1 125 18 + 63 indoxacarb 528,1 149,8 24 528,1 202,8 41 + 105 quinoxyfen 357,9 120,1 28 357,9 280,9 18 + 64 iprovalicarb 321,1 119 19 321,1 203,1 10 + 106 quizalofop-ethyl 406 251 29 406 337 14 + 65 isoproturon 207,3 72,1 16 207,3 165,1 12 + 107 S-metolachlor 395 245,9 41 395 265,9 21 + 66 isoxaflutol 377 219,7 51 377 250,9 22 + 108 spirodiclofen 276 168 26 276 243,9 15 + kresoxym109 spiromesifen 229,9 124,9 22 229,9 198,9 10 + 67 methyl 314 116 33 314 206,1 10 + 110 tebuconazole 388,2 165 33 388,2 301,1 18 + 68 lenacil 235 136 33 235 153 13 + 111 tebufenozide 327,1 115,9 23 327,1 204,9 11 + 69 linuron 248,9 159,9 18 248,9 182 13 + 112 tebufenpyrad 233,1 133 44 233,1 160 29 + 70 mepanipyrim 224,1 77 36 224,1 106 26 + 113 teflubenzuron 282,4 98,1 24 282,4 116,1 21 + 71 metaflumizone 505 284,9 52 505 301,9 20 114 tepraloxydim 330 100,9 41 330 121 20 + 72 metalaxyl 280,1 160,1 23 280,1 220,1 13 + 115 terbuthylazine 304 121 24 304 161 18 + 73 metamitron 203 104 29 203 175 16 + 116 tetraconazole 243 97 29 243 130,9 19 + 74 metazachlor 278,1 134 23 278,1 209,9 11 + 117 thiacloprid 394,2 107 36 394,2 177 14 + 75 metconazole 320,1 70 21 320,1 124,9 35 + 118 thiamethoxam 360,2 112,9 52 360,2 140,9 34 + 76 methiocarb 226,1 121,1 17 226,1 169,1 10 + 119 thiofanox sulfone 392,1 238 18 392,1 331,1 10 + 77 methomyl 163,1 88 10 163,1 106,1 10 + thiofanox 312,1 92 26 312,1 235,9 15 + methoxyfenozi 120 sulfoxide 337,1 70 19 337,1 124,9 33 + 78 de 369,2 132,9 24 369,2 148,9 17 + 121 triadimenol 302 55 38 302 97 24 + 79 metrafenone 409,2 209,1 15 409,2 226,9 24 + 122 trifloxystrobin 80 metribuzin 215 84,1 20 215 187,1 18 + 123 triticonazole 362,1 121 31 362,1 287,9 17 + 81 molinate 188,1 83,2 19 188,1 126,1 13 + 124 zoxamide 304,2 117,1 59 304,2 147,1 28 + 82 myclobutanil 289,1 70,1 20 289,1 124,9 32 + 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 1st transition Q1 Q3 CE 362 176,9 32 284,1 70 15 329,1 98,9 51 282,1 193,9 12 296,1 130,9 20 377,1 144,9 48 368,1 144,9 20 239,1 72,1 22 375,9 265,9 10 208,2 109,1 16 444,1 99,9 16 368,1 231,2 10 342 69,2 12 256 172,9 23 252,1 91 21 218 79,1 48 388,1 162,9 23 413 252,8 31 365,1 147 25 379,2 206,9 17 200,3 82,2 23 322,1 95,9 15 307,9 161,9 42 373 271 24 284 176,1 22 411 212,8 32 371,1 273 14 308,2 70 20 353,1 132,9 21 334,1 116,9 39 379 338,9 13 342,1 166 24 230,1 104,2 38 371,9 70,1 20 253 126 23 291,9 181 16 268,1 57,1 15 2nd Q1 362 284,1 329,1 282,1 296,1 377,1 368,1 239,1 375,9 208,2 444,1 368,1 342 256 252,1 218 388,1 413 365,1 379,2 200,3 322,1 307,9 373 284 411 371,1 308,2 353,1 334,1 379 342,1 230,1 371,9 253 291,9 268,1 transition polarity Q3 CE 219,9 20 + 158,9 32 + 125 33 + 212 11 + 250 14 + 237,9 29 + 205,2 10 + 182,1 16 + 308 10 + 151,1 10 + 298,9 25 + 175 15 + 159 33 + 190 15 + 128 12 + 105,1 18 + 194 12 + 338,8 20 + 308,9 13 + 351,1 11 + 107,2 25 + 128,9 34 + 196,8 32 + 298,9 17 + 252 15 + 312,8 10 + 255 22 + 124,9 35 + 296,9 11 + 144,9 28 + 358,8 11 250 11 + 174,1 17 + 158,9 34 + 186 15 + 211 13 + 76 10 + 252,2 57,1 296,1 70 409,1 185,9 318,1 70,1 335,9 186,8 252,2 296,1 409,1 318,1 337,9 104 227,2 205,9 124,9 188,8 36 10 20 40 23 12 10 13 31 22 + + + + + 14 Results 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 15 Pesticide Recoveries with GC-MSn No Compound 1 aclonifen 2 acrinathrin 3 a-HCH 4 alachlor 5 aldrin 6 alphamethrin 7 ametryne 8 anthracene 9 atrazine 10 azinphos ethyl 11 azinphos methyl 12 benfluralin 13 b-HCH 14 bifenthrin 15 bromacil 16 bromophos ethyl 17 bromopropylate 18 bupirimate 19 buprofezin 20 butachlor 21 cadudaphos 22 caffeine 23 captafol 24 captan 25 c-HCH 26 chinomethionate 27 chlordane 28 chlorfenvinphos 29 chlorobenzilate 30 chloropropylate 31 chlorothalonil 32 chlorpyriphos ethyl 33 chlorpyriphos methyl 34 chlorthal dimethyl 35 chlorthion 36 coumaphos 37 cyanazine 38 cyanophos 39 cycloate 40 cyfluthrin 41 cypermethrin 42 DEA 43 deltamethrin 44 demeton O & S 45 desmetryne 46 d-HCH 47 dialifos 48 diazinon 49 dichlofluanid 50 dichlorvos *n=8 6/6/2011 LOD 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,025 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,025 0,01 0,005 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,025 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,025 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,025 LOQ* % RECOVERY LOQ %RSD 0,025 98 9 51 12 0,025 82 17 0,025 94 10 61 16 0.025 79 19 0,025 96 10 0,025 98 3 0,025 92 9 0,025 99 13 0,1 120 15 0,025 88 19 0,025 100 11 0,025 82 21 0,025 91 16 0,025 88 18 0,025 102 9 0,025 110 9 0,025 104 7 0,025 99 7 0,025 109 11 0,025 97 6 0,1 94 18 0,025 95 8 0,025 87 10 0,01 110 11 0,025 95 13 0,025 95 6 0,025 100 10 0,025 104 13 0,025 92 14 0,01 85 20 0,01 100 13 0,01 108 10 0,1 114 5 0,025 106 3 0,025 94 8 0,025 84 12 0,025 79 18 0,025 82 12 0,025 87 15 0,025 102 9 0.025 79 16 65 21 0,025 96 12 0,025 97 6 0,025 88 12 0,025 104 12 0,025 99 12 49 14 No Compound 51 dieldrin 52 diflubenzuron 53 diphenylamine 54 disulfoton sulfone 55 disulfoton sulfoxide 56 endosulfan I 57 endosulfan II 58 endosulfan sulfate 59 endrin 60 ethalfluralin 61 ethion 62 etridiazole 63 fenamiphos 64 fenamiphos sulfone 65 fenamiphos sulfoxide 66 fenarimol 67 fenazaquin 68 fenchlorphos 69 fenitrothion 70 fenoxycarb 71 fenpropimorph 72 fensulfothion 73 fenthion 74 fenthion sulfone 75 fenthion sulfoxide 76 fenvalerate 77 flutriafol 78 fluvalinate 79 folpet 80 fonofos 81 furalaxyl 82 HCB 83 heptachlor 84 heptachlor epoxide 85 isodrin 86 isophenphos 87 isopropalin 88 L-cyhalothrin 89 malaoxon 90 malathion 91 mecarbam 92 methacrifos 93 methidathion 94 methoxychlor 95 mevinphos 96 mirex 97 napropamide 98 nuarimol 99 o,p DDD 100 o,p DDE LOD 0,01 0,025 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,001 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,025 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,001 LOQ* % RECOVERY LOQ %RSD 0,025 98 14 0,1 102 6 0,025 99 16 0,025 104 5 0,025 104 5 0,025 91 19 0,025 93 9 0,025 95 10 0,025 90 11 0,025 107 11 0,025 100 10 0,025 108 0 0,025 90 5 0,025 90 16 0,025 96 6 0,01 96 17 0,025 95 8 0,01 103 8 0,025 105 15 0,025 93 12 0,025 88 19 0,025 90 16 0,025 88 4 0,025 86 10 0,025 98 9 53 13 0,025 85 15 0,025 81 12 0,025 86 19 0,025 112 8 0,025 96 12 0,025 81 15 0,025 81 15 0,025 94 11 0,025 92 12 0,01 99 12 0,025 84 7 57 18 0,1 103 13 0,025 102 16 0,025 97 9 0,025 91 12 0,025 106 9 0,025 101 10 0,025 98 14 65 6 0,025 109 11 0,025 102 10 0,01 94 16 0,01 94 18 Recovery: 70-120% Quantitative? Recovery: < 70 or >120 or RSD >20 Screening No Compound 101 o,p DDT 102 omethoate 103 oxyfluorfen 104 p,p DDD 105 p,p DDE 106 p,p DDT 107 paraoxon methyl 108 paraoxon ethyl 109 parathion ethyl 110 parathion methyl 111 PCNB 112 pebulate 113 pentachlorobenzene 114 permethrin 115 phenthoate 116 phorate 117 phorate sulfone 118 phorate sulfoxide 119 phosalone 120 phosmet 121 pirimiphos ethyl 122 pirimiphos methyl 123 procymidone 124 profenofos 125 prometone 126 prometryne 127 propachlor 128 propanil 129 propazine 130 propham 131 proquinazide 132 prothoate 133 pyrazophos 134 quinalphos 135 silthiofam 136 simazine 137 simetryne 138 tefluthrin 139 terbacil 140 terbufos 141 terbufos sulfone 142 terbumeton 143 terbutryn 144 tetrachlorvinphos 145 tetradifon 146 thiobencarb 147 tolyfluanide 148 tralcoxydim 149 triazophos 150 trifluralin 151 vinclozolin LOD 0,01 0,025 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,025 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,025 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,005 0,001 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 0,001 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,025 0,005 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,01 LOQ* % RECOVERY LOQ %RSD 0,025 74 11 0,1 108 17 0,025 102 8 0,01 90 16 0,025 82 12 0,025 86 9 0,1 88 17 0,025 99 16 67 13 0,025 107 9 0,025 86 10 0,025 99 17 52 22 0,025 92 18 0,025 106 6 59 8 0,025 103 15 0,025 99 8 0,025 103 9 0,025 98 20 0,01 96 19 0,01 107 14 0,025 97 11 0,01 105 11 0,025 92 7 0,025 94 14 0,025 104 16 0,025 94 7 0,025 90 9 0,025 96 12 0,01 93 14 0,01 100 12 0,025 103 7 0,025 96 12 0,025 0.001/103 4 0,1 106 9 0,025 98 3 0,025 78 10 0,1 100 14 0,025 86 18 0,025 104 5 0,025 98 9 0,025 101 10 0,025 101 8 0,025 99 6 0,025 106 11 0,025 99 14 0,025 94 8 0,025 92 13 0,025 77 14 0,025 97 13 16 Pesticide Recoveries with LC-MS/MS No Compound 1 acetamiprid 2 abamectin 3 acetochlor acibenzolar-S4 methyl 5 aminocarb 6 azoxystrobin 7 beflubutamid 8 benalaxyl 9 bitertanol 10 boscalid 11 carbendazim carfentrazone 12 ethyl 13 chloridazone 14 chlorotoluron 15 cinidon-ethyl 16 clofentezine 17 clomazone 18 cyazofamid 19 cyhalofop-butyl 20 cyproconazole 21 cyromazine 22 diclofop-methyl 23 difenoconazole 24 diflufenican 25 dimethenamid 26 dimethoate 27 dimethomorph 28 dimoxystrobin 29 diuron 30 dodemorph 31 epoxyconazole 32 ethofumasate 33 ethoprophos 34 etofenprox 35 etoxazole 36 famoxadone 37 fenamidone 38 fenbuconazole 39 fenhexamid fenoxaprop-p40 ethyl 41 fenpropimorph *n=5 6/6/2011 LOQ (μg/L) % RECOVERY LOQ %RSD 0.01 102 2 0.025 59 2 0.01 83 3 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 63 71 85 95 94 86 102 53 6 13 7 2 4 13 1 8 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.01 0.025 0.025 0.01 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 92 94 106 67 86 73 91 73 95 59 92 102 101 80 93 94 92 94 97 85 89 61 109 89 91 90 84 80 7 2 5 5 10 7 12 7 13 9 7 2 6 3 1 5 9 1 6 14 3 12 5 2 4 7 16 1 0.025 0.01 98 99 3 2 No Compound LOQ (μg/L) % RECOVERY LOQ %RSD 42 fenpyroximate 0.025 81 11 43 fipronil 0.01 81 8 44 flonicamid 0.025 100 4 fluazifop-P45 butyl 0.025 97 5 46 fluazinam 0.01 89 5 47 fludioxonil 0.025 101 16 48 flufenacet 0.01 89 7 49 flufenoxuron 0.025 70 11 50 flumioxazin 0.025 69 9 51 fluometuron 0.01 108 8 52 fluopicolid 0.025 87 4 53 fluoxastrobin 0.025 87 9 54 fluquinconazole 0.025 92 9 55 flurochloridone 0.025 102 16 56 flusilazole 0.025 94 9 57 flutolanil 0.025 95 1 58 fosthiazate 0.025 48 16 59 fuberidazole 0.025 85 2 60 hexythiazox 0.025 92 2 61 imazalil 0.025 77 3 62 imidachloprid 0.01 92 8 63 indoxacarb 0.025 69 15 64 iprovalicarb 0.025 98 6 65 isoproturon 0.025 98 7 66 isoxaflutol 0.025 65 16 kresoxym67 methyl 0.025 86 7 68 lenacil 0.01 91 1 69 linuron 0.01 103 1 70 mepanipyrim 0.025 92 11 71 metaflumizone 0.025 82 5 72 metalaxyl 0.025 78 15 73 metamitron 0.025 43 23 74 metazachlor 0.025 96 4 75 metconazole 0.025 89 10 76 methiocarb 0.025 53 15 77 methomyl 0.025 61 12 methoxyfenozi 78 de 0.025 89 11 79 metrafenone 0.025 93 8 80 metribuzin 0.025 47 10 81 molinate 0.025 44 23 82 myclobutanil 0.01 96 8 Recovery: 70-120% Quantitative ? Recovery: < 70 or >120 or RSD >20 Screening ? No Compound LOQ (μg/L) % RECOVERY 83 oxadiazon 0.025 84 penconazole 0.01 85 pencycuron 0.025 86 pendimethalin 0.025 87 pethoxamid 0.025 88 picolinafen 0.025 89 picoxystrobin 0.025 90 pirimicarb 0.025 91 prochloraz 0.025 92 promecarb 0.025 93 propaquizafop 0.025 94 propargite 0.025 95 propiconazole 0.025 96 propyzamide 0.025 97 prosulfocarb 0.025 98 pymetrozine 0.025 99 pyraclostrobin 0.025 100 pyraflufen ethyl 0.025 101 pyridaben 0.025 102 pyridate 0.025 103 pyrimethanil 0.025 104 pyriproxyfen 0.025 105 quinoxyfen 0.025 106 quizalofop-ethyl 0.025 107 S-metolachlor 0.025 108 spirodiclofen 0.025 109 spiromesifen 0.025 110 tebuconazole 0.025 111 tebufenozide 0.025 112 tebufenpyrad 0.01 113 teflubenzuron 0.025 114 tepraloxydim 0.025 115 terbuthylazine 0.025 116 tetraconazole 0.01 117 thiacloprid 0.01 118 thiamethoxam 0.01 119 thiofanox sulfone 0.025 120 thiofanox sulfoxide 0.025 121 triadimenol 0.025 122 trifloxystrobin 0.01 123 triticonazole 0.01 124 zoxamide 0.025 LOQ 85 91 94 76 98 83 99 83 78 52 76 90 96 71 74 68 85 109 89 108 94 35 82 90 87 89 100 99 85 92 84 97 80 100 98 90 66 56 97 92 90 84 %RSD 5 3 3 3 5 8 3 4 5 11 18 2 4 8 11 6 3 19 2 8 2 16 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 5 14 17 2 3 1 9 13 12 9 2 4 6 17 GC-MSn Chromatographic profile of Stock A (49 compounds) full scan TIC RT: 0.00 - 65.00 38.23 100 NL: 3.61E6 TIC F: + c Full ms [50.00500.00] MS stA1ppm 38.57 90 80 40.35 70 30.39 60 35.01 42.20 42.41 50 40 27.72 46.83 30 23.43 25.44 50.50 60.77 22.75 43.21 57.76 52.54 54.90 20 17.48 11.76 12.40 10 19.63 64.18 0 0 6/6/2011 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) 40 45 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 50 55 60 65 18 GC-MSn Chromatographic profile of Stock B (36 compounds)full scan TIC RT: 0.00 - 65.03 51.55 100 NL: 2.84E6 TIC F: + c Full ms [50.00500.00] MS stb1ppm 40.31 53.59 90 31.51 80 50.90 25.39 56.12 29.98 70 39.37 34.21 43.82 60 48.88 26.58 50 45.88 40 59.30 22.24 17.55 63.37 30 20 10 12.54 19.57 0 0 6/6/2011 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) 40 45 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 50 55 60 65 19 GC-MSn Chromatographic profile of Stock C (33 compounds)full scan TIC RT: 0.00 - 65.02 33.89 100 NL: 1.91E6 TIC F: + c Full ms [50.00500.00] MS stc1ppm 90 38.63 80 38.39 50.20 39.76 70 30.31 60 31.77 50.86 37.65 27.30 50 55.90 27.05 40 55.01 23.78 30 46.11 49.30 20 59.25 63.39 43.84 10 14.23 18.79 0 0 6/6/2011 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) 40 45 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 50 55 60 65 20 GC-MSn Chromatographic profile of Stock D (18 compounds)full scan TIC RT: 0.00 - 65.01 36.09 100 NL: 1.42E6 TIC F: + c Full ms [50.00500.00] MS std1ppm 90 80 32.01 70 60 50 35.54 40 42.41 26.46 30 53.77 54.14 56.33 50.26 30.22 26.13 20 63.89 17.91 10 17.61 39.34 44.18 49.36 24.80 10.29 0 0 6/6/2011 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) 40 45 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 50 55 60 65 21 GC-MSn Chromatographic profile of Stock E (15 compounds)full scan TIC RT: 0.00 - 65.02 40.37 100 NL: 1.11E6 TIC F: + c Full ms [50.00500.00] MS ste1ppm 90 28.27 80 70 52.57 40.10 20.06 34.35 60 38.66 45.52 50 35.10 40 18.51 55.83 30 45.18 40.64 26.13 20 10 14.16 43.84 30.01 22.26 59.26 51.51 63.36 0 0 6/6/2011 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) 40 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 45 50 55 60 65 22 GC-MSn (SRM 172) RT: 0.00 - 65.03 24.44 171.95 100 NL: 1.96E4 m/z= 171.50-172.50 F: + c SRM ms2 172.00@cid1.00 [86.00-200.00] MS stb1ppm 90 80 70 DEA 60 50 40 30 20 stb1ppm #1769 RT: 24.44 AV: 1 NL: 1.96E4 F: + c SRM ms2 172.00@cid1.00 [86.00-200.00] 10 171.95 100 0 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) 40 45 50 55 60 65 80 Selected reaction monitoring of the 172 m/z characteristic for (DEA) DEA was used as an indicator for GC system maintenance 6/6/2011 Relative Abundance 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 94.06 0 88.01 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 90 105.02 103.97 102.97 100 129.99 111.05 110 136.04 145.04 172.97 128.99 120 130 140 m/z 150 160 170 180 23 190 200 RT: 0.00 - 38.63 100 LC-MS/MS Chromatographic profile 95 NL: 3.13E6 TIC MS Fort A+C+E 0,1 ugL 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 6/6/2011 5 10 15 20 Time (min) 25 30 35 24 LC-MS/MS chromatogram RT: 0.00 - 38.62 100 S-metolachor-positive NL: 8.67E5 TIC F: + c ESI SRM ms2 284.000 [176.099-176.101, 251.999-252.001] MS fort a+c+e 0,025 ugl 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 Selected reaction monitoring of the 284 m/Z characteristic for S-metolachlor 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 and 5 0 100 NL: 2.27E3 TIC F: - c ESI SRM ms2 247.000 [124.899-124.901, 160.899-160.901] MS fort a+c+e 0,025 ugl 95 90 85 80 of 247 m/z characteristic for fludioxonil 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 fludioxonil-negative 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 6/6/2011 15 20 Time (min) 25 30 35 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 25 Analysis of surface and ground water samples • Up to now – More than 1000 samples were analyzed (plan for 10.000 in 3 years period) • rivers • lakes • ground water • Also the GC-MS and LC-MS instrumental analytical methods were used for the determination of pesticide residues in sediment of the above mentioned surface water bodies 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 26 LC-MS/MS positive detection (real sample) thiamethoxam Sample Conc: 0.012 μg/L Quant Ion: 211.00 Qual Ion 1: 181.00 Ratio: 18.24% Range:0.00 - 47.02% MS-Data Overlay The parent ion is 291.9 and the quantitation ion is from the second transition the 211. While the ion 181 is used for confirmation. 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 27 LC-MS/MS positive detection (real sample) imidacloprid Sample Conc: 0.017 μg/L Quan Ion: 209.00 Qual Ion 1: 175.00 Ratio: 78.21% Range:55.34 - 95.34% MS-Data Overlay The parent ion is 256 and the quantitation ion is from the second transition the 209. The ion 175 is used for confirmation. 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 28 LC-MS/MS positive detection (real sample) fluometuron Sample Conc: 0.068 μg/L Quan Ion: 72.10 Qual Ion 1: 160.00 Ratio: 15.54% Range:0.00 - 42.50% MS-Data Overlay parent ion 233 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 29 Preliminary Results • Most frequently detected pesticides Chlorpyriphos ethyl Molinate Trifluralin boscalid Prometryne Malathion Caduzaphos Bubirimate Alachlor Phorate sulfone /sulfoxide Pirimiphos methyl Fensulfothion Diphenylamine HCB Metribuzin λ-Cyhalothrin Caffeine PCNB Profenofos Deltamethrin S-metolachlor Diazinon Tralcoxydim Ethion Fluometuron Propazine Phosmet Thiamethoxam Etridiazole Flutriafol Fenthion DEA Chlorthal Dimethyl Permethrin Fenoxycarb Thiacloprid Imidacloprid Bifenthrin Terbutryn Therbuthylazine Atrazine Fenpropimorph Prometon Fenamiphos Simazine Captan Napropimide C-HCH 6/6/2011 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Food and Environment, Uruguay 8-11 May 2011 30 Greece Famous for … • History-Mythology • Ancient culture • Hospitality • Islands • Mediterranean diet • • Sun and Sea Deptocracy ? Parthenon 6/6/2011 Future: Ninemia Lull Ancient Athens coins 450400 BC Ancient Epidaurus theater Thunderbolts around Greece: IMF “Greece is going to be sold at a bargain price” Thank you very much for your attention
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