Spring 2016 - Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions
Spring 2016 - Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions
CRAPAUD EXHIBITION THE ANNUAL CAPE BRETON COUNTY FARMERS’ EXHIBITION E.COLI PREVENTION THE CAPITAL FAIR: A BIT OF COURAGE AND A LEAP OF MUTUAL FAITH EXHIBITION PARK LETHBRIDGE REVEALS NEW BRAND & IMAGE BEHIND THE SCENES WITH SPOT ON ENTERTAINMENT Spring 2016 www.canadian-fairs.ca Spring 2016 Edition CONTENTS 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 5 CAFE ACTIVITIES 6 MOT DU PRÉSIDENT 7 ACTIVITÉS DE L’ACFE 9 INDUSTRY NEWS 14 THE ANNUAL CAPE BRETON COUNTY FARMERS’ EXHIBITION AUGUST 15-20, 2016 16 CRAPAUD EXHIBITION 18 EXHIBITION PARK LETHBRIDGE REVEALS NEW BRAND & IMAGE 20 BEHIND THE SCENES WITH SPOT ON ENTERTAINMENT 26 E.COLI PREVENTION 28 THE CAPITAL FAIR: A BIT OF COURAGE AND A LEAP OF MUTUAL FAITH 30 2015 CAFE CONVENTION TRADE SHOW EXHIBITORS 33 2015 CONVENTION SHOWCASE ENTERTAINERS 35 2015 CAFE CONVENTION SPONSORS SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 1 Canadian Fair News Spring 2016 Edition The Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions / Association canadienne des foires et expositions Box 21053 (WEPO), Brandon, MB R7B 3W8 Toll-Free: (800) 663-1714 Phone: (204) 571-6377 E-mail: info@canadian-fairs.ca www.canadian-fairs.ca http://canadian-fairs.ca/fr/ Copyright @ 2016 Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions (CAFE) and its licensors. All rights reserved. Editor: Karen Oliver Production and Administration: Karen Oliver Graphic Designer: Tim Logan | timlogandesign.com CAFE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: PRESIDENT Jim Laurendeau Calgary Stampede, Calgary, Alberta T : (403) 261 0297 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT John Peco Markham & East York Ag Society, Markham, Ontario T : (905) 642 3247 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT (FINANCE) Gregg (Scooter) Korek North American Midway Entertainment, Calgary, Alberta T : (601) 862 1434 PAST PRESIDENT Virginia Ludy Canadian National Exhibition Toronto, ON T : 416 263 3824 DIRECTOR –AT-LARGE (EXECUTIVE MEMBER) Brian Casey Maritime Representative, Hants County, Nova Scotia T : (902) 757 3419 DIRECTORS: Darren R. Dean West Coast Lumberjack Shows. Ltd, Courtenay, BC T : (250) 830 4065 Glen Duck Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies, Regina, SK T : (306) 565 2121 Hugh Fletcher Western Fair District, London, ON T : (519) 666 1572 Dale Greene Richmond Agricultural Society, Richmond, ON T : (613) 838 3420 Josh Shaw Queen City Exhibition, Regina, SK T : (306) 781 9200 Karl André Végétarian Expo de Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint Hyacinthe, QC T : (450) 773 9509 ext 224 Doug Kryzanowski Lethbridge District Exhibition, Lethbridge, AB T : (403) 317 3213 Sara Knox Shawville Fair, Shawville,QC T : (819) 647 1909 2 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Good Friends, New Beginnings It has been an incredible winter. Representing C.A.F.E., I have had the privilege of attending provincial association meetings and conventions in Nova Scotia, Alberta and Ontario and have been blown away by the positive spirit and genuine optimism for the future. It is humbling and inspiring to me to see so many successful and dedicated people coming together to share ideas for the purposes of making their events stronger. As a board, we will attend nearly every provincial association meeting and convention this year, and that has been an important way for us to stay connected. The feedback we receive and the trends we see are important inputs into the work of the board. In addition to Nova Scotia, executive director Karen Oliver and myself also had the pleasure of visiting Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. We had terrific meetings with our friends throughout Atlantic Canada – there are certainly some great things happening in that part of the country and of course the famous Maritime Hospitality is unmatched anywhere. On the topic of Maritime Hospitality, Karen and I met with Mike Vokey and his team of convention hosts from the New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition in Fredericton for a lengthy working session on our upcoming convention, slated for November 16-18. I can’t tell you how excited I am with the ideas that the group generated. The Fredericton convention, entitled “Chart Your Course” is sure to be talked about for many years as being one of the best. A beautiful city filled with some of the friendliest people you’ve ever met, amazing food and the speaker series that Karen is putting together is incredible. Be sure to get those dates into your calendar – this is one you won’t want to miss! I conclude this issue’s message to you by advising you of another opportunity for our association. Karen Oliver has notified our board that she plans to retire towards the end of 2016. Of course we are sad to see Karen go (she has done such a great job!), but we knew this day would come as she had already retired once in her life from her previous job with the Manitoba Exhibition! We are grateful for Karen’s service to date and service yet to come this year. We are also grateful to her for providing our association ample time to find her successor. Now the search for our next executive director begins. First vice president John Peco and myself, with support from Karen and the entire board, will lead that search. The opportunity before us – to choose the leader who will set the tone for the next chapter in our association’s history – is indeed exciting and important. Given that importance and the capabilities that today’s technology provides, we have decided to open the position to the largest pool of candidates available: the position will be open to applicants across the country who will be able to remain in their current location as the full-time executive director. (See Page 36 for timeline of the hiring process) In the meantime, Karen still has many, many months with us, and we look forward with mixed emotions to bidding a fond farewell to her in Fredericton. Have a great spring! JIM LAURENDEAU, PRESIDENT CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF FAIRS & EXHIBITIONS 4 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 CAFE ACTIVITIES Longer days and melting snow (in Manitoba at least) are sure indications of spring’s arrival, and that means that the 2016 Summer Fair Season is not far off. I am sure that organizers across Canada are gearing up in preparation for a busy summer or fall of fair activity. No matter where you are located, the challenges of weather, budgets, volunteers and programming are undoubtedly the same. This was confirmed for me in a recent jaunt to Canada’s Eastern Coast. In January, President Jim Laurendeau and I made a whirlwind trip to the Maritimes where we had opportunities to meet with many folks who comprise our fair leadership in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. We called it our “Listening Tour” because our purpose was to listen and learn about fairs in the Maritimes, and to hear their thoughts on how CAFE can serve them better. In Newfoundland, since there is no Provincial Association for fairs, we met with senior government staff in Tourism, Agriculture and Economic Development, who welcomed us and were very interested in exploring areas where we might work together. What a fascinating trip this turned out to be! We enjoyed visiting with various PEI fair organizers over breakfast and lunch in Charlottetown and then moved on to Halifax where we had the opportunity to participate in the annual EANS (Exhibition Association of Nova Scotia) Convention. In Fredericton we were welcomed by members of the Board of the New Brunswick Association of Fairs and Exhibitions, and then spent time with the 2016 Convention Host Committee from the Fredericton Ex, sharing plans for the 2016 Convention. Wherever we went, the hospitality was warm and the challenges the same. These are many issues where CAFE, Provincial Associations and local agricultural societies can collaborate. In February, the CAFE Board met in Toronto, enabling some members to also take in the very successful OAAS Convention. I enjoyed meeting many of you at the CAFE display in the Trade Show… please stay in touch. In addition to these outreach opportunities, CAFE continues to move ahead on many fronts. Our E.coli Prevention Project is keeping us busy as we prepare to collaborate with IAFE to offer E.coli Prevention Workshops at many of your Provincial Conventions this fall/winter. The Board is working on an update of our Strategic Plan, and has just completed a new strategy for government advocacy for the next year. Meanwhile, Lily and I are working on the Speaker Program and various other areas of the 2016 convention. And keep your eyes open for the launch of our Work Exchange Program for Young Professionals…a new initiative to develop the knowledge and experience of the next generation of Fair Leaders. Finally, we remain in contact with the Federal Government on issues of Livestock Traceability and the Temporary Foreign Workers Program. “Busier than mosquitoes at a nudist colony”, you might say! I wish you success in your planning for this year’s event, and invite you to stay in touch with the National Office to share your challenges, successes and experiences. After all, we are all in this crazy business together. As Henry Ford said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself ”. So – let’s succeed! KAREN OLIVER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF FAIRS & EXHIBITIONS SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 5 MOT DU PRÉSIDENT Bons amis, nouveaux débuts L’hiver a été incroyable. En tant que représentant du C.A.F.E., j’ai eu le privilège d’être présent lors des rencontres d’associations provinciales et conventions en Nouvelle-Écosse, Alberta, Ontario et j’ai simplement été émerveillé par l’esprit positif et le véritable optimisme pour l’avenir. Il est réconfortant et inspirant pour moi de voir un grand nombre de personnes dévouées qui connaissent le succès et se rassemblent pour partager leurs idées afin de renforcer leurs évènements. En tant que conseil d’administration, nous assisterons à presque toute rencontre d’association provinciale et convention cette année puisqu’il s’agit d’un moyen important de rester en contact. La rétroaction que nous recevons et les tendances que nous voyons sont des contributions très importantes que nous ajoutons au travail du conseil. En plus de la Nouvelle-Écosse, la directrice exécutive Karen Oliver et moi-même avons eu le plaisir de visiter l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, le Nouveau-Brunswick et Terre-Neuve. Nous avons eu de superbes rencontres avec nos amis partout dans le Canada atlantique. Il y a certainement des grandes choses qui se passent dans cette région du pays et bien sûr la célèbre hospitalité des maritimes est incomparable. À propos de cette hospitalité des Maritimes, Karen et moi avons rencontré Mike Vokey et son équipe d’hôtes du New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition à Frédéricton lors d’une longue séance de travail pour la prochaine convention qui est prévue du 16 au 18 Novembre. Vous ne pouvez pas savoir à quel point je suis heureux de toutes les idées qui ont générées par le groupe. La convention de Frédéricton, intitulée « Chart Your Course / Tracez votre voie » sera sans contredit un thème de conversation pour plusieurs années à venir puisqu’elle sera une parmi les meilleures. Une belle ville remplie de gens des plus accueillants que vous ayez jamais rencontré, de l’excellente nourriture et une série de conférences que Karen est entrain d’organiser est incroyable. Assurez-vous d’inscrire ces dates à votre calendrier, vous ne voudrez pas manquer ça! Je termine le message de cette édition en vous avisant d’une autre opportunité pour notre association. Karen Oliver a communiqué à notre conseil d’administration sa décision de prendre sa retraite vers la fin de 2016. Nous sommes évidemment tristes du départ de Karen (elle a fait un excellent travail!) mais nous savions que ce jour viendrait puisqu’elle s’est retirée une fois dans sa vie de son travail précédent avec Manitoba Exhibition! Nous sommes très reconnaissants du service de Karen jusqu’à présent et ce qu’il reste à faire cette année. Nous la remercions également de donner à notre association suffisamment de temps pour lui trouver son successeur. Notre recherche du prochain directeur exécutif ou directrice exécutive commence maintenant. Le premier vice-président John Peco et moi-même, avec l’appui de Karen et tout le conseil, mènerons cette recherche. L’occasion qui s’offre - de choisir un chef qui donnera le ton au prochain chapitre dans l’histoire de notre association – est à la fois intéressante et importante. Étant donné de l’importance des capacités que la technologie actuelle fournit, nous avons décidé d’ouvrir le poste au plus grand nombre de candidats possible. Le poste sera ouvert aux candidats à travers le pays qui seront en mesure de rester dans leur emplacement actuel en tant que directeur exécutif ou directrice exécutive à temps plein. (Regardez la page 36 pour les délais pour l’embauche) Dans l’intervalle, il lui reste à Karen plusieurs mois en notre compagnie et nous attendons avec sentiments partagés pour lui offrir un chaleureux adieu à Frédéricton. Bon printemps! JIM LAURENDEAU, PRÉSIDENT CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF FAIRS & EXHIBITIONS 6 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 ACTIVITÉS DE L’ACFE Les jours s’allongent et la neige fond (au Manitoba au moins), voilà des indications claires de l’arrivée imminente du printemps et cela signifie que la saison estivale des expositions 2016 approche. Je suis certaine que les organisateurs à travers les Canada se préparent déjà pour un été ou automne rempli d’activités dans le cadre des expositions. Peu importe où vous soyez, les défis que pose la météo, les budgets, les volontaires et la programmation sont sans contredit les mêmes. J’ai eu cette confirmation lors de ma récente visite de la côte est du Canada. Au mois de janvier, le président M. Jim Laurendeau et moi-même avons fait un tour dans les Maritimes où nous avons eu l’opportunité de rencontrer plusieurs personnes qui font partie de nos dirigeants d’expositions en Nouvelle-Écosse, Île-du-Prince-Édouard et NouveauBrunswick. Nous avons donné le nom de « La tournée d’écoute » puisque notre but était de les écouter et d’apprendre plus sur les expositions dans les Maritimes ainsi que de savoir leur opinion sur la manière dont CAFE peut mieux les servir. À Terre Neuve, où il n’y a pas d’Association Provinciale d’Expositions, nous avons rencontré les cadres supérieurs du tourisme, agriculture et développement économique qui nous ont accueillis et aimeraient explorer des domaine où nous pouvons collaborer. Ce voyage a été fascinant! Nous avons pris plaisir à visiter plusieurs organisateurs d’expositions de l’île lors du déjeuner et dîner à Charlottetown et nous avons continué notre chemin jusqu’à Halifax où nous avons eu la chance de de participer à l’Exposition Annuelle EANS (Exhibition Association of Nova Scotia). À Frédéricton nous avons été reçus par les membres du conseil d’administration du New Brunswick Association of Fairs and Exhibitions et nous avons passé du temps avec le comité hôte de la Convention 2016 du Fredericton Ex qui a fait part des plans de la Convention 2016. Partout où nous sommes allés, l’accueil a été très chaleureux et les défis ont été les mêmes. Il y a questions sur lesquelles CAFE, les associations provinciales et les sociétés agricoles locales pouvons collaborer. En février, le conseil d’administration du CAFE s’est réuni à Toronto et a permis à certains membres de participer également à la convention OAAS qui a obtenu un énorme succès. J’ai eu du plaisir de rencontrer plusieurs d’entre vous au présentoir CAFE au salon professionnel… gardons le contact. En plus de ces occasions de communiquer directement, CAFE continue d’avancer sur plusieurs fronts. Notre projet de prévention d’E. coli nous a tient occupés en même temps que nous nous préparons à collaborer avec IAFE afin d’offrir des ateliers de prévention d’E. coli lors de plusieurs de vos conventions provinciales cet automne/hiver. Le conseil d’administration prépare une actualisation de notre plan stratégique et vient juste de compléter une nouvelle stratégie pour plaidoyer auprès du gouvernement durant la prochaine année. Entre temps, Lily et moi travaillons actuellement sur le programme des conférenciers et plusieurs autres domaines thématiques de la convention 2016. Gardez l’œil ouvert pour le lancement du programme d’échange de travail pour jeunes professionnels… une nouvelle initiative pour développer des connaissances et acquérir de l’expérience de la future génération de dirigeants d’expositions. Pour terminer, nous restons en contact avec le gouvernement fédéral sur la traçabilité du bétail et le programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires. Vous pouvez nous dire que nous sommes « Plus occupés que les moustiques dans une colonie nudiste! ». Je vous souhaite le meilleur des succès lors de la planification de l’évènement de cette année et vous invite à rester en contact avec le bureau national afin de partager vos défis, succès et expériences. Après tout, nous sommes ensemble dans ce domaine mouvementé. Comme Henry Ford a dit: « Si nous allons ensemble dans la même direction, le succès prendra soin de soi-même ». Donc, réussissons! KAREN OLIVER, DIRECTRICE EXÉCUTIVE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF FAIRS & EXHIBITIONS SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 7 INDUSTRY NEWS INDUSTRY VETERAN RETIRES CAFE sends best wishes to May Robertson who has recently retired after a career of nearly 40 years in the fair industry. May spent 27 years with Conklin & Garrett Inc. as Director of Risk Management, then joined North American Midway Entertainment in 2004 in that same role. May has been a resource to many in recent years as they negotiated the in’s and out’s of the changes in the Temporary Workers Program. We wish you many happy years of retirement, May! FREDERICTON PUTS PERFORMING ARTS NEEDS AHEAD OF FREX www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fredericton-exhibition-arts-megariety-1.3389830 Fredericton city council has determined a performing arts centre is a top priority for the city, not improvements to the Fredericton Exhibition grounds, said deputy mayor Eric Megarity. His comments come after the executive director of the Capital Exhibit Centre, Mike Vokey, said in an interview that he can’t understand why city council is refusing a request for $50,000 per year for 10 years to increase use of the facilities located on the exhibition grounds, which are leased from the city. SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 9 GET WELL WISHES Get well wishes go out to Darryl Ruston, Director of Events & Facilities at the Red River Ex. Darryl has been off work for some time after a hospital stay…we hope he is feeling better and back on his feet in time for Fair Season! AAAS CONVENTION KICKS THE DIRT OFF! The Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies held a very successful convention, themed “Kick the Dirt Off” at the Ramada Conference Centre in Edmonton, February 5-7th, 2016. With a weekend full of showcases, trade show, awards, speakers and fun, it was a very busy time. As usual, a highlight was the Discussion Forum featuring Province of Alberta Ministers and the Premier. Congrats AAAS! EDMONTON COULD LOSE CANADIAN FINALS RODEO AS COWBOYS REJECT OFFER FROM OEG-LED PARTNERSHIP Edmonton Sun Maybe it’s brinksmanship. Maybe it’s calling their bluff But if it isn’t, and you should be worried that it isn’t, the 2017 Canadian Finals Rodeo – after 43 consecutive years in Edmonton – will likely be held in Vancouver or Saskatoon. Tuesday the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association rejected the March 1 deadline final offer from the Oilers Entertainment Group, City of Edmonton, Northlands and other partners. And last night (Feb. 29) your correspondent learned, they informed the CPRA that they’re out. RED RIVER EX (WINNIPEG) OFFERS PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG AND OLD Winnipeg’s Red River Ex has developed an innovative twist on the American Idol theme – they are holding a 10 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 SENIOR IDOL competition on Senior’s Day at their Fair. All talented seniors are invited to perform – not just singers. What a great idea to engage that older generation. The RREX also invites teachers to get involved with them this year through curriculum related art projects. They will feature a Young Artists’ Gallery, and each participating student will receive a ribbon and 2 admission tickets to the Ex. MANITOBA AG EX TO HOST WHEAT CITY STAMPEDE Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba has partnered with the Manitoba Rodeo Cowboys Association (MRCA) to host their year-end finals during the Manitoba Ag Ex October 27-29th, 2016 in Brandon, MB. “In 2015 we rebranded our fall show as Manitoba Ag Ex. Formerly Manitoba Livestock Expo, our cattle show has been growing steadily over the last few years,” said Ron Kristjansson, General Manager at the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. “We are always exploring opportunities to add different agricultural components to our shows and adding the rodeo with a strong equine component to Manitoba Ag Ex will make this an exciting event”. NEW ATLANTIC EXHIBITION IS FORMED A bit of history – The Atlantic Winter Fair operated in a variety of venues from its beginnings in 1963, but eventually established itself in Exhibition Park in Halifax. In 1999, the Atlantic Winter Fair became the Maritime Fall Fair, and operated as such from 2000 to 2014. Sadly the Maritime Fall Fair did not take place in 2015 due to the deteriorating condition of Exhibition Park. In fact, in July of 2015, the Province of Nova Scotia announced it would close the Exhibition Centre, which needed $3 Million in urgent repairs, and try to sell it. In the fall of 2015, it was announced that the Centre had been sold to a development company, urgent repairs would be completed, and the Centre is now actively hosting events. In 2016, a new Atlantic Fall Fair will be held in the Halifax Exhibition Center on Thanksgiving Weekend! Best of luck to the new Fair Board…we will be following your progress. 2016 SAASE CONVENTION Nipawin, SK was the site of the 2016 Convention of the Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions, February 26th and 27th. The theme of “We’re All in This Together” resonated with the delegates in attendance. A workshop on judging and another on Governance/ Bylaws were key to the Friday agenda, while Saturday featured a session on Community Development and Ag Societies, round table discussions and an awards program. Congratulations to SAASE on organizing a great event for your members. Vern Bexon, SAASE President, addresses the Delegates VEGREVILLE AG SOCIETY SUPPORTS COMMUNITY Vegreville Agricultural Society recently sponsored free hay rides for the public to support the 2016 Vegreville Family Day Celebrations. They also offer two $500 post-secondary scholarships, weighted equally between academic achievement and community involvement. These are just a couple of the ways that this organization supports community development, over and above their annual Country Fair. AGRI-VISIONS ROCKS LLOYDMINSTER POSITIVE VIBE AT EANS CONVENTION Lloydminster Exhibition presented a successful Agrivisions Conference from February 17th to 18th – a two day interactive information event that featured trade show, keynote speakers, seminars, demonstrations and special events for the agriculture industry. And there was a Campfire & Vittles Banquet! What a great name for a banquet – you should copyright that, Lloydminster Ex! The Exhibition Association of Nova Scotia held its annual convention in Halifax January 15-16th, 2016. Delegates enjoyed excellent presentations and demonstrated support for the prospect of the 2016 CAFE Convention being hosted in Fredericton. The announcement of a new Atlantic Fall Fair was greeted with enthusiasm. The delegates approved a new board structure by which each exhibition in the Province will be represented on the board. SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 11 KNOWLEDGABLE CROWDS ENJOYED THE FIFTH ANNUAL SASKATCHEWAN EQUINE EXPO Prairieland Park Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation in partnership with the Saskatchewan Horse Federation and the Western College of Veterinary Medicine are very pleased with the attendance for the 5th Annual Saskatchewan Equine Expo. In excess of 9000 horse enthusiasts attended the events in both the Prairieland Ag Centre and the Trade and Convention Centre over the 4 day event. Throughout the weekend, attendees were able to take part in a variety of seminars and demonstrations presented by the Western College of Veterinary Medicine; world renowned horseman, Jonathon Field; crowd favourite Connie Dorsch; and Cowboy Dressage expert, Lyn Ringrose-Moe. STRATHMORE AG SOCIETY HONOURED FOR 2016 STAMPEDE POSTER Strathmore Standard Strathmore and District Agricultural Society received two first-place wins at the 2016 Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies (AAAS) Marketing Competition for their 2016 Heritage Days poster. The silhouette poster is basic imagery, but powerful with its colours and gives the feeling of western culture, tradition and rodeo that is celebrated during Heritage Days in Strathmore. WESTERNER PARK WELCOMES NEW CEO The Board of Directors of the Westerner Exposition Association announced the selection of Mr. Ben Antifaiff for the role of Chief Executive Officer. Antifaiff took over the role effective January 1, 2016. Formerly the Chief Financial Officer with the Regina Exhibition, Ben brings a solid background of experience in the Fairs & Exhibition industry, as well as skills in financial management. The Board of Westerner Park is very enthused about what his approach to leadership will bring to the organization. Welcome aboard Ben! 12 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 OAAS ANNOUNCES NEW PRESIDENT, GOVERNANCE CHANGES AT ANNUAL CONVENTION Glencoe, Ontario, February 29, 2016. Markham Fair representative and past board member from District 5 Elaine Rennie was elected as Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) president for a one-year term at the annual convention in Toronto February 18 to 20, 2016. Over 150 voting agricultural societies confirmed Ms. Rennie and also accepted a newly revised governance plan. “We are pleased that our membership supports making significant changes to bring the association into the 21st century,” says Ms. Rennie. “Board members have been working towards a new structure for many years and we appreciate their vision and hard work.” Voting societies passed a newly revised constitution which will downsize the board of directors from 30 to 15 members and remove the agriculture and home craft leadership titles. This change will take effect February 2017 and is the result of a working governance committee supported by staff of the Rural Ontario Institute. Kathryn Lambert and Kerry McDonald were recognized for their service to OAAS as Secretary and Treasurer. L to R: Judy McFaul, Kathryn Lambert, Kerry McDonald, Elaine Rennie, Cathy Redden Judy McFaul, Russell Agricultural Society, Brian Slaughter, Forest Agricultural Society and Catherine Redden, Campbellford-Seymour Agricultural Society, will join Ms. Rennie’s executive as first and second vice present and past president respectively. Themed “Celebrate Rural Ontario”, the convention attracted over 1000 delegates including 91 fair ambassadors. The event featured seminars on topics including insurance, sponsorship and welcomed author and playwright Dan Needles. Top prizes were awarded in provincial quilt, photography, poster, cookie and bread competitions. Ambassadors representing fairs throughout Ontario The 2016 convention was sponsored by numerous partners including platinum sponsor Canadian National Exhibition and gold sponsors Dominion Regalia and The Co-Operators. The OAAS acts as a resource and a united voice for its members by providing leadership through education and communication to encourage them to promote agriculture and a rural way of life in Ontario. SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 13 THE ANNUAL CAPE BRETON COUNTY FARMERS’ EXHIBITION AUGUST 15-20, 2016 100 YEARS OF FUN, FARMING AND ENTERTAINMENT The Cape Breton County Farmers’ Exhibition has been a main stay in North Sydney summer after summer for a century now. The annual Exhibition is not just a Northside celebration; it is very much a celebration for all Cape Breton residents. If there is one thing that residents can count on it is that they are promised events that will capture their attention and fill them with anticipation. It is the most fun a family can have in a day. 14 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 For the past 100 years the event has given farmers and those involved in the agriculture industry the chance to showcase the best of what they have to offer. Most of the activity during the week-long event takes part in the centre ring of the arena. There are horse owners, breeders and showers all bustling around the barns making sure they are ready for their event. There will be a number of opportunities for livestock enthusiasts and spectators to enjoy events like equestrian riding, showmanship, as well as barrel racing, pole bending, beef and dairy shows, heavy and light horse shows, and much more. The livestock barn will be filled to capacity with some of the cutest critters, calf and cows. There is also a poultry barn which includes all different kinds of poultry and a 4-H petting zoo. Kids are invited to spend time with the animals and in some areas, are even permitted to pet the calves. In addition, there are displays of all sorts, including musical entertainment, craft shows, the chance to taste some mouth-watering treats and a fairground that promises to deliver all of the thrills required to round out a perfect day out. Strolling Clowns • Puppet Shows Balloon Decorating • Party Co-ordinating Bouncers • Best Comedy Hypnotist Shows Magicians • Jugglers • Caricaturists Candy Floss • Popcorn • Sno Cones Follow Doo Doo (On both) For more information contact: www.facebook.com/DooDooTheClown @DooDoo_theclown (905) 761-0010 | 1-866-436-6366 farco@idirect.com SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 15 CRAPAUD EXHIBITION Directors of the Crapaud Exhibition prepared another special show in 2015. In addition to the many events for the fair goer, 2015 marked two hundred and fifty years since Samuel Holland settled in this area and completed his responsibility for England to survey the newly acclaimed British territory. There were displays and information to mark this occasion. George Dalton, dressed in period costume, greeted people as they entered the arena, answered questions and gave them any info they wanted. Jenn Brown’s Art Class from Crapaud also provided a pleasing display of student’s work in paper mache to help decorate our entry way. The weather for our events co-operated and the people came in large numbers, those who regularly attend our event and visitors who want to gain an appreciation for what this community and P.E.I. has to offer. Our event is without a doubt a showcase of our Agricultural Community and how we live. We pride ourselves in providing activities for the children that will leave them with a pleasant memory of their day at the Crapaud Exhibition. This has become a very popular location as we are 10 minutes off the Confederation Bridge and half way between Summerside and Charlottetown. In lieu of the traditional parade on Friday, July 24th, the Village opted to do a community barbeque on the exhibition grounds prior to the P.E.I. Has Talent Show in the Actiplex, and the Crapaud Exhibition’s Official Opening. This was popular and the Lieutenant Governor was there among the crowd. There was an increased interest in the entertainment, official 16 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 opening and the P.E.I. Has Talent Show. It was a positive change. Saturday, July 25th was the Main Event, which started at 10:00 am. Many activities were featured. Some events included Livestock Judging, 4H, Domestic Sciences, Savour the Flavour with food sampling, Horse Show, Antique Engine Display, Blueberry Pie Contest, Lawn Tractor and 4-Wheel Drive Truck Pulling Championships, Woodsmen’s Competition, Demos like Sheep Shearing, Sushi demonstration and make your own opportunity, and a Potato Peeling Contest. The P.E.I. Egg Board again sponsored the omelet making contest. Salute to Champions, created two years ago, honoured two athletes from the area who have excelled in their individual sport, locally and nationally. This honour recognized outstanding achievement in agriculture, environment and sports. The Western Horse Show is always popular and a large number of competitors come from off Island. Sunday, July 26th, marked the fifth Annual Heavy Horse Pull and the Western Horse Show continued. There were twelve teams from outside the province with twenty-five teams in total competing. Friday, July 31st and Saturday, August 1st was the P.E.I. Annual Truck and Tractor Pulling Competition on the Fair Grounds. It again exceeded all expectations. “Many people make this day a family day at the fair and attend some or all of our events. We hope they take lasting memories home with them,” says Elmer MacDonald, President of the Crapaud Exhibition. SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 17 EXHIBITION PARK LETHBRIDGE REVEALS NEW BRAND & IMAGE Exhibition Park in Lethbridge revealed their new identity in the form of new brand and image on Tuesday, February 9 in front of seventy Media, Board of Directors and Exhibition Park staff. Rudy Friesen, Exhibition Park CEO stated, “We’ve been a part of our community since 1897, but the community has changed significantly since then… why couldn’t we? We had many circumstances within our organization where we were doing things the way we were because “that’s the way we’ve always done them.” “We decided as an organization that it was time to embrace change and challenge status quo. We simply couldn’t keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. The launch of our new brand and our new image as an organization is the first major step in embracing the concept of change” Friesen concluded. “The process began nineteen months ago to develop a new “contemporary” logo that also honours tradition,” said Doug Kryzanowski, Exhibition Park’s Marketing Manager. “The design was created by a local advertising agency which was awarded the contract over nine other agencies from across the nation. In addition, our branding program included a new audio concept to compliment the electronic advertising and social media avenues” added Kryzanowski. “Our previous image, the boots and the rope are still part of our heritage in our programming, but at the same time we knew we had to move forward, attracting new customers and families with new event ideas,” said Kryzanowski. “We like the brand colours; we like the contemporary look; we like our new music concept. It’s bouncy… it’s singable. We’re looking forward to a great year with this brand behind us.” Exhibition Park in Lethbridge employs twenty-seven people in the year round operation, which include the Corporate office, and departments of Marketing, Social Media, Rentals, Events, Food Services, Operations, Production and Sign Shop. 18 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 BEHIND THE SCENES WITH SPOT ON ENTERTAINMENT BY DAVID ACER 40 years is a long time. Maybe not for a giant redwood, or the orbit of Pluto, but certainly for a theatrical production. And yet that’s how long the SuperDogs have been entertaining audiences all over the world. To put it into perspective, they’ve been around longer than cellphones, rollerblades, IMAX movies, home computers, and all the SuperDogs really wanted me to mention this one, the broadway show “Cats.” But behind the SuperDogs there’s a Spot—Spot On Entertainment, that is—a production company that operates year-round and is heading in exciting new directions. I’m a creative director with Spot On and I sat down with CEOs Phil Shuchat and Leonard Chase, and operations manager Amy White, to ask them some probing questions. 20 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 DAVID: Let’s start with the first two questions every member of the Spot On production team is asked. Do you have a dog? And is it a SuperDog? CHASE: Like all dog owners I have the most beautiful, athletic, handsome, wonderful, brilliant dog in the world and he is my SuperDog. I am just another crazy person that loves his dog so much. AMY: Chase is wrong, I have the most beautiful, athletic, handsome, wonderful, brilliant dogs in the world and they are SuperDogs... I actually share my heart and home with five dogs, four who perform with The President’s Choice SuperDogs and one who keeps us all humble. PHIL: Ginger is my Dachshund and far and away the most remarkable SuperDog of all time. I mean Amy’s dogs are sort of fast and can kind of jump and sure, Chase’s dog is hairy, but Ginger is stunning in every possible way and when she makes surprise visits on stage, the audience just swoons with adoration. DAVID: I’ve heard this fairly often and I’m sure you have too, audience members telling us that for some reason, watching the SuperDogs having fun during a show makes them cry, which seems counterintuitive. Why do you think that is? CHASE: There is a huge emotional connection that we have with our dogs and watching the show makes people relive those wonderful, precious times. Our dogs are lent to us for a certain time period and every moment counts. AMY: Most audience members have loved a dog in their lifetime—our show reminds them of that love. I would like to think that people can see (maybe even feel) the love our cast has for their dogs. The relationship you have with a dog is so pure and honest—it can be hard not to be emotional about this type of connection. SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 21 Chart Your Course! Set Your Sails for Fredericton Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions November 16 – 18, 2016 Hosted by: EXHIBITION AD.indd 22 F'TON CANADIAN FAIR NEWS1 SPRING 2016 15-10-22 3:47 PM PHIL: We’re proud to have multiple breeds in our show. During Pat & Chat following each performance many people tell us about a dog they have or had that looks like a dog in the show. While we are making memories, at the same time we remind people of memories. DAVID: The SuperDogs isn’t one show, it’s a lot of shows, and a lot of different kinds of shows. Every year half a million people catch the bigger productions—Wild Wild Woof, Disco Dogs, Hollywoof, etc. But not everyone knows about the more compact SuperDogs brands, like The Bow Wow Factor, Hoof N’ Woof and Science of the SuperDogs. Can you tell us a little about those? CHASE: Hoof N’ Woof integrates the horse lovers and the dog lovers and it is true entertainment. The horses and dogs are paired up in various comparable events. The horses do pole bending and the dogs do weaves, the horses run the barrel and the dogs run the barrels, the horses do a Grand Prix course and the SuperDogs run the SuperDog Grand Prix course. All so entertaining watching fabulous athletes doing remarkable events. AMY: The Science of the SuperDogs was originally created for educational events and science centres but we soon discovered how popular this show was and have since incorporated science elements into all of our fair shows. Science of the SuperDogs is probably my favourite show. You can usually catch me hosting it as my alter-ego Miss Needlenose (I have Phil to thank for that silly name). I am constantly amazed by all the things dogs can do— their ability to see, smell and even problem-solve. I hope that kids go home not only learning something but also with a newfound respect for their own dogs. PHIL: The Bow Wow Factor was created as a full turnkey performance for smaller duration fairs without a permanent building or infrastructure. It’s well suited for outdoors and indoors. We have our own customized tent that serves as our kenneling, offices and storage space. The price point is incredibly attractive and allows fairs to not invest their entire entertainment budget on just one attraction. The custom-designed props are lighter and easier to handle. The one thing that hasn’t changed is the charm and playfulness audiences have come to love and expect from the SuperDogs. DAVID: I’ve seen photos of the SuperDogs not just performing in the show but also sitting at the sound board adjusting levels, setting up lighting equipment, and I even saw one photo of a chihuahua driving a forklift. Is there anything you want to tell us about who’s really running these shows? SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 23 24 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 CHASE: How intuitive of you to notice that. They are really ordinary dogs doing ordinary jobs such as sound and lighting and props. But as soon as the set is ready and the show starts, they have a complete change of character. They take on their persona of a SuperDog, flying through the air, leaping incredible heights, and running as fast as lightning. AMY: These dogs are SuperDogs after all. It’s no surprise they’re the ones running the show. PHIL: It’s safe to say that the SuperDogs really do run the show and our role is to just get out of their way and let them do what they do best. DAVID: Spot On Entertainment is branching out into productions not involving the SuperDogs, or any dogs for that matter, including a big show in 2017 for Canada’s sesquicentennial (my spellcheck just exploded). Can you tell us a little more about that? PHIL: We realized last year that collectively we are more than the SuperDogs show. For those of you who are familiar with our productions, it’s immediately apparent that these are no ordinary stunt-dog shows. Sure the dogs are doing some of the same elements, just as different circuses have some of the same acrobatic elements. However, it’s our production knowledge and the vast experience of our management and creative team that exceeds our (and more importantly the audiences) expectations year after year. So it seemed a natural extension for us to produce other types of family entertainment. After all, David and I own and operate one of the most successful comedy clubs in the country and David is a Gemini-nominated television writer. Chase has written and produced a feature film. We have vast knowledge in renting arenas, routing tours, buying advertising, creating ad mats and compelling PR, and getting a show in on budget. So the time and opportunity was right for us to embark on shows like Ohh Canada, a celebration of Canada’s 150th. The response has been unprecedented and we are having a blast building what we hope to be a truly magnificent production. The production is geared to (but not limited to) the fair industry for 2017. The design thus far is visually stunning with groundbreaking multimedia elements to tether together the continuity of taking the audience across the country through variety entertainment. Of greatest importance, which we have learned with the SuperDogs, is that there is something for everyone in the show and we will grab and hold everyone’s attention. It’s the BEST PART of summer (closed Monday, August 22 & 29) PNE _ PLAYLAND PNECLIPS SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 25 26 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 THESE ARE REAL HEADLINES! THE KIND OF HEADLINES THAT YOU NEVER WANT ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR EVENT. The Canadian Association of Fairs & Exhibitions (CAFE) is currently undertaking a research project funded by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, to identify best practices in the prevention of E.coli contamination at events where there is human/animal interaction. The research will be followed by a series of FREE workshops across Canada on E.coli prevention. There will be a workshop in YOUR area! Learn not only how to prevent E.coli contamination, but also how to protect your organization in the event of an outbreak. Watch for more information in the coming months. This is a serious concern which needs serious efforts at prevention… Don’t jeopardize the welfare of your visitors or your organization. Be sure to sign up for the workshop in your area. Presented by with assistance from SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 27 Harley Bloom, General Manager, Capital Exhibition THE CAPITAL FAIR: A BIT OF COURAGE AND A LEAP OF MUTUAL FAITH Like many regional Ontario municipalities, 2001 heralded the national capital region amalgamation and the disappearance of the City of Gloucester. Suddenly, the Gloucester Fair was without a community. Having just moved from its urban arena site to a more spacious rural location at Rideau Carleton Raceway, the fair struggled in a four day, end of May time slot. At one point, with only $3,000 in the bank, the Fair Board approached all our suppliers for their support. All agreed to let the fair go forward, but it was Barry Jamieson at the helm of World’s Finest Shows that provided the expertise, advice and a financial model that helped the fair find its feet once more. Fast forward to 2013, with constant but relatively slow growth, the fair is still actively looking for a break-out event. Consistently attracting between 20k to 25k, the fair is politely profitable as sponsorship and midway revenues increase. Annual negotiations with our midway suddenly take an unexpected turn when the discussion changes focus from our traditional 4 day event in May to a late August 10-day collaboration. 28 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 Despite the excitement inherent with a change of such magnitude, the Board was fully aware of the risks associated with the radical date and format change. To attract and capture our audience’s attention we would require something really spectacular and over-the-top. After careful financial analysis, we determined that waiving our gate admission would be BIG but worth the gamble so we adopted the FREE ADMISSION policy. In the first season, our attendance jumped from 25,000 to 65,000 guests, a very healthy increase! While we were profitable, we ended up learning some pretty valuable and unexpected lessons. As the Gloucester Fair, we brought our traditions, knowledge of the grounds and corporate culture to the table. Although we’ve been with World’s Finest for over 30 years, we never had the 1st unit play our fair. Suddenly we were faced with snuggling up to a different crew resulting in a few very animated discussions but ultimately we got along and pushed through. Having now gone through a complete fair together, there was a better mutual understanding of what needed to be done and so together with Barry, we formulated a plan to address these concerns. The results made for a much improved grounds layout, tighter scheduling and consistent public and internal messaging that not only enhanced the fair but helped WFS achieve an OABA audit “Circle of Excellence”, the only Canadian Midway show to do so. In 2015 we achieved attendance of 125,000 and hope to double it yet again in 2016. The increased concession revenues and healthy midway growth helped us attain profitability. As a result, we were honoured to return from the OAAS convention in Toronto with the “Fair of the Year” award. We are sensitive to the what a gate admission could mean to the Fair but we are committed to sustaining our growth pattern towards our 5 year goal. So far the gamble appears to be paying off. STA FF A A O DM N IT O DM E N IT E ADMITIT DM ONE A ONE IT ADMIT ADME ON ONE AD ONMIT E A O DM N IT E A O DM N IT E A O DM N IT E IT IT DME ME ADMIT A AN ON D ONE ADO ONMIT ADMIT E ADMIT ONEADMIT ONE ONE ADMIT DMEIT ITA N ADMIT M ONE O ADMIT D A AD MIT ONE ONE ONE ON E IT ME ADON A AD O DOM NM N IET IT E ADMIT ONE ADMIT ONE Take your event to new heights while keeping both feet on the ground. PRINT @ HOME ADMIT ONE IT ME ADON AD AD MITT MI ON E ONE ADMIT AD T ONMI ONEE IT ADME ON ADMIT ONE IT ADM ONE ADMIT ONE ADMIT ONE ADMIT DMIT A ONE ONE AD M IT IT OADM N E ONE IT ADME ON ADMIT IT ONE ADM ONE IT AD M E MI ADOENT ON ADMIT ONE A O DM N IT E ADMIT ONE A O DM N IT E A D A DM O MIT ON NEEIT online ticket sales · point-of-sale barcode ticket generation barcode ticket authorization & consumption · real-time reporting cash control · partner tracking · accreditation system & photo ID e- TICKE POINT OF SALE T STAFF STAFF Event Staff Canada Ltd., proud provider of AuthentiGATE™ 1-888-508-2591 · info@authentigate.ca visit us at authentigate.ca everyone counts SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 29 2015 CAFE CONVENTION TRADE SHOW EXHIBITORS Following is a list of exhibitors who participated in the 2015 CAFE Convention Trade Show. They represent a broad range of products & services, and we appreciated their support of our Niagara Falls Convention. Please consider them when you are shopping for entertainment, services or supplies for your next event. ADMITEC Inc Casavant Productions Ltd Direct Cash Management Inc Julie Belanger, 10450 Secant, Anjou, QC H1J 1S3 info@admitec.ca www.admitec.ca Sheldon Casavant, President, PO Box 4385, Edmonton AB T6E 4T5 780-416-0070 contact@casavantproductions.com http://sheldoncasavant.com/ Bessie Pletsas, General Manager Eastern Canada Julie Caputo, Account Executive, 3269 American Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1V4 905-461-2271 Fax: 905-678-6800 bpletsas@directcash.net Julie. caputo@directcash.net www.directcash.net Bowmanville Zoo Michael Hackenberger, Director, 340 King St. E, Bowmanville ON L1C 3K5 Ph: 905-623-5655 Fax: 905623-0957 info@bowmanvillezoo.com 30 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 Craz-E-Crew Stunt Team Patrick Chenier, Director of Marketing 613-220-2569 pat@crazecrew.com Direct Talent Group HorsePower Live Mega Magic- Magician Mike D’Urzo info@direct-talent.com www.directtalent.ca Melissa Hicks, 347 – 345 15th Sideroad Mono ON L9W 6S4 519-942-3011 mhicks@rmillargroup.com www.horsepowerlive.com 316 Conley St, Thornhill ON L4J 2Z6 416-910-2674 mike@megamagic.ca www.MegaMagic.ca JMA Talent 124 Belfield Rd, Unit 8, Toronto ON M9W 1G1 905-461-6000 www.moduloc.ca DockDogs Brian Sharenow, 5690 Wolff Rd, Medina OH 44256 USA 330-241-4975 Brian.sharenow@dockdogs.com www.dockdogs.com Farco Entertainment Shane Farberman,800 Steeles Ave W, Ste B 10-136, Thornhill ON L4J 7L2 905-761-0010 Fax: 905-761-9948 farco@idirect.com www.farcoentertainment.com Festivals & Events Ontario Nichole Fogarty, 625 King St. E., Suite 2A, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4V4 519-742-2226 nichole@festivalsandeventsontario.ca www.festivalsandeventsontario.ca Fusion Talent Group Andrew Pogson, 344 William St, Stratford ON N5A 4Y5 info@fusiontalent.com www.fusiontalentgroup.com GES – Global Experience Specialists Tony Gallagher, CEM – Sales Executive, 5675 McLaughlin Rd, Mississauga ON L5R 3K5 905-283-0542 Tgallagher@ges.com www.gesexpo.ca Heath Tarlin Entertainment Inc Kristi Heath & Greg Tarlin, 25 Salem Ave, Toronto ON M6H 3C2 416-516-1616 kristi@heathtarlin.com www.heathtarlin.com Jeff Andrusyk, President/Agent, 115 George St, Suite 716, Oakville ON L6J 0A2 jeff@jmatalent.com www.jmatalent.com Just Direct Promotions Craig McPhail, Sales & Marketing Manager, 104 – 155 Main St E, Suite 149, Grimsby, ON L3M 1P2 866-915-5878 FREE craig@justdirect.ca www.justdirect.ca K & K Insurance Canada, Joan Warren-Phenix, 5800 Explorer Dr, Suite 101, Mississauga ON L4W 5K9 905-214-6401 Fax: 905-602-9141 Joan_warren-phenix@kandkcanada.com www.kandkinsurance.com KenJen Petting Zoo & Celebrity Pig Races Ken LaSalle, Box 173, Oshawa ON L1H 7L1 905-655-3451 kenjenzoo@porchlight.ca www.kenjenzoo.com Knights of Valour 111 Bruce St, Unit 5A, Waterford, ON N0A 1Y0 519-420-8237 CAN 970-690-3777 USA info@knightsofvalour.ca www.knightsofvalour.ca Modu-Loc Fence Rentals Outlet Tags Canopies Ltd 390 Progress Ave. Unit #16 , Toronto M1P 2Z6 437-886-0335 1-888-625-8882 FREE cs.outlettags@gmail.com www.outlettags.com PAL Insurance Brokers Canada Matt Taylor, General Manager, 2 Norfolk St S, Simcoe ON N3Y 2V9 800-265-8098 FREE matt@palcanada.com www.palcanada.com Rick Davis Promotions Inc Rick Davis, 43 Fima Cres, Toronto ON M8W 3R1 416-201-8300 rick@rdpevents.com www.rdpevents.com Rynestone Magic Rylan Schwarze, Owner, 140 Beley St, Brockville ON K6V 6W2 613-340-7298 info@rynestonemagic.com www.rynestonemagic.com StoneRidge Specialty Insurance Gail Sharoun, 195 Franklin Blvd, Unit 6 Cambridge ON N1R 8H3 226-318-1744 Gails@stoneridgespecialty.ca www.stoneridgespecialty.ca SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 31 Superb Entertainment Titan Creative Entertainment Network West Coast Lumberjack Shows Ltd Allen Pitch, Owner, 1211 - 70 Plaza Dr, Winnipeg MB R3T 5S1 204-233-2184 alpitchtvgames@gmail.com www.superbentertainment.ca Reg Titan, 223 Bay St S, Suite 1, Hamilton ON L8P 3J2 905-572-6759 reggie@nas.net www.titancreativeentertainment.com Darren R Dean, 4002 Forbidden Plateau Rd, Courtenay BC V9J 1P9 Darren@westcoastlumberjacks.com www.westcoastlumberjacks.com Superior Events Group Ultimutts Stunt Dog Show Lee Cohen, 185 Limestone Cres, Toronto ON M3J-2R1 416-249-4000 ext 23 lee@superiorevents.com www.superiorevents.com catalogue link: www.superiorevents.ca/ catalog-seg Melissa Millett, Stunt Dog Trainer, 231 Banbury Rd, London ON N5Z 4M1 bookings@ultimutts.ca www.ultimutts.ca Steve Hébert, 3561 Keith St, Chelmsford, ON P0M 1L0 705-677-5187 http://steve.hebert@wcls.ca Sypher & Associates Field Engineering Ltd Cindy Sypher, President, 1755A Ave Rd, Toronto ON M5M 3Y8 647-381-0345 cindy.sypher@safeconsulting.ca THE BOOKINGHOUSE INC. “Canada’s Premiere Tribute Agency” Special Agent Joe Brett 905-755-1927 ext:223 joe@bookinghouse.com www.bookinghouse.com United Talent Agency (formerly The Agency Group) 2 Berkeley St - Suite 202, Toronto, ON M5A 4J5 416- 368-5599 http://www.unitedtalent.com Ralph James – CEO Ralph.James@ UnitedTalent.com Jack Ross – President, COO Jack.Ross@ UnitedTalent.com Stefanie Purificati – Agent Stefanie. Purificati@UnitedTalent.com West Coast Lumberjack Shows Ltd Wild and Wacky Shows Ryan Price, Owner and lead presenter. 390 McPhillips Rd, St Andrews MB R1A 3E5 855-947-2428 info@wildandwackyshows.com www.WildAndWackyShows.Com The Co-operators Shawn LaPalm 1-888-712-2667 FREE shawn_lapalm@cooperators.ca www.cooperators.ca/communityguard Ann Barker, Director of Operations & Business Development, Judi Pressman, Director of Marketing 12 Rednor Rd, Toronto ON M4C 4B4 416-418-7991 ann@ticketpro.ca judi@ticketpro.ca www.ticketpro.ca 32 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 Ad ver ti sem ent Ticketpro Inc Are you a small to medium sized fair looking for more spectators seating? The Thorndale Agricultural Society can help you with an affordable portable 183 seat bleacher for rent for your fair weekend. Check availability and rates at www.thorndalefair.com 2015 CONVENTION SHOWCASE ENTERTAINERS The delegates at the 2015 CAFE Convention in Niagara Falls enjoyed some tremendous showcase performances. For your convenience, we have listed the contacts for these showcases below – check them out and please consider them for your 2016 event. Fusion Talent Group Agency The Booking House United Talent Agency Andrew Pogson, 519-275-1070 Showcasing: Amberly Beatty, Patsy Cline/Loretta Lynn Tribute Artist drewpogson@gmail.com www.fusiontalentgroup.com Special Agent Joe Brett, 905-7551927 ext.: 223 Showcasing: Green River Revival – CCR Tribute Band joe@bookinghouse.com www.thebookinghouse.com Ralph James or Stefanie Purificati, 416-816-8999 Showcasing: Mini Pop Kids, High Energy Singing/Dancing Kids’ Group info@minipopkids.com www.minipopkids.com Superb Entertainment Al Pitch, 204-233-2184 Showcasing: Christina the Crazy Hooper, Hula-Hoop Entertainer alpitchtvgames@gmail.com www.SuperbEntertainment.ca Mega Magic - Mike D’Urzo 416-910-2674 Showcasing: Mega Magic, Magician and Mentalist mike@megamagic.ca www.MegaMagic.ca Casavant Productions Ltd. 780-416-0070 Showcasing: Morton the Magician, Strolling Magician for Youngsters contact@casavantproductions.com www.sheldoncasavant.com SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 33 Motus O Dance Theatre Jack Langenhuizen, 905-6408647 /647-223-9094 Showcasing: Motus O Dance Theatre, innovative/high energy dance troupe motuso@sympatico.ca www.motuso.com Rynestone Magic Rylan Schwarze, 613-340-7298 Showcasing: Rynestone, Magic with an Edge info@rynestonemagic.com www.rynestonemagic.com Casavant Productions Ltd. Sheldon Casavant 780-416-0070 Showcasing: Sheldon Casavant, Magician contact@casavantproductions.com www.sheldoncasavant.com 34 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 Titan Creative Entertainment Reg Titian, 905-572-6758 Showcasing: The DRIFTERS featuring Rick Sheppard Showcasing: “The Last Waltz” A Musical Celebration of The BAND reggie@nas.net www.titancreativeentertainment.com Kidomo Richard Noel 416-908-9475 Showcasing: Children’s Walkarounds from top Children’s TV Shows richard@kidomo.com www.kidomo.com Heath Tarlin Entertainment Kristi Heath & Greg Tarlin, 905516-1616 Showcasing: Strolling Performers/ Stilt Walking Characters kristi@heathtarlin.com www.heathtarlin.com 2015 CAFE CONVENTION SPONSORS PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE FRIENDS OF CAFE SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 35 THE CAFE BOARD SEARCH COMMITTEE WILL BE POSTING THE POSITION OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, IN LATE MAY, 2016 WITH APPLICATIONS CLOSING MID-JULY. WATCH FOR THE POSTING ON THE CAFE FACEBOOK PAGE, THE CAFE WEBSITE WWW.CANADIAN-FAIRS.CA AND CAFE’S WEEKLY E-UPDATES JMA TALENT IS A FULL SERVICE BOOKING AND CONSULTING AGENCY FOR ARTISTS, PURCHASERS AND VENUES. We exclusively represent a variety of Juno award winning artists in genres ranging from Rock, Blues, Folk, Family Entertainment and beyond. With an extensive network of contacts across North America and combined industry experience of over 25 years, we strive to build successful tours for our clients with proven results. GRT PUBLIC AIRBAG JUMP SHARON & BRAM 647.847.4177 JMATALENT.COM 36 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS SPRING 2016 MYSTIC DRUMZ VALDY OUR AWARD WINNING ARTIST ROSTER INCLUDES AL SIMMONS • BARRA MACNEILS • HOTEL CALIFORNIA • IAN THOMAS • LIONA BOYD THE SPOONS • SPLASH 'N BOOTS • SUSAN AGLUKARK • THE BEATLEMANIACS 7 A 150th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR ALL AGES 1 0 2 G IN M O C PRODUCED BY PRODUCERS OF E N T E R T A I N M E N T FOR SHOW DETAILS VISIT OHHCANADALIVE.COM EMAIL INFO@OHHCANADALIVE.COM SPRING 2016 CANADIAN FAIR NEWS 37 OHH CANADA! IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF SPOT ON ENTERTAINMENT INC. Specialty Insurance For Festivals, Exhibitions & Events Exhibitor/Vendor Liability Individual or Annual Policies can be bound for: palcanada.com • Individual Exhibitors at one Fair or multiple Fairs • All Exhibitors under one policy at one Fair/Festival/Exhibition • All Exhibitors at multiple Fairs Available in Canada and for Canadians exhibiting in the US Special Event Liability Individual or Annual Policies can be bound for: • Venue & Facility Owners • Event Hosts One Day, Multiple Day & Annual Event policies are available General Liability for many types of events with liquor liability extensions available Performers Individual or Annual Policies can be bound for: Musicians, Dancers, DJs, Clowns, Magicians, etc. Liability coverage including up to $25,000 in property & equipment coverage Event Cancellation/Non-Appearance Protection from loss of revenue or expenses when an event has to be cancelled, relocated, postponed, etc. Coverage includes adverse weather, natural catastrophe, and non-apperance of key individuals. Most policies available per day and up to a year! Visit www.palcanada.com for automatic rating & online policy issuance.