Investigation of Wet Etching with Surfactant Applied on the
Investigation of Wet Etching with Surfactant Applied on the
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 155-158 (2007) 155 Investigation of Wet Etching with Surfactant Applied on the Releasing Process of Devices Fabricated by Surface Micro Machining Chien-Chung Tsai*, Y-Cheng Huang, Chia-Jung Lee and Chia-Ching Chang Chien Department of Optoelectronic System Engineering, Minghsing University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Tauwan 304, R.O.C. Abstract Investigation of surfactant applied on wet etching for releasing the micro optical devices with Micro Array Thermal Actuator, MATA, fabricated by Surface Micromachining common process is proposed in this paper. BOE (buffered oxide etch), concentrated HF (49%), concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant are adopted as the etchants for releasing the micro optical devices in experiment, respectively. Low Temperature Oxide, LTO, is a sacrificial layer material and the etching phenomena will be demonstrated by the three different etchants during the releasing process. The experimental results exhibit Poly-Si is seriously damaged and geometrical dimensions of the micro structure are reduction by BOE (6:1) compared with the original design. On the other hand, the geometrical features of the micro devices are consistency with the original design and successfully released by concentrated HF (49%) etching. However, there are some residual LTO on the surface of Poly 1 layer during the period of concentrated HF (49%) etching process. Nevertheless, the residual LTO on Poly 1 layer surface is significantly improved by the concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant. Finally, the micro optical devices fabricated by SMart common process are successfully released by the concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant and the surfaces of devices are relatively smooth. Key Words: Micro-optics, Surface Micromachining, Wet Etching, Sacrificial Layer 1. Introduction In high technology age, all kinds of products are expected to be of high quality, high capability, and be miniaturized. Micro Electro-Mechanical System, MEMS, has played an important role in industry since the 1980s [1]. This field includes opto-electrical engineering system, communication engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, material science, control engineering, chemical engineering, and semiconductor technology, etc. MEMS devices have the characteristics of miniaturization, high precision and high reliability [2]. Micro structure of MEMS could be integrated with a signal circuit on a chip [3]. And that would be *Corresponding author. E-mail: mass production by semiconductor process. There are a lot of advantages on MEMS technology so it becomes the start and highly competitive technology in industrial sector of each country. MEMS technology has gradually matured. Many products with high precision and high quality are manufactured by micro-fabrication common process, recently [4]. Releasing the micro structure is the key step during the post process of surface micro machining. Especially, the performance of device shall be still functioned after the releasing process in common process, such as CIC CMOS-MEMS and SMart. Hence the releasing process dominates whether the devices fabricated by common process are success or not. Etching technology is usually adopted for the releasing process. There are two divisions for etching technology. One is dry etching, the 156 Chien-Chung Tsai et al. other is wet etching. However, dry etching is anisotropic and high precision. Nevertheless, there are advantages on the simple process, low cost equipment and mass production for wet etching [5]. Wet etching with surfactant applied on the releasing process of devices fabricated by surface micro machining is investigated in the work. 2. Fabrication Process and Experimental Process The SMart (Surface Micromachining for applications and research technology platform) supplies a multi project wafer (MPW) technology platform. It is a low-cost and a rapid prototyping surface micromachining process. The process platform could serve as a commercial program for the industrial, governmental and academic communities. The SMart process is a general surface micromachining process involved three layers polysilicon. The related material and its composition in the process are demonstrated in Table 1. Eight masks adopted to achieve the process are defined as well. For the purpose of executing process more simply and effectively, two structure layers Poly 1 and Poly 2 are equal in thickness; more- over, two sacrificial layers LTO 1 and LTO 2 are also the same as in thickness [6]. The device fabricated by SMart process is composite of micro mirror, MATA and elevating structure, as shown in Figure 1 [7,8]. The detailed experimental procedure is elaborated on each step as shown in Table 2. Then the phenomena are observed and recorded by the Optical Microscope (OM) with Charge Couple Detector, CCD. BOE (buffered oxide etch), concentrated HF (49%), concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant are the etchants for the study. Figure 1. Mask configuration of the device. Table 1. Layer composition overview of SMart Level Mask # THOX LS SiN Poly 0 SiN 0 N/A N/A #1 Poly 0 #2 SiN 0 #3 Dimple (7500 Å) #4 Anchor 1 #5 Poly 1 #6 Anchor 2 #7 POLY 2 #8 Metal LTO 1 Poly 1 LTO 2 Poly 2 Metal (Cr/Ni/Au) Thickness (Å) GDS number Dark/Clear 5000 5000 5000 5000 N/A N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N/A N/A Dark Clear Clear Clear Dark Clear Dark Clear (lift-off) 17500 20000 17500 20000 100/1000/5000 Table 2. Procedure of Etching Step Acetone IPA DI-Water Etchant DI-Water IPA Heating Plate Observation Time Temperature Remark 05 min 05 min 10 min te 10 min 10 min 05 min - room room room room 70 °C room 70 °C room Remove Photoresist (PR) IsoPropyl Alcohol cleans the residual Acetone and PR Clean Remove LTO, te is the etching time and dependent on the etchant Clean Diminish Sticking Dry OM with CCD Investigation of Wet Etching with Surfactant Applied on the Releasing Process of Devices Fabricated by Surface Micro Machining 157 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 The Effect of BOE The effect of BOE etchant with the concentration 6:1 on the releasing process is investigated. Figure 2 reveals there is a lot of the residual LTO under MATA which is Poly 1 layer after 40 minutes etching. And the geometry features of MATA are reduction compared with the original design, as shown in Figure 3. The micro structure of the device is seriously damaged due to the long etching time for removing LTO thoroughly. 3.2 The Effect of Concentrated HF (49%) The effect of HF etchant with the concentration 49% on the releasing process is demonstrated. There are some residual LTO on the surface of Poly 1 layer in black area, as shown in Figure 4(a). On the other hand, the surface roughness is affected by the residual oxide, as shown in Figure 4(b). Hydrofluoric dissolves the SiO2 by forming the water-soluble H2SiF6 with H2 bubbles [9]. And Polysilicon is hydrophobic. The H2 bubbles will partly pre- vent the HF from dissolving the LTO which is near the surface of Poly 1 layer. That is why there is some residual LTO 2 on the Poly 1 layer; the surface is black and not uniform due to the H2 bubbles during the period of concentrated HF (49%) etching process, as shown in Figure 5. Fortunately, the sacrificial layer oxide is thoroughly removed after 5 minutes by concentrated HF (49%) etching. The estimated etching time is 5 min 8 sec, as shown in Table 3. Because the room temperature is higher than the referenced temperature 20 °C, 5 minutes are adopted as the etching time in the experiment. And the releasing of micro structure is successful except the surface condition. 3.3 The Effect of Concentrated HF (49%) with 10% Surfactant The effect of concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant on the releasing process is implemented to improve surface condition of the releasing results. The etching time is also 5 minutes; the releasing of micro structure is success, too. The significant improvement of concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant etchant for the releasing process is nearly perfect surface condition on Poly 1 layer, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 2. Residual LTO under Poly 1. Figure 5. Mechanism sketch of the residual LTO. Table 3. The estimated etching time for HF [9] Etchant Recipe HF49%: 1:10 water HF 49% Etching rate Etching LTO thickness Etching time 30 nm/min 9.25 mm 1.8 mm/min 9.25 mm 5 hr 8 min 18 s 5 min 8 s Figure 3. Size reduction after etching by BOE. Figure 4. OM photos of device by 49%HF etching. Figure 6. OM photos of device by concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant etching. 158 Chien-Chung Tsai et al. The results demonstrate the residual LTO and surface condition shall be diminished and improved by the surfactant additive in concentrated HF (49%). And that reveals the surfactant can effectively reduce H2 bubbles which block the oxide and HF etchant. Since the LTO is dissolved by concentrated HF (49%) without residue, the surface of micro mirror is almost not affected by concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant compared with by concentrated HF (49%) only, as shown in Figure 6(b). 4. Conclusion Investigation of surfactant applied on wet etching for releasing the micro optical devices with Micro Array Thermal Actuator, MATA, fabricated by Surface Micromachining common process is proposed in this work. BOE (6:1), concentrated HF (49%) and concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant are adopted as the etchants for releasing the micro optical devices in experiment, respectively. The experimental results exhibit Poly-Si is seriously damaged and geometrical dimensions of the micro structure are reduction by BOE (6:1) compared with the original design. On the other hand, the geometrical features of the micro devices are consistency with the original design and successfully released by concentrated HF (49%) etching. However, the surface of Poly 1 layer becomes black due to the residue of LTO during the period of concentrated HF (49%) etching process. Nevertheless, the residual LTO on the surface of Poly 1 layer is significantly improved by the concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant. Finally, the micro optical devices fabricated by SMart common process are successfully released by the concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant and the surfaces of devices are relatively smooth. Besides, the etching time of the concentrated HF (49%) with 10% surfactant is shorter than that of BOE for releasing the micro optical devices during the post process. the authors for their assistance. The authors are deeply grateful to the president of tMt, Chien-Yung Ma Ph. D. and the manager of tMt, Jhy-Ping Wu Ph. D, for their kind and liberated support in this work. This work is sponsored by the funding of National Science Council of Taiwan, NSC 93-2212-E-159-002 and MUST 95-OES-02. References [1] Ko, Wen. H., “The Future of Sensor and Actuator Systems,” Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 56, pp. 193-197 (1996). 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