If It`s Not Chocolate It`s Not Worth It
If It`s Not Chocolate It`s Not Worth It
IF IT’S NOT chocolate, IT’S NOT WORTH IT. !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! LIQUID BULK + NUTRITION SWEETENER + FLAVOR SUPERFOODS + EXTRA OOMPH /3425 >?@&8=6 6A379&B:C=54 >?@&F39393 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q @&4FK6&C5:=9E MA3NK22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 >?@&8=6 8::D2E&:34;23A >?@&8=6 M5:P29&F25572K 8173&K22EK =9K/224292E 3A;:9E&;7AD >?@&8=6 6=522E&6=;6D79 >?I&8=6 M5:P29&;39C: 6:/E252E& C5229K 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& 10 Simple, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Healthy(ish) Chocolate Recipes :5&366A2 by Heather Pierce Giannone A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 2 Contents Ridiculously Easy-to-Make Treats Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Cacao Avocado Pudding Chocolate Banana “Ice Cream” Cocoa-Dusted Vanilla Yogurt Peppermint Hot Chocolate 3 4 5 6 7 Worth the Effort Dark Chocolate Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Bites !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'!98 Almond Butter, Oat, Chocolate Chip Balls Gluten-Free Fiber-tastic Chocolate Chip Gingerbread 10 Orange Dark Chocolate Truffles 12 SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + LIQUID Roasted Nuts Drizzled with Dark Chocolate + FLAVOR 13 + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION >?@&8=6 6A379&B:C=54 >?@&F39393 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q >?@&8=6 8::D2E&:34;23A >?@&8=6 M5:P29&F25572K =9K/224292E 3A;:9E&;7AD >?@&8=6 6=522E&6=;6D79 >?I&8=6 M5:P29&;39C: 6:/E252E& C5229K 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 How-To Techniques /3425 Toasting Nuts Melting Chocolate 8:8:9=4&/3425 @&4FK6&C5:=9E MA3NK22EK 14 14 8173&K22EK >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 3 Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Chia seeds are the coolest little secret weapon. Not only is this superfood an amazing source of fiber, omega fatty acids, calcium, and antioxidants - they also absorb about 10 times their weight in liquid. So stick them in almond milk and you have a super healthy and energizing “pudding” or tapioca! Ingredients 1/8 cup chia seeds 2 cups almond milk 1 tbsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp cocoa powder 2 tbsp maple syrup !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! Directions 1. All all ingredients to SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + a mediumLIQUID sized + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION bowl and whisk until combined and >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6 /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 there are no clumps. >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 2. Place bowl in fridge 8::D2E&:34;23A M5:P29&F25572K overnight or for at least a few hours until chia seeds absorb the liquid and 6:/E252E& =9K/224292E >?@&8=6 become pudding or tapioca-like. Enjoy.>?I&8=6 3A;:9E&;7AD 6=522E&6=;6D79 M5:P29&;39C: C5229K 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 4 Cacao-Avocado Pudding Seriously, you can’t even taste the avocado. The first time I had this, I couldn’t even tell the difference between this and a dairy-based pudding. I use the superfood raw cacao powder in here for a nice magnesium, iron, antioxidant boost. Ingredients 1 ripe avocado 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp cacao powder 2 tbsp maple syrup !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! pinch of sea salt Directions 1. Slice avocado SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + LIQUIDin half, + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION remove pit, and scoop out the flesh. >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6 /3425 2. Add all ingredients to 6A379&B:C=54 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK a blender or food >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 processor and blend 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 M5:P29&F25572K 8::D2E&:34;23A until smooth and wellcombined. 6:/E252E& =9K/224292E >?I&8=6 >?@&8=6 C5229K 3. Taste, and adjust to your desired sweetness and chocolate-yness. 3A;:9E&;7AD M5:P29&;39C: 6=522E&6=;6D79 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 5 Chocolate Banana “Ice Cream” Ingredients 1 banana 1 tbsp cocoa powder Directions 1. Peel banana and place it in the freezer in a plastic bag or in plastic wrap for at least a few hours). !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! 2. When you’re ready for your “ice cream”, take out SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + the frozen LIQUID banana + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION and slice into thick slices. 3. Place frozen banana slices in a blender>?@&F39393 or food processor and puree until the @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6 /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 banana gets smooth and creamy, like soft serve. 4. Add cocoa powder and gently blend until all mixed in. (You could also add >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 a tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter here too!) M5:P29&F25572K 8::D2E&:34;23A 5. Serve alone or with chopped nuts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ast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 6 Cocoa-Dusted Vanilla Yogurt Ingredients 1/2 cup vanilla or plain yogurt (I like Redwood Hill Farms vanilla goat yogurt) 1 tsp honey, optional 1 tsp cocoa or raw cacao powder Directions 1. Place yogurt in a !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! cup, mix honey if you’d like (my favorite vanilla SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + LIQUID brand is sweet + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION enough but if I only have plain yogurt, I’ll add honey). 2. Dust cocoa over the top >?@&8=6 of the yogurt >?@&F39393 (using a wire mesh strainer if there are @&4FK6&C5:=9E /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 clumps). Mix in and enjoy! 3. Optional - you can also top with shredded coconut or chopped nuts. 8:8:9=4&/3425 >?@&8=6 8::D2E&:34;23A >?@&8=6 M5:P29&F25572K 8173&K22EK =9K/224292E 3A;:9E&;7AD >?@&8=6 6=522E&6=;6D79 >?I&8=6 M5:P29&;39C: 6:/E252E& C5229K 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 7 Peppermint Hot Chocolate Ingredients 8 oz water 1 teabag of peppermint tea 1-2 tbsp raw cacao powder honey or maple syrup, to taste almond milk, optional Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. Boil water and pour into a mug (leave room at the top). Steep peppermint teabag in hot water for 2-3 minutes. !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! Remove teabag. Spoon raw cacao powder into water and stir until mixed (one of those teenytiny whisks work well here). SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + LIQUID 5. Add enough sweetenerNUTRITION to your liking. + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH 6. Top it off with almond milk, if you’d like. Enjoy! >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK milk in a saucepan and use instead /3425 >?@&8=6 6A379&B:C=54 heat almond 8:8:9=4&/3425 >?@&8=6 8::D2E&:34;23A >?@&8=6 M5:P29&F25572K 8173&K22EK =9K/224292E 3A;:9E&;7AD >?@&8=6 6=522E&6=;6D79 >?I&8=6 M5:P29&;39C: 6:/E252E& C5229K 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 For a thicker hot cocoa, water. of the >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 8 Dark Chocolate Frozen Peanut Butter-Banana Bites Ingredients 2 medium-ripe bananas Unsalted, natural peanut butter or almond butter sea salt 1 cup dark chocolate chips Directions 1. Peel and slice bananas into 1-inch slices and !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet. SWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + LIQUID 2. Gently spread a dab of NUTRITION peanut butter on top of each banana slice. Sprinkle + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH tops with sea salt. >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=614). 3. Melt the chocolate (see page /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 4. Quickly add remaining chocolate and stir so it’s smooth and shiny. 5. Gently drizzle chocolate over the banana and peanut butter slices with a >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 M5:P29&F25572K 8::D2E&:34;23A spoon. Keep stirring chocolate so it doesn’t harden. (Tip: make them look fancier by freezing the bananas for an hour first then using a fork to dip them =9K/224292E >?@&8=6 in chocolate and completely cover, but>?I&8=6 I’m too lazy for6:/E252E& that extra step!) C5229K 3A;:9E&;7AD M5:P29&;39C: 6=522E&6=;6D79 6. Stick the baking sheet in the freezer and let chocolate harden for at least 1 hour. These are great for just grabbing >&4K6&J397AA3 a slice or two at a@&4FK6 time for a quick 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 53/&8383: 2N45384 pick-me-up! GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 Makes about5782&;7AD 15-20 bites.K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 9 Almond Butter, Oat, + Chocolate Chip Balls Inspired by and adapted from my favorite sweet snack at The Stand juice bar in CT. Ingredients 1 cup almond butter 1 cup rolled oats 2 tbsp raw honey sea salt 1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup dried shredded !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! coconut (optional) Directions BULK + SWEETENER SUPERFOODS 2N45384 53/&8383: LIQUID 1. Mix almond butter, + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION rolled oats, raw honey, and a few >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6 /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 sprinkles of sea salt until well combined. >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 8:8:9=4&/3425 2. Add about 1/2 cup of8::D2E&:34;23A dark chocolateM5:P29&F25572K chips and gently8173&K22EK mix to combine. 3. Scoop out mixture with a tablespoon, roll between your palms until it looks 6:/E252E& =9K/224292E >?I&8=6 >?@&8=6 like a little golf ball. Repeat with rest of mixture. C5229K 3A;:9E&;7AD M5:P29&;39C: 6=522E&6=;6D79 4. Keep as is or, to prevent them from sticking to each other, roll them in dried shredded coconut. You can also use cocoa powder or finely @&4FK6chopped nuts. >&4K6&J397AA3 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 Add some a few tablespoons of ground flax seeds into the mixture for some GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L @&4FK6& extra fiber. 5782&;7AD K679381L&8:AA35E >?@&4K6&C79C25 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK C5229K 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 10 Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Gingerbread I gifted myself the Babycakes cookbook by Erin McKenna a few Christmas’s ago so I could learn how to make their bakery’s amazing baked goods that are so delicious you !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! don’t even notice they are vegan, glutenSWEETENER SUPERFOODS BULK + free, and mostly LIQUID + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION sugar-free. >?@&8=6 >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E =9K/224292E >?@&8=6 >?I&8=6 6:/E252E& 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 >&4K6&J397AA3 2N45384 @&4FK6 53/&8383: OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q 6A379&B:C=54 I was instantly/3425 impressed with their suggestion to “trick out”MA3NK22EK leftover gingerbread batter with shredded carrots and ground flaxseed to kick up the health factor >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 8173&K22EK but I thought, “why stop 8::D2E&:34;23A there? Baked goods without chocolate is just plain 8:8:9=4&/3425 M5:P29&F25572K silly.” C5229K 3A;:9E&;7AD M5:P29&;39C: 6=522E&6=;6D79 You can get the gluten free baking flour and xanthan gum at Whole Foods, any health food store, or here. Ingredients GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L 2 cups Bob’s 5782&;7AD Red Mill Gluten-Free All-Purpose Baking Flour @&4FK6& K679381L&8:AA35E >?@&4K6&C79C25 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK C5229K 2 tsp baking powder 65:4279&?&;23A& 2 tsp baking soda >?I&8=6& >?@&4K6& 526A382;294 M52K1&125FK 87993;:9& 1 tsp xanthan gum 6:/E25 1 tsp salt >&4FK6&& >?I&4K6& 1 tsp ground cinnamon >?@&3J:83E: M52K1&C5342E&& 9=4;2C C79C25&5::4&& 2 tbsp ground ginger >H@&4FK6 1/4 tsp nutmeg >?@&6235 934=53A&6239=4 1/2 cup coconut oil, plus:5&3A;:9E&F=4425 more for the pan :5&366A2 2/3 cup agave nectar A2;:9&KA782 1/4 cup molasses 2/3 cup rice milk 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 11 1 1/3 cups canned unsweetened pumpkin puree 3/4 cup hot water 1 cup shredded carrot 1/2 cup ground flax seeds or flax meal 1 cup dark chocolate chips Directions 1. Mix Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease a 7x4x3-inch loaf pan with coconut oil (I also like to use mini-muffin tins for the leftover batter). 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, xanthan gum, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. 3. Add the oil, agave nectar, molasses, rice milk, and vanilla to the dry ingredients and stir until the thick batter is smooth. !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! 4. Using a plastic spatula, gently fold in the pumpkin puree and hot water just until the batter is smooth. 5. Gently stir in carrot and flax until evenly mixed in. 6. Fold in chocolate chips. BULK + SWEETENER SUPERFOODS LIQUID + FLAVOR + OOMPH NUTRITION 7. Fill the prepared pan halfway with batter. The leftover EXTRA batter can go into a 2nd loaf pan or into muffin tins. >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6 8. Bake the gingerbread on the center rack for 40 minutes, (rotating the pan /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 180 degrees after 20 minutes). 9. The finished gingerbread >?@&8=6 will bounce back slightly when pressed, and a >?@&8=6 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 M5:P29&F25572K 8::D2E&:34;23A toothpick inserted through the center should come out clean. 10. Let the gingerbread stand in the pan for about 20 minutes, then gently run a 6:/E252E& =9K/224292E >?I&8=6 >?@&8=6 knife around the edge of the cake. Cover the top of theC5229K pan with a plate or 3A;:9E&;7AD M5:P29&;39C: 6=522E&6=;6D79 cutting board, and invert the loaf onto the board and carefully lift pan away. >&4K6&J397AA3 11. Then re-invert the pan>?@&8=8=;F25 on a wire rack to cool completely.@&4FK6 8:8:9=4&;7AD 53/&8383: 2N45384 12. Serve alone or with a dollop of vanilla yogurt. 5782&;7AD GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L K679381L&8:AA35E C5229K >?@&4K6&C79C25 @&4FK6& 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK 65:4279&?&;23A& 526A382;294 6:/E25 >?@&4K6& 87993;:9& >?I&8=6& M52K1&125FK >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 12 Orange Dark Chocolate Truffles Ingredients ½ cup light coconut milk (or rice milk) 1 tbsp fresh orange zest 1 ¼ cups of bittersweet chocolate chunks or chips (I used ½ bar of Scharfenberger 72% bittersweet chocolate, chopped into small !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! pieces) ¼ cup cocoa powder Directions LIQUID BULK + NUTRITION SWEETENER + FLAVOR >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 SUPERFOODS + EXTRA OOMPH 1. Place about an inch of water in a pan and bring it to a summer. >?@&F39393 @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6 /3425 milk in a 2. Place dairy-free double-boiler and place over simmering water to OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 heat through. >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 3. Add freshly grated orange zest to milk and let it infuse for about 5 minutes. 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 M5:P29&F25572K 8::D2E&:34;23A 4. Turn off heat and immediately add chocolate to the milk, stirring with a heatproof spatula until all the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. 6:/E252E& =9K/224292E >?I&8=6 >?@&8=6 C5229K 5. Pour chocolate into a6=522E&6=;6D79 heat-proof medium-sized bowl, cover the top with 3A;:9E&;7AD M5:P29&;39C: plastic wrap, and place in the refrigerator for about an hour until it sets. @&4FK6 if there are any 6. Fill a small bowl with cocoa powder (sift>&4K6&J397AA3 it with a mesh strainer 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 53/&8383: 2N45384 chunks). GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L 7. Remove chocolate from fridge. Using a melon baller or teaspoon, scoop the @&4FK6& 5782&;7AD K679381L&8:AA35E >?@&4K6&C79C25 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK chocolate and roll into a small C5229K ball between your palms. 8. Gently roll the truffle in 65:4279&?&;23A& the cocoa powder and place on a plate. Serve or >?I&8=6& >?@&4K6& store in the fridge or freezer, covered, until you are ready to take that first, 526A382;294 M52K1&125FK 87993;:9& 6:/E25 seductive bite. >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 13 Roasted Nuts Drizzled with Dark Chocolate You can use any nut that you’d like, roasted or raw. I enjoy roasted hazelnuts but when it comes to walnuts or pecans, I’m happy to keep them raw. Totally up to you and how desperately you just want to get to !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! the chocolate party already! Ingredients LIQUID BULK + NUTRITION SWEETENER + FLAVOR SUPERFOODS + EXTRA OOMPH >?@&8=6 6=522E&6=;6D79 >?I&8=6 M5:P29&;39C: 6:/E252E& C5229K >H@&4FK6 934=53A&6239=4 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >?@&6235 :5&366A2 1/2 cup of any nuts of your choice (hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, shelled pistachios, @&4FK6&C5:=9E >?@&8=6walnuts, >?@&F39393 /3425 OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q MA3NK22EK 6A379&B:C=54 etc.) 1/2 cup of bittersweet dark chocolate chips (I use Ghiradelli) >?@&8=6 >?@&8=6 8173&K22EK sea salt 8:8:9=4&/3425 8::D2E&:34;23A M5:P29&F25572K Directions=9K/224292E 3A;:9E&;7AD 1. If using hazelnuts, it’s tough to find ones that have already been skinned. So to blanch them (remove the skins) see >&4K6&J397AA3 page 14. @&4FK6 8:8:9=4&;7AD >?@&8=8=;F25 53/&8383: 2N45384 2. If you want the nuts to have a toasty flavor and you didn’t buy them pretoasted, see page 14 for toasting them. GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L @&4FK6& 5782&;7AD 3. Melt the chocolate chips (see page 14). K679381L&8:AA35E >?@&4K6&C79C25 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK C5229K 4. Line a baking sheet or plate with parchment paper. 65:4279&?&;23A& 5. Arrange the nuts in little clusters of 4-5 nuts. >?I&8=6& >?@&4K6& 526A382;294 M52K1&125FK 87993;:9& 6. Dip a teaspoon into the melted 6:/E25 chocolate and drizzle over the clusters of nuts until they are covered. Repeat with remaining nut clusters. >&4FK6&& >?I&4K6& M52K1&C5342E&& 7. Stick them in the freezer>?@&3J:83E: for about an hour to let the chocolate harden. 9=4;2C C79C25&5::4&& Serve or just stick your hand in the freezer any time you need a pick-me-up. A2;:9&KA782 FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 14 Chocolately How-To’s How to Melt Chocolate for Dipping + Drizzling The Stovetop/Double-Boiler Method: 1. Heat about an inch or so of water in a saucepan until it begins to simmer. 2. Place a heat-proof bowl or pan over the saucepan. 3. Add 2/3 of the chocolate and keep stirring with a rubber spatula until chocolate is almost fully melted. 4. Take off heat, add remaining chocolate and stir until smooth and shiny. The Microwave Method: !"#$%"&'(!)*+,-.&!"##$%&'! 1. Place chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds. 2. Stir chocolate well with a rubber spatula, then heat for another 30 seconds. 3. Stir and repeat if necessary but stop microwaving before chocolate chips are completely melted. BULK + SWEETENER SUPERFOODS LIQUID + FLAVOR + EXTRA OOMPH NUTRITION 4. Stir until smooth and shiny. >?@&8=6 >?@&F39393 /3425 Skins from How to Remove Hazelnuts OM5:P29&7K&F24425Q 6A379&B:C=54 @&4FK6&C5:=9E MA3NK22EK It’s tough to find hazelnuts that have already been skinned. So, to blanch >?@&8=6 hazelnuts (remove the skins):>?@&8=6 8173&K22EK 8:8:9=4&/3425 8::D2E&:34;23A M5:P29&F25572K 1. Preheat=9K/224292E the oven to 350 degrees. 6:/E252E& >?I&8=6 >?@&8=6 3A;:9E&;7AD 2. Lay the hazelnuts in a6=522E&6=;6D79 single layer on aM5:P29&;39C: baking sheet andC5229K put in oven for about 10 minutes, until the skins start to crack but aren’t close to burning. @&4FK6 >&4K6&J397AA3 3. Remove8:8:9=4&;7AD from oven, let>?@&8=8=;F25 cool for 10 minutes. 53/&8383: 2N45384 4. Take a handful of nuts in your hands with clean dish towel or paper towel and GHI&A23J2K&D3A2L rub your hands together over the towel. Most of the skins@&4FK6& should fall off the 5782&;7AD K679381L&8:AA35E >?@&4K6&C79C25 6KBAA7=;&1=KDK hazelnut. C5229K 5. Place skinned hazelnuts into a separate bowl and repeat with remaining 65:4279&?&;23A& >?I&8=6& >?@&4K6& 526A382;294 hazelnuts. M52K1&125FK 87993;:9& 6:/E25 How to Toast Nuts >?@&3J:83E: >?I&4K6& 9=4;2C If you didn’t buy your nuts roasted and would like a nice >H@&4FK6 your chocolate, you can 934=53A&6239=4 easily toast them yourself. >?@&6235 :5&3A;:9E&F=4425 >&4FK6&& M52K1&C5342E&& C79C25&5::4&& toasty flavor to go with :5&366A2 On the Stovetop: A2;:9&KA782 1. Heat a dry skillet (no oil or cooking spray) over medium high heat and place nuts in a single layer in the skillet. FEED ///0123412567258279808:;&&<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&<&&Fast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 15 2. Stir the nuts or frequently shake the skillet to toss the nuts until they begin to turn golden brown and smell nice and toasty. Pay close attention, you’ll notice a nice toasty, nutty aroma before they are done. Make sure you take them off before they start to burn. It should take 5-15 minutes depending on the size of the nut. 3. Take off heat and let them cool on another plate because they’ll continue to cook if you leave them in the hot pan. In the Oven or Toaster Oven: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Place nuts in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and roast in oven (or in a toaster oven) until they become golden brown and fragrant. About 5-15 minutes depending on the size of the nut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ast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF 16 Enjoy! Check out http://heatherpierceinc.com/ for more healthy and simple recipes or drop me a note to let me know how you liked your chocolate-y treats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ast meals that keep you focused. GO YOURSELF