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theEnglish Library - Blue Moon Web Design Web design for artists
the English Library
Pella Lean has been President of the English Library since its inception and was also responsible for finding our premises in the Centre Sociale after moving from the college above the Clinique. Without her
effort we would not be enjoying such easy access to English books and English speakers as we do now.
She is now moving away to take a Teacher Training course in Bristol for a year and we wish her and her
family a stimulating and interesting time in the West Country. We look forward to their return.
In the meantime Jackie Naismith and the library committee hope that you will continue to support us
with your presence at the various functions and particularly on Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons.
Thank you, Pella.
2 - Belcastel – Brocante/Vide Grenier
8 - Brocante du Guiraudet, Villefranche
9 – Barqueville, Marche aux Puces
16 – St Peirre Toirac, Vide Grenier, and just up the road, Beduer – Vide Grenier (children’s clothes and
toys only)
28/29 Figeac – secondhand children’s clothes and toys organized by the Assoc of Assistantes Maternelles.
3 Aug – 29 Sept –Exhibition of Frescoes of Nicolai Greschny at the Musée Urbain Carol, Place de la
Fontaine, Villefranche. Celebrates what would have been the centenary of this painter of icons and
6,7,8 5th- Festival de Jazz in Najac. Concerts at 21h each evening: Thierry Olle Trio, Louis Martinez
Quintet, Raul de Souza Quartet. Tickets 12 euros or 30 euros for the 3 concerts.
5-9 ‘Recontres à la Campagne’ at Rieupeyroux’s cinema – this is the 15th year of this alternative film
festival which includes exhibitions, apero-concerts and debates as well as ‘avant- premières’. For full
programme see
8-16 Foire et Exposition – Figeac. The Foire is held every three years, alternating with Villefranche,
and is ‘a window on the department’s economic development’. Partly agricultural show and partly
commercial exhibition for local businesses, there are different daily themes and this year an ‘espace
Gourmand’ with tastings and competitions. For more information, enquire at the Tourist Office or
see local press.
11 - Music and Food chez Dyson - Jim Coles is bringing his Winchcombe Trio to play a selection of
classical music items. See page 6 for more info. Tel: 0970773579 to book.
14 - 16 - Journées du Patrimoine – days in the year that offer exceptional opportunities to see historic
buildings otherwise closed to the public. In Figeac there will be themed guided visits starting from
the Tourist office on both days. Look out for official programme at Tourist Offices.
22-23 Salon du BD at Cajarc – the annual festival of the ‘Bande Dessiné’. Over 30 well known authors/
illustrators will be present to sign and sell copies of their work.
25 Kamishbai – Theatre de Papier, Figeac. Kamishbai means ‘paper theatre’ in Japanese, a traditional
form of little portable theatre used by street storytellers. This free event, held in the Library in Figeac, offers a ‘fascinating voyage through the myths and legends of Japanese culture’.
Must book. Fascinatingly, it says ‘adults only’!
September in the garden
It's not that I want to wish my life away, but I'm always glad
to get to September.
August with it's fierce hot sun is hard going for most plants.
Thankfully, most perk up with the cooler evenings.
We seem to spend a considerable time watering and I find it
hard work. Most of this is focused on the vegetable garden,
but from time to time we need to water the flower garden as
well. (Mainly recent plantings, perennials which we have cut
back and precious plants which seem to be suffering).
Every year at this time I look at the garden to see what
needs moving, dividing or altering and I make a list of jobs
which need to be done for each bed. It is an exciting time as
I also consider what plants I wish to buy or sow to enhance
next years garden. I'm not interested in buying things which need protection or over wintering. I already
have enough of those. I'm looking for the plants which can survive the -14°C and still look good on a
very hot day in summer, without the need to water. The list is not that long. Thankfully, there are quite a
few August stars which didn't survive the winter but have seeded themselves with abandon. We love the
Rudbeckias and Verbena bonariensis. We plan the garden, but these self seed and give a more relaxed feel
to our country garden. So not only am I thinking and planning next years garden, I'm clearing spaces and
collecting seeds ready for next year.
In the meantime I can enjoy the Asters and the Sedums, (find the right place and they are trouble free)
so I want to try a few other varieties. The butterflies love them too.
If the weather is right and the soil moist there are a number of jobs you can get on with in September.
See our web site
For the last fortnight I have been in Sicily…not physically, you understand,
although it’s certainly been hot enough, but mentally. I’ve been hoovering up
the Inspector Montalbano detective stories. For anyone who has seen the
series on French TV (Sunday evenings on Fr 3 at 20.35) the books are miles
better - the TV series is very watchable but does not convey half of the detail
and humour of the books, and thankfully the stories on TV are different.
Inspector Montablano is funny, sardonic, political, a cross between Inspector
Brunetti and Aurelio Zen. I am hooked. You learn to love the fifty-something
detective who is beginning to sense his age, the colours and aromas of Sicily,
and the people (remarkably like those in the Aveyron including the dialect and
the duplicity). The stories are brilliantly translated into English by an American poet, Stephen Sartarelli, who includes a few pages of notes at the end of
each book explaining references to Italian people, places, sayings and traditions, which add icing to the cake.
I would recommend reading the books in order, as you are gradually introduced to the various policemen
in Montalbano’s team; his girlfriend-at-a-distance Livia (who is allergic to his housekeeper Adelina); the
pompous, self-serving higher-ups in the justice department, the equivalent of the prefecture and forensics. …and of course the delights of passaluna black olives, caciocavallo cheese and fresh bread sprinkled
with giuggiulena (sesame seeds).
You won’t be disappointed!
PLEASE NOTE - The next newsletter will be published in November.
Deadline for inclusions is 20 October.
UK Winter Fuel A$owance
Following a European Court ruling, the UK winter fuel allowance is claimable by
those who were previously excluded i.e. those who left the UK before they could
claim. It seems unlikely that it will be given automatically, and the UK minister,
IDS, is seeking some way of limiting the claims, e.g. average winter temperatures
where you live being higher than the UK. He has a small problem with this idea as
the average winter temperature in Madrid is lower than the average winter temperature on Britain’s south coast. As long as you were born before 5 July 1951 you can make a claim for
winter 2012/13 any time before the deadline of 31 March 2013. The amount is £200 per household, (£300
if over 80 before 23 Sep 2012).
The website has an application form, but it looks like an old version, best to phone
the International Pension Service on +44 191 218 7777 and ask how to claim.
Tax season
Here we go with 4 months of tax demands, first up is Income tax, usually due in September unless your
“avis” has been delayed, or you pay wealth tax.
Next will be Taxe Foncière in October, then Prélèvement Sociaux in November and this year Taxe
d’Habitation in November. Sometimes they move around, i.e. the timetable is not necessarily fixed.
If you suffer wealth tax, the payment date for Wealth tax, extra wealth tax and Income tax will be November.
Changes since the election (update 'om June)
The limit on the tax free savings account Livret A has increased by 25%, further increases are promised.
As expected, areas such as wealth tax, inheritance and gift tax have been revisited by the new Government with a view to generating more income. French income and property gains received by nonresidents of France are also targeted and may now be liable to French social surcharges known under the
acronyms of CSG, CRDS and PS and adding up to an extra 15.5%. No news on the mentioned change in
Capital Gains tax taper relief.
Wealth Tax
The Budget creates a contribution exceptionelle in respect of 2012 and, therefore, with a retrospective
“bite” for taxpayers whose net taxable assets are over €1.3 million. A wealth tax reform is planned for the
2013 Budget and is likely to be presented in the autumn.
Increase in Death Duties and Gi) Tax
The tax-free allowance for transfers between ascendants and descendants has reduced from €159,325 to
€100,000. For gifts, the time limit for the renewal of allowances is increased from 10 to 15 years.
UK owners of French property
The papers reported that Hollande told Cameron he would not increase tax for UK holiday home owners, unfortunately Hollande used the verb “taxer”, and CSG etc are not “tax” in French officialese.
This proposal plans to subject non-residents to the 15.5% French social surcharges on their French rental
income or real estate gains. Up until now, these charges applied to residents only. Known as CSG, CRDS
and PS for Contribution Sociale Generalisé, Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale and
Prélèvements Sociaux they were essentially set up to “plug” the social security deficit.
For non-residents who are currently assessed at the minimum rate of 20% on their net rental income,
this would mean a total tax rate of 35.5%. Capital gains tax is currently 19%, this would therefore increase to 34.5%. To make matters worse, the measure would apply to rentals received from 1st January
2012. As far as capital gains are concerned, the new rates would apply to gains realised from the entry
into force of the law, and possibly as early as the end of July.
There is however a big IF, the EU has repeatedly told the French they cannot charge CSG etc to EU
citizens who are not in their health system, so wait and see.
There is still no news of the filing obligations of trustees introduced by the new French tax law on trusts
passed last year. As a reminder, trusts in existence as at 31st July 2011 with French assets and/or French
beneficiaries or settlors would need to be reported by the trustees. The filing deadline and tax forms remain unconfirmed.
In praise of “Au Bec Fin”, Vi$e'anche.
After attending a cookery session which dealt with
fresh foie gras, I asked some French women where
you could buy it. They looked at me incredulously
and said “from the Volaillier, of course!” Doh!
Well, in those days it was a tiny shop down a back
street, and there was almost nothing on display.
You had to ask.
The same name but magnificent new premises on
Allees Aristide Briant. The same friendly staff; this
is very much a family business. So, what do they
sell? It does vary, according to the season. All year
round you will find free range chickens, guinea
fowl, quails, pigeons, poussins [called “coquelets” in
France] or rabbits, cut into whichever bits you prefer. At other times, ducklings, capons, venison and
“poules” for poule au pot [that’s the one with the
red bum] are available. You can always buy turkey
legs, breasts or “roasts” [a boneless combination of
What else? Apart from fresh foie gras, available all
year round, but not every day [and this is better
quality stuff, not the “tout venant” promoted in
supermarkets], you’ll find big ,fresh chicken livers,
innumerable duck based sausages, confits, magrets,
gesiers confits, breasts and legs of chicken and
guinea fowl sold loose. Somewhat incongruously,
they also sell fresh pasta and home-smoked salmon,
but this does lead to some delicious traiteur items.
Homemade smoked salmon ravioli, or duck lasagne
for example. The cooked range is clearly in the
process of development and new items are always
appearing. Other more constant cooked items include terrines of foie gras, ballotines of guinea fowl,
chicken paupiettes, magrets and cou de canard
farci, and did I mention the rotisserie?
Perhaps the best thing about Au Bec Fin is that it is
not expensive for such high quality produce. The
free range poultry available at Hyper U actually
costs more; this morning we bought the doings for
three meals, including freshly cooked escalopes of
turkey stuffed with ham and cepes, for less than 10
euros. Well, obviously I’m a big fan but, if you
haven’t yet tried the shop, this easy recipe for quail
might tempt you.
Barbecued Quail ['om “River Cafe Two Easy”]
1 quail per person [they will offer to “enleve la tete”,
say yes]
Dried chilli, or something milder, like Piment d’Espelette
Sea Salt
Thyme sprigs
Heat the barbecue to medium. Cut out the quail
backbone with poultry shears/scissors and flatten
the bird. Rub with sea salt and dried chilli to taste.
Put the quails on the barbecue breast side down,
scatter over the thyme and cook for about fifteen
minutes, turning a few times. They suggest a
squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of olive oil when
cooked, but they don’t really need it. Good with a
Voilà un scandale qui, s'il était connu d'un grand nombre de Français, ferait sans doute une onde de choc
à travers tout le pays. Vous savez sans doute que le gouvernement a récemment
publié un décret qui oblige chaque automobiliste à détenir dans sa voiture un
éthylotest – enfin deux, l'un pour se tester en cas de doute, et l'autre à présenter aux gendarmes en cas de contrôle. Officiellement, le but est de lutter
contre l'alcoolisme au volant. Tout le monde aimerait voir moins de drames
sur la route liés à l'alcool, c'est incontestable. Mais je vais vous montrer qu'il
s'agit de bien autre chose ici. L'affaire est tellement scandaleuse qu'il fallait absolument que je vous envoie un mail pour vous informer.
Alors, voilà ce qui se passe : en juillet, une association, "I-Test" se crée pour militer en faveur d'éthylotests obligatoires dans toutes les voitures. Ils interpellent le ministre de l'Intérieur,
Claude Guéant, et hop quelques mois plus tard le décret sort. La nouvelle infraction est créée, avec une
amende de 17 euros à la clef. Quand on sait qu'il faut des années d'habitude pour obtenir quoi que ce
soit quand on est une association, nous avons été saisis par cette rapidité ! Vous le savez, ici à la Ligue
de Défense des Conducteurs, nous enquêtons depuis plus de trois ans sur la répression routière – il ne
nous a pas fallu longtemps pour découvrir le pot aux roses ! Qui sont les membres de cette "association" ? S'agit-il, comme on aurait pu le croire, d'un collectif de familles qui ont perdu un proche sur la
route à cause d'un chauffard qui avait trop bu ? Pas du tout : ce sont tout simplement... des fabricants
d'éthylotests !
Le Président de "l'association" est chargé de mission chez Contralco, le plus grand fabricant d'éthylotests
chimiques (les fameux "ballons").
Et là, il vient de réussir un coup de maître : assurer à sa boîte un marché 100 % garanti sur 38 millions de
voitures ! Le calcul est vite fait : 38 millions de voitures x 2 éthylotests à 1€ pièce = 76 millions d'euros
garantis dès l'application du décret en juillet prochain.
Mieux : le décret comporte une obligation de norme NF pour les éthylotests... norme que cette entreprise est la seule à avoir !
Voilà : un marché juteux, 100 % garantis, qui va rapporter des millions à une grosse entreprise... Et l’on
vient nous dire que c'est pour notre sécurité ? Et que si l'éthylotest venait à manquer dans notre boîte à
gants, ce serait tellement grave qu'on devrait payer une amende ? Franchement, de qui se moque-t-on ?
M'aider à faire connaître ce scandale au plus grand nombre de Français possible, en transférant ce message à tous vos amis, vos proches, ou vos collègues. Ne les laissez pas tomber dans le piège de la propagande des pouvoirs publics qui utilisent la sécurité routière comme un alibi pour engraisser un business
Je vous remercie.
Bien cordialement,
Christiane Bayard
116, rue de Charenton 75012 PARIS Quand on sait que les éthylotests ont une date d'utilisation d'environ 6 mois, on voit le bénéfice pour
cette société. De plus, en regardant de plus près, on s'aperçoit que les éthylotests doivent être conservés
entre 10 et 40 degrés maxi.
Quand on connaît la température qu'il fait dans un véhicule en pleine chaleur, autant dire que l'on nous
fait jeter notre argent par les fenêtres pour engraisser les copains de monsieur GUEANT !
Pour ma part, je refuse de m'y plier et je vous invite à en faire autant et de diffuser ces infos à l'ensemble
de vos amis pour qu'un vent de contestation contre cette mesure se lève !
Edinburgh Festival 2012:
Ten funniest jokes at this year's Edinburgh Fringe revealed.
The top ten jokes chosen this year are as follows:
1. Stewart Francis – “You know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks."
2. Tim Vine – “Last night me and my girlfriend watched three DVDs back to back. Luckily I was the one
facing the telly. ”
3. Will Marsh – “I was raised as an only child, which really annoyed my sister.”
4. Rob Beckett – “You know you’re working class when your TV is bigger than your book case.”
5. Chris Turner – “I’m good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet … I don’t know why.”
6. Tim Vine – “I took part in the sun tanning Olympics – I just got Bronze.”
7. George Ryegold – “Pornography is often frowned upon, but that’s only because I’m concentrating.
8. Stewart Francis – “I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!”
9. Lou Sanders – “I waited an hour for my starter so I complained: ‘It’s not rocket salad.”
10. Nish Kumar – “My mum’s so pessimistic, that if there was an Olympics for pessimism … she wouldn’t
fancy her chances.”
(I can’t help wondering that if those are the best, what are the rest like? Ed)
Learn to make a Copper Foiled Stained-Glass Suncatcher. Small groups of 3-4 people, in my home near
Rignac 10am-4pm approx. including lunch on 18th September & 16th October. €40 per person to cover
costs of materials. Examples of my work can be seen at the Library. Please email me for any more information
“Myself and partner Nick, bought our house a year ago in March and a)er several trips with a 'loaded' van, moved
here in July. We were very kindly 'steered' to the English Library and found everyone 'iendly and helpful. I, like
Jackie (see last month’s newsletter) had an unfulfi$ed urge to 'play' with stained glass and fina$y attended a 2 day
course, last year. I loved the lead panels but felt I'd prefer a more detailed cha$enge, so I 'self-taught' the copper foil
method. I found it was something I loved to do and surprisingly, was quite good at it! I made several different designs
of suncatchers, then tried working 'om photos to make personal items for 'iends and family. I tried out a 'Glass Day'
on my sister, her daughter and my sister-in-law and they each enjoyed making a sma$ suncatcher, so maybe there are
people nearby here, who would like to come and have a go? My phone number is 05 65 80 47 19”
Last Minute - There will be another Music and Food on September 11th at 7.30 at Maison Dyson. Jim
Coles is bringing his Winchcombe Trio to play a selection of classical music items. There will be the
usual 4 course meal plus wine. The cost will be 25 euros per person, this includes the music and the food
and wine. Please book your tickets through Anne at 0970773579 or email her at
The English Library takes no responsibility for articles, reviews, financial advice, advertisements etc.
published in this newsletter. The views of the reviewers are personal and do not necessarily represent
those of the Newsletter nor the Association. Readers should verify all articles for sale, trades persons
etc. before handing over money.
Furniture clearance as result of house sale. Many
items including sofa, table, armchairs, fridge,
washing machine, DIY goods. Available to view /
pick up between 25 October and 5 November.
For further details / enquiries prior to these dates
contact Photos, descriptions and prices can be sent by e-mail. Tel:
00 44 79 79 888 033
Je fais de la traduction de documents françaisanglais pour des anglophones qui ne parlent pas
le français. Ils peuvent me contacter:
Vania BELLECHASSE au 06-50-97-93-14 ou
par email:
Nicholas Powell (Maçon du Bâti Ancien).
Tel: 0620551040 for estimates and information.
Quality plants for sale Perennials & annuals. Every
Saturday at Cornerave. Friday mornings at Parisot
Market. Other times please call for an appointment Tel: 05 63 24 21 46. Cornerave 82160 Parisot
I am a fully qualified hairdresser with 30 years experience. From a simple cut to a complete restyle,
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