Lliswerry News Easter 2016


Lliswerry News Easter 2016
Lliswerry News
Easter 2016
‫ای س ٹر خوش‬
Sretan Uskrs С Пасхой!
šťastnú Veľkú noc
Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych Feliz Semana Santa
Pasg Hapus
Happy Easter
Joyeuse Paques
Paste Fericit veselé Velikonoce Su Šventom Velykom!
Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket iyi tatiller
Dear Lliswerry Parents, Carers and Learners
This newsletter contains a lot of news about the highlights of this term and I hope
you enjoy reading it. In addition here are some important updates:
Great News – BEST ever results coming up again this year!
The November Maths Challenge results were published in January. 86% of the pupils
we had targeted in the challenge improved their grade and achieved at least a C
grade. There was a wonderful celebratory atmosphere in the hall when the results
were handed out with staff and learners very happy with the outcomes.
Well done to you all!
So we are now have a new school record for passes in GCSE Maths and there is still
one sitting in the summer. Mr Maunder and his team are now concentrating their
hard work and support on those learners who are aiming to achieve their C grade but
also on those who are trying to improve their grade – and some have already gained
their A* so Miss Reynolds is teaching her class the Additional Maths qualification
which will really help when the A level course starts in September.
The January English Challenge prepared learners for their exams and these results
were published in March. Again the outcomes were celebrated with again learners
and staff delighted with their results.
And well done to all of you too!
Mr Benjamin and his team are delighted with the outcomes and they are now
concentrating their hard work and support on those learners who aiming for their C
grade or better in the summer.
School Buildings
Great improvements have been made to the buildings with the window project almost
completed. The classrooms are now almost completed and provide a much better
learning environment for learners and staff.
The next phase will include the upgrade to the Learning Zone “box” above the
entrance way. This will be clad in a modern material with the school name added in
both English and Welsh.
We hope you like the new facelift
Staff Absence
This winter we have had a higher incidence of staff absence due to illness or planned
medical intervention. Where staff have been absent for a long period we have
secured subject specific supply teachers as replacements. Whilst this is not ideal,
we have worked hard to support these temporary staff to settle in to school quickly.
I am pleased to report that most of these situations are now resolved with staff
returning to us.
Thank you for your understanding with this matter but if you have any concerns,
please contact me at school.
Finally, I would like to wish the Lliswerry Community a restful and enjoyable Easter
Alyson Mills
Techniquest Year 11 Maths
The new year brought Techniquest back to Lliswerry this time for Years 9, 10 & 11.
The first, Theme Park Challenge’, was a workshop designed to give our Year 9
students the opportunity to show that they could plan a new theme park for South
Wales. Each group had to create a business plan identifying all costs and funding
sources. In order to maximise profit, rides, stalls and attractions had to be chosen
carefully so as to appeal to the widest possible audience. In addition, students had
to show that they were capable of thinking strategically when designing the layout of
their park.
Techniquest were back later in January, this time for Year 10 whose workshop was
entitled ‘Fordthorne’. This workshop was designed to help students investigate the
costs involved with buying and running a car. Many students were surprised at the
amount of maths necessary to do this, skills that included working out percentages
to calculate interest on loans. Initially many of our students thought that they would
be able to purchase their ‘dream car’ until staff reminded them that they would need
to consider living costs (rent, gas, electricity, water, food etc) too! After many
calculations, most of them concluded that they would struggle to buy a new car
whilst earning an average salary of £24,000.
Techniquest’s last visit was for Year 11 whose challenge was a workshop entitled GE.
Small groups of pupils were tasked with building a prototype for an aircraft whilst
meeting the requirements of a strict design brief. The majority of pupils, especially
the boys enjoyed using Lego to create their aircraft, which had to remain within
weight tolerances as well as within budget. As the pupils soon realised there was a
huge amount of Maths involved in this and all the Techniquest Maths workshops and
as one pupil said “Maths is everywhere, whatever you do or want to do you will need
Maths!” Over the three days with Techniquest all the presenters involved were of the
same opinion….”we love coming to Lliswerry, your students are great and we are
always looked after very well!”
Year 7 trip to London
50 Year 7 pupils visited London for 3 fun packed days. London was vibrant and filled
with life. It was great to stay in London. After a fun 3 hour drive we arrived at the
massive Wembley Stadium. We got to see the shirts of the legendary players like
Ronaldo, Messi and Rooney. We then entered the huge pitch. We were in the place
where Live Aid and legendary football matches took place.
After a nice meal at the Slug and Lettuce restaurant, we went to watch Wicked the
musical. I can not describe how amazing the experience was. The choreography
was on point. The singing was beautiful and the effects were extraordinary.
Although the ice-cream was a rip-off!
On day 2 we went to the Tower of London and saw the majestic Crown Jewels. Then
we went to the London Eye where we had a stunning view of London. Later we saw
the Sea Life Aquarium, We saw various sharks, fish and crustaceans. Next we went
to the London Dungeons. It was the scariest experience I’ve ever had. The tension
and interaction almost killed me!
Finally, on day 3 we had an early morning and left the hotel. We went to London
Zoo. We saw amazing animals like gigantic snakes and massive gorillas. Then we
left for Madame Tussauds, The wax statues were so life-like that I bumped into
Benedict Cumberbatch thinking that it was a real random person. I did say sorry.
London was amazing. I would recommend it to anybody and I wish I could go every
year, but I can’t as only Year 7 pupils are allowed on the trip!
Siddhartha Rai, 7SKJ
All the pupils in their matching London Hoodies
Lliswerry Dance Crew
Congratulation and well done to Grace Davies
and Chloe Giles in Year 11 who entered a Year
7/8 dance in the recent Newport School
Dance Festival.
Grace and Chloe are excellent Choreographers
who started up a Dance Club this year. They
have worked extremely hard every lunch time
with pupils in Years 7 and 8 and have become
fantastic role models for the up and coming
dance talent in the school. Well done to all
Victory in World Book Day form story competition
To celebrate World Book Day, Lliswerry High launched a
form writing competition. Students were asked to work
together in their form groups to write a Lliswerry themed
horror story. We had a range of fantastically creative
entries from forms across the school. However the winners
were chosen because of their imaginative ideas, effort and
teamwork in writing together. In first place came 7KU and
in second place came 11MRT.
The other forms are
commended for their hard work shown in their entries.
Congratulations to our two winning forms!
Year 7 Science
Year 7 have been working on building their own
animal and plant cells. Their masterpieces have
been photographed, analysed and labelled by the
class using the iPad app “thinglink”. Year 7 are
now investigating how different cells have different
functions within the body.
St Andrew’s Primary School Joint Project
Lliswerry High School were delighted to
welcome almost 60 Year 6 pupils in two
classes from St. Andrew’s Primary School to
take part in a Lliswerry Cluster Control
Project. The project was in three parts and
each class spent two days with us. In ICT,
they were taught about how to use a
Raspberry Pi, which is a small computer that
can be programmed to perform various
functions. In Science, the lesson was about
electronics and soldering, then in Design and
Technology, they learnt all about structures. In ICT, Mr Spear taught the class about
coding and programing the Raspberry Pi’s to work with small wheeled robots that
could then be controlled using specific keys from a computer keyboard. Year 6 then
made a pressure pad with a buzzer attached to sense when the robot passed over it.
In Technology, Mr Bootle taught the class about how structures can be made
stronger through triangulation. They made a see-saw bridge, just wide enough for
the robots to travel over.
The three projects were then put together so that the robots could be raced against
each other, with points awarded for each team. The winning team were then
presented with prizes and all pupils who took part were awarded a certificate of
As you can see from the
photographs, St. Andrew’s pupils
thoroughly enjoyed their time with
us and had the opportunity to use
a variety of tools, machinery,
equipment and processes in our
We look forward to welcoming
other Primary Schools in our
cluster to participate in similar
learning experiences.
Year 11 – Techniquest
Techniquest workshop to Lliswerry High
School. With the Techniquest team our
functioning bridges using a motor
mechanism. The students worked on
their Physics and Maths skills by altering their bridge
designs to make them as energy efficient as possible.
Year 10 Science
Our Year 10s have started their GCSE coursework. The
topics of coursework range from bovine TB to testing
for the amount of glucose in an artificial urine sample.
The students will have to construct their own methods,
complete the experiment and write up their own results
as if they were running their very own science lab. The
students will then use their results to predict future
findings and evaluate their coursework.
Sick Pupils
What should I do if I feel unwell in a lesson?
Tell your teacher and he/she will give you a red exit slip to leave the classroom
to go to the medical room in pupil reception.
What should I do if I feel unwell at break time or lunchtime?
(If the bell goes for the start of the lesson, you must go to
your lesson and speak to your teacher.)
Go to pupil reception and the staff there will help you.
Should I contact my parents and ask to be collected?
No, the staff on pupil reception will contact home if you need to be sent home.
Reminder: you should not use your mobile phone whilst in the school building
Who can give me permission to go home if I am unwell?
Your Head of Year or Head of Key Stage or a Senior Member of Staff
We have recently had a number of parents called to school by their children without
the staff having any knowledge of a pupil feeling unwell.
Parents are asked for their support in the process above and to wait for the school to
contact them to collect their child.
Year 9 Science
Our Year 9s have been working on metals, non-metals
and reactivity recently. The students have been
participating in practicals to see which metals are most
reactive by testing and comparing how different
substances react in diluted acidic solutions. Some
students are also learning about chemical and physical
changes in their lessons. These students have been
investigating which substances can return to their
previous states and which substances react to form new products.
Lliswerry Rocket Seeds
Lliswerry High School Science students are about to
become Space biologists!
The Science team at Lliswerry recently made a successful
bid to have their own “rocket seeds” which have come from
the International Space Station.
The seeds we will be using arrived on Earth on 1st March when Russian cosmonauts
Sergey Volkav, Mikhail Kornienko and NASA’s Commander Scott Kelly returned from
their journey into space. These seeds are being packaged ready to be sent to us any
day now. We hope that this project will give our students the chance to learn how
science in space contributes to our knowledge of life on earth. Our students will
observe how these space seeds grow in comparison to the same seeds that have
stayed on earth.
Lunch Cards
Please can all pupils remember to bring their lunch cards to school EVERY DAY. If
you have mislaid your card or broken your card, a replacement must be purchased at
a cost of £2.50. Pupils are asked to see Mrs Perkins at breaktime to pay and collect
a new card. Thank you for your cooperation.
Fixed Penalty Notices
Following the announcement of Fixed Penalty Notices
last year, the Lliswerry Cluster Schools will be starting
this process in the new year in cases where there are
10 sessions of absence (1 session = half a day) in a
This is in support of our drive to improve attendance in
all our schools across the cluster.
In February a group of our Year 11
mathematicians visited the STEM Fair at Cardiff
City Stadium, which was attended by schools
from all over South Wales. The purpose of the
day was to learn what success in Maths and the
Sciences could mean for our learners. Students
were introduced to professionals from a variety
of businesses, including Deloitte and PWC and
had the opportunity to speak to members of the
Army, who were showcasing the technology
they use to prepare people to go into combat situations. Trainee doctors taught our
learners how to perform CPR and allowed us to take (fake!) bloods from a patient.
The students also engaged in some
practical tasks. To appreciate the
role of an engineer, they had to use
their problem solving and teamwork
skills to design a shelter that could
house six people. The catch – the
newspaper and cable ties – and they
only had 25 minutes! At the end of
the day, Lliswerry took away the prize
for being the most engaged and
enthusiastic school, which really
showed how motivated and engaged
the students were in the activities.
All of the students developed their skills and awareness of how to submit a strong
application and increased their knowledge of the variety of professions available to
them. Each student took something valuable from the experience; from building
important connections with businesses to considering new career options – all whilst
having plenty of fun!
Year 8 Science
The Lliswerry High School Year 8s are currently working on topics
such as the periodic table. As a part of the syllabus the students
will learn the safety precautions when dealing with chemicals.
Demonstrating how to burn magnesium safely is proving to be a
particular favourite!
Year 11 Prom
Friday 24 June 2016 is the date of the Year 11 Prom at the Hilton Hotel, Newport.
We have held this event for the last few years and it has always been very successful
and much enjoyed by learners as a way to celebrate the end of the examinations.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind learners that throughout the school
year their attendance and behaviour will continue to be monitored by the Key Stage 4
team. Please note that the privilege of attending the Prom can be withdrawn if there
are attendance or behaviour concerns but should this be the case, the Key Stage 4
Team will inform learners and parents and all monies will be refunded. Please note:
All learners must attend ‘Year 11 Founders Day’ on the morning of 24 June to be able
to go to the Prom in the evening. Learners who do not attend Founders’ Day will not
be permitted entry to the Prom.
Strategic Equality Plan
Our Strategic Equality Plan is due to be updated. This policy covers the areas we
focus on to ensure we focus on equality.
Our school is open to everyone. We will not discriminate in our admissions criteria, in
providing education and access to any benefit, service or facility either directly or
indirectly, against anyone with a protected characteristic.
We will not discriminate on the grounds of:
gender reassignment
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
and the Welsh language in Wales.
sexual orientation
marriage and civil partnership
Age is the 9th protected characteristic. In a school context it applies to everybody
except pupils.
Opportunities in our school will be of an equally high standard for everyone.
We also need to select 3 specific objectives to cover the next 3 year period. We
propose the following:
Aim to ensure that learners from all backgrounds do as well as all other groups
of learners e.g. FSM/Non FSM learners, learners from different ethnicities
Improve the attendance of all groups of learners to help them attend school
Support all genders to achieve as well as each other in their examinations
Please send your comments with any changes you wish for us to consider to
Digital Leaders
Lliswerry's first cohort of Digital Leaders have
been awarded with their badges and are now
ready to start helping spread good practice in
the use of digital technology throughout the
school. The pupils were all nominated by staff
for demonstrating the necessary qualities to fulfil
the role, mainly their confidence in speaking to
staff and pupils, technical expertise and
The team will be meeting regularly and their first
objectives are to create a 'brand identity', blog and Twitter feed. They will then be
familiarising themselves with the apps that are commonly used by teachers to impact
on learning. As the team continues on its learning journey, the students will have the
opportunity to develop the use of exciting technology such as the Raspberry Pi and
BBC Microbit computers.
If you were unfortunate enough not to be nominated in the first cohort but would like
to be involved, follow our activities on Twitter – Digital Leaders@LliswerryHi for
information on the next round of recruitment.
UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge
Great news! Rebecca Cork and Laura Walker, both
Year 11 pupils, achieved a silver award in the UKMT
Intermediate Maths Challenge organised by Leeds
University. This is a competition run right across
the UK and competing with pupils from independent
schools too, so gaining a silver award is a great
achievement. Thanks to all Year 10 and Year 11
pupils who took part and well done to you all!
Repeat Forward Notice
From September 2016, all learners in Years 711 will remain on site throughout the school
day in line with most schools across the UK.
This decision has been taken for reasons of
learner wellbeing and safety.
Congratulations to 7SKJ and 8SJW who won the Eisteddfod competition on Friday
4th March. All Year 7 and Year 8 pupils took part in the annual Eisteddfod and really
enjoyed the morning watching a range of entertaining acts on stage.
The competition started a few weeks ago where subjects such as English held off
stage competitions like writing a 500 word story. Well done to Deanna Noakes, 7AM
who wrote the winning entry. Also the PE and Welsh departments held a number of
events where pupils earned points towards their form competition.
On the morning all the from groups attended the stage competition where Miss Price
and the 6th form Performing Arts team judged then winning pieces. Pupils performed
songs, danced, acted and recited poetry.
One of the judges, Suzanne Hunt, Year 13 said "It takes a lot of confidence to stand
on stage on your own and perform in front of a big audience, some of the acts were
outstanding. The Eisteddfod competition is always interesting to watch".
Finally well done to Keegan Price, 8SJW and Deanna Noakes, 7AM who won special
awards for their overall contribution on stage.
Mrs James-Williams
My trip to CERN with the Welsh Teacher Programme - February 2016
I’ve just returned from an awe inspiring 4
days at CERN, the European Centre for
Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
I was part of a group of 24 physics
teachers from Wales. The aim of the trip
was to improve our understanding of the
activities at CERN, improve our awareness
of the careers that STEM students can
follow in fundamental research and improve
our understanding of particle physics.
The programme started at CERN with a chance to meet the other
Welsh teachers on the programme, the STEM coordinator, Mark
Langley and CERN Teacher Programme coordinator, Jeff Weiner.
We were fortunate to be joined at the event by the Welsh physicist
and graduate of Swansea University. Lyn was the Leader of the
Large Hadron Collider Project and was passionate about increasing
awareness of the project amongst Welsh physics teachers.
Lyn Evans
After the reception, we took a short walk through the corridor
to a pair of rather ordinary offices that were the site of a
development that has had a massive impact over the last 25
years. These were the offices of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the
developer of the World Wide Web, who devised it as a
system for physicists to use to transfer data between
Tuesday 23rd February 2016
After a well needed good nights sleep in one of CERN’s very comfortable
accommodation blocks, the rather impersonally named Building 41 and a great
breakfast at the CERN canteen, the programme of events began.
Our first speaker was another Welshman and graduate of Swansea University, Dr
Rhodri Jones who gave us an excellent introduction to the work done at CERN.
Essentially, the centre piece of the CERN site is the Large Hadron Collider, a 27km
ring built 100m below the border of Switzerland and France on the edge of Lake
Geneva. In this ring, tiny sub atomic particles called protons are accelerated to over
99.99% of the speed of light. At this speed, they complete the 27km circuit 11,000
times every second. The protons can then be smashed together at 4 different
experimental sites, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and LHCb. These sites are, in simple terms,
like massive digital cameras that photograph each collision at a frequency of 400
million photographs per second.
The CMS Detector
The next lecture was an Introduction to Particle Physics by Dr Tara Shears, a particle
physicist from the University of Liverpool. My knowledge of the particle model prior
to this course was limited to the basic protons and neutrons in the nucleus and
electrons whizzing around the outside. I was now propelled into a world of up
quarks, down quarks, neutrinos and many others.
Dr Shears stayed for a chat and she revealed an interesting fact about women
studying physics. Apparently, Northern European countries have far fewer girls
studying physics at university than Southern European ones. The boy/girl ratio in
Italy, for example is 1:1.
After lunch, we began our first visit
of the day, to the very first particle
accelerator built at CERN in 1957,
This machine
charged particles by spinning them
to very high velocities in a circular
electromagnets, before smashing
them into a stationary target and
studying the products of the
This was followed by a visit to ‘Microcosm’, CERN’s visitors centre that was packed
with interesting exhibits and information. This was followed by a practical workshop
at our guide, Jeff Weiner’s excellent S’Cool, a purpose built laboratory for school
groups. In this workshop we had the chance to build our own smoke chambers so
that we could study the trails left behind by sub atomic particles.
Wednesday 24th February 2016
A busy day was planned for today. It started with another very informative lecture
from Mark Lamont, about the development of particle accelerators and the difficulties
of controlling the beam of particles. We then went to visit the Magnet Test Facility.
The LHC is made up of over a thousand
electromagnet sections, like the one shown
above. Very powerful electromagnets are key to
keeping the protons in their circular orbit.
Electromagnets of this strength can only be
achieved using very high currents. This means
that superconducting wires need to be used in
the construction of these magnets.
problem is that the alloy chosen for the wires
needs to be kept at less that 2 Kelvin, or -271 degrees Celsius. This is colder than
deep space. To achieve these temperatures, the whole of the 27km ring needs to be
cooled with liquid helium. Every magnet unit needed thorough testing before
installation in the ring.
This was followed by a lecture from Italian physicist, Piotr Traczyk, from the
University of Torino on the topic of particle detectors. We learnt that the particle
detectors are essentially massive digital cameras with the ability to take photographs
400 million times every second, ensuring that each proton collision can be recorded.
The amount of data collected is enormous and CERN have developed the World Wide
Computer Grid, which sends the data to computers based at universities all around
the world.
Piotr’s lecture prepared us perfectly for the visit 100m underground to see the CMS,
or Compact Muon Solenoid detector.
We were exceptionally lucky. At the time of the visit,
the CMS was split apart for repairs. Usually the
individual slices that make it up are closed into a
sealed unit.
A bank of computers
used to process data
from the CMS
Thursday 25th February 2016
The focus of Thursday morning was on the medical applications of the work carried
out at CERN. The first visit of the day was to the ISOLDE building where the CERN’s
linear accelerators were used to produce radioactive isotopes of the type used in
medical physics.
This was followed by a fascinating lecture from
Dewi Meirion Lewis, of Swansea University, about
how particle physics technologies are utilised for
medical applications in Wales. It was fascinating
to see how the technology developed at CERN was
being utilised in the diagnostic and treatment
fields. It was great to hear that a proton beam
therapy unit is being planned to open at the Coldra
Springs Industrial Park outside Newport in 2017.
Proton Beam Therapy Unit to be opened in Newport in 2017
The afternoon comprised of a visit to the Anti-matter factory, taking in a visit to the
France-Swiss border, which divides the CERN site, on route.
In particle physics, antimatter is material composed
of antiparticles, which have the same mass as
particles of ordinary matter but opposite charges.
Collisions between matter and antimatter particles
lead to the annihilation of both, giving rise to a
massive amount of energy. Scientists think that
after the Big Bang, equal amounts of matter and
anti matter were produced but now the universe is
almost entirely made up of matter. Why this should
be the case is one of the great unsolved problems in physics.
At CERN, they have the only facility in the world that can produce antihydrogen. So
far, they have managed to make and trap in magnetic fields, antihydrogen atoms for
1000 seconds, long enough to study their properties.
ASAC and ALPHA – Two research groups
working at the world’s only Antimatter
production site.
The particle accelerator in the
Anti-Matter Factory
Unfortunately, the visit to the Antimatter factory was the last organised event of the
week. It marked the end of a fantastic 4 days. It has been 30 years since I studied
physics at college and in that time, understanding of particle physics has improved
enormously. The opportunity to visit a research site that is literally pushing the
boundaries of human knowledge is one that I regard myself as privileged to have
been given. It has given me a far greater appreciation of the need for fundamental
research, research aiming purely to increase human knowledge and understanding
without consideration of financial return.
As a leading theoretical physicist once said of the work at the Large Hadron Collider,
when asked by an economist what benefits the project would bring,
“Maybe nothing. Nothing apart from an understanding of everything.”
Mr Perry, Physics Teacher
Important Dates for
your Diary
MARCH 2016
Friday 25th
Friday 25th March – Friday 8th April
Ski trip departs
School closed for Easter holidays
APRIL 2016
Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th
Monday 11th
Monday 25th – Thursday 28th
Friday 29th
Easter revision for pupils
School re-opens to learners (Week 1)
Years 7 & 9 Exams
INSET DAY – School closed to learners
MAY 2016
Monday 2nd
Tuesday 3rd
Friday 13th – Saturday 14th
Monday 16th
Monday 30th – Friday 3rd June
Bank Holiday – School closed to learners
School re-opens to learners (Week 2)
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition
GCSE Exams begin
School closed for Half Term
JUNE 2016
Wednesday 1st – Friday 3rd
Monday 6th
Wednesday 22nd
Friday 24th
Friday 24th
Thursday 30th - Saturday 2nd July
Revision for Year 11 learner
School re-opens to learners (Week 2)
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Year 11 Founders’ Day Ceremony
Year 11 Prom
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Expedition
JULY 2016
Friday 1st
Thursday 7th – Friday 8th
Monday 11th – Wednesday 13th
Monday 18th
Tuesday 19th
Wednesday 20th
Wednesday 20th
INSET DAY – School closed to learners
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Expedition
Summer Showcase Event
Years 7 & 8 Founders’ Day Ceremony
Years 9 & 10 Founders’ Day Ceremony
Last day of the school year
Thursday 1st September
First day of the new school year
Lliswerry High School
Nash Road, Newport, NP19 4RP
Tel: 01633 277867
Email: admin@lliswerryhigh.org
Website: www.lliswerryhigh.org
Twitter: @lliswerryhigh