Kentucky CHAPTER G - Chapter G Homepage


Kentucky CHAPTER G - Chapter G Homepage
Kentucky CHAPTER G
December 2015
Thank you to Tom Dierig for sponsoring the December Newsletter… and for
the four years of leadership and faithful service you have given to the “G”.
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Chapter Team Director
(859) 781-8743
Asst. Chapter Team Directors
(859) 534-5292
Chapter Team Educator
(513) 367-0203
(859) 331-9475
Membership Enhancement Coordinators
(859) 331-9475
Ride Coordinators
Technical Educators
(859) 261-6835
Special Events
(513) 367-0203
Pins & Patches &
(859) 640-2704
Awards Coordinator
(859) 341-7484
(859) 356-1083
50/50 Coordinator
(859) 356-1083
(859) 750-6440
Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator
(859) 689-4955
Newsletter Editors
Video Coordinator
Social Secretary
2015 Couple of the Year
2015 Individual of the Year
(859) 485-4623
December 2015
Tom Dierig
Rick & Leah Cridlin
Rick Artmayer
Luanne Williams
Jerry & Luanne Williams
Bob Thomann
Kim Artmayer
John Keiter
Gary Heil
Carol Redd
Jack Redd
Sue & Dennis Zimmerman
Charlie Hobbs
Renzo & Donita Nardi
Deward Brake
Rena Hobbs
Charlie & Rena Hobbs
Ron Harper
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December 2015
Chapter Director’s Report
This is the monthly newsletter article that I have been looking forward to for the past four years. As
Assistant Chapter Director and Chapter Director, you are expected to write an article each and every
month. That is forty-eight articles. For me, the hard part was coming up with an appropriate topic
every month.
As of January 1st, I will have completed my two years as Chapter Director and Rick & Leah Cridlin will be
taking over the reins of Chapter G. They have held numerous positions in Chapter G and at the District
level. They both bring a great deal of experience with them and I am sure that they will do a fine job as
your next Chapter Directors.
In the past, most people that have served as Chapter Directors have been married couples. I assume
that they discussed chapter issues and bounced ideas off of each other. Without a partner, I relied
heavily on former directors for advice and as a sounding board. I would like to thank the Nardis,
Williams’, Zimmerman’s and Harris’s for their help and kindness along the way. They were all very
helpful to me over the past two years.
Chapter life would not be possible without our coordinators. Our weekly ice cream rides, monthly
dinner rides and annual parties do not happen by themselves. There is a team of dedicated people
who plan and lead these events for the pleasure of our chapter members. We have people to handle
our finances, communication
(newsletter editor, webmaster, historian & social secretary), education, technical expertise and
another who keeps us all in blue shirts. There are others who sell tickets, keep stats, give out awards
and produce video for our viewing pleasure. All of these people put in a lot of time and effort to make
chapter life more fun for everyone. Without these coordinators, we simply would not have a chapter.
Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. I want you all to know how much I appreciate each
and every one of you.
This time of year, I always look forward to the annual Chapter G Christmas party. It is a great time to
share the holiday spirit with your “G family”. With our Dirty Santa gift exchange, if you don’t like what
you get, you can always steal from someone else. I hope that you all get everything you want for
Christmas. But more importantly, I hope you all get what you need…. Love, Peace and Good Will to all.
Tom Dierig MHPFG
Chapter “G” Team Director
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December 2015
Assistant Chapter Directors Report
December already! I know it is an old cliché, but time really does fly when you are having fun. It is so hard to
believe that we have been members of Chapter G for 10 years. Some of the time really feels like a blur, because
it has gone by so fast. As I write this article, it just hit me that this is our last one as Assistant Directors. We are
really excited about beginning the next phase of chapter life with Chapter G. It is a little bittersweet for us, as
we will also be stepping down from our position as District Educators. Leah and I really enjoy everything that
GWRRA has to offer through rider education and it is something we are really going to miss being directly
involved with. Rider Education seems like a part of us, since it is something we have been doing for half the time
we have been members (3 years as Chapter Educators and 2 years as District Educators). We will remain current
in the Levels Program and will also be renewing our qualifications as instructors next year.
Leah and I really need your help with keeping the chapter active with fun activities to fill the calendar next year.
Leah has booked the Boone County Library on Saturday, January 9th from 9 am to noon to conduct a planning
meeting for the upcoming year. This is open to everyone and you are all invited/encouraged to attend to offer
suggestion on anything you would like to see put on the schedule for next year. Right now we have a blank
slate, so any and all suggestions are welcome. Please share your suggestions with us if you are unable to attend
the planning meeting and we’ll see what we can do to make it happen.
The District Operations meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 23 rd at 10 am in Versailles. All officers and
coordinators are highly encouraged to attend, and the meeting is open to any member who would like to see
first-hand some of the behind the scenes work that goes into running the District and the Chapters. We
normally meet for breakfast and will be carpooling to the meeting from there. We will provide more
information as the time gets closer. I really do encourage those of you who might be thinking about becoming
an officer or coordinator someday to attend with us. This is a great time to meet the District Staff as well as a
large portion of the Region Staff. Please consider attending and don’t hesitate to ask should you have any
Leah and I really enjoy visiting the other Chapters; both for some added GWRRA fun, but also to gather points
for the visitation award, which is presented at the Blast. I issued a challenge to the other chapters last year to
take the award away from Chapter C, who keeps winning it. John Flaherty, the Chapter A director officially
accepted my challenge and has rallied his chapter behind him. They are off to a good start and have been at
every Chapter Leah and I have visited. We really do need your help with this, as the more people to attend, the
more points you get. Mike VanHoose, the Chapter C director, has also officially accepted the challenge and has
vowed to win the award again next year. The visitation program is a great opportunity to have more fun with
your fellow Chapter G members, but also a great way to meet other members and see for yourself how some of
the other chapters operate. Beginning in January, attending other Chapter gatherings will count toward our
participation award. We are going to start counting everything on our calendar, to include these visits, so please
come on out and join in on the fun.
Leah and I sincerely hope you all have a Merry Christmas and we look forward to further serving you in the New
Rick and Leah Cridlin
Assistant Chapter Team Directors
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December 2015
Rider Education Report
Collisions between motorcycles and other motor vehicles happen daily. And regardless of fault, the motorcyclist
usually ends up realizing the worst injuries. The investigation and reconstruction of these collisions can often be
a complicated task because of the difficulties in determining the pre-impact velocity of a
motorcycle from the damage to either the motorcycle or the involved motor vehicle.
Because of the large difference in momentum between the motorcycle and the motor
vehicle, determining the change in velocity for the motor vehicle has traditionally been a
difficult task. However, modern technology has created an opportunity to simplify this
problem. Many current motor vehicles are equipped with airbags and often have an
accelerometer and a computer module designed for airbag deployment decision-making.
Some of these systems record and store the accelerations that are experienced in a collision. When combined
with vehicle speed sensors commonly found in the anti-lock brake system, this equipment becomes an event
data recorder. The Event Data Recorder, or EDR, is a kind of “black box” similar to those on airplanes, except
that an automotive EDR typically only records a few seconds’ worth of data before, during, and after a crash.
EDRs were first used on cars in the 1970s to record data related to airbag deployment purely in an effort to
improve safety, measuring basic things like vehicle speed, throttle position, brake and seatbelt status, the
severity of the crash (as measured by a change in velocity over time) and airbag deployment. In the years since,
as airbags, systems like stability control, and automotive tech in general have evolved, EDR use and the amount
of data they record has expanded.
As of 2014, EDR installation is voluntary and the data is still primarily used for improving safety, but
manufacturers and the legal community have discovered other benefits. Fourteen states have passed laws
requiring manufacturers to notify buyers that an EDR is present, and specify that EDR data cannot be used
without the vehicle owner’s consent. Nevertheless, EDR data has been accessed to prove or disprove liability in
crashes and warranty claims, and the courts have used it to both convict and clear drivers in accidents. Safety
advocates, law enforcement, the government, and insurers all support the proliferation of EDRs.
At least five 2014 motorcycles already have EDRs. Honda seems to be the first to have implemented one on a
mass-produced motorcycle, the 2006-2014 Gold Wing Airbag model. The Kawasaki Ninja 300, Z1000, Ninja 1000
and Ninja ZX-6R also have EDRs, but they do not have airbags. Kawasaki says they’re designed to record things
like vehicle speed, engine crankshaft rotational speed and throttle opening, but it is possible they record much
more, especially on ABS models.
The manufacturers do seem to care about our privacy. Honda’s policy is that “any data recorded and retained by
an EDR during a crash belongs to the vehicle owner, and access to such data should only be obtained with the
consent of the vehicle owner or through appropriate legal means.” Kawasaki states essentially the same—that it
“will not share EDR information without obtaining your consent, unless required by government authorities, or
acting pursuant to lawful authority.” How much weight these policies carry is unclear.
When the EDR is interfaced with your vehicle's GPS, any remote operator could have the ability to physically
control your vehicle. This is not conspiracy theorizing. It is technological fact. Current GM vehicles are equipped
with this technology. All the OnStar operator has to do is send the appropriate command over the GPS to your
car's computer, which controls the engine. It is one of the "safety" features
touted by OnStar.
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December 2015
Treasurer’s Report
Congratulations to our winners from the November Get -Together. Luanne Williams won the $10
membership draw this month. Lucky Sue Zimmerman won 1st place of $38 and 2nd place of $23 and
Kim Artmayer won 3rd place of $14.
Thanks to all who participated at the November Gathering!!
Luanne Williams, Treasurer
Membership Enhancement Report
It was so great to see Whitey and Judie Howard along with Joe Rogers at our November Get Together.
We hope to see you again soon at one of our next Chapter meetings or events.
As a reminder, please check your membership cards for expiration dates to ensure that your
membership is current. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact
Our Chapter G Membership Enhancement E-Mail Address is:
Jerry & Luanne Williams
KY District / Chapter G Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators
Technical Educator Report
At one of the meetings, Gary Heil asked me if I ever heard of "Plastic Welding". I told him I had
many years ago.
I did remember when I was doing body work I read an article on plastic welding. I checked it out
and there was a course on it. You would need a hot air iron, 80 watt to 1300 watt, to melt the
plastic and rods for the different types and size of plastics. If you can weld, you can plastic weld
any motorcycles with plastic bodies. If you need to repair plastic parts you need to know which
type of plastic: TEFLON, NYLON, or POLYPROYLENE, that the part is made out of. You must use the
same type of plastic for the rod and the part.
Bob & Pam Thomann
Technical Educator
Christmas can be found in
the way that you live. Not
what you get and not what
you give.
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December 2015
Chapter “G” Ride Schedule
Check the web site for the 2015 calendar
December 2015
5th Chapter G Christmas Party. Edgewood Senior Center, 550 Freedom Park Drive, Doors open at 6
pm, Dinner at 7 pm. Please bring an unwrapped toy to give to charity and don't forget your
present to exchange ($20 value).
8th Chapter Get-together - Eat at 6 p.m. Meet at 7 p.m.
12th Dinner ride - Greyhound Tavern (2500 Dixie Hwy, Ft. Mitchell). Eat at 5 pm.
Leah has booked the Boone County Library on Saturday, January 9 th from 9 am to noon to
conduct a planning meeting for the upcoming year. This is open to everyone and you are all
invited/encouraged to attend to offer suggestion on anything you would like to see put on
the schedule for next year. Right now we have a blank slate, so any and all suggestions are
welcome. Please share your suggestions with us if you are unable to attend the planning
meeting and we’ll see what we can do to make it happen.
Stan Holtzleiter
Rick Cridlin
Hartke Paul
12/21 Jesse Baker
12/30 Randy Pommier
Mark & Mary Niesche
Ronald & Patricia Chastain
John & Robbie Feldkamp
Rick & Arlene Otto
Chuck & Debbie McWilliams
Windy & Joyce Quire
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
If you have any information that needs to be passed on to your
Chapter G family, please contact me at: or
phone me at (859) 689-4955. Ride Safe!
Rena Hobbs, Social Secretary
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December 2015
Goldwing is level 4 which is top of the line. This includes: premium audio package,
comfort package (heated seat & grips), navigation, ABS brakes & airbag. Well
maintained and all records available. $5,500 in accessories to include chrome
luggage rack, trailer hitch, fog and accent lights, heal toe shifter, driver’s backrest
& footboards, passenger’s floor board with transformer, armrest &plenty of
Pins and Patches
Given the continuing news from around the world, we here in America certainly have a lot to be
thankful for. We should all say an extra prayer at our Thanksgiving dinner for the millions and millions
of people who are not anywhere as fortunate as we are...
Since we are coming into the holiday season, it might be time to think about a long sleeve shirt or
pullover in our World Famous Chapter G blue... our supplier has a bazillion styles to choose from and
the prices are very reasonable.
Maybe Santa Claus would bring some Chapter G apparel to put under the tree this year?
Don't forget that our annual Christmas party is coming soon (12/5), we hope to see you there! The
dirty Santa gift exchange is always a fun time... plus a TON of food.
A blessed and peaceful Holiday to you-John Keiter, Pins & Patches
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December 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Heil’s. As we approach the end of the year, it is time to submit
your ending odometer reading or readings if you own multiple motorcycles. You and your co-rider can also
submit your guesses for the total miles ridden by the Chapter. You can send the information noted below to me
by email at or give it to me at a meeting. Remember the contest ends at 11:59 P.M. on
Sunday, January 17, 2016.
Name of Rider: ______________________________________________________________
Ending odometer reading: _____________________________________________________
Total Mileage guess: __________________________________________________________
Name of Co-Rider and total Mileage Guess: ________________________________________
Darlene and Gary Heil, Awards Coordinators
Christmas in Texas
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost two years since our move to Texas. Looking through the “G”
Gallery on the website, I realize this will be the second “G” Christmas party we have missed, and as
Carol will point out, it isn’t as much fun to play Naughty Santa with two. But before you start feeling
too bad for Renzo and I, remember that GWRRA is an international organization! And lucky for us, we
have come across yet another group of wacky individuals who also like to ride Goldwings, eat, and
have fun together. So as you are playing Naughty Santa with the “G”, we’ll be playing Dirty Bingo with
TX-N2. We miss you all very much, and wish you a wonderful Holiday season. And even though we
aren’t there to give you hugs and join in the fun, we’ll be there in spirit,
hoping that no-one steals that special gift that you really want to keep!
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December 2015
Hysterical Historical Highlights
Congratulations to our member who is celebrating his December
Chapter G anniversary
'Twas the night before December 5th, and throughout the Edgewood Senior Center,
Prep would soon be underway for the following night … when “G” members would enter.
But on this night members were still at home … wrapping gifts to be concealed,
In hopes that they’d chosen a Secret Santa gift … someone would want to steal!
The Artmayer’s were home with pork in the crock pot … and roast beef in the oven,
And Kim knew they would both be yummy … if nothing went haywire all of a sudden.
And Rick was carving reindeer from broccoli spears … in his apron he looked ducky,
(For Rick’s a completely changed man since Ohio … exported him to Kentucky!)
When out in the parking lot there arose … such an unbelievable clatter,
But it didn’t take long for everyone to figure out … just what was the matter!
Rick Cridlin was rolling his eyes as Leah dressed him … like a spry little Christmas elf,
How she had talked him into doing that … he couldn’t believe it himself!
Leah said, “Rick, you’ll be ‘cute as a button’ as you gather … all the fabulous toys,
That “G” members donated for all those wonderful … little girls and boys!”
But Rick rebelled at being “cute” … and said he was … much too macho and strong!
“Seriously?” asked Leah, “Put on your green hat … jingle your bells … and try to play
Now John Keiter was still at home folding shirts … and neatly stacking his patches,
Saying, “I want to be sure everything displays well, and every “G” item matches.”
For Karen suggested to John that selling stuff at the party could be a “G” financial gain,
Plus … him giving her nothing but pins and patches each Christmas … was driving her
Now Sue and Dennis were also quietly at home … with camera and tripod by the
To be used when Sue goes from the camera … to the group … by sprinting across the
And Sue’s DVD of the good, the bad, and the ugly … she would show without hesitation,
For nothing says Christmas like being with friends for a little … public humiliation!
And many members were reminiscing about what it means … to be a “G” volunteer,
Like Ron Harper who suffered enormous stress from his duties … as Individual of the
And Deward, pondered that moving to a smaller room, eliminated his monthly video spot,
But he still makes them and forces Suzanne to watch them … whether she wants to or
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December 2015
And poor Darlene Heil … whenever she goes out … whether morning, noon, or evening,
Upon her return, Gary demands she give to him … her ending odometer reading!
And, of course, Charlie and Rena reflected on 2015 as reigning “Couple of the Year”,
And how the fame and fortune that go with that title … helped them to persevere!
Luanne and Jerry pondered their past year and changes they’d like to make would be
For Luanne didn’t miss a beat during her recovery and as for Jerry … he became a hero!
And Donita and Renzo made the best of missing the “G” party, simply by playing a game,
But playing Dirty Santa with only the two of them … well, it just wasn’t the same!
And as night continued and as anticipation … for the “G” Christmas party increased,
Members wondered if Santa would come and hoped he’d bring them something at least!
They knew the food … would be delicious … and desserts and appetizers would vary,
And they’d eagerly await the Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts made by Ida and Harry!
Now some members grew nervous and decided to resend their last minute wishes to
Like for a new Goldwing … to ride to Wing Ding … next year out in Billings, Montana.
Or a “Bahama Cruise for Unwed Grandmas” for one who thinks grannies are the ‘bomb’,
And if Santa grants his wish … you can reach that member at
And just maybe Santa will bring for Jack … a book about serious risks and dangers,
Entitled “Didn’t Your Mama Ever Teach You … That You Should Never Talk to Strangers?”
And Bob Thomann hopes Santa will get for his Pam … a book that will teach her a lot,
Of how lucky she is to have a perfect specimen of a man … like the one that she’s got.
But these wishes were actually sent for naught … for by Santa they were all denied,
For it seems he had previously sent a most special gift … which we all simply took in
So how could we even consider asking Santa for more … after all he had already done,
By sending the loveable Homer Taylor to the “G” … way back in two thousand and one?
Now maybe this poem is a bit of a stretch and unlikely … and for it there is no proof,
And instead of mostly being based on true facts … it’s actually based on untruths.
But I’ll tell you the 3 things that are undeniably true … to alleviate understandable doubt,
Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts rock …
Jerry is a hero …
And friends like Homer … is what the G’s all about!
Carol Redd
…and “G” poet laureate
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December 2015
Northern Kentucky Chapter G
Gold Wing Riders
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
December 2015
NEXT GET-TOGETHER: Tuesday, 12/8/2015 at The Golden Corral, 4770 Houston Road, Florence, KY
6:00 PM Eat, 7:00 PM Meet
Newsletter Editor
Renzo & Donita Nardi
8106 Forest Point Dr.
Humble, TX 77338
Chapter Team Director – Tom Dierig