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C V Salute to the Pork Industry OUNTRY IEWS 2014 HARLAN NEWSPAPERS • SPECIAL SECTION • OCTOBER 9, 2015 Earling Locker Steve Gross hands over the keys to new owners Craig & Kristina Brich PIT SAFETY Be aware to avoid accidents PORK FASTEST GROWING PROTEIN In the foodservice industry INSIDE: Shelby County families garner Century Farm honors Shelby County photo courtesy of Theresa Jeffers Country Views IOWA’S IOWA’S Hog Farmers… Hog Farmers… Are family farmers Are family farmers • More than 90 percent of all farms are family many areare third • More thanoperations 90 percentand of all farms andoperations fourth generation producers. family and many are third Hog also gives young people a andfarming fourth generation producers. Hog start also in farming. farming gives young people a start in farming. Provide daily care for livestock Provide daily care for livestock • Swine farmers are committed to • Swine farmers arecare committed providing daily for theirtoanimals providing daily for their in a way thatcare protects theanimals animal’s in awell-being. way that protects the animal’s well-being. • Industry training programs such as • Industry trainingAssurance® programs such as(PQA Plus) and Transport Pork Quality Plus Pork Quality Assurance® Plus (PQA and Transport Quality Assurance® (TQA) enablePlus) all persons involved in Quality Assurance® (TQA) enable all persons involved in pig care to understand their ethical responsibilities and pigpossess care to understand their ethical and the skills necessary to responsibilities provide quality care. possess skills to provideenvironmentally quality care. • Most the hogs arenecessary raised in modern, • Most hogs are raised in modern, environmentally controlled barns to allow producers to closely monitor controlled to allow producers closely monitor and carebarns for each animal, providetoample food and andwater, care for each animal, provide ample food and prevent disease and keep them comfortable water, yearprevent ‘round.disease and keep them comfortable year ‘round. iation tion Produce safe, wholesome food Produce safe, wholesome food 9 2-7675 7675 rg org g 6-14 6-14 • Pig farmers actively participate in • Pig farmers actively participate in PQA Plus and other food safety and PQA Plus and other food safety and animal care programs to ensure animal care programs to ensure the quality and safety of the pork the quality and safety of the pork products they produce. products they produce. • A 2006 USDA study revealed that the six most • A 2006 USDA study revealed that the six most common cuts of pork have 16 percent less fat and common cuts of pork have 16 percent less fat and percent lower in saturated fat thanks areare 27 27 percent lower in saturated fat thanks to to continuous production improvements continuous production improvements changes in genetics, feeding andand changes in genetics, feeding andand management practices. management practices. Keep in Touch . . . Listen for Farm News Daily! “24 Hours of Greatest Hits!” 909 Chatburn, Harlan • (712) 755-3883 • www.knodfm.com Iowa Pork Facts Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 2 •Approximately10finishingpigsfromweaningtomarketprovidethe nutrientneedsofanacreofIowacroplandonasemi-annualbasis.Nutrientsfromone2,400-headpigbarnbenefitsahalf-sectionofland(240 acres).Onehogconsumesapproximately9to10bushelsofcornfrombirth toamarketweightof275pounds! •Attheendof2014,Iowahad6,266hogoperations. •40,290Iowansareemployedinday-to-dayproductionofhogs. •39percentofIowahogfarms(2,451farms)have1,000pigsorless. •Thereareapproximately20millionpigsbeingraisedinIowa. •Iowaproducersmarketedmorethan49millionhogsin2012. •Nearlyone-thirdofthenation’shogsareraisedinIowa. •IowaisthenumberoneporkproducingstateintheU.S. Personalized Farm Management Services to Meet the Owner’s Goals & Objectives Professional Farm Management Real Estate Sales & Acquisitions Certified Real Estate Appraisals 26 Years of Farm Management and Real Estate Experience Harlan, Iowa 712-579-1071 800-850-8091 skock@msbna.com Steven P. Kock, AFM Real Estate Broker, Iowa & Nebraska Certified General Appraiser, Iowa FAREWAY’S FULL-SERVICE MEAT DEPARTMENT Fresh Quality Meats, Friendly Personal service 2015 Your FULL SERVICE Meat Counter with a Meat Cutter on Duty Every Hour Our Store Is Open! USDA CHOICE BEEF FRESH POULTRY Meat Department Manager Kevin Pitkin Offering One of the Largest Meat Counters in Southwest Iowa! QUALITY SMOKED MEAT FINEST PORK CONGRATULATIONS TO SHELBY COUNTY’S PORk PRODUCERS…THE AREA’S TOP PRODUCERS Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 3 Manure Pit Safety: Be aware to avoid accidents Manure pit safety has to be a priority each and every day on the farm to avoid tragic accidents, according to experts at the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health in Iowa City, Iowa. In the center’s new fact sheet, Manure Storage Pit Dangers: Hazardous Gas Awareness, experts explain how deadly manure pit gases are and the dangers they pose to barn workers. The complementary fact sheet, Manure Storage Pit Dangers: Identifying Hazardous Gases, also serves as a valuable resource to help implement safety protocols. Gases that are released during decomposition and agitation of swine manure can create special safety concerns, but you can protect the health of your employees, your livestock and yourself with some simple precautions. An Industry-wide Issue “It’s important to provide an environment that encour-ages safety awareness and compliance,” said Todd See, animal • Wear a respirator or dust mask while performing work anywhere you science department head and professor at North Carolina State University. may be exposed to harmful dusts, gases or sprays. Respirators and dust “You can minimize accidents by taking a proactive approach to safety.”He masks help block the entry of harmful gases and dust into the lungs. offers the following safety tips: • Protect yourself with a supplied-air respirator – either an air-line respira tor or self-contained breathing apparatus – if it’s necessary to enter an • Do not enter an area in which hazardous area in which hazardous levels of a toxic gas are suspected or if you levels of toxic gases are suspected. Dilute must enter a confined space such as a manure pit. toxic gases by maintaining proper ventilation • Realize that a number of gases can create health issues for humans and and bringing fresh air into the contaminated hogs. Agitation of liquid manure that has been stored for more than a area using fans and opening curtains, doors few weeks will release levels of gases that can be toxic, flammable and and windows. potentially lethal. The Pork Checkoff’s Safe Manure Removal Practices fact sheet, found online at pork.org., also offers tips about the five main gases of concern in Tag all doors during pit agitation and manure pits. pumping. You can order these free signs by Mike King from the Pork Store on the Pork CheckPork Checkoff Report off’s Web site at pork.org. Rowland Burton State Certified General Real Property Appraiser 2144 1900th Street Irwin, IA 51446 Phone 712-782-3203 Magik kleener – an inexpensive alternative to the high cost of completing a process important to product quality. Does the job efficiently with virtually no operating expense! Call us today for details. magik kleener sales inc. Farm & Commercial Grain Cleaning Products 2904 12th St. • Harlan, IA 51537 • (712) 755-3871 • Fax 712-755-2668 Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 4 Shelby County Century Farm recipients Honored at the event were Martha (Tramm) Beaumont, Tom Tramm and not pictured Edwin C. Tramm, 1020 York Rd., Shelby, 1871 - 2015. The property was farmed by their great grandfather, Hans Tramm. Taking Care of Your Financial Needs... Ken and Julie Stein Farm and their daughter, Becca, 1030 Fir Road, Portsmouth, 1901 - 2015 It’s all in a day’s work! Relationships - that’s what Farmers Trust & Savings Bank is all about. Our team of bankers are experienced ag bankers with in the field experience to better understand your needs. Dave Gude Harlan branch manager Jay Frederick Asst. Vice President Honesty, integrity and the ability to understand our customer’s needs... T F he agricultural industry keeps Shelby County strong and we’re proud to be part of that tradition. rom affordable ag loans and farm mortgages to everyday banking, we’re here for you. Taking care of your needs is all in a day’s work. David Ohlinger and his daughter, Marie, not pictured is his wife, Beverly, 321 Hwy 44 Portsmouth, 1915 - 2015 Harlan 235-2000 Earling • 747-2000 • Woodbine 647-3375 Your Bank for Today & Tomorrow Serving our Agricultural Clients since 1892 Hats off to our Shelby County Pork Producers! Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 5 Century Farm honors seven Shelby County farms The Iowa Century Farm and Heritage Farm Awards were presented at the Century/Heritage stage at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Century Farm awards recognize farms (40acresormore)thathavebeeninthesamefamilyfor100 yearsandHeritageFarmsawardsrecognizefarmsthathave beenownedbythesamefamilyfor150years. In2015therewere366CenturyFarmwinnersand101 HeritageFarmwinners.Theseawardsaresponsoredbythe IowaDepartmentofAgricultureandLandStewardshipand theIowaFarmBureau. Gaige Petersen Family, 1424 Oak Road, Harlan, 1912 - 2015 Scoular Corley will be open for Harvest 2015 From left: Justin, Gaige, Craig Muhlbauer, Sidney, Jordan, Whitey, Jenna, Ashley Bruck and Jeff. See photos throughout this special harvest and pork issue. Petersen Brothers Feed & Grain Grain Hauling and Storage Grain Buying and Selling 949 Road M56 • Jacksonville, IA (712) 799-4291 LARGE CAPACITY Two million bushels of storage space Earling Locker FAST UNLOADING SPEEDS Unload up to 25,000 bushels per hour CONVENIENT LOCATION Northeast of Corley Corner on Hwy 59 & F58 For more information, call 712-741-5437 www.ScoularIowa.com Owners Craig & Kristina Brich 102 Main St. • Earling • (712) 747-2171 Country Views • News-Advertiser • Oct. 9, 2015 Page 6 Standby Power UnitS PACKAGE • PTO • PORTABLE Tri Fuel Portable PSS6H And Accessories PSS12H4W Packaged Standby Generator Tough Reliable Generators! WINCO generators are designed to handle tasks in the most demanding situations. Whether it's delivering power during an outage or providing power to keep a work crew running, WINCO provides tough, reliable generators to meet any challenge. Farm Power, Inc. Rick, Jane & Kyle Scott, Underwood, IA 51576 712-566-2606 or 712-566-2901 Kirk and Pamela Jacobsen, 813 Redwood Rd., Harlan, 1915 - 2015 Congratulations to the area Pork Producers We recognize the contribution of pork producers to our agri-business economy and to the nutritional well-being of families throughout America. We are ready for your corn and soybeans in our Harlan and Denison locations! We take all moisture levels of corn. Make portsmouth Feeds a Part of your Pork oPErATIoN. Kwapi Farms, LLC, great grandson Maurice farm service cooperative and Betty Rennemeyer, 524 1580th St., Panama, 1892 - 2015 Iowa pig farmers and Culver’s partner for October Pork Month TheIowaPorkProducersAssociationisteamingupwithCulver’srestaurantsinIowaduringaspecialOctoberPorkMonth“Bacon-up”promotion. Culver’scustomerswillbeencouragedtoaddbacontotheirButterBurger®orothersandwichordersthroughoutthemonth.Specialin-storesignage willbedisplayedateachofCulver’s34Iowarestaurantsthismonth. OctoberwasdesignatedNationalPorkMonthbecauseitmarkedthetime ofyearwhenpigsweretraditionallymarketed.Hogfarmerscelebratethe monthbysharingtheirstoriesandpromotingpork. “Tohelpcelebrate,pigfarmersencouragebusyfamiliesthroughoutIowa toenjoythedeliciousporkproductsCulver’soffers,especiallywhenthey’re onthegothisfall,”saidKelseySutter,marketingandprogramdirectorfor theIowaPorkProducersAssociation.“Ifyou’venevertriedCulver’sbreadedporktenderloinsandwich,Octoberwillbeaperfecttime. Inadditiontothein-storepromotions,ashortvideohighlightingthepork tenderloin sandwich, introducing consumers to Midwest pig farmers and providinganinsidelookatmodernhogbarnsandproductionpracticeswill beavailableonOct.1.“AHeartland-inspiredSpecialty”willbefeaturedon theCulver’swebsite,FacebookpageandYouTubechannel.Tolearnmore abouthogfarmingtodayorfi ndinspiringporkrecipes,visitiowapork.orgor Ad Western Iowa Tourism Guide porkbeinspired.com. Explore corn-related implements dating back to the 1840’s Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 7 AverybountifulharvestisplannedforShelbyCountywithrecordyields. photo by Mike Kolbe 160-Page Color Book by Earling’s Steve Kenkel Devoted to Shelby County’s Pioneering Hybrid Corn Industry Time magazine called hybrid corn “one of mankind’s greatest achievements”. 2nd Edition This must-have collectors book outlines the significance of corn to Iowa’s agricultural history and how hybrid corn revolutionized American agriculture. 20 $ Online orders www.amazon.com or www.prairiehearthpublishingllc.com (Paypal) Phone orders Prairie Hearth Publishing, LLC 605-660-0378 Email orders sorensenlms@gmail.com or nskenkel@fmctc.com www.hybridcorncollector.com ea. plus shipping and sales tax Books available at • Farmers Trust and Savings Bank, Earling, Harlan, Woodbine • Shelby County Chamber of Commerce & Industry • Earling Feed & Grain Country Views News-Advertiser Oct. 9, 2015 I Page 8 Steve and Brenda Gross sell their locker - Earling Locker has strong ties to local pork & beef producers By Michaela Ramm News Reporter HARLAN -- The meat locker located in Earling may have changed ownership, but the business itself will not be changing anytime soon. Steve and Brenda Gross, who have owned the locker in Earling since 1981, have sold the business to Craig and Kristina Brich in February 2015. Despite the new ownership, Brich said he has no places to change anything about the beloved small town business. How It All Started Gross bought the locker from its previous owners in 1981 with his brother Marvin. The pair operated the buisness together until 1989, when Gross bought out his brothers’ share. Gross continued to operate Gross’ Locker successfully and eventually hired Birch as a part-time butcher in 2009. Brich said he worked about three days a week for Gross. Eventually, after about six years at the locker, Brich expressed interest in buying the business. “I figured it would be something to do to get into something better,” Brich said. Gross agreed and decided to sell. “I thought this would be a good transistion for both of us,” Gross said. “So the business will stay open in town for quite a few more years and still have a locker around.” After the sale, Gross’ Locker became the Earling Locker. The locker hosted a Customer Appreication Night and an open house in April of this year. “We had it so people could get to know the new owner and to thank all my customers for the past 33 years,” Gross said. BRICH - continued on page 9 Brand • Products Steve Gross and Craig Brich, Brich is the new owner of the Earling Locker. It’s the auger you asked for. Wheatheart’s latest innovation - the X Series auger features over 75 new performance enhancements. With a precision engineered, commercial strength frame and redesigned hopper, the X Series offers unmatched serviceability and X-treme durability. The X Series 13" auger is available in 74' - 114' lengths. Transport Augers Available & Ready for Harvest 10" x 31' | SA10" x 71' | SA10" x 81' X13" x 84' | X13" x 94' Tom’s Electric & Grain Equipment Inc. Westphalia, IA | 712.627.4610 755-2027 • 111 Cyclone Ave. • Harlan 866.467.7207 wheatheart.com Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser Oct. 9, 2015 I Page 9 Maintaining a standard critical for Brich’s growth BRICH - continued from page 8 Brich and 12-year-employee Dave Hinz dress beef for a locker client. Gross said the night was a great transition into the new ownership. Since leaving the locker, Gross has been working part-time with the county’s roads department. Brich has been continuing the business as usual, working to maintain a high standard of products and business. Maintaining the Locker The locker sells retail items including hamburger, steak, roasts, as well as Brich’s homemade brats and sausages. Mostly, however, the locker works with area farmers to butcher and pro- BRICH - continued on page 10 SOLD 11,517 ACRES of FARMLAnD in the last 5 years on a sharply higher market! Prices ranged from $1,900 - $12,500 acre Previous Record Land Sales by Randy Pryor Shelby County Farm Ground - Feb. 2011 - $8,900 Harrison County Farm Ground - Jan. 2012 - $12,500 Pottawattamie County Hill Ground - Sept. 2013 - $11,500 Once Again The “Auction Method” Works!! AUCTION METHOD -IowaStateextensionfarmmgmt.specialist,MichaelDuffy, hadthistosayabouttheauctionmethodandwhylandvaluesspikedover32%in 2011.“Oneofthedifferencesisintheuseofauctions;respondentsnotedwhatappearstobearapidincreaseintheuseofthismethodofsale.” Analysis of sales data shows an increase in price by using an auction. As one respondentsaid,“economicsmaygetthepersontotheauctionbutemotionoften leadstothepurchase.” FARM MANAGEMENT - Negotiationofcashrentleases&conservationpractices. BOOKING LAND AUCTIONS - Thedemandforlandcontinue.Buyersincludelocal farmers,investorsandhunters.Ifyouarecontemplatingsellingpleaseconsider theauctionmethod.Itisthebestexampleoftruepricediscovery.Itbringsall thebuyerstothetableandletsthemcompeteforyouland. Once Again The “Auction Method” Works!! 428 Walker St. Woodbine, IA 51579 Cell 712-644-7610 Office 712-647-2741 www.randypryorauctioneer.com 70-year history of a locker in Earling BRICH - continued from page 9 cesstheirlivestock,includingcattle,sheep,hogsandmore.Theseproducts arealsosoldtocustomers. KeepingthelockeropeninEarlingwasveryimportanttoGross,aswell astoBrich. GrosssaidhebelievedthemeatlockerhasbeeninEarlingforatleast70 years,andhopesitcanremainopenforseveralmore. “IfiguredayoungguycangetinhereandkeepitgoinglongerthanI can,”Grosssaid. OneoftwoinShelbyCounty EarlingLockerisoneofthetwomeatlockerslocatedinShelbyCounty, theotherIrwinLocker&CateringownedbyRandySorensenandDebbie Rasmussen,782-3215. “There’s no lockers between here and I-29 to the west,” Gross said. “Thereusedtobeoneineverytown,butthey’veallclosed.” Grosssaidthereasonforthismaybethatoperatingabusinesssuchasa lockerishardwork. “I’mfortunatethatIwasabletokeepitupandthat[Brich]waswillingto takeit. Maintainingalockercanbedifficult,butGrosssaidtimesarecurrentlyin favorfortheirbusiness. “Morepeoplearewantingalockertodaythantherewasyearsagobecausethentheyknowwheretheirmeatiscomingfrom,”Grosssaid.“It’s comingfromthefarmerthatyouknow,ratherthanthestorewhereyouhave noideawhereit’scomingfrom.Whenyoubutcheryourownanimal,you knowwhatit’sbeenfed.” Operates as a Custom Locker plant ThelockeroperatesasaCustomLockerplant,notafederalone,which meansallmeatsoldhastobeinspected. PeoplefromallovercometoEarlingLockerfortheirproducts.Popular product’sincludingtheirhamburgersandBrich’shomemadebrats. Thankstoitsregularcustomers,aswellasareaparishpicnicsandthefair, thelockerisabletooperatesuccessfully. “Most important is the people and the community that support you,” Grosssaid.Grosssaidheenjoyedhistimeatthethelocker.Healsosaidhe ishappyfor[Brich]’ssuccess. “It’sbeenagreatbusinessfor33yearsandI’dliketothankthecustomers andallthepeoplewhocametoourbusiness,”Grosssaid.“Ihopetheydo thesamefor[Brich].” Brichsaidhehopestheloyalcustomerswillcontinuetoenjoyhisproducts. “I plan to leave it all the same,” Brich said. “Maybe add some things downtheroad,butnotforawhile.” PeoplecancontacttheEarlingLockerat747-2171orbystoppingbythe locationon102MainSt.inEarling. Hats off to our Shelby County Pork Producers! Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 10 Speed Tills. The Joker RT Series from Horsch The unique design of the Joker allows you to accomplish light to aggressive tillage and excellent soil finishing. With depth management from 1"-5" and working widths of 23'-37', the RT Series gives you precise tillage at high speed. The Joker gives you what vertical tillage can't. Unlike vertical tillage, the Joker is a true residue management system. That means it perfectly sizes residue and incorporates it into the soil for fast decomposition. The Joker also consolidates the soil and promotes faster warming. This helps manage moisture better and gets you planting faster. • Manage Heavy Residue / Stubble • Fast Seed Bed Preparation • Pasture / Hay Land / CRP Renovation • Manure / Fertilizer Incorporation SorenSen equipment Hwy. 59 • Harlan, IA • 712-755-2455 www.sorensenequipment.com Greater Protection. Better Service. Lower coSt. The Prudent Farmer Buys Insurance…the Careful Farmer buys County Mutual Insurance! Hazards such as fire and storms can spell disaster on the farm. Be covered by your local County Mutual Insurance. • Fire & Lightning • Hail • Windstorm Protection • Electrocution • New Comprehensive Coverage on Large Machinery • Collision • Overturn of Machinery • Smoke and Explosion • Theft • Aircraft and Vehicles For Over 128 Years, We’ve Been Proud To Serve Our Area Livestock & Crop Producers! SHelBy County FarMerS Mutual InSuranCe aSS’n. Founded In 1887. Rick Rasmussen, Manager/Agent • Lori Baughman, Agent Phone 755-3171 • 877-755-3171 • 1117 7th St., Harlan, IA Iowa’s Hog Farmers Iowa’s Hog Farmers Country Views • Hog farmers take pride in protecting • Pig farmers participate in and our air, land and water. contribute to events that help make • Manure management plans, soil their towns and cities better and water conservation practices, places to live. You’ll find producers air quality strategies, wildlife habitat on school boards, volunteering at Hog farmers take pride in protecting and functions, leading local civic organizations and management and environmental• Pig farmers participate in school our air, land and water. management innovations are all critical components ofto a events that help servingmake their rural communities in many other ways. contribute pig farmer’s operation. Manure management plans, soil their towns and cities better • By regularly attending training and certification programs, About Iowa’s pork industry and water conservation practices, pork producers stay abreast of the latest environmental places to live. You’ll find producers protection methods. air quality strategies, wildlife habitat • Iowa is the on school boards, volunteering atnation’s leader in pork production because Care about their community Protect the environment of abundant feed supplies, leading production practices management and environmental Value manure • Pig farmers participate • Hog farmers take pride in protecting school functions, leading and local civic organizations andthe best in in and responsible producers who provide our air, land and water. contribute to events that help make management innovations are all critical components of a animal care. management plans, soil serving their rural communities in many other ways. their towns and cities better • Livestock manure is widely accepted • farmers take pride in• Manure protecting and water conservation practices, • On average, 30 million hogs are raised in Iowa annually. places and to live.isYou’ll find Pig producers • farmers participate in and pigHog farmer’s operation. as a natural crop fertilizer a air quality strategies, wildlife habitat on school boards, volunteering at • More than 39,000 jobs are directly related to raising our air, land and water. and environmental valuable commodity school to Iowa farmers. functions, leadingcontribute local civic organizations toandevents that By regularly attending trainingmanagement and certification programs, andhelp caring make for hogs. management innovations are all critical components ofnutrients a serving their rural communities in many other ways. The found in manure are • Manure management plans, pig farmer’s Total cash receipts for hog production in Iowa topped their towns and cities•better pork producers stay abreast of soil theoperation. latest environmental vital to corn and soybean plants. • By regularly attending training and certification programs, $7.5 billion in 2013. About Iowa’s pork directly industry and water conservation practices, pork producers stay abreast of the latest environmental • Most producers inject liquid manure into the places to live. You’ll find producers protection methods. protection methods. ground, or land-apply manure and immediately • Iowa is the nation’s leader in pork production because • then Iowa is the nation’s leader in porkat production because air quality strategies, wildlife habitat on school volunteering of abundant feed supplies, leading productionboards, practices incorporate the nutrients. These practices conserve Value manure and responsible producers who provide the best in of school abundant feed supplies, production practices management and environmental the nutrients and helpanimal reduce and afterfunctions, leadingleading local civic organizations and care. odor during • Livestock manure is widely accepted • On average, 30 million hogs are raised in Iowa annually. application. and responsible producers who provide the best in management innovations are all crop critical components of a as a natural fertilizer and is a serving their rural communities in many other ways. • More than 39,000 jobs are directly related to raising • Hog farmers annually develop and manage extensive valuable commodity to Iowa farmers. and caring for hogs.animal care. pig farmer’s operation. The nutrients found in manure are manure management plans to ensure every gallon Livestock manure is widely accepted • Total cash receipts for hog production in Iowa topped vital to corn and soybean plants. billion inor 2013. ofthe manure is properly$7.5 injected By •incorporated. On average, 30 million hogs are raised in Iowa annually. • By regularly attending training and certification programs, • Most producers inject liquid manure directly into as a natural crop fertilizer and is a determining the exact amounts of nutrients needed by ground, or land-apply manure and then immediately • More than 39,000 jobs are directly related to raising pork producers stay of the latest environmental the nutrients. These practices conserve the soil, producers significantly reduce the risk of overvaluable commodity toabreast Iowaincorporate farmers. the nutrients and help reduce odor during and after application and potential run-off. and caring for hogs. protection methods. application. Iowa’s Hog Farmers • Iowa’s Hog Farmers Protect the environment • Iowa’s Hog Farmers Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 11 Care| about their community Protect the environment Harlan News-Advertiser Protect the environment • Iowa’s Hog Farmers Care about their community Iowa’s Hog Farmers Iowa’s Hog Farmers Care about their community About Iowa’s pork industry Value manure • s About Iowa’s pork industry The nutrients found in manure are Iowa is the nation’s in pork production because • Hog farmers annually develop and manage extensive •• Total cash receipts forleader hog production in Iowa topped manure management plans to ensure every gallon vital to corn and soybean plants. of abundant feed supplies, leading production practices of manure is properly injected or incorporated. By $7.5 billion in 2013. Are good neighbors the exact amounts of nutrients needed by Value manureinject liquiddetermining can provide learn more about Iowa’s • Most producers manure directly into the and responsible producersYou who the best in the soil, producers significantly reduce s the risk of overapplication and potential run-off. pork producers by visiting ground, or land-apply manure and then immediately • Swine farmers are proactive and animal care. • Livestock manure is widely accepted committed to being good neighbors incorporate the nutrients.Are These practices conserve Onabout average, 30 million hogswww.iowapork.org are raised in Iowa annually. good neighbors by using the latest technology andlearn•more You can Iowa’s as a natural crop fertilizer and is a s management practices to reduce the nutrients and help reduce odor during and after pork producers by visiting • More than 39,000 jobs areIowa directly related Association to raising Pork Producers • Swine farmers are proactive and valuable commodity to Iowa farmers. livestock odor. committed to being good neighbors P.O. Box 71009 application. and caring for hogs. www.iowapork.org by using the latest technology and • Good relations are maintained by visiting with neighbors The nutrients found in manure are Clive, Iowa 50325-0009 management practices to reduce Pork Producers Association about expansion plans andIowa informing them before applying receipts for hog production in Iowa topped • Hog farmers annually develop and manage extensive • Total cash livestock odor. (515) 225-7675 • (800) 372-7675 P.O. Box 71009 vital to corn and soybean plants. manure. relations are maintained by visiting with neighbors Clive, Iowa 50325-0009 manure management plans• Good to ensure gallon fax: (515) 225-0563 $7.5 billion in 2013. about expansion plansevery and informing them before applying • Many farmers site livestock buildings in locations that (515) 225-7675 • (800) 372-7675 • Most producers inject liquid manure.manure directly into the E-mail: info@iowapork.org will have the lowest impact and be the least offensive to of manure is properly injected or incorporated. By fax: (515) 225-0563 • Many farmers site livestock buildings in locations that Website: www.iowapork.org ground, or land-apply manure and immediately neighbors. E-mail: info@iowapork.org will have the lowestthen impact and be the least offensive to determining the exact amounts of nutrients needed by Website: www.iowapork.org incorporate the nutrients.neighbors. These practices conserve the soil, producers significantly reduce the risk of over• Proven Performance the nutrients and help reduce odor during and after application and potential run-off. • Functional Features application. • Excellent Maneuverability • Hog farmers annually develop and manage extensive manure management plans to ensure every gallon Are good neighbors of manure is properly injected or incorporated. By You can learn more about Iowa’s determining the exact amounts of nutrients needed by pork producers by visiting • Swine farmers are proactive and reduce the risk of overthe soil, producers significantly committed to being good neighbors application and potential run-off. by using the latest technology and management practices to reduce Iowa Pork Producers Association livestock odor. P.O. Box 71009 Are good neighbors YouClive, can learn more about Iowa’s • Good relations are maintained by visiting with neighbors Iowa 50325-0009 s about expansion plans and informing them before applying producers by372-7675 visiting (515) pork 225-7675 • (800) • Swine farmers are proactive and manure. committed being goodbuildings neighborsin locations that fax: (515) 225-0563 • Many farmers to site livestock - Pendant grip boom control - Dual rinse nozzles using latestimpact technology and E-mail: info@iowapork.org willbyhave thethe lowest and be the least offensive to - Hydraulic glide suspension - Exclusive, ergonomically designed tank management practices to reduce Porkwww.iowapork.org Producers Website: neighbors. - Short hitch pin toIowa axle length - Variety ofAssociation options for your needs livestock odor. P.O. Box 71009 Doing Our Best To Provide You The Best • Good relations are maintained by visiting with neighbors Clive, Iowa 50325-0009 about expansion plans and informing them before applying (515) 225-7675 • (800) 372-7675 manure. fax: (515) 225-0563 • Many farmers site livestock buildings in locations that Hwy. 44 • Harlan • 712-755-3115 • 800-772-6184 E-mail: info@iowapork.org will have the lowest impact and be the least offensive to Website: www.iowapork.org neighbors. www.iowapork.org www.iowapork.org NelsoN farm supply Country Views News-Advertiser Oct. 9, 2015 I Page 12 Pork performs on menu throughout the day, Pulled Pork sales up 13.1% Carnita Meat sales up 13.2% Source: 2015 Volumetric Assessment of Pork in Foodservice, Technomic, Inc. Nishnabotna Valley REC in Harlan encourages our members, as well as all customers of Investor Owned Utilities and Municipal Utilities, to find out the facts about new Environmental Protection Agency regulations released August 3, which could dramatically increase electric bills Americans pay. Not only will the new regulations likely increase the cost to operate coal-fueled electric generation, but the EPA’s proposed mandates could force premature shutdown of power plants. This could lead to increased rates, jeopardizing reliability, and threatening thousands of American jobs. All costs of new regulation are ultimately paid by the electric consumer. For more information, please go to our website at www.nvrec.com or call us at 712-755-2166. New Tons Of el: Ste & Used gth, Any Len . e Any Styl Quality Product s& Installat ion! Fall is the time for new ✓ Leaf Guard ✓ Gutters ✓ Windows ✓ Steel Roof Gilburt Ahrenholtz 1101 Chatburn Ave., Harlan, IA gilburt@hotmail.com 712-579-1816 Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 13 Wingert Family Farm, 16000 St & Cedar Road, Panama, 1907 - 2015 Mike & Susie Wingert, Kris & Paul Wingert, Sandy Rose, Mary & Jamie Fahn. Not present: Jolene and Sergio Nolte, June and Chris McAdams and Kirk Rose. 1 Stop • 3 BrandS e v i t o m o t u A r u o “Y ” e r o t S r Supe KEAST AUTO CENTER 2101 23rd St. (Hwy 59) • Harlan, ia • 712-755-2116 1-800-234-4927 • www.keastmotors.com Open 7:30 am Everyday! Mon. & Thurs. Eve ‘til 8 pm. Saturdays ‘til 4 pm! Country Views Harlan News-Advertiser | Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 | Page 14 hogs on concrete Stowe Red e Mix Harlan, Ia • 712-755-5722 automotive, ltd. CALL 712-755-5187 1706 Exchange St. • Harlan 2 Blk N. and 2 E. of FSC Coop Elevator Custom Made Hydraulic Hoses. Largest inventory of hose and adapters in Western Iowa. QUALITY REPLACEMENT PARTS - AUTO • TRUCK • TRACTOR OPEN: M-F 8:00 AM - 5 PM Sat. 8:00 AM - Noon SM PorkBeInspired.com Proudly presented by Shelby County Pork Promoters DID YOU KNOW : Iowa leads the nation with the highest number of hogs and pigs ever, increasing our total by two percent over a year ago. The USDA’s quarterly report on September 1, 2013 head count of hogs / pigs in Iowa shows 21.2 million animals. Country Views News-Advertiser Pork remains the fastest growing protein in the food industry Withagrowthratethatoutpacesallothermeats,porkhasbeenthefastest-growingproteininfoodservicesince2011,accordingtoTechnomic,Inc.’s2015VolumetricAssessmentofPorkinFoodservice. Thestudyshowedthattotalporksoldthroughfoodserviceoutletsreached arecord9.8billionpounds,up533millionpoundsfrom2013whenthesurvey waslastconducted.Thisnumberisslightlyhigherthanthe462million-pound growthfrom2011to2013. The2.6percentporkcategoryincreasein2015outpacedtheproteingrowth averageof0.7percentandthetotalfoodserviceindus-trygrowthof1.2percent. “Wearepleasedtoseethecontinuedgrowthofporkinfoodservice,”said DerrickSleezer,presidentoftheNationalPorkBoardandaproducerfromCherokee.“Thestudyshowedthatporkcontinuedtobethestrongestperformerinthe foodserviceindustry,underscoringitsgrowingpopularity.” Since2013,processedporkhasdrivengrowthofthetotalporkcategory, increasingby2.8percentonanannualbasisandmakingup78percentofthe totalvolume.Salesoffreshporkgrew2.0percent. Thefourlargestcategoriesdrivinggrowthoftheporkcategorygrowthwere bacon,processedham,breakfastsausageandribs.Salesoftheseproductscollectivelyrepresented65percentoftotalsalesonacarcass-weightequivalent. Otherhighlightsinclude: •Incategorieswithbothuncookedandpre-cookedpork,uncookedporkuse Pre-Owned Mowers Country Clipper Boss 35HP, 60" cut, Twin stick, used 1 season, Factory warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000 Country Clipper Defender 35HP, 60" cut, Twin stick w/Power lift, used 1 season, Factory warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 Cub Cadet Z Force 60 S., 24HP, 60" cut, w/Cub Cadet Lift Jack, 2 yr. old . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 Get your pre-owned mower before the good ones are gone! Close-Out Specials On New 2015 Models Remaining In Stock! Motorcycle - '98 Honda Goldwing SE 1500, loaded, 74,300 miles. Pictures on Craiglist search "Defiance" $5,500 STEVE’S REPAIR Oct. 9, 2015 I Page 15 grew at a slightly faster rate than precooked pork over the past two years – 3.4 percent and 3.2 percent, respectively. • In categories with bone-in and bonelesspork,sales of both increased since 2013, with boneless pork sales growingataslightly fasterrate.“Porkisa versatileproteinthatisbeinglever-agedaroundthecountrybyfoodserviceoperatorswhowanttodeliverflavor,inspirationandinnovationacrosstheirmenus,” Sleezersaid.“Porkproducersareproudtoprovidesafe,wholesomeproducts thatfitanymenu.” Offering complete farm management services to landowners! Clint Freund, Farm Manager/CCA Certified Crop Advisor PO Box 166 • Atlantic, Iowa 50022 (712) 243-4278 or (515) 835-1706 CFreund@FarmersNational.com www.FarmersNational.com/ClintFreund Farmers National Company also provides a complete line of real estate services, including land auctions. Whether buying land or selling, call Clint to assist you in finding the ideal agricultural or recreational property. www.FarmersNational.com Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management • Appraisal • Insurance Consultation • Oil and Gas Management • Forest Resource Management National Hunting Leases • Lake Management • FNC Ag Stock SALE EVERY SATURDAY Hogs 8:30 am • Misc. 9 a.m. Sheep 9 am • Cows 11 am Followed by Feeder Cattle WWW. DENISON LIVESTOCK.COM 305 2nd St., Defiance, IA • (712) 748-4466 JR Pauley 269-7777 • Tom Pauley 263-0224 • Ben Pauley 269-6846 Dave Vanness 265-1189 • Randy Pryor 644-7610 • Jared Muhlbauer 269-7729 www.countryclipper.com Erv Pauley & Sons, owners & operators • Barn 263-3149 Country Views News-Advertiser Oct. 9, 2015 I Page 16 Pulled pork sales continue to rise but don’t count bacon out yet ! HARLAN -Mentionbacon,andpeopletakenotice. Locally,ShelbyCountyCookers,whichisownedbyMonogram PreparedMeats,Memphis,TN,offersavarietyofcookedslicedbaconitemsaswellasbacontoppingsprimarilytothepizzaindustry andindustrialusersattheirHarlanplant.Theplant,locatedamile southofHarlanonHwy59,andemploys245people. Baconisstillthe“it”ingredientatmanyrestaurantsnationwide, wherenew,bacon-inspiredmenuitemscontinuetocaptivatethepalateofAmericanconsumers. “Thebaconcrazeseemstobematur-ing,”saidStephenGerike, director of foodservice marketing for the Pork Check-off. “We’re seeingusesofbaconthataremorecreativeandlessfar-fetchedthan sundaesanddonuts.Hickory-smokedandthick-cutbaconarewidely promoted,andbaconisstillbeingaddedtomenuitemstoincrease flavorandtextureofdishes.” Afewyearsago,baconbecameoneofAmerica’smostinescapable fadfoodswithitsownwackydishesandcult-likefollowing.While somesaidthecured-porkcrazewenttoofar,baconhasretainedits placeasoneofthebest-sellingmeatsinAmerica.“Thebacontrend showsnosignofslowing,”Gerikesaid.“Baconhasprovenitcan drive traffic to existing brands andaddprofittopremiummenu Bacon is the top-menitems.” For example, the Little tioned pork product on Caesars pizza chain recently social media, according unveiled a deep-dish pizza to a Checkoff funded wrappedinthick-cutbacon,and survey that analyzed Starbucks debuted its double- more than 30 million smoked bacon breakfast sand- posts on Face-book, wich. Twitter and Instagram. “We work with restaurant chains to include bacon, ham andsausageasingredientsandflavorenhancers,”Gerikesaid.“With strongsales,neverunderestimatethepowerofbacon. Iowa’s 1 Ag Bank # Our 11th year! EXPERIENCED lenders. LOCAL ownership. COMMITMENT to agriculture. That’s the United Bank of Iowa difference. Member FDIC www.unitedbk.com WE SALUTE OUR AREA PORK PRODUCERS ON A JOB WELL DONE! 1802 23rd St. • Harlan, Iowa • 712-755-5800 Proud Business Partners with the Citizens of Shelby County! Monogram Some of the many brands of Monogram Prepared Meats prepared meats Harlan, Iowa