WC Master Programming Guide-Dec2014.indd
WC Master Programming Guide-Dec2014.indd
Master Programming Manual for TotalCare, CareSoft Elite, CareSoft Pro, Ion Pro and CareClear Pro Models Effective December 2014 Button appearance and position may be different than actual valve. Cycle times, sequences and settings in this guide are only examples of how your system may be programmed. Actual settings are determined by the manufacturer. Please contact them if more information is needed. Important sequences to note: 1. To unlock valve to adjust settings, push the following buttons in the following order: –, NEXT, +, CLOCK. This will allow user to change manufacturer’s settings. When finished, lock settings by pushing the same sequence. 2. To clear an error on screen, push NEXT and REGEN at the same time and hold for three seconds. 3. If service alarm is triggered, push + and – for three seconds to reset to original set points. This will reset both gallon and year alarms. General Operation Screens Pressing NEXT will toggle between one of five displays. Press REGEN to set a regeneration to occur tonight. TIME OF DAY GPM MON 8 2:40 PM FLOW RATE 8.0 GPM NO “REGEN TODAY” will alternate with the current screen header if a regen is expected tonight. 8 1600 GAL DAYS TO A REGEN GPM 8 Any one of these chosen displays will flash alternately with dealer name screen. Displays present flow rate. 555 5555555 DEALER NA If YES is selected, unit will not regenerate. Once unit has delivered 50 gallons of water, unit will return to NO and regen at next set time. Default is NO. CAPACITY REMAINING GPM Unit defaults to this screen after a reset. Displays vacation mode. Turn on/off with + and — buttons. ON VACATION GPM and flow rate flashing while turbine is rotating Displays current time. 3 Displays a units remaining capacity. This screen will not display if the units gallons of capacity is set to OFF. The unit can run into negative capacities and will regenerate two nights in a row if it overruns its capacity by the selected percentage. Displays dealer name and phone number. To change name and phone number, see page 4. Displays days remaining to a regen. This screen will not display if the units day override is set to OFF. Return to general display. Set Time Screens Typical Regen Screens Accessed by pressing CLOCK. Only viewed when in regeneration. TIME HOUR SET 2:00 TIME MINUTES SET 2:35 AM AM CURRENT DAY SET WED Return to general display. Set hours with + and — buttons. BACKWASH REMAINING AM/PM toggles after 12 AM. 2 3:30 Set minutes with + and — buttons. GENERATOR ON AM/PM toggles after 12 AM. 2 Set current day with + and — buttons. Default is WED. 2 53:45 Displays time remaining in current cycle. “2” flashes for second backwash. Displays time remaining in current cycle. MIN With the chlorinator set to ON, the brine concentration will be checked during draw; text will alternate between DRAW TIME & GENERATOR ON. Installer/User Screens Accessed by pressing NEXT and + simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. WATER HARDNESS SET 20 Set water hardness with + and — buttons. GR DAYS BETWEEN REGEN 6 SET Adjustable from 1-150 grains, within limits determined by capacity settings, as to not override gallons capacity setting. Default is 20. Set days between a regeneration with + and — buttons. Adjustable from 1-28 days, or OFF. Default is 6. REGENS PER DAY SET 4 PER Set multiple number of regenerations per day with + and CLOCK buttons. Adjustable from 1- 6 days or select “OFF” to return to Days Between Regen. (Example screen indicates unit set to regen 4 times in one day.) Set hour of regen time with + and — buttons. REGEN TIME HOUR SET 2:00 AM REGEN TIME MINUTES SET 2:00 AM If IMMEDIATE REGEN is set (see page #), regen will be immediate once total capacity is exhausted and ON ZERO will be displayed. Default is 2:00 AM. Set minutes of regen time with + and — buttons. If IMMEDIATE REGEN is set (see page #), regen will be immediate once total capacity is exhausted and ON ZERO will be displayed. Default is 2:00 AM. To activate Service Alarms, see page 5. Service alarm feature is used to warn the owner that the unit currently needs service. For example, you can use this feature to remind the owner when a filter needs replacement, an R.O. system needs servicing, or routine maintenance needs to be performed. This can be set by gallons, time or both. Default is OFF for both. SERVICE ALARM SET OFF GAL SERVICE ALARM SET OFF YR Turn service alarm ON or OFF with + and — buttons to set duration in gallons. Default is OFF. Increments are between 100-9,999,000 gallons. Turn service alarm ON or OFF with + and — buttons to set duration in years. Default is OFF. Increments are between .25-9.75 years. continue to next page 3 Installer/User Screens cont’d Accessed by pressing NEXT and + simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. continued from previous page Alarm buzzer feature allows you to program the time in which the alarm buzzer will sound, permitting the installer to pick a time when the owner will be home or awake to hear it. Turn alarm buzzer ON or OFF with + and — buttons. ALARM BUZZER SET ON When ON, alarm will sound after a failed regen or when an error occurs. NOTE: When alarm buzzer screen is displayed, you can access dealer name and phone number setting. PHONE NUMBER DEALER NA ALARM BUZZER START SET 6:00 AM ALARM BUZZER END SET 10:00 Pressing NEXT proceeds to next character. Pressing + or – changes the character. Set alarm buzzer start time with + and — buttons. Default is 6:00 a.m. Set alarm buzzer end time with + and — buttons. PM LIGHT NORMALLY SET Change dealer name and phone number by pressing CLOCK and + buttons. ON Default is 10:00 p.m. Set backlight operation with + and — buttons. Default is ON. OFF will turn display backlight off after 5 minutes of keypad inactivity. Return to general display. 4 Service Alarm Use If activating service alarms, please use the following instructions. Service alarm feature is used to warn the owner that the unit currently needs service. For example, you can use this feature to remind the owner when a filter needs replacement, an R.O. system needs servicing, or routine maintenance needs to be performed. This can be set by gallons, time or both. Default is OFF for both. SERVICE ALARM SET OFF Turn service alarm by gallons ON or OFF with + and — buttons. GAL Default is OFF. SERVICE ALARM SET 10000 GAL ALARM DISPLAY TYPE SET NOTE: NORMAL Use + button to set number of gallons. Increments are between 100-9,999,000 gallons. Use + button to set alarm as normal or custom. NORMAL will show a pre-programmed message that reads “Call dealer for service” when alarm is triggered. CUSTOM allows a custom message to be programmed and will scroll when alarm is triggered. 1. When using custom screens, a different message can be programmed in gallons and years. ALARM DISPLAY TYPE SET 2. To reset a service alarm while in status display, push + and – for three seconds. This will reset both gallon and year alarms. CUSTOM SCHEDULED SERVICE ABCD If custom is chosen, push + and — buttons for three seconds to access character programming. Push + or — buttons to program characters. Push NEXT to advance to next character. 55 characters are allowed. SCHEDULE SERVICE IN SERVICE ALARM SET OFF YR 10000 GAL Status Display This display will show gallons remaining before service alarm is set to trigger. Push + and – for three seconds to reset to gallon setpoint. Turn service alarm by years ON or OFF with + and — buttons. Default is OFF. SERVICE ALARM SET 1.00 YR ALARM DISPLAY TYPE SET NORMAL Use + button to set duration of time in years. Increments are between .25-9.75 years. Use + button to set alarm as normal or custom. NORMAL will show a pre-programmed message that reads “Call dealer for service” when alarm is triggered. CUSTOM allows a custom message to be programmed and will scroll when alarm is triggered. ALARM DISPLAY TYPE SET CUSTOM SCHEDULED SERVICE ABCD If custom is chosen, push + and — buttons for three seconds to access character programming. Push + or — buttons to program characters. Push NEXT to advance to next character. 55 characters are allowed. SCHEDULE SERVICE IN 1.00 YR Refer back to page 4 5 Status Display This display will show time remaining before service alarm is set to trigger. Push + and – for three seconds to reset to year setpoint. Service/OEM SOFTENING Screens Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. SOFTENING Select SOFTENING or FILTERING with + and — buttons. TYPE SET If you have selected FILTERING, please refer to “Service/OEM FILTERING screens”, page 7. GRAINS OF CAPACITY 32.0 SET X1K RESERVE CALCULATOR AUTO SET Set systems grains of capacity with + and — buttons. X1K = 1,000 grains Default is 32. Set reserve calculator with + and — buttons. AUTO automatically calculates reserve capacity. OFF will regen by days override setting only. GALS BETWEEN REGEN will regen by specific gallon setting. Default is AUTO. DBL REGEN IF OVER Set double regen point with + and — buttons. SET If units capacity is overrun by this percentage, the unit will regen two nights in a row. Default is 10%. FILL SET FILL SET >10% CYCLE 1 15.0 LBS SOFTENING SET CYCLE 2 240:00 Set second cycle position with + and — buttons. CYCLE 3 This is the time between brine tank fill and start of backwash. This time window allows the salt to dissolve and achieve proper brine strength. This process will start prior to regen time setting. Default is 240:00 minutes. Set third cycle position with + and — buttons. #1 Set backwash time with + and — buttons. BACKWASH TIME SET Default is 15.0 pounds. Set softening time with + and — buttons. MIN BACKWASH SET Set salt pounds per regen with + and — buttons. #1 SOFTENING TIME SET Set first cycle position with + and — buttons. #1 12:00 MIN Default is 12:00 minutes. continue to next page 6 During FILL and SOFTENING positions, unit will deliver soft water. Service/OEM SOFTENING Screens cont’d Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. continued from previous page REGENERANT DRAW DN SET CYCLE 4 Set draw time with + and — buttons. DRAW TIME 90:00 SET Only appears on units equipped with chlorine generator option. Set fourth cycle position with + and — buttons. #1 MIN GENERATE CHLORINE 40% SET Default is 90:00 minutes. To turn chlorine generator on or off, or to change amount of chlorine to be generated to setting other than 40%, hold CLOCK and + buttons simultaneously. Use + and — buttons to change to percentage of brine. Default is 40%. Any setting above 50% for residential units is not recommended. Higher settings are used when additional chlorine production is needed, as in larger units. Consult manufacturer before changing. WARNING: If resin media is used, this MUST be set no higher than 10% or media damage could occur. RINSE SET CYCLE 5 Set final rapid rinse time with + and — buttons. RINSE TIME SET 4:00 MIN END SET This valve has the ability to program an “alternate regeneration.” This feature allows the programmer to do a second set of regeneration sequences based on regens, gallons or days. This valve will always use the first set of settings as the primary sequence of regens. As with the first set, the second set has the capability of 14 different cycle positions. If one of the three triggering options (regens, gallons or days) is selected, the valve will prompt you for the desired sequence and duration of each cycle position. If more than one triggering option is selected, whichever signals first will start the second regeneration sequence and reset the other valves. CYCLE 6 #1 ALT REGEN START SET REGENS OFF ALT REGEN START SET OFF GAL OFF Default is 4:00 minutes. Set end cycle with + and — buttons. After all cycles have been configured, an END cycle is added (14 cycles max). Turn alternate regeneration sequence by number of regens ON or OFF with + and — buttons. DAY Indicates second sequence. Adustable from 1-99 regens or OFF. Default is OFF. Turn alternate regeneration sequence by number of gallons ON or OFF with + and — buttons. Adjustable from 3,000-99,000 gallons or OFF. Default is OFF. ALT REGEN START SET Set fifth cycle position with + and — buttons. #1 Turn alternate regeneration sequence by number of days ON or OFF with + and — buttons. Adjustable from 1-365 days or OFF. Default is OFF. Return to general display. 7 BACKWASH SET CYCLE 1 #2 Press NEXT to set additional cycle positions. Service/OEM FILTERING Screens Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. FILTERING Select SOFTENING or FILTERING with + and — buttons. TYPE SET If you have selected SOFTENING, please refer to “Service/OEM SOFTENING screens”, pages 5-6. GALLONS CAPACITY 1000 SET Set gallons of capacity with + and — buttons. GAL DBL REGEN IF OVER SET CAP 10% CYCLE 1 15:00 SET Set backwash time with + and — buttons. MIN RINSE CYCLE 2 Set second cycle position with + and — buttons. Set final rapid rinse time with + and — buttons. 4:00 MIN END SET Default is 15:00 minutes. #1 RINSE TIME SET Set first cycle position with + and — buttons. #1 BACKWASH TIME SET Set double regen point with + and — buttons. If units capacity is overrun by this percentage, the unit will regen two nights in a row. Default is 10%. BACKWASH SET To turn off, set below 0. OFF does not use metered water to determine a regen and will not be an option if days override is not set. Default is 1000 gallons. CYCLE 3 #1 Default is 4:00 minutes. Set end cycle with + and — buttons. After all cycles have been configured, an END cycle is added (14 cycles max). continue to next page 8 Service/OEM FILTERING Screens cont’d Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. continued from previous page This valve has the ability to program an “alternate regeneration.” This feature allows the programmer to do a second set of regeneration sequences based on regens, gallons or days. This valve will always use the first set of settings as the primary sequence of regens. As with the first set, the second set has the capability of 14 different cycle positions. If one of the three triggering options (regens, gallons or days) is selected, the valve will prompt you for the desired sequence and duration of each cycle position. ALT REGEN START SET REGENS OFF ALT REGEN START SET OFF GAL OFF DAY Indicates second sequence. Adustable from 1-99 regens or OFF. Default is OFF. Turn alternate regeneration sequence by number of gallons ON or OFF with + and — buttons. Adjustable from 1,000-99,000 gallons or OFF. Default is OFF. ALT REGEN START SET Turn alternate regeneration sequence by number of regens ON or OFF with + and — buttons. Turn alternate regeneration sequence by number of days ON or OFF with + and — buttons. Adjustable from 1-365 days or OFF. Default is OFF. Return to general display. 9 BACKWASH SET CYCLE 1 #2 Press NEXT to set additional cycle positions. Configuration Screens Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Once screen changes, press NEXT and — simultaneously again for three seconds. VALVE TYPE SET 1.0 Select meter size with + and — buttons. IN PROPORTIONAL MODE SET OFF Set to 1”, 1.25”, 1.5”, 2” or 1.0T (for twin units). Upflow brining will not be an option if set to anything other than 1” or 1.0T. With 1.0T set, meter calibration will be fixed, with a different value for each tank. With 1.0T set, MAV 1 setting will not be viewed, but forced to be set to Alternator Mode w/ Delayed Rinse+Fill set to OFF. With 1.0T set, the Backwash-Air regeneration step will not be available. Default is 1”. Select proportional regeneration and/or proportional brining with + and — buttons. Default is OFF. PROPORTIONAL MODE SET FILL NOTE: This screen will only appear and is only available when: 1. Upflow brine control is used. 2. Brine Pre-fill is selected. 3. Regenerant Draw Up is selected. Set proportional brining with + and — buttons. OR PROPORTIONAL MODE SET REGEN FILL indicates that unit’s fill duration and volume will be variable, adjusted proportional to actual water usage. Proportional Fill will divide the actual volume used by the calculated volumetric capacity, then multiply the predetermined fill volume by this percentage (20% – 150%). A Day Override Regen has a variable fill with a minimum fill time of 20%. A Manual Immediate Regen has a normal non-variable fill. Set proportional regeneration with + and — buttons. REGEN indicates that unit’s Backwash and Rinse durations will be variable, adjusted in direct proportion to actual water usage. This adjustment is based on the percentage of volumetric capacity used at the time of regeneration versus the total capacity. This adjustment will be made regardless of the means of initiating the regeneration, automatic or manual. The two additional displays are used to set the range of this adjustment. The minimum adjustment value is variable between 20 – 90% in 10% increments. The maximum adjustment value is variable between 100 – 150% in 10% increments. 50 – 130% is the default adjustment range. DLFC SET 1.7 Set rate of drain line flow with + and — buttons. GPM This is used in determining the water efficiency data viewed in history screens. Available settings from 0.7 to 25.0. Default is 1.7 GPM. OR PROPORTIONAL MODE SET BOTH NOTE: This screen will only appear and is only available when: 1. Upflow brine control is used. 2. Brine Pre-fill is selected. 3. Regenerant Draw Up is selected. Set proportional brining and regeneration with + and — buttons. BOTH indicates that Proportional Fill and Proportional Regeneration are both active. DELAYED SET TYPE MAV DRIVE 1 SET OFF Set regen time control with + and — buttons. DELAYED sets regen to specified regen time. DELAY + IMMEDIATE sets regen to occur after 10 minutes of no water usage. IMMEDIATE sets an immediate regen upon zero gallons of remaining capacity. Default is DELAYED. Set first MAV drive control with + and — buttons. ALT A and ALT B are only used in twin configurations (see MAV manual for more details). SYSTEM CONTROLLER configures board to operate with the Clack System Controller. SEPARATE SOURCE changes state at the start and end of regen cycle. NO HARD BYPASS configures MAV as a no hard water bypass. TIME changes state at a set time referenced to the start of regen, for a preset duration of time independent of actual regen status. Inactive during alternate regeneration cycle. Default is OFF. WARNING: Leaving valve in ALT A, ALT B or ENABLED without proper hardware will result in errors. continue to next page 10 Configuration Screens cont’d Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Once screen changes, press NEXT and — simultaneously again for three seconds. continued from previous page Set second MAV drive control with + and — buttons. MAV DRIVE 2 SET OFF TIME changes state at a set time referenced to the start of regen, for a preset duration of time independent of actual regen status. Inactive during alternate regeneration cycle. SEPARATE SOURCE changes state at the start and end of regen cycle. NO HARD BYPASS configures MAV as a no hard water bypass. Default is OFF. AUXILIARY INPUT SET OFF Set auxiliary input with + and — buttons. REG IMMED indicates unit will regen immediately. DELAY indicates that after a 2 minute signal from external contact, unit will regen at delayed regen time. HOLD indicates that unit will not regen while external contacts are closed. ALARM indicates that control valve’s internal alarm will sound upon external contact closure. Default is OFF. WARNING: External contact is needed to operate any of the above settings properly. If no external contact is connected, no setting is needed. RELAY 1 TRIGGER SET OFF Set first relay trigger with + button. Press + to reach desired triggering event. If not using a relay, make sure OFF is selected and press NEXT. OFF indicates that no external devices are being used. Default is OFF. RELAY 1 TRIGGER Set relay trigger with + and — buttons. SET TIME indicates that relay will be energized for a specified period of time during regen only. To set by this, press NEXT. Advance to Relay Trigger 2 If using Relay: 1. Push + to engage one of the following Relay Triggers: • Time • Gallons • Regen • Error • Flow • Pulse 2. Press NEXT to program Setpoints and Durations. TIME RELAY 1 SETPOINT Set relay setpoint with + and — buttons. SET This is the delay time period after regen starts that relay will initially energize. 0 indicates an immediate start. 15 MIN RELAY 1 DURATION Set relay duration with + and — buttons. SET This is the duration of time, after relay setpoint, that relay will remain energized. 90:00 MIN NOTE: Can be all or any part of total regen time, but will turn off at end of regen. Advance to Relay Trigger 2 RELAY 1 TRIGGER Set relay trigger with + and — buttons. SET GALLONS indicates that relay will be energized after a specified number of gallons are expended in service position only. To set by this, press NEXT. GALLONS RELAY 1 SETPOINT Set relay setpoint with + and — buttons. SET This is the gallons that will be expended before relay will initially energize. 25 GAL RELAY 1 DURATION Set relay duration with + and — buttons. SET This is the duration of time, after relay setpoint, that relay will remain energized. Adjustable from 1 sec to 500 min. 0:30 MIN NOTE: Will shut off if a regen is initiated. Advance to Relay Trigger 2 continue to next page 11 Configuration Screens cont’d Accessed by pressing NEXT and — simultaneously for three seconds. Once screen changes, press NEXT and — simultaneously again for three seconds. continued from previous page Set relay trigger with + and — buttons. RELAY 1 TRIGGER SET REGEN GAL REGEN GALLONS indicates that relay will be energized after a specified number of gallons are expended during service and regen. To set by this, press NEXT. RELAY 1 SETPOINT Set relay setpoint with + and — buttons. SET This is the gallons that will be expended before relay will initially energize. 25 RELAY 1 DURATION Set relay duration with + and — buttons. SET This is the duration of time, after relay setpoint, that relay will remain energized. Adjustable from 1 sec to 500 min. 0:30 MIN Advance to Relay Trigger 2 RELAY 1 TRIGGER Set relay trigger with + and — buttons. SET ERROR indicates that relay will be energized while unit is in an error mode. To set by this, press NEXT. ERROR Advance to Relay Trigger 2 RELAY 1 TRIGGER Set relay trigger with + and — buttons. SET FLOW indicates that relay will close whenever flow is detected by the control. To set by this, press NEXT. FLOW Advance to Relay Trigger 2 RELAY 1 TRIGGER Set relay trigger with + and — buttons. SET PULSE indicates that relay will generate a dry-contact signal output. To set by this, press NEXT. PULSE RELAY 1 SETPOINT Set relay setpoint with + and — buttons. SET Set meter pulses per gallon (PPG). Adjustable from 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 – 10.00 in 1 PPG increments. 1.00 PPG Advance to Relay Trigger 2 RELAY 2 TRIGGER SET OFF Set second relay trigger with + and — buttons. If not using a relay, make sure OFF is selected and press NEXT. OFF indicates that no external devices are being used. Default is OFF. (See first Relay Trigger for same options.) NOTE: Only press + button to set relay. Return to general display. 12 First Level History Screens Accessed by pressing + and — simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. DAYS SINCE REGEN Displays number of days since last regen. 5 VOLUME SINCE REGEN 980 Displays reserve capacity. RESERVE FOR 320 MON USAGE DAY Displays number of gallons since last regen. GAL WED GAL R 15 230 GAL Use + and — buttons to scroll through each day of the week to view calculated reserve capacity. Displays gallon usage history. Use + and — buttons to scroll through past 90 days of water usage history. T1 and T2 usage for this day combined in this display (1.0T Mode Only). “R” indicates a regen has occurred that day. “M” indicates a manual regeneration. WED 12- 1 AM DAY 15 0 GAL “S” indicates a step through manual regeneration. “E” indicates a valve error has occurred. Displays gallon usage by hour any time within last 90 days. Access by pressing + and — buttons simultaneously for three seconds. Use + and — buttons to scroll through each hour of the day. Back to usage screen Only appears on units set to 1.0T Mode. Only appears when Proportional Mode is set to Regen or Both. 1 A→B 3 DAYS 12:35 0.00 Displays tank transfer history. GAL “1” indicates most recent tank transfer. “A” indicates service flow transferring away from tank. “B” indicates service flow transferring to tank. “3” indicates days ago of transfer (99 day max) “0.00” indicates gallons used at time of transfer. PROP SALT SAVINGS 999 256 LBS PROP WATER SAVINGS 999 Only appears on units equipped with MAV. Use + and — buttons to scroll through last 10 tank transfers. Viewed in 1.0T Mode only. 1024 MAV 1 - FIRST CYC CCC GAL Displays salt savings history. Use + and — buttons to scroll through last 999 days to view salt savings when the Proportional Fill feature is active. Push and hold both the + and — buttons to reset this display. Viewed only when Proportional Mode is set to Fill or Both. Displays water savings history. Use + and — buttons to scroll through last 999 days to view salt savings when the Proportional Regen feature is active. Push and hold both the + and — buttons to reset this display. Viewed only when Proportional Mode is set to Regen or Both. TTT Displays MAV drive time history for an active MAV 1 output. VVV Use + and — buttons to select a MAV output. Pushing both + and — buttons will reset this display. First = Average of the first three drive times measured for that MAV in that direction. Last = Last drive time measured for that MAV in that direction. Ave = Current average drive time calculated for that MAV in that direction. TTT = Relative MAV drive time measured (First/Last/Ave). CCC = Total number of cycles in/out for that MAV. VVV = Relative MAV drive voltage measured (First/Last/Ave). continue to next page 13 First Level History Screens cont’d Accessed by pressing + and — simultaneously for three seconds. Returns to general display after 5 minutes. continued from previous page MAX FLOW HISTORY 12 MON GPM TOTAL GALLONS 250 970 TOTAL REGENS 190 REGEN 15 %BRINE 100 BRINE DRAW TIME 1 VLT Use + and — buttons to scroll through last 7 days to view peak flow rate for that day. Displays total gallons used since startup. X1K TOTAL DAYS Only appears on units equipped with chlorine generator option. Displays peak flow rate history. 4.6 15:00MIN BRINE ERRORS 2 X1K = 1,000 gallons Displays total days unit has been in service. Displays total regens since startup. Displays brine concentration history. Use + and — buttons to scroll through last 50 regenerations to view brine concentration. Units with multiple brine cycles only record the first one. Displays voltage consumed and brine draw time. Use + and — buttons to scroll through last 50 regens and view voltage consumed, along with time it took to draw brine from tank. Displays total number of times chlorinator detected an error, including low salt. Errors will be recorded from all brine cycles. Return to general display. 14 Second Level History Screens Accessed by pressing + and — simultaneously for three seconds. Once screen changes, press + and — simultaneously again for three seconds. Non-resettable history. SOFTWARE VERSION Displays software version. TOTAL GALLONS Displays total gallons used since startup. XXXxx 250 X1K TOTAL DAYS 970 TOTAL REGENS 190 BRINE ERRORS 2 ERROR LOG 1 101 Return to general display. Displays total days unit has been in service. Displays total regens since startup. Displays total number of times chlorinator detected an error, including low salt. Errors will be recorded from all brine cycles. Displays last ten valve errors that occurred. Scroll through with + and — buttons. Error Code Description 101 UNABLE TO START: Valve not sensing valve movement with motor energized. 102 MOTOR STALLED: Valve unable to find next cycle position (stalled). 103 MOTOR RAN TOO LONG: Valve unable to find next cycle position. 104 VALVE HOMING: Valve unable to find Home position. 106 MAV 1 RAN TOO LONG: MAV 1 motor ran too long, unable to find proper park position. 107 MAV 1 STALLED: MAV 1 motor ran too short, unable to find proper park position (stalled). 109 INVALID MOTOR STATE: Control can no longer operate properly due to detection of an invalid motor state. 116 MAV 2 RAN TOO LONG: MAV 2 motor ran too long, unable to find proper park position. 117 MAV 2 STALLED: MAV 2 motor ran too short, stalled, unable to find proper park position. 201 INVALID REGEN STEP: Control can no longer operate properly due to detection of an invalid regeneration cycle step; internal software error. 204 LEAK DETECTED. 402 POWER DOWN MEMORY: Check sum error for operational data and status section of EEPROM memory — specific type of memory failure. 403 PROGRAM MEMORY: Check sum error for programming section of EEPROM memory — specific type of memory failure. 404 DIAGNOSTIC MEMORY: Check sum error for diagnostic section of EEPROM memory — specific type of memory failure. 405 HISTORY MEMORY: Check sum error for history section of EEPROM memory — specific type of memory failure. 406 CONTACT MEMORY: Check sum error for contact screen section of EEPROM memory — specific type of memory failure. 407 STATUS RAM MEMORY FAILURE: Control can no longer operate properly due to corrupted data detected in the Operational Data and Status Section of RAM memory. Once generated, the Error Mode is not entered nor an error displayed, instead previously stored data (<6 hours old) is used to maintain control operation. 408 DIAGNOSTIC RAM MEMORY FAILURE: Control can no longer operate properly due to corrupted data detected in the Diagnostic Section of RAM memory. Once generated, the Error Mode is not entered nor an error displayed, instead previously stored data (<6 hours old) is used to maintain control operation. 410 CONFIG DOWNLOAD: Configurator file downloaded to the control was not originally uploaded from another control with the identical software revision. 15 1900 Prospect Court • Appleton, WI 54914 Phone: 920-739-9401 • Fax: 920-739-9406