Focus - UHF Magazine
Focus - UHF Magazine
ELECTRONICS: A multichannel tube preamp from Copland, great integrated amps from Vecteur and Audiomat, and an MC phono stage from Rega SPEAKERS: Focus Audio, Thiel, Iliad PLUS: CD players from Audio Note and Copland, and Paul Bergman on the black art of power supplies AS WELL AS: What comes after the DVD? No. 68 $4.99 ISSN 0847-1851 Canadian Publication Sales Product, Agreement No. 40065638 RETURN LABELS ONLY OF UNDELIVERED COPIES TO: Box 65085 Place Longueuil, Longueuil, Qué. Canada J4K 5J4 Printed in Canada Castle QED Target Vandersteen Audioprism McCormack Roksan Kandy MkIII Winner WHAT HI-FI SUPERTEST October 2003 Bel Canto Rega WBT Gamut Apollo GutWire ASW Speakers Goldring Milty Perfect Sound Nitty Gritty Radiant Speakers Roksan Radius 5 Justice Audio 9251-8 Yonge St., Suite 218 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9T3 Tel. : (905) 780-0079 • Fax : (905) 780-0443 LAST record care WATTGate Audiophile CDs Audiophile LPs DVD and SACD Issue No. 68 The Thiel CS2.4 Not too big, not too small. Is it the peak of Jim Thiel’s art? 30 Focus Audio FS688 Loudspeaker Surprisingly small, surprisingly beautiful, surprisingly desirable. 34 Iliad B1 Speaker A small speaker with no surprises. Oh…except possibly for its price tag. 37 Audio Note CD Player 39 You’ve seen the name, but how often have you seen the gear? Cover story: The gorgeous Focus Audio FS688, one of three loudspeakers reviewed in this issue. In the background, a Montreal summer sky. Rendezvous Going Against the Flow 19 YBA’s Yves-Bernard André is not known for following the pack. He explains why he’s not about to start. Copland CDA-822 Player Is the CD dead? We say no. So does Copland. 41 Vecteur I-6.2 Amplifier Looking for a separate amplifier and preamplifier? Read this first. 43 Audiomat Arpège Référence Amplifier Promise her anything, but give her… 46 Rega Fono MC We were so bowled over by the original that we deplored the absence of a moving coil version. We didn’t have to wait long. 49 The GutWire MaxCon Cleaning up the dreck from the power utility? We’re for it. 52 Listening Room Preview 54 The Connoisseur SE-2 single-ended tube amp, the GutWire NotePad damping devices. Cinema Software Beyond DVD 21 They told you the DVD was the future. They never said the whole future. Nuts&Bolts The Power Supply by Paul Bergman Power supplies aren’t rocket science. So why does everybody talk about them so much? 24 55 Record Reviews by Reine Lessard and Gerard Rejskind 63 Departments The Listening Room The Copland CTA-306 Preamplifier Can a six-channel tube preamplifier aspire to reference quality? Anthem! by Reine Lessard Every country has one. National anthems, it turns out, include some of the world’s truly great music. 28 Editorial Feedback Free Advice Classified Ads Gossip & News State of the Art 2 5 7 66 69 72 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 1 UHF Magazine No. 68 was published in November, 2003. All contents are copyright 2003 by Broadcast Canada. They may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. EDITORIAL & SUBSCRIPTION OFFICE: Broadcast Canada Box 65085, Place Longueuil LONGUEUIL, Québec, Canada J4K 5J4 Tel.: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383 E-mail: World Wide Web: PUBLISHER & EDITOR: Gerard Rejskind ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Reine Lessard EDITORIAL: Paul Bergman, Reine Lessard, Albert Simon PHOTOGRAPHY: Albert Simon ADVERTISING SALES: Québec: Reine Lessard (450) 651-5720 Alberta & BC: Derek Coates (604) 522-6168 Other: Gerard Rejskind (450) 651-5720 NATIONAL NEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTION: Stonehouse Publications 85 Chambers Drive, Unit 2, AJAX, Ont. L1Z 1E2 Tel.: (905) 428-7541 or (800) 461-1640 SINGLE COPY PRICE: $4.99 in Canada, $4.99 (US) in the United States, $8.60 (CAN) elsewhere, including air mail. In Canada sales taxes are extra. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: CANADA: USA: ELSEWHERE (surface mail): $25 for 6 issues* US$25 for 6 issues CAN$40 for 6 issues *Applicable taxes extra Air mail outside Canada/US: an extra $1.10 per issue PRE-PRESS SERVICES: Multi-Média PRINTING: Interglobe-Beauce FILED WITH The National Library of Canada and La Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec. ISSN 0847-1851 Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product No. 0611387 Ultra High Fidelity Magazine invites contributions. Though all reasonable care will be taken of materials submitted, we cannot be responsible for their damage or loss, however caused. Materials will be returned only if a stamped selfaddressed envelope is provided. Because our needs are specialized, it is advisable to query before submitting. Ultra High Fidelity Magazine is completely independent of all companies in the electronics industry, as are all of its contributors, except as noted. 2 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Editorial Those darned labels The subscription ad on the page across says it: we don’t believe that the price of buying UHF regularly should be a ratty dog-eared magazine with torn edges and a label welded onto the most interesting part of the cover. Nothing new about that. When we mailed out issue No. 1 to the very few who had subscribed without ever seeing a copy (an act of faith if ever there was one), we put it into a plastic envelope with the label pasted on the envelope. Each copy arrived in perfect condition. And it’s been that way across more than two decades. So we were miffed (no, not miffed, livid? Furious? Apoplectic?) when we discovered that some issues of No. 67 had been mailed with the label right on the cover! Fortunately the labels we use can be removed with a little care, leaving little or no residue. Of course the guilty parties have been punished (I’m told they are now wearing orange jumpsuits somewhere in the Caribbean), and we have been assured this will never, never happen again. Amen. Previewing equipment We’re working to pick up the pace, to publish UHF more often. Our readers are mostly patient, but they would like to read us more often, and I’m glad of it. One way to get this done is to bring in more gear to test, and to have it well in advance. Readers often hear that we are planning to review a particular piece of equipment (if only because we say so in our Newsletter at, and they write to get an advance hint. What’s it like? Well, why shouldn’t we share those first impressions with readers of the print issue? On a regular basis, starting in this issue, we will be previewing equipment in advance of a full-blown formal review. That will also enable us to give impressions of audio components with limited geographical distribution. We don’t want to fill our main Listening Room section with articles about equipment you can’t go out and hear, but perhaps you would like, at times, to read our take on some alternatives. Reading on line We’re getting a growing volume of mail from audiophiles who would like to subscribe to UHF electronically, and to get their issues as PDF files. They assume (correctly) that an electronic subscription would be cheaper, and that they would get it much faster. As for us, we would love to say goodbye to those huge bills from our film house, our printer and our fulfilment house. Yet I don’t anticipate a time when the print edition will vanish. There's an obvious danger in PDF distribution, one that record producers could tell us all about. It’s especially severe for UHF because, unlike most other magazines, we make most of our money from our readers rather than our advertisers. I’m also convinced that producing the image of a print publication to be viewed on a computer screen is a misuse of the digital medium. Do expect, however, that our very busy Web site will play a growing role in the future of UHF. DOG-EARED? NOT OUR COPIES! We often talk to regular UHF readers who tell us they hesitate to subscribe, because they say they want to get their magazines in perfect condition, not dog-eared and torn. So wouldn’t it be funny if a dog-eared copy was awaiting them at the local newsstand! But it makes sense if you think about it. Where do copies sit around unprotected? On the newsstand. Where do other people leaf through them before you arrive? At the newsstand. Where do they stick on little labels that don’t come off? Surprise! At a lot of newsstands, they do exactly that! What you want is a perfect copy. And the perfect copy is the one in your mailbox. No tears or bends, because each issue is protected by a sealed plastic envelope. With the address label on the envelope, not on the magazine. Of course, you’ll have to make a certain sacrifice. Are you willing to pay, oh, maybe 23% less for the privilege of having a perfect copy? And are you willing to qualify for a discount on one or both of our original books on hi-fi (see the offer on the other side of this page)? Are you? Then the choice is clear. JUST SUBSCRIBE ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY, Box 65085, Place Longueuil, LONGUEUIL, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4 Tel.: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383 VIA THE INTERNET: FOR 13 ISSUES: $50 (Canada), $50 US (USA), CAN$80 (elsewhere,plus $1.10/issue for air mail option). Or half that price for six issues. In Canada, add applicable sales tax (15% in QC, NF, NB, NS, 7% in other Provinces). You may pay by VISA or MasterCard: include card number, expiry date and signature. You must include your correct postal or zip code. You may order on a plain sheet of paper, provided you include all the information. Choose to begin with the current issue or the issue after that. Back issues are available separately at a cost of $4.99 (in Canada) plus applicable taxes (in most of Canada 7%, in NB, NS and NF 15%, in Quebec 15.03%). Just choose your options: 13 issues 6 issues start with issue 68 (this one), or issue 69 (the next one) VISA/MC NO ______________________________________ EXP. DATE__________________ SIGNATURE ___________________________________ NAME__________________________________ADDRESS______________________________________________APT__________ CITY_____________________PROV/STATE________COUNTRY__________________POSTAL CODE___________________ The books that explain… The World of High Fidelity Including these topics: The basics of amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD players, turntables and loudspeakers. How they work, how to choose, what to expect. The history of hi-fi. How to compare equipment that’s not in the same store. What accessories work, and which ones are scams. How to tell a good connector from a rotten one. How to set up a home theatre system that will also play music (hint: don’t do any of the things the other magazines advise). How to plan for your dream system even if your accountant says you can’t afford it. A precious volume with 224 pages of essential information for the beginning or advanced audiophile! PLUS… The UHF Guide to Ultra High Fidelity A practical manual for the discovery and exploration of high fidelity, which will make reading other books easier. Includes in-depth coverage of how the hardware works, including tubes, “alternative” loudspeakers, subwoofers, crossover networks, biamplification. It explains why, not just how. It has full instructions for aligning a tone arm, and a gauge is included. A complete audio lexicon makes this book indispensable. And it costs as little as $9.95 in the US and Canada (see the coupon). Five dollars off each of these two books if you subscribe or renew at the same time The UHF Guide costs $14.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15% in NB, NS, NF), US$19.95 (USA) CAN$25 (elsewhere). The World of High Fidelity costs $21.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15%HST in NB, NS, NF), US$21.95 (USA) or CAN$30 (elsewhere). See ordering information on the previous page. A $5 discount applies on either book, or each, when the order is placed at the same time as a subscription, a subscription renewal, or a subscription extension (you can subscribe with the form on the other side of this page).No need to fill in the information a second time. PLUS: Finally, all of Gerard Rejskind’s State of the Art columns from the first 60 issues of UHF. With a new introduction to each column, 258 pages in all. Check below to get yours! YES! Send me a copy of State of the Art . It costs just $18.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15% in NB, NS, NF), US$18.95 (USA) CAN$32 (elsewhere, including air mail) Feedback Box 65085, Place Longueuil Longueuil, Québec, Canada J4K 5J4 I am a devout reader of your magazine and have gotten many great ideas and equipment recommendations from you! It’s probably been mentioned before, but why don’t you guys design a “high fidelity” T-shirt with either your logo or just the words UHF…Ultra High Fidelity!!! The advertising would be justification alone, let alone a lot of your present readers buying one! What the heck…Stereophile offers their own! Ed Morabito ST. CATHARINES, ON Ed, we were just thinking about all the other things Stereophile does that we don’t…but that way lies madness. One-size-fits-none all right? We’ve heard from other sources that, in severe cases, that’s the only way to go. We greatly appreciate your comments, Dan, and your advice based on experience. We do understand the point about the desirability of matching a centre speaker to the other front speakers. For that matter, it is desirable to match the rear speakers as well, and we have heard some very good systems done that way. The reality is that we simply couldn’t do that in the space available. We now have three reference systems, and we are out of very large spaces that would allow us to position five identical high end speakers in optimal position. To make matters worse, our experience with centre speakers hasn’t encouraged us to suppose that the same badge means the same sound. In this case being realistic meant accepting the limitations of what we could do, and making some compromises. We did, however, select speakers that sounded similar in pink noise burst tests. That seems to correlate with performance on actual film. The same space limitations were a factor in rejecting a projector as well, though we appreciate your recommendation. Since then, we’ve looked with some interest at new DLP rear projectors. You are right that high end DVD players mostly use transports from large companies, including Panasonic but also Sony, Philips and Pioneer. There’s more to the player than the taw transport, however, as witness the results we got from the Simaudio player and a Toshiba player, using the same audio and video processors in both cases. Your point about film sound tracks being meant for huge rooms is well taken, but we’re up against that all the time. Most ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 5 Feedback I would like to respond to David Gilchrist’s quer y in UHF No. 67 regarding power outages, surges, etc, as we understand where David is coming from, since we live in the same area. Our main transformer and hydro pole has been hit twice in the nine years we have lived at this location, and I have found that the only true protection against unwanted damage to our hi-fi system (and other electronic goodies) is by the old method of unplugging them from the wall. True, it is very tedious, but well worth it. It has been said that a surge protector will do little from a direct hit other than melt down and let the spike through to its next victim. Fortunately, we only lost our modem in one of those cases. We now disconnect the modem during a thunderstorm. Good luck, David. Scott Guthrie ROCKWOOD, ON First I would like to compliment you on your fine magazine. You truly are the Audio Gods’ representatives on earth. With that said… I work for one of Canada’s oldest specialty retailers of audio and video. I would never argue with you on your choice of turntables or speaker cables, for I greatly respect your opinion. However, I believe your Kappa system could use a little… help? I believe you chose the best CRT rear-projection set in that size range (way to go UHF!). However, I think you overlooked the projector market. I know that you are audio focused and not video focused, but home theatre in general is video focused. A balanced home theatre system should have approximately half its value in the display device. There is one projector with outstanding performance for $6900. The Optoma H56 is truly a reference projector. Go see one properly set up. Did I read correctly that the centre speaker was yet to be determined? The centre speaker should match the fronts. Would you ever use a different left speaker and right speaker? No, of course not. It would destroy the stereo image between the speakers. The same goes for a centre speaker. Did you know that the top rated (video) DVD players (top 4) are all made by Panasonic? Say it wit h me — Panasonic. Doesn’t sound like a high-end name, nor should it. The video market changes too fast for small manufacturers like Theta, Krell or Simaudio. On the audio side, you will use a digital out so the sound quality relies more on the processor than the DVD player. The savings on the DVD player can be put into a projector. Here is a general suggestion. You obviously have a lot of knowledge about hi-fi sound. Throw it all away and start over. Huh? Home theatre and stereo have so many fundamental differences that your knowledge of stereo could be more of a liability. For example, stereo is set up so that one listener can sit in the sweet spot and enjoy great sound. Surround sound is set up to get the best sound for the majority of listeners in a variety of positions. The sound tracks for movies are not intended for home systems. They are meant for 10,000 sq.ft rooms. A speaker that sounds great in the sweet spot playing soft jazz may not sound good playing machine-gun fire at 110 dB on the far left of the room. Get my point? Dan Mick VANCOUVER, BC • Analogue Productions • Audio Fidelity • Cisco Music • Classic Records • Mosaic Records • Simply Vinyl • Speakers Corner • Sundazed Many other non-audiophile labels Over 1,200 new vinyl titles in stock 1-877-DGROOVE Feedback the whole sound of vinyl for Canada and the world popular music recordings from major labels are not meant to be played on the sort of high resolution audio systems we favor, and some are specifi cally optimized for boomboxes. We can hear all sorts of artifacts whose existence would horrify the record producers. All we can do is try to reproduce our chosen music — or our chosen movies — under the best possible conditions. I was very interested in your articles on centre channel speakers for home theatre in the current issue. I would like to share some of my thoughts. Like some, I believe that the value of the centre speaker is over-rated. My processor allows me to select a “no centre speaker” option which feeds the centre channel equally to the left and right speakers producing a phantom centre channel. In 95% of the cases this actually produces a more satisfying result, partly because the quality of my left and right channel speakers is superior to any centre channel speaker and there is no shifting of tonal balance across the front. The issue of off-axis listening I fi nd to be mostly inconsequential. 6 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine One point that you do not men- is a fraud, and when the bank finds out tion in your articles is the basic design it will debit your account. flaw inherent in most centre channel What tipped me off was it quickly speakers. The practice of putting two became about the money and not the mid-woofers in a horizontal configura- equipment. tion produces interference between the Hopefully this helps, if you have any two wave fronts which results in a lobed questions call the Ottawa police and ask frequency response at different angles. I to speak to the fraud department. believe that this may explain some of the Glenn Ellis differences each of you heard from the OTTAWA, ON speakers you auditioned. I find that my centre speaker sounds better in a vertical We have since received a similar offer for configuration (atop my Toshiba RPTV) a pair of speakers we had listed in our own than when positioned horizontally. Al- classified ads. The cheque would come from though the vertical position raises the someone “who owes me money,” and would acoustic centre slightly from 43 cm above we please send them back the difference. And the centre of my 50” screen to 59 cm., I the speakers, of course. Yeah, right. feel that this is only a slight compromise compared to the improvement in sound There is a rumor around our little quality that I get and the difference is town that cleaning LPs with Windex about the same as it would be atop a window cleaner is an effective way of 65” screen. The practice of designing not only cleaning LPs every day, but that centre channel speakers in this hori- it is good for cleaning the release agent zontal configuration is purely a matter of in new LPs. Is this or is it just a Bïa (pronounced bee-yah) is a singer peopleofffall love with. Shetrue, has three of visual perception rather aural to get people tothem? try to replace their recordings out. You think youthan can be satisfiway ed with just one of perception. The designers of high-end collections once they have melted their speakers have sacrificed their principles whole collection? Please answer this as to fashion on this one. an e-mail, as I do not have a subscription, Don McIntosh and there are many innocent victims on PORT COQUITLAM, BC the line. Mike Shickele We did in fact write about the fact that, CRANBROOK, BC for various reasons including the one you mention, a centre speaker may not be a Mike, we figure the rumor comes from perfect match for its brandmate. Some are, Michael Constantine’s character in the film alas, not even close. My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If you’ve seen the film, you’ll know he advocated Windex I am the seller of the Blue Circle for curing everything from psoriasis to baldequipment posted in the UHF Classifieds. ness. We may have missed the part where he I was almost a victim of a scam run from said to clean LPs with it. Nigeria. I am e-mailing you the details so that hopefully no one gets burned. After reading one of your articles, I It will take form in probably a similar swapped my Tesla KT88 tubes which I fashion. had always used, for a set of Svetlana You will receive an e-mail asking if EL34’s. The difference in midrange the purchase price in negotiable. When was incredible to say the least. My Jadis you respond they will offer you a fair to JA80’s virtually sing. better-than-fair price, they will ask for Clare Sopotyk your address and FedEx a cashier’s check ST. CATHARINES, ON drawn on a US bank account. They will then contact you after the check has been You should post some pics of your sent with some sort of excuse, that they reference systems on your web site. can only purchase one piece of equipChris Barnsley, ment and could you please wire them HAMILTON, ON back the difference. The check looks real. It fooled two Er, yes. Get out the duster, Rosie. Albert? bank tellers and the manager. The check Got more film? DANGER! Free Advice Box 65085, Place Longueuil Longueuil, Québec, Canada J4K 5J4 I’d like to add 5.1 surround to my system while retaining my existing front speakers, preamp, and stereo amp. I reread Paul Bergman’s article of a few issues back, but have two questions: Since my preamp does not have a separate pair of outs, is it okay to use the tape loop? Can I buy a surround receiver to do the job, rather than a processor and separate amps? These are much less expensive than a processor/ amp combo. I expect I would have to add resistors to the receiver’s front left/right speaker outs, but how exactly do I do this? The local store said a technician would have to do it. If you don’t think the receiver approach is a good idea, can you recommend a reasonably-priced processor? I want decent movie surround sound, but retaining superior stereo sound for music is a lot more important to me. Joe Banel TORONTO, ON I recently purchased a pair of Audio Physics Tempo III’s. I need some more time to find the way to best set the system up, but have a question that I can’t answer. These speakers seem top-rated on line. I have yet to see anything negative other than possibly a lack of deep bass. It could be because of the dynamics of my room, but I feel the midrange is lacking, and consequently its famous sound stage and depth and clarity. Why is it that my perceived missing midrange comes back to life when I add a pair of inexpensive Klipsch two-way 8” satellites? Does that mean my expensive Tempos are lacking this required range? How can you get accurate midrange without a midrange driver specifically for midrange? Mitch Goldman PHILADELPHIA, PA Well, it’s easy to see why the little Klipsch satellites are adding to the midrange, Mitch, but that doesn’t mean this is a good thing. If we assume that the Tempos and the Klipsches have the same impedance and efficiency, half the signal is now being reproduced by each ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 7 Free Advice You can’t use the tape output, Joe, because the tape loop bypasses your preamp’s volume control. It has to be that way so that you can tape material with the volume turned down, as many people do...or used to when they still used tape decks. But then again perhaps you can. We’ll explain. It pretty much goes without saying that a receiver will not give you the performance you could expect with a top preamp-processor and good power amps, but some receivers will give you at least reasonable results. We suggest choosing one with preamp outputs for at least the left and right front channels. Those outputs can then be fed to an unused input on your preamp. When you listen to two-channel music, the receiver will be right out of the circuit. The only problem is that when you view a film the receiver will have to “know” the gain level of the preamplifier. There are three ways to do this. If your preamp has easily repeatable volume settings, pick one, note it, and set the volume that way when you switch to a film. If it doesn’t, set up the levels so that they are correct when the preamp volume is turned all the way up. But be sure to turn it down before you switch to some other input. This is a dangerous technique, and it gets all the more dangerous if more than one person will be handling the controls. The third way does use the tape loop, or part of it. Feed the receiver’s left and right front outputs to the preamp’s “tape in” jacks. of the speakers. The Klipsches won’t have much in the way of bass, and may not even be that extended in the higher frequencies. They are essentially midrange speakers. So you’re hearing more midrange, of course. On the other hand quantity doesn’t equal quality, so you need to determine why you’re not happy with the midrange the speakers are delivering. All of the other components in the system can be a factor, from source to amplification to cables. Oh, and one more thing: acoustics. Most people don’t put their systems in single-use rooms, so acoustical considerations must sometimes be sacrificed for other aspects of living comfort. Still, in most living rooms there may be changes you can make in speaker placement. We suggest taking a day to do some experimentation (and be sure you take detailed notes, otherwise you’ll be certifiable before nightfall). One possible useful hint is that putting a speaker close to a room boundary, such as a wall, will generally emphasize bass, at the expense of midrange and everything else to be sure. Remember that even small placement differences can change sound radically. By the way, we presume your speakers are standing on spikes or cones. If they’re not, the boom of the house structure can muddy up the bass and cover the midrange detail. We should also address your question about reproducing midrange without a dedicated midrange driver. A perfect speaker would have a single point-sized driver that could reproduce anything. Since we have yet to figure out how to build it, most speakers use two or more drivers. Your two-way speakers have two woofers (perhaps better referred to as “woofer-midrange drivers”) and a tweeter, each adapted to a part of the audible range. Audio Physics doesn’t state the crossover point, but it is probably between 2 and 3 kHz. If we define midrange as being between 200 Hz and 4 kHz, you can see that the two drivers share the task. There are advantages to adding a third midrange driver, but there are serious drawbacks too, which is why not everyone does it. Free Advice I’m moving into a condominium in a few months. The living room has a concrete floor. I’ve heard that laminated flooring is the hottest thing for condos, but I’m more concerned about obtaining the best sound than being in vogue. Should I go with wall-to-wall carpeting, or laminated flooring? Do you recommend any special layer between the concrete and carpet, such as a false plywood floor? If this was discussed in your magazine, please tell me the issue number. I’m a long time reader of UHF. Bill Sukloff TORONTO, ON There’s a chapter on acoustics in our book, The World of High Fidelity, Bill, and Paul Bergman wrote a sevenpart series on acoustics a while back, in issues No. 30 through 36. We mention this because there’s no simple answer to how to set up a room for listening to music. Wood floors have often been condemned because they vibrate, and indeed they can add an unpleasant boom to music. Concrete rings, however. Ringing is another sort of resonance, and it mostly takes place higher up in the audible frequency band. Either way, you need to decouple your speakers from the floor, which means using spikes, or — better yet — cones. Of course carpeting will help absorb highs, and possibly some upper 8 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine midrange if it’s thick enough, but if you have a lot of other absorbent material, that can be too much of a good thing. Some audiophiles actually put in a false floor with a fiberglass-filled space to act as a midrange absorber, and then put carpeting on top. This can work well, but it takes out some of your headroom, and it involves major work. Even then, the floor can be only part of the planning of your room. But since you’re moving into a brand new place, you have the opportunity to do things right in the first place. Not everyone does. Certain recordings have excessive sibilance, to the point that it is very unpleasant, when played on my Rega P2/ Rega Elys/NAD phono stage. Is this likely caused by the cartridge, or should I be looking to another part of the system to correct the problem? Steve Mennill OTTAWA, ON Well the answer to that, Steve, is... Actually there are a lot of answers. If you read our reviews in UHF, you’ll note that we often complain of sibilance, a distorted exaggeration of “ess” sounds. Of course, excessive sibilance is found right on some recordings. And when it’s not it can be the result of bad news anyway: the use in the studio of a “de-esser,“ a special compressor that squeezes all the juice out of the band of frequencies where sibilance tends to hang out. We prefer fresh fruit ourselves. Distorted sibilance can be caused by a number of factors, including the cartridge, the state of the stylus, the setting of the tone arm (an arm that is too high will do bad things for sibilance, but unfortunately height is not easily adjustable on a Rega). Bad phono stages also cause this, and don’t get us started on loudspeakers! First, clear the recordings themselves. If you have a friend with a good system, or a sympathetic dealer who hasn’t dumped vinyl, make sure these recordings don’t have problems on all systems. Once that’s done, try plugging your NAD phono stage into a different system and listening to the same problem recordings. At this point, the trail of evidence will be pointing right at some likely suspects. My current system is a blend of older and newer components. The older includes a Systemdek IIx turntable, a Hafler 100 preamplifier and 220 power amp, and an Akai CD93 “Reference Master” CD player. The newer equipment has all the above plugged into a Monster Power HTS 2500 Power Center, playing through KEF G1 Uni-G speakers, with Monster M Series cables. I know my first update is the CD player. I could be persuaded to look at products in the $2500 range, but I’m greatly concerned about the demise of CD to SACD or DVD-Audio. Given this, is the quality jump from $1500 to $2500 worthwhile, or should I save the thousand buck difference for new technology in a few years? Second, I’m not sure what products or price range constitutes a noticeable improvement on the Haflers. They still perform well, and I want my upgrades to be worth it for the long term. What is a good general guideline for breaking down a budget? Do you put X% on the source, Y% on amps, speakers, cabling, etc.? Where should other items, such as equipment stands, isolation equipment, electrical cords and filters fit in? John McLenahan CALGARY, AB INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED AUSTRALIA • BELGIUM • BRAZIL • CANADA • CHINA • CYPRUS • FRANCE • GREECE • HOLLAND • HONG KONG • INDONESIA ITALY • JAPAN • LATVIA • LUXEMBOURG • GERMANY • NORWAY • PORTUGAL • RUSSIA • SINGAPORE • SOUTH KOREA SPAIN • SWEDEN • SWITZERLAND • TAHITI • TAIWAN • THAILAND • TURKEY • UKRAINE • UNITED KINGDOM • USA “Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.” –Winston Churchill Think about the complexities of music. Within a given piece, instruments and voices of varying frequencies and dynamic amplitudes all fight to get through the maze of electronic components and wiring in the hope of arriving at your ears intact, in time, and represent a true replica of the original recording. Doesn’t it make sense that the pathway between start and finish be a simple as possible? Complex designs have a way of making complex music more complex, and often quite different from what was originally recorded. Now think about the simplicity of Creek audio components. Simple circuits utilizing high grade parts and short signal paths to insure that the fragile, complex audio signal arrives at the output with all the original elements in the right place, at the right time. DNM cables and Epos loudspeakers are designed to complete the journey by adding nothing of their own to the signal, Just present the music as it was delivered, with the correct pace, rhythm, timing and dynamics. Music is complex, music replay should be simple. Creek, DNM, and Epos make music replay simple, at prices you can afford. Beyerdynamic, Creek, Crimson, Cyrus, DNM, Ecosse Free Advice Epos, Eichmann, Isoblue, Ringmat, Soundcare, Visonik 720 Sixth Street, Suite 386 New Westminster, British Columbia, V3L 3C5 Tel: 604-522-6168 Fax: 604-522-1995 John, your letter started going wrong right about the midpoint. There will certainly come a time when you will upgrade first your preamp and then your power amplifier, but when you are still using an Akai player, that time is not yet. Only the turntable can give you a clue as to how your electronics sound. A CD upgrade is the first order of business, and nothing else should, for now, be on the agenda at all. What’s more, the stuff about percentages is not helpful. You know us 10 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine well enough to understand the importance we give to the source, but we resist tooth and nail all attempts to put numbers to it. We express it this way: each upstream component must be good enough so that you haven’t wasted your money on the downstream components. There’s more to be said, otherwise the whole magazine could be condensed to that single phrase, but when you’ve understood that you’ve understood a lot. As to the first part of your letter, your worries are shared by a lot of audiophiles. We are not prophets, and our lawyers would tell us to shut up if we ever claimed otherwise, but here’s how we think the future will play out. The CD will gradually be replaced by both high and low resolution formats. On the low end it is of course downloadable music in MP3 or AAC, through such services as Apple’s iMusic. On the high end, it will be SACD. But that’s the longer term. Right now, the market is loaded with hundreds of thousands of CD titles, and they won’t be going away any time soon. At the same time most SACD releases are hybrids, which means they are also CDs. This means a good CD player will remain useful for a long time. You will of course want an SACD player sooner or later, and socking money away is not a bad idea. Fortunately, C$1500 will, if you spend it carefully, buy you a player that will make you happy you didn’t wait any longer. I had the great pleasure of meeting you at the Montreal Son & Image festivals in 2002 and 2003. I have the Musical Fidelity 3D player and M3 amplifier. The speaker cables are Musical Fidelity, as are the interconnects. My speakers are Spendor BCIII’s. I would like to improve my sound, and I went to hear the Totem Wind speakers. I was very impressed. The comparison was done against the Krell Studio Reference, the Quad 989 and the Energy Reference. Last week I went to hear the Polk LSI 15. I liked the sound, even though the associated player and electronics (Cambridge) was mid-fi. I also want to hear the Cabasse Kara, the Triangle Ventis XS, the Sonus Faber Cremona, and perhaps the Dynaudio C4. I would have liked to replace the power cable of my amplifier power supply with an Eichmann eXpress, but the plug isn’t the same (the prongs are horizontal instead of vertical). Your advice and recommendations are greatly appreciated. I suppose that considering the avalanche of mail you must receive, an immediate reply is an impossible dream. It’s just that in Montreal at the moment there is a veritable price war, and I would like to take advantage of it. Monique Lussier MONTRÉAL, QC Monique, the reason the IEC plug on the NuVista power cable is different from others is that it is a 20 ampere cord, and electrical standards require a different connector. Unfortunately few audiophile cords are available with that connector, since they mostly don’t meet the 20A standard anyway. A notable exception is the GutWire Pure Clef power cord, which can be ordered with a Hubbell 20 ampere connector. Concerning the Totem Wind, you should also lend an ear to the Totem Mani-2, one of the best speakers ever made. It is extremely difficult to drive, unfortunately, but you have the necessary amplification already. It would be a significant improvement yes, Jeff. The Cyrus II fitted with the optional PSX power supply is now getting long of tooth (we reviewed it in UHF No. 28, back in 1990), but it is still a good little amplifier, and can probably work well for another decade or so. It hasn’t the roundness or the transparency of the Unison, nor of better modern solid state amplifiers, but it is good on rhythm, and it projects good energy. Not bad, but it may be time for an upgrade. I really enjoy your magazine and the Web site. I am the proud owner of a Mission DAC-DAD CD combination and would like to upgrade to a one-box CD player in the $1.2-2K price range. So far I have auditioned the Arcam group, models DIVA 62-92, which basically sounded better as the price climbed. Most were much better than my Mission gear. I do not know what brands in this price range to look at next, and would appreciate your suggestions. It seems there are not many choices in this range. Why is that? As an aside I notice that Arcam products have not been auditioned in the magazine for awhile. Is there a reason for this? Are they a good reliable manufacturer? Jim Young PORT ALBERNI, BC Arcam has been around for some years, Jim, and appears to be perfectly stable. There are historic reasons for their absence from UHF’s pages, though that may be remedied at some point. Of course you know that we were quite enthusiastic about the Mission player and its optional converter, and for good reason. This was an era when all other CD players with three-digit price tags were horrible, and perhaps the word horrible isn’t even strong enough. The Mission wasn’t, and that was good news for music lovers who wanted access to new music but couldn’t quite reach all the way to somewhat more expensive machines...such as the Arcam. The modern Arcam remains a solid upgrade over your much older player. Low-cost players may be an endangered species, we’re told, because more and more consumers are now killing (or severely wounding) two birds with one stone, choosing a DVD player instead of a CD-only player. Notice we said “consumers” and not “audiophiles.” They mostly shop in three digits, however, or even in two digits. Despite them, some very good players in your range still remain. Aside from the Arcam itself, Cambridge has a very good (but hard to find) two-box player, and Vecteur has the L-4 player. I am passively biamping B&W DM601 S3 speakers with two Rotel RB1050s power amps driven by the Rotel RC1070 preamp. The whole setup sounds to me very neutral, well-balanced and civilized in reproducing high frequencies. It’s a very good job from Rotel and B&W, even with my old Denon CD player (soon to be replaced with a Rotel RCD1070, Arcam CD72 or Rega Planet). I am very happy listener who spends at least two to three hours every day actively listening to music. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 11 Free Advice How good is the Cyrus II amplifier and PSX power supply tandem? I have owned this pair for several years (second-hand), but am wondering how much I would have to spend to get a significant improvement? I’d certainly consider the used market again, though it seems that some very good values in integrateds have come on the market like the Unison Research Unico (I have not heard it, but understand that it’s a real nice sounding unit for the money. Again, I don’t know if it’s a significant enough improvement). I currently have a pair of Castle Edens (bought them after reading your review) and am using Audioquest Type 4+ biwired to the speakers. The rest of my system is a VPI Scout with Benz Glider and Marantz DR-6000. Jeff Bellin SALEM, MA Spherical Super Tweeter • Fast transient response • Wide dispersion (+/- 45°) Enjoy the deep and wide sound stage, while retrieving the lost inner detail throughout the audio range with muRata Super Tweeters. ES105 ES103A ES103B Visit: Contact: 50% of 90 mm Actual Size Specifications SPL: 90dB/w/m nom. Frequency Response 15 kHz-100 kHz Resonant frequency: ES103A/B 103 kHz ES105 105 kHz Nominal impedance: 8 ohms Dimensions (mm): ES103A/B 65 W x 110 L ES105 90 W x 118 L x 65 H Weight: (1.1 kg (2.4lbs) (Specifications may change without notice. See catalog or website for details) Free Advice This may be candidate for a budget audiophile’s (yes, that category of audiophiles exists) dream. Total price of speakers, preamp and 2 power amps is C$2500, taxes included. It gives me a performance at the very border of high end sound. Although design compromises must be present, Rotel does it in such a way that I can live with it without the urge to upgrade to 5 to 10 times more expensive gear Forgive me. I am an electronics engineer, and “cost is no object” strategy simply does not work for me. I am interested to find out why Rotel’s new 10 series isn’t worth reviewing in UHF Magazine. Is it that bad, in your opinion? In order to find out myself how these Rotels measure against more expensive units I have listened in my room to several integrated amplifiers and separates from Arcam and Rega, and could not hear an equivalent level of improvement over these Rotel components. The law of diminishing returns seems to be proving itself all over again. I would probably have to go for Bryston, Simaudio Moon W-5 or Classé as my next upgrade to get sound that I would 12 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 2252 Kingston Road, Toronto, Canada M1N 1T9 416-269-4911 email: “high efficiency loudspeakers” Just when you thought your audio system was complete muRata presents the Spherical Super Tweeter. “The most dramatic after-market add-on the audio world has ever heard.” Jim Fabian (fab audio) Stock and modified CD and DVD players available. Stock and modified Antique Sound Lab available. Upgrades (repairs) to old and new: • Tube gear • Solid State • Digital • Analogue • Loudspeakers and reconing Add headphone jack, pre-amp functions and processor bypass, complete redesigns, custom products. muRata ES024 That said, we have heard a number of very good Rotel products. The best of them offered exceptional value for money. There have also been some duds, but that can happen to pretty 4 fab audio Stonehenge much anyone. We don’t doubt that your present Rotel setup sounds fine, though we also think you won’t really know for sure until you finally upgrade your CD player. Free Advice consider worth the effort and money, but it is four times more expensive. Would there be an alternative in your opinion worth auditioning in between, which would give me a signifi cant improvement for my buck, and would result in a measurable increase in excitement? Milos Dunjic OAKVILLE, ON fab audio Model 1 20 0 t CES it us a is v s e Co m Vega inLas 453) k (AP1 r a P is x le A Well, more than one actually, Milos, but first we’d like to set the record straight concerning Rotel. At one time it was very convenient for us to review Rotel products, because we could actually drive over to the distributor’s warehouse and pick one up. That distributor closed some years ago and was never replaced. We can still get Rotel products from the US, it is true, though it means importing them and paying brokerage charges and possibly duty. This is what happened recently when we reviewed Thiel products, which also have no distributor in Canada. We do it anyway now and then, but the impact on our budget is unfortunately not zero. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 13 Electronic Crossovers Tube Solid State Line Level Passive Crossovers using high quality inductors and capacitors Custom Solutions We can customize our crossovers to your specific needs. We can add notch filters, baffle step compensation, etc.... All available as kit also Free Catalog: Marchand Electronics Inc. PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14618 Phone (585) 423 0462 FAX (585) 423 9375 We should add that we have never espoused the long-popular theory that you get diminishing returns as you upgrade. If it sometimes seems true it is because you have made too small an upgrade...something we warn against because it is costly. It can also be that you spend money to get something worse than you already have, and the truth is that this is all too easy to do. We suggest the following method of evaluation. Substitute a possible component for the one you’re thinking of replacing (we know that this is not as easy for you as it is for us), and you may note some improvement. Do a bit of listening to get used to the sonic change, and then go back to your original component. If the upgrade is really worthwhile, if it offers more than diminishing returns, the change will seem much larger on the way down than on the way up. You’ve probably noticed that we’ve given you this advice without getting specific on brand names. It sounds from your letter as though you already have a pretty good idea what to listen to. In any case, step one should be your CD player. Our bet is that this one change will lead you to re-evaluate your system. Free Advice I have read your excellent magazine with interest and enjoyment for many years. Your Free Advice is a wonderful service, which I would now like to use. The Karma cartridge in my Linn Sondek/Ittok combo is ten years old and needs replacing. In my system, it seems very out of balance to invest in a new Linn moving coil cartridge. Even the Adikt seems expensive at $465. The rest of the system consists of a Sansui 3900 tuner (we don’t have live FM broadcasts in Vancouver, so it should be good enough, eh?), a JVC CD changer (for background music), a Linn LK-1 preamplifier, a Bryston 2B power amplifier, and PSB Stratus Mini speakers. Are the moving coil cartridges in Adikt’s price range likely to sound better in this setup? I’m thinking, in particular, of the Audio Technica AT-OC9ML/II or the Goldring Eroica. Or could the moving magnet Adikt beat them all? Dale Stewart VANCOUVER, BC 14 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine The Adikt is new, Dale, and we don’t know whether Linn is still using the same source for its moving magnet cartridges. If it is, the Audio-Technica and the Adikt are cousins. That doesn’t mean they’re identical, though. Internal details aside, the Audio-Technica is a moving coil pickup, not an MM. The Adikt comes with a Gyger II stylus. This is a line contact stylus, used on some other British cartridges, including the top Goldrings, and it has a major advantage over the more common elliptical stylus. I am currently rewiring my house and will be putting a dedicated line to the stereo location and another to the video location. Since most receptacles are 15 amp, I am wondering what the benefits of going to a 20 amp receptacle/breaker are? I will be using a high grade receptacle (Hubbell 8300 cryoed or PS Audio). I am also assuming that it would be better to use 10 gauge wire instead of 12 or 14. If I run the dedicated line can I use a double gang box with two receptacles ( for four outlets) without any loss in order to accommodate all of my equipment? I cannot see how this would be worse than having one receptacle with a Hubbell-based power bar. Perhaps I should install two runs and have each on its own breaker. I am also thinking about running a separate ground to the earth for this circuit so it is not on the main panels ground. What do you think of the PS Audio Power Port AC socket and the WattGate 381? These receptacles are much more expensive, and I am wondering if you have heard them. Also, many on the chatrooms are talking about how much better their Hubbell receptacles are sounding after they have been cryogenically treated (US$5060). My last question is related to installing a main circuit panel surge protector, to safeguard the whole electrical system. Will this affect the sound? Brad Wishnevski LETHBRIDGE, AB Perhaps it will, Brad, though we can’t be sure without getting a good look at the schematic. The ones we’ve looked at include parallel monitoring circuits, which we figure should have I may be asking somewhat of a contradictory question, but are there any carouseltype CD players that you would consider at even an entry level for high fidelity? The reason I ask is that, when I have company for dinner, I’m always having to get up during dinner to cue new music. I recently heard the Rotel RCC-1055 carousel player, and when compared to Rotel’s single CD player the RCD-1070 they were, by my ear, sonically similar. I would have liked to compare it to other similar-priced single players in the RCD1070’s price range, but they didn’t carry anything (they were all $3000 plus) at the store I was at. My ultimate goal would be What’s happening at UHF? to have a player for social occasions, maxing out on fidelity, and a separate one for serious listening. Am I too far off base here? Kevin Redmond VANCOUVER, BC Kevin, what you’re proposing to do is what we have often suggested. We’re not much for background listening ourselves, perhaps because we spend so much of our professional lives in foreground listening, but we recognize that not everyone is in the same situation. So it makes sense to choose the best possible player for “real” listening, and a feature-rich jukebox for other times. The Rotel may be better than most, but a dollar you spend on the jukebox is a dollar not available for your number one player. One possibility: buy a two-box player for your main listening, preferably with a converter that has two inputs, and connect the carousel to the second digital input on the DAC. Of course, if yours is a high-tech household, there are other possibilities. Load a few hundred favorite tracks onto a hard disc, and let the computer play jukebox. You can also choose a hard-disc-based portable player to do the background music work. The Apple iPod is perfect for this. Most people load MP3 files on it, but in fact you can load it with several dozen uncompressed CDs. The fact it will also play when you’re trekking across Stanley Park is just an added bonus. I’m thinking of getting a DVD Video/ DVD-Audio/SACD player. My basic stereo system consists of a Counterpoint SA100 and SA1000, a California Audio Labs ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 15 Free Advice no deleterious effect, but they also include extra breakers, which may. However if you live in a region that gets a lot of lightning storms, and if you judge your home to be especially vulnerable, adding protection may be a sensible idea. Some panel protectors won’t protect sensitive electronic circuits, however, so it pays to read the fi ne print. And a direct hit can weld everything together. You can indeed use a two-gang box to get four outlets instead of one. The heavier the wire from the panel, the better. If you have room on your electrical panel for an extra breaker, and if you don’t anticipate needing it for something else, you may as well put one in. It won’t take the electrician much longer to put in two lines instead of one, and his time costs a lot more than the wire does. Running a separate ground may be useful, if we assume that yours is better than that of the technician who installed your electrical system. It will in any case be newer. We have received a sample of the WattGate, but we have yet to compare it directly to the Hubbell. We also fi nd its price rather awesome. We’re not sure what to think about the cryogenic treatment of electrical and electronic parts. Some years ago, cryogenically-treated speaker cable was all the rage. We were given a demo of such cables, then being offered by Museatex, and, for better or for worse, we didn’t become converts. The common “explanation” of the benefits of cryogenic treatment leaves us puzzled. Delta transport and Counterpoint DA-10 DAC with Ultra-Analog HDCD card, an Oracle turntable with Alphason arm, a Sumiko Blue Point Special pickup, and KEF 104/2 speakers. I also have a Marantz SR-6200 home theatre receiver with a KEF C100 centre and KEF Coda 7 speakers at the rear. For the front speakers, I connect the line output of the Marantz to the line input of the SA1000. That gives me a music system independent of the home theatre. The DVD player would not replace the existing CD player. I’ve looked at the Marantz DVD8400, the Denon DVD2900, the Onkyo DVSP800, and the Pioneer DV47Ai and DV45A. What do you think of these models? Considering the limitations of the Marantz receiver, should I settle for the little Pioneer DV45A? Could one of these players replace my current CD player? Marc-André St-Onge ST-PASCAL, QC Audio Note Free Advice Music’s Finest Conductor Made in England SE-2 CONNOISSEUR CDT-1 DAC-1 Signature For true music lovers Handcrafted in Canada Fine high end audio components, now distributed in Canada CANNON AUDIO 16 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 87 Thornmount Dr., Unit 16 SCARBOROUGH, ON M1B 5S5 (416) 299-7680 Toll-free (888)898-8813 by Your current player is pretty good, and as you know we are using exactly the same converter you are in our reference systems. If you’re searching for a universal player that can outperform — or even equal — your player, you’ll find it a long, arduous search. You’re looking for disappointment with any of the players on your list. Several manufacturers well-known and respected in the audiophile field do offer universal players. The Linn seemed excellent in two sessions we had with preproduction models. Others have been released by such companies as Tascam, Lexicon and McCormack. Can they earn a place of honor in your system? Possibly. They are of course expensive. The typical such player is like a Swiss Army knife. You can always press it into service as a fork at the campground, but if you do it at a fancy restaurant you’re going to get looked at real funny. I have an original basic Arcam Alpha integrated amp whose inputs suit me well. I have heard I could use it as a pre amp for a Quad 405-2, amplifier, but am unsure as to how, wiring wise. Geoff Alun-Jones STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, UK It can be done, Geoff, but it may be really bad strategy. Though some integrated amps have preamp outputs that allow them to be used as preamps, as you propose to do, the Arcam does not. It does have “tape out” jacks, but those jacks bypass the volume control. You would have to get a competent technician to reconnect them to tap off the signal somewhere after the volume control. But in a compact amplifier the operation may not all be that straightforward. If your service shop has an hourly rate of £30, it’s easy to see that the “preamp” you gain may be worth less than you pay. Worse, the resale value of your amp, which is perhaps £75, will hover near zero. Chances are you won’t be happy with the sound anyway. The Alpha, not to be confused with Arcam’s much more capable Delta or the modern Diva, was somewhat gritty. We presume you got your Quad amp second hand, and you can find used preamps as well. Even a Quad 34 or 44 preamp will give you a lot more satisfaction. Actually it is our job to answer questions about stereo equipment, Benny, or one of our jobs at any rate. We have not seen the Bent Audio passive preamplifier. The company is very small, and builds its units to order, in the great underground high end tradi- I am fairly new to hi-fi and I have found your magazine to be very helpful. My system currently consists of a Linn Ikemi CD player, DNM/Eichmann interconnect (copper cable, silver RCA plugs), Jolida 801A integrated tube amplifier, Ecosse MS2.3 cable and Cabasse Farella 401 speakers. I have Ringmat feet and a Skylan Isoboard under the CD player, and Vibrapods supporting 5/8” MDF beneath the Jolida. Power conditioning is a Blue Circle MR1200. What would you suggest as the next upgrade? Peter Samuels CALGARY, AB It strikes us that you’re on the right track, Peter. You’ve selected a very good source, which would have been our first and most important recommendation, you’ve made some other judicious choices, and you’ve also chosen to include some important tweaks, including the power conditioner. Our first question is whether you are happy with the sound you now have, compared to what you’ve heard in one or more stores. If you’re not, you need to do some detective work to find out what’s missing. If you are generally happy, you can look to a more distant future. The amplifier could eventually be replaced, though only if you can buy something much more sophisticated. In the meantime, it may be worth having a look at the acoustics of your room. We bet they’re not as good as your hardware. I currently have an Audiomeca Romance/Roma/Benz Ref 2 turntable, a Krell KAV-300i integrated and B&W Matrix 804 speakers. I am looking for an SACD/DVD player. My TV is a Pioneer 52” plasma. I have no need for multi-channel SACD capabilities. I will build a separate system for multi-channel music and home theatre in a separate room. I have zero CDs. I want to start buying SACDs only. I am interested in the Sony DVPULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 17 Free Advice I know that this is not your job to answer questions about stereo equipment but I have plans on buying Bent Audio’s transformer-based passive preamp. They are from Canada, and that’s why I am taking the liberty to contact you. But I have also read about another transformer-based passive preamp from Canada that’s much more expensive, but very advanced. I have searched everywhere but I can’t find it anywhere. I don’t expect you to help me with this, it’s just a desperate long shot because you are a Canadian hi-fi magazine. If I remember correctly, the price was US$9800 compared to Bent Audio’s US$1875 with silver transformer and remote control, and the best Vampire RCA and XLO XLR. Benny Orrelöv UPPSALA, Sweden tion. We like the quality of the parts that it claims to use, and that is encouraging. We don’t know what the other Canadian company you refer to might be. Passive preamplifiers can yield much better quality than most active preamps can. Conventional passive preamps have high impedance outputs that are sensitive to noise and tend to exacerbate the shortcomings in cables, but that is not the case of transformerbased preamps. Of course, getting one’s hands on a good transformer is not easy, but several manufacturers have succeeded. The Chinese-made Antique Sound Lab T1DT, reviewed in UHF No. 62, is a good example. ProAc Neat hi fi fo fum ! Free Advice The Odds Are Good 935 Mount Pleasant Road Toronto 416-421-7552 Royd 9000ES and DVPNS999ES. The DVP9000ES is no longer available new, and I am looking at buying a used one. What would be your recommendation? Any other choices? My budget is about $2,000. Laval Letourneau OTTAWA, ON A used DVP-9000 may make good sense, but only if you can get a really attractive price on one. Unlike an amplifier, say, a DVD player has precision moving parts. Moving parts get less precise as they wear, and in economy products the precision may have been only just good enough when the unit was new. We don’t mean to pick on Sony, by the way, because the constraints of price are the same for all manufacturers. If the price isn’t right, go for the new model. In most cases, by the way, we are a little reluctant to recommend economy SACD players, if only because with CDs they sound so…but let’s remain polite. But you have no CDs and don’t plan to get any, so your plan makes ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Epos The Goods Are Odd, But Eichmann Naim “Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional!” Albert Einstein Ringmat 18 Crimson Ecosse Isoblue Creek Cyrus Rega Arcam Visonik sense. And the Sony 999, at C$2000, is an economy player only in the eyes of oil barons. If you were looking at a $300 model, it would be different, and we would be telling you to run while you still could. It has been some time since I have asked for some free advice, and the upgrade bug seems to be buzzing around. I have a modest albeit balanced system, consisting of an AR ES-1 table with Linn Basik Plus arm and an Audio-Technica AT-125LC cartridge, a Cambridge CD6 player, an Aiwa AD-F810 cassette deck, an Audiolab 8000A integrated amp, and Energy 22 Reference speakers (front ported) on 22 stands. The CD player is connected via a Wireworld Orbit III and the speakers via Monster Cable Powerline 3 with Michell GBO’s (from your store). My room is quite small, 9’ x 12’. I am quite pleased with the sound given the money I have invested, but I know it can be better if funds are available. 1. What in your opinion, would be the next step with a budget of C$500?. I am thinking that a cartridge upgrade may make the most sense (my AT is about 20 years old, but still in good shape). I am thinking about (in no particular order) Sumiko Blue Point or Blue Point Special, Grado Reference Platinum, Audio-Technica AT-440ML, or Shure V15xMR. 2. I am also using a Discwasher brush for my albums. Is the brush in your store significantly better? 3. Have you heard or could you comment on two small floorstanding speakers, the Totem Arro and the Castle Pembroke? 4. Given my gear, when would you consider a speaker upgrade, and would these be good choices? James P. Manley AIRDRIE, AB 1) We would go for the cartridge, Jim. A cartridge with lower inductance will give you much more natural highs. Our top choice would be the Shure, if only because of its line contact stylus, but the Sumiko Blue Point Special is an interesting choice as well, as is the Grado. 2) Gee, can you still get Discwasher brushes? We still have one in a drawer, but the reason it’s there is that it is so plump it is easy to drop onto the record surface. Besides, what it’s good at is lining up all the dust in a fat radial ridge. Carbon fibre brushes are so soft they don’t gather anything. The Goldring eXstatic brush has both the velvet pad and the carbon tufts, and it works better than anything else known to us… except of course vacuum machines. 3) The Pembroke is a single-woofer version of the Stirling we reviewed — and liked — in UHF No. 66. We have not heard it, but there’s reason to be optimistic (check this out for yourself, though). We have heard (but never tested) the Totem Arro. It will in all likelihood not play as loud as the Pembroke, but it is justly famous for depth and image that must be heard to be believed. 4) That said, we would put a speaker change at the back of the line. The old Energy 22 was way ahead of its time, and it is definitely not the weak link in your system. We would first shop for a replacement for the Audiolab amplifier. Going Against the Flow Y iconoclastic as ever? It looks that way. Q: Were you interested in music when you were young? YBA: Yes. My parents went to concerts, and so did my grandparents. My father played the violin, and I learned to play the oboe. So I didn’t have to discover music all by myself. Q: Did you keep up with your playing? YBA: For a long time, yes, but it requires an hour and a half or two hours of practice a day. About 15 or 20 years ago, when I began the YBA adventure, I had to make a choice. But I still listen to music of course. Each year, my wife YBA’s Yves-Bernard André is not known for following the pack. He explains why he’s not about to start. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 19 Rendezvous ves-Bernard André’s approach to audio has always been charming even when he’s been wrong. And how many times has he been wrong? The moving coil step-up transformer? Anything else? Now look at the other side of the ledger. He makes, or gets made, his own parts, right down to capacitors and the wire his transformers are wound with. He was the first to attack the North American market with the counter-intuitive Intégré amplifier, at a time when upscale integrateds “couldn’t sell.” Ironically, he opened a huge new market for his competitors. He was the first to actually introduce noise into the optical drive of his CD player, with his famous (and much decried) blue diode. His name is a frequent subject of downright character assassination on Usenet discussion groups. He doesn’t care. Recently, he dropped by a Montrealarea audio shop, Multi-Électronique in Beloeil (the shop owner, Philippe Renaud, is in our picture at left). Is he as and I spend on concerts enough money to build a nice little hi-fi system. I’m not very visual, you know. I have four children, but I don’t have a TV set! Q: Do your children play music? YBA: My eldest son is 25, now. He was playing drums for a while, but then he dropped it. Q: To the relief of the household? YBA: To the relief of the household, yes. My eldest daughter used to play piano, and my other daughter plays about an hour a day. My youngest, Timothé, has started the violin. Q: When you’ve been a musician, how do you compromise on audio quality? YBA: I don’t think being a musician adds anything, because when you play you’re not in the same position as someone listening to you. What it does give you is a sensitivity to music. Let me explain that another way. I have a neighbor who’s a bird fancier. He invited me to come with into the wood to see some birds. When we got there, I couldn’t see a single bird, but he could see lots of them. Q: You did say you weren’t visual! YBA: Yes, but then I’d follow him around some more, and I began to see them too. It’s much the same with music. And it’s music that makes living worthwhile. Q: Did you think when you were young that you would someday build instruments for listening to music? YBA: I knew it very early. My first patent, which was for a loudspeaker, dates back to 1971. And I may not look it, but I’ve finished my first half century. Q: It was later that you moved into electronic equipment? YBA: Oh, I was already playing around with circuits. But then I got my diploma in engineering, and I went through my military service. Even today I really have two métiers. I do research and I teach at the École Polytechnique, and of course I have YBA. And discoveries in one domain can often be applied in another domain. Q: Does the research lets you find new ways to design your products? YBA: It lets me see things in a different light. I can’t say that the sound of an audio product depends on just one thing — the power supply, the layout, the parts quality. It’s all of them. You ignore one small detail, and the product supply, even in my less elaborate units. velis ad magna consed magnit init, quam may measure the same, but its sound It’s fed right off the power transformer vel utat, corting eu feummy nim nulla quality will be destroyed. primary. That’s a detail, but if I connect consectem elenim in et aut illumsan Q: Are you a demanding person? the LED to the regular power supply I henisi erit ullametumsan vel in henibh YBA: Even my family says I am! But life can hear the difference. There’s an added eugait augait iliquatum vercil ip eros nit is short, and you have to live as intensely confusion. You might not notice it, but autat. Duis adiamet la adigna commy as possible. add four of five details like that, and the nim ipisit lumsandre tat. Q: Your products evolve over time. For difference will be huge. Loreetue euisi. Lore conum nibh eugait instance, the YBA 2 amplifier became the Lore feugait eros ad tat, ver illa aut et eum nim quisim in eugiam, velisi euipit HC, then the HCDT, then the Alpha, then lorpero dolenim iure veliquat wis el ent eugue et wisse doloreet am, voloborperat the Delta. lobore do commy nonse vel eros et volum am dolent ad magnisit dolore magniscil YBA: I like to put myself in the position zzrilit la feumsandrem ipsummy nit diamet atet augue feugait, susciduisl of the buyer. You buy something expen- am, volent dolesto ero dunt ex et, quipit in ulla consequ metuer se velenis num sive, and then two years later you’re told wisl essed exer sequat adiam, commy adiamcon utat dip et ing et, sum delit it’s no good, or there’s something much nis dolore el delit luptatem zzrit irilit aut volutat, qui tatem in ullum volor This is Eric Bibb’s latest recording. Play it on your conventional Red Book CD better. Magazines and manufacturers utetum dolortie voluptat dunt dolendre in vendipit numsan velisl et irit accum player…or step up to superior sound with SACD. live off these improvements, of course. ercipsum ing et, se minim zzrit lum velessectet ea conullandre dolesto dio I think designing a hi-fi unit is difficult, illuptat, quisis eniamcommy nostrud esendigna conulpu patis nit ut ver iure because you don’t know how it’s going molenisit irit loboreet lore diamet, et, quate te feugait ipsum nibh eugue to be used. verationse diam in ex elisl dolortie vent modolessed et lor sit enis nonsequatue Put a piano in a good room or in a augue tate dolore magnim dit nim alit ad diam dionsequam dolum quat elit, sequat bad room, and it won’t sound the same magniscilisi. Loreetu molor se dignim prat, con ullum vero etum del ing et either, but it will always sound like a velit aute dolorem etum eros doloborer velent wisit, vel iriliquis nonsectem nis piano. With a sound system, on the in ute tie dion veraestrud er adipsum nonsequam, core do diam, volorem zzrit other hand, in a good room you may velit velissequi ero con vullam do dionse alit num do commy nonsed etue veliquisi hear a piano, and in a bad room you’ll core er se conum nibh ea ad ting eugait tisl utate doluptat. Ut lam doloreet lorem hear a bad system. It’s difficult to build dolore min elit verat. ing ea feugueratie conum iriliqui exeroequipment that sounds lifelike, but is also Lor sed te modoloreet ulla commodigna strud delesti isit, quate dipit nonummo flexible. What is billed as transparency in feugait praessi eriuscipit adignis olobore oborer ad etue tio dit, si essequi bla comone system may be perceived as hardness do et ip exer senisci iquisi eugiametuero modigna conullaor ipsum volor sum verit in another. That’s why I became one of duipsum dit utet iriustio con hent dip nibh estrud duis acipis nos dolessit diam the first manufacturers to make products et, qui euguercipit aute core faccum zzriure mod esequis nisismolore faciduis that evolve, that can be upgraded. velessi. adiamet, qui te commy nim quis aciduis Q: Upgraded as you made new discover- Dui tissed tet doluptat augueraese mag- dignis eugait nonsequis num volenisl do ies? nibh er se exeraes quat. odit inciduis et voloreetum alisis augiat YBA: The actual designs haven’t evolved Lore dolorpe atuerat. Ut alis enisit iurer ad mod tem erciliquisi bla feugait aliscthat much, and the parts I use haven’t am, conseniam dolor siscilit ent nulla ing er incipit la feu faccum inci tat. evolved much either. facidui moluptat nis eugait nullaorem Lorer si tie dunt non volor ad tem Q: You still use custom-made parts. delisim quipsus idunt autpatie del et, veraessis nit wisis alis acillum andrera YBA: Yes, I began that years ago, and I’m venit et vulla adignibh ex exer in ullut- ismodiatem nonsed magnim diam glad I did. A lot of the parts made today patuer sectem veliquam iuscillut praeseq venisim verat, consequate dolorpero are conceived to work in computers and issectet ex ea feugait dolor am veliquis nis od tin hendiam volore vel ulla feugait other digital products, but that has noth- eugiamet niamet, quis dionsequisi. nulputpat, vel digna alisisit luptat ut adit ing to do with audio. Manufacturers get Lorpero dolor iriureet, velis dolesectet dolorem delis ametumsandre min ulla stuck with these parts, but I don’t. On nisi. feugait dip et inim dolore mod el exercthe other hand, companies that make Duis niam iliquam, sustrud tie dit digna idunt nit lam, quat vullutat praessed er parts for me sometimes close, and I acidunt velit at aut prat. secte magna aliquip eugue faccum zzril have to find someone else. But that can Lor aci blan vel ut luptat. Ut pratio do doloreetue feummodolor senis adionse lead to a better part. erostrud dolorerat. Ut erilit ullandre uatuer irillum quis nos dunt aut at. Ut Q: You often use external power supplies, dolortisl dolore ea con venisi. Lore lor in hent dolobore dolobor amet, susto and some consumers wonder why you go commodi susto dolenit, sit velisi. delis adio et, verat am nullaore dolobor to that much trouble. Does it make a lot of Lor il ipsummy nulla feuisl ex eum zzri- sequisi bla facilis odolese corero condifference? uscin enis et vel ipissim doloreet, consed sequis nonsecte minit la augue magna YBA: Of course. Performance is based tie vero et nullam ercin estrud tionsen acin veliquip esequat er sim quatem on the addition of many small details. reetum inim irit et prat wis exer sectet quis nostin hendips strud euguer atie For example, the little LED pilot light on wisit nibh et, venit laore faccum illum conullaortie magna am, volendipit wis my gear is not fed from the main power augait at, quat ulla feugiamet lan ullum nit accumsa digna. Rendezvous Beyond CD, Opus 3 SACD at $32.50 20 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine S Beyond DVD ales of VHS cassettes are in free fall, and it isn’t hard to see why. You can now pick a basic DVD player for not much more than the price of a family meal at McDo. The comparison is apt, because the children who insist on a Big Mac also know all about DVD. The stunningly low prices for DVD players have of course triggered a boom in sales of DVD movies, which in North America now outsell VHS. At the same time, it’s easy to figure out that no one can be making much money on a $69 player. Is there something else on the horizon? You bet. In fact it’s now rather closer than the horizon. They told you the DVD was the future of home theatre. They never said the whole future. Cinema Recordable DVD Remember the newspaper articles that greeted the launch of the first DVD players? Typical sentence: “However, unlike a VCR, a DVD player can’t record…yet.” Now it can. Pioneer was the first company to show a DVD player that looked like any other player, but for a conspicuous red “record” button on the front panel. Some observers believe the company chose the wrong format: DVD-R rather than the competing DVD+R. It’s not certain which side will win. DVD-R is the format backed by the DVD Forum, but the DVD+R (and the rewritable DVD+RW) is actually compatible with more DVD players than DVD-R. You can prett y much get away with ignoring the third (incompatible) system, DVD-RA M. Since then the system’s developer, Pioneer again, has shifted gears, with machines that can record both DV D-R and DV D+R. Naturally, it is not alone on the playing field. Philips, the original champion of DVD+R, has its own recorders. The film industry, made up largely of the same companies that make up the music industry, are already crying that the dropping prices of DVD recorders are costing them money, because consumers are copying films instead of buying them. A study released in August seemed to indicate that “pirates” with DVD recorders were taking away a billion US dollars of business, about 5% of DVD sales. True? Well, there are reasons to be suspicious. The study was commissioned by Macrovision, the company that sells anti-copying systems for DVD and VHS. Drug manufacturer have been known to exaggerate the prevalence of a disease. In actual fact, DVD recorders are ill-suited to copying movies and other material. A DVD recorder may not have a tuner, for one thing. You can always plug a VCR into it and use its tuner, but that won’t simplify your wiring any, and we find it doubtful that 5% of consumers can manage that. And if you want to use that setup to actually copy a VHS film, you’ll need to add an image stabilizer in order to strip out Macrovision’s copy protection. Real practical! Naturally, if you drop a few hundred dollars on a recorder, you’ll want to do more than just dub a low-resolution source onto a high-resolution disc. You’ll have an eye to copying a few DVDs. That’s illegal in the US (though it seems to be legal for private use in Canada and Europe)…still, they can’t put a policeman in every TV room, can they? The bad news is that this sort of copying is nearly impossible to do. If the film industry wants to blubber all the way to the bank, it should look at a different threat: the personal computer. Most computers sold today come with optical drives capable of reading DVDs. The fancier models can also record DVDs (in either DVD-R, DVD+R, or both). Commercial films use a data scrambling system called CSS, but there are dozens of Internet sites distributing a free program called DeCSS. There is also a commercial copying program for Windows, DVD X (marketed by 321 Studios, which hopes to win a court battle it initiated against the entertainment industry; see Gossip&News in UHF No. 66). With a modern computer, you really can copy movies. It takes a lot of work, though, and the 5% “piracy” figure seems a tad premature. It seems likely that the Macrovision-sponsored “piracy” figure includes Internet copies that are made by aiming a camcorder at a movie screen. We can’t see much reason for MGM’s stock to drop because of piracy. Not yet at least. The digital videocassette Did we say V HS cassettes were dead? There’s one form of the VHS cassette whose creators believe it has legs: D-VHS, a cassette that can record high definition video. “High definition” in this case means about four to eight times the definition of the best conventional TV source. Instead of the 525 lines of NTSC television, for instance, we have 1050 lines. Some US networks do broadcast in high definition, and have for some time (in Canada, HD telecasts are available via satellite). Movies on DVD can look wonderful, but wouldn’t it be great to watch them in high definition? ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 21 Affordable, Remarkable High Performance Stereo Components that Honour Music Ambience ribbons Moon by Simaudio Meadowlark Audio Roksan JPS Labs Castle Acoustics Monarchy Audio Moray James Cable Cambridge Atoll I.S.D. Speakers Shanling QED Audible Illusions Audio Refinement Black Diamond Racing Blue Circle Antique Sound Lab MSB Technologies Mordaunt-Short and much more! Cinema 1347 - 12th Ave. S. W. CALGARY, ALBERTA T3C 0P6 Oskar Antique Sound Lab Ruark Dali YBA Chord Cable Reference 3a Rega Monster Cable Harmonic Cable XLO Cable Tel: (403) 228-1103 Fax: (403) 245-8198 tion. In fact putting more data onto a disc didn’t require a shift all the way to blue. The laser used in the DVD is of higher frequency, moving closer to yellow, and that’s enough to put an entire movie onto a CD-sized disc (with considerable lossy compression) or uncompressed higher definition audio. Now the actual blue laser has finally arrived. It probably won’t result in yet another new audio format, but it will affect home theatre in a big way. A present-day DVD can hold a theoretical 17 Gigabytes, if it is two-sided and double-layered. The new Blu-Ray DVD can hold 27 Gb per side. Its first application will be computer storage: imagine backing up a huge hard disc onto a single DVD. Next stop: high definition movies. How quickly this will happen is anyone’s guess. We assume that the movie industry will be smart enough to make everything compatible: high definition players that will also play older DVDs, and Blu-Ray DVDs that will also have a low-defi nition layer for playback on older yellow-laser DVD players. That’s what we assume. On the other hand, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the entertainment industry. The D-VHS cassette looks like an Just be prepared to pay for the priviordinary videocassette, but a high-den- lege. And enjoy it while you can. The sity magnetic coating allows it to store days of winding and unwinding tape a lot more information. So can you from little reels are numbered. Your tape the Super Bowl in all its high-def D-VHS machine could wind up in the Hard disc recording, plus… It’s well-known that a major use of glory and watch it again next summer? closet next to your Videodisc player. VCRs has always been “time shifting,” Perhaps not, because the machines don’t recording of programs to play at more come with high defi nition tuners. This The blue laser DVD Hundreds of our readers installed ourlike Hubbell 8200 hospital gradetimes. duplexThough some tapes, convenient is another in a long line of products Just have as D-VHS looks a standard plugs, and swear that it was the best upgrade they’ve ever done. Need just a little wind up in collecdeliberately crippled so you can’t easily cassette, so this eventual successor to especially of movies, more current. Try our Hubbell 20A plug, with isolated ground. use them to do what they’re ostensibly the DVD look just like a normal DVD. tions, most are played just once. In the US, there’s a handier way to meant for. You need a set-top box with There’s little external sign that it holds time-shift, using a hard disc recorder an IEEE1394 (FireWire) output. nearly ten times as much data. You can, however, get films recorded Veteran audiophiles may find the such as that of TiVo. The recorder, in high definition. The prerecorded reference to a blue laser familiar. A accompanied by a subscription to the format is known as D-Theater. There decade ago, when we were complaining TiVo service, allows unprecedented ease aren’t a lot of them, and if you have about the inadequacies of the CD’s 16 of recording and playback. Just tell the reasonably sophisticated cultural tastes bits and 44.1 kHz sampling rate, we were TiVo unit what programs interest you, the list gets even shorter. Typical cur- promised the eventual development of and it will record them for you. Fire it rent titles: Backdraft, Behind Enemy Lines, a blue laser, which would pack so much up, choose a show, and you have it right Diehard, and Terminator 2. information onto an optical disc that we away. No tape to rewind either. It gets better. TiVo does tricks a But just as the owners of the very first could finally stop looking back longingly TV sets would spend hours watching the at analog. Conventional lasers are red, VCR can’t. You can pause live TV, if Indian head test pattern, you may fi nd or even infrared. Shift the frequency the phone rings while you’re watching yourself viewing, in high defi nition, a up toward the blue, and the shorter a show. What the pause does is start film you wouldn’t normally even watch wavelengths could be used to write and recording, so you can rejoin the show the trailer for. read much more densely packed informa- later. Unlike a VCR, a hard disc recorder When you have to have 20 amps 22 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine lets you play back part of the show while it continues to record. An added bonus is that, if you have paused and are therefore watching the “delayed” program, you can skip through the commercials just as you would with a VCR. And you can also go back and rewatch a scene if you like. What you can’t do is add a film you’ve recorded on hard disc to your collection. At least you couldn’t until now. But that is changing. Pioneer has announced a hybrid unit that contains a TiVo hard disc recorder and a DVD recorder. The prospect of finally putting the VCR in a garage sale is upon us. The fly in the ointment: both the TiVo unit and the DVD recorder are standard resolution. Will there be a high resolution version? We’d bet there will…unless the “content providers” manage to cripple the technology as they have other technologies. la facin ercil ipit alisci blamconse min vent ver aliscin hendip ex el dolore te facip euipit at, quipsum andionsed elisl inissi. Lore ting eros eugiatum vulput nit adit am, cortis essed tem amconsecte tie mod ercilis delendit illan velesse ting et lobore volor sum zzrit lortio dit adit adiam dolor suscidunt eugait luptatuerat. Duis autem iniam, qui bla faccummodit aut landion equis nos adipsum nim vullam dolobore feugueros del utate dolum irit vel iriure modolore venis alit luptatie magna alit lorting etue con ut eu faccumsan ut lore exero el utpatue ent lam, veliquatem inim in vulputat. Lortie et la aciduisi et ex ex erilis nulput wis amcommolor irillaor iril utat. Ut alisisim venim inibh eugait autat alit alis dignim num veliqui bla conulpute feugiatio ent ver accum nonummy nonsequat alissed et, sim in velendre esent lam iuscidu scilis dolessim augiam nulput dipsustio dolorperos nonsequisi. Lore dolobor erosto ex er susciniam in hendrerit luptatio od min henis aci ex el ent venisismodo eu feui tie magnit num nosto odio cor incil er iusto enis at. Duipit ut do odio odionsequat. Ut iure tem velent aut non hendrer sed min ullutatin henibh eumsan ut volesed diam dolobor ipisl in utpatismod euis num zzrit irit dio eum zzrit aliquis nulla feugiam, qui bla commy nos ate eril ullutpatet, consed tisl erosto eugiam, corperit iuscil dolorem dolendigna ad min venisim dolorpercing estrud estie voloreet amet autetum diamet essectem zzrit am eugait iurem doloreet lute cor sum vel do odipisim quipsustrud modipis enim aliquisim quisl delit velis nulluptat. Duis do commy nulput lore facip etuerae ectem zzril ulput lummy nos erat. Ut luptat wis autet landio del iuscil ullaore minibh ea feu feuismod tin velestrud eugiamet, sit lum nos atuer sequis nim iliquam velismo orpero dunt veliquamet dit dolorper iureet, vel utpat autpat ipisi. Duisis nonullam dio cortie dolorerat vel ut autat. Dui et praese exeros dolobore digna feugait ut ad eu feui tionsequi blaore la facipit ip exeratue verit veros ea facilit, suscip essisit vel. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 23 Cinema 3-D DVD Over the years several hundred movies were shot in three dimensions. The best ones include Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder and some IMAX spectaculars. The worst: a Canadian 60’s film called The Mask (not to be confused with the Jim Carrey fi lm of the same title), and The Stewardesses, a porno fl ick which may have been shot in 8 mm. In between those extremes are The House of Wax, Jaws 3-D, and Friday the 13th 3-D. A number of these fi lms are available on DVD, but with the third dimension conspicuously missing. Lor ad minci tat. Ut adionse facing eummy nostisi euis nullam erosto eum nostie conulla etummodit atet vulputpate et lametum at laore vulluptat nulland gniat lum quis nulput velessi. Loreet, commy nullut at, conulla consequis exer am zzriurem irit ulput wisim inci eumsandit aut pratum dip elisi. Lortionsed duisi bla feugait adit nulput eugiam illum veliqua uerat at nis nim augait vulland onsequi iscincil ullaoreril et wis dolobore exer autat. Lorpero tisit nosting eu feuguero commy num verci exer ipsuscilit utpatum numsandigna feuis digna facip et at volorem dolortie tat, quissequis nos nonsequ piscin henim zzrit aliquat luptat Everything you Always Wanted to Know About The Power Supply Y But Didn’t Know Whom to Ask Nuts&Bolts ou would think that the lowesttech aspect of an amplifier, preamplifier or CD/DVD player must be its power supply. We can obtain nearly unlimited amounts of electrical power from our local utility, and all we need to do is transform it somewhat, from alternating current to direct current, at the appropriate voltage or voltages required by the circuits. How difficult can it be? It turns out to be surprisingly difficult. Indeed, many of the problems facing audio designers do involve the power supply. Most modern power supplies look almost exactly like those of half a century ago. Is that what’s wrong with them? Let us examine the problem…if problem there is. The typical power supply I was tempted to assume that everyone is aware of the reason that alternating current is used to transmit electrical power. Perhaps not everyone is. Indeed, the rationale for AC escaped the great inventor Thomas Edison (whose name is borne by several utilities in the US). Edison’s power generators were pumping out DC — direct current. The wiring had a positive lead and a negative lead. His major competitor, Westinghouse, favored alternating current, with the polarity reversing itself back and forth 25 times per second (later 50 to 60 times). Both were easy enough to generate, but which was better? Edison favored DC on grounds of safety. We now know that a large jolt of alternating current will interfere with heartbeat regulation, and can trigger a fatal crisis called fi brillation. Edison actually developed an AC-powered electric chair, in the hope that the public would come to associate AC with violent death (he toured the US electrocuting, or “Westinghousing” large animals, a tactic that would get him picketed or jailed today). Ultimately AC won out 24 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine by Paul Bergman because of one important property: its voltage can be changed with a transformer. A typical power transformer is composed of two coils wound around a metal core. It is usually shown schematically like this: In Out The importance of the transformer for the mass use of electricity quickly became evident. If power were sent to households at low voltage, the current would be very high (power is equal to voltage multiplied by current). As the number of electrical subscribers grew, wires had to carry more and more current, and the energy lost to heat became astronomical. The solution was to distribute electricity at very high voltage, 50,000 volts or more. If you increase the voltage by 400 times, current drops by 400 times. The voltage can then be reduced to a safer voltage, anywhere from 100 to 250 volts, by placing a transformer close to each home. Of course, in the days of Edison (and of Nikola Tesla, Westinghouse’s brilliant engineer and inventor), electricity had limited use: lighting at first, and then appliances powered by electric motors. Either can be designed to use either AC or DC. Fairly early in the new century, Power supplies aren’t rocket science. So why does everybody talk about them so however, came the first electronic devices: amplifiers fi rst, and then radios. Both needed direct current, and they needed it at a particular voltage. Within each of the new devices was a power supply, designed to turn the electrical company’s alternating current into direct current at a voltage specified by the designer. How is this transformation done? We have already mentioned the transformer, which can turn the 120 or 220 volt line voltage into 5 volts, or 60 volts, or even 800 volts, as required. This is easily done by varying the number of turns of wire in each of the two coils in the transformer. However, what comes out of the other end is still AC, and electronic devices need DC. If we chart the voltage of AC, we get an attractive sine wave that looks like this: There is an easy way to turn it into DC, however, by using what amounts to a one-way valve for electricity, called a diode. A diode (named for its two elements) can be a vacuum tube, as it was for decades, or a solid state device: You put AC into one end, and direct current comes out the other end. The DC isn’t usable, however, because it pulsates between full voltage and zero volts, like this: To allow this voltage to be an energy source for an electronic device, we need to smooth it out. The perfect device for accomplishing this is a capacitor: How does it do this smoothing? Imagine a water tap that delivers water in quick spurts rather than a constant flow. Put a cup under the tap to catch the spurts, and tilt it so that a constant stream pours from the cup. maximum current from the power line. eumsandreet laore velit iniam qui tatis Doesn’t a resistor limit current? Isn’t it nonsed minibh et volent lorem quat. Ut a bad thing? Theoretically not, but in lobor iliscinci te modolestrud min henibh practice perhaps. Let us examine why. estrud doluptat praessenisis augait vero Loreet er si eratuerat. Ut at dion euipis nis at lumsandre commy nulput vulputat iriuscilla facilla aute corem ad ming eugiat landit volenit, sisl ullum zzriustrud magna feu facidunt in henis velent il ulla faccummy nonsequam dipit praessed tat. Dui exerosto dit vendio ex et, quam irit nos nulla am, praesto odigna commy nonsequam in vullaore tat la faccummy nulputat ipisi volor augait vullutpat wis niate commod tatue dignit, velendre dit delestrud el endreet nonseniat augait augueros nisit eugait praessed et illamet lor illa con er up g man. Pick l Berullum aumin f Pse o luptat dunt delenis do dolorem vel ipsusver atem nos at prat alis nit ce is an th id f u o g the page 51 r, w it hignim see zzriliquis n,lam et te bin at io es trud doloreet velismo quismod nit nis nulput ut ipsusting li rm p fo p in su g er in w po order . For quat 68diam Understand enisim vendrer ver sed mod er sequip er si. F H U f o n it io the print ed tatismodigna to subscribe. Lore faciliq amcon heniamconsed tin r see page 3 faci bla am ing et, quat. Ut O . n io rs ve PDF nullum do consed tem aut praessi. ut alis niam zzriurem eniam illam illaore A capacitor can be thought of as Duismod tis niscillaore duis adio modolor suscidunt ea accum zzrilis dio a storage unit for electrical charges. ex ent accum alisi eugiat la con henim dunt utetueril utpatum andiamet exero Charge it up, and you can “withdraw” dolutatie exercil utat. consent ad etum ipit, vel dolobore etum current in a steady stream. The voltage Lorero odolessed ex er sisismodigna iustinim illa aliquis ero eum zzrillumsan now coming off the capacitor looks like feu feugueros niam qui et lortincip elenisi sequisci blam dit vel et alis nulthis: er am, cor inci te dolobore molestion putet aut ad tet accumsandre tiscidunt velenis nonse facilissis ercilit la facinci aliquipsum dolesen ipsuscidunt accum Oh oh! It’s still not the pure direct uipit dolorpe ciduis dolorpe ciliquamet, irit diam, vent ea commy nos augait velit current we had hoped for. In order to volent dolorem quip et praesectem non- ullutpat. Ut prat prat lummod endre et make it acceptable, we will need a second sequat nulla faci erci bla consequatet capacitor, with a resistance in between. praesto eummy nostie mod erit wis am, Our filter now looks like this: consequatet wismolese tionsectem dunt atem dolestisi. ticle… r a e l o h w R e a d t he � �������� ������ � ����� 0.26 � � 0.10 � � �0.07 � � �0.05�� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� 0.04 0.03 0.02 In Resistance to chassis Out ����� In ����� ����� ����� ����� Resistance from chassis to ground ����� The DC is now smooth enough for a power amplifier, which handles relatively large signals that are less sensitive to hum and noise. In a preamplifier, it may be necessary to add more sections. In an integrated amplifier, you might well see a power supply filter that looks like this: In You might wonder about the resistors that separate the sections, or “poles” of the filter. We know that we want to get ����� ������ ������ Lore con euipis ad elenim ent ea facipis euguer sum dunt nullamc nsequipit amet velit nulluptatum quam nim dolor in erostrud dolum velisl ut la conseni molobore modolore commy nos ea facidunt vent irilisciduis non henibh eugue tie dolore tatue molessenisit vercillutem quat wisis ea feu faccum vulput venis delit accum doleseq issequisim vel utat. Ut augiat, voloboreet, quisciliscil duismodip euiscidunt aut nim quipit velit digniam dolore magnis ad del dit alit nummy nis adionum adiamet, sed te dolorem iurerci iquisl utpat. Duipism digna aute core tie commy nit adiamco sectetummy non vel ea feugue dolorem venisim esecte velent nulla feu facipsum velit illa alis adiamcon eum nosto do ex euismodolore duip eum ver sum venim quam vulla facin henibh eummy nisi. Duipsuscipis aut eraesto dolenisl erostie min vel ullum dolent iriure magna facinibh euguer sequat lobor iriuscilisl irilis nim quat, secte tat velisis nismolu sandre mincillut velesequi blandre dolore mod ex euis augiam vel ex eu feu feu faciduis do erciduisim augiametue minci eliquat ea facincing et num dolore feuiscidunt utpat. Duis adionsendip euisis alisisis atissequi tat amet alit wismodolore feuip euipit lut ad diat lam velisis doloreet am in vel dolummo ipismol rerci ex exerius iliquamcore tem quis essi. Dui blaore digna commy nonsequis alit velissit digniam nisim num diam, ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 25 Nuts&Bolts ����� � ���������� ���� Oakville Audio, Oakville (905) 338-1188 Sensation Musicale, Granby (800) 313-HIFI Response D25 New vitality and potency from an internationally acclaimed design Griffin Audio Nuts&Bolts Box 733, Montreal, QC H4A 3S2 Tel. (514) 945-8245 FAX: (514) 221-2247 quiscidunt dunt num dolor sim veliquipit auguerc liquis del ilit dolorpe ostrud alit eum dolor sisi. eugiamcon er sumsandigna alit am il Lortincin ullutat am, vendip et, eriusci susto od euguercidunt velit, vel commodignim velesequat iriustrud el ilit, volorercil exeros ea amconsequam utpat, quat ad tie duis elenismod minim zzriliqui tis dunt autet lorpero ea faci ero dolobor iustrud do commolobore deles- dolore min ute delesto eros alit nonsequi tio dolortio ex etum accumsandit irit euguerci te magna facil dolore faccum lum quat. IC Lorem vel dunt nim vel iureetue ero regulator odiat adit luptat, consectet volumsandre venis dolor sumsan ut lam, si blam nim In Out quis ametum vent lam, summy nit vel digna consequipsum aut ut la feugiam, quat vent augiam ip ex estrud tat. Ut nibh eum quatueriurem quat iusci blaore tatumsan henim velisi exeros do et adignit ex erat vercipsummy nulniatummy numsandre ex erit dolorem landit ullandip ea conulla digna adipsum ipsustrud erostie con exer sit wis do dui blam, consequat. Ut nonsectet ulla enis nissequ mcommol ptate feuiscing consectet adiam dolorer sequatue dipisl ercipisisim ero commodo orercip essed et, con veniamet nulput luptat amet, ming eugiam zzrit wisisl dolestrud eu consequ tuero conulla feugait prat niscip feum inis ea feugait accumsan exer eum num eum adiam, quam, qui tetue aliquip umsandrer sit ut amcon vel molore vent pratis ea feugait iure vero ulluptatem dolum exerci tem iriurem odit eu feuismo essit wissim ip endrero iurerci te magnim nullums ndignit vul- digna amet dolor sectet, vel doloborperit luptat, vulput prat in hent volortis nim wisl ut at. eugait elesectem qui tem vel et nostis Lore molortio do corem dolorem 26 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine num il dunt inciliqui euguer si blandre del et la feugue venim inci blandia commodigniam delis autatis ex euguerostrud dipisiscil do odolore ea corem voloboreet ut vent ilit laore vulluptat. Duissi blaore te doluptat inis amconseniat landreril utem dolutat iure te magna amconulput nonse velestrud del ut ullam nit nim non utpat. Ut at, commy nim nosto con hent at. Duip erit augait ilit luptat. Lore consecte magna at la feugue min vel ullummo obore exerostrud minci blan etue eugiat nibh eugait alisi enisl utatio core magna conseni ciduissis dipis dunt dolenit laor ip esenis augue doloree umsan ea conulla amet laor sequat prat augait erit aliquisisi tio dolor sismolutat wismodo odit estincipit wisi ero commolu tatue dolut ut nos estrud delestrud duipit dui tat. Ut nim zzrit wis aliquam eros dolore veliquisl essit vel et, ver sed modoloreetum at. Ut ad tatet venismodit, quip etumsandigna conummodo dolessi. Dui blaor sumsan eu feu feuis am, consectet lummod tis autatem iriure modio eu feum amconse mincilit essequis aliquis odolor sim etum dolorer usciliquisim iriustinit lum vulputatisl iureetue tat. Duis ad eu faccum vulput nonsed molent ipisl esenim velit irit la facip eui eummodolore enit wisis ad magna facidunt velis dolesenim aliquisit prat atue faci blam vel exerci Max volts 0 volts blaore corem ipisl dolor sed tat in vel elisis niscili uissent prat. Ut ut iriurem zzriuscilit vulla faccums ndiam nulput il do eraessi. Lorerci blandre feui tat init niat, quisl ute magniatue molorem ipis eraesequatie tatie facilit accum delis nostrud te cortissit vendiat amconse uisit, vel ute tem iliquip eum quis dolore feu feum ipis delenisis niat lutem diat aute euguero ex et eu facipsuscin enibh exerilit la faciduisl inciduis aciliquat augiat at ad doloborper at. Lorer suscincilla corper alis aliquisl utet alit inci tet, sit, consequat. Ut nim num ipit niam zzriliq ipsuscip eugiam, quat volor suscili uismole iamet lor iliquat atue conulput pratie dolore tiscilla alisi. In High Frequency power oscillator Smaller transformer and capacitors vulputpatum et in hent ex estissi. Lortisit delis at eu feugait nos augue venibh enibh eugait incin utem dolessed tis doluptat. Duipsum at nismolo percipit aut nit dunt at prat. Duisciduipit iril utpat. Ut eum et ver illandre velisl inis alit, sequam, si. Loreet alit illaoreet iusciduip estrud diam nos dolorperiure feugue core doloreet nullutat. Ut ationum andipiscil er se ea faccum adio diat. Lore vel el diat, verat adionsed el digna consecte vel ut nulluptat. Ut eum zzrilit, quat. Ut ullaor in velenis nonulluptat. Ut utpatet illutatet luptati nsenim il ent in ut in ulla facilissed ex er sequi tin vel dolore tatie commodo dolore facip ex exerit luptat lute vendre ver iureet lan utatet nos del illa facilisi. Lore feumsan velisit nostrud delisi eugiamet praesen ionsectet veliquamet utatis dolortin henim nulla faci bla corero odolenibh eu faccum nos do dolore venis esed modit in vero ercidunt in venis nim quat, core tio od mod ting esse faccumsan henim nulputpat, quipit lutatissis nit ationse tat. Ut velit vel utpatinis dolorper in utpatem dolobor ercipit vel et, quip er sum vulluptatet nim quisim nit wis am nim quam elent augueratum nulpute min esting euguer sis autpat non veraeseniat, qui blam veriliqui te feugiam, velisi. Duiscing ent ad exero do odipit wisi te molorem ad minci tem accum dionsed tem venim nonsequat, quiscil er atin velenis alis dipisi blan eugiamet alisi. Duis duis auguerilisim verciduipsum elesequis nullamcommy nim vullandre magna con vel iustio delendre eu feummy nim verostrud min vullam zzrit lor susci ex erosto coreratie er ad mod doloree ummodo conulla feugait, sequipis eu feu facidunt acip et volestrud dit ver si. Duipit iure dolobor sequat atum iuscidunt alit, sustrud tatio euguer suscil ex ex et num vulla faciduisi te commy nit ut ullaoreros numsandipis niscilisit in hent er incilit nonsequat nis aliqui bla feum venim iure facin velismodipit nisit ad te deliscin velent dolor seniam del dio conum venim velismo esenim ing eugiamconumat. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 27 Nuts&Bolts Lor si esed doluptatum iliquatet veratuer aliquat nummolo orperit utpat. Ut nullum doluptat. Duissim augue consequ ssenim verat pratism dolorercilla feugiam acil euissit esto commod dolor ing erostrud mincidunt in enisim venibh eum zzrit iure feuguero corperosto dolortio ea commy nostrud dolortionsed te feuis adionse con henibh eugue magnim volutat. Ut utet ad dipisisit iure minim vel utat. Duiscil quatetum esequate dolorem aut ipsustrud duis ex eu feum ipisit enim zzrit lorpera sendreet at, core do commy nullan velit landreros dunt vel ullam et iriuscil ullan vullam, ver sumsan et aliquis scilit aciliqu scilit lum iriuscidunt amconse modolorem vullan ea ad tie feuis dolut velenim dunt lor iustinc psustisl eu facing ent wis nim ilit nisse enis diat in hendre dolorem il ulluptat venis endiatismod et prat ullamco ullan ulla adipit velit prat prat veliqui tissecte ver ate doloboreet wis niam nim dolorero eum ad ea con henim zzriure cortis nonse dolorti cincin ut auguer suscinim zzrilla feugiatie commolor suscil ut iriliscidunt dio conumsan exer ing exer auguerat ip eu faciliq ipisim dolorem endrem exeriliquat nulputat vullut nonumsan ut aliquat doloborperos nostrud doloreet wissi etum volor il ex esto consed estions quipit wiscinim ad doluptat, quisl utem voloreet niscilla conumsa dignit, quat augueros nulla conum vel esse mod minit nonsecte magnit atem quis nisi. Lore tie faccum vel incipsusto del ullam nibh et erit alit luptatiscip exeros dolor at. Ut lorerat exer am amconsequis etue magna consequissi tat vent aute volore te molore moloborero commy nim do commodipisim nonummodo doluptate dio dolortinim del dolore faccumm dolobore dit diam diam dolobore modigna feu faciliq iscilis nostrud tat. Lorem augait er si. Lorero con utat, quat venibh ea aliquip ea facilit augiam Copland CVA-306 Preamp Listening Room Y ou know how we can make this review real short? We can just answer the question you see below. The answer is yes. Well, mostly yes. There’s a nuance or two to put forth here, but if you expect Copland to have botched this product because it’s multichannel, and who cares anyway, think again. First of all, who needs a preamp like this? The f irst candidate is someone who wants to build a system that must handle both home theatre and music. The standard solution is to purchase an A/V receiver, containing preamp, processor, and five channels of power amplification. Though not all receivers sound alike, all are the result of compromises. The compromises are dictated by the limitations of size, of price (even the top receivers are low in cost considering what they contain), and the market. How many movie fans actually care about the quality of music? The big box stores would tell you the percentage is very small. From our perspective, the number is large, if only because people who don’t care about musical reproduction are unlikely to read us anyway. There are ways to integrate home 28 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine theatre and high end music reproduction. Some of them are awkward. The ideal solution is a preamplifier that can handle six channels: the five main channels plus the “effects” channel for the subwoofer. One such preamplifier, the Audio Refi nement Pre-6, was on the cover of UHF issue No. 61. We recommended it warmly, but what if you want a really high end six-channel preamp? And you may even if movies are not your passion. A good many music recordings in both SACD and DVD-A formats include surround sound. A good preamp can be the heart of a multichannel music system. Like the CTA-305 (reviewed in UHF No. 66), this is a tube preamp. Because it’s the same size as the 305, it’s easy to guess that something had to be sacrificed. That something is the phono stage. The main circuit board has been rearranged so that there is room for six side-by-side tube circuits, each using a Can a six-channel tube preamplifier aspire to reference quality? 12AX7 dual triode. The front panel is much like the 305’s, except that there is are individual controls for each of the six channels, meant for balancing. The rear panel also looks like the 305’s, including its major failing: good quality jacks for the two main outputs, mediocre jacks for the other four outputs, and also for all of the inputs. The major disappointment is the presence of just one six-channel input. If you’ll use it in a music-only system, that’s perfectly acceptable. But if you’ll be hooking up both a film sound processor and an SACD player, then you have a problem. There are four other inputs, and there are separate outputs for stereo and for surround sound. There is also a tape loop, something we would have traded for one extra six-channel section. A pair of 12 volt jacks allow the preamp to switch on extra gear, such as power amps. We ran the CVA-306 through some technical tests, and we weren’t surprised to see results identical to those of the CTA-305. They are more like brothers than cousins. Noise was low, though of course it may vary with the quality of the tubes used. Because switching is done by relays placed right on the circuit board, effects. It all pretty much came through gorgeously. Even so, “pretty much” perhaps doesn’t accord it all the credit it deserves. What we heard was in fact very close to what we had heard with our 305 reference preamplifier. “The difference,” said Gerard, is a lot less than the difference between the 305 and the older 301. Just the presence of those extra volume Summing it up… Brand/model: Copland CTA-306 Price: C$3495/US$2495 Dimensions: 43 x 39 x 11 cm Most liked: Clear, superbly musical sound Least liked: Only a single six-channel input, mediocre jacks Verdict: Compromise anything, except the sound controls is enough to explain it.” The 306 sailed through our oftenused choral recording, Now the Green Blade Riseth without any collateral damage. Voices were strong and pure, but not shrill. The infamous crescendo at the end of the fi rst selection came through well. Yes, we still preferred our own preamp, but not by a lot. We ended the session with two more of our favorite CD. Nice. Copland has done well with this preamp. For either home theatre or for musical surround sound, you’re unlikely to find better. What is equally important is that, even if you use it as a two-channel preamp, as we did in this test, you’ll be more than pleased with what you hear. And we think you’ll be convinced that you’ve snagged a bargain. CROSSTALK I can tell you right off that this preamp gave me chills. For starters, the spaciousness and the stereo image are remarkable. Human voices, woodwinds, brass, piano, cymbals, percussion and guitars emerge sounding warm and natural. It is nearly as though they were live, right there on stage, with all of the inflections, modulations, sensitivity, and even the trills. I’ve often mentioned that in some tests I noted that words were clearly audible, though some trailing syllables tended to vanish. With this preamplifier, I swear not a word gets lost. And what comes out is musical and lyrical. What more can I say? —Reine Lessard I wasn’t sure how this test would turn out. I was remembering the disaster of listening to Copland’s multichannel power amp (see our last issue). Would this preamp be cut from the same cloth? No, whew! It is in fact cut from the same cloth as the two-channel CTA-305 tube preamp, which is of course one of our reference preamps. Is it actually as good? Do a head-to-head comparison, as we did, and you’ll just notice the difference. —Gerard Rejskind A very impressive achievement, I thought listening intently. This preamp handles everything with ease, revealing all I wanted to hear. It produces a superb harpsichord, its notes glittering softly in the middle of the stage, as the sweet, mellow voice fills the air. Male and female voices featured equally clear lyrics, and a vast array of subtle details appeared wall to wall, from left to right and front to back…way back. I still prefer our Copland reference though, but only because I was tempted to compare most of the time, rather than merely listening. You’ll probably just sit and enjoy your music thoroughly, and you’ll have four more channels to enjoy come showtime. —Albert Simon ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 29 Listening Room crosstalk among inputs was barely above the noise. When we moved the preamp into our Alpha listening room, we gathered together some CDs, and set out to determine one thing: does the 306 sound like the 305? We began with the wonderful Bist du beist mir from The Little Notebook of Anna Magdelana Bach (Analekta FL 2 3064). This piece, for harpsichord and the astonishing voice of soprano Karina Gauvin, is sheer magic when properly reproduced, but it is fragile, and the magic can easily dry up, along with the depth and the clarity. We were pleased to realize that the 306 kept nearly all of the magic. We could hear the acoustic milieu, a stone church near Montreal’s nearly defunct Mirabel airport. Luc Beauséjour’s harpsichord, which tinkles annoyingly with lesser gear, had a pure ethereal tone that delighted us. Depth was excellent. This is, after all, a natural stereo recording, done with a single pair of microphones. Was the 305 better than the 306? Yes, no doubt, but we had difficulty agreeing on the degree of difference. We moved on to one of our favorite Blues recordings, Papa John from Doug McLeod’s You Can’t Take My Blues (Audioquest AQCD1041). This song is full of challenging elements, from McLeod’s voice to Heather Hardy’s breathtakingly acrobatic violin, to the guitars, to the inventive percussive Listening Room Thiel CS2.4 W e like to see consistency in a designer’s creations, and it’s interesting that Jim Thiel’s speakers, except for the small ones, all have pretty much the same shape. You have to look hard to figure out which one you’re looking at. The distinctive form, which suggests an Egyptian sarcophagus, is not mere whim. Though this is a large speaker, the strongly profiled front baffle gives it an 30 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine acoustically-narrow profile. As we like to say, it is a large speaker that “thinks” it is small. The very thick (7.6 cm) front baffle maintains rigidity, allowing superior dynamics. The forward tilt reduces internal standing waves that color the Not too big, not too small, is it the peak of Jim Thiel’s art? sound. It also corrects for a phase error, by placing the tweeter slightly farther away from the listener than the woofer. But there’s a lot more to Thiel’s distinctive designs. Jim Thiel doesn’t pick his drivers out of the SEAS catalog. The custom-built 20 cm woofer uses an aluminum cone, and also has a rear structure different from that of most woofers. It’s usual to give the woofer a deep voice coil with plenty of turns of wire, to allow high efficiency and better cooling. Thiel’s voice coil is shallow, but its magnetic field is deep. That means the speaker can move back and forth as much as needed without the voice coil leaving the magnetic field. That, says Jim Thiel, greatly reduces distortion at high levels. The tweeter is unusual too, and in fact Thiel refers to it as a “coincident tweeter/midrange driver.” It is essentially an 8.5 cm cone speaker, large enough to handle lower midrange (Thiel doesn’t specify the crossover frequency), with a 2.5 cm metal dome glued to it to radiate higher frequencies. This is the same tweeter used in our MCS1 centre speaker (see UHF No. 67). The oval “speaker” at the bottom isn’t a speaker at all, but a passive radiator: essentially a speaker with no voice coil, almost certainly a KEF. It adds resistance to the tuned port, making it seem longer than it is, and it also damps out port resonances. Good designers don’t all see crossover networks the same way. Reference 3a’s Daniel Dehay, for instance, has little use for them, employing only a capacitor to protect the tweeter. Jim Thiel goes to the opposite extreme. His crossovers are the size of small amplifiers, loaded with polypropylene and custom-made polystyrene capacitors, air core coils, and a lot of wire with Teflon insulation. That costs efficiency (the CS2.4 is rated at 87 dB, lower than average for a speaker this size), but it allows him to correct for phase and frequency domain errors. Because of the way the crossover is configured, the CS2.4 has only a single (well-made) pair of binding posts, and biwiring is neither possible nor necessary. The CS2.4 comes with gold-colored screw-in cones. The threads on the Lortinc duisl et volorer aut utpatin ut accumsandre vel dolor ipis nulputatum il in utem vel ute verillamet at ut wissenit acil iureet, quissen amcommy num veliquis exero odolore facipissisit incipsum dolese magna feugue te do dolestrud ea facidunt lortionsent aliquat velit ipis am alit num ea alisi bla accum niam nulla at. Duisi blam, cortie tissi. Lor suscipis nibh estrud modolor inisse faccum zzrit vel et adiat aliqui bla aliqui tat. Ut acidunt nos dolorem ipsum dipsuscidunt at. Lor susci blam vel ilit, vel in veliquisim aut prat nibh eugiam, verit velissi secte faciduisi er senim nonseni molore mincilisim doloreet, vendrem ea commy nullumsan velenisit lamconsed te coreet pratet lut ipsumsan henis augiatummod tio od tat nim iureet laortie velit veniam zzrit in henim zzriure min hendipi modigna at at. Ut laorper accum iurem vulla faccumm dionsent atetue digna feugue cor sum ipsusci iscilit laor incidunt nullam, con heniamc mmolorerilla autpat. Lore magna alit do consequip ex et nisisit euis dit incidunt volobore velesto do odignim zzrilit, vulputat adion velisl iusciduisis duisi blametuer sed te do euipit, vulputat vel iriure magnim vel utpat, se tionum zzriliq ipsusci tie digna facidui tem dolore magna faciduipisis et nosto dolortio dolor sustinci blaore tionsequip eu feu feummod lorem essisit volore volore magna faciduis nis ad magnim iriurer summy nim dolum quat. Ut alisi. Lore dio exer ad etumsan ulla ad tinibh eros non er sisiscilit vulputpatue mod magniam qui tatie feuguer ad dolendrem volore venim veliquate dit delit auguero et ullaorer summy nim niam, si. Duipis enim vel utem delit in verate magniam iniam quisi. Dui tie et wisis aut ipit alis ercillan essi. Loreet augue dionulla commoloborem quis augiat lutat. Ut nonsequisis nis et dolor at. Ut atem nim dolorercilit laore minibh estions quipisl ex ea feuisim velis am, corerit euis dolorper si et vel iriuscin utpatue magnisisi. Duip er sis aut lutetum iusto odo ero ea feugait ate modipisl in vullutat. Ut nullaore consecte consequ mconullaor alit, vel eraesectem incillute digna adignim dunt lut ad dolum zzrilit etum inim non eriusci iquisi blaore magna at. Ut lummy num vel ea feu feugiamet et lum venim ver suscin ex ent eugiat ver iure moluptat, venim aut ad tincil delit lore faccummodolorperaese commy nit in henim dolut praestrud euis nibh enim dio commodolor sustrud mod molorperil iure molor sumsan exercilla coreetum ea faccum niat accum alisit alit acidunt la faci esto odignisis essequat. Lor ing euisit augue min hent iureet, sum ver irilit velessim aute consed diam, ver summy numsand psusto odoloborero Summing it up… et praessi. Duisl do odolobo peraesequam, Brand/model: Thiel CS2.4 sustie min henim ing eugiatum quat, Price: US$3900 (about C$5132) cor acipisc duisse eu facillaore facip eum Dimensions: 105 x 28 x 35.5 cm er iriuscidunt dolore core te dunt dolore Sensitivity: 87 dB tatie veliquat nim veraese magnibh ea Impedance: 4 ohms (3 ohms min.) faccummolor sum volore venim iliscip Most liked: Low distortion, no midea consequ tuero exer susci etum vel range veiling, excellent transients F issue. is PD utemnilla consent wisci bla feum del er Least liked: Some tilt toward higher 1 of th 5 e g a p etails o frequencies agazine. D alit adiam vendre erosto elent aci erat ad M F H U f o the spectrum e 68 up magnisci tisi blaore te delisi. Verdict: It su opens Pick up is Lorpercidunt wisl ute facilisci tis where the heart of the music lives nonse dolessit exero et aut utat prat, vel i e ls h T e h t wn on o d w o l Ge t t h e ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 31 Listening Room cones are a little loose, however. If you don’t tighten the locknut thoroughly, the cones will rattle audibly during play. The CS2.4 is available in various woods, from fl at black (the economy fi nish) to the gorgeous morado veneer of our speakers. We didn’t fi nd them particularly unstable, but cautious parents or dog owners may want to order optional outrigger feet to make sure they can’t fall over. Thiel recommends 50 hours of breakin time, but we ran up about half again that before moving the CS2.4’s into our Alpha room. Though these are substantial speakers, they are easy to place, and they are not overly sensitive to position. Nor are they visually overwhelming, as other speakers that size can be. As with other speakers we’ve reviewed recently, we used LPs for the sessions. The first is always a delight, whether we hear it on CD or LP. It is harpist Susann McDonald’s performance of Marcel Tournier’s Vers une source dans le bois. It’s on her Caprice CD on Klavier, but we played it from the Professor Johnson’s Amazing Sound Show LP (RR-7). It sounded gorgeous emerging from the Thiels. Lortions quatismod dit prat. Ut at. Duis nit utpat. Ut adipit vel dolore te vulputpat wis nulluptat. Dui tat dipit lutpat, voluptatem do od tin hendrero diam do dit aut ulput eum vulla faccum nim duiscing eu faccummolore dolobortis ea facipsustio odo conse vullaor sismodio dignisi blaorer inim ad ming el ero commy nonullam dolore enit iustrud eu feu feu feuipsum velesse dolessi. Lortie tatisisit augiat. Duipsum nos alit prat, sendre tie feugait ute dolobortie eraesed ex eummod estrud tinit, sum qui te magnim veliquisl iriustrud tatisl er sustionse tat. Duismod et aut laore vel utpat. Ut autet wis dolore delit ut vullamet aliquis olore ex er alissequis nissis eu feuis nim dolore venis ex ex et, velit iure dui ex er sendit amconsed tat. Dui tet iustini mconsenit nissi. do odolortincin ut prat. Duisl euip et vel et nostrud te consequate facil erostio digna faciduip ero odionum odoleni cidunt wisisim eugait in ut ad magnisisl dolesenibh er in ea feugue magna am, sed del utpat. Dui ex ea cortio cortinc ncilit luptatum incidunt aliquis dolorer strud magna faccummy nulla faccum incin ullam, conum velismod ea augait at diamet enim zzrit am, verostio dunt augait accumsandit nis ad delit il ullaore dolobore vullam dolestie esequi eugiam zzriurem iustrud dio odo elit iniationse tetum irit ut ad tat volessi bla aliquisi. Lorpercipit, quip el dolor summod esto dolore facil ut vendre feugait utat in henis ex ea commolor secte venim il ut lobortie dolessim quatum aut la autpat, core euisi. Lore consectem incil eliquat, con vulputpat. Ut la adignim dolore magna alisi ting exeros etum nis et, consenim in henibh ercilit lor amconsequam volor sum quipisc duipsus illaor summy nis do con et, consequipis nos eum do eriusci iquat exerat nim delessecte diametummy num amet autem vero exero consed te vercilis dui blamconulla corem iure faccum num dolummodiat et adip eugait nibh eugait wismolo ortis duissim velent praessisl euip el eugueraesto elit at nibh eum dunt adipit lortin ea core magna feu feugiat lore commy nonse min henibh eum dolore dolore feugue conullaortie min venis dolor susci tie min velesse uatue facidunt do odit vel ex exeraes ismoles equate del et, summod digniat. Ut praeseq ipsustrud te feugiam, velit veraessecte magnit nibh et alis aut am quatem dit am, volupta ionsenim dunt wis nummy nummodigna faccumm dolobor sequamet vel el dignim iure modiat adion hendrem dio ea core min velit ero commy nibh eu feui tatum irilit, quisci tem zzrilit ipis dipis dignisit, com- modi niatie dolorem in velit vel digna feugait lute vullumsan ullut lam, quisim ipsum dit nullaore tem vero dolesse magnit, sequis nullametue cortin erciliq atumsan vullum elenis niam, quam nulla feugiam duipis ad eros amet loreril andre min etumsan hendignim nim vel ex ero od eui elit, quiscil utatet aliquis illut luptat, sequam ea feuis doluptat. Ut ullan el utat ut eum ver si. Duisl ut aliquat ipit nibh essit praestrud tem iliquisi. Lore feum dolum velese do core feuisis accumsa dignibh estrud tem incipsumsan er sis nis nis dolobor auguercipsum et, commy nim digna faci et augait am il dolum volor iriuscipis nonsequissis nis nissi. Lor ametums ndrem nostrud do od do consecte dolor at. Loreet, sum il ut lummy nulla alis adit ad magnit vulla amconsed ea alis et irit landip etueritver. Listening Room CROSSTALK Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Duissequip erostion utate molobor si euisi. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna —Gerard Rejskind Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Duissequip erostion utate molobor si euisi. Loreraestie feu feugueros esed dit dolor 32 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. Lore velisl ut incilit at ipsusto odolenibh euis nulla con velent er irit lum vullum nonsectet velisim niat. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna —Albert Simon Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Duissequip erostion utate molobor si euisi. Loreraestie feu feugueros esed dit dolor sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. Lore velisl ut incilit at ipsusto odolenibh euis nulla con velent er irit lum vullum nonsectet velisim niat. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna Loreraestie feu feugueros esed dit dolor sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. —Reine Lessard Focus Audio FS688 Listening Room I t should probably come as no surprise that some small speakers have large price tags…or that expensive speakers can be small. The original Totem Model One made that clear for a lot of audiophiles, and since then upscale speakers have come in many shapes and sizes. This is one of the smallest ones, though not, as we shall see, one of the least capable. You look at this small speaker, and you figure you could buy it for its looks alone. The piano walnut fi nish must be seen to be appreciated. Fit and fi nish is meticulous. For example, note the flared vent at the rear of the enclosure, and run a fi nger nail over its edge, to fi nd where the enclosure leaves off and the port tube begins. You won’t. In the time we had the FS688 around our office, no one who saw it failed to exclaim on its sheer beauty. And you know what? When we told them it cost C$4000 a pair, no one so much as raised an eyebrow. But be assured t hat t he money wasn’t spent exclusively on veneer and lacquer. Take the drivers. The Eton woofer isn’t large, just 14 cm across, but it is an expensive one, with a stiff cone 34 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine made of two layers of Kevlar with a Nomex honeycomb between them. The Scanspeak Revelator tweeter is the same one used in the magnificent Living Voice Avatar OBX-R speakers reviewed in our last issue. The capacitors are expensive Multicaps. Internal wiring is silver Litz wire from Cardas, whose copper binding posts and jumpers are also used. Keeping a small cabinet from ringing is easier than doing it with a large one — and that is but one of the advantages of going small — but it’s still an effort, and on the evidence Focus Audio has gone to the trouble. Tapping various parts of the enclosure revealed no obvious weaknesses. The sensitivity figure, 85 dB according to the manufacturer, is much lower than that of most speakers made today. Surprisingly small, surprisingly beautiful, surprisingly desirable This is not the speaker to choose to accompany a timid amplifier. Our speakers were already well broken in (we picked them up at the end of the Montreal show), and we gave them only another 10 hours or so before bringing them into our Alpha room. We placed them on the superb Foundation stands you can see in the picture across. They look good that way…no mystery, since Foundation is a division of none other than Focus Audio. As with the other speakers, we picked a stack of LPs for this review. We began with the Olympic Fanfare from Dave Wilson’s old Center Stage album. Could this diminutive speaker handle the barrage of brass and tympani? Yes in the case of the brass, at least. The horns were brash and dissonant, with great energy and power, but with plausible timbres. We had no difficulty listening through the louder instruments to hear everything that was going on. Albert and Gerard both used the word “refined,” and Reine thought the speaker was made to order for this music. Well…except perhaps for the very bottom of the frequency range. The Focus reproduced the impact of the tympani quite well, with a fast, energetic and well-controlled attack, but of course without the earth-shaking boom of larger speakers. The sound was by no means unbalanced, though Albert wondered allowed whether Focus made a subwoofer (the answer for the moment is no). We could already anticipate that the Focus would do well with the intricate and subtle harp piece, Vers une source dans le bois (Reference Recordings RR-7). How could it have done otherwise? Gerard wrote but one word: “perfection.” The sentiment was unanimous. The cascades of notes from Susann McDonald’s fingers (does she really have only 10?) was at once charming and dazzling. Some of those notes are the result of a mere touch, and their discreet sound is responsible for much of the magic in this astonishing piece. Lorperat nis augue dipit, consequis dolor sumsandion henim volorem quat. Ut iriureril do od dolenia consequis non et, quisl etue feuguerilla facilisi bla ad tat cor autate vullum ea consecte faccum zzrit ver si. Duipsum qui blam velese eumsan utpatinibh ea coreetu sandiat luptatem accum quatuer illaorp rostio er sum velesti nsendreet, se vulla facinibh eraessis nonullan hendre tat. Ut lut nullut adipit, quat landipsummod elesed tinibh exer senim volorpe iurem inibh esto et vulla adionse uisit num quipisi etuer ilit luptat luptatuerat, veros aliquipis ea consequat eu faccum nostrud modit atem vel irillan volore min vel ullamcommy nisi tat loborperat. Ut pratem ing ex ex erosto digniam onsecte dio del ut aliquat. Ut lum quam il dolor si te diamconum dignim dion ulla aliquam ortio dolorperit wis nim zzriust onsectem zzriustin ent am, quis nulput volobor sim el estie dit lobore veniam incin ut aut amet autatio sequisl utat, suscillaor in euisci tetuerosto dolenibh exeriurem vullaor issectet, sequatetum nisi. Lore modio consed endre consed do odit wis nulla faccum non ulputat. Duis eugue do estisi. Lore eum vendrer iusto con heniation henim adit lor ad magnis nos eu facin ullam euisi. Dui bla coreet praestrud minis dolestrud mincilit ver sequat. Ut augiamcon et at. Dui blam, quam zzrillu atummy nonsed eu feu feu faccumsandio diat. Lorperci tis nim quat illa facipit prat. Lortie tio coreraessismod lutat venim in eliquisl eum quat verat. Duipisit iureet alis etummy nonsend eriurem niam iuscidunt lore core facilit adit nulla commy num zzrillan henibh eros nullamcor sit eum adit lum am il ut velit eum dolore molobore con enismodignim zzrit utem iriusto od magna feugait alisit wis non ulputat nonum digna faccums ndionsequi tie tat inim nulla faccum zzrilla faccum ex ea feuisci uisit lum at nos ea facilit et nim augait praesequi tat, sed el ullamet in eliqui blaorercilit ute velenibh ea commy nit, conulluptat, susto odiam, consed et alis augait veliqui sustio conse mincin vullum nos ex enit augue velit, susto essi. Loreet ad dionsecte tion ercilit ad tat ip esto dolorercip ex enim vulput verci eum quisi etue faccum velis augue modit del irit niamet augiamconse feuis nonsequat. Dui tet la conullaore magna facip eu facillaore core dolorpe aesto delit alit, corem dolore consed tio erci tisl in henisci luptat, sectem accum aliscing ercipsuscing esto con verciliquat wissisit velit vent accumsan utpat. Ut wis nonsed dolor sim vulput nis exer at ing ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 35 Listening Room praesed dolesto dunt augiamc nsequipsum zzriure dolore magna feu faci blan enim dit at. Duis exer sumsan ulputat, verit euisl ute velit lor sit ad molorperate feumsandre tio exer sum nim diat. Lorper sustio cor ipit vel iuscinci tem velisl eraesti cinissed tat lum doloborer ip ercin ut adionsenisl eummodi mcommolore velestrud dit aut num do odit inim aut nis alit velit eugait utetuero do eugiam, sed magniam veliquat lore delisi endre deliquis acidunt iustin ullaorp rostrud euissis aliquissed magna commy nullumsan henim nit aliquis dolessequis amet volobore dolenim nos euipis alismod lortis alisl ulput in hendiamet atin volorer aliquisismod enim eliquat. Ut wis am voluptatin ute diam iriliquis ea alisi. Lore mod min et volor sequis dolessenim quis adit esto core tat, si blaortis dolore tat dipis adit alit wis niam, velit niamconsecte tat, core tat, qui te dolorperat, vel ex et veliquis numsandiam alis accummo obore tionsequate delis er autatio dolortis alit wisim in utpat delis nim quatio consed eugue feui er sum ipisis num er sum dipsum zzrit ing erit laorperiure magnit ing eum velesed tion hent laorpero od tie minciliquip ea faccummy non eugait nim diatin eriustrud eraesequam velessi. Duipsum velit praese conum doloborem venim duip el dolum nos ad mod molore dunt venibh exer accum ipismolum illuptat ute tatie duipsusto dio cor sed magna facing eugait nullamc rpercil andignim incipit accum dolenim alit, si tatismod del ulla feu faccum ipit ver ilis autpat. Ut atem quis nullan etue diam, commy nostrud magnibh ea facidunt iriure ming erostrud modit dipismodo odipsum ea commodolent lute ex ex et iriusto odolortisim at. Duis at. Dui blaorting eugiam eros exercing eros nibh ex et aut augue eugiam, consequ scipit, venis adio od dit am veliquatie consequis aut accummy num init ad eniscip eumsandre core do dolortis aliquissit lore eugait irit laorper amcortie dolestrud doloreetue eu feuguer suscipsuscip et, quis niat lan utpat alit luptat, quat ea feugait praesequipit am vel eu facilis nonsequ scidui eum veleniamet iuscidunt praestrud delessit nullum velit at wisisl ilisl ercing et, con utpat. Lor aliquis at nullam et la facilit lam, alisciduisis alismodo eugait incil dit nibh etue tat. Dui bla faccumsan utatue mod ming ex eu feum quamet irit luptatio exeriustrud dolesto odolor sequat. Duisi. Duipsusto esequam esequis dolortin utet veliquat at velit vel ulput in ut luptat, summy nim volutat. nulputp tummy niamcon enismodit irit ing er suscip essi euguero exercilla Lore magna autpat. Ut ipsuscipit la adio odolore velit veleniam ea alit lan adipsummy nim vent lute do dolent acin hent wis et lore magniat. Duisis num utat nim eugait, summodolore magnis luptatinibh ex ea facincidui bla facidunt eugue velenis dolortio od deliquisi. augait lorperaessi. Duip erilit wis nullamc nsequatisi Summing it up… Lorem doluptate dunt nonsequat ilis blaorer sisci exer in henissi blan ut adip exeraes ectet ad dip el utat alit ad tem Brand/model: Focus Audio FS688 laorem dolortie consenim veliquat iriautem vel ipisit lamcons quisim alit vulla Price: C$3999/US$2600) urercing eugait, quat iure feu feuis nissi corperci blan verci euisl dunt wis dolor- Dimensions: 33 x 18 x 25.5 cm esse ex ercipsummy nit alisit iril eugue peros alit wisl eros alisl eugiatisit non- Impedance: 8 ohms dolore tate consent prat, voloreet at. senit in veraestio doloreet ip eugiamet, Sensitivity: 85 dB Lor adiat alisim dolenit wismod tion con hendrer sit venit laortis delit augait Most liked: Transparent, sophistihenim dolorpe aessectem volore magna iuscilis do enit illamet ulla feugue core cated sound…and great looks conum nim ad mod dolum iustrud duis consequisl dionseniam volore dolesse- Least liked: May be too crisp in some ent am iriliquat. Duisit, veraese faci te quat la aliquat nullandigna feugiamet rooms magnim delit at alis nis augiat eugait volore consecte minciliqui blam accum Verdict: High price per kilo, low price auguer irillutat, sit ad dolessent lor alit, non ullut volore dunt acidui tat, vendit per thrill 51 for si blaorem zzrit, quating ercillum dolent o. 68. Check page N ue iss of n io rs ve utpatummy nim volesto commy nonseq dolum. e print is in thniscipit The whole article . ions ordering inst ruct ally? e r y e h t e r a How good Listening Room CROSSTALK Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Duissequip erostion utate molobor si euisi. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna —Gerard Rejskind Lore velisl ut incilit at ipsusto odolenibh euis nulla con velent er irit lum vullum nonsectet velisim niat. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna —Albert Simon Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Duissequip erostion utate molobor si euisi. Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Duissequip 36 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Loreraestie feu feugueros esed dit dolor sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. Lore velisl ut incilit at ipsusto odolenibh euis nulla con velent er irit lum vullum nonsectet velisim niat. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna Loreraestie feu feugueros esed dit dolor sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. —Reine Lessard Iliad B1 Speaker C tweeter. The price seems rather attractive, but there are a lot of low-cost speakers out there, in venues varying from big box retailers to backs of trucks parked in alleyways. What makes the Iliad different? The speaker designers we respect most claim that the best design will be of little use if the drivers are of mediocre quality. What Racicot has done is put together upmarket Audax drivers from France with cabinets and assembly work by “our Asian partners” (we’re guessing China). That balancing act is intended to deliver a speaker somewhat more sophisticated than one normally gets at this price, C$599 (about US$440). We broke in our brand new B1’s for some 60 hours, and then brought them into our Alpha room. The price does not, we should add, include stands. We used Focus Audio’s awesome Foundation stands, which of course cost double the price of the B1’s themselves. A small speaker with no surprises. Oh… possibly except for its price tag. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 37 Listening Room reating a new loudspeaker may look as simple as screwing a couple of drivers into a box, but if you want to enjoy what comes out you’ll want to take a rather longer journey. It is perhaps with such a journey in mind that Laurent Racicot, an audio journalist turned speaker designer, named his new speaker line after Homer’s very long epic poem on the siege of Troy. Iliad speakers are built by D-Box, a company located a 15-minute drive away from our editorial offices. The company began well over a decade ago with a series of very small self-powered speakers. That seemed weird at the time, though of course the spread of computers has made such speakers commonplace. D-Box then moved into subwoofers, including the Mammouth, with a driver nearly half a meter across, and its Odyssée motion simulator seat for home theatre. And now… This is, it's easy to see, the most conventional of D-Box’s products. There’s nothing terribly unusual about the B1, the middle member of the inexpensive three-speaker line (four if you count the subwoofer). It is a two-way speaker, using a 16.5 cm woofer and a textile dome We began the all-LP session (we find ourselves doing this a lot of late) with the Olympic Fanfare from the long-discontinued Wilson LP, Center Stage. There’s a lot of brass in this fanfare, but the reason we like to include it is that the tympani is especially well-recorded, with impact of mallet on membrane that you can feel. How did it do? “We might be in for some surprises,” said Albert. Indeed. The bottom end was way better than we had dared hope, and the rhythm was satisfyingly light. Reine thought the brass section had lost some of its presence, but on the other hand the instruments didn’t all run together. The cymbals were very good when lightly struck, rather more artificial in a full-blown clash. Gerard wondered whether a coil in the crossover might be saturating under stress. The next recording, William Walton’s Façade Suite is an even tougher test, because of the numerous instruments playing solo and in combinations. In the introduction there is a particularly murderous piccolo passage that most speakers, including our Alpha reference, mishandle. The Iliad did a little worse yet. The piccolo turned into a screech, and its duet with the clarinet made us strain to pick it out. Not that the rest of the recording was disastrous, far from it. Other higher frequencies, such as those of the snare drum and the cymbal, were at least reasonable. The other instruments didn’t all blend together, which meant that Walton’s elaborate and poetic counterpoints came through pretty much intact. Reine was hardest on the B1, but even so she added that on musical grounds she could be perfectly happy with it. Of course we wanted to hear a female voice, because we thought that might give the B1 trouble. We chose an audiophile classic, Amanda McBroom’s Gossamer from the original West of Oz Sheffield direct-cut LP. Amanda’s voice was satisfyingly clear, but not quite right, “as though she weren’t quite as good a singer,” said Gerard. Her esses were quite natural, though they sounded rougher later in the song, as she sang louder. Most of the instruments, including the electric bass, sounded very good, though the harmonica was an exception. Once Our bench tests didn’t turn up anything unpleasant. The square wave (at left) is surprisingly well-shaped, though the double line on the risers suggests a minor phase error between the drivers. The frequency response curve is basically fi ne, though a bit ragged in the upper midrange. The lower midrange again we noted the very good separation that the kick drum was a bit out of focus, is a little bumpy too, though of course of voice and instruments. The tonal bal- but there was a no denying its impact. some of that is caused by room effects. ance was mostly dead on. Victor Feldman’s piano, which a lot of Response is strong down to 70 Hz, The B1 did wonderfully well on the speakers mess up, was just right. The and drops off below that. This is not harp solo Vers une source dans le bois. electric bass sounded very good. unusual, notwithstanding the optimistic The harp was somewhat closer Hi-Res to us. musicOn the24 test bench… sheets from most manufacturers. That's right. puts bits and 96 kHz without lossyspec compression, “Instead of being inand dappled it’s on all standard many speakers make horrible Summing it up… it playsshade that way DVD players. The fact that However they’ve got out in full sunshine,” saidofAlbert. Still,greatest jazz artists, from the Concord Jazz catalogue, noises below their response limits. The some the world’s we admired the detail, theexactly absence of Brand/model: Iliad B1 B1 doesn’t…and that’s perhaps the doesn’t hurt. background fog, and the speaker’s sheer Price: C$599 (about US$440) reason it sounds as clean as it does. sophistication. On the whole, the Iliad B1 is a very Dimensions: 41 x 20.5 x 33.5 cm We ended with Secret of the Andes, good speaker, and it could be just a whose massive percussion variety is Impedance: 8 ohms tuneup away from stardom. Speakers such a challenge for a speaker. The B1 Most liked: Well-balanced sophistiof this price all have weak points, but did well. Only a trace of bloom on the cation beyond their inevitable weaknesses they largest drum spoiled what would have Least liked: Some top end artifacts as mostly lack the refi nement it takes to been a perfect score. The impact of volume rises make you suspend disbelief and become mallet or palm against membrane was Verdict: Music that makes you smile, one with the musicians. The B1 has unusually clear, and the rhythm was at a price that will make you grin that refinement. Decidedly, more than light and furious. Gerard complained the price is right. 24/96 sound on any DVD player Listening Room CROSSTALK It’s not easy to compare C$600 speakers with a reference that costs many times more, but since they came out of the challenge in more than honorable fashion, I’m pleased to give you the results. If I noted some flaws, I also noted some pleasant surprises, marvellous discoveries that deserve mention: restitution of an infinity of details, beauty of instrumental timbres, good impact and energy, a fine dynamic capability, and fidelity in communicating words and sensitivity. Throughout the test, rhythm was in no way altered. In their category, these speakers can be recommended. If you have a modest budget and a room that’s not too large, these may be the speakers for you. Add a good source, and they’ll make you happy without wiping our your budget. —Reine Lessard The top end is shrill, the bottom is tubby, the rhythm is turgid, and the midrange could use a going over with emery. Let me emphasize that I have not been describing the Iliad B1. Its sound is remarkably sophisticated, with a polish and refinement whose absence I have often deplored in speakers costing two or three times the price of the B1. The bottom end is not perfect, but there’s good coherence and little boom. Rhythm is strong. Yes, there are compromises. I'd guess that the crossover could use a retune, to avoid some perfectly avoidable artifacts at the top end. But let’s be realistic. This speaker is cheap enough to liberate funds for a much better source than you had perhaps planned on. For most audiophiles, this is absolutely the right choice. —Gerard Rejskind To tell you the truth, listening to speakers of this price is not what I like to do for fun. Most of them have flaws that I find dispiriting when I’m trying to enjoy music. I don’t know about you but I often like to compare differently priced components using CDs (or LPs) as currency. How many CDs can I buy with what I save, for example? 38 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Is my music experience going to improve more with additional music or with a more expensive system? No need to ask yourself that question with these speakers, though. W hether you’re setting up your first system or helping someone set up theirs, the D-Box Iliad speakers will free up the budget for plenty of CDs. You’ll be mouthing all the lyrics of more songs than you expected and you’ll hear them so clearly they’ll be etched in your mind. You’ll be able to spoil yourself with more percussion than you think you deserve, and they’ll handle it like pros. You might not want to challenge them too often with sharp sounds or piercing high notes, but they’ll constantly surprise you with their tight, precise, musical bass, and their great ability to dance and reproduce detail. As a result, you’ll probably wind up owning more CDs than you had expected, and you’ll find more music in them. Not a bad idea. —Albert Simon Audio Note CD Player Y nect to a similarly-equipped transport, but Audio Note’s own transport doesn’t have a balanced output. It is inside that the DAC One is unusual. One notable feature is the presence of a tube output stage, using a miniature 6922 tube. The other, and a much more surprising one, is the “1x” referred to in the model name. Audio Note calls it “1x oversampling.” Pretty much all multibit converters use oversampling, and have for many years. It is used to avoid the “brute force” filter that, on early CD players, took a chain saw to the audio beyond 20 kHz. Such filters have serious audible effects, unfortunately. The solution: running the sampling signal at a higher frequency, four or eight times normal. The filter can be made much more gentle. Audio Note’s “1x oversampling” means of course no oversampling at all. You’ve seen the name. But how often have you seen the gear? ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 39 Listening Room ou’ve heard of Audio Note, right? Have you ever seen any of its products? Audio Note is a British brand whose products are known to be expensive, and in some quarters the company is quasi-legendary. Then again, unicorns are legendary too, but who’s ever seen one? By Audio Note standards, this player is inexpensive, because the line runs deep into four figures. Are the prices one reason for the legend? Perhaps, though as we shall see there is a happier one. The two boxes are the same size, resembling lab instrument cases. The CDT- One transport has no frontpanel controls at all, featuring only a large fluorescent screen below its disc drawer. The inevitable question came up: what if you lose the remote control? There actually are two buttons, one to open or close the drawer and the other to play or pause. And that’s all. Where are they? On the rear panel! We recommend picking up a universal remote…just in case. The DAC One 1x Signature, alas, has the cheap jacks that are popping up on too much expensive equipment. There is one balanced XLR connection, to con- Why? We quote from the Audio Note Web site: Musically relevant infor mation is what we strive to convert from digital to analogue, not some misunderstood notion of “technical perfection” that produces its own sound through adding its own information, such as upsampling, which is really only just another way of “correcting” the data stream, as if we actually knew what was wrong with it in the first place, or in other words just another coarse method of cheating the test equipment (and a few less knowledgeable consumers and reviewers more concerned with test data than music??). The multiplication of the information in the data stream inherent in the oversampling and upsampling methods multiply the fl aws in the signal to an even greater extent, low level information is lost, dynamic headroom reduced and a shallow anemic sound results. Reviewers more concerned with data than music? Gee, that couldn’t happen, could it? We hooked up a Wireworld Gold Starlight digital cable between the two units, and ran some CDs through them. The first was The Little Notebook of Anna Magdelana Bach (Analekta FL 2 3064). What grabbed our attention fi rst was the harpsichord, whose presence was considerably enhanced. It was also slightly harder, as was Karina Gauvin’s voice. On the other hand, her voice seemed even more expressive. The player did well on Now the Green Blade Riseth, with male and female voices blending well, yet easy to separate. The organ and the plucked bass were solid, the rhythm excellent. Female voices had hardened somewhat, however, though that didn’t spoil the expressiveness of this fine chorale. On our harp recording, Caprice (Klavier K 11133), the Audio Note showed off once more its ability to underline and enhance the actual musical performance. Susann McDonald had never sounded better (and she’s always amazing!). Indeed, we liked everything about what we heard, from the deep resonance of the harp to the sharply-focused details, revealed without fog or ambiguity. In Patricia Barber’s Like JT from good deal of depth behind them. A nd rhythm was superb too, as it had been with all of the other selections we had listened to. We know better than to take that for granted with any digital device. We ended with Lobo from the new Carmin disc (Audiogram ADCD10163), and once again the reproduction of musical values delighted us. Bïa’s expressive voice was more natural, her mocking tone in this song more evident. There’s lots of subtle percussion in this song, and we could hear more of it. “The tempo is well-maintained with this player,” said Gerard. “It’s interesting to note the way good reproduction of rhythm has an effect on the melody as well, making the live Companion disc, the kick drum’s it easier to grasp.” impact was actually startling. But that We were eager to see what Audio wasn’t all. Barber’s piano sounded better Note’s “1X” sampling would do on the than with our reference, sounding much test bench. Well…the result doesn’t more like a quality grand piano, each resemble anything we’ve seen before. note carrying new energy. The percusCheck the 100 Hz square wave, above sion amazed us too, because it was so left. We’ve never seen one like it, and detailed we could follow the movement we’re not sure how to explain it. The of the drumsticks on the varied surfaces. -60 dB sine wave, on the other hand (at Amazing…and too! Another exciting great recording by one of the world’s greatest harpists, accompanied right) by was more conventional, and pretty Every bit as amazing was Nature well perfect. an awesome flutist. Original recording by Keith O. Johnson, digital transfer by Summing it up… Boy from TheLee. Hot On ClubKlavier. of San Francisco Jitter was very low, and remained Bruce (Clarity CCD-1006). We could hear low even on deliberately damaged CD Maria Muldaur breathe, so clear was the Brand/model: Audio Note CDT-1/ tracks (it muted with a cut of 2 mm or sound. “It sounds as though it’s really her Transport One more). It is, however, rather sensitive to singing,” said Albert, “and not merely Price: C$2199 (US$1650) each box vibrations. Placing it on a well-isolated someone trying to sound like her. Nor Dimensions: 22 x 29.5 x 11.5 cm stand is highly recommended. was it only Muldaur’s performance that Most liked: Adds magic to a good This listening session was a happy was enhanced. The guitar introduc- musician’s performance experience. There’s a definite down side tion had a magnificent roundness, but Least liked: Increased hardness of to Audio Note’s chosen technology, to be without added coloring. The saxophone certain voices and instruments sure, and we could hear it. But we also was particularly rich and lively. The per- Verdict: Music trumps numbers understand why so many music lovers formers were slightly forward, but with a swear by this company. We wouldn’t be without it Listening Room CROSSTALK We at UHF are not generally known for throwing flowers indiscriminately at components we test. Personally, I am not easily impressed, and, too often, “impressive” performances leave me in doubt. I know real music is rarely like a circus, but more like a garden. Well, this player, with its sober and elegant look, makes music seem like a walk in a quiet garden, where time stands still and surprises appear at every turn. (You can see me throwing flowers now, can’t you?) Nothing seemed overdone, no musician tried to take over the stage. Massed voices blossom (there, you see?) and spread before me without strain, dropping their lyrics delicately, and departing at the end of the piece. I know that, if I wanted to, I could get up and touch the instruments — and did I mention that their timbre is always right on? No, but it is. Nothing seems to be added, nothing seems to be missing across that well-balanced stage. 40 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Actually, “balance” is a another word to describe what I felt when I heard music played by this source. Colors were distinctly displayed, as musical textures appeared in transparent shades. And you know what ? Nothing was meant to impress…that’s what impressed me about it. —Albert Simon Well, I’m impressed! This high end player produces an ambience that makes the presence of the musicians almost palpable. Faithful reproduction is accompanied by exceptional definition. It dazzles the ear with an incredible variety of sounds that are delightful without seeming the least bit artificial. In the deep sound field, with its several distinguishable planes, the dynamics have free rein. Oh, those striking timbres, those notes and those rhythms, those modulations, that sensitivity…all that’s needed for a perfect listening experience! There’s impact, and there’s energy. Bass is solid, the midrange is rich, and the highs are light. The player communicates the subtlest emotion. Pile on the piano, voice, percussion, and a big orchestra, and you won’t note any distortion. This player, whose twin boxes won’t spoil your decor any more than your listening experience, passes with flying colors. —Reine Lessard I had heard about Audio Note for years, but hearing about and hearing are two different things. Now I understand the legend. There’s almost nothing bad to say about this player, except perhaps that it sounds slightly forward compared to my other favorites> But “forward” in this case doesn’t translate into shrill, or clinical, or flat. In musical terms, everything comes out of this player sounding as it should. If higher praise exists, I don’t know what it could be. —Gerard Rejskind Copland CDA-822 T We cont inued wit h our choral recording, Now the Green Blade Riseth (Proprius PRCD9093), whose complexity provides many ways a player can go wrong. The Copland mostly went right. Female voices were smooth and natural, yet highly energetic. Some CD players sound thin on the bottom, but that’s not common with Copland players, and this one was entirely satisfying. Male voices had good body, and the string bass had a subtle but solid beat we all noted with approval. The solo flute was beautiful, still without any of the high-pitched harshness we often hear. “When it’s reproduced like this you can really follow the melodic line,” said Albert, before adding, “That’s true of our reference player too, of course.” Gerard, for his part, wasn’t totally happy. “I still hear a bit of thickening. It’s like a sketch by an artist whose pencils weren’t quite sharp enough.” The Copland player did very well with our harp selection: Tournier’s Vers une source dans le bois (from Caprice on Klavier K 33111). The louder parts (yes, a solo harp can be plenty loud) was powerful and resonant, while the softer, otherworldly passages were magical, with no fog to hide them. The overall tone was as we like it: rich and warm, rather than cool and overly analyzed. Not that any detail was missing. From there we moved to a jazz Is the Compact Disc dead? We say no. So does Copland. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 41 Listening Room his astonishing Danish company, two of whose preamplifiers we own, long ago figured out how to get maximum music off CD. This is the latest iteration of the Copland CD player. It uses newer chipsets than the last version, which is no doubt the reason it no longer has HDCD decoding aboard. The presentation is straightforward, with enough buttons on the front panel to allow operation even if the dog has run off with the remote (which also has buttons for Copland preamps and amps). The rear is equally straightforward. The analog outputs include a pair of nice phono jacks as well as XLR balanced jacks. The digital output is unbalanced only. We began the listening session with a familiar recording, The Little Notebook of Anna Magdelana Bach (A nalekta FL 2 3064), which can sound like a foretaste of paradise…or like the antechamber of a much warmer place. We were happy to note that it was closer to Up Here than to Down There. Soprano Karina Gauvin’s magical voice was warm, clear, pure and crystalline, without undue emphasis on the overtones. Luc Beauséjour’s harpsichord was natural, with possibly even more presence than with our reference player. There was a palpable sense of the large space of the Mirabel church where the recording was made. Did it sound every bit as good as it had with our own player? Nearly, thought Gerard, “but there’s a subtle shift in timbre. Everything sounds a little thicker, slightly less natural.” recording, Patricia Barber’s Like JT from her live Companion CD (Premonition 22963). The CDA-822 handled it with deftness and ease. Barber doesn’t sing on this selection, but she plays piano and she is surrounded by several first class musicians. The engineers came up with exceptional sound under what must have been trying conditions, and we felt as though we were there, with them in that Chicago club. Certainly all of the energy of a live gig was there. The drum kit generates sounds that f lirt with subterranean depths, while the other, highly varied, percussion instruments reach for the top. Both piano and guitar sounded attractive and natural. Rhythm was strong. Audience sounds were not obtrusive, but they were present, as were calls of encouragement from the musicians themselves. The excellent stereo image placed all of this into a coherent frame. Indeed, Albert actually preferred the Copland’s version to that of our own player. “The piano is warmer than with the reference. I also especially like the sound of the cymbal shimmering when it is barely touched by the drumstick. Even the applause is more realistic.” We then moved to another jazz piece, Nature Boy from The Hot Club of San Francisco (Clarity CCD-1006), with guest singer Maria Muldaur. Her voice just glowed, as she slid from note to note in the way she does. “The sound of her voice draws you into the text,” said Reine, “and the sax is really sexy.” It wasn’t alone. The guitar was also especially attractive. The string bass had power, but it didn’t sound ponderous. That was as it should be. Albert sometimes complains of components that give music a “cooler” coloring than our reference components do. The Copland actually sounded warmer, and he wondered whether that was entirely natural. “I’m not really sure,” he said. We ended the session with Lobo, a song in Portuguese from Bïa’s new CD, Carmin (Audiogram ADCD10163) Once again Albert found the tone somewhat warmer, but that was his only complaint…if complaint it truly was. Bïa’s expressive voice was delightfully clear, with each syllable easy to catch, yet with a coherent overall sound. Indeed, we could hear inflections that were hidden with our own player. The stereo image was well rendered. How well would the Copland do on the technical tests. Very well in fact. It had little difficulty coping with a low-level signal. The trace above left is of a 1 kHz sine wave 60 decibels below full level. It is contaminated by neither distortion nor noise. The CDA-822 did quite well on the 100 Hz square wave as well (the trace at top right), which shows little ringing. The tilt of the top of the wave indicates a somewhat greater rolloff of high frequencies than we see on modern players. Is that the source of the Copland’s “warm” sound? Possibly. Jitter was low, as we were certain it would be from the enthusiastic way the player handles rhythm. Not expected is that it remained low when we ran the Pierre Verany test disc with laser slices through the tracks. It took a huge Summing it up… Brand/model: Copland CDA-822 Price: C$3400/US$2495 Dimensions: 43 x 39 x 10.5 cm Most liked: Warmth, clarity, smoothness Least liked: Has it traded warmth for subtlety? Verdict: Good enough to give the “aging” CD medium some vitamins 3 mm cut to produce a noticeable increase in jitter. The transport actually tracked quite well t he track wit h t he widest (4 mm) slice, with only two brief bursts of uncorrected noise. We can’t remember seeing results like that before. The player is insensitive to vibration. It took a hard slap to cause mistracking, or even a jump in the jitter. We are aware that many audiophiles today are reluctant to pay this kind of money for what could soon be an “obsolete” format. They wonder whether they should buy an SACD player instead. At some point the answer will be yes. For the moment, we point up the obvious: there are hundreds of thousands of CD titles, and mere hundreds of SACD and DVD-A titles. True, their number will increase, and that means your next CD player may be your last CD player. You might as well make it a good one. This is a good one. Listening Room CROSSTALK If you cringe and shiver in the cold rendition of your favorite music, pause in your search for a magic solution downstream, and give this source a try. It seemed to blanket each selection we listened to with a wonderful, yet very subtle (and I mean really subtle) warm glow. It sounded golden to me, I don’t know why. The harpsichord sounded golden, for one. And it struck me that when I hear a harpsichord live, I am always charmed by the warmth and the rich vibrations that emanate from that rare instrument (as opposed to the tinny kitchenware clanking that passes for a harpsichord on some systems). Combine that with the warm and modulated sound of a superb soprano in an intimate setting (as opposed to what a soprano is thought to sound like…) and you’ll guess a bit of what I heard. Through a wealth of detail, I discovered fleeting yet unmistakable sounds such as those lingering in space between the notes 42 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine of the harp. Cymbals were brassy and smooth as they should be on their decay, and drummers are known to pay a fortune for that smoothness and richness. I could hear it effortlessly. In one instance, I asked myself if that golden glow was really natural. I think it was. And frankly, lost in the beauty of the music, I soon forgot all about it. —Albert Simon tal timbres are at once neutral and delightful. The piano can gambol freely, and percussion instruments, from the subtlest to the most spectacular, add not only to the impact of the music but also to its emotional effect. Attacks are firm, rhythm is energetic and captivating. And all of the audible spectrum is reproduced impeccably, including the very top. —Reine Lessard Here’s another Copland product that deserves top ranking. Its remarkable clarity and its dynamics result in a spacious stereo image that spreads well beyond the speakers. Are we suddenly in a concert hall? It’s a logical question, considering the presence of the musicians before us. This player reproduces not only the actual sound of musical instruments but also the sensitivity of the people who play them. None of the inflections and modulations of the human voice are hidden, and instrumen- At its best, this CD player is spectacular. It’s no secret that some players appear to be welded at the hip, incapable of following rhythm. The Copland is the opposite of that. True, there are moments when it seems to lack subtlety, to make everything a little brighter and showier than it would be in real life. Yes, I know not many purchasers will complain about that. In a world full of dullas-dishwater players, this one stands out. —Gerard Rejskind Vecteur I-6.2 T ing we never get tired of hearing, The Little Notebook of Anna Magdelana Bach (Analekta FL 2 3064). This is a tough test, but what came out of the amplifier was like honey. Soprano Karina Gauvin’s voice was at once sweet and warm, “pure gold,” said Reine. The transparency was not accompanied by annoying artifacts, such as artificial brightness. Indeed, the sound of the Vecteur was not totally unlike that of our Copland/YBA combination. “It’s not quite the same,” said Albert. “I think our Copland preamplifier adds another dimension. But it’s magnificent all the same.” Our preamplifier also seemed to give our reference the edge in Stravinsky’s Firebird (Reference Recordings RR70). But it was no more than an edge. There was perhaps a thinner sound to the brass, a slightly rougher edge to the strings, but what we heard delighted us. The soft passages of this ballet suite can and should be pure magic. Through the Vecteur, those magical, ethereal moments seemed to float in space, and we held our breath. The long crescendo leading to the famous finale was magnificent, aided by the amplifier’s seemingly endless energy. Our third recording can be a handful. Looking for a separate amplifier and preamplifier? Read this first. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 43 Listening Room his French company’s skill in building amplifiers is not new to us. The I-6.2 is, if we’re counting right, the fourth Vecteur amp that’s come through one of our reference systems. Previous ones may not have been beyond reproach, but each time we criticized one we wondered whether, possibly, we might be reaching a little. This model (aka the Club 12 in an earlier European version) is the biggest and most expensive integrated amplifier the company makes, and by implication the best. It’s certainly the most powerful, with a claimed output power of 140 watts per channel. This is not a record for an integrated, but it is well above average, especially for a European product. The amplifier is remote-controlled, though everything can be done from the front panel as well. All controls are digitally-actuated except the large volume knob, behind which is a motorized potentiometer. There are five inputs, plus a tape loop. One of the inputs can be converted to a phono stage, though that option is not offered in North America. The tape loop aside, there is also a preamp output, to allow either biamplification or a connection to a subwoofer. Nice. There are two sets of good quality output posts, to make biwiring easy. As you would guess from the power, this is a weighty piece, made all the heavier by the bitumen-coated top cover, similar to that of the Vecteur AV-6 amplifier reviewed in our last issue. We began the session with a record- Antiphone Blues is one of the audiophile world’s most famous recordings, featuring a jazz saxophonist, Arne Domnérus, doing counterpoint in a large and reverberant church against an organist. We used the now-discontinued HDCD version, and it is a challenge. The sax has to be smooth, textured and powerful, the sound field deep, the organ powerful. And the magic of Ellington’s Almighty God must fill the sky. And it did. We expressed only minor reservations, but…hey, that’s what we’re here for. The overall tone was cooler, and the saxophone slightly rougher. Well, only slightly, and Reine approved without reservations. “It’s sensitive and sensuous and majestic,” she said. “And magic too.” By and large our opinions converged. This was, as confirmed by a tough test, an amplifier that was more than capable. On the next recording we couldn’t even find anything to express reservations about. Doug McLeod’s You Can’t Take My Blues (Audioquest AQCD1041) was pretty much perfect. Let us count the ways. First there’s the rhythm. Can all amplifiers follow complex, communicative rhythm like that of McLeod and cohorts? We wish! The I-6.2 can and does, seeming at once ponderous on percussion and fleet of foot. There was still no hint of shrillness, but McLeod’s voice was limpid. We could follow even his final dropped syllables, which led to bursts of reverberation. His guitar work was gorgeous, and we admired the way the cymbal shimmered tantalizingly when Jimi Bott barely touched it with his drumstick. There was no fog, no blurring. This amplifier has lots of clarity, and — it got to demonstrate this more than once — it has the muscle to back it up. We ended the session with Sources (Audiogram ADCD10132), Bïa’s wonderful second CD. The best thing we can say is that what we heard sounded remarkably close to what we had heard with our reference amplifier and preamplifier. It wasn’t quite the same, to be sure. Like the saxophone in Antiphone Blues, Bïa’s voice was somewhat altered, with a cooler and slightly sharper texture. “It’s not a matter of sibilance,” said Gerard, “and it’s subtle.” Indeed, Reine pronounced the difference insignificant. And, that detail aside, there was a lot to admire in the two songs we listened to: the fine detail that brought out the expression, the resonant guitar chords, and the biting (but not shrill) accordion. We ran our usual battery of technical tests. With our eye on the published power, we wondered whether it would meet this ambitious figure. And the answer is…almost. At the usually chosen centre frequency of 1 k Hz, the amplif ier clipped at 138 watts. This is just outside the 1% error of our instruments, and it is not truly significant. At 20 kHz it did way better, managing 153.4 watts. Not many integrated amplifiers can do such numbers. Many amplifiers cannot maintain full power down to very low frequencies, even if the spec sheet says otherwise. That’s the case of the Vecteur. At 20 Hz, the current draw on the power supply is great enough to catch the attention of the Summing it up… Brand/model: Vecteur I-6.2 Price: C$3400/US$2495 Dimensions: 43 x 39 x 11 cm Rated power: 140 watts/channel, 8Ω Most liked: At ease at high power, every bit as much at ease at low power Least liked: Overactive protection Verdict: Find ten amps like this, compare them, and we know which one will go home with you protection circuit, which cuts in at 69 watts. At 30 Hz, the problem is gone, and the amplifier manages an effortless 148 watts. Not all amplifiers, we should add, have protection circuits, and at one time we recall them being quite audible even when the amplifier wasn’t being pushed. The circuit in the I-6.2 does get a little overambitious. For instance, raise the volume too quickly, and the circuit will cut the output. Fortunately it is self-resetting. And unlike the protection circuits of old, this one never made its effects audible during play of actual music. Crosstalk between adjacent inputs is an insignificant -82.7 dB at most frequencies. Even at 10 kHz, it remained at an excellent -66.1 dB. When audiophiles change an integrated amplifier for separates, they mention that they want more power, or more quality. With an amplifier like this one, they may think twice. A good high-powered amplifier is likely to cost a lot more than this Vecteur. And you know what? The odds are considerable it won’t sound nearly as good. Listening Room CROSSTALK I often get asked by audiophiles whether they should buy a separate amplifier and preamplifier, or get an integrated. The correct answer, now, is “let me weigh your wallet.” If I can hold it without straining, you should at least consider an integrated. And possibly this integrated. It can do it all. It can drive any speaker to high levels, but it can thrill you when it plays at a whisper too. Spending the day listening to it was fun. I have to remember that the next time I’m asked The Question. —Gerard Rejskind From the start I was won over by this amplifier’s remarkable tonal balance, its excellent cohesiveness, its irreproachable clarity, the great refinement of instrumental timbres, a pleasant reverberation you could touch, and superb reproduction of choral music. I was fascinated by the fine modulations and inflections of the sax, by 44 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine the exceptional purity delivered without hardness of a soprano voice, by the silken strings, by the full-sounding guitar that was anything but harsh, and by percussion that could be subtle and yet so effective. What’s more, this Vecteur has an exceptional gift for communicating sensitivity and virtuosity, and for evoking a sense of being there. It more than satisfied me. When I lay its price alongside that of our reference amp and preamp, I can see what a great investment the I-6.2 is, and I recommend it warmly. Above all, beyond all technical considerations for which I have no gift, this is an amplifier that gives a large place to musicality and emotion. —Reine Lessard This is a powerful amp, but you won’t notice that until you need to feel its full impact. And I really felt it when I heard an orchestra rising from the mysterious mists of muted strings to the glorious and luminous rise of brass and percussion. Fantastic! With our reference, however, I felt the same, except that, at the end all the musicians seemed to stand up for the occasion. Was it because I know the piece so well, or because I expected better than our reference from Vecteur? I’m not being fair, though, when I think of how close it was — and for an integrated amp to be so close is nothing short of amazing. Oh, and if you love voices, this is it. From baroque soprano to blues, I heard all that I expected to hear, with more detail than I would have thought. I also noticed that the Vecteur won’t color the sound or attempt to “improve” on the specific character of a recording. If you feel that something was not quite right in the original recording, it won’t be with this amp. High fidelity for all. —Albert Simon The UHF Reference Systems UHF now maintains three reference systems. All equipment reviews are done on at least one of these systems, which are selected to be working tools. Their elements are changed only after long consideration, because a system that changes is not a reference. The Alpha system Our original reference is installed in a room with extraordinary acoustics (originally designed as a recording studio). The acoustics allow us to hear what we couldn’t hear elsewhere, but there’s a down side. Not only is the room too small for large speakers, but it is also at the top of a particularly unaccommodating stairwell. CD Transport: Parasound C/BD2000 (belt-driven transport designed by CEC). Digital-to-analog converter: Counterpoint DA-10A, with HDCD card. Turntable: Audiomeca J-1 Tone arm: Audiomeca SL-5 Step-up transformer: Bryston TF-1 Pickup: Goldring Excel Preamplifier: Copland CTA-305 tube preamp Power amplifier: YBA One HC Loudspeakers: 3a MS-5 Interconnects: Pierre Gabriel ML-1, Wireworld Equinox/WBT Loudspeaker cables : Wireworld Eclipse II with WBT bananas Power cords: Gutwire, Wireworld Stratus AC filters: Foundation Research LC-2 (power amp), Inouye SPLC. The Omega system It serves for reviews of gear that cannot easily fit into the Alpha system, with its small room. We didn’t set out to make an “A” (best system) and a “B” (economy) system, and we didn’t want to imply that one of the two systems is somehow better than the other. Hence the names, which don’t invite comparisons. Unless you’re Greek of course. CD player: shared with the Alpha system Turntable: Alphason Sonata Tone arm: Alphason HR-100S MCS Step-up transformer: Bryston TF-1 Pickup: Goldring Excel Preamplifier: Copland CTA-301 MkII tube preamp Power amplif ier: Simaudio Moon W-5 Loudspeakers: Reference 3a Suprema II Interconnects: Pierre Gabriel ML-1. Wireworld Equinox Loudspeaker cables: Pierre Gabriel ML-1 (formerly L3), for most of the range, Wireworld Polaris for the twin subwoofers. Power cords: Wireworld Aurora AC filters: Foundation Research LC-1 The Kappa system This is our home theatre system. As with the Alpha system, we had limited space for the Kappa system, and that pretty much ruled out huge projectors and two-meter screens. We did, however, finally come up with a system whose performance gladdens both eye and ear, and which has the needed resolution to serve for reviews. HDTV monitor: Hitachi 43UWX10B CRT-based rear projector DVD player: Simaudio Moon Stellar with Faroudja Stingray video processor Preamplifier/processor: Simaudio Moon Attraction, 5.1 channel version Power amplifiers: Simaudio Moon W-3 (main speakers), Celeste 4070se (centre speaker), Robertson 4010 (rear) Main speakers: Energy Reference Connoisseur Centre speaker: Thiel MCS1, on UHF’s own TV-top platform Rear speakers: Elipson 1400 Subwoofer: 3a Design Acoustics sub Cables: Wireworld Equinox and Atlantis, Wireworld Starlight video cables Power cables and line filters: Experiments with various models are ongoing, and will be the subject of future magazine reviews All three of the systems now have their own dedicated power lines, with Hubbell hospital grade outlets. All extensions and power bars used are also equipped with hospital-grade connectors. e of u s s i t x e In the n Players for the new age of audio Tweeters for beyond audibility Equation 25 speakers And that’s only the start! ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 45 Audiomat Arpège Référence Listening Room N o, this amplifier model is not named for a perfume. “A rpège” is French for arpeggio (which is of course Italian), meaning a chord sounded by playing each of its notes successively rather than together. But although Audiomat is a French company, this amplifier is built not in France but in Canada. Our sample was in fact the very first one to come from Mutine’s plant north of Montreal. The Arpège is an integrated tube amplifier, using push-pull EL34 tubes to produce 30 watts per channel. Audiomat claims that half of that power is available in class A…in other words that it’s a 15 watt per channel pure class A amplifier, with another 15 watts (3 dB) of class AB headroom. The preamplifier and phase inverter stages are provided by three 12AX7 dual triodes. Though the chassis is made of thoroughly solid metal, the front panel is of metacrylate, the material used in several high-tech products (our Audiomeca turntable is made of it, right down to its platter). And it includes a transparent window, through which it is possible to glimpse the tubes and other circuits, if you turn the lights down low. We should 46 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine warn you that in real life it doesn’t look quite the way it seems to in our picture. We lit it specially to emphasize the transparency. There is in fact a metal backing to increase rigidity, but with a window to allow the innards to shine through. It is an attractive package., and it gets downright eerie if you like to listen in the dark. There are just two knobs, for volume and selection of one of the four inputs, labelled Line 1 through 4. There are two tape outputs, but there is no tape-source switch…in case anyone still cares about tape loops. We were disappointed with the phono jacks used, which are mass-market grade. The output binding posts, on the other hand, are of satisfactory quality, with posts for both 4 and 8 ohms. We used the 8 ohm connection, which was the correct one for our speakers, but we should add that some audiophiles choose the 8 ohm connection even with 4 ohm speakers. The rationale: the 8 ohm secondary Promise her anything, but give her… winding on the output transformer has only half as much wire as the 4 ohm winding. Of course the down side is a certain reduction in output power. The line fuse is user-accessible, just below the IEC line cord connector. The Audiomat’s power rating seems to call for matching with a reasonably efficient loudspeaker. We listened to it with the Reference 3a Supremas of our Omega system, but we disconnected the Supremas’ push-pull subwoofers. The complete Supremas are still quite efficient, at 91 dB, but they present a load that is a little scary for a small amp. The top part of the Suprema is still a full range speaker (the subs help out only below 50 Hz), and it is easy to drive. But don’t think we were planning to go easy on the Arpège. We began with a backbreaker of a piece: Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man (RR-93CD). Looking for dynamics? Check. Looking for deep bass? Check. Looking for a dense orchestration that can turn to mush if not handled right? Check and double check. And of course the first thing we looked for was the available power. Could the Arpège do justice to this radioactive music? In fact yes, and we had no hesitation in concluding that. The bottom end was excellent, and indeed Reine judged that the brass actually had more body than with our much more powerful solid state reference amplifier. The tympani rolled with authority as well, and the gong seemed to push us back closer to the rear wall. But there was more. Notwithstanding the highly satisfactory energy, the orchestra seemed farther back in the sound field, because that sound field was deeper. The added depth also opened up the breadth and the space. This was going to be fun! Lorercipit ipsum ipsum veliquisis num dolortie modoloreet, cortinisi. Duisit la facidunt iure dolessequam delendre dolorper sim veliquam, quat nibh ex elit prate tissecte commy nis nummodigna feugait ulla con vulputem zzriureratue dolorercilla feuguerosto do dui bla core min vel ent aut ip eugue ming eros do conse velent prat nullam inis dunt dolessed te feu facipisi tat at. Dui tis alis aliquamet volum irit wis et vel eugait wis nonulla accum accummy nullandrem duipsustrud magna commodolor in ut in vendigna atin ex et do od tat. Lore magnisl et at atuerit ullaor ing eugiate exeraessisim il et nis ate tinim ip erat, sit ad magna faccums ndiatisi tat nulla facilis ad tet alit dolorem dolenis nonsent ate venim dio ex er aliquatis nullamconsed dolobor susto dolortisi. 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Duipis dolore commolum vel do duipsum veraessim diam dit, consequi bla commodio od do dolorero et wiscip enit vel utet ute do od exer ipit utpatuer sequi te tet prat velessim veliqui blaortie eugait nim iriure eugue facip et utatum del erit augue diat vel iusto od esto odo eu feum iuscidunt lore conullan ut adit am venit ing ex enim iustisl irillamet autatisi. Duipsum iriuscin exer si. Lorpero etue deliquis doloboreet praesequis nonsent vendiat mmodolute ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 47 Listening Room alit nonsequisl dolesecte digna con velit lorerci iscilit alit verci tin verat. Duis esectem dolore tiscip ex eummy nim dolobor secte tie commy nis enisim do od dolortie consequat voluptatue euipsus iniat. Ut at wismodo essequisl ut auguer ipis at pratue eum velent at nit autem quat utat nulputpat, conse do dolore tin henisl inisl utat dolenis nonsequi ea commodo consequ tiscinibh eugiamc reet, quisit nos nosto dolor sent utem in volorerosto odoloreet ulla conulputat, consectet, velenit utetumsandre con et ad modit, quisit nullaorper si. Lore corer illaore facillu tatum zzriurem ip eratue dignim nim quis eugait ad tat. Ut vullaortisi. Duis aliquat augait lor ad min ute vel eugiam, velit, quismod magna aut aliquip et ipsumsa diamcommy nos diamet iureet nulput veratis augiam, sequis nulput praessent wiscilla faciduisim dolum dipiscil ullaore feugait er in henim nos amconum andit at alis nim niamet, consequating elit nim ipit exeros nullumsan ute min venisl dolore magna aliquismodip exeros nostis am, si exerostrud mincidunt luptate mod tat. Duisl ipsumsa dreetum nos num zzrit velit, si. Lore velisim num zzriurem il dolenim alis aut delit, suscili isisl ercidui summod tissequisi bla feu feugait nonsequatum am, suscilis accum quat nisl dipsum vero commod esto odolorpero dolore essim quip etue min henim nisit, vel utetumsan venim nibh eui etue elisse conullan velestrud ero consenis eugiam eugiamet aute magna feu feui tie exerostio consequis ad modio et lobore veriure tate consectet nit praessequat amconul andrem veliqui tion vendree ummod te dolorem zzriurem ipsum dipisit praestrud mod estrud magna alisim zzriusci bla faci tet nim inci bla feum iliquismodit augait verillan henibh eugait et, consectet vel utet wis niat, cor sustrud dipisl ipiscing er sit augue consed er illam in ex exerit, sum veliqui ciliscipit adignim augiat. Duipit ipisit amet, velit velit adionsequis acillandiat lore dip eugue modipit ut ad magna feugiamcorem venit duis alit ero odip ero coreet veraesto conulputet num zzrit iuscidu sissim vel utat. Ut wisisl ea adiam del utpat, sequat. Ut praesendre digna faciliquis eu feuis alit luptat. Ut volore eugiamconsed dipisiscip etumsan consequam velesse tisi ex eugait lor sumsan volorem augiat. Duisi te dolore doloreros duisim dolum vullaortin utpat, quip erate tie ea aliquisi. Duisisi. Duismolessim irit v ulluptat aute tinibh eum eugue feugue feugait nullam accum venit wis do odolore endignim eliquis nonsed et non exero dunt enim adip eu feu feui blandio sequips msandignim digniam eugiamet ad modolut esectet lumsan hendre modionsequam vero endigna at et vulluptatum in exer in vulputem euis at loreetu modiat lan eugiamconse vullaore tat, core minim quat num iliquam, conse vel dolore magna faccum dui tetumsa diamet lore conulputpat nullamcommy nulluptat veliquis adipis nit auguera sequis nullam et nostrud euisit aut alit ercip et at acil delit lum erostie ea faccum venim dolorerat iusto cor iuscips mmodolore volor il dionulla faci blam vullandigna facipit niam, quamcon henim zzriure volor inciliquatue molor sis non utate dolutat praese feuguer stismod do od dionsequisl ute commy niat alit ut lamcon venibh et, ver sequat vel in henibh elit utpatue etue facilit nim dolorem nibh elent luptatue magna feuis eugiat praesto dolummy niscips scipis ex euis amet la adipit volor sequamc rercin er in elit, vel ing et volendi tiscip ex el dui essi tio eros am quat diamconsenim nullaoreetum nonsectem qui bla feuisim ilisi. Duipit, susto od dunt nostrud do deliquis aut et, sed do ea augue dipit accum zzrit lorem eugait praestrud tatummy nismodo od delendigna facinci iquat. Ut praessectem venisi bla feum autpat Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna —Gerard Rejskind esed dit dolor sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. Lore velisl ut incilit at ipsusto odolenibh euis nulla con velent er irit lum vullum nonsectet velisim niat. Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt vel exeros nis dolorpe aessi bla am quat lorero od moloreet, voluptatisi. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Summing it up… Model: Audiomat Arpège Reference Price: C$3990/US$2990 Dimensions: 43 x 40 x 19.5 cm Claimed power: 30 watts per channel, 8 ohms or 4 ohms Most liked: Great design, nearly flawless execution Least liked: Mediocre jacks Verdict: Why is it that the word “musicality” doesn’t even seem adequate? Listening Room ine! l n o p ue.html Pick it u div idualIss n I / m o .c ag w w.uhfm s are at w il ta CROSSTALK e d e ic Pr Lor iliquis eum volor aut euipsus ionum alit amcoreet prat. Loreraestie feu feugueros 48 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine augiamconsed eugiamc nsecte dionseniat diamet alit, sismolesto et lortie velendreet lummodolore feugait prat. Duissi blandre mod delit ut iurero eratum dolor ipissi tis nim nisit acin ulputat. Duip eugue tat pratueriurer summod er alit, consequatie ex ex eum zzriure dolumsa dreet, velesequat. Duisim zzriuscipis nim quat. Lore te consed elendre feum nim in ulla feum doloborem ilit inim iriuscing eugait dolorer ureet nulla acilismod tatet inim vulputem vel utetuerci te con hent landiat, quat volorperos amconulla corperit, qui blam iliscipit ad tat. Dui tet wisl ullutat lore ex exerci blaorpe iuscidunt vel utat praestie feui blam irit iustie modo dolorpe cilissectem in ulpute tie volor am del utat veros numsan veriliqui blaortio odolorpero od mincil do odo cor sisisl ute vulla feuis nonsequam iure consequat. Lor ipis ad dolore essequissi bla faciduis am iriurero euipisi cincin utet, quipit, qui tatisl utet laorpero corem zzriusci tatem delisim dolorper senisim irillandrem iuscin henim do dolore diat. Ut in exercip nsequisi. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna —Albert Simon Lorer sisi tet, ver summod et adit dolore dolore faciliquis niam, se feugiamcon ulla faccummolore min enibh er illutet, conum iuscilis acillumsan et, cor ad dignim aliquam volore elessed do commodit, suscipit velit, sissequate dolorer uscidui modipit non henim acipsustrud estrud dunt. Lore eugait alit volenis nulla coreraessi etummy nonse faccummy nisim quatuer suscips stincipis ex ent euguer sim zzriure magna ad eugiam quam, sequis accummy nonsecte velendi nsecte facipis nis nostiniam do od ming erit adit et la adigna conum venim zzriust onsent ip euis alis doluptat. Duisl digna feum vullam, conummodit am, qui te ercing et nit autpat la aut iliquis acidunt praessent dolobor il dolobore eu feugiat. Ut essit illutatio eumsandigna Loreraestie feu feugueros esed dit dolor sum velesse magnis dit lobor si. —Reine Lessard Rega Fono MC T The unit’s appearance is identical to that of the MM unit, except for the “MC” sticker at the rear. The front has only an on-off button. The back panel has the input and output jacks (of undistinguished quality, we’re sorry to say) plus a ground lug. The Fono connects to the wall by what looks like a standard power brick (or “wart” as the British say). It actually contains only a transformer, putting out 24 volts AC. The rest of the power supply, namely the rectifier, filter and voltage regulator, is in the main box. You might search in vain for a common feature of MC phono stages: adjustments of input capacitance and resistance. No, they’re not visible, but don’t toss out the instructions. The adjustments are there, though you have to pop the lid to get at them. Most electronic gear bears the familiar tag, “no user serviceable parts inside,” but because the transformer is external, there are no dangerous voltages We were so bowled over by the original that we deplored the absence of a moving coil version. We didn’t have to wait long. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 49 Listening Room hinking of adding turntable capability to your amplifier or preamplifier? Just pick up a good turntable, new or used, and plug it into the… What’s that you say? You don’t have an input marked “phono”? Nor do most people today. A lot of manufacturers leave it out, figuring you won’t want to pay extra for one. Or else they design one in as an afterthought. Problem is, an add-on phono section worthy of a good system can cost as much as a modest turntable. Or as much as a car. The Boulder phono stage goes for US$29,000, and is back-ordered, they tell us. What was that about the rich getting richer? But let’s come back down to earth. The Rega Fono, reviewed in UHF No. 65, got our hopes up. It was quiet, and even t hrough our demanding Alpha system it produced goosebumpinducing sound. We’ve looked for that kind of performance in phono sections of that price (C$400), and we’ve invariably been disappointed. Our warm recommendation notwithstanding, the Fono we tested could handle only a high output cartridge (meaning around 2 mV ), not a low output moving coil cartridge, which puts out between a fifth and a tenth of that voltage. Now Rega has fi nally brought out an MC version. It’s more expensive, but it costs a lot less than the phono sections we usually recommend. in the main chassis. More on this in a moment. There’s no component harder to break in than a phono stage, since no one wants to play DJ for 50 or 60 hours straight, but the Fono does need serious break-in time. When we got our sample and gave it a quick listen, we were shocked by how hard and shrill it sounded. Some 60 hours on, it had changed character completely. But the first thing we noticed when we plugged the Fono into our Alpha system is the noise. There barely is any. The background is dominated by hum, not because there actually is much hum at the Fono’s output, but because there is so little hiss to cover it up. That was the first reason we were impressed with the Fono. It wouldn’t be the last. We began with the LP version of William Walton’s Façade, whose instrumental solos are a veritable minefield for any component that isn’t working just so. Of course, we all noticed the shrillness of the piccolo in the introduction, much of it due to our speakers. Reine thought it worse than the phono section of our Copland preamplifier. Albert, on the contrary, found it improved, with the piccolo easier to follow in the subsequent passage. Instrumental textures, which are so smooth in this Reference Recordings LP, were barely rougher. On the other hand, instrumental timbres were well reproduced, with the clarinet, the cello and the bassoon sounding especially attractive. We could hear nuances without straining, because there was no fog, no foreshortening of the recording’s legendary depth. “I find this more refined,” said Albert. We continued with an LP we hadn’t pulled out in a long time, Mary Black’s No Frontiers. We were happy to find it again, and we hung on Black’s every syllable (which wasn’t difficult). The clarity of the sound made it easy to follow the text without looking at the inner sleeve. Her voice was ever so slightly harder, with a bit of extra emphasis on certain syllables. But it was also warmer in tone than even with our tube preamp, and the sound was so clear we could hear her breathing. The guitar was closer, more detailed, and the synth sounded Listening Room more complex, with additional detail. The accordion passage was gorgeous. We also listened to Take the ‘A’ Train from the Ray Brown Trio’s Soular Energy (this was of course the LP, though the album is also available on a Hi-Res DVD). It sounded superb through our own phono circuit, and it sounded startlingly lifelike through the Rega as well. The first thing we listened for was Ray Brown’s bass, with notes that go way down there. The Rega didn’t stint on bass, either in quantity or quality, with no blurring of the melody line. So clear was the sound that we could easily hear the snap of the strings on Brown’s instrument. We also liked the strong reproduction of the syncopated rhythm of this brilliantly improvised jazz piece. Rhythm, we know, is often the first casualty of mediocre gear. Not here. Gene Harris’s piano is especially well reproduced on this recording. How could we characterize its sound? We couldn’t quite agree. Gerard thought it sounded as good as it had with our reference. Reine complained of a touch of hardness on certain notes. Albert thought the overall sound, including that of the piano, was actually better than with our reference. Despite these divergences, we all agreed that the difference — if indeed difference there was — was no more than minor. We ran the Fono through some technical tests without coming up with anything terribly noteworthy. Oh…except the noise level. It’s shown above, referenced to a 0.4 mV 1 kHz signal. There Summing it up… Brand/model: Rega Fono MC Price: C$570 (about US$420) Dimensions: 16 x 4.5 x 14 cm (plus external power brick) Output: 180 mV for 0.4 mV input, 1 kHz Most liked: Astonishing musicality at an impossible price Least liked: Mediocre jacks Verdict: Reaches for the unreachable star, gets its hands on it are horizontal graduations every 5 dB. You can barely see a slight rise around 60 Hz — the power line frequency — and not much of anything at 120 Hz and the other harmonics. This is hum, not one of those nasty buzzes that mess up too many electronic products. The first harmonic of the main signal, at 2 kHz, is low, but even so it is above the noise. A mysterious peak can be seen around 16 kHz, but we couldn’t hear it. The gain is fine, 26.5 dB, delivering volume suitable for most preamplifiers. That’s with the factory setting. If you take out the two front hexagonal screws and slide back the cover, you can get at four tiny DIP switches, which allow you to set the sensitivity (from 0.15 to 0.6 µV), the input impedance (from 70 to 400 ohms), and the input capacitance (from 1000 to 4200 pF). How did Rega pull this off? The company is not generous with circuit details. Suffice it to say that it has managed to do what a number of competitors with similarly high reputations have attempted to do but have not managed to accomplish: make a low-cost phono stage without letting the low cost show. “I wonder,” mused Albert, “what one of these would sound like in my system.” CROSSTALK Did you ever find a car whose street performances were so wildly out of proportion to its price that you thought (a) what a bargain! And (b) What can I do to tweak it and make it even hotter? This Rega phono preamp, like its MM twin, is much like that car. First of all, a phono stage of this price just can’t sound this good, or can it? And second, if it sounds like this in stock form, I wonder what a hotter transformer and better jacks would do for it. Conclusion: the Rega Fono and the Mazda Miata may have been separated at birth. —Gerard Rejskind I have no hesitation in recommending 50 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine this phono section. The image is excellent, but I was especially struck by the energy and impact that come through, not to mention the multitude of fine detail. I even heard details I couldn’t hear with our reference! The human voice is especially warm and expressive, and words are perfectly audible. The timbres of instruments — particularly the guitar and the accordion — are most pleasant. Only at the top end did I find a little shrillness. A captivating listening session. —Reine Lessard Even if you have a phono section in your preamp and you really like what you hear, I’d still suggest that you give this one a try. We have, we did and I loved it. I know how voices sound on our reference system: round, warm, delicately expressive; I discovered, with the Rega MC phono section, that they can be even more so. I also discovered an intimacy with the musical performance that only a well placed microphone might experience. Being a pre-preamplifier, a phono section should be, in my opinion, second only to your source — not just another accessory allowing you to play an occasional LP. If you find yourself frantically searching for the next large ticket upgrade, take it cool, slow down, and start by introducing this phono section ahead of your preamp. You may find a lot more than you expected right within those vinyl grooves. —Albert Simon Back Issues THE ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION: Issues No.7-19 (except 11, 15, 17 and 18, out of print): nine issues available for the price of five (see below). A piece of audio history. Available separately at the regular price. Linar 250. Headphone amps: Creek, Antique Sound Lab, NVA, Audio Valve. Plus: Foundation Research LC-2 line filter, Gutwire power cord, Pierre Gabriel ML-1 2000 cable. And: building your own machine to clean LP’s. No.67: Loudspeakers: A new, improved Reference 3a MM de Capo, and the awesome Living Voice Avatar OBX-R. Centre speakers for surround from Castle, JMLab, ProAc, Thiel, Totem and Vandersteen. One of them joins our Kappa system. Two multichannel amps from Copland and Vecteur. Plus: plans for a DIY platform for placing a centre speaker atop any TV set, Paul Bergman on the elements of acoustics, and women in country music. No.57: Speakers: Dynaudio Contour 1.3, Gershman X-1/SW-1, Coincident Super Triumph Signature, Castle Inversion 15, Oskar Aulos. PLUS: KR 18 tube amp. Music Revolution: the next 5 years. Give your Hi-Fi a Fall Tune-Up. No.66: Reviews: the Jadis DA-30 amplifier, the Copland 305 tube preamp and 520 solid state amp. Plus: the amazing Shanling CD player, Castle Stirling speakers, and a remote control that tells you what to watch. Also: Bergman on biwiring and biamplification, singer Janis Ian’s alternative take on music downloading, and a chat with Opus 3’s Jan-Eric Persson. No.65: Back to Vinyl: setting up an analog system, reviews of Rega P9 turntable, and phono preamps from Rega, Musical Fidelity and Lehmann. The Kappa reference system for home theatre: how we selected our HDTV monitor, plus a review of the Moon Stellar DVD player. Anti-vibration: Atacama, Symposium, Golden Sound, Solid -Tech, Audioprism, Tenderfeet. Plus an interview with Rega’s turntable designer, and a look back at what UHF was like 20 years ago. No.64: Speakers: Totem M1 Signature and Hawk, Visonik E352. YBA Passion Intégré amp, Cambridge IsoMagic (followup), better batteries for audio-to-go. Plus: the truth about upsampling, an improvement to our LP cleaning machine, an interview with Ray Kimber. . No.63: Tube amps: ASL Leyla & Passion A11. Vecteur Espace speakers, 2 interconnects (Harmonic Technology Eichmann), 5 speaker cables (Pierre Gabriel, vdH , Harmonic Technology, Eichmann), 4 power cords (Wireworld, Harmonic Technology, Eichmann, ESP). Plus: Paul Bergman on soundproofing, how to compare components in the store, big-screen TV’s to stay away from, a look back at the Beatles revolution. No.62: Amplifiers: Vecteur I - 4, Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3, Antique Sound Lab MG-S11DT. Passive preamps from Creek and Antique Sound Lab. Vecteur L-4 CD player. Interconnects: VdH Integration and Wireworld Soltice. Plus: the right to copy music, and how it may be vanishing. Choosing a DVD player by features. And all about music for the movies. No.61: Digital: Audiomat Tempo and Cambridge Isomagic DACs, Vecteur D-2 transport. Speakers: Osborn Mini Tower and Mirage OM-9. Soundcare Superspikes. And: new surround formats, dezoning DVD players. No.60: Speakers: Monitor Audio Silver 9, Reference 3a MM De Capo, Klipsch RB-5, Coincident Triumph Signature. Plus: a Mirage subwoofer and the Audiomat Solfège amp. Paul Bergman on reproducing extreme lows. No.59: CD players: Moon Eclipse, Linn Ikemi and Genki, Rega Jupiter/Io, Cambridge D500. Plus: Oskar Kithara speaker, with Heil tweeter. And: transferring LP to CD, the truth on digital radio, digital cinema vs MaxiVision 48. No.58: Amplifiers: ASL AQ1003, Passion I10 & I11, Rogue 88, Jadis Orchestra Reference, No.56: Integrated amps: Simaudio I-3, Roksan Caspian, Myryad MI120, Vecteur Club 10, NVA AP10 Also: Cambridge T500 tuner, Totem Forest. Phono stages: Creek, Lehmann, Audiomat. Interconnects: Actinote, Van den Hul, Pierre Gabriel. Plus: Paul Bergman on power and current…why you need both No.55: CD players: Linn CD12, Copland CDA-289, Roksan Caspian, AMC CD8a. Other reviews: Enigma Oremus speaker, Magenta ADE-24 black box. Plus: the DSD challenge for the next audio disc, pirate music on the Net, the explosion of off-air video choices. No.54: Electronics: Creek A52se, Simaudio W-3 and W-5 amps. Copland CSA-303, Sima P-400 and F.T. Audio preamps (the latter two passive). Musical Fidelity X-DAC revisited, Ergo AMT phones, 4 line filters, 2 interconnects. Plus: Making your own CD’s. No.53: Loudspeakers:Reference 3a Intégrale, Energy Veritas v2.8, Epos ES30, Totem Shaman, Mirage 390is, Castle Eden. Plus: Paul Bergman on understanding biamping, biwiring, balanced lines, and more. No.52: CD players: Alchemist Nexus, Cambridge CD6, YBA Intégré, Musical Fidelity X-DAC, Assemblage DAC-2. Subwoofers: Energy ES - 8 and NHT PS - 8. Plus: Paul Bergman on reproducing deep bass, Vegas report, and the story behind digital television. No.51: Integrated amps: YBA Intégré DT, Alchemist Forseti, Primare A-20, NVA AP50 Cambridge A1. CD players: Adcom GCD-750, Rega Planet. An economy system to recommend to friends, ATI 1505 5-channel amp, Bergman on impedance, why connectors matter, making your own power bars. No.50: CD: Cambridge DiscMagic/DACMagic, Primare D-20, Dynaco CDV Pro. Analog: Rega Planar 9 , the Linn LP12 after 25 years. Also: Moon preamp, Linn Linto phono stage, Ergo and Grado headphones. Speaker cables: Linn K-400, Sheffield, MIT 750 Also: a look back at 15 years of UHF. No.49: Power amps: Simaudio Moon, Bryston 3B ST, N.E.W. DCA-33, plus the Alchemist Forseti amp and preamp, and the McCormack Micro components. Also: our new Reference 3a Suprema II reference speakers, and a followup on the Copland 277 CD player. Plus: how HDCD really works. No.48: Loudspeakers: JMLabs Daline 3.1, Vandersteen 3a, Totem Tabù, Royd Minstrel. CD: Cambridge CD4, Copland CDA-277. Also: An interview with the founder of a Canadian audiophile record label. No.47: FM tuners: Magnum Dynalab MD-108, Audiolab 8000T, Fanfare FT-1. Speaker cables: QED Qudos, Wireworld Equinox and Eclipse, MIT MH-750. Parasound C/BD-2000 transport and D/AC-2000 converter. And: Upgrading your system for next to nothing. No.46: Electronics: Simaudio 4070SE amp & P-4002 preamp, Copland CTA-301 & CTA- 505, N.E.W. P-3 preamp. Digital cables: Wireworld, Audiostream, MIT, XLO, Audioprism, and Wireworld’s box for comparing interconnects. Also: YBA CD-1 and Spécial CD players. Yves-Bernard André talks about about his blue diode CD improvement. No.45: Integrated amps: Copland CTA 401, Simaudio 4070i, Sugden Optima 140. CD: Adcom GDA-700 HDCD DAC, Sonic Frontiers SFD-1 MkII. Interconnects: Straight Wire Maestro, 3 versions of Wireworld Equinox. Plus: Yamamura Q15 CD oil, and “Hi-Fi for the Financially Challenged”. No.44: CD players: Rotel RCD970BX, Counterpoint DA -10A DAC. Speakers: Apogee Ribbon Monitor, Totem Mite, more on the Gershman Avant Garde. Also: LaserLink cable, “The Solution” CD treatment, AudioQuest sorbothane feet, Tenderfeet, Isobearings. Plus: Inside Subwoofers, and the castrati, the singers who gave their all for music. No.43: The first HDCD converter: the EAD DSP-1000 MkII. Speakers: Gershman Avant Garde, Totem Mani-2 and Rokk, Quad ESL63 with Gradient subwoofer. Plus: Keith O. Johnson explains the road to HDCD, and our editor joins those of other magazines to discuss what’s hot in audio. No.42: Electronics: Spectral DMC-12 and Celeste P- 4001 preamplifiers, amps and preamps from Duson. Also: Sonic Frontiers SFD -1 converter, power line filters from Audioprism, Chang, and YBA. Plus: Inside the preamplifier, and how the tango became the first “dirty” dance. No.41: Digital: Roksan DA-2, EAD DSP-7000, McCormack DAC-1, QED Ref. Digit. Cables: Straight Wire LSI Encore & Virtuoso, Wireworld Equinox, van den Hul The 2nd & Revelation, Cardas Cross & Hexlink Golden, Transparent Music-Link Super & Music-Wave Super. Plus: Bergman on recording stereo. high end video recorders, hi-fi stereo recordings of piano performances of 75 years ago. Acoustics part 6: Conceiving the room. No.34: Cables: MIT ZapChord & PC2, Monster PowerLine 2+, M1, M2 Sigma, Reference 2, Interlink 400 & MSK2, Straight Wire Maestro, Isoda HA - 08 - PSR, Audioquest Ruby & Emerald, AudioStream Twinax, FMS Gold & Black, NBS Mini Serpent. Acoustics 5: Diffusing sound. “The Plot to Kill Hi-Fi,” the much-reprinted article on audio retailing. No.33: CD players: Spectral SDR-1000SL, Esoteric P-2/ D -2, Micromega Duo.BS, Proceed PDT2/PDP2 and PCD2, MSB Silver, Esoteric CD -Z5000, Carver SD/A - 490t. The future of audio, according to Linn’s Ivor Tiefenbrun. Acoustics part 4: Absorbing low frequencies. No.32: The Audio Dream Book: Our 152page guide to what’s out there. Acoustics part 3: Taming reverberation. No.31: Amplifiers: Counterpoint SA-100 and SA-1000, Audio Research Classic 30, QED C300 and P300, Sugden Au- 41, Audiolab 8000P, Carver C-19, Arcam Delta 110 and 120. Why balanced lines? Buying audio by mail. Acoustics part 2: Predicting standing waves. No.30: Speakers: Castle Winchester, Energy 22.2, P-E Léon Trilogue,NHT 1.3, Celef CF1, Polk RM3000, Response II by Clements. Acoustics part 1: Room size and acoustics. No.29: Turntables: Linn Basik & LP12 with Lingo. Oracle Delphi MkIV, Oracle Paris. Pickups: Goldring Excel, 1022 & 1042, Revolver Bullet, Talisman Virtuoso DTi, Sumiko Blue Point, Roksan Shiraz. Test CD’s. Dorian’s Craig Dory. No.28: Integrated amps: Linn Intek, Naim NAIT 2, Arcam Alpha II, Audio Innovations 500 II, Mission Cyrus Two, Creek 4141, Sugden A21. Plus: an Aiwa cassette deck, and a guide to distortion. No.40: Integrated amps: YBA Intégré, Rotel 960, Sugden A-25B, Sima PW-3000, Linn Majik, Naim NAIT 3, AMC CVT3030, Duson PA-75. Stereo: what it is, how it works, why it’s disappearing from records. No.27: Cables: Prisma SC-9 and Cable 10, MIT MH-750, MH-750 CVT MI-330SG, and MI-330SG CVT, Supershield. Cassettes: We compare Maxell, Fuji, Sony, etc.. The Esoteric V9000 cassette deck. Choosing a VCR. No. 39: Speakers: KEF Q50, Martin-Logan Aerius, Castle Howard, NEAR 40M, Klipsch Kg4.2. Plus: QED passive preamps, followup on the Linn Mimik CD player. No.26: CD players: Spectral SDR-1000, Kinergetics KCD - 40, Micromega CDF 1, Arcam Delta 70 and Black Box, Mission PCM II, Quad 66. A panel compares CD and LP, and Keith Johnson talks about rethinking audio. No. 38: CD players: Roksan Attessa, Naim CDS, Linn Mimik, Quad 67, Rotel 945, Micromega Model “T”. Plus: How the record industry will wipe out hi-fi, and why women have been erased from music history. No.37: Electronics: Celeste 4070 and McIntosh 7150 amps, Linn Kairn and Klout. Plus: RoomTunes acoustic treatment, why all amps don’t sound alike, and how Pro Logic really works. No.36: CD players: YBA CD-2, Linn Karik/ Numerik, Sugden SDT-1, Mission DAD5 and DAC5, Audiolab 8000DAC, QED Digit, Nitty Gritty LP cleaner, Plus: an interview with Linn’s Ivor Tiefenbrun, and part 7 of Bergman on acoustics: building your own acoustical panels. No.35: Speakers: Castle Chester, Mirage M7si, Totem Model 1, Tannoy 6.1, NHT 2.3, 3a Micro Monitor, Rogers LS2a/2. Plus: Tests of No.25: Preamps: YBA One, Sima 3001, Dolan PM1, Sugden C28. Amps: YBA One and Sugden P28 (guess which we bought!). Paul Bergman on amplifier design. No.24: Speakers: 3a MM and MS5, Snell Type Q, Elipson Colonne Design, Linn Kaber, Vandersteen 2ci, Camber 3.0 and 5.0, Opus 3 Chaconne and Credo, ProAc Response 2. No.23: Turntables: Revolver, Audiomeca J-1 and Roma, Opus 3 Continuo, Well Tempered Wtrp. Are power conditioners useful? Getting the most from LP and CD. No.22: Power line filters: Inouye and Adcom. Better speakers: Quad ESL-63, Vandersteen 2W, Bryston crossover, Velodyne ULD15. Is biamplification better? To see a list of older issues: EACH ISSUE costs $4.99 (in Canada) plus tax (15.03% in Québec, 15% in NB, NS and NF, 7% in other Provinces), US$4.99 in the USA, CAN$7.50 elsewhere (surface) or $8.60 (air mail). THE ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION (issues 7-19 except 11, 15, 17 and 18) includes 9 issues but costs like 5. For VISA or MasterCard, include your number, expiry date and signature. UHF Magazine, Box 65085, Place Longueuil, Longueuil, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4. Tel.: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383. Order on line at GutWire MaxCon Listening Room P roposition: the expensive electrical power that your local utility provides (at least when its Windows-based control system isn’t choking on the SoBig virus or something) is inadequate for running high end audio equipment. Words to live by, some say; self-serving bunkum, according to others. We’ve taken a position on this, and we will again. We’d love nothing better than to use the stringy cord that came free with our equipment, and plug it into the 57¢ outlet in the wall. We’ve spent enough on our amps and speakers. You think we want to drop another bundle on fancy power cords and filters? But we have, because we’ve heard the difference. We like to put it in negative terms. It’s not that an expensive power cord or an elaborate filter allows “fuller bass” or “silkier highs” to come through. It’s that we can hear the huge performance hit that results when we pay no attention to the food our system eats. As the class dunce is reported to have said, “Sugar is the stuff that makes your hot chocolate taste really bad when you don’t put any in.” Ah, but what sugar to use? Not all filters work equally well, or even at all. We’ve tried a lot of the things over the years. The Rotel and the YBA are (or were) marginal. The Quantum fi lters (there are several of them) appears to rely heavily on the purchaser’s imagination. But we liked 52 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine the Enacom, because it does so much for so little money. We like the Chang Lightspeed. We like the Inouye, which we still use in one of our systems. And we also like the Foundation Research filters, three of which also use. But this unit caught our eye right away. For one thing, we like some of GutWire’s other products, notably its power cords, some of which we use ourselves. For another, the MaxCon is so well-built. It’s in a gorgeous, heavy stainless steel case, heavily damped so that when you tap it you think you’re hitting a brick. GutWire clearly agrees with our principle that everything is microphonic. We noticed the hospitalgrade connectors too. We were almost prepared to give this one thumbs up without listening. But that’s not us, as you well know. We did this review in our Alpha room. We left our YBA One power amplifier plugged into its Foundation Research LC-2 filter, which is also its power cord. Three other components, the Copland 306 preamplifier, the Parasound CD transport and the Counterpoint DAC are normally filtered by an Cleaning up the dreck from the power utility? We’re for it. Inouye SPLF filter we bought years ago. We took a series of CD’s and listened to them three times: with the Inouye, with no filter at all, and finally with the MaxCon. After the initial session, intended to get our six ears used to those recordings again, we disconnected the Inouye and went to a conventional but excellent power bar, the GutWire Stingray. We listened to the fi rst of the recordings again. It didn’t sound as good as it had before, but it was still better than we had come to expect from earlier tests we had done with no filtering. “I think,” said Albert, “that this is an awfully good power bar. It’s too good, and it’s not what potential clients for this filter will be using.” Indeed, it sounded as though the Stingray’s heavy shielding was doing some of its own filtering, a fact that is properly correct. After discussion, we pulled out a Noma power bar of the sort you can buy at the nearest shopping centre. That was much better…which is to say that the sound was much, much worse. How much worse? In The Little Notebook of Anna Magdelana Bach, soprano Karina Gauvin seemed to have shrunk dramatically. Gerard heard as her as closer and Reine as farther away, but both agreed that there was nothing behind her. The large church whose acoustics are so gorgeously captured on this Analekta recording was gone. Luc Beauséjour’s harpsichord sounded as though he had picked it up cheap on eBay. By the time it was over we were frowning. Some unfortunate adjectives got trotted out: thin, shallow, dull, cooler, slow. Not good. True, Albert said that what he heard was better than he had feared, but it should be said he had expected the ceiling to collapse on us. We moved on to one of our favorite choral recordings, Now the Green Blade Riseth. This too sounded a lot worse. “It’s two-dimensional,” complained Albert. “Can you name the two?” inquired Gerard. “Left-right, and height. Well, not even much height in fact.” There was worse. The male voices lacked body, and the women’s became harsh and strident, something we had noted in earlier no-filter tests. The harmonic link between them was obscured. The flute sounded fine, beyond the fact that it seemed to have been painted on the wall. And the finale… Oh rats! Is it all right if we change the subject? Buddy Bolden’s Blues on Opus 3 was similarly demolished by whatever evil force was pouring in from the power line. Rhythm was poor, despite the fact that the exaggerated transients seemed to be marking the beat like a metronome. The overall sound had become thin and hard, and we were frankly relieved when it was over. We plugged t he gear into t he MaxCon and tried again. That was much better! Most of the depth was back, and both Gauvin’s pure voice and Beauséjour’s harpsichord sounded lovely. The rhythm was much improved. That the MaxCon was immensely better than the Noma bar went pretty much without saying, but was it as good as our reference fi lter? We weren’t yet certain, though we were determined to find out. The choral recording was immensely improved as well. The depth was back, and the fine voices of the singers melded together in satisfying fashion. There was clear delineation of instruments and voices, but at the same time they all came together into a musical whole. Were textures slightly grainier? Possibly. A s for Buddy Bolden’s Blues, it was…well, magnificent. The depth and clarity allowed the counterpoint among clarinet, saxophone and sousaphone to emerge in realistic fashion. The rhythm was contagious. “They’re playing with a smile,” said Albert. “You can tell.” This is, then, a good filter. But was it better than our Inouye filter, which is well over a decade old? We returned to it, and then we played the jazz recording again. The Inouye did in fact sound better, and there could be no doubt about it. Summing it up… Brand/model: Gutwire MaxCon Price: C$1098/US$859 without cord Dimensions: 30.5 x 7.5 x 7.2 cm Most liked: Gorgeous workmanship, much better current flowing out than in Least liked: A little short of top rank Verdict: Looking as though it could beat all its competitors, it can actually beat most of them There was as much detail, but everything sounded smoother, and all the rough edges were filed off. The clarinet, the sax and the sousaphone were warm and articulate. We made ourselves a note to call Brian Inouye and check to see what his filter (which he still makes) costs today. It wasn’t cheap when we bought it all those years ago, and today it actually costs ever so slightly more than the MaxCon. We had expected that. This session brought home again a fact we have known for a while: the electricity in the wall contains everything short of salmonella. And that’s despite the fact that our local electrical substation is not shared with heavy industries. If you’re not as fortunate as we are, your system is having an even tougher time, and may be suffering from acute indigestion. A good filter is the cure. One more thing needs to be said. Audio components may be sensitive to power line noise, but they are also producers of power line noise, and they affect each other. Good shielded power cords can keep them from transmitting this garbage into the ether, and a welldesigned filter can keep them from whizzing into the drinking water. You don’t need a degree in public health to figure out the benefit. This is an excellent accessory, which can make listening to music a lot more satisfactory. Like any good AC filter, it lets music reach our ears with much more clarity and better focus, with lots of detail. I noted delightful textures, lots of depth, catchy rhythm, a solid lower midrange, and superb coherence. Without matching the performance of our own filter, which continues to delight us, it promises hours of musical pleasure. And it keeps its promise. —Reine Lessard filling a larger volume in space. Sounds are more defined, cleaner, natural. And I noticed it without making an effort, with the MaxCon — nothing was actually added, yet the music was transformed into more. Think of it as filtering your regular drinking water and discovering that fresh, crystal clear sensation. For a more accurate analogy, think of making your favorite coffee or tea with it, and how much more flavour you’d have. You’ll understand what the GutWire unit does. —Albert Simon The illusion is amazing. Whenever I compare music with and without a good conditioner, it always seems that with the conditioner some things are added to the sound. It gains in body and roundness, What comes out of the electrical outlet is not suitable for music and other living things…that’s a given, or it has been for a long time. I’ve heard good filters before, but why are so many of them built with parts that appear to have come from war surplus outlets? The first thing I can say about the MaxCon is that it’s not like that. This is an astonishingly well-built product, and that’s almost enough to recommend it right there. Well…almost. It does a major job of making the electricity shine as brightly as its own alloy case. Is it as good as the Inouye filter? In fact no. Not in our system at any rate. My rule for power filters is the same as that of Hippocrates for physicians: first, do no harm. The MaxCon does no harm, because it’s so well made. That’s half the battle. And it does a pretty good job on the other half too. —Gerard Rejskind ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 53 Listening Room CROSSTALK Connoisseur SE-2 W Listening Room e’ve been mulling this over for a while: setting aside a small part of our Listening Room section to present gear to which we haven’t yet given the full review treatment, or which is not distributed widely enough E GutWire NotePad ver ybody talks about v ibrat ion, and how good equipment sounds even better if you can keep it out. We pretty much agree with that concern. Two popular devices exist for doing the job. There are isolators, to be placed under equipment: cones, spikes, and other devices (see our review of a number of these products in UHF No. 65). And then there are devices that can be put atop the equipment, in order to keep it from resonating in the presence of airborne sound waves. 54 to justify a full review. We’ll be doing this regularly from now on. The Connoisseur SE-2 will in fact get the full treatment, but only in our next issue. In the meantime, we’ve done a first listen. This is a Canadian-built integrated amplifier, built around what most high end aficionados will consider a familiar format: a pair of 300B output tubes, running single-ended, which is to say not in the usual push-pull mode, with two tubes or transistors per channel. The advantages to single-ended architecture are well known, as are indeed its disadvantages. A disadvantage is power that can charitably be thought of as “limited.” How about 9 watts per channel? Two decades ago, of course, such an amplifier would have been unable to play above a whisper, and we’re barely exaggerating. In the past decade, singleended amps (by now you’ve figured out what the “SE” in the model name stands for) have proliferated, as have the speakers they require: speakers that are highly efficient, and therefore need little amplifier power. Our most efficient speakers are the Reference 3a Supremas in our Omega room, which are rated at 91 dB. If we disconnect the subwoofers (which operate only from 50 Hz down anyway), the speakers are quite happy with such modest power. The combination works, too. Owners of high efficiency speakers may want to read the full review, which will appear in our next issue. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Now the two are one. The GutWire NotePad (from the company known for its cables) is a vinyl pocket filled with what seems to be jelly. You can put several of them under your equipment: each one can support as much as 10 kg. But you can also put them atop the equipment, to damp down a rattle-prone chassis for instance. A package of three NotePads costs C$79. The concept is a clever one. In our next issue we will be trying NotePads in both functions, in competition with other products intended to do the same thing. We’ll let you know what happens. college pensioners will sing the new hymn as the King enters. A national anthem is a tribute to one’s homeland, celebrating through a text filled with lively emotion the qualities of the country, and perhaps its struggles throughout history. There are other kinds of anthems, of course. They may sing the glories of a historical character whose passage has marked his/her era, or they may exalt patriotic pride, or even an ideal, such as love, peace, joy, liberty, equality, fraternity. Examples of the latter are Schiller’s Ode to Joy, borrowed by Beethoven for his Ninth Symphony, the Internationale, composed for France’s first socialist movement, and of course the Olympic anthem. It was toward the end of the 18th Century that certain anthems acquired a certain official status. Today, virtually all states have their own national anthems, and all are expected to stand when an anthem is played, even when it is that of a foreign land. words have simply been translated into the local language. The English text has a long history. In the 16 th Century English sailors would greet each other with “God save the King,” to which the correct “password” was “Long reign over us.” Sound familiar? Indeed, certain religious ceremonies included the Latin motet Domine Salvum Fac Regem, which means — you guessed it — “God save the King.” Legend…or reality? We are in France in the Year of our Lord 1686. Louis XIV suffers acutely from an anal fistula requiring surgery. Operations were risky then, which explains the great anxiety throughout the kingdom, especially the courtiers, the royal family and more particularly the Marquise de Maintenon, whom the king had secretly married following the death of the Queen. Under the protection of her royal husband, the marquise had founded the Collège St-Cyr to educate aristocratic but impoverished girls. For its inauguration, she organizes a gala, and commissions the court composer, the Italian Gian Battista Lulli (who would be known in France as Jean-Baptiste Lully), to compose a hymn of thanksgiving to God for the recovery of the King. The words are adapted from the Latin motet already mentioned by a friend of the marquise, Madame de Brinon. The Every country has one. National anthems, it turns out, include some of the world’s truly great music. W hich translates to something modern Britons would f ind eerily familiar: God save the King God save the King Long live the King Forever glorious Louis victorious His foes always subjugated Long live the King. The King is delighted, and the pupils of St-Cyr will from then on sing the hymn on each of the royal visits. And then…silence. The hymn to the King’s health is never sung again in France. Nor anywhere else, until… In that day, the pretender to the British throne bides his time at the Stuart court at St-Germain-en-Laye, in France, all the while preparing his rebellion. The marquise gives him the hymn for Louis XIV, suggesting that it would make a splendid British national anthem, with a simple translation which she may in fact have done herself. God Save the King! is first sung in 1745 by supporters of James III Stuart at the Drury Lane Theatre, but is picked up by partisans of George II Hanover. It becomes popular, and will henceforth be sung at all official ceremonies. Other verses are added, though they are rarely sung. The third verse runs: Thy choicest gifts in store On him be pleased to pour; Long may he reign; May he defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice, God save the King! England may be considered the birthplace of the national anthem, for God Save the King becomes the first such chant to be sung around the world. ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 55 Software An Italian in France, a song for England The anthem of a country is not always composed by a citizen of that country. The US anthem, for instance, was composed by an Englishman, the British anthem by an Italian, the German anthem by an Austrian, and the Spanish anthem by a German. Indeed, anthems have been known to travel. If the British God Save the King/Queen seems familiar everywhere, it is because its music has been used for anthems in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, the United States, Liechenstein, and several others. What is it that made this melody all but universal? With its slightly soporific tone, it transmits no military fervor, and it is unlikely to stir anyone to combat. It has little to fire up soldier, noble, or simple citizen. Its appeal must lie elsewhere, for no fewer than 20 states have, over the course of two centuries, adopted it, with words adapted to their own realities, of course. And sometimes not even that — in some cases existing by Reine Lessard Grand Dieu sauvez le roi Grand Dieu sauvez le roi Vive le roi. Qu’à jamais glorieux Louis victorieux… FOR BEYERDYNAMIC CREEK CYRUS DNM ECOSSE EICHMANN EPOS RINGMAT SOUNDCARE VISONIK IN CALGARY, IT HAS TO BE GENERAL AUDIO Software where music matters 1333 8th STREET S.W. TEL: 403-228-9130 In the late 18th Century Denmark often played it as its national anthem. Prussia also used it. The principality of Liechenstein still does. Even Russia borrowed it. It was the national anthem of Australia from 1788 to 1974. Switzerland adopted it in 1811 on a text by Rodolf Wyss, under the title Rufst Du, mein Vaterland. In Canada it is considered the royal anthem, played on visits by the British Royal Family, and on occasions presided by the Governor General or provincial Lieutenant Governors. The melody turns up in several compositions by major composers, no doubt admirers of Lully. It is said Beethoven was so impressed on first hearing it that in 1804 he composed seven variations on it. German composer Max Reger (1873-1916) wrote a Prelude and Fugue on God Save the King. Haydn, on a visit to England, was so taken with the anthem that he was inspired to write a tune for the Austrian emperor, under the title God Save Emperor Franz. He used the melody in his Emperor Quartet Op. 76, No. 3. It was similarly borrowed by Donizetti, Paganini and Brahms. 56 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Unforgettable emotion On the screen is the immortal masterpiece Casablanca. The Germans at Ricks’s Café Americain are noisy as usual. The clink of glasses blends with the buzz of conversation in the smoky atmosphere. Patrons dance to the music of pianist Sam, and the small orchestra. A woman speaks loudly. The Germans, masters of the café, are turbulent. Major Strasser, an SS officer, leads them in a chorus of Die Vaterland. Consternation. What will happen? A determined man strides up to the orchestra, Viktor Lazlo, the famed resistance leader. “Play the Marseillaise. Play it!” They do, and all but the Germans pick up the song, singing with one voice, one heart. On this electrifying melody, the words are a menacing clamor, the frightening sound of the people taking up arms. It is La Marseillaise, the great anthem of la France libre. It is a moment of power beyond words. You need not be French, or even understand the words, to be overwhelmed by this music and its irresistibly galvanizing power. The creation of the anthem Throughout Europe it is a time of discontent and agitation, moving writers and composers to express the anger of the people, and also the ambitions of the emerging bourgeoisie. The French Revolution is underway, and the Republic is on the march. Implicitly threatened, the European monarchies go to war, hoping to stifle the Revolution in its shell. We are at a reception at the home of the Baron de Dietrich, mayor of Strasbourg. It is April 25, 1792, only a few days after declarations of war by Austria and by Prussia, which had long coveted Alsace and Lorraine. One of the guests is a young engineer, poet and amateur cellist, Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle. He is 32, and a captain at the French garrison in the city. “Monsieur de Lisle,” says t he host, “you who speak the language of the Gods, you who plays the harp of Orpheus, compose us a fi ne song for the soldiers who are emerging from all regions of our endangered land, and you shall have the gratitude of your country.” The bold captain accepts the challenge, drawing inspiration from a poster proclaiming Aux armes, citoyens!, and composing both words and music. In but a few hours he has written The War Song for the Army of the Rhine. Its success is immediate, and across France soldiers are singing it. In June of the same year the Marseille volunteers of the National Guard, having taken up the cause of the Revolution, leave for Paris. Arriving drums beating at the Place de la Bastille on the 30th of July, they sing the new hymn with such fervor that Parisians baptize it Le Chant des Marseillais, quickly shortened to La Marseillaise. Two years later the Directoire orders that all theatres begin representations with the hymn, which is decreed National Anthem by the Convention on the 26 Messidor Year III (July 14, 1795). In the meantime a young Corsican named Napoleon Bonaparte is preparing to enter the stage and move up through the ranks to the function of First Consul. He is said to have called La Marseillaise “the greatest general of the Republic.” When he becomes emperor in 1804, however, he bans the anthem. It will not be sung again until after his reign, and it is quickly banned again under the Restoration, since Louis XVIII has the same reasons as Napoleon to disavow a revolutionary chant. La Marseillaise resurfaces during the Revolution of 1830. Often sung from then on, it carves its place in the hearts and minds of the French, and in 1879 the Third Republic once again officializes its status as National Anthem. In September 1944, the French ministry of education orders the anthem sung in the schools, to celebrate the Liberation and to commemorate the martyrs of the German occupation. Through the war and the occupation of much of Europe, La Marseillaise is the cry of the oppressed. Many a victim of the Nazis dies with its words on their lips, as a final declaration of faith. Allons enfants de la Patrie Le jour de gloire est arrivé Contre nous de la Tyrannie L’étendard sanglant est levé (bis) Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes Aux armes, Citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons! Marchons! Qu’un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons. Among noted composers who incorporated this stirring music into their own works are Salieri, Schumann, Wagner, Liszt, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. Austria Napoleon is on the march, but even the threat of his Grande Armée hasn’t succeeded in lighting a patriotic flame in Viennese hearts. Governor Franz Joseph Count Saurau commissions a popular poet, Lorenz Haschka, to write words for a national anthem to be set to music by the great composer Joseph Haydn. The Kaiserlied is first sung on February 12, 1797, the birthday of Emperor Franz II, and it will serve as Imperial Anthem right up the disintegration of the Empire in 1918. The music is drawn from the Kaiser Quartet, one of whose themes, as already noted, had been inspired by God Save the King! With the Empire gone, Austria is reduced to its German provinces, and it is proclaimed a republic. It is more than evident that a hymn to the glory of an emperor is no longer suitable. State Chancellor Karl Renner, a sometime poet, writes a new text in keeping with the country’s new constitutional identity. It begins with the words Deutschösterreich, du herrliches Land. He gives it to a friend, composer Wilhelm Kienzl, to set it to music. Kienzl accepts with humility, quite aware that the universally-admired Haydn will not be easily displaced. His Renner-Kienzl Anthem is launched to tepid acclaim. But with Austria having dropped the Haydn melody, Germany now saw no barrier to its ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 57 Software In his remarkable history of the French Revolution, Thomas Carlyle calls it “the song which makes boil blood in the veins, that one sings with tears and fire in the eyes, with a heart facing death.” In his history of the Girondin movement, Alphonse de Lamartine writes that La Marseillaise is “the song of patriotism, but also the expression of anger. It moves our troops to the frontier, but it also accompanies our victims to the scaffold. The same iron serves to defend the heart of our homeland in the hands of our soldiers, and to dispatch victims in the hands of the executioner.” Software But what of its music? It is said to be from a Masonic cantata by Mozart (the K.623), but this is doubtful. As for the Haydn music, which had survived wars and revolutions, Austria decreed that it would be sung no more, either in Austria or in Germany. It would forever be tainted by its close association with the Nazi movement and the ignominious Adolf Hitler. being recycled as Deutschlandlied, to words by August Heinrich Hoffman von Fallersben. Surprisingly enough, there was no protest from Austria. In 1938 Hitler occupies Austria and annexes it to the Third Reich. As the Nazi ideology spreads, the anthem on Haydn’s music is sung once more, alongside the Nazi hymn Lebens der jugend. With the collapse of the Reich Austria becomes independent once again, and of course neither of the two hymns can suit. The Austrian federal government holds a competition for words to a new anthem, in praise of Austrians in the country and abroad, with a then considerable prize of 10,000 Schillings. With some 1800 entries, the eventual winner is the eminent novelist Paula von Preradovic, and the new anthem is adopted officially in 1947. Land of mountains, land on the River, Land of fields, land of cathedrals, Land of hammers, with a rich future, You are the home of great sons, A nation blessed by its sense of beauty, Highly praised Austria. 58 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Above all, a nation united Like Italy and some ot her lands, mid-19 t h Century Germany is not yet a country when its first (unofficial) national anthem is adopted. W hen Bavaria had become a monarchy in 1806, it had adopted Heil unser Konig, heil! with a great resemblance to God Save the King! A few other patriotic chants are proposed, but gained little currency. At that time, a poet and professor with very liberal ideas, worried by recurring wars among the small German lands, sets about to convince all Germans to unite instead of fighting among themselves. His name is August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. In his Deutschlandlied of 1841, he enjoins the crowned heads and subjects of the Germanic states to set aside their quarrels to build a strong and united country: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles (Germany above all else). He also intends it, it should be noted, as a cry in favor of freedom of the press and respect of human rights. The poem is set to the music of Joseph Haydn, already familiar to German ears. Germany, finally united in 1871 under Kaiser Wilhelm, puts aside the Deutschlandlied in favor of a Royal Anthem, Heir Dir im Siegerkranz. It is not until 1922, three years after Germany became a republic, that the Fallersleben hymn is adopted as the national anthem. It then has three verses. When the Nazis take power they adopt the infamous Horst Wessel Song, and also modify the text of the Deutschlandlied to twist its meaning: über alles in der Welt (above all else in the world) becomes Heim ins Reich (at home in all of the world). That ideology of course will lead to a world war. Followed the armistice, the treaties, the division of Germany, and the eventual building of the Berlin Wall. Each Germany wants its own anthem. East Germany adopts Auferstanden aus Ruinen by Becher on music by Eisler. West Germany selects Schroeder’s Lied des Glaubens Deutsches Land, with music by Reutter, but it never becomes popular, and in 1952 West Germany returns to the Deutschlandlied, with the text restored to its pre-Nazi version. The anthem becomes that of the newly reunited Germany, though now shorn of its first two verses, containing only the third: Unity, rights and liberty for the German Fatherland! Let us then all strive like brothers with heart and hand! Unity, rights and liberty are foundation of good fortune Flower in the glow of this good fortune, German Fatherland Fratelli d’Italia, L’Italia s’a Desta Italy k new its own tumultuous periods, and it is no exaggeration to say that no country had more difficulty choosing a national anthem. Since the time of the creation of the Risorgimento by the house of Savoy, there have been some 450 popular patriotic songs. Before the birth of la Repubblica Italiana, Italy was composed of small kingdoms and principalities scattered from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic. This period of confusion is marked by fratricidal wars, with the result that from through 18th and the 19th Centuries, the region is dominated by France and Austria. The Risorgimento is a sort of new renaissance, leading in the 19th Century to the liberation and unification of the Italian peninsula, under the leadership of Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi. Italy’s political diaspora is large, and discussions among its members are always lively. Eager to liberate his country of foreign influences, Mazzini has founded the Young Italy movement, whose members include the young republican poet Goffredo Mameli, who is then 20. Mameli is impatient with the waffling of King Carlo Alberto, and in any case he hopes for a unity that would be won by the people rather than by a monarch. It is in this hothouse that, in the midst of patriotic celebrations in 1847, he composes his most ardent poem, Fratelli d’Italia, l’Italia s’à desta (“Italian brothers, Italy has arisen”). It is set to a splendid music in martial style by Michele Novaro. Up to then most of the numerous patriotic songs had referred to the king. The Star of Alberto had been the most popular, and Marcia Reale (the Royal March) will be replaced as Italian national anthem only in 1946. Mameli’s poem speaks of past struggles of Lombards, Florentines, Genoans and Sicilians against the French. It is soon on all lips, spreading through the peninsula like wildfire. Italian brothers, Italy has arisen, With Scipio’s helmet binding her head. Where is Victory? Let her bow down, For God has made her The slave of Rome. Let us gather in legions, Ready to die! Italy has called! Russia A round 1833 Czar Nicholas I commissions a national anthem inspired by God Save the King! The music is said to be from Alexis Lvoff, but the theme is that of the British anthem, and indeed the words seem familiar: In happiness In peace to reign! Dread of his enemies, Faith’s sure defender, God save the Czar! A fter the 1917 Revolution it of course gives way to the Internationale, which remains the Soviet anthem until 1943. Stalin, eager to fan the flames of patriotism and ideology in this time of war, invites poets and composers to the Kremlin to submit their work. The music of Alexander Vasillevich A lexandrov is selected. The words initially chosen are quickly replaced by the defi nitive text of G. El-Reguistan and the official poet Sergei Mikhalov. The Soviet anthem (known officially as Eternal Alliance of the Free Republics) will last until the dissolution of the “eternal alliance” in 1991, though the text will be revised in 1977 to remove references to Stalin. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the new president Boris Yeltsin banishes this remnant of the old regime and chooses a new anthem. It is drawn from the opera A Life for the Tsar of Mikhail Glinka. This comes as a surprise, since the era of the Tsars is so long past. The music is certainly pleasant, as is all Glinka’s music, but it lacks the deep, rich, solemn and impressive tone of Alexandrov’s air. But Alexandrov’s anthem will not be gone for long. In 2000 the Duma, at the urging of President Putin, votes overwhelmingly to return to the Soviet anthem of 1944. The co-author of the original words, Mikhalov, now 87, is brought back to pen a new text. With its references to God and empire, the refurbished anthem is universally acclaimed, with even the Russian Orthodox church applauding. Russia — sacred our empire, Russia — favorite our country. Mighty will, great glory — Your virtue on all times! Sing to the Fatherland, ours free, The brotherly century peoples union , By ancestors the given national wisdom! Ours Glorious land! We are proud of you! I’ve just listened to it again on the Analekta recording of the Red Army Chorus. It is, I believe, after La Marseillaise, the most beautiful, grandiose and moving national anthem of all time. A captivating story It is in a friendly but nonetheless foreign land that is composed, in 1797, the chant of the Polish Legions. Poland is then carved up and dominated by Prussia, Austria and Russia. Italy offers asylum to the Polish soldiers. One of them Jozef Wybicki, writes a song exaltULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 59 Software Va’ pensiero A number of countries have adopted electrifying patriotic songs that, for many reasons, were more popular than the official anthem. That’s the case of Verdi’s Va’ pensiero, composed five years before Mameli’s poem, and a serious competitor. A paraphrase of the 137th Psalm, Va’ pensiero is the chorus of the Hebrew slaves in Verdi’s Nabucco. The opera tells the story of the conquest and enslavement of the Jews by Nabucco’s Babylonian army in the 6th Century BC. Naturally enough, Italians identify with the captives, having so long hoped for liberation from the Austrian yoke. The text is of course accompanied by Verdi’s sublime music, which lifts enthusiasm and exacerbates patriotism. By popular demand, it becomes modern Italy’s unofficial anthem. The 25,000 spectators who lined the route of Verdi’s funeral procession spontaneously sang Va’ pensiero. It is also the anthem of the International Freedom Movement. The composer, by the way, was also a military man, General Jan Henryk Dabrowski. He participated in the defense of Warsaw in 1794, and created the Polish Legions in 1797. He also took part in the insurrection of the Wielkopolska region in 1806, and in several battles against the armies of Napoleon from 1806 to 1812. The United States America and England are at war in what will be known as the War of 1812. The evening of the 13th of September, in the port of Baltimore an American officer visits a British ship under a white flag, to negotiate the liberation of an American prisoner. The British, planning a surprise attack against the American Fort McHenry that night, fear the officer will warn his compatriots, and keep him hostage that night aboard their ship, appropriately called the Surprise. The officer is named Francis Scott Key. The next morning the sight of the American flag still floating over the fort confirms that the British attack has failed. He is moved to write a patriotic poem on the event. Software Oh, say, can you see, By the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d At the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, Were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night That our fl ag was still there. ing the idea of an independent Poland. Set to a popular mazurka by Dabrowki, it is adopted spontaneously by many Poles. Titled Feszcz Polka nie zginela (“Poland is not yet lost”), it is proclaimed national anthem in 1917. As in the case of many anthems, its text will be reworked to better suit the times, in 1948. 60 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Poland has not yet succumbed. As long as we remain, What the foe by force has seized, Sword in hand we’ll gain. March! March, Dabrowski! March from Italy to Poland! Under your command We shall reach our land. The poem is resurrected in the late 19 th Century by the US army, and it becomes a song, set to the music of the English composer John Stafford Smith, Anacreon in Heaven, written a century before for a Masonic lodge. It will, by the way, be quoted in Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly. Though The Star Spangled Banner is the official US anthem, there have been other American patriotic songs. Yankee Doodle was sung in colonial days, between 1750 and 1760, and it was used in Andrew Barton’s 1767 operaballet The Disappointment. During the War of Independence, it was the British who were singing it, to mock the American patriots. The Americans actually adopted it as a national anthem, though, albeit with different words, and it remained until its replacement by The Star Spangled Banner. Even today Yankee Doodle is the theme music of shortwave broadcasts of The Voice of America. Not at all martial but quite gorgeous is Katharine Lee Bates’ America the Beautiful, on music by Samuel Ward: O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! In this century Irving Berlin contributed another unofficial anthem, God Bless America. And fi nally there is the 1831 patriotic hymn by Francis Smith: My country tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. The tune, once again, is that of God Save the King! Software Canada It is widely told that Canada’s ant hem, O Canada, was the winner of a competition for a national anthem, to be played on the 24th of June (the fête nationale of French Canada) in 1880. The truth is that, although there was to be such a contest, there wouldn’t be enough time, and thus a well-known composer was commissioned to write it. Here’s how it really happened. There were already popular songs celebrating Canada. In French Canada back then, Vive la canadienne was a mainstay of parades and celebrations. In English Canada, there was already an unofficial anthem, The Maple Leaf Forever. However its words presented a problem: In days of yore From Britain’s shore Wolfe, the dauntless hero came Wolfe having been the British general who had conquered New France, it is easy to see why this text was considered offensive to French-Canadians. In June of 1880, then, the Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec determines to realize a dream: to create a national anthem acceptable to all. He asks Adolphe-Basile Routhier, ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 61 judge, poet, and cofounder of the Royal Society of Canada, to write the text for a distinctive anthem. The eminent composer and organist Calixa Lavallée is asked to write the music. He accepts on condition that he might compose the music before Routhier writes the words. In a single evening, Lavallée completes the air of the future anthem. Over the years there has been a serious controversy concerning the originality of his composition. The first measures of O Canada are identical to those of the second act introduction of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Indeed, at Canadian stagings of the Mozart opera, it is common for the introduction to be accompanied by a flurry of whispers by spectators who think they recognize the anthem. It should be said that, beyond the f irst measures, the t wo works diverge. Lavallée’s melody is catchy without being too martial. It inspires in Routhier a text that is moderate, though with substance, marked by patriotic fervor and faith in the Almighty’s role in the past and future of Canada. Software Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! Car ton bras sait porter l’épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Though long used unofficially as the anthem, it will be only in 1980 that Parliament gives it official status, exactly a century after its creation. After 1880 there are several attempts to set English words to Lavallée’s music. The one eventually adopted is by another judge, Robert Stanley Weir in 1908, the tricentennial of the foundation of Quebec City. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! That is slightly different from the original Weir text, for it has been altered more than once. Even today, there is a movement to change the reference to “sons,” which is seen by some as sexist. 62 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Andorra Somewhere between France and Spain, occupying but a few hundred mountainous square kilometers, is the principality of Andorra. Its location made it historically a paradise for smugglers, and, today, duty-free shoppers. Traditional tales speak of a Moordominated land conquered in 803 by Charlemagne, whose son Louis the Pious promulgated a charter of freedom. Positioned as it was on the border, it was claimed by both Spain and France, who ultimately agreed to make it a principality under joint sovereignty. Andorra voted for independence in 1993, but it had adopted a flag, and of course a national anthem, back in 1914. Its words, in Catalan, by Joan Bennloch I Vivò, pay homage to historical tradition: The great Charlemagne, my Father, from the Saracens liberated me, And from heaven he gave me life of Meritxell the great mother. I was born a princess, a maiden neutral between two nations I am the only remaining daughter of the Carolingian empire. With 68,000 inhabitants, Andorra is one of the world’s smallest states. Acadia A country? A nation? Those are mere words. A territory may be distinct by dint of its pride, its loyalty and patriotism, and so it is with Acadia. The French had settled lands in what are today the Atlantic Provinces from 1524, well before Europeans had arrived in what is now Quebec City and Montreal. The lands were ceded to England in 1715. In 1755 there was what would today be called an ethnic cleansing, with French settlers rounded up and scattered to what is now Quebec, New England, Louisiana, even France. Many eventually found their way back, especially to present-day New Brunswick. Many did not. The “Cajuns” of Louisiana are part of the Acadian diaspora. There are a million Acadians worldwide. Acadia is not a country, but the descendents of those fi rst French set- tlers created a nation of the mind, whose name was derived either from an Indian word, or possibly from Arcadia, a name given it by a French explorer struck by the beauty of the trees on that land. At the second Acadian National Congress in 1884, a religious hymn, Ave Maris Stella, was chosen as an anthem. There wasn’t universal approval. The playing of religious music at celebrations where alcohol might be served shocked some sensibilities. Many attempts were made to find another anthem, but efforts were fruitless. The anthem is no longer religious however. At a worldwide Acadian congress in 2001, new secular words were adopted, no longer in Latin but in French and English: Acadia my homeland To your name I draw myself My life, my faith belong to you You will protect me (bis) Acadia my homeland My land and my challenge From near, from far or hold onto me My heart is Acadian (bis) Gounod at the Vatican The Vat ican is of course a state in itself, and it had an anthem, composed in 1857 by Vittorino Hallmayr. However the eminent opera composer Charles Gounod (1818-1893) had composed an alternative, which he had titled The Pontifi cal March. It had been played in St. Peter’s Square in the presence of Pope Pius IX in 1869. It was only 81 years later that Pius XII decreed that Gounod’s music would succeed the old hymn. With new words by Monsignor Antonio Allegra, it was renamed Inno Pontifi cio, the Pontifical Hymn. O Rome immortal of Martyrs and Saints, O immortal Rome, accept our praises: Glory in the heavens to God our Lord, And peace to men who love Christ! There are as many fascinating stories of national anthems as there are countries. No surprise that music called upon to carry such significance should have attracted the talents of the greatest musicians and poets. Record Reviews Requiem (Gabriel Fauré) Maîtrise Seine-Maritime CK1012 Lessard: This CD is full of superb elements from the musical standpoint. This is great music from previous centuries, and it is vital that it not be forgotten. Such composers must be immortalized. by Reine Lessard, Gerard Rejskind and Albert Simon However… Despite the great beaut y of the voices, I found that the organ continuo underlined the fact that they aren’t singing together. Instead of following the singers, the organist often precedes them, as though he were afraid that otherwise they wouldn’t be able to find the right note. It’s annoying. In the Fauré Requiem, aside from the canons, it happens that the baritone and the soprano don’t come in at the same time. If the Fauré is a mass for the dead untainted by a fear of death and eternal hellfire, I can’t say the same of Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere Mei Deus, whose outrageous text is downright scary. A rough translation: “In offence was I born and in sin conceived by my mother's ardors.” And: “Thus thou wilt approve the prescribed sacrifices, the total offering and the holocaust: so shall we offer up bulls on thy altar.” Which words contradict the text immediately preceding: “Lord, thou wilt not want for me to offer up a sacrifice, thou wilt not accept a holocaust.” It is at once contradictory and archaic. The baritone is superb, to be sure, and the boy soprano who offers a high C so pure transports us with delight. Even if the sound of the Latin language is familiar to many, the syllables sung are so close to inaudible that I couldn’t follow the text booklet in hand. In Heinrich Schutz’s Selig Sind Die Toten, the German text is sung as though it were ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 63 Software Canadian Premieres Gryphon Trio Analekta FL 2 3174 Lessard: If a contemporary composer uses classical instruments to imitate the sound of a 1920’s synthetizer, or a musical saw, I have a problem with that. When the first synth, the Theremin, was invented over 80 years ago, it was with the opposite intention, to let a machine imitate existing instruments. For that reason, I don’t fi nd that the composers represented in this collection have brought much new to the sound of the chamber orchestra. But that doesn’t mean their music is without interest. Quite the contrary, certain pieces are so well constructed that they are most pleasant to listen to, and can be entirely satisfying. Did I like this CD? Yes I did, if only because of the great virtuosity of the musicians, and the remarkable recording. Fortunately there is more. I adored Kelly-Marie Murphy’s Give Me Phoenix Wings to Fly, which opens with an imperative piano followed by strings that play with rapidity and energy. If there is any doubt that the piano is not only a string instrument but also a percussion instrument, those doubts will be laid to rest. In her impeccable structure, the composer has evoked with felicity the experience of the bird capable of rising from its own ashes. Chan Ka Nin’s And the masks evoke… is strongly inf luenced by Canadian Native culture. The opening piano chords are like angry drums, plunging us into the story of a people and its fight for the recognition of its culture and its place in society. It is evocative of all that nature can offer us in the way of symbols, the howling of the wind, the song of the birds…an offering by the composer to those who fight for their rights. Old Photographs absolutely delighted me, and I was surprised to find this unabashedly romantic piece in the midst of more angular works. This is a sensual, even sentimental piece, written by Greek-born Christos Hazis, now a Canadian. It begins on a slow and intimate air for piano, which is shortly joined by the violin and cello. In totally unexpected fashion, we fi nd ourselves on the dance floor, in an enchanting tango which begins tenderly enough but becomes more and more fiery. The CD ends with Gary Kulesha’s Trio No. 2. In his teaching as well as in his compositions, Kulesha makes it his mission to help a wider public to have access to the contemporary musical experience. It would be ungrateful on my part not to add a note about the exceptional playing of the members of the Gryphon Trio, and I insist on naming them. They are Jamie Parker, piano, Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin, and Roman Borys, cello. You’ll also note with appreciation the fi ne sound of the instruments of the last two, products of great Italian violinmakers. Software Latin, which doesn’t exactly improve things. I began by saying that this sublime music must not be lost, but what about the texts? Perhaps we should treat some of these works as instrumental music, or transform them into songs without words. No accompaniment needed either. The sounds are almost angelic, and the music itself divine. It gets worse. Trying to listen again to The Lamb, marked on the booklet as 64 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine track 10, I couldn’t find it. As what must be an anti-piracy measure, the 11 selections have been scattered over 31 physical tracks. A pirate will barely be slowed by this crude trick, but anyone who has actually paid for the CD will have little chance of ever finding a particular selection. I want, however, to reiterate my admiration for the quality of the voices, and especially that of the soprano, Clément Lebreton. Illuminations Chamber Music Palm Beach Klavier K 11135 Lessard: You owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of this recording. The musicians are exceptional, the composers represented ally boldness, originality and energy, and the recording quality reaches a summit. It opens with the Chôros No. 7 by the exuberant Brazilian Heitor Villa-Lobos, he of the inexhaustible musical imagination, written during a visit to his native country. The variety of sounds and rhythms plunge you into an ambience in which vigorous tempos and lyrical effects blend in happy fashion. It opens with an exquisite air for the flute, joined by the plaintive sound of the violin, the warmth of the bassoon, the authority of the French horn, the richness of the cello, and several other instruments including a saxophone…leading to unexpected harmonies from which sensuality is by no means absent. Surprise follows surprise. The flow is so spontaneous it could actually be improvised, but what balance, and what clever architecture! A charming theme returns again and again, for the composer never loses track of the flow. Also on the recording is a treasure, the Trio Op. 6 for Flute Bassoon and Viola by the celebrated 20th Century composer, Malcolm Arnold. His worldwide reputation rests to a great extent on his film music, but he also penned several symphonies and other magnificent works. From the first measures of the Allegro ma non troppo, you are transported into a dazzling caper filled with dazzling dissonance, appoggiaturas, decorations of the most surprising sort…glissandos that border on slapstick, ostinatos, sudden stops, syncopated rhythms, a shower of effects of irresistible charm, and especially a group of notes that return again and again like a pleasing leitmotiv, of which you never tire. Will the Andante con moto restore your serenity? A high note from the flute joins the bassoon from its fi rst notes, followed by solid bowing on the viola, in a deep, rich aria. But hold on! The fi nal Allegro comodo takes up once again the lively opening themes, and then ends too soon. You’ve gone through ten minutes of pure delight. This is Arnold at his best, with combinations of the unusual sounds that were his trademark. Do you recognize the name of Emile Paladilhe? You’ll have three minutes to appreciate the depth and romanticism of his Danse noble. At the turn of the last century this composer did not get his due, and it is American composer Clark McAlister (whose own Rideau rouge precedes it) that we can hear this forgotten piece, since it is he who rediscovered it. Too short, this piece for violin, alto and cello is so full of warmth, so beautiful, so moving, that I couldn’t help mentioning it to you. I could of course continue, telling you about Rideau rouge, about André Jolivet’s Pastorales, and about Martinù’s Nonet, but I think I’ve said enough to convince you that this CD is a “must.” The Magic of Horowitz Vladimir Horowitz Deutsche Grammophon 474 334-2 Simon: “The most important thing is to transform the piano from a percussive instrument into a singing instrument … a singing tone is made up of shadows and color and contrast. The secret lies mainly in contrasts.” (Vladimir Horowitz). For many he was and still is the only one. There is Horowitz, and then there are other pianists. This album is a selection of the recordings he made for DG in his final years. He wanted to be a composer, and bot h Rachmaninov and Prokof iev encouraged him in his native Russia, but he decided to try piano recitals to help his family in 1922. His originality and spontaneity were legendary and he was proud of that: he liked to say that Chopin never played his own pieces the same way twice. In Switzerland in the 1930’s, pianist Rudolph Serkin remembers hearing Horowitz play Chopin’s G Major Ballade at the home of a mutual friend, and said that he had never in his life heard piano playing like that. “It was as if Horowitz had come from another planet.” I listened to the two CDs non-stop and never felt the time pass (yet each CD runs over 71 minutes). Each piece was new and fresh, and the notes rippled across the stage with utmost clarity in caressing pianissimos, suddenly exploding in thunderous fortissimos. I loved the charming hesitations, the characteristic minute pauses before each new phrase, the smiles, the tenderness, the melancholy — making his piano actually seem to talk. Listen to his version of Liszt’s transcription of Schubert’s Ständchen on CD-1 track 2, and especially the last two or three minutes or Chopin’s Mazurka in A Minor on track 4. His piano will tell you all about the serene simplicity of a Bach Chorale Prelude or just as easily dance for you a Rachmaninov Polka. A nd it is indeed his piano. His Steinway was specially f lown from New-York to Milan for the recording of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 with Carlo Maria Giulini conducting — one of the treasures of CD-2. It is a warm and emotional interpretation, quite in keeping with Mozart’s letters criticizULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 65 Software Organ Treasures Mattias Wager Opus 3 CD22031 Rejskind: When real high fidelity was first picking up steam, audiophiles were collecting organ recordings, and it’s easy to see why. No other instrument can produce a higher note, nor as low a note. Nor can any rival the sheer dynamic range of a pipe organ, which can leap instantly from near inaudibility to a mighty roar. What better way to demonstrate the capabilities than by playing pieces that ordinary record players would turn into indecipherable mush? I was one of those collectors, I admit, and I had my favorite demo pieces, ones that could shake both the house and the senses. There is the Bach Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, naturally, and César Franck’s bombastic but thrilling Pièce Héroique, and especially Charles-Marie Widor’s Toccata from his Symphony No. 5 (no one ever seems to play the rest). So I was happy to find that all three of these treasures can be found on this hybrid SACD. And this is no little country organ. Wager plays the organ of the Hedvig Eleonara church in Stockholm, which includes a 32’ Bourdon and another 32’ Bombarde, as well as a variety of 16’ pipes. There is a powerful torrent of sound when he opens up on the finale of the Widor, and it is not accompanied by the harshness that some recording media (and systems too, of course) can add to it. This is a 4.1 channel surround recording, not using the centre channel but making plenty of use of the “pointone” subwoofer channel. As on most SACD recordings, there is also a CD layer, processed with Sony’s Super Bit Mapping. Apart from my (and perhaps your) old favorites, there is other music here. There are three other Bach pieces, including Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring and an organ version of the orchestral Air on the G String. There are Charles Ive’s Variations on America, making considerable use of My Country ’tis of Thee (aka God Save the Queen). There is a charming waltz by Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933), and there are three pieces from the Opus 29 of Gabriel Pierné. Come to think of it, those were often mainstays of organ demo recordings, and for good reason. I can recommend this recording…if, of course, you are lucky enough to have a system that can handle it. THE UHF CLASSIFIEDS Run your own ad in the print issue, and on our World Wide Web site for two months NON-COMMERCIAL: $12 per slice of 40 words or less. COMMERCIAL: $24 per slice of 40 words or less. TAXES: In most of Canada, add 7% GST. NS, NB, NF, add 15% HST. In Québec, add another 7.5% TVQ. No taxes for advertisers outside Canada. Payment may be made by cheque, money order, or VISA or MasterCard (include number, expiry date and signature). NOTE: Because classified ad prices are kept so low, we cannot engage in correspondence concerning ads. Fee must be paid a second time if a correction is required, unless the fault is ours. Prices shown in Canadian dollars. THE UHF CLASSIFIEDS, Box 65085, Place Longueuil, LONGUEUIL, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4 PHONE: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383. E-MAIL: REVEL SPEAKERS Revel Studio speakers. High gloss black finish. Four months old, replacing older pair of Studios, which were inadvertently damaged. Canadian retail price of $18,000.00 + taxes. Will sell for $14,500 CDN funds. Check out the reviews! Vancouver, BC, (604)530-5654 / e-mail NEED MUSEATEX Museatex bidat or bitsream dac wanted. Please contact Steve at 519-746-3255 or at lisa.erickson JMLAB, BENZ MICRO, NORDOST MezzoUtopia speakers, $10,950. Benz Micro Silver Reference 2 cartridge, 200 hours, $1695. (416)406-0311 or SILVER WIRE. Best quality gold plugs or NEW REVOLUTIONARY BULLET PLUGS. RCA-toRCA or RCA-to-DIN (for Quad, Naim, etc). No more adapters. Silver soldering. Exceptional workmanship. Standard or custom orders. From $75. BIS AUDIO, (450)663-6137. ACOUSTIC ENERGY Acoustic Energy AE1 Series II speakers. These compact 2-way loudspeakers are finished in rosewood. Were $2900 new, selling for $1500/ offer. Please contact Jason at MUSEATEX REPAIRS Museatex/MeitnerAudio factory service and updates. Please check our web-site at . E-mail me at or phone (403)284-0723. CLASSIC GEAR RESTORATION McINTOSH, NAIM, QUAD & OTHERS. Get your old kit sounding better than new, over and above expectations. Full meticulous restoration without modification of original design, but enhancement by using new technology components. BIS Audio (450) 663-6137. AUDIOMAT, VECTEUR Creekside Audio for all your stereo/theatre needs. Audiomat, Vecteur, Atlantis Acoustique, Gershman and lots more! Discover the magic in music with our fine products. (250)878-6252, Kelowna, BC. INTERCONNECTS Tired of paying high-end price for interconnects?! Amazing high quality trouble free interconnects. OXYGEN FREE COPPER OR LINN, VANDERSTEEN, PARADIGM Linn Intek integrated amp, 50 WPC, MC/MM, pre-out, $700. Vandersteen 1C speakers, 2 years 66 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine old with stands, $1,000. Paradigm 5SE floorstanding speakers, good for surround front/rears, $200. All mint. Steve (905)318-6250 or REVEL ULTIMA STUDIOS REVEL ULTIMA STUDIOS, purchased March 2003. New condition with shipping boxes. High gloss black lacquer. Cost $18,000 new, must sell $9000. October/03 issues of Absolute Sound & Stereophile rated «Class A» and a “Best Buy,” “Not just a fine performer, but an excellent value.” ARC, COPLAND ARC SP22 Pure tube line stage – new Harmonic tubes, silver, mint, box, manual, $1,900 CAD plus freight. ARC Classic 60 – Black, 60 wpc, triode, 500 hours on new tubes, box, manual 8/10 $1,700 CAD plus freight. Copland CDA 289 CD player, silver, box, manual, remote. Well received in this magazine, $1,700 CAD plus freight. We are going home theatre. or (780)991-1960, David. CAMBRIDGE DACMAGIC Original Cambridge digital/analog converter, mint condition. Has both coaxial and TOSLINK intputs. Was $825 new, asking $325 Canadian, plus shipping. Call UHF during EDT business hours, or e-mail by a talented bass. William Byrd wrote The Maiden Songs, harpsichord variations on a popular air. The album ends with Greensleeves, which has lost none of its charm and popularity after four centuries! It’s sung here by a fi ne baritone. Both musicians and singers are excellent, and they are well served by an impeccable recording. Mariners and Milkmaids Toronto Consort Dorian DOR-93247 Lessard: This 75 minute CD presents 26 pieces by this ensemble specialized in Medieval and Renaissance music. It’s some music, and I can’t hope to do justice to it in this space. Fortunately the booklet is full of information about the music and the period when it was played or sung. There are also notes on the artists, and the words of the songs. It’s all there. I can’t say that Medieval music is to my taste, but a number of the selections brought me a good deal of pleasure. There are popular dances, folk airs, several martial songs and instrumental pieces, pretty ballads, and several comic stories told in but a few words. The Cut-purse which opens the disc is a fi ne example of these brief tales told on a catchy air. The Country Lass is sung by a superb voice that leaves all of the room needed to the pure beauty of the melody, with discreet piano accompaniment. A charming madrigal for mixed voices, Sister Awake, tells the story of the “sleeping beauties” who awaken and leave their “bed of roses” to “go A-Maying.” You’ll probably like Mad Tom, attributed to Henry Purcell, perhaps wrongly, sung Bach: The Concerto Album Lara St. John/NY Bach Ensemble Magnatune LC11982 Rejskind: Who is Magnatune? It’s a record company of course, but that’s not the whole story. This is not a physical recording, but a downloadable file. There’s something here to interest both the audiophile and the music lover. Magnatune is an on-line record company with a difference. Its motto: We are a record company but we are not evil. For more on the company itself, see Gossip&News on page 70. Unlike such services as the Apple Music Store and Musicmatch, Magnatune doesn’t sell compressed files, it gives them away. If you’re willing to lay out cash for a full fidelity version of the MP3 version you’ve heard, you lay out from US$5 to $18…your choice. You can then burn it onto CD. I downloaded two versions of this recording. The first was in uncompressed WAV format. This should have given the best result, but on my Mac the files got converted to AIFF (the Mac’s native audio format), and the resulting sound was shrill and glassy. The other version was compressed with FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec). Decompressors for every platform are available free at The total compressed package “weighs” about 300 Mb, which of course limits it to broadband connections. FLAC delivered pristine AIFF files. Now to the recording itself. Lara St. John is a fine Canadian-born violinist who has gotten a lot of press, at least some of it for irrelevant reasons. She is tall and blonde, and her CD booklets don’t always show her wearing a lot of clothes, or, on her fi rst album, any clothes. But is there such a thing as bad press? At any rate, this recording well illustrates what I already knew from earlier recordings, that she is an exceptional violinist as well. Three Bach concertos are included here, the ones with BW V numbers 1041 through 1043. This last is a double concerto, with the second violin played by her brother Scott, who is also a violinist of note. These are daunting works, because of a complexity which is mathematical as much as musical. The danger for a musician tackling Bach is making it sound like mathematics rather than music. St. John never comes close to falling into that trap. It is astonishing to hear her, seemingly crunching the math in a remote part of her intellect while concentrating her conscious attention to the sheer beauty of what Bach created. And goodness these are beautiful pieces! Their depth of course f lows from their complexity, but when they are properly played, as they are on this recording, their effect on the emotions is awesome. These are among the more familiar works from the vast Bach repertoire, and I have heard them many times, but even so I was amazed how often Bach could surprise me with twists and turns that, however unexpected, seem inevitable in context. There are some especially great moments, such as the famous Allegro from the BWV1042 or the Largo from the double concerto, but these works are composed of wall-towall nuggets. It isn’t possible to describe the beauty of the music without also describing the beauty of the playing. Both St. John and the chamber ensemble accompanying her have a feel for the music, always letting its lyrical aspect come through without ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 67 Software ing performers whose playing lacked freedom and feeling. Actually, a Horowitz recording of a piano concerto was such a rare event that it was all recorded on film — rehearsal and performance. That film can be yours too. Did I mention that it’s on a DVD included with the two CDs? That’s right. Don’t just walk, now, run. Software diminishing the overall structure. The sound is well-balanced and not at all forward, with a very good orchestral image. St. John’s 1779 Guadagnini violin always sound smooth and natural. The sound is rather different on the fourth work, the G Minor Sonata BW V1001. Unlike t he concertos, recorded in New York, the sonata was recorded at Skywalker Sound in California, using a Pacific Microsonics recorder, presumably with HDCD encoding (which code is not on the recording, however). St. John is much more forward here. The sound of her violin remains quite natural, but she seems to struggle a little more than she does in the concertos, as though she is working a little too hard on the technical challenge of playing those torrents of notes that collide and flow into each other. To her credit, she does meet the challenge. I began by saying that the recording is downloadable, rather than physical. But that’s not entirely true, because Magnatune offers non-exclusive contracts to its musicians. The physical CD is therefore available from the musician’s own site, The price including shipping is equal to Magnatune’s maximum: US$18. The Depths of a Year Ehren Starks/Kate Gurba Magnatune ES6460 Rejskind: The very title suggests the musical genre. This is of course a New Age recording (from Magnat une’s downloadable music stable), though that alone won’t tell you much. Some New Age music is boring, and deliberately so, intended to facilitate and not interrupt, personal meditation. Some, on the other 68 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine hand, is viscerally exciting, using the textures and dynamics of both acoustic and electronic instruments to excite the passions. Mannheim Steamroller’s famous Fresh Aire recordings are an example. This is a purely acoustical recording. Pianist Ehren Starks plays a Yamaha grand piano (you can see it on the downloadable booklet cover), accompanied by the cello of Kate Gurba. Gurba uses her cello in several ways, playing it with her bow, but sometimes plucking it like a string bass, or even striking it to obtain percussive effects. The mood is rather introspective, but with enough melodic invention to engage the attention. I confess that originally I listened to it in MP3 form on my computer (while doing something else of course), and I found myself pausing to actually listen. The piano and cello take turns carrying the melody. The Tale of Room opens with an obsessive rhythm by the piano, with the cello coming in with a soaring folklike melody. In Sunset in Pensacola, on the other hand, the piano opens solo with one of the most memorable melodies of the album, and it is only later in the piece that the cello joins in, in a rhythmic capacity. In Bailar Tristemente the dancelike rhythm is carried equally by the two instruments, in an innovative arrangement I liked a great deal. Subtle Groove is swing, with a good many effects from the cello, not all of them involving the strings. There is a good deal of variety here, though by the end I wasn’t certain there was enough of it to sustain an entire album. Like some books, it probably shouldn’t be devoured at one sitting. Brazilian Soul Almeida, Byrd, Holland, Magnusson Hi-Res HRM2009 Rejskind: I count exactly one Brazilian in this all-star quartet, namely the legendary guitarist Laurindo Almeida. Still, one could conceivably give Charlie Byrd honorary Brazilian citizenship, considering that, even before Almeida began his American career, Byrd was popularizing Brazilian music around the world: first the samba and then the bossa nova. Or so claims the booklet for this delightful high resolution DVD of the 1980 Concord Jazz recording. The soul of this music is the guitar, or two guitars to be precise. Almeida had by then integrated his music into the great streams of American jazz, in various ensembles, including the one that may or may not have been named for him, the LA 4. Here he returns to his roots. Except for discreet percussion by Milt Holland and solid but subtle beat from bassist Bob Magnusson, the two guitarists dominate, and so do the famous rhythms many of us grew up with. The album begins with Ernesto Nazareth’s Carioca, and it’s hard not to be captivated. Most of the pieces are compositions by Brazilian musicians of the first half of the 20th Century, arranged for two guitars by Almeida, with considerable aid from Byrd. Two of the pieces, Naquele Tempo and Cochichando, are by Alfredo Vianna, a flutist Almeida frequently played with in his Rio days. The great Antonio Carlos Jobim is represented with Stone Flower, and Byrd himself contributed For Jeff. Most of the arrangements were done by Almeida. Last and least is the show tune Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, whose lackluster rendition was possibly a concession to the marketing people. It’s always a fine tune, but it sounds oddly out of place in what is a Brazilian-American fusion album. But no matter, this is a fine performance by two great musicians. It’s been captured in vivid and dynamic sound that benefits from the extra information on this DVD. I’ll listen to this anytime. Gossip&News “Hearing” Cables brushed snare drum, but performance was otherwise very good. The two Belden 1505A cables were Are cable differences for real, or with a couple of exceptions. The Atlantis not the worst, sounding shallow, with are the critics right when they say that was much better than the cheaper Oasis, little resonance and “life,” but without hardware store wire sounds as good? with a fuller sound that became harsh the harshness of some cables. The 10 m And if they’re not, are upscale cables only on loud segments. Equinox was version sounded a touch grainier than demonstrably superior? considerably better again, and Polaris the 1 m cable, but it was otherwise A few years back, Wireworld brought and Eclipse added gradual improve- similar. out its Cable Comparator, a black box ments, with a fuller, clearer sound, and A notch or t wo below was t he that allowed a double blind comparison better articulation of voice, piano and Monster Sigma Retro Gold, which was of any cable alongside a short direct link. plucked bass. unpleasantly harsh on some parts of When our editor tried it at a show, he All but one. The top-of-the-line Ryan’s song, despite good presence and had little trouble spotting a particular Super Eclipse sounded unexpectedly clear articulation. cable every time. But when we got our harsh on some passages. The worst of any of the cables was the own comparator box at UHF, we ran into The best of the “other” cables was Audioquest Anaconda. The piano was a problem. The box has connectors we the Nordost Valhalla, which sounded harsh, the rhythm turgid and strangely consider mediocre. In our comparisons, full, yet clear and articulated, with very slowed. Louder passages were downright we could hear the grainy quality caused good voice. It was closest to the Eclipse, unpleasant. r you’re ut whethe B . te si m o by loose connections, and that graininess and of course to the directuconnection. Finally, the Atlantis was elity: g.c fidWireworld the hfma e on high n rs o u l o a c ri e g te a a dominated our impressions. The Kimber Select KS1020 was very played again, but reversed. Was it differm -p x e si e e fr g th din overlookreproduction ent? It did sound a little harsh on parts ays reagood nd dinto don’texcellent e Meanwhile Wireworld had run as well, with , d sp n n a a h c u ld o Yo u’re aofn the t or yoto difficulties convincing its dealers timbres of both voice and piano. of the song, but a quick comparison l .htm 1 start ing ou k o o /b om Transients on the plucked bass had good revealed the same problem with the g.cWas a buy their own comparators. Why? fm h .u w ww it because a double blind test is messy to impact. It sounded slightly thin, how- Atlantis the “right” way around. set up? Or because they weren’t eager to ever, and the sound field was shallower. How was the test done? You can show off differences among cables they The Transparent MusicLink Super see for yourself. The CD is also a CDthemselves sell? also did well, with excellent articulation ROM, with images of the test setup. Will Wireworld now has a simpler on Ryan’s voice, and excellent weight Dave Salz’s competitors scream bloody solution: a demo disc containing the on both voice and plucked bass. We did murder? “sound” of several Wireworld cables, detect an odd “phasey” effect on the Is the sky blue? including the Oasis, Atlantis, Equinox, Polaris, Eclipse and Super Eclipse. That seems fair enough. What may trouble The audio world is arms. Those too were competitors is that some of their cables machined with a preciare also included on the disc, from such full of engineers who sion Michell’s competimanufacturers as Monster, Audioquest, are in fact self-taught. tors envied. Transparent and Kimber. So are inex- John Michell was one Though John Michell pensive Belden cables. The same song, of them, but he had a seemed to have been I Concentrate on You by Jackie Ryan, is skill that stood him around forever, he was played through a (short) “direct connec- in particularly good stead: he was a master still a relatively young tion,” then through each of the cables. The idea is interesting, though we machinist. 67 when he died of a think a basic error was made. Each track Because he understood the way recurrence of lymphoma in October. is preceded by a voice announcement, mechanical parts must go together, he The company that bears his name thus making a blind test impossible. This could make binding posts and banana will go on, since it has been run for some invalidated some comparisons, amd cable plugs that would stay tight, whereas time by his daughter Julie and her huscritics will have a field day with that. the inevitable knockoffs would loosen band Steve Rowland. But J. A. Michell No one will be surprised to hear that if you stared at them hard. He could has lost an important designer of analog the Wireworld cables came out of the also build precision devices to detect gear. He was working on new designs test sounding very good. The quality of vibration…namely turntables and tone mere days before his death. sound was roughly proportional to price, Yet? ” e s r u o “The C n e k a t Have you ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 69 Gossip&News John Michell Can Record Companies Reinvent Themselves? Most corporations prefer to DigiDesign ProTools, has a price hush up evidence of falling sales, if that begins in three digits). Add they can do it without their execua fast laptop computer and pertives going to jail, because it has a haps $3000 of microphones and negative effect on the stock price. preamps, and you’re on your way Record companies, on the other to your next album. hand, actually call press conferEven classical and jazz albums ences to announce that their sales are are now seldom made in studios. your headed for the dumpster. Why? ion w itAh small concert hall or even a t c e n n o c for is perfect. In fact we’re not sure. Perhaps e itchurch a worse t hing lik mak ing o e r N a . s s e le b ip it’s as a warning that they could disOf course there are the costs of , your ca pray or w . ing week w it h ProGold s s g s appear if their (presumablyeformer) promotion. n a o p r h w c y s it h a s go reall reat our customers don’t stopWdownloading That includes an open bar for nt. We t lous when t hing e m ip u q acu ml ir t music from the Web.ePerhaps we’ll reporters, of course, but that may .h M s . r n o t io c nt nne preveour .com /Co feel sorry for them. With symnot be all. It has been documented g a m f h w.u w wand pathy plus two dollars a half, in some depth elsewhere that, in they can get a ride on a bus. have been dropping. Time was a band many cases, the promotional budget also In actual fact, they’re having trouble would rent a $200/hour studio and stay includes large amounts of money given getting public sympathy. Their US lobby there for months, sometimes recording to “indie” promoters, who in turn pay group, the RIAA, is not exactly following actual notes and sometimes smoking radio music directors to add new recordthe Dale Carnegie handbook. Among its stuff. No one gets to do that today. ings to their playlists. triumphs: a lawsuit against a 12 year old Indeed, a lot of pop recordings don’t So notice. The record companies pay girl (her frightened mother settled out get made in studios at all. In both film money so that you get to listen to their of court for $2000). And its method of and audio, the digital revolution has music for nothing on the radio (they pass identifying evildoers appears to be less brought dividends. A digital recorder the costs on to you if you buy the CD). than bulletproof. It has sued a 65 year and a 64-track mixer that once would But then if you try to get the music for old grandmother who has never visited have blown a gaping hole in a million nothing on the Net, they sue you. a download site, and a software engineer dollars can now be had in virtual form Can record companies reinvent whose computer, a Mac, actually won’t for a few hundred (the one shown here, themselves? You tell us. run the Kazaa download program he is suspected of having used. While this last ditch legal maneuvering is going on, record companies have begun lowering prices on CDs Here’s a company that is trying end, she sold 1000 CDs, lost all rights to by as much as 40%. Universal Music, to reinvent the model. Magnatune her music for 10 years (even though the CD which is between owners, began it, and ( says that “We are a has been out of print for many years), and record chains quickly negotiated price record company but we are not evil.” earned a total of $45 in royalties. reductions with its other suppliers, What it offers is “shareware” music. The record label that signed her wasn’t and dropped the price of other CDs as On its site are Net “radio stations,” and evil: they were one of the good guys, and gave well. fi les of their recordings in both MP3 her a 70/30 split of the profits (of which there The fact that CDs have long been too and genuine CD quality. And they’re were none). The label got screwed at every expensive is evident. Check the price of a free. Well, actually whether you pay is turn: distributors refused to carry their CDs CD at your local record store, and then up to you, and what you pay is up to you unless they spent thousands on useless print stride over to the cassette section — if as well. An album may cost you from $5 ads, record stores demanded graft in order there is still is one — and check the to $18…you decide. to stock the albums, and in general, all forces price on that. Last time we looked, the Many of the artists (rock, electronica, colluded to destroy this small, progressive cassette of a typical pop-rock album metal, classics) are not household names, label. was 40% cheaper. Since the same art- though we did notice, in the classical secMagnatune, by contrast, has no ists and promoters have to be paid, and tion, the excellent Canadian violinist advertising beyond word of mouth, and since a cassette actually costs more to Lara St. John, playing Bach concertos. the artist gets half the money. produce than a CD, one is tempted to John Buck man explains why he There’s something so refreshing, so conclude that CDs have long been 67% started Magnatune. non-RIAA, that it makes you want to overpriced. When my wife was signed to a British rush out and tell everyone you know. In the meantime, the up-front costs record label, we were really excited. In the Consider it done. Gossip&News se it… o l y l slow r o , t i Use “We Are Not Evil” 70 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine Silence Audiophile Recordings “Singing” On Key Explore them. The reason we’re putt ing it in quotation marks? Well, you’ll see in a moment. It’s not news that rock artists you can hear on disc are…ahem, augmented by the magic of electronics. Is it news that the same may be true even if the artists are live? Or perhaps we should say if the artists are “live.” We’ll cut to the chase. You’ve probably seen demos in which electronic wizardry was used to change the pitch of a human voice, from Donald Duck down to an octave below basso profundo. The Sky is Falling “In England, home taping is eroding the industry to such an extent — and this is not an exaggeration — that in two or three years there may not be an industry.” Brian Robertson, President Canadian Recording Industry Assoc. UHF Magazine, November 1982 Alternative Audio . . . . . . . . . 12 Almarro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Applause Audio . . . . . . . . . . 13 Audiomat . . . . . . . . . . Couv. 3 Audio Plus Services . . . . . . . . 33 Audio Room . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Bluebird Music . . . . . . . . 16, 27 Blue Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Charisma Audio . . . . . . . . . . 8 Copland . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 3 Daruma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Diamond Groove . . . . . . . . . . 6 Divergent Technologies . . Cover 3 Eichmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Entre’Acte Audio . . . . . . . . . 17 Europroducts Internat. 10, 18, 56, 61 Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Fab Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 General Audio . . . . . . . . . . 56 Globe Audio . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Griffin Audio . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hi Fi Fo Fum . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Jadis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Justice Audio . . . . . . . . Cover 2 Just May Audio . . . . . . . Cover 2 Living Voice . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Marchand Electronics . . . . . . 14 Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Murata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mutine . . . . . . . . . . . Couv, 3 Natural Frequency Audio . . . . 14 Pierre Gabriel. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Plurison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ProAc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Roksan . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 2 Shanling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Simaudio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Signature Audio . . . . . . . . . 11 Soundstage . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Totem Acoustic . . . . . . . Cover 4 UHF Back Issues . . . . . . . . . 51 UHF Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Venus Hi-Fi. . . . . . . . . . . . 58 YBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine 71 Gossip&News “Canada’s music industry has been the hardest hit of any country in the world by illegal file sharing. Retail sales are down by more than $425 million since 1999. In the last year, staff layoffs at record companies have topped 20 per cent. (About 45,000 people are dependent, directly or indirectly, on the recording industry in Canada.) If this decline continues, there will be less money to invest in Canadian artists and Canadian music.” Brian Robertson, President Canadian Recording Industry Assoc. The Globe and Mail, October 2003 Heck, you can buy software like that for your home computer now. But let’s go a step further. Imagine an electronic device that can not only change the pitch of your voice, but can change it to the pitch it should be. And it doesn’t require a mainframe computer, either. A Japanese company has brought out an inexpensive version for karaoke bars. For pro venues, such as studios or stages, TCHelicon has brought out a software plug-in you add to TC Electronics’ PowerCore audio software suite. “Today,” says t he company’s literature, “some kind of pitch correction is a prerequisite in many areas, as great intonation in vocal tracks are (sic) expected in most types of popular music.” After we had puzzled over the grammar a bit (the company is German, so we should perhaps cut it some slack), we wondered about the precise significance of the word “today” in that sentence. Does the company mean that “today” popular music is dominated by people who can’t sing for sour apples? What we suspect it means is that “today” it is harder and harder to hear live musicians even if one pays for concert tickets. It goes without saying that they will be amplified, which is to say distorted. Their sound will be equalized, that is to say distorted some more. The music may even be split into different bands, processed separately, and reconstituted. Even serious dance companies use recorded music, as do musical comedies. The producers of one musical comedy explained the use of tape rather than musicians by saying that “we didn’t want to take work away from musicians, we just wanted spectators to have the same experience they get listening to the record.” Really? Gee, we can remember when it was the other way around. ADVERTISERS D State of the Art o you want your loudspeakers to reproduce the extremes of the audible range of frequencies? Well of course you do. Everyone talks about the need for deep and powerful bass, and for extension of the top end. So we live in an era when even big box stores sell subwoofers, and when a major claim trumpeted for media such as SACD and DVD-Audio is extended frequency range. Whatever happened to the midrange? The attention given to the extremes, perhaps extending all the way to inaudibility and beyond, is not new. When high fidelity first became a mainstream topic of conversation, half a century ago, the characteristic of “hi-fi” most often mentioned was complete frequency range. Indeed, I still have a hi-fi demo disc from that era which attempts to demonstrate hi-fi by presenting the same musical passage three times: with full frequency range (20 Hz to 18 kHz), with moderate filtering (100 Hz to 8 kHz), and finally with severe filtering (200 Hz to 5 kHz). As you can imagine, by the time you hit the third band the music appears to be played on a kazoo. The physical aspect of common hi-fi speakers seemed to confirm the primary goal of extended range. Hi-fi speakers were much larger than common domestic speakers, and seemed to promise lots of bass. And hi-fi speakers had tweeters, whereas junk audio then did not. I was moved to think about all this recently after I spent a couple of sessions listening to a pair of Quad electrostatic speakers. These weren’t the modern Quads, but a German-made reproduction of the original Quad ESL-57 of the 1950’s. Quad’s founder, Peter Walker, didn’t go along with the big-wooferplus-tweeter orthodoxy of the time. His original speaker was and is a single large panel. Although it undoubtedly reproduces a larger frequency band than a 50’s “console phonograph,” it is known not for deep bass or sparkling highs but for its amazing midrange. Selling midrange at the dawn of 72 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY Magazine by Gerard Rejskind hi-fi was not exactly simple. After all, even a table radio could reproduce the midrange, the part of the spectrum represented by cut 3 on that demo record. Who needed expensive equipment to do what a $30 radio could do? But the Quad could accomplish something magical that other speakers of the day could not, and which most modern speakers cannot even today: reproduce the midrange with vanishingly low distortion. A nd the midrange is important, because that’s where most of the music is located. For example, middle C, the start of the octave that is at the centre of most music, is at 256 Hz, well within the range of a table radio. Although the leftmost key of a piano produces a note around 27 Hz, a lot of music never goes below low C, 128 Hz. At the top end, a soprano saxophone soars to only a little above 1200 Hz, a frequency even a telephone will reproduce. Even the piccolo tops out around 3500 Hz, considerably higher than the violin. Do we need extended frequency range? STATE OF THE ART: THE BOOK Get the 258-page book containing the State of the Art columns from the first 60 issues of UHF, with all-new introductions. See page 4. Well, yes we do, because musical instruments don’t produce pure tones. What distinguishes their sound from the output of a sine wave signal generator is their harmonics. The piccolo’s top note, for instance, has a second harmonic at 7 kHz and a fourth harmonic at 14 kHz. If the harmonics don’t get reproduced, you’ll have difficulty telling a flute from a violin. Ah…but what if they’re not reproduced accurately? Which brings me back to the old/new Quad. This legendary speaker is not known for response that is extended at either extreme, but in the midrange it has very low harmonic distortion. Notice the word “harmonic”? Speaker manufacturers don’t often quote distortion figures, or if they do it is at unrealistically low levels. If your speaker has perhaps 5% or 10% distortion at real-life levels — and don’t think for a moment this doesn’t happen — it actually invents new harmonics, to augment and confuse those of the music. What’s worse, it may even invent odd-ordered harmonics (at three or five times the fundamental frequency), something acoustic instruments don’t do. What good are the highest harmonics if those harmonics have nothing to do with the music you are trying to reproduce? However I’m not trying to throw cold water on attempts to reproduce a wide spectrum of frequencies. Rather, I want to shed light on the reason an ancient design like that of the Quad sounds so much better than you could guess by looking at its sparse published specifications. Its harmonic distortion in the midrange is many times lower than in most speakers you’re likely to hear. You’re missing some harmonics, but you may not care, because at least the ones you’re hearing are actually related to the music. Today you can buy a subwoofer that dips to 20 Hz or a super tweeter that begins at 15 kHz. Both can add to the musical experience, but neither can compensate for what may be going wrong in between. Why do UHF readers start reading their magazines at the back? Countless readers have confirmed it over the years: when they get their hands on the latest issue of UHF, they open it to the last page. The reason all of them mention: Gerard Rejskind’s last-page column, State of the Art. Since the magazine’s founding, the column has grappled with the major questions of high end audio. It has been acclaimed by readers around the world. Now, the columns from the first 60 issues of UHF are brought together into one book. Each is exactly as it was originally published, and each is accompanied by a new introduction. Order your copy today: $18.95 in Canada or the US, C$32 elsewhere in the world, air mail included.