Cresskill Recreation Summer 2015 Programs
Cresskill Recreation Summer 2015 Programs
Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation Summer 2015 Programs Cresskill Recreation Camp Lunch Form Page 27 Lightning Detection Policy Page 2 Facilities Page 3 General Information Page 4 Other Contacts Page 26 Camp Calendar Page 7 Upcoming Events Page 24-25 Sports Page 22-23 Summer Fun Camp Policies Page 10-12 Certifications Page 21 More Camps Page 13-20 Phone: 201-816-8065 1 Trips Page 8-9 Special Days Page 5-6 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 2 Lightning Detection Policy 1.) When lightning approaches a ten mile radius from Cresskill, the Lightning Detection System will activate a flashing light and an alarm will sound for approximately fifteen seconds. 2.) As soon as the Lightning Warning System enables, everyone MUST remove themselves from their outdoor activity and seek shelter or face severe penalties and fines. 3.) The flashing light will then continue for thirty minutes after the last lightning strike within a ten mile radius; all fields must remain cleared through the duration of the activated warning system. 4.) When the warning alarm sounds three five-second intermittent blasts and the flashing light goes out, it is permissible to reenter the field. 5.) Under absolutely no circumstances is anyone allowed back on the field prior to the Lightning Warning System disabling itself. 6.) This system may reactivate at any time throughout the duration that the fields are open depending on the storm activity and its whereabouts. There are no false alarms. 7.) Members of the public using the parks and fields on an individual, unorganized basis are also subject to the same policy. 8.) All protective measures must be adhered to at all times. Recommendation: If you hear thunder as a storm approaches and the alarm system has not yet activated, it is recommended that you use this leeway time to organize your group. The following shall be the Lightning Protection Policy of the Borough of Cresskill: Recommendation: For places of safety during a thunderstorm, a vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides offers some protection. Close the windows, lean away from the sides of the car, and keep your hands in your lap. Do not touch the steering wheel, ignition, gear shifter or radio. Third Street Recreational Fields can seek shelter in the Cresskill Community Center during normal hours of operation. Third Street Basketball Courts need to report back to the Cresskill Community Center for shelter as well. Five Levels of Lightning Safety: 1.) Plan ahead: Coaches should watch the weather forecast prior to using the field. 2.) Use the ‘30-30 Rule’: After you see lightning, count the seconds until you hear thunder. If the time is 30 seconds or less, go inside. Stay inside until 30 minutes after the last strike of thunder. 3.) Avoid Dangerous Locations: DO NOT go under trees to keep dry in a thunderstorm! Avoid: elevated places, open areas, tall isolated objects, water activities, dugouts, open areas such as fields, open vehicles, unprotected open buildings, and large structures such as fences or bleachers. 4.) Lightning Crouch (desperate last resort): If the lightning is about to strike near you, it will sometimes give a warning of a few seconds or less. Sometimes your hair will stand upright, your skin will tingle, light metal objects will vibrate, or you will hear a crackling static-like “keekee” sound. If this happens and you’re in a group, spread out so there are several body lengths between each person. If one person is struck, the others may not be hit, and give first aide. Once you’ve spread out, use the lightning crouch: put your feet together, squat down, tuck your head and cover your ears. When the immediate threat of lightning has passed, continue heading to the safest spot possible. Remember this is a last resort; you are much safer having followed the previous steps and not gotten into this high-risk situation. 5.) First Aid: Lightning deaths are caused by cardiac arrest or the person has stopped breathing from the cardiac arrest. Start CPR or rescue breathing if the person has no pulse or is not breathing, respectively. Have someone call 911. Use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if one is available. Penalties and Fines for Disregarding the Lightning Protection System Organized activities: The umpire, coach, coordinator or adult in charge is responsible to ensure that their group follows the Lightning Safety Policy. Disregarding the policy subjects the umpire, coach , coordinator or adult in charge to a lifetime suspension of responsibility regarding all Cresskill Recreation activities, and privileges including using the fields and parks for organized activity. Fines shall be issued by the Cresskill Police Department if caught in violation of this policy and Borough Ordinance. Lightning Detection System Ord. # 13-05-1448 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 3 Facilities the courts. Players must wear shirts at all times. Fields (Permit required) Ackerman Field (Soccer): Located behind Borough Hall across from Merritt School, between Ackerman Place and Dogwood Lane. Cook Field (Soccer): Located on Madison Avenue and 3rd Street Regan Field (Soccer): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the Municipal Pool parking lot. 3rd Street Baseball Field (Baseball): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the Community Center. Coughlin Field (Football): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the pool. International Field (Baseball): Located on Margie Place and Piermont Road behind Merritt Memorial School. 12th Street Field (Baseball): Located on Stivers Street, Magnolia Avenue and 12th Street. Merritt Field (Softball): Located on Margie Avenue behind Merritt Memorial School. Parks Cranford Park: Located on Cranford Place between Woodland Avenue and Douglas Avenue, it has a basketball court, swings, Bucket swings and a playground. Terhune Park: (Ages 3-5) Located at Palisades Avenue and County Road, this park has a playground with swings , bucket swings , basketball court and picnic area. Carolyn Schultz Park: (Ages 2-12) Located at the end of Fifth Street and the Municipal Pool parking lot. This shaded park has a playground, swings, bucket swings and picnic area. Tennis Courts Three courts are located on 3rd Street next to the Community Center. Tennis Court Rules: - Courts are lighted from dusk till 10:00 pm with the exception of December, January, and February when the lights are off. - A key and ID for use of the courts can be obtained for a fee of $35 at the Community Center. Proof of residence required. - Cresskill Recreation sponsored programs have priority. - All play is for one hour only. All court time begins on the hour and the court must be relinquished if another resident arrives to play. - Tennis shoes or sneakers only will be permitted on the courts. Players must wear shirts at all times. - No bikes, skate boards, scooters or skates are allowed on the courts. - No ball playing. - No commercial tennis allowed. FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN GYM Open Gym is operated by the Community Center. Please refer all questions to them at the e-mail and phone number below. Mike Hamlett 201-816-8066 Age 12 and under 6:30 to 8:00pm ( Adult supervision required ) Moschella Park: This park is located at the end of Mer- Age 13 and above 8:00pm to 10:00pm 1. Cresskill Residents only rifield Way. 2. Proof of Residency required. 12th Street Park: Located on Stivers Street and Mag3. Anyone under the age of 12 must have a parent or nolia Avenue. This park as a playground with swings , other adult who has been assigned responsibility by bucket swings and picnic area. the parent. 4. No more than five (5) children can be supervised by Basketball Courts any one adult. 5. Each child must be signed in at front desk with a Two regulation sized courts are located on 3rd note giving permission for another parent to watch Street behind Cook Field. their child. Basketball Court Rules Rules subject to change– Changes will be sent by e- Courts are lighted from dusk till 10:00 pm with the mail. exception of December, January and February when lights are off. Please check your email - Cresskill Recreation sponsored programs have priority. - Basketball shoes or sneakers only will be permitted on Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 4 General Information Payments: The only forms of payment that will be accepted are checks, money orders or credit cards. All checks should be made payable to the Borough of Cresskill. There is a $30 fee for returned checks Registrations: You may register in person at the Community Center or on-line at A $15 registration fee must be paid for each participant. This fee covers the calendar year January 1 to December 31. All programs must be paid in full before participating. Spaces will not be held with out payment. Registration Deadlines: Each individual sport, after school programs and camps have a registration deadline. Deadlines can be found in the description of each program. Equipment Return: Coaches who do not return equipment to the Recreation Department are prohibited from coaching in future programs until the equipment is returned.. Volunteer Coaches are always needed Hours of Operation Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 am—9:00 pm 9:00 am—5:00 pm 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Friday Saturday 9:00 am—8:00 pm 10:00am—12:00pm (Subject to Change—Call First) Refunds: Refunds will not be made seven business days prior to the start of a program or after the program begins. Refunds will be made if a program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. A cancellation fee of $10 will be charged prior to the seven days. Any late fees that may have been paid will also be lost to the registrants. Refunds are issued by borough checks, ( allow at least four to six weeks for refund ). All request must be made in writing. Insufficient enrollment: If group minimums are not met, programs may be condensed, start later to allow for further enrollment, cancelled or changed. Those enrolled in the program will be notified of all changes. General: All programs are held at the Community Center unless indicated otherwise. Please note the dates and times of your class. All children must be picked up on time. No child should be dropped off and left unattended. A parent should be with him/her until program begins. Late Registrations: A $10 fee will be charged if not registered seven business days prior to program start. How to watch a good program die: Nothing kills a program faster than participants who wait until the last minute to enroll. There is a point at which courses must be canceled due to insufficient registration. Please enroll early! Photos: Please be advised that participants involved in any recreation programs or special events are subject to being photographed. Any photos obtained may be used in the future by the Recreation Department for programs, guides, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, news releases, facebook ,etc., without obligation to provide compensation. Closed for lunch between 11:30 and 1:00 Meetings 2015 The Recreation Committee holds its meetings at the Community Center on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Room: C 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/27, 6/24 7/22, 9/23, 10/28, 11/25, 12/23 No meeting in August Committee Members Joe Scalia (Chair) ~*~ Dan Riccardo (Vice Chair) Amy Cusick, Carmen Cristantiello, Michael DePalo, Joanne Dimitriadis, George Kassab, Regina Morrissey, Manoj Sathananthan Ronnie Hartmann (Secretary) Gina Glynn (Program Supervisor) Mayor and Council Benedict Romeo ~ Mayor James Cleary ~ Councilman Gregory Mueller ~ Councilman Hector Olmo ~ Councilman Kathleen Savas ~ Councilwoman Simone Tsigounis ~ Councilwoman Mark Spina ~ Councilman ~ Cresskill Recreation is always looking for volunteers. Please join us. ~ Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 5 Summer Fun 2015 Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ~ Friday: 9:00am to 1:00pm Please note Fridays are early dismissals at 1:00pm Resident: $250 ~ Non-resident: $600 per child $220 for 3rd or more additional children (Residents only) All campers will receive a camp shirt (OPTIONAL: Backpack $7) A LATE FEE OF $10 WILL BE CHARGED AFTER JUNE 15 INSTRUCTION AND INFORMATION Program starts on June 29 and ends July 31, 2015, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Friday 9:00AM to 1:00PM at Cresskill Community Center for campers entering Grades 1 through 8 in September 2015. Our trained staff members will supervise all children. Please check the enclosed calendar of events. You can register on-line at or at the Cresskill Community Center Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Children should bring lunch or order from the enclosed menu. An optional Summer Fun Back Pack will be available for your child for all of his/her personal items for $ 7. LIST OF EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES Game Activities: Every day there will be kickball, basketball, soccer, horseshoes, jump rope, punch ball, softball, tennis, table tennis, volleyball and many other games and activities. Handicrafts: Campers will have an opportunity to work on a variety of arts and crafts projects with our professional arts and crafts director. Game Room : Each camper will be able to enjoy a variety of board games along with table tennis, air hockey and deluxe soccer table games. SPECIAL EVENTS Pool Days: July 3, 10, 17, 24 Please remember to wear a bathing suit and bring your towel and sun screen. We will be at the pool until 11:30. When we return to camp the groups will have their Friday party. June 30 July 1&2 Let’s Bloom Together: Children will learn a basic gardening / flower planting project, the importance of sun, soil and water and why littering is terrible. Every child will plant a flower and decorate a pot. Children will learn to recycle trash by creating a vermin-compost bin. and perform a beatification project around the Center. July 4 ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION: From 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Cresskill Community Center 3rd Street Sports Complex. Come and enjoy the fun, food, rides and excitement. Tickets will be available at the Borough Hall and the Community Center starting June 15. RAIN DATE: SUNDAY, JULY 5th. July 6 Melody & Presley: Campers will rock and roll with this interactive concert. They will sing and dance to favorite pop tunes of One Direction, Bruno Mars, Bon Jovi and more. July 9 Mad Science: : Campers will enjoy the Up, Up and Away show with special make and takes. July 13 Camp Fun Day: Campers will have fun with some games and carnival snacks such as cotton candy, popcorn and even a sno cone. July 15 Meteorologist: Learn about weather in a interactive way with John Marshall. Be a weather caster for a day! July 21 Amazing Activity Zone: Children will participate in Super Scientific Circus with many challenging stations. Including balancing, juggling and more. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 6 More Special Events July 21 Amazing Activity Zone: Children will participate in Super Scientific Circus with many challenging stations. Including balancing, juggling and more. July 29 The Brain Show: Campers will participate and root for campers as they play a game show such as the comedy game show of jeopardy and answer questions in many categories. July 30 Camp Games Day: Parents, grandparents and friends can come and join us for Carnival Day. The booths will be supplied by Team Makers. Collect your tickets and win a prize. Ice cream and treats will be available for purchase at our snack bar. July 31 Senior’s Shaving Cream and Water-Balloon War and Last Day of Summer Camp NON Menthol . After the war all campers will enjoy getting wet with the Fire Dept. Sprinkler hose . POOL DAY Pool day will take place every Friday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Cresskill Pool. The Recreation Center will be closed during this time. Children will be escorted to the pool and back. No child will be permitted to bring bikes to the pool. All campers must return to the Cresskill Community Center, or be picked up by an adult; no children will be left at the pool. Only swim team members will be permitted to stay at the pool for practice. Please do not drop off your children at the pool and leave them unsupervised before the Summer Fun staff arrives. Cresskill Recreation will not be responsible for children left at the pool unsupervised. Your cooperation is appreciated. All children must be registered for trips in advance. No one except campers and counselors will be permitted on the bus. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER JUNE 1. ALL TRIPS ARE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS WITH LIMITED SPACE AVAILABILITY. TOWN WIDE EVENT JULY 4TH TOWN-WIDE CELEBRATION Friday, JULY 4TH—10:00 am to 1:00 pm (rain date July 5TH ) Tickets Available at Borough Hall and the Community center starting June 20 Come join us at the Cresskill Community Center for a day of rides, food, DJ, games and fun. Tickets are free and available in June at the Borough Hall or the Cresskill Community Center. ( Cresskill Residents Only ) Fun for the whole family and time to be with friends. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 7 June / July 2015 Sun Mon 29 Tue 30 Welcome 5 6 Rain Date for Town Wide Celebration 12 Wed 1 Let’s Bloom 8 Bergen Batting Cages Presley & Melody 13 2 Bounce U Let’s Bloom 7 Diggerland 15 Horseback Riding Montvale Lanes Let’s Bloom Mini Golf Mad Science i-Play America Sat 4 POOL DAY 10 16 WOW Butterflies John Marshall Weather Fri 3 9 Grandma’s Kitchen 14 Creatively Yours Camp Fun Day Thu Town Wide Celebration 10:00-1:00 11 POOL DAY 17 18 POOL DAY y 19 20 21 Pirates Adventure 22 Ice Skating 23 Fun Castle Amazing Activity Zone 26 27 28 Mini Golf Phone: 201-816-8065 Field Station Dinosaurs 29 Turtle Back Zoo The Brain Show Oasis Sam’s Indoor Water Park 30 Camp Games Day 24 25 POOL DAY 31 Last Day Senior Shaving Cream War Fire Truck Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 8 TRIPS JULY 1 BOUNCE U ~ GRADES 1 – 4 ~ Children will bounce, run, slide, and work out in giant inflatable equipment, and enjoy a glow in the dark bounce session. FEE $18—Maximum 90—WAIVER MUST BE SIGNED JULY 2 MONTVALE LANES ~ GRADES 1 – 8 ~ Sharpen your bowling skill and have fun at the same time. Snack bar will be open. FEE $18—Maximum 90 JULY 6 BERGEN BATTING CAGES ~ GRADES 3 – 8 ~ Each camper will have unlimited use of the batting cages and sliding area. PIZZA, SODA AND ICE CREAM INCLUDED. FEE: $20—Maximum 35 JULY 8 GRANDMAS KITCHEN ~ GRADES 1 – 4 ~ Everyone gets to use their own rolling pin and roll cookie dough. They will each make 4-6 cookie lollipops. While the cookies are baking you will decorate your own pot/pail to put your cookies in and take home. Once cooled, you will decorate your cookies with assorted colors of frosting. FEE: $35—Maximum 30 JULY 9 CLOSTER MINIATURE GOLF ~ GRADES 1 – 8 ~ Try your skills at sinking that hole in one. This trip leaves at 9:30am. Campers may visit Burger King. FEE: $16—Maximum 35 . JULY 13 CREATIVELY YOURS CERAMICS ~ GRADES 1 – 4 ~ Make a ceramic project to bring home. Projects will be available in approx. 1 week FEE: $25—Maximum 30 JULY 15 WORLD OF WINGS ~ GRADES 1 – 4 ~ Campers will be introduced to the natural world of butterflies while walking the paths that wind through an oasis of waterfalls and much more.. Learn the different behaviors of the butterfly. LUNCH INCLUDED FEE: $35—Maximum 90 JULY 21 ICE HOUSE ~ GRADES 1 – 8 ~ Who will be Cresskill’s next Olympic hopeful? FEE: $18—Maximum 90 JULY 27 CLOSTER MINIATURE GOLF ~ GRADES 1 – 8 ~ Try your skills at sinking that hole in one. This trip leaves at 9:30am. Campers may visit Burger King FEE: $16—Maximum 35 JULY 28 FIELD STATION DINOSAURS ~ GRADES 1 – 5 ~ Come see the joy and wonder of dinosaurs. This outdoor prehistoric park has over 30 life size realistic dinosaurs, including a 90’ Argentinosaurus. This trip returns at 2:30. LUNCH INCLUDED FEE: $40—Maximum 90 JULY 29 TURTLE BACK ZOO ~ GRADES 1 – 4 ~ Come and visit one of New Jersey’s premier zoos. See the animals and visit the rare black dragon in the reptile house. Take a ride on the carousel. Campers may purchase a seed stick to feed the birds for $2. There is also a gift shop. Trip will return around 2:00 pm. PACK A LUNCH. FEE: $20—Maximum 30 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 9 ALL DAY TRIPS JULY 7 DIGGERLAND ~ GRADES 1-5 SNEAKERS REQUIRED– Diggerland is the ultimate adventure theme park experience where children and adults can ride, drive and operate REAL full size construction machinery. This trip leaves at 8:00am and will return around 5:30. you can visit their web site at SUNBLOCK RECOMMENDED. LUNCH INCLUDED FEE: $55– Maximum 60—PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED JULY 16 I-PLAY ~ GRADES 3 – 8 ~ Enjoy the day bowling, soft play, bumper cars, rides, 4D theater, cosmic battle, laser tag, go carts and more indoors. Each child will receive a $5 game card. Campers should bring some extra money for self serve yogurt, candy store and other activities. This trip will leave at 8:00am and return around 5:30 pm—LUNCH INCLUDED. FEE: $55—Maximum 75— PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED JULY 14 ECHO LAKE STABLES ~ GRADES 5 – 8 ~ Have a fun-filled day at Echo Lake Stables in New Foundland. You will ride the trails and go on a hay ride and have a day you will always remember. Trip will return around 2:45 pm.—PACK A LUNCH—WAIVER MUST BE SIGNED FEE: $55—Maximum 25—PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED JULY 20 PIRATES ADVENTURE ~ GRADES 1 – 5 ~ Come and enjoy all the fun. Fire the water cannons, find sunken treasure, battle Pirate Pete. This is an interactive trip on a REAL pirates ship designed especially for children. Upon arrival campers will have face painting done and get dressed up. US Coast Guard certified vessel and crew. Campers should bring money for gift shop. This trip leaves at 8:30am and will return at 3:00 pm.—PACK A LUNCH. FEE: $55—Maximum 35 JULY 22 FUN CASTLE ~ GRADES 1 – 5 ~ Enjoy a wonderful day of laser tag, mini go cart racing, rock wall climbing, an arcade, lunch and much, much more. Trip will return around 3:30 pm.— LUNCH INCLUDED FEE: $55—Maximum 60—PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED JULY 23 OASIS SAM’S INDOOR WATER PARK ~ GRADES 3 – 8 ~ Enjoy a day at one of the most exciting water parks with drenching water slides, tipping buckets, lazy rivers, surf pool and much more. No need to cancel due to weather, they have a retractable roof for all types of weather. You can visit their web site at This trip will leave at 8:00am and will return around 5:30pm—LUNCH INCLUDED FEE: $55—Maximum 60- PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED Please check trip departure times from camp. We can’t hold the bus. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 10 Camp Sick Policy Because We Care… Bringing a child to camp with any of the symptoms listed below puts other children and staff at risk of getting sick. If all parents keep their sick children at home, we will have stronger, healthier, and happier children. In the long run, this means fewer lost work days and less illness for parents, too. If your child has any of these symptoms, please keep them home or make appropriate arrangements for their care: Diarrhea: 3 or more water stools in a 24 hour period, especially if the child acts or looks ill. Vomiting: Vomiting 2 or more times within the past 24 hours. Rash: Body rash, especially with fever or itching. Heat rashes and allergic reactions are not contagious. Appearance/Behavior: Unusually tired, pale, lack of appetite, difficult to wake, confused, irritable. This is sufficient reason to exclude a child from coming to camp. Sore Throat: Especially with fever or swollen glands in the neck. Lice/Scabies: Children must not return to camp until they are free of lice and nits (eggs). Children with scabies can be admitted after treatment. Fever: Temperature of 100 degrees F (orally) or higher AND sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, ear ache, irritability, or confusion. Cough: Lasting more than three days. “Pinkeye”: Teary, redness of eyelid lining, irritation followed by swelling and yellow drainage. Greenish Nasal Discharge: Is a sign of infection. Please see a doctor. Ringworm: Must be treated for 24 hours before returning to camp and the affected area kept covered until healed. Strep Throat: Must have been treated with antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to camp. Children with mild cold symptoms who do not have any symptoms described above do not need to be excluded from camp. Ear infections without fever do not need to be excluded, but the child needs to get medical treatment and follow up. Untreated ear infections can cause permanent hearing loss. Bringing a child into the camp with any of the above symptoms puts other children and staff at risk of getting sick. If ALL parents keep their sick children at home, we will have a fun, healthy, and enjoyable camp. Thank You, Cresskill Recreation Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 11 SUMMER FUN CAMP SAFETY TIPS AND POLICIES Please drop your child off by the pool and soccer field or park in the parking lot. DO NOT drop them off along the side of the street, in front of the building, or in the cross walk. Let’s keep the kids safe and traffic moving. Please listen to and obey the crossing guards at all times. He/she is only looking out for the safety of your child. Please make sure you use the cross walk with the crossing guards at all times. Please do not drop your child off or pick them up on the opposite side of the road, This is very hazardous to your child. There is a lot of traffic and the children are small and sometimes hard to see. Please pick your child up on time and park your car in the lot to pick them up. Take note of Camp end times. Mon. - Thurs. 3:00pm Fri. 1:00pm When picking your child up early (swim lessons etc.), please sign them out at the front desk located inside the front door of the building. You will receive a pick up pass to hand to the counselor before you take your child. You will also be required to show ID. No child will be released without a pass. A note is required from the parent if a child is allowed to walk home, If there is no parental permission in writing the child will not be released on their own. Please make us aware that someone else will be picking your child up from camp on any given day. Your child should wear his/her camp shirt on all trips. Only one shirt will be given to each camper. Please have your child wear sneakers to camp, unless it is Pool Day. All trips must be paid for before camp begins. Tickets are bought in advance for all trips for the number of children attending. Please do not expect to go on a trip if you have not registered before the start of the camp season. No refunds for trips or camp will be issued once camp begins. If a trip is cancelled by the Recreation Department, a full refund will be given. Refunds will be issued with a $10 cancellation fee 7 business days prior to the start of camp. SNACK: Each day the campers take time for a snack, please supply your child with a snack or they may purchase one from the snack bar. Recreation does not supply snacks. Each Day your camper should have Water, Sunscreen, Hat and any other sun safe supplies. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 12 TOYS AT SUMMER FUN CAMP Toys at Summer Fun Camp Policy Please have your children leave their toys at home. We have many fun activities for your child to take part in. Bringing electronics/toys will take away from the overall camp experience. The Summer Fun Staff have many responsibilities to keep your child safe and ensure a great time and bringing valuable items from home will cause many problems such as: 1. Lost or stolen items. 2. Arguments on who can play with them. 3. Broken items. Please leave iPads, iPods, Bay Blades, Video Games, etc. home where they will be safe. NOTE: We will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 13 CAMPS COUGAR SOCCER CAMP CHALLENGER BRITISH SOCCER CAMP The Cougar Soccer Camp’s mission is to develop player skills and impart tactical knowledge in a fun, structured atmosphere. Comprehensive instruction will emphasize individual skill work including passing, trapping, dribbling, shooting, heading and goalkeeping. Players will participate in drills and games that emphasize tactical aspects of team organization. Players will be grouped by age, gender and ability. The coaching staff will teach your child more than just techniques and tactics. Each member of the coaching staff will bring skills within framework of character development based on respect. Responsibility, integrity, leadership and sportsmanship. Boys and Girls Week 1: June 22-26 Grades 1 – 8: **June 22 & 23 3pm-6pm Grades 1-8 June 24, 25 & 26 9:00am-12:00pm Resident Fee: $165 / Non-Resident Fee: $185 Mini Soccer Camp Monday – Friday ~ August 17–21 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Week 2: August 3-7 Week 3: August 10-14 Grades 1 – 3: 9am– 12pm Grades 4-8: 9am-1pm Resident Fee: $165 / Non-Resident Fee: $185 Please make a note of times Camp Director: Anthony Giannantonio Cresskill boys head coach. BCSL Coach of the Year 2002, 2006. 12 years coaching boys and girls high school soccer Coach G brings a fun, enthusiastic spirit to Cresskill soccer. The Camp staff will include players from the successful boys and girls Cresskill varsity teams. Boys and Girls ages 6 –14 Resident Fee: $155 (First Child) Non-Resident Fee: $230 Each camper who registers before July 3 will receive a FREE SOCCER SHIRT AND BALL. Must register with Challenger to receive your free items. CHALLENGER BAZILIAN SOCCER CAMP The coaching staff will teach your child more than just techniques and tactics. Each member of the coaching staff will bring skills within framework of character development based on respect. Responsibility, integrity, leadership and sportsmanship. Boys and Girls ages 6 –14 Resident Fee: $155 (First Child) Non-Resident Fee: $230 All campers must arrive properly equipped with cleats, shin guards, and a ball each day. Mini Soccer Camp Monday – Friday ~ August 17–21 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Everyone will receive a camp shirt. Each camper who registers before July 10 will receive a FREE SOCCER SHIRT AND BALL. REGISTER BEFORE JUNE 1st AND RECEIVE A FREE SOCCER BALL. ( August 1 deadline for Weeks 2 & 3 ) CHALLENGER BRITISH SOCCER CAMP Must register with Challenger to receive your free items. The coaching staff will teach your child more than just techniques and tactics. Each member of the coaching staff will bring skills within framework of character development based on respect. Responsibility, integrity, leadership and sportsmanship. Boys and Girls ages 3 –5 Resident Fee: $155 (First Child) Non-Resident Fee: $230 Mini Soccer Camp Monday – Friday ~ August 24–28 9:00 am – 11:00 pm Register before June 1 to receive a free soccer ball Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 14 CAMPS FASHION SEWING CAMP SUMMER TENNIS CAMP 2014 Fashion Sewing is all about learning how to sew or expand your sewing ability. In this camp participants will learn how to read and work with a commercial pattern. Students will learn to use a sewing machine. Projects include pajama pants, a basic pair of shorts/skirt, and tote bag. Sewing machines will be provided for use. All fabrics are included Boys and Girls Ages 8 to 12 Minimum 10 Maximum 15 Resident Fee: $145 / Non-Resident Fee: $220 Resident Fee: $135 / Non-Resident Fee: $160 August 24 – August 28 Monday – Friday 9:00am-4:00pm Instructor: All Pro Tennis Site: Cresskill Tennis Courts 3rd Street Class Size: 16 Instructor: Vivian Burns/So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: d Boys and Girls ROLLER COASTERS & AMUSEMENT PARK CAMP Team up with other campers in building some of the most mind blowing and electrifying amusement park rides you have ever seen. Select the thrill ride of your choice and work together to assemble an amazing construction that can tower to over four feet tall! Boys and Girls Ages 6-12 Minimum: 6 Maximum: 20 Resident Fee: $182/Non-Resident Fee: $273 Late fee $10 after 8/11 Instructor: Minds in Motion Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B All pro tennis under the supervision of Barry Ruback, world ranked tennis professional and a five-time United States Professional Tennis Association Eastern Male Player of the Year and his professional staff. The camp will accommodate the beginner through the advanced player with a small group ratio. Participants will have the use of free rackets during instruction. The program will emphasize fundamentals, exercise and fun Ages 6 - 9 Ages 10 – up 9:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 12 Noon Session 1 August 3 – 6 (Monday – Thursday,) Make up Friday, August 7 Session 2 August 10 – 13 (Monday – Thursday,) Make up Friday, August 14 Session 3 August 17 – 20 (Monday – Thursday,) Make up Friday, August 21 Bring Water JUNGLE ROBOT Monday – Friday August 17 – August 21 12:30 pm — 3:30 pm Experience the world of robotics by building and taking home your very own Jungle Robot! Activated by a condenser microphone you can send the jungle robot on its journey with the clap of a hand or sound of your voice. LEGO ROBOTICS MINDSTORMS You will be guided through the many steps in the assemParticipants will design, program, and control fully func- bly of this adventurous android and learn the basic printional robotic models. They will use software to plan, ciples of robotics. test, and modify sequences of instructions for a variety Boys and Girls Ages 7-13 of life0lijke robotic behaviors. They will also learn to Minimum: 6 Maximum:.20 collect and analyze data from the robots sensors. Resident Fee: $182 / Non-Resident Fee: $273 Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 3-5 Late fee $10 after 8/11 Resident $230 / Non-Resident $375 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : A/B Monday - Friday ~ August 24 - 28 9:00am-12:30pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Instructor: Minds in Motion Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B Monday – Friday August 17 – August 21 9:00 am — 12:00 pm Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 15 CAMPS LEGO ROBOTICS MINDSTORMS Participants will design, program, and control fully functional robotic models. They will use software to plan, test, and modify sequences of instructions for a variety of life0lijke robotic behaviors. They will also learn to collect and analyze data from the robots sensors. Boys and Girls ~ Grades: 3-5 Resident $155 / Non-Resident $232.50 LEGO ROBOTICS Participants will design, program, and control fully functional robotic models. They will use software to plan, test, and modify sequences of instructions for a variety of life0lijke robotic behaviors. They will also learn to collect and analyze data from the robots sensors. Boys and Girls ~ Grades: 1-2 Resident $155 / Non-Resident $232.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : A/B Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : A/B Mondays: 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27 3:15pm-5:00pm Mondays: 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27 3:15pm-5:00pm CIVIL ENGINEERING BRICKS 4 KIDZ Participants will design, build and test their own balsa wood bridges as a way to study structural loads. Participants will also have the opportunity to design and build their own skyscraper and put it to the test on the earthquake simulator. Designing and building structures is another component of this program. You will get to build your very own model geodesic dome and functional parking garage. You will get to take home all your projects at the end of the program. Grades: 1-5 Resident $130 /Non-Resident $195 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A/B Tuesdays: 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 3:15pm-5:00pm Phone: 201-816-8065 This exciting program introduces children to S.T.E.M concepts. Problem solving skills and self esteem are emphasized and enhanced in Bricks 4 Kids program. Age 3-5 & Age 6-9 Resident $ 100 / Non Resident $150 Late Fee after 6/22 Minimum 5 ~ Maximum 15 Instructor: Bricks 4 Kidz Site: Cresskill Community Center Room C & D Tuesdays 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 3:15—4:15 Thursday 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 3:15-4:15 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 16 CAMPS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC GAME DESIGN This program applies the principals of physics and materials science for analysis, design, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Participants will learn about fluid mechanics, simple machines and other design and engineering concepts while building an incredibly fast CO2 powered dragster car that you will keep at the end of the program. Participants will use multimedia Fusion 2 to create their own video game. Whether students wish to fire marshmallows or missiles, they build a complete video game from start to finish. They program characters to survive a wave of enemy attacks in order to reach the next level. They will create their own super hero and enemies, learn to work with graphics and create sound effects and music. At the end of the class , participants take home a copy of the game they create which they can play on their own computers Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-2 Resident $130 / Non-Resident $195 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Grade 3-5 Resident $155/Non-Resident $232.50 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : A/B Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor : Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A/B Wednesday ~ 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 3:15pm-5:00pm AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Wednesday : 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 3:15pm-5:00pm Participants will utilize the Engineering Design Process to create and build a variety of flying machines. Rocketry is one of the main components of this camp, and participants will have the opportunity to construct their very own straw rockets and bottle rockets. You will also get a chance to create their own colorful model hot air balloon and design parachutes for a toy jumper. You will look at different forms of air transportation and simulate a lunar landing with a marshmallow “ astronaut “ that survives being dropped from space. Boys and Girls ~ Grades: 1-5 Resident $130/Non-Resident $195 Late fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : A/B Thursdays: 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 3:15pm-5:00pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 17 CAMPS FIRST PLAY SOCCER FIRST PLAY LACROSSE Participants will experience the excitement of the world’s most popular sport. At this camp children will thrive in the exciting, fun atmosphere generated by our internationally qualified coaches and enjoy the daily themes and soccer challengers Participants will have a great time learning this exhilarating , fast paced game. You will learn the fundamentals of the sport including , stick handling, passing , scooping, dodging and shooting as well as many other key techniques. Boys and Girls ~ Age : 8-11 Or Boys and Girls ~ Age : 10-14 Boys and Girls ~ Age : 5-9 or Boys and Girls ~ Age : 10-14 Resident $125 /Non-Resident $187.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Resident $125 /Non-Resident $187.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room Baseball Field Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room Baseball Field Monday ~Thursday ~ June 29 to July 2 3:00pm-6:00pm Monday ~Thursday ~ July 13 to July 16 3:00pm-6:00pm ( Children will be separated by age levels ) ( Children will be separated by age levels ) FIRST PLAY BASKETBALL In this program participants will be offered a wide variety of inclusive games and activities that will educate players in a fun and fast paced environment. Small sided activities will promote team work and communication, before players take to the court to showcase what they have learned. Boys and Girls ~ Age : 5-8 Or Boys and Girls ~ Age : 10-14 Resident $125 /Non-Resident $187.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room Gym Monday ~Thursday ~ July 6 to July 9 3:00pm-6:00pm ( Children will be separated by age levels ) Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 18 CAMPS CRAZY CHEM-WORKS CRAZY CHEM-WORKS In this awesome camp, children will take on the role of Jr. Chemist as you create and concoct with science. From super sticky stuff to amazing dry ice-capades, each class will take you on a journey through hands on and amazing science! Create crazy chemical reactions, that pop, fizz and glow in the dark. Piece by piece you will get to build your very own home lab, complete with beakers, test tubes and all the tools of a great Mad Scientist In this awesome camp, children will take on the role of Jr. Chemist as you create and concoct with science. From super sticky stuff to amazing dry ice-capades, each class will take you on a journey through hands on and amazing science! Create crazy chemical reactions, that pop, fizz and glow in the dark. Piece by piece you will get to build your very own home lab, complete with beakers, test tubes and all the tools of a great Mad Scientist Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-5 Resident $195 / Non-Resident $292.50 Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-5 Resident $325 / Non-Resident $487.50 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 18 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 18 Instructor: Mad Science Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : C Instructor: Mad Science Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : C Monday - Friday ~ August 10 - 14 9:00am-12:00pm Or 1:00pm-4:00pm Monday - Friday ~ August 10 - 14 9:00am-4:00pm KIDS SPORTS CAMP Each day children will play a mix of interesting sports challenges, standard sports games and team activities using many games and challenges. Soccer, mini golf, baseball, kickball and more. Children will participate in a series of team building leadership games that will increase their problem solving and critical thinking skills. Participants should being a snack and drink each day. Boys and Girls Grades 1 –4 Resident Fee: $175 (First Child) Non-Resident Fee: $262.50 Late Fee after 7/28 $10 Minimum 10 Maximum 30 Instructor : Team Makers Site: Cresskill Community Center Baseball field Monday – Friday ~ August 3–8 1:00 pm –5:00 pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 19 CAMPS ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS W/ LEGOS Power up your engineering skills with tens of thousands of LEGO’s Apply real world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as arch bridges, skyscrapers, motorized cars, and Battle track! Design and build as never before, and explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment. PRE-ENGINEERING W/LEGOS Let your imagination run wild with tens of thousand of LEGO’s . Build engineer-designed projects such as boats, bridges, mazes and motorized cars, and use special pieces to create your own unique design! Explore the endless creative possibilities of the LEGO building system. Grade K-2 Resident $150/Non-Resident $225 Grade 2-5 Resident $150/Non-Resident $225 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 20 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 20 Instructor: Play-well Technologies Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A/B Instructor : Play-well Technologies Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A/B Monday - Friday ~ August 3 - August 7 9:00am-12:00pm Monday - Friday ~ August 3 - August 7 1:00pm-4:00pm IMAGINATION FLIX LIVE ACTION FLIX CAMP Do you want to have a blast making a movie? You don’t have to be an actor to star in these movies that you make from “Action” to “that’s a wrap .“ We’ll guide you through the Hollywood process as you brainstorm, location scout, bring in props and costumes, act and direct in a collaborated movie that will be fun for the entire audience. All flix downloadable within a month after camp ends. Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-6 Resident $195.00/Non-Resident $292.50 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 18 Instructor: Incrediflix Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : D Monday - Friday ~ August 3 - 7 9:00am-12:00pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Take your characters under water, to a volcano or even to outer space! In this exciting stop-motion animation camp, there are no limits to where your imagination can take you. You’ll brainstorm, create your very own clay characters ( that you take home ), choose the backgrounds, film your movies using a green screen, and add voiceovers, while working in age-appropriate groups. Flix downloadable within a month after camp ends. Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-6 Resident $195.00/Non-Resident $ 292.50 Late fee after 7/28 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 18 Instructor: Incrediflix Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : D Monday - Friday ~ August 3 - 7 1:00pm-4:00pm Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 20 CAMPS GAME DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEERING Participants will use multimedia Fusion 2 to create their own video game. Whether students wish to fire marshmallows or missile, they build a complete video game from start to finish. They program characters to survive a wave of enemy attacks in order to reach the next level. They will create their own super hero, enemies, learn to work with graphics and create sound effects and music. At the end of the class, Participants take home a copy of the game they create which can play on their own computers Participants will design, build and test their own balsa wood bridges as a way to study structural loads. Participants will also have the opportunity to design and build their own skyscraper and put it to the test on the earthquake simulator. Designing and building structures is another component of this program. You will get to build your very own model geodesic dome and functional parking garage. You will get to take home all your projects at the end of the program. Grade 3-5 Resident $275/Non-Resident $412.50 Grade 1-5 Resident $230/Non-Resident $375 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A/B Instructor : Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room C Monday - Friday ~ August 10 - August 14 9:00am-12:30pm Monday - Friday ~ August 3 - August 7 9:00pm-12:30pm MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AEROSPACE ENGINEERING This program applies the principals of physics and materials science for analysis, design, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Participants will learn about fluid mechanics, simple machines and other design and engineering concepts while building an incredibly fast CO2 powered dragster car that you will keep at the end o the program. Participants will utilize the Engineering Design Process to create and build a variety of flying machines. Rocketry is one of the main components of this camp, and participants will have the opportunity to construct their very own straw rockets and bottle rockets. You will also get a chance to create their own colorful model hot air balloon and design parachutes for a toy jumper. You will look at different forms of air transportation and simulating a lunar landing with a marshmallow “ astronaut “ that survives being dropped from space. Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-5 Resident $230 / Non-Resident $375 Late Fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : C Monday - Friday ~ August 17 - 21 9:00am-12:30pm Boys and Girls ~ Grade: 1-2 Resident $230.00/Non-Resident $375 Late fee after 7/28 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: Engineering for Kids Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : C Monday - Friday ~ August 24 - 28 9:00pm-12:30pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 21 Certifications CPR FIRST AIDE BABYSITTING Fee: $30 Fee: $30 Fee: $30 Room: A Ages 14+ Room: A Ages 14 + Room: A Ages 14 + Monday, April 13 Monday , June 8 Monday , April 27 Monday, June 22 Monday, April 20 Monday, June 1 6:30 pm—9:00 pm 6:30 pm—9:00 pm 6:30 pm—9:00 pm Maximum 9 Maximum 9 Maximum 9 Participants will receive a certification card approximately two weeks after the class Instructors: Tom Dore Cresskill Fire/EMS Rutgers Certification Fee: $30 Monday August 17 6:30pm Saturday, September 12 3:00pm Sports Certification is four hours starting at time listed. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to program to sign in and receive your paperwork. At the end of this class you will receive your certification card. Pre Registration Required Instructor: Regina Duffy Rutgers Clinician Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 22 SPORTS SOCCER SQUIRTS PRE ACADEMY SOCCER Soccer Squirts introduces boys and girls to the beautiful game. In this program you will learn the fundamental skills of soccer through a program of structured activities, fun based games and scrimmages In this program participants will progress within the sport of soccer. This program allows players to be introduced to the basic techniques through structured exercises and fun, small sided scrimmages. Boys and Girls ~ Age: 3-5 Resident $145 / Non-Resident $217.50 Boys and Girls ~ Age: 5-7 Resident $145 / Non-Resident $217.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : Baseball Field Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : Baseball Field Thursday: 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6 3:45pm-5:45pm or 5:oopm-6:00pm Thursday: 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6 6:15pm-7:15pm TOTAL SPORTS SQUIRTS T-BALL SQUIRTS Experience a new sport each week of the program. Participants have the opportunity to try Lacrosse, Soccer, Basketball, t-ball, Floor Hockey, Flag Football, Parachute games and more. In this program your young sluggers will be introduced to the exciting game of baseball! Focusing on the fundamental skills of the game, this progressive T-ball curriculum enables each child to develop their skills. Age ~ 3-5 Resident $145 /Non-Resident $217.50 Age ~ 3-5 Resident $145 /Non-Resident $217.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room Baseball Field Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room Baseball Field Mondays: 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3 3:45pm-4:45pm Mondays: 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3 5:00pm-6:00pm SENIOR T-BALL SQUIRTS This program is ideal for young players looking to progress within the sport. Coaches will encourage children to implement the basic techniques and skills they learn within the program into scrimmages. Age ~ 5-6 Resident $145 /Non-Resident $217.50 Late Fee after 6/20 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 24 Instructor: US Sports Site: Cresskill Community Center Room Baseball Field Mondays: 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3 6:15pm-7:15pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 23 Sports SUMMER INSTRUCTIONAL TENNIS FALL CHEERLEADING This program offers instruction for the beginner through the advanced player. Each class offers a small instruc(Child must be entering 3rd grade as of September 2015) tor-to-student ratio. Rackets will be supplied during the lessons. Emphasis will be placed on fundamentals, exerResident: $50 cise and fun. All rain dates will be made up. Barry Non-Resident: $75 Ruback, world ranked tennis professional and five-time Late Fee $ 10 after 6/21/15 United States Professional Tennis Association Eastern Coordinator: Regina Morrissey Male Player of the Year, and his professional staff will provide the instructions. Practices are held on Monday and Thursday Grades 3—8 4:00 – 5:00 pm Site: Community Center (Practices) Boys and Girls - Grades K and up A one-day clinic will be held in May Practices will begin 2nd week in August. Resident Fee: $135 / Non-Resident Fee: $160 Cycle I Late Fee $ 10 after 3/25 Cycle II Late fee $10 after 5/16 (Limited to the first 15 per class) For further information contact Regina Morrissey PARENTS VOLUNTEERS ARE A MUST Summer Practice Schedule 10:00am to 12:00pm August 11,14,18,21,25,28 Instructor: All Pro Tennis Site: 3rd Street Tennis Courts Grades 1—2 ~ 5:30—6:30 Grades 3—5 ~ 6:30—7:30 Grades 6—Adult ~ 7:30—8:30 Cycle I—Monday—Six classes 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17 No Practice: 9/7, 10/12, 11/5 FALL CHEERLEADING MASCOTS Girls will cheer as mascots at the Pee Wee level. Grade 2 (Child must be entering 2nd grade as of September 2014). Resident: $50 Non-Resident: $75 Late Fee $ 10 after 6/21/15 Coordinator: Regina Morrissey Practices are held on Monday and Thursday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Site: Community Center (Practices) A one-day clinic will be held in May Practices will begin in August. For further information contact Regina Morrissey at Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 24 Upcoming Events h wit t s kfa ny & t a e Br Bun onne the ster B Ea ade par Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:00 am Toddler to Age 7 Cresskill Community Center Come meet Peter Rabbit Drive-In Movie Night Saturday, May 23, 2015 ~ 7:30 pm Rain date 5/24 Cresskill Municipal Pool Lot Movie: Open Season Suggested entry fee 1 food item Summer Fun Camp 2015 June 29 through July 31 Monday—Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm Cresskill Community Center Summer Movie Night Series 2015 Tuesday, June 23 Rain date 6/25 Movie : Dolphin Tales 2 Tuesday July 7 Rain date 7/9 Movie : Box Trolls Tuesday July 21 Rain date 7/23 Movie : Paddington Bear Tuesday August 4 Rain date 8/6 & Movie : Earth To Echo Tuesday August 18 Rain date 8/20 Movie : Annie 7:45 pm Regan Field ~ 3rd Street Sports Complex July 4th Town wide Celebration Saturday, July 4, 2015 ~ Rain Date Sunday, July 5 10:00 am—1:00 pm RIDES _ FOOD _ GAMES Tickets available 6/20 at Recreation Office located in Community Ctr. Summer Concerts 2015 July 2 ~ Gregg Hollister & Friends ( Eclectic Jazz, Blues & Rock ) July 16 ~ The Clusters ( Doo Wop 50’s through 70’s) July 30 ~ Ariel ( Modern ) August 13 ~ Beatles Faux Sale ( Beatles Tribute ) 7:00pm Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 25 Upcoming Events Public Safety Night September 19, 2015 ~ Rain date 9/26 5:00—9:00 pm Swim Club Parking Lot Drive-In Movie Night Saturday, October 17 , 2015 ~ 7:30 pm (Rain date 10/18) Cresskill Municipal Pool Lot Movie: TBS Suggested entry fee: 1 food item Rag-A-Muffin Parade and Pumpkin Painting Contest Saturday, October 24 ~ 10:00 am Toddler through Grade 5 Ackerman Field to Cresskill Community Center Register for pumpkin painting at Borough Hall or the Cresskill Community Center Join us for treats after the parade Rain or Shine Letters to Santa November 1—November 30 Mailbox in front of Cresskill Borough Hall Write your letter to Santa and drop it into the mailbox. Don’t forget to include a return name and address Holiday Home Decorating Contest December 1-12 Winners will receive a plaque at the Mayor and Council meeting on December 16th at 7:30 pm Holiday Tree Lighting Sunday, December 6, 2015 ~ 5:30 pm Veterans Square Join us after the lighting at the Cresskill Fire House and meet Santa and enjoy snacks Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 26 Other Contacts Cresskill Junior Football Cresskill Baseball P.O. Box 59 Cresskill, NJ 07626 201-503-1112 P.O. Box 150 Cresskill, NJ 07626 Matt Morgan ~ President Matt Morgan ~ President On-Line Registration Cresskill Cougars United Cresskill Cougar Travel Basketball Travel Soccer P.O. Box 82 Cresskill, NJ 07626 P.O. Box 149 Cresskill, NJ 07626 Nick Ferrara ~ President Gary Savill ~ President Cresskill Community Center Cresskill Municipal Pool Located at the end of Third Street 100 3rd Street Ann-Marie Grieco ~ Manager 201-568-4444 Mike Hamlett 201-816-8066 Applications fees are taken at the Cresskill Borough Hall 67 Union Avenue Open Gym ~ Tennis Court permit/keys Building requests Cresskill Recreation 100 3rd St. Find Us On Facebook Affiliations Barbara Mann 201-816-8065 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Summer 2014 Cresskill Recreation 27 Community Center Summer Fun Lunch Program Place a mark in the check box in each day lunch is being ordered. Please do not order lunch on the day your child has a trip. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Grilled Cheese Chips & water $5.00 Hot Dog Fries & water $5.00 Chicken Fingers Chips & water $5.00 Hamburger Fries & water $5.00 No Lunch Served 29 30 Week 1 1 2 Bounce U Montvale Lanes Pack a lunch 3 No Lunch Served Pack a lunch 6 Week 2 Bergen Batting 7 8 9 10 Diggerland Grandma’s Kitchen Mini Golf No Lunch Served Pack a lunch 13 Week 3 Creatively Yours 14 15 16 17 Horseback Riding WOW Butterflies i-Play America No Lunch Served Pack a lunch Week 4 20 21 22 23 24 Pirates Adventure Ice Skating Fun Castle Oasis Sam’s No Lunch Served Pack a lunch 27 Week 5 Mini Golf 28 29 Field Station Dinosaurs Turtleback Zoo 30 31 No Lunch Served Pack a lunch Total $ $ $ $ Total All $____________ Childs Name ________________________________Phone __________________ Grade 9/2015 _________________________________ Circle: Male Female Separate Check or Cash for Lunch please: ** Once camp starts, lunches cannot be ordered or Lunches must be ordered & paid for by: JUNE 28, 2015 modified. ** Check made to: Borough of Cresskill Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067
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