REPORTER Palmetto Hall


REPORTER Palmetto Hall
T he Palmetto Hall
• SUMMER 2013 •
Association Manager’s
Palmetto Hall
Palmetto Hall Plantation
Owners’ Association
11 Palmetto
Marion Gorczynski
By MarionbyGorczynski
Suite 201
11 Palmetto Parkway
. Suite 201
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Head Island, SC 29926
Association Manager:
Newsletter PublishedMarion
by Office
Office: 843-682-4182
Fax: Gorczynski
Association Manager
Board of Directors:
Jones Scott Slawson
Vice President
Ron Smetek
Bob Gentzler
Joe Bogacz
Mike Danoff
David Henson
Tom Renshaw
POA Committees:
Ed Zensinger
Tom Renshaw
Brad Tufts
NewsletterDonna POA
Vice President
Rich Penwell
Bob Gentzler
Rich Miller
Tom Renshaw
Members at Large
Steve Fobes
Jeff DiBiaso
Ron Smetek
Scott Slawson
Bill Schumacher
PH Club Committee
Advisory Committee
Claude Thorn
Marc McIntosh
Men’s Golf Assoc.
POA Jim Colburn
Men’s Golf League
Covenants Wednesday
Linda Reda
Fred McNamee
Leonard Rabb
Environmental Saturday
Bob Richardson
Women’s Club
Patty Zensinger
Tom Renshaw
Women’s Golf Assoc.
Amber McElhaney
Women’s 9 Holers
Jeff League
Dona Pavloff
Donna Wrae
SecurityBill Schumacher
Amber McElhaney
Strategic Planning(new)
Fred Reever
Pat Myers
General Manager
Chip Pellerin
Advisory Committee
Bill Korthase
Men’s Golf Association
Don Schwarz
Men’s Golf League WED
Fred McNamee
Men’s Golf League SAT
Leonard Rabb
Page 2
Women’s Club
Wendy Bowles
Women’s Golf Association Jane Aurandt
Women’s Golf 9 Holers League Susan Donnell
Pat Killeen
Nancy Sigmund
Cover photo: Flower.
Photo courtesy of
John Alagna.
Don Schwarz; cover; page 4 signage
PHP POA; page 4
Jerry Griffin; page 6, 8
As ARB Administrator, I am happy to report that there are four or five homes
that have been conceptually approved by the ARB. The ARB is looking forward
to new construction in Palmetto Hall and hope it is the start of a new trend.
Construction will also add to receipts from decals, which are behind past year.
Securitas has had issues transferring the car registration on the new Palmetto Hall car, the Toyota Yaris, registered in South Carolina from its lease in
Georgia. They have been providing a rental car while they get this situation
resolved. That is why you see the car with temporary signs on. We hope this
will be resolved by the time you receive this newsletter.
Most annual assessments have been either paid in full or partially paid, and
we have a much better record of payment than last year. This will be a positive addition to the Capital Reserve Fund, which will be used mainly to pay for
repaving of the roads. Watch the Flyer for information on the road repaving.
The office has received favorable comments on the 278 Palmetto Hall sign
– even from some who opposed it before construction.
We have recently noticed that in our database a number of the phone
numbers we have are incorrect as many owners have cancelled their landlines
and only have cell numbers. Please e-mail us your current phone numbers if
you have had a change. We will be reprinting the Directory at the end of 2013.
If you are not receiving the weekly Flyer, blasts from the POA, or the Newsletter, please stop by the office. Your name can be added to the blast list and
we have extra copies of the Newsletter. It is important that we have all your
up to date information, especially with hurricane season not too far away. Our
e-mail address is Courtney is the Communications Coordinator.
If you have any questions regarding covenants, communication, security,
environmental, maintenance issues, please call the office first. Katie, Courtney
or I will help you, or at least point you in the right direction. If you need
of the2011
covenants, ARB guidelines,
directories, hurricane information, or
decals, please stop by the office. This information can also be found on our
SAVE THE DATE - Regarding the Palmetto Hall Reporter FALL 2013 issue, the
cut-off date for articles is SEPTEMBER 15. Allowing two weeks for the art
production & printing, we hope to have the newsletter to the printer by OCTOBER 1.
FLYER information is always welcomed.
Our Mission
Message from the
To maintain and improve Palmetto Hall Plantation
as a premier residential community in Beaufort
County, by remaining focused on improving
property values for all property owners and
enhancing the quality of life of all residents.
by Tom Renshaw
This message represents an informative preliminary consideration only. It has not
yet been considered formally by the Board of Directors and is being discussed this month
by most Committees of the plantation. Most importantly, should it be formally proposed
it would only be enacted by a covenant amendment passed by at least 75% of a quorum
of POA property owners.
The message should be carefully read and thought about, section by section. Your
feedback will help us greatly and should be sent by letter or email to the POA office. The
street and email addresses are found on page 2 of this Palmetto Hall Reporter.
Community Enhancement Fee (CEF)
What is it?
A fee paid to the Property Owners Association at the time of closing a property transfer
(home or lot) in the Palmetto Hall Plantation.
Where would the money go and why do we need it?
It would all go to our Capital Reserves to increase and maintain them at the levels we
must have to keep our plantation in an acceptably safe, attractive and comfortable status.
The Board of Directors has the authority to allocate up to at least $50,000 from the
Capital Reserves for special needs without other approval and the POA has a $500,000
line of credit with a local bank for emergency use only. Should we experience a disastrous tornado or hurricane we would need to repay our line of credit loan from our Capital
Reserves as expeditiously as possible to minimize the cost of the loan.
Other unforeseen expenses may arise as our plantation ages and thus strong Capital
Reserves are vital to keep Palmetto Hall as well-prepared as possible.
Our current reserves are debatably adequate to meet our present needs and they will
certainly require constant attention as Palmetto Hall Plantation ages. An example is that
we cannot afford to renew and repair our deteriorating roads in one process, but must do
it in 3 stages a year apart in order to pay for each.
Another consideration is that although the POA Board of Directors has the authority to
raise our annual mandatory assessment by up to 15% each year, the Board does not like
to have to do that. Neither do we owners like to have that happen. With a CEF it is likely
that if increases in the assessment are necessary at all, they would be minimal.
Who pays it?
In most private gated communities it is paid by the buyer and that is what is recommended here. Thus, it doesn’t cost sellers, realtors, current residents, or lot owners
Here is the basis for that recommendation:
As confirmed by realtor consultants, Palmetto Hall’s competitive set is Indigo Run and
Hilton Head Plantation, particularly the latter. Both of these communities charge a Community Enhancement Fee. Indigo Run charges double their annual assessment and Hilton
Head Plantation charges 1/4 of 1%. Therefore, putting this fee into effect will not be the
reason why a purchaser does not choose Palmetto Hall.
The small percentage fee also seems fairer than a flat fee, in which the CEF is the same
for the buyer of an inexpensive lot and the buyer of an expensive home.
One factor, however, that is different from these other communities is that Palmetto
Hall requires club membership and every buyer must pay for it at closing. The current
initiation fee is $2,500 for a social membership. Indeed this can be a strong positive for
us because the clubhouse, golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pool, and picnic area
provide a very strong positive synergy and sense of community, the opportunity to meet
people and make new friends, and other numerous advantages.
Our realtor consultants’ projection for Palmetto Hall the next 2 years is 15 annual lot
sales and 25 annual home sales.
• Going back 5 years, 2008 through 2012, at the 1/4 of 1% rate the 125 sales would have
netted $126,195.
• Going forward, at 1/4 of 1% for the CEF, a $100,000 lot’s fee would be $250. A $500,000
home’s fee would be $1250. For 15 lots and 25 homes transfers the annual total revenue
would be $34,000.
• Interestingly, that one year CEF revenue would have covered the total costs of both our
new 278/Beach City road sign and the new entrance LED marquee sign.
What other private gated communities have a CEF?
Currently in this region there are 18 communities that do and 8, including us, that do
not. Those that do have a CEF are: Hilton Head Plantation, Indigo Run, Palmetto Dunes,
Shipyard, Long Cove, Wexford, Leamington, Moss Creek, Colleton River, Belfair, Berkeley
Hall, Hampton Hall, Sun City, Palmetto Bluff, Seabrook Island, Kiawah Island, Bray’s Island,
and Dewees.
The great majority of regional gated communities realize the value and fairness of a CEF.
How do we do it?
It requires a Covenant amendment. This change must be voted-in by at least 75% of a
quorum of eligible voters.
When could this be done?
By a one item special ballot this summer or early autumn.
Why the buyer?
And what else?
In private gated communities such as Palmetto Hall there are very substantial amounts
of community property and community services. Our 523 property owners share the cost
of these since South Carolina, Beaufort County, and the town of Hilton Head Island do not
contribute any tax money to us.
Community property includes such things as our roads, lagoons, the guard house,
entrance equipment, the marquee, the ballfield and other common land, street lights,
signage, trees and landscaping, and much more.
Services include the POA office and management staff, our Securitas security, Ocean
Woods landscaping and maintenance, electricity, water and other utilities, periodic community social activities, and several other things.
When a new buyer obtains a property in Palmetto Hall they automatically become a
1/523rd share owner of all of this and it is appropriate that they fulfill a buy-in responsibility to the community, the CEF.
• The CEF will not cost the sellers, current property owners, current lot owners, or realtors
anything. It is the one-time obligation of the buyer.
• In fact, the POA Board of Directors has the authority to raise our annual mandatory assessment by up to 15% each year. The Board does not like to have to do that. With a CEF
it is likely that if increases in the assessment are necessary at all, they would be small.
Without a CEF they would very likely be much larger for all of us.
• 18 of 26 of this region’s gated communities and 7 of the 11 on Hilton Head Island have
CEFs and have documented the very positive effect of significantly growing financial reserves to the benefit of their residents and communities. Rather than annually increasing the assessment to ongoing residents, the fees from the new buyers’ CEF obligation
benefit all plantation residents and owners.
• Since all of us own/fund one 523rd of our plantation’s common property and services, it
is fair that new residents also assume that responsibility from the beginning.
How much is it?
That varies widely in the 18 of the 26 gated communities in this area that have a CEF.
Eight, including us, do not. The range is from a $20,000 flat fee to 1/4 of 1% of the final
closing price.
Recommended is 1/4 of 1% of the final closing price of the property.
I know that the greatest asset that Palmetto Hall has are the people who live here and
I’m confident that a CEF is in the best interest of all of us.
Thank you for your consideration.
by Fred McNamee
Summer is the time when things slow down in the Low Country,
and that also goes for the financial side of Palmetto Hall Plantation. The busy period of the beginning of the year is over; annual
decal sales have slowed way down; the majority of the annual assessments have been paid; taxes have been filed; the accountant’s
review is complete; the contract for the road work has been approved and things are rolling right along. While the decal sales for
the year are below our projections, there has been some activity
in lot sales and inquiries by builders concerning new home construction that is an optimistic sign. On the assessment front, we
still have some properties that are in bankruptcy or foreclosure,
but these properties are slowly being worked through so that is
also optimistic. The bid for the first phase of the road repaving
came in higher than the engineer’s estimate, however. If the future
phases of the work are completed at the same rate, we should still
be within our overall estimates costs of between $1.2 - $1.5 million.
We have been monitoring the revenue and expenses as the year
goes on and comparing actual amounts to the expected budget
amounts. There are a few areas that were troublesome and some
of the budget managers have been asked to adjust their budget
amount on the line items they are responsible for so that the total
expenses for that budget category are not exceeded, but are reallocated within the category. We are also getting ready for a busy
late Summer / Fall season when the road work will begin in earnest and the budget for 2014 is developed and approved. Overall,
our financial status remains relatively good, but we must remain
Palmetto Hall Is A Winner
In Island Beautification Awards
The Island Beautification Committee is pleased to announce that Palmetto Hall has won third place in the
judging. First place winner was Long Cove and second place winner was Palmetto Dunes.
The grading system was done on a 100 point scale; visual impact from the road (40%), plant material (20%),
principles of design (20%), and color harmony, texture, and design (20%).
There are five members of the Island Beautification Association (IBA) that did the judging. The contest was
very close, and all the members were impressed with Palmetto Hall’s work.
We would like to thank Ocean Woods staff for the excellent work they have done this year.
Palmetto Hall entrance; photo courtesy Don Scharwz
Alvin Caper and his son and coworker Daryl Capers
Covenants & Enforcement
David Henson
BOD Member and Roads Committee Member
by Linda Reda
Since our last newsletter, the Covenant Committee had their Spring
ride-around. We had been asked to check on the condition of mailboxes. We started with Fort Howell since they are the most visible.
Most of the homeowners who were asked to do something with
their mailbox complied, but there are still some who need work
done. Please help us by fixing your particular problem.
Several people were very unhappy about receiving a letter from
the POA on their citation. One individual wanted to know if my committee and I really had nothing better to do with our time. We do
take our “job” seriously and only want to keep Palmetto Hall looking nice. I have no problem with people calling me to question their
citation, but would appreciate a “polite” conversation so we can
come to a decision – not being yelled at for simply following the
rules of Covenants – same goes for the office staff, they are only the
The Palmetto Hall Roads Committee and the Board of Directors,
working with our engineering firm, Ward Edwards, has continued to
make good progress toward having our roads repaved and are still
on schedule against the plan we developed almost two years ago.
This spring, after a competitive RFP process, a paving contractor was
tentatively selected and final contract negotiations are currently underway. It is expected that prep work on those roads in Phase I will
begin within the next month, followed soon thereafter with milling
and paving. Phase I is roughly the back third of the Plantation and
includes Ft. Howell Drive from the end circle to the southern intersection with Sedge Fern, as well as all side roads in that area (Clyde
Lane, Ellis Court, Caladium Court, and Chestnut Lane), as well as
Cherry Hill Lane, Tucker Ridge Court, and Sabal Court.
Phase II, approximately the middle third of the Plantation including the Sedge Fern “loop”, is expected to be done in 2014 and Phase
III, the front third of the Plantation, is planned for 2015. Additional
and specific information and dates will be provided through POA
E-Blasts and postings on the marquee.
Maintenance Committee
Our goal is to keep Palmetto Hall as neat and clean as it has always
been. Thank you for your help!
Linda Reda
Chair, Covenants Committee
Ward Edwards Engineering is grateful for the opportunity to assist
Palmetto Hall with its upcoming road projects. Founded in Bluffton, Ward Edwards has provided quality civil engineering and
land development consulting services in Beaufort County for over
23 years. Our staff has the most combined professional engineering
experience of any firm headquartered in the region, and we have
designed over $300 million in infrastructure projects since 2000.
Last year, we assisted the Roads Committee by preparing a pavement assessment, phasing plan, and budget to repair and resurface
the nearly 9 miles of roadway in the community. We are now assisting with procurement of bids for implementation of Phase 1, and
will provide quality assurance support during paving operations.
We look forward to helping Palmetto Hall successfully accomplish
this important infrastructure project!
by Jeff DiBiaso
The calendar tells us that summer is just a few weeks away and
another season of beautiful weather in the Lowcountry. Activities
in the maintenance department are on remote control during the
summer months due to the fact that we attempt to complete our
major projects during our early spring and late fall seasons.
With the hot summer days, the increased growth of grass, shrubs
and bushes keep our landscape crews in the common areas extremely
busy, plus there is a need for additional irrigation.
Our road repaving project will be starting soon and we ask for
everyone’s patience and cooperation with the extra noise and traffic
congestion during construction.
Our spring clean-up was a success as always, and our fall newsletter
will have dates and details concerning the next clean up date.
Any maintenance issues needing immediate attention should be
reported to Marion at the POA office.
The Maintenance Committee wishes everyone a safe and happy
by Ken Olivolo
The summer months are upon us and the weather is
beginning to finally heat up. The Island and our Plantation
are starting to witness the rise in Island population due to the
significant amount of tourists and family members coming to
visit. As such, many of our residents are working hard to keep
their properties beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to all.
The ARB is already busy with requests to remove trees on various
properties. As a reminder, permits are required for the removal of
trees within the Plantation. If you need to remove a tree for any
reason, please contact the POA office (682-4182)to have a member
of the ARB inspect the tree prior to contracting with a tree service.
There is a $25 fee, unless the tree is dead or diseased. Trees should
be marked with tape to identify them. In addition, I need to remind
all residents that if you are planning to do any exterior work to your
home or landscape, please be certain to call the POA office to make
sure you get proper approvals if required. That one phone call will
help ensure success with whatever your project is.
From a new home construction perspective, The Plantation is
seeing a continued increase in activity. We anticipate multiple
homes breaking ground and beginning construction in the not too
distant future. We also continue to field inquiries from lot owners
suggesting they, too, may be getting ready to submit plans to
start building their dream house. We are also starting to see a rise
in permit inquiries for small to medium size home improvement
projects throughout the Plantation.
Lastly, ARB member John Quinn will be moving out of state, a
little further south down to Florida. I wanted to take this opportunity
to thank John for his dedication and service to the ARB and our
Community. Thanks John!
Scott Baglio . 341 Fort Howell Drive
Bobby Hancock . 14 Madison Lane
Bobby Hancock . 6 Stonewall Circle
Ted & Jane Janeczek . 357 Fort Howell Drive
Eric & Tracy Christopherson . 25 Tucker Ridge Court
Kim Carpenter & Sheila Corbett . 77 Fort Howell Drive
Wilhemina Fry . 19 Madison Lane
Martin & Mary Lynn Plocica . 13 Timber Marsh Lane
Michael & Barbara Wolanin . 6 Club Manor
Bob & Lora Uhrig . 248 Fort Howell Drive
Please make the following changes in your directory:
Jerry & Ann Wyman
Linda Hyslop . Chair
Fort Howell has an improved pathway thanks to Bartlett Trees. Over the winter and spring, they were able to dump loads of clean wood chips on the
trail leading back to the Fort. Land Trust members staged a cleanup of fallen branches and Bartlett was able to chop these up, add them to the piles,
and spread a new pathway with their Bobcat. A very sincere thank you to Bartlett for their work making this happen. Ongoing improvements at the Fort
will include bicycle racks and new educational signage.
New signs have been installed on 4 sites on which the Land Trust holds the conservation easements--on 278 near Automobile Place, on the
Northridge Tract on the north and south sides, and on the Museum Street Tract on Main St.
A champagne tour of the Cypress Conservancy in HHP was held on May 19 for all members. Members of the HHI Land Trust have access to the 2
conservancies in HHP. Membership is $25 per person, and $40 for a family. You may send your check to the HHI Land Trust, PO Box 21058, HHI, SC 29925.
For more information please visit our website at
Security Committee
by Bill Schumacher
By Bill Schumacher
and committee members
As you read this, we are already into the second month of the hurricane
season which does not end until November 30th. Please refer to the
Palmetto Hall POA Disaster Evacuation & Recovery Guide for some
important guidelines. Copies are available at the POA office.
To borrow an appropriate Boy Scout phrase: BE PREPARED.
Following is a quick CHECKLIST to post on your refrigerator:
• Fill unbreakable containers with drinking water; two quarts per person
per day
• Fill the bathtub with water
• Shut down outside faucets & irrigation system
• Remove hoses & patio furniture
• If evacuating, turn off main water valve
• Turn off power to the water heater
• Put together a hurricane kit containing important documents you might
need in case of evacuation for an extended period of time.
• Fill out form on p.29 of the Disaster Evacuation & Recovery Guide and
leave at the main gate upon your departure.
• Beaufort County shelters are open ONLY during a Category 1 storm(winds
of 74-95 mph).
• The Red Cross does NOT permit pets in any of their shelters. They will
provide meals & a limited number of cots.
This is the time of the year when a number of our residents travel. If you
would like Security to check your home while you are away, please use the
form on p. 76 of the Owners’ Directory and drop it off at the Gatehouse.
This form is NOT to be used for hurricane evacuation.
• Program emergency contact numbers
• Designate someone out of the area as a central contact
• Make sure all family members know who to contact if separated
• Keep phone batteries charged at all times
• Forward your home phone (land line) to your wireless number
• In emergencies, text messages will go. Voice calls may not.
School is out, the weather is great, and more people are using our roads; so
please observe the 25mph limit and drive gently. Please do not tailgate.
We welcome any feedback from the community of ways to make Palmetto Hall
a safe and secure place to live. Please address your input to the
Plantation Owners Association; Attention Security Committee,
Authorization to return to the Island will be given by the appropriate
authorities. Identification may be needed for re-entry into the plantation.
A current decal will be needed. You should have your driver’s license COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Bob Bird, Jeff DiBiaso, Bill Ford, Mike Hannegan,
General Duties and Responsibilities
Bill Saunders, Bill Schumacher, Lou Tiano
Security at Palmetto Hall Plantation
1. Access control of the property including the main gate and the
5. Emergency evacuations. Security works closely with bo
parameter of the property. Security does not patrol daily the
Emergency Management and the BCSO (Beaufort County She
entire fence line but does check it on a regular basis. Security
iff’s Office) in the event we have an evacuation. i.e. Hur
does also monitor cameras at key locations along the paramecane.WARNINGS
We will monitor 6
any and all weather
10 events and ass
the community if an evacuation is necessary. Security has r
The table at the right depicts 2012 and 2013 (thru April)
entry passes and after the event is over, security will return
2. Security assists management in the enforcement of community
the island
with Law enforcement
7 to make
5 sure the property
report for
ARB. Hall Plantation.
safe when the general public is allowed back. Rememb
3. Security collects revenue mainly from contractors and makes
home owners are not allowed to reenter Hilton Head Isla
daily deposits. Security also manages the pass system CURFEW/TRESPASSING25
until emergency management gives the all clear.
home owners and their guests.
Security will
answer all calls
for service. When
8 security arrives
4. Security enforces South Carolina traffic laws on Palmetto Hall
the scene, they will evaluate the situation and determine if th
roadways. We make every effort not to issue a Uniform citaare able to handle it. If security is not able to handle the ca
tion (ticket) to violators but will if necessary. Any citations
S U M M E R 2 0 1 3they will contact the appropriate agency that can take7 care of t
sued by security at Palmetto Hall are adjudicated at Hilton
problem i.e. Fire, EMS, Law enforcement, animal
Head Municipal court.
Environmental Committee
by Bob Richardson
Birds In Palmetto Hall
The fledgling bird season is in full swing with the following updates from our dedicated bird committee headed by George Banino. Fledge
is the stage in a young bird’s life when the feathers and wing muscles are sufficiently developed for flight. There are at least two breeding
cycles for several of our bird types and only a partially successful third round extending into July. The first round of eggs earlier this spring has
led to new birds for our Plantation. In May was the first round of fledging resulting in 67 Bluebirds and 7 Chickadees. There are 44 Bluebird
eggs. We currently have 26 young Bluebirds and 3 Chickadees. Many of the young were large and ready to fly out. The second round of
nesting is occurring, and increasing numbers of boxes are empty. 56 eggs and 14 young, all Bluebirds were counted. Of this count 19 Bluebirds
have fledged.
Interestingly, as we have seen in the past, one Cowbird egg was observed in with the 3 young Chickadees in the Hills #5 box. While
subsequently attempting to remove the Cowbird egg in the Hills #5 box, a two foot yellow rat snake* comfortably curled up and waited for
a bird to fly in, but the snake was removed before it could snatch any eggs or chicks. How the snake got above the barriers that are installed
on all birdhouse posts remains a mystery. In May, a very large 4-6 foot snake was observed wrapped around the post of the bird box on Cupp
#13. It turns out the snake was also a Yellow Rat Snake.
*Yellow Rat Snakes are non-venomous, are identified by four darker stripes against a lighter yellow background, and grow to about 4 to 6
feet long. They are very common in coastal regions of South Carolina. Their diet consists of lizards, small rodents, birds, bird eggs, and frogs.
Palmetto Hall Club’s General Manager, Chip Pellerin, together with Emily Bryant, the club’s golf professional and golf operations manager,
joined in for a portion of one of our weekly surveys. Their interest in PHP’s Bird Program is sincerely appreciated.
Golf Course Lagoon Review Activity
As a follow up to the lagoon low water levels reported earlier, recent rains have brought some of them up but many are at record lows. Of
interest, Hilton Head PSD has provided both rainfall statistics for the island and water table data for our Plantation. A review of the data gives
a clear indication of the problem. On average, the lagoon levels are lower than they have been in years. Also, there has been a prolonged
period of lower than normal rainfall. Over the last three years, the total rainfall has been over 26 inches below normal. It is apparent that
the reduced rainfall has led to lower water tables and, thus, lower levels of water in the lagoons, which rely largely on the water table for
their water supply.
As readers will remember, underground piping interconnects all of the lagoons. The golf courses and our streets and backyards drain into
nearby lagoons. The lagoon system is the basis for the ability to “manage” the rainfall within Palmetto Hall Plantation during normal and
abnormal rainfall events. All this water ultimately drains into the lagoon near the Hills #12 tee box behind Tucker Ridge. From there the flow
is under Fish Haul Road into a small creek that feeds into Port Royal Sound.
Heritage employs a lagoon maintenance company, The Lake Doctor Company, to provide bi-monthly chemical treatments to control algae
and invasive aquatic weeds.
The Environmental Committee periodically inspects along with representatives from The Lake Doctor, Heritage and committee members.
The goal is to report the “aesthetic quality and appearance” results of these inspections that typically identify any specific issues in specific
lagoons relating to the presence of algae, and various invasive aquatic weeds and the corrective actions that have been taken and are
proposed to be taken.
Environmental Report continued on page 9
Strategic Planning Committee
by Fred Reever
The SPC’s approach to develop a strategic plan can be summarized as follows:
• Gather input from Palmetto Hall leadership, property owners and other key
stakeholders regarding strategic issues facing the Plantation
• Consolidate that input into a survey to be distributed to all POA members
• Analyze and summarize the survey results
• Review the results with the Board of Directors
• Share the results with the POA membership for final comments
• Create a draft strategic plan for review with the Board of Directors
• Finalize the plan and communicate to the POA membership
Our goal is to complete this task by the end of November this year.
To date, the SPC has met with the POA staff, the Board of Directors,
standing committee chair, and a “focus group” of “part time residents”.
Over the next few months we will be meeting with “focus groups”
representing other segments of our Plantation. These “focus groups”
consist of 4-6 persons who possibly represent different points of view
on what they see as “strategic” to our community. We will be looking
to form groups to represent segments such as non-golfers, golfers,
singles, young families, non-resident property owners, renters, and
others as we go through the process. We recognize that many folks
will fall into several categories, but our intent is to be able to capture
as many different perspectives as possible and to give everyone an
opportunity to participate and express their views and opinions.
Our goal is to have these focus group meetings complete by the
end of the summer (that’s why we caught the snowbirds before they
left town!) and the survey out by mid-September. So, when you are
contacted to participate, please say yes! This is your chance to “put
your two cents on the table”!
We will also be holding meetings with other groups or stakeholders
that might have an impact on Palmetto Hall. Obviously, Heritage is on
that list, but so too are Hilton Head government, the PSD, the Board
of Realtors, Hilton Head Plantation, and others to be defined as we go
through the process.
Our goal is to get as much input from as many sources as we can,
with our POA membership being most important. If you are unable
to participate in one of the focus groups, please be responsive when
you get the survey. If you want to participate in one of the groups,
please let us know, and at any time we are open to your thoughts and
Environmental Report continued from page 8
Storm Water Maintenance Agreements
For over five years the POA has worked with the Town of Hilton Head to secure agreements that would transfer the maintenance
responsibility and any replacement costs for drainage structures and facilities to the Town of Hilton Head. These agreements, which have
been legally difficult due to the current multiple ownership, continue to be negotiated by the Town with all parties. The current, though
optimistic, goal is to resolve all open issues, with all parties within 2013 so that facility improvements already approved can be incorporated
into the Fiscal 2014 Town of Hilton Head Budget
Potential Airport Expansion Environmental Impacts to Palmetto Hall Plantation
Working with the Airport Committee, activities continue to minimize any future environmental impacts on our community, possible
noise and aviation fuel airborne pollution, which could result from future expansion activities and the necessary trimming of ball field trees.
Informational efforts continue with Town, County, Airport Board, and elected officials to insure that all relevant and factual airport related
information is fully distributed. The goal for both committees has been to insist that any future expansion must be economically, rationally
and logically justifiable and be within the airports generally current boundaries and have minimal or no impact on our community’s quality
of life.
The barrier that was discussed at last fall’s airport informational meetings held at numerous homes continues to be negotiated with the
Town, with an anticipated final resolution shortly.
by Ron Smetek
A Bit Of History
Recently Bob Richardson hosted a presentation at our Clubhouse on the Mitchelville Preservation Project, a
very interesting initiative right next door to our Plantation. Bob’s meeting
prompted the question “What is the history of this part of Hilton Head in
which we now live?”
This article, the first of a two-part look at the history of our end of the
Island, is extracted from very detailed documents produced by Brockington
and Associates (as part of the Airport Master Plan implementation), the full
versions of which are available from the POA Office.
Exploration and Colonization
Although Port Royal South was a focal point of colonization efforts in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, there is scant mention of Hilton Head
Island in accounts of the time. The history of the island until the eighteenth
century is that of Port Royal in general.
• Spanish exploration of the coast began as early as 1514, and in 1520 a landing party went ashore in the Port Royal vicinity at a spot they named Santa
Elena. A Spanish attempt to found a colony on the South Carolina coast in
1526 failed.
• Thirty-seven years later the French, led by Jean Ribault, built a fort near
a harbor they named Port Royal. This attempt also failed, serving only to
reignite Spanish interest in Santa Elena.
• Spain decided to protect her territory by founding the town of Santa Elena
on Parris Island in 1566. Local Indians were less than friendly, but in spite of
numerous attacks and several burnings, the town was not abandoned until
1587. The Spanish maintained their interest in Santa Elena through a series of
missions on the islands from St. Augustine into Georgia, and Spanish friars
were at “St. Ellens” when William Hilton visited in 1663.
William Hilton was hired by a group of planters on Barbados to explore
the acquisition. He spent over a month in the waters of both Port Royal and
St. Ellens, leaving with a high opinion of the area’s potential as a colony.
Prompted by the account of tall pines and good soils, a small colony set out
for Port Royal. Tales of hostile Yemassee Indians convinced them to move
farther north, where they founded Charles Towne in 1670. One of the first
orders of business for the settlers was initiating trade with the Indians as a
way of ensuring both economic and physical survival.
A series of large land grants beginning in 1698 signaled a renewed interest
in settling Port Royal. One of these was a grant of 48,000 acres, including
Hilton Head Island, to John Bayley. The barony granted to Bayley apparently
did not include all of Hilton Head, for in 1717 John Barnwell received a grant
for the northwest corner of the island, which was described as Fish Haul in a
1760 sale to Edward Ellis.
Colonial ownership of Fish Haul was attributed to Samuel Green and
thence to his daughter Sarah Green Tucker. William Pope, the widower of
Sarah Green Tucker, inherited both Fish Hall and Coggins Point Plantations.
Fish Hall was a successful plantation of 800 acres worked by over 50 slaves,
and was “clearly orientated to cotton production”. Confederate General
Thomas Drayton was managing Fish Haul in trust for his children, the heirs of
Mary B. Pope, when the Civil War began.
Civil War
Seven months after the successful Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, the
initial military action of the Civil War, Beaufort and the surrounding Sea Islands fell to Union forces. A Federal fleet attacked the harbor of Port Royal on
7 November 1861. Union forces made effective use of steamboat technology
as their nineteen boats repeatedly steamed past Fort Walker on the northern
end of Hilton Head Island in a tight elliptical formation, bombarding as they
passed. While they originally stayed out of firing range of the Confederate
guns, the Federal ships steamed closer to the coast with each pass.
After five hours the two Confederate forts guarding the entrance, Fort
Walker on Hilton Head and Fort Beauregard on St. Phillips, lowered their
flags. When Confederate forces learned of Fort Walker’s surrender, they determined the defense of the harbor impossible and ordered the retreat from
Fort Beauregard on Port Royal Sound’s eastern shore. Sea Island plantation
owners fled to the mainland, leaving behind houses, fields, plantation complexes, and a slave populace convinced they would soon be free.
The opposition having fled, the invading force set about the business of
occupation. Fort Walker, at the north end of Hilton Head Island on the Coggins Point Plantation, was the center of activity. Extensive earthwork fortifications were dug, the plantation house was converted to a headquarters
building, and troop camps were placed throughout the island. The Third New
Hampshire Volunteers were camped on Drayton’s plantation in the vicinity
of what would become Mitchelville. While there, a detail from the regiment
was directed to build a saw-mill “near Drayton’s Plantation not far from
camp and close to the Broad River”. Storehouses, docks, and buildings were
constructed with lumber cut from the island.
Before much of this activity took place an apparently unforeseen problem presented itself. The plantations on the island were still home to many
slaves, however blacks eager for freedom were arriving from the Confederate territories every day. Those who “belonged” to local plantations at least
had somewhere to live, but the refugees needed everything: food, clothing
and homes. One solution to the dilemma resulted in the “Port Royal Experiment” - Mitchelville, a planned town for freedmen.
Mitchelville was built in 1862, by its citizens, with material supplied by
the government. Despite contemporary accounts which refer to it as neat
and orderly, the town was not homogenous. Individuality was expressed
through house-style and construction technique, and photographs of the
period indicate that not everyone was “house proud”, showing some with
considerable yard trash or in need of repair.
The next installment will describe the Mitchelville “Experiment” in more detail.
Become a Mitchelville Citizen
Do you know much about the Mitchelville Preservation Project? It is a nonprofit organization
whose mission is to replicate, preserve and sustain a historically significant site and educate the
public about the sacrifice, resilience and perseverance of the freedmen of Mitchelville.
The site commemorates the former slaves “experiment in freedom”. This is a remarkable piece of
history from the Civil War located just down Beach City road from Palmetto Hall. The Town of Mitchelville is the place where Africans in America, just out of slavery first began to govern themselves
Please consider becoming a Citizen of Mitcheleville and materially supporting this effort. For
more information, please stop in to the POA office or call the office and we can send you the literature. For more information Bob Richardson is a Mitchelville Preservation Project Board Member.
Did You Know?
....The neighbors on Clyde Lane have an annual block party? Shown here in a
photo submitted by Jeff and Beryl DiBiaso is the group’s most recent gathering.
(7th! Annual)
Coming soon!
We are pleased to announce the newest
addition to Palmetto Hall. The old message
sign at the front entrance will soon be
upgraded to a digital display. This new
message sign will be more easily readable
and can be programmed remotely so content
can be updated more frequently. The sign is
energy-efficient and nicely designed to fit in
with our neighborhood. We hope to have it
installed in mid-June.
....Joe Jenkins has been our
mailman since Palmetto Hall
was developed.
....Palmetto Hall’s Security Staff Lieutenant Beth Sisk was in Harbour Town
rubbing elbows with the RBC Heritage 2013 winner Graeme McDowell. Nice
picture Beth!
Happy July 4th!
PH POA 4th of July TRIVIA
Can you name the three Presidents who died on the Fourth of July?
31 places nationwide have “LIBERTY” in their name.
11 places have “INDEPENDENCE” in their name.
5 places have “FREEDOM” in their name.
1 place has “PATRIOT” in its name. Can you name the town?
John Adams-2nd President, Thomas Jefferson-3rd President and James Monroe-5th President
Patriot, Indiana-population 209
Under the Flag Code, the American Flag must be visible at
alltimes during the night. All light fixtures must be aimed at the
Flag and be bright enough to be seen. Citizens who wish to have
the American Flag out for 24 hours, must comply with this law.
It is a sign of disrespect toward the Flag if proper lighting is not
applied to the Flag during the evening hours.
Airport Committee
by Ron Smetek
Airport Sound Barriers
Photo below: The preferred option for the Palmetto Hall Barrier along Beach City Road. PHASE 1 is placed to offset tree
trimming and removal already done. Phase 2 would offset the
removal of the Deep Well building. Discussions are continuing
with Town and County officials to resolve the remaining issues.
Expansion of the Hilton Head Island Airport seems to have gone to the “back burner” in terms of public discussion in the Island Packet of late.
However, your Airport Committee continues a very active engagement on a variety of Airport-related issues.
For the past two months, we have focused on the following actions:
• Bob Wallhaus has led, and essentially completed, an “independently-developed” Benefit/Cost Analysis (BCA) relative to Airport expansion,
and is preparing to review these finding with Town, County, and Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) officials.
• Bob Gentzler, Bob Richardson, Terry Ennis and Ed Tiscornia continued multiple discussions with the Town Mayor, Town staff, and the County
Administrator to have Beaufort County implement a noise-mitigating option either on airport property or along our PH property line.
• Pete Smith and Donna Sanders have met with multiple property owners, particularly in Tucker Ridge and those close to the Airport and Beach
City Road, to review - and get feedback on - changing design options for a sound-barrier fence along Beach City Road.
• We are working with the Mitchelville Preservation Project to combine efforts in preventing runway intrusion into a historically significant area
north of the existing runway.
• Through our POA Association, we have “on standby” an experienced law firm, an FAA regulations expert, and an arborist, to ensure the County
does not exceed its bounds relative to tree cutting/removal on PH property.
• Jim Webb, working with others on our Committee, has begun dialogue with U.S Senator Scott and Congressmen Sanford and Boehner to enlist
their support in questioning the FAA’s potential expenditure of millions of taxpayer-provided dollars on a runway-extension/airport-expansion
project that - at most - only benefits a
few private aircraft owners.
• Our letter-writing team, led by
Don Schwarz and supported by Tom
Cumming, Bill Coleman, and others
in the community, remain ready to
counter the misinformation (and
worse) that might appear in the local
newspaper and in local magazines.
Our Committee’s objectives remain
• Stay informed on - and ahead of every potential issue that might impact
our community
• Be proactive, rather than reactive, in
setting the Airport agenda for the Town
and County
• Gather, and put forward, the facts on
a variety of issues, and be prepared to
counter the “urban myths” often raised
by unconstrained runway-expansion
We continue to reach out to you - the
Palmetto Hall community - to stay
involved in this effort as we move
forward. The bottom line: We have
been good neighbors to the Airport;
we expect the Airport to be a good
neighbor to us.
Palmetto Hall
Wendy Bowles
Nancy Sigmund
Emily Webb
Mimi Haynes
Travel & Ent.
Ellie Pierce
Book Group 1
Ronni Raddin
Book Group 2
Pat Korb
Book Group 3
Paula Storey
Book Group 4
Bonnie Saunders 342-8820
Book Group 5
Laura Hrubi
Data Base Manager
Laura Hrubi
Gourmet & Casual Dining
Nancy Sigmund
Pat Killeen
Laura Hrubi
Movie Night
Bernie Sutera
Mary Schumaker 689-2058
Maria Donahue
Sheila Bonanno
Malinda Boyd
Arlene Brown
Camille DeJianne
Beryl DiBiaso
Donna Sanders
Dorothy Scanlin
Marina Tiano
The Palmetto Hall Women’s Club
by Wendy Bowles, Women’s Club President
Welcome and congratulations to the new Executive Board and Committee
Chairs for the Palmetto Hall Women’s Club for 2013/2014.
Thank you all for volunteering your time and talents this coming year to
the Women’s Club.
The Programs Committee will be meeting shortly to plan programs
and activities for this upcoming year (2013/2014). If you have an idea for
an activity, please tell a member of the Programs Committee, they will
welcome your input.
The Women’s Club provides an opportunity for women to meet together
in a number of social settings, either pursuing similar interests, sharing
a meal, or maybe taking a trip. It is hoped you will consider joining our
Women’s Club and participating in the many varied activities that are
Our membership is open to all women who are residents of Palmetto
Hall and/or the Palmetto Hall Golf Club. Previous residents who have
been members of the Women’s Club are also welcome to continue their
affiliation, provided their membership is continuous from year to year. The
application forms for this upcoming year (2013/2014) will be emailed the
beginning of August. If you would prefer your application form to be sent
by mail, please contact our Secretary - Mimi Haynes. Communication is
important to us, so please let us know if you discover you are not receiving
our emails. Information about our events is always available on the POA
web site.
Palmetto Hall is a wonderful place to live and the Women’s Club makes
it even more special. I am looking forward to our year together and hope
to see you all at our events.
Thank you for your support.
Rally for the CureOpen
Southern Comfort Marilyn Zeleznik 682-4191
Sue Laxdal
Margaret Davidson715-1375
Marie Carreiro
In Memorium
Financial Group LLC
Providing financial strategies
and consulting services for
business owners
and unique individuals
Jill Bradley
Wednesday, May 29, 2013. Jill was a
Palmetto Hall resident, mother, wife,
grandmother and very familiar face
in the swimming pool at the
Island Recreation Center.
Kevin J. Moran
8 Wildbird Lane
Palmetto Hall
P.O. Box 21281
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Mobile: 518.227.9000
What if some of your beliefs
regarding your financial universe that
you believe to be true
were, in fact, not true...
When would you want to know!
Jim Ward
Monday, May 13, 2013. Jim was a former
Palmetto Hall resident, past Board
member and ARB chair.
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Keep those viruses away
Sometimes there is nothing you can do to stop a virus,
but you would be surprised at how much you can do!
First lets talk about emails. You may get an email telling you
UPS is trying to deliver a package. Or that you filed a wrong
address with the IRS and they can’t send your check. If you
are using Outlook as your email program, you can hover your
pointer over the sender name (do not click!) and it will show
the actual address of the sender in a little pop up box. It may
show as But then again, it may show you
something like You can do this
over any link in the email, in order to see (by hovering only)
where the link will actually take you. And guess what, it may
have nothing to do with UPS or the IRS. A strange link or
email address is guaranteed to link you to a virus!
what about surfing the web? Your best safeguard is up-todate antivirus. It will stop most infected websites you run
across, or unexpected pop-ups. If you suspect something
bad because of a random pop-up, try holding CTRL and
press the W key. This will close the window and maybe stop
an infection. You can tell you’ve been hit with a virus if your
computer just restarts for no reason while surfing the web. If
this happens don’t restart normally. Try safe mode and system
restore, or give us a call.
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Financing Available
with approved credit
Ken Oliver
Palmetto Hall Plantation
Owners’ Association
11 Palmetto Parkway
Suite 201
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Page 20
March 2011