PigExPErt - Agrisyst


PigExPErt - Agrisyst
“What strikes me is the flexibility of the system.
The system can be fully customised to our specifications.”
Claudia van GenuGten, piG farmer in the netherlands and hunGary
P ig ExPErt
For EntErP rising P ig Prod uc E rs
PigExpert is a very modern program, developed with the newest technologies and yet based on 25 years of
experience in pig production. Since its introduction PigExpert has gained an unenviable reputation in the market
place with an ever growing reputation amongst its users. A large number of producers have already started to
“Thanks to PigExpert and the analysis of AgriSyst,
I am able to find the weakest spot in my farm very easily.”
stephan and Wendy Knapen, piG farmers in nederWeert (nl)
use the program and feedback is very positive. Not strange since the program has many advantages compared
to currently available programs. Especially the easy data exchange and the fact that the program is fast and
user friendly is appreciated by its users. And of course the development and therefore improvement of the
program never stops. Below you can read advantages PigExpert has to offer. In the next pages of this PigExpert
magazine you can read experiences that some of the PigExpert users want to share with you. You can use it for
“PigExpert saves a lot of labour because we
can do the data entry directly from the barn.”
maartin van der velden, piG farmer in the netherlands and Germany
your own advantage.
Advantages PigExpert
“With PigExpert we can globally compare data in a consistent way.
This gives us lots of possibilities.”
Jeroen van de Camp, produCt & support manaGer at hypor
Complete pig production record keeping of sows,
growers, finishers and breeding gilts in one program.
Simple and automatic import routines for feed-,
slaughter-, breeding and financial data.
Fast data entry through user defined keyboard settings
and personal definition of data entry fields.
“PigExpert is very flexible with its possibilities for central record keeping,
analysis and monitoring per customer.”
Jo devos from feed Company dumoulin, BelGium
Fast data entry through handheld terminals in
combination with RFID transponders and bar codes
without the necessity of WLAN in the barns.
Simultaneous data entry and analysis from multiple
working stations possible in network environments.
“Visualising the points for improvement and putting focus on them.
That´s my role as a consultant. PigExpert helps a lot in this.”
independent piG produCtion manaGement Consultant tWan teurlinGs
“PigExpert monitors perfectly how many gilts we have in the
pipeline. That way we always know how many gilts we can deliver
in any upcoming week.”
piG farmer and Gilt multiplier franK lavriJsen
“PigExpert is a perfect production management program,
which is ready for our future!”
piG farmer diederiK niJenhuis from rozendaal aGri
Suitable for large amounts of data without loss of
Customised and user defined reporting tool integrated.
Reporting is completely flexible and can be changed.
PigExpert has an automatic online backup service.
For users with multiple locations PigExpert has an
Yearly user licence is independent of numbers of
integrated multisite reporting tool to make between-
farm comparisons.
When producers give their permission, consultants
Starting with PigExpert is very easy. Even with
and advisors can receive actual production and
a running system, PigExpert can convert all the
performance data from any PigExpert user to improve
data you have already collected. For further
the quality of their services. PigExpert takes care of an
information contact AgriSyst BV +31 495632453,
automatic and continuous data exchange between all
people involved.
ClAudiA VAn gEnugtEn, Pig FArMEr in thE nEthErlAndS And hungAry:
StEPh A n A n d W En d y Kn A PEn , FA M ily FA r M in n Ed ErW E E rt (n l ):
‘FA st AnALysis oF our FArm
PErFormAncE indicAtors’
‘simPLE And EA sy towArds
bEttEr AnALysis’
Claudia Genugten started to work with PigExpert Professional in Spring 2012. “We have changed to
When PigExpert was launched, the family Knapen was one of the first who started to use the program. “In the
PigExpert because we wanted to reduce cost. The program was new on the market and we wanted
summer of 2010 we started a new sow unit with 700 Danish sows. With the help of PigExpert we were able to
to try it. We absolutely have no regrets. The installation and start-up went very well with care and
monitor all aspects of our production and performance from the first day of operations” says Stephan Knapen.
consideration, and any questions we had were answered in a very friendly professional manner”.
Because the farmer does not want to spend more time
than necessary behind his computer, the decision to start
with PigExpert was made within seconds. “It’s just very
easy to operate. Data entry is very fast and doesn’t take
much time. On top of PigExpert, AgriSyst also provides
their Production Monitor which looks like the dashboard
of my car with meters and colours. At a glance I can
see whether the sows perform as expected. When the
meter is in green we are on track, when in red we are
aware that there is something seriously wrong. I am not
that much of a computer man, but this works very easily.
For our operation PigExpert provides better analysis
than other available programs. You can, for example,
drill down to the individual performance and historical
data of individual sows with just a few clicks. That way
we can quickly find and any weak spots in my farm.
Paying some extra attention to them, improves the
performance of our unit immediately.
in our operation. The reports help us to manage our
And because it’s so quick and easy to understand,
What strikes me is the fl exibility of the system.
different sites effectively and help us to maintain short
I use it every week. If I have to put a lot of time and
The system can be fully customised to our specifications.
lines with our sites. We can also review our production
energy into something I don’t really like, I simply am
We use the program mainly for monitoring production
history including our historical technical performance.
not going to do it. But the reports from
This offers us various possibilities to analyse on ‘our’
PigExpert and AgriSyst are clear and enable
performance indicators, where we can learn from.
us to achieve the top performance we are
have multiple production sites, it is important that
thriving for. So for us PigExpert and the
within PigExpert, we can easily switch between the
administration of these different sites. All our units with
All these features of PigExpert give us great advantages
dashboards of AgriSyst together mean: one
sows, piglets and finishers are within one program and
and benefits. And perhaps that can even be expanded in
plus one is three.”
this works easy and effortless.
the future with all the new development in PigExpert.”
The production reports we get from the program are
clear and show perfectly where we have to focus on
“What strikes me is the flexibility of
the system. The system can be fully
customised to our specifications.”
“Thanks to PigExpert and the
analysis of AgriSyst, I am able
to find the weakest spot in
my farm very easily.”
MAArtin VAn dEr VEldEn, Pig FArMEr in thE nEthErlAndS And gErMAny:
J Er oEn VA n d E C A M P, P r od u Ct & S u PPort M A n A g Er At h y P o r:
‘FA st And EA sy dAtA Entry,
From within thE b Arn’
‘ P ig E xPErt
is FA st And innovAtivE’
Maartin van der Velden and his brother Leon are
“It is an easy and straightforward program which
Jeroen van de Camp from Hypor (headoffice in
the owners of the Vevar company with three
performs very well.” says Maartin van der Velden.
Boxmeer, Netherlands) started to use PigExpert
pig production sites in Ospel (Nl), Asten (Nl) and
“Together with AgriSyst we have customised our
since in the beginning of 2012. “The program is
Kalefeld (Ger). Since September 2011 they have
data entry in the exact way we want to monitor the
innovative and modern”, this is his response when
used PigExpert on a daily basis. They started
performance of our pigs. We use handheld terminals
asked about how he thinks about the program.
with PigExpert because it proved to be a more
for data entry, which means we can enter all data
cost efficient program which was compatible with
directly in the barn. By scanning barcodes on sow cards,
“It enables us to compare data from all over the world,
their processes and requirements, but nowadays
semen flat packs and reading RFID tags of animals, we
independent on what program the customer uses in his own
they can’t imagine working without PigExpert.
are always certain to have the correct data entered for
farm. Comparisons can be made between breeding lines,
the correct animal. Data entry in the barn saves a lot of
but also regions, feeding systems or housing system. Due
time because we do not have to manually write down
to the conversion possibilities that PigExpert and AgriSyst
the data anymore and secondly having to enter the
offer, it enables us to transfer data from almost any data
data in the office computer.”
source into one uniform format, which makes it possible
“PigExpert saves a lot of labour
because we can do the data entry
directly from the barn.”
to make reliable comparisons and analysis as required.
Vevar has a growing business with German pig
As an international leading company in pig genetics we
producers who finish the piglets Vevar produces.
want to optimise our products and services to meet our
Maartin: “Currently we are working on a better
customer expectations and requirements, and now we can.
data exchange with them to have more and better
We can for example compare Canadian farms in the
information. Subsequently we can give our customers
deepest details with Asian farms. Besides this, PigExpert
better advise, reduce failure costs and have a better
enables us to improve our service and standardise feedback
relationship with each other. We do this together
of performance data, we give to our customers. At Hypor
with two other partners in a company called ProfiPig.
we are very enthusiastic about the various possibilities
AgriSyst and PigExpert help us to manage this process
PigExpert offers.
as smoothly as possible. PigExpert is not a rigid program,
it is continually evolving and grows with our company
to meet our own and our customers’ requirements.
Requested adjustments are done quickly and problems
are resolved as quickly as possible. One word is enough.
This is possible because the people behind PigExpert are
very practical people from within the pig industry.
Manager Ruud Basten from Vevar
“With PigExpert we can globally
compare data in a consistent way.
This gives us lots of possibilities.”
J o d E Vo S F r o M FE E d C oMPA n y duM oulin, BElgiuM :
‘ P ig E xPErt is A strong
And rELiAbLE tooL’
indEPEndEnt Pig ProduCtion ConSultAnt tWAn tEurlingS:
‘From comPLEx dAtA to EA sy
mAnAgEmEnt inFormAtion’
As a member of the service team of feed
Jo Devos: “The program is easy to operate, very flexible
Twan Teurlings has an independent consultancy business and services a large number of pig farms.
company NV Dumoulin, part of the Aveve group,
and transparent. Data entry, which is customised to
PigExpert has proven to be the ideal tool for him in his consultancy business. Through the program he has
Jo Devos visits the pig farm of Danny and Annick
the needs of the producer, gives clear results which are
all actual production information of customers continuously available.
Rogge in Aarsele (Belgium) already for years.
easy to use and comparable for every possible period.
Family Rogge has a farrow to finish farm with
Therefore the reports of PigExpert really connect to the
200 sows. Jo uses PigExpert Consultant in his
way the producer wants to manage his farm. If there are
role as an advisor.
any problems in production, it will show immediately
so action can be taken as soon as possible. PigExpert
Teurlings: “I get all data synchronised automatically to
reporting tool. “This increases my knowledge as a
my computer. Of course only when the producer gives
consultant a lot” says Teurlings. “Why does a solution
his permission. That way I am always up-to-date with
work with one farm and not with another? Which
the actual situation in the farm and am I able to make
elements are truly crucial to achieve top performance?
necessary analysis anytime any place. With one push
PigExpert is developed and build by people from within
gives the consultant a lot of information about the
on the button I can visualise the potential points for
the pig industry. And that works! In case I myself or
farm and therefore enables him to optimise his
improvement. This enables the farmer to immediately
one of my customers need extra information out of the
service to the farmer.” Jo Devos: “Efficient monitoring
take the bull by the horns. Everything which runs well,
program, they are able to realise that quickly. This way
through PigExpert Consultant in combination with the
can be left untouched but the things that don’t, can
the whole team of PigExpert creates extra additions to
experience and dedication of the farmer has, in just a
and should be taken care of.”
the program. And I can create a lot of added value for
few years, resulted in an increase in piglets per sow per
Besides to the point within-farm analysis of individual
my customers. And that is exactly why I love working
year to a level above 30.” Devos: “This does not only
farms, PigExpert also has an integrated multisite
with PigExpert.
satisfy family Rogge, but it also strengthens the relation
“PigExpert is very flexible with its
possibilities for central record keeping,
analysis and monitoring per customer.”
and bond with our complete service team. PigExpert is
a strong and reliable tool in this process. Our customers
tell us that they are truly able to move forward with the
fast and clear information they receive.”
“Visualising the points for improvement and putting focus on them.
That´s my role as a consultant. PigExpert helps a lot in this.”
P i g FA r M E r A n d g ilt Mu ltiP liEr FrAnK lAVriJSEn:
Pig FA r M Er d iEd Er iK n iJ En h u iS oF r oZEn d A A l A g r i:
‘monitoring my FArms
From my i-PAd ’
‘ P ig E xPErt FoLL ow s my routinE
And thAt’s thE wAy it shouLd bE’
“The strength of PigExpert is the fact that the
information with the best indicators. “To get these we
The farm of Diederik Nijenhuis and Jack Claessens: Rozendaal Agri is located in the former nucleus farm
program is developed and sold by a company
use the services AgriSyst offers”, says Lavrijsen. “They
of breeding company Dalland. They keep 2100 sows in group housing. Since November 2011 they use
which is very flexible and listens very well to
join all data of all farms into one clear management
PigExpert as their production management system!
their customers”, says Frank Lavrijsen about
report. The report makes it possible for me to compare
his choice to start using the program. “That
the farms but also to analyse specific technical traits or
doesn’t mean that other programs are not good
go back into the historical data. The next steps will be to
enough, but PigExpert always offers a little bit
start to monitor slaughter data, import feed intake data
from the feed computer and then link all of the above
to the performance. And of course I want to receive
margin and profit & loss reports in my I-pad. That way I
know perfectly how all farms are truly running.”
Early 1012 the site in Rutten (Nl) has become a
multiplication unit for breeding stock. Together with
his partner Marc Bemelmans, Lavrijsen produces app.
25000 Danbred gilts per year. The sales is done by
Reuling Intervar. “And of course we use this source
also for replacement gilts for all of our own units”, says
Lavrijsen. PigExpert monitors perfectly how many gilts
With 5 sow units and several fi nishing units the
we have in the pipeline. That way we always know how
“It’s a program with easy data entry and a lot of flexibility
Lavi company of the family Lavrijsen is one of the
many gilts we can deliver in any upcoming week.”
to enable us to customise the program according to
“PigExpert is a perfect production
management program, which is ready
for our future!”
bigger producers in the Netherlands. “To manage
our own needs and demands. And the latter is crucial
the whole company, it is crucial to get weekly up-to-
for us: I do not need to change my routines to get
date management information”, explains Lavrijsen.
proper management information out of the program.
According to him the basis of all management
No, PigExpert follows our routine and that’s the way it
information starts in the barn with simple animal
should be. A production management program has to be
identification and correct data entry. “To achieve this we
supporting and following, not leading.”
At the sow unit PigExpert is until now only used for the
use handheld terminals. Every sow is identified through
This also increases the fun Diederik has when working
technical and production data management. “In the near
a RFID-eartag. In the handheld we have all historical
with the program. “I am very accurate and precise in our
future we are certainly going to connect the production
data available and we can add any data anytime directly
data management. I would love to spend a little bit more
data to other data sources. For example: financial data,
in the barn. Printed sow cards are superfl uous and are
time to study the analysis and reports, but that is of course
data from our veterinarians, our feed company, AI-stud.
history. That way we save paper, we save time for data
my own responsibility”, he smiles. The pig farmer gives
That will enable us to compare our farm even better
entry and we make less mistakes.”
a very big compliment to the support of AgriSyst. “It is
with other producers. And that will probably give us new
a very flat organisation, easy accessible. They respond
opportunities for improvement. PigExpert is a perfect
Data collection and storing everything in PigExpert is the
accurate to our questions and implement changes which
production management program, which is ready for our
fi rst step. Step two is getting the proper management
are important to us very fast.”
Agri Syst:
distributor For
Pig E xPErt
AgriSyst is the international sales and service organisation for PigExpert. Because AgriSyst has been
involved in the development of PigExpert from the start, AgriSyst knows all unique features and
possibilities the program offers.
All of AgriSyst management and monitor reports contain
dashboards to make it easier for producers to access
and analyse large amounts of information, that modern
production units nowadays produce. Both technical and
financial dashboards show immediately the weakest
spot in the operation and enable producers to manage
performance, make better decisions and lower overall
costs based on correct indicators. Return on data. That’s
the motto of AgriSyst.
But AgriSyst offers much more than just PigExpert.
AgriSyst is a data solution company for the complete
pig industry. AgriSyst services help entrepreneurs to take
their business to a next level. Tools developed by AgriSyst
offer producers the possibility to continuously monitor
and analyse the performance of their operation, both
technically and economically.
Examples of tools most frequently used by AgriSyst
customers are:
Production Monitor to monitor staff and pigs in the
operation of sow farms.
Feeding Monitor to get a grip on actual feed intake
of pigs in wet feeding systems.
figures in combination with cash flow forecast.
The AgriSyst team:
Financial Monitor to be on top of profit and loss
Marc Cox, Twan van Dijk, Susanne Vervoort,
Hans Jubbega, Sam van Boekel and Eric Verhorstert.
Slaughter Monitor to control the economical impact
of carcass quality and sorting performance.
do you want to know how to get more return on
your data collection? Contact the AgriSyst team.
Return on Data
T: +31 (0) 495 632 453
Distributor for PigExpert
F: +31 (0) 495 634 733
Magnesiumstraat 23-B4
6031 RV Nederweert