TA I LW IND - White Clay Bicycle Club


TA I LW IND - White Clay Bicycle Club
White Clay Bicycle Club
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The Newsletter of the White Clay Bicycle Club
What’s Inside:
President’s Message
July Meeting Mins.
Board of Directors
Bike Memorial
One of Those Rides
Safety Cyclist
Traffic Skills 101
Fix A Flat
Save the Date
Being Prepared
Just for Giggles
Membership Info.
Out of Bounds
Wall of Fame
Still having fun after 40 miles!!!
August 2013, Page 2
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
President’s Message
“What I Love About a Group Ride”
-submitted by Cindy Mannis
The White Clay Bicycle Club is all about group riding. Anyone can buy a bike and all the equipment needed from a local bike shop and go out and ride on their own, but if you want to ride with others you join a club. I would think that most people join WCBC to get involved in the group ac vity; group riding. However, WCBC has over 450 members and it appears that about 50% of those members never come out to a group ride. This has puzzled me for many years. Those that come out do it over and over again because they love it. What is it about group riding that makes it so worthwhile? Well, we all have our own reasons and if you listen you will learn why. Here are some of the reasons I have heard: “I love group rides because it pushes me to ride faster than I do on my own.” “I love group rides because it slows me down so I can enjoy the scenery.” “I love group rides because someone else picks the place to start, the me to start, the route to ride, the places to stop for breaks and all I have to do is follow and enjoy.” “I love group rides because I meet new people.” “I feel safer in group rides than on my own. “ “I love group rides because I learn new routes to ride.” “ I love group ride because I learn about things such as GPX equipment, bikes and bike parts, good res and tubes, how to ride in a pace lines and many other things about the sport of biking I wouldn’t learn on my own.” I did cringe when I heard one rider say, as we crossed a busy intersec on, “I love group riding because there is safety in numbers.” Group riding can be safe and fun; however, it is an individual sport. Each cyclist must come to every group ride prepared with a bike in good working order, equipment and knowledge to change their own flat re, water, snacks, iden fica on, and a helmet. During the ride each cyclist is responsible for their own safety, cross at intersec ons only when they alone feel it is safe to cross, and watch out for themselves, cars, road hazards, and their fellow cyclists as they follow the rules of the road. If all of this is accomplished then group riding should be fun and safe. August 2013, Page 3
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
July 1, 2013
Submitted by Wesley Stafford, WCBC Vice-President
Cindy Mannis called the meeting to order at 6:30pm
a. June meeting minutes were approved which included Ride of Silence updates
Financial Report – Mary
a. June revenue was $2,052
i. The majority of revenue ($1,185) was from Double Cross registrations
b. Club account balance is currently $37,450
i. Approximately $20,000 is held in a money market account
ii. Last year’s mid year balance was approximately $31,000
Double Cross – Joe
a. There are 250 riders preregistered
b. All rest stop arrangements are finalized
i. The Clayton Fire Hall rest stop originally planned could not be arranged due to lack of return
communication by the Fire Hall
Trailer pick up and drop off is finalized
Help is needed at rest stops
Arrangements for food are underway
Baked goods are needed – Cindy will send a solicitation email
Road markings and marking materials are arranged
Shorefire – Sally/Jan
a. Brochures have been distributed
b. Rest stops are set
c. 2 porta potties have been added to the Clayton rest stop
d. Carol Ireland is coordinating SAG
e. Mary Claire is arranging baked goods
f. 4 volunteers are needed for road marking
g. Dwight Siers will assist with shopping
FSVS Affiliation Agreement – Cindy
a. Cindy spoke to Roy regarding insurance coverage only being inforce during White Clay rides
b. The committee recommendation is simply have FSVS members join WCBC
c. Cindy will provide Roy with the facts of the Insurance coverage and ask for FSVS to comment on keeping
the Affiliation or not
Website update – Rob
a. The new website is scheduled to go live July 10th
b. Google will be used for photo management
c. There was some committee input on order of the content tabs, which will be rearranged
There was discussion around posting of cue sheets with the numerous web sites dedicated to routes and ride
mapping. The committee agreed that a disclaimer should be posted related to the use of any cue sheets that
are posted
e. There was discussion around the current logo in use on the site, vs the current club logo. Rob will include
the current club logo on the home page.
7. Safety Plan Update – McCormicks
a. LCI are engaged in auditing and reporting on ride safety practices
b. An article will appear in this month’s Tailwind which will include:
i. Observations and key learnings
ii. Del Dot accident statistics
iii. Club accident statistics
c. A sub-committee will be established to review audit findings and safe ride practices
d. Anthony Aglio from Del Dot will host a one-one-one class on July 13
August 2013, Page 4, Cont. from Page 3
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
May 6, 2013 (cont.)
Submitted by Wesley Stafford, WCBC Vice-President
Announcements / New Business
a. Joe provided a membership update
i. Membership is currently 453 v. 379 in December
ii. The club has gained 23 new members in the last two months
iii. Joe has had discussions with Marty White from the Bear-Glasgow YMCA regarding promoting
WCBC to Y members
b. Brochures
i. Kristi reported that local bike shops are stocked with brochures
ii. Brochures will also be available at area YMCAs
iii. Brochures will be included with the letter new members receive
iv. Ride leaders have been provided with brochures to give to non-ride members on club rides
v. WCBC will have a table at registration for the MS ride
c. Cindy brought up a workshop on GPS basics
i. JW volunteered to facilitate and requested a PowerPoint presentation that was used previously
ii. Tom & Cindy will arrange for a location for the workshop
d. Tom moved that WCBC support Rides of Silence for both Newark and Wilmington for 2014 and also
review the potential for a Middletown Ride of silence
i. This motion was carried
Meeting was adjourned
August 2013, Page 5
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Name - Role
Tailwind Email
Cindy Mannis - President
Wesley Stafford – Vice President
Mary Cressman - Treasurer
Kristie Augenblick – Publicity
Dennis Flint – Club Meeting Programs
Craig Hall – Savage Century
Tom Mannis – Ride Captain
Sally Buttner - Shorefire Century
Brenda Mehta – Social Chair
Joe Bockrath - Doublecross
John and Ceci Mccormick - Safety &
Dave Anderson - Icicle
Joe Wujcik - Membership
Susan Smith - Newsletter
Rob Siers - Website
August 2013, Page 6
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Dedication of the Bike Memorial at the
Smyrna Rest Stop
Submitted by Carol Ireland
Three days short of a year after Bob Wheeler died tragically, after being hit by a car while out on a recreational ride, a
new area in the Smyrna Memorial Garden was dedicated. On June 25, six WCBC members, Amy Wilburn (chair of
the Delaware Bicycle Council), and Anthony Aglio and Jim Westoff from DelDOT met at the Memorial Garden to
place a sign identifying an area as a Bike Memorial. In addition, we placed a brick along the sidewalk “In Memory of
Bob Wheeler – June 28, 2012.”
Carol Ireland shared a few thoughts at the dedication:
“Bob was a giant when it came to bicycling and the White Clay Bicycle Club. He was a founding member of WCBC
in the 1970’s, and contributed to the development of some of the major rides. More recently, Bob helped us learn how
to use the GPS, taught us how to make cue sheets using his tool "Googly Cue", searched out shady roads to ride on hot
days and bike paths tucked away in secluded corners, and he shared cue sheets on his website. He fixed our bikes,
sometimes in his home shop but often on the road, adjusting brakes, replacing gear cables, changing tires. At the time
of his death, Bob was 81 years old, but still riding strong.”
“If Bob had been invited to the dedication ceremony, he probably wouldn’t have come. He was not sentimental and
certainly not religious. He never had a funeral ceremony for his wife when she passed away several years ago, saying
that he “lost” her years before due to multiple health problems. He was a very practical, precise, matter-of-fact statistician.”
“But memorials like the one we dedicated on June 25 are for the survivors and future generations to remember those
who came before us. Wherever he is, whether it’s inside a server delivering web pages, or up there somewhere, or
showing us the way from his cue sheets, his GPS instructions and his bike mechanic lessons, Bob lives on within each
of us. Let’s each strive to honor him by sharing his legacy with other cyclists.”
We will be planning one or more bike rides to the Smyrna Rest Stop, so cyclists can see the new Bike Memorial.
The Bike Memorial would not have happened if it weren’t for:
 Gail Robillard, who tirelessly kept after DelDOT to get approval for the memorial and to get it implemented;
 Amy Wilburn and the Delaware Bicycle Council, for funding the sign for the Bike Memorial;
 Anthony Aglio, Bike Coordinator at DelDOT, for keeping things moving and making sure the Bike Memorial was
Thank you, Gail, Amy and Anthony!
August 2013, Page 7
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
One of Those Rides…
Submitted by JW Haupt
Have you ever had “one of those rides”? One of those rides where everything just seemed to be a little off, you
couldn’t quite catch a break? A ride that, in hindsight, just seemed to be doomed from the start? Well we did on one of
our recent June rides, and the details of what happened follow (the names have been changed, but you know who you
It was a little overcast when I was preparing, but a quick check of the online weather put my fears to rest as it
showed overcast conditions with rain in the evening. Normal for June this year, so I finished up and rode to the start of
the ride anxious to get going. As we got closer to the start, I became concerned when two of the riders showed up at
8:20 for the 8:30 start, saying that “J” had circulated an email the previous evening stating that the ride start was
9:00. “J” was immediately called and made aware of the correct time for the ride start, to which he said that he’d be
there by 8:30 as he only lived 3 minutes from the ride start. When “J” arrived he said “P” was planning to ride but was
anticipating the 9 am start. “J” then called him to see where he was. “P” was about 15-20 minutes away and riding at
leisurely pace since he was still early for the 9 am start…but would be 15-20 minutes late for the 8:30 start. “P” said
that he would pick up the pace and arrive as soon as he could, so we decided to delay the start further until he arrived.
“P” arrived a little before 9:00 and the group of 8 now pushed off, about 30 minutes late. We weren’t too far
into our ride when that single word that halts every ride was called out…”FLAT!” One of the riders, “J2” had flatted
bring the ride to a screeching halt. So far 35 minutes after the 8:30 start and only 1.5 miles into the 53 mile ride. From
the looks of it, this was going to be a long day. “J2” fixed his flat with “J” and “P”’s assistance, then the group pushed
on, joking about the troublesome start…if we only knew…
At about mile 16, we were gliding along in single file down MD 213, heading toward the Bohemia River
bridge, with “J” on the front. As we approached some road kill on the shoulder (I believe a full grown raccoon), those
in the group spotted it and all began to point and decide on our path around it since it was in the middle of the shoulder,
some to the left and some to the right. “J” instead maintained his course and rode right thru the middle of it, while everyone else scattered. No harm done, a little smelly and amusing… As “J” came off the front, he commented that “…it
just ran out in front of me…”
At the 20 mile point, after we had crossed the Bohemia River and were in the Hacks Point area, “P”, while negotiating a right turn, rode over a piece of gravel in the road, popped his front tire and only thru some good balance and
bike handling skills, averted going down as the tire rolled around under the rim. “P” and I replaced the tube, while “J”
supervised (we all know, it always goes quicker with a supervisor) and the rest of the group waited patiently. In short
order, the flat was repaired and the group pushed on…
At 22 miles, “P”’s back tire flatted for no apparent reason. While “J” and I stayed with “P” to assist, the rest of
the group went on at an easy pace, with the understanding that we would meet up at a planned rest stop at the 29 mile
mark, if we didn’t catch them sooner. “P” was out of tubes, so I gave him one of mine. After putting in air using a C2
cartridge, “P” wanted to top off the tire, so while using a frame pump, “P” sheered the valve stem. The stem didn’t pull
out of the tube, but broke in half. “P” broke the tire down and I gave him my other tube (I carry two). He installed the
tube and because he was out of CO2, “J” got his CO2 equipment out. “J” threaded the valve onto the CO2 cartridge
and in doing so, the CO2 cartridge released the gas without warning before we had a chance to get any into the
tube. “J” got a second cartridge out, threaded the valve on and it began to release the gas again, but we were able to get
it on the tube and partially inflate it. While we were prepping another cartridge, “P” noticed air coming out. “P” broke
the tire down again and in testing, we found a split along the seam of the tube near the stem. “J” gave “P” his only tube
and a CO2 cartridge, which “P” used with his valve and it worked fine. We were able to get the tube in the tire and the
tire on the bike while still holding air, so off we went… just as it started to rain. Huh!? The forecast called for 10%
chance of rain…which to me is 90% chance of no rain, but the odds were against us on this ride.
August 2013, Page 8, cont. from Page 7
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
One of Those Rides…
Submitted by JW Haupt
At around 25 miles, “P”’s front tire blew. “J” called the group that was ahead of us, patiently waiting at the rest
stop to let them know we were having problems. They were concerned about the weather and decided that they would
push off and continue on with the ride to get back before a storm rolled in. Realizing the problems we were having, they
left a spare tube and CO2 cartridge at the rest stop for us. Back to “P”’s problem - not having any tubes, we checked the
tube in the tire and found a large hole. Using my Park tube repair kit, I placed the rubber cement and gave it time to set
up, then applied the patch. I gave it a minute or two to adhere, then checked it…it fell off, taking the glue with it. “J”
called his wife and started to arrange for her to pick us up., while I broke out the self-adhesive patches that I had (I hate
to give up) and applied a patch to the hole. The patch took well and looked good, so “J” told his wife to hold off and we
would give it a try. “P” reassembled the tube and tire (he was getting really quick at it by this point). I was the only one
left with CO2, so using one of my cartridges, we inflated the tire. It took air, looked and felt good but as “P” was preparing it to remount to the bike, he felt air leaking out around the stem. He broke the tire down. The patch that I placed
look good, so we added air to check for leaks. We found a snake bite in the tube, which must have happened when his
tire blew out, so we added a patch over the two holes, reassembled the tire and used the last CO2 to inflate the tire. It
looked and felt good so “P” remounted the tire to the bike and as we prepared to push off, the rain was all but
stopped. Our luck was beginning to change (so we thought).
At around 26 miles “P”’s front tire flatted…for the last time. At that point he threw in the towel. “P” called for
assistance and was able to get someone to drive down to pick him up. “J” and I pushed on to the rest stop where we
found the tube and CO2, took 10 minutes to rest and refuel, then went on to finish the ride…without further incident. The rest of the group finished without incident as well. Being the last two of the group, “J” and I came in with
50+ miles at 12:50, 4 hour 20 minutes after our 8:30 ride start and about 1 hour and 30 minutes later than we planned to
arrive. That was one long day, but we survived, all came in without personal injury (the most important characteristic of
a successful ride) and we chalked it up to “one of those rides”…
August 2013, Page 9
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Does Improved Safety Awareness = Safer Cyclists?
Round 2: John & Ceci McCormick, LAB Certified Instructors and
WCBC Safety Chairs
Back in June we told you that the WCBC LCI’s were going to conduct informal, anonymous safety audits during club rides, and report on the findings. Our intent is to share relevant safety statistics, including observed unsafe actions and conditions, close calls, and crashes, to heighten the general safety
awareness of the WCBC membership. Our hope is that if we are all more aware of the causes of crashes
and injuries, and if we behave accordingly, we will reduce our chances of becoming a statistic. Here’s
what we’re learning:
Why We Need to Improve Our Safety Awareness – The Delaware “Big” Picture
In the last 10 years, 31 cyclists have lost their lives on Delaware roads. On average, more than 3 cyclists
are killed each year in Delaware. In 2012, 4 cyclists lost their lives, including long time WCBC member
and friend Bob Wheeler. The fatalities occurred in New Castle (1), Kent (2) and Sussex (1) counties.
The average age of the 4 cyclists was 56, ranging from the mid 40’s to the early 80’s.
In addition to these fatalities, there were many crashes involving injuries, both minor and serious. There
were also many unsafe actions and conditions encountered by cyclists that resulted in “close calls” (i.e.
potential crashes and injuries).
The Preliminary Results of the WCBC Informal Safety Audits Are In
Since it’s difficult to find reliable data on the number and types of unsafe actions and conditions that
lead to bicycle crashes and injuries, our WCBC LCI’s (Cindy, Ceci, Mike, Paul, Tom and John)
volunteered to conduct informal safety audits of our club rides in May and June.
August 2013, Page 10, cont. from Page 9
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Does Improved Safety Awareness = Safer Cyclists?
Round 2: John & Ceci McCormick, LAB Certified Instructors and
WCBC Safety Chairs
Here’s what we’ve found:
Our Most Commonly Observed Unsafe Actions (most to least):
1. Failure to adequately signal changes in direction and/or speed
2. Passing fellow cyclists on the right (without calling “on your right”)
3. Running stop signs and red lights
4. Calling clear at intersections
5. Answering cell phones while riding
What Can We Do As Individuals to Address These Unsafe Conditions?
It’s easy to point out others’ shortcomings, but more difficult for us to admit as individuals that at
times we need to modify our own behaviors. As a first step, we’d suggest that individuals commit to
following 2 objectives for the remainder of the riding season:
Follow the rules of the road (i.e. the principles of traffic law)
Be predictable
We all know the Principles of Traffic Law. They are thoroughly covered when you obtain your
motor vehicle license. All road users expect others to act in accordance with these principles to
avoid conflicts and collisions. Compliance decreases the likelihood of a crash by making your
actions predictable. As a reminder, they include:
Drive on the right hand side of the road
First come, first served (i.e. yield to vehicles who have the right –of-way)
Yield to Crossing Traffic
Yield when Changing Lanes
Speed positioning (i.e. slower vehicles on right, faster vehicles closer to centerline)
Intersection Positioning (i.e. right turners right of center, left turners left of center, and
straight-through cyclists between these positions)
It’s important for cyclists to Ride Predictably so other drivers, including cyclists, can anticipate
their actions and compensate accordingly. Cyclists not only need to follow the rules of the road,
they must also maintain control of their bicycle (vehicle), and clearly signal their intentions to other
road users (motorists and cyclists) when changing direction and/or speed.
Future Safety & Education Topics
In upcoming Tailwind articles we’ll examine some of the more common unsafe actions and conditions that impact our safety on the road, and discuss what we can do individually and collectively to
mitigate their impact.
August 2013, Page 11
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Traffic Skills 101 in Dover
People take the Traffic Skills 101 course to improve their bike handling skills and knowledge of
traffic law or to work on their certification as League Cycling Instructors. Even if you have ridden
for years, you’ll pick up good information from the instructors and the other participants.
Paul Hess and Ceci & John McCormick invite you to join us on Saturday, October 26th,
from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, for a Traffic Skills 101 class being sponsored by DelDOT.
The course will be held at the DelDOT Admin Building in Dover, DE.
Cost is $10.00 (a deal, believe us); you’ll receive a light breakfast and materials.
Classroom instruction and skill drills will be followed by a group ride that includes a stop for
Registration deadline, Friday, October 18th.
To register contact C. McCormick at johnandcecimcc@gmail.com or 302-528-1773. We hope you
can join us.
August 2013, Page 12
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Fix a Flat Clinic Is back!
For WCBC Members Only
If you have never changed your own flat re out on the road or want to improve your re changing skills WCBC is offering two more sessions for you to learn and prac ce.
Everyone who ride should know how to change their own flat re.
To par cipate in this clinic, be prepared to be 100% hands‐on. Show up with your bike and all the tools and supplies needed to repair a flat. Wear clothes that are comfortable while working close to the floor. You will be working in a garage, be er condi ons than at roadside, but will otherwise simulate ride condi ons. Everyone will go thru all the steps several mes so they will be be er prepared to do repairs when needed during a ride. It will be helpful to view the video clips prior to a ending one of the sessions. The links are below. To par cipate you must RSVP to Rob King . Phone # 302‐379‐3179 or rob_king@verizon.net. And let him know which date you plan to a end.
The dates of the clinic are:
Friday August 2
Friday September 6
The clinic will run from 6‐8pm
Once you respond Rob will provide further details on the loca on.
Each date will be limited to the first 4 folks that respond to reserve a space. There will also be a wai ng list so if you reserve a space, then your plans change, please let Rob know so he can recy‐
cle your space.
Tools and Supplies Needed: This clinic simulates ride condi ons (except for the music and cold drinks). You’ll need to bring all needed tools and supplies. Bring your bike, some way to inflate res (bike‐mounted pump or CO2 inflator and spare cartridges), a spare tube or 2 sized for your res, re levers. Op onal items include: tweezers; inner tube patch kit; rubber gloves; hand wipes. Video Resources:
August 2013, Page 13
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Dates to Save!!
Save the date....plan your summer rides...give you and your bike a fun
“time” on Sept. 14, 2013!
Have you ever wondered how fast you could ride a 40K? Yes, that's about 25 miles! On Saturday,
September 14, 2013, for only a $30 registration fee, you can do just that!
The 25 mile bike race to support Prostate Cancer Awareness starts at the Eden Hill Medical Center
at 200 Banning Street in Dover, DE 19904, at 9:30 am. This is a flatland race which makes a single loop
from Eden Hill Medical Center. It includes chip timing, a safe race course, and, is for all fitness levels.
There will be trophies awarded for various age categories from under 40 to over 55 and for men and
women. All classes race on the same course at the same time, including those participating in the Delaware
Senior Olympics. Among the post race activities are awards, music, lunch, massage, and microbrewery
For more race info or to register online, please visit www.Bikereg.com and enter “Pedal Away
Prostate Cancer” in the Search Events box. WCBC members Marcia Cloud and Carol Tasca have entered
this event for the past several years and highly recommend it for everyone.
August 2013, Page 14
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Submitted by Brian Donovan
On Sunday, July 7th, I participated in the White Clay Bicycle Club Double Cross. Realizing it was
going to be a hot day, I made sure I had two bottles of Water/Gatorade on my bike and a spare Gatorade
in the back pocket of my shirt for back up. As I was riding on the second loop in the area of Taylors
Bridge Rd and Flemmington Rd, I ran into a rider who only had one water bottle on his bike. He had
gotten off track and had missed the rest stop. With 90+ degree weather and out of liquids, this was not a
good situation to be in. I still had a full bottle on my bike and the back up in my shirt. I gave the rider
my back up Gatorade and we were able to make it to the Townsend Fire Co. pit stop. I received a nice
thank you and he was able to make it back to Middletown with no further problems.
At the Townsend Fire Co. pit stop, a rider had a flat tire. I asked him if he just got the flat since
we were at the pit stop. He said that this was his second flat. We inspected his tire and found a hole in
his tire. We concluded that he had put the spare tube in only to have the tube push through the hole and
get a flat again. I carry bike tire patches which fit inside the tire itself to seal the tire. We put the tire
patch in and he was able to repair the problem.
August 2013, Page 15
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Just for “Giggles”
August 2013, Page 16, Cont. from Page 15
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Just for “Giggles”
August 2013, Page 17
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Reminder of WCBC Going to Annual Membership Renewal Submitted by Cindy Mannis & Joe Wujcik
The WCBC Executive Committee has approved a change in how membership is handled. White Clay Bicycle
Club is going to an annual membership renewal date of March 1 for all members each year. A transition to
this will take place during this year (2013).
If your renewal month is:
Then your renewal rate is:
Jan-Feb 2013
$25 Family
$20 Individual
$10 Junior
$20 Family
$15 Individual
$5 Junior
$15 Family
$10 Individual
$ 0 Junior
Mar-Aug 2013
Sept-Dec 2013
All above stated renewals will expire on February 28, 2014
The same rates will apply for new memberships in 2013.
In 2014, all rates for current members will
Renew every March 1 for one year at the rate of:
$25 family, $20 individual, and $10 junior
Current renewal dates will be sent to each member one month before expiration.
The primary reason for this change is so that going forward, members will know when their membership renewal date.
Many members have complained that they do not know when they need to renew, especially since we transitioned to
the electronic Tailwind, but even before when the renewal date was printed on the Tailwind address label. Members
will still be able to renew through Active.com, by mail, or at the annual WCBC banquet.
Join / renew instantly on our website
OR MAIL to WCBC Membership c/o Joe Wujcik • 48 Stardust Drive • Newark, DE 19702
DUES: (make check payable to WCBC; you may pay for multiple years)
 Individual Adult - $20/Year - TOTAL ENCLOSED $
 Household - $25/Year - TOTAL ENCLOSED $
 Junior ($10/Year (under 18 years old) - TOTAL ENCLOSED $
 New Member  Current Member: My expiration date is
Name(s): (include all names if household membership):
Phone: Home (
Work (
Please indicate your biking interest(s):
 Road/touring  Tandem  Mountain biking
 Exercise Fitness
I’d be interested in:  Leading rides  Helping with cycling events
August 2013, Page 18
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
WCBC Membership Benefits • Ride calendar on website updated daily. • Tailwind monthly newsle er—cycling events, club news, photos, advocacy, free classified ads and more • Invita ons to annual banquet & picnic • Special programs at monthly mee ngs • Many riding and social opportuni es • Secondary insurance coverage on club rides Your membership also supports Bike Delaware, strong representa on at public transporta on hearings, Delaware Bicycle Council mee ngs & community events. WCBC Apparel Manufactured by Zaavey; see full color version on the WCBC website. To purchase our jersey and other de‐
tails, contact Cindy Mannis, President, president@whiteclaybicycleclub.org August 2013, Page 19
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
Saturday, August 3, 2013: 33rd Annual Princeton Free Wheelers Bicycling Event
Tour the New Jersey countryside on one of many rides from an easy 16 miles to a scenic century, from flats to
rolling hills, or bring the family to share in the fun with an 8 mile guided ride on a paved bike path. Marked
routes, cue sheets, rest stops with snacks, sag support, free parking, and post-ride barbecue chicken lunch with
music by DJ Sharon. New routes and rest stops. Free t-shirt with pre-registration by July 23 or mail-in postmarked July 23. Price: $32 on-line; $35 mail-in; $35 day-of (t-shirt not included) $10 for 16 and under. Visit
www.princetonfreewheelers.com for information, registration, directions. Questions?: Phone 609-882-4739 or
contact infoguy@princetonfreewheelers.com.
Marshalton Triathlon which is gearing up for its 40th running.
This is a "tin" man variety of triathlon's and it's a bit quirky too as it consists of a 2.3 mile bike, 3.0 mile canoe,
2.5 mile fast walk, 2.3 mile bike.
It's a lot of fun and there is fun, music and refreshments (adult kind too) at the end. It all starts and finishes in
the small village of Marshalton. Best of all it is a fundraiser for the local fire department (West Bradford Fire
Company) and the neighborhood conservation district (Marshalton Conservation Trust).
Link to the event below:
2013 Bicycling Fall Classic (presented by Specialized)
VeloFest, the nation’s largest outdoor cycling flea market will be held Saturday, October 5th, from 8:30 AM to
2:00 PM at the Valley Preferred Cycling Center.
New for 2013, Bicycling will host a VIP ride and reception with George Hincapie at Bear Creek Mountain Resort in Macungie, PA on the evening of Saturday, October 5, with a limited number of tickets available during
Also on Sunday, October 6th, the third-annual Bicycling Fall Classic welcomes riders of all ability levels to
ride alongside Bicycling’s editors and George Hincapie 10, 25, 50 or 90 miles on our favorite roads amid
Eastern Pennsylvania’s forests, farms and rolling hills. Bicycling Fall Classic Registration
All riders will enjoy attentive on-course nutritional, mechanical and medical support; timing chips (with prizes
for top climbers on the 50- and 90-mile courses); a Roubaix-style victory lap around the iconic Valley
Preferred Cycling Center (“T-Town” velodrome) track; and a post-ride party with healthy lunch, free beer, live
music, free massage, and more.
If 25 or more people from the White Clay Bicycle Club sign up on BikeReg and enter a promo code (promo
code to be provided), Bicycling will make a $500 sponsorship to the White Clay Bicycle Club.
Visit www.whiteclaybicycleclub.org
and/or check the Ride Calendar for recently added opportunities!
August 2013, Page 20, cont. from Page 19
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
August 2013, Page 21
White Clay Bicycle Club - Tailwind
The WCBC Wall of...Fame
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Some happy cyclists along with Michael,
who was working the Townsend food stop during
the Doublecross.