Bike workshop open in valley


Bike workshop open in valley
your local newsletter published by the Valley Project • august 2015
Bike workshop open in valley
bike workshop is now
open on Saturday
mornings at the Allen
street Valley Community Workspace. Key
organiser Peter
McDonald says having the new workshop space is exciting.
People are welcome
to come along and
get help to maintain
and repair either
Bike mechanic Peter McDonald checks out an old grocery delivery bike in great condition
their own bike or
one of the donated bikes and make use of the workshop tools. The workshop will be kohabased. It is not intended as a bike repair shop, but a place for people
continued on page two . . .
Competition to design new mural for the valley
STREET ART is coming to the valley and the challenge is
on for artists to design a winning mural for the North
East Valley substation on North Rd.
Delta have agreed to fund the six-metre by four-metre
mural. The successful artist will receive $1000 to paint
the mural, with an additional $600 to cover paint and
equipment hire costs.
The wall has had so much graffiti removed over time
that the Graffiti Doctor told Delta they should consider
The wall to feature a mural
a mural for the wall. The Valley Project will oversee the
mural, and project manager Marty Cancilla says it is an exciting initiative. Competition entries will
close in September and the judging panel will include three representatives, from the Valley Project,
Delta and the community. Follow the Valley Project on Facebook for more information.
New exec on board at the Valley Project
Your Local
Farewells and welcomes . . . Some past Valley Project executive board members were farewelled and new members
welcomed at the Annual General Meeting. Sadly the project says goodbye to John McKenzie, Michael Gaffney, Ross
Leach and Sarah Young. Six new people joined the exec and the Valley Voice will profile our new members individually
in the coming months. Pictured at the AGM, from left to right, are John McKenzie, Kirstin Flockton, Steve O’Connor,
Dean Griffiths, Kyoko Nakamura (front), Stephen Tripp, Michael Gaffney, Karyn Chalk and Lien Trinh. Missing are two
of the new members, Matthew Tofia and Anna Marie Stewart, as well as board chairwoman Margaret Hillerby.
Open day at Allen St community workspace a huge success
An estimated few hundred people came to the Valley Community Workspace open day which featured
electric bicycles, electric car-conversion and the Dunedin Makerspace group. Pictured above are the
Transition Valley 473 team and others at the Allen St open day. Photo: Philippa Jamieson.
Bike workshop underway at workspace
continued from page one . . .
to come and “get their hands
dirty”, says Peter.
Donations of unwanted or unused bikes will be welcomed.
Peter, a former sole-charge bike
shop operator, says he hates to
see bikes “going to the tip”. Any
bikes that are beyond repair will
go to a metal recycler, he says.
People are welcome to come
along and choose a donated
bike, get help to repair it and
take it home for a $30 donation.
Volunteers with skills or an interest in bike mechanics will be
warmly welcomed. Phone the
Valley Project on 473 8614 if you
can help out.
Car-conversion workshops and
MakerSpace activities will be up
and running soon in the workspace on Saturdays as well. A
pop-up op shop is also on the
horizon, so hold onto your good
used clothes. Facebook users
can join the Valley Community
Workspace public group.
—Edith Leigh
‘Crafternoon’ fun rolls out for August
GET IN touch with your creative side
this month with a series of
‘crafternoons’ at the Valley Project
community rooms.
Kite-making, puppets, balloon saxophones, hi-fi tie-dye, and material
dipped in beeswax lunch wraps are
some of the activities on offer with
Kaitrin McMullan and Drew Wills. All
ages are welcome, although under-8s
will need an adult helper.
“Make your Sunday a fun day,” says
Kaitrin McMullan with a homemade puppet—one of the activities
Kaitrin. Note that the first afternoon is
on offer for a series of Crafternoons
on Saturday 8 August, and the other
three are on Sundays: 16, 23 and 30 August. The final Sunday will include a craft materials
swap. This is a great opportunity to clean out cupboards and give away, swap or sell craft materials not being used. The crafternoons will be held at the community rooms from 1.30pm to
3.30pm, with a gold coin koha. Contact the Valley Project on 473 8614 for more information.
Uni student joins
Valley Project
Student Tammy Evans settles
into the Valley Project office
University of Otago student
Tammy Evans found the valley
so welcoming when she moved
into a flat here she was inspired to join the Valley Project
for her fieldwork placement.
“One month after moving to
the valley Kerry the postie already knew my name. I have
never lived anywhere before
where people in the community know your name. It just felt
really welcoming.”
The 21-year-old is studying
social work after previously
completing a Bachelor of Arts
in psychology. She will be with
the project until midSeptember helping out in all
areas. She will be helping with
an initiative towards plastic
bag reduction in the valley.
Resource consent to be sought for Pine
Hill community gardens in reserve
A COMMUNITY garden in Pine
Hill is one step closer as proponents prepare a resource
consent application.
application with city councillor
Hillary Calvert kick-starting the
campaign with a $150 donation.
Pine Hill resident Kelley Allen
says she and Fred Smith are
finalising a site plan to start a
community garden in the Dalmore Reserve at the Allenby St
entrance. They can then apply
for resource consent which
will be publically notified and
give people one month to
make submissions.
“A community garden would
provide an opportunity for
Pine Hill residents to get together and do something that
is healthy and supports the
community,” says Kelley. “It
would be so nice to be able to
share some nice food around
the community.” Pine Hill has
nothing in terms of public
Donations are being sought to gathering spaces such as a
cover the $450 cost of the local pub, she says.
Time to make the switch from plastic
IT’S TIME to make the switch from using plastic bags to the much
more environmentally friendly reusable bags. Did you know that
just one reusable bag can replace around 100 plastic bags?
A tax on plastic bags is currently being discussed in parliament,
so now is the perfect time to change those habits. The Valley
Project in partnership with Gardens New World will be selling
affordable reusable bags with the vision of a plastic bag-free
North East Valley.
Keep an eye out for the ‘plastic bag girls’ in the coming months
and get ready to make the switch. —Tammy Evans
Friday, 28 August, 9am—10am
Community Rooms, 262 North Rd
Home baking, All Welcome
Escape to Jane Austen’s world at period ball
ESCAPE INTO Jane Austen’s world at our annual
Jane Austen Ball, a unique opportunity to experience the charms of period drama. Step back in
time to an era of gentlemen, fine ladies, cravats
and class.
Rekindle romance with a loved one, or bring a
friend for a perfect evening, on Saturday 29 August at the North East Valley School hall.
Come and learn the dances of Jane Austen’s time.
No experience is necessary, we'll show you how.
Dance classes will be on Wednesdays in August as
well as one Sunday morning workshop. The dances are in the style of the English country dance
tradition and are simple enough to be learned by
The core group of people who know the dances is
now bigger so newcomers will find plenty of help
and support. No partner or special shoes are re- Jo Howard and Kasia Szymanska practicing a
Regency Waltz
quired and beginners are most welcome.
On the day of the ball, clothing from the lifetime of Jane Austen (1774—1817) is encouraged,
but not required. If you lack period attire this should not dissuade you from attending. Feel
free to wear modern formal wear or Victorian formal wear.
Live music will be provided by fine musicians including Footspa (Dunedin's own European
band) and Tonica (a talented Regency duo) as well as the North East Valley Fiddle Group led by
Anna Bowen. Tickets and info at Get in early as numbers are
limited.—Kate Grace
Dance clasess: Wednesdays, 7pm–8.30pm, Salvation Army Hall, 43 North Rd, $5
Monthly dance workshop: Sunday 9 August, 10am–noon, Nga Maara Hall, 63 North Rd, $10
Pre-ball workshop: Friday 28 August, 7pm–8.30pm, North East Valley School hall, 248 North Rd (ball ticket
holders only)
Regency costumed promenade and picnic: Saturday 29 August, Otago Farmers Market and Esplanade
Jane Austen Ball: Saturday 29 August, from 8pm, North East Valley School hall, 248 North Rd, $25
Pop-up gallery
WORK FROM pupils at Friederike
Schmaltz’s Wednesday art classes
will be on show in the pop-up
gallery at the Gardens Shopping
Centre this month.
The classes are held at St David’s
Church on Wednesdays from
1pm–3pm and 7pm–9pm. The
cost is $15 per class. Call Friederike on 482 2025 to book.
Gardens Shopping Mall
Ph 473 0333 today
for an appointment
Men’s Student haircuts
Art class great learning for teacher and students
VALLEY ART teacher Anneloes Douglas had never
learned as much about art
until she started teaching.
“You can only teach what
you know so you have got
to know it really well. And
your knowledge can’t be
based on theory, it’s got to
be based on experience.”
Anneloes says she enjoys
the research and trying lots
of different techniques for
her art class at the Valley
Project community rooms. Art teacher Anneloes Douglas with art students Joan Bennett and Gaynor Craib
It is also very rewarding
watching students progress. She has been
running a Thursday morning art class for a
couple of years and is starting a new Friday
night painting class. The class will have an
emphasis on experimentation with techniques, styles and concepts, and will cater to
all levels and abilities.
20% discount
for non-profits
• A4 black and white 0.12c
• A4 colour
group in the Netherlands where she grew up,
when she was 11. “That was so exciting.”
• A3 black and white 0.20c
• A3 colour
She went on to do a five-year Bachelor of Fine Art at the Royal Academy of Art at The
• laminating (A4 only) $1.50
Art is an outlet and a way of expression for
Art was an early feature in Anneloes’ life when To book into a class contact Anneloes via
her parents recognised her interest and sent or phone
467 9993 or 027 3077 034.
her to join a well-known local sculptor’s art
All proceeds go towards
producing this newsletter
Print or photocopy at the
community rooms
262 North Rd
Animals for adoption
Go to for information
about the adoption process and fees
Vist us at 1 Torridon St, Opoho, Dunedin
or phone 473 8252
Specials on bread & milk
2 for $2.50
2 for $6.50
314 North Road
Sione was rescued from a poor situation in North Otago. She took a little bit of time to feel at ease but she’s
very happy now and fully enjoying life again.
You will become her best friend instantly by giving her
loving, gentle pats, rubbing her ears and scratching her
belly. She enjoys a diet of Hill’s Science Diet Z/D which
keeps her skin clear and free from the irritations that
often bother the Sharpei breed.
Please come to the SPCA to meet Sione, she’s waiting
patiently for the opportunity to impress you.
Katherine is the sweetest little cat here at the SPCA right
now. She is just so gentle and relaxed. She prefers the company of humans rather than other cats or dogs, though she
has had plenty of experience with all three here at the SPCA
Animal Centre.
Katherine really enjoys gentle strokes on her head and back,
as well as rolling around on carpet and mats. Please give this
delightful wee girl a new home this month.
Breastfeeding support service for the valley
MY NAME is Charlotte I have been working at the Valley Project for the past two
years. I have a four-month-old son, Finn. I
returned to my role as a community
worker this month where I look forward
to helping young families in the valley.
As a new mum I had some initial difficulties with breastfeeding which were resolved with the support of a breastfeeding mentor. This made me realise other
mothers in our community may benefit
from similar support.
I have now trained as a breastfeeding
peer supporter through The Breast Room
and will be able to offer this great service
to the valley community.
Peer supporters are local women who
Charlotte and baby Finn at the Valley Playgroup where she will
be offering breastfeeding support and mentoring
have personal and practical experience
and knowledge in breastfeeding, and
offer their support to other local mums. Peer supporters are closely supported and monitored. I will be at the Valley Playgroup every Tuesday from 11am to noon, which is held at the
North East Valley Baptist Church. Contact Charlotte through the Valley Project on 473 8614
or email if you need help.—Charlotte Wilson
Menopause and talking to children about sexuality to be the
focus of two workshops at Valley Project community rooms
‘how do I talk to my child about
sex?’ and ‘what is menopause?’
will be the focus of two workshops being hosted at the Valley Project community rooms
this month.
Hosted by Family Planning
health promoter Louise Pearman, the first workshop is designed to support parents to
confidently address sexuality
issues with their children by
increasing parents’ skills,
knowledge and confidence. It
will help parents to role-model
relationship skills, normalise
sexuality issues and impart
their values and beliefs.
ality educators of their children. However it appears that
when it comes to sexuality, this
is an area that many parents
still find difficult.” Studies show
that young people are still not
well informed and they want to
learn from their parents, she
The second workshop, an Introduction to Menopause,
offers attendees a comprehensive look at the causes, consequences, benefits and solutions for women going through
menopause, or anyone interested in learning more, says
North Dunedin
Dakin Electrical
* Guaranteed Electrical Service
* Reasonable Rates
* Pensioner Concessions
* Domestic and Commercial
Ph: 473 7981
88 Selwyn St, NEV
027 4322 381
Family Planning health promoter
Louise Pearson
attend. To book or find out
more information contact Valley Project staff at the community rooms on 473 8614 or
“Menopause can be a very pos-
The Open and Honest workitive experience, and considerOpen and Honest workshop
shop is non-threatening and
ing most women still have a
7pm, Wednesday, 5 August
accepting and supportive of
third of their lives or more to
Valley Project community
live after they've experienced
rooms, 262 North Rd
parents’ rights to their own
menopause, it's important that
values and beliefs, including
Introduction to Menopause
those that are faith-based, says they have the information and
support to make menopause
7pm, Wednesday 19 August
Valley Project community
“Parents and caregivers are the as smooth as possible.”
first and most important sexu- Both workshops are free to
Driver Education
473 0044
027 227 2342
Driving lessons - NZQA Assessor
Road code theory - Defensive driving
Full licence test training
Cop that: More burglaries
St Martin’s Hall, Northumberland St,
10am–11am, Wed and Sat.
early childhood educators wanted
Unstructured exploration in nearby
nature for families with young children, on, or email
Do you enjoy working with children?
Can you provide a fun, learning and
inspiring environment for them?
Call the Wild Things team today on 0800 44 44 70 •
from $26 per issue
Phone Valley Voice editor
Edith on 473 8614
Sewing help needed
Can you do simple sewing?
Do you have a little spare time?
Ross Home is looking for volunteers to sew name labels on to
resident’s clothing.
This would be an occasional
task when family are unable to
If you are interested we would
be delighted to hear from you.
Please phone Ross Home on 473
Sunday 9 August
Saturday 15 August
Sunday 23 August
Saturday 29 August
for families, kids &
Dunedin North community constable Brendan Thomson, second from right,
with the under-20 world cup football Serbian team
report that the spate of burglaries in the Dunedin North
area continues to be a problem.
Homes are being broken into,
not just during the hours of
darkness, and electronic
equipment taken.
Burglary can have a devastating effect on the occupants of
the house, who have to endure the trauma of dealing
with the fact that an unknown
person has rifled through
their personal belongings.
Then there are the questions.
‘Will they come back?’ ‘Have
they been watching the
house?’ ‘How safe are we in
our own home?’, not to mention sorting out insurance and
the replacement of items.
I've said it before and will say
it again: get to know your
neighbours. If you know the
people in your street, unknown vehicles or people acting suspiciously will stand out.
If in doubt call the police. It's
far better that they question a
person you think may be up
to no good, than to find out
later a
neighbour's vehicle has been
entered or their house broken into.
Changing tack entirely and on
a personal note, during June I
had the pleasure of being the
working bees
top paddock behind North
East Valley Normal School
Police Liaison Officer for the
Serbian under-20 world cup
football team, and worked
with the players and management for their two-week stay
in Dunedin. Aged between 17
and 20, most if not all of
these young men are playing
professional football in Europe and this professionalism
showed in the way they conducted themselves in our city.
Make no mistake, these lads
were here to win, and they
enjoyed every minute of their
time here. I have no doubt
that having played four out of
the seven games here on the
way to winning the championship, Dunedin will always be a
special place for them all.
That's all for me this month.
Be careful on our roads and
look after each other.
—Brendan Thomson
church services
Salvation Army, 43 North Rd,
Nitechurch, 6pm
Sacred Heart Catholic, 89 North Rd,
Mass 9.30am
Glenaven Methodist, 7 Chambers St,
Pacific Island Presbyterian, 160
North Rd, English 11am on 1st, 2nd
and 3rd Sundays; Cook Island
9.30am; Samoan 11am, 4th and 5th
Anglican: St Martin’s, 194 North Rd,
St Thomas', Raleigh St and Pine Hill
Rd, 6pm
Opoho Presbyterian, 50 Signal Hill
Rd, 10am
NEV Presbyterian, 224 North Rd,
9.30am cafe service
St Mark’s Presbyterian, 304 Pine Hill
Rd, 10am
NEV Baptist, 270 North Road,
10.30am; 5th Sunday, 2pm.
Pippins, brownies, guides and ranger
groups in the valley. More info on
Facebook or Ph Eileen 476 1813.
For little ones, Salvation Army Hall,
Mon, school terms only, two sessions,
9.30am–10am, 10am–10.30am, gold
coin. Ph 473 0581.
Sessions for 0–6 year olds, 9am-noon,
Mon–Fri, school terms, 28A Signal Hill
Rd. Visitors welcome. For more info ph
473 0819 or email
Keas, 5.30pm–6.30pm, Tues; Cubs,
6pm–7.30pm, Thur; Scouts, 7pm–
8.30pm, Wed. Opoho Scout Den, Ph
Kevin 0800 SCOUTS.
Leith Valley Church, Malvern St, 10am
–noon, school terms. Ph Julia 027 635
At Opoho School, 9am–9.30am, Fri,
during school term, Room 3, gold coin,
drop in, Ph 473 8019.
Playgroup in Pinehill, 10am–noon,
Mon and Fri (Te Reo Māori group on
Fri), 351 Pinehill Rd, gold coin and
piece of fruit to share, Ph Steiner
School 471 2163.
Music session for pre-schoolers and
parents, limited spaces . NEV Baptist
Church, 1.30pm–2.15pm, Tues, gold
coin. Ph Kaitrin 425 8959.
Come along with your children 0–4
years, Baptist Hall, 270 North Rd,
10am–2pm, Mon; 9am–3pm, Tue,
Wed. Ph Michael 473 0572.
Supervised fun for young people years
7–13, NEV Baptist Church, 7pm–
10pm, Fri, Sat.
Ph Steve 027 424 1828.
All welcome with or without children,
qualified instructor Liana, 11am–noon,
Mon, Baptist Church hall, $2, 021 299
Classifieds and community notices (for non-profits)
Treat Yourself
Want to get on better with
your teenager?
Learn strategies to help them become
happy, confident and trustworthy.
9am–12.30pm, Sat 8 Aug, $35
Ph Karyn on 021 0275 4881
fitness & health
Baptist Church Hall, 270 North Rd,
7.30pm, Mon, $3.
Race night, Forrester Park BMX track,
6pm, Thu.
Do you have exercise gear, such as
weights, mats & bands, you no longer
need? Donate it to the NEV community Sat morning exercise class.
Baptist Church, 270 North Rd, 10am11.30am, Fri, $3. Ph Yvonne
455 ‍2406,‍
Outdoor circuit training, NEV Normal
School, 9.30am, Sat, free, bookings
essential. Ph Knox Rehabilitation
Clinic 474 0517.
Dance workshop, 10am–noon, Sun 9
Aug, Nga Maara Hall, $10.
Weekly dance class,Wed 29 Jul,
7pm–8.30pm. Please register at
Jane Austen Ball, 8pm, Sat 29 Aug,
NEV Normal School hall, $25.
Affordable dog walking and training with
experienced dog handler and trainer,
behaviour consultations
Ph Laura 021 296 4249 or 487 8850
Find us on Facebook
For women and girls, learn simple
ways to use your mind, body and
voice to keep safe. Contact Imogen to
arrange evening or weekend course,
Stretch’n’flex, gentle low-impact
exercise, St David’s Presb Church
lounge, 10am–11am, Tue, over-65s
$3. Ph 473 9311.
(Age Concern) Gentle balance and
strength exercises, NEV Baptist
Church, 10.30am–11.30am, Mon.
Social dance group, no experience or
partners necessary. European dance –
folk and traditional, $5 or $7.50/
couple, Nga Maara hall, 6pm–7pm,
Thu. Ph Marilyn 473 7829.
Exp teacher, native speaker of Italian
(PhD Linguistics),ph Antonella
473 0832 or 027 341 8312,,, Benvenuti!
English for daily life and work, free.
Contact Paul or Tamara at English
Language Partners 477 7261,
art, craft & music
Meditation and mindfulness
afternoon workshop every
two weeks, Ph 021 035 2392,
Jay Glubb runs a Qigong class at the
community rooms, 6pm, Thur.
Ph 027 584 4537.
For more information contact Ana
and Marg at Literacy Aotearoa, 477
Highgate Church Hall (cnr Drivers Rd
and Highgate), 3–5pm, fourth Thur
each month. Enquiries ph 473 0031.
For all levels, casual attendance
welcome, tutor Anneloes Douglas,
community rooms, 10am–noon, Thur
and 6pm–8pm, Fri. Ph 467 9993 or
027 307 7034,
Interested in Qigong? Ph Ans 473
6114 or 027 756 8383,
Build your computer confidence,
10am–noon, Thur, community rooms,
by donation. Ph Matthew 473 0343.
Planning a trip to Italy this year? Fun,
communicative lessons with qualified,
experienced teacher. Contact Samantha 021 0831 8408.
Art group for support and motivation,
bring your own work. Community
rooms, 9.30am–noon, Wed.
Ph Patricia 473 1494.
Approx. 1hr walk, meet at pedestrian
crossing outside DNI, 6.30pm, Wed.
Ph Jennifer 473 1694.
further education
Instructor Adair Bruce, DNI tech
block, 6pm, Mon–Fri, $5 waged, $4
unwaged; St David’s Church, cnr
James St & North Rd, 9.15am, Mon,
Wed, Fri,
Korean martial art, supportive
environment. Training Mon, Thur,
NEV Normal School hall, 6pm–
7.30pm. Ph 027 412 5770 or
Friendly games, 1.30pm, Thur, 139
North Rd. All welcome to come or ph
Jack 473 9565 or Shaun 473 8822.
Beginners Pilates
Fridays 9.30am–10.30am
Saturdays 9.30am–10.30am
Levels 1-2 Pilates
Tuesdays, 11.30am–12.30pm
Thursdays, 12.30pm–1.30pm
$15 per session/$72 six sessions
Bring lunch and requirements, 10am–
3pm, second Sun each month at the
community rooms, Ph Viv 473 0343,
Community rooms, 7.30pm, Wed.
BYO knitting or crocheting, or come
and learn, community rooms, 1pm–
3pm, Wed. Ph Marjory Brown
473 7751.
Meetings 7.30pm, Thurs, OUSA Recreation Centre. Ph Andrew 473 0502.
community groups
Where women come together to
socialise, children welcome, gold coin
donation, Community House, Moray
Pl, 10.30am–12.30pm, Fri. Contact
Yulia and Shiraani
Ross Home, wanted, drivers and help
with activities, light food preparation.
Tues, Wed & Fri. Ph Maybank 473
Speaker on the Arts Festival, meet
10am Mon 3 Aug, NEV Bowling Club.
New members welcome, for more
info ph 455 6683.
NEV bowling club, 10am, 2nd Mon
each month, new members welcome.
Ph Don 473 7544.
Full body* $40
Half body* $25
*female only please
Call or text Jen for an appointment
027 322 1137
Come and try a simple, relaxing
and energising Qigong exercise
All welcome
6.30pm, Monday 10 August
Community rooms
Contact Jay 027 584 4537
Toroa Lions Club meets twice monthly
Mon evenings, Morrison Lounge,
Opoho Church, new members, men
and women, welcome. Ph Tess 473
8114 or email Genny at
Working bees, Bonnington St, over
bridge, 10am–early afternoon, Sat.
Coffee, tea & scones welcome. Ph
Bob 488 2647 or Paul 474 0060.
Opoho Bowling Club, 1.30pm, Wed.
Ph Lesley 473 9771.
Morning tea outing to Dunedin café,
11am, 4th Wed each month. Ph
Noora 021 415 530 for more info.
Become a mentor to young people
who need a good male role model in
their lives, Operation ‘New Direction’.
Ph Rob Fitzpatrick 473 6825,
The Dunedin North Community
Patrol Charitable Trust is holding
its Annual General Meeting at
7pm on Monday 3 August at the
Dunedin North Police Station, 111
North Rd.
New volunteers welcome. Phone
473 7174 for more information.
The Pine Hill, Dalmore and Liberton
community potluck dinner has
been postponed.
New date coming soon.
trading corner
Trouble-shooting, tuition, low rates.
Ph Dave 473 9542, 022 635 9414 or
Tivaivai made with love from the heart
THE MANGAIA Cook Islands Group held a
successful one-day exhibition in North East
Valley on Saturday 27 June at the Pacific
Islanders Presbyterian Church. Members of
the church combined with women from First
Church to stage the tivaivai and sheet-art
display, which was opened by the Rev Dr
Tokerau Joseph, of First Church.
Tivaivai – decorative quilting involving appliqué and cut-work designs – has its origins in
the 19th century, when European missionaries’ wives taught Cook Island women sewing,
explained co-organiser Keni Moeroa. A quilt
could take several years to create and Mrs
Keni Moeroa stands in front of a tivaivai created by a member
said they were prized items given on
of her family.
special occasions such as birthdays and
weddings. “It’s unique to our culture,” she said. Their value was in the love that went into them,
“something from the heart”, not monetary value, she added.
Several of those present expressed concern that younger women were not taking up tivaivai and they
were looking at ways to change this so the craft would not be lost. —Gillian Vine
We all have rhythm: drummer what’s on
The Normanby Bistro
(At the Normanby Tavern)
Open Wed–Sun
Lunch: 11.30am–2pm, all $13.50
Dinner: 5pm–9pm*, from $15.50
(*8pm on Sunday)
Ask about our Gold Card discount
Susanne and Richard look
forward to meeting you
Complete beginners through
to keen drummers are welcome to the
valley workshops at Sacred
Heart School.
Retail • Wholesale
IF YOU think
you have no
sense of rhythm
or coordination
then you are
just the sort of
person Koffie
Fugah is looking
for to join a sixweek West African drumming
Open and Honest
Workshop about sexuality
education for children.
Wednesday, 5 August, 7pm,
at the community rooms.
Come enjoy a morning tea to
celebrate World Breastfeeding
Thursday, 6 August, 10am,
at the community rooms.
Menopause intro
West African drummer Koffie Fugah is sharing his love of
If your heart is
drumming in the valley this month
beating then
dination, as it gets them using
you’ve got rhythm and you can
drum, says Koffie. “It is so much their left and right brain.
fun and we have a lot of laughs.” At the end of the six weeks there
Traditional drumming and dance will be a family gathering and a
was a part of daily life for Koffie, performance for family memgrowing up in Ghana. He started bers. For more information contact Koffie on fugato learn drumming at age 10 or phone
and later moved to the city to
021 0268 0964. The cost is $10
learn more about it.
per lesson.
Koffie has taught drumming
around New Zealand since arrivWhen: 7pm–8pm,
ing here two years ago and now
Wednesdays during August
he wants to share his passion in
Where: Sacred Heart Primary
Drumming helps people to socialise and improves their coor-
School, 63 North Rd
A free workshop about making
menopause as smooth as possible.
Wednesday, 19 August, 7pm,
at the community rooms.
Jane Austen ball
Saturday, 29 August, from
8pm, at North East Valley Normal School, $25.
Craft swap
Clear out those cupboards of
crafty materials and give them
away, sell or swap.
Sunday, 30 August, 1.30pm, at
the community rooms.