full agenda licensing 05 october 2011
full agenda licensing 05 october 2011
Democratic Services LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE AGENDA WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER 2011 6:00 PM ROOM 2 CIVIC OFFICES CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BREAK-OUT MEETING FOR THIS HEARING WILL BE ROOM 11 http://cmis.milton-keynes.gov.uk/CmisWebPublic COUNCILLORS BOX, BRADBURN, AND CLARK If you have any enquires about this agenda please contact Dino Imbimbo, Committee Manager, Tel: (01908) 252458 or E-mail: dino.imbimbo@milton-keynes.gov.uk Milton Keynes Council Strategy and Partnerships, Civic Offices 1 Saxon Gate East Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ Tel: Milton Keynes (01908) 691691 Fax: (01908) 252456 Hays DX 31406 Milton Keynes (1) Health and Safety Please take a few moments to familiarise yourself with the nearest available fire exit, indicated by the fire evacuation signs. In the event of an alarm sounding during the meeting you must evacuate the building immediately and follow all instructions provided by the fire evacuation officer who will identify him/herself should the alarm sound. You will be assisted to the nearest designated assembly point until it is safe to return to the building. Mobile Phones Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched to silent or is switched off completely during the meeting. Agenda Agendas and reports for the majority of the Council’s public meetings can be accessed via the Internet at: http://cmis.milton-keynes.gov.uk/cmiswebpublic/ Wi Fi access is available in the Council’s meeting rooms. Comments, Complaints and Compliments Milton Keynes Council welcomes comments, complaints and compliments from members of the public in order to make its services as efficient and effective as possible. We would appreciate any suggestions regarding the usefulness of the paperwork for this meeting, or the conduct of the meeting you have attended. Please use the slip below by detaching it and passing it to the Committee Manager. Alternatively the slip can be returned by post to Democratic Services, Milton Keynes Council, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ, or you can email your comments to meetings@milton-keynes.gov.uk If you require a response please leave contact details, ideally including an e-mail address. A formal complaints / compliments form is available online at http://www.miltonkeynes.gov.uk/complaints/ or is obtainable at the meeting from the Committee Manager. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meeting Attended: Licensing Sub Committee Date of Meeting: 5 October 2011 Comments:……………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Contact details:…..…………………………………………………………………………… (2) 1. Appointment of Chair The Chair of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Burke, shall Chair meetings of the Licensing Sub-Committee, if present. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chairs of the Licensing Committee, Councillors Box or McKenzie, shall Chair meetings of the Licensing Sub-Committee. In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice Chairs, the Licensing Sub-Committee will, as its first item of business, elect a Chair for the meeting. 2. Chair’s Announcement The Chair to welcome Members, officers and the public to the meeting and introduce Members and officers who are present. 3. Apologies for Absence 4. Application for Premises Licence To consider an application for a premises licence in respect of Newport Pagnell Working Men’s Club, Milton Keynes (The report of the Licensing Officer is attached at Item 4) (Pages 6 to 9). The Chair will outline the procedure to be followed by the Sub-Committee in the determination of the application (Page 5). 5. Annex A - A copy of the application for a premises licence in respect of Newport Pagnell Working Men’s Club, Milton Keynes (Pages 10 to 31). Annex B - Copy of Club Premises Certificate (Pages 32 to 35) Annex C - Representation from Environmental Health Page 36). Annex D - Representation from Thames Valley Police (Page 37) Annex E - Representations in Objection (Pages 38 to 48) Annex F - Representation in Support (Page 49) Annex G - Plan of Area (Page 50) Application to Vary a Premises Licence To consider an application for a variation to a premises licence in respect of Lizarran in the Hub, Central Milton Keynes (The report of the Licensing Officer is attached at Item 5) (Pages 51 to 53). The Chair will outline the procedure to be followed by the Sub-Committee in the determination of the application (Page 5). Annex A - A copy of the application for a variation of a premises licence in respect of Lizarran in the Hub, Central Milton Keynes (Pages 54 to 68). (3) Annex B - Copy of Current Licence (Pages 69 to 74) Annex C - Representation from Thames Valley Police Page 75 - 76). Annex D - Representation from Environmental Health(Page 77) Annex E - Representations in Objection (Pages 78 to 85) Annex F - Copies of correspondence (Pages 86 to 89) Annex G - Plan of Area (Page 90) (4) PROCEDURE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF LICENSING APPLICATIONS BY THE LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE 1. At the start of the hearing the Chair will introduce the Committee Members and Officers and explain their roles for the purpose of the hearing. 2. The Chair will explain the procedure to be followed by the SubCommittee, which will normally take the form of: 3. (a) The Licensing Officer(s) will present the relevant details, but make no recommendations regarding a decision on the application to the Sub-Committee, together with information regarding any details relevant to the application, which may have come to light since the report was written. (b) The applicant (licensee) or his/her representative can present his/her case, including calling any witnesses. Questions may then be put to the applicant, through and with the consent of the Chair, by the other parties and the Sub-Committee. (c) The other parties will present their case, but only where representations are unresolved. Responsible authorities (within the meaning of the legislation) will present their cases before interested parties. Questions may then be put to those persons, through and with the consent of the Chair, by the other parties and the Sub-Committee. (d) The other parties will be invited to sum up their case. (e) The Applicant or his/her representative will be invited to sum up his/her case. (f) The Sub-Committee will be invited to adjourn to come to its decision. Upon adjournment, all parties will withdraw, directly or through retirement of the Sub-Committee. The only officers who may remain with the Sub-Committee during its adjournment shall be the Committee Manager and the Sub-Committee’s legal advisor. (g) Where the Sub-Committee has to make a decision at the end of the hearing, all parties will be called back and informed orally of the decision of the Sub-Committee and any conditions made, with the reasons for those conditions. The Sub-Committee will be permitted to retire to deliberate in private on any matter it chooses. The Sub-Committee may seek legal advice on a point of law at any point but the substance of any advice given in private must be repeated in open session. (5) ITEM 4 Licensing Sub-Committee 5 October 2011 Report of: Licensing Officer Application: New Premises Licence Application – Newport Pagnell Working Mens Social Club Application Reference No: 1. 115393 APPLICATION Summary of application This is an application for a new premises licence at the Newport Pagnell Working Men’s Club, for the first floor only. The application states this application is to allow the general public to use the first floor for functions and events. The application is detailed at Annex A. There is currently a club premises certificate in place for the rest of the premises Plan of immediate locality is included at Annex F. Existing Activities There is no premises licence in place, but the club premises certificate permits the following with some limitations to certain rooms as detailed in the certificate Annex B: The current premises is permitted to provide: Supply of Alcohol; Sporting Events; Live Music; Recorded Music; Performances of Dance; Provisions of facilities for dancing. The times the certificate authorises the carrying out of qualifying club activities (including bank holidays) Monday to Thursdays 10:00 to 23:30 Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 to 00:00 Sundays 10:00 to 23:00 New Years Eve 10:00 until end of standard permitted hours the following 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (6) day Proposed hours and activities This application is for: Live music indoors; Recorded music indoors; provision of facilities for making music; provision of facilities for dancing; Supply of alcohol; Monday- Sunday 11am to 00:00 midnight Late night refreshment Monday- Sunday 11pm to 00:00 midnight Opening Hours Monday- Sunday 11am to 00:00 midnight Additional hour on New Years Eve. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The premises is located in a predominately residential area of Newport Pagnell. The premises has operated as a members club for a significant amount of time. The management of the premises has held functions and events at the premises for a number of years using the Temporary Event Notification procedure. This year ten have been held usually between the hours of 7pm and 12 midnight. To date, no complaints have bee received about the operation of the since July 2007. Details of licence reviews: None 3. PROMOTION OF LICENSING OBJECTIVES The applicant has provided a fairly extensive operating schedule detailed in the application. Conditions include reference to responsibility to control noise levels, a smoking solution and CCTV provision. 4. RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITIES Both Environmental Health and Thames Valley Police submitted objections against this application. Environmental Health has asked for a number of conditions included at Annex C Thames Valley Police have requested an amendment to hours, as listed at Annex D. At the time of writing this report, the agent was in 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (7) discussion with the Thames Valley Police. 5. INTERESTED PARTIES Three local residents and the Town Council have objected to the granting of the licence listing concerns with the current operation of the premises, including noise from customers and crime and disorder issues. These are included at Annex E. Ward Member Councillor Maric has representation for the application Annex F. 6. provided a positive POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Licensing Authorities Statement of Licensing Policy Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 7. OFFICERS OBSERVATIONS This application is to effectively allow the use of the facilities for nonmembers without the requirement of a membership under the club premises certificate. The application is only for the top floor, so the operation of the premises may not change drastically. However there is nothing in the application to limit the amount of times the premises is used for such events, nor whether the use of the premises is limited to just functions and events. Members may wish to determine exactly how the premises is intended to be run and how often they may use the facility. It is possible that the premises licence will afford greater control over events and functions at the premises rather than that which provided by TENs. If the premises is to be hired out by a member of the public, how will the premises management be involved and the controls enforced? Although the Licensing Authority and Environmental Health have not received any complaints associated to the running of the premises in recent times, it may appear that some residents are suffering without making complaint. The applicant has offered that the DPS monitors the external areas for antisocial behaviour, no reference has been made with regard to how anti-social behaviour will be prevented or dealt with. The smoking solution requiring customers to travel through the Members areas, may need to be looked at in greater detail due to the practicalities involved and whether it may end up with customers using the front of the building. 8. ASSOCIATED PAPERS 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (8) None Contact Officer For further information on this application please contact James Sloan on telephone 01908 25 2801 or e-mail: james.sloan@milton-keynes.gov.uk 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (9) ANNEX A (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) ANNEX B Milton Keynes Licensing Authority PO Box 105, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3HH Club premises certificate Club premises certificate number 082795 Club details Name of club in whose name this certificate is granted and relevant postal address of club Newport Pagnell Workmens Social Club Address 28-30 Silver Street Newport Pagnell Post town Milton Keynes Post code MK16 0EN Telephone number 01908 610007 If different from above the postal address of club premises to which this certificate relates, if any, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or description Not applicable Post town Post code Telephone number Where the club premises certificate is time limited the dates Licence Period: Start Date: Issue Date: Unlimited 24th November 2005 19th August 2005 (32) Qualifying club activities authorised by the certificate Supply of Alcohol by or on behalf of the club to, or to the order of, a club member and sale by retail of alcohol by or on behalf of the club to a guest of a member of the club for consumption on the premise Provision of indoor regulated entertainment by or on behalf of the club for members of the club or members of the club and their guests as follows: Sporting Events; Live Music; Recorded Music; Performances of Dance; Provisions of facilities for dancing. The times the certificate authorises the carrying out of qualifying club activities (including bank holidays) Monday to Thursdays 10:00 to 23:30 Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 to 00:00 Sundays 10:00 to 23:00 New Years Eve 10:00 until end of standard permitted hours the following day The opening hours of the club The Club will close no later than 30 minutes after the last supply time for alcohol Where the certificate authorises supplies of alcohol whether these are on and/or off supplies On and off supplies 2 (33) Annex 1 - Mandatory conditions ALCOHOL OFF SALES The supply must be made at a time when the premises are open for the purposes of supplying alcohol in accordance with the club premises certificate to members of the club for consumption on the premises. Any alcohol supplied for consumption off the premises must be in a sealed container. Any supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises must be made to a member of the club in person. Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Club Operating Schedule Qualifying activities are restricted to the internal ground and first floor areas shown on the attached plan except that Live music is restricted to the Lounge and Concert Room; Recorded Music is restricted to the Games Room, Lounge and Concert Room; and Performance of Dance / Facilities for Dancing are confined to the Concert Room The restrictions for alcohol supply do not prohibit the supply to or consumption by any person of alcohol in any premise where they are residing. GENERAL The Club management; stewards; and bar staff will be informed of the relevant provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 including underage sales and children's access to the premise as well as the certificate conditions. An adequate CCTV system will monitor arrivals and departures at the premise CRIME AND DISORDER Members or guests who behave in a disorderly manner will not be served or where required permitted entry to the premise The Club will maintain membership of any existing Barwatch Scheme of which the premises is a current member, or join any future scheme which is not 3 (34) currently in existence. The Club will ensure co-operation with the relevant scheme, abide by any rules and ensure meetings are regularly attended. PUBLIC SAFETY Appropriate fire Action notices are to be posted in prominent positions with the premise. Emergency escape routes will be appropriately signed and kept clear and immediately available PUBLIC NUISANCE Signage is to be prominently displayed at or near exit points requesting members and guests to leave the premise in a quiet and orderly manner The Club will ensure all reasonable steps are taken to avoid noise disturbance to neighbouring properties. PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM HARM Any persons under 18 on the premise must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible person 18 or over. Persons under 18 are not allowed in the immediate vicinity of any bar Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority None Annex 4 – Plans See attached plans with our reference numbers: MK082795/01/190805/A – Ground Floor MK082795/01/190805/B – First Floor 4 (35) ANNEX C Representation from Environmental Health From: Clarke, Gillian (Environmental Health) Sent: 05 September 2011 16:14 To: Licensing Subject: Newport Pagnell W.M Club L:115393 I refer to the Premises Licence Application from Newport Pagnell Working Men’s Social Club, for a Premises Licence for the First Floor of the premises in order to hire the function room for private (non Member) events. The Application includes a separate operating schedule which includes an outline of how the licensing objectives will be met. For the purposes of Public Safety and prevention of public nuisance, I would also invite the Applicant to consider including the following which gives further detail on the conditions to be applied:1. There shall be no consumption of alcohol in outside areas after 22:30 hours 2. The premises outside areas, shall be monitored by the Designated Premises Supervisor (or an appropriated person designated by the DPS), to ensure there is no unreasonable noise or anti-social behaviour from persons using these areas. A record detailing these checks and any action taken to resolve any concerns identified is to be maintained for inspection by the Licensing Authority. 3. After 22:30 hours, amplified, recorded or otherwise live music, shall not exceed the preexisting background noise level, by more than 5 dB (LAeq 5 mins), as measured at the rear boundary of the premises. I would also point out that the hours requested for the activities of Live Music, Recorded Music, Dancing, Late Night Refreshment, and the Supply of alcohol, are the same as the premises opening hours. Could you please clarify if the terminal hour for these activities is in fact 23:30, allowing for a half hour “drinking-up” time, before the premises closes at midnight. (36) ANNEX D m: Hodgkinson Elizabeth [mailto:Liz.Hodgkinson@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk] t: 12 September 2011 14:36 o taylor Sloan, James; Hodgkinson Elizabeth ject: First Floor, Newport Pagnell W M Social Club, Silver St, Newport Pagnell d Afternoon, ve received the new premise license application for The First Floor, Newport Pagnell W M Social Club, Silver St, Newport Pagnell. ce request the following alterations to licensable activities and condition be added to the Premise License: ply of Alcohol day – Sunday – 1100 – 2330 dition The Premise License Holder or relevant person will conduct a risk assessment to assess the requirement for SIA registered door staff at each event ur client agrees to the above please reply stating “I agree to the following condition(s) and that the operating schedule is amended accordin in the Licensing Authority on licensing@milton-keynes.gov.uk. ards Hodgkinson | Licensing Officer - Milton Keynes | Telephone: 01908 686142 | Internal: 741 6142 | Mobile: 07970 ress: Licensing, Milton Keynes Police Station, 302 Witan Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2DS mes Valley Police Currently use the Microsoft Office 2002 suite of applications. Please be aware of this if you intend to include an attachment wit his communication contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. Any views or opinions expressed are those of the origin necessarily those of Thames Valley Police. It is for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note tha ribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this comm error please forward a copy to: informationsecurity@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk and to the sender. Please then delete the e-mail and destroy an (37) ANNEX E (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) Representation from Mr Alder From: Marcus Alder [] Sent: 08 September 2011 11:58 To: Sloan, James Cc: Subject: RE: Premises licence application Newport Pagnel WMC Hi James Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. We currently rent the property out, but we did live there for approx 3 years until October last year. The main reason we wanted to move was due to the disturbances caused from this venue which is just a few yards away. I therefore cannot give precise data on problems experienced. There were however several times, most weekends in fact, when there were problems. Normally just rowdy behavior, which late at night was quite disturbing. Occasionally there was violence and some damage to cars and on a few occasions the police were called out. I just think that extending the licensing hours will only exacerbate the problems in what is a highly populated residential area. I hope this helps. Many thanks Marcus From: Sloan, James [mailto:James.Sloan@Milton-keynes.gov.uk] Sent: 06 September 2011 14:52 To: Marcus Alder Subject: Premises licence application Newport Pagnel WMC Good afternoon Marcus, Thank you for your representation. Can I ask that you provide more detailed information in support of your representation? Are you already suffering problems with the premises? If so can you problem examples of the times, frequency and days upon which problems are experienced. You representation is valid, although it will be important to expand on it to allow appropriate action to be taken by either the applicant, or if necessary, the licensing subcommittee who may take the decision on determining the licence application. Best wishes, James James Sloan Licensing Officer T: 01908 25 2801 E: james.sloan@milton-keynes.gov.uk (45) 15 September 2011 Notice of Representation. Premise Licence Application Newport Pagnell Working Men’s Club 28-30 Silver Street. Mr T Harris 25 Silver Street Newport Pagnell MK16 0EJ My home is approximately 20m from the premise / club. Crime and Disorder. Numerous cars have been deliberately damaged along Silver Street, our own car on three occasions. Police have been called on numerous occasions to deal with fights outside the ‘club’. Public Nuisance. Currently, we are subjected to intolerable levels of noise as club members congregate to smoke outside and their conversations seemingly amplified. These same members re-emerge typically more vocal when leaving between 11pm and 1am and Silver Street becomes a taxi rank, their drivers often sounding horns late into the night. Invariably, this disturbance is most prevalent on Friday’s and Saturday’s when the club often hold live music evenings. We are then subjected to the clatter and banging of doors as the musicians equipment is re-loaded outside the club, normally after 1am. We often have guests of the club parking on Waterhouse Close – a private road, consequently obstructing our driveways. Additionally, with the clubs status changing from ‘members only’ to essentially a pub status I can only predict increase levels of disorder and public nuisance. Indeed, the club seemingly anticipate an increase in anti-social behaviour and potential damage to property with the proposed installation of CCTV. Challenge 21 and DPS monitoring outside the club. The scenes outside the club have on occasion been so tense that our proximity feels vulnerable and probably quite frightening to children. Residents are reluctant to ask patrons of the club to be considerate for fear of reprisals or damage to property. (46) From: AdminAssistant [mailto: uk] Sent: 05 September 2011 12:09 To: Tarbox, Glenda Cc: Subject: New Premise Licence Application - Newport Pagnell Working Men's Club Dear Glenda On Wednesday 31st August our Town Planning & Management Committeediscussed the application submitted by Newport Pagnell Working Men's Club in respect of New Premise Licence Application for Newport Pagnell Working Men's Club, (your ref. EH/115393) and the following was minuted: 54. LICENCE APPLICATIONS 54.1 Newport Pagnell Working Mens Club, 28-30 Silver Street: The Committee agreed to make the following comments: Crime and Disorder – No comment Public Safety – No comment Public Nuisance – The Committee discussed the license application and agreed that the increased opening hours would cause a public nuisance as the noise from customers and cars leaving the area would be later than usual. The Committee agreed that they were against the application. Protection of children from harm – No comment Please would you ensure that the Licensing Committee is made aware of these objections. Kind Regards Terry Terry Perry Admin Assistant for Patrick Donovan Newport Pagnell Town Council 80 High Street Newport Pagnell Bucks MK16 8AQ Tel 01908 618756 Please consider the environment before printing out this e mail. Mission The Town Council's mission is to provide and develop services and initiatives which will maintain and, where possible, improve the quality of life of the residents of Newport Pagnell. Objectives (47) The mission is supported by three strategic objectives. 1. Provide cost‐effective services which meets the needs of the residents 2. Promote the economic and commercial viabilitty of the Town 3. Protect and, if possible, improve the unique identity and historical character of the Town The total of this e mail message may contain private, confidential or privileged information for the named recipient. Unless authorised by the sender or named recipient you must not copy, distribute or take action on the contents, but should advise the sender by telephone, facsimile or e-mail as soon as possible. Unauthorised use of information in this e mail or of the Newport Pagnell Town Council web site may result in prosecution. Although the message and any attachment(s) are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect a computer system it is the responsibility of the addressee(s) to ensure that it is virus free. No responsibility is accepted by Newport Pagnell Town Council for any loss or damage in any way. (48) ANNEX F Representation in support of application from Ward Councillor Maric From: Maric, Andy Sent: 27 August 2011 21:08 To: Sloan, James; McCall, Douglas Cc: Tarbox, Glenda Subject: RE: Premise Licence Application - Newport Pagnell Working Mens Social Club James, Thanks very much, really appreciate your detailed response. I support this application and have no objections, please add my backing. Many thanks, Kind regards, Councillor Andy Maric Liberal Democrat Councillor - Newport Pagnell South Vice Chair of Budget and Performance Review Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Finance (49) ANNEX G (50) ITEM 5 Licensing Sub-Committee 5 October 2011 Report of: Licensing Officer Application: Variation to Premises Licence – CCOY03/ Lizarran Application Reference No: 1. 115392 APPLICATION Summary of application This is an application, detailed at Annex A, to vary the existing premises licence at the premises known as Lizarran in the Hub, Central Milton Keynes. Plan of immediate locality is included at Annex G. Existing Activities The current licence permits the following: Supply of Alcohol Monday to Saturday 11:00 to 00:00 (23:00 outdoors) Sunday 12:00 to 23:30 Late Night Refreshment Monday to Saturday 23:00 to 00:30 the following morning Sunday 23:00 to 00:00 Regulated entertainment as above Monday to Sunday 09.00 to 00:00 Current licence is detailed at Annex B Proposed hours and activities Following discussions with the Police, this application is for: Further to discussions with the Thames Valley Police, the application is for: 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (51) Provision of films, live music (indoors), recorded music (indoors), performance of dance, late night refreshment, supply of alcohol Monday – Sunday 9am to 1.30am Opening hours Monday – Sunday 9am to 2am Terminal hour for licensable activities and opening hours extended to 4am on New Years Eve. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The premises is located in the mixed use area known as the Hub. There are various businesses, including other licensed venues, offices, shops and residential apartments in the immediate vicinity. There has been a premises licence in place at the premises since February 2011, and the premises has operated as a restaurant. To date, no complaints have bee received about the operation of the premises. Details of licence reviews: None 3. PROMOTION OF LICENSING OBJECTIVES The applicant has not provided any further operating schedule associated to this application. There are important conditions on the licence that will ensure that the premises will continue to operate as a restaurant: 2.4 All alcohol and late night refreshment will be served to tables by waiter/waitress service 2.5 Any outside area will receive waiter/waitress service exclusively 2.16 The premises shall trade as a restaurant 4. RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITIES Both Environmental Health and Thames Valley Police submitted objections against this application. The applicant has agreed a reduction in hours for licensable activities with Thames Valley Police who have subsequently withdrawn their representation. Annex C Environmental Health has submitted an objection, Annex D. At the time of writing this report, both parties were in dialogue to resolve the issues. 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (52) 5. INTERESTED PARTIES Two local residents and the Town Council have objected to the granting of the licence, concerned that the later opening and operating hours would result in noise lasting longer into the night. These are included at Annex E. 6. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Licensing Authorities Statement of Licensing Policy Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 7. OFFICERS OBSERVATIONS This application is an increase in the current operating hours of the premises by one and a half hours. The applicant has provided extensive correspondence detailing his intentions of how the premises will operate and has offered to meet with the objectors to discuss their concerns. I include relevant correspondence at Annex F. The objectors did not wish to meet with the applicant. There are a number of other licensed venues in the immediate vicinity of the Hub. These are mostly restaurants/ bars with closing hours varying between midnight and 3am. The licence does not permit the premises to operate as a night club and requires table service for the supply of alcohol. However there is currently no restriction on the use of the outside areas, Members may wish to seek some form of control in order to reduce the potential to undermine the Public nuisance licensing objective. 8. ASSOCIATED PAPERS None Contact Officer For further information on this application please contact James Sloan on telephone 01908 25 2801 or e-mail: james.sloan@milton-keynes.gov.uk 5-Oct-2011 Licensing Sub-Committee (53) ANNEX A (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) ANNEX B Milton Keynes Licensing Authority Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ Premises Licence Premises licence number 113031 Part 1 – Premises details Postal address of premises, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or description CCOY30 Limited 309 Avebury Boulevard Central Milton Keynes Post town Milton Keynes Telephone number 07831 564456 Post code MK9 2GA Where the licence is time limited the dates Issue Date: Start Date: Expiry date Licence Period: 11 February 2011 1st March 2011 None Unlimited Licensable activities authorised by the licence Supply of Alcohol; Late Night Refreshment – indoors ; Indoor Regulated Entertainment encompassing: Films; Live Music; Recorded Music; Performances of Dance 1 (69) The times the licence authorises the carrying out of licensable activities Supply of Alcohol Monday to Saturday 11:00 to 00:00 (23:00 outdoors) Sunday 12:00 to 23:30 Late Night Refreshment Monday to Saturday 23:00 to 00:30 the following morning Sunday 23:00 to 00:00 Regulated entertainment as specified Monday to Sunday 09.00 to 00:00 The opening hours of the premises Monday to Saturday 09:00 to 00:30 the following morning Sunday 09:00 to 23:30 Where the licence authorises supplies of alcohol whether these are on and/or off supplies For consumption on and off the premises 2 (70) Part 2 Name, (registered) address, telephone number and e-mail (where relevant) of holder of premises licence CCOY30 Limited Wells House 80 Upper Street Islington London N1 0NU Tel: 07831 564456 Email: jvcoyloy@gmail.com Registered number of holder, for example company number, charity number (where applicable) 05738118 Name, address and telephone number of designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises the supply of alcohol Mr Jamie Conlon 40 Brooklyn House 31 Rillaton Walk Central Milton Keynes Milton Keynes MK9 2BN Tel: Not provided Personal licence number and issuing authority of personal licence held by designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises the supply of alcohol MK 000113222 Milton Keynes Licensing Authority 3 (71) Annex 1 - Mandatory conditions 1.1 No supply of alcohol may be made where there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the licence, or when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or it is suspended. 1.2 Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence. 1.3 (1) The responsible person shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that staff on relevant premises do not carry out, arrange or participate in any irresponsible promotions in relation to the premises. (2) In this paragraph, an irresponsible promotion means any one or more of the following activities, or substantially similar activities, carried on for the purpose of encouraging the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises in a manner which carries a significant risk of leading or contributing to crime and disorder, prejudice to public safety, public nuisance, or harm to children(a) games or other activities which require or encourage, or are designed to require or encourage, individuals to(i) drink a quantity of alcohol within a time limit (other than to drink alcohol sold or supplied on the premises before the cessation of the period in which the responsible person is authorised to sell or supply alcohol), or (ii) drink as much alcohol as possible (whether within a time limit or otherwise); (b) provision of unlimited or unspecified quantities of alcohol free or for a fixed or discounted fee to the public or to a group defined by a particular characteristic (other than any promotion or discount available to an individual in respect of alcohol for consumption at a table meal, as defined in section 159 of the Act); (c) provision of free or discounted alcohol or any other thing as a prize to encourage or reward the purchase and consumption of alcohol over a period of 24 hours or less; (d) provision of free or discounted alcohol in relation to the viewing on the premises of a sporting event, where that provision is dependent on(i) the outcome of a race, competition or other event or process, or (ii) the likelihood of anything occurring or not occurring; (e) selling or supplying alcohol in association with promotional posters or flyers on, or in the vicinity of, the premises which can reasonably be considered to condone, encourage or glamorise anti-social behaviour or to refer to the effects of drunkenness in any favourable manner. 4 (72) 1.4 The responsible person shall ensure that no alcohol is dispensed directly by one person into the mouth of another (other than where that other person is unable to drink without assistance by reason of a disability). 1.5 The responsible person shall ensure that free tap water is provided on request to customers where it is reasonably available. 1.6 (1) The premises licence holder holder shall ensure that an age verification policy applies to the premises in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol (2) The policy must require individuals who appear to the responsible person to be under 18 years of age (or such older age as may be specified in the policy) to produce on request, before being served alcohol, identification bearing their photograph, date of birth and a holographic mark 1.7 The responsible person shall ensure that(a) where any of the following alcoholic drinks is sold or supplied for consumption on the premises (other than alcoholic drinks sold or supplied having been made up in advance ready for sale or supply in a securely closed container) it is available to customers in the following measures(i) beer or cider: 1/2 pint; (ii) gin, rum, vodka or whisky: 25 ml or 35 ml; and (iii) still wine in a glass: 125 ml; and (b) customers are made aware of the availability of these measures 1.8 The showing of films, videos or DVD's to persons under 18 is restricted in accordance with any recommendations made by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) where the film has been classified by that Board or by the Licensing Authority where no classification certificate has been granted by the BBFC or, where the licensing authority has notified the licence holder that section 20(3) (b) of the Licensing Act 2003 applies to the film. Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule 2.1 Off sales of alcohol are restricted to customers who have purchased substantial refreshment at the premises at the time 2.2 All staff shall received regular and adequate training on licensing law including appropriate premises licence conditions and underage sales. 2.3 Documented records of the training given staff to staff in respect of alcohol sales law will be kept 2.4 All alcohol and late night refreshment will be served to tables by waiter/waitress service 2.5 Any outside area will receive waiter/waitress service exclusively 5 (73) 2.6 There will be a designated member of staff to monitor the outside area whenever it is in use 2.7 The premises licence holder will take and act on advice from the local police in respect of concerns re prevention of crime and disorder/prevential of public nuisance 2.8 Suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken and implemented in respect of public safety whenever it is in use 2.9 Whenever practicable toughened glassware shall be used for the service of all drinks 2.10 Arrangements shall be put in place to ensure that waste collection contractors do not collect refuse before 08.00 hours on any day 2.11 Arrangements shall be put in place to ensure that where practicable deliveries are not made before 08.00 hours on any day 2.12 Signage shall be predominantly displayed at all exits reminding customers to leave quietly 2.13 There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children 2.14 An adequate CCTV system must be installed at the premises. The system must be in place and fully functional before any licensable activity can take place and it must be maintained in full working order thereafter including whenever the premises are used for licensable activities. The system shall adequately coverage all public areas of the premises both internal and external including all entrances and exits and provide images of evidential standard. All images must be retained for a minimum of 30 days and such images must be made available for the Police to view or remove for evidential purposes. Relevant staff are to be trained and able to use the system. 2.15 Licensable activities are authorised in accordance with the attached plan except that the only licensable activitiy that may take place outside is the supply of alcohol 2.16 The premises shall trade as a restaurant Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority None Annex 4 – Plans See attached plan with our reference number: MK113031/01/110211 6 (74) ANNEX C Premise Licence Application Police Response Name of premises Address And phone number(s) Lizarran 309 Avebury Boulevard Central Milton Keynes MK9 2GA Date application received by police & allocated to assessing officer TVP licensing officer dealing or other e.g. ABO Licensing Authority dealing with application Licensing Authority licensing officer dealing Received: 22/08/11 Allocated: 30/08/11 Liz Hodgkinson C1047 Milton Keynes Ed Fisher Applicants correspondence address if different to premise address Date application assessment process began 30/08/11 Name of applicant (individual or company name) Company name if different to applicant CCOY30 Limited (Premise License Holder) Date(s) contact made between police licensing officer and applicant or other Name of other person acting on behalf of applicant To whom it may concern: 'I agree to the following condition(s) and the operating schedule is amended accordingly' Jamie Conlon. CCoy30 Ltd T/A Lizarran. On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Hodgkinson Elizabeth <Liz.Hodgkinson@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk> wrote: Good Afternoon, I have spoken to the relevant people regarding the variation of premise license application at Lizarran, 309 Avebury Boulevard, CMK. Police request the following alterations to the licensable hours: AL 3 1 (75) All licensable activities Monday – Sunday – to cease by 0130 (except New Years Eve – remain as applied for) Opening Hours to remain as applied for If you agree to the above please reply stating “I agree to the following condition(s) and that the operating schedule is amended accordingly” and copy in the Licensing Authority on licensing@milton-keynes.gov.uk Regards Liz Hodgkinson | Licensing Officer - Milton Keynes | Telephone: 01908 686142 | Internal: 741 6142 | Mobile: 07970 145072 Thames Valley Police Do Not object to the granting of this premises licence application with the above alteration to operating hours. AL 3 Signed Liz Hodgkinson C1047 (Name of police licensing officer or ABO etc) Date 14/09/2011 2 (76) file:///L|/Committee/2011-12/SUB-COMMITTEES,%20PANELS%20A....%205%20OCTOBER%202011/19.%20Annex%20D%20-%20EH%20rep.htm ANNEX D From: Clarke, Gillian (Environmental Health) Sent: 02 September 2011 12:41 To: Licensing Subject: "LIZARRAN" 309 Avebury Boulevard: Variation: L115392 I refer to the Application to Vary the Premises Licence of CCOY30 Ltd (Trading as “LIZARRAN”), to extend hours. I would make a Representation on behalf of Environmental Health on the grounds of Public Safety and Public Nuisance. The Application does not contain any additional measures to promote the Licensing Objectives as a result of the proposed variation. In addition, I would draw your attention to the following existing Conditions, which do not appear to be complied with:2.2 All staff shall receive regular and adequate training on licensing law including appropriate licence conditions and underage sales 2.3 Documented records of the training given to staff in respect of alcohol sales law will be kept 2.12 Signage shall be predominantly displayed at all exits reminding customers to leave quietly. Regards, file:///L|/Committee/2011-12/SUB-COMMITTEES,%20PAN...0OCTOBER%202011/19.%20Annex%20D%20-%20EH%20rep.htm21/09/2011 (77) 09:07:10 ANNEX E Representation from Mr Bracey From: Michael Bracey (Home) [] Sent: 08 September 2011 19:45 To: Sloan, James Subject: Re: Lizarran premises licence application Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red No thank you – I don't feel a meeting is necessary. I note the conditions but still do not believe dining to 2am is suitable for the area – given the amount of high density residential accommodation in the immediate vicinity and risks increasing the amount of late night noise – which travels far and wide and disturbs residents like me and my partner. Regards, Michael From: Sloan, James Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 9:28 AM To: Subject: Lizarran premsies licence application Good morning Michael, The applicant for the above premises has asked whether you would be willing to meet with him to discuss your concerns and determine what actions could be taken to resolve your issues. It is not Council policy to pass on your email address or phone number, however he has requested that you contact him: jvconlon@gmail.com Or mobile 07831564456. Alternatively I am happy to facilitate any meeting. You should not feel obliged to meet with him, however the Licensing Act 2003 does encourage open dialogue between premises and interested parties to ensure the licensing objectives are promoted and both parties can live and work in close proximity. I would ask that you confirm whether or not you are willing to meet with Mr Conlon (the applicant/ business owner). I feel it might be helpful to highlight two important conditions on the licence that may be of interest to you: 2.4 All alcohol and late night refreshment will be served to tables by waiter/waitress service 2.16 The premises shall trade as a restaurant Best wishes, James (78) James Sloan From: Michael Bracey (Home) [mailto:] Sent: 03 September 2011 12:14 To: Evans, Kieran Subject: Re: Variation to Premise Licence CCOY30 Ltd - 309 Avebury Boulevard Thank you for the email. As stated, the development where I live is not quite densely populated residential area, including with families with children. Many of these apartments overlook the Lizarran Tapas Bar and those that do not (like mine) are affected by noise which travels far later at night. On this basis I would like to make a representation and ask licensing to consider the impact of later night opening (past mid night) on residents like me. I am afraid I don't have anything further or more specific to add. Thank you, Michael Bracey, 76 Pearl House, 10 Merrivale Mews. From: Michael Bracey (Home) [mailto:] Sent: 27 August 2011 11:29 To: Licensing Subject: Variation to Premise Licence CCOY30 Ltd - 309 Avebury Boulevard I live at 76 Pearl House 10 Merrivale Mews Milton Keynes MK9 2FP I received your letter about the application received for the extension of the license at the Lizarran Tapas Bar until 2am Monday to Sunday. I live in the vicinity of the premise. On public nuisance grounds I would like to make a representation. The area known as ‘The Hub’ is not a late night destination. It is now quite a densely populated residential area with both the residential blocks in ‘The Hub’ and the apartments in ‘Vizion’ (where I live). Many of these apartments overlook the Lizarran Tapas Bar. Late at night noise travels far and in the interests of the residents who live here I do not think the area should become a late night (after midnight) drinking and entertainment destination. Clearly residents should know that living in the city centre is not a quiet place to be but we all need some sleep! Thank you Michael Bracey ----------------------------------------------- (79) Please return to: The Licensing Team Milton Keynes Council Civic Offices 1 Saxon Gate East Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ Email: licensing@milton-keynes.gov.uk Notification of Representation By Individual or Business in the Vicinity of the Premises Licensing Act 2003 Premise Name and Address: (only 1 can be specified) CCOY30 Ltd 309 Avebury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes, Your Name and Address: Central Milton Keynes Town Council 45 Stokenchurch Place, Bradwell Common, Milton Keynes, MK13 8AU Tel: email address: Do you want someone to represent your views? Yes / No If yes please give their name and address below: Rebecca Kurth, C/o Central Milton Keynes Town Council (as above) Do you consider yourself to live in the vicinity of the premise? Yes / No What is the approximate distance between your property and the premise? ……….. metres We represent residents living as close as 100 metres from the premises (80) Please indicate the grounds under which the objection is made, outline details and any evidence you have: Yes Crime and Disorder: No Yes Public Safety: No Yes / No The Town Council is of the view that the increase in hours from that agreed only in January this year will create undue public nuisance and disturbance for residents of the Vizion development which faces the premises, as well as those in the Hub directly above. Public Nuisance: Yes Protection of children from harm: Print Name:P. Cranfield Signature: No Date: 18/9/2011 IMPORTANT NOTICE : This information will become a public document and will be sent to the applicant. Representations that request personal details be withheld from the applicant will only be considered in exceptional circumstances Anonymous representations will not be accepted. (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) ANNEX F From: jamie conlon [mailto:jvconlon@gmail.com] Sent: 07 September 2011 17:10 To: Sloan, James Cc: Clarke, Gillian (Environmental Health); liz.hodgkinson@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk; taf.ali@colmancoyle.com Subject: Re: Lizarran 309 Avebury Boulevard James, Thank you for your reply. At the risk of repeating myself we are a restaurant looking to extend licencing hours to our customers. We are not nor shall be a late night bar for drinkers. I am happy to facilitate anything that helps being in concert with the licencing objectives. I am happy to meet anyone including objectors/residents to reassure them and if necessary give undertakings to re-affirm our objectives.With respect there have been no compalints about us in three months and we do not promote cheap alcohol nor alcohol in general and I find it quite ironic that the objector speaks about the Hub not being a late venue, 3 number late bars including MY PLACE and alcohol,cheap cocktails being promoted by at least three restaurants outside their door, (speaking of licencing objectives). Regardless, I would invite anyone with concerns to come and have a meal lunchtime or evening on me and they will instantly feel the atmosphere and ambiance of the place. It is not condusive nor suitable for boozing and there are many more attractive locations for same around the corner. Please advise how you wish me to proceed. I am available to meet with anyone when and if required. Regards, Jamie Conlon. On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Sloan, James <James.Sloan@miltonkeynes.gov.uk> wrote: Afternoon Jamie, Thank you for your detailed explanation, I’m sure it will help the responsible authorities such as the police and environmental health determine what measures they would expect you take in order to promote the licensing objectives. As with any application, it must be taken at face value, so one should appreciate that what amounts to a two hour extension for licensable activities could in some venues dramatically alter business offer and change the nature of the premises considerably. I would suggest that the responsible authorities will be looking for ways in which you will ensure the premises promotes the licensing objectives. The conditions attached to your licence below will go some way to ensuring the premises function does not change significantly. (86) 2.4 All alcohol and late night refreshment will be served to tables by waiter/waitress service 2.16 The premises shall trade as a restaurant However you should be prepared that your application may receive representations from members of the public as there have been recent complaints about other premises in the Hub and many of the residents are quite passionate about the services provided in the area. I have already issued one representation to your agent, whom I have copied into this reply. I am happy to provide any local residents with your contact details should they wish to contact you for further information. As I say taken at face value, the application may not be to everyone’s taste. Please confirm if this is what you want? I am also happy to pass on any response to the objectors from you. Finally you appear to be offering a condition with respect to a customer entry system. You may wish to discuss this further with Gillian and Liz. Here are their contact numbers: Liz: 01908 686 142 Gillian: 01908 25 2438 Best wishes, James James Sloan Licensing Officer T: 01908 25 2801 E: james.sloan@milton-keynes.gov.uk Milton Keynes Council l Compliance Unit l Civic Offices l 1 Saxon Gate East l Milton Keynes l MK9 3EJ From: jamie conlon [mailto:] Sent: 05 September 2011 17:18 To: Clarke, Gillian (Environmental Health) Cc: liz.hodgkinson@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk Subject: Lizarran 309 Avebury Boulevard Dear Gillian, Liz, James, (87) I refer to the premises Lizarran and its application made by me Jamie Conlon the owner for a licence extension until 2am each evening Monday to Sunday as required. The reason for the application is simply a cultural one. To explain, many and up to 40% of our customers are Spanish, mostly Santander ,and associated companies, although there are others, and they tend to work late and eat late. Often on weekdays we would get busy around 10/10:30pm with spanish customers because they would tend to work until at least 8pm. For this reason they eat late just like in Spain and often we have to ask them to leave at 12pm. The restaurant has become a social hub for them and they tend to celebrate birthdays, holidays and other events in Lizarran. There is a great continental atmosphere when they are present and they are very pleased with lizarran in Milton Keynes. Lizarran is the biggest Pinchos (small tapas on a stick) and tapas chain in spain with over 200 branchs. They are well known to most Spanish people and well liked. This is a restaurant enviroment and food is 65% of our sales it is not a bar nor do we promote sale of alcohol. We have many blackboards both within and without the premises and there is little promotion of alcohol maybe sangria or wine glass in some always included or accompanied by a meal. The purpose of this extension is purely to facilitate the late night eating habits of our Spanish customers. Although we dont forbid them our customers. because of the atmosphere, are predominately 25 plus and are white collar employees. Interestingly we attract the same socio-economic groups as in Spain, they are diners, and mature drinkers, beer and wine are our largest sellers, we dont promote nor sell cocktails. I am quite amazed at the objections from across the road. I have management living overhead and I have asked them to monitor noise. We have little in way of entertainment but spanish music and sometimes flamenco. We do not have a raucous or noisy customers indeed the opposite and I would categorically state there is no noise pollution to Vision or anywhere across the road. I have made no extra provisions for public safely or noise pollution simply because I do not see it as an issue. I probably see our late nights during the week and not at weekends because I dont want to attract the younger drinkers. it would not suit our customers or our business and we simply do not attract that audience anyway. I think it is facile to suggest that a late licence will automatically attract a different socio-economic group its like saying that if Brassiere Blanc opened late young people or drinkers would be attracted there. This would be contrary to the whole spirit of the law. For many reasons we had made our own procedures for late night such as monitoring the door,and we would propose to lock the door and man it by one of the staff letting people in and out after 12pm. We have of course CCTV and we would upgrade our alarm system if required. We will not be cooking full menu items after normal hours but pre-prepared tapas and pinchos which the Spanish prefer. (88) We dont intend to advertise our hours opening simply let the Spanish know and the closing will be descretion of management based on business demand. I will have to balance my staff welfare with customer needs. However again it is the custom in Spain that closing times are dictated by business and not fixed. I hope this clarifies some matters and I am happy to meet with whomever needs re-assurance or further explanation from me. I am also open to any suggestions which may help insure my intentions or ease your concerns. Please advise how I may proceed and I would appreciate acknowledgement that you have recieved this mail. Kind Regards, Jamie Conlon. mobile (89) ANNEX G (90)