June - SaddleBrooke Tennis Club


June - SaddleBrooke Tennis Club
JUNE 2010
Turn in your STC Organized Play surveys!
Important Dates:
8/31 - Last day to return your Organized Play survey
9/7 - Last day to sign up for Fall League—Mixed Doubles Team Tennis
Bob Weiss — 818-9225
Vice President
Upcoming 2010 Tennis Social Events: Put on your calendar NOW and watch
for more information to come out via email or flyers on the bulletin board.
Joe Schullik - 825-5627
7/4 — Independence Day Tennis Social - July 4th (see next page)
Pamela Willis - 818-3514
Peter Bidwell - 825-2465
9/6 - Labor Day Tennis Social – September 6th
10/? - Fall Tennis Social Event (Date to be determined)
10/9 thru 11/13—Mixed Doubles Team Tennis (see next page)
12/7 - Holiday Party – SB Activity Center
Director at Large
Lynne Donovan - 818-6480
Upcoming Events
President’s Corner
Fourth of July Event
Team Tennis—Mxd Dbls
Memorial Day Social
Featured Member
USTA Results
STC Umpires
Out Calls Corrected
Committee Chairs
• Newsletter
Brochure Sub-committee
Organized Play Survey
Pickleball Courts
I sincerely hope that all of you have been enjoying the new SaddleBrooke
Tennis Club Newsletters. The first issue in April ’10 was certainly a big
splash for all of us. The quality of the articles, the pictures, and the professional format was a thing to behold. Apparently, being a part of the newsletter is something that has caught on. The May ’10 issue of the newsletter
was over ten pages long, with enough articles and news to produce a June
’10 newsletter. I cannot tell you how proud I am of this effort to keep us all
informed as to what is going on in the STC. I have received numerous
emails, phone calls, and personal comments praising the work of the STC
Newsletter Committee, especially Mary Jo George. A few poignant comments were made by our “snow birds” who now feel they are still connected
to the club when they are back home.
Our latest pursuit involves a spin-off Brochure SubSub-committee from the
Membership Committee to create a professionally printed folder with a brochure and other pertinent information that can be given to potential and/or
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JUNE 2010
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JUNE 2010
STC FALL CLASSIC—Mixed-Doubles Team Tennis
David Lamb, Marsha Weiss—Co-Chairs
An STC-Board-approved, SOCIAL mixed doubles league. Matches will take place in the autumn of 2010
Saturdays for 6 weeks. October 9 – November 13
Celebration Pizza Party – November 20
Matches will be played at 9 and 11 a.m. (10 & 12 in November)
SaddleBrooke Courts 1-8
All STC members who would like to play in a SOCIAL Mixed Doubles League
Each team: Will be composed of ~12 players from all STC skill levels.
DESIGN: Doubles partners will play against opponents with similar skill levels. Before and after matches, players can
interact socially with men & women of all STC skill levels.
Players may sign up:
With a mutually agreed partner
To facilitate close matches, partners should have reasonably similar skill levels.
To foster domestic tranquility, spouses not wishing to play as a pair will nonetheless be assigned to
the same team.
As a single person to be paired up later with a partner(s)
As a substitute who might play on any of the teams as needed.
SIGN-UP: From August 1 through September 7 all STC members may sign up at the tennis center. Members “out of
the Brooke” may call the STC at 520-825-0255 or email Dave Lamb: dlamb1@wbhsi.net or Marsha Weiss:
new members when they first visit the STC.
I always remember going to professional
workshops or training sessions and receiving a packet consisting of a folder with all
of the important information inside. I think
we can create an aesthetically pleasing
folder with a well-structured set of documents that will be valuable to any new prospective members that can be picked up
on their first visit to the STC.
The Organized Play Committee has released a survey that can be downloaded
from the STC website, or the tennis club
email system, or can be picked up on the
desk at the STC. It is vitally important that
as many of us as possible fill out the survey
and drop it off at the STC or “snail mail” it
to the STC. The OPC has been working diligently to accumulate the necessary information that will enable them to affect
changes to our Organized Play Program that
we can all live with. It is easy to set the survey aside to complete later or just decide to
not bother to do it because it won’t matter
anyway. That would be like not bothering to
vote and then complaining about the
elected officials. Our input is important and
it will give this committee the best chance
at re-structuring Organized Play for the betterment of all of us.
I have just received the official ruling by the
HOA 2 BOD, on the SaddleBrooke Pickleball
Association’s (SPA) request for a place to
construct their courts. The original request
for land near the softball field has been
denied. Robson has selected and approved a new site located where the construction offices and re-cycle drop-off land
now exists. Robson’s contribution is the
land, all installed utilities and the use of
restroom facilities. The construction of six
courts and all other costs will be absorbed
by the SPA.
Congratulations to the pickleballers! It
appears that you finally have a home!
Bob Weiss, STC Pres.
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JUNE 2010
Memorial Day Social
Thanks to everyone that participated in the Memorial Day
Social. We appreciate everyone’s participation on this special day commemorating those in our US Armed Forces who
have died while helping to secure and keep our freedoms in
the US of America.
Kudos to Geri Sandilands, Rebecca Proffit and all of their
wonderful helpers for putting on a very successful and fun
tennis and potluck Memorial Day social event. The weather
was perfect and all of the potluck dishes were wonderful
There were 51 women and 53 men participating in the tennis
portion of the event on Monday. Each player played in one
hour of gender doubles and then another hour of mixed doubles. People got to meet and play with people they don’t
normally see on the courts, making it very social and fun!
Thanks to all the organizers, players and guests who helped
make this a great social event. (pictures by Carol Bidwell)
Surveys were emailed to the membership May 13 and can be
downloaded from the STC web site, home page, bottom right. Copies of the survey are also available at the Tennis Center if you cannot access it from the email or the web site.
We really need your feedback regarding the current status of Organized Play (OP) in an effort to determine whether or not any
changes should be recommended for the STC Board of Director’s
consideration. To date, approximately 25% of members have responded—we have received just over 100 surveys
It is, extremely important that every STC member, at all rating levels, participate and respond thoughtfully to the survey, with the
following in mind:
The greater the return, the greater the significance and validity
of data and analysis.
Take nothing for granted; make sure your voice is heard.
All responses will remain strictly confidential.
Return survey by Aug 31, 2010.
2010 Hand deliver responses
in a sealed envelope to the tennis center,
Or snail-mail to:
SaddleBrooke Tennis Club - Survey
c/o SaddleBrooke HOA #1
64500 E SaddleBrooke Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85739
Data from the survey will be given to the BOD at its September board meeting. And, with BOD approval, the data will be
reported to the membership at the STC General Meeting on
September 15.
Any questions?
Please contact Bruce Nissenbaum,
No phone calls please.
JUNE 2010
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Featured Member—Steve Leane
Steve Leane, our featured STC Member this month, was born and raised in
Indianapolis, IN. Steve has always
been active in tennis. While a senior in
high school, he was co-captain of the
tennis team that won the city championship. Upon graduation in 1957, he
accepted appointment to the U. S.
Coast Guard Academy in New London,
CT. Four years later Steve graduated
with a BS in engineering and commissioned as Ensign in the USCG.
Steve went on to serve as a Coast
Guard officer for 27 years, retiring with
the rank of Captain. Alternating between ship and shore assignments, he
served aboard seven cutters, four as
commanding officer. Upon leaving the
Coast Guard, he retired to California
where he worked as Director of General Services for the County of Yuba in
Marysville and Harbor Manager in San
Luis Obispo.
While a student in 1965 at the US Naval Postgraduate School where he
graduated with an MS in Communications, Steve met his wife, Dana, on a
blind date (her first ever) in Monterey,
CA. Before moving to SaddleBrooke in
1997 Steve and Dana lived in 12
homes, most of which were in California. They have two sons, a daughter
and two grand daughters, still all living
in the Golden State.
In 1999, Steve served as Secretary of
the STC followed by two terms as the
club’s President. For the past several
years, he has chaired the STC’s bylaws
committee, a member of the rules
committee and the club’s parliamentarian.
Weary of having to drive into Tucson
back in the days when he used to
break strings quite frequently, he became a self-taught tennis stringer in
1998. Discovering that he enjoyed
stringing as a hobby, this quickly developed into a small business. He became a United States Racquet
Stringer’s Association “certified
stringer” (one of only two in Tucson) in
2001 and has strung over 3,500 racquets.
Steve and Dana enjoy traveling, reading and dogs. Since coming to Saddle-
Did your racquet strings pop after that last hard volley you made? If you are in
need of having your racquet restrung, you may not know that you don’t have to
travel miles down Oracle Road to get your racquet restrung. There are several
resources within SaddleBrooke to provide you with a stringing service.
Steve Leane (818-1028) is a URSAR (United States Racquet Stringers Association) “Certified Stringer”, one of only two in the Tucson area. In addition to Steve,
(although not certified), are Ed Syzmpruch, Bruce Neisenbaum, and Leslie Peters.
(Bruce and Leslie are not here in the summer months) If there are other members
out there who would like to be named as a resource for stringing racquets, let us
know by sending an email to mjogeorge@yahoo.com and we’ll add you to the resource list.
Brooke they have fallen in love with
greyhounds and currently own two,
Penny and Lexi. These are their
third and fourth rescued, ex-racing
greyhounds since they became interested in the breed ten years ago.
Dana volunteers one day a week at
the Arizona Greyhound Rescue kennel helping dogs transition from
track to home life.
In addition to his interest in tennis
and greyhounds, for the last ten
years Steve has been a volunteer
math tutor at San Manuel, Ironwood
Ridge and Canyon Del Oro High
Schools and currently at Coronado
K-8 school in Catalina.
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JUNE 2010
On April 30, May 1, and May 2 (2010) Karen Lippe's 7.0 Super Senior team participated in the USTA National Tennis Tournament held in Surprise, Arizona. There
were 17 sections from all over the United States.
They won their flight by beating Northern(2-1), Middle States(3-0), and New England(2-1) and advanced on to the semi’s. In the semi’s, they lost to Southern
California (1-2) in a very close match and went on to take 4th place in Nationals.
There were over 7,000 women participating nationally in the 7.0 division. Left to
right: Joann Bosworth, Kathy Jensen, Marje Valenti, Rita Harder, Karen Lippe,
Bobbie Klapp, Mary Charters, Liz Meisegeier, Joann Wilbour, Betty Edwards, absent: Diane Ray.
Betsy Harrigan's 3.0 ladies team, who came in first place in Southwest Arizona league,
came in second place in their first USTA Sectionals at the El Conquistador Resort &
Country Club in Tucson. There were six Southwest 3.0 teams that played in a Round
Robin format. Betsy’s team and the Sedona team both walked away with a 4-1
win/loss but Sedona won first place by edging out our SaddleBrooke team by 1 individual win in the overall Round Robin.
The scores: Surprise 2-1, Sedona 2-1, SB Weiss/Johnson 2-1, El Paso 0-3, and Las
Cruces 2-1.
Left to Right:
Sandi Stohl (co-captain), Janet Fabio, Bonnie Kirkham, Kathy Cotton, Betsy Harrigan
(Captain), Carole Delie, Lynne Donovan, Kay Sullivan, Mimi Israelson, Karen Hemmingson. Missing: Shari Schneider, Sheila Szentirmai
Marsha Weiss’ 3.0 ladies team, who came in second in the Southwest Arizona
league, came in fourth place in their first USTA Sectionals with a total of two
match wins, three losses in the six team Round Robin format. This was a first for
most of these ladies, so the experience and good tennis was well worth the effort.
Left to Right: Karen Gurian Sue Bixler, Christine Redding, Char Herbert, Connie
Kacer, Joyce Johnson, Pam Marshall, Bonnie Johnson (co-captain), Genie Williams.
Missing: Captain Marsha Weiss
Joe Schullik’s 3.5 men’s team, who came in second in the Southwest Arizona
league also participated in the sectionals held at El Conquistador. Although the
ball didn’t bounce their way that week-end and they had more than their share of
bumps in the road, Joe was quick to say they had a lot of fun and great tennis! (no
picture available).
JUNE 2010
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direction of the Site Referee. Duties include but are not limited to:
Carol Sochacki, Kay Koontz, Marje Valenti,
The three STC members pictured above
are Certified USTA Officials. Carol
Sochacki, Kay Koontz, and Marje Valenti
are active tournament staffers at varying
levels of certification.
Tennis Officials help ensure that any given
tennis match is conducted under the fairest possible conditions. They exercise
jurisdiction over several courts under the
Ensuring that assigned courts are ready for play
Enforcing the warm-up time and Point Penalty System
Promptly reporting to the Referee any code violations
Resolving scoring disputes
Overruling line calls and calling foot faults when in direct observation of the court
Managing Medical Time-Out
Defaulting players for cause; and
Controlling spectators
USTA Officials are certified each year only after passing a written test,
attending an approved school for each certification category and providing a physician’s statement of 20/20 vision. Work records are maintained by the USTA.
The role of USTA Official provides the individual with an opportunity to
learn the rules of tennis. Officials always carry the official reference
manual, “Friend at Court”.
Officials also get to see tennis played under the best conditions, see
some astonishing players, and enjoy an involved level of contact with
the people and the game.
If you have an interest in becoming a USTA official feel free to contact
one of our officials or visit the USTA website.
THE CODE—Out Calls Corrected
Kay Koontz
“The Code” is Part 2 of the “Friend at Court” manual, the USTA Handbook for Tennis Officials. It is the players’ guide for
matches when officials are not present. What is written in “The Code” is a summary of procedures and unwritten rules
that custom and tradition dictate all players should follow. “The Code” is not part of the official ITF Rules of Tennis but
many of the principles also apply when officials are present. Players have a responsibility to be familiar with the basic
rules and customs of tennis. One rule will be selected for review for each STC Newsletter publication.
NOTE: There is a copy of a “Friend at Court” in the Tennis Center.
This time the issue is out calls corrected:
Your opponent (the player) mistakenly calls a ball “out” and then realizes it was good. The point is replayed if the
player returned the ball within the proper court. If the player’s return results in a “weak sitter,” the player should give
the opponent (you) the point. If the player failed to make the return, the opponent (you) wins the point.
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JUNE 2010
Resource List
Tennis Pros
Terry Gibson 520-825-0255 (staff member)
To receive STC Emails/Announcements/
Jim Ward - 520-820-9818 (n/a June, July, Aug, Sept)
Gene McGeehan— 520-818-7940
To subscribe or change:
Doug Miller— 520-591-2134
Racquet Stringing
Steve Leane—520-818-1028
To unsubscribe:
Ed Szympruch—520-825-7065
Bruce Nissenbaum-520- 818-1496 (n/a June, July,
Aug, Sept)
2009 Audit Completed
If you would like to write a tennis related article, or submit a name for someone that you think should be written up in “Featured Member of the Month”, please
send to:
The Board of Directors would like to thank Jerry Sandvig for
his recently completed audit and review of the 2009 financial records of the club. The Audit Report will be presented
at the next BOD meeting.
Please include a summary of why you think he/she
should be featured & it will be reviewed by the Newsletter Staff & BOD representative.
Your article should be about 100—300 words long, but
no longer than 400 words. Pictures are welcome as
well. All articles are due no later than the 25th of the
month, preferably earlier.
Your article will be edited for brevity, pertinence, and
conformation to the overall intent of the STC newsletter.
If your article does not appear, you will get an email with
a brief explanation of why it was not included.
Note: There will not be a July Newsletter — the
publisher (me) is taking a month off. Look for an
August newsletter covering the Fourth of July Social.
Do You Know These Famous Tennis
MAY, 2010
Al Kacer/Bill Lunquist
Al Majer
Joanie & Ernie Dragon
Ed Donovan/Tina Huber
Craig MacPherson
Bonnie Johnson/Kathy Majer
Kristy/Dave Johnson
By Laws
Steve Leanne
Mixed Doubles Team Tennis Committee
Dave Lamb/Marsha Weiss—Joe Schullik, Board Liason
Jerry Sandvig
Ball Machine/Restock Balls
Frank Valenti/Loretta Edgerton
STC Coordinators
Lynne Donovan/Board Liaison
Mary Jo George
Phone Directory
Leon McKinzie
Gayle Sell
E-Mail Transmitter
Bob Weiss/Pam Willis
Steve Leane
Ray Kump/Al Majer
Preferred Guest Coordinators
Dick Partridge/Greg Hlushko
STC’s USTA Liaison
Marv Klapp
Robson Cup
Carol Eisenbraun/Steve Leane
Web Master & Email Transmitter
Riley Jackson
Well Wishers
Dee Bartels
HOA 1 Tennis Committee
Bob Weiss/Board Liaison
HOA 2 Tennis Committee
Peter Bidwell/Board Liaison
Mixed Doubles Team Tennis Committee
Joe Schullik/Board Liaison
Club Exchange Committee
Sy Efron