66 years! - Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre


66 years! - Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre
Annual Report, 2013-14
June 26, 2014
The Greater Grand Forks
Community Theatre,
established 1947
6 Mainstage Shows Veterans’ Monologue workshops in 4 cities 2 Late Night Plays 5 Concerts & 1 Improv Troupe 10 Children’s Workshops 1 Foreign Film Festival Teen writing workshop and 4 Performances 2 Old time Radio Shows 66 years! 4 award winning film screenings
Brick by brick, we’ll get ‘er done! - aliquam.
50/50 raffles, a ten spot here, a pancake breakfast there – we’ve been collecting donations any way we can for the last two and a half years, and we were thrilled to learn we will receive a $19,000 grant from the State Historical Society to begin the brick and mortar repair on our 109-­‐year old Fire Hall building. Being the caretaker of a historic building is something we take quite seriously. When the bricks began falling off the crown of the Fire Hall we knew there was no time to waste. So began the effort to raise the $97,000 to insure that the Fire Hall will be here for another 109 years. Thus far our patrons have helped raise a little over $11,000 to match the State’s grant. This summer we are producing an interactive dinner theatre, the Fireman’s Ball, which we hope will raise enough to match the remaining portion. If you’d like to become part of the 1905 Legacy project and put your family or business name on a brick in our lobby, please contact our Executive Director: info@ggfct.com . Cast of 70;
534 tickets sold;
priceless memories made
The Nightingale
For the 3rd year in a row, we produced two, concurrent children’s musicals: the regional premiere of Disney’s Mulan and an adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Nightingale This season, Mare Thompson and Jane beautifully created by Amy Sanner, was b) safe for all involved. Clearly, Syverson, whose daughters (Claire, and the fire breathing Moo Shoo was the Fire Hall is a family affair – some Liz, and Hannah) grew up on the Fire played by her daughter Lauren. The are bound by blood, some by the Hall stage, chose to co-­‐direct both of fire bringer, backstage dad and experience of creating theatre our shows. Therese Kulas, last year’s volunteer extraordinaire, Dave together. Little Mermaid, turned 18 this season Dauphinais, whose son Jack joined us and moved into the role of assistant for another year, went to work on to the directors. The costuming was making sure the fire a) worked and Children’s Programming Expanding -­‐ $4,400 in grants for 2014-­‐15 Building on last year’s successful Play Days, this season we offered one per month on days when the GF schools were not in session. “Mythology” was the theme, and in the fall we created “scriptless” plays based on Greek myths and in the spring we focused on Norse mythology. Children ages 6 – 13 participated in 7 four-­‐hour workshops. In the summer months we also produced an original play, Caution: Children @ Play, involving 23 kids, ages 6-­‐14, and launched our pre-­‐school program, Mother Goose Storybook Theatre. Lithia4Kids, The United Way of GF/EGF, and Wells Fargo have pledged $4,400 to support programming next season. (Photo courtesy Ligia Feo)
Brought to you by the Greater Grand Forks
Community Theatre and the Historic
Norman Funeral Home
A drop dead funny play somewhere below the Mason-Dixon Line
Escanaba in da Moonlight -­‐ September Expenses: $4,037 Net Income: $6,446 Written by David Bottrell and Jessie Jones
Directed by Patrick DeMars and Lana Demars
Feb. 13-15; 20-22, 27-28, Mar. 1 @ 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 16 & 23 @ 2:00 p.m.
Dearly Departed: February/March Expenses: $6,382 Net Income: $5,402 66th Season, Box Office Financials Mulan & The Nightingale -­‐ November Expenses: $11,738 Net Income $4,337 Last of the Boys – April/May Expenses: $5,815 Net Income: $1,186 The Full Monty – May/June EXPENSES: $19,017.40 NET INCOME: $1,649 3
Grants are an essential part of our operating budget. This year, we were successful in receiving $39,928 in support. Thank you to the following local, state, and private corporations: North Valley Arts Council and the City of Grand Forks The North Dakota Council on the Arts The ND Humanities Council Myra Foundation Grand Forks Visitors and Convention Bureau Xcel Energy Enbridge Lithia 4 Kids Sickle Foundation The Knight Foundation The Community Foundation of EGF & GF – Women’s Fund Bremer Bank Gate City Alerus Financial Spon sors – Without the financial and In-­‐kind support of businesses, the GGFCT would not be able Thousands
to provide the quality programming it has and hopes to continue in the future. Thank you to these local businesses: Home of Economy, the Historic Norman Funeral Home, Economy Plumbing and Heating, Sanders, 1907, Hugo’s, Sam’s Club, Scan Design, Thompson-­‐Schaefer Insurance, Bud & Ralph’s Appliance Repair, Dr. Volk, Dr. Tannabe, Dr. Tran, Dr. Manke, Dr. Schefter, Dr. Swanson, Dr. Erickson, Kiddwell Cleaning, Boardwalk Bar and Grill, Frandsen Bank & Trust, Bank Forward, Bremer Bank, Bergstrom Electric, Dry Express Floor Cleaning, HB Sound & Light, McFarlane, Inc., Simonson’s Lumber, US. Foods, and DuCon Energy, as well as these local nonprofit groups: UND’s Burtness Theatre, The Empire Arts Center, Art Wise, Global Friends, Unitarian Universalists, Sacred Heart School, and EGF VFW, Lutheran Social Services, EGF Campbell Library. $12
Individual donations
corporate giving
Lagniappe is a French Creole word used in New Orleans and elsewhere to mean “a little something extra.” This season we presented two late night shows: Dog Sees God, in October, directed by David Kary; and Parallel Lives in November, directed and performed by Amy Driscoll and Nicole Quam. In addition, we hosted two bands, the Canadian, Juno Award winners, Eliott Brood, and ND folk singer, Jessie Veeder. Three different musical groups presented fundraisers for the Fire Hall this year: Maria Williams Kennedy’s Bel Canto studio singers performed a “Spooky Cabaret” in October, Misti Koop and Maury Finney and band performed a Winter Cabaret in December, and Chuck Gust and Sharon Myron gifted us with an afternoon of accordion music as a fundraiser for the Fire Hall. Bearded Men were passing through and presented a night of improv in January, and we wrapped up our fun-­‐raising efforts with the 2nd annual Pancakes with a Princess breakfast in May. Thanks to the EGF/GF Community Foundation Women’s Fund & the UND Women’s Center, we also conducted a monologue writing workshop, in which 6 girls, ages 10-­‐18, interviewed 6 women, ages 72-­‐93 and created monologues based on the women’s lives. These pieces, “70 and Better,” were then performed at UND, the GFAFB, and the Fire Hall Theatre. The other monologue writing workshop, “Warrior Words,” took place not just in GF, but also Minot, Bismarck, and Dickinson due to a generous ND Humanities Grant. These pieces were read in each city & will culminate in a published collection, Warrior Words – 2014, in September. In an effort to bring education and awareness around our newest neighbors, the Fire Hall hosted a film series. Once a month, from January through March, we screened a film shot in one of three countries from which some of the new Americans living in GF were born: Bhutan, Liberia, and Kenya. Lastly, the ND Humanities Council partnered with us on a Dakota Discussions’ screening of The Fog of War in late March, as well as selecting the Fire Hall to launch the One Book tour in June featuring NY Times, best-­‐selling author, Kathleen Norris, whose book Dakota: A spiritual geography marks it’s 21st “birthday” in 2014. Late Nights &
“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give”. Our Volunteers -­‐-­‐Winston Churchill Nothing, absolutely nothing happens at the Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre without hundreds of volunteers. Those actors on stage? Volunteers. The sets you see? Designed, built, and painted by volunteers. The wine and refreshments at receptions? Donated and prepared by volunteers. All the “stuff” that happens backstage? Volunteers. And when it comes to the children’s shows, it truly takes a village: parent helpers backstage, helping with costumes, make-­‐up, hair, purchasing souvenirs they later sell in the lobby, cleaning the theatre, ushering, building props, videotaping productions, burning DVDs – you name it. The parents of our youngest actors are ready and willing to contribute their time. What great role models they are for our youth! The GGFCT only has one paid staff person, so when you see a poster at the grocery store, you can bet it was hung up by a volunteer and designed by someone who has a full time job but took the time to donate her talents (Jenna Solem, a graphic artist with Minnkota Power designed most of the marketing material you saw this year). Jeff Kinney and Jared Kinney have been long-­‐time contributors to the Fire Hall, pitching in wherever needed – whether it be ice removal on winter sidewalks, carpentry, flooring, or maintenance. This season we also benefited from group volunteers, namely Alpha Chi Omega sorority at UND, UND Resident Assistants, UND’s Big Event, and Amazon employees. The Pancakes with a Princess fundraiser was volunteer driven, organized by Liz Blazek who corralled her husband, GFAFB fire fighter Josh Thompson, who then wrangled up 10 other fire fighters to flip hotcakes and grill sausage (donated by Hugos and US Foods) for more than 200 people, while seven of the busiest teenage girls in town donned gowns and sang to the appreciative patrons at the donated VFW hall in EGF. Treasure Omdahl and Lori Gylten dressed as Queens, took tickets, while Diane Wales, our newly appointed Volunteer Coordinator ran around wiping down tables and making sure everything went smoothly. Volunteers are the backbone of the Fire Hall Theatre. If you are interested in getting involved, only say the word and we will put your precious time and talents to good use. Contact Diane Wales. She volunteered. The Board of Directors – The Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre is governed by a volunteer board. Each board member serves 1 three-­‐year term, renewable for a second term. The 66th season Board of Directors: Heather Helgeson -­‐ President (2014) Jeff Weatherly – Vice President (2015) Director, Nonprofit Leadership, UND Chair, Dept. of Psychology, UND Laura Netz Secretary (2014) Brad Werner -­‐-­‐ Treasurer (2016) Action Trucking Accountant, ND Museum of Art Julie McWalter (2015) David Kary (2014) Director of Marketing, GFAFB AT&T, Sales & Consumer Rep Jared Kinney (2014) Charlotte Helgeson (2014) Owner, J. Kinney Flooring Director, EGF Campbell Library Jean McGurran (2014) Debra Pflughoeft-­‐Hassett (2014) Altru Health Systems Environmental Sustainability David Paukert (2014) Coordinator, City of GF Freelance Photographer/Director Jeff Kinney, Ex Officio – Jeff Kinney & Associates Staff: Kathleen Coudle-­‐King, Executive Director CPA – Michael Sailer Friends of the Fire Hall Theatre
A standing ovation for everyone who contributed this season to the general fund, the furnace
fund, or the Brick-by-Brick campaign. We simply could not do it without your support:
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Contributors to the
Brick-by-Brick Campaign
Jeff Kinney
Heidi Czerwiec
Eliot Glassheim
Elaine Speare
Shirley Kieffer
Yvette LaPierre
Forrest & Emily Nielsen
Dave Lambeth &
Cec Volden
Treasure & Buzz Omdahl
Aida & Richard Wakefield
Marie Strinden
Sharon & Duane Myron
Gary & Nancy Enright
Gary & Dottie Swanson
Marie Neuman
Pat & Russ Wilber
Fallcreek Quartet
Bel Canto Studio Singers
Maria Williams Kennedy
Marlene Jorgenson
Candy Regan
Karol Knudson
Marlys Murphy
Karen Braaten
Kim Holmes
Jill & Maria Schisano
David Paukert
Glen Gransberg (in
Amy & Kevin Muiderman
Bonnie Sobolik
Mike Brue
Tom & AJ Rand
Kristin Borysewicz
Chuck Gust
Zona Kami
Expenses: $140,598
Deferred Projects
Contract Services
Building & Equipment
Total Tickets sold: 3,783 (not including
cabarets, fundraising events, children’s’
workshops); 84 new people on or back stage!
Concessions; 2%
Fundraising; 3%
Rentals; 1%
interest; 0%
Total Income: $140,598
Educational; 4%
Sponsors; 6%
Box Office; 49%
Grants; 27%