2001:03:00 - Amazon Web Services
2001:03:00 - Amazon Web Services
11 I ISSN'083S'6734 WHITLOCK FAMIL Y NEWSLETTER 47644 Forester Road RR#2, Sardis, B.C. CANADA V2R 4M6 Subscription $10 (£4.50) per annum Tel:604/824-7450 Renewable January 1st Published Fax:604/824-4303 Mar.Jun.Sep.& Dec. Email:whitlock@vaUeynet.bc.ca Web site: http://home.pix.zaldw/dw000002/whitass/index.htm Vol.20 No.l March 2001 Page 1 As I expectedthe addition on the house we started last November has set the family history part of my life back a EHt. Still have not tackled the February or March mail!! The good news is the job should be finished in the next couple of weeks and life can get back to some semblance of normal. I have delayed the Newsletter a bit to at least get the January & February mail entered but the additions lists in this issue are going to be a bit thin. Hopefully the additional articles will make it a more interesting issue. One of the articles in this issue deals with a major movement relating to a Loyalistfamily of New BrunSWICk. Again, despite years of research, If was a minor comment about the ongins of a house in Saint John, New Brunswick that provided the clue we needed to connect this part of the family to the Whitelocks of Philadelphia. Other highlights in this issue include the letter from Jessie Turner written from Yorkshire to Canada in 1887 (R218S). Old letters are always treasures in many ways. They make names into real people and give YOLl a small glimpse into their lives. Just seeing your ancestor's handwriting gives you a connection to that person. I was interested in the clipping from Bill & Wilma Whitelock regarding Anne Whitlock who ran the Cheshire Cheese pub in London. It wi1I be interesting to see if we can uncover further details on this lady. Anne appears to have emigrated from England and then returned to run a London pub. Faith McKnigllr~research into the Whitlocks of Madison Co., Kentucky has enabled us to connect this family to the WHlTLOCK3 5 chart as it became evident that Albert Whitlock in her records and Valentine Whitlock on the above chart were the same person, (X3773 & X3872) James E. Wilson's research in the family of Aaron Couch Whitlock (1787-1849) of Stamford, Connecticut & Fulton & Saratoga Counties, New York continues and is filling in many blanks. I have managed to enter the 106 pages of GEDCOM file from Don Guehrn (X3779) into the WHITLOCKO 1 chart. This picks l!P a huge missing section following their emigration to Ainerica and I really appreciate the work Don has put into this part of fhe family. Iris Welford has managed to track down her elusive Edwin Whitlock who "went to America" (X3790) Edwin left from Northamptonshjje, ~ent some time in I1linois and finally settled in San Luis Opispo, California. I also have a huge GEuCOM file from Iris that remains to be worked on. We are uncovering more details about places called Whitlock. In this issue is an article on a Q~rk in South Dakota. Hopefully we will uncover similar details about Whitlock, Louisa CO..."Yirginiaand Whitlock'tl Henry Co., Tennessee. (X3808-X3810) I was interested to see that the name wnitTock is ranked 1978 most common surname in America (X3811) although I am not quite sure what that means!! 1 The Pitton, Wiltshire families have had a lot of activity lately, particularly through the efforts of Quintin White Muriel Allen and Janis Kirby. The most recent efforts have enabled LIS to connect the WHITLOCK67 chart The Whitlocks of Essex to the Pitton family. This family moved from Pitton to Yorkshire then Esse~ and then Sussex. It has taken some perseverance on the part of several researchers to make these connections. As with many of the Pitton families it isheaded by a Whitlock/Whitlock marriage. Quintin White has managed to connect many ofthe Whitlock/Whitlock marnages together (X3829) and 1have noted on each of the charts the cross connection of the spouses to the other charts. It can get pretty confusing when both the husband and the wife are Whitlocks and even worse when both their mothers were also Whiflocksl! Only in Pitton!! Our thanks to Bobbie Hanneken for adding her research into the Whitlocks of Jersey Co., Illinois to the WHITLOCK35 chart eX3846). This information is not all entered yet but I have noted the reference on the chart for anyone wishing copies of this detail. I was very pleased to hear from Martin Whitlock whose grandfather Maior John David Wilson Whitlock was Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 1 Vol.20 No.l March 2001 Page 2 the Master of the Worsh~pful Company: of Gardeners of London 1950-1951. There are three Whitlock Coa~s of Arms: th~ Wokingharn, Berkshire fam.Ily" The Devon Whitlocks and the arms granted to John David Wilson Whitlock ill 1955. Martin was kind enough to send us copy of the arms granted to his grandfather. These are the highlights only of a steady' stream of information that continues to flow in from all quarters and ill particular from our tireless American representative Chuck Rockett. Many thanks to all of you. I do hear from time to time from persons looking for Whitlocks who were adopted or Whitlock birth mothers from adopted children. The current generations are not well represented in our files and unfortunately I have had to postpone entering most current information due to time constrains. I do have the impression that the charts are likely growing faster than I can enter the data!! I try to give adopted persons as much information as I can about possible research avenues but it is difficult. I appreciate the renewals that have been sent in. Thank you. We have 131 of 178 subscriptions renewed. I have enclosed a reminder for those who have not renewed and I hope you will be willing to support us for another year. Some months ago I looked into a hiring student with expertise in Microsoft Access to do some work on our databases to make them more useful. r would also like to do more with the huge census files we have. I approached the local computer college but was not able to connect with anyone I thought could do the job. I may give this another try this summer and see what comes of it. If anyone has ideas on this, please let me know. As we head into Spring and Summer the farm will likely take more of my time but I hope to catch up on the correspondence and make my replies a little more timely. I appreciate your patience, particularly when you finally make that "find" and Just can't wait for the details to arrive. I mow now frustrating that can be. Good luck this year in your research and I do look forward to hearing how you are progressing. MISCELLANEOUS X37701l X377111 X37721l X3773/3 X3774/3 X377511 X3776111 X3777/64 X37781136 X37791106 X3780/25 X37811l Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Nov. 16,2000 re James Agee & Mary Ann (Jones) Garrett (MI841) Green Co., Ky James Agee gs Thomas & Rebecca (Radford) Whitlock (MI790's) of Va&Ky Email from Rose Rhodes Dd Nov.17,2000 re descent from Tandy & Susan Catherine (Kent) Whitlock (MI822) Augusta Co., Va Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Nov.17,2000 re Steven A. (HowelI?) & (??) (Pitman) Whitlock (MI830/40's) of Butler Co., Oh Emails from Faith McKnight Dd Nov.29,2000 re descent from Valentine (Albert) & Lucy (Long) Whitlock (MI823) thru son Richard Nicholas & Mary Elizabeth (Tudor) Whitlock (MI8"49) Richmond, Madison Co., Ky Emails from Maureen Baxter Dd Nov.30, & Dec.2,2000 re John Paul & Sarah (Mott) Whitelocke (MI834) St.Dunstan, Stepney, London Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Nov.15, 2000 re James Wesl~ & Bertha Lowe (Whitlock) Hubbard (M1931) of Harrisburg, 11Bertha Lowe d Thomas Edward & Ida May (Glascock) Whitlock (MI888) Saline Co., II 520 Whittejlock obituaries or mentioning Whitlocks 1995-2000 from obits.rootsweb.corn from Lawrence OtIS Research into the family of Aaron Couch Whitlock (1787-1849) of Fulton & Saratoga Counties., NY incl Couch, Putman and Rathbun families, census records, War of 1812 records, cemetery records from James E. Wilson GEDCOM file descent from Elias & Mary (Stoneman) Whitlock (M1821) Langtree, Devon from Don Guehrn GEDCOM file descent from John Whitlock (1679-1761) of Shutlanger, NTH from Iris Welford Research into the Whitlocks of NB from Brian Hallett Email from Bob Dickey Dd Dec.21,2000 re John & Libby (Paul) Whitlock (M1835) ofYadkin Co.,NC Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 I VoI.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 3 X37821l X3783/37 X37841l6 X37851l X378612 X3787/2 X3788/I X378911 X37901l X379111 X379211 X37931l X379411 X37951l X379611 X37971l X379812 X379911 X3S001l X38011l X380211 X3803/1 X3804/5 X3805/4 X380611 X3807/2 X380811 Email from Faith McKnight Dd Dec.23,2000 re descent from Valentine & Lucy (Long) Whitlock (MI823) Louisa Co., Va Em~il from Mary Harkness Dd Dec.26,2000 re descent from John & Sarah (Giddings) Whitlock (MI82I ?)SC Family group sheets and chart with descent from John Whitlock (d.I659) of Ct from Jane McGowan Preston Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.2,200I re obit ofWilliam Owen Whitlock 66 of Syracuse Oh died Dec.I9,I997 William Owen Whitlock grandson of Giles Lemuel & Rosa Belle (FrHey) Whitlock of Wva Immigration to Oregon 1805 re William Thomas Whitlock from Chuck Rockett Nathional Defence Biographies re Lt.Col.Ross E. Wuerth from Helen Wuerth Email from Carol Stewart Dd Nov.30,2000 re uQqates to the W09 chart descendants ofWiUiam Henry & Rachael Almeida (Whitlock )Stewart (MISSO's) Email from Ken Thompson Dd Dec.l,2000 re Raymond & Emelia (Bishop) Whitlock (M1900's) of Jersey City, NJ Email from Iris Welford Dd Dec.1,2000 re Edwin & Avery Ann (Elliott) Whitlock (MI868) Milton Malsor, NTH & Woodford Co., 11& San Luis Obispo, Ca Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec.3,2000 re Lewis Hamilton & Nancy Snyder (Whitlock) Ballard (M1879) Greene Co.,Il Nancy Snyder Whitlock d.Robert C. & MilIy (Portwood) Whitlock (MI845) Email from Dianne Sutton Dd Dec.5,2000 re updates to the W42 chart. Death of Alec Whitlock Sep.23,2000 Milton Keynes, BKM Rootsweb from Powanda John Dd Dec.4 2000 re descent from Warren & Amanda (Reynolds) Whitlock (MI828) Whitlockville, Westc1 rester Co., NY Email from Teresa Cunningham Dd Dec.6,2000 re Charles E. & Magdelena (Crobac) WhitJock (MI944/5?) Vienna, Austria Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec.6,2000 re Anderson & Sally (Whitlock) Crawley (MI81S) Warren Co., Ky Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec.6,2000 re James & Mourning (Whitlock) Medley (MI780's) of Halifax Co., Va Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec.S,2000 re Adair Co., Ky marriages Rootsweb & email from Sandee NatowichDd Dec.9,2000 & Feb.18,2001 re Daniel & Emily (Whitlock) LaRoche of Merritt Island, Fl Rootsweb from Rebecca Whitlock-Lang Dd Dec.9,2000 re John N. & Hanna (Burket) Whitlock (M1821) Augusta Co., Va Emails from Becky Quinn Dd Dec. 11,12,2000 re Thomas Jefferson & Elizabeth Ann (Montgomery) Wliitlock (M1830's) of Greene Co., Mo Rootsweb from Helen L. Kinsey Dd Dec.ll,2000 re James & Sarah (Whitlock) Olmstead (MI775) Wilton, Ct Sarah WhItlock d Daniel & Mary (Morehouse)(Bilton) Whitlock (M1746) Fairfield, Ct Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec.13,2000 re John & Martha (Baldwin) Hawks (M1667) Hadley, Ma Martha d. Joseph & Hannah (Whitlock) Baldwin (MI636) High Wycombe, BKM Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec. 14,2000 re Charles E. & Helen R. (Whitlock) Cox (M1953) StJoseph, In Emailsfrom Bob Dickey Dd Dec.15,16,2000 & Feb.1S,2001 re John Whitlock (1797?-1864?) ofYadkin Co., NC Emails from Hugh Ainsleypd Dec.17 2000 & Feb.19,2001 re George & Mary Whitlock (MI840?s) of Cfielsea, LND Robert Whitlock b.1878 living with George & Mary Whitlock (1881) Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Dec. 17,2000 re Grandison & Mary C. (Whitlock) Sharp (M1868) Tipton Co., Tn & Little Rock, Ar Rootsweb from Linda J. Pointer Dd l?ec.18,2QOO re Indenture Dd May) t(no year) between Jeptha Hollingsworth and Ann his WIfe of Union Co., & William W.hltlock, 200 pounds sterling re land on Browns Creek & Broad River granted to Jeptha Hollmgsworth 17"85 boundmg land of Jno. Maifield & Wm. Williams Rootsweb from Jim Wheat Dd Dec.18,2000 re William R. & Julia Ann (Whitlock) Turner (M1829) Campbell Co., Ga se Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 I VoI.20 No.! March 2001 Page 4 X3809/3 X3810/3 X3811l1 X38121l X38131l X3814/1 X3815/2 X3816171 X38171l X381811 X38191l X38201l X382111 X382211 X382312 X38241l X382511 X382611 X382711 X382812 X3829/3 X3830/3 X383111 X3832/3 X383311 X383411 X3835/5 X3836/2 X383711 http://www.state.sd.us/sdparks/whitlock/whitlock.htm Dd Dec.19,2000 re West Whitlock Recr~atlOn Area, Gettyburg, South Dakota Park named for Agnes B. (Nicol) Whitlock. Ferry crossmg and settlement known as Whitlock Crossing. http://www.whitlockmtnrentals.com/DDDd Dec.19,2000 re log cabins in the Smoky Mountams, Gathnburg, To http://www.placesnamed.com/W/h/whitlock.a~DdDec.JP •.•.. 2000 re Whitlock 1 978th most popular surname m the us. Whltlock, Henry 0., To & w nit lock, Louisa Co., 'Va Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.2,2001 re marriage of John Boles & Elizabeth Whitlock 13 Aug.1856 Davie Co., NC Email from Janet Ferris Dd Jan.2,2001 re obit of James R. Whitlock, 68 died 7 May 1932 Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.3,2001 re E.J. Whitlock, Pres. Board of Education, Office Red Hook, bet. Fulton & Livingston, NY 1891 Census, BKM from Dianne Sutton GEDCOM file descent from Thomas & Jane (Norton) Whitlock (MI820's) ofCattaraugus Co., NY from Ginni Morey Email from Chuck Rockett Dd JanA,2001 re Daniel Whitlock of Richmond, Va groomsman at wedding of Alexander H. & Blanche V. (Wasserman) Meyer Jan.2,1890 Rootsweb from Chuck Rockett Dd JanA,2001 re William P. Whitlock family bible 1902, Nauvoo, AI Email fromChuckRockettDdJan.~\~901reShipColumbus.NewYorktoSanFrancisco.Ca Feb.12,1850 to Jun.6,1850 re W.D. wnitlock Letter from Patricia Whitlock re death of Jean Elsie Whitlock DecA,2000 Cohuna, Australia Rootsweb from Mary Conner Williams Dd Jan.5,2001 to Fred L. Williams re Will & Nancy (Whitlock) Williams. Whitlocks of Giles Co., Va Rootsweb from Robin Potter Dd Jan.6 2001 Bowmanville [ant] Observer Sep.J2,1883 re marriage Rev. Francis Metherall Whitiock & Annie M. Beacham Sep.5,1883 Mariposa, Ont GenForum & email from Ollie Clarke Dd Jan.7 & Feb.1,2001 re John M. & Winney C. (Mason) Whitlock (MI853) ofCaroline Co., Va Rootsweb from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.7,2001 re John & Eliza (Covington) Whitlock (M1824) Warren Co., Ky Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.7,2001 re John & Lydia (Keenon) Whitlock (M1824) Warren Co., Ky Rootsweb from David Emerson Dd Jan.7,2001 re Robert & Amanda J. (Whitlock) Guthrie (MI845) Henry Co., To Rootsweb from Clarence Parker Dd Jan.8,2001 re F.M. & Elizabeth "Lottie" (Theis)(Grant) Whitlock. Elizabeth, the original P.T. Barnum Fat Lady. Had a son PT Barnum Whitlock Rootsweb Dd Jan.8, 2001 & Email Dd Jan.9,2001 from John Kunkel re John Albert & Anna Cordelia (Stebbins) Whitlock (MI862) Perrysburg, Oh Anna Cordelia d Solomon Alden & Rachel Marie (Lincoln) Stebbins Descendants of James & Mary (Whitlock) Whitlock (MI740's) ofPitton, Wilts by Quintin White from Muriel AlIen Descendants of John & Sarah Whitlock (M1660's) ofPitton, Wilts with connection to WHITLOCK67 chart, the Whitlocks of Essex from Muriel AlIen Rootsweb from James S. Laney Dd Jan.8,2001 re J.W. & Gillie (Mayfield) Whitlock (MI920) GenForum & email from Susan PrattDd Jan. 11 & Feb.l,2001 re William Joseph & Annie W. (Alexander) Whitlock (MI893) of Frederick Co., Va Email from KarenDavis Dd Jan.ll ,200 1 re descent from James & Betsey Whitlock (M17901810's) ofVa & SC Rootsweb from White Dd Jan. I k2001 re sale ofland from Robert & Agnes (Alford) Whitlock of Halifax Co., Va to Frederick 1alley Nov.15,1770 EmailsfromDaveNellerDdJan.11& 29,2001 re Harry & Ellen Louise (Goodchild) Whitlock (MI906) Long Sutton, Ham Harry age 23 s George W11itlock.. . Email from Quintin White Dd Jan.12,2001 re George & Damans (Whitlock) Collins (M1846) Farley, Wilts Damaris cl John & Miriam (William)Whitlock (M18.1q) Pitton, Wilts . Rootsweb from Doris Bramlett Dd Jan.14,2001 re descent from William & Mary (Whitlock) Jones (M1760) se Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 1 Vol.20 No.1 March 2001 PageS X38381l X38391l X38401l X384112 X38421l X3843/1 X384411 X3845/1 X3846/48 X3847/1 X384811 X384911 X3850/l X385111 X3852/1 X385311 X385411 X385511 X3856/3 X38571l X385812 X3859/5 X38601l X386112 X38621l X386311 X3864/1 X386511 X38661l X386712 Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.14,2001 re John & Cornelia (Whitlock) Clifford (MI880's) ofNY&NJ Letter from Muriel 1. Gillman Dd Jan. 13,2001 update to Main Line of Richard & Ellen (Boon) Whitlock (MI857) Oxf Email from Sandi Lee Craig Dd Jan.15,2001 re Benson Jones & Rebecca (Whitlock) Grant Louisa Co., Va Will Books 1743-1801 from Donald Strebel Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.16.f~00 1 The [Clarkesville Tnl Leaf-Chronicle Jan.I4 200 I obit of Celeste Walker Whitlock, 69, Hopkinsville, Ky died J~m.1 ,2001 ' , Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan. 16",2nOO 1 Russian River Flag, Healdsburg Ca re birth Dec. 13,1875 of son to wife of James w nitlock Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.16,2001 re Waiter H.F. & Elsie R. (Whitlock) Neary (MI913) NSW Email from Beatrix Spurling Dd Jan.16,2001 re C.G. Whitlock Process Co. Box 259 Springfield, Il62705 ' Descent from James Buckcana & Ida Elizabeth (Whitlock) Whitlock (MI896) Jersey Co., Il from Bobbie Hanneken Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.17 ,2001 re Cornelius & Hannah (Baxter) Stevenson (MI826) ofNY & Pa Hannah d John & Dorcas (Whitlock) Baxter (111787) Ridgefield, Ct Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.17,2001 Toronto [Ont] Star obit Bernice (Whitlock) Young 2000-9-7 Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.17,2001 Brooklyn [NY] Standard Union Jan.lO,1894 obit of Sadie Whitlock wife ofIsaac Reed Birch Email from Maisie Whitelock Dd Jan.18,200 1 re birth of grandaughter Holly Mai Whitelock Jan.16,2001 Email from Cindy Dd Jan.18,2001 re Zalmon Edward & Adrea (Whitlock) Peck (MI810's) of Ct&In GenForum from Kim Fehn Dd Jan.19,2001 re mother Betty Virginia Whitlock born Philadelphia, Pa GenForum from Rickey Crandall Dd Jan.19,2001 re Samuel Whitlock died Garland, Tx about 1877 Email from Monica Lawrence Dd Jan.20,2001 re Matthew & "Widow" (Whitlock) Samson (MI649) Throwley, Kent Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.20,2001 re Arthur G. & Effie (Whitlock) Birdwell (M1899) Logan Co., Ky Email from Kate Micco Dd Jan.21,2001 re children of John Whitlock & Mary (McQueen) Baxter (MI814) Mayfield, Ma GenForum from Rodger Whitlock Dd Jan.22,200I re William G. Whitlock (18807-1949) of Ridgeway, SC Email from Brenda Pflaum Dd Jan.24,2001 re Samuel & Parthenia (Bowles) Whitlock (M1829) Surry Co., NC Updates to the WHITLOCK27 chart by Delores Bellamy from Jessie Turner Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.25,2001 re John & Martha (O'Hara) Whitlock (M1842) Toronto, Ont Email from Becky Quinn Dd Jan.25,2001 re William & Dora (Dearen) Whitlock of McAlister, Ok Email from Powanda John Dd Jan.25,2001 re James E. & Rachel Lavinia (Whitlock) Sniffen (M1866) ofNY Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.26,2001 Surry Co. NC deed book ~'F" Sep.I5,1789 John Childress and wife Nancy to David DaIton, Rockingham Co., NC, WItness Thomas Whitlock Email from Faith McKl!ight Dd Jan.27,2001 re William Albert & Ophelia (Azbill) (McBee) Whitlock (MI920's) ofKy? Email from John Titterton Dd Jan.31,2001 re William & Mary Ann (Whitlock) Titterton (MI840-50's) of Aston, Birmingham, WAR GenForum from Martin Whitlock Dd Jan.28,2001 re John David Wilson & Dorothy Grace (Haynes) Whitlock (MI921) Cambridge, CAM Rootsweb from Trevor Hancock Dd Jan.28,2001 re Frank Henry & Louisa (Whitlock) Hancock (MI880's) of Frome, SOM Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 I Vol.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 6 X38681l X386912 X3870/2 X387 111 X387212 X3873/l X38741l X387511 X38761l X387711 X387811 X3878!4 X387911 X388011 X38811l X388211 X388311 X388411 X388511 X388611 X38871l X38881l X3889/3 X38901l X389lll X389211 X389311 X389411 Email from Chuck Rockett Dd lan.28,200l Will ofWilliam W. Duesler Dd Nov.7 1891 re John P. & Elizabeth (Nellis) Whitlock (M1870's) ofEphratah, Fulton Co., NY ' Rootsweb from Margaret Shelton Dd Jan.28,200l Shelton family ofNC re Charles & Esther Whitlock (MI770's) of Stokes Co.,NC Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.29,2001 Sapulpa [Ok] Herald" Creek Co. obit of Monique Ruth (McCall) Whitlock died Ju1.20,1992 Tur[ey, Ok b.Jun.5,19J5 Sapulpa Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.30,2001 re Daniel Thomas & Sarah Una (Whitlock) Blankenship (M19l0-207) OfRoanoke, Va Email from DelC Dd Jan.30,2001 re Thomas B. & Mary A. (Whitlock) Cochran (MI820's) of Washington, Blackford Co., In Email from Patricia Staats Dd lan.30,200l re Richard S. & Alabama Clementine (Whitlock) Snyder (MI866) Springfield, Mo Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.30,2001 re lames & Catherine Anne (Whitlock) Longman (MI846) Toronto, Ont Email from Ruby Price Dd Feb.1,2001 re Reuben & Sallie lane (Whitlock) Howell (M1888) of Ga Rootsweb from M.Hope Dd Feb.l,2001 re Thurza (Theresa7) Whitlock of Henry Co., Tn Email from Biss13Biss Dd Feb.3,2001 Robert J. & Mary Ann (Whitlock) Taylor (MI838) of SC Email from Agnes McFarlane Dd Feb.3,2001 re 1865 census deaths, Brooklyn, NY re Samuel L. Whitlock age 68, Sailmaker, died of consumption Emails from GeoffKent & Quintin White Dd Feb.3 & 13,2001 re descent from John & Phebe (Redman) Whitlock (MI757) Pitton, Wilts Rootsweb from Karen Davis Dd FebA,2001 re lames & Lula (Echols)(Manly) Whitlock (MI890's) of Sebastian Co., Ar Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Feb.lO,2001 re Holmdel Community United Church of Christ CemeterYri Holmde~ NJ re Lt.John Whitlock (1733-1777) Lydia (Bowne) Whitlock (17371832) & Pamela Wnitlock (1766-1844) Email from Jean Dunlap Dd Feb.lO,2001 re William Dunlap (1767-1834) Email from Ruth Ann Edney Dd Feb.l0,2001 re William & Dorothy (Rhodes) Whitelock (MI660's) of Ripon, YKS Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Feb.12,2001 re Henry & Eulalia (Bartram) Whitlock (M1800's) of Hart ford, Ct & Jamaica, NY Descendants of Edwin Whitlock (1845-1933) of NTH, Il & Ca from Iris Welford Email from Shirley Edelstein Dd Feb.17,200l re George Washington & Martha (Robertson) Whitlock (M1864) Cross Co., Ar Email from Monica Lawrence Dd Feb.17, 2001 re Matthew & "Widow" (Whitlock) Samson (MI649) Throwley, Kent Rootsweb from Julia Dd Feb. 18,200 1 re Joseph & Susannah Frances Elizabeth (77) Whitlock (MI860's) of Birmingham, War Joseph Whitlockjeweler & gem cutter. Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Feb.181200 1 Chickasaha Express-Star Feb.16,200 1 obit of Louie Woodrow Walker 84, ofNinnekah, OK b.NovA,1916 d.Feo.14,2001 married Juanita Whitlock Oct.10,1936 Rootsweb & email from Pa1:!YSzalay Dd Feb.18,22,2001 re Edmund Lee & Jennie H. (Whitlock) Street (MI878) St.Andrews, NB Email from Mark Whitlock Dd Feb.19,200l re Mason Daniel Whitlock b.Feb.16,2001 Alton, Madison Co, Il s Daniel Stephen & Amanda (Campbell) Whitlock Rootsweb from Angie Dd Feb.19,2001 re Andrew & Nancy (Whitlock) McCartney (MI8S0's) of Richmond, In Rootsweb from Rickey Crandall Dd Feb.19,200l re Samuel Whitlock b.1843 LaPorte, In Email from Elsie Whitelock Dd Feb.19,2001 re Willard Wilson & Elsie Whitlock (M1910's) of Kennebec, Frontenac Co., Ont . . . Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Feb.20,2001 re Alfred Thomas & Glona Loraine (Gnffith) Whitlock (MI940's) of Basque Co., Tx Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 I Vo1.20No.1 March 2001 Page 7 X3895/25 X389611 X389711 X389811 X389912 X390011 X3901l4 X390211 Email from C~w?k Rockett Dd Feb.20,200 1 re website addresses for 73 Union & 42 Confederate CIvIl War soldiers at http://www.itd.nps.gov/cwss Email from Nona Oliver Dd Feb.20,2001 re George & Mary (Whitlock) Wickens (M1695?) of Stoke Brueme, NTH Em~il from Chuck Rockett Dd Feb.22,200I Roanoke Times Va Feb.22 2001 obit of Roger Lee Whitlock, 28 of Check died Feb.I8,200I s Donny Dale Whitlock & Diahe Whitlock Toluay gs Estella Yeatts Whitlock Rootsweb from Alan Beauchamp Dd Feb.22,2001 re Whitlocks ofCogges, OXF Rootsweb & Email from Rachel Fletcher Dd Feb.23,2001 re Elisha & Anne (Carter) Whitlock (M1696) Witney, OXF Email from Norene Johnson Dd Feb.25,2001 re Robert & Laura (Whitlock) Monroe (MI880's?) 1895 U.S. Atlas re Whitlock, Henry Co., To website http://www.LivGenTn.com/attnw.htm from Glen Whitlock Email from Chuck Rockett Dd Jan.2,2001 re S.A. & Lizzie (Bullock) Whitlock (M1888) Ar PHILADELPHIA TO NEW BRUNSWICK 1783 Two years ago I spent some time in St.Andrews New Brunswick. It was a beautiful seaside resort town on the Bay ofFundy. It was also the home from 1812 of a Loyalist Whitlock family. Many of the old loyalist homes are preserved and many have plaques on them stating which families built or lived in tliese residences. It was clear after a short walk around the town that, while the name Whitlock did not apJ2ear on these plaques, there were plenty of Whitlock connections. The first was the home of Harris Hatch. Harris Hatch and Ann Whitlock were married Ju1.l8,1808 Saint John, New Brunswick. There were other residences with the names Dunn and Hallett that had well known connections to the Whitlock family. I spent some time in the local archives office and cemeteries and came away with useful material on the family, including many pictures and newspaper articles. While this gave me interesting information about tile family it got me no closer to the origins of the family. In September 2000 there was a message on the GenForum from a Brian Hallett researching the Hallett family of New Brunswick and New York. In particular he was interested in Jane Hallett who married William Whitlock in the 1790's. William's parents, Thomas & Ann Whitlock were Loyalists who came to New Brunswick following the American Revolution. Brian Hallett had done extensive research into the Hallett family of New Brunswick and because of the Whitlock connection he had also researched the Whitlock family. In sharing information with us he provided the clue we had been looking for since the 1960's. Thomas Whitlock's house in Prince Wi11iam Street, Saint John is still there and the write up about it mentioned that the family was one of several Philadelphia families that brought their own "pre-fabricated" houses with them when they came in 1783. The reference to Philadelphia was the clue we needed. There were not a lot of Philadelphia Whitlocks and I was fairly easily able to determine thatThomas and Ann Whitlock were likely Thomas Whitelock and Aline Taylor who marned at Christ Church, Philadelphia December 13 1752. Thomas and Anne had four children between 1755 and 1/60. Two died and it is not clear what happened to the others. Unfortunately the records stop in 1760 so their son William's birth about 1766 is not shown. Thomas Whitelock is shown as a mariner in the Philadelphia records .. He is taxed in 1774 and 177983 but is gone by 1784. There are also records showing Thomas Whitelock commanding the Brigantine elements Apr.21,1762, Brigantine Eleanor Ju1.26,J 765, Schooner Nancy Jul.17,1770 and Schooner Snow Jane May 2,1773. Thomas Whitlock's ship Eleanor is shown arriving at Charlestown, South Carolina from Barbados Oct.l2,1765 and agam Jan.27,1767. Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 i Vol.20 No.1 March 2001 PageS It is not clear if the Thorp.as Whitelock who is taxed at Turkeyfoot Twp. Bedford Co., Pennsylvania 1774, 1776 and 1779 IS the same Thomas or not. III There is quite a bit of New Brunswick information about Thomas Whitlock's early years in Canada but I have not dealt. with that time period in this article. It is not clear where Thomas was born but he was likely born III the 1729-1730's, whether in America or England is not recorded. He does not appear to have had a connection to the Quaker Whitelocks from Leeds that lived in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Hopefully further research will enlighten us. SOURCES: X35211; X399/8; X407; X269811; X3186; R192; R1307 The Harris Hatch Inn, St.Andrews, New Brunswick JEAN ELSIE (MARGETSON) WHITLOCK (19272000) I was verysad to learn from Jean's family that she had died December 4,2000. Jean lived in Cohun~ Victoria';rAustralia and was one of the many Australian families that we contacted when Peggy Cohoe of Kingston, Ontario teamed up_with Adrienne Campbell of Australia in 1983 and wrote to all the Australia and New Zealand Whitlocks and Whitelocks with a letter and questionnaire. Jean's husband Cecil Percival Whitlock (1920-1982) was one of the Pitton, Wiltshire clan and over the years we were able to trace his ancestors back to Robert Whitlock ofPitton who married firstly Susannah Tisdale (17132 and secondly Hanna ?? (about 1724). Descent was through Robert & Hanna's son Jonathan Whitlock who married Elizabeth Olden in Pitton in 1752. Jean's family is detailed on our WHITLOCK03 chart The Whitlocks ofPitton, Wiltshire #1 Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 I Vo1.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 9 WEST WHITLOCK RECREATION AREA In South Dakota, near the town of Gettysburg there is a popular recreation area or park called West Whitlock. The park is oneof a string of parks on the Lewis and Clark Trail and borders the Lake Oahe Reservoir on the Missouri River. The area was once a popular campsite with the Arikara and Mandan tribes and a replica Arikara earth lodge is one of the highlight of'the area's past history. The area now boasts a modern campground with cabins and swimming and boating lacilities. Fishing and hiking are the main summer activities and in the winter the park is open to cross-country skiers. The northern pike spawn in Whitlock Bay each Spring. There is also the Whitlock Salmon Spawning and Imprinting Station nearby which offers tours each Fall. The area takes its name from the nearby settlement and ferry landing called Whitlock's Crossing. Potter County, People, Pictures and Progress 1883-1983 compiled by the Potter County Histoncal Society, 1983 has pictures of the first MIssouri River brigge on US highway 212. This replaced the ferry at Whitlock's Crossing. There is also a picture of Whitlock's Crossing's post office established July 9,1935 and-discontinued March 15,1954. Our first reference to the family the area derives its name from came in the 1960's from researcher Noel Ross of Melrose, Florida. Mrs. Ross was researching the Whitlocks of Fulton Co., New York and in particular the family ,of George Washington & Fanni (Banta) Whitlock (M1834). On the back of the questionnaire Mrs. Ross sent in she noted that the son, John Whitlock and his wife Agnes lived at Whitlock's Crossing, South Dakota and their mailmg address was Gettysburg, South Dakota. This son was John Franklin Whitlock who was born in Fulton Co. New York Feb.5,1858 and died in Chicago, Illinois Feb.29,1920. John received a BS corn from the University of Illinois in 1878 and became a merchant and banker in South Dakota. In 1894 John married Agnes B. Nicol. Agnes was born in Aberdeeni-.Scotland and a graduate of Edinburg University. The tamily shows in tlie 1905 census living in Forest City and DY 1915 they are in Gettysburg. The family lived in Forest City for twenty-seven years where John operated stores on both sides of the river, traded with the local Indians and handled government contracts. He built up extensive ranching interests and participated in all aspects of Business in the area. John was also an early stockholder in the Potter County Bank and eventually became a half owner in 1910. He ran the Bank until his death in 1920. At the time of his death John was also a partner in the Whitlock and Ronne trading post and a partner with C.F. Swift in the Big River Ranch. John Franklin Whitlock was also interested in politics and he shows as the Republican representative for Potter County to the State Senate for 1897, 1901, 1905, 19D and 1915. John and Agnes Whitlock had two children. An adopted daughter, Evely'n and a son Robert Laird Whitlock born Dec.31, 1896 Fairbank, South Dakota. Robert Laird Whitlock shows with his parents in the 1915 census as a graduate of Shadtuck Military School. On May 3,1918 he enlisted in the Canadian Army at Windsor, Ontario. His military records show he was 5' 8 3/4" of fair complexion with brown eyes and dark brown hair and he also had poor vision and wore glasses. On Jul. 10,1918 Robert sailed for England and was stationed at Witley. By Oct.30 he was on service in France. In March 1919 Robert was back in England at Bramshott Camp in Hampshire and in April 1919 he was demobilized in Ontario. It is not clear from the military records whether Robert returned to South Dakota or not. Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 1 VoI.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 10 Robert's grandfather, George Washington Whitlock was the son of Abel & Catherine Whitlock (M1811-f2?) of Connecticut and Milton, Saratoga Co., New York. This family is detailed on our WHITLOC:r<.09 chart, The Whitlocks of Connecticut. We do not know when Agnes (Nicol) Whitlock died but it is clear the park was named for her and it was her land that was eitlier sold or donated to become the West Whitlock Recreation Area. SOURCES: Q38; RI006; RI033; RI034; R1983; X3809 REFERENCES R218115 R2l8211 R218311 R2184/4 R2185/3 R218611 R218713 The Village of Sale m [NYJ1761-1994 by Katharine Tomasi plus letter from Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Dd Sep.7,2000 & letter from William A. Connier Dd Nov.17,1993 re Hebron & Evergreen Cemetenes of Salem, NY from James E. Wilson Invitation to the wedding ofMary Alice Hawkins and Gary Charles Spencer 7 January 2001, St.Helena", Ca Gary Charles Spencer gggrandson ofFrednck & Charlotte (Oliver) Whitlock (MI868) St.Mary's, Ont Funeral & cemetery records re Robert Whitlock 0878-1956) died London May 29,1956, buried Streatham Park Cemetery, S.W.16 from Hugh Ainsley Alden-Smith Genealogy by Harriet Chap in Fielding, 1903 from Priscilla Alden Clement Letter from William Whitelock ofYKS Dd Dec.13,1887 to George Whitelock ofOnt from Jessie Turner Olympia rwaJ GS Quarterly Jan.1987, Persons Liable for Military Duty in Thurston Co., Wa, 1890 re Frank Whitelock age 25 Rainier, Farmer from Donna Sand The Virginia Genealogist Vo1.26 N 0.1 British Mercantile Claims 1775-1803 re Will iam A. Whitlock, John Whitlock & Josiah Whitlock from Mary Maxfield ELIZABETH WHITLOCK THE ORIGINAL FAT LADY Clarence Parker has written to us with an interesting story about his great-grandmother Elizabeth Whitlock. Elizabeth's maiden name was Theis and she was known as Lottie Grant as well. In the 1890's she was travelling with the P.T. Barnum Circus as the original "Fat Lady". In the 1890's she married F.M. Whitlock and they had a son appropriately named P.T. Barnurn Whitlock. Elizabeth was also married to a man named David Parker and it is from David's son William Henry Parker that Clarence descends. There is also a daughter, Hattie Love who fits in somewhere. Clarence has traced P.T. Barnurn Whitlock to Long Beach, California about 1945 and is looking for additional information. I am sure there is a "local expert" on the P.T. Barnurn circus out there somewhere who might have additional details on this Whitlock connection. Our thanks to Clarence for this item. SOURCES: X3165; X3827 Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 1 Vo1.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 11 NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS NP650 NP651 NP652 NP653 NP654 NP655 Woodstock Sentinel-Review? lun.16)983? Obit of Peter Duncan Whitelock died lun.15,1983, 78 of Wood stock from Lawrence Otis To.ronto [Ont] Star Oct.2000 obit of Edna (Christie) Whitelock died Oct.25,2000 from Wllma Whltefock Owen Sound [Ont] Sun Times Feb.7,2000 "Young curler in big spiel" re Ian MacKinnon grandson of Helen Wuerth from Helen Wuerth Shoreline Beacon [Port Elgin" Ontl Dec.27,2000 "Peacekeeper on mission in Bosnia" re Lt.Col.Ross Wuertb from Helen Wuerth The Virginian-Pilot" Hamp.ton Roads Aug.4,2000 obit of lames M. Walker 73 died Aug.3,2000 s Daniel Francis & Irene (Wliitlock) Walker from Shirley Brendle Toronto [Ont] Star Jan.20,2001 obit of Anne Whitlock; Ipswich, England died Jan.18,2001. Anne owned and operated the Cheshire Cneese pub in London. CERTIFICATES 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 M 1879 May 14 M 1879 May 30 M 1879 May 27 d 1942 May 12 M 1903 Feb 11 b 1907 Dec 24 d 1994 Nov 10 d 1948 Feb 9 d 1944 Aug 15 d 1910 Dec 20 M 1903 Apr 11 d 1915 Jan 7 Hiram Clive HODGSON, 32 & Catherine WHITELOCK, 25 Dereham, ONT Frederick WHITLOCK, 37 & Sarah OLIVER, 40 Blanchard, ONT James WHITLOCK, 27 & Emma Sophia LASCELLES, 22 Dereham, ONT Elizabeth Celina (CLOHESY) WHITLOCK, 65 Chicago, 11 William Amos WHITLOCK & Elizabeth Celina CLOHESY, Chicago, Cook Co, 11 Elizabeth Catherine d William Amos & Elizabeth (CLOHESY) WHITLOCK, Chicago, Cook Co., 11 Elizabeth Catherine (WHITLOCK) WILSON, 86 Park Ridge, Cook Co., 11 Harry Oliver WHITLOCK, 69 Oak Park, Cook Co., 11 Mary Ann (PATRlCK) WHITLOCK, 91 Barrington, Cook Co., 11 William James WHITLOCK, 74 Chicago, Cook Co., 11 Robert WHITLOCK, 24 & Florence OSBORNE, 24 Lambeth, SRY Richard Nicholas WHITLOCK, 86 Madison Co., Ky LETTER FROM HOME, 1887 Pickering Dec 13/87 Dear Cousin We are glad to hear from you, we could not tell what had become of you. My wife wrote to y.ou last spring and the letter was returned and we have none other address but yours. Therefore I could not find any other but your last letter and your Aunt Mal)' did not know as she wished for some one to write for her. I will now try to give you all information I can think about. R.R. Sheffield is Dead and left Aunt the interest of his money, which some relative left him, and she was to take of the sum, if there was not what would do tor her comfort. She was well last time I saw her, living in Eastgate. Your Cousin Wm Scales died perhaps 2 year ago. Last spring your Aunt Died, ana later on Uncle George - then your Cousin JOM Died shortly after, so you see the breaking up. Oliver & Rooks carry on the Business. My wifes principal object was to ask if you knew any Parks - as one of then relatives left England some years ago and she saw in Chancery some one of that name leaving property to claim and the other part was for your Aunt Mary, as she had no one to write for Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 1 Vol.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 12 her. We are glad to here things so faviourable with you all. It is hard here to make ends meet, everything is so sought into and overstocked. I continue my Fathers Trades as well as my own and have all my work to make ends meet and hard to work. Also I am now 61 I should have It a little easier. I enjoy' good health that is above other considerations. My family are all well they are getting Up' - 4 in number the youngest 16. Brother John is at Bridlington, Thomas at Hull, Richard I do not quite know he was at Guis6ro - sister Hannah at Scarbro. Last time I enquired of Uncle Fred my sister said she saw him sometime ago at Scarbro as he lives about Langdale End. He is stout and much troubled with asma or asmaticals I have not seen him since Father died 11 years ago. We shall be glad to hear from any or all Uncles or any Branch of their family. We often think and talk of you wondering how all are. Tell Uncle j ohn Mr Toweisly Died this spring_aged 86. He out lived nearly all his children and first wife. We wish to be kindly remembered to Uncle Matthew and Aunt if living when this note comes. I hope they are as my Dear Father was calmly waiting, full of hope for the better world. Kind regards to Uncle James & Aunt hoping they are well and as years increase, and we all come near to our journeys end, here we may be fuIly prepared for the Bnght world above. You do not name your brother John we hope he is well, as Its on your other Brothers & sister you have left. There are a few of old people left which you knew perhaps I cannot name many - I Bointon R. Parkinson and a few more. Most of the heads of the Town are passed away and quite a fresh lot now occupying their houses - Trees are now being planted on both sides of Eastgate and other parts of Town as a memento of ~ueens Jubilee this year. We had lively doings all over on this account. A Bull rosted on ..ddy. Hi and General rejoicing. I must now draw to a close with our love to all and wishing you all I must say a happy New Year as this probably will not arnve before. Your affect. Cousin Wm. Whitelock We have had a very hot dry summer so much so that turnips are scarce an open back end a lot of snow in October and fine often until now having sharp frosts in many places ..... and people constantly lending for stock and other use - The above letter was a keepsake of Bessie (Whitelock) Hayes of Olds Alberta and was likely written to her father Geo:rge Whitelock. George was born 1837 in Pickering, Yorkshire and married Jane Pickering there in 1801. By 1871 the family is living in Dereham, Oxford CO'l Ontario. George's parents were John & Catherine (Foster) Whitelock who were married in Pickering in 1835 and his grandparents were William Whitelock and his second wife, Eleanor Cuthbertson who were married In Sinnington, Yorkshire in 1804. The writer was William Whitelock who married Elizabeth Marie Parke in Pickering in 1852. William's parents were Thomas & Susanna (Pennock) Whitelock who were married in 1822 in Pickering., Thomas' father the same William Whitelock but his mother was William's first wife Hannah Wilson. Th0 were married at Great Edstone in 1791. So Geor~ and William's parents were half-brothers. This family is detailed on our WHITLOCK27 chart, The Whitelocks of Marton, Yorkshire #2. It is interesting to read about the celebrations of Queen Victoria's Julilee in 1887 celebrating 50 years on the tfirone. I wonder if the trees planted on Eastgate are still there? Our thanks to Fay Bailey for this item. Source: X2185 Whitlock Family Newsletter 11 1 Vol.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 13 MAIN LINES FILE:ML252 DATE:December 1,2000 The following is the Main Line ofKristine Whitlock, 6394 Quail Creek Drive, Redding, California, USA 96002 Married 6.William Herbert(Hubbard?) WHITLOCK 1829 (1808- ) Mayfield, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, U.S.A. 5.Josiah R. WHITLOCK 1860 (1836-1896) Stoney Creek, Tehama Co., California, U.S.A. 4.Fred Warren WHITLOCK 1898 (1876-1972) Paskenta, Tehama Co., California, U.S.A. 3.Terril A. WHITLOCK 1922 (1899-1980) 2.Richard James WHITLOCK (1934I.Michael Dee WHITLOCK 1994 (1961Redding, Shasta Co., California, U.S.A. Hester FRANCISCO (1810?-1850) Catherine Ann MARKHAM (1849-1925) Maude Sarah HUGHES (1879-1957) (Dorothy (Nora) OAKS (- ) (Lucille Ann McPHERSON (1935-1999) Kristine TANNER (1963- FILE:ML254 DATE:March 18,2001 The following is the Main Line ofClaudette U.S.A. 7838T Peters Whitefield, 610 Bent Tree Street, Rockport, Texas, Married 10.John WHITLOCK ( -1717) 9.John WHITLOCK ( -1758) 8. William WHITLOCK ?? (- ) Mary ?? (- ) Mildred GENTRY ( - ) ( - ) 7. William WHITLOCK (1774?-1853) 6. Braxton Gentry WHITLOCK (1801-1873) 5. Lavina Frances WHITLOCK (1834-1887) 4. Mary Etta RHY AN (1864-1937) 3. Inez Blanche HEARN (1889-1910) 2. Claude PETERS (1908-1994) 1. Claudette Dee PETERS (1938- 1793 Louisa, Virginia, U.S.A. 1824 Augusta Co., Virginia, U.S.A. 1860 Vigo Co., Indiana, U.S.A. Whitlock Family Newsletter Nancy Ann GUNTER (1773?-1853) SarahMURRY (- ) David Franklin RHY AN (1835-1908) Joseph Richard HEARN (1860-1920) Green Berry PETERS (1884-1956) Lois Elizabeth BENNETT (1914-1990) Ben Taylor WHITEFIELD (1937- 11 'I Vol.20 No.l March 2001 Page 14 FILE:ML253 DATE:March 18,2001 The following is the Main Line of Mrs. Eugenia Richards, 4210 North Hills Drive, Austin, Texas USA 78731 Married 6.James WHITLOCK ( -1820's) 5.Nathan WiIIiam WHITLOCK (1817- ) 4.Eugenia Josephine WHITLOCK (1860-1949) 3.James Waiter LOVE (1879-1939) 2.Sybil Irene LOVE ( 1904-1997) l.Clifford James RICHARDS (1926- 1840 Floyd Co., Georgia, U.S.A. Crawford Co., Arkansas, U.S.A. 1925 1952 Betsey?? ( -1820's) Julina BURCH (1825-1895) John Calvin LOVE (1853-1919) Lydia Lelia FINE (1881-1963) Wyatt RICHARDS (1896-1959) Sarah Eugenia JOHNSON (- FILE:ML255 DATE:March 18,2001 The following is the Main Line of John Lawson Whitlock, 377, Chartridge Lane, Chesham, Bucks, England HP52SL Married 12.Peter WHITLOCK 1559 Johan SOUTHCOTT Alwington, Devon, England ( -1625) (1530's-1605) 11.John WHITLOCK Elizabeth?? (1572-1632) ( -1633) 10.Thomas WHITLOCK Rose ?? ( -1687?) (1615-1643) (Ancestors from this point not proven) 9.Thomas WHITLOCK 1673 MaryHEAMAN (1644-1701) (1640's-1715) Langtree, Devon, England 8.Richard WHITLOCK 1723 Christian JUDD (1691-1752) (1681-1726?) Langtree, Devon, England 7.John WHITLOCK 1748 Susanna NANCEKEVIL (1718-1793) (1723-1751) Langtree, Devon, England Mary SMALE 6.Richard WHITLOCK 1770 (1749-1814) (1750-1803) Langtree, Devon, England Catherine PALMER 5.John WHITLOCK 1808 (1789-1870) (1778-1848) Langtree, Devon, England Elizabeth ALLEN 4.George WHITLOCK 1850 (1828-1888) (1821-1896) Langtree, Devon, England Florence Bessie Curtis WALKER 3.WilIiam Wilfred Lawson WHITLOCK 1894 (1864 ?-1898) (1871-1960) Sydney, NSW, Australia Gertrude Matilda CHEDZOY 2.Lawson Allen WHITLOCK (1893-1950) (1896- ) 1954 Shirley June Madeline CRESSER I.John Lawson WHITLOCK New MaIden Coombe, Surrey, England (1931?(1930- Whitlock Family Newsletter PAGE NO. 02/27/00 Vol.20 No.l March 2001 Page 15 45 WHITLOCK BIRTH REGISTER F: WHITLOCK John M: Martha WJ161 X121/4 ENG WIL Farley F: WHITLOCK John 1694 Apr 12 WHITLOCK Philadelphia (FC) M: STONE Mary WJ46 LDS ENG NTT High Pavement Presbyterian, Nottingham F':WHITLOCK Thomas 1694 May 13 WHITLOCK George (MC) M: Susanna wr109 LDS ENG LND St.Andrew Holborn F: WHITELOCX Edward 1694 May 20 WHlTELOCK Edward (MC) 1693 Feb 19 WHITLOCK Isaac (MC) X127/3 M: 1694 Aug ENG DUR Whickham 1 WHITLOCK Richard (MC) 1694 Aug ENG WIL Pitton And Farley 6 WHlTELOCK Mary (FC) ENG YKS Rainton John (MC) 1694 Aug 26 WHITLOCKE 1694 Sep ENG LND Saint Botolph Without Aldersqate 9 WHITLOCK Henery (MC) E1~GHRT Barkway 1694 Sep 10 WHITLOCK Suzanna (FC) 1694 Nov ENG SOM Dunster 8 WHITLOCK William (MC) ENG NFK Saint Giles, Norwich 1694 Nov 18 WHITLOCK Jane (FC) ENG NTH Whittlebury Joseph (MC) 1694 Nov 30 WHITLOCK 1694 Jan ENG CUL castle Sowerby 6 WHITLOCK Hannah (FC) 1694 Jan USA eT Fairfield Co., Fairfield 6 WHITLOCK John (MC) 1694 Jan USA CT Fairfield CO.( Fairfield 6 WHITLOCK Sarah (FC) 1694 Jan USA CT Fairfield ( 6 WHITLOCK Thomas (ME) WED24 LDS F: M: WHITLOCK Dennis X127/3 LDS F: WHITELOCK William M: TALBERT Mary WINl93 X909/5 F: WHITLOCKE Richard M: Elizabeth WR61 LDS F: WHITLOCK Henery M: Lo i s WH67 LDS F: WHITLOCK John M: SHENTON Joan W.J385 X512/2 F: WHITLOCK Henry M: RACEY Bridget WH34 LDS F: M: X1850/13 LDS F: WHITLOCK Lance M: WLAN6 F':WHITLOCK M: SHERWOOD WJ84 F: WHITLDCK M: SHERWOOD WJ84 F: WHITLOCK M: SHERWOOD WDV4 F: WHITLOCK M: SHERWOOD WJ84 F: WHITLOCK X652/6 LDS John Sarah X132/12 John Sarah LDS David Mary X132/19 Joseph Sarah LDS William USA CT Fairfield Co., Fairfield William (MC) 1694 F'eb 25 WHITLOCK M: LDS ENG LND Saint Katherine By The Tower WW99 F: WHlTELOCK John WHITELOCK Henry (MC) 1695 M: 1695 ENG CUL Skelton WHITLOCK John (MC) ENG SFK All Saints, Sudbury William (MC) 1695 Apr 28 \!tMI'J'LOCl( 1695 Jun ENG HAM Saint Leonard, Sherfield English 9 WHITLOCK John (MC) 1695 Jun ENG CUL castle Sowerby 9 WHITLOCK Robert (MC) WJllO LDS F: WHITLOCK William M: Anne WW220 LDS F: M: F: WHITLOCK R88/1 X132/13 X144 X132/15 SOG120 SOG207 LDS Edw M: WED109 LDS F: WHITLOCK Edw M: ENG CUL castle Sowerby 169~ Jun 30 WHITLOCK Sarah (FC) WED109 LDS F: ltIiITLOCK John USA eT Fairfield 1695 Jul 29 WHITLOCK William (MC) WJ84 X132/19 F: WHITLOCK William M: Mary WINl09 LDS ENG WIL Pitton And Farley SOG297 M: R88/1 X127/3 PAGE NO. 46 02/27/00 WHl'l'LOCK BlRTH REGlSTER 1695 Sep 12 WHITLOCK Vol.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 16 Theodesia (FC) F: 'WHI'I'LOCK John M: STONE Mary W.146 ENG NTT High Pavement Presbyterian, LDS Nottingham 1695 Sep 22 WHITLOCK Henry (MC) F: WHITLOCK Robert M: ENG WIL Pitton And Farley WRR33 LDS X127/3 1695 Oct 21 WHITLOCK Richard (MC) F: WHITLOCK Robert (Richard?) M: MATHEWS Fortune ENG LND St.Andrew Holborn WRR52 LDS 1695 Nov 17 WHITLOCK Sarah (FC) F: WHITLOCK Richard M: ENG WIL Pitton And Farley WR36 LDS X127/3 1695 Dec 22 WHITLOCK Hanna (FC) F: WHI'l'LOCl< 'l'hornas M: Susanna ENG LND St.Andrew Holborn wrl09 LDS Richard (MC) F: WHITLOCK 1695 Feb 28 WHITLOCK William M: Anne WW160 ENG NTH Whittlebury LDS X1850/13 (C) F: WHITLOCK 1695 Mar 25 WHITLOCK Alexander M: Ann ENG WIL Pitton and Farley WA5 X1670/1 WHlTELOCK Mary (FC) F: WHlTELOCK 1696 John M: WJll0 ENG CUL Skelton LDS SOG207 Andreas Christophorus Cornelius F: WITLACH 1696 Mar 30 WITLllCH (MC) M: FERBERS Catharina LDS GER RPF Duesseldorf, Sankt Lambertus WAD21 Ann (FC) F: WHITLOCK Humphrey 1696 May 17 WHITLOCK M: RICHBELL Ursula ENG SRY Fetcham WHUS LDS F: WHITLOCK John George (MC) 1696 Jul 5 WHITLOCK M: WJ161 Xl21/4 X127/3 ENG WIL Farler F: WHITLOCK John E izabeth (FC) 1696 Aug 9 WHITLOCK M: LUNNE Jane ENG YKS Cundall with Norton le Clay W07 LDS SOG371 Edmund (MC) F: WHITLOCKE Henry 1696 Aug 22 WHITLOCKE M: RhCEY Bridgett ENG NFK Saint Peter Mancroft, Norwich WH34 LDS 1696 act 11 WHITLOCK Lovis (FC) F: WHITLOCK John M: Lovis ENG HRT Barkway WJ296 LDS X125 F: WHITLOCK John 1696 Nov 29 WHITLOCK Hannah (FC) M: STONE Mary ENG NTT High Pavement Presbyterian, WJ46 LDS Nottingham F: WHITLOCK Henry 1696 Jan 23 WHITLOCK William (MC) M: RACEY Bridgett LDS ENG NFK Saint Peter Mancroft, Norwich WH34 F: WHITLOCK Rich 1696 Feb 2 WHITLOCK Joseph (MC) M: WR103 LDS ENG CUL Castle Sowerby F: WHITLOCKS Robt. WHITLOCKS Mary (FC) 1697 M: WRR174 LDS ENG LEI castle Donnington F: WHITLOCK William WHITLOCK Robert (MC) 1697 M: Mary WWl09 X121/4 ENG WIL Farley F: WHlTELOCK John Margt (FC) 1697 Mar 28 WHlTELOCK M: ENG CUL Saint Cuthbert, Carlisle Maria (FC) 1697 Apr 17 WHI'l'ELOC':K 1697 Jul ENG YKS Spennithorne 4 WHITLOCK Jane (Fe) WJ677 LDS F: WHlTELOCK Georg. M: 'WG277 LDS F: WHITLOCK Robert M: ENG WIL Pitton Mary (FC) 1697 Jul 18 WHITLOCK USA CT 1697 Jul 18 WHITLOCK Fairfield Robert (MC) ENG WIL Farley WRR33 X127/3 F: WHITLOCK David M: SHERWOODMary WDV4 Xl32/17 F: WHITLCO< William M: Mary WWl09 X127/3 X144 PAGE NO. VoI.20 No.1 March 2001 47 02/n/00 Page 17 ~iITLOCK BIRTH REGISTER 1697 Sep 26 WHITELOCK Elizabeth (FC) 1697 Oct ENG YKS Rainton 3 WHTLOCK Humphrey (MC) 1697 Jan ENG SOM Crosscombe 6 WHITLOCKE Elizabeth (FC) ENG LND Saint Botolph Without Aldersgate 1697 Jan 19 WHITLOCKE Ph i Li p (MC) ENG DEV Langtree 1697 Feb 30 WHITTLOCK Susanah (FC) ENG SFK All Saints, Sudbury WHITLOCK Martha (FC) 1697 Mar 1697 Mar ENG OXF Witner E izabeth (FC) 5 WHITLOCK ENG SSX Westbourne 1697 Mar 24 WHITLOCK Charles (MC) 1698 ENG SOM Crosscombe WHI'.l'ELOCl( Dorothy (FC) 1698 ENG CUL Skelton WHI'.l'ELOCl( William (FC) F: WHI'l'.ELOCXWi11iam M: TALBERT Mary WWl93 X909/5 F: WHITLOCK Humphrey M: El izabeth WHU10 X378/2 X414/3 F: WHITLOCKE Thomas M: DAY Mary WT170 LDS F: WHITLOCKE Richard M: REW Errme WR3 DR04 F: WHITTLOCK Wi11iam M: Anne WW220 LDS F: WHITLOCK Elisha M: CAR'I'E}{ Anne WEL8 LDS F: WHITLOCK George M: SELDEN Mary ~92 LDS F: WHITLOCK William M: Margery WW282 X378/2 li' : WHITELOCK Thomas M: W[LLSQN Grace WT61 LDS F: WHI'l'.ELOCXRobert PR2 X84/1 X414/3 SOG208 M: ENG CUL Skelton John (MC) 1698 Aug 11 WHITLOCl< 1698 Nov 10 1698 Nov 17 1698 Dec 2 1698 Jan 20 WRR23 LDS SOG207 F: WUTLOCK John M: STONE Mary WJ46 LDS ENG NTT Hifh Pavement Presbyterian, No tingham WHITLOCK Jonn (MC) F: WHITLOCK E1isha M: CARTER Anne WELB X437 ENG OXF witnJJ WHI'l'ELOCK - exander (MC) F: WHlTELOCK Alexander M: Ann ENG WIL Farley WAS X127/3 X1670/1 WHITUXl< Mary (FC) F: WHITLOCK Robert M: WRR32 8OG166 PR17 ENG WIL Idmiston WHITLOCK Mary (FB) F: WHITLOCK Christopher M: ENG DEV Hennock 1698 Jan 22 WHITLOCK Hannah (FC) ~HR14 LDS F: WHITLOCK Joseph M: ENG HRT Aspeden 1698 Feb 10 w[TLACH Wilhelmus Stephanus (MC) GER RPF Duesseldor~~ S.Lamb 1698 Feb 19 WHITLOCK John (MC) ENG HRT Barkway 1699 Apr 16 WHITLOCK Anne (FC) WJ051 F: w[TLACH LDS Andreas M: FERBERS catharina WAD21 LDS F: WHITLOCK Henry M: Lowis WH67 LDS F: WHITLOCK Richard M: ENG WIL Pitton 1699 Sep 29 WHITLOCK John Carleton (MC) ENG 1699 Dec 14 WHITLOCKE Mary (FC) ENG LND Saint Botolph Without Aldersgate Thomas (MC) 1699 Jan 28 WHITLOCK ViR36 XJ-27/3 F: WHITLOCK Carleton M: KITCHELL Mary Aylwin ~1 F: WHITLOCKE Thomas M: DAY Mary WT170 LDS F: WHITLOCK Robert M: WRR33 X127/3 F: WHI~LOCK HLunphrey M: El izabeth WHUI0 X378/2 X414/3 ENG SOM Crosscombe F: WHITLOCK William Grace (FC) 2 WHITLOCK M: Elizabeth ENG HRT Saint Stephens, Saint Al bans \Al\Al137 LDS ENG WIL Pitton Edward (MC) 1699 Jan 29 WHITLOCK 1699 Mar PAGE NO. 02/2'/ /00 48 WHI'l'LOC'K BIRTH REGIS'l'ER 1700 Elisabeth (FC) Vo1.20 No.1 March 2001 Page 18 F: WHITLOCKS Robert M: ENG LEI castle Donnington liRR174 LDS 1700 Apr 17 WHITLOCK Nathaniel (MC) F: WHITLOCK John M: STONE Mary ENG NTT High Pavement Presbyterian, WJ46 LDS Nottingham 1700 Apr 22 WHITLOCK Sarah (FC) F: WHITLOCK John M: Martha ENG WIL Farley WJ161 X121/4 X127/3 ThOITBS (MC) F: lrIUTLOCK William 1700 Jul 7 WHITLOCK M: Anne ENG NTH Whittlebury WW160 LDS X1850/13 F: WHlTELOCXE carleton 1700 Aug WHITELOCKE Agnes DelaBeche (FB) M: KITCHELL Mary Aylin ENG VK::R1 X492/8 1700 Oct 6 \rHI'l'F...:LOCK Judith (FC) F: WHITELOCK John M: ENG CUL Saint Cuthbert, carlisle 88 LDS 1700 Oct 20 WHI'l'LOCK Ann (FC) F: WHITLOCK Henry M: RACEY Bridget ENG NFK Saint George Colegate, WH34 LDS Norwich 1700 Oct 23 WHITLOCK James (MC) F: M: WHITLOCK Dennis ENG WIL Farley X127/3 1700 Nov 2 WHITLOCK Joana (FC) F: WHITLOCK John M: SHENTON Joan ENG SOM Old Cleeve WJ385 X378/2 X414/4 F: WHI'I'ELOC]{John 1700 Jan 2 WHI'I'ELOCK Thomas (MC) M: LUCAS Mary ENG SSX Union Street Chapel Ship WJ158 LDS street-Inde~ndent, Brighton James ( ) 1700 Jan 9 WHITLOCK F: M: WJA72 LDS USA VA surr¥ F: WHITLOCK John arah (Fe) 1700 Jan 25 WHITLOCK M: ENG HRT Aspeden WJ298 LDS F: WHITLOCK William 1700 Mar 2 WHITLOCK Abraham (MC) M: Elizabeth ENG HRT Saint Stephens, Saint Albans WW137 LDS Elizabeth (FC) F: SKEG James 1700 Mar 16 WHITLOCK M: WHITLOCK Susan (Elizabeth?) LDS ENG HRT Wyddial F: WHITLOCK Christopher WHITLOCK George (MB) 1701 M: HILLIST Susan ~HR27 X2073 ENG SOM F: WHITELOCK WHITELO(l< Jo (MC) 1701 M: SOG208 ENG CUL Skelton F: WHlTELOCK WHlTELOCK ThoITBS (MC) 1701 M: SOG208 ENG C'ULSkelton F: WHlTELOCK WHlTELOCK Wi 11iam (MC) 1701 M: SOG208 ENG CUL Skelton F: Judeth (FC) 1701 Mar 29 WHITLOCK M: LDS ENG ESS Langdon Hills F: WHITLOCKE William Susan (FC) 1701 Apr 18 WHITLOCKE M: Susanna 800280-282 WW95 LDS ENG HRT Wheathampstead F: WHITLOCKE ThoITBS 1701 May 25 WHI~~ Rebecca (FC) M: DAY Mary wr170 LDS ENG LND Saint Botolph Without Aldersgate F: WHITLOCK George 1701 Jun 22 WHITLOCK George (MC) M: SELDEN Mary tM392 LDS ENG SSX Westbourne F: WHITLOCK Richard 1701 Jul 27 WHITLOCK Susanna (FC) M: WR36 X127/3 ENG WIL Pitton F: WHlTELOCKE John 1701 Aug 3 WHlTELOCKE Hanah (FC) M: LUNNE Jane SOG371 WJ7 LDS ENG YKS Cundall with Norton le Clay