Levante de Mallorca - Red Iberoamericana de Reservas Marinas
Levante de Mallorca - Red Iberoamericana de Reservas Marinas
GOBIERNO DE ESPAÑA MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE, Y MEDIO RURAL Y MARINO LEVANTE DE MALLORCA C A L A R A J A D A SECRETARÍA GENERAL DEL MAR RED IBEROAMERICANA DE RESERVAS MARINAS RESERVAS MARINAS DE ESPAÑA Sandra Mallol UNIÓN EUROPEA LEYENDA Straight baseline Línea de base recta No-take reserve of Cabo Farrutx · Any kind of activities are prohibited with the exception of scientific studies with prior authorization Reserva integral de Cabo Farrutx · Prohibida cualquier actividad salvo con fines científicos, previa autorización del MARM Marine reserve of Cala Rajada · Professional fishing · Recreational underwater activities in the form of scuba diving · Recreational onboard marine fishing · Scientific activities Reserva marina de interés pesquero de Cala Rajada · Pesca marítima profesional · Actividades subacuáticas de recreo en la modalidad de buceo autónomo · Pesca marítima de recreo desde embarcación · Actividades científicas Special use area of Cala Agulla Zona de usos restringidos de Cala Agulla Marine reserves website: www.reservasmarinas.net Marine reserves of the Islas Baleares: www.caib.es/sacmicrofront/contenido.do?idsite=69&cont=850&lang=es&campa=yes Contact: reservasmarinas@marm.es NIPO 770-09-004-9 CONVENTIONAL SIGNS USEFUL ADDRESSES Secretaría General del Mar Velázquez, 144 28006 Madrid (Spain) Phone: +34 913 476 000 Fax: +34 913 476 046 Oficina de atención al público Fluviá, 1-1º, Polígono de Son Fuster 07009 Palma de Mallorca (Spain) Phone: +34 971 706 921 Ext. 172 Fax: +34 971 706 923 Área Funcional de Agricultura y Pesca Delegación del Gobierno en Islas Baleares Ciudad de Querétaro s/n 07071 Palma de Mallorca (Spain) Phone: +34 971 989 420/425 Fax: +34 971 989 414 Dirección General de Pesca de las Islas Baleares Foners, 10 07006 Palma de Mallorca (Spain) Phone: +34 971 176 100 Fax: +34 971 176 157 David Díaz Sandra Mallol / IEO CONAIMA CONAIMA DESIGNATION BOUNDARIES AND AREAS Activities subject to authorization The east coast of Mallorca (Majorca) is characterised by fishing resources which permit high quality artisanal fisheries to be practised in an extended manner throughout the year. The marine reserve of fishing interest of Levante de Mallorca-Cala Rajada comprises external waters in the area marked off by the following Datum WGS–84 coordinates: In the marine reserve The following activities may be practised outside the marine reserve boundaries with the prior authorization of the competent Authority: Directorate General of Fisheries Resources and Aquaculture of the General Secretariat of the Sea (Dirección General de Recursos Pesqueros y Acuicultura de la Secretaría General del Mar). The ecological and fisheries wealth of Levante de Mallorca-Cala Rajada enables fishermen from the fishermen’s guilds of Cala Rajada and Alcudia to carry out their activities successfully. The sector is characterised by its youth and by the high rotation or annual turnover of different methods of artisanal fishing. The fisheries sector requested the designation of a marine reserve from the fisheries authorities, having been favourably informed by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO- Instituto Español de Oceanografía). The current Order is issued according to the provisions of articles 13 and 14 of Act 3/2001, of 26th March, on National Maritime Fisheries. The actual zoning and permitted uses of the marine reserve of fishing interest of Levante de Mallorca-Cala Rajada are reflected in the Management Plan, (Ministerial Order ARM/3535/2008 of 24 November of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs). a. 39o 45,500’ N; 003o 19,200’ E (Cala Mata) b. 39o 52,150’ N; 003o 19,200’ E c. 39o 49,000’ N; 003o 26,500’ E d. 39o 42,150’ N; 003o 30,000’ E e. 39o 42,150’ N; 003o 27,450’ E (Cala Pedruscada) Special areas The special areas below have been established inside the marine reserve. Its coordinates refer to the Datum WGS - 84: a) No-take reserve of Cabo Farrutx Portion of waters between the meridian 003o 23,850’ E, and the parallel 39o 49,000’ N, and the straight base line that connects Cabo del Freu with Cabo Formentor b) Cala Agulla restricted use area Zone between the coastline, the parallels 39o 44,310’ N and 39o 43,220’ N and the limit outside of the marine reserve ACTIVITIES IN THE MARINE RESERVE The marine reserve of Levante de Mallorca-Cala Rajada also belongs to the Natura 2000 Network. AIMS OF THE MARINE RESERVE: ARTISANAL FISHERIES The purpose of the marine reserve is to protect, regenerate and develop resources of fishing interest to maintain sustainable fisheries, enabling artisanal fishermen in the area to preserve their traditional way of life. The reserve allows other activities of low environmental impact to take place: free navigation, scuba diving, snorkelling, traditional artisanal fisheries, boat trips, environmental education, etc., which contribute to the economic development of the local community. a) Artisanal fishing using methods described in the Annex to the Order ARM/3535/2008 of 24th November b) Underwater activities such as scuba diving c) Recreational fishing onboard described in the Annex to the Order ARM/3535/2008 of 24th November d) Scientific or didactic experimental character activities In the no-take reserve Only scientific activities with prior authorization by the General Secretariat of the Sea may be practised depending on its relevance for monitoring and evolution of species, waters and bottoms. MARINE ENVIRONMENT The coast is formed by numerous calcareous cliffs characterised by the formation of underwater caves. The littoral combines rocky areas with beaches of fine sand, some of which are considered virgin beaches. Photo base of Spanish marine reserves Other well represented communities in the hard rocky beds are dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), largescaled scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa) and brown meagre (Sciaena umbra) as ictic species. Crustaceans like the common spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas), the Mediterranean slipper lobster (Scyllarides latus) and the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) are also found there. There is a notable presence of coraligenous beds represented by a variety of free-living calcareous red algae (maerl) like Phymatolithon sp., Lithothamnion sp. and Peyssonnelia sp., where the knobbed triton (Charonia rubicunda) seeks shelter. The penumbra community of Cabo del Freu is unique in the archipelago. Moreover soft beds host symbolic species such as the pen shell (Pinna nobilis) and the pearly razorfish (Xyrichthys novacula). Certain species use this area as temporarily in summer/autumn, such as the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and the squid (Loligo vulgaris), and these are both highly prized species in commercial terms. RESOURCES To preserve all of this biological and fishing wealth, the General Secretariat of the Sea has assigned a ranger service for surveillance. To this aim, the marine reserve has a rigid 11.06 m long vessel, the “Luz Murube”, a terrestrial vehicle and a customer service office. PRACTICAL ADVICE Prohibited activities Unless expressly authorised by the Directorate General of Fisheries Resources and Aquaculture, the following professional fisheries are expressly banned: trawling, seining, bottom longline, surface longline, underwater fishing, coral extraction and flora and fauna removal. Anchoring of vessels within the marine reserve is allowed only outside the bathing areas of beaches and access channels marked in these beaches in places called Cala Moltó or Es Guyó, Cala Agulla and Son Moll. Anchoring is not permitted in the reserve but for safety reasons relating to marine security or safety of live at sea. The sea bed in the reserve area is diverse and has a high ecological and fishing value. The northwestern area is characterised by the uniform presence of an extensive and dense Posidonia oceanica meadow over the rocky bed, next to coraligenous and maerl beds which are highly structured and well-conserved. The northeastern area presents more fragmented beds alternating between soft beds with disperse patches of Posidonia oceanica meadows, highly developed sandy beds in front of the beaches and coastal detritic and precoraligenous beds. BIOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES Many biological communities grow around the Posidonia oceanica beds. These meadows of high biological production are considered as refuges and hatching areas for many species of importance to fishing. A marine reserve is a protected area. Its conservation depends on everyone: - Find out about its restrictions - Cooperate in its protection and maintenance and do remember that it is prohibited to: · Practice underwater fishing · Practice any activity in the no-take reserves · Possess any device used by divers or fishermen which could be used for fishing or harvesting marine species - For requesting applications for recreational activities, contact the reserve’s coordinator. Phone: +34 606 226 601