

Vol. 75, No. 4
Newsletter of the American Association of University Women – Pennsylvania
Summer 2008
Convention 2008:
A New Spring for AAUW and its Mission
Anita Duvall, Program VP
The daffodils popped open and the fruit
trees blossomed on a warm spring day as the
women of AAUW-PA met for their 79th annual
convention at the Inn at Chester Springs. The
theme Mission Possible focused our gathering.
In this issue:
Program Update................2
LRM Training Grants.........3
Bylaws Report....................3
Award Honorees............. 4-5
MAR Convention............ 6-7
AAUW Capwiz Service.......8
Important Dates
State and Association
dues reports due
IRS Form 990 due
11/15 from all branches (see
page 2)
State Leadership
Training Meeting
PA Governor’s
Conference for Women
Puppet artist Hua Hua Zhang highlighted the
Celebration of Women Friday evening, which
began the activities. Opera singer Sebronette
Barnes sent us
on our way home
with a beautiful
Anita Duvall, right, with Catherine Hill,
Director of Research for AAUW EF
In between, many wonderful events took place. Three lovely
ladies came from Association: Catherine Hill, Director of
Research for AAUW Educational Foundation, made doing
research sound fun and reporting the research a wonderful
experience. Carol Rognrud, AAUW Manager of Major and
Planned Giving, informed us of how we can leave some of our
worldly possessions to AAUW. She will be working with Susan
Nenstiel to enroll PA members. As a keynote speaker, AAUW’s
Director of Public Policy Lisa Maatz, Miss Enthusiasm herself,
Puppeteer Hua Hua Zhang spoke to the power of the AAUW name. We sometimes forget
that we have a positive history and that people, especially in
Washington, DC, listen to that collective voice.
The well attended workshops inspired all attendees.
“Women in the Workplace” featured Penssylvania
continued on page 2
Saturday, July 12, 2008, 10 AM – 3 PM
The Country Cupboard Inn, Lewisburg, PA
Get the Keystoner On-line
Sign up at
The July 2008 Leader’s Meeting will include updates from the State Convention,
News from Association, and Leadership/Membership Materials. This year
AAUW-PA is able to invite:
TWO (2) BRANCH LEADERS from each branch at NO cost
Additional Branch Members are welcome at a cost of $13 each for lunch.
Registration info will be available in the Spring FYI and on the state website.
Woman to Woman Voter
Turnout Listserv
A new Google group listserv
has been set up for those in
Pennsylvania interested in sharing
information and resources, learning
about events, etc., relating to the
mobilization of women voters.
If you are interested in joining
please visit:
AAUW-PA State Dues
All branches please send your state
dues payments (payable to AAUWPA) and membership forms by June
30, 2008, to the Finance Officer:
Convention 2008
continued from page 1
activist Kiki Peppard and Amanda Loose, a student at
Edinboro University. Davorka Sabljak had the branch winners
of the Membership awards detailing how they attract new
members. Lisa Maatz showed us how to get out the vote.
Linda Powell and her panel emphasized the importance
of STEM and getting women interested in work involving
science and mathematics.
Mary Baird summarized the Ophelia Project: Awarness helps
stop the cycle of bullying.
Sebronette Barnes
Plenty of time was allotted for conversation. Social hours
before dinner, the Taste of Success, and a dessert forum provided time to make new
friends and catch up with old ones.
The business of the State Board of Directors was taken care of in a timely fashion.
President, Dot McLane, presided and then turned the gavel over to the newly elected
team of co-presidents, Deb Roney and Kate Sweeney. Sata Barron was elected to fill the
program vice president slot at the convention.
Sunday morning we had the EF/LAF/LTI yoga fundraiser. To those who rose early for
this occasion, well done.
Margaret McGrath
617 W. Waldheim Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15215
Convention Chair Sara Barron, Yvonne Peiffer and Graham Boose and their team of
helpers from West Chester-Chester County branch, and members of the Eastern Delaware
County, Pottstown, Valley Forge and Philadelphia branches and the Interbranch Council
of Philadelphia all contributed time and talent towards the success of the convention.
Form 990 Reminder
Thank you for having me as your state vice president for programming. If I ever get back
to Pennsylvania, I will once again take part in AAUW activities.
Namaste, Anita
All AAUW branches must file a
Form 990 for fiscal year 2007-2008
with the IRS between July 1 and
November 15, 2008. Previously
only branches with over $25,000
in annual receipts had to file.
Now smaller branches must file
electronically using a streamlined
form, the 990-N “e-Postcard.” The
form can be found on
under “Charities and non-profits.”
Gross receipts includes all receipts
from all sources, including “conduit”
expenses such as national dues
collected and then forwarded to
national via a branch check, and
“pass-through” expenses such
as fees for lunches hosted by the
A two-page commentary on the
information needed is available by
Page Is Your Branch in Touch with Local
We are continuing to reactivate our College/University (C/U) program this year. I request
that each branch:
send me the name, address and email address of a person at each of two
colleges/universities in your area who will publicize AAUW fellowships on
their campuses (I will follow up with the 2008-2009 flyers when they become
try to sign up one new C/U Partner in your area (in addition to retaining the
current ones) for 2008-2009;
let me know of any Satellite branch you sponsor at a college/university (a bit
about your program and the campus response); and
become acquainted with the Satellite program (see brochures available at
I have sent a list of our current C/U partners to each Branch President. If you contact
me, I can send you the contacts that I have. Graham Boose, C/U Liaison (610-431-7701; (preferred). Thank you.
Summer 2008
LRM Training Available Under EF Grant
Graham Boose, West Chester-Chester County Branch
Dr. Claire Passantino, a member of the Makefield Area Branch and developer of the
Let’s Read Math! program, and I are delighted to have gotten such a positive response
from many PA branches this past year. I expect second-year funding from AAUW’s
Educational Foundation next month, so I am setting up the fall 2008 and winter 2009
training schedule now and would like to include your branch. Workshops can be done on
Saturdays or during the week.
The approximate time is 2-3
hours to discuss venues and
train on three books.
Claire Passantino, developer of Let’s Read Math!
receives the Susan K. Nenstiel Humanitarian Award
from former AAUW-PA President Susan Nenstiel at
the state convention in April
If your branch is interested,
it would be helpful if you
can coordinate a couple of
dates with a nearby, interested
branch and let me know. These
costs are covered by the grant
so there is no cost to your
branch for the training. Funds
are available to cover start-up
costs for a limited number of
During its first year, the
grant has covered the cost of
training volunteers in three branches in New York, and seven branches in Pennsylvania.
The program is very adaptable age-wise from pre-K through sixth grade; is clearly
documented with lesson plans and activities; and is scalable in the numbers of children
to be reached. It is in successful use in after-school programs, summer enrichment camp,
library venues, etc. Volunteers do not need to be members of AAUW; however, the grants
will be made only to AAUW branches, which will oversee any non-AAUW programs.
Please let me know by July 15 if your branch wants to participate in the fall/winter
training schedule. Contact Graham Boose, 610-431-7701, or
PA Governor’s Conference for Women
Thursday October 2, 2008
Before September 2
After September 2
Bylaws Chair
First, thank you to all the branches
that have worked diligently over the
past two years to bring their bylaws
into compliance with Association.
Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
With the following exceptions, all
branches are in compliance:
--One branch must provide a copy of
their current bylaws for review.
--One branch is voting on bylaws
amendments this month.
--One branch has recently updated
their bylaws and has only minor
changes left to make.
--Two branches still need to do
major revisions to their bylaws.
Second, at the AAUW-PA convention
in April, the membership passed two
bylaws amendments to the state
Article VII, Section 1: The elected
officers or co-officers shall be
president, program vice president,
membership vice president,
secretary and finance officer.
Article XII, Section 6: The quorum
for a meeting of the board shall be
a majority of the voting members.
Co-officers shall be considered as
one voting member of the board.
Please remember that if you would
like to amend your bylaws, you need
to submit any proposed changes
to the state bylaws chair for review
before submitting them to your
branch for consideration and vote.
After the vote, return the new bylaws
to the chair for review.
Thank you for all your help these
last two years.
Deb Roney
Summer 2008
Pennsylvania STARS
(Membership, Public Policy, Fundraising, Project Unique To
Your Branch, Mission-based Branch Project)
Fox Chapel
(Membership, Public Policy, Community Action Project,
Fundraising, Communications-Membership, CommunicationsCommunity)
(Membership, Community Action Project, CommunicationsMembership, Communications-Community, Mission-based
Branch Project)
West Chester-Chester County
(Membership, Public Policy, Communications-Membership,
Communications-Community, Mission-based Project
Branch Awards 2008
Outstanding Woman
Linda B. Roosa
Beaver Valley
Frances Pickard
Marie Cohen Boltz
Stephanie Seagren
Ellen Garbiboy
California Lynda G. Jones
Patricia B. Grabey
Paula Bowersox
Evelyn “Lyn” Allison
Eastern Delaware County
Frieda B. Lenthe
Dorothy Mognet Christoph
Fox Chapel Area
Janice Barrington
Franklin County
Sondra Shultz
Greensburg Area
Kathryn M. Elder
Toni Ann Simmers
Josephine Romani
Sue Bailey
Levittown-Lower Bucks County
Lyn Stepen-Jackson
Lock Haven
Sandy Hammann, posthumously
Makefield Area
Barbara Palladino
North Hills-Mcknight
Ann Carlson
Davorka Sabljak
Joyce H. Martin
Pocono Area
Frederica Kaltenthaler
Fran Malley
State College Alexandra Worzask Broyles
Susquehanna Valley
Dottie Douglas and Jane Williams
Valley Forge
Yiping Hwang
West Chester-Chester County
Barbara McIlvaine Smith
Lois Kulp
Page Keystoner
Emerging Star
Meghan Godorov
Beverly Dicken
Susan McNamara
Ann Enderle Liska
Lois Plotnick
Edie Cook
Anita McCarthy
Amy Noon
Susan Donahue
Paula Herber
Bonnie Rosamilia
Catherine Budd
Dorothy Frayer
Beverly Schwartz
Sujatha Charles Marihal
Sherry Ferris Crassweller
April Giesen
Joan Baxter
Barbara Hobaugh
Summer 2008
S Awards 2007-2008
State College
(Public Policy, Community Action
Project, Fundraising, Missionbased Project)
Makefield Area
(Community Action Project,
Mission-based Branch Project)
(Membership, Community Action
Project, Fundraising)
(Membership, Community Action
(Project Unique To Your Branch)
North Hills/McKnight
(Community Action Project)
Legal Advocacy Fund
Top 10 Branches
Total Contributions
State College
Valley Forge
North Hills/McKnight
Eastern Delware County
Per Capita Giving
State College North Hills/McKnight Valley Forge
Eastern Delaware County
Pottstown Area
Educational Foundation
Top 10 Branches
Total Contributions
Outgoing President Dot McLane at the podium
Educational Foundation Honorees
(formally called the Name Gift Honorees)
Allentown-Sandra Andreucci, Sydney Davis
Bethlehem-Polly Benfield Hinder, Joleita Wagner Yurchak
Carlisle- Patricia Grabey
Easton- Barbara Garrison
Erie-Regina Jaworski, Jean Moore
Fox Chapel- Janice Barrington, Kathleen Guinn, Maryann Steward, Janet
Harrisburg-Alice Agnew, Nancy Cerveny, Anita McCarthy
Johnstown- Murilla Himers
Lansdale- Janet Carduff, Catherine Farrell, Paula Herber, Marnie Mills,
Nancy Parke, Chris White
West Chester- Fran Pierce
Summer 2008
State College
Valley Forge
Eastern Delaware County
Fox Chapel
Per Capita Giving
State College
Eastern Delaware County
Valley Forge
Fox Chapel
Calling All Leaders!
AAUW Announces Leadership DVD Series
Linda Haigh Tozier, MAR Director
AAUW is pleased to
announce a new series of
leadership-focused DVDs
created for distribution
in 2008. As we work to
strengthen and revitalize
AAUW, all members
must connect together as a
community of active and
effective participants. To
fulfill our mission of advancing equity for women and girls,
AAUW continues to need strong leaders who will make sure
the AAUW legacy continues. In the past, only two members
per state participated in national level leadership training. This
new series of DVDs will provide
leadership skills and strategies for
all members.
priority issues; how you can help mobilize women voters at the
grassroots level in the fall elections; how you can stay current
with issues that impact the higher education of women; and how
you can keep up with the subtleties of the politics involved in
– or strengthen your current involvement with – vital areas of
AAUW’s mission.
To advance equity through education and research, AAUW staff
leaders introduce AAUW’s latest research report – its findings
and recommendations, media and promotional outreach tools,
and how you can share this information with your branch;
provide an overview on the National Girls Collaborative
Project and how you can promote STEM initiatives in your
community; describe how you can encourage women’s
leadership development through
AAUW’s National Conference for
College Women Student Leaders
and Campus Action Projects; and
report on AAUW’s fellowships
and grants, and tell how you can
meet local recipients and hear their
stories to motivate involvement and
investment in AAUW philanthropy.
Training for the Middle Atlantic
Region has been scheduled for
Saturday, June 21 at the Crowne
Plaza in Timonium, Maryland.
We are indeed fortunate to have
Anthony Hill, Association Board
To build a stronger community,
Member; Sally Chamberlain,
AAUW President Ruth Sweetser and AAUW Foundation
AAUW staff leaders in the
Foundation Board Member; and
President Barbara O’Connor featured on DVD series
membership, fundraising,
Linda Tozier, MAR Director, on
communications and marketing DVD modules discuss why it
hand to present the DVDs and lead the participant discussion.
is so important to tell the AAUW story and how marketing is
It’s vital that all of us can easily discuss AAUW’s mission,
every member’s responsibility; why effective communication
giving a consistent message that will enable us to retain our
and information sharing are important to building a community
current members and recruit the new and diverse membership of
as AAUW moves into the future; how branch and individual
contributions make a difference; and how you can use AAUW’s
The Leaders’ Introduction Module features a conversation with
website, videos, DVDs, and other materials to advance our
AAUW President Ruth Sweetser, AAUW Foundation President
mission in your branch.
Barbara O’Connor, and new AAUW Executive Director Linda
At this critical stage in our history, AAUW needs the active
Hallman. They chart an inspiring course for AAUW’s future,
engagement of all members in spreading the mission to advance
with a mission-focused message that members will share with
equity for women. With leadership training through the DVD
their local branches. Together, these three leaders provide a
series, all AAUW members will be better prepared to focus their
“State of AAUW” message; summarize the strategic process
mission-based efforts, recruit new members, and further develop
journey for AAUW’s future; explain AAUW’s mission and how
their leadership potential…because equity is still an issue!
it relates to members, branches, the future of our organization;
and discuss the impact of AAUW mission-focused branch
For registration information about the Middle Atlantic Regional
activities on their communities.
Meeting, please contact either Linda Tozier (
or Susan Nenstiel, Conference Registrar (
To advance equity through advocacy, AAUW staff leaders
describe how you can become an effective advocate for AAUW
Page Keystoner
Summer 2008
MAR Leadership Conference
Association to Launch Leadership DVD Series at MAR
Saturday, June 21
Conference Information
Hotel Information
2004 Greenspring Drive, Timonium, MD 21093-4114
Registration 9:00 am
Association DVD series begins promptly at 9:30.
$25 registration Fee includes lunch and leadership training
Come to MAR to view and discuss the latest leadership
tools developed by Association to enable states and
branches to advance equity through advocacy, education
and research and to build a stronger community through
membership, fundraising, communications and marketing.
Discussion Leaders: Sally Chamberlain, Program
Foundation Program Vice President, Anthony Hill,
Association Board Member, Linda Tozier, MAR Director
The MAR Conference is open to all AAUW members. See
you in Maryland!
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Tozier,
MAR Director (412-369-5770 or or
Susan Nenstiel (610-965-0663 or
A block of rooms is being held for Friday night, June 20. Room
rates are $109.00 plus tax per room for single/double occupancy.
When making your reservation please identify your affiliation
with the AAUW Middle Atlantic Region to receive the group rate.
Check in time is 3 p.m. Check out time is noon.
Reservations: 410-252-7373 Extension 761.
You must make your own Hotel Reservation by May 21, 2008.
Directions to the Crowne Plaza Baltimore
From New York and Philadelphia:
Take Interstate 95 South to Interstate 695 West toward Towson.
Take Ext 24 onto Interstate 83 North. Take your first exit: 16ATimonium Road. Turn right at the light and then make a right at
the 4th driveway into the Hotel parking lot.
From York, PA:
Take Interstate 83 South to Exit 16A – Timonium Road. At
Timonium Road, turn left and follow to the ramp at the first traffic
light. Bear to the right onto Greenspring Drive, then make a right
at the 4th driveway into the Hotel parking lot.
MAR Leadership Training
Registration Form
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________________________ State ______ Zip _____________
Phone _____________________________________ Email _________________________________________
Branch/State _________________________________ Position(s) Held _________________________________
Cost: $25 (includes leadership training materials and lunch) - Deadline: Form must be postmarked by June 10
Send Conference Registration Form with your $25 check made payable to AAUW Middle Atlantic Region to:
Susan K. Nenstiel, MAR Treasurer
2889 Aronimink Place
Macungie, PA 18062
Refund/Cancellation Policy: Registrants sending written cancellation requests by June 10 will receive a 90% refund.
Cancellation requests received after June 10 cannot be accepted; failure to attend will result in forfeiture of fees.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Tozier, MAR Director (412-369-5770, or Susan
Nenstiel (610-965-0663,
Important Resource for Public Policy and Branch Publicity
Dot McLane
On the Association website, there is a gold mine of information/
tools for your use that not many AAUW members know about – it
is the Capwiz service that Association provides. There are five
tabs of information/tools in this service:
HOME – Here you can sign up for the AAUW action network,
which informs you of important public policy actions and alerts.
ELECTED OFFICIALS – You can find elected officials,
including the president, members of Congress, and more. You
can search by state or the official’s last name. You are provided
with basic information about the official and links to their
ISSUES & LEGISLATION – You can access Congressional
voting records, current action alerts, current legislation
(indicating whether AAUW supports or opposes it), Capitol Hill
basics (tips on phoning, emailing or writing an official).
ELECTIONS & CANDIDATES – Provides a listing of federal
and state elections, across the country, you can also register to
vote or change your voting registration.
MEDIA GUIDE – Provide your zip code and it will list all
local newspapers, radio and TV stations and allow you to send
a common email message to up to five of them. You can also
search by individuals or medium (TV, newspapers, radio).
To access this capwiz service go to
signup or, if you go through the AAUW website (,
Network Join Now and you will get to the same page. This is an
extremely valuable resource that Association provides to us and
the public, so visit it, learn about it and utilize it.
AAUW Member Helpline: 800-326-AAUW
Weekdays 10 AM – 5 PM or email
Send change of address to: AAUW Member Records, 1111 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse
membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation
in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age,
sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through
advocacy, education and research.
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