Hay Riverite on the red carpet


Hay Riverite on the red carpet
H ay R i v e r , N o rt h w e s t T e rr i to r i e s
Hay River is
a bucket list
Golf tournament
raises $10,000
Healthy eating
Worldwide friends
Toy run
Build a greenhouse
RCMP lost and found
Wednesday, AUGUST 22, 2012
40th Year No. 26
$1.00 (.95 + GST)
l PM#40012157
Hay Riverite on the red carpet
Kelvin Redvers' latest film will screen at Toronto International Film Festival
Myles Dolphin
A transplanted Hay Riverite is
about to realize a dream of many
Canadian filmmakers.
Kelvin Redvers is going to
present his short film The Dancing Cop at this year's edition of
the Toronto International Film
Festival (TIFF).
The 25-year-old cut his teeth
producing a number of short
films during his time at Diamond
Jenness Secondary School.
By the age of 17, he had
already produced Sheep, Dignity'
Six and The Paintrix, among
others, many of which starred his
classmates and friends.
His most recent film was shot
in Vancouver.
Because of the subject matter
of The Dancing Cop – the relationship between First Nations
and the police – Redvers thought
of an original way to present
the story to audiences in a more
accessible manner: as a musical.
"I want it to play out as an
entertaining film," he said. "I hope
it'll amuse and intrigue people. I
made sure I was surrounded by
amazingly talented people for the
music aspect. A friend of mine
wrote the lyrics and another composed the music."
The seven-minute film will be
shown three times at TIFF in two
public screenings and an industry
Redvers was in Montreal on
a road trip in late July when he
got the exciting call from a repre-
sentative of the Toronto festival. works as a producer/director on
He had to keep the news under CTV First Story, an aboriginal
wraps until the festival's Aug. 8 show on CTV BC. He won the
news conference.
Jack Webster Award for best in
"I was ecstatic," he said. "I've B.C. journalism for his work on
had my eye on TIFF for years, the first episode he produced,
wanting to be a part of it. To titled Black Blood.
finally get that chance, to get a
"I'm really proud of that award
foot in the door is amazing. Not because I get to work on stories
only is it good for my resume, but that otherwise might not be told,"
the networking opportunities at he said.
the festival are endless."
Redvers has various feature
The idea for
film ideas in his
the film originpocket. One of
ated in May 2011,
them would idealt
and soon after he
ly take place in
filled out a bravothe North, but he
"I've had my eye
FACT (Foundaneed to clear
on TIFF for years, will
tion to Assist
some obstacles
Canadian Talent) wanting to be a part first.
application for
"It's tricky to
of it. "
convince someKelvin Redvers t
Sepone to finance
tember, he was
your film if it's
awarded the fundshot up North
ing and it took
because there
him four months
are no tax breaks
to complete the project.
for filmmakers in the NWT," he
On Thursday, he received explained. "Until they are able to
even more promising news. The catch up with the rest of Canada
Dancing Cop has been chosen to in that department, it would be
screen next month at the Olden- very expensive to shoot a film
burg Film Festival in Germany. up there."
Unfortunately, that festival and
This year marks the 10th
TIFF overlap so Redvers isn't anniversary of Redvers' producsure whether he'll make the trip tion company, Crosscurrent Prooverseas.
"There is a huge amount of
In 2003, he made a bold claim
networking possibilities at TIFF," to a reporter, who was writing
he said. "You get to meet finan- about a new film course offered
cers and distributors. So we'll at Diamond Jenness.
see if I'll head over to Germany
"You'll be watching my movor not."
ies in 10 years," Redvers said.
Most of the year Redvers
And he was right.
photo courtesy of Kelvin Redvers
Kelvin Redvers, a former resident of Hay River, is presenting a short
film at this year's edition of the Toronto International Film Festival.
Turning the tide
Legion branch battling financial bleeding
Myles Dolphin
NNSL file photo
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 250 branch president Chris Jesche says the
branch is struggling to stay above water financially.
A lack of volunteers and a
few surprise bills have placed
Hay River's Royal Canadian
Legion branch in dire straits.
Members of Branch 250
convened for a special meeting on Aug. 16 to discuss
both short-term and long-term
restructuring plans that will
allow them to stay in the black.
Jesche would not reveal how
much the legion is in debt.
"We're trying to cut our
costs and find a way to pay
these bills off," said branch
president Chris Jesche.
A few of those ways include
possibly cutting down on staff
and selling various assets, and
encouraging a larger portion
of members to volunteer for
branch activities.
"We couldn't follow through
on quite a few functions last
year because of a lack of volunteers," Jesche said.
With roughly 280 members, he said it's hard to get
more than 10 or 12 to help out
with events.
"As legion members, volunteering is part of their curricular activities," he said.
The legion owns the building and the property on which
it sits, and will look at a variety of fundraising options
associated with them.
A portion of the legion's
large parking lot is used by the
Kingland Ford dealership, and
Jesche said the branch might
try to re-negotiate the terms
of its contract with the dealership. He estimates the contract
to be at least 10 years old.
Last year, a furnace shut down
during a long weekend, caused
by a lack of fuel, and the
legion is still working on paying off that hefty bill.
"It's an uphill battle," Jesche
said. "Five or six years ago,
people were saying the legion
had to shut down because of
problems. When everyone got
on the bandwagon to save it,
the situation was good for two
years, but things slowly go
back to the way they were."
Jesche is confident about
overcoming the difficulties
and hopes the fall weather
can bring some much-needed
activity at the branch.
"This is the second straight
nice summer we've had," he
said. "People have left Hay
River and they've been out
camping, but come September
we'll have horseshoes going,
the darts league is starting
up again and we're trying to
establish a pool league, as
2 t Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
Bernadette Courtoreille flips a foiled fillet at Fisherman's Wharf on July 28.
Health conscious wharf grub
Longtime vendor adds healthy option to menu
Angele Cano
Bernadette Courtoreille
and her youngest daughter
Vanessa Daigneault make
their way to Hay River's Fisherman's Wharf outdoor market every week.
They have the same setup as most – food service on
a checkered red vinyl tablecloth laid out over an aqua teal
stand, plastic forks and knives
grouped separately into disposable red cups. They were
close to offering one of the
staples at the wharf – fish
and chips. But Courtoreille
decided this year that she'd do
it a little differently.
"Don't get me wrong, I like
my fish and chips," she said.
"I see the younger generation
going for the fried stuff and I
see the older generation asking for the healthier stuff, and
I think it will always be like
She decided to get into the
healthier stuff. This year, she
is selling seasoned fish baked
in tinfoil, along with a side
salad as opposed to French
She is touting it as the
healthy alternative, while still
promoting the tried and true
fish and chips.
It's an experiment she
decided to try this year, and,
so far, it's working well, she
said. Courtoreille sells around
80 dinners per week at the
Saturday market and goes
through around 40 fish.
It's also a practice that
harkens back to a now defunct
festival. The Fisherman's
Heritage, held for decades
in the West Channel, ceased
in 1999. That event brought
together townspeople, fishermen and their families to celebrate at the end of the summer
fishing season by eating fish
prepared in different ways,
including the traditional fried
and foiled. New health regulations, among other reasons,
brought the event to an end.
The Hay River Fisherman's
Wharf started up in 2004 and
fried fish has been a staple
ever since.
Wharf frequenter Shir-
ley King likes both fried and
baked fish, and is happy for
the variety.
"It's healthier for you," said
King of the baked fish. "But
then I eat pie afterwards."
Some Saturdays can get
fairly busy, but the lineups for
baked fish do not yet match
the lineups for fried fish.
Courtoreille said cooking
up orders doesn't seem like
"I actually enjoy doing
this," she said. "One of the
main reasons I like to do it
is that you see people you
haven't seen in years. I grew
up here. I went to school with
a lot of these people, and it's
nice to see all the people you
used to know."
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 t 3
Did we get it wrong?
Hay River Hub is committed to getting facts and names right. With that
goes a commitment to acknowledge
mistakes and run corrections. If you
spot an error in Hay River Hub, call
874-6577 and ask to speak to an editor,
or e-mail editor@hayriverhub.com.
We'll get a correction or clarification in
as soon as we can.
Fire department warns of
suspicious behaviour
The Hay River Fire Department
wants residents to be aware that a
man and a woman approached children last week while assuming the
identities of safety people from the
fire department.
"The kids were offered different things to entice them back to
the individuals' apartment," said Fire
Chief Ross Potter.
The man introduced himself as
'Stephane' and may have been around
30 years old, while the woman was
"We don't know what their ulterior motives were, but thankfully the
kids declined," said Potter. "We want
to let people know that the department only offers fire prevention and
safety lectures at the fire hall. These
meetings are pre-arranged and
attended by members in uniform."
— Myles Dolphin
Glowing golf ball
tournament set
The Hay River Chamber of Commerce will host Shots in the Dark, a
glow ball golf tournament, on Sept.
22 at the Hay River Golf Course.
The event will be shotgun start,
best ball format with prizes and
homemade chili dinner to follow.
There is a participation cap of 72
players. Teams and singles can register.
More information, including on
the entry fee, can be obtained from
the Hay River Chamber of Commerce.
– Angele Cano
Business, Home and
Leisure Show nears
People are being reminded to
book their booths for the upcoming
Business, Home and Leisure Show
as the event is almost full.
Every year, the show hosts businesses and organizations from around
the NWT, as well as Alberta.
The show is being held Sept. 7
to 8 at the Don Stewart Recreation
– Angele Cano
Make the Connection
seeks community groups
Make the Connection, an annual
get-together of Hay River's clubs and
organizations, is looking for community groups to set up booths at
the event on Sept. 11 between 7 and
9 p.m. at the curling rink.
The booths are free and prizes
will be awarded to the best one.
"It's an opportunity for community groups and organizations to get
together, set up a table and find participants or volunteers," said Emma
Harper, the recreation programmer
with the Town of Hay River. "Residents can see what they offer, what
their upcoming season will look
like, and they can leave their names
and register with them."
— Myles Dolphin
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
From left, tour group leader Tracey Therrien, Carol Van Tighem, tour guide Tom Makepeace, Michael Paull, Colleen Paull, Paula
Scott, Hugh Scott, Rod Bradfield, and Gordon Van Tighem. The group is part of the inaugural excursion by Bucket List Tours.
Putting Hay River on
Canada's bucket list
Entrepreneur funnels passion for the North into new venture
Angele Cano
A group of seven assembled
last week to experience adventures
they might not have known about
That's the reason Tracey Therrien of Hay River decided to start
her own tour company – Bucket
List Tours – to offer windows to
Northern life and natural splendour.
She's included everything in her
tour of the South Slave, from salt
plains, sinkholes and remnants of
the glacier era to a toe-dip in Great
Slave Lake at Hay River.
On Aug. 17, a small group filed
out of a luxury bus onto Hay River's
public beach to hear tour guide Tom
Makepeace talk about the town as
a transportation hub of the North.
They sat in a circle across from
the Northern Transportation Com-
pany Ltd. (NTCL) shipyard to hear and what they had to offer.
about the history of transport bar"My visitors wanted to know
ges, NTCL and the Hudson's Bay about Nahanni and Tuk," said TherCompany before dipping their toes rien. "The demand was there for
into the lake.
that knowledge."
"(The North) is
After 12 years
something I'm very
in tourism, she
passionate about,"
became an exclusaid Therrien. "I
"I call something sively Northern
absolutely love it
travel agent before
and I want people on your bucket list deciding to branch
from all over the something you can't out on her own.
world to experience
Before starting her
it as much as pos- do on your own, an tour group company
this year, Therrien
Therrien, who
first began taking
Michael Paull t
has lived in the
small groups to see
NWT for 28 years,
the sights in Fort
was a travel agent
Smith, Hay River,
for 15 years. While
Enterprise and Fort
in that profession, she branched Providence, and included an attracoff into marketing, which forced tion she calls one of tourism's best
her to learn extensively about kept secrets.
the communities in the North
"Wood Buffalo National Park is
an absolutely stunning part of the
world," she said. "There's so much
in that region you have to have at
least two days to experience it."
Members of last week's inaugural tour group hailed from eastern
and western Canada, as well as
the North, including Colleen and
Michael Paull from Edmonton.
"We like to do things that are
a little out of the ordinary," said
Michael Paull. "I call something on
your bucket list something you can't
do on your own, an adventure."
While awed by the natural wonders they visited, the couple was
equally impressed by Northerners'
enthusiasm to share their knowledge about the region's attractions.
"People can hardly wait to tell
you what they know about the
place," said Colleen Paull. "Their
knowledge and friendliness gave
you a good feel for the place."
Historical Quote
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the
ground and miss."
– Douglas Adams
Get involved by
being a volunteer
Hay River, Northwest Territories
senior Reporter
Angele Cano
Established in 1973
Published Wednesdays by
Northern News Services Limited
Myles Dolphin
Public input is important
The GNWT may have developed a new strategy for consulting the
public. In essence, don't do it.
At least it seems that way judging from a public meeting last
week on plans for Hay River's new $42-million health centre.
A group of territorial politicians and bureaucrats were at the Aug.
13 meeting, which attracted more than 40 community residents.
However, the meeting was not really a consultation. It was a gathering for the GNWT to tell the assembled citizens what it was going
to do. That's not surprising since the tender for construction had
been awarded in late July.
And to be fair, the GNWT never did call the gathering a consultation as far as we know. It only referred to it as a public meeting.
However, when government calls a public meeting, it is not
farfetched to think it is looking for public input.
GNWT bureaucrats have appeared before town council at least
a couple of times in the past few years to discuss the project, and
there are routine open meetings with the public administrator of the
Hay River Health and Social Services Authority.
However, last week's gathering was the first large public meeting
on the project, but there was really nothing of significance to discuss.
The GNWT has already made the major decisions, except for what to
do about long-term care.
We hope that decision takes public input into account.
What part of Hay River would you recommend to tourists?
As the tourism season is winding down, people are still heading north for some of the
last days of summer and we asked Hay Riverites what places they enjoy the most.
Katrina Delorey
Too many events in Hay River are being postponed
or flat out cancelled because of a distinct lack of volunteers.
It's important to give back to our community, and
these events matter. They help keep the town going and
make it a more interesting and attractive place to live.
For example, the Hay River Fire Department needs to
add 10 new members to its team; the Royal Canadian
Legion Branch 250 is struggling because it can't get
most of its 280 members to help out with events; the
soccer association can only organize games for certain
age groups because it doesn't have enough help; stock
car racing has disappeared since 2009 because … well,
you get the point.
It's a worrying trend that needs to be reversed.
Some people say the shortage is because there's a
core group of volunteers who
are just plain burned out. While
editorial that may be the case, why are
the same people stretching
themselves so thin for the rest of us?
Volunteering really shouldn't feel like a chore, it
should reward you and provide a sense of fulfillment.
The untimely passing of Delphine McKay last month
reminded us all that one person can truly make a difference within a community. Imagine if everyone modeled
their lives on her compassionate ethic of volunteerism
and helping others.
She's not the only one that comes to mind. Emma
Harper and Marissa Oteiza are also names you recognize
because they devote so much of their time to various
activities and events in Hay River. They don't know what
‘free time' means, and for a reason — they believe in
community involvement.
Of course, volunteering isn't hard to find in Hay River.
Recent events such as Yards in Bloom, the Coors slopitch tournament and Skate Jam prove that, when
enough caring people get involved, success is sure to follow. Volunteers even gave the Mackenzie Place high-rise
a much-needed coat of paint last weekend, and the reason? "We just want to make it better," one woman said.
Creating a centralized volunteer bank could help, and
attending the Make the Connection event would put you
in touch with various clubs and groups around town.
But more importantly, an active approach would be
even more beneficial. Reach out and contact the groups
that help make Hay River a better place. Get involved.
Admin. Assistant
Stacie Smith
Sherry Darosa
4 t Wednesday, August 22, 2012
J. W. (Sig) Sigvaldason
Michael Scott
Bruce Valpy
Publishers of
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• Inuvik Drum • Kivalliq News
• Yellowknifer • NWT News/North
• Nunavut News/North
Hay River Hub
8-4 Courtoreille Street
Hay River, NT X0E 1G2
Canada Post #2180316
Return undeliverable Canada mail to above
Mail Reg. #07426 ISSN 0714-5810
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Display ad deadline:
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Subscription rates:
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We acknowledge the financial
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Karen Wall
The Fisherman's Wharf —
good fish, good conversation
and a slight wind.
Diana Smith
The nature trails, because
they are beautiful no matter
what season.
Virginie Bouchard
The Great Slave Lake and ice
fishing under the northern
Jessica Jean and Matisse
Six Mile Beach, because it's
so quiet and there are barely
people there.
Phone (867) 874-6577
Fax (867) 874-2679
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 t 5
Bridging the cultural divide
Friendship club hosting international guests
Myles Dolphin
The Hay River Friendship
Force, whose purpose is to
encourage world peace one
friendship at a time, is hosting
16 guests from North America and Australia this week.
The local club, made up of
12 members, is part of a larger
association called Friendship
Force International, which
has 360 clubs in 55 countries
around the world.
According to the organization's website, its members are
"ordinary people of all ages
who share a desire to spread
goodwill, to better understand people of other cultures,
and to value one another as
The guests this week,
members of their local chapters as well, come from Michigan, California, Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, Manitoba
and Australia.
Nancy Makepeace, a
member of the Hay River
Friendship Force, explained
the process clubs go through
to host other members.
"First, your club has to let
the headquarters in Atlanta
know that you want to travel
somewhere," she said. "Then
they contact clubs around the
world and match you up with
one. We correspond with them
a little and share our interests.
Finally, we get an answer and
they come over."
Makepeace was inspired
to create Hay River's Friendship Force club eight or nine
years ago after attending an
information session on Prince
Edward Island. When she
said she was from the NWT,
a representative of the organization said it would love to
create a club there. She visited
Hay River a month later and
the rest is history.
"Some people worry about
having strangers in their
home, but within 10 minutes
you're friends," Makepeace
This year, the Western
Michigan club was partnered
with Hay River, but only two
of its members could afford
the trip, so the club extended
Myles Dolphin/NNSL photo
Margaret Lucas, left, and Jill Rowe, both from Adelaide, Australia, arrived with other members of Friendship Force International at
the Hay River Airport on Aug. 17.
the invitation to other members around the world.
People can join and participate on three different levels. They can host people in
their homes, be a day host
who gives rides, or be an
exempt host who has guests
over for lunch or dinner, for
Margaret Osted, one of the
Hay River hosts, has been
involved with the group for
six years. She has hosted
guests from Atlanta, Oklahoma, Milwaukee, Brussels,
California and the Netherlands.
"It's great because you get
to know new people from all
over the world," she said, adding she was preparing a wel-
come booklet for her guests
from Michigan.
Their schedules are jam
packed, from a potluck the
night they arrive on Aug. 17
until their departure on Aug.
24. Activities include a walk
from Alexandra Falls to Louise Falls, an Elks barbecue,
a guided walk to Grosbeak
Lake and a wolf howl at a spot
along the highway.
"The best part about the
schedule is that they are so
excited to get here," Makepeace said. "Once we agree
that they'll come here and we'll
host them, we both have input
on the schedule. These people
have travelled everywhere.
You wouldn't believe some of
the stories they have."
6 t Wednesday, August 22, 2012
photo courtesy of Lionel Gagnier
The Hay River Motorcycle Toy Run participants raised more than $1,700 for Hay River Secret Santa charity.
Annual Toy Run a success
Charity motorcycle ride raises more than $1,700
Myles Dolphin
Children's toys might be
the most unlikely items you'd
expect bikers to be carrying
on a highway, but that's exactly what happened early this
month as part of the tenth
annual Hay River Motorcycle
Toy Run.
Almost 30 riders from Hay
River and Yellowknife participated in the ride to Enterprise
and back, which raised a little
more than $1,700 for the Hay
River Secret Santa charity.
Co-ordinator Edna Dow
emphasized just how crucial
the riders' yearly contribution
"Their donation is very
important to us and every dollar counts," she said.
Lionel Gagnier has been
organizing the run for eight
years now and despite the
smaller turnout, he deemed it
a success.
"Any time we can raise a
substantial amount of money
for charity we're happy," he
"We usually draw closer to
50 riders but this was the long
weekend so more people were
out of town, I think."
Gagnier was also very
appreciative of the strong support from Yellowknife riders,
who made up almost 75 per
cent of the group.
Every rider made the trip
with a toy or two strapped to
his or her bike. A popular auction, which included donated
items such as clothing, motorcycle gear and airline tickets,
also helped contribute to the
final tally.
Hay River resident Keith
Bonnetrouge, involved in the
Run since its inception in 2002,
rides a 2008 Yamaha Raider.
"Back then it didn't seem
like there were too many riders
so I thought it was nice to get
people from town together and
raise money for a good cause,"
he said.
He was happy to come
away from the auction with a
127-piece toolkit, but got stuck
with an item he overbid for.
"I got stuck with this T-shirt
I didn't want but that doesn't
matter, it's for a good cause!"
he said with a laugh.
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
Tightrope impressions
Cash Rewega, left, and her cousin Daphnée
Babiuk practise their best tightrope walker
impressions outside NWT Centennial Library on
Aug. 15.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 t 7
Building Green
Gardens society to hold construction workshop, page 9
Curling Club raises close to $10,000
Funds from golf tourney to buy equipment, support programs
Myles Dolphin
Hoffman. "A lot of the funds
are for the junior program.
Last year, we had close to 70
The Hay River Curling juniors, and we want kids to
Club hosted its second annual come out and curl because
golf tournament last weekend, we know some of the other
with 16 teams taking part in organized sports are really
the best-ball
Curling is one
The Rusty
of the cheapBlades four- "A lot of the funds
est activities."
some of Doug
The funds
are for the junior are also used
Wieter ma n,
Karen Wieterto purchase
man, Quinn
Gary Hoffman t
used by other
Ma cD on a ld
such as 'Moms
came away
with the winand a newly-created seniors
ning trophy.
program, which encourages
The event raised close them to stay active.
to $10,000, a 20 per cent
A silent auction, with prizimprovement over last year.
es offered from the event's
"We try to raise money to various sponsors, helped raise
help cover the costs associ- close to $3,000. Items up for
ated with curling, so we can grabs included a pair of First
get more people to play," said Air return tickets from Hay
tournament organizer Gary River to Edmonton.
photo courtesy of Gary Hoffman
The Rusty Blades golfers are, from left, Doug Wieterman, Karen Wieterman, Quinn Groenheyde and Dave
Running, walking and dancing for our lives
Volunteers gear up for fundraising event
Angele Cano
Last year, a group of Hay
Riverites raised $5,500 for
cancer and health-related
initiatives in the NWT and,
this year, they are hoping to
blow that number out of the
The annual Run for Our
Lives is being held again
in Hay River. It's the eighth
year that the NWT has taken
on the run, a separate entity
from the national Run for the
Cure, which is an initiative of
the Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation and CIBC.
The difference is money
stays in the territory.
The run will be held on
Sept. 30, but fundraising has
already begun. Each member
of the CIBC branch in Hay
River will participate and are
currently accepting pledges
and selling baked goods.
This year's event organizer,
Tom Whitton, has upped the
prospects of raising money by
organizing a dance for Sept.
8. He's also finding other
creative ways to get people
involved and opening their
Whitton, who is organizing the event for the first time,
will be changing his hair colour to some funky pink and
black hues, and shaving a cancer awareness ribbon symbol
into the side of his head before
the annual run/walk.
Last year, he raised $1,100 ing all this money and it's not
on his own for the run. The coming back to us,'" said Alty.
$5,500 raised by the CIBC's "We decided that we wanted
Hay River branch helped to make the decisions about
purchase a mammography where that money would go.
machine for Stanton Territor- A lot of the struggle with bigial Hospital in Yellowknife.
ger runs is that all the money
"It's a great cause and I was goes to research, but there is
able to raise a lot of money last no research being done in the
year," said Whitton. "I think I NWT."
can raise even more this year.
The money raised from
Our raffle is quite a bit bigger this year's events across the
and the dance is a major thing. territory will be put towards a
That's making
breast cancer
a huge differaction group
ence. We are
that provides
going to be "It's worth a little jog a w a r e n e s s
able to raise
to save someone's and educaa lot more
tion in several
money with
the communResources
Tom Whitton t
ity's help, of
are also being
used to fund
50 per cent
Alty, executive director for of a dedicated cancer patient
Stanton Territorial Health navigator nurse, a person who
Authority and a commit- helps guide patients and their
tee member for Run for Our families through the medical
Lives in the NWT, liaises with system.
communities raising money
This year, money will also
through their own events.
go to renovating the chemoAlty said, before the NWT therapy and intravenous treatcreated its own run, it partici- ment site at Stanton Territorial
pated in the national Run for Hospital.
the Cure. All the funds raised
This year's fundraising goal
were sent to the organization for the territory is $150,000.
down south and put towards
Tickets for the Hay River
cancer research.
dance for our lives are being
The territorial committee pre-sold at the CIBC branch
for the run applied for funding and people are encouraged to
for cancer-related projects and participate in the run.
were denied twice. They then
"It's worth a little jog to
decided to make a change.
save someone's life," said
"We thought, 'We are rais- Whitton.
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
Thomas Whitton, left, and Matt Lakusta are ready to run, and offload all this
raffle swag. The two are part of a team raising money for the annual Run for
Our Lives run/walk in Hay River.
8 t Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
Community Gardens Committee chair Rebecca Bruser holds some of the
hardware to be used to build a new greenhouse.
How to construct
a greenhouse
Hay Riverites can learn building techniques
Angele Cano
Hay Riverites will soon
have a chance to learn how
to build an outside structure
that will store far more lively
things than lawnmowers.
The Hay River Community
Gardens Committee is holding
its first greenhouse building
workshop on Aug. 25 and is
inviting everyone who wants
to learn about the construction
process. The group will build
a 60x30-foot structure for use
on the Community Gardens
grounds, but the plan can translate to larger or smaller greenhouses. Committee chair Rebecca Bruser said, for beginning
or avid gardeners, using the
structure could really extend
the growing season.
"Even plants like tomato,
cucumber, basil and peppers can be grown in greenhouses all season long because
their yield will be better,"
said Bruser. "Plants like that
don't tend to do that well
outside in our climate."
Plots in the Community
Gardens greenhouse will be
broken down into three-byfour-foot sections that can be
used by those who tend any
of the 42 plots currently in the
gardens. The greenhouse will
cost $7,000, money the committee received in grants.
Even if people aren't interested in joining the Community Gardens, they can still
come out on Aug. 25 between
10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to learn to
build a greenhouse.
"People can take those
skills and learn to successfully
produce their own food," said
The power of water
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 t 9
by Angele Cano
Northern News Services
Earlier this month, two groups of Summer
Heat kids and their leaders received lessons in
fire safety from the Hay River Fire Department.
After a few videos and some questions and
answers, the groups got to know the functions
of one of the department's pumpers.
Summer Heat is a program of activities
offered by the recreation department of the
Town of Hay River.
Alanna Klause is not quite ready for the power of the water pressure and loses her hat. While Joe Robertson offers
Teegan Brockway takes some time out to splash in a puddle.
From left, Fire Chief Ross Potter,
Tyler Brockway and Kale Beck
watch as Junior Barnes, back, demonstrates how pumper three works.
10 t Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Pumping up the volume
Community radio host does it his way
Myles Dolphin
Kyle Camsell of CKHR introduces the next song during his morning show.
Myles Dolphin/NNSL photo
On the third floor of the Mackenzie Place highrise, there is a modest
community radio station, complete with
hundreds of old records, blinking lights
and a single microphone. Outside, light
streams in between the slats of the closed
blinds, and the humming of equipment is
Kyle Camsell, 21, leans forward and
reads out the weather for the week. As
he's finishing his sentence, he gently
adjusts the slider on his mixing console,
allowing him to fade in to the next song.
Camsell's passion for radio is obvious.
His daily show is a combination of music
and local news. He takes requests via
social networks on the Internet and the
station phone.
"Hello. What would you like to hear?
Linkin Park – I can make that happen.
Which song? OK, have a good one," he
tells a caller.
Camsell has been honing his craft
since 2008. He initially got involved with
CKHR, the community radio station,
because he wasn't satisfied with its content and wanted to make a difference.
"I listen to the radio a lot," he says.
"I worked here back in 2008 and there
was no local news and little diversity in
the music. I left the station for a while to
study and wanted another show this summer, so I spoke to the station manager.
I've been working on making my show
more listenable and that means keeping
things varied. I've heard good feedback
so far."
His passion stems from the complete
authority he has over the content of his
"That's kind of cool," he said. "I rely
on stuff from the '80s and '90s that I like,
but I also play country, jazz, rap."
While requests from listeners are a
daily occurrence, Camsell has received
his share of strange calls.
"Sometimes I get people calling me
and requesting that I not play an upcoming song," he said. "That's the hardest part
of my job: saying no to people."
From the skill-set he's acquired over
the past few years, he wants to improve
his vocabulary and on-air delivery the
"Sometimes I have to think about how
to express myself," he said. "I search for
words when attempting to keep things
PG-13, so I may stutter a little on air. If I
had a thesaurus nearby that would probably help."
His morning show runs from 9-10:30
a.m., but he arrives at the station an hour
earlier to prepare his set list. This is his
second job of the day. He's up at 5 a.m. to
work a one-hour shift at First Air.
A mere 18 months away from completing a Bachelor of Commerce degree,
Camsell will buckle down this winter and
focus on his studies with Athabasca University. He is excited about coming back
to host his show next summer.
"That was some Tom Petty Free Fallin," he says into the microphone. "Now,
I got a request from Warren. He wants
to hear some Linkin Park — Shadow of
the Day – right now. Here it is on CKHR,
all hits."
An alternative
form of medicine
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 t 11
Former Hay Riverite travels to town to offer treatment options
Angele Cano
While locum doctors visit Hay River
on a regular basis, one health practitioner, who is much closer to home, also
makes the trip to town to see his regular
Doctor of chiropractic medicine Rod
Tordoff was in town on July 28 for one
of his monthly visits to see patients he
treats by manipulating their spines and
Tordoff once lived in Hay River – he
moved here in 1979. He went back to
school to learn chiropractic medicine
in 1992 and returned to Hay River to
practise from 1994-2001 before moving
to Yellowknife to establish a practice
there because he found it made more
business sense.
"The opportunity there is so much
more," said Tordoff. "The population is
six times what it is here. If this were a
community in northern Alberta then
maybe it would be viable, because you
have all these surrounding communities
that could come in. Then maybe it would
work, but there just aren't enough people
According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, spine manipulation
is an intricate science that takes years
to learn.
For many people, it can produce
quick results and increase the flow of
energy through the spinal column for a
greater feeling of well-being. Depending
on the condition, some patients may
need more frequent visits.
Tordoff made the commitment to
continue to see his patients he had before
moving his practice to Yellowknife, and
even takes on a few new ones for his
trips to Hay River.
One of the new patients is Darcy
Delorey, who said he has had minor
back and posture issues that have compounded over the years and issues with
his sciatic nerve.
On July 28, he was emerging from
his first visit with Tordoff with a new
collection of facts – such as how sitting,
standing and sleeping can affect and
exacerbate aches and pains. With a good
initial experience, he said he will return
next month.
"I would probably visit more often if
there was a chiropractor in town," said
Delorey. "But this is a test run. I'm anxious to see what the results will be."
There is a demand in Hay River
for chiropractic services, which is why
Tordoff continues to make trips to the
"Some days I will come here and see
as few as 15 people and other times I'll
see as many as 30," he said. "You can't
just abandon people."
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
Dr. Rod Tordoff treats Hay River resident Candice
Bloomstrand after her shift at work. Tordoff travels
to Hay River to see regular patients around once
a month.
12 t Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Gone, but
not forgotten
Lost items might be at RCMP
Myles Dolphin
Checking the engine
Angele Cano/NNSL photo
Dave Felker wants to make sure everything is OK with his truck's engine, so he
climbs up to have a look on Aug. 17.
Have you ever wondered
where all the lost items in Hay
River end up? Some find their
way to the RCMP's lost and
found, where they are kept for
60 days if no rightful owner
can be found.
After the two months are
up and the item has gone
unclaimed, the person who
found it is entitled to it – if that
person makes a claim on the
item within two weeks of the
expiration day.
What happens to an item
that remains unclaimed?
"We do keep record and a
log of all the property that is
found," said Cpl. Scott Young.
"After 60 days, the lead investigator will follow up and contact the person who found the
item. If that person doesn't
want to retrieve
it, they can sign
a relinquishment of claim
and the item is
turned into the
The RCMP Cpl. Scott
can dispose
of the item by
following certain guidelines.
Bicycles in particular are items
that are stolen throughout the
summer, and end up at the
"We get some bikes that are
found and some are reported
stolen," Young said. "Sometimes there is a link between
the two. Obviously, a lot of
found bikes have been stolen
in the past. Some bikes that
we get are just older, damaged
bikes that the owners leave
Each bike has a serial number on it, regardless of the
make, normally found on the
bottom of the frame.
"By the time we have a
found bike, we run the serial
number in the system," Young
noted. "Sometimes it will show
up as stolen in the past. Our
system is nationwide so that,
if a stolen bike were to turn
up anywhere, we could run the
serial number and see where
it was."
Electronic items such as
iPods and iPhones also have
serial numbers on the back that
can be used to retrieve them.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 t 13
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