RESOLUT!ON DATE: Februarv 10. 2015 To The Board of Supervisors of Winnebago County, Wisconsin: AM ENDATORY ORDINANCE 02.02-1 5 WHEREAS,itisdesirabletoamendtheZoningordinanceandthezoningMapofthe ToWNoFoSHKoSHinaccordancewiththepetitionofWoNNEPoMMEREN|NGTRUST and WHEREAS,saidrequestisincompliancewiththeadoptedWinnebagoCountyLandUse Plan and Winnebago County's Farmland Preservation Plan' NoW,THEREFoRE,theCountyBoardofSupervisorsofWinnebagocountydoordainthat OSHKOS,H' be.and. the.same' are the Zoning Oidinance and the Zoning Map ol the TOWN 9F fromlhe classification of A-2 ct,anged amended to provide tnat tne attactreE Jul"riu"a propertv oe district of M-1' of said ordinance, which it now and heretofore had, to the zoned Board of supervisors' that AND BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the winnebago county the enclosed Ordinance is hereby E ADOPTED OR U DENIED' County Board SuPervisor (Town of OSHKOSH) PARCEL NO: 018-0359 (P) FROM A-2 TO M-1' COUNTY DISCLAIMER: CountyBoardapprovaldoesnotincludeanyresponsibilityforcountyliabilityforthelegalityor ;i;;ii;"-;" ;'ti.re Town Zoning Amendment or the Town Zoning ordinance. THIS APPROVED BYWINNEBAGO COUNTY EXECUTIVE 201 DAY OF - Mark Harris county Board Supervisory district 12 I12 OTTER AVE.. PO BOX 2808 OSHKOSH. WISCONSIN 54903-2808 CARYA. ROWE Zoning Administrator osHKosH (920)232-3344 FOX CrrrES (920)'.72'1 -2880 FAX (920) 232-3347 zoningdepartment@ co.winnebago.rvi.us Winnebago County Zontng Department The Wave of the Future MEMO FOR P & Z PLANNING MEETING AGENDA OF FEBRUARY 2,2015 TO: Planning & Zoning Committee FM: Zoning Administrator o '',@ Review of Town Zoning Changes RE: 1. Yvonne Pommerening Trust. Town Zoning Change (Tax !D No: 018-0359 (p)) Town of Oshkosh. - The town zoning change for Yvonne Pommerening Trust is not consistent with Winnebago County's Land Use Plan. The proposed zoning change eliminates dual zoning on a parcel of land with an established use. A certified survey initiated the need for the zoning change. The Town of Oshkosh approved the zoning change from A-2 (General Farming) to M-1 (Light industrial) and Winnebago County's land use plan shows future land use as residential under the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Oshkosh. RECOMMENDATION: Forward zone change to County Board for action. eow/y /FOrrv{/ '/, movo75 *o /oa'/ FZU: P"g - cr,sl ,uotb: e/irrrholhf ,{ra/ zonnT TOWI\I OF OSHKOSH RESOLL"TTON 2.201+02 A RESOLUTION AIX)PTING A}I ORDINAI\CE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL TOWI{ OF OSIIKOSH ZONING ORDINAI\CE MAP WIIEREAS, one or more applications for amendments to the Map of the Town of Oshkosh ZartngCode of Ordinancee have been filed with the Town Clerk as described herein; and WIIEREAS, following the requisite Notices and Public Hearings the proposed amendments have been rwiewed and recornmended to the Town Board by the Town's Planning & T,ontng Commissioq and WIIEREAS, all other procedural requirements have been met for purposes of consideration of the amendment(s) provided in Title 16 of the Town of Oshkosh Zoning Code of Ordinances; and NOW, TEREFORE BE IT ORDAII\ED THAT, the Town Board of the Town of Oshkosh, County of Winnebago, State of Wisconsrn, pursuant to Title 16 of The Town of Oshkosh Zoning Code of Ordinances hereby adopts the following Amendmeirt(s) to the Map of the Town's ZnfueCode of Ordinances: Section A. as 1: The Official ZourryMap of theTown of Oshkosh is anended as follows: Aoolicent: James E. Smith, Martenson & Eisele, Inc, 109 W. Main St., Orro, WI54963 Pronerty Owner: Yvorure Pommereiring Trust - Nancy Hartman, trustee, 2682 Waupun Rd, Oshkosh, W154902 Lesal description of prorertv: Property located at PARCEL JUST SOUTH OF M. SCHETTLE FREIGHT SALES at 5105 COUNTRY RD S; specifically described as Tax ID #018-0359, Being SECTION 29, TOWN 19, RANGE 16, APPROX. 0.63 ACRES, Town of Oshkosh, Cormty of Winnebago, State of Wisconsin. (see Attachment A). The above described oropertv is herebv rezoned from: A-2 (GENERAL FARMING DISTRICT) to M-l (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) tr'indins/Reasons. Reasoned property is formd to be consistent with Town's Comprehensive Map and the surrounding area. Section 2: Adoptedthis This Ordinance shall be subnnitted to the Winnebago County Board for approval. This ame,ndment to the Town of Oshkosh Zoning Code of Ordinancns shall be effective upon approval by the Wirmebago County Board. ', day of November,)Ql4 by the Towu Board of the Town of Oshkosh Jeannette Resolution Z-20L4-01 Page 1 November 13 2014 Meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm. present were carol (aufmann, Alfred (Fritz) Ganther. Bob Walter, Ron Harrel, Fred Boss, Jim Erdman, and Sharon Karow. Minutes from May 22 2014 -{on made a motion to approve, Fritz second. Motion carried. ZON!]TG CHATGE APPTICAITT JAMES E SM'TH, MARIEIUION & EISEL 1OI' W MAIT ST. OMNO WI 54953 AITD PnoPERTY owNER: woturE FoMMEREillIrG TRUsr- Alrcy HARTMAITN TRUmE 2882 WAUPUIT ROAD OSHXOSH WI 54902 REqUEST TIIAT THE FOILOWTIIG PROPERTY BE REZO ED FROM A.z{CIIIIERAI FARMII{G DISTRICD TO M.1 (UGHT II{DUSTRIAI.I, PROPERTY LOCATED AT PARcEt rusr v)urH oF M. SGHETTIE FnE|GHT sat Es AT s10s courrrv RD s: spEctFtcAlty DESCRIBED AS TAX tD * O1t{t359 BErr{G SECTIOI| 29 Totiril 19 RATuGE 16 AppRox. 0.63 ACRES, TOWI{ OF OSH|(OSH COUNW OF Wtilr{EBAGO, SrATE OF wrSCOilStN. Ron made a motion to approve of this zoning ciange from A-2 to M-1. Fred second. Discussion- carol has received 27 phone calls in regards to this property rezoning. The concems were satisfied after talking to Carol as to what was belng rezoned. vote- sharon aye, carol aye, Fritz aye, Bob aye. Ron aye, Fred aye, andJim aye. Motion carried. Bob made a motion to adjourn, Ron second. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at E:17 pm. Commission hearing meeting. Jim called the meeting to order at 6:17 pm. The town board will approve of this zoning change as stated above from A-1 to M-1 and send that to Wlnnebago County. Roy schumacher property located at 21147 Jackson st. that wants a zoning change from M-1 B-3 now is in winnebago county jurisdiction as his land is in 3oo feet of an open ditch. to Discussion on how the Town of oshkosh could set a grade elevation or fill ordinance. concerns were people having a lot and filling higher than a lot next to their property. comprehensive plans- The county is in process of redoing their comprehensive plan and asked to look over their plans and the towns can submit changes up to 1 year. we should look at our town use map. Jim Erdman-Town Commissions to look to update plans. tovvns Bob made a motion to adlourn. Ron second. Motion carried, Meeting adjourned at 6:4g pm. Respectfully submitted Sharon Karow TOWNOFOSEKOSE NOTICE OF PUBLIC EEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY CryEN TTIAT TIIE PLANNING & Luct PUBLIC e TOWN HALL located at rdtrss is to RECETVE puBl-rc Ttfi.: the following RE-ZONING applications: I?It OF TI{E TI{URSDAY, RD. Y, OSHKOSH, coMMEr.lilerraire A THE PETfiONERS: Appli:gr. J4MES E SMTTH, MARTENSoN & ErsELE, INC, l {D W MAIN ST OMRO WI 54963 and property Owner: yvonne ' pommelqfng Trust _ Nancy Hartman, trustee,26E2 Wauoun Roarl, Oshkosh WI 54902 request that the following property be rezonod from A-2 (GENERAL FARMING DISTRICo torr{_i (UCrrr INDUSTRIAL), property locared at pARCEL ruST SO'LITI{ OF M. SCIIETTLE FREI.HT SALES at 5105 COUNTy RD S: snecificallv descriH as Tax ID # 0184359, b€ing SECTION 29, TdWN i9,--, RANGE 16, AppROX. 0.63 ACRES, Tovm of Oshkosh, County of Winnebago, State of Wisconsin. All interested parties and any objections to the granting ofrhis request Hearing. Dated lhis I 6ffi, day of October, 20 1 4 Publish on Octobq 28,2014 and Novernber 5, 2014 Town ofOshkosh By: Jeannette M€rtq, Tovm Clerk will be heard at the public TOWN OF OSHKOSH WINNEBAGO COUNTY, WNCONSIN PT]BLIC MEETING NOTICE Type of Meetlng: Plannlng & Zoning Commlealon ileeting Date: Tlme: Place: Town Hall - Agenda: a Call meeting to Order a Approve llinutc. Determlne recommendation to Town Board on the Zoning change requet of parcel south ot M.Schdtl Freight sales on Gounty Road S, property os,ner yvonne Pommerenlng Trust, Nancy Hartman, Trustee Adjoumment Posted by: Chair of Commissionlfim Erdman l. 2. Post Upon rcasonable toticc, cfu will be madc to accommodde thc neods of disablod indivi&als thurgh appropri*o aids and scrviccs. For additioael inforDatim o !o r€qucst this s€rvice, call Ieamefic Mert€n xgzO-ZlS:filt-arirtt io f OZO Cory Ionq Oshlos\ WI 54901. A quoruo of smitsry disdct corrmissioncrs within the Town of Oshksh may be ia atteodancc { rhis mccting for p11poscs of asking questions ad date: 10120174 gatlrcring iaforretion snl it is trot fip€ctcd that thc csnmissim take any official action] RE: Public Hearing Notice - print dates October 2& 2014 and No... Subiect: RE: Public Hearing Notice - print dates October 2g, 2O!4 and November S,2014 Fmm: GPG-legals mbx <legals@greenbaypressgazette.com> Date: L0lLGl2Ot4 4:30 PM To: Town of Oshkosh <townofoshkosh@gmail.com> He1Io, This wlII run ln the oshkosh Nonthwestern for this run will be 956.31. on octoben 29 & Novenben s, zo:,4. cost Thank you, Teresa Hunlbent I Gannett Wisconsln t4edla th urlbe ntoq reenbav. sannett, com I p. gt7 -925-0226 www. wisinfo. com | f. 977 -943-0443 -- - --original Message- -- - From: Town of oshkosh [mailto: townofos h ko shoqma iI. com] Sent: Thursday, Octoben 76, 2Of4 3:02 plf To:oSH-Legals dg subject: Publlc Hearing Notice - print dates october 28, zoL4 and November s, zoL4 Information attached, feannette lilenten, Town Clerk htto: ,//www. townofoshkosh. com 1of1 Town of Oshkosh 929-235-1771 ttlebslte: 7O/16/2O14 4:55PM Nort-hfiiEbterEa rned[a. A GAXHETT COMPANY STATE OFWISCONSIN BROWN COUNTY TOWN OF OSHKOSH 1076 COZYLN osHKosH wI 549011404 Alexandra Zakowski .^ Simh"rs.r0ra Yi":lm".. Bcing duty sworn, doth depose and say that she/tre is an authorized rryrese,ntative of the Oshkosh Nodhwestefltgljl3E'yY &ily newspaper publishcd in the city of Oshkosh, in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, and that an advbrtisembnt of which the aanexed is a tnre copy, takcn from said papcr, which was publishcd thcrein on Account Numbsr: OrderNumber: No. ofAffidavits: Total Ad Cost: GWM-N5839 Published Dates: rcn8/14,1u05114 00001415,+4 1 356.31 (Signed) * IIii @ate) 1{ii[[!- Signed and sworn before me UL My commission /1.,r;**. expires *1X'f TOWN OTOSHKOSH R€: GANNETTWI MEDIA 435 EAST WALNUT ST. PO BOX 23430 GREEN BAY, }V] 5430J-3430 GANNETT Wisconsin Media DcllErlng Cufi om err. D.iving Rc.ukt. RffiTUID 01t4359 PHONE l-877-943{rt46 FAX 877-943{443 EMAIL legals(@thenqthwestrrn.com FomZ-lOl Twn of Oshkdt lonhl fno&rrr* Htbll folcdon Chc*ort ooiyfrorpryrbleoTwrof0cl*odr fre: $ISO.O pt a qilrAcrmmAnoil n lltrt lrttf bhdr ngdprt_ D htk *ddon nrec.rl_- tlumb.r_ t,l Mdlnf trr*y gaxl br ryproprla rou! rrcr -srra-ffirgrn rpon thc propcrybrt rc Crenrnt rnt nnpnl of +ftb t t-rrna b to nmrtn rri rurcc untl nrp o,Hr$;on H*ffd ffi|Jsf of ftG tumncufuud h lenlln3 upsr ill tf ixtnr"quldrrPcmtrbt lc 2., frPUOfIlr HfOtIrUpil ff dftlrntfim.*ncrl: Erg6{,E,C& B, PffpEtTfilF0tilAn0il! t.) rrx*rnlr"r.c* , 2.1 O\fiD36ol 9rbdMCon F Ld Sccrn;@_1 or6lil*_-. __ E-lJq-- 3.) toc*bnofercptrty: 4l Zor{nt 5J , -s.gr _A.bi l.rr€glqF Zodrtg u* Ucc 6,| E$cU4scrcr: Scprtc_,--,_ traouil z') Propocd shc qlen iil-.D#r?{.rc.ntg F".do..r-a-.rffn hiln tbj\ cdonr C.l nEAsoll3 FD8 CtUUmt: ZontUOmfc/emlhn PIED 2 sf2 Form 2-101 f,rfurcne ZA ilumbcr PETTIION FOR Z0lrl TO: lilc AU EI{ Di,EttlT Town of Oslrtosh Scrrd 1076 Cozy Lrnc Ortdodr,Wl 3t$l Tha udersfncd ouncr{r} of tha Pttpcrty htrcin dcccrhcd pctlttons your tronorabh body for rn emsndment to tfic Iown of Odrlorh bnlr;r Ordlnene and Mry o cflccr e clrmgc h thc nonhg Chsrtficdqt of real esultc ln tlrc Toun of OrhLosh, Wlnnebrlo Oounty, Iilbconsln, mor€ prnhulcrly dcscrlbcd-ln rummeru asfollowe,to-*rrt: ,* A<, or$ gcrr.t* ht$of ffi ronrrgdbdcr. FL par Ccrtlficd Survcy Map ilumber_ Loc.tbn of proputy by rddrass/prr.., rhc trnd d6crrb.d ebornru bG "r"d s-r0f lru{ ?- og A+lArli6d CW lI- | zonrrgdlstrt* _idf) nurn to' It\. S6k*,t F+6aH4 SA,ln4g lf tha amcndmcrt b rdoptad. $ o*eotrrrs., [o deyor eT zolf ncsp.dfully submttted: or (t{ame printed} (Addrccs) 1\tNlr€ \or**s*, iqicvs< , Os*Loi+{,Ut (Clty, Strta, Zp) \lr /t (tssal5Ehiturel / Zontng Changc/Amendrreat feUUou A 4pUcaUon - T*rn Woz Fonn 2-101 tha aercntbl eeruicss (smrcr, w.tGr, rtraets, ctc.) fior prcccnt and future uroe: proposed utc trvould Dcscrlbe the proparty urs€ ! the hlffrcst and bestforthc profrty: compatiblllty wfth surourdlng land use: i6G *1,0rrt1 1E *tE A Publlc Hearins wlll be set upoll thc rccdpt of applications Z-10g & alo1 includfu eupplcmrntrl rnaterial r--..E-+and pavment, *'hcrces the rppllcant wlll furnbtr n€csssary Informatbn to thc prccessingofthtcapptication. /) n_ lv , 2-o lll Zonlry Admlnhtrstor fo, p fln AND HEREBY SUBMITTHE APPUCAflON FOR APPROVAL: Date Applieatlon Recelved by Zontng Zonlng Administrator signature: Zoning Change/Amendment pedtion A epfrtcation - CERTIFIED ST]RVEY tr[AP NO, PABT oF TIIE sourErE$ _U4_g!-ryr NqBTErEsr t/1 oF EEcrroN ze, rorxsrrp RANQE 16 EAsr, Tom{ or o6lErosu, trIrirrEBAco cotnrrv, macoNslN. re NoRxE iol +; ,' !3ii rodt NORTHWEST CORNER SECTION 29, T19N R15E ,,, ,, I, I, SUFYEY NAIL FOUND r__Q,}, ! l- ,' ,'1 lsl SUNEY FOR :L.rl TANCY J. HARTTTAN TSTE 36A2 WAUPUN ROAD rcll WONNE 'ot i (o; UNPIATTAD --tdNTp-- $'r N E9'59'25' E ll90-71' P. POHNTRINING REV. TST aSHKOSH, wt 54902 l3i s89'59'2s1y 2'.E 25.75', 5'52'.1 175,90' tlei. F) LOT yga 1 ^t5(o Efl qN al Elt t52l,rs9 - SQ.F"T. / 'rSr, i-\t o o. '6 Slo la) Ac. d Nl Fi o iizt Iot) Fl ]Et oL-L sc z 1.r t$ d LANDS .E s S o G 14 ---'1 ul 2r <rI , Frl al !,:l E9'.11'56' 'l I Pr tl i I 2i i l5l r oF sECTroN 2s TrsN R,6E CENTER i" , l5lA.l2' suil/Ey NAIL FouNo i_it_31_E,t_2llf _ _ _ _ _+ 1_8glt6:L2616.24_ lt Curyc 1 2 3 Rodiua Delto J76o.6J' oo?16'49' 3769-83' 000J3'45' 5769.63' 001'€',Ar', Lcngth Beoring E 37.OJ' S 4752',08.0. E 1IJ-oo' s +6,+g'43.s'E 150-o3', Chord s 4700'36.5. I B€4Etlilqs fiE REfEtENcEo ro couvly caofrDtMtt srsfEu Scole O t5O 1 inch 3bO * Hr or 9""{s; uTNNEBAaO rem(tgaD3OO leel 600 tr A + ,* -t(-\- () 37.05' 112.99' LEGEND t-tA' ao. RON P'PE VIEIaHING o Chord 150.02' ,,IJO SET, ,8- LONC. 186,. P€fr UN. .OOT 3h. REBAR FOUNA t-r4' o.D. tRaN PPE FOUND 'M C' ,#'tL SET @VERNIIENT CORNER FOI)NO .EI{E LINE RICORDED AS \../ lzl .2ttal-\l LJ.)-t y t,J -lr! LllJ SURVEYORIS CERTIFICATE: I, Jmog E. Smitb Rcgisftrod lrnd Survryor, do hercby certi$: Tbat I havc survcTed, divicled ard mrypd at thc dircction of Nmqr Hrunar! pglt of thc Southwcst l/4 of Northrrest 1/4 of scctbn 29, Township l9North, Rugo 16 Eost, Town of osl*d.i, wir"it g" l!! c"*ty, lYisconsin, dos€ribcd as follows: .B'ginni't8 al fte Wcst l/4 of said Section 29; thcrncc NortL 00 degress 06 minulEs l0 sccotrds W€sl 134g.69 fecg along thc Wc'st line of thc said Soufrwest 1/4 ofthe NorthwGst li4;-lh€ocr Nofih 8e acgr""s:S -i"utu. ZS seconds Easr I190.71 fect, along thc Nor& lina of thc said Southwest lA of the Nordwost fiq fuet, along tbr 8rc of a clrvE to the^right, h&ing a radius of 3769.63 fcct ud whose chord bws Sou[+z dcgrees oo rninures 36.5 socords Esst 150.02 fcet, almg the Soutbcrly right-of-way lino of c.T.H. ..S"; thmce soufi 45 &grcos 52 mimrres 12 scconds Erst-2^3.75 foc! along fre said-Sourhcrfy right-of-way tirc; troo- SorA OO acgr"* 08 minutcs 16 soconds East 1218-56 fceq Blong thc East line of fte saii s.,:u6wcst il+ r.ro.tl*J u4; thcnce Sodi 89 degrees lI minutcs 56 seconds West l3I8.12 feo( along the Sorxf, lire ofthe "til" said Southwrs il+ 6fru Nor&wost u4 smd the North right-of-way lins of pl.urmer point fr.oad, to the point of bognrid. --- - -_ - t*Jso.o: That I hwo firlly complicd wi& Chaptd 236.34 of thc Wisconsin Sratut€s in srrveyjllg. dividins^ and . mapping thc and thc Town of Osl*osl, md Wiucbago Co.-ry Subdivisio" Ordd;;;. -'---- "r'"c . This 'nsf is a corrcct thoreof. Given rmder my haod raprr6€n6im ofall of thc ortoric bouudaics ofland surveycd md rhe divieion 6is l-U r,l,or {L\ .zor+. w\af Winncbreo Coutv Plrltritrs rnd Zorftrp Copmiitcc Ccrtificrtc: Pusumt to the Lmd Subdivision Rogulatims ofthc coumy of n*o-, s,Mi,isio, -n,q3I *"Xn:*lg:Tf Zoniry Cofimineo ou &y of wus iv_rurybaqq wisconsin, all the roquiremcars rypi9yf -'iZOt+. by ilfiil"b64,il#rii,,i,e,,a Town Boqld Aoprovrl: We hereby certi$ tbat the Town of Oshtosh has rcviewed rnd ryproved ttis certified srrvey I owD CDamlan Date m4. ffi This csM is contained wholty within the propcrty describ€d in lhe fouowiag recordcd instruoents: Owner(s) ofrecord M. Schetd Freiglt Sales, Iac. Documur(s) 5411E0 Parcel Number(s) 018035901 \., \. .L L l I t L/ 1) L) .1 t Y \JJ !r". ..4.Ir Coroorrtc Owncr'e Cartif crtc: M. Schotd Frcight Saleg Inc, a corporation duly orgpnizcd and oristing rmder end by virtue offto laws ofth€ Statc ofWisconsi4 hcro\ ceriry that we oausod thc led abovo rtssoribod to be sr:rveyc4 divido4 and mapporl as represeutrd on this rnap. Dated this dsy of .2014. print nme and tidc Siglature Wisconsin ) )ss Winnebago County ) Stato of _day Pcrsorally came bcfore me on lhe be tte pcrson who executad rhe forogoing iastrumcat ad of 2014, ihc above owner to Ee ac.luowledge rhc sule. howtr to Nly Comnission Expire.s. - O}VNERS CE.RTIT'ICATE: As oxler, wc the undersignd hqeby c€dify thd we causcd tte land abovo described to bc 6urvsye4 all as shown urd repres€nled on this mq. dividd md mapped Yvonne P. Porunerening Rcvocablc Trust U/A Ddod Mry 21, Natrcy J. HEEnsrL Trustoc 2010 Dd€ Wisconsin ) )ss Wimebago Couaty ) Stato of of tho .2014, the above owrcrs to me Personally carne beforr me on day be tho persons who executed the forcgoiog iD8tsDmetrt and admowlcdge the samc. hown to Itly Co-mission E:pires Tr€arurcr'i Cef 6fl catc3 I hero@ certi! that thae are no upaid tares or unpaid special ass€ssnents on ary of fte landc showq hereon- Tow[ Trsssurar YW* c" .:- { t' ' l..,,sttl EM Dae County Treasurer Date CAN.YA,ROWB I Zoning AdJdirirortor t2 0mm. ArrE.. PO BOX 2r0S osHKoSH, WISq)NsrN r4cB_2r08 osHxosH p,4.)2r2-!3u rox cITtES ( t, n1_2sg0 FAX (gfrlBz-3y7 IVinnebago County umi4dcp.rtE eco.riad.to.pi{. Zoning Departmcnt Thc Wve of thc Funre /orrornu Oclober 14,2014 JeannetG Merten Town ofOshkqsh Under the pmvisions of Seciion 18.16(f ) of the Winnebaqo Countv SubdMsion Ordinance. I am fonrarding a copy of the Certified Survey Map for tolm reviewThe Town has thirty (30) days of rcceipt of mailing to return its comments to this ofrrce. if you have questions on this matter Please call me. Respectfitlly, er*l hlrr,^*, Caml Salvinski Zoning Secretary Enclosure(s): - CSM - Ytonne Pommercning Aurry '#'l'l lo'" rr 6,6^,try> @fl'il* J*zirm / D./t*(z CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP I{O. oF TEE SoUTHWEST L/4 oF Tan PAET NORTHTEST L/l OF SECIION 29, TOIYNSMP OgBKOSH, IflINNEBAGO COUNTY, WSCONSIN. 16 EAST, TSYN OF RANQE NORTHWEST coRNER F R]6E SURVEY FOR: I P, POMITERENINC J, HARTMAN TSTT WONNE L- -;' ,Hi bri (o: qrl .,j-i UNP-I4EE! UNLI4U-TA Xi ;: IJINDS NOBTE, isi +i ,', 2S. TlSIN 29, TISlN ," i i"- ;;;vd"ill-'iouno SECTION 19 !-1MC I NANCY 3682 REV. TSf WAUPUN ROAD oSHKOSH, Wt 54902 N a9'59'2s' E fi9o.71' s15.52'.t2-E 25.75', r-543 ac. &:' '.$.r ba rd or a l{ .L 3q Ei h$ AtN\ t LOT1 i r,s2usesQ_FT-/ysaAc,. sb \t ci or t(o (,t \ kt o 'lol =\ 'et ct El {Hl di Fr HF :8 tUJ od ru- = wESr 1/4 SECTION -uNP_r4TIEp !{Ntq io a a o o a4 coRNER 29, T1SN Ri6E s 89'11'55' ll 1318.12' 2636.24' tl Curye Rodiua Delto 1 3769-63' 2 J 3769-65' 001'45'0J' OOZlB'{fJ' 3769-63' 0oCrJJ'46' Length Chord Beoring 150-05' s 4700'365r E 37-0f,' S 4752'08.0' E 113.OO' S 46.45'43.5' E Chord 150-02' 37.OJ' 112-99. f LEGEND t-r/4- o.D. tRoN PIPE sET, t8- LON,. o J/4- t.r3o LBs. PER LrN. FOOT RE9^R fouND o.D. tRoN ptpE FouNl wEt6t1'NG OARTfiS ARE REfiERENCF., IO THE W]NNEBAEO coufiY caoqatuTE s7s'T6y oF 198J(1997) tr t-t/+' A 'Lt,-c" + ,./r''IL sEf GOWRNMEM CORNER .OUND . 12 L- a a.lJ J L, L) L) Lt a v c)/ la a.lJ SIJRWYORIS CERTIFICATE: I, lmes E. Smith, Regisfered knd Surveym, do hereby cati$: lhet lhgye n-rvryed, divided axt mapped at tte rlirectioa of Nmcy Hatmaa, pat of the Southwest l/4 thc Nor&wesl 1/4 of sectioo 29, Township t l Norir, nsnge 16 East Town of o"tl;-.i 6"*rv, Wisconsfu, dcscribed as follows: . -- wi-"i"i*" of Begindng ar fte Wsst I/4 of said Sectio 29; thmce Nortt 00 degrecs 06 miourcs lo secoads wsst 134g,69 along the Wcst lins of the said southwest 1i4 ofthc Northwesr rla;-aace Nortl bi zs seconds East I190 71 fca, along rho North line of the said soulhwes tla or&e NoniweJil+;-tii-"ir so os r*q the along 6r'" o1. to the righq having a radius of3769.63 feet mdwho.".uo.a u"-. oo Einutes 36.5 seconds East 150.02 fee! along thc Southerry rightolway line orc r H. o"n"e 3"'"rt +s degrees 52 minute,s 12 secotrds East,2-3 zs foeg atong rhe saaloutrerty right-of-*rfu; oo a"gr*. 08 minutes 16 scconds East 1218.56 feet, along the Ea* lile of tbc saii So-uthwerl 1i4 G 1i4; thence 9outh 89 degrees I I milules 56 s€co^trils westl3l8 12 fc{t, aloag tha South line ofac "fsad southwuri rra ofrhu Northwest l/4 aud tho North right-of-way ltue of plumoer ioioti.oa4 to ihe fccl a"gr;1i;irur". "*rt s;; io,i6'iii"gr"", e;;;i*,i N;rth;; "-"' il;"f b;d;;. TLat I have firlly complieil with Chapru 236.34 ofthc Wisconsin Statutes il surveyhg . di,'i.ti',g and mapping fto same and ttre Town of oshtos\ and wimcbogo coruty Subdivioo, orart;. - "*' 'Ihis map is . thereof a core,ct rqrrescnt8tioa Giveir under my hmd thiq of all offte extorior bormdarics of lmd surveyed and &c division lo o1 rtsuart (%1, to the Land Subdivision-Regulations ofite rvrinor subdivisimr lomii\g Qd'n'nittE€ on dsy of P:Xf:*Y,:::T ffitd;}-: cou ,* $Eee$i .zor+. y ofwinncbagq Wisconsi4 all the requirerneots uepror"a ry ' .ZOt+. tl" ffi*"u"eo-d,ilty?]J,,;,,s Town Boerd Auorovgl: we hereby certi$ thar the Town of oshkosh has rcviewcd and approved this certified survey mry. Town Chairman - ------DG Town Clerk ------Date This cSM is contained wholly within the property rlescribed ia the followiag recorded O*ner(s) of record M. Schettl Freight Sales, Inc, Doo:menr(s) 541 t 80 imtuemts: Parcel Number(s) 018035901 and v \r_t L,tJ I \/ rl lJ lJr JVJ (JTJ V \-J Coroorate Owner's Cgrtifi cate: M. Schetd Freight Sales, Inc, a corporation duly organized and existing ,mder and by virtue of tlre laws of the Stare of Wisconsin, hereby certif thatltre causad tho lard above described to bc surveye{ divided, a"a *appua * --*represated on this rnnF. Dated this day, of -2014. Siguatue State of print name and titlc Wisconsin ) winnebago "oooo ]t' Personatly cmte before me on be tho perscnn the day of _-__, 2014, the above owner to mo lnonm to who er(eouted lte foregoing instument md aclnowledge fte same. My Corrmission E:rpiree_ OWNERS CERTIF'I.CATE: As owner, we fte rurdersigned, hereby cortiry ftat wc caused fre land above describcd to be survqycd, dividc4 and mapped all as shown aud represenld on this map. Nancy J. Hutma, State of Trustee Wisconsir ) winnebago "o,-,, it' th" Personally carre before me on be tre persons wbo exccuted the foregoing day of .------------r 2014, fte above ownss to mc know:n to instrment strd acknowledgetle sanrc. My Comnission Expires Treasurer's Certifi cate: I hereby c€rtify that there are no unpaid tares or unpaid special asscssrnsnts on any of the lmds shown hseon. Town Treasurer Datc ttt County Treasurer Datc