2004 - Port Townsend Film Festival
2004 - Port Townsend Film Festival
22000000 PTTF ~ 2004 22000011 22000044 PPoorrtt TToow wnnsseenndd FFiillm m FFeessttiivvaall SSeepptteem mbbeerr 2244--2266,, 22000044 22000022 22000033 22000044 22000055 22000066 22000077 22000088 22000099 22001100 22001111 22001122 22001133 FFeeaattuurreedd G Guueesstt:: Jane Powell SSppeecciiaall G Guueessttss Dickie Moore; Eric Webber, "Second Best"; Michael Shoob, "Bush's Brain"; Mimi Gan, "With Honors Denied"; Todd Pottinger, "Big City Dick" with musician Richard Peterson; Kevin Purrone; author Tom Robbins; Robert Horton. FFoouunnddeerrss Jim Ewing Rocky Friedman Jim Westall Linda Yakush EExxeeccuuttiivvee D Diirreeccttoorr:: Peter Simpson PPrrooggrraam mm miinngg D Diirreeccttoorr G Grreeeettiinnggss ffrroom m tthhee D Diirreeccttoorr Selecting movies for a film festival is a serendipitous adventure. First, with your audience in mind, you have an idea of the kind of movies you want: in our case ,we look for well-made, engaging (but not despairing) independent and foreign-language films, classics, documentaries, shorts. Generally, we're not interested in films that have been released (well, one screening on a PBS program is sometimes overlooked) or picked up by a major distributor. But even with these very general guidelines, reality soon takes over. The resulting line-up is controlled by two factors: (1) what's been made in the last couple of years and (2) what we can get. Young or first-time filmmakers, for instance, often tell coming-of-age stories that are either happy or sad, whereas older, more experienced directors of independent films may choose tales of existential woe. The main reason for the success of commercial Hollywood films is that they cater to pre-determined audiences, whereas independent and many foreign-language filmmakers are initially concerned with telling a tale they figure out the audience later. The availability of films has just as many facets. Many foreign-language filmmakers prepare only one print sub-titled in English until they've found a distributor, which means that if the film is booked at another festival about the same time as ours we're out of luck. When the Port Townsend Film Festival was in its first years, filmmakers knew nothing about us and we weren't first on anyone's priority list. That has changed considerably and filmmakers now seek us out more and more. For the past five years, director of programming Linda Yakush has puzzled through these constantly changing permutations and each year has put together a selection of films that are among the best of non-commercial films being made today. Sometimes they're dark, sometimes they're uplifting. They are always engaging. Linda has developed a work ethic that requires her to change career paths every five years, so this will be her last year as director of programming for the Port Townsend Film Festival. She has set a terrific standard for us to meet in the second half of our first decade. Inspired by her terrific work these past five festivals, it's our intent to follow and maintain her legacy. Peter Simpson Executive Director SSeelleecctt Q Quuootteess The fifth Port Townsend Film Festival presented an unstoppable group of filmmakers with one of the most varied and strongest programs ever. And it was really fun. - Martha Worthley, PT Leader Crowds danced to the live music, ate salmon and drank Port Townsend brew while resting on the straw bales that transformed Taylor Street into an outdoor movie theatre. - Nick Koveshnikov, Peninsula Daily News This seaport town of breathtaking vistas and carefully preserved turn-of-the-century architecture has long mixed old with new. Visitors can watch the very latest in cinema under the intricate ceiling of the 1920s Rose Theatre, visit up-to-the-minute bookstores on downtown's historic main street, or plug into the Internet in their antique-filled room at a Victorian inn. All this, in a picture-perfect Victorian seaport town where, three blocks from downtown, you can find deer calmly grazing in front yards, looking ready to star in a movie of their own. Those of us who've been coming to this Linda Marie Yakush festival for years know of its unique pleasures; maybe it's time, as the festival grows, that the rest of you discover it too. - Moira MacDonald, Seattle Times FFeessttiivvaall B Booaarrdd John Considine Jim Ewing Jim Grabicki Glenda Hultman Geerlofs This was one of the most interesting and thought provoking events of my life. The quality of films and special guests were among the highlights of the festival. I feel like I visited foreign countries, different dimensions and was presented with solutions I didn't think were possible to problems I thought insurmountable. Anonymous, Survey comment Karen Gates Hildt President W Wiinnnneerrss Toby Jordan, Vice President B Beesstt FFeeaattuurree N Naarrrraattiivvee:: Gate to Heaven, Veit Helmer Jim Marshall B Beesstt FFeeaattuurree D Dooccuum meennttaarryy:: Home of the Brave, Paola di Florio Cynthia Sears B Beesstt SShhoorrtt N Naarrrraattiivvee:: Deep Silence, Gustavo Loza Peter Simpson B Beesstt SShhoorrtt D Dooccuum meennttaarryy:: 3' Under, Justin Bookey G Guueessss--tthhee--G Guueesstt CCoonntteesstt SSppoonnssoorrss CClluuee N Nuum mbbeerr 11:: She is among the last of her kind as he was among the first of his. Port Townsend Paper Corp. CClluuee N Nuum mbbeerr 22:: Not one, but two, no dogs Spot or Petey, but rather Saxon and Suds. Rose Theatre CClluuee N Nuum mbbeerr 33:: Co-star characters were Frankincense and Darla. The Leader Skookum FFiillm m 22888800 Theme: passion Denotes Film in PTFF Prop: Strainer Library Dialog line: That bug's on a suicide mission. B Beesstt FFeeaattuurree N Naarrrraattiivvee:: Nosey Parker by John O'Brian Check out up to three videos or B Beesstt FFeeaattuurree D Dooccuum meennttaarryy:: Power Trip by Paul Devlin DVDs from our exclusive B Beesstt SShhoorrtt:: Zagati by Edu Felistoque and Nereu Cerdeira festival collection and keep O Offi fficciiaall AAuuddiieennccee SSeelleeccttiioonn:: Corazon de fuego (The Last Train) by Diego Arsuaga them for up to three business G Guueessss--tthhee--G Guueesstt CCoonntteesstt days. CClluuee N Nuum mbbeerr 11:: She is among the last of her kind as he was among the first of his. CClluuee N Nuum mbbeerr 22:: Not one, but two, no dogs Spot or Petey, but rather Saxon and Suds. CClluuee N Nuum mbbeerr 33:: Co-star characters were Frankincense and Darla. W Wiinnnneerr:: Chris Hill of Seattle FFiillm mss Download a PDF of the Schedule hheerree. AAllm moosstt M Miiddnniigghhtt M Moovviieess YYO OU U CCAAN N''TT SSTTO OPP TTH HEE M MU URRD DEERRSS Australia, 2003, 94 min Official Selection Philadelphia Film Festival 2004 N Noorrtthhw weesstt PPrreem miieerree Director: Anthony Mir Producer: Anastasia Sideris Screenwriter: Akmal Saleh, Anthony Mir, Gary Eck Cinematographer: Justin Brickle Editor: Rochelle Oshlack Cast: Akmal Saleh, Anthony Mir, Gary Eck, Kirstie Hutton, Richard Carter A twisted and gloriously tacky comedy from Australia. In this offbeat farce set in no-wheres-ville Australia, a serial killer is on the loose, and he's obsessed with the iconic 70's pop group, The Village People, famous for their classic disco anthem Y.M.C.A. First a biker is killed, then a construction worker, then a cowboy and Indian, then a sailor. By the time the slow-witted local cops Gary and Akbal work out the connection, they realize that the last character in the Village People line-up is a policeman. One of them is next! Meanwhile, flash cop Tony has zoomed in from Sydney to find the killer using his best Miami Vice style tactics. YOU CAN'T STOP THE MURDERS is a laugh-out-loud comedy, starring the cream of Aussie stand-up talent. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy D Diissccoovveerryy B Baayy CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn TTO OM MM MYY UK, 1975, 111 min w ww ww w..ssw waannkk..ccoom m SSeeccoonndd AAnnnnuuaall AAllm moosstt M Miiddnniigghhtt CCoossttuum mee CCoonntteesstt Win 10,000 sequins and a pass to the 2005 Port Townsend Film Festival Director, Writer, Producer: Ken Russell Cast: Oliver Reed, Ann-Margaret, Eric Clapton, Elton John, Jack Nicholson, Roger Daltry, Keith Moon, Tina Turner, Pete Townshend Dress to excess again this year and join Mistress of Ceremonies Juana Banana for a costume contest, followed by a screening of Ken Russell's psychedelic rock opera based on the Who's legendary album of the same name. Roger Daltry plays the deaf, dumb and blind Tommy, who becomes the leader of a religious cult. Elton John is the pinball wizard and Tina Turner, the acid queen. Look for Jack Nicholson as A. Quackson. Over the top fun all the way and fabulous music! SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy W Waatteerr SSttrreeeett B Brreew wiinngg & & AAllee H Hoouussee D Dooccuum meennttaarriieess B BO ORRN N IIN NTTO OB BRRO OTTH HEELLSS USA, 2003, 85 min w ww ww w..kkiiddss--w wiitthh--ccaam meerraass..oorrgg Audience Award 2004 Sundance Film Festival 2003 Academy Award Nomination By: Ross Kaufamn, Zana Briski Editor: Nancy Baker In 1998, photojournalist Zana Briski came to Calcutta's red light district to live among the prostitutes in order to chronicle their existence. Soon she was drawn to the children who, because of their parents' involvement in the sex trade, are denied a proper education. In essence this condemns them to the same fate as their parents. Returning with several point-and-shoot cameras, Briski begins to teach the children about photography, composition, and editing, often taking them on field trips to idyllic locations that seem far removed from their circumstances in order to inspire their creativity (and perhaps, to show them the possibility of a world outside the red light district). Realizing that these excursions were only a transitory escape for these children, Briski committed herself to helping these childresn escape the brothels. This film chronicles her attempts to raise awareness for the children's plight with the goal of raising enough money to send them to a boarding house for an undistracted education. Kids With Cameras is now teaching photography to marginalized children around the world. The sale of the photographs supports their education. B BU USSH H''SS B BRRAAIIN N -- H Hoow w KKaarrll RRoovvee M Maaddee G Geeoorrggee W W.. B Buusshh PPrreessiiddeennttiiaall USA, 2004, 80 min Official Selection SXSW Film Festival 2004 Director, Producer: Michael Paradies Shoob, Joseph Mealey Co-producer: Elizabeth Reeder At the world premiere in Austin, thousands stood in a Texas sized down-pour hoping to see this documentary. Basing the film on the book of the same name by Wayne Slater and James Moore, the directors add to the original story to further explore the impact of Karl Rove's brand of politics on the United States. Interweaving the current violence in Iraq with a history that dates back to Rove's days as a competitive Young Republican, the directors take a detailed look at this ambitious and mysterious political man and his influence on and seeming creation of GWB. An absorbing documentary that explores the limits of power by asking who is really making the decisions in Washington SSeelleecctteedd FFiillm mooggrraapphhyy Michael Paradies Shoob Driven (1997) Joseph Mealy Driven (1997) Preceded by: O OLLD DG GLLO ORRYY USA, 2003, 7 min Director/Producer/Writer/Editor: Andy Schocken A young man ponders the meaning and variations of flying the US flag in post 9-11 America. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy JJeeff ffeerrssoonn CCoouunnttyy D Deem mooccrraattss B BIIG G CCIITTYY D DIICCKK:: RRIICCH HAARRD D PPEETTEERRSSO ON N''SS FFIIRRSSTT M MO OVVIIEE w w// D Diirreeccttoorr TToodddd PPoottttiinnggeerr USA, 2003, 129 min Audience Award Slamdance 2004 Director, Writer, Producer: Scott Milam, Ken Harder, Todd Pottinger This is a captivating journey into the world of a real life savant street musician and his lifelong struggle to become a successful recording artist and to be loved. He is a street trumpeter and part-time guest on a local Seattle radio station. Richard Peterson's world is filled with obsessions for the television series Sea Hunt, Jeff Bridges, the golden age of television music, stalking local celebrities, art and Johnny Mathis. The unique relationship between Richard and Mathis is the catalyst for one of Richard's most remarkable compositions, Love on the Golf Course. Between street gigs and a stint as a piano player in a grunge club, Richard is discovered by mega band, The Stone Temple Pilots. Richard's moment in the spotlight is short lived when he is confronted by the human cost of obsessions. The filmmakers' affection for their sometimes difficult star resonates warmly on the screen. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy W Wiilllliiaam m JJaam meess B Booookkss aanndd B Baadddd H Haabbiitt LLIIB BEERRTTYY:: 33 ssttoorriieess aabboouutt lliiffee aanndd ddeeaatthh w w// D Diirreeccttoorr PPaam mW Waallttoonn USA, 2003, 55 min Official Selection Outfest 2004 Director/Producer: Pam Walton Saturday 3:45 pm Wind's Eye Design Rosebud Cinema Sunday 11:30 am Pope Marine Park Exploring the deep connection in a circle of lesbian friends as they face death and celebrate life and love, filmmaker Pam Walton has documented the meaning of community with a rare grace and wit. Joyce Fulton's last grasp of life as she succumbs to a brain tumor is quickly supplanted by her vibrant personality as we travel backwards in time to her retirement from teaching, marching in gay pride parades and accepting the Statue of Liberty gift from her family. Mary Bell Wilson, facing up to her challenge with lymphoma on the back of a Harley, is the second chapter. Enthusiastically tying up this close-knit group of life-long friends is Nan Golub. Nan is the leather clad urban artist who paints a lasting portrait of the love and drama that has kept these women connected for decades. Not a wimpy, weepy tale by a mile, but a keen celebration of family values. Preceded by: IIN ND DIIG GO O USA, 2004, 9 min Director/Producer/Screenwriter: Carol Stabile, Libby Palmer, Jan Halliday, Joan Wenske Cast: Rosa Davies, Kate Jepson A visually poetic remembrance of an old woman's spirited departure. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy G Gooooddm maann SSeeppttiicc SSeerrvviicceess aanndd TThhee PPeerrffeecctt SSeeaassoonn AA LLEETTTTEERR TTO O TTRRU UEE USA, 2004, 80 min Official Selection Tribeca Film Festival Director: Bruce Weber Producer : Nan Bush Screenwriter: Bruce Weber Editor: Chad Sipkin Cinematographers: Pete Zuccarini. Evan Estern, Shane Sigler, Theo Stanley, Jim Fealy Photographer and filmmaker Bruce Weber is a professed animal lover, and his newest film centers on his own dogs, a family of gorgeous golden retrievers, including True. A LETTER TO TRUE is a stunning look at the affection, loyalty, and unconditional love displayed by these animals - which the filmmaker sees as a metaphor for peace and hope in the world. In a highly personal commentary, Weber interweaves his personal obsessions: music of the '50's and '60s, home movies of Dirk Bogarde in Provence, conversations with Elizabeth Taylor (another great dog lover), recollections of friendships past, and speculation about how our lives have been changed by the events of 9/11. Tying these various strands together with a poet's logic, A LETTER TO TRUE is a little like staying up late with Bruce Weber, listening to great music and peeking into the mind of a world-class connoisseur. This film works magic with a random sensibility. Selected Filmography Chop Suey (2001) Let's Get Lost (1988) Broken Noses (1987) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy B Brreenntt SShhiirrlleeyy & & AAssssoocciiaatteess aanndd KKiissm meett G Gaalllleerryy B BRRO OKKEEN N LLIIM MB BSS:: AApppplleess,, AAggrriiccuullttuurree aanndd tthhee N Neew w AAm meerriiccaann FFrroonnttiieerr USA, 2004, 58 min Directed and Produced by Jamie Howell and Guy Evans Open your eyes to the future of farming in America through the lens of struggling apple growers in Washington's Wenatchee Valley- the self proclaimed apple capitol of the world. From a hometown perspective, the film tells the stories of farmers attempting to create a new model for agriculture while investigating emerging, more sustainable solutions to the corporate trend of farming in recent years. A refreshingly hopeful view of farming in the 21st century. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy TThhee FFoooodd CCoooopp TTRRO OU UB BLLEED DW WAATTEERRSS USA, 2003, 55 min Best Documentary Reel Fest 2003 Director/Producer: George Beth Gage Narrated by: Keith Carradine The US has thousands of dams, many which have outgrown their usefulness. At the time of their construction conservation meant storing a river's water rather than letting it run off unused to the sea. As our definition of water conservation has evolved so have our opinions towards dams. TROUBLED WATERS explores the cultural, economic, environmental and spiritual arguments for and against dams, citing examples of rivers reclaimed and attempts to save others. Selected Filmography Fire on the Mountain (1996) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy IIcchhiikkaaw waa aanndd PPaacciifificc TTrraaddiittiioonnss G Gaalllleerryy H HO OM MEE O OFF TTH HEE B BRRAAVVEE USA, 2004, 75 min Official Selection Sundance Film Festival Social Justice Award-Santa Barbara Film Festival Director/Screenwriter: Paola di Florio Producer: Nancy Dickerson Cinematographer: Joan Churchill Editor: Thomas Miller Narrated by: Stockard Channing HOME OF THE BRAVE is about the only white woman murdered in the civil rights movement in America and why we DON'T know who she is. Told through the eyes of her five children, the film follows the ongoing struggle of an American family still dealing with the consequences of their mother's heroism and the mystery behind her killing. Viola Liuzzo was a 39 year-old Detroit Teamster's wife and mother of five, who joined thousands of people converging in Selma, Alabama for the march on Montgomery, led by Dr. Martin Luther King in 1965. Shortly after the Voting Rights March ended, Viola was shot in the head on an empty stretch of highway by a group of Ku Klux Klansmen. Mary, the middle daughter, decides to retrace her mother's road trip from Detroit to Selma with the filmmakers. In the 60's she was a rebellious kid in the midst of a personal rebellion with her mother. What she finds in Selma is both surprising and healing. Linking the past and present, personal and political, HOME OF THE BRAVE has a resonance in our world today. Selected Filmography Speaking in Strings (1999) Preceded by: W WIITTH HH HO ON NO ORRSS D DEEN NIIEED D USA, 2003, 15 MIN Official Selection Tribeca Film Festival 2004 Audience Award NW Asian American Film Festival Director: Mimi Gan Producer/Writer: Mimi Gan, Jim Dever Narrated by: George Takei SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy G Grraayyw woollff RRaanncchh,, B Baaiinnbbrriiddggee IIssllaanndd AArrttss & &H Huum maanniittiieess,, aanndd PPaallaaccee H Hootteell H HO OW W TTO OB BEE AA M MO OD DEELL ((AA TTw weellvvee SStteepp PPllaann)) Canada, 2003, 82 min Official Selection Vancouver Film Festival Director/Producer/Screenwriter: Allison Beda HOW TO BE A MODEL provides a critical and often humorous look at the love-hate relationship that models have with their profession. Part investigative journalism, part diary and never without a sense of humor, HOW TO BE A MODEL provides a refreshing and much needed look from the other side of the camera. Preceded by: AAM MAAN ND DAA D DEEM MAAN ND DAA USA, 2004, 28 min. Director/ Producer/Writer: Renee Delaplaine, Andrew Delaplaine Animated adventures of America's richest 8 year-old girl and her purple pooch, Foo Foo SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy SSuum mm meerr H Hoouussee 33 FFEEEETT U UN ND DEERR -- D DIIG GG GIIN NG GD DEEEEPP FFO ORR TTH HEE G GEEO OD DU UCCKK CCLLAAM M w wiitthh D Diirreeccttoorr JJuussttiinn B Booookkeeyy USA, 2004, 55 min Northwest Premiere Director, Producer, Editor: Justin Bookey The geoduck clam sports a three-foot long neck and a life span of 160+ years. 3' UNDER explores how the geoduck has inspired a quirky and devoted following in the Pacific Northwest. We follow Jack, a long time Seattleite who was raised in a kosher Brooklyn home, as he prepares for his annual geoduck dig. The film explores many layers of the clam subculture, college mascots, songs, sushi, strict regulation and the notorious clamscam trials. A funny look at a very funny bi-valve. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy FFlleeeett M Maarriinnee & & PPTT SShhiippw wrriigghhttss TTH HEE B BO OYY W WH HO O PPLLAAYYSS O ON N TTH HEE B BU UD DD DH HAASS O OFF B BAAM MIIYYAAN N w w// ddiirreeccttoorr PPhhiill G Grraabbsskkyy England/Afghanistan, 2003, 96 min Emerging Artist Award Full Frame Documentary Film Festival Director: Phil Grabsky Producer: Amanda Wilkie Camera: Phil Grabsky Editor: Phil Reynolds The boy who plays on the buddhas of Bamiyan is an eight-year-old called Mir Hussain. He is fun, cheeky, inquisitive, energetic and bright. He also lives in a cave and owns virtually nothing. To him this is normal; it is all he has ever known. The film is about Mir's life through three seasons: summer, winter and spring. In post-Taliban Afghanistan, though much has changed there is no guarantee that Mir will survive life in a cave - the sickness, dirt, dust, lack of water and food. Yet his engaging story is not one of gloom and doom, but that of a normal child who takes life as it comes. His playground is the rubble and tunnels of the destroyed Buddhas of Bamiyan, the shelled and burnt-out town bazaar, the orchard of the local militia. Through his eyes we see the destruction of the town, the ever-present militarization and the welcomed but watched presence of the Americans. Mir has no clue what it is all about, but he knows how to have fun. Selected Filmography Muhammed Ali-through the Eyes of the World (2001) Preceded on Sunday only by: D DAAYY O OFF IIN ND DEEPPEEN ND DEEN NCCEE USA, 2004, 27 min. Director: Chris Tashima A baseball game at a Japanese internment camp as metaphor for a family's struggle with unjust incarceration. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy JJeeaann''ss H Hoouussee ooff TTrraavveell aanndd YYoouurrss TTrruullyy W WO OO OD DEEN N CCAAM MEERRAA France/South Africa/UK, 2004, 90 min West Coast Premiere Winner Best Feature Berlin International Film Festival Director: Ntshavheni Wa Luruli Producers: Ben Woolford, Olivier Delahaye, Richard Green Cinematography: Gordon Spooner Screenwriter: Yves Buclet, Peter Speyer Editor: Caroline Kako Kelber Cast: Jean-Pierre Cassel, Junior Singo, Dana de Agrella, Innocent Msimango, Nocholas Jara, Lisa Petersen Two thirteen-year-old pals are wandering along the train tracks in Kayelitsha, a township near Capetown, South Africa. A dead man is tossed from a train clutching an attach case. Madiba and Sipho break open the case to find a gun and a video camera. Madiba takes the camera and Sipho the gun, thereby sealing their fates. As he hides his new found possession inside a wooden box to avoid having it stolen, Madiba's world is magically transformed through the lens of the camera. Sipho discovers a new power when he points the gun at people, using it to become a gang leader in Capetown. In a film filled with a raw energy and tragic beauty, we watch these two boys come alive in their new worlds in tender and disturbing ways. When Madiba befriends a rich white girl struggling to come to terms with a new South Africa, we rejoice at the possibilities, while despairing the fate of Sipho and the harsh reality of both of their lives. Selected Filmography Chikin Biznis-The Whole Story (1999) Preceded by: D DEEEEPP SSIILLEEN NCCEE Silencio Profundo Cuba/Mexico, 2003, 15 min Official Selection Sundance Film Festival 2004 Director: Gustavo Loza In Havana, Walter and Angel set out for Miami in search of Angel's father. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy B Baaiinnbbrriiddggee IIssllaanndd AArrttss & &H Huum maanniittiieess aanndd M Maaxx G Grroovveerr G Gaalllleerryy TTRRAAVVEELLEERRSS AAN ND DM MAAG GIICCIIAAN NSS w w// SSttaarr TTsshheew waanngg D Deenndduupp Bhutan/Australia, 2004, 108 min Northwest Premiere Official Selection Toronto International Film Festival Audience Award Deauville Asian Film Festival Director/Writer: Khyentse Norbu Producer: Raymond Steiner and Malcolm Watson Cinematographer: Alan Kozlowski Editor: John Scott and Lisa-Anne Morris Cast: Tshewang Dendup, Sonam Lhamo, Lhakpa Dorji, Deki Yangzom Set in the elusive and uncommonly serene Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, deep in the Himalayas, two men seek to escape their mundane lives. Dondup, an educated university graduate, decides he will be better off picking apples in the US than working as a government officer in a remote rural village. Tashi, a restless farm youth studying magic, cannot bear the thought of a life consigned to his village. The two men embark on parallel, yet separate, journeys. Sporting an I Love NY t-shirt and carrying a boom box, Dondop in many ways has already left behind his life. Delayed by the timeless pace of his village, he is forced to hitchhike through the beautiful wild countryside of Bhutan to reach his goal. He shares the road with a monk, an apple seller, a papermaker and his beautiful young daughter, Sonam. Throughout the journey the perceptive yet mischievous monk relates the story of Tashi. It is a mystical fable of lust, jealousy and murder that holds up a mirror to the restless Dondup and his blossoming attraction to the innocent Sonam. The cataclysmic conclusion of the monk's tale leaves Dondup with a dilemma - is the grass truly greener on the other side? Selected Filmography The Cup (1999) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy PPaannee dd''AAm moorree aanndd O Ollyym mppuuss N Neett TTH HEE M MIIRRAACCLLEE O OFF B BEERRN N Das Wunder von bern Germany, 2003, 117 min Audience Award 2004 San Francisco International Film Festival Director: Sönke Wortmann Producer: Tom Speiss, Sönke Wortmann, Hanno Huth Screenwriter: Sönke Wortmann, Rochus Hann Camera: Tom Fährmann Editor: Ueli Christen Cast: Louis Klamrroth, Peter Lohmeyer, Johanna Gastdorf, Mirko Lang In the summer of 1954 Matthias' father Richard returns after twelve years in a Soviet prison. He is a broken man when they meet at the train station and mistakes his grown daughter for his wife and fails to recognize his 11 year-old son Mathias, born after he left. Matthias has long had a surrogate father: football player Helmut Rahn has taken on the football-loving boy as a mascot. Richard's return casts a shadow over the once-happy family as he has trouble adapting to post-war Germany and alienates his family through his severity. To Richard, football is pointless, only more so The World Cup that's about to held in Bern, Switzerland. Matthias longs to be there with his idol, who has been chosen to play for Germany. Through his innocent charm, passion and fighting spirit, Matthias helps rekindle his father's love of life. Selected Filmography The Hollywood Sign (2000); Campus (1998); The Superwife (1996); Pretty Baby (1995) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy B Brreenntt SShhiirrlleeyy & & AAssssoocciiaatteess & & SSttaattee FFaarrm m IInnssuurraannccee JJAAG GO OD DAA IIN N TTH HEE SSU UPPEERRM MAARRKKEETT Serbia/Germany/Italy, 2003, 92 min w ww ww w..m meeddiiaalluunnaa--eenntteerrttaaiinnm meenntt..ddee Winner Best First Feature Cinequest San Jose 2004 Director: Dusan Milic Producer: Emir Kusturica Screenwriter: Dusan Milic Cinematographer: Petar Popovic Editor: Svetolik Mica Jajc Cast: Branka Katic, Srdjan Todorovic, Dubravka Mijatovic, Danilo Lazovic, Goran Radakovic, Mirjana Karanovic A new western style grocery store has opened in Serbia. The shelves are stocked to overflowing and the festive atmosphere could be the grand opening of a Wal-Mart in Ohio. Jagoda, who spends her nights looking for love in the classifieds, is forced to cheerily ring up the groceries of her comrades while her capitalist boss sneaks extra items into their carts. A fellow checker steals the only love interest to come her way in a long time, pushing Jagoda into a mood bad enough that she refuses to sell strawberries to a sweet old lady who comes in after hours. When the grocery store and all the clerks are taken hostage the next day by a bumbling terrorist, Jagoda gets caught up in her kidnappers' cause. A wry comedy filled with some very memorable eccentrics. Preceded by: N NIIBBBBLLEESS USA, 2003, 5 min. Director: Chris Hinton Academy Award® nominated animated film based on a true story of a family fishing trip in Canada. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy TThhee FFoouunnttaaiinn CCaaffee aanndd TThhee PPrriinntteerryy G GAATTEE TTO OH HEEAAVVEEN Nw w// D Diirreeccttoorr VVeeiitt H Heellm meerr Tor zum Himmel Germany, 2003, 90 min Northwest Premiere Director/Producer: Veit Helmer Screenwriter: Gordan Mihic, Veit Helmer Cinematographer: Joachim Jung Editor: Silke Botsch, Hansjörg Weissbrich Cast: Masumi Makhija, Valera Nikolaev, Miki Manojilovic, Udo Kier Steven Speilberg's Terminal did not look like this one. Millions of people pass through Frankfurt Airport on their way from one city to another; for Alexej and Nisha, however, the airport is a city in itself - their own. With the help of airport technician Dak, Alexej breaks out of the holding area for refugees. Dak hides the Russian in an underground labyrinth of pipes and vents. The young Indian woman Nisha pictures herself as a flight attendant, but the only time she ever boards a plane is to clean it. Alexej yearns to be a pilot. The two meet one night inside an empty jet as they are both acting out their dreams. Enraptured, the passionate Alexej offers her his love - and wins her heart. When he learns that Nisha's dream is fueled by the desire to bring her son to Germany, he hands over his own savings to have the boy smuggled out of India. Their plan runs smoothly until the plane lands in Frankfurt. A warm and humorous Bollywood style romp. Selected Filmography Tuvalu (1999); Surprise! (1996) Tour Eiffel (1994) Preceded by: TTAAN NG GO OO OCCTTEEG GEEN NAARRIIO O USA, 2003, 7 min. Official Selection Tribeca Film Festival Director: David Licata An elderly couple reconnects on the dance floor. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy H Hoom meerr SSm miitthh AAggeennccyy aanndd M MaarriinneerrBBaannkk AAFFTTEERR TTH HEE AAPPO OCCAALLYYPPSSEE USA, 2004, 71 min w ww ww w..aafftteerrtthheeaappooccaallyyppssee..ccoom m Northwest Premiere Official Selection SXSW Film Festival Director/Screenwriter/Editor/Producer: Yasuaki Nakajima DP: Carolyn MacCartney Music: Hiro Ota Cast: Yasuaki Nakajima, Jacqueline Bowman, Velina Georgi, Oscar Lowe, Zorikh Lequidre, Moises Morales Without special effects and shot in moody black and white 16mm, AFTER THE APOCALYPSE is a futuristic drama about five survivors trying to make sense of a new world following a devastating urban catastrophe. Set in a bleak, post-urban landscape, this engaging film presents a limited environment where a single woman and four men are forced to communicate without words, as a result of destructive gasses. With their pasts erased, they are forced to re-create their lives, both collectively and individually. Inspired by a six-month stay in a country where he didn't speak the language, Yasuaki's finely crafted science fiction is a remarkable first time directing effort. Preceded by: TTH HEE O OFFFFEERRIIN NG G Canada, 1999, 10 min. Director: Paul Lee An elegiac meditation on the passing of life told through the friendship between a Japanese monk and his novice. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy EEnncclluum mee & &W Wiinnddeerrm meerree PPoorrtt TToow wnnsseenndd O Ou uttd doooorr C Ciin neem maa TTW WO OW WEEEEKKSS W WIITTH H LLO OVVEE USA, 1950, 120 min Print Source Director: Roy Rowland Producer: Jack Cummings Writer: Dorothy Kingsley, John Larkin Cast: Jane Powell, Ricardo Montalban, Debbie Reynolds PT film festival guest Jane Powell stars in this 1950's coming of age story. Teens Patti (Ms. Powell) and Melba (Debbie Reynolds) arrive at Kisseme in the Catskills circa 1913 for a family vacation with big plans for summer romance. Patti is fluttery over a suave older man (Ricardo Montalban) and is sure romance will bloom if her parents will let her get a corset. Meanwhile Melba stalks a local boy with love-struck determination. The Easter egg colors, Busby Berkeley stage numbers and the sensational singing of Ms. Powell and Ms. Reynolds make for a sweet family musical that will have you singing Yabba Dabba Honeymoon for days. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy TTyylleerr SSttrreeeett CCooff ffeeee hhoouussee TTH HEE SSEECCRREETT O OFF RRO OAAN N IIN NIISSH H USA, 1994, 103 min w ww ww w..fifirrssttllooookkm meeddiiaa..ccoom m Director: John Sayles Cast: Jeni Courtney, Eileen Colgan, Mick Lally Between land and sea there is a place where myths are real. Fiona is sent by her widower father to live with her grandparents in a remote Irish fishing village across the sea from the island of Roan Inish where her ancestors have lived for generations. Several years before, her brother was washed out to sea in a tragic accident. The story delves into the folk tale of what happened to the child and the mysterious connection the family bears to the selkies, the half seal and half human creature of Celtic mythology. As the story unfolds, Fiona becomes convinced that her brother Jamie was rescued by selkies and lives on Roan Inish. A simple tale that children will love set in an achingly beautiful Ireland. Selected Filmography The Alamo (2004) Sunshine State (2002) Lone Star (1996) Matewan (1987) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy Q Quuiim mppeerr SSoouunndd SSh hoorrttss SSH HO ORRTTSS II -- VVeerryy D Daarrkk AArroouunndd tthhee EEddggeess USA, 2004, 83 min Director: Thom Harp 11.. AAFFTTEERRN NO OO ON ND DEELLIIG GH HTT USA, 2004, 6 min Director: Thom Harp Kay loves Devon with all her heart. A surprise awaits both when he returns home from work early. 22.. FFAAU ULLTT USA, 2004, 15 min Director: Justin Swibel 12 year-old David has taken enough from his abusive tennis coach. 33.. H HAAN NN NAAH H CCAAN N''TT SSW WIIM M USA, 2002, 20 min Director: Randall Good Infatuated with a stranger on a train, Hannah writes anonymous letters arranging a rendezvous on her isolated island. 44.. SSAAVVIIO ORR Iceland, 2003, 28 min Director: Erla Skuladottir Set against the exotic landscape of Iceland, a lonely teenage girl discovers and conquers her deepest fears. 55..AAG GAAIIN NSSTT SSAAD DN NEESSSS Germany, 2002, 14 min Director: Sasha Kobow Nino, 11, must find a way to cure his mother's unhappiness. Once the world denies him on his quest, he seeks another solution. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy D Doonn''ss PPhhaarrm maaccyy aanndd TThhee CCllootthheess H Hoorrssee SSH HO ORRTTSS IIII -- CChhaarrm meedd II''m m SSuurree 60 min 11.. O OLLD D KKN NIIVVEESS TTAALLEE USA, 2004, 7 min Director: Andrew Blaiklok On the eve of battle, weary knights are not the only ones with something to say about the current state of affairs. 22.. FFIIN ND DIIN NG GH HEERRM MAAN NN N USA, 2004, 6 min Director: Eric P. Robinson Hermann and his group of misfits spend their days restoring hope and faith in the lives of the lost and disenchanted. 33.. AAN ND DYY USA, 2003, 5 min Director: Terence Healy Animated biography of an old man's acting and modeling life. 44.. D DYYSSEEN NCCH HAAN NTTEED D USA, 2004, 8 min w ww ww w..ddyysseenncchhaanntteedd..ccoom m Director: Terri Edda Miller Even in wonderland life is no fairy tale. 55.. N NO OBBO OD DYY''SS PPEERRFFEECCTT USA, 2004, 23 min Director: Hank Azaria A young man's unusual gift from his grandfather might not be such a great gift after all. 66.. TTH HEE VVEESSTT USA, 2004, 10 min Director: Paul Gutrecht Confronted with conformity, a young girl stands her ground. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy SSO OSS PPrriinnttiinngg aanndd O Ollyym mppiicc AArrtt & &O Offi fficcee SSp peecciiaall PPrrooggrraam mss O OPPEEN NIIN NG GN NIIG GH HTT FFIILLM Mw wiitthh D Diirreeccttoorr EErriicc W Weebbeerr SSEECCO ON ND DB BEESSTT USA, 2004, 88 min Northwest Premiere Official Selection Sundance Film Festival Director: Eric Weber Producer: Callum Greene, Anthony G. Katagas, Joe Pantoliano Screenwriter: Eric Weber DP: Chris Norr Editor: Craig Cobb Cast: Joe Pantoliano, Jennifer Tilly, Bronson Pinchot, Boyd Gaines, Peter Gerety When you're collecting alimony from your ex-wife, borrowing money from your son and publishing the loser's manifesto, it's pretty clear you're not on the top of the heap. If your best friend from grade school is the guy who just made the latest Hollywood mega blockbuster, you might be feeling a bit of envy. Eliot (Joe Pantoliano) is a frustrated writer who has taken up the subject of being second best with gusto. Writing about his group of friends with hard humor and piercing honesty, he spares no one, particularly himself. When his grade school friend comes to visit, the jealousy and life-long love these two feel for each other combine in an explosive and cathartic confrontation. An unusually perceptive buddy film, SECOND BEST features some outstanding performances and extremely witty dialogue. Selected Filmography Suits (1999) Preceded by: H HAARRVVIIEE KKRRU UM MPPEETT Australia, 2003, 22 min Director: Adam Eliot Narrated by: Geoffrey Rush Academy Award Winner, Animated Short Harvie Krumpet, an extraordinary man wading through life's tragedies and triumphs. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy B Baaiinnbbrriiddggee PPeerrffoorrm miinngg AArrttss CCeenntteerr aanndd H Heenneerryy H Haarrddw waarree O OU URR G GAAN NG G,, oorr LLiittttllee RRaassccaall CCoom meeddiieess While he had always wanted to make a series of comedies with children, producer Hal Roach was not fond of cutesy professional kids, so he hit upon the Our Gang notion one morning in 1922 while watching a bunch of kids arguing over a piece of wood. The thought struck him that if he was fascinated with children behaving like real kids rather than miniature adults, audiences would be equally fascinated. And thus began the Our Gang comedies. (Because the first episode of the seemingly unending series of two-reelers was called Our Gang, the name became interchangeable with Little Rascals, which was the formal name given to the group.) Such characters as Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Darla, Dickie, Farina, Porky, Spanky, Stymie, Butch, Wheezer, Chubby, and Waldo became household names in millions of American homes. In 1932, a young actor by the name of Dickie Moore joined the group, and now in 2004 he will join the Port Townsend Film Festival. He'll introduce two of his Our Gang episodes and discuss his experience following the screening. Moore made his acting and screen debut at the age of eighteen months in the 1927 John Barrymore film, Beloved Rogue. Despite an extensive list of films from the thirties and forties, he is probably best remembered for the 1943 Miss Annie Rooney in which he gave Shirley Temple her first on-screen kiss. He gave up acting in 1952, but was still in the public eye with the 1949 to 1955 television series, Captain Video and His Video Rangers. He has since retired from acting for a new career as a publicist and producer of industrial shows. He is married to Jane Powell. Selected filmography: The Member of the Wedding (1952); Out of the Past (1947); The Song of Bernadette (1943); Heaven Can Wait (1943); Sergeant York (1941); The Life of Emile Zola (19367); The Story of Louis Pasteur, Peter Ibbetson (both 1935); Oliver Twist (1933); The Squaw Man (1931) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy FFiirrsstt FFeeddeerraall SSaavviinnggss & & LLooaann FFIILLM MM MAAKKIIN NG GB BYY TTH HEE SSEEAATT O OFF TTH HEE PPAAN NTTSS W W// PPO OPP CCU ULLTTU URREE With seven days to write, shoot, edit and score a film, two groups of Port Townsend residents recently participated in intense seven-day filmmaking workshops. Guided in the joys, tedium and chaotic world of filmmaking by screenwriter Nancy Alvarez and documentary filmmaker Dana Schuerholz, the students have the last word on all editorial and content decisions. This year's participants were: M Meenn''ss W Woorrkksshhoopp Francesco Tortoricci Don White Scott Landis William Balle Glen Hughes Jason Gould Dave Lindsay KKiiddss'' W Woorrkksshhoopp John Palmer Joel Teague Eric Mousseau August Spain Nathan Kilcrease Preceded by: PPO OPP CCU ULLTTU URREE USA, 2004, 12 min Director, Producer, Writer: Marlon Schmidt Thanks to the Rose Theatre, Port Townsend moviegoers have developed a finicky and finely tuned approach to their pop-corn, it's more than a snack. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy M Miiddddlleeppooiinntt B Biiooddiieesseell CCH HAATT -- JJeeff ffeerrssoonn CCoouunnttyy KKiiddss iinn B Biizz In the past half-dozen years, several youth who hail from Jefferson County (or their parents do) have headed off to Hollywood and New York to study and seek careers in show business. Some have grown into major careers; others are still fledglings, and some are still studying. The most notable to date is Kirsten Smith, a Chimacum High School graduate, who has a developing career as a screenwriter. Focusing on comedy, she has hit the brass ring with two major films: Legally Blonde (2001) and Ella Enchanted (2004). With a determination to weld his computer and movie interests, Port Townsend High School graduate Aaron James McComas has propelled himself to the position of Effects Technical Director for Sony Pictures Imageworks where he recently created most of the web work in Spiderman 2 (2004). Charlie Amico and Jeffrey Reid, who captivated audiences with their 10-minute short, Dishers, at the 2002 film festival, have moved to L.A. where Jeffrey has become a film editor, and Charlie is attending film school. On the acting front, Renata Friedman, daughter of Rocky Friedman and Robin Biffle, completed her drama degree from New York University in 2003 and, after touring throughout the country, the company presented their work to great acclaim on Broadway. Though he is only seven, Javin Reid, son of Kristen and Tony Reid (no relation to Jeffrey) is following Dick Moore's lead. Moore appeared as the title character in the 1933 version of Dickens' Oliver Twist, while Reid played the role of Tiny Tim in the ACT production of A Christmas Carol in Seattle in 2003. We will gather as many of these young writers, actors, and filmmakers as are available to discuss their experiences and provide insight to other Jefferson County youth who dream of a career in the biz. (See Friday's festival newsletter for the final list of those who will participate.) SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy EEddeennssaaw w FFO ORRM MAATTIIVVEE FFIILLM MSS:: AA PPeerrssoonnaall PPeerrssppeeccttiivvee oonn M Moovviieess with Tom Robbins SSH HO OO OTT TTH HEE PPIIAAN NO O PPLLAAYYEERR Tirez sur le Pianiste France, 1960, 85 min Print Source Sunday , 1:15 p.m., Wind's Eye Design Rose Theatre Director: Francois Truffaut Producer: Raoul Coutard Writer (adaptation) F. Truffaut Cinematographer: Georges Deleru Cast: Charles Aznavour, Marie Dubois, Nicole Berger 2004 Guest Curator: Tom Robbins W Wee ggoo ttoo m moovviieess ttoo fifinndd oouutt w whhoo w wee aarree.. - attributed to film director John Carpenter All movie lovers have favorite films, movies that have touched them in some way, creating a response that has remained since first viewing. Such films may be commercial hits or so obscure or forgotten that only a few have seen or remember them. Such films don't require critics to tell us whether they're good or bad. Critics are irrelevant in this instance. Formative films resonate regardless of what someone else says. In fact, it may be during an argument of the relative merits of a particular movie that we begin to recognize the greater meaning a film holds for us personally. It's not simply the details of its content or the skill with which the story is told that attracts us; it's the discovery that our own story is - in some way - up there on the silver screen. It's the recognition that someone else knows our experience, however privately we may try to hold it. The impact of such movies becomes indelible, directing in subtle ways our personal and world views; such films are, in other words, formative. For our fifth anniversary, the Port Townsend Film Festival introduces this new segment. We have selected a notable movie lover, novelist Tom Robbins, as curator. He will introduce two films, explaining to the audience their importance to his life. TTAARRZZAAN N FFIIN ND DSS AA SSO ON N USA, 1939, 82 minutes Director: Richard Thorpe Cast: Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sullivan, Johnny Sheffield Curator: Tom Robbins Numerous aspiring actors have portrayed Edgar Rice Burroughs' mythical Tarzan in film, beginning with Elmo Lincoln in a 1918 silent version to Christopher Lambert, who played the ape man in a 1984 bookish remake called Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes that co-starred such luminaries as Sir Ralph Richardson, Ian Holm, and Andie McDowell. But no one has ever approached the pinnacle that Johnny Weismuller reached in the 1930s and 1940s in the role. The main reason for Weismuller's popularity is that he was a star before he took to acting. Overcoming a sickly childhood, he began swimming on the advice of a doctor, ultimately growing into a six-foot three-inch, 190 pound champion athlete and undefeated winner of five Olympic gold medals (in 1924 and 1928), sixty-seven world and fifty-two national titles, and holder of every freestyle record from 100 yards to the half-mile - an early day Mark Spitz and Michael Phelps. Tarzan Finds A Son! tells the story of Tarzan and Jane adopting the infant survivor of a plane crash. Brought to their treehouse by faithful chimp companion Cheeta, Tarzan and Jane decide to adopt the orphaned child as their own. Five years pass, and happy young Boy (as he's called at Tarzan's insistence) is well on his way to becoming a Little Tarzan under the protective tutelage of the Ape Man and his mate. Their domestic bliss is disrupted with the arrival of another safari on the escarpment: relatives of Boy's natural parents have come to ascertain his fate. Novelist Tom Robbins declares that this movie changed his life, and will introduce the film and tell festival-goers why. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy VViinneeyyaarrdd LLaannee AA SSPPEECCIIAALL EEVVEEN NIIN NG GW WIITTH H JJAAN NEE PPO OW WEELLLL H HO OSSTTEED DB BYY RRO OB BEERRTT O OSSB BO ORRN NEE SSEEVVEEN NB BRRIID DEESS FFO ORR SSEEVVEEN NB BRRO OTTH HEERRSS USA, 1954, 102 min. Director: Stanley Donen Producer: George Folsey Screenwriter: Albert Hackett, Dorothy Kingsley, Jack Cummings Cinematographer: Saul Chaplin Cast: Jane Powell, Howard Keel, Russ Tamblyn, Jeff Richards Jane Powell's extraordinary career spans virtually every arena of American show business. From the age of 14, she has been a major star of motion pictures, theater, television, radio, the concert stage, and cabaret. She has performed for five U.S. Presidents and the Queen of England. What leaps to mind first is her place in the panoply of classic M-G-M musicals as one of the stars who came to symbolize the movies to the world. During that golden era, she was the girl next door the sweet lyric soprano with the two-and-a-half octave range who starred as the spunky young wife in the classic Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and co-starred with Fred Astaire in Royal Wedding. Jane Powell was every boy's dream date, starting with her first hit, Holiday in Mexico, with Walter Pidgeon and Roddy McDowall, who became a lifelong friend. She made twenty feature films in all, and when the classic movie musical form was discarded in the mid-fifties, she moved to television, working in sitcoms and daytime dramas, touring in a dozen musicals and straight dramatic plays and comedies. She was recently featured in Showtime's Sandy Bottom Orchestra, based on the novel by Garrison Keillor and Jenny Lind Nilsson, and also was featured as a grandma-to-be in the Off-Broadway play, Avow, for which she received rave reviews that would be any actor's dream. Ms. Powell, said The New York Times, shows why she is a star. Most recently, she performed in Stephen Sondheim's musical, Bounce. Although the musical about two Florida real estate developers closed before reaching Broadway, an original cast album was recorded to great acclaim as one of Sondheim's best scores. In it, she introduced a new song, Isn't He Something?, that many reviewers consider equal to his best-loved, Send in the Clowns. Jane Powell has spent nearly her entire life in the public eye. She began to sing and to dance for Portland radio audiences at age two. ("You couldn't see me, but you sure could hear me", she recalls.) One of the roles she most enjoyed playing was the long-running part of Rebeka Beecham on the daytime television soap, Loving. "Rebeka was mean-spirited, manipulative and hypocritical and exactly the opposite of every character I'd ever had the chance to portray", Ms. Powell said. On presenting her with an award in New York several years ago, the late Roddy McDowall, a lifelong friend and former co-star, said: "She is not only one of the great survivors and one of the treasurers of her field, but she embraces an honesty, a decency and a dearness that radiates with fervor. . . She is one of those souls who from the first encounter makes one care about what happens 'to' and 'for' her." Jane Powell has never given up. "When things got bad, I simply started over again - and again, and again", she has said. Selected filmography: The Girl Most Likely (1957); Hit the Deck (1955); Deep in My Heart, Athena, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (all 1954); Three Sailors and a Girl, Small Town Girl (both 1953); Rich, Young and Pretty and Royal Wedding (1951); Two Weeks With Love, Nancy Goes to Rio (both 1950); Luxury Liner, A Date with Judy, Three Daring Daughters, (all in 1948); Holiday in Mexico (1946). SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy LLiittttllee & & LLeew wiiss:: AA G Gaarrddeenn G Gaalllleerryy SSIILLEEN NTT FFEEAATTU URREE w wiitthh LLiivvee PPiiaannoo AAccccoom mppaanniim meenntt bbyy KKeevviinn PPuurrrroonnee aanndd ppeerrccuussssiioonniisstt M Maarrkk SSaabbeellllaa TTH HEE LLO OSSTT W WO ORRLLD D USA, 1925, 90 min Director: Harry O. Hoyt Cast: Bessie Love, Lewis Stone, Wallace Beery As one of the first science fiction films, THE LOST WORLD is a classic. Professor George Gallager becomes convinced that dinosaurs still exist on a remote plateau deep in South America. With the help of friends he mounts an expedition to prove his theory. Pianist Kevin Purrone began performing professionally at the age of twelve. Since then his musical activities have taken him throughout the United Sates and Europe. His interest in composing for silent films evolved from his experience as an improviser and his fascination with the early twentieth century. Mark Sabella, a twenty year PT resident, has been percussionist with Limpopo and Port Townsend Village Drummers. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy SSaann FFrraannssiissccoo SSiilleenntt FFiillm m FFeessttiivvaall M MO OVVIIEE PPO OEEM M W Whheenn II w weenntt ttoo tthhee fifillm m When I went to the film and saw all the black-and-white feelings that nobody felt, and heard the audience sighing and sobbing with all the emotions they none of them felt, and saw them cuddling with rising passions they none of them for a moment felt, and caught them moaning from close-up kisses, black-andwhite kisses that could not be felt, It was like being in heaven, which I am sure has a white atmosphere upon which shadows of people, pure personalities are cast in black and white, and move in flat ecstasy, supremely unfelt and heavenly. D.H. Lawrence: Complete Poems (Penguin Books, New York, 1977.) D.H. Lawrence was perhaps one of the original, if not the first, writers to choose movies as serious subject matter for poetry. But he was certainly not the last. Michael Wiegers, managing editor, and Joseph Bednarik, marketing director, for Copper Canyon Press, the nation's foremost publisher of poetry, have gathered an hour's worth of movie poems for festival-goers. Look in Saturday's newsletter for a list of poets and readers for the Sunday afternoon reading. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy IIm mpprriinntt B Booookkssttoorree FFIILLM M 22888800 -- 22000044 FFaasstt FFiillm mm maakkiinngg CCoonntteesstt A theme, a prop, a line of dialogue and 2880 minutes. Film 2880 is a no-holds barred, guerrillafilmmaking rally race that took place from 7pm Friday September 10 thru Sunday September 12 at 7pm. 2880 exists to challenge the resourcefulness and creativity of state-wide filmmakers, film students and anyone crazy enough to sign up. Teams are required to write, shoot, edit and score a 5-10 minute film without any creative work done prior to 7 pm Friday. Each team receives via email on Friday at exactly 7pm a theme, prop and line of dialogue that has to be incorporated into the film. Film 2880 operatives are then stationed at various drop-off sites around the state to sign in completed films at 7 pm Sunday evening. Films are judged on originality, use of prop and dialogue, adherence to theme and production values. FFiillm m 22888800 -- 22000033 See what the winners of last year's contest came up with. Working with the theme of passion, a strainer as the prop and That bug's on a suicide mission as the line of dialogue. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy G Grraayyw woollff RRaanncchh aanndd H Haarrbboorrssiiddee IInnnn CCLLO OSSIIN NG GN NIIG GH HTT FFIILLM Mw wiitthh D Diirreeccttoorr RRiicckk M MccKKaayy,, JJaannee PPoow weellll aanndd RRoobbeerrtt O Ossbboorrnnee B BRRO OAAD DW WAAYY:: TTH HEE G GO OLLD DEEN N AAG GEE By the Legends Who Were There USA, 2004, 111 min Audience Award, Best Documentary Palm Beach International Film Festival Director, Writer, Editor, Producer: Rick McKay Did the Golden Age of Broadway really exist? That is the question posed by writer-director-producer Rick McKay. In hearing actress Betty Garrett tell the story of not owning an ironing board because she and her mother could attend a Broadway play for under $3.00 and buying an ironing board cost $3.95, a person realizes how times have changed. Almost everyone could afford to see a show in that period. The last time I looked, ironing boards were not running over $200.00 but a pair of tickets to a Broadway show were. With reminiscences by Carol Burnett, Jane Powell (PTFF 2004), Eva Marie Saint (PTFF 2001) and Patricia Neal (PTFF 2002), to name but a very small few and stunning archival footage, Rick McKay has amassed a great big love letter to the Broadway stage and the stars that filled it. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy TThhee G Grreeeenn EEyyeesshhaaddee Welcome to the home of The Port Townsend Film Festival, where we are dedicated to connecting great films, film makers and communities. Late in September our town fills up with folks who love cinema and what it can bring to each of us. Through out the year we collaborate with schools, theatres and film makers to amplify the voice of independent media. And we are always looking for new ways to do that, so consider buying a Pass and becoming a member of our tribe. The 16th Annual Film Festival - September 25, 26 and 27, 2015 211 Taylor Street, Suite 401A • PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 • 360-379-1333 • 360-379-O198 (fax) EEm maaiill U Uss © 2014 PTFF ~ Site Credits