Jan 2016 Daily Fare


Jan 2016 Daily Fare
~The Ar tist’s Palette ~
Warren County ARTS
Jan 2016
Daily Fare
The meeting this month will
be held Thursday Jan 14th,
7pm at the Oxford Municipal
Building, 11 Green St, Oxford
DUES for 2015 are $25/year
for single membership and
$45/year for family membership. The membership year
starts in March.
Membership includes the
newsletter, monthly programs, invitation to member’s
only shows and lots more.
Payments can be made electronically via PayPal from the
Website or by check made
payable to WC ARTS and
send to: Warren County
ARTS, PO Box 420, Washington, NJ 07882
If you have anything that you
would like to publicize to the
membership, please contact
Pam at 908-496-4315 or
Find us Online at the following:
_______________________________ January 2016
New Years are funny auld things. It can be like pressing a ‘Re-set’
button on our lives, to assess where we’ve come from and where
we’re going, (or hope to go). Some people look forward to the
blank canvas, yet to be written, (or painted upon), some people
look back at the ‘good old days’, when life was less/ more complicated. It can be a chance to make resolutions, to strive for a
better tomorrow. Sometimes it feels like the world is spinning
out of control, and the latest News Headline makes us dizzy with
what the world is turning into. But in this often madcap and crazy world, we can still do our ‘bit’ to make our own small corner
of this world a more beautiful place—with our ART!!
20 , Issue 1
Inside this issue:
Message from President
Program & Exhibits
WCARTS members news 2
Program: Steve ZazenskiWatercolor Demonstra-
Day Trips - 2016
Contribute Today!! The world NEEDS YOU!!
Available $20 member
Happy New Year everyone!!
Your Prez - Patti Tivnan
Officers & Committees:
It’s time to hold Board of Director Elections . Most of the current
BOD members are willing to continue, but the Secretary position is
open. Nominations for all positions are welcome. The BOD meets 1st
Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Municipal building.
President: Patti Tivnan (908-4796240)
WCARTS Board of Directors (BOD) Nomination Form -2016
Below is a list of the current officers.
Historian: Jean & Gordon Perry
Vice President
Member at Large
Name- Current
Patti Tivnan
Kathleen Jusko
Pat Olds
Nancy Caryl Geiger
Bill Reynolds
Pam Dulaff
Carol Zielinski
The following Committee Chair positions are open for 2016: Membership, Programs and Day-Trips. Please let Pam know if you are
Vice Pres: Kathleen Jusko
Treasurer: Nancy Caryl Geiger
Secretary: OPEN
Membership: Pam Dulaff (908-4964315)
Hospitality: Shirley Spangler
Newsletter & Website: Pam Dulaff
Programs: Pam Dulaff
Exhibition Chair: Brian Daum
Publicity: Programs: Bill Reynolds
Publicity: Shows—Brian Daum
Member at Large: William Reynolds
Bad weather? Not sure if the WCARTs meeting or event is going to be held? Call WCARTS Event HotLine:
908-689-6296 to listen to a message regarding if event is GO or No GO .
WCARTS.ORG (501c (3) organization) & Facebook.com/pages/WCArts
~The Artists Palette~
Page 2 - Jan 2016
Jan 14
Steve Zazenski Watercolor Demonstration
Nov 14 - Jan 2,
Members Only Winter Art
Sun Dec 13
Feb 11
Donna Gratkowski Pastel Demonstration
Jan 2 - Feb 20
Sun Jan 31
Mar 10
Carol ZielinskiGlass mosaic workshop
Feb 20 - Apr 2
Quilt Show
Sun Mar 6
Apr 14
Chris Gershner & Karen ChiuZentangle Demo & Workshop. $5 to
participate. RSVP requested
Apr 2 - May 14
Howard Kron Memorial
Sun Apr 17
May 14 - Jul 2
Spring Open
Sun Jun 12
Jul 2- Aug 20
Sun Jul 31
2-4 pm
May 12
June 9
Jackie ShoupCalligraphy Demonstration
Dave BlinderPhotography Presentation
July 16
Picnic @ Log Cabin
Aug 11
Sept 8
Anna Kaszupski - Acrylic painting
workshop. $10 for members, $35 for
non-members. RSVP requested
Aug 20 - Oct 1 Black & White and Red All Over
Sun Sept 4
Oct 1 - Nov 19
Sun Nov 6
Veterans: Their Artwork and
Treasurer’s Note:
December Balance:
Pam Dulaff has 2016 12 month Desk Flip Calendars available for sale. All pictures taken on
Day Trips in 2015. $10/ calendar. 4.5” x 8.25” printed on glossy heavy cardstock paper. A
different picture for each month and one month / page. Calendars available on eBay or Pam’s
website (http://pedenphotography.com)
Leonard J. Buck Garden Art & Photography Exhibit - Feb 22 - Mar 11th 2016. Show
open to public on weekdays for 3 weeks. Paintings, drawings or photographs which may depict any aspect of Buck
garden. Each artist may submit 2 works no larger than 20” x 30”. Must be ready to hang. A business card with your
name, email address & phone number may be included. This is an exhibit only, please do not price your work. Call
908-234-2677 ext 21 for entry forms. Entry Forms must be returned to garden at 11 Layton Rd. Far Hills, NJ 07931
by 2/12/16.
Holiday Pot Luck Dinner photos:
WCARTS.ORG (501c (3) organization) &
Volume 20, Issue 1
Page 3 - Jan 2016
~Jan Program: Watercolor Demonstration by Steve Zazenski~
The January 14th Warren County Arts group meeting
will feature Steve Zazenski professional artist, demonstrating his watercolor techniques. Steve received his
B.F.A from New York Institute of Technology and has
been a full time artist since 1978. He is known primarily for his traditional landscapes, through which he has
developed a series of classes and workshops entitled
“A Logical Approach to Watercolor". Steve will do a
complete watercolor from start to finish. As he
is painting he will
explain everything he is doing, including color mixes and
values. Steve will also answer any questions from the audience as to materials, thinking behind the choice of subject, or anything else they wish. Steve’s presentation is
funded in part, by the Warren County Cultural and
Heritage Commission.
The meeting will be held at 7pm Thursday Jan 14th in the Oxford Municipal Building, 11 Green Street, Oxford, NJ 07863. The
public is welcome. Refreshments will be served. There is a $2 fee for non-members wishing to participate. Call Warren County
ARTS Event Hotline: 908-689-6296 to listen to a message regarding if event is Go or No Go.
WCARTS.ORG (501c (3) organization)
Warren County ARTS
PO Box 420
Washington, NJ 07882
~2016 Day Trip Schedule~( more to come )
Carpool from the Oxford Municipal Building. Please let Pam know if you are interested in attending.
Sign-up sheet(s) will be passed around at meetings.
Jan 16 (Saturday)- Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA- Blanket Statements: New Quilts by Kaffe Fassett & Historical Quilts on loan from Quilt Museum and Gallery in York UK. Leave from Oxford at 10am.
$18 Adult/ $17 Senior admission.
May 7 (Saturday) - Goose Creek Pottery Studio Tour, Rosemont NJ. Leave Oxford at 10am. Free.
Sept 24 (Saturday) - Bucks County Covered Bridge Tour & Riverboat Sunset Cocktail Cruise. $28/person
Nov 13 (Sunday)- Sand Castle Winery Bonfire Celebration , Erwinna PA $20/person.
Blue Art Exhibit: Jan 2 - Feb 20
Jan 2 - Drop off work & application 9:30- 10:30am
Jan 31 - Artist’s Reception, 2-4pm
Feb 20- Pick up work. 9:30am
The theme is the color Blue.
WCARTS.ORG (501c (3) organization) & Facebook.com/pages/WCArts