April 4-5/14 St. Thomas, ON


April 4-5/14 St. Thomas, ON
Ontario Cavy Club 2014
Show Schedule
May 31 – Peterborough – double show
June 28 – Jordan Station – double show
July 12 – Palmerston – double show
July 26 – New York – NY/ON friendship
show (tentative)
August 24 – Barrie – DR&CBA/OCC
friendship show
October 18—Sarnia—MI/ON friendship
show (tentative)
November 23 – Grimsby – double show
Check the website for full details—
April 4-5/14
St. Thomas, ON
OCC Convention Committee
Convention Chairperson
Show Secretary
Web Site
Show Specials
Raffle Fund Raising
Silent Cavy Auction
Catalogue Chair
Youth Activities
Standards Conference
Welcome Party
Finance Chair
Online Auction
Heather Baulk-Smith & Mary
Lou Eisel
Kelly Roth
Mary Lou Eisel
Liz Eisel
Mary Lou Eisel
Heather Baulk-Smith
Linda Mason
Erica & Myke Bridges
Carolyn Brown
Mary Lou Eisel
Susan Eisel
Mary Lou Eisel
Linda Mason
Norm Eygenraam
Norm Eygenraam
Heather Baulk-Smith & Karen
1993 BIS - Bruce & Mary Lou Eisel - TSW Silkie Location -Sarnia (Dedicated to a
Memorial for those no longer with us)
1992 BIS - Pat Haefele - Roan Teddy Location - Colasantis (Dedicated to The Missler
1991 BIS - Berma Crowl & Linda Mowers - TSW Peruvian Location Guelph (Dedicated to Arn Langley & John Chambers)
1990 BIS - Bruce & Mary Lou Eisel - TSW Coronet Location - Stoney
Creek (Dedicated to Murdo & Lillian MacLennan)
1989 BIS - Bruce & Mary Lou Eisel - Roan Smooth Coat Location - Colasantis (Dedicated to Bruce Eisel)
1988 BIS - Mary Lou Hext - TSW Silkie Location - Sarnia (Dedicated to the Hyland
& Tkachuk Families)
1987 BIS - Diane Rutkowski - Roan Silkie Location - Toronto (Dedicated to Bing &
Georgina Harris)
1986 BIS - Judy Ritchie - Parti Peruvian Location - Colasantis ( Dedicated to Fay
Dumbleton, Ron Klemmedson & Chuck Steel)
1985 BIS - Dona Grosser - Parti Peruvian Location - Toronto
1984 BIS - Dello Meyers - Black Smooth Coat
1983 BIS - Rae Wilkins - Orange Smooth Coat Location - Jarvis
1982 BIS - Jim & Ann Meade - White Smooth Coat Location - Kitchener
(Dedicated to Uschi & John Webbing)
Spring Show Winners
1981 BIS - Bill Felicita - Parti Smooth
1980 BIS - Zabeda Ali - Parti Peruvian
1979 BIS - Steve Mansfield - White Smooth Coat
1978 BIS - Bruce & Rene Eisel - Black Smooth Coat
1977 BIS - Bruce & Rene Eisel - Black Smooth Coat
1976 BIS - Aubrey "Pop" Neave - Lilac Smooth Coat
1975 BIS - Ann Scheffler - White Smooth Coat
1974 BIS - J. Akel & G. Little - Black Smooth Coat
1973 BIS - Rae Wilkins - Parti Peruvian
1972 BIS - Rae Wilkins - Parti Peruvian
1971 BIS - Joan Allingham - Parti Peruvian
This convention is dedicated to 60 years of
The Ontario Cavy Club—There will be a display in the Showroom
of images from the past 60 Years
As a Preview, Here are Previous Convention Winners
2013 BIS - John Gray - Black Smooth Coat Location - Woodstock (Dedicated to 60
years of Ontario Cavy Club)
2012 BIS - Susan Lybolt - Parti Satin Smooth Coat Location - Guelph
2011 BIS - Al & Mary Anne Chmura - Roan Abysinnian Location - London
2010 BIS - Bill Felicita & Larry Dishaw - Parti Peruvian Location - Jordan Station
2009 BIS - Peg Hailey—Solid Silver Satin Teddy Location - Colasantis
2008 BIS - Heather Baskey - Parti Silkie Location - London
This show will not be a cooped show. Tables will be provided for the
exhibitors - you are asked to use the space below your allotted table space
as well as the top. Each exhibitor will be provided with an exhibitor
number and the tables will be labeled by exhibitor number. Please inform
Kelly when you send in your entries if you wish to be consecutive to
another exhibitor and hence cooped together.
Entry Information
Entry Fee - $5.00 Cdn or $5 US per cavy
Show Secretary: Kelly Roth
Email: kjroth@wightman.ca
2007 BIS - Linda Wilbur - Dutch Texel Location - Jordan Station
2006 BIS - Jenna Ehrenkrantz - Parti Coronet Location - Campbelleville
2005 BIS - Heather Baskey - Parti Coronet Location - Sarnia
2004 BIS - Heather Baskey - Parti Coronet Location - Aylmer
Baulk-Smith & Chmura Families)
Coop Information
(Dedicated to The
Mail: PO Box 217 Gorrie, ON, N0G 1X0
Entry Deadline for mail, phone or email:
2003 BIS - Bill Felicita & Larry Dishaw - Black Smooth Location - Fort
(Dedicated to those barrels of fun, our cavies)
2002 BIS - Bill Felicita & Larry Dishaw - Parti Peruvian Location - Peterborough
(Dedicated to OCC 50th Anniversary)
2001 BIS - Jennifer Bykowicz - Parti Peruvian Location - Jordan Station
2000 BIS - Jim Hupp - Black Smooth Coat Location - Sarnia ( Dedicated to Hoosier
Cavy Fanciers)
1999 BIS - Jennifer Bykowicz - Parti Peruvian Location - Missisauga (Dedicated to
Dominion Rabbit & Cavy Association)
1998 BIS - Bruce & Mary Lou Eisel - Roan Crested Location - Jordan Station (Dedicated to the New York State Cavy Fanciers)
1997 BIS - Murdo MacLennan - Black Smooth Coat Location - Colasantis (Dedicated to Leta Braunwarth, Barb Butler & Jim Hupp)
1996 BIS - Pat Haefele - Dilute Agouti Teddy Location - Stratford
OCC members)
Phone: 519-335-3135
(Dedicated to all
1995 BIS - Murdo MacLennan - Black Smooth Coat Location -Stoney
(Dedicated to Dave & Mary Ramsay)
1994 BIS - Pat Haefele - Parti Teddy Location -Colasantis (Dedicated to Berma
Crowl, Linda Mowers & Harriett Rubins)
Tuesday, April 1, 2014.
No official entry blank is required.
Email is preferred. PLEASE ! ! !
If mailing your entry, please allow sufficient time for it to reach Heather &
Jenica. Please include your phone number with your entries in case they
has any questions.
They will accept changes on Friday only. If you have any
questions on the colour or weight of your cavy, please see Kelly on
Friday. No changes will be allowed on Saturday. Since OCC does not
group, please ensure that your entries comply to the classes listed below eg.
Peruvian Black Senior Boar (rather than Self).
Late entries will be accepted up to
10PM on Thursday but with a 50% surcharge.
More Information on the web at
Knights of Columbus Hall
265 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, ON
Online Facebook Auction
Brand new concept for OCC co-ordinated by Heather Baulk-Smith and
Karen DeHaven. All items are donated and proceeds go to the OCC
convention fund. Auction starts on Mach 1 and ends on March 8. All
items delivered to the March 15 fundraiser or convention unless other
arrangements are made.
Pair of Tan Smooth Coats donated by Mary Lou Eisel
Cavy Chrismas Stocking donated by Karen DeHaven
Pink Martin’s carrier donated by Martin’s Cages
Box of Revolution donated by Karen DeHaven
2 hrs 35 mins from Niagara Falls,
Starbucks Basket donated by Karen DeHaven
1 hr 25 mins from Sarnia,
Pair of Coronets donated by Linda Mason
OxyGen Basket donated by Courtney Bond
Baby Quilt donated by Jenica Baulk-Smith
Pair of Parti Peruvians donated by Liz Eisel
2 hrs 20 mins from Toronto,
30 mins from London, 2 hrs 10 mins from Windsor
10. Pair of Peruvians donated by Lacey Moorlag
11. Pick of Texel Litter donated by Heather Baulk-Smith
12. Custom Carrier Cover donated by Heather Baulk-Smith
Chuggin’ Along Aprons
John Gray is making commemorative embroidered aprons and polo shirts for this convention.
Aprons are $12 each. Polo shirts are $15 each.
Please send orders to Mary Lou at
eisel@mnsi.net. Please specify preferred colour
for apron; size and preferred colour for shirts.
Pay when pick-up.
13. Kelly Hansen Cavy Air Fresheners donated by Mary Lou Eisel
14. Cavy donated by Lisa Pordon
15. Dalmatian Teddy donated by Amber and Tony Williams
16. Pair of Self Tan Cresteds donated by Norm Eygenraam
17. Photography Package donated by George Torres
18. Pair of Smooh Coats donated by Denise Robertson
19. Pair of White Cresteds donated by Becky Dubbink
20. Baskets of beauty care products donated by Pierce Rees
Guidelines & OCC/ARBA Standard
BREEDS - Abyssinian, Satin Abyssinian, Boucle, Coronet, Crested,
Satin Crested, Merino, Peruvian, Satin Peruvian, Silkie, Satin Silkie, Skinny
Pig, Smooth, Satin Smooth, Teddy, Satin Teddy, Texel. (All Breeds with a
Crest are Accepted in Both White Crested & Self Crested).
COLOURS - Beige, Black, Buff, Chocolate, Cream, Lilac, Orange,
Red, Slate Blue, White, Dilute Agouti, Golden Agouti, Silver Agouti, Solid
Dilute, Solid Golden, Solid Silver, Dalmatian, Dutch, Himalayan, Parti,
Tortoiseshell, TSW, Brindle, Roan, Tan & Marten.
Differences - (a) Brindle is accepted in any 2 self colours except white
(which would be a roan). (b) Buff (hot or brassy cream) is an accepted
colour. (c) Orange is accepted in both red & dark eyed. (d) TSW &
Parti (B/C) - all colours on the cavy must have at least one patch of 2"
in diameter. Colours on a parti colour do not need to be recognized
RARE VARIETIES - for Standards Committee approved nonstandard
breeds & colours. Breeds - Satin Coronet, Satin Texel, Satin Merino, Satin
Boucle, Ridgeback, Satin Ridgeback, Crested Ridgeback, Satin Crested
Ridgeback, Crested Teddy, Satin Crested Teddy & Baldwin. Colours - Seal,
Chocolate Himalayan, Otter, Rainbow (banded), Dapple, Sable, & Pastel
Dalmatian. Rare Varieties do not compete for Best In Show.
OTHER CLASSES - (a) Sow & Litter - Short, Rough, Curly or Long
Classes. 1 to 4 week old litter of more than 1 baby. (b) Boar & Son - Short,
Rough, Curly or Long Classes. 4 to 12 week old son & his father. (c) Breeders’
Pen - class to consist of one boar and two sows. They are to be from the same
group i.e. Short, Long, Curly, Rough except that Teddies & Abys cannot be in a
trio. They will be judged on the potential to produce quality offspring. Animals
with colour faults & disqualifications can be entered.
Sow & Litter, Boar & Son and Breeders' Pen do not compete for
Best In Show.
AGE & SEX CLASSES - There are 6 classes for every colour variety
in every breed as follows: (a) Senior Boar & Senior Sow - over 6 months &
over 32 oz. (b) Intermediate Boar & Intermediate Sow - 4 to 6 months & 22 to
32 oz. (c) Junior Boar & Junior Sow - under 4 months - 12 to 22 oz.
Judges and their immediate family are prohibited from entering in
the breeds that judge is evaluating. Cavies obtained from a judge may not
be shown under that judge for a period of 30 days from the date acquired.
From Murdo MacLennan
Youth awards are open to any person under the age of 16. Please
inform the secretary when entering that the exhibitor is a youth.
Black Smooth Coats
Please note that the OCC no longer offers awards for Novice exhibitors. There will be a special commemorative to all first time exhibitors at all OCC shows in place of novice awards.
Home of Quality
Best Wishes to all at the OCC Convention
Exhibitors must not interfere with a judge, with clerks or carriers
or harass them in any way on penalty of having their entire entry eliminated without refund. The decision to eliminate the entry of any guilty
party rests with the judge or Show Chairperson.
Peek-A-Boo Pigs Caviary
Susan Lybolt
Royal Oak, Michigan
Permanent ear tags are not required. Each entry will be assigned a
coop number and the number is to be written on a piece of tape and put
on one ear.
E-Mail : peekaboopigs@hotmail.com
American TSW & BC
Satin Americans
Our Distinguished Judging Panel
Jim Hupp of Indiana
Jason Whitehurst of Oregon
General Specials judge will be balloted on by exhibitors at check-in.
Schedule of Events
Friday, April 4
6 PM - Show Room Opens
7-8PM - General Membership Meeting
8-9PM - Standards Conference
Home of Tan Smooth Coats, Boucles, Merinos, Satin
Smooths, Teddies and Texels.
9-11PM - Welcome Party
11PM - Show Room Closes
Saturday, April 5
Heather Baulk-Smith and Norm Eygenraam
7AM - Cooping Resumes
9AM - Judging Begins
11:30 to 1:30 - Lunch
Noon - Pet Classes
3PM - OCC Raffle
Wishing all a
3:30PM Silent Cavy Auctions ends
4PM - Judging of Major Awards
convention show
5PM - Tear Down and Clean-Up
Robert and Marie
5:30PM - Show Room Closes
6PM - Banquet Room Opens
7PM - Banquet, Awards Presentation, DOCM Silliness,
Trinity Trail Teddies
The Roth Family
Parti Teddies and Parti Silkies
Coming soon—Skinnies
Have a safe trip home - God Bless
Welcome to this year’s convention from
We will have hand painted cork boards by Lisa Pordon for Best of Breeds and
Reserve of Breeds. Coloured carriers from Martin’s for general specials. Aprons
by John Gray for Best Senior, Intermediate and Junior in Show. Youth awards
will be a fun-filled cavy basket created by Heather Baulk-Smith. There will be
BOV awards as well.
Top Award Specials
Best In Show
Reserve in Show
Best by Youth
Reserve by Youth
Best Senior in Show
Best Int. in Show
Best Junior in Show
Heather Baulk-Smith & Norm Eygenraam
Cath Alberts
Murdo MacLennan
Kelly Roth
Kelly Roth
John Gray
John Gray
John Gray
Breed Specials
Satin Abyssinian
Satin Crested
Satin Peruvian
Satin Silkie
Skinny Pig
Smooth Coat
Satin Smooth Coat
Satin Teddy
BOB & ROB Donor
Sandra Secord
Sandra Secord
Sandra Secord
Linda Mason
Peg Hailey
Cathy Hamill-Hill
Sandra Secord
Liz Eisel
Lacey Moorlag
Linda Mason
Sandra Secord
Holly Quance
Mary Lou Eisel
Susam Lybolt
Liz Voigt
Peg Hailey
Sandra Secord
Youth Donor
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Jim Hupp
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Friend of OCC
Jim Hupp
Friend of OCC
Special Classes
Best Rare Variety
Best Sow and Litter
Best Boar & Son
Best Breeders Pen
Sanda Weiler
John Gray
Darlene & Greg Elchuk
Suzette Glave
Jim Hupp
Jim Hupp
Jim Hupp
Jim Hupp
Black Gold Smooths & Satin Smooths
Smooth Coats in Himalayan, Marten & Tan
Satin Smooth Coats in Parti and TSW
Mary Lou Eisel
Odyssey Peruvians
Exclusively Peruvians
Elizabeth Eisel
Carrier pictured is in the online auction, the others are examples only.
Silent Cavy Auction
Carolyn Brown is heading up the silent cavy auction. She
is looking for a dozen quality animals or pairs. 50%
goes to OCC and 50% goes to the donor.
Lacey Kalin Moorlag—Peruvian tsw sow possibly in show
coat and maybe a show Texel or two
Carolyn Brown - show quality Red Roan Peruvian intermediate boar in coat. DE
Self Red Peruvian boar (not show quality)
Norm Eygenraam—TBA
Heather Baulk-Smith—TBA
Liz Eisel—TBA
Mary Lou Eisel —TBA
Cardinal Court Motel
1- 877-774-8380
10401 Sunset Road, RR#7, St.Thomas
Rates - $79 plus $10 pet fee Ask for Ontario cavy club
Glen Haven Motel
1210 Talbot Street, St Thomas
$75 plus tax Ask for Ontario cavy club
More will be added as we closer so expect a good selection.
Thank you to all who have supported the silent cavy auction.
Also available 20 minutes away
Motel 6
810 Exeter Road, London, ON N6E 1L 5
Pet friendly - has a pool and hot tub
Rates are $75 /night
Comfort Inn
1-519-633– 4082
100 Centennial Street, St. Thomas
(could not confirm that pets were allowed in the rooms)
Special Events
The general membership meeting will be held Friday in the show
Standards conference will be on the Friday evening after the meeting. Topics are Eye Colour by Mary Lou Eisel and Self Colour Assessment using Visuals by Norm Eygenraam and Heather BaulkSmith.
The banquet will be held at the show site. Catered by Kathy’s Catering.
Roast beef w/ horseradish & gravy
Roasted turkey w/ homemade dressing, cranberries & gravy
Mashed potato
Choice of 2 homemade salads or platters:
Broccoli Salad, Mixed Citrus Salad
An OCC convention Friday night tradition. A good chance to socialize and partake of the snacks set up by Linda Mason.
All sorts of special items. Donations gladly accepted. Baskets donated include a Dolphin basket from Linda Wilbur, Erica’s Cavy
Cakes, Gardening Basket from Heather & Norm, Pampered Peruvian
Basket from Linda Mason, Quebec Basket from Nathalie & Pierre,
Jamberry Nail Wrap Basket from Jordy O’Connor, PartyLite Basket
donated by Krista Godinho, Michigan Basket donated by MCBA,
Pampered Cavy Momma Basket for adults donated by Lacey Moorlag, Knitted Cavy Basket donated by Janet Cox, baskets of beauty
products donated by Pierce Rees. Ticket prices are 50¢ each or 3 for
People can bring ANY bottle or box of anything. Decorate the box or
bag so no one has any idea what it is, and Pierre will auction it. You
may get a fine bottle of wine or liquor, or you may get hand cream or
shampoo or pickles.........
Susan Eisel are coordinating the
youth events including Breed
and Colour ID contest,
colouring contest,
costume contest and more.
Homemade cheesecake, Homemade apple crisp, Fresh fruit platter
Assorted dinner rolls & butter
Coffee & tea
Banquet tickets are $20Cdn (all taxes & gratuities are included) per adult and
$10Cdn per child (under 10).
Send banquet reservations to banquet chairpersons Mary Lou Eisel by March 29.
Pay at check-in.
The banquet room opens at 6PM with dinner at 7PM. Awards will be handed out
at the banquet.
Also — don’t miss the always popular bottle and box auction!! Held after dinner
at the banquet. Special DOCM awards handed out at the banquet too!
Don’t miss the fun!