File - Fairchester Hose Haulers
File - Fairchester Hose Haulers
2016 NATIONAL SPAAMFAA CONVENTION & MUSTER AUGUST 10th THROUGH August 13th, 2016 Sponsored by the fairchester hose haulers of the hudson valley Firehouses of the Middletown, NY Fire Department Antique fire apparatus show and muster at the leider “Truck house”, 2618 rte. 302, middletown, NY Saturday August 13, 2016 10:00 am to 3:00 pm free admission 9:00 am parade from high school through middletown to the muster site motorized and non-motorized apparatus, fire flea market, demonstrations & more Dear S.P.A.A.M.F.A.A. Members; The Fairchester Hose Haulers of the Hudson Valley are proud to host the 2016 Summer National Convention and Muster from August 10 through August 13, 2016. We have planned day tours to the Volunteer Firemens Hall and Museum of Kingston, the New York State Firefighting Museum in Hudson and a trip to the Woodbury commons retail Center for the ladies, who will be given a’goodie bag’ filled with various discount coupons. On Friday will be a trip to lower Manhattan in NYC of significance and reflection to the Freedom Plaza Memorial, the site of the former World Trade Center/Ground Zero. This is a must see and requires reservations as soon as possible on a first come, first served basis. You will be required to show valid and current photo identification with address. The muster will be held at the Andrew Leider ‘Truck House’ property where you can see several hundred fire trucks under one roof. It is here, where we, the Fairchester Hose Haulers of the Hudson Valley call ‘home’, as the official caretakers of Andy and Avery’s vast collection and those fire trucks belonging to several of our Chapter members. The host hotel is the Holiday Inn at 68 Crystal Run Rd., Middletown, NY 10941. You can reserve a room by contacting the hotel directly at (845) 343-1474, using our event reservation code ‘FIR’. Rates start at $106 + tax per night. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are available daily. The Holiday Inn is easily located by taking exit 4E of Highway Route 84 onto Highway Route 17 E to exit 122. Exit ramp(s) intersect with Crystal Run Rd. (aka N. Main St.). For overflow accommodations there are: Hampton Inn, Marriott Hotel and Microtel, nearby. There will be very limited,on a first come basis, fire apparatus parking at the host hotel. However, there is adequate and secure free parking at the ‘Truck House’ property at 2618 Route 302, Middletown (Circleville), NY 10941 (Exit 119 on Highway Rte. 17). The muster will be held on Saturday, August 13, 2016 at the ‘Truck House’ site at 2618 Route 302, Middletown, New York from 10 AM to 3 PM. For those not participating in the parade,there will be an a.m. shuttle bus from the host hotel to the muster site returning to the hotel after 3 pm. As a special treat the FDNY Super Pumper is expected to be on display at the muster courtesy of the Dobson Fire Museum. The truck motor was donated by Andrew Leider, our local SPAAMFAA Northeast Trustee. FHH member, Ed May, ‘gold leaf’ expert extraordinaire will conduct a “live” demonstration! FHH member Bob Howell will display his incredibly detailed hand constructed scale model fire apparatus. In the evening will be the banquet including an hors d’oeuvres hour with cash bar, to be held at Kuhl’s Highland House at 512 Highland Ave., in Middletown, NY. There will be a shuttle bus from the Holiday Inn to/from Kuhl’s. For those who want to visit other points of interest in the Orange County area, on your own, there are the following: • Sat., August 6, 2016; 40th Annual Muster of the Catskill Fire-Cats Chapter of SPAAMFAA @ the Orange County Fire Training Ctr. on Rte. 17M, New Hampton, NY just SE of Middletown, NY); for more info, see website, • Orange County Fire Museum, Clinton St., Montgomery, NY. • The Brotherhood Winery, Washingtonville, NY. • West Point Military Academy, Fort Montgomery, NY (requires security checkpoint, valid photo ID needed) • Gen. George Washington’s Hdqtrs., Newburgh, NY. • Annual Orange County Fair/Fairgrounds, Middletown, NY. • NYS Motorcycle Museum, Newburgh, NY. • Orange County Choppers Hdqtrs., Showroom and Shop, Rte.17K, Newburgh, NY. Note that photos of the Middletown FD firehouses depicted on the cover and on the official Summer Convention T-shirt, are courtesy of local photographer, Jack Miller; with our thanks! Visit our website at Looking forward to an exciting 2016 Summer National SPAAMFAA Convention. See you there! Bruce Zarzeski, President Fairchester Hose Haulers of the Hudson Valley (on behalf of the 2016 Muster Committee) 2016 SPAAMFAA NATIONAL CONVENTION & MUSTER CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM NAME____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ EMAIL___________________________________ CITY________________________ STATE________ ZIP________ PHONE ( ____ )___________ (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY-LIST ADDITIONAL NAMES OF YOUR PARTY ON REVERSE) I WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER ___ COMPETITION TEAM, @ $10 EACH TEAM TOTAL$ _________ (Team competitions include Bucket Brigade, Water Barrel, Midnight Alarm; Subject to Change) I WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER ___ PIECES OF APPARATUS, @ $15 EACH TOTAL$ _________ (Maximum of $30.00) GRAND TOTAL$ _________ *PLEASE COMPLETE ONE FORM FOR EACH PIECE OF APPARATUS* *PLEASE DUPLICATE THE FORM AS NECESSARY* ANTIQUE FIRE APPARATUS REGISTRATION Apparatus Year: ___________ Make: _____________________ Model: ______________________ Type of Apparatus: Pumper Aerial Ladder Hand Pumper Steamer City Service Ladder Other-Please Specify:_________________________ NOTICE ALL STEAMERS MUST HAVE CURRENT INSURANCE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE IF THEY ARE TO BE FIRED. Please specify if you will be pumping, or static display, only: Pumping Static display, only Ownership Information: Privately owned Department owned Condition: Original Restored Pump Type: Centrifugal Rotary Piston Mode of Power: Hand Drawn Horse Drawn Motorized Other Information: Apparatus to be driven to muster under own power Approximate mileage one-way: _______________ Apparatus hauled to muster Approximate mileage one-way: _______________ ALL APPARATUS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH AND USE TWO WHEEL CHOCKS AND WORKING FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSURANCE STATEMENT APPARATUS ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THIS SECTION IS COMPLETED AND SIGNED lnsurance Carrier (Company Name)_________________________________________________________________ Policy Number __________________________________ Effective Date __________ Expiration Date______________ The apparatus I am entering will be in sound mechanical condition, roadworthy as required by the state in which the apparatus is registered and will carry public liability and property damage insurance, as indicated by the policy number above, for the day of the muster and for any time that the apparatus may be on muster grounds. I agree to hold Fairchester Hose Haulers of the Hudson Valley and Andrew Leider or his assigns harmless for any liability I/we incur. Each piece of apparatus will have a working 5 lb. ABC Fire Extinguisher present on the apparatus and appropriate wheel chocks. Signature ______________________________ Print Name _________________________ Date__________________ PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR FLEA MARKET, BANQUET & TRIP RESERVATIONS MUSEUMS/TOURS, FLEA MARKET, BANQUET RESERVATIONS, TROPHY SPONSOR CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ____@ $5.00 PER PERSON $____________ I WOULD LIKE TICKETS TO THURSDAY’S BUS TRIP TO THE VOLUNTEER FIREMAN’S HALL & MUSEUM OF KINGSTON, NY AND NYS FIRE MUSEUM IN HUDSON, NY ____@ $38.00pp $____________ [PRICE INCLUDES BUS,MUSEUM ADMISSIONS AND ‘BOX LUNCH’] I WOULD LIKE TICKETS TO THURSDAY’S BUS TRIP TO WOODBURY COMMONS RETAIL CENTER _____@ $25.00 pp [PRICE INCLUDES BUS ONLY] $____________ I WOULD LIKE TICKETS TO FRIDAY’S BUS TRIP FREEDOM PLAZA, NYC ____@ $75.00pp $____________ [PRICE INCLUDES BUS & ADMISSION; PRICE BASED ON GROUP RATE;MUST HAVE VALID I.D.; TRIP SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY &/OR CANCELLATION] ALL TRIPS/TOURS HAVE LIMITED SEATING:RESERVATIONS ON A FIRST COME BASIS RESERVATION DEADLINE FOR ALL TRIPS/TOURS IS MAY 31,2016 I WOULD LIKE _____ 10ꞌ X 20ꞌ FLEA MARKET SPACE @ $25.00 PER SPACE PER DAY $____________ [FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10 AM -3 PM AT THE TRUCK HOUSE [MUSTER SITE], 2618 RTE. 302, EXIT 119/HIGHWAY RTE. 17; SET UP BY 9 AM BOTH DAYS; FIRE RELATED ITEMS ONLY; BRING YOUR OWN TABLES]; VENDORS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO COLLECT 8.25% SALES TAX AND REMIT SAME TO NYS DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION I WOULD LIKE TICKETS TO SATURDAY NIGHT BANQUET WITH CASH BAR [INCL. HORS D’OUEVRES HOUR] DINNER MAIN COURSE CHOICES ARE: BEEF CHICKEN ____@ $42.00pp $____________ FISH ____@ $42.00pp $____________ ____@ $42.00pp $____________ MUSTER T-SHIRT ____ S; ____ M; ____ L; ____ XL; ____ 2XL; ____ 3XL; ____ 4XL [SEE BACK COVER] $____________ SOUVENIR JOURNAL SPONSOR ADS: ____ FULL PG [$100] ____ HALF PG [$50] ____ BUSINESS CARD [$15] ____ QUARTER PG [$25] ____ PATRON [$5] $____________ I/WE WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR A MUSTER AWARD/TROPHY, _____@ $50 EA. $____________ GRAND TOTAL AMT. = $___________ FHHHV CHAPTER RAFFLE TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO “FAIRCHESTER HOSE HAULERS H.V.” TRIPS/TOURS RESERVATION DEADLINE: 5/31/16; BANQUET ONLY RESERVE DEADLINE: 7/1/16 Complete both sides of this form, enclose full payment and mail to: FAIRCHESTER HOSE HAULERS c/o ANDREW LEIDER,MUSTER CHAIRMAN 2629 ROUTE 302, MIDDLETOWN, NEW YORK 10941 (845) 609-7020 EMAIL: 2016 NATIONAL S.P.A.A.M.F.A.A. CONVENTION SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2016 8:00 AM Convention & Muster Registration [Registration closes at 6:00 pm) 11:30 AM National Board luncheon followed by board meeting @ 1:00 pm One registered delegate from each chapter invited to observe THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2016 8:00 AM Buses Leave For Vol. Firemans Hall/Museum [Kingston, NY] & NYS Fire Museum [Hudson, NY] at 8:30am sharp 8:00 AM Convention & Muster Registration [Registration closes at 6:00pm] ALL DAY Model Fire Apparatus Display 9:30 AM Bus leaves for Woodbury Commons Retail Center, [Woodbury,NY] 5:00 PM All Trip/Tour Buses Return [Time Approximate] 8:00 PM Seminar 9:00 PM Hopitality Room; presented by Fairchester Hose Haulers Chapter FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2016 8:00 AM Convention & Muster Registration [Registration closes at 4:30pm] Buses Leave For World Trade Center/Ground Zero Freedom Plaza [New York City] At 8:30Am Sharp *NOTE: Must be pre-registered for this trip by May 31, 2016; Must bring/show valid & current photo I.D.* 10:00 AM ‘Truck House Building’ Tours; Scale Model Display; Fire Related Flea Market @ ‘The Truck House’, 2618 Route 302, Middletown, NY [Exit 119, Highway Rte. 17]; Tours, Flea Market, etc. close at 3:00 pm. 5:00 PM All Trip/Tour Buses Return [Time Approximate] 7:00 PM Seminar 8:00 PM SPAAMFAA Membership Meeting 9:30 PM Hospitality Room; sponsored by National SPAAMFAA SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2016 7:30 AM Registration at host hotel [closes at 8:45 am] 8:30 AM Mandatory Fire Apparatus Drivers Meeting & Line Up begins (for parade) at the Middletown High School 9:00 AM Parade leaves high school, proceeds through Middletown to ‘The Truck House’ @ 2618 Route 302, Middletown, NY 10:00 AM Opening Flag Ceremony-Muster Begins; Incl. fire Related Flea Market; Scale Model Display; Fire Apparatus Show & Muster 3:00 PM Muster Ends 7:00 PM Cocktail Hour [Cash Bar] & Hors D’ouvres at Kuhl’s Highland House 8:00 PM Banquet begins at Kuhl’s Highland House [Program to follow] 2016 The official muster t-shirt 2016 NATIONAL SPAAMFAA CONVENTION & MUSTER Sponsored by the fairchester hose haulers of the hudson valley Firehouses of the Middletown, NY Fire Department Antique fire apparatus show and muster at the leider “Truck house”, 2618 rte. 302, middletown, NY Saturday August 13, 2016 SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, X-LARGE: $15.00 2XL AND LARGER: $20.00