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Annual Report Hillsong Church Annual Report Twenty-Twelve You crown the year with Your goodness. Psalm 65:11 The Church I See... The Church that I see is a Church of influence. A Church so large in size that the city and nation cannot ignore it. A Church growing so quickly that buildings struggle to contain the increase. I see a Church whose heartfelt praise and worship touches Heaven and changes earth; worship which influences the praises of people throughout the earth, exalting Christ with powerful songs of faith and hope. I see a Church whose altars are constantly filled with repentant sinners responding to Christ’s call to salvation. Yes, the Church that I see is so dependent on the Holy Spirit that nothing will stop it nor stand against it; a Church whose people are unified, praying and full of God’s Spirit. The Church that I see has a message so clear that lives are changed forever and potential is fulfilled through the power of His Word; a message beamed to the peoples of the earth through their television screens. I see a Church so compassionate that people are drawn from impossible situations into a loving and friendly circle of hope, where answers are found and acceptance is given. I see a people so Kingdom-minded that they will count whatever the cost and pay whatever the price to see revival sweep this land. The Church that I see is a Church so committed to raising, training and empowering a leadership generation to reap the end-time harvest that all its ministries are consumed with this goal. I see a Church whose head is Jesus, whose help is the Holy Spirit and whose focus is the Great Commission. YES, THE CHURCH THAT I SEE COULD WELL BE OUR CHURCH - HILLSONG CHURCH. Brian & Bobbie Senior Pastors “You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.” Psalm 65:11 NKJV You could not have attended Hillsong Church in 2012 without hearing this promise. It was at the beginning of this year that I believe God dropped that verse in my spirit to speak over this House, Hillsong Church. I’m pleased to say that 2012 was a year where we experienced the favour of God. His graciousness has poured out over us for 29 incredible years. As the influence of Hillsong Church and its ministries expands, our responsibility to communicate the message of the Gospel also increases. We continue to plant services into communities which are in need of a healthy, loving local church to reach out and be the hands and feet of Jesus. While this report relates to our Australian activities, we cannot forget our global churches and conferences which are making a great impact in the cities in which they are located. This year, we have added new campuses and services, further invested into our innovative kids and youth programs and have seen our international aid initiatives help people with acute need from many different countries and cultures. We are very excited to have held our first church services in Melbourne. We have launched the ‘NEXT STEPS’ program across all of our locations. In life, everyone has a next step, it could be to build a stronger family, help in our communities or to lead others to bring positive change. We have been encouraged at our congregations’ commitment to build their lives and those they are able to help. Ephesians 2:19-22 says, “You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your HOME country. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You BELONG here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a HOME. He’s using us all – irrespective of how we got here – in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using YOU, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the CORNERSTONE that holds all parts together. We see it taking shape day after day – a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at HOME.” (MSG) In 2012, we had the opportunity through the ministries and endeavours outlined in this report, to bring Heaven to Earth, to build His HOME. The Church is God’s vehicle to bring hope and answers to the issues we all face in our daily lives. We work tirelessly to that end. Looking ahead, we are believing to hear further testimonies of lives changed, families enriched and communities assisted in practical ways as we live generously towards others and continue to build a church that God Himself would be proud to call His HOME. With love and appreciation, Brian & Bobbie Houston. And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ Ephesians 4:11-12 ESV Old school Strengthening the BCH House of God At Hillsong, we are passionate about the local church and convinced that God uses the local church today to both communicate the life-changing message of Jesus and to meet the real needs of people. We are therefore unapologetically committed to seeing people make a decision to accept and follow Christ and to walking out their journey as a christian. This year 17,739 people made such a decision. In 2012 we saw solid growth in significant areas, with attendance at both weekend services and connect groups on the rise. Our volunteer numbers were likewise strong. Of greatest importance to us though, was the increase seen in the number of people making a decision to accept and follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Weekend Services International Audience 3,800+ 25,000,000+ Serving on average every weekend Volunteers Singing Hillsong Music in Churches globally each week. (based on CCLI estimates) 1,556,345 10,000,000+ Number of times a weekend service was attended Number of people who watch Hillsong TV every week 50,514 8,000,000+ Number of people attended Easter services Number of unique visitors to each year Attendance Easter Attendance Hillsong TV Viewers Web Visitors In 2012 we had Hillsong Church in the following cities; Each international church is governed independently. This Annual Report relates to those activities operated from Hillsong Church Australia George Aghajanian General Manager In January 2012, Pastor Brian launched the year with the theme taken from Ps 65:11 which states, “You crown the year with Your goodness”. As a church, we entered the New Year with an expectation that the Lord, through His goodness, would crown our year with the ability to reach and help more people than ever. The good stewardship of our financial resources was a key element in assisting us to achieve this goal. The new church facility at Doody Street was one of our primary building focusses for the year. Having won the opportunity in the Land and Environment Court to refurbish a leased warehouse in the Sydney Corporate Park, significant time and resources have been invested into what will be our newest church location opening in 2013 and running in conjunction with our Danks Street operations. In terms of our overall financial results, I can report that Hillsong Church (Australia) and its related entities performed well. Our total revenue grew by 5.3% or just over $3.5 million. While all of our various initiatives went forward, our weekend offerings led the way with a very healthy increase of 10.9 % year on year. The demand for our worship continues to grow globally. This year we witnessed the birth of the next generation of worship called Young and Free. This fresh sound comes out of the heart of our Youth Ministry and our first Young and Free album will be released in late 2013. There is already great anticipation around the world for this and we are all very excited as the team records and gets this ready for release. We were able to contain expenditure to an increase of just 0.4% or $302,240. As a result, our net bottom-line position improved by just over $3.2 million to $2,539,120 (2011: deficit of $741,017). Healthy surpluses allow us to expand the services we offer and to provide facilities for our growing congregations. With more and more people calling Hillsong Church their spiritual home, we celebrated the largest gatherings in one weekend with 50,514 attending our Easter services. Weekend attendance has grown by 8%. Our CityCare programs continue to develop and are reaching people from a diverse range of cultural and socio economic backgrounds. We remain committed to funding this very important ministry. With the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy in New York City, our church responded generously by donating $113,307 to provide meals, blankets and other necessities to those left vulnerable following this disaster. We are ever-grateful for the opportunity to serve our community at both a spiritual and practical level each year. Our leadership and board never take for granted the many thousands of faithful people that call Hillsong Church home, who give so much of themselves to the call to reach people in every sphere of life. To you we say thank you. George Aghajanian General Manager Joel & Julia Lead Pastors JANUARY Summer Camps & Retreats In 2012, 5,000 individuals attended our All Stars Day Camp (Grade 2-4), Voltage (1012 yrs old), Fuel (Junior High), Wildlife (Senior High), Powerhouse (18-25 year olds) and Frontline (25-35 year olds) Summercamps and retreats. FERBUARY VISION SUNDAY Vision Sunday is always a significant time for us as Pastors Brian & Bobbie share the Vision for the year. It was during our Vision Sunday presentation that Ps Brian seeded the possibility of a new Hillsong Australia campus in Melbourne. MARCH COLOUR CONFERENCE In March we hosted our annual Colour Conference in the Sydney Entertainment Centre and our Hills Convention Centre with 15,098 women in attendance from Australia and many countries around the world. CITY CAMPUS [SYDNEY] For over a decade our Waterloo facility has not been sufficient for the growth we have experienced in our City Campus. It has been a 10 year journey to find a new building that would help facilitate the growth! In March 2012 we won an appeal in the Land and Environment Court to convert a warehouse in Alexandria to what has now become our brand new Doody Street, Alexandra location. In October 2012 we commenced the building project. APRIL EASTER Easter is an incredible opportunity we have to share the love of Jesus with our community. 50,514 individuals attended our Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Resurrection Sunday services across our NSW & QLD campuses & services. Across the weekend 732 people made a decision to follow Jesus. CITY CARE EASTER PROJECT Kilo of Kindness is a key project we undertake at Easter to collect non-perishable food and hygiene items to assist families in need. We received 21,713 food items which were distributed through our Emergency Relief services across 5 of our campuses to 5,153 families / individuals. MAY In May we launched our Hillsong App. Over the next 9 months we had 81,000 downloads. JUNE HEART FOR THE HOUSE Yet again we had a history making weekend as 24,982 people gathered for our annual Heart for the House miracle weekend. As a result of people’s generous giving we partnered with the A21 Campaign, to launch a human trafficking 24 hour ‘help’ hotline in Greece. We were also able to partner with Vision Rescue in Mumbai to feed and educate over 1,100 children every day. Amongst other exciting initiatives included taking CityCare forward and planting Hillsong Melbourne. JULY HILLSONG CONFERENCE Hillsong Conference exists to champion the cause of the local Church across the earth and this year 21,576 delegates gathered at Allphones Arena from Australia and 73 other countries from around the world. AUGUST MELBOURNE Ps Bobbie describes Hillsong Church as one house with many rooms! Throughout 2012 Connect Groups started in homes across Melbourne and in August 2012 we started monthly gatherings in a downtown theatre, with 1,411 gathered on the first Friday night service with 88 people surrendering their lives to Jesus. FRIDAY/SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE Each year in August, our Friday night & Sunday night services come alive with a creative presentation of the Bible affectionately called Sunday Night Live [SNL]. It has become a very much loved tradition of our church. During August we saw an average attendance of 25,498 attend our weekend services and 769 people surrender their lives to Jesus. SEPTEMBER RELATIONSHIP SEMINAR In September, we hosted a Relationship Seminar across 3 Australian states in our 5 campuses, including Melbourne. 7,357 people attended the seminar with guest speakers Rob & Laura Koke, Senior Pastors of Shoreline Church in Austin Texas. ENCOUNTER Also in September, we hosted Encounter - a 2 day gathering for our Fuel & Wildlife students. 1,807 students gathered across Sydney & Brisbane. OCTOBER HILLSONG SISTERHOOD hosted MEGA PINK PARTIES in the month of October in support of Breast Cancer awareness. On the 25th October 1,715 women gathered for this event. MEN’S CONFERENCE In 2012, 4,039 men gathered to passionately praise God! During Men’s Conference, the men gave a generous offering of $92,906.00 to support One80TC - who are a not-for-profit organisation. One80TC provide long-term residential treatment and rehabilitation services for young men (aged 18-35) wanting to overcome addiction and other life controlling issues. NOVEMBER In November each year, we see hundreds of our Hillsong College Students graduate from different levels of study within our college including; Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Degree students. In 2012, 489 students graduated from our college representing 46 countries. DECEMBER OUR ‘STUFF THE BUS’ CHRISTMAS APPEAL Leading up to Christmas we received 36,838 food items & 16,445 toys for our Stuff the Bus appeal. With this we were able to provide 6,700 toy gift packs to parents to give to their children on Christmas day. Through ‘Stuff the Bus’ we were also able to partner with other Christmas appeals such as K-Mart Wishing tree and Missions Australia. CHRISTMAS SERVICES Christmas is a special time in church as we come together and celebrate Jesus. In 2012 19,073 people gathered for Christmas Eve & Day services to celebrate! These are just some of the highlights from 2012. As we look back we can truly say ‘God has crowned the year with His goodness!’ Much love, Joel & Julia Lead Pastors, Hillsong Australia And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. Colossians 3:14-15 ESV Building Families At Hillsong Church we know that one of the best ways we can have a positive impact on our local and wider community is by doing our part to strengthen families. We therefore provide a range of strategic programs and specific services along with a team of 72 staff members who are employed to care for families in some way. Our Pastoral Care system is designed to build family relationships and to support families during their various seasons of life. 2012 Highlights: Building Families Total number of contacts made by our Pastoral Care team: 32,701 454 Individuals attend Marriage Strengthening Course in 2012 3,360 3,161 Number of times Age-Appropriate Kids Program was attended per week (incl. Childcare Centre) Kids in Attendance at Specialised School Holiday Events 100 Families Attend Strengthening Familes Program in 2012 1,453 149 Number of times A Specialised Program for Austism & Special Needs Kids in 2012 was attended Individuals attending Personal and Relational Development courses in 2012 Childcare Centre Hillsong Childcare centre Hills is a licensed 40 place childcare facility and in great demand. Construction has started on a 75 place centre to operate from our Brisbane Campus commencing early 2013. 2012 Australian Small Business Champion Awards Finalist For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11ESV Citycare Championing Youth Amid alarming reports of national youth suicide rates, substance abuse, bullying and youth mental health, we have determined to resource initiatives that build hope and confidence into our young people and ultimately enable them to thrive. In 2012, we focussed our resource on the development of programs that offered safe, drug and alcohol-free events within a positive youth community and on classes that developed self-esteem and life-skills in individual young people. Key to the success of these programs was a team of 18 hardworking staff and close to 300 volunteers with clearly defined responsibilities. Aside from facilitating these programs, this team ensured that programs were successful with their target audience by being relevant and attractive to youth and that individuals were connected into the wider youth community. They also assumed the important role of a positive mentor to those young people who sought one. 2,112 518 Youth in Programs per week Grades 7 - 12 Number of Contacts with youth by Hillsong Youth Services (HYS) Team per week Weekly Staff / Team / Youth-Contact Ratio 18 294 2,112 Staff Employed Youth Volunteers Youth in Weekly Programs Major Youth Events for 2012 Fuel (Grades 7-9) Wildlife (Grades 10-12) 1,599 663 1,028 Summercamp 2012 Total: 1,691 744 1,063 Encounter 2012 Total: 1,807 1,087 JAM 2012 Total: 2,686 Dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort. 1 Corinthians 15:58 MSG Connecting Women One of the signature messages of our church is that of placing value upon womanhood. We believe that women are created in the image of God and that the house of God is only at full strength when women partner with men as a unified force for good upon the earth. In 2012, we outworked these beliefs through our Annual Colour Conferences and weekly Sisterhood meetings held across the nation. On four occassions in 2012, our Sisterhood meeting was dedicated to a special ‘Be the Change’ focus. On each of these ‘Be the Change’ mornings, over nine-hundred women gathered to make a positive impact in our local communities with activities that included: Putting together ‘Bravery Bead Bags’ and crocheting headbands for children in the Chemotherapy Clinic at Westmead Children’s Hospital, Knitting blankets for Wesley Mission, Knitting bears for children in the Emergency Ward at Westmead Children’s Hospital, A home renovation/makeover for a single mum, Packing CityCare Hampers, Baking for local school teachers, Putting together ‘care packages’ for local businesses, Writing letters for Voice of the Martyrs to members of the global persecuted church, Shopping for groceries for those who are unable to, Bringing a mobile ‘pamper zone’ to local nursing homes Total Colour Sisterhood Conference 16,753 Attendance for 2012 60,270 2012 Delegates in attendance 15% Growth over 2011 McGrath Foundation & Breast Cancer Awareness 535 Pink Armbands sold to raise money towards the McGrath Foundation Like many others in Australia, each October we turn our attention to the global challenge of breast cancer with an event that is aimed at raising awareness and finance. In 2012, as in previous years at Hillsong Church we held ‘Mega Pink Parties’ in various locations, with a total attendance of 1,715 women. The morning included: * Instructions from Dr Evelyn Kong on how to do a breast check; * Honouring 4 women who were currently fighting breast cancer with a gift; * Watching an informational video and hearing about the work of the McGrath Foundation’s Breast Care Nurses; * Hosting a luncheon for those currently and recently facing the challenge of breast cancer “Cancer does not define you. Cancer is not who you are.” And ‘we’ are here to support you through to the other side of this challenge. ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE.’ - Kylea Tink / CEO McGrath Foundation Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause Isaiah 1:17 ESV Supporting Those Facing Challenge Ever-committed to helping those in society who are most vulnerable or facing challenge, in 2012 we strengthened our programs that had proven most effective at meeting the practical needs of people. Whilst remaining grounded in a local context and community, we also sought to provide assistance at a global level where possible. As usual, the people of Hillsong Church showed themselves to be generous and willing to respond to those in need, resulting in a year where we were able to make a significant contribution to both our local and global community. Local Support Snapshot of a CityCare Week 387 140 People reached through our Street Teams Weekly 195 Counselling Sessions Connected with Inmate Support Services 1,616 People Connected through CItyCare Programs Local Impact Project - Colour Your World Conference 133 Families 1,178 Giftcards $40,100 worth in Gift Cards Women from the conference purchased gift cards which were distributed through Settlement Services Internation to assist asylum seeker families. Christmas Season At the financially challenging time of Christmas, we always attempt to be a blessing to our community by providing free events for families, along with practical support for those who need it most. In 2012 our Christmas Spectacular was attended by more than 35,000 people, our Christmas Festivals were attended by approximately 20,000 people across Australia. In addition, our first ever Christmas Lights Experience, where our Hills Campus property was decorated and open to the community, saw at least 25,000 people visit. Through our annual ‘Stuff The Bus’ appeal, were able to bless over 3,000 families with Christmas food hampers and toys. SW Hills 52,886 items Toys: 16,340 Food items: 36,546 Bris City Christmas Spectacular 2012 Attendance Hills: 19,461 City: 8,536 Brisbane: 6,115 Southwest: 1,323 Total: 35,435 Global Support from Hillsong Church Australia Some of the Projects Supported by The Hillsong Foundation & Hillsong Church $180,994 $140,396 $1,478,216 Raised for Vision Rescue, providing 227,000 meals annually & educating approx. 800 children weekly. Raised for A21 Hotline & Human Trafficking Prevention Programs Towards Hillsong CityCare’s programs to help disadvantaged people in communities. $207,377 $88,592 $267,597 Raised for Hillsong Africa Foundation to fund accommodation for 32 children at the Tembaletu school. $482,636 Supporting new Hillsong Church Plants Projects in India, Thailand, Ukraine & Cambodia Raised through Hillsong Foundation for One80TC to assist young men overcome drug & alcohol addiction. $6,187 $9,500 Towards brickmaking projects in Cape Town Raised for building kitchens for teenage mothers’ home in Ukraine. Disaster Relief NYC In Australia, we were able to contribute to the relief efforts of Hillsong New York following Hurricaine Sandy, raising $113,307. Our contribution, along with others, helped our Hillsong NYC team provide 21,941 meals / 2,981 blankets / 51,287 bottles of water + diapers, baby wipes, toilet paper etc. And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God Ephesians 4:11-13 ESV Training, Education & Impact At Hillsong Church we are always committed to passing on the knowledge and understanding that we have gained from our own journey in any way that may be beneficial to others. In formal ways, we do this through our Hillsong International Leadership College, our Evening College and the Hillsong Performing Arts Academy. Our Hillsong Conference which aims ‘to champion the cause of the local church,’ has also become an effective method for us to train, empower and encourage church leaders from around the globe, with delegates in attendance from 73 countries attending various stream sessions in social justice, creative worship and leadership in 2012. In a similar way, our Hillsong Network provided a means for us to share what we’ve learned with targeted, less formal events taking place throughout the year. In 2012 we saw positive growth in all aspects of our Training and Education, ranging from an increase in new enrollments and retentions of current students in our Hillsong College, to an increase in Hillsong Conference delegate. Most noteable growth for the year though, came from our Hillsong Collected blog, where a focused effort to keep content fresh and varied saw blog visitors increase by 56%. Hillsong Conference 21,576 delegates from 73 different countries. Representing 21+ denominations 2012 vs 2011 Delegates: 18% growth Hillsong Conference 2012 Tourism & Local Economy Impact In 2012, there were 9,240 conference visitors that traveled to Sydney from outside of NSW to take part in the event injecting approximately 18.8 million dollars into the local economy. The figures below are based on 9,240 delegates staying for five days during the event and an additional three days in Sydney; Total economic impact by interstate & overseas delegates $18,840,400 15.7% 5.8% 51% 1.6% 2% 0.9% 23% Package/Flights/Tour - 23% Shopping - 1.6% Accommodation - 51% Entertainment - 2% Food and Drink - 15.7% Other Expend - 0.9% Transport - 5.8% Hillsong Conference encourages and actively supports event visitors from outside of Sydney by providing a range of services including VISA assistance, translation of sessions and referrals to inbound travel operators, tours and hire companies. There have been 107 nations represented over the years at the event. In 2012, those countries best represented by delegates were: Singapore New Zealand USA Indonesia Papua New Guinea New Caledonia Brazil Malaysia Japan Canada Hillsong International Leadership College Total Full-Time Students: 1,390 25 Students completing courses Y in: Certificate IV Diploma Advance Diploma 68 Years of Hillsong College in Sydney Countries Represented in Student Body In addition to our full-time students, we have many others studying in our Hillsong Performing Arts Academy and part-time Faithworks and Extension Colleges Network Events Colour Conference: 125 network churches represented Kids Curriculum Hillsong Conference: 208 network churches represented Monthly Kids Ministry Program 4,728 total monthly programs utilised by other churches in 2012 Open House: 28 network churches represented Collected Blog Third most visited Hillsong website. 1,333,134 views 487,215 visitors He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:3 ESV Celebrating Arts & Culture The knowledge of God and the Message of Jesus Christ continues to inspire creative expression. Hillsong gives great focus to communicating the Gospel through worship music, film, and television. Songs written at Hillsong Church are sung in churches across the globe. Hillsong Television is aired over 180 nations. In 2012, both UNITED & Hillsong Live toured across the USA. Hillsong Live held live worship nights in 15 different cities across the nation from Boston to San Antonio, and UNITED featured as key guests at Passion Conference, One Conference and Winterfest. Hillsong Music & Television New Releases in 2012: Hillsong Live: Cornerstone & We Have A Saviour (Christmas Album). Hillsong UNITED: Live In Miami (recorded live at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida, USA) Brian & Bobbie: Living In The Grace Zone (Teaching); Healthy Homes (Teaching); Awake, Arise & Shout It Louder (Teaching). Shine: Revised edition released for Shine Girl and Shine Women. Strength: Developed and released. 12 month Kids Curriculum: The final three months of the kids curriculum 12 month pack were completed and released to churches around the globe. This curriculum is a multi-media training resource for children’s ministries. Cornerstone Reached #2 on ARIA Charts Cornerstone is the highest debuting song on the USA CCLI charts 24 years of music with over 13 million albums sold. 1st Christian band to sell out the Los Angeles Staples Center Translated into over 60 languages 22 Albums 13 Albums Over 25,000,000 people song Hillsong songs in churches weekly. Cornerstone Reached #1 on iTunes in Australia New Zealand, Sweden and others & #3 on iTunes USA. 3,300,000 Followers 1,700,000 Followers 446,000 Followers 111,000 Followers Hillsong Global Project In 2012 we launched the Hillsong Global Project. These albums were recorded in partnership with other ministries and our global campuses in 9 languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesian, Korean, Mandarin, French, German, Swedish and Russian 4,086 Prayer requests submitted through Hillsong TV. 20% of all songs sung in churches across the USA were written by Hillsong writers. (source CCLI) Hillsong TV aired in over 180 countries with 10,000,000+ people viewing per week. Financial Information The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 31 December 2012 2012 ($) 2011 ($) 71,366,039 67,789,197 (37,352,812) (37,270,558) (5,140,587) (4,871,917) Bible College (7,787,170) (7,438,510) Conferences (7,311,191) (7,390,643) Campuses facilities and maintenance (7,039,133) (7,453,577) Other expenses (4,503,017) (4,406,465) Surplus/(deficit) from operations 2,232,129 (1,042,473) 306,991 301,456 2,539,120 (741,017) - - 2,539,120 (741,017) Total Revenue Church and other benevolent activities Resources Financial income Net surplus/(deficit) available for church and ministry projects Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended 31 December 2012 Settled sum Retained surplus Total ($) ($) ($) 50 10,629,507 10,629,557 - 2,539,120 2,539,120 Balance at 31 December 2012 50 13,168,627 13,168,677 Balance at 1 January 2011 Net deficit for the year 50 11,370,524 11,370,574 - (741,017) (741,017) Balance at 31 December 2011 50 10,629,507 10,629,557 Balance at 1 January 2012 Net surplus for the year The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia Statement of Financial Position As at 31 December 2012 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Other assets Total current assets 2012 ($) 8,880,711 3,967,569 995,717 150,979 13,994,976 2011 ($) 11,085,843 4,500,296 768,313 207,794 16,562,246 Non-current assets Other receivables Property, plant and equipment Total non-current assets TOTAL ASSETS 13,280,073 6,619,337 19,899,410 33,894,386 9,346,076 6,152,733 15,498,809 32,061,055 Current liabilities Bank overdraft Trade and other payables Employee benefits Other Total current liabilities 3,582 11,268,012 2,274,847 5,690,774 19,237,215 11,271,632 1,923,145 6,430,756 19,625,533 Non-current liabilities Other payables Employee benefits Total non-current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS 22,855 1,465,639 1,488,494 20,725,709 13,168,677 619,749 1,186,216 1,805,965 21,431,498 10,629,557 Accumulated funds Retained surplus Settled sum TOTAL ACCUMULATED FUNDS 13,168,627 50 13,168,677 10,629,507 50 10,629,557 The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 31 December 2012 Cash flow from operating activities Cash receipts in the course of operations Cash payments to suppliers and employees Interest received Net cash provided by operating activities 2012 ($) 2011 ($) 71,728,177 66,828,620 (67,426,209) (61,921,030) 306,991 301,456 4,608,959 5,209,046 (2,341,497) (1,556,888) Cash flow from investing activities Payments for property, plant and equipment Proceeds from the sale of equipment 54,715 66,592 Net cash used in investing activities (2,286,782) (1,490,296) (4,414,753) (30,118) Cash flow from financing activities Loans to related parties Repayments from related parties Loans from related parties Repayments to related parties Net cash (used in)/provided by financing activities 480,756 100 (596,994) (4,530,891) 1,491,920 91,715 (1,139,853) 413,664 4,132,414 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (2,208,714) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 11,085,843 6,953,429 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 8,877,129 11,085,843 The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia Notes to the summary financial statements 1 Basis of preparation The summary financial statements are derived from the combined financial report of The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia for the year ended 31 December 2012. This report presents the aggregation of the entities which undertake the religious, educational, welfare and development activities of those related entities comprising The Activities of Hillsong Church Australia, being: • • • • • • • Hillsong Church Ltd Hillsong Foundation Trust Hillsong CityCare Ltd Hillsong Media and Performing Arts Inc Hillsong Aid & Development Ltd Hillsong Limited Life Aid Australia Ltd Hillsong Aid & Development Ltd ceased trading as at 31 December 2012. The combined financial report has been prepared for distribution to the members of each of the related entities identified above. The combined financial report complies with the measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards and Australian Accounting Standards, except AASB 127 ‘Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements’. The combined financial report is not prepared on the basis of the identification of a head entity and the consolidation of all of the entities it controls or controlled during the financial period. The combined financial report comprises the aggregate of the financial statements of those related entities as at and for the period ended 31 December each year which undertake charitable initiatives within the geographic region of Australia identified above. The common directors of each of the related entities identified above have prepared the financial report in accordance with the disclosure requirements of AASB 101 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’, AASB 107 ‘Statement of Cash Flow’, AASB 1031 ‘Materiality’ and AASB 1048 ‘Interpretation and Application of Accounting Standards’. For more detailed information and understanding, these summary financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited combined financial report.