Farra News 18 - Easter 2012


Farra News 18 - Easter 2012
Contents Page
Heads Welcome
One year on and new windows
OFSTED news and Sunderland Young Achievers
New staff at Farra
New head boy/girl and Youth Elections
City Sings—we won!
One Night Only—Creative Arts
Footloose and lost property
Pool, skate and maths
Community Day
Nurture coffee afternoon
Co-operative learning
Cloud, quit, charity—lets celebrate!
ASP Dept News
ASP Dept News cont ...
Farringdon Primary
Mill Hill Primary School
East Herrington Primary School
East Herrington Primary School cont ...
Bede VI Form College
Bede VI Form College cont ...
Geography weather study
Liverpool trip
Our own Y9 Author
World Book Day
Reading to dogs
Book reviews
A trip to London trip
Film reviews
More Sport
Even More Sport (!)
Any yes—more sport!
Jokes and apps
A Chibi Comic for Easter
How to draw a manga girl
Book reviews 2
Puzzles for You!
Page 1
Easter 2012
Welcome to our
Welcome to the Easter edition of Farra
News! I thought that it would be hard to
match our last edition but yet again our
students have proved me wrong and
come up with another bumper edition of
news from this wonderful school.
It was wonderful to receive the letter from OFSTED indicating that due to our sustained improvement and excellent
results our inspection (which was due last term) has now
been deferred until the Summer Term of 2013 at the earliest. It’s always nice to blow your own trumpet and even
better to have someone else do it for you!! Hence our further delight when we were informed that we had been
named in the Top Performing Secondary Schools list for the
second year running.
We have been recognised for our achievements by the Minister of State of Education, Nick Gibb, who wrote to us congratulating the school on being in the Top 100 most improved schools in the country over the last four years.
Welcome: Mr Kemp
This latest accolade also brought considerable press interest with newspaper and radio articles praising the achievements of our young people and several of our students were broadcast on Radio Newcastle.
Further highlights from this term were:
• Our choir, Farracappella, won the Sunderland Sings competition at the Empire Theatre.
• Our Year 7 girls’ football team have qualified for the final of the five a side competition on March
24th. If they win they will represent Sunderland Football Club at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium in May.
• We have submitted our application form for an Artsmark Award. This is really exciting as the
school has a brilliant track record in the Creative & Performing Arts.
• We are coordinating a Sunderland Schools Olympic Torch relay (June 11th – 13th) which will involve 102 schools across the city.
• Emily Piercy, Y9, won the Academic Achievement award at the prestigious Sunderland Young
Achievers Awards (March 8th). Six other Farringdon students won awards: Connor Brown (Year 8),
Kris Hayes, Kate Ferguson, Kirsty Barraclough, Sally McDonald, Rachel Hill (Year 10) – congratulations to all of you!
• The building has had a facelift, the new windows and fascias have renovated the tired 1950s exterior. Further improvements have been made to the changing rooms at the pool and some repairs
to carpets in several rooms. We are planning lots more improvements to our school and will be involving the students – watch this space!
• Community Day (February 10th) was very successful with students learning about health issues,
renewable energies, college placements and Olympic values – never a
dull moment!
We have raised nearly £1000 for charities over the last few weeks and
there is still Sports Relief to come!
These and many other stories are covered over the following pages.
May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Easter, thank you for
Howard Kemp
supporting our school and happy reading!
Easter 2012
1 year on, Mr Kemp tells us his
thoughts on Farra ...
Can you believe it? It's over a year for Mr Kemp
as our head teacher. He started at Farringdon in
January 2011. Mr Kemp has made lots of
changes throughout Farringdon, such as new
windows which you can read about below, repairing the roof and more. To find out how he felt
after a year, we asked Mr Kemp if we could have
an interview.
Mr Kemp told us when he first got the job he was
surprised and delighted as there were a lot of
strong candidates. He feels Farringdon is the
right place for him and he is happy to work with
such wonderful students. He told us he has lots of
exciting things planned for the school. He also
said students and teachers are the ‘heartbeat’ of
the school! He told us he likes the way BFL is
run as students who work hard should be rewarded, those that misbehave should face the
consequences. He told us he wanted to make a
difference and help make dreams come true! Mr
Kemp says he likes being a head teacher - in fact
it's the best job in the world. He went on to say it's
a special school, the relationships between the
students and teachers are very strong. He told
us that he finds parents very supportive - He
would like to thank them for helping the school
bring out the best in our young people. Mr Kemp
says he would be confident about OFSTED coming into school soon but at the moment OFSTED
think we are so good that they are now not coming in till Summer 2013—this is a good feeling
and we will definitely be ready when they come!
Wicked New Windows!!
WINDOWS: Workmen in action and the ‘new look’
Windows (below)
Throughout the year many things have been in
action, including new windows in A block—
which are starting look great, and make a real
difference to the building—its so hot now that
teachers are even having to open the windows
in the winter!
Also workmen are improving the roof over the
assembly hall and PE by making it so it is water
proof, as we have had some issues in the past
with leaks and the roof, but now that it is water
proof there will be no more issues!
Easter 2012
Ofsted? Not Yet!!
As most of you will know we usually have one week where OFSTED
comes in and inspects the school , walking and around and visiting classrooms to see if we are a successful school or not. Normally we have our
inspections every three years (the last inspection was in December 2008)
however Sue Gregory HMI has told Farringdon that the school doesn’t
need to have this just yet as we have made improvements year on year
for the last three years since our last visit, therefore the next Ofsted report
will not be until summer 2013 (unless we receive information that causes the inspection to be earlier)
What a Result!!!
Farra in the News!
Farringdon have been in the news a lot this term! As you’ll read
on page 7 we have had major success with City Sings. Back in
January we featured with an article about funding for sports
clubs and just this month we did and interview on BBC Radio
Newcastle talking about our success and continued improvement
over the last few years, there was also an article about this
in the Echo on the same day—we take our fame seriously!
Sunderland’s Young Achievers
Farringdon School was once again well represented at this
months annual Sunderland Young Achievers Awards:
The following students were recognised for their fantastic
Year 9 - Emily Piercy (pictured) - Winner of the Academic
Achievement Awards - 11-14 years
Year 8 - Connor Brown - A members of the Blue Watch Youth
Centre Coast 2 Coast team that won the Group Sports category
Year 10 - Kristopher Hayes - Highly Commended in the
Young Volunteer Category - 11-14 years
Arts - Kate Ferguson, Kirsty Barraclough, Sally McDonald,
Rachel Hill all formed part of the winning Youth Arts Exhibition
2011. A big well done to them all!
Easter Facts!
The act of painting eggs is traditionally called Pysanka
In the UK, children receive on average 8.8 chocolate
Easter eggs every year
38% of kids are unaware of the traditional reason for
eating eggs at Easter
43% of kids eat their first chocolate egg before Easter
58% of children consider chocolate eggs the most
important part of Easter
Bunnys: Because they’re cute and it is Easter!!!
Easter 2012
It’s great to work at Farra!
Farringdon has 2 teachers who have almost been with us for their first full year, these teachers
are Miss Pringle and Miss Scott. Miss Pringle started at Farringdon in September 2011, and is
teaching English, you wouldn’t think she has just been working as a teacher since September,
as she has great teaching skills, and does her job really well keeping us all in line! Miss Pringle
knows all of the rules of Farringdon and how to use them! Miss Scott started in September at
Farringdon too, but she also did her teacher training here, so has been here even longer.
Miss Pringle told us she was very excited because she was lucky enough to get the job back
when she was interviewed and she loves teaching English. She is very comfortable after teaching for 7 months at Farringdon. She us she likes how the staff
are very welcoming and supportive, and the pupils always
want to learn more! Although the school is very old the inside
is much better. Miss Pringle went onto say one things she
thinks could be better is she thinks all teachers should have
phones in their room to ring Heads of Year or department for
support instead of leaving lessons. Miss Pringle also told us
she wanted to inspire children to love English as well as her.
She said she loves teaching, but it is very tiring at times but it
is very rewarding when your pupils do well. She felt the small
changes in the school are improving the building making it look
better. Miss Pringle told us she is very nervous of OFSTED
visiting soon, as it would be her first time but she will be
pleased when it’s over (like the
rest of us we bet she is delighted it will be Summer 2012!) MISS PRINGLE: new to the English
MISS SCOTT: our new Science
Moving on ... Miss Scott told us
she was excited to finally be teaching Science, something she
has always wanted to do, as she loves experiments, She said
she enjoys working with the staff and pupils here as everyone is
really friendly. She did comment on one thing that drove her
mad and that was mobile phones being out in lessons, but she
did say they can come in very handy if used correctly to take
photos of the cool things made in lessons. She wants pupils to
realise just how many cool things that can be done with Science. For example, I she used to research sharks and did
some of her degree out in Egypt diving in the red sea … but you
could be a fighter pilot, astronaut or zoo keeper. There are so
many opportunities including being a Science teacher!!
We hope they both stay for a long time and enjoy their careers.
Easter 2012
New Head Boy and Girl
As you all will know, a few weeks back, we were all given the
opportunity to vote for our new head girl. As our new head boy
had already been chosen, Jonathon Foggin, many of you will
have heard of him, and he was the only boy that went in for
this spectacular opportunity. However, the two girls who went
in for this opportunity were, Megan Brown, and also Savannah
Lindley-Richardson. Overall, the votes were rather close, as
they waited in the Learning zone with much tension surrounding them. The votes came to an overall of 77 to 81. So to make
it official, your new head girl is now Megan Brown, as SavanSUCCESSFUL: Megan Brown and Jonathon
nah lost out by only 4 votes. As people have already said, it’s
Foggin pictured when they were in Y7
the closest that its ever been before. However Savannah has
still been given the opportunity to take on another role for the school too, as an ambassador, and of
which she has accepted. So now, if you ever see either Megan Brown or Jonathon Foggin around
school, please take the chance to wish them both a congratulations.
Youth Parliament
During the week starting March 5th all students
had the chance to vote in the Sunderland Youth
parliament elections. All our students visited the
dining hall and cast their vote in an official election.
The election was open to students living is
Sunderland. There are 21 students from year 6
upwards standing for election.
Raegan Armstrong who is currently one of our
Y9 students stood for election and we wished
her every success. She came 6th out of everyone standing and although she didn’t win a
place overall (top 4 candidates) she did incredibly well.
Students vote
for youth
Easter 2012
Singing for the School
and the City
On Sunday 26 February Farracapella our
school choir went to the Empire to perform
in the city sings 12 different schools from
primary and secondary schools battled out
to win this singing competition. The category was gold for to match the theme of the
Olympics 2012 that will be in London. The
Choir rehearsed very hard so they would
sound good, and all this paid off, because
they beat 5 other schools and won the open
choir category and £300. Abby Brown, 7B
said “I enjoyed hearing the other choirs perform and singing the songs making them
our own mash up.” The choir sang two
songs, Black and Gold and a folk song
VICTORY: Farracapella get awarded the £300 cheque
called “The Waters of Tyne”. The choir had
the help of Josh Astill, the beat boxer and Jordan Stoker, rapper. The Night was a huge success and
was enjoyed by all. We are sure they’ll be performing again soon on a stage near you!!
Mill Hill flash Mob
On the 28th of February seven Y11 students, Karley Craig, Hannah Scrafton, Bethany Turnbull,
Ashleigh Foster, Shauna Swain, Nicole Smith and Danielle Anderson went to Mill Hill Primary to prepare to lead their Y5 students in Mill Hills first ever Flash Mob. They had to create, choreograph and
teach the routine to the primary students in a 1 1/2 hour workshop and then travelled to Mill Hill lead
a final rehearsal and then perform with them in the school yard. The performance was a huge success with the majority of the primary school rushing to watch and even join in with some of the
moves! Many teachers and other support staff also came out to see this totally unexpected addition
to an otherwise normal sunny afternoon break time. The Flash mob concluded to huge applause and
received many positive comments such as "that was wicked" and "Awesome!". Both Farringdon and
Mill Hill students got a huge amount out of the workshop and performance and we hope to be able to
continue to work closely together on such projects in the future.
The Young Americans
On Monday 12th March 14 students took part in the Young
Americans at the Empire. On Saturday 10th the students went to
Venderable Bede And started the Young Americans workshop,
The workshop continued on the Sunday after and they performed
their work on the Monday night at the Empire. The students who
took part were: Stacey Porter, Ruby Johnson, Pheobe Johnson
Beth McGuiness, Charlotte Gibson, Stephanie Crewe, Elena
Tait, Lucy Thompson, Abby Brown, Julia Williams, Kevin Clinton,
Connor Hanson and Fleur Griffiths and Amber Peters.
LOGO: The young Americans
Easter 2012
One Night Only
On Thursday the 8th of March
2012, the school held a performing arts night in the main hall. Students from Media, Art, Music,
dance and Performing Arts came
along to show off their work and
The night was opened by the
schools fantastic rock band, who
meet up every Thursday night to
practice their music. They opened
the show with the songs I love
Rock and Roll, Use Somebody
and Come Together.
Following on from rock band, the
Stunning year 10 dance crew
performed a great street dance
routine. It was easy to tell that
a lot of hard work and practice
went into it!
After that-Y8 media student Amy
Watson presented the trailers that
her class made to the audience,
and following after came another
amazing dance act from Y11. Finally from act one, four students:
Crew, Amber Peters and per-
formed a scene from Alice in wonderland with a twist.
After the interval, Act 2 started,
with the year 10 BTEC band which is made up of who performed the songs Dance, Dance
by Fall out Boy, Smells like teen
Spirit by Nirvana and California
Girls by Katy Perry. During the
song California Girls two Y7 dancers, Connor Hanson and Kevin
Clinton also joined the band
onstage and performed a routine,
this was the first collaboration of
music and dance that this school
has ever had! The night continued, showcasing more of the
schools dance, media and musicincluding our school choir who
won City Sings this year (see how
many more times we mention this
through our newsletter—not that
we are proud or anything!!)
It was a fantastic night and something that Creative Arts hope to
repeat every year from now on.
Arts Mark Award
Farringdon school has applied for the Arts Mark award,
which means that the school will receive a special mark
stating that is it has a real strength in creative subjects.
The person who assessed the school met with pupils who
spoke about what they did within the department including
writing newsletter, the student were:
- Nathan Gaffney and Lauren Scrafton
- Stacy Porter and Connor Harrison
- Emily Piercy,Amber Peters and Ben Robinson
- Georgia Roberts, Leah Cadler and Isaac Burwood
- Sarah Barton, Jasmine Mustard and Connor Peverly
We know when she left she was very pleased with what
she saw and now we just have to wail till May to see if we
were successful—fingers crossed!
Some of the students performing on
the night—more photos hopefully
on the website soon ...
Anti DV Pitch
A group of eight students have continued
to Work on their anti-domestic violence
pitch. With the help of Kelly Henderson
and Vicki Kennedy, they are now prepared to show their idea to Counsellor
Gibson-and are aiming to get funding in
order to create the campaign professionally. On community Day, the whole group
filmed a rough cut of the ad to show at
the pitch. It is a really difficult issue and
the student are showing great maturity in
their handling of it.
Easter 2012
Footloose is about dancing—a group of young people have gathered at their favourite dance club to unwind
and say goodbye to Ren McCormack. Ren's father has walked out, so he and his mother are forced to move
in with her sister's family in a small town nobody has ever heard of called Beaumont. Ren, a keen dancer, is
stunned to learn that dancing is not allowed anywhere in the city. His new friends explain that this law dates
back five years to a car accident that claimed the lives of four Beaumont teenagers, including the local Reverend's son. In the flood of grief and guilt that followed that tragedy, Rev Moore managed to convince the
town council to ban dancing. The only person not bothered by the control is the Rev’s daughter, Ariel. One
night Ren walks Ariel home and they find they have a lot in common. But Rev Moore forbids Ariel to see Ren
again, citing him as a troublemaker. Ren vows to "take on the town" and incites a revolution by his classmates to throw a dance. After much arguing, face-offs with the teens and a struggle with his conscience,
Rev Moore announces to his parishioners that he has had a change of heart - that in fact a dance might be a
good idea. And so, for the first time in years, the young people of Beaumont are able to dance freely, and as
everyone joins in, the evening becomes not only a celebration and "Everybody Cut Footloose!"
Mr Turns would like people to check out lost
property in student services if they’ve lost something. It gets very full and he wants the space
back!! Miss Hughes has a few of lost property in
the Library. Mr turns says “each term we get a
variety of items handed in from jewellery to clothing. Most items are claimed but we do get quite
a number of things
unclaimed which are usually sorted and redistributed year managers to use or it is given to charity.” The pencil case and key is from the Library
and the middle picture is everything from the
The issue of dropping litter is something we take seriouisly on
our years and in the community—here is a poster designed by
one of the news team in Geography recently.
Easter 2012
Plans for Construction
The School Swimming Pool Improvements ...
The Construction pupils have been at it again,
‘re-vamping’ another area in the school. At the
beginning of this year they helped convert the
old multi-gym at the back of the hall into a classroom for the PE department. They’ve now been
helping to modernise the swimming pool chang-
ing rooms by removing old tiles, replacing them
with new ones and doing some grouting. The
changing rooms are also going to be painted
and new floors laid to make them a much better
environment for every-one. Great stuff!
Above and to the left are pictures of the students who help fix the
toilets of the swimming pool and worked on the multi-gym as well
as planning to go and re-tile the floor in the changing rooms and
are going to paint the walls as well.
Hopefully our pool will look so much more inviting in no time at all.
A Model Skate Park
Totally from scrap wood we have managed to build a
model skate park in D9—we have managed to incorporate, Maths (measuring and working out area's), English (handwriting all of the work
done) COPE (construction ,painting and decorating) and
shortly to follow MEDIA (our animation is to be filmed using the skate park as a set).
Marvellous Maths
Farringdon students participated in a national maths challenge. The best in Farringdon who got the highest results was
Jane Davies. Congratulations to Jane who
is in Year 9.
These people got Bronze:
Aimee Trewick, Year 9.
Cameron Johnson, Year 9.
Gavin Taylor , Year 10.
Sally McDonald , Year 10.
These people got silvers!:
James Lane, Year 9.
Kate Ferguson, Year 10.
Fletcher Gladden, Year 10.
Easter 2012
Community Spirit!
Back in February we had another Community Day. Here is a summary of what each year group did.
The Y7’s day was all about the Olympics and where it would be held. They were made to create different spots on where it would be, they had a map of London to make sure there was space for it!
They were given information sheets early on in the day and suddenly had to remember them as the
electric cars were shown, and they were quizzed on the information about the cars earlier.
Y8 ‘s day was a blast! There was many activities for us to enjoy, our day had a sporting and getting
healthy theme as you can see in some of the pictures on this page. Judo was one activity, students
would stay in their form groups and play games to do with judo. This was one of the most fun activities. I interviewed Courtney Porteous and Megan Keogh who said:
‘I enjoyed it because not just the lesson was full on fun games, but the instructor was really funny!’
Another favourite was table tennis, many people had a laugh and found a new sport they were good
at. Finally most people had a tri-athalon to do, swimming, rowing and running. This wasn’t a fun activity for some people as they didn’t very much enjoy running, but some loved it! The swimming was
sadly cancelled and no one got to do it, but it was fun competing! The day was fun and every one
enjoyed it.
FOOTBALL CRAZY: Fun on the football court!
Year 9, 10 and 11
The focus of the day for Y9
was ‘staying safe’. The day
consisted of a number of sessions ranging from Cyber bullying to Safe Sex Education.
The students coped really well
with the sessions and found
the information thought provoking and interesting. The
Tennis: The remaining competiY10’s were all split into different classes and rooms with RBS and they tors, the pressure is on!
had to do a challenge to design their own café. They had to design the
shop choosing from the Argos catalogue with their £5000 budgets. It was a long day and quite a
challenge working together in such large groups but those who tried hard really got something out of
it. Finally Y11 went onto a trip to Gateshead Community College and had a nice visit round the art
gallery, seeing the wonderful world of college. They also spent invaluable time in the afternoon back
at school writing their CV’s for their leavers profiles.
Rock Skool Rocks!
“If you have an idea for a business, I’d wholly recommend that
you go to the BIC and talk to one of the advisers about it, no
matter how crazy you think it sounds. They really know how to
help put your ideas into place – our initial plan for Rock Skool
went from being a dream to a reality, in six weeks!” Lisa
French, Herrington Rock Skool.
Rockskool put on a showcase night at Farringdon
TALENT: Kris Foster (ex-student ) and Mr Andrews outside
Social Club and gave away the money taken to six Rock Skool
(6) very lucky young people; they each received ten
free lessons at the Rockskool. Luke Rostron, Y7, won 10 free lessons at rockskool along with 5 other
performers. And on the night, Luke and Chloe Stirzaker, Y7, gave outstanding performances doing
a duet ,vocals and guitar. Students past and present performed to a very high standard and did
themselves proud, it was an excellent night. We also have a CD from that night’s performance on
sale at the Rockskool.
Easter 2012
Coffee Afternoon—
hot off the presses!!
Students from Year 7, 8 and 9 from green pathways came along to the coffee afternoon on our
day of publication. The staff at Farringdon who
teach those pathways were raising money for
something called Sunderland Royal Neo-Natal
Unit. We asked Mrs Lowthian and Mrs Watson
that run the coffee afternoons about their opinion
about what they think about the coffee afternoon,
they said “ We always have a good turn out, staff
are very supportive, if they can’t donate money
they have been bringing in biscuits and more”
The staff have decided to sell cakes, biscuits to
green pathways on break times, dinner times till
June to raise more money for the charity.
HAVING FUN From top left clockwise, pouring drinks,
chit chat, cheese, don't eat too much, yummy party rings,
slurp—what shall I have now!!!
Easter 2012
Co-operative Learning
Co-operative learning is a strategy used to get all children from Farringdon interacting with one and
other through their learning by playing fun game together. New strategies have just been realised to
make it even more fun than it was before. Ebonny Cavanagh Y7 pupil said ”The thing I like about cooperative learning is that we get an opportunity to up out of our seats and are able to share idea’s
with other people. My favourite type is ‘Find the Fibs’ as they are really fun to do in French!” and one
of the assistant heads of Farringdon, Ms Reay thinks that” Co-operative Learning is great because it
means that students get a real chance to talk about their learning and to make progress together. It
follows four principles- or, as we like to call it, PIES:
positive interdependence (we depend upon each to learn in a positive way. We have responsibility for our own and others’ learning)
Individual accountability (we are all accountable for our own learning and our group’s learning)
Equal participation (we all get an equal chance to take part in lessons- the people who always have their hand up don’t ‘hog’ the learning)
Simultaneous interaction (if a teacher’s asked a question or set a task, all the groups work on
it, or talk about it at the same time. This means time is not wasted and we get more out of
our lessons)”
Co-operative Learning is fun. It means that questions, tasks and activities can be done in fun and
exciting ways. It’s popular with students and staff. Here are just a few of the strategies:
Easter 2012
Cloud computing, charities
no-smoking and celebration!
Farringdon have been asked to take part in a pilot scheme with 2 other
schools in Sunderland to trial Cloud computing. Hopefully you are all familiar with the concept? Basically it will allow a user to access all of their programs and data from any device which is connected to the Internet. The
benefits are great as far as improving ICT facilities in our school and for
pupils having access to any of their work in any place, time and on almost
any device i.e. PC, laptop, tablet PC, smart phone or iPod.
From June to the end of term we are participating in a Pilot scheme with
BT and other ICT companies looking at "Cloud Computing". This will allow
160 users to access and use their school work and programs from any device connected to the Internet. Devices such as their PCs and laptops to tablets such as iPads, smart phones and
even some iPods. The 160 users in the pilot will include some staff and some targeted groups of students from
ICT and other subject areas. There are 2 other Sunderland schools involved in this: Portland School and Grange
town Primary. If the trial is successful, the "Proof of Concept" is positive and the cost is favourable then all
schools in the authority could sign up for this.
A list of students were
called to the Cyber Café
recently to meet with the
school nurses to see if we
could help them stop smoking. The nurses will also be
in the yard at break on Friday for all students. The
nurses told pupils about the
risks of smoking to their
bodies and offered them
support to quit.
A charity non-uniform day
recently raised - £521.76 for
Help the Heroes. Chris Marley’s an ex-student who
spoke to us in assembly is
taking up an Arctic Challenge which will raise
money for Help the Heroes,
we’re glad so many people donated to support him.
Mr Kemp decided to reward all of those students in each year group who
give something back to the school by always working their hardest or by
being involved in clubs or activities. The Y7 winning crowd are pictured
with their certificates and Easter eggs. Well done you deserve them!
Easter 2012
A.S.P. News
What is autism?
My name is Chelsea Louise Jobling I
have a rare autism and I am going to
tell you all about it. Some of you may
not know what autism is, there are
many different types of autism and I
am going to tell you about each one
there are ASD, short for autism spectrum disorder, AS is short for autism
spectrum, ASC is short for autism spectrum condition and finally AS is short for aspergers Syndrome.
These are my friends with autism
The Autism Spectrum Is...
Some people with autism are very clever and others have learning difficulties.
Like everyone else we are all different.
It might mean that we…
Don't always behave the same way as yourself and
We don't always understand what has been said.
We don't understand our feelings.
We may find taking turns more difficult then others.
We don't always know what is acceptable behaviour.
We may have special interests.
You can help by being a friend
If you help by being a friend you can understand more about autism. Many of us
have autism we just don't know that we do, so if you want to learn more you just
have to see Ms Holt and Ms Allan tin our base as they know every thing about autism that there is to know. Or you can help by—making sure your language is
clear and saying exactly what you mean. Allowing us some quiet time if we need
it. Encouraging us when we are doing well.
Friends with Autism
Me and my friend Emma are both autistic so we understand
each other, we help each other with our work, like she
helped me with this article for example. Emma is the best
friend anyone could ask for, some time me and Emma go
outside of school and hang out with each other to the cinema to see funny movies.
Easter 2012
People with severe Autism
Hi! I'm Emma and I have a brother who has
severe autism. He is called Mark, also I
have a friend named Rebecca who has
both a brother and sister with autism too
and I’m going to tell you about people with
autism like Mark. He can talk a little and
when he asks for something he usually
says ‘Mark wants apple pie’ or whatever
he’s after. He also can shout things he tries
to run off lots, he is very strong too. He
loves Thomas the Tank Engine and repetitive things. People with severe autism can
seem very different, because they find it
very hard to communicate and this can also
be very hard to cope with. Many of them I
know can’t really talk properly, but others
like Mark’s friend Nathan sadly can’t talk at
all and probably never will. Most autistic
people like to play and fiddle with things,
spin things and bounce. (especially watching things like Thomas the Tank Engine
(that’s very popular with them.) Most find it
very hard to talk like Mark or can’t even talk
at all. They usually use something called a
‘pex book’ to help them tell other people
what that want. They look through it, find
what they want and put it in front of the
photo of them and the wants. You need to
be patient and calm while looking after
them and have to explain things slowly.
Here is a poem I wrote about my brother a
while ago, (this also tells you a bit about
people with severe autism.)
My brother is autistic.
We find it very hard to communicate with him.
Even in the yard, he sometimes scratches or hits me.
Even though he isn’t mean.
For he doesn't understand how or what being “mean,” means.
AUTISM: My brother, Mark
My brother is autistic, even though we are not the same
And just because of that, no one really is to blame.
My brother is autistic and as special as can be.
I love him loads and cherish him.
He means the world to
My brother is autistic, and I would like to say
I try to be very patient when things don’t go his way.
Sometimes he wants to bounce when the weather is very bad.
Or maybe asks for soft play when things are planned for the day.
He sometimes throws a tantrum and can get so very angry. He
may end up throwing things.
Even hit you, scratch you or push you.
So this is from me to all, with someone in their family,
That has severe autism.
Please be calm and patient. Never push them too far.
As they don’t see the world in the same eyes as we do.
Please try to be understanding, and enter their world too.
Easter 2012
Each edition we ask our primary schools to contribute news to our newsletter. This edition we got
to work with two of our three feeders when they came to use for an afternoon. It’s fab to see so
many talented young journalists who will definitely be on the News Team when they do come to
Farringdon in the future (they won’t have a choice ... We won’t let them escape!)
Derwent Dazzling Days
On Friday
10th February, Y6 were on a lifetime
trip to Derwent Hill. We are
going to this fabulous trip
because our teachers believed that we worked very
hard towards this.
Nine o'clock struck, it was
time to go to school. Everyone
was so excited for the biggest
moment of there life! As time
went, the bus had arrived for
our travel. Unfortunately,
some of the teachers
had to travel there by
car which meant that
there was no humour on
the bus. Soon it was
time and the bus had
stopped to our next
point. The moment had
come, we had to pull our
suitcases up the big
bank. The house was
massive exactly like a
mansion. Everyone was
screaming and shouting so
loud that no one could even
hear themselves think over
the voices. We met our instructors and went to our
dorms. We had to empty out
our suitcases into the boxes
and put the sheets on our
beds,. It was hard work! There
was several activities throughout this weekend for us to do.
Our weekend was phenomenal and a great experience.
We really enjoyed it!
BEAUTIFUL: Derwent Hill House
By Rhiann and Molly
Easter 2012
Lovely Laptops
Y6 have been testing some new
Netbooks that might be given out
to the whole school. These little
laptops can be used in our classroom without any wires or chargers its because Mr Daglish (the computer expert)
says that the ICT Suite should be given a rest and
to many people want to go in. The Y6 pupils think
that they are incredible and are brilliant to have! But
pupils have been warned if people are not being
sensible with them they might get taken away! So,
be sensible and enjoy them while you can! “I think
they are very good and interesting!” quoted Chloe
Towers. We are very glad that we have these Netbooks and are very lucky to have them! By Amy
Wonderful World
Mill Hill Primary School brought in their favourite book for world book day. Some year
groups like year 5 went to Reception to read
to them however, year 6 went to the Nursery
to read. On the same day the choir sang to
parents because it was the fair trade coffee
afternoon. Y6 sat in a circle and told us about
there book after that we drew a picture of the
book but it had to be different to the one on
the front cover after we did that Mr Hair
picked a winner and the winning person gets
a prize.
The best thing about world book day is that
everyone enjoyed it and had fun. “I think that
world book day was different and unusual to
what we normally do” quoted by Amy Beck
on the hand I thought it was amazing because it is something new and you get to
read to different people and you can have
fun. By Chloe
NETBOOKS: Pupils learn to use new laptops
Fabulous fair-trade
COFFEE: Pupils provide entertainment for this
Recently, on the 1st March 2012, we held a fair-trade
coffee afternoon to raise money for charities. The
school did this to give farmers the money they deserve. The school choir sang a few songs, one of
which was Love can Build a Bridge. While they did
this the parents who came to watch drank some fairtrade coffee. After the choir sang everyone could go
and look at the stall which had fair-trade things that
you could buy. If your parent came to watch you
could go home early and a lot of the pupils were
pleased to hear this! We raised around £300 for the
charities that we were giving the money to.
By Hannah Oxley
Daring Derwent Hill... On the 19th of March 25 children went to Derwent Hill. We found out in December
that we were going. The names were picked out of a
bag all the girls that wanted to go got picked out so
that meant twelve of the boys had to stay at school.
On the 20th of February we had a meeting about Derwent hill, we found out what we are going to do there.
We’re going to go Canoeing ,gorge walking and the
death swing is available for the daring (I’m definitely
doing it!) . Everyone who is going are very excited
and we have even been counting down the days!
By Niall Urwin
READING: Pupils share stories with nursery students
Easter 2012
A Blast From The Past
At East Herrington Primary
School, Y6 took part in and
made it themselves a Victory in
Europe party to celebrate the
end of their topic of World War Two. They did all
the preparations themselves and the teachers
only gave them ideas. They also created their
own food and made a dance up. The party took
place this term and everyone in year six enjoyed
it. As a member of the party, I knew how much
everyone enjoyed it and how much pupils would
like to have another party. Charlie exclaimed that
the party was highly entertaining and that he had
learned what people would feel like at the end of
the war. “I liked the games, how they were all
WWII style.” Pointed out Emma. The dances
were created by a few pupils from each class
and they were both excellent. On the morning
Shooting Hoops
TEAMWORK: pupils working together
Back in February, a group of Year 6 children went
to Farringdon Community Sports College to compete in a basketball tournament with the Newcastle Eagles. They came third out of schools in the
local area and overall played very well. Before the
tournament the Newcastle Eagles came in to Year
Six to teach us some basic basketball skills. The
children who had the best understanding of the
game and the different tactics were picked to take
part in the tournament. About thirty children were
picked to go and compete. Fortunately, one of our
four teams played well enough to venture forward
into the semi-finals but was sadly knocked out.
Aside from the disappointing defeat, everyone
highly enjoyed the event and learned a handful of
helpful tactics. As a member of the team I thought
the entire experience was very beneficial and I
learnt a great deal of things from the event.
By Charlie
VICTORY: pupils sing war time classics
before the party all the children took part in making the food. It wasn’t the best. All in all everyone
enjoyed it and hope fully teachers will do it next
year as well. By Alice
City Sings
Back in February East Herrington Primary went
to a singing competition called the City Sings.
Some of the schools in Sunderland entered and
competed in the competition. The City Sings is a
competition each year when choirs of different
schools, in Sunderland, sing some songs in front
of the public. It is a competition to see which
choir can sing the best with the songs they
chose. The best singing choir wins a trophy and
a cheque of money. But everyone enters just for
fun and to be on the empire stage in front of
When East Herrington Primary entered the Empire they got sent strait to their dressing rooms.
East Herrington Primary had three rooms, one
for year four, the other for year five and the last
one for year six. The dressing rooms were quite
small but the chairs were comfy. After settling in,
all of the schools went to the main area of the
empire, to do rehearsals. The songs East
Herrington preformed, ain’t no mountain and you
raise me up.
After the rehearsals East Herrington had their
rests before the real competition. When the real
competition came, East Herrington got went
down to the stage to perform. It went brilliantly!
When there performance finished they went
down to their seats and sat down to enjoy some
sweets. When the judges went to count the
votes of all of the choirs’ songs. A fantastic show
of gymnastics surprised us. The votes got
counted and the results came. Casteltown primary won and Farringdon came second. It was
a fantastic night! By Pardis
Easter 2012
Wacky World Book Day
On the 1st March, East
Herrington Primary School
celebrated World Book Day
like many other schools in Sunderland. World
Book Day is celebrated all over the world to
encourage more children to read. Students
were allowed to dress up as their favourite children’s book character. Pupils dressed up as
Smurfs, St. Trinnians and also one pupil decided to dress up as the Queen of Hearts from
Alice In Wonderland. Even the teachers
dressed up as characters from the Roald Dahl
books. Pupils completed World Book Day
based activities. On the morning of the day,
teachers were requested to choose a student
from their class to represent the children in a
Pupil vs. Teacher book quiz. As usual the pupils
were the victorious winners. Y6 child states that
the experience was entertaining. All in all the
children enjoyed the experience and we believe
that this year was the best world book day in
East Herrington Primary School. By Emma
In February Y5 did a bike ability test each class
did it at different times in the month. My class
did it after the February holiday. On Monday the
bike ability people came in and put us into two
groups, sadly I got put in a group away from all
of my class mates. One group did it in the morning and the other in the afternoon I was in the
morning. They took us outside to get our bikes,
you weren’t aloud to ride your bike in the quiet
play area but I sneakily did when they weren’t
looking anyway. They first give us a big boring
lecture about stuff we already know. We first
learnt how to do pedal ready and that took up
most of our time. We then played a game on
our bikes called knock out. Its where you go
through some obstacles and your not aloud to
touch them or stop your bike, the instructors
made them smaller each time I won the first
game and was always one of the near winners.
The next day we went on the rode and did turning left, turning right, and stopping and going at
junctions. Once we had finished this we where
aloud to go wherever we want from a certain
distant, then it was all over. One person said “It
is amazing there is nothing like it!”By Matthew
Going for Gold
WACKY: the pupils showing off their costumes
FUN: pupils go all out for their costumes
Recently East Herrington Primary School
Football team continued their impressive success by reaching the final of the cup.
They tried extremely hard and consequently
won top of the table beating Barnwell 2-1.
Before this we entered a competition that if
we won we would earn an once in a life time
opportunity to attend a
competition at flying
high Arsenal’s home
ground (The Emirates). Baring in mind it
was between every
school in Sunderland
we finished astonishingly 2nd. As a member
for the team I think we
are presently on excellent form. By Sam
Easter 2012
As you may have read in the Christmas edition of Farra News, 2011 was another year of record success for Bede. We’ve stayed top of the A-level league tables for the third year in a row, maintained a
99% pass rate and continued to deliver high quality education that saw us ranked number one in the
region for student satisfaction.
Whether you are in Y9 and are just about to choose your options or in Y11 pupils making final preparations for GCSE exams whilst deciding on the path to take after school, we think
again towards life beyond the school you are about to leave.
Whether that’s going to university, learning a trade or heading straight to work, our
range of A-level, vocational courses and apprenticeships as well as our comprehensive support package can help you reach your full potential.
It’s not too late, please get in touch with the college if we can be of any assistance
in helping you make those vital decisions.
We hope to see you at one of our open evenings soon.
Judith Quinn – Head of Bede Sixth Form at Sunderland College.
Judith Quinn
The college has a wide range of support services in place to help students throughout their time at
College, these include; advice and guidance, tutorial, counseling and many more. In addition, we
have created the Bursary Scheme, our replacement for EMA, designed to help with the cost of attending college. Through this scheme, students could receive up to £1200 a year to cover their transport,meals and other costs. To find out more about the services on offer, call the Welfare Team on
0191 511 6589.
Our High Achievers programmed is designed to help A-level students aiming to get the highest
grades earn a place at a Russell Group* university. The programmed is open to students who get an
average grade B or higher at GCSE. As part of the High Achiever programmed students will take
part in a range of extra activities designed to prepare them for entry to a Russell Group university.
Last year we helped 846 students go on to university with many getting in to institutions such as University College London, Oxford and Cambridge. To find out more about our High Achievers programmed, contact Andrew Calder on 0191 511 6221. *This group consists of 20 establishments that
set very high entry requirements and includes Newcastle, Leeds, Warwick, Oxford and Cambridge.
If you’d like to find out more about Bede Sixth Form or courses at
our other Sunderland College centres why not join us at one of the
open evenings. On the next page is news of where some of Farringdon’s ex-pupils are now going on to university.
Be inspired by education—they were ...
Easter 2012
Farringdon Bede
College Leavers
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
Northumbria University
Teesside University
University of Sunderland
The University of Huddersfield
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
The University of Hull
University of Cumbria
University of Sunderland
University of Cumbria
Teesside university
Durham University
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
Northumbria University
University of Leeds
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
Middlesex University
The University of Liverpool
Teesside University
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
Liverpool John Moores University
Teesside University
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
University of Sunderland
Biomedical Science
Psychology with Sport Science
Sports Coaching
Psychology with Criminology
Criminology and Psychology
Accounting (International)
Outdoor Studies
Business and Management
Outdoor Studies
Civil Engineering
Primary Teaching
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Chemistry with Biomedical Sciences
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Business and Management
Music Practice
Media Production (Video and New
Business and Marketing
Dance Performance
Computer Science
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Computer Science
Business and Management
Sport and Exercise Development
Computer Forensics
History of Art
Civil Engineering
Sports Journalism
Sport Studies
Business and Management
Sports Coaching
Easter 2012
Geography Weather Study
This academic year we have spent a lot of time
developing the fieldwork part of the curriculum.
Which is an essential part of the National Curriculum in Geography.
As a support to the school initiative to reduce the
litter problem we have completed litter surveys
with all Key Stage 3 students in December 2011.
It has hopefully raised awareness of an issue that
needs addressing.
In year 8 we have been recording the changes in
weather in 2012 using weather-recording instruments such as anemometers, thermometers and
compasses. We have looked at temperature,
wind speed, cloud cover, wind direction and precipitation. The students will analyse this information to help them gain an understanding of how
weather changes over time and season. The
most dramatic statistic is the 19 C temperature on
28th February, which was 10 C higher than we
might have expected. One of the highest tem-
peratures on record. Is this a sign of global warming or just a warm day? The fieldwork has been
thought provoking and it is good to do work outside the classroom.
In the coming weeks we are going to do some
work on the school environment. Our student
teacher Emma Pretch is going to work with year 7
pupils and the artist Mike Clay on looking at how
we intend to improve and change the school environment. Hopefully, this will allow the year 7 students to be aware of the school environment and
how we can work together to improve it.
This work has meant that students have studied
outside of the classroom on freezing cold days
when the temperature has been –2 C with a
strong Easterly wind from the North Sea. It has
been a truly mind and body numbing experience
for both staff and students, but all had fun.
CHECKING IT OUT: Students on the Yard
Easter 2012
Liverpool Trip
In February Y10 got the chance to go on a
Beatles themed trip to Liverpool with History.
The Y10’s travelled down to Liverpool at (a very
early) 6:45! They visited the Beatles Story Museum, a museum that portrays the story of the
Beatles (very successful) career. They spent an
enjoyable morning getting the chance to look a
Beatles memorabilia, old photos and newspapers (and getting to grips with the electronic tour
guide!) The students got the opportunity to follow the life stories of the Beatles through the
tour. This included lots of old records and some
of their old musical instruments! It was also
beneficial to their History knowledge as they
learned what it was like to be a teenager in the
1960’s. Some brave students also had a go at
dressing up and playing with a giant keyboard
at the children’s area! They then got the opportunity to spend their money at the gift shop on
many Beatles themed items. Many of the students took the liberty of spending their money
on different coloured John Lennon glasses!
They then, in the afternoon, got to go on a
Magical Mystery Tour! This was where they
stayed on the coach and drove around Liverpool where a guide described points of interest.
These points of interest included the Beatles old
houses where one house was still inhabited!
Which we assume the owner is extremely laidback about this! They also got the opportunity to
visit some points which are included in some
the Beatles songs. They got to visit Penny
Lane, Strawberry Field and the church graveyard where the Beatles met! They also learned
that a name included in one of their songs was
one of the names that was on a gravestone
where they met in the graveyard, spooky! Which
is purely by coincidence! They also got to see
an old barber’s shop which is still in use today!
They also got to drive past some of the
Beatles’s old schools and see the area where
they grew up. A very tired coach full of students
and staff returned late back that night at school.
They thoroughly enjoyed the day!
Easter 2012
Our Pupils have great talent!
We recently heard that a Year 9 student from Farringdon has published his own book, yes published
his own book! How great is that for a Year 9? he must be proud of himself. Mathew Jenkinson is a
pupil who definitely has talent!
The news team interviewed Mathew about his fantastic work to find out more information on how
long it took, please read for more information on what Mathew thinks and his opinion on the book.
We asked Mathew to explain a
bit about the book he had written.
Mathew says that it follows the
story of Mathew Graves, a teenager who learns that his father is
a supernatural being, one of the
several gods that rule parts of
the world. Mathew told us that he
started it at the beginning of year
7, he also went onto say it took
2-3 years to think about and
plan, but only a couple of months
to complete. Mathew says since
its his first book, his mum had to
pay a sum of money to get it
published but it was definitely
worth it and Mathew is currently
writing another book, which he is
hoping to get it finished by the
end of the year. Mathew also told
us he about authors that he likes
and one was William Hussey,
who visited the school a few
years ago, Mathew said he
‘inspires me to want to write’.
Mathew told us he likes the supernatural, mystery kind of
books, like Harry Potter. Mathew
has received feedback from
close friend who have read it and
loved it, but that’s all because he
hasn’t received a count of how
many has been sold yet. Go to
Amazon and search The Gate by
Mathew Jenkinson, you can have
a quick preview of the inside of
the book and read the first chapter if you like.
Planning: Mathew planning and working on his
Well Mathew is clearly planning ahead already, but another group of Y9’s got the chance to do the
same recently. During March 9R2 who went to the university in Northumbria to check out student
life. On arrival they were greeted by two students, Jodie and Laura, who were their guides for the
day. To get to know each other they played a few games, then a speaker talked to us about the aim
of the day a H.E. Focus day (higher education). They got to ask whatever questions they wanted, we
found out there are 31,000 students in the university and 300 or more courses available to take. Another question was ‘if zombies were to come and attack, where would you hide?’ this caused a bit of
a laugh in the hall. The answer was ‘student union.’ They then went on a tour around the campus.
First a book shop and then one of the bars on campus, they also got to see the types of accommodations which can be catered and self catered. Overall they got a lot out of the day. Hannah Young who
attended told us that her guide said uni was great because there is always
someone you can talk to no matter what the situation and the tutors are always
happy to help. Without a doubt she would recommend going and a lot of the
students came away with a very different view.
Easter 2012
World Book Day!
WINNER: Book Hunt
I thought you may all be pleased
to know that as a school we raised
a staggering £514.57p for World
Book Day.
The money will be used to support
Literacy here at Farringdon but
also but Literacy resources for our
feeder Primary Schools and will
be presented by some of our Y10
students as leaders.
A massive thank you to you all for
the help in ensuring the day ran
smoothly and was a success.
Word Book Day was a great success, students came into school bravely dressed up
as their favourite book character, also the
English department staff came in dressed
up as their favourite book characters, take a
look at the photos below, you will laugh
mind! They did a great job, although the
pupils asked many questions to the teachers of why they were dressed up. In the library pupils made Harry Potter and Roald
Dahl Book Related Origami and mothers
day bookmarks —Thanks to Miss Hughes
for organising competitions.
Also an author hunt took place in the pupils own time, and the winner was Phoebe Johnson, that
spent her break time, dinner time and after school trying to find teachers with authors name
badges on. Also an book mark competition participated but it had to be a specific size. Pupils
worked hard and tried their best, Phoebe the winner who is in Year 7, won the latest Guinness
world records 2012—Thanks to Miss Hughes for holding the competition. Students at Farringdon
got given one pounds worth of books—In fact everyone in the country did.
Dressing up: Ebonny
dressed as Sasuke
Uchiha from Naruto
Competition: Isabella with her own bookmark she made.
Pupils: Dressing up bravely to come to
school in their pj’s
TEACHERS TAKE PART: Dressing up as book characters and wearing their ‘author’ for the day
Easter 2012
Dogs as Therapy - Read 2 Dogs!
Organised by Miss Alexander to boost reading of science
texts, February saw a new scheme, Reading to Dogs start
in our school library. The Reading to dog’s scheme is
aimed at helping students to build their confidence. Reading to dogs helps the reader to feel they are not being
judged. Judith and her dog Cally have been coming into
school and Cally had groups of 8-10 students reading to
her one at a time. The students chose their own science
based books and read a page or two in turn to Cally.
Judith was very calming and supportive and allowed the
readers to give Cally some treats after they finished. Miss
Hughes, the librarian, thinks this is a brilliant scheme, the
reading were
really calm
and enjoyed
the experience. I think
this really can
help to build
around reading loud out. I
think it’s a good scheme and think the students will
want to do it again. The students have already indicated that they are feeling more confident and the
scheme will run on for a few more weeks too.
Premier League
reading Stars
The Premier League Reading Stars is running for
the first time this year. A group of Year 7 students
have the fantastic opportunity of taking part in this
for 10 weeks with Miss Hughes in the Library.
This National Literacy trust scheme is a really well
established reading scheme aimed at boys. As
the name explains, it’s all about football. Each
lesson is set out like a ‘fixture’ with a warm up,
main activity and a cool down AND half-time juice!
There are online challenges to do as well and a
weekly cliffhanger story – Tom Palmer’s Foul Play:
The Danger Academy which will be will be read to
the students at each fixture, fantastic!
The Y7s have some special treats in store too, we
will be going to a home game and having a guided
tour around the Stadium of Light! Check out the
next newsletter for info and pictures of their rewards! For further information check out the
scheme on the National Literacy Trust website at:http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/premier_league_rea
Scholastic Books
Don’t forget, Scholastic books are offering
some fantastic deals/discounts on books
AND free books to schools. For every £1 you
spend 20p goes to your chosen school in free
books. Go to http://shop.scholastic.co.uk/ for
more information.
Easter 2012
Book Reviews
Bilbo, a Hobbit (who don't have adventures) is visited by the wizard
Gandalf and thirteen dwarves who seek a fourteenth member (to avoid
the unlucky number) for their journey to steal the treasure from the
dragon Smaug. Though reluctant at first, Bilbo is convinced in part by
the trickery of Gandalf to join the unexpected party. He is taken, literally from his comfort zone, off to discover things he knew of only from
old tales.
Bilbo's adventure takes him face to face with trolls, goblins, a riddling
creature names Gollum, elves and of course the dragon. He learns the
value of adventuring and of course returns home the greater for having
gone of this journey, bringing back with him, not only treasure but a
magic ring or invisibility, which will become the focus of The Lord of
The Rings.
This book is The book that came before the Lord of The Rings sequel
and is being made into movie later this year.
“Watch Out!!” In the book The Hunger Games Katniss’s sister Prim
gets called for the district’s once a year annual Hunger Games. The
Hunger Games is where each year 24 people, a boy and a girl from
each of the 12 districts, kill each other until there is 1 person standing. Prim gets her name picked out of the bowl and Katniss volunteers for her. While she is at the Hunger Games she befriends a boy
and a girl and this is a story of the journey of her life in the Hunger
Games. If you like this book you’re in luck because there are two
more in the series.
If you like action packed adventure books than this is the book for
you. It is a little bit bloody and gory but if you can handle that you will
love this book.
This book is very popular and has been made into movie. It is an
interpretation of the dark future.
Army Visit
Mr Lewis had a group of year 10`s taking part in a talk about disasters delivered by the Army.
The presentation was about how the Army responds to a disaster (an earthquake). The Year 10s
then got into groups with a team leader teaching them what they would need to do to respond to a
disaster themselves.
So, working in teams, students decided how to `take action` to assess the situation
following an earthquake on a fictitious island. Over a series of stages students identified and prioritised where humanitarian aid was required. Students calculated and
planned the distribution of this aid and responded.
Another well presented workshop from the Army and another fabulous
experience for our students.
Easter 2012
London Calling
On Thursday15th March 30 students set off for a 2 day trip to
London! We started the trip by meeting at the school at 7:45
and set off at 8, on our way to London we stopped at many service stations for dinner and finally arrived at the hotel at 3o
clock, we quickly unpacked and zoomed off for a meal at
Adam’s Rib and to see Shrek the musical! Despite being tired
from the journey everyone enjoyed the show, in the words of
one of the Y7’s it was ‘awesome’, after this we made our journey back to the hotel.
The next day we went to the London
Eye—some fabulous vies of London
even though it was a little misty, we had free time for dinner and then had
to meet back up at the coach, after this we made our way to the BBC studios for a tour round the studio, we went to see the news room and where
all the new shows get recorded, later on we then went to Madame Tussauds and got to pose next to some major celebrities—some brave people
even did the horror tour! After a hard day of touring round London we finally went to the Hard Rock
Café where we were fed like Kings.
On the third and final day we went to a drama workshop at Pineapple
Dance studios
and spoke to
one of the
cast of Shrek,
sadly we didn’t bump into
Louie Spence
Finally free
time shopping in
Covent Garden—we
home tired
but happy!
Easter 2012
Film Reviews
The Hunger Games
Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth.
Director: Gary Ross
Run time: 142 minuets (2 hours 20 minuets)
Rating: 12A
May the odds be ever in your favour, well for this film they certainly
were. A bold and brilliant adventure unlike any other. Katniss has been
chosen to take part in the hunger games, where she will be pitted
against 23 other children from ages 12 to 18 to fight to the death, all
while the citizens of ‘capitol’ watch for their entertainment.
The hunger games generated much excitement, from the fans of the
novels it has based on, and It did live up to most of its expectations,
being powerful and dramatic (through out the bladder busting 2 hours
and 20 minuets run time!), though fans of the books may be somewhat
let down by the things that were left of the mix, with the avoxes being
under explained and the characters back story somewhat lacking and occasionally confusing from
first time hunger games fans, but it did make up for this in is moving script and engaging characters
and little ‘extras’ that have been added in. Love it or hate it will provoke some emotion, with the death
of young rue leaving much of the audience in tears, this film is now a triumph and personal favourite.
John Carter
Stars: Taylor Kitsch, William Dafoe and Lynn Collins
Director: Andrew Stanton
Run time: 132 minuets ( 2 hours 12 minuets)
Rating: 12A
Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet
inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a
princess who is in desperate need of a savoir. This is a fun
and enjoyable film, if you can forget that the dialogue is
cheesy and predictable, that it doesn't exactly follow the
book. With the film title more fitting to a biopic about an
American president that a supposed epic adventure, it sets the mood for a let down on
the action sequences but makes up for some of it with outstanding special effects that
make the green skinned tharks, who are well rounded characters with a believable and
intricate culture where weakness is not tolerated. A good film if you do not focus on the
sometimes confusing storyline, and simply want a bit of action.
Sarah Recommends:
The Raven—A madman begins committing
horrific murders inspired by Edgar Allan
Poe's works.
The Five Year Engagement— A comedy that
charts the ups and downs of an engaged
couple's relationship.
Sarah Recommends:
To The Arctic—journey into the lives of a
mother polar bear and her cubs as they
navigate the changing Arctic wilderness
The Moth Diaries—Rebecca is suspicious of
Ernessa, the new arrival at her boarding
school, but or does the new girl truly possess a dark secret?
Relief Mile
HAVING A BLAST!:Mr Kemp joins the fun.
The sports relief mile run was a blast!
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last
week everyone did a mile run for charity it was
fun, though everyone was tired and sweating hot,
it was worth it. Some of the teachers were even
keen to join in, and instead of the pupils having
to skip lessons it was made during the P.E. lessons, it was fun, even if we were all half asleep
at the end!
The following Y7 students achieved their targets in the CV Room today in relation to
Sports Relief :
- Nial Hodgson - EFX Machine - 20 mins
- Sam Horner - Treadmill - 15 minutes - level 11
- Mark Moorcroft - EFX Machine - 20 mins
- Kieran Witherall - 1500 metres rowing
- Connor Gilbertson - 4 miles cycling
- McKenzie Simpson - 4 miles cycling
- Liam Shepherd - Treadmill - 15 minutes - level 11
Early indications show that they have had in excess of
£150 pledge to them in sponsorship money - which they
will be collecting over the coming week. Tyler Duffy
could not participate due to a knee injury but will be trying to complete his challenge on another day.
Easter 2012
Year 11 Young
Apprentice: Duke
of Edinburgh
The Y11 Young Apprentice pupils have began working towards the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Award. The Award is achieved by completing a programme of activities in four sections; Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition.
Some of the challenges have already been met; the experience of having volunteered in our feeder
primary schools last year as well as supporting our own schools active dinner time programme has
led the Apprentices to completing the Volunteering section with relative ease.
Other sections will provide a stiffer challenge, demanding new skills to be learnt and then put into
practice. In order to complete the Expedition section pupils must develop map reading and camp
craft skills. Our pupils must also be able to demonstrate competence in risk assessment, route planning and first aid.
Once they have practiced these skills they will be involved in a pre expedition (one night away at
Alston in May/June) and a full 2 day and one night camping expedition (in the lake district, help approximately 4 weeks after the pre expedition).
We hope that through achieving the Bronze Award our pupils will further develop skills, confidence
and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and in the future, possibly
On Monday the 26th March during periods 4
and 5 68 year 7’s went to the pavilion for a
football tournament. There were boys and
girls involved from each form in year 7. The
teams were made up of around 9-11 students
each. In first place there was 7B. After that
came 7G in 2nd. There was also 7F in 3rd, 7A
in 4th, 7D in 5th, 7C in
6th and 7E in 7th. The
day was planned by the
Y10 BTEC students who
also refereed. The day
was enjoyed by all and
everyone is looking
forward for the next
Aquatic Swim
On Friday 23rd March 2012 28 student from Year
7 to Year 10 went to a 24 hour swim at the
aquatic centre. They didn't swim for 24 hours but
they swam for 1 hour. They were out of school
from 12 noon till 3pm, there were 4 Students from
Y8 ,13 students from Y7, 7 people from Y9 and 4
people from Y10.
Easter 2012
Year 9 put on a Show!!!
Year 9 Football Team:
The Year 9 football team played
in the final of the under 14 cup
against St. Aidans School. The
final was played at Sunderland’s
Academy of Light on Wednesday
21st March. The boys put up a
good performance but were
beaten 4-0 in the end. Man of
the match was centre half Matthew Chambers who put in a
great display. Well done to a
great season for the boys. The
fixtures for the season are on the
next sheet.
A Leaver and Achiever!
Mrs Barton-Jones, the School Games Organiser has taken up a position with England Netball, as a
coordinator of their National Volunteer programme. She most certainly leaves a healthy legacy and
we wish her well. The applicants for the post were of the highest quality and our appointment of Amy
McCulloch was a difficult one. However she brings vast experience from her role as Sports Centre
Manager at St Mary’s College in Newcastle and we look forward to moving the work Mrs Barton
Jones had started forward.
C ycling
term has enabled us to begin
to offer Year 9,10 and 11 pupils the opportunity to cycle in
their PE lessons. As always it
is an immensely popular activity with both boys and girls,
although it remains a mystery
why more pupils don’t cycle to
Sunderland College Football Academy
The following year 11 pupils have been taking part in a series of
trials and training days in an attempt to secure a place at the very
Successful Sunderland College football academy. They will find
out in the near future whether they have been given a place: Sam
Robinson, Adam Frame, Kyran Whitehead Stephen Menzies
25th June – Primary school Olympics – An event for year 5 pupils in our feeder Primary schools
29th June – Community and World Sports Day – All year
groups are going to take part in a range of Sporting and educational activities with an Olympic theme.
2nd July – Olympic Event A Year
team of 7 boys and 7 Girls are taking part in an Olympic
Every lunch time- trampolining for girls
event at Northfield school in Billingham . The event includes
all years
from Wales ,Scotland, Ireland and Holland.
Monday 2.45- 3.45 Year 10 and 11 schools
girls in Fitness suite.
Tuesday 3-4pm Ski Club
at Silksworth Ski slope.
Miss Doyle
Easter 2012
Achievements in Sport
As most people know, our school prides itself in helping students reach their best potential in sporthere are just a few of the achievements our pupils (and ex pupils!) have achieved...
Current Pupils
Isaac Gamblin is the captain of the Y7 football team and also plays for Newcastle
AFC under
12’s and 13’s.
Jordan Hickey also plays for the Y7 football team plus he plays for Sunderland AFC
under 12’s
and 13’s.In addition to this he has been offered the opportunity to train at Sunderland
academy for
two days.
Beth Hepple is a Y10 pupils who has a dream to play at the highest level of football
she possibly
can.Curently she plays for Durham County under 16’s and ‘South Durham and Cestria
Girls’. Beth
is a very talented all round Sportswomen.
Kristen Whitfield Y11 pupil and young sports apprentice Kristen is currently playing
football for Sunderland AFC under 17’s and Tyneside ladies team. Kristen is a forward
and has represented Tyneside ladies in the FA ladies cup this year, she’s even been asked to join
the Newcastle AFC ladies team when she leaves school!
Nathan Rowley beat many club runners in order to secure a place at the county championships in
Durham, due to his amazing performance he has been invited to train with the Sunderland athletics
Cameron Vincent Progressed to the County Championships because of his win at the Wear side
race. Cameron also performed excellently on the day and he has subsequently become a Sunderland Harrier.
Ex Pupils
Jordan Henderson Jordan Henderson continues to make exceptional progress in their quest to
reach the very top of the respective sports. Jordan is a regular member of the Liverpool team that
recently won the Carling cup and also captained England under 21’s for the recent European championship qualifier against Belgium at the riverside stadium in Middlesbrough.
Scott Borthwick Scott made his full England debut for in the one day international games against
India and has since toured Bangladesh and Sri Lanka with the England Lion's cricket team. Prior to
his tour of India, Scott visited our school and chatted with staff and pupils about his experiences with
Durham and England
Liam Agnew Liam left us last year to take up his two year scholarship with Sunderland AFC and we
hope he follows in the footsteps of Jordan.
Andre Bennett. Andre is a first year scholar at Middlesbrough AFC and is a
regular member of their under 18 squad.
Ellie Hall Last years Sports apprentice and currently at Gateshead College
academy for Sport and playing Football for Newcastle AFC ladies
Mark Beck Mark is in his second of a two year scholarship and will shortly
find out if he has an offer of a professional contract with Carlisle AFC. He has
scored 17 goals in 20 games for the Youth team and recently scored two in a
3 – 0 win against premier league Wigan Athletic.
Lisa Stanley. Lisa left Farra years ago and has now been made head coach
of Northumbria university!
Easter Jokes
Top 10 Apps
What do you get if you pour hot water down a
rabbit hole?
Hot cross bunnies!
How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
EGG-xercise and HARE-robics!
What's the difference between a counterfeit
dollar bill and a crazy rabbit?
One is bad money, the other is a mad bunny!
Why did the easter egg hide?
He was a little chicken!
How many Easter eggs can you put in an
empty basket?
Only one – after that it’s not empty any more!
Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?
It might crack up!
How does Easter end?
With the letter R!
What’s yellow, has long ears, and grows on
The Easter Bunana!
How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has
Eggs (X) marks the spot!
How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
Hide in a bush and make a noise like a
What do you call a rabbit that tells good
A funny bunny!
Try these Apps on your Phone
Draw Free
Temple Run
Lep’s World
Just dance
BBC i-player
Ft Booth
Do Not Press
Most of them are free too!
Recipes for you to Try...
Though Mothers Day may be over, it doesn't mean you shouldn’t stop treating them with respect
and love, care for them and give them something from the heart! Here are some of the recipes of
the students who made some lovely cakes and food things for Mothers Day in Miss Patterson’s
cookery club. These are some examples of what they did! Mum’s will love this hand crafted work,
looks delicious, I bet their mothers enjoyed this wonderful treat! Mothers Day is a wonderful day of
the year, a day to think of our mothers, but we should always treat them like queens because you
only get one mother, and she was the one who brought you up, be grateful for what you have,
and treat her lovely all days of the year, she’s always there for you, so be there for her!
WOW: Great working!
YUM!: What's your mum’s favourite treat?
•A Chocolate Tiffin
•Place chocolate, butter, golden syrup in a pan
•Place over heat and stir until all melted
•Remove from heat
•Crush biscuits and add to mixture, chop cherries and add to mixture along with currants
•Mix well and allow to cool
•Once cooled roll mixture into small balls or pat
down into tray.
35g currants
Bowlglace cher•Pan ries
Baking Tray
•100g dark chocolate
•100g butter
•2tbsp golden syrup
•200g plain sweet biscuits,
(eg. Digestives, Malted Milk)
•35g currants
Alphabet Easter Cakes Method
First Preheat oven to 160c/gas 3 then grease and line a
cake tin (22cm by 32cm) and cut butter into cubes and
put in pan with golden syrup, honey and caster sugar,
heat until butter melts. Pour into bowl and leave to stand
for 10mins then add eggs and sift in flour. Mix together
with wire whisk until just smooth
Pour into tin and bake for 50-55mins,Leave for 15mins
then turn out onto wire rack then Cut into 20 squares
finally Make icing and ice top of each cake.
•275g Butter
•150g Golden Syrup
•150g Clear Honey
•125g Caster Sugar
•4 Eggs
•350g Self Raising Flour
•450g Icing Sugar
•Cake tin, Pan, Whisk, Knife, Bowl, Cooling Rack. Piping bag
Easter 2012
Chibi Comic
This comic strip was created by Ebonny Cavanagh, 7E. In this she shows what happens at a
Chibi Easter. Chibi means ‘child’ or ‘small’ and traditionally small children might read such
comics because of their ‘cuteness’. They are also based on pure emotion which is often why
they don’t have noses!
Easter 2012
How to Draw A Manga Girl
Step 1:
Draw a simple circle then quarter it and add the
horizontal guidelines shown.
Step 2:
Add a simple jaw line starting from the second
bottom horizontal guideline and make it come to
a point at the vertical guideline shown.
Step 3:
Before adding the features I went in to go and
make the chin quite a bit smaller (this is just personal preference but it does make quite a difference to the final outcome). Now add the eyes,
nose, mouth and the eyebrows using the guidelines I told you to draw in Step 1.Now add the
ears and details to the eyes, because this is
quite a stylised style of drawing the ears are
quite low on the head. The eyes need a bright
highlight and an area of the of the eye that
shows the iris.
Step 4:
Now add a hairstyle of your choice, because of
my personal preference I’m giving this character a
bob-haircut but it’s distinctly manga as it turns up
the ends. Afterwards add a neck and a shadow
under her jaw which is the shadow on her neck.
Step 6:
Now ink your drawing with either a ball-point or
felt-tip pen and erase your guidelines. Now you
can tone, colour or just leave it the way it is :D
SunnyCon Review:
On Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of March the Crowtree
Leisure Centre in the town next to the bridges held Tucky’s
Anime’s first edition of SunnyCon a brand new anime
convention that also doubles as a Japanese Culture. This
was the first convention of it’s type held in Sunderland and
it...was...AWESOME!!! First of all there were many, many
dealers who sold their anime merchandise and also hand
made pictures and also custom ordered Chibi drawings (I
have 3!) The dealers were:
Tucky’s Anime
Khaos Kostumes
Genki Gear T-Shirts and many more. Overall it was
a great experience and Tucky’s Anime have already
promised us anime fans that they will be back next
year with another fabulous convention.
Ebonny on
WBD dressed
as one of her
Easter 2012
A few more Book Reviews
I, Coriander by Sally Gardener
‘I was born in the year of Our Lord 1643, the only child of Thomas and Eleanor Hobie, in our great house on the
River Thames in London. Of my early years I remember only happiness. That was before I knew this world had
such evil in it, and that my fate was to be locked up in a chest and left to die. This is my story. This is my life.’
This is Coriander’s story, this is Coriander’s life told by the light of a candle and with that, another candle goes
out. This novel is no normal fairytale; anyone will find it entrancing and if they can unravel the riddles behind the
words, may find that this book has messages true to life. Anyone who is intrigued by the idea of a ‘Once upon a
time’ will treasure this story forever.
Fallen by Lauren Kate
‘Instant. Intense. Weirdly familiar.....The moment Luce looks at Daniel she knows she has never felt like this
before. Except she can’t shake the feeling that she has.....and with him- a boy she doesn’t even remember setting eyes on. Will her attempt to find out why enlighten her- or destroy her?’
This darkly romantic novel, Fallen, is pure gold for anyone who liked the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers.
Luce’s life is complicated. She has secrets about her past that she’d rather keep in the dark than let them be
seen in the light. But her new school is far from ordinary. This novel doesn’t finish at the last page, it continues
into a four-part masterpiece by Lauren Kate. It is an extremely well thought out book, with plots and storylines
that could not possibly be anticipated. This extremely captivating novel, is just the beginning of a masterpiece of
a story which any fan of dark romance novels will enjoy. Because after all, ‘some angels are destined to fall.’
Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
‘Each year, the Scorpio Races are run on the beaches of Skarmouth. Every year, the sea washes blood from the
sand. To race the savage water horses can mean death, but the danger is irresistible. When Puck enters the
races to save her family, she is drawn to the mysterious Sean, the only person on the island capable of taming
the beasts. Even if they stay together, can they stay alive?’
I would recommend Scorpio Races by Maggie Steifvater to an older age group as it is a beautifully written tale
about the battle to keep all that is valuable in life together with the battle to keep your life in the Scorpio races.
Those who see horses in their dreams will love this book and its story stays with you even after the last page. It
is an ultimate story of love- love of friends, love of the island, love for each other and the sacrifices you make for
love. The words speak to your heart.
Storm breaker by Anthony Horowitz
When his guardian dies in suspicious circumstances, fourteen-year-old Alex Rider finds his world turned upside
down. Forcibly recruited into MI6, Alex has to take part in gruelling SAS training exercises. Then, armed with his
own special set of secret gadgets, he's off on his first mission to Cornwall, where Middle-Eastern multi-billionaire
Herod Sayle is producing his state-of-the-art Storm breaker computers. Sayle has offered to give one free to
every school in the country - but there's more to the gift than meets the eye.
Alex Rider’s life changed when his Uncle died. They say it’s a car crash but he always wore his seatbelt, didn’t
he? Alex searches for the answers and unearths something bigger. In aid of his new knowledge he joins the
covert world of the spies. Strange gadgets, SAS training, suspicious characters and seriously action packed;
Stormbreaker is perfect for those who love a piece of action and is suitable for all ages.
Now Alex is under cover in the world of Computer Genius Herod Sale and some things just don’t seem to be
adding up. And just when Alex thought he was too young to die, his life is 30 metres in the air, hanging from a
fraying metal thread. Don’t miss out on the action world of Alex Rider in Anthony Horowitz’s Stormbreaker.
Easter 2012
These are puzzles we would like you to have a go at, as some of you have asked for them, we've decided to
start doing them in the news letter to. If you have any ideas on how to improve, please tell miss bird or miss
Sudoku: you have to fill in the squares and the lines (only horizontal and vertical lines) with numbers 1 to 9, BUT you cant put a
number in the same line or square more than once. Do it slowly and
take your time. Start from the circled square. (there it is obvious
Eggs, Lilly, chick, bunny, basket, spring, parade,
Easter, flower, daffodil
Word wheel
Using only the letters in the word wheel you have to find as many words as possible– non of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must
be more than 3 letters. BUT you must use the central letter, and each letter there
can only be used once in each word. There is at least one nine letter word in the
word wheel and sometimes more. (you could even time your self or your friends,
or maybe see who can find the most.) Go on… give it a go!