Swedish barn houses and cabins


Swedish barn houses and cabins
Swedish barn houses
and cabins
ecently we found out that every fourth visitor on
Arvesund’s homepage come from USA! That means
that thousands of visitors every month are looking
for information about barn houses. Compared to
Sweden, the notion “Barn House” is big in USA, where they for
quite a long time have used the barn as a basis for modern
architecture. And considering the fact that the Swedish redpainted barn has been a part of the open landscape for hundreds of years, it seems a bit strange that we are behind in
Sweden. Because, we have seen it and recognized it. Regarding
shape and function it goes without saying.
Our own affection for the Swedish barn started more than
ten years ago. The recycling of the timber from tumbledown
barns was the foundation of the company Arvesund. During the
last years we have consistently continued our work and in this
catalog you see our interpretations. Quite informally, it’s about
houses looking like barns. With shutters closed and sliding
doors drawn it could just as well be a barn. But that’s not all.
If you give the Swedish barn a closer look, you find many ideas
that bring both exiting details and functional planning to the
modern house.
Our model range now covers the needs for most of our customers, from hermit’s living on 7 square meters to the expectations from a family with children on 200 square meters, four
bedrooms, hall, laundry room and kitchen island. In order to
achieve what we offer, we have joined forces with one of the
most reliable producers in Sweden, A-hus, within the Derome
group. Their profound knowledge of wood has evolved during
half a century on the market and we know that we have the
partner we need, to construct, produce and deliver on a high
Where, when and how you want to build is your decision.
Our ambition is to offer beautiful, functional and fuel-efficient
houses. Houses that are so simple and genuine in shape and
details that they blend in no matter where you put tem, in
town as well as on the country side.
Welcome to acquaint yourself with our barn houses and cabins.
Åre March 1 2011
Gunnar Fröberg
Arvesund Living AB
Barn houses and cabins
Arvesund is a house company that in collaboration with established
architects and house producers designs and creates the modern
barn for living and recreation. Our barn houses and cabins comply
with Swedish building standards and meet the requirements regarding energy and sustainability that is expected from a modern construction.
Together with some of the leading designers in Sweden,
Arvesund also develops furnishing details connected to living.
1,5-storeyed barn houses
Hunge Page 104
Hallen Page 110
Sikås Page 114
1-storeyed barn houses with loft
Alsen Page 50
Slåtteråsen Page 56
Goije Page 64
2-storeyed barn houses
Bringåsen Page 124
1-storeyed barn houses with loft
Nyland Page 12
Kaxås Page 20
Heljesund Page 28
Ocke Page 130
Nytorp Page 36
Vistet 140 Page 78
Bodsjö Page 146
Hara Page 84
Eremitaget Page 142
Vistet 36 Page 78
1,5-storeyed barn houses
Kolåsen Page 44
Eremitens koja Page 136
Marieby Page 96
Kläppe Page 154
Byom Page 152
Buustamon Page 158
Lit Page 162
Design Principles
A barn house should:
• Contribute to the landscape.
That the barn houses go well with the
surroundings is a basic principle. No
matter where a barn house is built
and how the exterior is designed, it
should still be perceived just as natural as timeless. In a town as on the
• Borrow the expression of the
barn. The barn has a number of overlooked details that give extra quality
to our modern living. A defused range
of colors creates peace and stability.
Architectural elements such as sliding
doors, shutters and open passages
open up for the beautifully filtered
barn light. Moreover, they give the
surplus that the house is possible to
lock up completely when nobody is
• Have a lot of feeling of wood.
Uncolored window frames, panels,
solid wooden floors. Wood creates a
warm and friendly indoor milieu.
Today there is an enormous supply of
wooden panel, boards and open
wooden structure on the market. We
minimize the use of plaster.
• Be functional. In the same way as
the old barns were built – and enlarged – to meet the demands of the farmer, we do the same. It should be
obvious that the house is drawn and
constructed based on how it will be
• Be ingenuous. Windows, doors,
cases, eves are all as simple as possible. The barn is simple in a minimalistic way with a lot of feeling for the
material. That should also go for a
barn house.
• Be variable. All barn houses
should be easy to change, extend and
enlarge. They have an open structure
up to the ridge and an extension
should be perceived just as natural on
barn house as on a barn.
• Have a profile of sustainability.
The future houses have to be sustainable from all aspects. Together with
our partner A-hus we are already in
the frontline of the complex process of
sustainability certification. Our houses must fulfill comprehensive criteria
regarding environment, economy and
Ander Landström calls
the barn houses “a product for all landscapes”
The Nyland, Nytorp, Alsen and Kläppe – four completely new contributions to the catalog of the year, drawn by one of the most
renowned of Swedish architects, Anders Landström. He has been
internationally praised for, among other things, the new Swedish
embassy in Pretoria. In Sweden he is at the moment in focus of
attention as originator of Skansen’s new big educational house for
children, “Skansen's new Children's Zoo”, to be inaugurated in
the beginning of 2012.
rvesund already offers the log house,
Vistet, that Anders Landström together with Thomas Sandell and Bertil
Harström created in 1998. A great
deal was written about Bertil Harström’s tree
cabin, The Birdnest, at the spectacular hotel
project in the village Harads, north of Boden in
the north of Sweden. Vistet was produced as a
“wooden important” example of the ecological
living of the future. It has been timbered and
shown at the Nordiska museet in Stockholm. In
the new barn house series for Arvesund there
is a clear congeniality with Vistet. Less massive, of course, but with a classic, Swedish associating expression.
– Already a year ago we had a discussion
with Arvesund about taking part in developing the barn house idea.
But so far Anders Landström has consistently declined to create “catalog houses”.
– To draw group houses that are taken care
of and built by a developer on a certain place,
that’s one thing, but to draw a single type of
house without knowing anything about the
building site, that’s another matter.
Now he’s confirming the rule with one
– The barn houses stand for something that
is connected so clearly to Swedish building
traditions; they are so right in our landscape,
in our climate.
– Through the partnership with a stable
producer such as A-hus, Arvesund has secured
the realization. I can be assured that the
customer gets what has been promised with
all the guaranties that come along with it.
That’s why he said yes! And he did it with
pleasure. Because the barn house concept has
inspired him – as well as many of the colleagues at the office. They have had great fun
while producing the new models.
Anders Landström has grown up in the
north of Sweden and has a passion for wood.
That’s important to know. It’s a material that
he has taken, and still takes, a special interest
in. Today wood is of great immediate interest,
not only as building material but also as a
visible surface on furnishing.
Anders Landström’s passion for wood has
even deeper roots. In 1996 he was awarded
The Timber Prize for Anders Zorn’s textile
chamber in Mora(an architectural prize instituted by the Swedish Forest Industries
– The year after, I was appointed additional
professor of wooden architecture at the
University of Lund. And I think we were quite
a bit ahead regarding “much more wood…”.
Later the national wood building program
was started. Together with the Swedish forest
industries and the Ministry of Industry, training for increasing the use
of wood in bigger buildings
was made top-priority.
Sweden is a large-scale
exporter of sawn timber,
boards and planks, which
then are worked up somewhere else in the world.
– If we increase the process value of the wooden
raw material, much more of
the profit will stay in the
country, in more than one
way. There is also an aspect
of labor-market policy, an
idea of decentralization.
Many of the new jobs would
land up in the rural
– The potential for development of increasing the use of wood in the building sector is
enormous. But we have to make attractive
architectural products. It’s all about image.
He takes Mats Theselius’ universally
known Hermit’s Cabin as a very evident
example (see page 136).
– A fantastic little house product! It’s the
feeling, it’s so Swedish. The same goes for
Vistet; it’s being brought out and shown all
over the world. But commercially it is not a
simple product, in spite of its modern design.
With a building technology belonging to the
19th century, Vistet is more of woodworking –
a house loved by many but built only by enthusiasts.
– In that sense, Arvesund has done the
right thing. They have been very competent in
finding the combination of building tradition,
adaptation to the landscape and great experience in building technology. This contributes
to the feeling that the barn houses really are
true Nordic products; ready to be produced for
a broad market.
Anders Landström sees the prospects: a
barn house can be solo – in the archipelago, in
the mountains – he puts two houses together
and gets a “yard shape”; or places them in a
group, making a village.
He calls the barn houses “a product for all
types of landscape”.
– They are good in the north of Sweden,
good on the island of Gotland, good in the
south of Sweden; because we are many who
still have a passion for the
countryside in our background.
– And it’s gratifying to be
able to develop a scenery by
adding houses that people
experience a kind of affection for, the very experience
of “I recognize this”. It’s
about the same kind of love
you can have for a place or a
classic make of car – like
SAAB, why do we as a
nation care so much for
But if the recognition
factor is important, there is
another component that is
even more significant for
the Landström architecture, something like a
distinguishing-mark. He puts it like this:
– I always try to find a friendly tone in
what I do. And then a beautiful light makes
quite a big difference.
– The idiom of the barn gives the possibility
to open up the ground floor and let the light
come in. In the new barn house series for
Arvesund we let the light reflect against the
floor by using large windows going down to
the ground but also upwards towards the roof,
in the models where the second floor has
small windows high up.
– Using the big sliding doors you can choose if you want to be very private or very public
in your way of living – like a piece of fashion,
Anders Landström declares. The sliding doors
also have another function, they help you control the indoor climate and save energy.
– And that’s an important aspect in all
kinds of building today: you should be able to
feel that your house is healthy.
Kläppe 15
Alsen 95
Nytorp 60
Nyland 134
Anders Landström’s Nyland is completely new for Arvesund and has a
clear relationship to the big Vistet,
that was created over ten years ago
by Anders in collaboration with
Thomas Sandell and Bertil Harström.
With shutters, extended entrance, flat
roof-angle and substantial eaves over
the long sides, Nyland is a barn house
model that goes well on the countryside as well as in an urban environment. Just as much a classic farmhouse as a modern barn house.
Nyland’s planning can be varied
according to the customer needs.
In its basic design it circles around
the centrally situated kitchen/toilet
part where also the staircase to the
second floor is. With this as a base
you can choose to have a living-room
open up to the ridge, one or two
bedrooms downstairs or an open planning all around. If you add an open
passage, it is then possible to extend
with a studio/guestroom across the
We start out from two basic
models. On the following pages we
show some planning variations combined in a number of different ways.
Nyland 134
The planning starts from the central cube in the middle of the ground floor of the house.
There you find toilet, shower, kitchen and staircase to the second floor. An open planning
all around incorporates the entrance and the door at the back of the house. On the
second floor there are three bedrooms, laundry room and bathroom. By stretching up to
the second floor the extended entrance gives you a hall big enough to use as study or TV
Living space 134 m2
Building area 69 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 12 x 7 m
Architect Anders Landström
Nyland 168 alternative
In the bigger Nyland the living room is open up to the ridge. The central cube has an
alternative planning. Under the loft are kitchen, bath room, laundry room and staircase to
the second floor. If you need more room space, you can extend the second floor over the
whole living room, which gives you a living space of nearly 40 square meters and room
for another couple of rooms.
Living space 168 m2
Building area 110 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 18,5 x 7 m
Architect Anders Landström
Nyland 182
In this extended version of Nyland 134, an open passage is added. It connects the house
on the ground floor to a really big extra room. A studio, a guest room or a study. The
second floor is joined with the loft over the open passage. Depending on how you want
to use the separate room, you can open up the second floor and also tie together the
ground floor with extra doors. The same extension can also be done on the Nyland 168.
Living space 182 m2
Building area 147 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 21 x 7 m
Architect Anders Landström
Most people in the north of Sweden
have a relation to the old classic
“härbre” that adorned many a tilled
land in the counties of Jämtland and
Västernorrland. A high narrow stock
building for grain and hay, often
chocked up over the ground to keep
wild animals out. Small wall-openings
on the second floor let the wind dry
the harvest and at the bottom bigger
gateways made it easy to drive in
with a tractor and cart.
The Kaxås model from Arvesund is
an interpretation of this narrow,
beautiful and functional barn.
Through its height it has two storeys
and the house is considerably bigger
inside than what the exterior gives an
impression of. No more than five
meters broad, is a measurement that
makes great demands on a smart
Kaxås can easily be extended and
even angled, if you need more extra
space. We show it in three different
sizes. From a week-end version of
about seventy square meters up to a
really big family barn of well over one
hundred and fifty.
Kaxås 75
In Kaxås 75 the whole second floor is planned for three rooms. The ground floor makes
a big family room. Additionally, there is also space for a big shower room and toilet. The
smallest Kaxås has only a shelter from the winds as entrance, but it can be extended to
a built-in entrance like on the bigger Kaxås models.
A plain holiday cottage with room for 5 – 6 beds.
Living space 75 m2
Building area 53,5 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 9 x 6,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Kaxås 105
The planning for Kaxås 105 fulfills the requirements for a year-round living. Two bathrooms, one on each floor, and a big laundry room with the possibility to build a sauna.
The kitchen is in the middle of the big room on the ground floor. If you need extra living
space, the entrance can be extended or angled out.
Living space 105,5 m2
Building area 68 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 11,5 x 6,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Kaxås 153
The biggest Kaxås has an open planning with only one secluded room on the ground
floor. The second floor can be planned in different ways with up to four rooms. Kaxås’
high and narrow profile makes it possible to angle the house without making it losing its
Living space 153 m2
Building area 96 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 16 x 6,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Heljesund is the neighboring village
of Arvesund. And after Arvesund,
comes the village Goije before you
arrive farthest out on the peninsula
of Hammarnäset. Those villages on a
point of land in the western part of
the lake of Lake Storsjön have given
names to both the company and a
couple of the barn house models. This
was where it all started, on one of the
most beautiful places in the county of
Jämtland. Visit Arvesund and take a
trip with the well-known steamboat!
One of Arvesund’s most demanded
models is actually Heljesund with its
characteristic exterior. It’s the bigger
barn house – where two storeys were
used for storing the hay – that has
got its idiom interpreted in
Heljesund’s architecture. Above the
balconies on the short sides we have
extended the ridge beam, and the
model thereby gets its very own characteristic look.
Even if we have opened up a third
of the second floor Heljesund is a
commodious house. With room for
three to four bedrooms it has a planning that meets all the needs of a
family, but still it feels open and airy.
Heljesund 111
Heljesund 111 has the same planning as the bigger 149, apart from the gable rooms on
both storeys. Heljesund is partly open up to the ridge in the living room on the first floor,
which means that there are only two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor.
Living space 111 m2
Building area 86 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 11 x 8,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Heljesund 149
Heljesund’s bigger model has a symmetric shape with balconies in both directions. In this
house there are three or four bedrooms, two toilets and a sauna. Since the ground floor
partly goes up to the ridge – the second floor covers no more than three quarters – both
floors are connected in an open planning.
Living space 149 m2
Building area 113 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 15 x 8,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Heljesund 178
Heljesund’s biggest model partly has another planning, which makes it possible to seclude a big room on the ground floor, but still keep up to four rooms on the second floor.
The same open planning in the middle of the house, but a bigger entrance giving the
biggest Heljesund a specific character.
Living space 178 m2
Building area 130 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 18 x 8,5
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
If Sikås is Gunnar Bäckman’s interpretation of the old härbre, then
Nytorp is the same but with Nyland
as basic model. Anders Landström’s
little cottage has got the proportions
from Vistet and can, just as Sikås,
work as the compact holyday cottage
or the guest house on the yard.
With a broad, horizontal bond-line
panel, Nytorp gets a simple as well as
a pure expression that doesn’t dominate too much. With iron sulphate or
black color on the walls you can almost make the 60 square meters of
living space disappear in the surrounding.
Nytorp 60
A little cottage with two full storeys with only 36 square meters of building area. Upstairs
you have two bedrooms and on the ground floor a compact kitchen close to toilet and
the staircase to the second floor. The placing of the windows upstairs can be varied
depending on need – and view.
Living space 60 m2
Building area 36 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 6 x 6,5 m
Architect Anders Landström
A-hus is one of the oldest house
producer in Sweden and has built
thousands upon thousands houses
since 1947
By tradition 80 – 90% of all Swedish small houses are built of
wood. It’s the natural material in our country. Forest is what we
have most of, over 23 million hectares (almost 57 million acres).
But there is also something else with wood, a sensation. Wood is
not only solid, durable and hardy; it feels like a warm and friendly
material to build with.
nd wood is friendly. Not least for the
environment. Building with wood is
ten times more environment friendly
than building with concrete.
In Sweden, and in the world, research projects
are in process for how to increase the use of
wood, in order to draw less on the resources of
the earth. Wood is the building material of the
21st century: renewable, climate neutral and
recyclable. Building with wood, you don’t consume rock, natural gravel or petrol. In the
sustainable Swedish forestry, replanting is
mandatory: nothing should be taken without
being brought back. It takes a long time for a
tree to grow and during its whole lifetime it
contributes by the photosynthesis to the binding of CO2 . That’s why an increased use of
wood products could help decreasing the CO2
Arvesund is striving for creating a longterm and sustainable architecture. This objective underlies the production collaboration
with A-hus, which is part of the Derome
group, the company croup that is number one
in processing forest raw material in Sweden.
Derome group is the biggest family-owned
wood industry in Sweden with more than six
decades of business experience. In 1947 the
carpenter Karl Andersson started his first
sawmill on the Swedish west coast. Today the
company is run by the second and third generation of the owner family.
For Derome, wood is the main thread, and
it is green. They know everything about wood.
The different companies of the group make
the most of the raw material and further process it in one long chain. From a tender little
plant with a light green needle crest at the
top to a proud and well-built tree, ready for
cutting 70 years later. If the timber doesn’t
come from their own forest, they buy it from
other forest industries in the neighborhood,
for environmental reasons. For each house
they build, they replant 75 trees.
Because in the Derome group they have an
environmental thinking in every part, and
work actively to secure that the products they
produce and sell, once will be possible to reuse
and recycle with the least amount of resources. Today the Derome group comprises forestry services, three sawmills, bio fuel production, nine construction material warehouses,
prefabrication of structural components
(Derome Träteknik is the biggest supplier of
roof timbering in Sweden), house-building,
land development, and administration.
All residues from the forestry and sawmills, everything from stumps to chips and
sawdust are converted to bio-fuel. That production is so big that it not only covers their
own needs, the bio-fuel every year heats equivalent to 120 000 homes. Moreover, the strategy for the recycling and sustainability also
includes bringing the ashes (full of nutrition
and minerals) back to the forest. Already in
2012 the Derome group will be self-supporting
with renewable electricity from windmills,
among other green energy sources. The majority of the Derome business areas are also certified according to ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO
1400 (environment). The A-hus production site
delivering to Arvesund is of course one of the
certified ones. Derome is on control of everything from A to Z, from woods to finished
On top of that, Derome group has a completely tangible nearness to the living material of wood. The A-hus CEO, Peter Mossbrant,
being the third generation of the owner family,
puts it like this:
– Somebody once said “It feels like you
have your roots in the woods”. And I think
that could be true. I grew up next to a sawmill. I was early part of the forestry with
planting and clearing. I signed my first
contract of employment at eleven. The job was
to gather and sort timber, standing after the
planing-machine and ripsaw.
What is your personal relation to wood, do
you do woodwork?
– No, I don’t. But the craftsmanship is
fascinating: how the craftsmen have worked
up the wood over the years. My father has
established a woodworking museum here in
Derome, with everything from the 18th century hand-tools to a planing-machine for
wooden roofing shingle and a wood wool
machine. So, I know the production line. If our
factory would be short of personnel, I could
easily step into the breach.
Do you live in a wooden house?
– Oh, yes, there is no other option!
And you often take a walk in the woods?
– No, that’s such a pity. I don’t do it at
nearly to the extent that I would like to. My
job just doesn’t give me that time. But I miss
it. Just sitting there, quietly, breathing all the
scents, listening and taking in all that’s happening – and that’s not happening – the
peace. That’s a fantastic meditative feeling
that the woods give you.
All residues from the forestry and sawmills, everything from stumps to chips and
sawdust are converted to bio-fuel. That
production is so big that it not only covers
their own needs, the bio-fuel every year
heats equivalent to 120 000 homes.
At the very northern part of Lake
Kallsjön is the small community of
Kolåsen, on the border to Norway with
a fantastic mountain massif at our
very doorstep. When Daniel Franzén
created his big beautiful barn house, of
course it had to be this name.
Kolåsen is a big barn, really big.
Straight or angled with goodly space
for a family. With an angled extension
you can create room for a dining-room
relieving the pressure on the big
living room.
The roof windows give a sensation of
green room. If this house is positioned
in the right point of the compass the
roof of the angled extension is well suited for solar cells or sun panels.
In the angled version we separate
one room with an open passage, a
room that can be reached also from
the angled second floor. And if you
would need an extra study, the open
passage can be walled in.
Kolåsen is a barn house worth its
Kolåsen 170
The angled version of Kolåsen actually consists of two houses that is joined on the second
floor where there is room for three bedrooms. Depending on how you would like to plan the
space on the ground floor, you can either wall in the open passage or keep it open.
Living space 170 m2
Building area 160 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 17 x 7 x 7 m. Angle 10 x 5 x 7 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Kolåsen 190
The big Kolåsen has a very open design with possibilities for different types of planning.
This version can hold four bedrooms and a study spread on both floors. Over kitchen
and living room it’s open up to the ridge. The straight Kolåsen is at one of the gables
finished with a dining-room that with its roof windows and picture windows give the
sensation of a veranda.
Living space 190 m2
Building area 150 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 22 x 7 x 7 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
We often get the question if we produce “barn house studios”. The connection between the barn’s space and
volume and a modern studio is evident
to many. With a high ceiling and big
picture windows on one of the gables,
Alsen is close to that vision. At the
same time this is a perfect house by
the sea or in a mountain environment
where the view is the essential thing.
Anders Landström’s new model
Alsen came about through a discussion about the barn house studio.
Now we have a series that fulfils
many purposes, even if we have given
priority to open spaces with a disregard for many small rooms.
Stop by at the church in the village
of Alsen, a few miles north of
Arvesund, and look down to the lake.
Then you will understand the possibilities with gable full of windows!
Alsen 95
Alsen 95 has an open planning with a big room, open up to the ridge, inside the glazed
gable. Behind the kitchen there is space for a room and on the loft additional rooms can
be made. Depending on how much of the wall should be glazed, there is a number of
different gables to choose from.
Living space 95 m2
Building area 72 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 13,5 x 6 m
Architect Anders Landström
Alsen 154
In the same way as many other barn house models, Alsen can be extended with an open
passage and an extra room joined together on the second floor. This version shows the
possibilities to add an extra living space with connection on the loft.
Living space 154 m2
Building area 120 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 22,5 x 6 m
Architect Anders Landström
On the peninsula of Rödön not far
from the Östersund airport, is the village of Slåtteråsen situated. We have
chosen this beautiful local name for
one of our most beautiful and demanded models.
Daniel Franzén’s Slåtteråsen is a
classic long barn in a modern version.
With or without an open passage, you
can open up the house in the center
to create a veranda. In other respects,
it’s exactly the same as for most of
long barns: narrow, long and with a
little loft with almost full headroom;
room for some extra beds. The win-
dows are irregularly positioned in
order to create a lifelike light.
Moreover, if you draw the big sliding
doors, you get an exciting interior
where the light is filtered from different angles.
There are two basic models with
only the length distinguishing them
from each other. If you want to wall in
the central open passage, we use big
folding doors that can be opened up
completely when you want to give the
summer free passage right through
the house.
Slåtteråsen 69
Slåtteråsen 69 has an open passage in the center of the house. In the summertime it’s
like a veranda. In the winter the planning makes it possible to live in only the part with
kitchen, toilet etc. and just close the other part of the house. Over kitchen, entrance and
bedroom there is a loft that can be reached by a wall-ladder in the hall. The living space
is limited with an open passage, but you get a unique planning when the rooms are opened up to the passage.
Living space 69 m2
Building area 102 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 19 x 5,5 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Slåtteråsen 78
Slåtteråsen 78 is based on the same framework as Slåtteråsen 69. Instead of an open
passage, there are two big folding doors – in several parts – that when they are open
create an open passage. The doors are folded inwards, which makes it possible to keep
them open even when the big sliding doors are drawn. Over kitchen, entrance and
bedroom, is the loft that can be reached by a staircase in the big room.
Living space 78 m2
Building area 93 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 17,5 x 5,5 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Slåtteråsen 85, 102
The bigger Slåtteråsen can – like the smaller one – be built with or without an open passage. With an open passage the heated part of the living space is limited to 85 square
meters. Also here there is a loft over the kitchen, entrance and bedroom. It is reached by
a wall-ladder or for the bigger model a staircase, respectively. If you choose a passage
that is open, you reach it from both the building parts by the big glazed doors inside the
passage. Without an open passage, the house is opened up with two big folding doors.
Living space 85,5 m2
Building area 121,5 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 23 x 5,5 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Arvesund’s first house was built in
the village of Gåje. We rented the
staircase joinery from the Andersson
Brothers where we assembled the
very first Hermit’s Cabin on the backyard. That’s over ten years ago now.
Nobody understood what we were
doing, but now the cabin is a classic.
Neither did anybody in Gåje understand our spelling of the village name,
but with the alternative spelling the
name is easier to pronounce internationally.
Goije is a really classic barn drawn
by Gustaf Karlsson. It could well be
situated in the middle of a field with-
out anybody imaging that there was a
house inside of it. Just as classic as
simple. With its breadth of fully five
meters it has the beautiful short side
of a narrow barn with full headroom
on a big part of the loft. On the other
hand, the length of the long side has
no limit.
On the following pages with different versions of Goije, we show what
is possible to do with many of our
models: extend, shorten, angle; add an
open passage. That’s how the house
can be adapted to everybody’s own
needs, to cardinal points and to the
conditions of the grounds.
Goije 46
The smallest Goije is a simple holiday cottage or backyard house with a living space of
46 square meters. The loft over the kitchen and bath room holds one bedroom. The little
Goije is easiest to build on a reinforced concrete slab, but if you want the barn to “hover”
over the ground, you can put floor blocks on plinths. Then you give the house another
Living space 46 m2
Building area 48 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 10 x 6 m
Architect Gustaf Karlsson
Gustaf Karlsson is a skilled architect but
also active as a designer. It was the little
lamp housing (see page 72) that started
the collaboration with Arvesund.
– The objective with the Goije barn house
series is to create an architecture where
function and esthetics interact to a whole.
I have tried – through a simple planning,
careful placing of the windows and well
balanced proportions – to create a barn
house series that is classic and modern at
the same time.
Goije 70
Goije 70 holds, apart from toilet, kitchen and living room, and a bedroom on the ground
floor. The loft gives extra living space to make one or several rooms. The house is easiest
to build on a reinforced concrete slab, but if you want the barn to “hover” over the
ground, you can put floor blocks on plinths.
Living space 70 m2
Building area 69 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 14 x 6 m
Architect Gustaf Karlsson
Goije 89
Goije 89 is in the middle separated by an open passage. Over the open passage is a loft
with full headroom of such a good size that there is space for a couple of bedrooms and
a study. You can also leave out the open passage in favor of a bigger coherent living
space. Then you get a planning like the one in Goije 147 without angled extension.
Living space 89 m2
Building area 99 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 19 x 6 m
Architect Gustaf Karlsson
Goije 147
The biggest Goije model is fully equipped for year-round living. Laundry room, separate
toilets, several bedrooms and a big kitchen at right angles to the living room that is open
up to the ridge. The loft can be planned according to your own imagination.
Living space 147 m2
Building area 146 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 22 x 6 m. Angle 10 m
Architect Gustaf Karlsson
Architect, MFA, MSA/SIR
In media she has been called “Sweden’s most international designer”. Still, Anki Gneib is so Swedish when designing for Arvesund.
Anki’s box, made of old barn timber from northern Sweden, has
confidence based on importance: it is naturally beautiful, solid,
simple and useful. Just as immediate now as when it was launched
in 2002. Actually, even hotter in the current recycling period! Many
designers are following today.
rvesund is a design company. Behind
the barn houses there is a very conscious idea regarding design, expressed in seven design principles (see
page 6). According to the same logic, Arvesund
has engaged a network of eminent Swedish
designers. It’s all about a holistic view, a feel for
the values that together represent beautiful –
and functional – design. Be it a house, a piece
of furniture, an interior detail; there is a common denominator: the nearness, the spontaneity. The feeling of “Yes, of course, that’s how a
house, a chair, a candlestick should look like”.
This feeling also goes for Anki Gneib: she is
not a troublesome person.
– If I should try to describe my idiom, I
would say that it’s playful, maybe more playful than that of other Scandinavian designers.
Sometimes it’s on the verge of the childish, the
commonplace. But also distinct. One should be
able to embrace the design immediately.
Simply, see what it is. All I produce should be
easy to understand. I start out from myself,
and I’m an uncomplicated, honest person, a
person who can’t lie about the smallest thing.
Accordingly, she is also honest to the materials she is working with. Wood is far from the
only material, but “living in Scandinavia, one
has a natural relation to wood”. At the College
of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, Anki
Gneib took the study program for interior and
furniture design. As qualifying piece of work
she chose to create a piece of furniture, a
wardrobe of birch-plywood with doors covered
with irregular laminate (it was then produced
by Cbi).
– The college had a big, wonderful joinery.
It’s a long time since I created something of
wood. Still, I’m fond of “hands-on”, which
means that my role in a project goes beyond
the drawing-table. I like that!
In the big commissioned assignments there
are also quite a lot of furniture design, that is,
the architect draws the fixed furnishing (everything from kitchen to reception desks, down
to in-detail level). But to form a public environment holds so many other components: it’s
about the people working there; how they
communicate with each other and how they
get along together; and it’s about how you
want to be perceived based on
a company culture, that the
architect has to
understand in
order to translate it so that it is
reflected in the
Anki Gneib
was one in the
quartet that
started the
architects’ office
DAPstockholm AB in 2006, where she in the
capacity of Creative Director worked with overall solutions for both private and public milieus, interior design projects such as Universal
Music’s premises in the Garnisonen office
block in Stockholm and HQ Bank’s office in
the Sahlénhuset office building. Those were
the days!
Today, more than four years later, she has
left DAP for the liberty of choice again:
– I would like to reconnect to my Swedish
network. I haven’t had time to entertain my
Swedish connections.
Anki Gneib has worked a lot in Italy, and
still does. She has created a lamp, Honkong, for
AV Mazzega, that translates the traditions of
the Venetian Murano glass to modern design; a
chair series, Perfo, for Frag; indoor/outdoor furniture for Varaschin; and she has a completely
new collaboration with Slide around plastic
rotary molding for furniture.
Why Italy?
– My big light sculpture, Reef, was exposed
at the Swedish Style fair in Milan in 2005. It
had a great deal of attention that gave many
Italian openings.
But now you want to find your way back to
the roots? At least a little bit. Why?
– I’m at the beginning of collaboration with
two Swedish companies: Örsjö regarding lighting and Voice regarding secondary storage
And then Arvesund, of course! Anki Gneib
was there at the start. It is almost ten years
ago since she for the first time came to the joinery in the county of Jämtland, where the old
barn timber was taken care of. At that time
she had won the Swedish Form competition
with the collection Hambo, a
series inspired
by peasant furniture from the
county of
– I instantly
fell in love with
the material,
how the color
and structure of
the wood is
changing depending on in what
cardinal direction the barn once sat. I created
the Box. It was really an eye catcher. On some
of them we even kept the moss. And I created
cabinets with laths or herring-bone pattern,
the X-chair and the X-table – all at one sweep.
After that I have used the barn timber for a
contrast wall in a boutique in Barcelona, Snow
Mito Nordica, they only sell Swedish design.
Now it could be time for a new collaboration project. Arvesund has asked Anki Gneib
to work out how the idiom of the barn houses
could be introduced in the urban environment.
And as regards herself, she would like to take
the concept even further:
– It would be cool if you could present the
houses outside in, that the fixed furnishing
“breathes the house”, that every detail is consummate: banisters, switches, fittings, everything that is built in – a furnishing guide
with design in harmony with the house, would
show that Arvesund really cares, not to mention making the choice easier for the customer,
of course.
Anki´s Cross-chair
A modern Swedish
log house
Few houses in Sweden have been so much discussed as the
Vistet. It was created by Anders Landström, Tomas Sandell and
Bertil Harström. The little Vistet was shown already in 1999 at the
housing exhibition, H99, in Helsingborg and the bigger version in
Stockholm outside the Nordiska muséet. Today, more than ten
years later, Vistet still is a classic within Swedish architecture.
istet is a timbered house
where the details and feeling in the craftsmanship
is more than enough. The
main-body of the house has a simple
design with horizontal logs. Classic
and simple, but that’s no reason for
being nostalgic. Windows, doors, balconies, etc have derived their shaping
from today’s architecture and idiom.
The outer walls only consist of
massive wood, giving us a range of
advantages. Massive wood has a good
ability to store heat or cold. In order
to bring about a healthy indoor climate, we have opted out the “plastic
bag”, that is, the house has no vapor
barrier. This means that the indoor
climate is balanced with the seasons.
Floor and ceiling have traditional
insulation. Ventilation and heating is
supplied by a heat pump that efficiently re-uses the energy.
But Vistet is more than a beautiful
house with high rated values regarding energy and environment, it is
also a discussion. From being a matter of course in the 18th – 19th centuries, the role of the massive timbering
in Swedish house building has today
become more obsolete. The Swedish
building rules do not support the timbered houses in the same way as in
Norway and Finland. But with increasing focus on sustainability and good
choice of material, the timber is
coming back.
Vistet is probably a substantially
more modern house than we think.
Vistet 140
Vistet 140 is a type house system for house living that goes well on different places and
landscapes. The house is divided in two parts, one part with common rooms like hall,
kitchen and living room, and one secluded part with bathroom and bedroom. Vistet has a
big joint space for cooking and social life – all gathered around a fireplace – kitchen with
larder and cubby-hole minimizes the need of kitchen fixtures and gives a beautiful living
space. The bedroom section with light partition walls so that different private rooms can
be easily arranged according to your needs. Caring and storing of clothes are located
close to the wet room on the second floor; extra toilet on the ground floor.
Living space 140 m2
Building area 78 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6,5 x 12 x 7 m
Architect Anders Landström och Thomas Sandell
Vistet 36
The Little Vistet is a compact house, made as a do-it-yourself kit with a little bit of the
same feeling as caravan living or the summer weeks in the boat. The dwelling space is
27 square meters plus a sleeping loft of 9 square meters that can be furnished with
different numbers of beds. The house is made of massive wood with a 5,5 x 5,5 meters
square planning and with a ceiling height of 5 - 6 meters. The design of Vistet 36 is so
generic that it will go well where ever it is placed.
Living space 36 m2
Building area 30 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5,5 x 5,5 x 6,5 m
Architect Anders Landström och Thomas Sandell
Gunnar Beckman’s series Hara is in
many respects an exact copy of the
barns spread all over the fields in
northern Sweden. You see everywhere. Even if most of them today are
not used, they still are a part of the
scenery. The classic meadow barns
that had only one purpose: to store
the hay on the place where it was cut.
Exteriorly, we have spent all our
effort on emulating a classical barn.
There should be no doubt about from
where the inspiration has been derived for the three Hara models.
Straight, simple and classic lines
without any extra excesses. By
making the best use of the main part
of the second floor, we can make
living spaces up to 180 square meters.
The village Hara is situated close
the water of lake Storsjön in the cove
leading down to the southern end of
the lake. It is in this neighborhood
that our local “Loch Ness Monster” has
been visible most frequently. Therefore, please, don’t go too close to the
water the next time you want to see
the classic meadow barns in their
own element!
Hara 76
Hara 76 is on the ground floor lengthwise divided in two parts. The front part holds toilet,
laundry room, entrance and a staircase leading up to the second floor, where two or
three bedrooms can be made. The back part consists of a big open living room with
kitchen along the whole house.
Living space 76,5 m2
Building area 54 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 9 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Hara 130
Hara 130 is a complete house with three bedrooms on the second floor and a big hall.
The ground floor has the same planning as the smaller Hara, with kitchen and living room
along the whole house. Shutters for all the windows on the ground floor make it possible
to close the house so that it looks like a meadow barn.
Living space 130 m2
Building area 81 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6,5 x 12 x 7,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Hara 178
The big Hara has a staircase in the middle of the house, which gives you a big secluded
kitchen with a big larder. With four bedrooms and large joint areas make Hara 178 to a
house for the big family. Shutters for all the windows on the ground floor make it possible
to close the house so that it looks like a meadow barn.
Living space 178 m2
Building area 110 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6,5 x 16 x 7,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
“There is no end in itself to make all our houses to look like barns.
But the look of the houses and the potential of the details make it
possible to achieve considerably more exiting environments than if
you base it on a traditional villa.”
In its own environment
and greenhouses – also can be embraced in a
unnar Fröberg and architect
yard milieu.
Gunnar Bäckman have for a couple
– There are a number of different functions
of years had the barn from the
that we would like to include in the concept of
middle of north of Sweden as basis
“farm buildings”, which could lead to that we
for the Arvesund barn house. The conception
deliver an overall solution rather than just a
barn house emanates from the USA, where
single house. There is nothing wrong with the
barn houses have been an established architraditional carport, but we insist that you
tecture for a long time. Earlier in Sweden the
could do so much more of an annex when creaexpression and function of the barn houses
ting the living of the future.
haven’t been used in the
More and more people choosame way.
se to work from home, and
– The Swedish villa, for
with modern building and
that matter, doesn’t have a
heating technology, an extra
uniform architecture. If you
room in a “farm building” is
browse through a house
economically justifiable.
catalog, there are usually a
number of styles to choose
between. But looking
Genuine feeling
around, you can easily see
for wood
that it is not that simple to
Arvesund as well as the
put a modern villa on a
partner Derome group base
piece of land at the outall their products on wood.
skirts of a town. With the
In structure and design,
barn houses we add yet
wood is the common denoanother style representing
minator. From an environsimplicity and beauty, and
mental point of view wood
in addition have a connecis the only sensible building
tion to one of the most
material in a country like
known design elements in
Sweden. Wood is flexible in
the Swedish scenery, the
another way than, for
Gunnar Fröberg, Arvesund
Swedish barn.
example, plaster and conc-
Interested in a
For Arvesund it’s not
enough to draw houses that
then are placed somewhere
without respect to the surroundings. They take a bigger grasp and incorporate
their offerings in a context.
With Arvesund’s design
principles as basis, the
model range of houses,
sheds and cabins, can be
utilized so that they form
farmyards as well as urban
milieus. In a number of projects for more coherent settlements Arvesund has
shown how the barn house
concept – studios, saunas
Gunnar Bäckman, architekt
rete. With today’s production technology there is a
wide range of panels,
boards and more or less
worked up surfaces to choose from.
– With the right choice
of colors, with doors,
details and other design
contributions, the expressions of our houses and
yard milieus will be numerous and varying. Behind a
sliding door there can just
as well be a carport as a big
studio window. The “open
passage” is just as natural
in a barn house as a way of
combining a house with a
joiner’s workshop for the
In our new model series Marieby we
have broadened the barn houses substantially. With a breadth of almost
nine meters, there is room for a more
traditional planning with rooms in
both directions. Here we are getting
closer to the architecture of the
manor house. We even dare to open
up a part of the roof to add a dormer
window like they had a century ago
as an entrance to the hayloft of the
The origin to the houses is in the village of Marieby on the opposite side of
the cove towards Östersund. There, big
red houses on the farms are common.
Like they did with the old log houses,
the Marieby houses are partitioned off
every four meters with vertical joints
and horizontal panel between them,
like they did with the old log houses.
That gives us an exterior that captures
the classic architecture from older
times in a modern shape.
Marieby 155
Marieby 155 is a barn house with full breadth, which makes it possible to plan the rooms
parallelly. Here the dormer window gives extra space to the hall between the four rooms
on the second floor. The exterior is covered with horizontal panel, which is regularly interrupted like the beam joints on old log houses.
Living space 155 m
Building area 102 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 9 x 11 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Marieby 155 alternative
The same framework as for Marieby 155, but without dormer window and with a different
planning. With an extra big hall you get workrooms adjacent to the entrance. The second
floor can partly be opened down to the ground floor, or you choose to keep it as a whole
floor in order to get room for up to four bedrooms. The balconies double as entrance
roofs, and if you wish you can add a “greenroom” in connection to the living room. With
this type of façade you can have two colors on the house.
Living space 155 m2
Building area 102 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 9 x 11 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Ev. lyftbord
Marieby 183
Living space 183 m2
Building area 134 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 9 x 15 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
This is the same house as Marieby 155 but with one more section added to one of the
gables. This section gives you on the ground floor an extra big living room. The added
section is open up to the ridge. The kitchen is in this version integrated with the extra big
hall. The balcony doubles as roof for the entrance. With this type of façade you can
choose to combine two colors on the whole house or on just a part of it.
Hunge is a modern version of a meadow barn from the north of Sweden.
By accentuating the joint between the
two floors with big doors, panel and
choice of color, we create a modern
expression starting from an old form.
It was also with our first version of
Hunge as a starting point that we
began to work with the studio barn
house. On our very smallest version
of Hunge – about seventy square
meters – we opened it up with win-
dows on one of the gables covered
with laths. An airy way of shutting
out; but at the same time keeping the
light and the view of the scenery.
In this catalog you see a number of
versions among which our studio is
the most spectacular. The origin to
our big Hunge is stolen with pride
from a barn along the road to the village of Ås, a slanting roof over the
extension almost to the ground.
Hunge 71
Hunge 71 is a compact little house where the staircase doubles as a wall towards the
kitchen. The second floor can hold 2 – 3 bedrooms. Roof windows, special shutters and
a mix of horizontal and vertical panels create possibilities for variable coloring.
Living space 71,5 m2
Building area 46 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 8 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Hunge studio
Hunge studio is a version with open planning and a fully glazed gable inside an exterior
Living space 71 m2
Building area 54 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 6 x 8 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Hunge 109
Hunge 109 can – like the smaller models – be parted horizontally in the middle between
vertical and horizontal panels. Shutters with wooden color and panel are broken against
a black second floor and a shiny tin roof. The second floor holds up to three bedrooms
with roof windows. Since Hunge has a compact shape, it allows for adding verandas,
orangeries and terraces on all sides of the house. The model can also be extended in
case of need for a bigger living space.
Living space 109,5 m2
Building area 73 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 11 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Hallen is the village opposite Arvesund across the Lake Storsjön where
it’s sloping abruptly down to the
water Storsjön. You recognize people
from Hallen on their uneven suntan;
as always when living on a slope you
have the sun behind you.
The Hallen model is like the village: one big slope. A half house with a
very special planning. The high back
wall gives fantastic possibilities to
dock a lean-to greenhouse, a larder,
guest-house, green room.
We started sketching this model in a
context where we were drawing a farmyard milieu and wanted to make a
barn house look like the long farm
building you always found on the old
farms, a building for carriages, fire
wood, timber, etc. Now it has grown to
a full big house that has demands on
its surrounding but also – if it’s turned in the right direction – can capture the sun even better than the
people living in the village Hallen.
Hallen 96
Living space 96 m2
Building area 82 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 5 x 15 x 7 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Hallen 96 is a half house with a ground floor that at each end is covered by a loft. In the
middle it is open up to the ridge and on the back wall are the staircases leading up to the
two lofts, one bigger and one smaller. The big roof can usefully be used to store solar
heat. On the backside the house can be extended with a variety of functions.
This is how it has looked like for centuries. Small timbered “härbres” in
the middle of the tilled land. It has
been popular to move them to the
gardens and turn them into guest
houses. Sikås is our copy of the classic
härbre. Small building area but fascinatingly big when you get on the loft.
Most people love the little house as it
is, but perhaps some extra square
meters wouldn’t do any harm. Therefore we have made a couple of versions where we have extended it or
even docked another Sikås to another
Sikås to another Sikås – twin, twin…
Sikås 33
Sikås 33, 42
Sikås has a completely open planning on the ground floor and a big loft of about eight
square meters with full headroom in the middle. A toilet can be placed either in an extension outside the house or just to the left in the entrance. The glazed double wing door in
the living room opens up the house in the summer. When you are not there, the shutters are
easily closed and you have a little well insulated, compact holiday house for two persons.
Living space 33 m2
Building area 38,5 m2
Ca. measurements (wxlxh) 4,5x7x5,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Living space 42 m2
Building area 45,5 m2
Ca. measurements (wxlxh) 4,5x7x5,5 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Sikås 42
Sikås in a row, 80 –120
Two Sikås can usefully be put together having a common entrance. This way a house of
up to 80 square meters is created and can be planned according to your own needs.
Both lofts have full headroom which means that you can make use of most of the area
for bedrooms and storing. With three Sikås in a row you get a house with a living space
of up to 120 square meters.
Living space 80 - 120 m2
Building area 70 - 130 m2
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
“You always want to live
in the house you have
drawn last.”
That’s what interior designer and designer David Franzén says.
If that were true he would right now have installed himself in a
Kolåsen barnhouse, his latest model for Arvesund. Or plan for
moving to Barcelona and one of the exclusive apartments that he
has drawn for the top floor in the 100-meters skyscraper close to
Gaudi’s cathedral La Segrada Familia.
It’s not supposed to be
he has used a new grip
taken literally, though:
and given it a slightly
– But I really enter
different expression.
into how it would be
– I have been inspiliving in the houses I
red by the plastered
draw. I want eveparts you often see on
rything to be optimal.
cowsheds, so Kolåsen
As an interior designer
has a ground floor with
I work inside out, rathorizontal, white
her than the opposite
panel-work – up to a
and I guess that is
height of 2,5 meters.
many times an advanThe rest of the house
Euro pallet, low coffee table after famous
tage. Historically you
has vertical panelpattern
could say that you
work, painted with iron
have “thought from the outside” when drawing sulphate or Falun Red. It gives a fine contrast
a house. Then of course the placing of the win- and is quite rational: the joint you always get
dows is an effect of how the architect wants
in a block built house is conjured away where
the facade to look.
the panel-work changes direction.
– The interior designer primarily focuses on
Now, plaster is never an option. A barn
the room, on how the light is taken care of; on
house is built of wood. “Feeling of wood” is one
where you want to open up and look out; or on of Arvesund’s design principles, a principle
where you want to shut or draw the curtain.
that Daniel Franzén naturally sticks to.
With that starting point, when planning a
He has worked with wood already since the
house, you get a greater variation, both on the
first year at the College of Arts, Crafts and
outside and the inside.
Design in 1997. Mainly because wood was the
Daniel Franzén has created three barn
cheapest material to make prototypes of, but
houses for Arvesund: Slåtteråsen, Bringåsen
just as much because he thought pinewood
and now Kolåsen – new in this catalog.
was beautiful.
Kolåsen is a bit different from the earlier
In the old classrooms of the college, the
models. Firstly it is substantially big; secondly walls were covered with panel that had aged
and darkened until it gradually looked more
This was in 2005, and he was quite evidently
like high-grade wood, hard as oak but with a
ahead of his time. But then the bottle candlesurface as soft as satin.
sticks reappeared on the front page of Elle
– At the end of the 90’s, minimalism was
Interiör in the home of Filippa K in Paris. Then
what counted. But I felt that all the bare, cold, it got going in the press. Now they are top-ofwhite needed to be warmed up.
the-line design and sold not only in Sweden but
He happened to be a champion for pinealso in Holland and soon also in the US.
wood to such a degree
His latest wooden
that some journalists
project is the remodewrote about him as
ling of a three-room
the “pinewood man”.
apartment on
In his qualifying piece
Södermalm in
of work in 2004 – a
fully functional 11
– There I work entisquare meter apartrely with thin matt
ment, about which a
varnished plywood on
great deal was written
walls, floor and ceiling
– he made all surfaces
in one of the rooms
white (such a small
and as floor material
area had to be kept
in combination with
unembellished) –
white in the other
except the ceiling and
rooms and together
walls of the sleepingwith black-marbled
loft that were covered
white marble in the
with sheets of pine
kitchen. It’s so beautiveneer.
– Already at the
But then he also
sketching stage I dismakes jewelries, one is
covered how much the
worn by Madonna,
pinewood contributed
Unity, a combination of
to the room.
the symbols of three
Mr Mudd and Mr Gold" with Franzén's furniSomething happened.
shing was awarded The Shop of the Year 2010 religions, and One
In his past he spent
Earth, a combination
one year in Yamagata, Japan, which he says
of the tree of life and the peace symbol. And
has made a lasting impression:
he creates lamps, furniture, interior details.
– The Japanese are masters of using wood.
They do it in the most exquisite way and I am
– It’s all about passion, I become absorbed.
definitely influenced by them.
The media reflects what I want to mediate. If
Today he doesn’t have to stand up for his
I’m mad about something, it’s easier to exstubborn use of pinewood anymore since all
press it in a piece of jewelry than in a house.
that can be wooden now is wooden. Wood is
–Then it’s also that all I do is insanely fun.
the hottest material for 2011 according to the
At the same time I think you keep yourself
people who set the trends home in Sweden
more curious if you diversify. It should never
and abroad. But it has not always been like
be an ordinary day.
that. When he created his bottle-shaped candThat’s why he takes part in the competition
lesticks of pinewood, after his early years of
for the assignment of drawing the skyscraper
alternative use of empty wine-bottles, they got in Barcelona. Red as a Rioja at the base it
a great deal of applause from the designer
stretches towards sun-yellow at the top meecommunity but hardly from the public.
ting the bright-blue sky. That’s how he visuali– I was about to start a bold venture for
zes it.
launching the bottles in all shops of
– If not otherwise, it has been a very enterDesigntorget. Not a single bottle was sold and
taining exercise – I realize “My god, in fact I
eventually they disappeared from the shelves.
can make a house that is very big”.
Bringåsen is the younger sister of
Slåtteråsen. Narrower, lower and
more simple. With its barely five
meters breadth it doesn’t need any
complicated structure, so it can be
divided with walls according to your
In this catalog we show two small
versions with a living space of about
fifty square meters. Bringåsen should
be experienced as – and be – simple.
A straight and modest barn possible
to place anywhere.
Bringåsen 44
Bringåsen is a very narrow and simple barn house. Kitchen and bathroom in the middle
of the house creates a simple loft for extra beds or storing. The planning can be varied
by the fact that the house is so narrow that no inside walls are supporting.
Living space 44 m2
Building area 53 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 4,5 x 12 x 5 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Bringåsen 63
The same simple, narrow house as in the small version but now longer. A bedroom at the
gable and a bigger living room at the other end. Can be delivered without any inside
walls or with a planning that covers the demands of a smaller family’s need for a simpler
holiday house.
Living space 63 m2
Building area 75 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 4,5 x 17 x 5 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Why can’t Sweden have the same
rules as England regarding how big a
backyard house should be without
having to apply for a building permit?
Some years ago the Swedish rules
for the “Friggeboden” were changed so
that as long as it wasn’t bigger than
15 square meters, you didn’t need a
building permit. However, they forgot
a detail in the decision: the height
was still limited to 3 meters.
A backyard house must be higher
in order to keep its proportions. Our
two series of backyard houses are 4
meters high and up to 30 square
meters big. Exactly the same measurements that are allowed in England.
In Sweden this size of building
requires building permit. In order to
create backyard milieus with small
simple complementary buildings, we
need houses with these measurements.
Ocke 15
Ocke 3 x 5
Ocke 21
Ocke 3 x 7
Ocke 3 x 10
Ocke 30
Arvesund’s backyard house Ocke is only 3 meters broad. The ridge height is limited to 4
meters and the length to 10 meters. It is available in three sizes with areas from 15 to 30
square meters. Above the little toilet there is room for a loft, or more like a quarter berth.
The glazed double wing doors can either be on the long side or on a gable. The houses
are delivered without furnishing.
Building area 15 – 30 m2
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Ytterocke 23
Ytterocke 3,6 x 6,5
Arvesund’s a bit broader backyard house, Ytterocke, is 3,6 meters broad. The ridge
height is limited to 4 meters and the length to 8 meters. It’s available in two sizes giving a
building area from 23 to 29 square meters. Above the little toilet there is room for a loft,
or more like a quarter berth. The glazed double wing doors, making the entrance, can either be on the long side or on a gable. The houses are delivered without furnishing.
Building area 23 – 29 m2
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Ytterocke 29
Ytterocke 3,6 x 8
Room for solitude
and silence
The first time the Hermit’s Cabin was shown, was over twenty
years ago at the furniture fair in Stockholm. Ten years later
Arvesund started to collaborate with Mats Theselius and in year
2000 the cabin was exhibited in a new shape at the Modern
museum in Cologne. Inside and outside covered with old recycled
barn timber. As a symbol for solitude and silence, it has after that
been at several fairs and exhibitions all around the world.
“I guess most people connect hermit’s life to
mysticism and religion” says Mats “but that is
wrong. It’s rather a matter of challenging the
hectic city life and taking a natural step back.
I want to show the possibility to escape from
the urban life for a while. The cabin challenges the discussions about the individual contra
the society and human needs for solitude. For
that reason we have filled the cabin with the
few things you need. Here you can eat, sleep,
read or just do nothing at all”.
Since 2001 the Hermit’s Cabin has been sold
and exhibited in a number of countries. It has
been exposed in Stockholm, Tokyo, Bologna,
Cologne, Hamburg and The Hague. A limited
edition has been sold all over the world.
On request from our customers it has been
adapted for placing in woods, on cliffs, in olive
groves and by the water. Each customer has
his own request and idea of how his room for
solitude and silence should look. Today there
are cabins for private use as well as for retreat and stay-over at hotels and conference
Mats is the originator to many
of the pieces of furniture that
attracted most attention during
the nineties in Sweden. He
debuted with the Moose-skin
armchair in 1985. It was made
of iron plate and moose-skin.
1995 – 1996 he was professor
of the HDK - School of Design
and Crafts in Gothenburg. He
was awarded the Grand Award
of Design in 1997, and in 1999
he got the price for the
Furniture of the Year.
In its most exclusive design the
Hermit’s Cabin is covered with old
barn timber inside and outside. For
the interior the old timber creates a
unique character. By paneling the
outside walls with new calcimined
weather-boarding and the inner walls
with old timber you get a contrast
giving a completely other feeling.
Each cabin is custom-made based
on the choices of the customer and is
delivered as prefabricated building
blocks. This makes it possible to erect
the cabin on the oddest places where
you want to create your own room for
solitude and silence. The cabin is of
course fit for use the year-around
with organic insulation in floor, walls
and roof. Galvanized steel sheet for
roof, window sills and gutters.
The Hermit’s Cabin
The Hermits Cabin
The Hermit’s Cabin is 7,5 square meters and optimal for one person. Insulated and cosy
in order to be used all the year round. The cabin is delivered without furnishing. If you
want it furnished there is a wood stove with water heater, besides there is a furnishing
package comprising bed, chair, wardrobe and a set of shelves. There is also a textile
package with curtains, lambskin and bed textiles.
Building area 7,5 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 2,6 x 2,9 x 3 m
Architect Mats Theselius
The Eremitage
The Eremitage (the hermitage) is
Mats Theselius’ latest contribution to
Arvesund. The Eremitage is originated
from a discussion about a bigger nest
for solitude and silence. But with its
fifteen square meters it was so big that
the conception of a “cabin” seemed too
small for it. That’s the reason for the
new name.
“In a way the Eremitage is a natural evolution of the Hermit’s Cabin.
Also the Eremitage is a place to go to
for both experiencing and challenging
our most basic needs regarding food
and warmth. One thing is important:
it should be fun to come to the
Eremitage” Mats emphasizes.
“Everyone, who arrives at the Hermit’s
Cabin with all the things he planned
to do, will soon realize that it is more
fun to make life in the cabin work
than doing what never was done.”
The Eremitage
The Eremitage is 15 square meters big and made for two to four persons. Insulated and
cosy in order to be used all the year around. Toilet and shower are either separated and
can be reached from separate doors from the outside or through a common door inside the
house. (see the planning sketches). The Eremitage is delivered without furnishing. If you
would like it furnished you can add a woodstove/gas stove with a washing-up sink, besides
there is a furnishing package comprising beds, table and chairs.
Building area 15 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 3 x 5 x 3 m
Architect Mats Theselius
Taking a trip around the lakes west of
the village Bräcke, you sooner or later
get to the village Bodsjö. Fantastic
nature areas and fishing-waters where
everybody should spend a couple of
days of their lives. Our Bodsjö series
has its shape from the Hermit’s Cabin
and the countless hunting cabins you
find all around Sweden.
Thanks to its simple shape, Bodsjö
can be joined to many other versions
for many other purposes. One purpose
could be a quite a big greenhouse. In
the north of Italy there is a Bodsjö
sauna. And on the Lofoten Islands a
Bodsjö is used for sleeping accommodation.
Bodsjö 15
Bodsjö 15
Bodsjö 15 has its entrance door on one of the short sides and a back wall completely
covered, no door no windows. With the broad glazed doors the shed can be opened up
to the front. It can be planned and used as a shed, guestroom or sauna. It’s delivered
without any furnishing.
Building area 15 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 2,5 x 5,5 x 3 m
Architect Arvesund
Bodsjö 15
Bodsjö 30
Bodsjö variations
Bodsjö can be varied in different ways. Half of the house can be made to a veranda. The
sturdily framed roof makes it possible to gradually furnish and wall in the whole or parts
of this veranda. The two variations can also be joined together to a long low house. If
you have green fingers you will see the potential in Bodsjö orangery. The back wall can
distribute solar heat in coils or hold pipes with hot water from the stoves.
Bodsjö orangeri
Byom 15
Byom 15 is a very simple shed that through its square shape can be planned according
to the need for living space. On all the walls doors and windows can be placed anywhere. The shed is delivered without any furnishing.
Building area 15 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 3,5 x 4,5 x 3 m
Architect Gunnar Bäckman
Kläppe is fifteen square meters big
and three meters high. It has room
for a sauna or perhaps a room for
Just like Anders Landström’s
Nytorp also his little Kläppe blends
well into most of the milieus where
you have use for a little extra house.
Next time you take the road from
Svenstavik up towards Åre, turn
down over Gärdsta and you will get a
beautiful detour of about a Swedish
mile close to the water of Lake
Kläppe 15
Kläppe bastu
Kläppe 15
Kläppe is a shed with large glazed areas, furnished as a sauna or a guest-house. The big
windows can be placed on the short or long walls depending on where the house will be
situated. A slightly slanting roof on top of the compact cube gives good volume indoors
even if the shed isn’t more than three meters high. Externally it is covered with horizontal
bond-line panel.
Building area 15 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 3,5 x 4 x 3 m
Architect Anders Landström
When the first heat radiates from the
wooden fired sauna-stove you realize
what distinguishes one sauna from
another sauna. Being a producer of
insulated sheds and not launching a
sauna model of his own would be
regarded as a breach of duty.
Now there are a number of sauna
models to choose from. The exterior is
boarded with calcimined weatherboarding. For the inner walls and
benches we use alder or ash wood.
The sauna stove comes from Harvia
and is mounted according to standard
fire-protection regulations.
After all we should place a sauna
in the western ski-slope of the mountain Åreskutan. Preferably among the
Arctic birches at the tree limit. The
fact that this would be in the neighborhood of the Buustamon mountain
hotel, makes it even better. It’s a
genuine and well preserved farm
from the end of the 1900th century.
Buustamon 10
Buustamon is a sauna with two meters long benches which makes it possible to use as a
stay-overnight cottage. The exterior is boarded with calcimined weather-boarding. For
the inner walls and benches we use alder or ash wood. The sauna stove comes from
Harvia with a complete installation kit according to standard fire-protection regulations.
The black sauna shed has smaller windows and a more ordinary entrance. The red one
has a bigger entrance and a scenic window.
Based on the structure of the Hermit’s cabin we offer also a smaller sauna for 3 – 5
persons. As an option this little sauna is available with old recycled panel indoors which
creates both a specific light and a specific feeling.
Building area 10 m2
Ca. measurements (wxlxh) 2,5x3,5x3 m
Architect Arvesund
In this cubistic model Daniel Franzén has created “compact living” in a fifteen square meter
shed. In spite of its smallness, the planning has all functions you may need. At the front the
cube is opened with a broad glazed door and from this side you reach both kitchen,
shower and sleeping loft. Through the entrance on the back wall you reach the toilet and
the little living room up on the loft. Storing space is above the toilet and up on the loft.
Lit can also be furnished as a sauna. Half of the area is then used for sauna with room
for up to 8 persons. Behind this is a toilet, a shower and perhaps a little kitchenette.
Building area 15 m2
Ca. measurements (w x l x h) 3 x 5 x 3 m
Architect Daniel Franzén
Planning for Lit sauna
Lit 15
Arvesund in collaboration with A-hus
Arvesund Living AB
Björneborgsvägen 11
SE-830 13 Åre
Phone +46(0)647 325 90