Richmond Ranch Richmond Ranch
Richmond Ranch Richmond Ranch
Alberta BEEF Publications Mail Agreement No. 40007805 OCTOBER 2012 Vol. 22 No. 8 Cover Price $4.00 Richmond Ranch 100 years strong • Ergot fungus • EPD’s by the numbers 2012 FALL MEETING & ELECTION SCHEDULE ZONE 1 (MEETING 7 p.m. START FREE SUPPER 6 p.m.) ZONE 6 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START FREE SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) NOV 1 BROOKS, BOW SLOPE AUCTION Reynold Bergen, CCA OCT 23 ZONE 2 (MEETING 7 p.m. START FREE SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) OCT 29 FORT MACLEOD, AUCTION MARKET Reynold Bergen, CCA PONOKA, LEGION Martin Unrau, CCA Chair BRETON, COMMUNITY CENTRE Ryder Lee, CCA CAMROSE, REGIONAL EXHIBITION Jennifer Wood, CPIP ZONE 3 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START) OCT 29 COCHRANE, RANCHEHOUSE Rich Smith, ABP Executive Director SUNDRE, SENIORS CENTRE Randy Jenson, AFSC STRATHMORE, GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Anne Dunford, Gateway OCT 30 NOV 1 ZONE 4 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START FREE SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) OCT 22 POLLOCKVILLE, COMMUNITY HALL Doug Sawyer, ABP Chair VETERAN, COMMUNITY HALL Ryder Lee, CCA CZAR, CZAR HALL Karin Schmid, ABP Beef Production Specialist OCT 24 OCT 29 ZONE 5 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START WITH FREE BEEF ON A BUN SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) OCT 24 OCT 30 NOV 1 LESLIEVILLE, COMMUNITY HALL BIG VALLEY, COMMUNITY HALL SPRUCE VIEW, COMMUNITY HALL 320, 6715 – 8 Street NE Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7 OCT 25 OCT 29 ZONE 7 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START FREE SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) OCT 30 MAYERTHORPE, LEGION HALL Annemarie Pedersen, Canada Beef Inc. WESTLOCK, MEMORIAL HALL NOV 1 ZONE 8 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START FREE SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) NOV 5 NOV 6 MINBURN, COMMUNITY HALL STREAMSTOWN, COMMUNITY HALL Gerald Hauer, Chief Provincial Vet GOODRIDGE, COMMUNITY HALL Karin Schmid, ABP Beef Production Specialist NOV 7 ZONE 9 (ALL MEETINGS 7 p.m. START WITH FREE BEEF ON A BUN SUPPER AT 6 p.m.) OCT 23 PEACE RIVER, SAWRIDGE HOTEL Speaker TBA FAIRVIEW, DUNVEGAN MOTOR INN Speaker TBA GRANDE PRAIRIE, STONEBRIDGE INN Speaker TBA VALLEYVIEW, MEMORIAL HALL Speaker TBA OCT 25 OCT 30 NOV 1 tel 403.275.4400 fax 403.274.0007 BRD PROTECTION… IT’S NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL. Different cattle have different BRD challenges and require different levels of protection. Most are not in the extreme high risk category – a category that includes lightweight commingled feedlot calves for instance – so why pay more for extreme Now available in a new economical 500 mL format protection? Treat your calves on arrival with a product that gets to work right away and remains active in the lungs1. Now available in a new plastic bottle with an innovative, ergonomic, durable and convenient design. Ask your veterinarian about ZACTRAN common sense BRD protection ZACTRAN® is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. © 2012 Merial Canada Inc. All rights reserved. ZACT-12-7562-BJA 1. Huang RA, Letendre LT, Banav N, Fischer J & Somerville, BA. Pharmacokinetics of gamithromycin in cattle with comparison of plasma and lung tissue concentrations and plasma antibacterial activity. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2885.2009.01125.x. Industry Ag Economist calls for a new consumer-targeted agency D r. Sylvain Charlebois is Acting Dean and Professor at the College of Management Economics, University of Guelph in Ontario. He is also a member of the National Advisory Board of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Charlebois suggests that the CFIA should either change their mandate to communicate their recall investigative work to consumers OR parliament needs to create a new agency to keep consumers informed. “I’ve testified before a parliamentary committee twice advocating for an agency to deal with risk communications in Canada. We need to do a better job of letting consumers know what happens in food recalls and the outcome of investigations etc.” “We need an agency that will be accountable and report to parliament. This agency would also work closely with both Health Canada and Agriculture and Agri Food Canada.” During his tenure from 2004 to 2010, as a member of the Faculty of Business administration at the Uni- 4 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 versity of Regina, Charlebois changed his previous focus from looking at food distribution models and how organizations interact to provide value to consumers to – how Mad Cow affected an already fragmented relationship between the primary producer and processors. From there he began to research food safety systems around the globe. “In my early research I found that the relationships between the primary producer, feeder, processor and retail have always been quite fragmented,” suggests Charlebois. “BSE or mad cow sure didn’t help to bring these members of the value chain any closer. Retail prices remained quite stable during the ordeal yet cattle incomes dropped as much as 70 percent.” “When you understand economics and how demand is structured, you begin to realize that price fluctuations really don’t impact beef retail sales. Lower prices may help beef sales in the short term, but overall demand is fairly constant.” Dr. Sylvain Charlebois Charlebois is currently penning a new book on global food safety systems to be published later this year. How does Canada stack up in the food safety arena? “When you divide the 17 richest countries into tiers (I’m excluding India and China), Canada is in the bottom of the top tier along with the U.S.,” says Charlebois. “Denmark and the Netherlands are at the top. Australia and Japan are also ahead of Canada. Japan’s food safety policies have been driven by demand while Australia’s have been driven by trade”. Who pays for improved traceability systems? “Traceability is the management tool which allows any supply chain to manage risk properly when it comes to food safety,” says Charlebois. “Without traceability it’s difficult to monitor risk. I’ve done repeated consumer surveys and have always received the same results. Consumers just expect their food to be safe. It’s no different than having a seat belt built into the car.” Consumers are finally asking to be better connected to the growers of their food BUT and that is a BIG BUT – they refuse to pay for traceability or food safety systems. So then how does the industry fund continued improvements to their traceability systems? “Inflation,” says Charlebois. “Canadian consumers have access to the cheapest food prices in the world. In fact, we have the third lowest food prices in the world after the Americans and Singapore.” “The landscape doesn’t allow distributors to increase prices to offset the cost for new traceability systems but food inflation will. We’re probably going to see an increase in commodity prices in the next few months because of the drought in the U.S. These kinds of corrections are necessary to ensure that there is money for the food industry to afford to continue to improve in the food safety area. The last thing anyone wants is a recall.” “No one is out to kill anyone – that’s a bad business model” “The second most important risk manager in the supply chain is the food processor. The first most important risk manager in the food FOR DEADSTOCK REMOVAL, WE’RE FAR REMOVED FROM OTHER COMPANIES. West Coast Reduction provides an environmentally friendly way of recycling all your animal by-products. With our fleet of trucks, we can promptly remove deadstock directly from your farm and save your premises from any potential disease that’s often associated with deadstock. We have six locations across Western Canada to serve you. West Coast Reduction Ltd. Corporate Head Office 105 North Commercial Drive Vancouver, British Columbia V5L 4V7 tel 604.255.9301 fax 604.255.1803 customer service 604.252.2066 Northern Alberta Processing Co. A Division of West Coast Reduction Ltd. 1930 121st Avenue NE Edmonton, Alberta T6S 1B1 tel 780.472.6750 fax 780.472.6944 customer service 1.800.231.4767 Southern Alberta Processing Co. A Division of West Coast Reduction Ltd. P.O. Box 2110 Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4K6 tel 403.328.1336 fax 403.327.8461 customer service 1.800.661.1023 Island Processing Co. A Division of West Coast Reduction Ltd. 900 Maughan Road Nanaimo, British Columbia V9X 1J2 tel 250.722.4770 fax 250.722.4771 customer service 250.722.4770 Alberta Processing Co. A Division of West Coast Reduction Ltd. 7030 Ogden Dale Place SE Calgary, Alberta T2C 2A3 tel 403.279.4441 fax 403.279.6928 customer service 1.800.391.3881 Saskatoon Processing Co. A Division of West Coast Reduction Ltd. 3018 Miners Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 4Z8 tel 306.934.4887 fax 306.934.3364 customer service 1.800.803.9414 supply chain is the CONSUMER, “says Charlebois. Which takes us back to the initial conversation about whom and how will we educate the consumer to become part of the risk management team? “All recalls could be prevented – they are human-induced,” says Charlebois. “That’s why we need an agency to support and educate the consumer. There will be another outbreak such as Listeria that happened in 2007. We discovered that Listeria is everywhere. Unfortunately, the CFIA went in with a savage approach to try to manage the Listeria outbreak and try to prevent another without even consulting with the industry.” “But over the last few years, there has been more dialogue to make policies that are realistic and reach goals that are attainable when it comes to compliance.” If you visit the CFIA website you will be able to stay informed about Canadian-based recalls, however, you won’t find any information about the investigations and what they eventually find as the reason for a bacteria contamination. To quote one CFIA source, “It’s not our job to communicate the sources of contamination.” Then whose is it? On another note: Charlebois also indicated that there are less and less suppliers in the retail game which may narrow the field when investigating a food safety scare. Where once the retail freezers were only full of such tasty items as those from the Sara Lee’s kitchen, the market is becoming more inundated with private labels. With brand names such as President’s Choice or Co-op and Safeway plus many others, private labels now represent up to 26 percent of food products that are sold in Canada and in Europe that number has reached 40 per cent. That’s food for thought. BONNIE WARNYCA 6 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 CONTENTS October 2012 24 12 30 100 years and counting ..................................................................................................12 What started with 10 heifers nearly 40 years ago at Richmond Ranch, has today grown to be one of the largest purebred Limousin herds in Canada. The size and scope of their operation has reached far and wide into the cattle industry as further witnessed by the many buyers who attend their annual bull sale. Walking dead ....................................................................................................................24 Animals that lose their hooves, tails, hair or ears likely have consumed contaminated feed. The culprit, ergot fungus. A devastating disease to be sure, Alberta Agriculture specialist have real concerns we'll see more of this disease break out going forward. 38 Fall sales ............................................................................................................................30 In short supply, cattle this year are predicted to fetch a premium. For a complete listing of auction markets and their web sites check out these pages. Quality always number one ..........................................................................................38 According to feed specialists, two thirds of production costs are feed and two thirds of feed costs are from winter feeding. Translation, this component of livestock production should not be left to chance. Enter feed testing to ensure optimum results. Alberta BEEF Publisher/Editor: Garth McClintock Associate Publisher: Lee Gunderson: S a l e s M a na g e r : Lyn Maisonneuve Tucker A ss ocia t e Ed ito r: Bonnie Warnyca 8 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 Advertising Representatives: Lorraine Monette: Laura Galbraith: Larry Toner: Gloria Fantin, GA Fantin Services, | 403-289-3836 Accounting/Circulation: JoAnn Daniels Electronic Composition: FREEHOUSE8: Contents of Alberta Beef Magazine are Copyrighted and may be reproduced only when written permission is obtained from the publisher. PUBLISHERʼS STATEMENT:All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Canada: One Year, $43, Two Year $66, Single Copy, $4, USA: One Year, $70, Intʼl: One Year, $120. Send change of address notice promptly, provide old as well as new address, and if possible send address label from recent issue. Allow six weeks for change to take effect. POSTMASTER: Alberta Beef is authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada. Second class postage will be prepaid in Calgary, Alberta. PUBLICATIONS MAILAGREEMENT NO. 40007805 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: ALBERTA BEEF MAGAZINE 230 6025 12TH STREET SE CALGARY AB T2H 2K1 email: Phone: (403) 250-1090 Fax: (403) 291-9546 Toll Free: 1-800-387-BEEF (2333) Alberta Beef (ISSN: 1187-0761) is published 12 times a year by: Creative Motion Publishing Publishers of Alberta Beef, Beef Illustrated Saskatchewan Cattlemanʼs Connection Alberta Beef Industry Conference Guide Industry EPDs – a word for the wise E xpected Progeny Differences (EPDs) have been used for many years by established purebred breeds to give their buyers another tool to aid in their selection of a herd sire. These numbers reflect the genetic makeup or expected outcome of progeny on important traits such as birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, milk and others. But there can be times, when something can go terribly wrong and it’s not an easy task to figure out why? In a letter to the editor we were asked to open the conversation about the pros and cons, and the highs and possible pitfalls of selecting a herd sire using EPD numbers. They had purchased an exclusive $10,000 semen package a few years ago with rather devastating results. The bull’s reported birth weight EPD at the time of the purchase was lower than average for the breed. “We used this semen in a variety of cows with differing pedigrees with different birth weight EPDs and out of 16 calves had several 135 lb. birthweights,” says this breeder not wanting to be named. “The average birth weight of heifer calves sired by this bull was 108 lbs. and for bull calves, it was 123 lbs.” “The same cows, prior to using this semen, had normal to low birth weight calves with the exception of one calf. The same year this semen was used, other bulls with higher birth weight EPDs were used in the herd with no unusually heavy birth weights. Most of the calves were around that 100 lb. range. These facts strongly support ruling out the cows and the environment as the cause for the higher birth weights in calves sired by the bull in question.” The breeder also stated that the accuracy rate suggested for the young “Bottom line,” he says, “genomics will allow us to be more confident in the EPD correctly predicting this calf’s genetic worth at a younger age. bull was around 80 per cent, which is considered to be a high accuracy. Don Richardson, DVM, and a B.C. Hereford breeder has sat on the Hereford Breed Improvement (HBI) committee for many years and says, “EPDs are a wonderful selection tool because you can make six times better genetic progress in your herd if you select with EPDs than if you just use performance as a tool. But, EPDs are also the most misused marketing device that we have in the industry.” For instance, says Richardson, “If a bull calf has a -1.0 birth weight EPD and his accuracy is .15 it can change dramatically as his progeny hits the ground. But once that calf reaches an accuracy of say 90% the most it can change would be a 4.2 becoming a 4.1 or a 4.4. It’s important when using EPD’s that you check the accuracy, also remembering it takes two to tango. The dam is responsible for 50 per cent of the genetic makeup and environment plays a big role in the development of the fetus.” Richardson points to a situation a few years ago in the Hereford industry where a young bull had great EPDs including a low BW EPD and many breeders selected him to breed to their heifers. “This young bull, out of a wellknown sire, had nice numbers,” says Richardson. “As he matured, and his progeny numbers rose, his accuracy went from .15 to .9 and his EPDs for BW from 0 to +5.7. Many breeders didn’t take into consideration the accuracy rating when he was young and unproven.” “Today this same young bull is a wonderful genetic addition to the breed and is probably at the top for milk, but he’s not a heifer bull and many people realized that too late.” Not far down the road, in fact in a little more than year, the Herefords expect to launch another impressive tool for selection in the form of genomic-assisted EPDs. “Once we add genomics to the EPD mix, we then have the equivalent of having a dozen or 15 calves on the ground,” says Richardson. “A bull calf may only be ten months old, but instead of accuracy October 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 9 rating of say .15 or .18 with EPD’s based solely on his own performance and pedigree, once you add genomics, that can become .27 to .35 which is in the same range as a twoyear old bull with a yearling calf crop behind him.” bers will reflect his ability to influence contemporary groups. “You could create wonderful EPDs using false data,” says Richardson, “but once the calves hit the ground in other programs, you can’t control the information “A herd sire can still be alive or being used by artificial insemination with 2,000 progeny on the ground and as a result, has very accurate estimates of his genetic value.” As a final word of caution, Richardson says that breeders “A very smart breeder once told me, you should never breed something to your heifers that’s the same shape as your fridge, regardless of how good his numbers are!” “Bottom line,” he says, “genomics will allow us to be more confident in the EPD correctly predicting this calf’s genetic worth at a younger age.” going in from those other breeders. His progeny outside of my program will give more accuracy to his numbers.” “In the case of cow EPDs, they have lower accuracy ratings because the cow may have seven or even ten calves, but then she‘s gone. If the program fails to accurately estimate her genetic worth due to her performance and pedigree, it is unlikely that she will live long enough to produce enough new information to correct them.” Muddy Waters Richardson says that even if there are inaccurate numbers punched into the EPD system it doesn’t take long before the EPD programming catches them. Once a bull sires more calves outside of his breeder’s operation then the num- “OUR M205 should only use EPDs as part of the equation when selecting cattle. Great numbers don’t mean great phenotype. You still need to use your eyes. He says, “A very smart breeder once told me, you should never breed something to your heifers that’s the same shape as your fridge, regardless of how good his numbers are!” Next issue: We’ll talk more on EPDs to others in the industry. BONNIE WARNYCA DARRELL GRANDISH, Smoky Lake, AB Owns an M205 Windrower with an R85 Rotary Disc Header and a D60 Draper Header 10 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 A DREAM.” “MOVING UP to the M205 was a huge leap forward for our operation. It’s got lots of horsepower, substantial crop clearance, easier servicing and a great ride. Best of all, it cuts hay like a dream at up to 10 MPH (16 km/h), and we’re saving significant time in our other crops as well.” MacDon owners are talking… read and watch what they are saying at (204) 885-5590 MF22114-0912 M205 WINDROWER WITH AN R85 ROTARY DISC HEADER MAKES CUTTING HAY Safe-Guard TM (fenbendazole ) is a different class of dewormer than pour-ons and injectables. It works fast to stop internal parasites and the hidden damage they cause. These parasites suppress feed intake, reduce average daily gain, hurt nutrient absorption and immune function, reducing the health and performance of your cattle.1,2 Use Safe-Guard as part of your parasite control program for more pounds of high quality beef in the feedlot.3,4 Visit for more information or contact your veterinarian. 1 Endoparasite control, L.R. Ballweber, Veterinary Clinics Food Animal, 2006, 22:451-461. 2Economic analysis of pharmaceutical technologies in modern beef production, J.D. Lawrence and M.A. Ibarburu, Iowa State University, 2007. 3Pasture deworming and (or) subsequent feedlot deworming with fenbendazole I. Effects of grazing performance, feedlot performance and carcass traits of yearling steers, R. Smith, et al., The Bovine Practitioner, 2000, 34:104-114. 4A fenbendazole oral drench in addition to an ivermectin pour-on reduces parasite burden and improves feedlot and carcass performance of finishing heifers compared with endectocides alone, C.D. Reinhardt, J.P. Hutcheson and W.T. Nichols, Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 84:2243-2250. TM Safe-Guard is a trademark of Intervet International B.V. Used under license. Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the US and Canada), operating in Canada as Intervet Canada Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. MERCK and MSD are trademarks of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. Copyright © 2012 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved. Richmon Rewards outweigh Those words were penned by Tiffany Richmond in her 4-H speech regarding the history of her home ranch. The Richmond Ranch stands 100 years strong this year; blessed with the fifth generation of Richmonds to grow up on the land there. Jim and Stephanie Richmond along with daughters Tiffany and Samantha have a passion for raising quiet, easy to manage Limousin and Angus cattle on their 3200 acre ranch in the short grass country east of Trochu on the #585 highway. Their annual Limousin bull sale features the sale of coming two-year old bulls (May calves) and their commitment to growing the bulls right, and man- nd Ranch h life's struggles. aging them to be as problem free as possible, has made their annual sale one of the top Limousin bull sales in Canada. I have known Stan and Sheila Richmond (Jim's parents) since 1984 when they started assembling their Limousin herd. Their passion for good cattle and their commitment to the land are echoed in the values of their children and grand-children. Things have not always been a bed of roses for the Richmonds; struggles and hard times are no strangers to this family. But they keep toiling and surmounting challenges, happy in their work and lives. Photos and story by Lee Gunderson Talk about quiet cattle. We were surrounded by bulls and had to force the truck doors open to get back home. Sheila and Stan Richmond at the spring sale this year. G reat great grandfather Tom left England for Canada with wife Elizabeth and five children, but could not afford to travel on the Titanic, lucky for them. The first Stan Richmond (there were two) was four when they arrived at Rumsey on April 13 of 1912. They hauled coal, burned buffalo and cow chips and survived in a 16 x 20 wood cabin. When the '30's hit and things dried up they stayed put and toughed it out. Great grandpa Stan started with two Angus cows and and Dad ended up buying 10 purebred Limousin heifers and a purebred bull bred by Bob North. The calves from those purebred heifers (we later found out they were from Wilbur Stewart's program at Big Valley ) topped the market. They had great cross breeding potential and they were vigorous, hands off cattle. Well, those 10 heifers became the foundation of our 300 head purebred herd today.” Jim adds, “We have progressively managed the herd over 30 years to get the easy, quiet temperament and performance found in our herd today. The cattle had to be safe Another great cow/calf pair. two horses he bought with $50 he made from trapping in the 1930's. They registered their brand in 1933, the SS with a bar under it. Jim's dad, Stan Richmond the second, took the farm from horse and plow to tractors, cultivation, combines and silage. Jim recalls '79 was a dry year, “I was ten. We sold our replacement heifers in the drought. Later, we decided to replace them 14 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 for the girls and Stephanie to handle every day, all year.. Apart from being quiet and easy-to-handle we find they also have high yielding carcasses, good hair coats, they're capacious and are the perfect F1 cross with Angus and the British breeds. We believe Limousin are the perfect terminal cross, for 30 years we have never rethought our choice of breed or our lives. We calve in May and we Tiffany, Stephanie and Samantha. Apples don't fall far from the tree. do not babysit cows any time of the year, they are run as any good commercial herd would be run. It's a low maintenance herd.” Jim AI's a few cows .. to select sires for out cross bloodlines and those calves come in January and February. But he adds, “Pedigree means nil to me. I breed by phenotype and conformation. Our agenda is to produce good commercial bulls, no more, no less.” The Richmonds are slowly growing an Angus herd as well to offer more variety to bull buyers. Jim is also pondering selling a few hybrid Limo X Angus bulls as commercial cattlemen consider their options further (some recall these are known as Limflex bulls). I drove to the Richmond's Grass Country bull sale this spring. Commercial cattlemen by the hundreds were assembled in the big sale facility at the ranch and Samantha was in the ring with each bull that sold. The who's who of Canada's commercial/purebred Limousin industry assembled to evaluate and buy the bulls. Even DLMS brought in bids from those far way who could not attend and VJV's Danny Skeels (one of the best) sold those bulls just as fast as Steve Dorran or Sonny Booth had they been at the mike. So I thought, “Nicely done. But what is the cow herd like in real life?” And I've trailed many Limo cows in my day and many commercial herds across Canada, on foot and on horse. I reckoned I would have to see this herd myself and learn a bit more about what Jim and his family are doing. How have the Richmond's come so far with their sale in just 15 years? I was not disappointed with my visit. KNOCKOUT BRD ONE WITH DOSE Talk to your veterinarian about the one dose TREATMENT against BRD. XCB JAD01 0812 A E You see, those Limousin and Angus cows and their calves pay the bills at Richmond Ranch. The Richmond's survive solely from livestock proceeds, not from off farm jobs, nor does Jim do extensive farming and cropping; he grows about 500 acres of silage (barley and oats) for the cattle. While he admits to not being big on farming he does buy barley as needed for feed reserves. “ We're farther ahead specializing in cattle. We sold the combine 10 years ago. I believe the best way to self insure yourself is to keep about two years of feed on hand at all times. And we try to drouth proof our pastures with new solar/wind powered waterers.” I toured a brand new system installed by CAP solar in one section of pasture, helped in part with the Alberta Government's “Growing Forward” program. It was an impressive remote unit that can water 200 pair per day winter or summer. Jim and Stephanie and the girls are dedicated to their home and farm. They love their cattle and are proud to show and represent their breed. At 43, Jim is tall, tough and as straight a talker as they come. He and Stephanie met at the University of Alberta where they both earned degrees in Agriculture. Their science degrees have been diligently applied to every aspect of ranch management and marketing. They are dedicated to customer care all year long and care about every bull that leaves their program. Not much is left to chance at this ranch, everything has a plan and a place. I walked through their cow herd. The cows and calves were impressive, a few photos will show what I saw. Stephanie does an excellent job on photos as she does all the sale catalog livestock pictures with her camera. She's no amateur. And we toured the bulls as well. All I can say is go see for yourself. We were literally swarmed by the cow/calf herd, and the easy-going bulls got too ALBERTA BEEF N ET WO R K Callicrate Banders Specializes inCallicrate Castration Tools Banders for Delayed Castration andCastration Newborn 785-332-3344 Specializes in Castration Tools for Delayed and Newborn 785-332-3344 B13 Greg Cripps - Farm & Ranch Sales 2W Livestock Equipment Farms & Ranches For Sale in Alberta that are Equipment located from the USA border to anorth 2W Livestock manufactures top of quality line of steel livestock Edmonton, and to the Sask. border. Properties handling equipment the cattle, horse,Grazing bison & rodeo industries. include Cattlefor Ranches, Beef Farms, and Allotments, Equestrian Farms, Grain 403-646-2133 and Farm Land, Feedlots and Recreation Land. Phone: 403-391-2648 Westway Feed Products Westway produces animal feeds including Mol-Mix Range Supplements, Promolas Feedlot Suspensions and other molasses based feed products. 1-800-563-6371 Greg Cripps - Farm & Ranch Sales Re/Max Real Estate Central Alberta Farms & Ranches For Sale in Alberta that are located from the USA border to north of Edmonton, and to the Sask. border. 403-391-2648 J12 Don Laing Trailers Don Laing Trailers, is a family run business since 1981. We have built our business on quality product, integrity and affordable competitive prices. Ph: 1-888-210-8400 16 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 A13 close for me to use my telephoto lens. I have toured hundreds of Limousin herds and this herd is among the best I've ever seen. Commercial cattlemen have judged the Richmond herd at ringside. They rank it number one. So I'm not saying anything they don't already know. The Richmonds background the calves that don't go into their bull sale and offer them at public auction at Stettler Auction Market. Jim adds, “Andy Rock loves those cattle, he's been a loyal buyer of our program.” Feedrite's Eric Andrews also make sure the herd's nutritional needs aren't left to chance. Alberta's weird weather stresses cattle and nutritional needs. Again, with a lot of native grass in their pastures and with professional advice, the Richmonds are taking the best of the old ways of grazing and coupling it with modern management. Their cattle are in optimum condition. I've already seen the 75-80 bulls headed to 16th Annual Grass Country Sale in 2013. You'll love them. Jim and Stephanie's eye for style, condition, easy handling and performance apparently agrees with what commercial cattlemen want as well. With a complete herd health program that is top of the line the Richmond's are ready to handle just about anything life in Alberta can throw at them. They are seasoned yet still young and full of energy. With their education guiding them and Stan and Sheila still living at the ranch, they will couple the best of the old ways and the new ways and adapt as the winds of change continue to sweep across short grass country. Post script: Jim and Stan Richmond are among many cattlemen I know who can look you straight in the eye as they speak. In the same league are Neil McKinnon, Frank Gattey, Terry Schetzsle, Clayton Curry and so many others. It's refreshing to find this old style ranch mannerism still survives in our modern world. ABM DELIVERS THE KNOCKOUT PUNCH! Talk to your veterinarian about EXCEDE 200. ® Registered trademark of Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC, used under licence by Pfizer Canada Inc. XCB JAD01 0812 B E Lisa Reich This 4-H key club member gives back 16-year old Lisa Reich of Drayton Valley has been in her Two Rivers 4-H Beef Club for seven years and is now in her second year of the two-year key club project. “As a key club member, I go to other district 4H clubs and help them organize social events, and work with them on judging and public speaking,” says Reich. “I helped organize teams to go through a cornmaize for one of our outings. I’m not normally very outgoing; in fact when I was younger, I was quite shy. Being in the 4-H Key Club member project is about helping others but in doing that, we help ourselves build confidence. It also helps to build camaraderie between the members in the clubs.” Reich had the advantage of having two older sisters in 4-H so she went to the club events at a very young age helping them with grooming and chores. Her mother and grandma are also 4-H alumni. At home, Reich is very much all about the cattle. Last year, she looked after a total of six head for her 4-H projects. Purebred heifer DLL Red Divine. Senior Showmanship class at Focus on 4-H- ready to turn my project. Gloria and Alex, two year old pair of Red Simmentals. Great Expectations - spotlight on young achievers A string of 4-H females at Focus on 4-H in Barrhead. Three year old cow and March 17th calf, Tessa. “I looked after my steer, heifer, a two-year old and a three year-old female and calf as well as our inter-club’s charity steer,” she says. “We don’t have a good barn for grooming so I begin halter breaking in November and December “I like the Simmental cattle and had four top heifer picks out of the Checkers catalogue last December in Red Deer,” she says. “I ended up owning a heifer by the name of Divine and she’s quiet and easy to work with. She’s At home, Reich is very much all about the cattle. Last year, she looked after a total of six head for her 4-H projects. and start getting the animals used to grooming tools in March and April. I’m not the best at clipping yet but I do well in grooming and showmanship. My females always do well in the show placings.” While the family has a 75-head commercial cow herd and use purebred Simmental bulls, Reich decided to buy a purebred heifer last year. bred now to one of our purebred Simmental bulls so I’m excited to see the calf which should be born in April.” Reich is in grade ten at Drayton Valley but is already dreaming of being a nurse’s aide to help those in need in other countries. “I would like to join the Red Cross and travel to Africa and Asia to work,” she says. One implant. That’s it. You’re done! Avoid the inconvenience and stress of re-implanting. Do it right. Do it once. For more information, talk to your veterinarian or call our technical service at 1-866-683-7838. ® Registered trademark of Intervet International B.V., used under license by Intervet Canada Corp. Merck Animal Health, operating in Canada as Intervet Canada Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. MERCK is a trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. Copyright © 2011 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved. Opinion U.S. estate tax for Canadians – eliminating surprises on death The poor economy and the increase federal deficit in the U.S. have led to a recent U.S. government crack down on collecting taxes from all U.S. taxpayers. U.S. citizens are required to submit tax returns and pay U.S. income taxes to the U.S. government regardless of whether they have financial connections with the U.S. U.S. citizenship may also lead to U.S. estate tax issues which could be costly depending on the amount of assets held by the individual. U .S. estate tax can also apply to non U.S. citizens, including Canadians. Canadians owning property in the U.S. may be subject to U.S. estate tax on death. The calculations to determine U.S. estate tax are complicated and will require professional help. Aside from citizenship, to determine if U.S. estate tax applies to you, you need to consider the type U.S. property that you own. There are a variety of assets that could trigger U.S. estate tax. Some of the more common assets that can cause U.S. estate tax include: • real estate situated in the U.S.; • tangible personal property situated in the U.S. including cars, boats and furniture; • U.S. securities; • certain U.S. debt obligations, and; • U.S. mutual funds including money market funds. • U.S. bank deposits are not included in calculating U.S. estate tax. (403) 652-1798 / 403-540-9659 • Full ¼ west of High River w/shop & expansive views of the Rocky Mountains. $995,000. • 160 acres on Bearspaw Road w/ water coop adjacent to property, second quarter could possibly bought as well. $4,480,000. REDUCED PRICE - $3,200,000 • 7500 acre ranch, 90 minutes southwest of Calgary, in the Foothills, capacity 1000 cows. Extremely unique opportunity. $16,350,000. • 130 acres 7 miles south of Okotoks w/ outstanding Mountain View, subdivision possibilities. $619,000. • 37.31 acres @ YYC Immediate developable 37.31 acres adjacent to Calgary International Airport. $40,000,000. • 278.91 Acres in West Airdrie ... newly annexed. This is, in our opinion, an incredible opportunity to secure a large tract of very strategically located lands. $28,000,000. • 160 Acres inside NE Calgary, newly annexed. Quarter Section located within the city limits of Calgary. $17,600,000. • Commercial Lot in High River, 18,000 square feet on Center Street. $395,000. • Full Quarter High River/Okotoks Quarter section with two titles, solid 1640 square foot, renovated home built in the 50's. This land has full view of the Rockies, a little roll to the topography and a full set of out buildings including barn, shop and sheds. This is an area where full quarters have become difficult to find. Excellent hay-land, Fenced and Cross Fenced, Landscaped, Treed Lot, Fruit Trees/Shrubs, Vegetable Garden, Paved Lane. Priced at $1,695,000. Shawn Hansen operating under the firm name and style of Hansen Land Brokers PO Box 6129, 2nd Floor, 309 – 1st Street West High River, Alberta, T1V 1P7 20 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 Associate Broker for Lively Realty Ltd. As you can see, many Canadians could fall within the above. Canadians owning U.S. vacation properties and tangible personal property are probably the most common assets owned by Canadian citizens. Now that you know the assets to which estate tax could apply, what does this all mean? Canadian Estate Tax vs. U.S. Estate Tax For Canadian income tax purposes, when you die, all of your as- regardless of whether they are used for personal enjoyment or for business purposes. Basic Exemption Fortunately the U.S. government does provide an exemption from U.S. estate tax. For 2012, if the value of the worldwide estate for an individual is $5.12 million USD or less, no U.S. estate tax will be payable. The total value of your worldwide estate includes the total fair market value of your worldwide assets at the time of death plus proceeds from life insurance, and certain annuities payable to surviving beneficiaries. Calculating U.S. Estate Tax For Canadian residents who own U.S. property, if the value of your worldwide estate is higher than $5.12 million USD, you will be taxed on your U.S. estate. Tax is only applied on the value of the assets that you own in the U.S. The tax is calculated based on the value of "Grass RootsON ofCHANGE: Grazing" FORAGING November 28 & 29, 2012 Eating Up the Opportunities Sheraton Hotels & Resorts Red Deer,1 Alberta December & 2, 2010 (Optional Vermilion Field Tour - November 27, Lacombe Research Station) Regional Centre Vermilion, AB Keynote Presentations Keynote Speakers Neil Dennis "Managing Chaos to Improve Soil Health" Charley Orchard "What Really Counts for Grazing Managers" David Sauchyn-Climate Cycles Glen Rabenberg "Improving Crop Quality for All" Christine Jones "Fundamentals of Soil" Wendy Holm-Tied to the Tracks: How we got Banquet with Speaker David Irvine here and - why everything is "Working with the Ones You Love The Human Side of Agriculture" (finally!) about to change Don For more information, contact: WEST-CENTRAL FORAGE Campbell-Doubling YourASSOCIATION Grass Production (780) 727-4447 | For complete information, contact: 1-780-416-6046 SIMMENTAL - MAKES CENT$ sets are considered to be sold at their fair market value. This can result in Canadian capital gains taxes. If you are a Canadian (non U.S. citizen) and you die owning U.S. property, this could result in Canadian income tax as well as U.S. estate tax. It is a mismatch as Canada does not impose a Canadian estate tax on death and the U.S. does not impose a U.S. capital gains tax on death. For Canadian tax purposes assets such as your personal place of residence are normally free from the capital gains tax on death, however, it may still be subject to U.S. estate tax if it is located in the U.S.. Taxes in Canada can be reduced through use of special exemptions and tax elections which are outside the scope of this article. The important item to note is that Canada looks at each asset individually when determining whether tax on death applies. In the U.S., estate tax is based on the total value of U.S. assets owned, the estate at a rate of 35%. It is important to note that U.S. citizens are subject to estate tax on their worldwide estate and therefore this calculation is different for dual citizens. Tax Planning for the Future The current legislation only exists until the end of 2012. This makes planning for the future of your estate difficult. It’s not clear what changes to tax rates and exemptions will be implemented in the years to come. In spite of this uncertainty, there are still planning opportunities available. Talking to a tax professional to get advice should be your first step. Kevin Keith is a Chartered Accountant and tax partner in KPMG’s agribusiness industry practice in Lethbridge. He can be reached at (403) 380-5704 or by E-mail at He would like to thank Ebony Verbonac and Amanda Richardson of KPMG for their assistance with writing this article. n t e al m m i S YOU DESERVE INNISFAIL Innisfail Auction Mart - TBA Coffee and Fall Feeder Sale 403-227-3166 LETHBRIDGE Balog Auction - Nov. 29 Coffee and Bred Female Sale 403-320-1980 OLDS Olds Auction Mart - TBA Coffee and Fall Feeder Sale 403-556-3655 PONOKA Vold Jones & Vold - Oct. 20 Coffee and Fall Feeder Sale 403-783-5561 • A Premium For Your Calves • To Feed Premium Cattle PROVOST Provost Livestock Exchange - Dec. 12 Coffee and Bred Female Sale 780-753-2369 RED DEER Burnt Lake Livestock - Oct. 11, 18; Nov. 1 Coffee and Fall Feeder Sales 403-347-6100 STAVELY VJV Foothills Livestock - Oct.12 & Nov. 22 Coffee and Fall Feeder Sales 877-549-2121 VERMILION Nilsson Bros. - Dec. 8 Coffee and Bred Female Sale 780-853-5372 VETERAN Dryland Trading Corp - TBA Coffee and Bred Female Sale 403-575-3772 SWIFT CURRENT Heartland Livestock - Nov. 26 Coffee and Bred Female Sale 306-773-3174 STETTLER Stetter Auction Mart - Nov.6 Coffee and Fall Feeder Sale 403-742-2368 For more details, contact Alberta Simmental Association 403-861-6352 | October 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 21 Hereford hos The World Here open show with Phillip and Jonathan Tschetter of Irma “Loved the show.” Bill Lamport appeared everywhere, helping as a true rancher and Hereford man would. S peaking to an international crowd at the Calgary Stampede grounds this past summer were a number of prominent beef industry experts who came together for the 2012 World Hereford Conference. This leg of the conference was the technical sessions much of which dealt with genetics. The first speaker, Dr. Steve Miller (Director of the Centre for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock at the University of Guelph) delved into improving meat tenderness and customer satisfaction through genomics. Beef quality audits show that consumers’ most desired quality in a steak is tenderness. Dr. Miller suggested identifying genes that influence tenderness and select based on DNA. He pointed out that, while tender beef does not have an immediate effect on profit, it does improve the Hereford brand. Dr. Dorian Garrick (Chair in Animal Breeding and Genetics at Iowa State University) discussed genetic prediction, which ranks beef cattle, and the predicted quality of their offspring, based on what is known about their genome. He finished by pointing out that, while genetic Shirley and Stan Jacobs of Douglas Lake Cattle were in attendance, Stan was one of the show judges. Gene Sroka visits with CHA President Randy Radau at the open Hereford show. There couldn't be likes of Al Fenton o prediction will improve the quality of beef cattle, it is not yet a complete science and more information needs to be gathered specifically on Herefords. In his presentation, Dr. Dave Daley (Professor of Animal Science at California State University and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture) shared his knowledge on the economics of cross breeding. He suggested crossbreeding to capitalize on heterosis. He shared research showing cross-breeding brings better calving rates, survival to weaning, weaning weight, and post-weaning gain, while also increasing the number and weight gain of calves born to a cow over its lifetime. Dr. Robert Weaber (Assistant Professor at Kansas State University and cow-calf extension specialist) talked about the economic benefits of docility in beef cattle. Research shows that bad temperament has negative effects on animal safety, growth, meat quality, immunity function, morbidity, mortality, and reproduction. Dr. Weaber stated that there are consequences all through the beef value chain for differences in temperament. Further, while Herefords are st World Conferenc World Hereford Conference Resounding Success: by Lee Gunderson eford Conference featured an h three judges on horseback. CHA executive Gordon Stephenson is seen here with bronze artist Ken Mayernik of Great Falls, Mt.. a Hereford event in Alberta without the of Irma. Cody and Murray Fenton of Stauffer Herefords are decades old Hereford men from Eckville. Bob Balog of Lethbridge tirelessly supports the Hereford industry and emceed the show. well-known for their docility, producers need to collect, analyze, and report data to actually market docility as a core trait of Herefords. Dr. John Basarab (Senior Research Scientist at Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development and Adjunct Professor at U of A) discussed research showing the benefits of feed efficiency in beef cattle. He suggested that producers select for low Residual Feed Intake (RFI), pointing out that research shows low RFI selection reduces feeding costs and improves profitability. For example, studies show that selecting for low RFI reduces feed intake for equal weight gain and daily average gain, improving feed to gain ratio. While outlining the strengths of the Hereford breed, Stan Jacobs (Cow Boss at Douglas Lake Ranch) stated that Herefords are incomparable for low maintenance and, therefore, profitability. Jacobs outlined the rugged conditions on the Douglas Lake Ranch, including recent drought conditions, and stated that it takes quite an animal to be able to graze and calve on last year’s grass, wean those Dr. Jay Cross was chair of the World Hereford Conference planning committee. He is seen here with daughter Emma. calves, and then be bred back by early July, but that, each year, their Herefords do just that. In his discussion, Dr. Kee Jim (founding partner, CEO, and managing director of Feedlot Health Management Services) stated that feed efficiency, while difficult to measure, is an important trait for both feed lot operators and cow-calf producers. Feed efficiency is measured in two ways: feed conversion or Residual Feed Efficiency (RFI). RFI is the number left after separating the body weight and growth rate, and is important for selection purposes. Lastly, he stated that, because 95% of North American producers sell their calves or yearlings, they do not see the economic value in selecting for carcass traits, but that retaining ownership in cattle brings producers the greatest value. With discussions on meat tenderness, genetic predicting, cross-breeding, docility, feed efficiency, and the benefits of the Hereford breed, followed by the UFA Classic Steer Show, dinner, chuckwagon races and the Grandstand, the 2012 World Hereford Conference was one to remember. Management Ergot devastates cattle herd I t only took a couple of days after Wayne Brost began feeding the new prepared feed pellets in midNovember, 2011, when out-of-theordinary things began happening in the heifer calf pen. They were minor at first, but in hindsight, they represented the beginning of a terrible disease that eventually swept through some of their 200 Hereford cross cattle. While the Brosts fed prepared pellets every year, this time, the calves weren’t crazy about them. It took all day before the feed bunk was empty. Within three days the calves broke through the pasture fence and continued to do that before Brost decided to put them in a corral. “The calves blew out probably 200 feet of fence line,” remembers Wayne Brost on a ranch southeast of Medicine Hat. “The calves were eating a lot of hay and showed an aversion to the pellets. Within a month, I noticed one calf with foot rot after being locked in. I found this strange since we had very few incidences of that in the herd. Pretty soon a few more head had the same symptoms yet the vaccinations weren’t clearing it up.” Around mid-December Brost called the feed company, almost a month to the day since he began feeding the pellets. The company seemed unconcerned and suggested he was feeding too high quality hay. The calves were still only picking through their pellets so the feed plant sent another load of pellets mixing in more molasses to try to entice the cattle to eat. Brost also added a pail or so of the old feed when filling the bunks. A feed company representative did go out to the farm in early January and after looking at the feed in the bin he didn’t see anything wrong with the pellets and suggested using it up in the cow herd. That’s when things really began to unravel “I began supplementing the cows, herd bulls and bred heifers with the old pellets but it’s a good thing I was skimpy with the ration,” says Brost. “More cattle were coming up lame and one morning after my wife and I treated one of them, part of her ear fell off. When she turned to leave, her hoof flew off. I called the vet immediately.” The Maple Creek veterinarian had an idea of what was wrong but called Ergot is a plant disease caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea, which infects the developing grains of cereals and grasses. Ergot symptoms become evident during kernel formation, when ergot bodies are formed in place of kernels. The ergot bodies are called sclerotia, and are formed from a hard mass of fungal mycelium. The ergot bodies have a hard protective rind (blackish in colour) on the outside and a white to grey coloured interior. They are often elongated and protrude from the glumes of maturing heads. In some cereals, ergot bodies may reach up to two cm in length, but in forage grasses they remain small and slender. Heads may contain one to several ergot bodies. Ergot can easily be identified in unclean grain. Crops, such as rye and some grasses are more susceptible to ergot infection because they are open-pollinated, allowing easy access of the fungus into the flowering head. Ergot may also be a concern in forage grasses grown for seed production. Grains such as wheat and barley are less likely to become inflected because they are self-pollinated. Oats are seldom affected. Plants are less susceptible once the fertilization process has occurred. Broadleaf crops are not susceptible to ergot, which makes them an effective crop rotation choice. the toxicologist in Saskatoon to help confirm the diagnosis. Sure enough, both men identified the problem as ergot poisoning. While all agreed it was ergot poisoning, Brost wanted the feed tested and mailed samples to a company in Missouri since there isn’t a lab in Canada equipped to do the testing. “Within two weeks the results showed the amount of ergot in the feed pellets was more than 200 times the accepted levels in the U.S.,” says Brost. “While I’ve been told that if you fill an ice cream pail full of feed and there are four pieces of ergot in it, it would be rejected, this feed would have had nearly 800 pieces of ergot in an ice cream pail.” So far, the Brosts have had to destroy three heifer calves, ship another 12 because of lost body parts and they had two bred heifers abort and die (although Ergot poisoning was not confirmed). The feed company bought the 12 calves at market price (however, the Brosts had to feed them an extra month before they were picked up and were out-of-pocket for the feed). The company did offer to purchase the remaining heifers and make up the difference for the farm to purchase 60 new heifers. But that was a tough choice for the producers. “We’ve had a closed herd for about 12 years now,” says Brost. “We cull hard for udders and feet and legs and we know the disposition of our cattle. We don’t want to bring in outside genetics.” What about the future? “We’re taking a wait and see attitude with these cattle. No one seems to have any answers about what happens down the road in a severe case like this,” says Brost. “We’ll be preg testing the 1st week of October.” BONNIE WARNYCA 24 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 Management Check for ergot in your feed grains and forages B arry Yaremcio, Beef and Forage Specialist for Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development is aware of a case that occurred two years ago in northeastern Alberta, where several cows were diagnosed with ergot poisoning. The cattle had been fed screenings from a seed cleaning plant, and the screenings had high levels of the ergot fungus. “The animals had lost their hooves and were walking on ankle bones. Tails and ears looked like they had frozen off and there wasn’t a lot of hair left on the cattle,” remembers Yaremcio. “Some of the animals had to be euthanized on the spot.” “It’s a devastating disease for livestock.” Yaremcio gets roughly 30 calls a year from producers wondering if they can safely feed grain screenings and his answer to all of them is – not without risk. “Alkaloid levels (the toxins present in ergot bodies) can vary from plant to plant and from field to field. Counting the number of black bodies in the grain can give you a general indication of how severe the problem is,” says Yaremcio. “Testing the sample is the only way to know for sure.” The calls about ergot have definitely increased in the last couple of years”. Ergot is found in higher levels when wet, cold and humid weather occurs during the flowering stage of plant development. Ergot spores can infect wheat, barley, oats, rye, wheat grass, rye grass and even pasture grasses. Infections more commonly occur near fence lines or the headlands of fields. If cool wet conditions exist, the flowering period continues longer than normal, and the structures of the plants are open longer allowing for the infection to take hold.” Ergot spores can infect wheat, barley, oats, rye, wheat grass, rye grass and even pasture grasses. “It is likely there is still a lot of grain and feed out there from last year and producers need to make sure they know the ergot levels before feeding these grains and forages.” Dr. Barry Blakley, Veterinary Toxicologist and professor of Bio Medical Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan is quite familiar with the effects of ergot on livestock. He has done some studies on weanling pigs and will soon begin a new study on ergot poisoning in both dairy and beef cattle. Blakley is also the toxicologist which veterinarians and producers call to verify symptoms that may suggest ergot infection or disease. “The symptoms in livestock vary depending on the concentration of the ergot in the feed,” says Blakley. “The disease can cause constriction and narrowing of the blood vessels which shut off the blood supply to the feet, tail, ears and maybe even the teats of the animal. In feet, the effect is called sloughing and the feet will fall off.” “Even in levels that are considered safe, I have seen cases of gangrene. In the early onset of ergot poisoning, the symptoms can resemble that of LSD and cause convulsions. In this case, if you remove the feed immediately, the animals should recover in a few days.” “In lactating animals, the ergot can affect the hormone prolactin. We’ve seen this in pigs. The amount of ergot in the feed may not cause neurological signs or abortion but there may be enough to supress the prolactin in the blood and the sow will have no milk to feed her piglets. The good news is that generally if the pigs don’t get any more ergot in their feed, they will be fine the next lactation.” The ergot study that was done on pigs also found that they were even more susceptible to the disease than cattle. The study showed pigs could only withstand less than half of the ergo concentration of the amounts suggested in current text books. In fact, the prolactin was only ten perOctober 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 25 cent of normal which Blakley admits it was not what they expected. Depending on the concentration of ergot in the feed, symptoms may show up in a few days, a few weeks or even longer. “Trying to count the ergot particles in a feed will only give you a reasonable approximation of the contamination and it is not an exact science,” says Blakely. “The particles are not always strong or stable and you get little pieces of ergot which is difficult to clean out of the grain.” “While the book may say that 20 kernels per kg for cattle are acceptable, there may be a much higher concentration of ergot present. Different molds which preface ergot also have different chemicals or concentrations. The fungus has no particular smell so a visual identification or a test (not currently available in Canada) is the only way to determine its existence.” Existing literature suggests that ergot poisoning can cause abortions, however, Blakley says there are mixed opinions on this. He does say that ergot poisoning causes contractions to the uterus and in theory can cause livestock fetuses to be aborted. With the onset of wet and colder weather in more recent years, ergot has been elevated above the radar. Instead of seeing a case or two a year, researchers are now fielding several calls a week about the fungus. Blakley and his lab have applied for grants for equipment to look at the mycotoxins and other chemicals like ergot. They have also applied for funding to do a study on ergot poisoning in cattle and another study using contaminated ergot grain to produce ethanol. The goal in this particular study is to discover whether the resulting ethanol mash would be suitable for livestock feed. Editor’s Note: The effects of ergot can be seen as far back as the middle ages when they burned witches at the stake. “It’s been characterized that these so-called witches were people exposed to ergot in their rye bread which resulted in their bizarre behavior,” suggests Blakley. BONNIE WARNYCA New tool to fight BRD C anadian cattle producers on farms and feedlots now have a new weapon to use in the ongoing fight against Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD), the leading cause of disease and death in cattle. Zuprevo from Merck Animal Health, is a macrolide antibiotic designed specifically to treat and prevent BRD caused by the top three strains of BRD causing bacteria: Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and Histophilus somni. “BRD is the most common and costly disease affecting cattle – a disease that, every year, takes a significant toll on animal health, productivity and welfare,” says Janice Berg, DVM, Technical Services Manager for Merck Animal Health. “Effective BRD management is, therefore, critical to protecting cattle and keeping beef operations sustainable.” According to Merck, Zuprevo’s active ingredient, tildipirosin, is very rapidly absorbed and reaches optimal lung and bronchial concentrations in four hours. They further said at a recent press conference, that Zuprevo offers long lasting distribution in the lung and sustained retention. “We’ve got confidence in this product, that it does what it is supposed to do and compares very well to the competition,” says Dr. Mark Spire, a Merck Animal Health technical services manager. Specifically, he notes, Zuprevo offers somewhat longer activity and requires the lowest volume dose of any BRD treatment. And, he says that it offers 26 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 major ease of use benefits: it is highly syringeable, even in cold temperatures, and the fact that its recommended rate is 1 ml per 100lbs makes for easy dosage calculation. Despite huge research effort and dollars being committed to the disease, BRD remains a serious and frequent issue on farms and feedlots. Anatomically, cattle have increased susceptibility to lung diseases like BRD because, for their size, they have a relatively small lung capacity (as a comparison, a similarly sized horse has more than three times the lung capacity). This small lung capacity is due to multiple facts: their large rumen limits lung space in their chests, their pleura (the double membrane between the lungs and chest wall) is not very elastic, and their lungs are very segmented. As is true of many diseases, BRD risk increases when animals are under stress, when housing conditions are less than optimal (crowding, poor ventilation, and dusty or wet bedding), and when animals are commingled from different origins. Young animals, males, and certain breeds are more susceptible, and more cases present in fall and winter months. Because healthy animals are less stressed and more able to fight off pathogens, treating and preventing concurrent diseases and providing a balanced diet including vitamins and micronutrients is a vital step towards BRD prevention. THIS FALL, BEFORE RIDING, WRANGLING AND HERDING, TRY CLICKING. Visit for everything you need for a successful roundup. Our handy online checklist will help you save time while getting the most out of your season. © 2012 UFA UFA Co-operative Ltd. All rights reserved. UF OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOV OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR E SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTO LUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOV D 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PRE 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 B CAL-NATE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFS PECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SH CAL-NATE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU TALYSE -NATE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SUL TALYSE ATTLEMASTER ATT KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP P TALYSE ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 O A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PL ATTLEMASTER LEMASTER OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMUL ATTLEMASTER LEMASTER OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRA FALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAM R OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRAC LVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE STER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NAT TOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S FERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITAN RY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL C SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIEL 2 CAL-NATE DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIB CTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD CAL-NATE DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE TALYSE CAL-NATE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN TALYSE ATT TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYC TALYSE ATTLEMASTER CELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALV ATTLEMASTER LEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 L REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACO ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SO N DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL P LD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SP L LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECT GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC U TE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNO MASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRAC EN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYST BAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 C OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX N ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIE C SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-22 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SH CAL-NATE DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXX FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+ CAL-NATE DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL TALYSE DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYT TALYSE ATTLEMASTER X NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEO ATTLEMASTER LEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACO ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SO N DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL P ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SP L LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC U TE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNO ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRAC EN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYST RY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR SVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCE EAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GO V-2 CAL-NATE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIB FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SH CAL-NATE DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXX FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+ CAL-NATE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL TALYSE TANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYT LYSE LEMASTER X NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEO LEMASTER LEMASTER REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACO ATTLEMASTER OT RESVAC 4/SO N DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL P ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SP L LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC U LVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNO FALL 2012 WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK! PFIZER IS COMMITTED to personalized services, immediate support, high-quality products & incredible loyalty rewards. > Focusing on your world ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF PFIZER PRODUCTS INC.; PFIZER CANADA INC., LICENSEE. ™ TRADEMARK OF PFIZER PRODUCTS INC.; PFIZER CANADA INC., LICENSEE. ‡ REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY LLC, USED UNDER LICENCE BY PFIZER CANADA INC. CORP C JADP07 0712 E 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL VEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUA 3 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTE OX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQU VI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INF EDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN EN BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4 SPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESE HIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOM U EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORT ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMU LFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC LEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 UL PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 D X VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPER LUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOV D 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PRE LA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 ABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPA MAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GO CHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU E E SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 C TE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFAL S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTL NE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE L L LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTE OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX to December 31, 2012 August 14+VL5 LD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE S BE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVO Premium Products > Premium FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERMRewards 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOUR 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FOR OVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONEmore SHOT RESVAC 4KC of: SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 Earn even points4/SOMUBAC on yourSCOURGUARD purchases LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SP TLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER LEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE CINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYN 5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBR VERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN H OR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACT OMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY L PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 PIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIB TRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E.A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE OVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 CHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAM H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD C TOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYM CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+ ‡ NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA™OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE F REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRA HIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMU XIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE S +VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRA UARD CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULT TE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOV TER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHO OUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVE E 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIX OR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACT ‡ OMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY L PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 PIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIB TRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCED OVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 CHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAM H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD C TOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYM R 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 ELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU *Cattle EXCENEL Vaccines LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALV OLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEP Bovi-Shield® GOLD 5 LA OXYMYCINE Bovi-Shield® IBR/PI3 Scourguard™ 4KC VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J BE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX HIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 GOLD ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMU Bovi-Shield® GOLD FP 5CATTLEMASTER Inforce™ 3 FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM Ultrabac® - 7 / 5Somubac® XIN EXCEDE 200 EXCENEL RTU EXCENEL LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY Bovi-Shield® GOLD FP 5 + L5 One Shot® UltraChoice® 7 PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE S +VL5 BOVI-SHIELD IBR/PI3 CALF-GUARD CATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC Bovi-Shield® GOLD FP 5 + VL5 Resvac® 4 / Somubac® UltraChoice® 8 LIQUAMYCIN LA-200 NEO-SULFALYTE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRA UARD CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+L5 CATTLEMASTER ATTLEMASTER 4+VL5 CATTLEMASTER GOLD FP 5 INFORCE 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULT TE OXYMYCINE LA OXYMYCINE LP PEN-AQUEOUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOV TER OT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHO OUS ALVERIN DECTOMAX VALBAZEN ENVIRACOR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVE E 3 LEPTOFERM 5 ONE SHOT RESVAC 4/SOMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIX OR J-5 NOVODRY PLUS ORBESEAL PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACT OMUBAC SCOURGUARD 4KC SOMUBAC SPIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY L PIRSUE SPECIAL FORMULA 17900 FORTE SPECTRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 PIROVAC TSV-2 ULTRABAC-7/SOMUBAC ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIB TRAMAST DC SPECTRAMAST LC SYNOVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP ULTRACHOICE 7 ULTRACHOICE 8 ULTRACHOICE 8 VIBRIN CAL-NATE 23 DYSTOSEL FLUNIXIN HIBITANE KOPERTOX NEWCELLS OXY LA 300 OXYTOCIN PREDEF REVIBE REVIBE H.E. A180 CALFSPAN DRAXXIN EXCED OVEX C SYNOVEX CHOICE SYNOVEX H SYNOVEX PLUS SYNOVEX S CIDR 330 CIDR 1380 FACTREL LUTALYSE BOVI-SHIELD GOLD 5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD F P5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+L5 BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5+VL5 GUARANTEE LOYALTY 30 Day Guarantee Fall 2012 Promotions Use Pfizer’s on-arrival protocol on calves at risk! TALK TO YOUR VETERINARIAN about the 30 DAY GUARANTEE. Cattle Vaccines* Draxxin® X3 X7.5 Excede 200 Alverin X3 X3 Lutalyse X7.5 Where else could you find a solid 30-day guarantee and a remarkable Loyalty Program? For more details, consult our Website at Auction market Guide BEAVERLODGE BROOKS EDMONTON Willowview Auctions Phone: 780-354-2794 Fax: 780-354-2420 Email: willowauctions@ Contact: Ged 780-354-2794 or 780-814-4751 cell Barb: 780-354-2423 or 780-814-3281 cell Web: Regular Sales: Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. Special Sales: Contact market/view website Bow Slope Shipping Association Phone: 403-362-5521 Fax: 403-362-5541 Email: Contact: Rod MacLean (Mgr.), cell 403-793-3060 Web: Regular Sales: 9:00 a.m. slaughter cows and bulls Special Sales: Call or check website for details on dates: Electronic Sales: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m., DLMS Internet Sales DLMS (Direct Livestock Marketing Systems) Phone: 780-554-4939 Fax: 780-732-4385 Email: Contact: Reagan Huculak Regular Sales: Thursdays BONNYVILLE ion Auct Mark e t 1962 - 2012 Serving producers for 50 years from the same location Picture Butte, AB 1 Ltd. 200 et Picture Bu t Western Pride Auction Co. Ltd. Phone: 780-826-2233 Fax: 780-826-2243 Contact: Marc Jubinville, cell 780-826-0992 Regular Sales: Every Tuesday Email: Regular Sales Every Tuesday 10:30 am Cattle Saturday 11 am All Livestock Special Sales Calf Sales 10:30 a.m. Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13 Bred Cow/Heifer Sale 12 noon Nov. 17 Charity Sale - Calf for Kids Dec. 15 12 noon Industrial & Farming Equipment Consignment Sale - Oct. 19 10 a.m. For More Information (403)732-4400 30 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 CALGARY TEAM - The Electronic Auction Market Phone: 403.234.7429 Fax: 403.266.3368 Email: Contact: Jason Danard Web: Feeder Cattle: Fridays Slaughter Cattle: Thursdays CLYDE Nilsson Bros Inc. Phone: 780-348-5893 Fax: 780-348-5704 Contact: Garth Rogers, cell 780-349-1491 Email: Web: Regular Sales: Tuesday and Thursday Special Sales: Saturdays , Internet Sales : Thursdays DRAYTON VALLEY Sekura Auctions Phone: 780-542-4337 Fax: 780-542-3444 Email: Contact: Corey Sekura, cell 780-898-5600 Web: Regular Sales: Thursdays 9:00 a.m. Special Sales: Thursdays FORT MacLEOD S.A.L.E. Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange Phone: 403-553-3315 Fax: 403-553-4264 Email: Contact: Darren Shaw Web: Regular Sales: Tuesdays GRAND PRAIRIE Grande Prairie Livestock Market Phone: 780-532-3949 Fax: 780-532-2211 Contact: Marty Gilfillan Email: Regular Sales: Wednesdays Special and Added Sales: Saturdays Electronic Sales: DLMS Thursdays HIGH RIVER S.A.L.E. Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange Phone: 403-652-3343 Fax: 403-652-3446 Email: Contact: Darren Shaw Web: Regular Sales: Wednesdays Check website for special dates. INNISFAIL Innisfail Auction Market Phone: 403-227-3166 Fax: 403-227-2202 Contact: Danny Daines Email: Web: Regular Sales: Wednesdays Special Presort Feeder Sales: Mondays Horse Sales: twice per month. Photo Lee Gunderson AUCTION MARKETS believe the best way to establish fair market value for your livestock is through public auction with competitive bids at ringside. Southern Alberta Call one of these markets today! Perlich Bros Auction Market Ltd. (403) 329-3101 Mr. Bob Perlich Box 1057 Fax (403) 327-2288 Lethbridge, AB T1J 4A2 Reg. Sales: Thurs. 10:00 a.m. Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange Ltd Fort MacLeod, AB (403) 553-3315 Reg. Sales: Tues. 9:00 a.m. High River, AB (403) 652-3343 Reg. Sales: Mon. 9:00 a.m. Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. Brooks AB. Reg. Sales Fri. 9 a.m. (403) 362-5521 VJV-Foothills Livestock Auction (403) 549-2120 Sales Every Friday 9 a.m. Rob Bergevin Mgr. Cell 403-625-7171 Stavely, AB Central Alberta Stettler Auction Mart (1971) Ltd. (403) 742-2368 Mr. Jim Abel Mr. Greg Hayden Res (403) 742-3154 Box 1238 Fax (403) 742-8151 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Reg. Sales: Tues.: 9:00 a.m. Dryland Cattle Trading Corp. (403) 575-3772 Mr.Graham Schetzsle Fax (403) 575-3935 Mr. Ian Goodbrand Box 618, Veteran, AB T0C 2S0 Reg. Sales: Mondays 9:00 a.m. Innisfail Auction Market Ltd. (403) 227-3166 Mr. Jack Daines Res (403) 227-5113 Danny Daines (403)391-0580 Mark Daines (403)350-0200 Duane Daines (403)358-4971 4504 - 42 St Fax (403) 227-2202 Innisfail, AB T4G 1P6 1-800-710-3166 Reg. Sales: Weds. 9:00 a.m. Vold Jones & Vold Auction Co. Ltd.(403) 783-5561 Blair Vold Fax (403) 783-4120 4410 Hwy 2A, Ponoka, Ab T4J 1J8 Reg. Sales Weds. 8:30 a.m. Rimbey Auction Mart (1996) Ltd. (403) 843-2439 Darryl Friesen Cell (403) 318-1630 Allan Olson (403) 783-0556 Box 680 Fax (403) 843-3485 Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Reg. Sales: Tues. 8:30 a.m. Sekura Livestock Ltd (780) 542-4337 3351-50 Street Fax: (780) 542-3444 Box 6158 Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R7 Email: Website: Regular Sales Every Thursday at 9:00 am Northern Alberta Viking Auction Market Ltd (780) 336-2209 Mr. Clifford Grinde (780) 336-6333 Box 100 Fax (780) 336-2278 Viking, AB T0B 4N0 Located at the Junction of Highways 26 & 36 Regular Sales Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Sekura Livestock/Triple J 9004-110a St. Westlock AB T7P 2N1 email: Hartford Insurance Kevin Cornforth 111 - 2116 - 27 Ave NE Calgary, AB T2E 7A6 1-877-349-3153 1-780-349-3153 Bus (403) 291-3353 Fax (403) 291-3599 12L Auction market Guide LETHBRIDGE MEDICINE HAT Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd. Phone: 403-329-3101 Fax: 403-327-2288 Contact: Bob Perlich Web: Regular Sales: Thursdays Special Calf Sales Sales: Monday and Wednesdays Stock Cow and Bred Heifer Sales: Tuesdays and Fridays Pre-sort Calf Sales: Saturdays Medicine Hat Feeding Co. Phone: 403-526-3129 Fax: 403-528-9355 Email: Contact: Lyle Taylor (Mgr.) Regular Sales: Wednesdays Contact office for more information PONOKA Ashland International Market Phone: 403-783-8988 Fax: 403-783-8988 Email: Contact: Jim Ashbaugh Web: Regular Sales: 24/7 Special Sales: Daily Electronic Sales: 24/7 OLDS LETHBRIDGE Balog Auction Services Inc. Phone: 403-320-1980 Fax: 403-320-2660 Email: Web: Regular Sales: Every Wednesdays Special Sales: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays Electronic Sales: Thursdays Upcoming Sales and Tuesday Special Yearlings Sales: Tuesdays in Oct. and Nov. Special Calf Sales: Saturdays in Oct. and Nov. Olds Auction Mart Ltd. Phone: 403-556-3655 Fax: 403-556-2688 Email: Contact: Dan Rosehill Web: Regular Sales: Every Tuesday PONOKA PICTURE BUTTE Picture Butte Auction Market Phone: 403-732-4400 Fax: 403-732-4405 Email: Contact: Erik Dunsbergen Web: Regular Feeder Cattle: Every Saturday SALE will no longer charge a Seller’s commission for feeder and slaughter cattle sold through Fort Macleod Auction and Highwood Livestock Auction Markets. Fri. Sept. 7, 1:00 pm HLA Western Canadian Video Calf Sale Tues. Sept. 11, 9:00 am FMA Regular Sale Feat. Yearlings Fort Macleod Highwood Wed. Sept. 12, 9:00 am HLA Regular Sale Feat. Yearlings Tues. Sept. 18, 9:00 Auction am FMA Regular Sale Feat. Yearlings Auction Livestock Livestock Wed. Sept. 19, 9:00 am HLA Regular Sale Feat. Yearlings Tues. Sept. 25, Sale 9:00 am FMA Regular Sale Feat. Yearlings Regular Sale 9:00 a.m. Regular 9:00 a.m. Wed. Sept. 26, 9:00 am HLA Regular Sale Feat. Yearlings October 10,Sale 17, 24, 31 October 9, 16, 23, 30 Thurs. Sept. 27, 10:00 am FMA Early Bird All Breed Calf Sat. Sept. 29, 1:00 pm FMA “Brylor Tradition with a Vision Sale” Calf Sale 10:00 a.m. Calf Sale 10:00 a.m. Tues. Oct. 2, 9:00 am FMA Regular Sale October 13,am 18,HLA 20,Regular 25, 31Sale October 12, 19, 26, 31 Wed. Oct. 11, 3, 9:00 Thursday Oct. 4, 10:00 am FMA All Breed Calf Sale Friday Oct. 5, 10:00 am HLA Early Bird All Breed Calf Sale WWW.LIVESTOCK.AB.CA Vold, Jones & Vold Auction Co. Ltd. Phone: 403-783-5561 Fax: 403-783-4120 Email: Contact: Blair Vold Web: Regular Sales: Wednesdays Special Sales: Saturdays Electronic Sales: Canadian Gold Show Alley, Weds. WELSH BLACK SELECT FEMALE SALE SAT., NOVEMBER 24 - 1 P.M. OLDS AUCTION MART, OLDS, AB. 50 SELECTED FEMALES 1ST & 2nd Calvers – Heifer Calves Agents Highwood Livestock Auction High River, AB 1-888-652-7743 or 403-652-3343 403-652-3446 fax Fort Macleod Livestock Auction Fort Macleod, AB 1-888-553-7715 or 403-553-3315 403-553-4264 fax Darren Shaw 403-601-5165 Frank Jenkins 403-627-6700 Allan Lively 403-627-7776 Steve Quinton 403-653-7228 Justin Keeley 403-627-6534 Jay Nelson 403-652-0402 Pete Wambeke 403 652-9647 Jordie Waters 403-601-1377 Danny McDougall 403-634-0604 Ken Stadlwiser 403-888-5092 32 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 Brooks Area Colin McNiven 403-793-1699 Blaine Kellington Sheep & Hog Division 403-312-1279 For more info contact: Jim Blanke 306-781-4633 Arlin Strohschein 403-442-4372 Tyson Mitchell 780-808-0521 Sale Day Phone Numbers: Olds Auction 403-556-3655 Jim 306-421-0145 Arlin 403 443 8492 Sale and Lunch Sponsored by: Canadian Welsh Black Cattle Society Box 546, Trochu AB T0M 2C0 403-442-4372 Preliminary Catalogue will be on the website by early November PROVOST Provost Livestock Exchange Phone: 780-753-2369 Fax: 780-753-2493 Email: Contact: Jerry Hewson Web: Regular Sales: Fridays, Special Sales: Mondays, Oct. 22 to Nov.26 Electronic Sales: DLMS RED DEER Canadian Satellite Livestock Auction Phone: 403-346-8365 Fax: 403-340-2019 Email: Web: Regular Sales: Wednesdays Special Sales: Fridays ( RED DEER Burnt Lake Livestock Market Phone: 403-374-6100 Fax: 403-340-3560 Email: Contact: Mel Glencross (Mgr.), cell 403-358-9442 Regular Sales: Thursdays DLMS Sales: Thursdays RIMBEY Rimbey Auction Mart (1996) Ltd. Phone: 403-843-2439 FAX: 403-843-3485 Email: rimbeyauction@telusplanet.netHYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""Web: "" Regular Sales: Tuesdays Special Sales: Fridays Protect your bottom line with the Cattle Price Insurance Program. Insurance for finished cattle, feeders and calves. 1-877-899-AFSC (2372) October 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 33 Auction market Guide STAVELY VJV Foothills Livestock Auction Phone: 403-549-2120 Fax: 403-549-2253 Email: Contact: Rob Bergevin Web: Regular Sales: Fridays Calf Sales: Mondays Canadian Satellite Sales: Wednesdays STETTLER Stettler Auction Mart (1990) Ltd. Phone: 403-742-2368 Fax: 403-742-8151 Email: Contact: Grey Hayden & Jim Abel Web: Regular Sales: Tuesdays Special Sales: Fridays Bred Sales: Wednesdays Electronic Sales: Daily Web: THORSBY Thorsby Auction Market Ltd. Phone: 780-789-3915 Fax: 780-789-3915 Contact: Harley Steinke Regular Sales: Mondays Special Sales: TBA. Horse and Tack Sales: First Thursday of each month VERMILION Nilsson Brothers Livestock Exchange – Vermilion Phone: 780-853-5372 Fax: 780-853-2521 Email: Contact: Rusty Stalwick Regular sales: Wednesdays Special Sales: Mondays and Saturdays Electronic Sales: Thursdays STRATHMORE Calgary Stockyards Strathmore Phone: 403.234.7429 Fax: 403.266.3368 Contact: Bryan Danard Email: Regular Sales: Thursdays Calf Sales: Saturdays Nov 3 2012 at the Farm LLB Autumn Opportunity Sale 200 Cows , Bred Heifers & Show Heifer Prospects A Select Group of Great Herd Sire Prospects! 300 Commercial Black & Black Baldie Bred Heifers Progeny and Service to Top Angus Herd Sires For information about this exciting sale offering contact LLBAngus LEE, LA LEE LAURA URA BR BROWN OWN Boxx 217 EErskine, Bo rskine, AB B T0C 1G0 Phone: 403-742-4226 email: llbangus@xplornet.c llbangus@xplorne 34 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 ww w ww.llbangus.c om VETERAN Dryland Cattle Trading Corp. Phone 403-575-3772 Fax: 403-575-3935 Contact: Graham Schetzsle Web: Regular Sales: Mondays Special Sales: Thursdays VIKING Viking Auction Market Ltd. Phone: 780-336-2209 Fax: 780-336-2278 Email: Contact: Cliff Grinde Web: Regular Sales: Tuesdays Special Sales: Tuesdays WESTLOCK Sekura / Triple J Livestock Phone: 780-349-3153 Fax: 780-349-5466 Email: Contact: Ken Assenheimer Web: Regular Sales: Fridays Special Sales: Contact auction house RIMBEY AUCTION MART “The Heart of Cow Country” Sales Every Tuesday @ 9:00 a.m. October 23 Angus Influence Sale 10 a.m. November 23 Angus Influence Sale 10 a.m. November 2, 16, 30 Bred Cow Sales December 7 Bred Cow Sales Darrel Friesen 403-318-1630 Allan Olson 403-783-0556 403-843-2439 • STETTLER AUCTION MART (1990) LTD SPECIAL SALES 2012 Presorted Calves Oct. 9, 26 Nov. 9 *single owner lots Angus-British Calves -Oct. 12, Nov. 2 Bred Cows & Heifers – Oct 27, Nov 16, 23, 30 Dec. 7, 14, 21 Char & Simmental Calves – Nov. 6 Limousin Calves – Nov. 2 Preconditioned Calves – Dec. 4, 11 REGULAR SALES: Every Tues. 9 a.m. Mixed Sales Intenet Sales: 403-742-2368 | All cattle scanned – watch for special age verified sales Vold, Jones and Vold Auction Regular Sales Every Wednesday at VJV Ponoka - Starting @ 8:30 a.m. Thursday in VJV Dawson Creek - Starting @ 10:00 a.m. Friday in VJV Foothills Stavely - Starting @ 9:00 a.m. SPECIAL FALL SALES FOR VOLD, JONES & VOLD AUCTION FALL SALE DATES OCT 13, 20, 27 CALF & YRLG SALES, NOV 3, 24 & DEC 15 BRED COW & HFRS & FEEDER SALES VJV FOOTHILLS LIVESTOCK AUCTION, FALL SALE DATES OCT 1,5,9,12,15,19,22,26,29, NOV 2,5,9,12,16,19,23,26,30, DEC 7,10,14,17,21 VJV DAWSON CREEK AUCTION FALL CALF SALES: OCT 15,22,29 NOV 19, DEC 10,17 BRED COW SALES: NOV 5,26 ,AND DEC 3RD Phone: 403-783-5561 | Fax: 403-783-4120 | The only Markets that offer "Live Auctioneers, Live Video and real time on-line Bidding" October 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 35 FENTON HEREFORD RANCH INC. 48TH ANNUAL FALL SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH " F HR" FE 1:00 PM at the ranch (7 mi. East of Irma on Hwy 14 or 11 mi. West of Wainwright) OFFERING 50 Long Yearling Bulls • 30 Bred Purebred Heifers 50 Bred Commercial Heifers View Sale Online lls All bu 12 2012 Foals DNA tested all known & are free of rmance and defects Perfo available Carcass Data on all bulls (Blues, Blacks, Buckskins, Bay Roans) Doris Fenton in her 98th year checking out the Sale Bulls on “Ben”, a sale gelding. 6 Broke Ranch Geldings FE 24U Red Skyline 26Y FE 152S Frontline 54Y FE 43T Emperor 172Y FE 43T Emperor 66Y FE 152S Frontline 208Y FE 24U Red Skyline 10Y SALE Al & Lori Fenton Becky & Curtis Ph/Fax: 780-754-2384 Cell: 780-842-7806 SALE Conrad & Janel Fenton Dalee, Prior, Emerson Ph: 780-754-3321 Cell: 780-209-3600 SALE Blair, Jessica, Gray & Tayva Fenton Ph: 780-754-2891 Cell: 587-281-0900 Box 479, Irma, AB T0B 2H0 | Sale Gelding “Chance” Visit to view catalogue “MORE THAN JUST A MARKET” Veteran, Alberta 403-575-3772 2012 FALL SALES CALENDAR Call or check our website for up to date info. Sun. 7 14 21 28 Monday Regular Sale with yearlings NO SALE Happy Thanksgiving Regular Sale along with fresh calves Regular Sale along with fresh calves Regular Sale along with fresh calves Sun. Monday featuring Black & Red Angus & British Breeds Sun. 2 9 Regular Sale along with fresh calves Regular Sale along with fresh calves Regular Sale along with fresh calves Monday along with fresh calves Regular Sale CUSTOMER APPRECIATION Regular Sale, along with Bred Cows & Heifers 23 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 PREWEIGH: ‘THE RIGHT WAY’ 3 10 17 24 31 Calf Sale times could vary depending on numbers. Thursday Calf Sale Calf Sale featuring Sounding Lake Ranch calves Wed. Thursday Calf Sale featuring Sedalia Area Ranch calves Calf Sale 7 Calf Sale 14 21 Calf Sale Cow & 28 Bred HeiferSale DECEMBER 2012 4 3 10 11 17 18 24 Wed. NOVEMBER 2012 Tues. Regular Sale along with fresh calves 2 9 16 23 30 Tues. Regular Sale 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 OCTOBER 2012 Tues. 25 Wed. 5 12 19 Thursday Bred Cow & Heifer Sale Bred Cow & Heifer Sale Fri. Saturday Fri. Saturday Fri. Saturday 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 1 2 9 8 15 16 22 23 29 30 6 7 13 14 20 21 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 8 15 22 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! IF YOU LIKE THE IDEA OF HAVING YOUR CALVES WEIGHED OFF TRUCK WITH A PENCIL SHRINK, AND PUT BACK ON FEED AND WATER UNTIL THEY ARE SOLD, CONSIDER OUR PREWEIGH METHOD OF SELLING. UNLIKE A TRADITIONAL ‘PRESORT SALE’, WE DO NOT MIX OWNERS OF CATTLE TOGETHER. WE HAVE ENOUGH FEED PENS THAT WE CAN SELL EVERY OWNERS CALVES SEPARATELY. THIS ALLOWS US TO ACCURATELY PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION TO THE BUYERS ABOUT YOUR CALVES AS YOU GIVE US. WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE A GOOD SORT, HOWEVER, JUST SO WE CAN PREWEIGH THEM. THERE ARE INSTANCES WHERE A GROUP OF CALVES WILL NOT SORT UP WELL ENOUGH TO BE PREWEIGHED. THE CALVES THAT ARE NOT PREWEIGHED STAY ON FEED & WATER UNTIL EARLY EVENING, THEN ARE STOOD DRY OVERNIGHT AND SOLD BEFORE THE PREWEIGHED CALVES ON SALE DAY. THE PREWEIGHED CALVES ARE CATALOGUED WITH THE EXACT HEAD COUNTS AND WEIGHTS IN EACH LOT, AND THE OVERNIGHT CALVES WEIGHT & DESCRIPTION IS ESTIMATED. THIS LIST GOES OUT TO MOST MAJOR FEEDLOTS & ORDER BUYERS IN THE PROVINCE THE NIGHT BEFORE EACH SALE. THE ORDER OF PREWEIGH CALVES SOLD IN ANY SALE IS DICTATED ON WHEN THE OWNER BOOKS HIS OR HER CALVES, SO SIMPLY LET YOUR FIELDMAN KNOW, OR CALL CAROLYN OR CINDY AT THE OFFICE TO BOOK YOUR CALVES FOR THE SALE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SELL IN. First Sale of 2013 - Jan. 7 The calf sales on Oct. 25, Nov. 1, and Nov. 5 are featured sales. This does NOT mean, however, that they are limited only to those featured groups of consignors, so please feel welcome to consign your calves to any one of these sales. There have typically been some additional buyHUVLQDWWHQGDQFHDWWKHVHIHDWXUHGVDOHVVRLWEHQHÀWVDOOWKHFRQVLJQRUV on those particular days. Monday sales will usually start at 9 am, with feeder cattle, and calves VHOOLQJÀUVWIROORZHGE\WKHUHJXODUUXQRIFRZVDQGEXOOV7KXUVGD\FDOI sales will start at 10 am, and the scheduled Bred Cow and Heifer sales will commence at 12 noon. All sale times are tentative, and subject to change due to volume, so please refer to the website the night before a VDOHRUVLPSO\FDOOWKHRIÀFH Our selling fees for all calves and yearlings has not changed from last year. Our promise to the seller also remains constant, which has always been to take care of the customer, take care of the cattle, present the cattle effectively, and watch them sell!! You get one chance a year to sell your us to do so! PLEASE check our website,, for all updated information. Also, a catalogue for each sale, including a list of the preweighed cattle is sent out via email each night before a sale. If you wish to receive this, simply request it in email form to Log In!, to view the sale live, online, at Ian Goodbrand 780-753-1515 * Graham Schetzsle 403-575-4001 * Bob Wills 403-575-1108 * Kurt Cole 403-575-5388 * George Glazier 403-575-1165 * Kirk Goldsmith 403-575-5654 Management Confirm hay quality by feed testing Andre Bonneau, a Forage Management Specialist for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture quotes an Alberta colleague who often says, “Two-thirds of your costs are feed costs and two-thirds of your feed costs are winter feeding costs. Those are the two biggest areas to save money on livestock production.” H ay and forage quality and quantities vary this year from province to province. Manitobans were short of rain, Saskatchewan had an average hay crop except for a few pocket areas and Alberta experienced above-average first cut hay yields. Whether your forage crop is plentiful or sparse, unless you feed test you really don’t know what you have for your herd’s winter feeding program. Every field presents a different starting point for a balanced ration. Quantity may not be quality in a year of plenty Barry Yaremcio, Beef and Forage Specialist with Alberta Agriculture is concerned that large hay crops may indicate nutritional deficiencies. “High yielding forage crops typically have lower nutritional content. Soils contain limited amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and other trace elements needed for plant growth. As the soil nutrients are taken up by the plant, soil reserves are rapidly reduced or depleted,” says Yaremcio. “For example, protein content in the hay can be 8 to 10 percent Hay and forage quality and quantities vary this year from province to province rather than an average 12 to 14 per cent. Macro- and micro- nutrients can be a one third to one-half lower than average and in this case, the use of fortified trace mineral salt with selenium is highly recommended. Blue salt will not meet the Cantriex Livestock International Inc. Tony R. Saretsky Cell: 403.391.3985 David Saretsky Cell: 403.896.9616 Competitive bids on fat cattle 52 weeks a year P.O. Box 4638, Ponoka, AB. T4J 1S4 Bus: 403.782.5583 Fax: 403.782.9224 38 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 animal’s trace mineral requirements in most situations.” Here in Saskatchewan, Janice Bruynooghe, Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Forage Council, says this year’s provincial average was one and a half tons per acre of alfalfa with pockets of quality issues. “One of the big issues was high humidity during haying. Swaths were down for weeks before drying down,”she says. “The hay may look green and smell nice, but producers are throwing money into the wind if they over feed or under feed. Sometimes you can’t physically put enough roughage through an animal to make up for nutritional deficiencies. Animals with a nutritional deficiency often lose condition gradu- NORTHST R ally and it takes time before a good producer notices that there is something wrong.” All the experts recommend spending that $50 for a basic feed test to discover the quality of the bulk of your feed ration. “From an economic standpoint,” R Supplied CALL FO by EE OUR FR N Y Agrowplow ATIO INFORM E Alberta PACKAG stocckkEq Equu pm ent L i vveesto i pi m e nt t)ZESBVMJD$IVUFT t.BOVBM$IVUFT t1PSUBCMF8PSLJOH4ZTUFNT t$SPXEJOH5VCT Phone COME AN D SEE US! 403-946-5300 Agri-Tra de Expo RedFax: Deer, AB Nov. 9 403-946-5361 12, 2011 t8PSLJOH"MMFZT t-PBEJOH$IVUFT t4PSUJOH6OJUT Photo by Laura-Lie Schellenberg "MCFSUB%FBMFS Box 303 Crossfield, Alberta T0M 0S0 Phone: 403-946-5300 Fax: 403-946-5361 Leading the way to proserity through soil care. Increases yields. Call now for a FREE DVD on the benefits of the Agrowplow soil care system. continues Bruynooghe, “a little bit of money spent on a feed test can prevent a possible wreck with cows losing condition during the winter months. The real test is in the spring with lower than expected birthweights.” Bonneau has calculated that in many areas this season, there was a better than average hay crop. But even higher tons of forage has its downside. “With hay more plentiful, we often see less feed testing than in years when hay is scarce,” he says. “Producers think that by feeding more roughage they can get away with less nutritional forage. My argument there is you may over feed without knowing it. Overfeeding by just one percent means feed for an extra cow.” RECTIFYING SOIL COMPACTION SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Step 1: Break up compacted soils, hard pans, clay pans, tillage pans and impenetrable barriers with an Agrowplow subsoiler. • Zero till seeding system for pasture improvement or cereal crops. Step 2: Re-establish plants with strong, deep root systems to rebuild and hold the soil structure, bulk and porosity in a healthier state - preferably using direct drilling or minimum tillage techniques. Step 3: Use farming practices which minimize soil cultivation, soil inversion and traffic in wet soils. • Using the inverted T (baker boot). • Improve soil structure. • Reduction in weed invasion. • Able to put new grasses or legumes into existing pasture stands. • Able to sow cereal crops into desecrated hay land with one pass, minimize soil cultivation, soil inversion and traffic in wet soils. Looking forward to seeing you at the Western Grazing Conference, Nov. 28, 29 in Red Deer, AB Ph: 403-946-5300 | Fx: 403-946-5361 October 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 39 SELLING YOUR CATTLE IS AS EASY AS A PHONE CALL • Cattle purchased in four western provinces • Flexible weigh conditions and locations • Option of retained ownership • No herd too big or small • No trucking costs • No commissions • No sorting for gender Call Tim to price your cattle today Highway 21 Feeders 1.403.546.2705.Ext. 8 Full Line o of f Permanent & Portable F Fencing encing &DOORUHPDLOIRU)5((&DWDORJ ZZZSRZHUÁH[IHQFHFRP SRZHUÁH[IHQFHFRP )5(('HOLYHU\ )5(( 'HOLYHU\ RQFDWDORJRUGHUVRYHU H[FOXGLQJ)2%LWHPV VSF$TS[IV¾I\JIRGIGSQ +L7HQVLOH:LUH)HQFH7HVWHUV HQVLOH:LUH HQVLOH: LUH)HQFH7 )HQFH7HVWHUV HVWHUV 7UX7HVW6FDOHV3RO\%UDLG UX7HVW6FDOHV UX7 HVW6FDOHV3RO\%UDLG HVW6FDOHV 3RO\%UDLG 6SHHGULWH(QHUJL]HUV0RUH ORDER BUYERS ARE: • Professional • Accountable ... fully licensed and bonded • Livestock dealers buy and sell with integrity • Extensive knowledge of big cattle strings and buyers/sellers' needs • Save time and travel ... busy producers use order buyers to fill standing orders CALL ONE OF THESE ORDER BUYERS TODAY. NILSSON BROS. LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Jim Pulyk Buys 780-853-5372 Cell: 780-853-0626 Replacement Heifers, Bred Cows All classes feeder cattle HOLMES LIVESTOCK (TEAM Agent) Nanton, AB Bill Holmes Cell: 403-652-6306 Home 403-646-5425 email: ROD MACLEAN BSSA MARKETING REP. Brooks and Bassano. AB Home: 403-641-3080 Cell: 403-793-3060 BSSA: 403-362-5521 ALBERTA PRIME BEEF Andy Houweling Cell: 403 308-8700 Mac MacLean, Office: 403 732-5644 Clint deLeeuw Cell: 403 634-4630 James Christie Cell: 403-892-0728 Brad deLeeuw Cell 403-382-7362 VEETEE FEEDERS ORDER BUYING DIVISION Lloydminster, AB Don Davies Cell 780-808-5607 ANCHOR LAZY U CATTLE CO. Killam, AB Barry Bieleny Cell 780-385-1880 Tyson Bieleny 780-385-4060 WAY-ALTA LIVESTOCK LTD. Darren Barclay 403-860-4726 Longview, AB Feeders/Breds/Cows/Bulls 12E Producers generally take four or five samples from different areas of the field You don’t know till you know Glenn Thompson at Central Testing Laboratory Ltd. in Winnipeg processes more than 2,000 forage samples a month in the busy season. “The hay may look green and smell nice, but producers are throwing money into the wind if they over feed or under feed.” “Just the basic feed test will tell you the digestible portion of the roughage and the nutritional value. The hotter and longer feed goes without rain, for instance, the protein value goes down. Ideal forage is 14 to 18 percent protein; less than 30 percent Acid Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen (ADF) and less than 40 percent Neutral Detergent Fibre or NDF,” he says. “Producers generally take four or five samples from different areas of the field and send it in as one sample. That is the only way to get a more accurate reading.” Much of the forage testing is done either in Manitoba or Alberta. Consult laboratories for testing facilities. BONNIE WARNYCA 40 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 This Fall Sales 2012 Shipping Cattle Sale Every Friday @ 9:00 a.m NOV 17 SALE COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Rae & Judy McColl 100 hd Black Cows 16 hd Black Heifers Bred To Black Angus June 10- Aug 10 1 Iron & Shorthorn Influence Dave & Cheryl Andrews 60 Black, BWF, Red, RNK Heifers Bred to Black Bulls June 25- Aug 25 Home Raised, NVB Low Birth Weight Bulls Carolside Ranch 50 Red Heifers Bred Red Angus Bulls June 27 (60 days) 25 Charolais Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 15 (60 Days) Pickett Ranching 40 Red Heifers, Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 20- July 31 20 Red X Cows, Bred to Red Angus Bulls July 1- Sept 16 140 Tan & Simm X/ Red Angus Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 27- Aug 15 Doerksen Farms: 40 RBF Hiefers Bred to Red Angus Bulls (45 Days) 120 Red & Black Simm X Heifers 30 BWF& BBF 2nd Calvers Bred to Black Angus Bulls June 22 (42 Days) 15 RWF 2n d Calvers Bred to Hereford Home Raised Bulls (60 Days) Norris Cattle Co. Giles Ranch: 50 Tan & TWF Heifers Bred to Black Bulls June 15 Home Raised 200 Red, Red X Cows 50 Red, Red X Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls 110 Black Angus Heifers Bred to Black Angus Bulls June 25- Aug 4 Home Raised Gordon Kern Fowlie Cattle Co.: 18 Red Cows 55 Hereford Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 10- July 25 Home Raised BSSA SPECIAL BRED COW SALE DEC 1 Tim Burnat 200 Red & Black 2nd Calvers Bred to Red Angus DEC 5 SALE 90 Red Cows Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 10- Aug 15 All home Raised, 2nd calvers to mature COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Wayne Fecho 20 Tan Heifers 20 Tan 2nd Calvers 120 Tan Cows Bred to Charolais Bulls June 5- Aug 31 8 Way, Bovasheild in the Spring Rod MacLean 403-793-3060 General Manager “Serving Alberta’s Livestock Industry Since 1940” BROOKS, ALBERTA (403) 362-5521 P.O. Box 1299, Brooks Alberta T1R 1C2 Harold Pfeifer 60 BBF, BWF Heifers Bred to Black Bulls July 3- Aug 20 F- R Bulls “HELL FREEZES OVER” BRED COW SALE DEC 8 COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Dick Dick 900 Angus Cows & Heifers July 1 Bred to Black Bulls 60 days COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Bow Cattle Co. 600 Angus Cows July 1 Bred to Black Bulls 60 days DEC 15 SALE Will Hendrickson COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Scott Burton Betty Rinker 50 Red, RWF Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 20 John & Krista Irwin: 50 F1 Red Angus/ Hereford Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 8 Home Raised, Quiet Sturgeon River Ranch NOV 24 SALE Gordon Grove Don Armitage 110 Red, RBLD, Black, BBLD Heifers Bred to Black Angus June 20- Aug 20 NVB, No Implants, Easy Calving Roen Ranch: Hale Ranch 350 Black & Red Heifers 200 Black & Red Cows Bred Black & Red Bulls June 20 R & V White Ranch 50 Black, BWF Heifers Bred to Black Bulls June 1- July 12 1 Iron Chomistek Ranch: 120 F1 Red Angus/Hereford Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 1 Home Raised NOV 28 SALE Muller Farms 20 Red Cows Bred to Red Angus Bulls Young to Mature C & L Beasley 100 Black Heifers Bred to Black Bulls June 27- Aug 15 Home Raised 150 Red, Red X Cows Bred to Red Angus Bulls John Kress Top Grade Red Angus Irwin Ranch: 75 F1 Red Angus / Hereford Heifers Bred To Red Angus Bulls June 8 Home Raised, Quiet Osadczuk Cattle Co. 60 Black, BBF Heifers Bred to Red Bulls June 1 30 Red Heifers Bred to Red June 1 Lee Nygaard 100 Red, Black Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Rick Schuett 90 Red X Cows Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 10 Mostly Home Raised COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Myrlee Farm 40 Red, RBF Heifers Bred to Red Angus Bulls June 16- Sept 1 Home Raised, Easing Calving, NVB, No Implants Carolside Ranch: 100 Black Angus Heifers Bred to Black Angus Bulls June 27 (60 Days) 65 Red/ Simm X cows Bred to Charolais Bulls June 1- July 24 5 Yr. Old to Mature Ross Annett 403-793-4715 Auctioneer Lachie McKinnon 403-362-1825 Field Rep. Lowell Johnston 403-820-0516 Field Rep. “Serving Alberta’s Livestock Industry Since 1940” email: | web site: Business Directory COMMODITIES FEEDLOTS Jim Beusekom, Gerald Snip Allen Pirness & David Lea Commodity Traders 403-394-1711 Or 1-866-512-1711 13A 13D Jeff Ball FEEDLOTS JUBILEE FEEDLOT Box 5510 Westlock, AB T7P 2P5 Box 127 Brant AB TOL OLO 6,500 Head Capacity Livestock Buying - Custom Feeding 780-349-2476 12J 403-684-3540 • Fax: 684-3345 email: Lot capacity/16,000Custom Feeder Rob Denman, Manager 13C CONCRETE Shelter Valley Custom Feeding GREG APPLEYARD 403-934-4030 • Fax 934-4594 Lot capacity: 25,000 Custom bull test/custom cattle feeder e-mail: • 12J “Custom Feeding With Personal Care” 13H Rod, Carol & Jason Calhoun Box 72 Swalwell, AB, T0M 1Y0 Ph:(403) 546-2655 • Fax:(403) 546-3831 Cell:(403) 333-5440 • Jason/Cell:(403) 333-5438 13H Ryan Kasko Dwight Morhart EDUCATION Our new custom feed yard located 15 min. N. of Lethbridge. • 10,000 head capacity • Complete range of services Sam McQuaid 780-209-2373 | Cory Conan 403-894-1020 LTD DRI-LANDFEEDERS Warner, AB 8,000 Capacity • Corn and Barley Silage Backgrounding and Finishing 13G Call us for ALL your custom feeding needs! JAKOB BUECKERT - Ph: 403-642-3732 FEED SEEDS Box 1250, Raymond, AB, T0K 2S0 w w w. g p r c . a b . c a COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING 8QLTXHZHHNFHUWL¿FDWH Study bees & the business of EHHNHHSLQJ3DLGZRUNSUDFWLFXP 1.888.999.7882 Fairview, Alberta Ph: (403) 752-2333 Fax: (403) 756-3434 Beef Producers email: Highway 21 Feeders 12J PARRISH & HEIMBECKER LTD. Serving the Agriculture Community Since 1909 ALBERTA LOCATIONS Head Office: 480-220 4th St.S. Lethbridge, AB T1J 4J7 13D Phone: 320-9440 Fax: 328-8561 LIVESTOCK MARKETING 20,000 head capacity Complete range of services Specializing in Risk Management 12J Anne Dunford Anne Dunford Anne General ManagerDunford General Manager Anne Dunford General Manager General Manager Ph: (403) 223-5741 Ph:(403) (403) 223-5741 5604-64 St. Fax: 223-8272 (403) 223-5741 5604-64 St. Fax:Ph: (403) 223-8272 5604-64 St. Fax: (403) 223-8272 Taber, AB T1G 1Y8 Cell: (403) 560-1235 Taber, AB T1G 1Y8 Cell: (403) Ph:560-1235 (403) 223-5741 Taber, AB T1G 1Y8 Cell: (403) 560-1235 5604-64 St. Fax: (403) 223-8272 Email: 13A Email: AB T1G 1Y8 Taber, Cell: (403) 560-1235 WebWeb Site: Site: Email: Contact: Ed Miller or Lyle Miller Box 60, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 EQUIPMENT (403)546-2278 13A Web Site: Email: Web Site: Fax: (403)546-3709 12K Stauffer Farm Feedlot Division of Stauffer Farms Ltd. • 100% Hydraulic Drive • Truck Mount Manure Beds • Trailer Style Manure/Silage • Hydraulic Tilt Out Beaters Building Spreaders Since 1953 FEED SUPPLEMENTS 12H ` Custom Feedlot Feeding All Breeds and Classes of Cattle Capcity 5,000 head - Pen sizes 80-300 head Calves-Yearlings-Background to finish 13D Competitive Finished cattle bids Computer data on Feed, Health and closeout info. Share pens. Flexible sizes. Rations balanced by nutritionist. For info contact: Murray Stauffer Phone 403-746-5737 Fax 403-746-5739 R R 3 Eckville AB TOM OXO LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS Shelter Valley Land & Cattle 3315-2nd Avenue North, Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 0C7 Phone 403-320-2598 • Fax 403-320-0978 Toll Free 800-563-6371 Don F. Mann 403-660-4416 Fred Keys 780-690-2728 • Ron Manness 306-861-0516 It’s True! Advertising in Alberta Beef really does catch your eye. Call for your opportunity to catch a few eyes now! 1-800-387-BEEF 42 13G Lethbridge, AB Box 2265 Strathmore AB T1P 1K2 ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 Czar, AB 13G 12,000 head custom feedlot offering a complete range of services from a professional and caring team. Sam McQuaid 780-209-2373 | Calvin Sayer 780-209-2387 780-857-2720 | HIGHLAND FEEDERS PREMIUM ALBERTA BEEF Bern or Mike Kotelko Box 400, Vegreville AB T9C 1R4 Tel: (780) 768-2466 Fax: (780) 768-3888 36,000 Head Capacity - Custom Feeders 12J Your source for Braunvieh & Braunvieh-Hybrid (Black) Cattle THE SCIENCE: SWISS-BROWN COW TESTED HIGHER IN CLA Bruce and Lori Anderson & Sons – since 1973 PO Box 97 Cowley, Alberta T0K 0P0 12K Phone/Fax: 403-628-2210 A Better Bull 13A 1-800-668-1529 | Events Business Directory LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES SERVICES MORE THAN JUST A DAIRY SUPPLY STORE 13G Biotal Silage Inoculants • Best Harvest Silage Testers • Johnson Waterers 13G HOME OF THE ANIMAL-PRO PRODUCTS STOCKMAN'S CHOICE PROBIOTICS HEALTHIER ANIMALS / IMPROVED PERFORMANCE LETHBRIDGE DAIRY MART LTD. 403-329-6234 or 1-888-329-6202 Serving You Since 1963 REAL ESTATE )$506$1'5$1&+(6)256$/( ZZZFDQDGDIDUPDQGUDQFKFRP 13A ting Celebra of 50 Years in Service Alberta Find Us Located At: Unit 1 213 Main Street NW Airdrie, Alberta Phone: 403-948-5411 AB Toll Free: 1-888-948-5411 SCALES - LIVESTOCK The Cattleman’s CHOICE 16-17 livestock gentec "Turning Local Production Into Global Advantage & The Fundamentals of Residual Feed Intake (RFI) conference, Matrix Hotel, Edmonton 19 Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society Futurity & Banquet, Red Deer 20 Maple Leaf Charolais Production Sale, Ag Centre, Lakedell 20 40th Annual Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society Annual Red Roundup, Red Deer 20 2nd All-Star Classic Shorthorn Sale, Ag Society Grounds, Lacombe 27 Moose Creek Simmental Complete Herd Dispersal, Grand Prairie November Livestock Scales Electronic ID Compatible Bluetooth Available 1-3 3 13H ™ October 13D Made and Serviced in Canada : 1-800-419-1189 3-11 4-11 SERVICES 6 13C Grant Ellefson RING SERVICE 13B Farm, Ranch, Cattle, Horse - Sales 403-362-4992•Cell: 43-501-9707 7-10 13-14 Brooks, AB SOLAR PUMPS TRAILERS 13D 7-10 13C Water More Cows For Less Dollars 16 19-24 19-24 24 It’s True! Advertising in Alberta Beef really does catch your eye. Call for your opportunity to catch a few eyes now! 1-800-387-BEEF 26 27 28-29 29 Stockade Roundup, Lloydminster, SK LLB Angus Autumn Opportunity Sale, at the farm, Erskine Canadian Finals Rodeo, Expo Centre, Edmonton Farmfair International, Rexall Place, Edmonton Classic Hereford Genes Event, Farmfair International, Edmonton Saskatoon Fall Fair, Prairieland Exhibition, Saskatoon Agri-Trade, Westerner Park, Red Deer CanFax Cattlemen Market Forum, Deerfoot Inn, Calgary Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc. 48th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Irma Canadian Western Agribition, Regina 40th Anniversary of Gelbvieh in Canada Celebrations, Regina Welsh Black Select Female Sale, Auction Mart, Olds Westwood Land & Cattle #1 Cowherd Dispersal, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current Anderson Family Herefords Complete Purebred Cowherd Dispersal, at the ranch, Aetna Western Canadian Grazing conference & trade show, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Red Deer Westwood Land & Cattle $2 Cowherd Dispersal, Balog Auction, Lethbridge October 2012 | ALBERTABEEF.CA 43 Opinion Gordons celebrate 100 years at Ridge Ranch Lee Gunderson S eptember 1st saw hundreds of folks converge on the Ridge Ranch at Hanna to help Greg and Karen Gordon and family celebrate 100 years of farming and ranching. It was a stunning day and Greg and Karen and families put months of work into making this a pretty wonderful get-together. It was also nice to learn that this year saw the Alberta Limousin Association name the Gordons “Commer- cial Limousin Breeder of the Year.” They were given a farm sign to indicate the honour. Just about everybody I knew was there, and it was so good to see so many happy faces. Our prices are back and we have enough feed to carry us for a dry 2013 if it comes. Indeed, I know many ranchers who have at least two years of feed and then some. The odds of La Nina, El Nino, or another year stuck in between the two, are just about even. We'll take what comes. A big storm blew through the afternoon of the Gordon's event. No one was blown away but about 75 men and women anchored the big tent that was put up, it did get a little Black Angus Do it Naturally. Call a Angus producer today and get it done, "naturally." BELVIN ANGUS Gavin, Mabel, Colton & Quinn Hamilton Innisfail, AB 403 224 2353 cell 403 556 5246 Colton 403-507-5416, BENCHMARK ANGUS Doug & Michael Munton Lethbridge, AB Ph: 403-328-6966 Michael Cell: 403-394-4903 MINBURN ANGUS Danny & Conna Warrilow Devin, Luke & April Minburn, AB 780-593-2205 44 SPRUCE VIEW ANGUS Wayne Grant & Family Killam, AB Ph: 780-385-2216 REMITALL FARMS Gary & Jacci , Richard & Kelly Latimer Olds, AB Office: 403-556-2742 Richard Cell: 403-507-1122 Gary Cell: 403-507-1123 RONAN R FARM Ralph & Lorree Erdell Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-2961 ARDA FARMS Jay Davis Acme, AB Ph: 403-546-2299 Cell: 403-888-2524 PAHL LIVESTOCK ALBERTABEEF.CA | October 2012 Medicine Hat, AB Dan: 403-548-1614 Scott: 403-548-2356 LeRay: 403-548-6626 The Amigo's Sale November 2012 BAR DOUBLE M ANGUS RANCH Mark & Rachel Merrill Hillspring, AB 403-626-3369 Mitch & Karen Merrill 403-626-3463 SCOTT STOCK FARM Earl & Jonathan Scott Crossfield, AB 403-946-5378 tense. But the storm passed, they always do, and the sun broke through for the Gordon's cake cutting. It was a typical Alberta day, beautiful as all nature could be and then storm clouds rising in the west with a stiff cold breeze. As Dr. Bob Church said, “All of this has happened so many times before.” Springtime in Alberta, well, it's just like fall in Alberta. “It's our family and friends that keep us stuck to this god-forsaken country,” Bill Sturm told me last year on the phone. Well, for now we are benefactors of “free health care” until our bureaucracy decides we need a sales tax to pay for the three billion dollar budget deficit. We'll see how our new government fares over the next year or two. Will our “Alberta Advantage” be squandered with reckless spending? Will Danielle Smith of the WRP seize the day? Cattle and farming built Alberta. Not oil. The real answers to the future are found in remembering how Alberta was built: thrift, hard work, persistence and family values rooted in the land. We'll see how well our new government heeds Peter Lougheed's great example of leadership and thrift. I have a few opinions regarding what is coming, and as Dr. Church said, “This has all happened before.” HARD WORK HAS ITS OWN REWARDS. ENJOY THEM ALL YEAR ROUND. Get your interior finishing packages at UFA. Turn your cold storage structure into a comfortable working environment and keep your operation going strong all year round. Visit your local UFA Ranch & Supply store today. © 2012 UFA UFA Co-operative Ltd. All rights reserved. UF Obituary Harald L. Gunderson 1929 – 2012 Harald Gunderson, of Calgary, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at the age of 83. He was born in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan on June 18, 1929. Besides Shirley, his loving wife of sixtythree years, Harald is survived by his four children: Eric (Nicola), Lee (Louise), Laurie Watson and Cori (Brent) Paul; He was predeceased by his parents Mary (Edwards) Cooil; father Oscar F. Gunderson, stepfather Harold Cooil, brothers George and Oscar (Bud) and sisters Eleanor and Gloria. Harald was a man who wore many hats. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1948 and served as Officer Commanding of the South Alberta Light Horse C Squadron (Armoured Corps) Bow Island (Militia) and later the 19th Medium Artillery, Calgary. He was a Canadian Pacific Railway brakeman, worked in the trucking and insurance businesses before writing became his passion. He was editor of The Bow Island Graphic, a journalist with The Medicine Hat News, The Albertan and The Calgary Herald. He was founding publisher of The Limousin Leader, World of Beef, Canadian Funeral News, Network magazine, Canadian Emergency Services News, and was publisher/editor of Gunderson Funeral Journal. He authored provincial history books on funeral service in British Columbia, Alberta, Atlantic Canada and Manitoba, as well as the Limousin cattle breed in Canada, and pro-rodeo legend Herman Linder. He operated a public relations firm; served as a trustee and Chair of the Calgary Board of Education; as President of the Alberta The Roto-Spread ROTO-MIX Feed Box Manure Spreader ® NEW!! • Under Application • Belt and retention gate system with hi-speed vertical beaters with spinners NOW AVAILA BLE! School Board Association and VicePresident of the Canadian School Board Association; taught public relations and journalism at Mount Royal University (formerly College). Harald was an Honourary Member of the Calgary Naval Veterans Association, Alberta School Board Association, Canadian School Board Association, Funeral Service Association of British Columbia, Alberta Funeral Service Association. He was also a 63-year member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 285, the Sons of Norway and the Torske Klubben “Cod Club”. He received special tributes from the Ontario Funeral Service Association, the Canadian Funeral Service Association and the Canadian Limousin Association. Harald was a recipient of the Governor General’s Medal for Community Service. THE SPIRIT OF THE WEST RADIO PROGRAM 12th Annual Cruise January 15 - 26 2013 Call or Drop In For All The Information! Roto-Mix, LLC Staggered Rotor Advantages Improved Lifting and Tumbling Action Less Mixer Revolutions Faster Mix Less Fuel and Wear Unique Staggered Paddle Design Improved Mixing Performance Eliminates Springs and Spring Boxes Lower Maintenance Cost Optional Super Duty Drive Package Increased Load Capacity SEE US TODAY FOR ALL THE DETAILS! PREMIUM USED EQUIPMENT 2002 IHC 4900, tandem, c/w 2002 Roto-Mix 620-16, stainless steel liners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,000 2000 IHC 4900, tandem axle, rebuilt engine, c/w 2000 Roto-Mix 620-16, stainless steel liners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 Box 490-14, 1220 Picture 1990 Roto-Mix box only . . . .Butte, . . . . . . . . .AB . . . . .T0K . . . . . . 1V0 . . . . . . . $15,000 1990 IHC 710-8803 2554 6 x 4 tandem w/1991 Roto-Mix 700-16. . . . . . .382 . . . . . 8472 . . . $32,500 800 • 403 732-5641 • 403 1984 IHC 2554, single axle, c/w 1995 Roto-Mix 490-14, stainless steel liners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500 12'ALBERTABEEF.CA Feedlot Pen Scraper|. . .October . . . . . . . . . .2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,500 10' Feedlot Pen Scraper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500 PASKAL CATTLE Company Ltd. 46 Hosts Hugh & Billie McLennan, invite you to join them on the Emerald Princess to Cruise the Southern Caribbean. For more information call toll-free 1-800-530-0131 | ADD SAFE-GUARD ADD POUNDS TM Safe-Guard TM (fenbendazole ) is a different class of dewormer than pour-ons and injectables. It works fast to stop internal parasites and the hidden damage they cause. These parasites suppress feed intake, reduce average daily gain, hurt nutrient absorption and immune function, reducing the health and performance of your cattle.1,2 Use Safe-Guard as part of your parasite control program for more pounds of high quality beef in the feedlot.3,4 Visit for more information or contact your veterinarian. 1 Endoparasite control, L.R. Ballweber, Veterinary Clinics Food Animal, 2006, 22:451-461. 2Economic analysis of pharmaceutical technologies in modern beef production, J.D. Lawrence and M.A. Ibarburu, Iowa State University, 2007. 3Pasture deworming and (or) subsequent feedlot deworming with fenbendazole I. Effects of grazing performance, feedlot performance and carcass traits of yearling steers, R. Smith, et al., The Bovine Practitioner, 2000, 34:104-114. 4A fenbendazole oral drench in addition to an ivermectin pour-on reduces parasite burden and improves feedlot and carcass performance of finishing heifers compared with endectocides alone, C.D. Reinhardt, J.P. Hutcheson and W.T. Nichols, Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 84:2243-2250. TM Safe-Guard is a trademark of Intervet International B.V. Used under license. Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the US and Canada), operating in Canada as Intervet Canada Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. MERCK and MSD are trademarks of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. Copyright © 2012 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved. Introducing ZUPREVO TM , the longest-lasting on-arrival antibiotic on the market today.* Talk to your veterinarian about using ZUPREVO on arrival. * Huang R.A., et al. (2009) J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 33, 227-237. Menge M., et al. (2011) J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. Nowakowski M.A., et al. Veterinary Therapeutics, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 2004. TM Trademark of Intervet International B.V. Used under license. Merck Animal Health, operating in Canada as Intervet Canada Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. MERCK is a trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. Copyright © 2012 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved.