Sonny’s Franchise Company 201 North New York Avenue 3rd floor Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: (407) 660-8888 Fax: (407) 660-1285 Email: Date Submitted PRELIMINARY FRANCHISE APPLICATION Before filling out the following application, please be sure you meet the following criteria. Only applicants that can meet the minimum requirements advance to the next phase in the franchise process. Minimum Liquid Capital $500,000.00. SECTION 1 - Individual Information (please type or print) Name Address Last First Street Date of Birth Middle City Marital Status Spouse’s Name State Employer Type of Business Business Address Business Phone Position Salary Other Income Spouse’s Occupation Home: Rent Zip No. of Dependents Own How Long? Last Former Residence Are you a citizen of the USA? Yes No If no, what country? Languages Spoken Fluently Military Service From To Branch of Service Rate or Rank Type of Discharge or Current Status Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (other than a minor traffic violation)? Yes No If yes, please state details EDUCATION Name & Address Year Graduated Major or Degree High School College Graduate School Special Awards or Honors FORMER EMPLOYERS Please list below last four employers, starting with last one first. Employer Name & Address Dates Employed Salary Position Reason for Leaving 1 SECTION 2 - Financial Information ASSETS SOLELY OWNED Please list only those assets not jointly owned. $ Cash (See Sched. 1) ALL LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH Please list all liabilities, joint or otherwise. Notes Payable to Banks, Unsecured (See Sched. 1) U.S. Government Securities Notes Payable to Banks, Secured (See Sched. 1) List Stocks and Bonds (See Sched. 4) Notes Payable to Others, Unsecured Unlisted Stocks and Bonds (See Sched. 4) Notes Payable to Others, Secured Accounts and Loans Receivable (See Sched. 3) Notes Receivable, Discounted Life Insurance - Cash Value (See Sched. 3) Loans Against Life Insurance (See Sched. 3) Real Estate (See Sched. 5) Mortgages Payable on Real Estate (See Sched. 5) Automobiles Accounts Payable Other Assets (Itemize) Interest Payable $ Taxes and Assessments Payable Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Worth TOTAL ASSETS SOLELY OWNED $ JOINTLY OWNED ASSETS Please summarize here; itemize in Sched. 6 Cash TOTAL OF ALL LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH $ SOURCE OF INCOME You need not disclose income from alimony, child support, or maintenance payments, unless you wish it to be considered as income. Salary Accounts, Mortgages, and Loans Receivable Bonus and Commissions Stocks and Bonds Dividends Real Estate Real Estate Income Other Assets (Itemize) TOTAL JOINTLY OWNED ASSETS TOTAL OF ALL ASSETS $ Other Income (Itemize) $ TOTAL INCOME $ PERSONAL INFORMATION Business or Occupation Age Partner or Officer in any other venture? Dependents Have you ever taken bankruptcy, made a composition settlement, or are you a defendant in any legal action? Yes o No o If yes, please state details Do you have any contingent liabilities as co-maker, on leases or contracts, or Federal Income Tax Liability? Yes o No o If yes, please state details Do you have a will? Yes o No o If yes, who is named as your executor? 2 NO.1 Banking Relations Please list all bank accounts including savings, not jointly owned, and all loans, joint or otherwise. Name & Address of Bank Cash Balance Amount of Loan NO.2 Accounts, Loans, and Notes Receivable A list of the largest amounts owing to me. Name & Address of Debtor Amount Owing Age of Debt Maturity of Loan Description of Nature of Debt How Endorsed, Guaranteed, or Secured Description of Security Held Date Payment Expected NO.3 Life Insurance Attach schedule if necessary. Owner of Policy Name of Beneficiary Name of Insurance Company Face of Policy Total Cash Surrender Value Total Loans on Policy Policy Assigned NO.4 Stocks and Bonds Attach schedule if necessary. Face Value or Number of Shares Description of Security Registered in Name of Present Market Value To Whom Pledged NO.5 Real Estate Attach schedule if necessary. Description or Street Number Title in Name of Improvements Consist of Mortgages or Liens Amount of Payments Assessed Value Present Market Value Are Taxes Current NO.6 Jointly Owned Property Attach schedule if necessary. Assets Value Name of Joint Tenant 3 SECTION 3 - Restaurant Operator’s Information If this franchise will be held in the name of a corporation, please provide the following information: Name Address Corporate Name President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Directors Please attach corporate financial statement. PERSONAL REFERENCES Name two persons who have known you at least two years. Please do not list former employees or relatives. Name & Address Position Phone Years Known FOOD SERVICE EXPERIENCE/ASSOCIATION Are you related to any officer, director, employee or franchisee of Sonny’s? If yes, please state name, relationship, and position held Yes o No o Are you or your employer providing products, goods or services to Sonny’s? If yes, please state details Yes o No o Do you now or have you ever owned or had an interest in a food service operation? If yes, please state details Yes o No o LOCATION PREFERENCES BUSINESS PLAN I intend to develop Sonny’s as a: o Free standing unit land and building o Remodel of existing operation o Strip center o Leased operation o Other I plan to operate the business as a: o Owner/Operator o Investor absentee owner o Investor active owner List hours per week o Other I hereby authorize you to make investigations of my credit, character and ability and to contact anybody, whether or not listed above, including former employers, in order to obtain personal information about me. I release all such persons from any liability or damages that may incur as a result of such an inquiry or the furnishing of such information. I also certify that the information on this statement is true and complete as of the day of . day Signature month Date year 4 PLEASE READ AND SIGN BELOW I understand that by providing the information contained herein, no continuing obligation is placed on me or Sonny’s Franchise Company, who will rely on this information to determine my qualifications to enter into a Franchise Agreement and I certify that this is a complete and accurate representation of my personal and financial condition as of the date shown below. I understand that whether or not I am granted the opportunity to become a Sonny’s Franchisee may in part or whole be determined on the information obtained on me. For the purposes of entering into a business arrangement, I authorize Sonny’s Franchise Company or an authorized agent to conduct any reasonable investigation necessary to verify any of the information contained in this questionnaire, including my assets, liabilities, financial position, credit history and character. I further authorize Sonny’s Franchise Company or an authorized agent to conduct any necessary credit and background checks, and to contact anyone, whether or not listed herein, including credit reporting agencies, and my present and past employers, in order to obtain information about me. I authorize the release of such information to Sonny’s Franchise Company or an authorized agent, and I release all such persons from any liability or damages that may be incurred as a result of said inquiry or the furnishing of such information. In addition, upon request, I will provide true copies of my personal/business (and, if applicable, my spouse’s) federal and state income tax returns as filed for the last three years. I understand that Sonny’s Franchise Company or its authorized agent may, at its discretion, re-verify this information prior to the effective date of any agreement we may enter into, and any material misrepresentation, or my failure to promptly notify Sonny’s Franchise Company of any material changes in this information, will be adequate grounds for Sonny’s Franchise Company to rescind any agreement(s) we may enter into. I understand that this profile does not constitute an approval for a Franchise Agreement by Sonny’s Franchise Company. I am advised that until such time as I receive a Franchise Agreement executed by a duly authorized officer of Sonny’s Franchise Company, I should not make any plans for job severance or relocation. Signature (Applicant) Date Signature (Spouse) Date NOTE: No qualification profile will be processed without the required signature(s). 5 Date Gentlemen: You are hereby authorized and directed to furnish any and all financial information, including bank account information to: SONNY’S FRANCHISE COMPANY Attention: Franchise Development 201 North New York Avenue 3rd floor Winter Park, FL 32789 Also, please list the amount of any indebtedness to you. Financial Institution Address Account Number Type of Account Balance Indebtedness I do hereby give my permission for you to disclose to Sonny’s Franchise Company all information regarding me including all information concerning my bank accounts, loans, and all other financial transactions with your financial institution. Sincerely, Signature (Print Name) Signature (Print Name) 6