The Gethsemane Witness - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
The Gethsemane Witness - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
What’s Inside? August Calendar and Ministry Schedule August Birthdays Service Possibilities! The Gethsemane Witness GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN CHURCH The Pastor Ponders... August 2015 2696 Melbourne Dr., San Diego, CA 92123 Church Office: 858-277-6572 FAX : 858-277-6511 I’m shocked. It’s August! Where did the summer go? I know that June was complicated by one week in North Dakota and another at Luther Glen near Yucaipa for Confirmation Camp. Well, complicated only Pastor Gloria by time away… both were rich experiences that energized me. (Did you notice??) July was “complicated” with an additional 1/4 time for pastoral ministry and by having our kitchen cabinets and flooring redone. Packing my books and loose things and then having almost every piece of furniture in the back yard for a week took some effort. Yet, here too, July was complicated only by the choices for ministry an additional day created and by the disruption of our routine. The final product is great! (Have you noticed my “serene side” from renewed living space, a Curio Cabinet for my teapot collection, and my own room for an office, i.e. “woman cave”, after 20 years?) So now it’s August. Wonderfully complicated by new possibilities and new ministries from more time, new energy from others, and new members bringing us their gifts for mission and ministry. A key change is that the Monday Morning Text Study will have an additional hour and a new format. The first hour, 9:30-10:20am, is “Reading the Bible For All It’s Worth.” Here, the focus is on the historical and literary dimensions of the Sunday texts and the Bible as a whole. After a break so that you may easily choose part or all of the morning, we will do what we have been doing for years…studying the texts for the next Sunday. In this time (10:30am to noon), I am adding reflecting on the liturgy for Sunday. If this intrigues you, come and try it. If there is a group who would gather once or twice a month in the evening to explore Bible texts and Sunday’s liturgy, just ask! What else? Renewed Christ Bearers Ministry to share bread and wine from the Sunday Table with those who cannot assembly for worship regularly. Pacifica Synod’s Youth Ministry Training to which Jenny Mendoza and I will go so we may deepen what we do in the Middle School years. Have a final Gospel Music Concert for the summer and ask, “What’s next?” Have a final time for “Spirituality and Disability” and ask, “What’s next?” Deepen the relationships which have already begun with our newest members. This and more. Alleluia. We are growing in our capacity to answer God’s call to be God’s people in this time and place. Meet Our New Staff ...Peggy Watkins has joined us as the Administrative Assistant. Peggy most recently served in that capacity at College Lutheran until they closed. She comes highly recommended by the Pastors there and has a resume filled with office management. Peggy had planned several trips in 2015 since she expected to be out of work for a while. We found a way to work around her plans and have already begun a wonderful relationship. Peggy works on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9am to 2pm. Stop in and meet her some day… welcome, Peggy! ...Ellen Wagner was available to pitch in when our Janitor Mindy Arneson Garcia welcomed some time off for visits by their grandchildren. Mindy is still keeping us in supplies and will help Ellen as needed. You’ll see Ellen on Monday and Friday mornings. She also has been available for some catchup jobs and helping with the Friendship Lunch on Wednesdays. Welcome, Ellen. ***** Choir is coming soon! ...Wednesday, September 2, from 6:30-8pm experience required because there are great leads in each section ...special gifts of music at Christmas and Easter ...if you have questions, talk with Ken Baker Page 2 ...A Word from our Neighbor… Kit Mickleson, President of Ascension Lutheran Church, wrote an article of joyous discovery of what it means to be a missional church for their August newsletter and graciously allowed us to quote from it. (This set of statements is the key insight that Kit came to...) God’s church doesn’t have a mission in the world. God’s mission in the world has a church! The church is not an end in itself. It is the means to God’s Mission. Dear Members and Friends of Ascension, The idea of “Thinking Outside the Box” is, for all practical purposes, new to me, and it’s quite possible that I have been one of those people who didn’t quite know that there was a box to think outside of. In other words, I’ve been slow to get the idea, and slower still to figure out how to change my thinking. With that said, I want to tell you about my journey (this week) and my foray into discovering the difference between Mission and Missional…people and church leadership all over-the-map are not only talking about this but are putting these concepts of change into practice by collaborating with other leaders within their own communities, cities, and churches. I was struck by how much I had to learn, and how much I had to learn to really listen to the words of scholars who are already working through these issues. We face new challenges and opportunities both in embracing our past and engaging our present. To do so, 21st century leaders must develop a missional mindset.... Developing a missional mindset involves understanding the tension and resulting church conflict between maintaining traditional systems and adapting emerging strategies for missional outreach. … We must not define missional thinking to either/or. Instead it recognizes the importance of alternative models, styles and methods, creatively birthed by the Holy Spirit, and targeted for …ministry and outreach in the community.... A church with a mission program usually sees mission as one activity alongside many activities of the church— Christian education, worship, acts of service, hospitality, and other programs. A missional church focuses...its activities around its participation in God’s mission in the world.... I cannot give you a complete review of the articles and book mentioned above but I can tell you that they opened a new door for me and, through them, my anxieties about change and direction for Ascension have been quelled. I’d love to have each of you read these articles and watch the videos, and then let me know what you think about them. In His Service, Kit Mickelson August Mindy Garcia 1st Dianne Finnecy 4th Pam Howard 5th Sheila Peterson 11th Ann Larion 15th Scott Miller 24th Jeffrey Jenkins 24th Take me out to the ballgame... The Padres fundraiser for the Serra Mesa Food Pantry will be Saturday, August 8, with the Padres vs. Phillies at Petco Park. This game has a Padres throwback jersey for the giveaway. Tickets are $38 with half going to the Food Pantry. Jerry Albert is again leading this effort…tickets are available now and going fast. Get yours soon! Table Talk ”Spirituality and Disability” Under the leadership of Cyndi Jones with help from Jon Peterson and Bill Stothers, we’ve had a “mission probe” around “Spirituality and Disability” since March. We met first on Saturday mornings and then this summer at 3:30pm before the Gospel Concerts in a format called “Table Talk”. The conversations in June and July were rich and deep. Many shared how their bodies both evoke and shape their spiritual questions. There are different questions and different answers as one would expect in an “eclectic” group. Where is God in my life? How does God call us to serve? How does God call us to see and be with one another? This Table Talk will happen one more time on August 22 at 3:30pm. All are invited to come. One question is, “What’s next?” We invite you to be in prayerful reflection about this. Page 3 Around the property and grounds… Maintenance Coordinator Chuck Cheek continues to tackle the small projects that if left would be major. The rains showed us that we have an issue with the drainage off the brow ditch behind the Preschool which will take some major research and addressing. The “Odd Job Club” and “Gethsemane Gardeners” will meet on Saturday, August 15. We plan touch up painting in the Chapel and Narthex. We set the time at 7am for the early risers but we’ll take you any time! The shrubs look good because our Gardener Troung and his crew are taking care of them. Waterwise, we continue to reduce our use. Do you have ideas for renewing the shrub area along the driveway? It is looking tired but whatever we would plan would need to be drought tolerant. Alan Nations and Jeffrey Jenkins are drawing plans for the area around the front sign. This is an exciting next step for this long awaited project. NEWS FLASH: the “Visitation of the Pink Flamingos” at Gethsemane is coming August 10-31 In May and June, we heard that Pink Flamingos were showing up in the front yards of members of Tierrasanta Lutheran Church. Turns out that, for a donation to the Youth Fund for the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit in July, the flamingos only stayed 3 days. (Info alert: Jenny Mendoza went to Detroit with the Youth Group from Tierrasanta, and Sydney & Jordan Cummings and Pastor Gloria went to Confirmation Camp in June.) Now we hear these same flamingos are on their way to Gethsemane. Be advised that a donation to the GLC Youth Fund gets you an insurance policy to keep the lovely pink flamingos out of your yard. Rumor also has it that, for a donation, you may have them delivered to someone “to tell them you love them!” (Caveat: not delivered if homeowner has “pink flamingo insurance”.) Turns out the flamingoes got bored hiding out among their friends at the San Diego Zoo! News from The Serra Mesa Village… “a neighborly network of seniors for seniors” The Serra Mesa Village is creating opportunities for community among Serra Mesa seniors. The Village concept is built upon the reality that most neighborhoods become “unplanned retirement communities” for the people who want to stay in their own homes as long as they can. Each Village develops according to the needs in their neighborhood to provide a network of activities and resources for life to be full and supported. Santee is the latest to explore this concept, and Gethsemane member Judy Dykins who has lived in Santee for many years is in on the ground floor. The General Membership meetings are held from 3-5pm on the third Thursday of each month at the Library on Aero and are open to all. On August 20 the focus is “Wellness” with guests Leslie Johnson who teaches Tai Chi, Tom Leech who walks all over San Diego (and has a book to prove it!), and our latest addition to the community, Crunch Fitness, which has a program for the variety of seniors there are. We also will have information on a proposed “low impact exercise” program that is being proposed for Serra Mesa seniors. To “jump start” the Care and Health Committee, Gethsemane received a $4,000 Edgar Grant from Lutheran Social Services. The Village Board and Membership are grateful to us! The Care/Health Committee is now forming. Interested? On the second and fourth Tuesdays, there is a “Drop In” time in our own Garden Room from 1-4pm for games, crafts, or good old fashioned visiting while meeting new friends. Local trips are planned for the 1st Thursday of each month. August 6 will be a visit to the Visitors Center at Mission Trails Regional Park. September brings an outing to the Natural History Museum. All who want to go meet at the Library on Aero at 11am to carpool or just meet at the destination. RSVP to or call 858-5652473 to leave a message. For more about the concept of the Village and how it is going in Serra Mesa, talk with Pastor Gloria or simply come to a meeting or outing. Membership dues are only $25 per year per person and we have some scholarships available. This is our 55th year as a Christian community in this place. “Gethsemane” is a garden on the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem. When someone planted the three olive trees at the front entrance over 50 years ago, they set in motion what has been evolving over the past 14 years as we have been exploring “Mission and Ministry”. Ge ths e m a ne L ut he r a n Chur ch 2696 M e l bour ne Dr ive S a n Die g o, C A 9 2123 Phone: (858) 277-6572 - Fax: (858) 277-6511 Preschool: (858) 277-7710 Check out our Website at Gethsemane Lutheran Church... grounded in the gospel, anchored in Word and Sacrament, traditional yet creative, seeking to be God’s people in this time and place. ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Gospel Concert Series with Andy and Debbie Attwood August 22 3:30pm — Table Talk “Spirituality and Disability” 5:00pm — Gospel Concert 6:00pm — Salad Bar Supper Invite someone to join you!