sales opportunities
sales opportunities
SALES OPPORTUNITIES ULTIMATE SHOCWAVE (SF Specs Shockwave x Ames Starlight) An excellent prospect for the Hunter Maturity this year, this 5-year-old Purebred gelding is already qualified for Nationals in Hunter Pleasure Junior horse. COOL PURSUIT +/ (Justafire DGL x La Mirabella) A proven show horse, “Cooper” has national wins too numerous to mention. An excellent Youth and Equitation horse, he will be showing at this year’s Youth Nationals. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE (Baske Afire x Believer’s Eighties Lady) 2012 Top Ten H/A English JOTR 14-17 and Region 13 Champion H/A English JTR, this 2006 mare will be showing at Youth Nationals in H/A English JTR 13 and under and Saddle Seat Equitation 13 and Under. MD HALLELUJAH SUE (Hey Hallelujah x Westela) – As a multiple Top Ten Purebred Country Pleasure mount, 2004 mare “Sue” is ready for any level Amateur rider and is also a proven producer. ADELITA RTA MY KINDA PARTY (Clout x Party Pajamas) – As the winner of the 2012 Region 11 Reserve Champion H/A English Pleasure Junior horse class, this 2008 gelding is very talented and Amateur ready. LIVE WIRE WP (Majesteit x Flame Dance) Adelita is a Multiple Top Ten/Buckeye and Regional winner. A 2006 model, this promising mare is a National Champion level Youth or Amateur hunter. She will be at Youth Nationals competing in H/A Hunter Pleasure JOTR and JTR 14-18. (Invictus JB x Baquera MTA) This 2006 gelding has already been Top Ten Purebred English pleasure and will be showing at Youth Nationals in Purebred English Pleasure 13 and Under JOTR and JTR. RH BIG TIME RAVISHING RUBY V (Baske Afire x Lakeview’s Savoir Faire) This 2005 gelding has been Multi National Champion in H/A English pleasure and is now a proven Youth and Equitation horse. He will be showing at Youth Nationals in H/A English Pleasure JTR 14-18 and Saddle Seat Equitation 14-18. (Bel Aire V x Rebecca X) This beautiful 2006 mare has been shown lightly. With a very quiet demeanor, she would make an excellent walk trot or Youth horse. MANY OTHER PROSPECTS AND PROVEN NATIONAL WINNERS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. RYAN STRAND, 816-651-7424 | ELISE WORMAN, 816-547-0602 | w w w. l i b e r t y - m e a d o w s . c o m Volume 44, No. 1 | 13